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Bots Can't Breath Edition

Sign Anon is ignored by Valve: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/481432419/#q481439148
New Community MvM tour: https://oo.potato.tf
Bot hosters are getting banned: https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/37C7-829B-5DE3-CC3B

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>Previous Thread
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i can't believe weezy set himself on fire in front of valve hq and it worked
dead game
dead general
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>medic pretends he can't see or hear me asking for heals
>his pocket dies
>now he starts healing me in panic to preserve his own life
>stand and watch the enemy kill him
I am hearing that on his deathbed Toadinigger recanted his faithlessness and unhesitatingly recited the Shahada. Truly there is no god but Allah!
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>thread subject in name field
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VenusianRapper discussion begins... in 3.... 2.... 1....
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>Have been playing almost exclusively on community servers since like 2018
>Play on Casual
>No bots. Nice
>Immediately reminded how garbage casual matchmaking is and why I left for community servers in the first place, even with the bots gone
Is it feasible to convince people to bring back quickplay or has too much time passed now that the vast majority of players started playing after MYM and don't know better
if you aint know, now you know
*dabs on the botting trannies*
He looks like that TF2uber who exposed him
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R8 THAT LOADOUT@!!!!!!!!!!!!
>community servers since 2018
the only good one is castaway and that started like a month ago
>pedophile cheater wakes up
>venusian spam starts
Dogshit. How fitting for Soldier players
didn't read lol
Listening to this while popping bodyshots with the Machina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tHUPv7SYdQ
Now that the dust is settling, what actually did it? I highly doubt it was because of some botted petition that hadn't even been sent to Valve yet. And realistically it wasn't some guy standing around their office for a day dressed as scout, either. Two years ago #SaveTF2 was more organized, had more reach, and received an immediate PR response. This time they maintained total silence for nearly a month before suddenly going into overdrive and carrying out a Total Botter + Cheater Genocide. And there still hasn't been any PR statement.

I remember someone theorizing that Valve is making a new superVAC and testing it on TF2 first because it's an old title, but I find that hard to believe due to how anti-cheats need customization to fit whatever game they're for.

I've seen some posts about how it's an attempt to improve Valve's reputation ahead of Deadlock's release, but Deadlock is at least another 2 or 3 years away.

Did the bothosters really just get too cocky and Gaben or whoever stomped into the office and told the 10 lowest-ranked employees to spend a week carrying out a Great Purge?
not enough floating and clashing neon colours for you?
dude, that aint nice..
Soldier players are so low IQ, they don't even know how to read. Sad!
ุงู„ุณู‘ูŽู„ุงู…ู ุนูŽู„ูŽูŠู’ูƒูู…ู’ ูˆูŽุฑูŽุญู’ู…ูŽุฉู ุงู„ู„ู‡ู ูˆูŽุจูŽุฑูŽูƒูŽุงุชูู‡ู
the review bombing did it
It's fine
Isn't it funny how the guy behind the protest hasn't uploaded a single video about it, instead releasing videos of the TF2 voice actors, almost as if there's a conflict of interest...hmm...
I'd believe they're covering their bases before Deadlock releases. I'd like to hope it's something else though.
nta but i doubt it
the recent reviews being negative is a tiny % of total reviews, overall reviews are still good
they can just ignore the reviewbomb and a few months pass and its all positive/positive again
I don't care for Unusual on other players. Bonus points if they have good effects like Sunbeams, Nebula, either Energy, and some other niche ones. I get disgusted if someone uses Burning or dogshit Scorching, and just about every other effect is garbage. It's simple: I see a Soldier, I don't want my heal beam touching them

I'm not a very nice man. Especially towards Soldier mains
Imagine if leddit and youtubers weren't such cucks and the mindless #FixTF2 biomass dumped negative reviews on all Valve games. The bot/cheat purge would have happened two weeks ago, we'd be getting sniper nerfs this week, and TF2 being ported to Source 2 next month
you sound like you think =oWn= is cool
This is just cope, a game showing a score of overwhelmingly negative does not reflect well for them. And the same worked for other games.
I've got $18,000 in the bank. I could buy a golden pan if I wanted. I'm not going to waste money on a virtual item though, because I'm not a retarded autistic pant-shitting has to be fed through a feeding tube cripple faggot. I'm gonna take that money, go get copious amounts of cocaine and a couple of whores, and have a good 2 week vacation. Maybe take the whores out in my fishing boat and catch some fish while they both give me a suckjob at the same time. That sounds much better than owning a nonexistent thing in a video game.
medic booba
If it was actually the reviewbombing that made Valve finally lift a finger, should we switch our reviews to positive now so that we can hold "reviewbomb TF2 so that its Recent Reviews is Overwhelmingly Negative again" over Valve's head in the future as well? Idk enough about the review system on Steam.
shork got literal cheaters in his friends list. unless he accepts friend requests at random but yeah i know he got mvm cheaters on his friends list
wouldn't it be better to invest that money
Actually it was I that made them do something, I personally contacted Gaben through snailmail
Please donate to my patreon
looking for who asked, I'll let you know when i find him
You should put all that money into shitcoins and memestocks.
he probably automatically accepts everyone so he can receive gifts from randos
> because I'm not a retarded autistic pant-shitting has to be fed through a feeding tube cripple faggot.

then you're obviously not the actual TF2CutContent
You'd be wrong in assuming that. I just hate healing Soldiers. What's so hard to understand about that?
I will if the game is still botfree after the summer update
just poking fun lol

i've mained medic since around 2009, so i get it completely
Better invest that money in CS2 skins
>Sign Anon is ignored by Valve: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/481432419/#q481439148
>guys eric smith walked by me and ignored me its over sell all your shit!!
so was he a fraud
You'd be surprised.
Why do you hate America, maggot?
just fucking with you, I photoshppped that screenshot
i guess you are a retarded autistic pant-shitting has to be fed through a feeding tube cripple faggot then, my bad
18k in the bank is good? I thought that was poorfag tier
>have since abandoned tf2
clearly not if you're still posting here faggot (insert cope here about how you're doing it ironically)
>inspect element
The spirit of Tokugawa Ieyasu possessed Eric Smith and he marched into upper management's offices and personally beheaded all the coin-counting moneygrubbers who were leeching all the SOVL out of Valve
and it was said that gaben's skin color grew three shades lighter that day
>name of thread is 484151549
you had one job
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>the year is 2030
>all bots and bothoster accounts are HWID banned
>cheat devs are in jail
>Zesty wakes up after 16 hour hentai gooning session
>pulls out le data
>"But only 100k players returned, 500 of them are idle bots, TF2 is fucking dead, dilate your axe wound tranny"
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off to visit a gas station and pay with counterfeit money!
my bad
i cant disguise
i cant smoke
I can't top-score without the kunai and dead ringer
I can't #FixTF2
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i look big butts but who in the world finds THAT attractive
If something's not a value to you, just don't buy it. Taking offense to the pricing of a luxury, however extravagant, is for smooth brains. Is anyone telling you that it's a good idea to buy this? It just comes off as
> I want this, but it costs more than I can justify spending and I'm mad about it
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Do you think hes having a meltdown in private since a lot of people are boycotting tf2 now and people dont care about his "connection to the tf2 voice actors"?
I forgot to mention that I love sucking black cocks!
they're yummy! <3<3
Also trans right! ;333 you are valid!!!
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>a lot of people are boycotting tf2 now
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>a lot of people are boycotting tf2 now
Key sales haven't changed.
So when do we stop boycotting? Are we waiting to see how thing bot banning system works or breaks before making that call, and if so for how long?
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0 names it!
>So when do we stop boycotting?
When matchmaking is removed or drastically redesigned to not be a matchmaking system.
Fart License
I haven't played since 2018 or so, came back after news that the bots were getting banned.
I noticed while playing that a lot of people were being disconnected mid-match because they were "removed from the match by the system". Does thia mean they got banned, or is it something else?
Also, thoughts on that Pyro flamethrower that shoots in bursts? I played against a guy who absolutely destroyed my entire team with it while being pocketed, and am not sure if it was a cheater or not.
N-word pass
>"removed from the match by the system"
That's just the default disconnect chat message.
It's always said this when you leave a game.
Just means they left.

