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Patch Preview Day Edition!
Previously on /mvsg/: >>484074667

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on may 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
Joker, Jason, Banana Guard & Agent Smith

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression.

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! We can only go up from here!
bros im not gonna get shark onesie reindog from the gacha....
I just got one today an I don't want it
I didn't get my shark onsie either. I got Finn with a shark hat today.
>do an obnoxious amount of dash attacks to the point where if you do nothing but dash attack for an entire match and win you still won't be finished
Do kids even do chores or just check off pointless as fuck shit dailies in Chinese bootleg shovelware scam dogshit that is completely pointless and a complete absolute waste of your life to the point where you might as well kill yourself because it's the exact EXACT same thing as being dead because you are wasting the fuck out of your life doing absolutely nothing of value whatsoever and this game won't exist this time next year
Why's the event on discord of all things? Just put it on youtube or twitter so I don't have to install shit.
Lucky, I got Jake and I never play him.
So everyone who plays 1v1 is just gonna switch to Batman and Taz after WW and Joker get gutted right
Maybe the only thing the game has done right is the fact that you can do dailies and weeklies in rifts so you can get through them pretty quickly.
Holy shit I got harley I can stop play THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! only had to play for a few minutes today but it was pure fuckin suffering!!!! Alt f4'd out of the game on the 1st frame I unlocked it.
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This was the last objective reset for this beach event yeah? I cut it real fucking close then with the last one I could do finishing it off. Did every single one I could with what I had available.

Mine does chores since he understands the concept of an allowance.
And no card access for him so he can waste it on MTX.

If you're using that line of thinking though, games in general are a waste of life/time. It's just a means of entertainment/destressing after a long day.
Because all the people who wank the dev team are there
Is there a way to easily get parry attacks? I need go parry 9 more attacks to complete my weeklies and get that 2K bp xp bonus
They're child traffickers so they're trying to get as many victims into the discord as possible. They just wanna make a few extra bucks selling these kids that they're luring into their discord.
One hour away
I think so. A bit worse than the previous one due to the fact that if you don't have a skin or specific character, you're fucked if you don't do absolutely everything else. The Jason one had more leeway.
I completely forgot the event was still on today, i wasted a character ticket and gleamium to get that dumb Arya skin to complete the event.
God fucking dammit
Do an easy 1v1 fight on rifts.
best ways are to either abuse a rift that has an easy parry source or play steven since you can still parry while using his bubble shield so you'll just passively get it
go to the superman rift in techno terror on easy and just try to parry his attacks
At least invest your time into a game you'll be able to play later on
At least you're covered for all the future dumb "Game of Thrones" objective requirements.
lmao retard
Anticipating very little since it's just a mid season update. I just hope they properly catch up with where we were in the Beta
It will be shit :)
I usually don't go back to old games, otherwise I'd be playing Smash more. Will probably move onto Rivals 2 when that's out proper. For now, I got MVS.
The only thing I expect is being able to switch my jab and side attack.
You'll be disappointed
disagree, if you like this game then make the most of it while it lasts
I will always regret not playing the beta more before it got taken away
I hope we can now turn off forced recolors on enemy team, that's just so annoying
you can go via browser fyi, it doesn't actually need you to install anything (as much as it really wants you to)
Im glad shark hat harley wasn’t RNG bullshit loke the others, now i’ll just wait for Doctor harleen
Will Agent Smith stay caged for another week?
BMO should've been the default announcer
Looks like a storm of updates is brewing on the /mvsg/ horizon. Brace yourselves, Multiversisrers, it's about to get wild in the Discord arena!
You can already.
He's been a bad little virus and needs to stay in his cucky cage until he earns enough good boy points to be let out.
Go to techno terror on easy and do the second fight with shaggy where he is alone and you have no teammates. You have to do perfect parries where you do a neutral dodge at just the right time.

I tried doing it on the superman level like some people suggested but I found the rockets very annoying.
Same, at the very least I got a guaranteed shark hat for a character I like playing.

it's fucking bugged, you need to do the fart bomb (down special while jumping IIRC)
It's bugged its supposed to be his air down special and you have to land it
Do I ever bother with Insanity difficulty on the entry gem level? Getting my shit completely kicked in.
I knew it was bugged but I couldn't figure out what fucking move it actually wanted me to do. This has happened SEVERAL times where the move it asks you to do is not the move that actually registers for mission completion.

So fucking retarded. They have to have fucking chimps working on these challenges for this to happen multiple times.
I don't understand what compels people to play 2v2 but ignore their teammate the entire game
You can save their ass over and over but the moment you need help they're off chasing some random low % enemy on game point
>game lagged in UI
>meant to enter Rift, mashed through it like usual due to pointless dialog
>apparently blew 1k gleamium on a skin
For fucking real?
Lol discord has a limit of like 100 for how many people can join the video conference
>21 days left in the battlepass and the smith event
>Still only have 5 rifts
Are they really just going to release 3 new rifts in the last 3 weeks of the fucking season? It's bad enough that in order to get all rewards you need to complete 6 out of 8 insanity rifts but the fact they're releasing them so close to the end of the season is just baffling.

No ranked, only one event coming up that's just gonna be another "do arbitrary challenges for practically worthless rewards". Fucking christ dude. I know they said a big balance patch is coming but I really doubt it's gonna be so good it's gonna make the game feel that different to play. It's more than likely going to be basic damage/knockback nerfs with maybe some slight frame data adjustment for like 5 moves at best.
Any anon down to stream on “Just Chatting” Twitch?
i'm honestly more pissed i have to do them on easy because it's fucking boring
don't listen to these
regular down b works, you need to kill witth it though
People join 2v2 because its a fighting game and 2v2 eases the guilt of losing by your own means, retards can always blame you
Which is funny cause how they spaced it out I don't think they can actually deliver on the promise of "get smith 2 weeks early through rifts". Since the season will be ending and they'll have to drop him regardless
Im assuming its eventually guaranteed.
Im more pissed I have to do them on hard because its a waste of my time.
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>its a discord call
>not even a twitch stream
This is gonna be rough
no theres like 20+ items and you can only get 8
rest will be available for gleamium probably
I’m fucking scared dude
If it's going to be audio only I'm not even sure why they're doing it on Discord.
Stage is the exact same concept as a Space so lol
Theyd be really fucking stupid to not have the one item they accidentally listed as featured and refunded people for be guaranteed.
If they let me speak what should i scream at tony?
there's people streaming it
Easy is done in under 10min with leveled up gems. Don't even bother with unlocking the objective rewards.
>New modes
>Character changes
>That’s likely
Oh man
>Theyd be really fucking stupid to
do you even play this game?
>Free For All & Spectator Mode
Sillybros on suicide watch
Did they cancel it?
no it's happening
will be first to get 4 knockouts
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I still have 80% win rate but its a pain having to do 10x the effort than the jingler jangler and harlot queen, or autopilot sandwich man and woman
the difference is that games are entertainment meant to be fun. it's not really "wasted time" since we need entertainment in our lives.
the problem with live service games is that they're designed to exploit reward feedback loops as opposed to entertain so they can fleece money. it's basically one step above gambling because you do more than press one button
What have they said so far
why is this faggot describing spectator mode like it's a huge thing for 5+ minutes
I cant make out what theyre saying through all the sobbing, something about how theyve lost everything.
nothing we didn't already know
>Spectator mode
>play again button for rifts
>free for all will come back with changes
I dont know if there is a better stream but expect compfaggot opinions but you might get your comment on the stream if you missed the call
Replay in PvE color removal
So far it's fucking nothing
The Court 2, it's over
I'm hoping Bugs doesn't get nerfed because doing mixups with his side air and doing setups with the safe is some of the most fun I've had playing the game so far
>"Big patch coming"
>It's small content
>Barely even calling it content

The court 2 pve map will now be in the core pvp map rotation.
Old the court is a ffa only map now
Color toggle is back
Toggle item pick up
Toggle neutral bindings
This game is doomed, isn’t it?
input buffer yeah whatever
Input buffer timer is now customizable
So are items coming back
we waited 1 month for a shitty input buffer from beta
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Betabros we can rebuild..
You can now change the color of your outline to the colors of your preferred pride flag, we did it multiversus is saved
>"big mid season patch" is literally just adding stuff that was already in the beta back in
>they thought this was worth hyping up with a discord call featuring all the game's paid shills
holy shit it's so unbelievably over
>the announcement of the "make or break" has an audience of 3000 people
I thought we were doing better bros
where the fuck is tony
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That's half the current playerbase.
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>Spectator Mode
>Post Game Stats
>Team Colors & Outline Togglable
> New Stage Variant (The Court 2)
>Customizable Input Buffer Timing & Deadzones
>Fastfall Returns

I don’t care about if this is bringing players back or not. Is this a good step forward, yes or noo
there better be a new character announcement or some fighter currency changes or something to justify this being a discord event and not a simple list of patch notes
Plus the 2.5k people watching on twitch
Literally more people paying attention to this than playing the game
He got called by the WB suits and then a bang was heard
if they nerf bugs without nerfing harley or shaggy then they're so far beyond retarded that their handlers must fucking need handlers
Why the fuck would they nerf him? He's obnoxious, but he's not broken.
Yes, doomers can say they are just adding beta features back. But while true, these are good changes and a positive step forward. If they can continue to do feature updates and addressing player issues they can save the game.
Harley buffs lmao the devs really fucking love this fucking character
do we know how long this will be?
I like these changes, they’re definitely correct moves, but they haven’t said anything about Agent Smith which is worrying. This patch bundled up with a new character would be wise
what the FUCK
He is fine just needs to spend some time in the techno terror torture machine
>nerfing harley
what would you even nerf? her only really strong move is the up smash but thats an issue with how close the stage boundaries are because every character with a good up tilt can fuck people up on many stages
If Taz just gets nothing but nerfs Im rioting.
>bugs nerfed
>gizmo nerfed
>harley BUFFED
yeah i'm uninstalling, there's literally no hope for this game, bye bye
see you tomorrow
All good nerfs. If you played these characters you deserve this
>jake buffs
Good, now hopefully we see jason buffs.
yes he is retarded faggot
harley did not need buffs though
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Hopefully I can max out jakes lvl without tearing my face apart now.
His neutral air could 0-100 infinite some characters, the fuck you mean. This was the thing that was removed
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patch success exclusively hinges on Jason buffs
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Don't have a discord nor any of that gay shit, any news for my super main?
They'll implement music in the next patch
Where's ranked though
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That reminds me, when is Mallah's fat ass getting in?
>jason is faster
>jason has better hit boxes
>jason has better combo potential
Jason bros, we are back. Thank god I finished that battlepass
>No jason buffs
>No new content
>No teasing next characters

Are these devs retarted?
Superman now administers an extra dosage of "Well GOLLY.! You want ME to fight?" in his beach skin
Is Marvin buffed, nerfed, or left untouched?
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>they admitted jason had completely fucked up hitboxes and framedata and they're "fixing" it
feel vindicated
Shaggy nerfed
Maybe fix the problem with big players instead since he's not the only character with an obnoxious multi-hit ait neutral.
oh no which one do i shoot
shaggybitches lost
the most retarded one
Lmao what are the odds once i stopped checking the notes

Jason is back
>Gizmo Nerfs
Ouch but that’s O.K. just one of my mains
>Steven Nerfs
O.K. this feels personal, especially after they both got jipped out of Shark Hat skins
>literally 80+ years of cool superman art
>post AI slop
Unironically good balance changes
now they just need to announce rifts getting deleted and fun modes and a turbo mode and the game is saved + rankeds
Wake me up when they announce the WW nerfs
>no mention of joker nerfs
Joker mains, we striving.
Even more Velma nerfs! Never do a racism guys, it'll haunt you!
wtf anon you jinxed it
eat shit
Gizmo has a shark hat.
Did they skip Taz?
They haven't mentioned him yet.
they're good on one hand, but on the other they really feel like stuff that's obvious to anyone that tried played the game for themeselves. It's like they went "we wanted to see what would happen if this character was busted and this character was shit, obviously it was a bad idea and now we're pulling the numbers on both so they're what they should be", again as if they just put numbers and never actually tested how it would go
or alternatively, for our cospiracy friends, they made it shit on purpose to fix it later and see "see how good we are at listening to you!", but i believe the former "we just put random numbers in lole" more
They didn’t mention nerfing bug’s hit boxes. They’re still holding favoritism
why can't they just post patch notes like a normal studio
why are they hiding all this in a discord channel
They said they can’t get to everyone cause of time, and everyone will have at least some changes in the patch
Probably just adding more knockback to his neutral air.
NAKAT sounds furious, lmao
ww also nerfed "across the board"
He's just black, that's how he sounds.
I feel like he at least has personality and energy, which is nice for these kinds of events.
but i used her to cheese rifts!
Bruh, WW's side special armor only during the charge? What's the point?
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>no harley feet content announcement
dead game
>iron giant nerfed
>wasn't even in a strong place
>top winrate character for both modes
>not in a strong place
iron giant is op you retard
you just don't know how to play him
>Still no Agent Smith talk
:/ ??(
Are we back, mvsbros?
It had dumb interactions leading to ton of damage and easy kill, mostly hitstun working for him but yeah he is a sponge
>i own this bitch

Can’t believe warner bros allows this type of language in a live event for thousands of people, i would never say such a mean word, warner fire this nigger
>infinites getting fucked
So taz main string is gonna get fucked. Thank god
hell yeah
No more balance discussion they are saving everything else for the patchnotes, but more gameplay changes
>If they can continue to do feature updates and addressing player issues they can save the game.
They had a year to do this. People are not going to be so forgiving. You rarely get second chances in this market. You don’t get a third.
>talk about how fun it is to switch characters
>no option to change characters on rematch
thanks man
parries nerfed, as in if you don't get a parry there's a 6 frame lockout which stops you from trying again for the next 6 frames
long combos, specifically stuff where 2 characters lock you in with their jabs from the sides, have been nerfed (as in they stop locking you in after a while)
similar situation, command grabs (jake's bite, etc) are easier to mash out of when 2 characters with them do it back to back
from what i understood, jab>jab>other attack happens less randomly now, hoping it doesn't mean they lock you in the third jab cause i never had issues with it
No ranked ever
So have they said anything about
>fighter currency scarcity
>shit UI
>missions requiring characters and certain cosmetics for said characters
>rifts being unfun
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nothing on that
All gone.
Nothing mentioned about taz and it's a bunch of shit that should have taken 10 minutes just changing some values
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Ok can you niggas give me a quick rundown of the nerfs and buffs i just keep seeing random shit.

