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>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

>Daigo drills (warm-up routine)

Last Round: >>484207208
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My wife and her sweaty, waxed snatch.
Bipson is fair because he can't DR behind a fireball
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reminder that your scrimblo will NEVER make it in over a guest from another franchise. give up

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Slightly early thread Naughty OP
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>>484258252 #
>9 is the best game in the series gameplay-wise
Lmao that game was a fucking mess at its EoL. If you think that game holds up in 2024 vs the later games I don't know what to tell you. That game has such a weird nostalgia thing going on aming tertiaries that I don't even think USF4 can match lol
We are now gachaslop tier
Reminder that you're retarded
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haha imagine bison with a slow moving fireball now that would be funny
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>If you think that game holds up in 2024 vs the later games I don't know what to tell you
>he bought and played the later games
The joke's on you pal
>marisa SA1
Why would they curse us with this shit
Lemme superman punch
Lmao you opened your doors to some snk sloppa willfully. If it makes money Capcom would allow Jill and some NIKKE ass hoes into your game too
They are pretty solid as FGs. Not everyone likes them (bit that applies to everything) but I think as products they stand up pretty well overall.
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
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Stop mashing
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This fat fuck is the last person to ask for leaks, apply yourself.
watch out for the..... fourth best...... blanka..... in street fighter 6...... ok fifth.....
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kami 6 domination
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Surprisingly good numbers for a lot of the games DESU
Thank god they stopped with the american collabs, like seriously
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ninja turtles
>3rd strike more than mk and kof combined
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>mika is japanese
they should put battletoads and double dragons in
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mena got accelerated aging thanks to being a fatty
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>everyone is enjoying the game while I still dont have a main
Why does the black one have the biggest eyes
I think im getting tired of this game finally. Nothing new for my character, the last two dlcs don't appeal to me but seem really strong (p2w) but might just be dlc strong(will be nerfed after everyone shells out the cash for them)
I'm not a slime hater, Im just bored.
Really thinking of taking a break or just learning some other games before CoTW comes out. Strive? Tekken?
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>kof lost to MK1
Just goddamn, lmao
are fat people evil?
If I was a Makotofag and I saw the developers talking about adding Mortal Kombat characters before my main after like 12+ years of not playing her, I'd fucking kill myself
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their characters made it to dix thobeit
ugliest face i've ever seen
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i just play akuma and bison until urien or cody get in
I just want claw to being an annoying fuck even if he's bottom tier
So you want a top tier ranked character like S1 Honda
Bring me the wall dive
No honda is too fat, i dont play fatties
I didn't say that you were going to play Honda. I said that you want to play the same kind of bullshit character that is extremely strong outside of tournaments
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>necro/hugo fag
i'll never have my main(s). kek its over!!!!
Mady Gio.

> Claw
> Boxer
> Sagat
> Falke
Third Strike is better anyway. It'll never change nor disappoint you. It'll always have an active player base regardless of whatever new game is released. Retvrn to Fightcade, brother.
Bison isn't nearly as annoying to deal with in this game as he was in V

Unless you play a character without DP, them dealing with devil's reverse might be kinda annoying