When i mean boycot i mean the summer case because thats the one people mean when they mean boycot.
The Forever Newfag
When all our demands are met:
>Remove every bot and bot hoster
>Revert the Meet your Match Update
>Release the Heavy Update
>Bring back the old Sandman and Ambassador
>Release a new MvM operation
>Remove all weapon skins
>Revert the sv_pure change for the fem mod coomers
weezy fixed tf2
goyslop humiliation ritual rizzler nigger
Damn, winrar
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I hate you e-celeb niggers so damn much
The collective, including you.
I don't think that's the case, if the player disconnects manually it says disconnected by user, and I've seen people get disconnected with the system message while playing so I doubt it's a manual disconnect/connection issue either
>I hate the savior of tf2
just say you hate the game
I farted so hard while playing PL_UPWARD that I actually shit myself, WTF?
>unironically calling weezy a "savior"
You're right, I'm misremembering.
It's definitely not getting banned.
It's maybe joining a different server either through the matchmaker, which runs in the background now, or server browser, or the game crashing or something.
i didnt mention gay porn at all you fucking weirdo eceleb worshipper lol
Ever since Tf2 was saved, I've been playing a lot of casual. I noticed that a lot of kids actually do play Tf2. Just today I had several in my game, all using their mics and having a good time. I never bought that spiel that zoomers don't play this game, but it feels oddly good to be reassured that kids still love Tf2 even after all these years and the bots.
All that curry has to produce SOME byproducts via digestion...
So long as the game continues to be free and easy to run, children will be pouring in.
Yeah, well the game is actually fun and a surprisingly a breath of fresh air in the MP landscape.
im so tired of this SLOPPP. kys NIGGER!
I kept saying over and over again, f2p games as good as this will be a magnet for kids and 3rd worlders everywhere. No money has to be spent but there are so many game modes, such a variety of experiences and players to come across. If you fix it, they will come.
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anon... most of the players are kids
>scrap.tf poll to pick out who is and isn't groomable
the other day i had an entire team of squeakers, like a whole lobby of 14 year old-sounding kids and they were all weirdly communicative. it was like some bizarre throwback to 2010's minecraft shit where everyone's trying to help everyone
>"aw dang it, i got backstabbed! hey engie watch out there's a spy somewhere"
maybe im jaded and faded... maybe my time has passed....
If we enable those kids to keep playing with voice comms maybe those zoomers and alphas will grow up with that normalized and will help contribute to healing the fun in mp online games.
met with a younger cousin at a family gathering, they thought it was so cool that i've been playing tf2 for so long, and loved hearing all my stories about the game in the early years. they only started playing around 2018 or something.

keep the legacy going!
Now that Valve is dealing with bots can they remove that f2p communication restriction? Free my f2p niggas
I hate to say it but it won't happen, most games still encourage voice comms be STRICTLY used for competitive purposes and any trash-talk or fun discussion being a bannable offence. Only exceptions really are the few casual games still being made (Deep Rock Galactic, Fortnite) or old shit like TF2 that's still miraculously kicking.
Isn't that restriction lifted if you spend $5 or something? lol
If they revert the F2P mute decision that is when I change my review to positive, because then I'll believe this might be a long-term thing and not just Valve ordering a few jannies to provide a feel-good PR story to the masses before abandoning us again.
Joe Biden sniffed me
Breath of fresh air? Dude the game is 17 years old.
i just noticed that his shirt has the protomen on it
guess are there no heroes in man
The newest detected VAC is in CS2, and this ban wave was manual
Most likely it was the deadlock option. Either to ease tf2fags' mood for it, or so botfags dont feel cocky enough to try pwning it
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>the bot hosters were NOT some high IQ hacker geniuses, but instead just a few script kiddies trolling, using the free and easy to access cheats on GitHub
>Banning them actually did just work
>Valve did not ignore the problem, they were simply working on it in the background, albeit cheaply
>Children DO still love and play Tf2, and new players frequently join the community
>Tf2's playercount is not that inflated as we thought it was, even considering the bots
>The sniper players headshotting everyone on IncelGroomertopia were not "just good", they were in fact just cheating trannies
All of the reddit theories... completely destroyed with the most plausible and common sense answers.

What happens when someone is removed from the match by the system:

They que up for casual while playing, then when their casual game is ready, they join their new casual server. Basically, "removed from the match by system" just means they qued up for another casual match.
No, VenusianRapper saved TF2.
i can't backstab
actually valve has been #fixing and #saving tf2 for 2 years so this isn't a response to anything
sources: dude trust me
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Anyone know if any comp players have been banned? I remember years ago when Valve unleashed a VAC ban wave and a bunch of HL snipers were caught being cheaters
>Tf2's playercount is not that inflated as we thought it was, even considering the bots
It's still inflated by idlebots that farm item drops. But nobody gives a fuck about those. The aimbots have been genocided and cheatcucks given the rope and that's what matters.
Occam's Razor wins again.
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A breath of fresh air for the zoomers who have only known battle-passes and 60 dollar releases chucked full of micro-transactions silly goober
Well even if that is the case, I'm saying we should encourage the next generation of gamers to appreciate fun in vc in hopes that at least some people see how cool it is and makes it more popular again.
How many games that arent hyper competitively autistic (like Dota/LOL MOBAs) discourage fun comms not including cursing or calling someone a nono word? I understand that freedom of expression is sorley missed but it didnt sound like the original poster of that notion was alluding to kids calling each other names, more so sounded like they were just jovial and light hearted but still under some common purview of what a modern ToS would find acceptable.
it's right though
So you're one of those zoomers? Haha! Gotcha.
the airs still fresh because theres genuinely no game out there that plays like tf2, no game has mechanics or maps like tf2. imagine steel in any other game, or the valvemade halloween maps
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8 names it
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I thought the Richter "2 years" theory was unfounded in fact?
>How many games that arent hyper competitively autistic (like Dota/LOL MOBAs) discourage fun comms not including cursing or calling someone a nono word?
I'll counter this by asking how many popular games aren't competitively autistic?
I don't play videogames a lot anymore at all but I can only name DRG, Fortnite and a couple of indie games like Lethal Company (not including ancient source games like Gmod).
I included trashtalk because trashtalk is fundamental to making the wholesome online vc interactions fun. If it's forced, it's not fun anymore.
>/tf2g/ has a boner for every chud tf2ber (zesty, gabber, 2forttwerkers, etc.)
I'm surprised Zenomite wasn't particularly liked here since he predates all of them in controversial tf2 content
Black Lives Matter!
Professional Nigger Mauler
VenusianRapper Won
So Kogasatopia died.
Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.
Probably not what you were wanting to talk about but a reminder how KlownTF2 has fallen from grace and became a scumbag for stealing people's unusuals that he promised to sign for them
I stick the Minigun up my Ass
>leaves scout's mom
>second fastest base move speed of the 9 classes
>armed with small firearm like a gangster
>can change skin color
>pretends to be white
>uses dirty tactics like backstabbing and disguises
>goes invisible like a spook
>but spy isn't black
What in the FUCK did they mean by this?
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Oh well
2Fort Twerkers? Don't lump those two with that fag. Also let's not forget about VenusianRapper, the king of /tf2g/
>high school
kek, you dumbass
Putin is cool
>"*COUGH* so uh valve is please to announce... DEADLOOOCK!"
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Found the zoomer child! Mods, ban him!
i wonder who could be behind this post
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>if your mad
every time
they totally did ignore the problem lmao, once they saw the review score they just asked some underpaid janny to run ze list of reports and ban everyone in it
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>runs fast
>likes sport
>is cocky
>lusts after women
>eats fried chicken