Also how bad is IG now? He's absolutely dog shit imo
hitstun is changed on everyone apparently so no more infinites
Game will continue to bleed players
We were doing good but then it just kinda ended without them talking about any of the more controversial topics such as monetization, rifts, agent smith, event times, dailies. I think the patch is good, but them avoiding these topics doesn't feel great.
It’s fucking over, all they said was nerf buff shit only autistic competitive fags care about but nothing on ranked mode making literally all they said fucking useless, what’s the point of shit tier character getting a buff if mojo jojo is gonna drop bombs on your ass
yeah this patch only retains current players, if they want players casualls tools to unlock characters easier or all characters unlocked period
if they ever do something about that imho it'll be on season 2
IF they ever do something about that, IF
i'm starting to think ranked isnt coming until season 2
the FUCK are they doing
What are you talking about?
Harley was nerfed. Her bombs now have a shorter timer and her side air doesn't combo as easy with her up special/upair
>Every day before new season is gonna be sweatards until S2 introduced ranked
And with that casuals left the game Agent Smith is too grindy for casuals so it wont save the game
This wasn't a "lets talk about future content" stream, this was a "these are the balance changes and new mechanics we're adding in the patch tomorrow" stream
They're nerfing his annoying as fuck nair and making his safe more fragile because it was staying around way too long
When are these nerfs going live?
anybody half competent already knows how to one shot bugs box, the problem is the retarded multi hit they needed to nerf that shit.
They've been patching thursday
this was already known
Glad to see this game is in absolute shambles. Sorry Tony, but gook niggers don't get to make their own games, they can only code it. You don't deserve a living job, go hang yourself
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>Jason seemingly buffed all around
>but apparently no mention of getting armor on his attacks
i guess it now depends on how big the nerfs on Shaggy and WW are
I assume tomorrow
tomorrow, tuesday is patch day and week reset day and yada yada
they haven't said shit about ranked. it's not "known".
Shaggy got nerfed to have his combos be easier to escape because he was too easy to take someone from the ground to the top.

WW got fucking butchered lol. They're toning down her kill potential and putting longer cooldowns on her armor. They want her to be tanky and good at combos but not be a strong killer.
The game’s still gonna die right? These a good changes but they’re not drawing any new players or anyone who quit to come back
Im guessing they are waiting til season 2 to make a video adreessing everything and featuring more chars which is what drives interest
>2 more weeks
No but it'll retain the current players without bleeding too many more. Players will only come back or you'll only get new players with new characters and huge events with lots of free stuff (ala characters).
Yeah the casuals that got killed by bugs cage doing 150 dmg or his retarded loops or ww / joker combo 0 to death / iron giant 0 to death aren't coming back and probably don't even read the patch notes
biggest fucking thing they could do to balance shaggy is take away the kill power on his side special

fucking falcon kick doesn't KO, and angles DOWN in midair it doesn't act as an approach, fucking take notes from that shit especially if you're going to give it lateral movement from anywhere
>video addressing everything
That will never happen. If they wanted to it would’ve happened by now
it can still survive the night so imho they're saving meaningful changes now for season 2, just like these meaningful gameplay changes have been kept for this "big patch"
as others said before, they want headliners update that basically go "check this game out, or if you already did then please come back cause it's better now". Hence not just releasing hotfixes to change stuff day to day, nobody would really notice it that way
Everything dies, anon.
Sounds like the dog shit WW players wills be filtered
I never cared much for WW as a character but she was one of my most played in the Beta just because she felt good to play. All her buttons can combo into each other
Guess the slower pace of the game now made her more abusive? I havent really struggled against many WW players
>getting matched against nothing but giants since the call ended
Some rumors we might get Agent Smith trailer soon, game dev posted some cryptic message apparently
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I'm sad for casuals not getting love and adressing the grind, but hopefully they see the light in the meantime i'm happy for Jake buffs, I just hope suicide dive is untouched because is not consistent and takes super accuracy to pull
One last burst of bullshit before the patch.
wait they still haven't said shit about garnet's missing perk
enjoy the ladders 0 to deaths
they only addressed top bottom and top tiers, they said they changed everyone but we will see
Patch notes
Sorry, I'm larping Fern and the other team has a Finn I need to tunnelvision.
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>what did you think of those patch notes?
Gee I don't know cunts, sure would be nice if they were written out like normal instead of this discord FOMO shit.
>Open link
>Look inside
>No patch notes
I don't appreciate being tricked, anon.
Do it with a friend
It's easier and more manageable
I don't have friends that play this garbage game and I wouldn't inflict it upon them in any case.
Why the FUCK can't I grind what is ostensibly the single play mode alone without having to turn it into some kind of fucking social event.
I suck at this game and I did it. What are you struggling with?
I have 2 computers so I just use the second one to act as a damage sponge for me in rifts, I even bought the iron giant with all the shitcoins I got so he can soak up even more damage
you WIRR miss the updates!
patchnotes are only for level 9 gems havers, sorry anon
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Bugs Bunny mains right now.

Everyone I know that plays MVS doesn't bother with Rift. Ended up finishing Insanity at any rate after bruteforcing a couple of the ones with bullshit gimmicks. Doubt I'll bother trying to do any of the side objectives until my gems vastly outlevel the content.
Fuck niggers
>play again
Why isn't this common in more games? I can't think of any game in particular now, but a big pet peeve of mine is having to go back to a menu screen to restart a level and wait through loading screens, when it would be quicker to just reload the level and let me try again
>Stripe is getting nerfed with the same timer change that Harley gets for his dynamite

Just delete this character
I just went to the discord and asked for help from random people, now i have picked up the bare minimum amount of stars for completion in every level and my gems are level 9 except for the red ones those are level 7
good news guys, instead of double giant this time it's giant wondie
Do you get anything for getting every star in a rift, playing with another person included? I've gotten the rift cauldrons just from playing alone, but haven't burdened another soul with playing this game
how much of a dumb fucking retard nigger do you have to be to release your patch notes in some faggot discord call? pissy faggot gays are the worst devs Ive ever seen, what a dogshit game. they should be getting flamed for this but nobody even cares about this trash to bother
I don’t know but probably nothing i only made sure to get all the cauldrons
>Proper Amazonian Diana
> Incapacitate change. You can mash out faster the more you get grabbed.
I really hate mash mechanics in fighting games.
They keep finding new lows, it's impressive.
>Got Shark Hat Reindog on day 4
too bad I don't play as him
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mashing should make you get held longer because retards who mash need to be taught not to do that
All it'll make me do is bind a shoulder button to "Repeatedly mash every fucking button" in SteamInput's config.
it reminds me of those kickstarter scam devs that give empty promises and then run with the money, except they're backed by WB. the least they could do is put them in a text doc on one of the "community managers" twitter pages if the website isn't ready yet.
Presumably tomorrow when the update drops they'll post the patch notes on their website, right?
Tony my wallet has money to buy at least 5 skins, your stupid discord call only makes me wanna quit the game please add some good skins in the next patch is all i want or i’ll stop playing and put my money on Fortnite
>post-game stats
>input buffer settings
>option to remove enemy tint
Not bad. When they add ranked, we'll be eating.
understood, we will add new skins that attach a top hat to each fighter

Since grab is getting nerfed, you can use Jake and toss them on the walls and most of the times they wont recover or you can suicide dive too if you have life advantage, also completing the goal bar will give you tons of gems, you dont need all goals on every mission but 90% until you reach the cauldron gem pack will be fine.

Also most bots never dodge stairs combos or DPs up specials so using batman, shaggy, jason, harley, reckts them, specially if you up special while clinging on a wall from bellow, the disjointed hitbox will damage them without them doing nothing

Also some stages like batman cave, dexter lab, space jam, and others the dumbass AI will suicide if you are near horizontal blast zones
So does grab getting nerfed mean this won't work anymore after tomorrow?
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>lebron buffs
>jason buffs
>joker and WW nerfs
>agent smith teased
YUP...we're back
I dunno maybe, the IA wont probably mash?
I really hope they dont nerf Jake suicide dive
there should be a new event every month that releases a new hat, but it gets stacked on top of the other hats
>Harley buffed
She is gonna be the new Joker
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they'd be on the right track then
>playing the crying child
>get matched with jason
>can just shield him while he runs around with his self-buff
that's pretty funny
what is the original file date of this? Feels very 2011
binding of isaac confirmed
Problem I have with Cauldron reward is it basically mandates running through them with a friend since you're going to get cockblocked by needing certain characters/skins.

I forget how much of a boost to gems the last reward even is.
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>It's another Mojo Jojo fucks the entire match over episode
>Your opponent is the one on the receiving end
Nobody is going to come back for features that should've been in the game in the first place
I still hate how wrong MJJJ sounds. I don't know if they changed his VO at some point from the original series I watched, or they found the worst sound-alike possible for the game.
That is true, cauldron i think is 1 level for 2 random gems
You should always be on top of the saucer if the ray is coming, its funny seeing retards come after you and getting yeeted
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>they'll put out videos featuring their paid shills but nothing for game updates
>12% drop from yesterday
this game deserves to die lmao
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They should make it so that non-character specific skins like the matrix,tooniverse,shark hats, etcetera aren't singular skins anymore but rather cosmetics for everyone that you can use on top of skins (sort of like all class hats in team fortress but with just 1 slot)
Shaders may as well be their own dedicated slot.
yeah that would've been the most sensible choice, and probably the most optimal too given it saves on storage by not having "literally the same model again but it ha a different filter now" sitting on my drives for no reason
but alas, given the recent patch (which is good, but it's also stuff that should've been there from the start, and i'm talking about the balance changes let alone the rest), it seems being sensible escapes them
plus mixing and matching accessories would have people go crazy with buying them, i wish they would understand basic whale mentality a bit if they really wanted people's money
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this came to me the first day i open the store, truly show how much the devs care/think about running a successful game
For the life of me I don't get why this isn't a thing. Some skins like Joker's Killing Joke outfit might make the shark had a bit wonky but the Matrix filter or tooniverse skins for sure seem odd they aren't universal filters.
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>did my dailies
>got all viable stars in rifts
>gems still under level 7
well... see you guys tomorrow
You're doing your daily rifts on the hardest difficulty you have access to, right?
which file is Cattura (1)?
the game really feels as if they actively want people to not play it, with that being one of the reasons
or at least, it was on relaunch, they kinda tried something by giving bp xp for stuff but again, something that should've been there from the fucking start it's so obvious. Like right from the very conception of the game, it's all stuff that should flow naturally to that as its logical end, do they just shoot their idea guys before they can finish their sentences or something?
also, source?
Now that I have high enough level gems to reasonably do crushing, yeah. I've played enough I think I figured out the NPC's broken code. Now it's just having the boosted stats to actually make a dent and survive.
multiversus is it dead or is it back
Same-gemlvl difficulty is a lot of praying the AI will suicide, or sit still long enough for someone like WW/Shaggy to just keep vertical pressure up since they're god awful at dodging between hits.
Crushing was actually crushing and it has been the maddest I've gotten at a game in a very long time (if only because it was BS not actually challenging). I'm not looking forward to insanity, but Agent Smith is almost there I can taste it
yeah totally, the whole power pledge event that should have been there day1 instead of 3 days after people played around with the free characters, seem like there is active process into make the worst experience possible for no reason.
some pic no one bother to upload around
did the discord call thing have any word on if missing rift dificulties will open up? we're only 5 away from getting agent smith "2 weeks early"
I didn't have that much of an issue with Lv4 Crushing, but Insanity at a straight Lv7 was aids on anything that wasn't a straight 1v1.
Maybe I'm just bad at the game and can't figure out the dodge button
balance patch tomorrow with beta stuff to retain players, probably agent smith trailer might bring some small playerbase back, nothing big yet, hopefully saving stuff for s2 or else wiill be stuck at these current numbers
post it as a catbox link to avoid jannies
Dodging does shit, you just have to play characters that can either abuse the dumb AI, or do a shitton of vertical pressure to knock them off of the screen with how little they get knocked back each hit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txYzaU0TBvo 2k views only lmao
I bought Spike for that. Maybe this patch will nerf tf out of him, but his up special and gun are extremely useful
The armor was already slow so now it's especially weird.
I've just been swapping between WW/Shaggy, but I had both unlocked from the beta.
Don’t know what those are and I don’t think I care to learn. Thanks though !
For some reason they putposely made certain difficulties only available on mid-late season rifts, but with the new rift coming out it'll push itself up to 18 then July 10th is when Looney opens up but somehow I feel like they know that Looney is going to be so bullshit that it'll take players days to get it so they have more time for Agent Smith lol
predict the number of views for agent smith
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There's a universe where he got in.
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what the fuck??
Huh? Maxwell Atoms is working on jellystone?
They should bring in all guest fighters from mortal kombat over to multiversus (homelander and can as skins though)
Chowder is safe
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There's a non-0 chance. As close to 0 as numerically possible, but non-0 all the same.
The "Mixup" in question:
>doing retarded 100+ dmg with safe is fun because it's broken as fuck
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Chowder was made by the same guy who created this show so he's a shoe-in.