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scrimblo killers
The answer is Jamie and it isn't even close.
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...I'm coming home.
>It'll never change nor disappoint you.
It always disappoints.
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me and my waifu on our way to sf6
God I’d raped her right in metro too and nobody could fucking stop me
If you're getting unmet expectations from a 25 year old game I'm not sure what to tell you
>d rank opinion
is there any combo that lets you drink twice other than corner pc stand roundhouse xx drink, dickjab xx qcb pp, 2hk tc?
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>faggot post
>blacked prolapse
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Having a character crisis or not having a main is pathetic
Nah there's a lot of old games that still shine or have good merit to the, but SF3 from NG to 3S was always a mess.
these threads are so boring now
If your preferred archetype isn't a core function and guaranteed in the base roster, you're just a shitter simple as
>tfw they nerfed the damage of Juri's jump medium punch and then gave amazing air to airs to both Bison and Akuma
How do we feel about normals chipping drive gauge?
you're on an anonymous image board hunched over your keyboard posting gay porn of fighting game characters. who cares none of this fucking matters
Careful now anon, my avatar could 100-0 you.
I think they should halve the amount of chip they do on block but you should also take that amount of drive damage on hit. The current system where it's better to get hit than block sometimes is silly
theyre dlc and juritards already bought the game
i think a worse example is how they gutted hondas only good move and then gave bison motion scissor kicks and ex crusher
There's nothing going on, no big tournament no big announcements, we just got bison and he's strong and annoying as expected, the only new thing is fucking pop team epic stickers.
Would you like to gamewar or Mickey post or something? Is that what you like about sfg?
Punish counter ex palm, drink, c. hp, ex palm, sweep->drink
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Juri is fake freak, she's safe horny. She's just an angry gremlin asshole.
Now, Karin is real freak. Karin would rape you just to convince herself she isn't gay. Karin would make you jerk off to teens you saw in the mall. Karin would unironically say "I wanna make you worse" while having no affection for you whatsoever.
New mechanic: Drive Brace
The character prepares to take damage and enters a defenseless state for 30F. If hit, the damage from the combo is halved and you recover Drive Gauge relative to the damage taken. If the opponent doesn't attack, you lose 2 bars of Drive Gauge.
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juri is a neet girl failure
there's nothing to look forward to
ded gaem
ded genrel
There was never any doubt.
It's weird how Honda is supposed to box you into a "ring" (corner) and pressure you to stay but almost anyone else did or does it better.
This wheres Urien
he doesn't even have a throw loop
And EVO will still jam in constant ads and shitty streaming decisions.
No wonder SNK paid to put guests on SF6, their popularity is non-existent.
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My tongue penetrating Cammy's shit-encrusted bumhole. Simple as.
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Honda needs this move
Pokimane and Snoy ruined it
Why can't you ever say "Holding Cammy's hand as we stroll down a boardwalk on a lovely date" or something
>unironically using safe horny
You sound like a child.
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I still dont know what the fuck I'm doing beside drive rush stMP. I dont even push my buttons outside of DR... might be time to learn what my stMK or stHP does in neutral...
Fetish ritualposters are as bad as furries
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Are you WORTHY of pronouns?
I need you Mai
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Juri is the most brain-dead character in the game
Set a fireball up, drive rush, win
Akumas pronouns are he(76)/her(32)/they(10)/any (4)
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Not him but I'd like monthly tournaments.
How do you look at this and see a gay pride thing?
It's just a colourful looking gi

What the fuck is this brainrot
Whats the split between wifi players and wired players in sf6?
Ive noticed there is a considerable amount of wifi players though their connection isn't usually awful just because theyre on wifi, sometimes its better than the wired players even. I really wonder how the rollback has improved since Jive
at least you can drive rush properly.
I still fuck up hit confirming my medium kicks into rush or even landing a raw drive rush in general.
I've conditioned my opponent several times to respect my airspace and even then they'll jump as soon as they seen green.
Some weefee tards spoof their connection into ethernet connections and its so obvious
>sometimes its better than the wired players even
Ignoring reality doesn't make you any smarter
cammy is very good! there must be many players maining her at high level! and many tournament wins, too! i mean, she is strong in online ranked...
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>0 jappas in top 8

is japan, dare I say it... over?
Elena is already announced, thoughbeit, so you are wrongappa.
She's frequent in top 8's, is that not enough?
what's the secret to jumping command grabs
when you think a grab is coming, and the character has a command grab, jump
To beat the grappler, you must think like the grappler
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Reminder that you only hate this guy because he's beautiful and still good at games without being a incel. If so many of you discord tranny schizos didn't hate him he would be the biggest name in the scene.
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I only do raw drive rush, i'm garbage at buffering DR on my crMK... button too far on my hitbox...