wtf valve?
He's French so it still fits
Valve need to stop whitewashing these black-coded POCs! NOW! #FixTF2
go away kid, the adults are talking
translated for you:
skrrt skrrt, get out lil' bro, the grown-ups be chattin
Anyone else notice Fatmagic hasn't made a video for A MONTH? He's probably hiding so that he won't be caught in the ban wave.
Get fucked.
Two trailer park girls go round the outside, round the outside
You were all kids when you started playing
So nice to see third-world trash get disposed of
they've been discussed a lot this thread~
You're the only one denying most tf2 players are kids bro
That's right, but I wasn't denying the fact that I am a kid, and I wasn't posting on 4chan about it.
report the multiaccount freak
he's still cheating
might be true~
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Kill yourself, pedophile. VenusianRapper OWNS you.
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most tf2 players are bots
>Virgin 30 year old gets red in the face over 17 year old video game pixels
He has being ironic in that clip tho
I found this comment about VenusianRapper on reddit. Do you guys think this is some schizo making shit up or is this true?
I think there are plenty of casual games not littered with compfagging consuming the whole thing. Every Call of Duty or Battlefield, FFO, RP fuckaround games like VRChat or Fallout 76. I will agree there are many comp focused multiplayers that do take itself too seriously in even casual or unranked modes, but I also feel like that design is a little more focused to needing team cooperation in order to succeed which makes a lot of people angry when they fail (LoL is NOT fun if everyone else is throwing and you cant play the game anymore)
I think trashtalking is ToS accepted, it's when you throw in the no-no words like racial slurs (nigger) that they get really anal about. Again, I'm way more fond of free speech but if I had to not say NIGGER but I could still call someone a crybaby bitch or so new they needed help turning their computer on, that's more what I want.
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This is an interesting general desu..
It's a joke Zesty
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thank you sir
>spelling W with two Vs instead
Common thing for people driving cars in video games. You think he switched to GTA?
What is Eric Smith's email address?
He's always been a GTA fan (he made a GTA San Andreas Fat CJ speedrun on his channel years ago) so maybe
it's absolutely factual~
post the god damn source
It's on the Valve website
why does she look like that chick from Celeste
Because you're a pedophile faggot lmao
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My team sucked in one casual game I played today. I verbally was bitching them out (not on the mic, just to myself). Then one of them starts talking and it's some 8 year old(?) kid playing scout and just having a blast with the game (Yes he sucked, but he didn't care). Thought to myself how I'm a grown-ass man getting disgruntled over a video game while a literal child isn't and having the time of his life. His innocence and enjoyment of the game made me just smile and laugh... and it immediately changed my attitude. I then carried hard on Soldier and we won. During Humiliation after the game (after round, when you can kill the losing team), he just goes "TIME TO RUN FOR YOUR LIVES, HAHAHAHHA, DIE DIE DIE". That made my day, and damn I haven't felt that way in a while.

Maybe I should get a wife and reproduce and have a son one of these days instead of fapping to Japanese cartoons like a failure. I've got some thinking to do for myself this summer.
>troonime profile pic
every time
>assuming im a pedo purely because i asked a question
nigga stop projecting also I checked and the one from game has brown eyes and isn't black
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You are a tranny pedo if you play Celeste and hate on VenusianRapper
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>dragon's fury
>scorch shot
yep, it's pyro time
>I have to make everything about venusianrapper right now because...I HAVE TO OK
i never played this game, i just remember the character because it was popular back in 2019
played tf2 for a couple hours, not a single bot
tf2 won, bot trannies lost
That guy didnโ€™t even bring up VenusianRapper though.
Shut up JewsianRapist, go back to crying on trooncord about how TF2 is dying and how Valve is cheating.
Cheater tranny has kneeled to steam, amazing.

he just wants more attention
Watching this tranny have 3 of his alt accounts nuked from my reports is extremely satisfying.
total bottranny death
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It's incredible that Steam forums are consistently multiple standard deviations below average intelligence
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Clown react farming ruined steam forums
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that's a smurf troll account
think about the type of retard who actually uses steam forums in the first place then think about the type of retard who not only browses steam forums but posts in them
idk if its a clown farm when they dedicate their entire profile to seething about muh hoovies
ngl at some point people who are sufficiently autistic and spend too much time online should be put down for their own good
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We are so populated on this world and frankly nobody I would consider seriously discussing this with retains ideals of ethnonationalism, so really the only real reason to feel compelled to reproduce after seeing the world take care of that for us is to pass on our ideals and cultures, our sensibilities and values. Not just being able to have fun but teaching what is worth charishing is one of the best reasons I can think of to have a kid and contribute towards the future of humanity.
Just be sure you're wanting a kid enough to put in the work long term, some people get pets and realize they dont care about them anymore months or years in. Well a kid is a much bigger deal than a pet, but same logic.
I now remember look at the Skyrim or fallout forums and this guy was crying that his in game dog died and people were telling him to just reload the game.
its not, the account has been nuked if you try to look at it

Honey, bring your boyfriend in here! They got him! They got VenusianRapper!
> Not in that comment, but it's the same kid who's been seething about Venusian in these threads.
And how exactly would you know that?
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Aww... I struck a chord on the jewish child molester and wife beater again. Does Venusian's kid have the same ugly jewfro haircut too? They must get bullied hard without a father to support em.
Ooooh wait till ZestyWeezus|Trade.tf gets a load of this
Same autistic typing style and troon interests
Back to the 'cord with ye
Zesty has literally never been wrong on anything
rename the thread from /tf2g/ to /venusianrapper/ since you guys (probably just one or two anonfags) like to suck his cock so much
By that logic and everyone here is the same person and is a redditor troon that uses Twitter.
Hi Venusian, tell your wife to call this phone number for me please:

i tire of this
>/tf2g/ - Youtubeniggerspam General
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"jewfro" He's literally black hahaha how is that so hard to comprehend? Is this projection? Are you perhaps a Jewish pedophile yourself? Makes sense seeing as you're constantly grooming children in your Discord server
Itโ€™s probably just one anon pretending to be both sides of the argument about that guy, since he is a literal who.
Yes, you have a jewfro, i'd post it but I don't want your ugly ass mug saved to my PC. You have jewish pedophile genes.
he's a nigger? kek
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he saved tf2
He has said that there are some good warpaints, but this is incorrect. All warpaints are bad and add an extra layer of artificial value to this fake economy we don't need complications for.
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Jewish denial is a symptom of being a kike. You can be both a black NIGGER and a jewish pedophile. Look at Bill Cosby for instance.
Timestamped. Venusian is black.
I want a Max head, Sam's hat and a Lugermorph... I love Sam and Max but didn't get Poker Night when I had the chance.
zestyAI anon, can you make a saudi zesty?
You can't get the Severed Max's Head from the Poker Night games
Let's just shortcut this and make a dozen Zesty races all holding hands under a rainbow
Ah, well I still bought the Devil's Playhouse too late to get it.
Nobody would miss Venusian if he killed himself if you think about it. His wife would find relief and move on from her domestic abuse, and his child would stop being molested by a ugly jew who spends his free time shilling himself to a TF2 thread
Richter Overtime is a cum addicted femboy
you had like 10 years to get it and the games were like 2$ on sale
Nobody likes you, retarded faggot cheater.
I had no idea who this jewtuber was until he started shitting up these threads. I hope for the day of his suicide so all the shill posts mysteriously vanish
Only two people hear are talking about him at most, and the other guy doesnโ€™t even like him.
Reminder that, like bots, you can get rid of spammers in tf2g by reporting all their posts under Spamming/Flooding.
I didnt get and play the Telltale trilogy until 2016. I'll admit ai'm a newer fan but old enough to at least appreciate the cut jokes they took out of the remasters.
The shill posts stopped all at once when he got banned two weeks ago. Now that his ban has expired the subhuman is back.
You're the literally who no-name jew trying to fool people into thinking anybody on god's green earth gives a fuck about you.

I know, I was the one who got him banned and watched all the fake posts disappear.
pretty sure everyone else reported his faggot spam too, he's not the smartest guy he makes it really obvious it's just him
can you DUMB FAGGOTS stop filling this thread with shit. be quiet
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We should just stop giving them (you)s and pretend they do not exist
is the entire opposition against fixtf2 in terms of youtubers really just "WAAAAH WHY AM I NOT IN THE COOL CLUB"? it seems to all be people that are completely lost as to why zesty and his gang of pedophile dickriders aren't liked by all the other youtubers, lol. i agree with the sentiment of boycotting ingame purchases but all of these retards are so caught up in other shit.
but bot hosters are now trying to harass other bot hosters for resources in general?
well they are cannibals to thier own groups?
nothing new under the sun LOL
>is the entire opposition against fixtf2 in terms of youtubers really just "WAAAAH WHY AM I NOT IN THE COOL CLUB"?
To me, it actually primarily seems to be Zesty who thinks that and his dickriders just copying him because they're eternally loyal to muh Zesty.
It's a shame because #FixTF2 unironically would benefit from Zesty and Richter's input (because they're the only ones willing to actually complain and cause a fuss) but it's immediately destroyed by their "wahh cool kids club" and Zesty dickriding sentiment.
There's no point in boycotting the game now that it's fixed, other than, "welllll valve might stop supporting the game again in (unknown amount of time".
Anon, it worked... they shut the fuck up.
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mรถnkey's fine usually but whenever he has an opinion (read: parrots what zesty said but more in a way more retarded way) he embarrasses himself every time
Thoughts on Reckoner?
I think it's a valid complaint that they wanted this protest to be a "community effort" yet can't swallow their pride and put differences aside to allow people with different opinions on board, creating an echo chamber.
Same with the complaints about boycotting and reviewbombing, these were never in the original plan and they only started to warm up to the idea after seeing the community's reaction
I think now Zesty and co. don't want the people behind the protest to think it was thanks to them that Valve is doing something despite the flaws in their protest's planning
Thoughts on me?
I hate you
i want you. carnally.
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>le redditors are now making memes of bot hosters and giving them attention
is TF2 saved? so many new players
Im a little confused. Yeah Dane and ither TF2bers dont want to associate with Zesty ever since the transphobia controversy, but it seems as if Zesty is on podcasts, talking to other creators and activists like MegaScatterbomb and getting people riled up. I have seen like 1 video from Dane or FoaS, I don't think I've seen B4nny say anything whatsoever, have anyone bar Weezy and TheWhat (still never heard of him before #FixTF2, I assumed we're just raking the bottom of the barrel this time around) that is welcome in this crowd even did anything of note?
i want to airblast you to the sun.
Idle bots
We all win, I get to play casual and bot hosters get their attentionwhore cravings satisfied for another day
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>Richter's input
do we really need one more grifter to the grifter club?
>Threats of a boycott
>Valve does a promo with the most s0iboy product possible that redditors buy in bulk
All I remember was that big roundtable with Zesty, What and Weezy where Zesty was adamant a boycott was needed fundimentally for the protest to function and championed it as the cornerstone action of the protest over the petition. The fact that there were people who agreed "this time we dont need to coddle valve, we need to hold them accountable" yet still were skeptical to protest is baffling me. Ill be charitable and assume most their reservations stemmed from believing Valve would officially kill TF2 if they made no money, but it's the principal of the matter they are still neglecting.
That sums it up pretty well, its a community effort but people like zesty dont wanna actually make it a community effort they want it to be an echochamber they control which is why people call him a grifter
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>the amount of euphoria I get when I receive this notification on Steam