He started working on the show since season 3 and you can really tell once you get to it.
Oh yeah I forgot Greenblatt made Jellystone.
happy that nigga got work again
I'll have to give it a shot then, even if I don't really care much for those old hanna-barbara cartoons
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Told you Batman was next in line after the Top Tier nerfs
BTW you can see the Finn ToD on 12:07 and 13:07, pros can't DI him or parry him so he is also nerfed this patch probably
this nigger is retarded as fuck
bman is fine he just retarded
He streamed this like a week ago and yes Batman is a top tier, at least in 1v1. His kit is incredibly good and I don't know why people have been sleeping on him.
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Probably just a gameplay one. I’m not expecting cgi
There is no soundalike retard, it's the original VA. Voice actors get old dude.
>after being broke for years due to CN kicking him out, he finally got a job back at animation
wtf, real life rarely have happy endings
They been sleeping oh him because Harley and the Jigger are the same as Batman but better, also you will se more Supermans and Supes will probably be nerfed next after WW mains switch to Supes
lol is this real
Yeah, same with the Joker in this sounding notably more gritty than how we used to sound like. Mark Hamill's old now.
What was the justification for Harley buffs? Wasnt she broken?
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The Twittards that white knight this game's shortcomings are on a new level of copium, Tony Huynh and David Zaslav could take a shit in their mouths and they would still swallow.
Yeah, though I don’t think she’s gonna be again with this. Correct me if I’m wrong
she's a popular character
just like every balance patch that touches her, they nerfed something inconsequential and "compensated" by buffing her in other places
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He won.
Yes, Tony in particular is causing this game’s issues, not any of the other devs working on this. It’s all Tony
How have you guys been approaching the rift grind? I got all of them to the second highest completion level, except for one which I got to the highest with a discord rando to clear the training missions.
When you present yourself as the face of the operation people will target you when things go south. The same thing happened to Sakurai.
Harley is never going to get a real nerf WB won’t allow it.
Devs said she didn't had enough vertical fight ability, so since they nerfed her bomb by making it floating and Harley not getting triple jump on it they buffed again her vertical fight ability LOOOOOOL
they're right though, her bat only covers half of the screen while bugs gets to cover two thirds of it
truly unfair gameplay
NOW HE CAN WIN 2 out of 100!!!!
Yeah, it’s true but it’s still dumb as shit.
They removed her fair > upair combo which was basically all I would go for lately cus it was retardedly broken, land any jab/slide kick into upsmash and just follow the dodge out with drifting full hop fair > upair and congrats you're now 50/50ing them for their life with the following confetti combo
If you have a sticky on then they will always die, and getting the 5 stacks of confetti is extremely easy with fair > upair > fair then you can just buffer upb and the upb + confetti explosion deletes people very early like in this clip


Removing this combo makes her a lot weaker so compensation buffs are fine, niggas losing their minds when they see BUFF as if she didn't get a HUGE nerf at the same time for a net loss
They didn't hint at what day this week the patch will drop, right? I'm guessing later rather than sooner if they had this event.
her bat has like 3 frame startup and has a ton active frames, knockback, disjointed and super safe (both are broken tough even tough bugs is slightly larger) not even her charged up smash compares to jump bat, and don't let me get into her hammer, literally Zero's pizza cutter but way safer and with tons of power and situational value
Got a lot more bearable with a friend
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Looking at this and the "Fighter Showcase" videos you can see how little Nakat cares about the characters and their franchises and more about the competitive viability, as compared to Sakurai who actually tries to inform the audience on a fighter's history and all the references, while leaving occasional room for jokes and asides. You can tell he's having fun just playing the characters while Nakat only sees them as movesets more than individuals.
The Nickelodeon All Star Brawl showcases are a middle ground, a purgatory. Sometimes we get good references and attempts at comedy but that gets drowned out by Melee autism real quick.
Game will have 20 players by then
>Removing this combo makes her a lot weaker
Yeah from S+ to S tier...
5.7k rejected
is the gay ringout even in the game yet? i sent a support ticket and it looks like they gave me 100 gleamium but no ringout, and I can't recall seeing anyone use it
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A full video of bunny abuse.
Anybody who complains about harley's hammer is shit at the game unironically
Just whiff punish it, it's nowhere near as bad as actually broken disjoints like bugs upair and adam nair, and has way more lag
Just hold the stick AWAY to walk away from harley, then attack after the hammer swing ends, if she does it from an IAD (most harley players aren't skilled enough like me so dont worry about this most of the time) then you can easily dodge through her since her momenum will carry the late hit past you, don't dodge early or you'll eat the sweetspot

Also it's easy to parry just parry it lmfao

It beats mashing, so stop mashing slow attacks with low range out of hitstun
It is. I've had issues with getting the last Twitch drop both this and last time. What worked for me was disconnecting my Twitch account from my WB account and then connecting them again.
Well, that's on then for hiring a couple on como niggers that only care about their niche shit
don't reply to Troona he is always pretending to be retarded and looking for easy bait material
even more than that he just doesn't give a shit about anything other than wonder woman
bro was miffed when she got brought up in the patch call
MAKE OUT HILL R? why the fuck is that name familiar?
If the play again button has to show another loading screen it's shit
Lol they went in the code and changed WONDER_WOMAN_SIDE_ATTACK_DAMAGE = 20 to WONDER_WOMAN_SIDE_ATTACK_DAMAGE = 10
yeah it's crazy how changing characters value is just nothing in terms of work
they're doing literally nothing right now they might all be in vacation and that's why tony didn't tweet for 2 weeks
Yep this should have been added a few hours after the game launched
>Whining that everyone isn't forcing themselves to act like Sakurai nor present exactly like him
Who cares man. This is the most nothing complaint ever.
The safe is literally broken and can stack up hits on you instantly giving you 90 damage because something is fucked up aka literally broken
jghfw what did i miss
no im not gonna read the thread
Reindog forward special destroys the safe in 1 hit.
didn't work ah well i don't need the prestige anyway
>Cool let me quick face her pizza cutter hammer while I'm recovering off-stage
>Oh wait the frames linger a lot due to the pizza cutter feature and even if you dodge it you still get hit because the dodge feature is crap and only covers a few frames even if you dodge
>Then the hammer has a ton of knockback despite Harley being an E tier goon character, an Assasin, and Batman being in the game and weaker than Harley
>It's worse if you are being edgeguard while you cling at a wall because she has many options and pizza Hammer lingers for long while you cling
Devs pet, carried character
Anon you might be retarded it's only active for a couple frames and follows the animation around her
You're just not timing your dodge well if you get hit by the back part, maybe try playing steven so you can just hold out the bubble shield, that's probably easier for a player of your skill level
steven is getting nerfed so not possible for that retard
>turbo mode
Yeah why don't they add different modes like beta mode and turbo mode and regular mode and like heavy mode so it's less floaty etc so everyone can play how they want
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They nerfed my boywife?
Because they prefer investing their times on garbage rift modes that nobody cares about and that divided the playerbase by 15
they did no more loops and safe has low dura
So you get held longer?
Remember no one uses parry, not even actual pros, let alone those who go for the best setups due to the platform perk removing air parry, so the parry argument is useless, that's why they are buffing it next patch, we will see if parry is gonna be useful next patch.
WoWos on suicide watch let's rejoice!
Did this show get any better? I never enjoyed it in the first 2 seasons. Everyone just feels like the exact same character but with a different HB character slapped onto them. Nobody acts like themselves, this may as well just have been an original show.
whats the parry buff
If you didnt enjoy it by then it doesnt suddenly get tons better, no. I thought it was okay from the start minus the gender flips.
Womp womp

Airwalker is character specific, grounded characters like rick and jason LOVE having it but it's not very strong on air based characters, harley gets far more value from a hard read parry at the top of the screen to reversal an opponent's kill combo into a free oneshot for her
Finn players get buck broken when I parry the backpack and kill them at 0 they literally stop trying to ladder me because parry is such a strong threat. Mosy "top" players just haven't adapted to parry or don't want to take the risk but I can get into someone's head so easily just hitting three or four parries in a row
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I think it got a little more edge due to Maxwell Atoms joining the crew, and at that point they finally started to bring in heavy hitter characters like Space Ghost (with Brak, Zorak and Moltar), Dastardly and Muttley, The Jetsons and Scooby Doo, with Secret Squirrel showing up in a future episode.
im not rly hyped for this patch
just input buffer but waiting 1 month for this got me more frustrated than anything
So you CAN mix and match skins?
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can we get ranked so i don't get paired against literally the best player in the game (i took a stock off him at least)
It's not useless, it's just hard to time with how wonky and shit the majority of the hitboxes are in this game game. Not to mention for some fucking reason, parry timing's can vary between chars because of their hurtboxes iirc.
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As someone who didn't enjoy the first season all that much, I found the third season to be much more entertaining. The Space Ghost episode was basically a Coast to Coast reunion special if not for Clay Martin Croker being dead.
Nerfing hitstun so you can mash parry mid combo, and nDodge having more frames apparently we will see tomorrow
That's only for Shaggy for whatever reason. Probably a 'the devs fucked up' reason.
Doesn't mean shit
I just got the glitch where Velma gets stuck to Jason. Does it only happen with that specific character combination?
I think I'm getting progressively worse at this game after every daily mission. I want to uninstall so badly but smith is within my grasp bros.
It does if youre based like me.
All you have to do is spam the parry button while you're getting combod
Shaggy does say "i'll have one with everything" and i guess he meant skins
Did they address Taz's sandwich?
Please let Taz have something good
>pls delete taz's one good move
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>Airwalker is character specific, grounded characters like rick and jason LOVE having it but it's not very strong on air based characters
Top Dawg Gang is back for the patch and to correct the retarded tranny yet again.
Hopefully Smith is fun, and balance patch spices matches, I was getting bored of fighting the same characters again and again.
Also any news about ranked?
taz has multiple good things, taz retards are unironically just bad
they need to nerf the retarded loop as well
>Only 2nd at Evo
I would not display that badge if i were him
t. someone who's played Taz twice
more like someone who played against actually good taz, I btfo tazs better than the one who humiliated the hustle shitter 1-70 that other day
that sounds retarded, it just enforces trying to kill steal. it would feel awful to play since a single lucky hit can net a guy two-three points
Yeah I could see this. I don't get why it's not just free for all with 2 or 3 stocks each.
Then why the fuck do you want nerfs
because loops are retarded and should be deleted from every character
Happy non pride month Top Dawgs!
taz is the epitome of the problems with this game, none of the characters feel good if you play them the way they're meant to play whereas if you play them optimally you're not gonna have any fun but be fucking unstoppable
sandwich and jab loop are better than entire characters but you have to be a miserable person to make them your gameplan
so is there no way out of Bugs's loops?
Taz is not the problem, is the retarded devs not adding HSD, they only added higher knockback as damage progressed and called it a day
if he actually plays good? no until tomorrow if they did their job correctly at least
di up and spam dodge
nobody that does that shit is actually good at the game theyll flub it
get to 50 or 60 damage and pray you DI correctly, but apparently patched tommorrow
Thanks. I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow. Just sucked that the second dude I faced did that shit
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stripe is shark here to fart on your balls
Mr. Anderson, i love shark week Mr. Anderson, i met bugs bunny Mr. Anderson, im so happy Mr.Anderson
So no news on ranked?
how are you even supposed to get the shark hat for him if he isn't out yet
do they really expect people to buy it after
Wait till next years shark week
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We gotta wait till tomorrow.
But least it confirms tomorrow is the patch as well
Nah that shit deserves to get removed

Don't (You) me tranny.
>this is real
and that's a wonder lmao
Will we get a snippet of a cg movie with him facing off with Bugs?