Training my oki right now, I still fuck up my MP after medium fuha, I walk too much or not enough... Will be a long time before my Juri is decent...
The mod is called pride akuma.
it's a series of pride flag recolor attempts for several characters. They don't read all that well for sure.
Elena is not a scrimblo. The favelanigga and the karatebitch behind her, however...
But Ed is already in the game.
Literally no one would buy Sean as a DLC
Notice the habits of people that prefer command grabs.
How do they play neutral? How do they deal with being knocked down? What characteristics can you assign to these players? A player who will frequently mash on wakeup is likely to mash or throw on your wakeup, for example, as they have shown theyre not averse to commital options.
The more mental notes you have, the more you can assume a players *initial* playstyle based on previous experiences. And in a game like 6 where you can die very fast, getting the jump on a players preferred style before they can adapt can make a world of difference.
He's annoying because he lies and says how he's solved games and how great he is at games all the time yet he never placed in anything ever. Literally Desk-tier.
This Vappa just straight up armchair-gaming his way to EVO Hall of Fame.
He’s annoying because he does nothing
Dbfz? Cool do something for jive or 4 already nigga
Clayton proves that you could have nothing but the aesthetic of skill and the aesthetic of personality and you can still form a cult, because aesthetic is all that matters.
Built for my Latin Jr.
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Ltg would and other rogs
I wish women were real
>how great he is at games
Where did he say that? Clayton always talks about how much he sucks and says he feels lucky that he was able to win as much as he has when he's played. People say Clayton is a narcissist but at most that's a humble brag.
>never placed in anything
Oh I see, you're another Clayton is a time traveling hacker schizo lol.
Throws should simply not keep you that close, rushdown or not
Just hold up
If it's a situation where trying to jump the grab has too much risk, drive reversal
just tech the throw lil bro
explain how wake up drive reversal isnt just a safer ex dp
i did but he read it and shimmy'd me...............................
It's slower.
Why would I explain something that's false.
What you said is a fact.
it costs 2 mickey bars
been saying it since day one. exDP is the worst wakeup option in the game
Its supposed to be a safe universal option you have to choose to bait on offense
It exists so that other defensive options become stronger.
It serves the exact function of an EX DP
Most DPs are also anti-airs while you can easily jump over DR
play around it
Jive ruined throws by making everyone throw the opponent at their feet and standardizing damage for them. Miss old games with throws that threw the opponent mid/fullscreen. This is just Ken ST throw loops for a modern age, except half the cast can do it.
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Is Terry gonna be as busted and annoying as akuma and bison.
Is this the pay to win dlc>maybe post release nerf (if they are hated enough) pipeline life now?
so does ex dp
I hope Yang gets in and is busted
find the situations where a grab is threatened
>bring up criticism
>lol ur just a schizo
Nice projection, buckaroo.
Jive got rid of all of its throw loops though
if your opponent tends to do a lot of meaties and neutral jumps on your wakeup then an ex DP is a better option
>Jive ruined throws by making everyone throw the opponent at their feet and standardizing damage for them.
A lot of the throws varied in distance, frames and even damage output. Y.Zeku's backthrow did like 160 dmg and yeeted you into the sun.
They're not standardised in SFV, the range is between 120 and 160 depending on character, there are only one or two normal throw loops (both require resources), and the oki/corner carry differs depending on character and forward/backthrow as well
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I have decided that after my play this match I belong in 1300MR hell after all
Gemma Tokyo
Broski just released his aki guide, check it out
The first step is to recognize that I have a problem
On my to-do list
Gouken and Sean should unironically be in 6
You don't need to parry to cancel into drive rush. Just spam forward forward when you crMK and you'll drive rush.
Code right now
Except... He's not a schizo he's right about everything. Get some help Clayton and stop harassing/obsessing over ourguy Rooflemonger
>just spam forward
He's clearly doing that if the button came out, what about after the forward hits?
are you retarded? what you said isn't true for any sf
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>Win as much as he has
I have literally never seen him play in a tournament and he dodged every single FighterZ tournament.
this is good
post wr%/matches played
nigga what do you expect half the people in this general are smash/strive players whose knowledge of SF comes from video essays made by people who also don't play anything made before 2020
Clayton is just white Dale
I might pick up SF6 due to the steam sale. I'm a scrub, how do I start?
Even the fans can make better sf themes than capcom....
Clayton is our REAL guy, he was calling out Slime Rush and homogenising the cast before anyone else. It's staggering how much he knows about games.
I wish our game looked as good as Slime Tekken Dix
I unironically believe rooflemonger would wash the fuck out of him in 6
>Sf6 cast
People have to, they HAVE to learn what words mean before using them
Everyone plays the same so just pick whichever abomination looks least repellant to you and start mashing, should take you about 4-5 hours to reach master rank
Fan remixes been better than capcom ones for years

This isnt really optimal or anything its just for hurting the opponents feelings
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I kind of like Clayton's analysis, but his schizophrenia and narcissism makes it difficult to like him
Seeing him do well in 6 is pretty nice. Seems like he always had a character crisis in 5.>>484271163
Why make up this "everyone is a smashie/striver" cope. A lot of people here are just plan doo doo at SF.
dis nigga thinks he knows more about fighting games than fucking CLAYTON lmfao. sit down smashie he was winning tournaments before you existed
It's just not real street fighter without Bison and the boys. Third strike darlings have to wait.
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this sucks third strike tranny