I've gotten 8 bot hoster accounts (klax0n and mechinator, furfags, and some alts) banned.
the only thing that could get them off their asses is a funko deal
Would be pretty funny if this came out before they started the bot purge
>TF2 community, we hear you! Check out this collab with Funko Fusion!
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Reminder that a funko pop videogame exists
This is for Funko fusion which is another entry in funkos "well we already have a bunch of licenses how else do we use them?" line of games like their match 3 mobile game. This is just Valve renewing their contract with funko and also allowing tf2 to be used in fusion which is basically a lego game type thing.
Snitches get kudos from the community, good work
I have literally NEVER gotten one of these messages and I've reported actual aimbotting tranny bots
I meant the opposite, the people running the protest didn't want people like zesty on board
zesty has expressed numerous times it should be a community effort and not a tf2ber-lead thing
Honestly the biggest faggot involved with the savetf2 shit is shork if he really did act like being in contact with the voice actors was worth kneecapping the momentum of the movement when being in contact with the voice actors helps him and him alone.

Sure i think its cool to see them dub the comics or remake meet the heavy in live action but that isnt worth going "woah man you cant just boycot the game that will make valve delete the servers!!!"
scared to reply to people? LOL
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Shork is the biggest Valve cocksucker in the entire TF2 community.
Good zesty should not be on board, hes a grifter tf2 fan who would start infighting to steer the community effort into what he wants. We already can see that with him doomposting about how none of the bots were really banned or that the playercount was inflated by more bots.

He wants to doompost 24/7 and be seen as one of the few guys in the right when in reality most people see him as a sad edgelord who is stuck in 2015
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The fact he hasn't even released a video about #FixTf2 because it might harm his image/relation with the VAs is already telling enough
Side note I watched a snippet of monkey's stream where shork shows up and chat and I can't stand how he ends every single comment of his with lol, LMAO or XD
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>emporiumtroons out in full force
You're a man. You have the skeleton of a man. In 500 years, archeologists will dig up your grave (marked with a man's name), look at your pelvis and say "yep, that's a man".
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>medic pretends he can't see or hear me asking for heals
Why the fuck do people play Medic then do this? This has happened to me before and I don't even have offensive/political loadouts or names so I'm genuinely confused
>Stop spamming E
It's your fucking job as a Medic to heal, I'd stop if you did your job
>tf2 was fixed to sell funko pops
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>like a spook
IDK why but I jejed
chat is this real
i would actually buy these because they're not overpriced
sure its slop but its better than those ugly ass 2012 esque figurines from chinese factories
yeah im a man with cock and balls no shit they would say im a man.

Thats also not how archaeology works so can you save that shit for actual trans people?
I cant possibly play combat medic. If my primary objective isnt healing my teamates, I feel like I'm wasting everyone's time. If you see a med you assume they will heal or overheal the highest local priority, but if Im going Blutsauger I worry the team will put themselves in danger excpecting me to save them. Sure thats not my fault but it is my problem when we blow more than just having the disadvantages of 1 combat medic acting as dead weight
these figures look way better than the funko pops THOUGH
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kill yourself
>Direct Hits you once
>You pop up and spam your air last
>I shoot you again and you disappear
Nothing personnel. Play a real class of you don't want to feed.
my wife's boyfriend said he was gonna order them i'm so excited
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>tfw no official lego tf2 sets
I hope Robot Chicken does a sketch with these to get back at TF2 for leaving [as] hanging. I know they have the one sketch with the nerd inserted into TF2 but that one wasn't really funny
ok valve can you reprint the monopoly tf2 now, I'd like to have it without forking over 2 million dollars
>FUNKO Promo items
what is it /tf2g/
>I can't stand how he ends every single comment of his with lol, LMAO or XD

its one of the biggest signs that someone is really mad and trying to hide it if its every single comment.
Or just afraid or uncomfortable
I use lol or lmao when im being facetious
I use "lol" and "lmao" when I laugh at something, like a normal human being would.
rape this loadout
I don't know; some are cool-looking, like the Big Daddy one.
Looks like shit but the Team Captain is a cool hat. Would be cooler if it was Burning Flames though! You should get that one instead, doesn't cost too much money.
He looks like he would rape me
Having more than 1 cosmetic slot was a mistake
Cosmetics were a mistake.
Inconceivable, fuck outta here lmao
ok pedusian RAPERING MAN!
But I want to wear a hat and sunglasses
i've tried
my therapist said i should be locked up
i didnt listen to them
xd please stop with the venussy tlak im genuienly fucking tired of it
you trying to sound like an ironic le hater of venussian but you are just as annoying as him and his goons
Nobody asked
Parts of TF2 SFM GMOD videos that made me laugh https://youtu.be/fGRCus1yRXM?t=1331
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asteroid on konata but no players...
>normal human being
pick one
Need big fempyro ass in my face
I want to have my neck broken and respawn over and over like that one scene from team fabulous 2 but instead of heavy's hands breaking my neck its fempyro's ass
>complaining about e
who does this anymore? its usually just a snarky medigun name and nothing more, i think people havent given a fuck about e spam in a decade now, because people havent been playing medic for a decade now
need to feed fempyro...
My favorite maps:

Bread Space
Banana Bay
Embargo (Community)
big daddy has an inhuman design so they physically couldnt make him with the regular funko shape. doesnt even look like a funko at that point, which is good
when will the creator of this image come out and reveal who he is (100% a furry artist ngl)
i care when people spam E but when theyre 200 feet away i cant heal them
>use crossbow
ah yesh the needle will surely pierce through wall, rocks and 3 other players
Fempyro with a gock...
shit map, only reason it doesnt get as much hate as goldrush is because it isnt multistage, otherwise its shit
>bread space
ew no, it horribly butchers the asteroid aesthetic because HALF THE ASSETS WERE NEVER FINISHED valve pls
eh its alright
its TOO alright, theres nothing to say about its a map that exists, neither bad nor amazing
>banana bay
best plr map, based
not goldrush? thats a first
its alright
Junction is undeservedly hated.
Of the three classes worth popping Kritz on (Soldier, Demoman, Heavy), Soldier is by far the worst
Soldier - 6 shots on a Shotgun, 4 on the Rocket Launcher. 10 total
Demo - 8 Stickybomb Launcher, 4 Grenade Launcher. 12 total
Heavy - 200. No reload needed. Running low? Kill someone up close and pick up their ammo drop and be an infinite ammo Heavy. 450 overhealed. A fucking tank. I'm running low on health or I'm burning up or whatever? Heavy throws a clutch Banana or Sandvich. The absolute perfect class to give Kritz to. As for the Soldier with 10 shots if they're using a Shotgun; what fucking pub Soldier is using Shotgun? Four shots, and 85% of the time, their first rocket is spent jumping away from me so they can try to do an epic bombing frag. Meanwhile all the classes on the ground chase me down when the Soldier is airborne. If the Soldier stays on the ground, how often do their rockets connect? More often than not, I pop Kritz on a Soldier, I'd be lucky if he even got two kills at least. Soldier players are fucking brain dead. Worst pocket. A good Soldier is one that Sentry busts from afar. That's it. Dogshit class for dogshit people who decide to main him and suffer a loss of 40 IQ for it