>I'm going to enjoy watching you die, Mister Bunny.
Joker is a grounded character retard, I have more wins on joker alone than you have total wins in the entire game
hi luna ive played with you in the beta before you're mid shut the fuck up
And even if that was true, I become stronger every day


Yeah taz's upsmash carries you into the top of the move, just like IG rage upb
Very busted

Also you're black
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So they didn't address any of the actual important shit, just balancing?
cool, great job to y, your new currencies are really beinging in the new players
game not passing 6k today
Anon this is a WB thread disney whores are not allowed
>Troona got so mad he began flexing his no life wins
LOL that's when you know you are doing good work. We also know you have way more male hormones than a natural born woman lol
reminder they shut the game down at 1k last time
at this current rate how long until 1k
I can hope so. The CG and cinematics have the most soul of anything they've put out so far.
We are gonna stay at a consistant 3k-4k so i give it 6 months before a massive fuck up that makes even founderfags leave
4-6 months probably, thought this time they won't shut it down for obvious reasons
It lasted 11 months the first time, are we truly doomed to last a shorter life than the beta?
With how much influencers shit on this game yes
so what’s the ideal input buffer that i should set
80 on horizontal anything so you can double tap dash attack, unless they add a dash attack input
I don't fucking know, I don't think they'll drop support either way. I mean look at the absolute trashfire that is suicide squad, that game is still getting fucking support.
Dash attack input would be fucking broken because then you don't have to dash and can just throw it out
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Mr President, a second dogshit Harley hit the game...
How can people be so shit at playing harley i feel like the most casual player on this thread and i’ve been able to win with harley consistently sometimes 4 times in a row with different opponents her moves are very simple to get it’s almost braindead
are people lagswitching now?
Because mashing with harley makes you bad at the game and harleys are unable to break the habit
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I've heard of mid season updates before but this is ridiculous
maybe but also the game is just that shit
You already don't have to dash lmfao
Just press forward twice and hold forward on the 2nd input then press A whenever you want to start the dash attack
LD is dash attack armor break worth running on steven? his dash attack feels sooooo commital
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Tomorrow they suffer.
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This is why I originally left the game during beta, iron giant just getting nerfed to hell and back. Now they're doing it AGAIN and expect me to stick around
Not really unless it's a double armor team comp ur fighting, steven downsmash already is good enough to beat shit like superman upsmash spam
Steven works better with collateral (triggers ignite off nair) or last stand for more kill power
I just realized I don't want bugs to get nerfed because I use him to cheese these retarded rifts and I'm only 4 tiers in to the agent smith pass
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canon braphog
so nobody's gonna summarize the news so i don't have to enter a discord? what's even the point of this general?
I forgot about this...
Its... How is it that batman is so ooc
what fucking news
it was all just "hey those beta features we said we were gonna add are in fact being added also here's some balance changes for the balance patch ok bye"
Taking a character from level 12 to 15 feels fucking impossible
There is no news asshole. Its the same shit they were talking about a month ago. You don't need some epic discord party to tell you what they already told you literally weeks ago.
it takes like 200 games to get from fighter level 14 to 15
I tried her for the first time yesterday. Had to do 3 matches with an Assassin and i could not figure out what her kill moves were. I only could get some with Up Air, Hammer and Downsmash
All of her buttons are really good though
I ran nothing but Banana Guard for the two previous Top Dog events. Got gold with 50k+ xp both times. Banana Guard is only just barely at 12. As someone who maxed all fighters in beta this shit is a nightmare.
Hello MVPs! Our mid-season 1.05 patch is here, and with it comes the addition of Free-For-All mode, Spectator mode, post-game stats, and various character balance changes. As always, thanks so much for your valuable feedback on Reddit, Discord, and our other social channels–you are appreciated! Let’s go ahead and dive in, shall we?

• New Fighter: Agent Smith joins the Multiverse! If players complete enough tiers in the “Beat Rifts, Get Agent Smith Free!” event, they can begin playing with him as early as July 8 ! How’s that for breaking reality? Agent Smith will then be available for purchase on July 23.

• New Mode: Free-For-All game mode has been added to our Normal PvP Queues! Battle against up to 3 other players to become king of the Multiverse. First player to 4 ringouts is the winner! We’re experimenting with a different, more simplified ruleset for Free-For-All. Let us know how you like the mode!

• New Mode: Spectator mode is now available for custom games! Become the ultimate support teammate and cheer on your friends without entering the ring yourself. Lobbies can support up to 4 spectators per game.

• Post-game stats have returned! You can now see your total ringouts and damage dealt on the results screen after any PvP or PvE match.

• Battle Pass Tiers can now be purchased with Gleamium.

• Added a daily free item available to be collected in the Store.

• Fighter Select Portraits have been changed from 3D to 2D art renders for Fighters only. Variants will retain the 3D renders.

• Added an option to edit Perks in Custom Game mode.

• We’ve added the option to turn on/off both Outline Colors and Team Colors in PvP and PvE. These can be configured in the Settings menu.


The Megalodog PvE Rift is NOW AVAILABLE!

Future Rifts have been added and will unlock later in the season:
• “Age of Smith” Rift
• “Triple Threat” Rift
Rift Updates

• “Rift Cauldrons” are now called “Rift Star Meters.” Star Meters can now be completed by collecting 72% of available stars in a Rift, down from 80%. Players who have already completed 72% of available stars can claim their rewards retroactively by completing a node in the relevant Rift.
• Daily Gem Rewards now appear on a Rift of each attunement each day.
• Added a new button to auto-equip gems before the match if currently equipped gems are mismatched.
• Added a new button to retry a Rift node when the Rift is completed in single-player mode.
• Added a new button to leave Rift matches when in single-player mode.
• Defeated Boss requirements have been lowered to unlock Matrix Code Superman, Matrix Code Bugs Bunny, and Matrix Code Jake variants.

Rift Balance Updates
• Area-Of-Effect attack damage has been reduced on higher difficulties
• Reflect damage has been reduced on higher difficulties
• Armature knockback reduced

Account Systems
• Badges now show stats on Account Cosmetics screen
• Account mastery, character mastery, and leaderboards now show progress for all matches in a set in the post-match match summary rather than just the last match
• Fixed an issue where incomplete matches would display as losses on the Career screen

Input Preferences
We are re-introducing some of the input preferences that were popular during our Open Beta. We hope this helps players feel more comfortable as they fine-tune their combat experience.
>If players complete enough tiers in the “Beat Rifts, Get Agent Smith Free!” event,
what a mouthful. really rolls off the tongue. eat your heart out Festiversus
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>• Added a daily free item available to be collected in the Store.
Added this patch:
• Customizable input buffer timing
• Customizable control stick input deadzones (both left and right sticks)
• Swap side/neutral attack inputs for ground or air
• Toggleable option to use attack inputs to pick up items
• Fastfall method input settings (tap down or hold down)
• Customizable Neutral Dodge input binding
Combat Changes
• Upon hitstun ending, fighters now incur a 6-frame lockout on the neutral dodge action. This will make it more difficult to parry attacks in the middle of a combo. Directional dodges are unaffected.
• Excessively long combo strings now apply a vacuum attack hitstun decay penalty. This should allow for players to more easily escape previously inescapable infinite team combos such as alternating Superman rapid jab combos.
• Attacks that incapacitate fighters now apply a temporary incapacitate-resistance buff to the incapacitated fighter. This will make subsequent incapacitate attacks have a much shorter duration. This should allow for players to more easily escape previously inescapable infinite incapacitate combos such as alternating Jake bite/spit. Affected attacks will be noted in individual character patch notes.
• Side attack combo input buffers have been standardized for all fighters. It should now be easier to buffer a different attack during a jab combo without accidentally inputting further attacks in the jab combo.
General Bugfixes
• Fixed an issue where fighters that took fire or shock damage on the same frame they were hit by an attack would cause the attack to be ignored.
• Fixed an issue where fighters could respawn without spawn invulnerability.
General Perks
• Fixed an issue where all Team perks were always giving their stacked effect.
Protective Momentum
• Projectile shield now breaks after blocking one normal or heavy projectile
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>ffa is back, first to get 4 kills wins
>new mechanic to make it easier to escape out of combos the longer you're in one, to prevent infinite/long combos
>new stun resistance mechanic that applies after being stunned, to prevent people from chain stunning
>rifts now have a replay level ability instead of forcing you back into the menu every time
>spectator mode for some reason
>bugs nerfed
>gizmo nerfed
>harley nerfed, then buffed
>shaggy nerfed
>iron giant nerfed
>wondy nerfed
>jake buffed
>lebron buffed
>reindog buffed
>velma buffed a lot

that's what I can remember
Not reading this until you post source
>2 toast
>300 perk coins
>5 fighter tokens
heres your daily free item bro
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The Court 2 variant has been added to the game!

• 2v2 Variant
• Main stage and side speakers width increased 20%
• Blast box size increased 10%
• 1v1 Variant
• Main stage width increased 20%
• Blast box size increased 10%
Dexter’s Laboratory 1
• Scroll speed reduced
• Reverse scroll button cooldown increased to 15 seconds from 1 second
• Possible generated layouts updated
Throne Room
• 2v2 Variant
• Increased upper limit 300 units
• Mojo Jojo increased interval between attacks
• Bombs and laser knockback reduced
• Mojo Jojo takes more damage before attacks are interrupted
Tree Fort
• Bounce pads should more reliably bounce fighters and prevent them from fully landing on the platform.

And the rest is character specific buffs and nerfs... someone else copy-paste those.

the official discord. For some reason it's the only place you can see this.
Harley stocks are up
Joker is bringe now they gutted all his specials and killed upair
>• Fighter Select Portraits have been changed from 3D to 2D art renders for Fighters only. Variants will retain the 3D renders.
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>waaaah not my busted character waaaaaaaaah
they should have scrapped him in alpha
so fucking retarded they're putting the patch notes in discord. can't stand this shit
>• Upon hitstun ending, fighters now incur a 6-frame lockout on the neutral dodge action. This will make it more difficult to parry attacks in the middle of a combo. Directional dodges are unaffected.
...why would they nerf parry? what?
>• Defeated Boss requirements have been lowered to unlock Matrix Code Superman, Matrix Code Bugs Bunny, and Matrix Code Jake variants.
because they know nobody is playing this shit
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shots fired.
Because pro players like me were getting early kills with it and the side b spam noob shaggy mains cried on reddit and twitter
>• Reverse scroll button cooldown increased to 15 seconds from 1 second
>• Possible generated layouts updated
What the fuck were they thinking with the 1 second button? Guarantee this stage will still be a disaster regardless. Why add more layouts when the ones you had barely functioned?
did they fix being able to forward you date to get rifts early
if not lol we could get smith now
why did you stop before posting the most important shit. No one else wants to join the gay discord for patch notes
>actual important shit
depends on your definition
>ffa mode is back
>spectate is back in custom games
>post game stats are back
>team color/outline toggle is back
>the 2d renders for characters are back
>everyone gets a free item daily from the store (no idea what it is yet, hasn't been officially announced)
>ability to buy battle pass tiers (commonly requested feature by people outside the hugbox)
most if not all of these things have been complained about quite a bit here before and i assume people will pretend they never cared about any of this shit when the patch goes up tomorrow and the game still doesn't suck them off
>down special now considered a projectile hit
sounds like a pretty big buff, now you can get ignote effect from the "that's flammable doc" pek while still having the explosive confetti perk
>• Fixed an issue where all Team perks were always giving their stacked effect.
fuck there go my cheesy early weaken kills
get with the times grandpa
People were literally spamming parry 24/7 because it was unironically the best option most the time.
>Defeated Boss requirements have been lowered to unlock Matrix Code Superman, Matrix Code Bugs Bunny, and Matrix Code Jake variants

Cool i already beat every boss in every difficulty available so i guess i’ll just get them immediately right?
I used to do this to cuck bugs fuckers
I'm excited to play jason tomorrow. Black adams nerfs were minimal and they didn't touch his best move, the clap.
We doin alright

Fuck them for making harleys best move even better though, beyond retarded with the ground charge change.
>joker was dashing too far so we nerfed it (despite it being one of the smallest problems of his)
>so we are gonna make harley dash even further
I didn't even know it had random layouts because I played it once
+ = Buff
= Nerf
~ = Change
= Bugfix
Note: Attacks callouts reference default controls.