Then you should have replied and told him all of the above while I've been busy with work all this time

You roleplaying as a Soldier now? Go hit up a jump map IRL and jump from the biggest peak next
Junction is just okay.
its not nearly as good as gravelpit doe
Junction... when will I see you again? I miss you. One day they will vote you... one day...
>Current year
>People STILL don't know that multi-stage plr maps are actually one stage and ending a round just gives you a cart advantage the next round, only the final round matters
Gimme more A/D maps like Gravelpit, Steel and Sulfur
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Idk but I hope he does sooner rather than later
>not goldrush?
Hoodoo, to me, brings back classic memories I have of playing Tf2 in the morning... when it first came out. Always fun and long games on Hoodoo. I just think it's better than Gold Rush. Defense has good options on all stages, and this balances out offense usually having an advantage.
>it's another spanish tv guy laughs meme
The only good thing about them is the thumbnail
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thumbnail meta is insane
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What did Zesty think of this
I heard Zesty loves when people draw fanart of his OC as a futa
also as a loli
If I were to draw fat Fempyro what would be a good idea
>after the ban wave is over
Follow your heart (and penis)
I'll appreciate it regardless
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He has a small altar dedicated to it with a box of tissues on the side
Pretty sure he got banned too
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>most popular troll TF2ber who spread exploits to shit up games keeps shitting videos about fixTF2 because bots keep shitting up games
It's like he actually cares about community... Rr-r-right guys?
Gabe Newell will take your $5 any buy another hotdog with it while you're seething about trans rights on discord.
>literally all he did was talk about his experience that day
>valve could've been working on something in secret and just not communicating
>guys we got something that means he was lying!!!
Why are you redditors so desperate to try and discredit him? Was it because he was the only one who actually tried doing something other than making gay porn and hoping the problem went away on its own?
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>the biggest bot hoster is a kid that has to wageslave to afford five(5) bot accounts for 25 dollars
idk ideas but i pray you deliver
Is this an OC or an obscure character from a fighting game/cartoon?
I'm trans btw and my items will not be in the summer update
It's OC
It's just buff Asuka with a kind-of Demoman motif
The hits just keep coming
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She/they is sorry
Find it in your heart to Forgive them
No one cares Metabolic / Science "DILF"
It's private because tranny emporium members like Metabolic won't leave this random guy alone
They've literally been trying to get us to raid him for the past 7 years
God I hope the TF2 autists keep going
I hope they shoot themselves or get killed by the cartel.
If I had 18k in the bank I would unironically gamble it all on either shitcoins or CS keys, decided by a coin flip
Bots still make up for 90% of tf2's online players at any given time.
damn i wish they actually killed themselves
Gamble it in an actual casino pussy.
Remember not to misgender the bot hosters. If you misgender the bot hosters youโ€™re just as bad as they are youโ€™re harming innocent trans people by association just because ONE trans person shoots up a school in Nashville or hosts bots in tf2 DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT to misgender them JUST LIKE being robbed and shot by a black person does not give you the right to describe him as an n-word

nigga what
suicidal people don't usually host bots on a 20 year old game 24/7
Terrible bait. Kill yourself.
If you do happen to find a group like this, report the individual profiles instead of taking down the group itself (too late now since it's on reddit, the cheaters won't use it anymore).
almost all of the members have VAC for a while now
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I don't believe that crap in the least. The moment that guy has money he will bury it into hats. He has proven that he is not right in the head, if he had any shame, humiliation or regret, he would stop at some point earlier. This is just attention whoring or some troll just posting at the guise of him at some boards.
>terrible bait
But it worked on you
This reads like bait
>Funko pop deal goes through
>A month passes
>Valve goes back to ignoring TF2
>A week passes
>Cheaters and bots flood the game again
How do you niggas fall for this shit, it's the most obvious bait ever
Stuck in hell. 1-2 years of bots will force the youtubers to make another movement, Walve does some patch work by banning a few bot hosters here and there. Rinse and repeat for the rest of your days
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absolutely none of scout's characterization is tied to his scatterguns.
>Starykrow got banned and admitted on twitter he cheated
Literally just a borderline copy-paste from what redditors have been saying after someone there called one of the trans hosters a 'guy'
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Are you trying to make me look at futa uretha porn again
>Iโ€™m a force of nature!
Shotguns are cool and close and personal. They would seem like a gun Scout would like.
imagine if it turns out that the ban wave just never stops?
Reminder to report every single account with #killtf2 in its name on steam.
>direct hit
based fellow direct hit enjoyer
dragon's fury is basically and technically just a limited range direct hit and it's one of the reasons why it's so fun
dragon's fury is basically and technically just a limited range liberty launcher
the last word out of your sorry mouth will be - Painis *wheeze*
I am full of sandvich, and I am coming for MEDIC!
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Cirno Fumo has taken over Zesty's stream
limited range
limited damage
inconsistent firerate
flashbang everytime you fire
its like the direct hit but super shit
God he's such a weeb
holy shit
environmental storytelling
>japanese funko
>why am I still a virgin at 30?
Wait weโ€™re getting funko pops now? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, VALVE!
What the fuck are you supposed to do when the teams are heavily stacked, and the other team has 3 snipers watching the open area you have to go in?
Every time Zesty streams I dislike him more and more
how do i get unbanned from youtube chat
>the 5 snipers in your team impotently waiting for the rest of the team to solve the spawncamp problem for them
just swap classes? do it yourself?
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>this is the type of weapon skins zesty thinks looks good
leave the game fuck them snipers
>Total bot and bot hoster death
>Funko Pop promo
Trvst the plan bros, valve is cooking something up with tf2...
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vote scramble
oh wait
target sticker so ugly! so very much ugly, ugly very much
wtf is wrong with valve its been 8 years and they still havent added atleast vote scramble in casual
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"i like this a lot actually"
>pulls up the most ugly piece of shit skin ever
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>they still havent added atleast vote scramble in casual
No point since the game ends after 3 rounds in most gamemodes, sometimes fewer.
>tacticool = good

the average soldierbrain
99% of warpaints are shit and ruin the rustic default look most weapons go for
TRVE artstyle enthusiast don't use warpaints at all
Post what you think are good warpaints
dude... i wanna shit on these so bad.... im banned from stream for shitting on the concept of warpaints
tf2 warpaints are so fucking samey and basic, this game was not made for this, man, compare this shit to the crazy shit they put in cs. just look at awp tempered
>a few days later
>zesty freaked out when asked to show wallet history
>furfag cheater
>18 and going for a cs degree
>lives in dallas, texas
>probably studies there too
>openly available discord and telegram contacts

is this fucktard trying to get someone to ruin his entire life? either way report
skins when added in 2015 fucking ruined the old viewmodels
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So, who's gonna tell him?
none of them!!!! the warpaint system is simplistic in order for it to work on every weapon. this would not be the case if tf2 wasnt tf2 and didnt have a million unlockable weapons. they tried the csgo skin system in 2015 (each skin on each weapon), but there were too many weapons for them to design a skin for each one, which is why they made a compromise with shartpaints
anyways, warpaint or not tf2 never needed this shit in the first place. they only exist to replicate csgos success, which failed because tf2 is a hat game not a skin game
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>zesty asked why he is reviewing workshop skins if he advocates a boycott
>well the items are going to be added anyway, so I want there to be good quality items put into the game to buy.
>on one warpaint: "i want to buy this"

lol what a hypocrite
>another generic ass military skin
>"bro that looks so good definitely flavoring that!"
least retarded tf2 cheater
Praying someone more competent than me doxes this guy.
just make a new account, I don't think youtube has the same level of anti alting to evade chat bans that twitch has
the boycott is over bro, it's okay to buy skins again
>spent 10k on a free game
Do F2P fags really? I only spent 20 bucks for the orange box.
>make a new account so i can comment in a zesty livestream
im not that obsessed, im just sad i dont get to shit on shit and make him seethe
he spent a total of 27k on TF2
You need to up your doxxing skills baka desu
Jesus fucking christ, motherfucker is paying a down payment to a house or the price of a car to play a dying 2007 game past its prime
Wait until you learn how much bot hosters were spending on it
Yeah, we need that hacker 4chan guy to go in and dox this dude.
he was trying to offload those items on a trading website, but cancelled it and i guess they just retrieved those back from storage bots. i dont know why they would do that though
i checked out their storefront before and those thousand-key skins were on there previously, but are now unavailable. maybe he couldn't manage to get a sale which is very likely considering how niche the skin market is and how absurdly high those prices are.
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if he was so intent on cashing out, why did he withdraw the skins? why not just leave them there indefinitely? someone will bite eventually, and why did he withdraw them right as the ban wave happened?
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does anyone have the full res unedited version of this image of venusianrapper?
No one is undoxxeable, specially not an attention whoring cheating furfag fucker who gave out his personal info in his cheating account
Fucking godamn it you fags mass report him already dox can come later
Why bother even wanting his preferred skin in the summer update if he's not even gonna buy anything? What a hypocrite
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>boycott the game, vote with your wallet
nigga you already voted in favour of tf2's game state 2020-2024!!
my god that civil protection cosmetic is so fucking bad, its not even that hard to translate that specific gas mask into tf2, why the fuck is it so wide and squashed down? it doesnt look like that in hl2
> 428
> 807
bait better please
>anything i dont disagree with is bait
also reply to them, i dont wanna use find page to look at what youre whining about
FUCK i was gonna type dont agree
>mfw Zesty was a poorfag when I was a rich fag in 2016
> i don't disagree with
esl baboon
ook ook eeh eeh aah aah
>grifter overtime isn't lying guys
>dude TRUST me
>he showed me stuff that proves it
ignore that and im still right doe.
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>noooooooooooooooooo valve couldn't have possibly took a couple weeks to hire 2 jannies to manually hardware ban cheaters who have hundreds of reports on them!!! they must have taken years!! It's just a... coincidence it happened right after tf2 ok!!!
holy copium zestyrino......
It's pretty convenient that Chudsty is refusing to acknowledge Fix TF2 worked, and is already back to reviewing community content.
>Uhh Valve has been working on the bot issue for years despite me shitting on them for that whole time for doing nothing
>Source? Uhm I know a guy...sorry I can't share because...uhm...
/tf2g/ is not your private chat for zesty's stream
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>GRAAAH I hate how valve treats tf2 after jungle inferno
>*throws my entire pay check at the game*
/tf2g/ is not your private stash for fempyro porn
>zero replies

More proof that none of you nigs play levels outside of Dustbowl and Barnblitz
/tf2g/ saved my life
>zero replies
because nobody cares about you. Fuck you
no its just that nobody cares about yet another 6s map in the 5cp section. nothing about reckoner interests me or anyone really
>he's still angry nobody cared and didn't give him a (You)
>compslop weebshit
the map is decent layout-wise, but it doesn't look like tf2 at all really
>p-please give me (You)s!
>the community after the bot and cheater banwave
>all the botters are spiteful furfags and/or trannys
Cant really say im surprised.
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>I care about the art style
>is that thing on head???
Zesty peaked a year and a half ago, its absolute cringe at this point.
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New truthnuke about the bot hosters just dropped including the identities and whereabouts of some of the more prolific botters. File is unfortunately too big for 4chan
>all the shit the bothosters coming here said about how they were killing tf2 for being filled with trannies was projection
Zesty is a massive contrarian hypocritical faggot. I'm convinced he doesn't actually believe in anything related to TF2 and just takes whatever the lowest amount of people are saying.
Now, he isn't WRONG that TF2's artstyle has fallen, matchmaking killed the game, etc., but he doesn't believe any of this truly, but really just says it because nobody else does.
>i wear nothing but 1 shitty hat as a bit
and thats bad because? zestys already proven himself a retard hypocrite, do we really need to cherrypick these nothingburger moments now
>I care about the art style
>proceeds to sperg out
Kill pyros. Behead pyros with the eyelander. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. Ban airblast cheating pyros. slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Neck-snap pyros. Sage pyro threads. Don't reply to pyro posters. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Dox pyros. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Never uber pyros. Karate chop pyros in half. Never heal pyros. Backstab pyros. Melee crit pyros. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Steal a pyros health pack. Make pyros check'em. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Spawn camp pyros. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Starve pyros. Shark pyros from hat drops. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
hes hypocritical but definitely not when it comes to artstyle. if he didnt genuinely believe in what he was saying when it comes to tf2 cosmetics then he wouldnt do a million of these workslop review streams
this but soldier
today I had a match on Hardwood (hehe it's just like my penis) and I legit had never seen this map before
>hes hypocritical but definitely not when it comes to artstyle
>spent money on a strange Merry Cone
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>50% growth in the active playerbase since the ban wave
Doomers in shambles, botters on suicide watch
It looks like an AI picture to me, but who knows?
>i got gifted this by some dude. its his failed trade up
>also this hat is shit and i wear it by itself as a bit
i dont really see the hypocrisy in this. he used to say such hats are shit, and he still says its shit and wears it to show off just how shit it is
>I'm ironically wearing this item guys
I got a giftapult shitty war paint the other day. Instead of using it """ironically""", I deleted it.
I'm sure people who work at Valve, a company that extremely secretive about everything they do, would risk their career just to leak information to Zesty Jesus and Richter Overtime of all people

Some of the biggest figures in both TF2 and the source comminuty as a whole have no access to insider info, but these two clowns do
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>I care about the artistic integrity of TF2
>haha fish is so funny
>other team is super stacked and no one scrambles
>next game
>destroy faggot that was top scoring last game because teams are balanced now and I'm not getting spawnkilled
>he cries and begs for scramble in all chat
>scramble goes through
>he's still on other team
>destroy him anyway
Joy. I was given joy.
You wouldn't get it
fine, i'm sold now
>Should it be in tf2?
>ehh nah not.
wearing shit hats ironically isnt new and has been around forever. he denies and deflects many things, but liking those hats isnt one of them
noone uses shit warpaints ironically because its not funny in any way, your situation is not applicable to this one
>Guys will see this and just think "Hell Yeah"
I fail to see the humour in the Merry Cone.
You'd have a case if this was the Binoculus or something, but it isn't. This hat is as funny as a shit war-paint, ironically or otherwise.
Just got off the phone with Eric from vvalve
They're revamping casual for the Summer update. Scramble is getting added, bumping end of round mapvote from 3 to 6, they're letting you spectate (1 max per team) and change teams.
>uses fempyro mod
>custom menu MUST contain coombait OC of the day
>spent thousands collecting weapon skins
If you're going to attack him with that angle, at least use the most obvious examples.
>merc wearing nothing but one of the shittiest hats in the game
pretty humorous. if you dont find it funny, then he certainly does because if he actually liked the item he would incorporate it into a loadout
That is the one thing I think he soundly explains. You can use coomshit so long as it's client-side. I think it's unhealthy and indicative of other problems but it doesn't actually negatively impact the artistic integrity of the game because it isn't in the actual game, just your copy of it.
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When I was in the service, I won the chin ups cup tree weeks in a row. Fuckin beautiful definition too.
this is a cool item though
The skibidi cosmetic is unironically kino fr fr no cap shit's fire should be added unironically
If you misgender your enemy, you're just as bad as them...
skibidi toilet is kino
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you WILL post your pyro
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merry cone is good actually
t. zesty after watching haruhi
There are no good warpaints.
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Oh, alright
Yes it was
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post your crosshair
What kind of name is Zesty Jesus? What the fuck kind of way is that to greet the world?
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Fuck pyros. Get head from pyros. Fuck a pyro on the control point. Airblast a pyro's skirt up. Slamdunk your cock into her. Snap off a pyro's bra. Follow pyro threads. ERP with pyro posters. Cum inside filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros in shibari bondage. Have the pyro make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into pyros. Fry pyros' brains with sex. Toss a pyro's salad. Urinate into a pyro's mouth (she's into it). Judo throw pyros onto a bed. Blackmail pyros into sex with their dox. Twist pyros' nipples. Report your love for pyros to Valve. Always uber pyros. Split pyros' legs in half. Sexually heal pyros. Give pyros surprise buttsex. Critically hit pyros in the womb. Impregnate pyros. Get trapped into sex by demon pyros from the underworld. Dump sperm into a pyro cum dumpster. Submerge pyros into a vat of cum. Eat pyros' pussies. Dissect pyros' clothes off. Dominate pyros after defeating them in MGE. Slap pyro's face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give pyros health packs. Make pyros suck'em. Cream inside pyros' holes. Lobotomize pyros into sex slaves. Mandatory slut training for pyros. Give pyros your love paste. Drown pyros in mad milk. Whip pyros' asses with a disciplinary action. Camp in the same tent with pyros. Invite a pyro to your mvm lobby. Feed pyros your semen. Give pyros your hat drops in exchange for sex. Fuck pyros like an alligator. Slice pyros' clothes off with the half-zatoichi.
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this but femsoldier
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>open stream
>poll: do you like funko pops
what does he mean by this?
Are the bots actually gone for good?
>for good
remains to be seen
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fempyro mod doesn't work, she looked nice as an alien, trust