• Ground Dash Attack
• ~ Updated knockback to hit more consistently near the ledge
• Air/Ground Neutral Special
• * Fixed an issue where Arya would float into space while attempting to use face steal

Banana Guard
• Air Neutral Attack
• + On-hit branch window 5 frames earlier
• Air Side Attack
• - Damage reduced to 11 from 12
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 4 frames
• Air/Ground Neutral Special
• - Strength buff is now consumed after a successful attack to an enemy
• Ground Down Special
• + On-hit branch window can be canceled 26 frames earlier
• Ground Side Special
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 4 frames

• Ground Dash Attack
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 8 frames
• Air/Ground Neutral Special
• * Fixed an issue where Bat Bomb could be applied to two enemies simultaneously if hit on the same frame
• Air Down Special
• - Leg hurtbox size increased
>get hit
>mash parry button like your life depends on it
>no punishment
why would they not, 6 frames isn't even a giant window to lock out
The boss requirements for them was 30. I think they actually reduced the overall amount of rift bosses available and hence the chance, if smith is 20, you can expect them to be like 21~25 now.
I "played" it multiple times, and by "played" I of course mean crashed out within 30 seconds, or won within 30 seconds.
Black Adam
• Ground Up Attack
• - Lightning strike projectile now applies a 4-second cooldown
• Ground Down Attack
• + Knockback increased to 2300 from 2200
• - On-hit dodge branch window delayed 5 frames
• Air Up Attack
• - Final hit base knockback reduced to 1500 from 1750
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 5 frames
• Air Neutral Attack
• ~ Visuals now better match hitbox size

Bugs Bunny
• Air Neutral Attack
• - Repeat-move lockout increased to 18 frames from 8 frames
• - On-hit jump branch window delayed 4 frames
• ~ Attacking a safe will now only knock back the safe on the last hit of the attack
 We're keeping an eye on this change and may adjust in a hotfix if this makes neutral air attack + safe interactions too difficult
• Air Up Attack
• - Hitbox active duration reduced 2 frames
• Air/Ground Down Attack (Pie)
• ~ Pie projectile hurtbox size increased to match hitbox size. Should address issues with inconsistent projectile interactions.
• Air Down Attack (No Pie)
• + More aerial momentum is maintained on attack start-up
• Air/Ground Neutral Special (Safe)
• ~ Enemy attacks only do one damage to the safe; armor break hits still immediately destroy the safe
• - Safe health reduced to 3hp from 16hp
• Air/Ground Neutral Special (Cooldown)
• - On-hit branch window delayed 5 frames
• ~ Knockback angle made more horizontal
• Air/Ground Up Special
• ~ Lowered platform height of vertical rocket to address issues where platform collision would push enemies away from the hitbox
• Air/Ground Down Special
• * Addressed several issues with tunnels where fighters could be trapped indefinitely or teleported off-screen without ringing out
• Bugs will now attempt to reverse direction if his destination tunnel is destroyed while he is traveling between tunnels
• “Lingering Love” Perk
• + Now has a melee hitbox while projectile spawn is on cooldown
What does it mean with the boss requirement being lowered? Do those skins come at lower tiers now?
• Ground Neutral Attack
• + Knockback scaling to 15.5 from 14
• Ground Up Attack
• + Knockback scaling to 20.5 from 19.5
• Ground Down Attack
• * Fixed an issue where this attack was not breaking armor on both hits

• Air Side Attack 1
• - Now applies a repeat-move lockout after ground side attack 1; air lockout duration matches ground lockout duration of 16 frames
• Ground Side Attack 2 (Up)
• - Hitstun reduced
• + Knockback increased to 1750 from 1650
• + Hitbox start-up time advanced 5 frames
• Ground Down Attack
• + On-hit branch window advanced 2 frames
• Air/Ground Down Special
• ~ Placing the star will automatically adjust its position to prevent Garnet from ringing herself out on star dash
• “Marker” Perk
• ~ Gauntlets no longer spawn a star if the gauntlets were destroyed from leaving the arena

Gizmo’s balance has looked much better after his nerfs in the 1.02 patch. We are hoping to address a few lingering issues with his arrow and car gameplay before we let the dust settle for a bit.
• Air/Ground Neutral Attack
• * Fixed an issue where Gizmo would get multiple jumps in air while charging an arrow
• ~ Adjusted jump height during arrow charge to better match his normal jump heights.
• Ground Up Attack
• - Popcorn charge no longer affects arrow explosion damage/knockback
• Ground Side Special
• - Car speed reduced to 2350 from 3000
• - Car health reduced to 5 hp from 8 hp
• - Car is now automatically destroyed if left idle for 6 seconds
• Air Side Special
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 8 frames
• Air/Ground Up Special
• ~ Increased attach radius to 575 units from 250 units; Gizmo should have an easier time snapping to his car or his allies without needing to precisely aim the attack
finally garnet perk returns
I'm confused why finn got buffed, he didn't need it.
Harley Quinn
Harley’s balance was blahblah 2 long
• + On-hit branch window advanced 6 frames
• Ground Down Attack
• + Maximum movement from charge increased 5%
• Air Up Attack
• - On-hit branch window delayed 5 frames
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 5 frames
• + Knockback increased to 1250 from 1175
• Air/Ground Neutral Special
• ~ Explosion timer now begins while the bat doll is in Harley’s hands
• ~ Cooldown timer now begins while the bat doll is in Harley’s hands
• ~ Bat doll will only spawn an explosion hitbox if it explodes after being thrown by Harley
• ~ Bat doll is now considered an item while Harley has it equipped
• + Throwing the bat doll no longer consumes an air special
• * Fixed an issue where bat doll would not attach to a fighter after colliding with certain projectiles or terrain
• * Fixed an issue where bat doll could be equipped while Harley had an available bat doll to detonate
• Air/Ground Down Special
• ~ Explosion now classified as a “projectile” hit, meaning it can proc projectile effects like the “That’s Flammable, Doc!” perk
Iron Giant
• Passive
• ~ Allies can no longer enter the pilot turret while Iron Giant is in a grabbed state
• * Fixed an issue where Iron Giant could still use rage mode attacks while polymorphed
• Ground Side Attack
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 6 frames
• Air Side Attack
• - Hitbox size adjusted so it is less likely for Iron Giant to hit enemies behind him
• Air Neutral Attack
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 6 frames
• Air/Ground Up Special
• ~ Attack now transitions to final hit after successfully damaging an enemy
• + Upper body is now projectile intangible while Iron Giant is spinning
• * Fixed a bug that would allow this attack to hit 5 times on occasion instead of the intended max of 3 hits
>Bagadam can still spam neutral chain lightning
Nice one.
>Lightning strike projectile now applies a 4-second cooldown
Gay that move was cool as fuck before
Jake has been having a rough time since our official launch. With these changes we’re looking to make him feel more like an aerial bruiser and less like a bite-spammer.
• General
• * Fixed an issue where Jake could not hold special inputs using the right stick
• Ground Neutral Attack
• + Start-up window before charge reduced 6 frames. Start-up window after charge reduced 4 frames.
• Air Side Attack
• + Hitbox size increased to better match visuals
• + Hitbox active duration increased 3 frames
• Air Neutral Attack
• + Hitbox start-up time advanced 2 frames
• Air Down Attack
• + More aerial momentum is maintained on attack start-up
• Air Up Attack 1
• + Hitbox start-up time advanced 3 frames
• Ground/Air Neutral Special
• ~ Now applies incapacitate-resistance buff to incapacitated enemies

• General
• ~ Machete hitboxes on several attacks now better match attack visuals
• Ground Neutral Attack
• + Hitbox start-up time advanced 2 frames
• Ground Side Attack 1
• + Hitbox start-up time advanced 1 frame
• Ground Up Attack
• * Fixed an issue where the first hit would not properly vacuum into the second hit under certain circumstances
• Air Neutral Attack
• + Start-up window reduced 3 frames
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 5 frames
• Air Down Attack
• + Hitbox start-up time advanced 1 frame; will now hit higher up on Jason
• + Hitbox added to Jason’s head
• Ground Down Special
• ~ Removed sleeping bag’s properties as a projectile attack; it should no longer interact with Marvin bubble or Rick portal
• * Fixed an issue where Jason could grab certain boss enemies in Rifts
• Ground Dash Attack
• + Hitbox start-up time advanced 6 frames
• + No longer prevents terrain bounce on knockback
• Ground Dash Attack (No Basketball)
• + No longer prevents terrain bounce on knockback
• Ground Neutral Attack
• + Hitbox start-up after charge advanced 10 frames
• ~ Maximum charge time increased
• - Required charge amount for armor increased 4 frames
• Ground Side Attack 1
• * Fixed an issue where dodge attack momentum was not properly conserved
• Ground Down Attack
• + First hit damage increased to 9 from 7
• + First hit knockback increased to 1825 from 1650
• + Second hit knockback increased to 1750 from 1650
• + First hit knockback scaling increased to 16 from 14
• ~ Knockback made more vertical
• Air Neutral Attack
• + First hit more reliably combos into second hit
• - Repeat-move lockout increased to 15 frames from 8 frames
• Air Side Attack
• + Hitbox start-up time advanced 4 frames
• + Knockback scaling increased to 19 from 15
• Air/Ground Side Special
• + Start-up on hitting ground increased 6 frames
• + Hitbox size increased
• Air Down Special (No Basketball)
• + Now allows ground movement while holding the special button
• - Max horizontal speed reduced
• Air/Ground Neutral Attack
• + Bubbled projectiles now have a minimum additional lifetime of 5 seconds, to prevent projectiles breaking immediately after being trapped
• * Fixed an issue where the bubble would get unnecessarily large after trapping certain projectiles
• * Fixed an issue where certain projectiles would not be properly trapped
• Ground Side Attack
• - Projectile lifetime reduced to 2.75 seconds from 4.25 seconds
• Air/Ground Down Special
• * Fixed an issue where the flag would fall through the platform on which it was placed
Because Finn mains from beta were crying on twitter about how hard it was to get kills now. Despite Finn still being absolutely fucking braindead even without his gem.
When is the patch dropping
• General
• * Fixed his drive animation facing the wrong way
• Ground Side Attack 3
• + Uncharged hitbox start-up time reduced; allows easier combos from Side Attack 2 into Side Attack 3
• Air Side Attack 2
• - Hitbox active duration reduced to prevent Morty from hitting behind himself
• Air/Ground Neutral Special
• - Grenade are now properly blocked by projectile-blocking effects
• Ground Side Special
• ~ Splitting a grenade properly spawns two grenades moving in opposite directions
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 10 frames
• * Fixed an issue where the on-hit branch window was not being acknowledged; attack can now branch much sooner on-hit
• “I’m More Than Just A Hammer” Perk
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 15 frames
• - Horizontal movement reduced

• Ground/Air Neutral Attack
• + Uncharged damage increased to 4.5 from 4.0
• + Uncharged knockback increased to 1250 from 1200
• + Uncharged knockback scaling increased to 26 from 24
• Air Up Special
• + Reindog now flies more horizontally when thrown sideways by an ally
• Air/Ground Neutral Special
• - No longer damages invulnerable enemies

• “Bit Of A Stickler Meeseeks” Signature Perk Returns!
• Perk effect: “Rick's Meeseeks deal extra damage to fighters that are already in hitstun.”
• Ground Side Attack 1
• - Hitbox active duration reduced 1 frame
• Air/Ground Side Special
• * Addressed several issues with portals where fighters could be trapped indefinitely or teleported off-screen without ringing out
• Rick now takes priority traversing through portals if he attempts to spawn a second portal while another fighter is entering the first portal
• Ground Up Attack
• - Hitstun reduced
• Ground Down Special
• + Sandwiches no longer collide with the bottom of fall-through platforms
• Air Up Special
• - Damage reduced to 9 from 10; ground up special unchanged
• - Knockback reduced to 1400 from 1500; ground up special unchanged
• ~ Knockback made more horizontal
• Hangry Man Perk
• - Charge duration while holding a sandwich extended
this has been known for at least a week at this point
If they don’t finally give Reindog an actual up special move I’m still not logging in.
It was easily spammable
Wait I fucked up copying Shaggy, he has more, but whatever