Here you go.
in the first 5 minutes he was discussing the tf2 funko pop game dlc and made the poll
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portubros, it's so over...
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Imagine being Weezy
You go on your monthly 30 hour long Adderall fueled MvM gambling spree, proceed to make a clown out of yourself live on camera, only to wake up to total bot death after you recover from your temporary drug induced coma
Funky pops are so soulless man. Like actually soulless. What a shame this is the most substantial tf2 content in years.
>my opinions are irrelevant since I think none are good anyway
ok, thanks for invalidating those other replies
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Did you know? After killing at least 300,000 Scouts, a secret boss fight will play after trying to join a server. Here's the clip!https://youtu.be/9XgCGYzs9KQ?t=9
>I can't cloak, I can't cloak, I can't cloak
It's full and thriving now that hombre is gone though
But which class would kneel on his neck?
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Based Nostromo Chads
noHOMO naGAYlmer
Go away FAGthrower/COCKblower
swing and a miss, I'm a CHADburner
More like -ACK!burner
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Treadmill status?
>too scared to reply to people because he's afraid of how they'll OWN you
Lol. Lmao even.
>Fat Asian doesn't like the idea of "treadmill" work
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guy with giga expensive inventory using cheats
you can see in clip here that he uses projectile aimbot
Kill yourself faggot pedophile. VenusianRapper won
Disregard the Flamethrower, this is an old screenshot since I don't have my usual loadout on my phone
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So is the boycott over? That was quick
Catboys won. Gays won. Demo mains won. Cheaters lost.
>2 pyro unusuals
here is his steam id incase he changes it
He said Valve's gonna add cosmetics anyway so might as well review what they might add
He was making a correct observation about the ethics of selling cosmetics when your gsme doesnt function and was correct to say a boycott is what was needed to get the protesting point across.
some look decent but their very addition was a stupid idea
the good warpaints are just nice to look at but theyre nothing actually eyecatching. its just a different palette for a gun its a nothingburger, i dont care as much as i would about a cs skin
VenusianRapper > Zesty Jesus
cringe actually, tryhards use it over stock due to its smaller model
It's actually 3 Unusuals these days, and I look like a Bear
dear god that is ugly, so ugly
I use it because it looks much better and fits with TF2, unlike many other reskins
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ive seen this dude before he always has a pocket medic up his ass
well yeah, they #fixed tf
As he takes his trade offers off the market though?
This. They look best when either a monotone texture or actually like a fancy gun. I dont want my gun covered in wrapping paper, I dont want my knife to be covered in funny quirky polkadots, and I sure as hell don't want a plaid wrench.
Why did we need warpaints when we already had paint cans?
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What a fag, thinking he's untouchable with that inventory.
youโ€™re a merry cone
lol wtf he's not even hiding it, literally shoots behind him
if we get the summer crate im still not buying since it will probably all be slop cosmetics, taunts and warpaints
y-you too...
honestly if the best looking skins dont go any further than being simple palette swaps then i dont think skins are the best idea for tf2, like at that point dont even have them in the game. just look at the crazy shit that cs skin makers create, and it works too because the game looks far more realistic than tf2 even after leaning into a more cartoony style with the playermodel and map redesigns. the game can actually get away with having very intricate and detailed designs. tf2 cant.
Stop misgendering the bot hosters, you are UNHINGED and going TOO FAR
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>a fucking funko collab
australiums only exist because after releasing mvm valve realized that adding another game on top of the game people actually came to play was a stupid idea, so to give it staying power they added le shiny golden guns for whales.
botkillers were the first attempt, but they were too ugly. and my god theres way too fucking many of those. gold silver carbonado rust whatever there doesnt need to be that many variations
and while were on the topic of gaudy reskins both festivizers are ugly as fuck and add too much visual noise to weapons that look perfectly fine without being wrapped in shitty christmas lights, at least festives change the design somewhat (for some weapons) but they too could do away with those gaudy lights that obscure the good looking parts of the gun
report him please
Imagine the absolute SEETHE he will have once all his australiums will be locked
Tf2 is fixed and the porn is still garbage
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its always funny these faggots act so smug then they get banned and lock down their comment section
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IMAGINE the face of the tf2 community if the funko game gets a promo pocket funko cosmetic item
If you report and/or misgender the bot hosters, they win.
If you get bot hosters and cheaters banned, they win theyโ€™ll just make more premium accounts.
Why donโ€™t we just give up, partner?
capper and shooting star are the best reskins in the game. in fact i think the shooting star is ironically more fitting than the weapon its a reskin of. FUCK the deus ex guns
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>private profile
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oh that's very convincing
>how can you tell that I'm gay
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>i main soldier
Valve is using Hitler's language
The actual tf2 funko pop figures came out in 2017.
This is just valve approving funko to use the designs of the pops and tf2s setting in their lego like game
the axtinguisher looks so incredibly overdetailed and ugly for such an old weapon, just compare it to every other weapon of its time
>its just a different palette for a gun
which is a much welcome addition to the game if we're gonna have 1 mil cosmetics
end of discussion
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>Ruins the game like a retarded teenager he is
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This post just made me realize I've had my steam account's comments locked for over a decade over some minor thing
Guess I might as well unlock it again even if nothing will come out of it since I'm an antisocial sperg
This is a feature of nullcore. I don't know if lmaobox or other cheats can do it. Strange though because most people using it while having an expensive inventory would use FOV aim which does the same thing, but only in a selected radius around your crosshair.
Most cheaters are genuinely fucking retarded and don't know how to use their tools effectively. If I was trans enough to cheat I guarantee I'd do a far better job at covering my ass than these idiots
This guy epitomizes the "smug discord faggot" cheater attitude. Valve can't let that mf cash out
Not your personal army Metabolic, the Troonic Robes will NEVER be added
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>8 months reformed
> reformed
> cheater
>60 players on vatican city
is a big trading thing happening?
>erm officer what are you doing with those cuffs? I'm a reformed drunk driver, the last time I ran over someone was 8 months ago
It's prayer hour, soldier mains are giving a speech on Sun Tzu(peach be upon him)
so true. it's in my top 3 maps with hydro and powerhouse, unironically
AIRSTRIKE ROCKETS ARE SO TINY!!! so much harder to aim than stock, size does matter after all
I wish the Air Strike was actually good instead of me just getting good with it out of spite. If you're the only Soldier on your team using it is an active detriment to your entire team.
It's because they start off with a small radius by default but get smaller when you fire via rocket jumping. It's honestly kinda dumb. I think it's like what, they get 25% smaller when you're jumping?
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>checking the cheat dev forum again one guy confirms they are indeed actual HWID bans
It was pretty obvious, but actual confirmation is nice, I guess
Paid lmaobox does have it.
Considering most cheats' UI is just a bunch of toggle buttons, the 12-year-old brains of their users probably lack the attention span to tweak even half their features
Fitting avatar
Please tell me that's not an edit
the air strike is unironically worse than the liberty launcher but you don't see it being complained as often because the ones using it are just silly haha flying bomb men
its not
erm what the sigma but shounic said valve couldn't just hardware ban cheater because they can just buy a 15$ raspberry pi for each account every time!
20% actually, not that it's much better. I think it's pointless reducing the blast radius further because that 10% base reduction hurts as is.
At least the Liberty Launcher gives you the extra rocket by default. My contrarian ass used to main it a long time ago
You guys realize that VenusianRapper's ban was manual right? Someone at Valve just really hated him. He didn't even cheat lol.
Venusian go to bed its over
>everyone who says something I don't like has to be venusian himself!
I feel like the liberty launcher makes for a better spam rocket launcher because of the extra rocket + you don't have to make yourself an easy target by being in the air all the time. The damage fall off fucking sucks but you'll land shots easier thanks to it's speed.
fuck you pedusian rapist! >;(
I just had an MvM game on potatotf with actual french people on VC
terrifying experience
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Anyone watching his stream? He's genuinely so pissed at Richter and Zesty
oui oui jaime le wine et le pain oui
french people sound like they're constantly choking on a dick
>He didn't even cheat lol.
>no you don't get it Valve just banned him for no reason, that must be it
Massive cope. All your posts got deleted earlier, do you need another meeting with the jannies?
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ok venusian you jewish pedophile :3
Watch his latest video, he doesn't cheat at all retard. And I didn't say for "no reason", I said it's because they don't like him due to his videos or maybe due to the fact that he was about to expose Valve for money laundering.
Hello, never convinced reformed rapist here, haven't laid a finger on any woman in the past 8 months.
No need to punish me, im a good boye now.
Why the frick did Valve not acknowledge the 25 anniversary of Half-Life Team Fortress?
this moron has no fucking shame
>these people are in my pubs
Then you wonder how do they even live their lives.
its fake just a really good fake channel
this is the real channel https://www.youtube.com/@Valve
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jewsianrapper speedrunning becoming the worst poster in tf2g history
Whatโ€™s the most autistic thing you done in tf2?
For me, amount of cosmetic per class needs to be number divisible by 3 at least. 3 hats, 3 shoes, 3 genuine 3 named item etc
the best poster*
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I bet all of the VenusianRapper haters are just Vorobey. Think about it, no one else would say "pedusian" LOL it doesn't even make sense as a word play because his name isn't "venosian" it's "venusian" so it just sounds like you're talking about some kind of fish and not a pedophile but I wouldn't expect Pedobey's Russian Jew brain to understand that hahahah
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that channel is a very good fake
how tf did it get 100k+ subs
picrel is legit
Ha, I noticed too.
why tf are people still trying to defend venusian
hes a wife beater and a cheater its that simple move on
Very likely they hacked some poor bastard's channel to run this. Similar shit happened with crypto scam streams.
Damn I actually get tricked by a fake channel. lol
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Pedobey got owned by VenusianChad
No one's defending him except himself
and also a pedophile lol
I donโ€™t care about some shitty Russian aimbot heavy soldier main
Imagine getting bullied on every single platform you interact with, and all you can say is that everyone is your boogeyman. You're schizophrenic
Says the Pedobey fan himself lmao
Reminder that the banner originally didn't have Heavy on it.
>scan or regret
i thought the timer was just gonna reset this is gold
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>calls others schizophrenic
>claims I'm Venusian
Scammers are using Gabe's voice through AI to scam
Cheater /micro celeb worshippers are brain dead retarded.
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What are you talking about?
Sure thing pedophile jewfro cheating faggot, that's why you get so assmad whenever someone makes fun of you for beating your wife
the increase of venusian(bugchaser) mentions due to valve banning cheaters and bot hosters is not a coincidence, you attention whore faggot
over 4k people are getting scammed lol
yeah I totally agree, now let's post some Zesty Jesus clips!
So true, this wasnโ€™t issue before
see >>484297861
retarded niggers go kys and stop seething about an online personality on 4chan LOL
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Get the fuuuck outahere!
Fuck them all.
>no NO NOOO STOP laughing at me and getting rid of cheater scum YOUTUBE JANNIES SAVE ME
Blow your head off on video for us JewsianTranny
chill out mac dont you have some more women to beat on?
>venusiangroomer exposed
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Reminder that if spammers (especially pedophile cheater ones) are reported with the correct spamming/flooding option, they'll take a two weeks long vacation as opposed to the 3 days one for offtopic posting!
if venusian is actually posting and it's not just shitposters, get a life
you were laughed at by millions and you got banned. it's jover.
give up on this 'comeback' and just go get a life
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>engineer should be viable in the format where 2 aggressive soldiers, demoman, and medic are always present
>guise im so le badass and cool and totally not a jew skid
adam smasher would think of you as a total faggot
now watch him scramble and claim he was just pretending to be retarded like he always does (turns out it's very easy when you're actually retarded)
That's not him lol
>calls others trannies
>hates venusianrapper
>valve gets too much heat
>makes some unpaid intern manually ban a few high profile cheaters and bot hosters
>community celebrates because "they fixed tf2!"
>one week later, intern moved over to do other shit work
>the cheater problem is back as if nothing ever happened
anyone who thinks this wont be the case is a moron. it is already confirmed all the bans are manual. does anyone actually believe some underpaid employee will work full-time looking at cheater profiles? this is just like the manual ban wave in 2017