Steven Universe
• General
• * Fixed an issue where Steven’s enemies could stack rose debuff on themselves by hitting each other
• * Fixed an issue where dodge attack momentum was not properly conserved on grounded attacks
• Passive
• - Neutral dodge shield start-up increased to 20 frames from 8 frames; this adds a vulnerable window after a neutral dodge before shield begins
• - Directional dodge shield start-up increased to 10 frames from 4 frames
• - Bubble shield ammo cooldown increased to 13 seconds from 5 seconds
• Ground Up Attack
• - Charge knockback multiplier reduced
• ~ Hitbox size adjusted so it is less likely for Steven to hit enemies behind him
• Air Neutral Attack
• ~ Attack no longer classified as a “projectile” hit, meaning it can no longer proc projectile effects like the “That’s Flammable, Doc!” perk
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 8 frames
• Air Down Attack
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 8 frames
• - Hitbox start-up delayed 1 frame
• - Repeat-move lockout increased to 16 frames from 8 frames
• Air/Ground Side Special
• ~ Spawned shield no longer counts as “solid ground” for beginning up special cooldown
• Air/Ground Up Special
• - Now takes damage on fighter terrain bounce and will break after 3 bounces; behavior matches side special shield
• Ground Down Special
• * Fixed an issue where the animation would not cancel if Steven became airborne during the attack
• Air Down Special
• - Hitbox size reduced once Steven has landed on the ground

• General
• * Fixed an issue where Stripe’s hurtboxes would be misaligned during dodge animations
• Air/Ground Down Special
• ~ Now begins a 5-second explosion timer once equipped
• * Fixed an issue where the dynamite would not visually appear in Stripe’s hands if the equip animation was interrupted
There's a VA getting older, and a character having a completely different tone of voice.
tomorrow 9am PST
These fixes are fuckin retarded people are gonna be like why the fuck aren't my moves working because there's so much fucked up weird logic like no u can't use the same move that fast it's only slower if it's the same move or no u have to wait to use that 1 specific move again so you never know what the fuck is gonna get thrown out or if it even will come out
• “Flaming Re-Entry” Signature Perk Returns!
• Perk effect: “Superman's leap attack is stronger and ignites enemies. The landing from the attack leaves a firewall on the ground.”
• Ground Up Attack
• - Hitstun reduced
• Air/Ground Neutral Special
• - No longer infuses projectiles with ice above 6 stacks
• Air Side Special
• * Fixed an issue where Superman would drop a fighter if the button was released too early
• * Fixed an issue where grabbed fighters could get stuck to Superman if he grabbed a wall
• Air Up Special
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 4 frames
• Air/Ground Down Special
• * Fixed an issue where Superman would float away while attacking certain conditions
• “Break The Ice” Perk
• * Fixed an issue where bonus damage was not being applied to frozen enemies
• Ground Dash Attack
• + First hit more reliably combos into second hit
• Ground Side Attack 1
• * Fixed an issue preventing Taz from doing actions other than side attack after jab 1
• Ground Neutral Attack
• + Damage from charge increased
• + Uncharged knockback increased to 1450 from 1200
• + Uncharged knockback scaling increased to 20 from 12.5
• - Hitstun reduced slightly
• ~ Knockback made more vertical
• - On-hit branch window delayed 7 frames
• Ground Up Attack
• ~ First hit prevents terrain bounce on knockback; final hit unchanged
• Air Neutral Attack
• - Charge damage multiplier reduced; maximum damage after both hits reduced to 19 from 29
• Air Side Attack
• + Hitbox size increased 20%
• Air Down Attack
• + Second hit damage increased to 8 from 4
• + Second hit knockback increased to 1250 from 440
• + Second hit knockback scaling increased to 22 from 17
• Ground/Air Neutral Special
• ~ Now applies incapacitate-resistance buff to incapacitated enemies
• * Fixed an issue where Taz could get stuck in an eat loop indefinitely until he was hit
Tom & Jerry
• General
• + Jump 1 speed increased
• + Jump 2 speed and height increased
• Passive
• * Fixed a visual arrow indicator meant to show Jerry’s location when Jerry is off-screen
• Air/Ground Up Special
• * Fixed an issue where Jerry cooldown would not start if Jerry died while attached to a rocket

The Joker
• General
• - Ground side dodge distance reduced 10%
• Ground Side Attack 1
• ~ Hitbox size adjusted so it is less likely for The Joker to hit enemies behind him
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 4 frames
• Air/Ground Neutral Attack
• ~ Diamond card now properly comes to a stop after colliding with terrain
• Air Up Attack
• - Now applies repeat-move lockout for 8 frames
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 4 frames
• Air Side Special
• - On-hit branch window delayed 10 frames
• Air/Ground Up Special
• * Fixed an issue where riding the balloon would immediately ringout the rider
• Air Down Special
• - Repeat-move lockout increased to 15 frames from 8 frames
• Joker’s Wild Perk
• - Knockback scaling reduced to 21 from 27
those two things are not mutually exclusive
the lion's king mufasa has the same voice actor in both the original animated version from the 90s and the live action remake from 2018 and the voice sounds completely different because he's almost 40 years older
I rather they have the original VA and his voice be off than to try and use AI and editing to get the original sound. This has a lot more soul in it than you can apparently comprehend.
You could do it infinitely in beta. They gave it cooldown because it was bulllshit.
Then they reverted this change for full release. Only to give it cooldown again.
Brilliant development.
Why are pedo characters so strong?
These are the changes we were referring to after our Velma changes in the 1.02 patch. We hope to address some of the worst bugs impacting Velma players and also give her some strength in her zoning tools.
• General
• * Fixed an issue where Velma could get stuck to any fighter that grabbed Velma under certain conditions
• Passive
• * Fixed an issue where evidence would stop randomly spawning on the map after Velma was rung out.
• Ground Side Attack 1
• + On-whiff branch window advanced 4 frames
• Ground Side Attack 2
• + On-whiff branch window advanced 4 frames
• Ground Up Attack
• + Velma can now hold forward to slide forward during attack start-up
• Air/Ground Neutral Attack
• + Velma can now aim the megaphone
• Air/Ground Neutral Special
• ~ Branch windows now standardized for both air and ground versions
• ~ “Heyyy” projectile hurtbox size increased to match hitbox size. Should address issues with inconsistent projectile interactions.
• + All speech bubble types no longer collide with fall-through platforms
• Ground Side Special
• + Minimum charge run speed increased
• - Knockback reduced to 2300 from 2500
• + Knockback scaling increased to 9 from 0
• * Fixed an issue where Velma could run off the screen if the ground was destroyed beneath her while running
• Air Side Special
• ~ Now ignores player collisions during movement
• Air Up Special
• + Now has a chance to spawn evidence
• Ground Down Special (Mystery Machine)
• * Fixed an issue where Velma could fall to her death if the ground was destroyed beneath her while summoning the Mystery Machine
Update is good, especially for a mid season patch. People trying to find shit to be mad about in it are cringe.
Wonder Woman
• Passive
• ~ Blocking a projectile will only charge Wonder Woman’s passive if the projectile has an active hitbox. This will fix issues where Wonder Woman could gain a full passive charge from projectiles like Jerry or Bugs’ Safe
• Ground Up Attack
• - On-hit branch window delayed 3 frames
• Ground Down Attack
• - Additional damage from passive charge reduced
• - Additional knockback from passive charge reduced
• - Self-applied armor now falls off after the hitbox ends; ally armor unchanged.
• Air Side Attack
• - On-whiff branch window delayed 2 frames
• - Damage reduced to 9 from 11
• - Knockback scaling reduced to 19 from 20.5
• +Knockback increased to 1350 from 1250
• Base knockback was increased to account for the lower knockback from the reduced damage
• Air Down Attack
• ~ Reduced duration visually in attack pose; branch windows and hitbox timing unchanged
• Air/Ground Neutral Special
• * Fixed an issue where lasso could sometimes be reflected; lasso is not reflectable
• Ground Side Special
• - Self-applied armor now falls off after the initial dash; ally armor unchanged
• - Repeat-move lockout increased to 18 frames from 8 frames
• * Fixed an issue where the self-imposed slow while holding the shield could be cleansed
• Ground Up Special
• - Hitbox start-up delayed 2 frames
• Air Up Special
• - Knockback angle made more diagonal; ground up special knockback unchanged
• - Hitbox start-up delayed 2 frames
• ~ Updated movement after launch to prevent Wonder Woman from falling too quickly
• Air/Ground Down Special
• - Cooldown increased to 33 seconds from 28 seconds
• “Shield of Athena” Perk
• * Fixed an issue where Wonder Woman could block ally projectiles
K, casuals won't care enough about fancyu combos and infinites to think why a move isn't coming out.
So whats left the try hards? The fuckers who already read patch notes.
All these changes are fine and good even, the only person bothered by them are you.
>* Fixed an issue where Velma could fall to her death if the ground was destroyed beneath her while summoning the Mystery Machine
That... doesn't sound like an issue? Am I retarded? Lets say Velma calls in the mystery machine on a Scooby's platform, and I send the platform down. She can't move because she's busy calling in the feds, and so the platform drags her to her death.
Is this not the same thing?
>That... doesn't sound like an issue? Am I retarded?
it's called an issue because the devs intended for her to be able to move in this situation but she couldn't
I think it was more of a case where she instantly fell down and died. I this is a bug with jokers balloons too and it was also addressed this patch
it's referring to something like townsville where the stage would break and velma would just fall to her death while basedjak pointing at the wall
Yes. Whats the problem? Use your abilities better forehead. If you call your shit in and die because youre locked into an animation, thats on you???
Nooo they nerfed my fav Banana guards moves. I love to purposefully wiff a ground neutral smash or side air to bait campers
Taz got more buffs than nerfs so I guess Im happy. I wish theyd do something about his awful down special and ground down attack though.
But if the animation had went off fully, you'd still have time to jump and recover. The issue was you instantly died, there was no chance to recover.
What if Velma were to use her ground side special on Townsville as Mojo is destroying the stage? She gets locked into her running animation, and she gets stuck on the destroyed platform. They gonna change that move too?
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>play taz
>pair with a jake
>he keeps spamming the bite to cheese people off the edge
>we develop a strategy of eating and spitting the enemies into each others' mouths
We went 2-1 but the pussies declined when they won once (GoT stage with the lame walls). That shit was hilarious.
>She gets locked into her running animation
she doesn't
She does. That's the whole point of the move. You whiff. She gets stuck for a bit. Bitch drops her glasses.
I don't know why you are trying to compare a literal bug with the game with dying to normal causes.
>Excessively long combo strings now apply a vacuum attack hitstun decay penalty.
These are the words of the mentally ill.
Guess im maining Tom and Jerry again. Since people dont really complain about them they probably wont be touched for a while
The move gets cancelled, as is the case with all non-bugged moves
play the game
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>no more free ignite
T&J are balanced as fuck, they won't ever get touched aside from buffs
What does this mean. Are they making the requirements to get him more lenient
parry window is pretty small and you'd get punished by a slower attack
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This sucks, I just bought the tiger millionaire skin too
LOL the Jake buffs are nothingburgers
>Hitbox and active frames still trash
Stretchy arm
>Not disjointed so it can be punished by any armor or lose trade
>Nerfed to not chain or give armor
Amorbreak punch
>Still useless
Up attack
>We will see if this helps
No knockback changes mean he can't KO on the ground
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Weakest Jason main after they buff his hitboxes to actually be what they look like
Lol i tried Jake last time he was free and i could not kill for shit unless it was his UP Air combo or if i edge guard someone after spitting them off to the side. I was hitting a finn at like 150 and he refused to die to anything
please god let this mean you get him for free if you completed all 15 rifts
Have you tried not sucking. Stick buns and up air are so free.
Didn't we know this already? That's why the event is called "get smith early and free" or whatever.
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no way they're actually selling them
Why wouldn't they?
the event said 2 weeks early (just one now I guess) and the requirement was 20 rifts (only 15 are currently accesible)
Ah, gotcha. Good shit.
I'm not surprised
there's no way to get them all
what about mvs' current business practices made you think they wouldn't?
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>the banner isn't even guaranteed, it's pure luck
this is such bullshit
They are so easy to dodge you have to work to put them in that situation it's easier in 2v2 but no in 1v1
The banner sucks cloaca anyway.
Imagine having to work to secure a kill instead of shidding and farding your way into a kill like Finn. Crazy stuff.
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My primary main (superman) got nerfed!
My secondary main got buffed
My pocket (Garnet) was mostly buffed
I'm happy with this outcome
even if black Adam was massively nerfed but i hardly play as him anymore
God I hope he’s actually able to punish whiffs now.
Fuckers, now i know i won't get a shark hat for Superman, hopefully i do get one for Velma
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Wait shit nevermind, he is coming out 2 weeks early but you still have to do 20 rifts. So either another rift that isn't megalodog comes out a week from now and that totals the amount of bosses to 20 or they add the missing difficulties a week from now.
>adhd faggot spitballs with a groomer faggot
>feels the need to post about it on 4chan
>On-hit branch window
The fuck does this mean?
>2 months for 1 character

Dexter December 2025?
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>~ Machete hitboxes on several attacks now better match attack visuals
Literally all they needed, everything else is a nice little bonus.

The biggest problem was having to be right up in someone's face to actually hurt them.
>• Air Up Attack
>• - Hitbox active duration reduced 2 frames
I knew it, I knew they wouldn't ACTUALLY change any of the retarded hitboxes in this game.

Fuck them.
On hit confirm you can cancel into many choices during a specific frame/time window
what this anon said>>484314509
It was a 1v1 its hard to get a situation where finn is over head when all he does is stay on the ground and spam charge moves while using his high speed to run away when he wiffs
Anyways i dont care much for Jake. Only played him for a few missions
why do you type like a retard twitter nigger? I want to cave in your faggot skull. youre trash
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Also 2d artwork is returning for the fighters' icons but skins will remain 3d. I hope this is only for shitty skins like the t shirts or hats and actual skins still get their respective 2d render
i don't remember what the actual term for it is because i'm not a disgusting degenerate but you know what you did
I think it might’ve just been one of those things where she’d just instantly die maybe? Like with Joker’s balloon.

Do any of the skins actually have art renders?
No. Just 3d renders
all the ones in the beta did, and I know batman who laughs does
I miss regularly getting spikes into the bottom blast zone. Every spike save for Jason's and fucking STRIKE'S feels so wimpy.
I miss dunking people straight to hell as IG and taz, shit just doesn't feel good now and people recover unless they have a ton of damage
I really miss the 2D ones.
Taz's was the first to come to mind when I thought of beta spikes. So satisfying.
you go to doctor now
i could eat you
These nerfs are bad, not because it makes her bad now but it just nerfs stuff that are actually interesting about her. If her specialties are too strong, then just fucking rework them instead of raping them and making her still be strong but force her playstyle to be a lot more boring. Not saying I disagree with every change here or anything but they already repeatedly nerfed her bracer meter to the point it's really hard to pull off in game and you literally can only do it once msot of the time and now the payoff is nerfed so...why even try to go for it? what's it's purpose? It's literally only useful when bracer meter is charged
Velma's has some oomph to it, but it's also attached to Velma
>check to see if you can now buy velma's beach skin
>it's gone
unsure how good these are, I'll have to try her out myself.
Is it even gone from the fighters screen? Can't you buy it individually?
>Can't you buy it individually?
No, you had to pay 450 extra gleam for the bundle or else you can't buy it. A heads up would've been nice at least but now it's gone
Did they say anything about:
>Returning the charge meter for moves that have a charge up
>Returning the visuals for move spam decay
>Gimmick mode Dexter's Lab returning
Is Harley fun again?
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I guess we should rate the patch tomorrow when we can actually try shit out. Rating it now feels worthless.
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>Bubbled projectiles now have a minimum additional lifetime of 5 seconds, to prevent projectiles breaking immediately after being trapped
That's good.
>- Projectile lifetime reduced to 2.75 seconds from 4.25 seconds
That's a big hit
>Fixed an issue where the flag would fall through the platform on which it was placed
To be honest I wasn't fully sure if this was intended or not
Maybe it will be on the fighter screen In a few days, this happened with the Arya beach skin, it was part of a bundle but just yesterday I saw it on the fighters screen an unfortunately wasted money on it to complete the beach event.
Kiteman’s show looks like it will be fun, im hlad they realized they ran out of ideas for harley in season 3, i still like this retarded sitcom DC universe
I heard daytime court moving to FFA mode rotation, i assume gimmick Dexter's lab will also be there
I mean you can only do so much with Harley when your writer's room only sees Harley as
Rather than
> Street-level villain character in the DC universe
I still need to watch season 3... I really liked season 1 and 2, very fun show.
When are we getting more, varied stages? I hate all the flat, battlefield type stages. I want something like Saffron City or Hyrule Castle
It's weird that the bar is Noonan's but it's not a Hitman thing
You think it side special projectile gets extended if bubbled? Nerfing that one really does feel bad.
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Open beta ones did.

The Court 2 variant has been added to the game!

• 2v2 Variant
• Main stage and side speakers width increased 20%
• Blast box size increased 10%
• 1v1 Variant
• Main stage width increased 20%
• Blast box size increased 10%
Dexter’s Laboratory 1
• Scroll speed reduced
• Reverse scroll button cooldown increased to 15 seconds from 1 second
• Possible generated layouts updated
Throne Room
• 2v2 Variant
• Increased upper limit 300 units
• Mojo Jojo increased interval between attacks
• Bombs and laser knockback reduced
• Mojo Jojo takes more damage before attacks are interrupted
Tree Fort
• Bounce pads should more reliably bounce fighters and prevent them from fully landing on the platform.

What do you think they mean by these 1v1/2v2 varients
Their biggest mistake was making harley’s crew separate and have their own little sub plots and trying to make harley a bat family member, she has absolutely no chemistry with the bat characters because they barely have a personality at all, meanwhile shark king and clayface can barely keep a funny sub plot going alone, ivy’s business plot was fun for a little bit and then it became boring and pointless

Also this suit sucks
1v1 stages are smaller than 2v2 stages anon.
I realized what it was actually trying to say only after I made that post.
I am retarded...
That's alright man everyone is a little retarded deep within their hearts.
Current Mark Hamill Joker sounds nothing like actual BTAS Mark Hamill Joker.
Current Mark Hamill Joker sounds like Arkham City Joker.. Which... Yeah...... Man is getting old.
lmao Ill still spam my ping pong ball/mouse to his hueg hitbox as tom
>Let's make Harley part of Batman's crew!
The only thing I would maybe watch this show for is Alan Tudyk.
This and Harley's show are pure slop, same for the new Crisis movies
>check how many bosses I've defeated
>huh which one did I miss
>get to the computer rift
>still don't have insanity unlocked because the first techno rift is a shitty hybrid with horror and I never get daily rewards for this one
lmao I fucking hate rifts
For what it's worth they're making it easier to unlock every gem tier. Or at least that's what it says, who knows how it'll actually feel in practice.
fuck both of you faggots
Are they? I thought it just said the cauldrons are easier to get, so you'll need to do less challenges to complete it.
why are they removing perk diversity so you’re FORCED to run the same perk setup on every character
Um actually they're not called cauldrons anymore. That word was too fancy for normies and the terminally online zoomers.
>go to play some matches for fun
>half my games I get afk fags
>ranked would literally fix this issue
>they refuse to add it
I hope tony gets shot in la
>Battle Pass Tiers can now be purchased with Gleamium.
I'm glad they prioritized this over everything else. Multiversus is truly saved!
That's what they're doing, but the final tier of a Gem bar whatever gives a shit ton of XP, so if you'll be able to do each tier fully by yourself then you should be able to get most of your gems up to the 7-9 region relatively easily come tomorrow... in theory.
Harley’s show was at least consistent you can tell what they are going for and decide if you wanna see the everyone from DC fit into the logic of a dumb average WB sitcom

The crisis movies are actual slop, bland artstyle, bland plot, taking 3 fucking movies for no reason

Animated crisis could have been fucking amazing DC animation goes back all the way to fleisher studios and they’ve done a shit ton of different artstyle over decades, like come on right now we have
>pseudo anime superman
>actual anime suicide squad
>noir batman
There’s so many universe that could interact in a crisis movie buy judging by the trailer for part 3 all we are getting is a tiny dcau and superfriends cameo

A good animated crisis could replace the role of important crisis characters with someone from a previous show
>old superman would be fleischer supes
>young superman would be maws
>adult robin would be brave and bold robin
>young batman beware the bat

A good crisis movie would beat the shit out of spider-verse slop where every variant is spiderman with a different suit
>Projectile lifetime reduced to 2.75 seconds from 4.25 seconds
>Air/Ground Down Special
>Now begins a 5-second explosion timer once equipped
>Or at least that's what it says
where does it say this? I hope I didn't complete 13/15 cauldrons in vain
>Fixed an issue where Steven’s enemies could stack rose debuff on themselves by hitting each other
I honestly thought this was an intentional design change because it happens with every status, why is only Steven getting nerfed? I saw a real (non-IG) player get chickened for the first time today because their Gizmo ally was mashing attacks on them in backpack
But we can't get him on the 8th unless they add two more rifts. They didn't add one last week and they didn't add one today either.

I would guess January at the latest. They've teased him too much to take longer than that, but there's also nothing in the files for him.

This is assuming they add 4 characters every season (8 weeks), which it sounds like they are, but seeing is believing.
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Let's check in and see if news of the big patch saved the ga-
>dropped another couple hundred
>barely breaking 6k now
Why did they add so much lag to Batmans dash attack (Sliding kick)
But buff Harleys Down smash which is basically the same move?
They really had to nerf Stripes one and only versatile move lmao
How the dynamite worked in beta and it was fine. Whats your guys' problem? Same with black adam's lightning that people are bitching and moaning about.
I mean the patch isn't out yet
Now that the dust has settled..... What did this discord patch preview bullshit accomplish that regular old patch notes didn't?
>About 6k all week
It's actually stabilized. Please stop posting.
On the 'cord it says:

>Rift Updates

>• “Rift Cauldrons” are now called “Rift Star Meters.” Star Meters can now be completed by collecting 72% of available stars in a Rift, down from 80%. Players who have already completed 72% of available stars can claim their rewards retroactively by completing a node in the relevant Rift.
>• Daily Gem Rewards now appear on a Rift of each attunement each day.
>• Added a new button to auto-equip gems before the match if currently equipped gems are mismatched.
>• Added a new button to retry a Rift node when the Rift is completed in single-player mode.
>• Added a new button to leave Rift matches when in single-player mode.
>• Defeated Boss requirements have been lowered to unlock Matrix Code Superman, Matrix Code Bugs Bunny, and Matrix Code Jake variants.
I mean i will probably adapt its just weird that Spike isnt even that good but they nerf his best move for many situations
Modern-day devs don't realize that the best way to artificially build hype is to just do major update pages across a week on blog pages like how TF2 used to do it.
How hard could it be? Notch did it with Minecraft.
Wonder if they'll fix the lag and disconnect problems somehow...
This wasn't a nerf targeted at spike but just a change to overall game mechanics and spike was just affected. Since they want all/most items to have timers now
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>About 6k all week
>it was higher than 6k at one point so that somehow invalidates it being an average off 6k
You are actually retarded, like clinical levels. You should get that checked
It's not about it being hard, it's just that either devs these days or the boardroom grampas in charge of them just go
>Discord and Twxtter is popular with the kids! ONLY DO SHIT THERE!
Ok that makes a lot of sense. To tell the truth i didnt read all the patch notes just went through the characters i play lol
>average off 6k
Okay Anon, if I'm clinically retarded, let's do math!
>tuesday peak: 7.8k
>wednesday peak: 7.5k
>thursday peak: 6.5k
>friday peak: 6.4k
>saturday peak: 6.2k
>sunday peak: 6.3k
>average: 6.7k
Huh, that's not quite 6k average... :/
... Yeah, it's... Higher than 6k average. Did you think this was an own or what?
I knew we'd find a way to get into fights about the game finally stabilizing if we just waited long enough.
Yes and the point both the other anon and I were trying to make is the game stabilized at 6k average or so players. So its not dropping off much more and you proved it was higher than that. I, I just don't understand how you are so dumb.
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>The Megolodog bundle is back in the item shop
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I just realized something while looking at the events page.
>You can officially purchase Agent Smith on July 23rd
>July 22nd or 23rd is when this season ends
>Arguably, MVS Season 1 only had 3 characters and they all released at the very start of the season
>It's entirely possible that this trend could repeat itself for Season 2
>It's also possible that the devs might internally count Agent Smith as a Season 2 character altogether due to when he releases
>Higher than 6k average
Yes! But that's not "about" 6k. Are you illiterate?
Again Anon,
>6k average
6.7k is closer to 7k than 6k. Calling 6.7k an average of 6k is objectively incorrect and quite disingenuous!
>Not dropping off much more
That's an 11% exaggeration. That is a cope, my friend!
>Dexter’s Laboratory 1
>• Scroll speed reduced
>• Reverse scroll button cooldown increased to 15 seconds from 1 second
>• Possible generated layouts updated
I guess this confirms they're re-adding the other Dexter's Lab map. You would think they'd make a slightly bigger deal about it.
I'm glad it's coming back. I actually had some fun on it.
He's still on track for unlocking after the 20th rift boss. He was originally supposed to be today, but they skipped adding one last week which delayed it to the 8th (and the rift this week is obviously slightly delayed by a day). After the rift being added on the 8th, there will be 21 difficulties you can clear, then on the 10th when they unlock Looney difficulty, there'll be 28 difficulties you can clear. On the 15th when we get the final rift, it'll be 32 total difficulties (meaning you can skip 2 and still get everything from the event reward track).
Holy fucking autism
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>>It's entirely possible that this trend could repeat itself for Season 2
Right on the money, it seems that they're going for at least 3 characters per season
>1 "desirable" character that's on the battle pass (Jason)
>1 "regular" character that's double the price for being new (Joker)
>1 "free" rift character that will take half of the season to unlock (Agent Smith)
I would also include banana guard as a fourth, free character per season but that's being generous. Also there's only 3 rift types and each type has a badge correlating to each character so it's fair to assume they'll only do 3 characters per season (not to say they won't make an entirely new set of gems to fuck over the people that grinded the old ones)
>>It's also possible that the devs might internally count Agent Smith as a Season 2 character altogether due to when he releases
No way, they most likely want to stale each future season with rifts as long as they can. The new "free" character being the incentive to keep playing.
I thought I was on 4chan, but with how you retards are arguing over the dumbest fucking semantics I'd assume we were on reddit.
It's the most unique map in the game so far and it was only here for like two days at the start of the season, so fuck yeah I'm glad it's coming back too.
>Season 2 isn't goin to have Ranked
Why even put it on the fucking menu?
Season 2 will probably also have a free 4th since we know they're trying to make Meeseeks a thing.
I wouldn't be surprised if we got a Dexter reveal, after all we did got a rift based on him on season 1
>ad hominem
I accept your complete and total concession! Your game is dying, cope.
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>Reach next BP infinity level
>Says along the lines of "Error unlocking this level up's items"
>Game sticks me at the next level and I receive nothing for the previous
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what variants could agent smith have? all the other new characters have gotten pretty big ones like batman that laughs and uber jason
Wait so you're arguing the game IS dying?
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I don't know how to feel about them giving away a free character each season (assuming it's all lame background characters like bg and meeseeks), on one hand it's good because it's a free character but on the other it means eventually about a fifth of the roster will be taken by epic maymays
Oh no, in this game where I can play as Batman or Jason Voorhees, some retard has the option to pick Mr. Meeseeks? Woe is me?
It’s probably gonna have to be mostly original stuff. Bane is the only thing I can think of that’s canon
Leaks implied 4 characters for season 2 are: Aquaman, Nubia, Samurai Jack, and The Powerpuff Girls. If they give one for free, it'll probably be Nubia. Meeseeks will probably be a future freebie.