See >>484298220 you disgusting jewish homosexual and pedophile
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another cheater banned
they just keep happening
How is that guy friends with Venusian? More like a retarded fan or troll
Did you even read my original post? That's not VenusianRapper, that's a troll with the name "VenusianRapper_fan" who probably found out about him from Pedobey's video. The only group Venusian is in is the Papa Jokur group because he trolled that guy in a video
I need to have conscientious objector of my waifu and name a strange/special weapon after em.
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Retarded nigger that guy is not VenusianRapper's friend LOL just an obsessive stalker
Why'd you go and unadd your buddy Venusian? That seems a little harsh just to try and prove a point on 4chan.

Fuck em all.
nice instant damage control, bugchaser
>venupedo's having a melty and spamming 3x the usual posts
he's also a homeless homosexual who still isn't going to sell his items, and will inevitably cope about it when he loses them
Lol??? When was he ever friends with this literal who?
The point is this is literally some random guy and you guys fell for a bait post just so you could hate VenusianRapper more. It's hilarious.
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i'm actually starting to get glad that valve waited so long. i warned them myself not to have expensive items on their cheating accs but the fools couldn't be helped
>t. cheated 10+ years ago and experienced the consequences
See >>484298220
I made this post as well
uh oh the pedophile is having a melty!
any cool community servers to play on?
So? Literally fuck all of them. I donโ€™t give a shit off topic crap has no place anywhere.
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Yeah, Vorobey really did have a meltdown over that
Getting banned was all part of venusianโ€™s genius trolling idea
heโ€™s trolling you guys so hard itโ€™s honestly sad,,,
Battle Brothers Canada is kino
this guy is boring

You love to see it, a worthless pedophile and wife beater melt down
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https://backpack dot tf/item/12144484457
Im glad that instead of playing tf2 now that its semi bot free we are playing accuse the pedo.

Never change /tf2g/
How is it off topic? he's a tf2 youtuber
I don't like the default flamethrower model and I like Alien
but yes, it does unironically provide an advantage in ambushing thanks to the smaller length
there is someone spamming and flooding here hours every day because he has no life. we reserve the right to talk shit and report him
yeah that's why vorobey's banned, his channel is dead, he was exposed as a pedophile and a rapist and his only cope is posting here for (You)s until the jannies give him a two weeks vacation for spamming/flooding
oh wait...
Oh wait what? That's right, that's why all of that happened.
Can anyone explain how Unusual effects are distributed? It seems like new effects get a priority.
>changes his ip through a free virus-ridden VPN
retarded lmao
More reason to say fuck him and his shriveled tranny penis.

Get that shit OUTAHEREE
Reminder that he keeps posting the same picture of himself becuse he's balding now btw
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Honestly what's the appeal of this guy?
Why is everyone sucking his dick?
>set up timer reaches 0
>spawn doors open
>triple kill on the stickybombs

Jeez, how have people still not learned yet?
I'm not, I only suck BBC.
during any special event, the ONLY effects that can be unboxed from normal crates are those effects, and they can't be unboxed after the event. halloween, smissmass, and summer are like this. the last time they added effects to the base pool was 2013 I think. then, if there's no event active, you can only roll the base pool.
kek I could tell he was balding with his jewfro haircut trying to hide his hairline, he's genuinely hideous
The only one sucking his dick is Richter
someone has to get rid of those stickies
venusian's already banned though?
Kill yourself

Also report the actual richfag cheater
kek retard
Says the ugly tranny haha. I love how you incels get mad when you see an actually good looking guy but you hate him for being too BASED so you have to make up these things about "balding jewfros" and try to insult them but it's so pathetic, I can always tell you guys are doing it due to you being jealous of him
the only ones sucking him off 24/7 are richter (idk why, he's mentally ill), and monkey (because zesty shills his skins)
otherwise the reception is mixed
I see a profile posted here, it gets a cheat report, simple 'as
Diddly done
u mad jewsianrapist?
venusian this is pathetic you aren't even trying to be subtle this is you now lol... literally nobody else would mald this much about someone else getting called ugly
here is your male pattern baldness, sire
this guy uses interp hacks and always plays spy
>went private
what a bitch lmao
New ded
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I thought I was Venusian though? Come on guys, you should remember to take your meds
kek so true
Isn't that just an Emporium guy?
Is this turning into "report anyone I don't like"
That's Gaben's profile you absolute buffoon, you just fell for bait
You're just his single dickrider we use as bait to get him to come out so we can bully him for being a deformed (literally malding) kike
I donโ€™t see his account having any bans of the sort.
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live neanderthal reaction
that picture is SO Badass
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