Yellow flame like Neo sees him when he's blind in the real world. I guess they could do Bane or other versions from Matrix: Resurrections. Not a whole lot of stuff to draw from unless they go weird and pull from stuff like Matrix Online or Path of Neo.
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that's what i've been saying! though there wasn't any bane stuff in the files so probably not
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I'm fairly confident that like 80% of his skins will just be him wearing different gimmicky suits.
I can think of 2
>Shadeless grinning smith that represents reloaded and revolutions - rare skin
>Resurrections Smith - epic skin
Maybe he could have a skin depicting him as a red pulled human with all the Leather
they can just allow players to take pictures of their own faces and apply them over smiths that way its like WE are entering the matrix
Maybe legally distinct outfits his actor wore in other movies.
Can't wait to play MultiVersus with the Donald Trump face Agent Smith skin.
>FFA back
>No silly mode
>Batman's "You keep switching sides Harley" replies to Joker and not Harley
>Now know this because he just called Gizmo Harley in my match
Well all right.
you are all worng, my niggas
I didn't see that movie so I wouldn't know.
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Oh wow did they REALLY do this
That's not Smith, that's actually an AI reconstruction of Morpheus who knows he is AI, there's a statue of real Morpheus so it's not like they actually don't acknowledge Lawrence Fishburne.
You are right, AI Morpheus would make sense as a skin for smith as he is a program like smith was in the original matrix movies.
Other Agents. Beach Ready Agent Smith where he's wearing a Hawaiian shirt which is black with the green matrix code as the pattern.
my sisters cat just came in took the biggest shit of his life and is now acting like he accomplished something
think im gonna rename him tony
call it patch day
Oh, okay. At least that makes vaguely more sense.
Lucky for us that Hugo Weaving wasn't ginger, huh?
My shitty red gem is still level 5 and i can't seem to get any daily rewards with it... Always purple or green
Holy shit there really isn't going to be Ranked until mid Season 2 at the absolute earliest
What's the best character for the mission

Hit down special ?
Banana Guard.
steven’s air down special is fast and safe
You're being a crybaby anon. WW will still be fun, just not bullshit anymore. Bracer meter was still extremely strong when used by competent players especially when her down move had too much armor even after she already unleashed the move and is just standing there. Had to be toned down a little bit more. Wonder Woman was total bullshit that needed to get these heavy nerfs, she was literally playing a completely different game from the rest of the roster. The idea that any strong move that's "fun" needs to be completely reworked or that's bad shows you have a clear lack of understanding of fighting games and how they handle balancing.
The issue isn't the Bat family "having no personality" it's that they literally don't work with Harley. Batman, Robin and the others work together for a reason while still being iconic and full of personality. Harley works with very specific characters in very specific ways.
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I always use that for Jason
Spam marvin's on a low IQ rift npc.
Because Batman's dash attack was much better than Harley's and it wasn't close. That move is actually bonkers and makes Harley's down slide a total joke in comparison.
I honestly doubt that. It seems like they only did that for Season 1 because it was a launch and they wanted to try and drop as much as they could. Season 2 might space out the regular, free and "joke" characters. Maybe only have the desirable character available at the launch of Season 2.
Scorp basically confirmed
That's a genius concept, too bad WB only cares about wasting any potential they could have (this game being a prime example).
No shit Scorpion has been soft confirmed since beta.
You think WB is gonna let a fucking fighting game exist without a Mortal Kombat character in it under their roof?
Plus Ed Boon was at the PFG offices like, this past month.
it figures
>Close Marv and Harley vs Rick and Shaggy
>Match point for both teams
>I'm high damage
>Rick is high damage
>I run around and dodge to avoid fighting while Harley does most of the work
>Rick realizes this strat and just kills himself
Ay thanks for the free win, Rick.
Was he really? Neat.
God you just know Tony is over there gooning his brains out. First he gets to work with his hero Kevin Conroy and now Ed Boon comes through the PFG offices.
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The Shark Week hats are simple and yet probably one of the better things they've done. I've seen more people post their shark hats on social media than other rewards. This is something they should replicate moving forward.
How do you expect to gain bracer meter outside of blocking tons of projectiles? what's the fucking payoff?
>So what, I'm just supposed to use the shield like a shield?!
You only gain bracer meter by getting HIT while using armor or blocking projectile, numbnuts. They need to either rework the bracer attack altogether or give her better ways to gain it.
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You'll go easy on me and let me win after my nerfs, right doc?
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The cooldown icon for bugs' rocket doesnt look much like a rocket!
The redeem code page having Mortal Kombat code didn't convinced you?
So what's the use cases that are worth setups for with Bug's tunneling? Most I could see is just setting up a vertical rocket to continue being active while you get your second one prepared.

Trying to get fancy with it using a safe is too annoying, and actually trying to deal damage with the tunnel attack itself is pointless because everyone knows the timing of when to expect you to hop out (would be fixed it exiting earlier also did the attack). Using it for keep-away is a waste, and the perk that lets you shock people is shit vs. the heart perk.
Kill the wabbit
You plop the hole down and continue to play as if its not there. Maybe something wacky happens.
>Noooo I can't get bracer meter for free anymore!!!
Anon... She was always meant to gain meter through projectiles and armor. Now the reward and risk ratio isn't lopsided anymore especially when the bracer moves still have the strength of an average MVS comeback mechanic.
We need Bugs BUFFS!!!!
No we don't.
So... we happy with yesterday's announcements?
>Set up hole along main platform
>Teleport out one side and punch enemy #1
>Teleport back through and punch enemy #2
>Repeat this to do more damage annoying them than actually hurting them
>Sometimes use a rocket or safe to spice things up
He can't punch after using the hole fast enough for someone to react and either dodge, or prepare a counter. Also this game is ass with reading directional inputs and sometimes you attack in the wrong direction despite having left/right for a 30f window prior.
I am Velma main
The point that if they feel the bracer ability is too strong, then just rework it. All the nerfs topple on to make it something that's hardly going to happen ever.

The base move is just actual dogshit without bracer meter cuz it does no damage (charging it literally has no impact on damage/knocback) and takes forever for the armor to start. It's a bad move without maxed out meter
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Have to wait til' the patch is actually in the game.

They still didn't fix alot of shit, and the "free thing in the shop everyday" feels like they're desperately holding onto the garbage prices but it's a start???
nta but yes the game is dying you faggot bitch and there's nothing you can do about it except cry like the bitch you are
Definitely the post of a man who isn't totally seething right now lmao
why would I seethe about the game dropping players? you're the one seething retarded bitch lmao
Here tony i was bored so i picked some variants for your battlepass and your stupid greedy shop
>Have to wait til' the patch is actually in the game.

It's important to know how they are gonna fuck us now
Agents Brown and Jones AKA the other Agents, and the one Superagent that was played by Daniel Bernhardt.

>There's 100s of skin opportunities. They can't all be winners.
Their only shot at hyping the game is season 2 with ranked, if it fails the game is finished
I assure you that more people absolutely do not give even the smallest of a shit about raked tha those who do, and this applies to every game with a raked mode.
Then the game is done for since all they do is focus on their shitty rifts
t. main nerfed hard tomorrow
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>mid season patch drops
>no new cosmetics
I need you to understand that everyone is already incredibly sick of the faggots who do dash dancing and spam salt emotes, and that everyone else is looking forward to ranked mode only so those guys can get stuck with each other like pigs in a pen.
if you're fragile enough to get tilted by people t bagging you then you should just uninstall retard
I can see why you want a comp mode so bad.
i never talked about wanting a comp mode you utter retard god you really are a dumb fuck
No lol, that's not how fighting game balance works. Not everything can be solved with a rework, that's an absurd and whiny thought process. The mechanic will still be inherently strong, but now there's enough risk where getting meter isn't completely free anymore. Like how ALL comeback mechanics should work in fighting games.
>It's a bad move
It objectively isn't lol, it gets loads of mileage which doesn't happen to actual bad moves.
You literally aren't even the same anon and you come out the gate throwing a childish amount of insults while insisting they're feeling some kind of way despite that not being true.
You're seething so hard.
>projecting this hard
you're seething hard because your game is close to eos you dumb bitch
I'm ultra casual at fighting games and I couldn't figure out any reasonable way to use her at all outside of aerial/grounded side a into up B into neutral A. Or instead of neutral A going from up B into up A into up B into neutral A. The slide is clunky to start up at a moment's notice let alone when you're trying to dodge, the dash spin is good because it ignores armor but it leaves you open and is fairly weak, the ground combos are fine but really short range, the up A sucks absolute ass because if they're not directly above you it won't hit despite firing in a cone visually, the jack-in-the-box feels like it's so easily avoided and it's hard to combo someone into it, and the grenades take so long to prime and throw it's never worth it. Not to mention her side B flings her in the opposite direction and has a delayed shot so you need to keep that in mind.

She's not easy to use at all in a casual way which is why you tend to see people who are not good at her spamming the hammer all the time since it does a bunch of damage and knockback. Yeah, you can aerial side A into up B into side A into up A into up B or neutral A but most people can't easily pull all that off let alone in the heat of a fight. While I was doing the newest Twitch drops I saw a guy practicing that and he could only get off like half of that combo a third of the time against practice dummies who only jumped back to the arena.

So they basically just killed Stripe's one unique aspect, huh? I was against using the dynamite since it didn't seem worth it for the damage you took but once a guy on /v/ convinced me to give it some more time I love the thing. This is basically an enormous nerf to it overall and heavily disincentivizes you from using it for anything but attacking now.
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The age of smith begins...
>Aquaman, Nubia, Samurai Jack, and The Powerpuff Girls
that seems weird since the hints in the Joker reveal video was
>triden (aquaman), samurai sword (samurai jack), a broom (wicked witch of the west) and .r octo plush (Powerpuff girls)
holy cope

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