26 games, 47% win rate, I only played her today, still have everything to learn.
Why does evry fucking song have to be "Lofi beats to study to"
For fucks sake dude its so fucking patronizing, "just chill bro just chill out!" The only reason im not chill is because you keep telling me to be, faggot!
it doesn't matter if you're good or bad at SF, if you had played even two minutes of any other street fighter you'd know that it was false
ppl who hates on sf6 ost lowkey dont go outside this not some boomer shi issa type u bump in the whip wit homies but u dont know nothing about that huh
Winning Karnov's Revenge when entering under a Smurf account on fightcade doesn't really count as "winning a tournament" you gotta play something that has enough players to be considered alive.
don't start playing if you're not willing to accept losing a lot and if you can't resisting sperging out like Ryubro does every night. If you meet these requirements then start with world tour and the tutorials, then when you get bored of singleplayer go to ranked matches
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This but Cody (not the mid SFV one)
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>Outsourcing/Animation/Marketing schizo has morphed into OST schizo
Youre really gonna say that while posting the game thats bending over backwards to try and replicate third strikes aesthetic, and FAILING?
zoomer hip hop artists have threatened violence against sf6's ost composer
Anyone that says anything negative about Clayton is extremely sus to me automatically. No one ever says anything against that ever amounts to other than "trust me bro" level of evidence. Fact is Clayton is the one galaxy brain who proved he can play. And it's also true people calling him a narcissist also choose to ignore him talking about how much he sucks and is lucky to have won as much as he has. The guy is about as humble as you can get in the scene.
I see that the shitposters have latched onto Clayton alongside the self inserting dick riders.
He was winning Alpha 1/2/3 and +R tournaments at the peak of their popularity
He hates the community but he loves to relish in free clicks about combos he says he has a right to own, despite him trying his hardest to say he didn’t do the Kim infinite in Cvs2. He’s a funny basket case who just needs to just play online. You don’t need to go in person anymore like Aris said, it’s the age of online
This is what I am talking about Clayton
If you'd stop posting your dogshit videos here every day I'd stop thinking about you altogether but here we are
How can we fix SF6 designs?
Clayton would be huge if he had someone editing videos for him and stopping him from ranting about the same shit over and over and over again.
Clayton has videos of him beating top players in guilty gear though. And don't forget Clayton on his death bed, and i'm not sure how anyone can argue those pictures, was considered by many to be the best in America by his peers. That's pretty OD.
No one is "bumping" guiles sf6 theme, theyre playing "Not like us" 6 times in a row
Meds Clayton is the goat.
>everyone is the same
SF6s only flaw is a dogshit combat ost. It’s fucking shame world your combat music shits all over the majority of character themes. Seeing every single Juri player switch to her SF4 and a mixture of alpha and V themes is fucking hilarious. Everytime finally stopped tiptoeing around this games music.
Crazy how people were getting so jealous of Clayton they left him for dead in an arcade and stole his wallet. And somehow he's still here helping the scene move forward in 2024. This is why I can't believe anyone who says he's a narcissist, anyone else would have abandoned fighting games but he's still discovering insane tech that pushes games further than we ever thought possible.
Anyone who doesn't enter tournaments but claims to be an authority is a fucking liar, sorry
This is the crossover we need chingers
Desperately need Capcom to add the EX OSTs to the game
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ryu needs buffs
You think every who posts about Clayton is Clayton. He's based take your meds. You wouldn't be trying to cancel him as much as you are if he wasn't. You're afraid of him. He's the real life boogeyman of the FGC. Keep stabbing your Clayton voodoo doll while wishing he would fuck you.
How the fuck did we fall so far
>SF6s only flaw is a dogshit combat ost
You forgot ruined designs.
Clayton says himself he sucks though in many videos, and says he feels lucky that he was able to win. I've never once heard him say he is a authority. Its a fact tho Clayton's track record for being able to predict the meta of games is uncanny and unlike anything the scene has ever seen or will see again.

Enter a tournament or shut the fuck up already
I’m hit or miss on the street/new age clothes the cast has. Some I enjoy, others I don’t.
SF6 could never have you fight your opponent next to an active Volcano, thats too unrealistic and not vibes.
Tatsunoko vs was the last good Capcom ost. Mvci ost is an embarrassment
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Overseasbros.... it might just be over for us...
Remember how the last time Clayton exposed his haters one of them was trans and kept sending photos of his cock while wishing Clayton would fuck him on discord? What the hell is wrong with these freaks?
after 300 hundred hours of being stuck in diamond...i realize something. this game is literally ALL aggression.
Clayton is sent videos by people from here and on /fgg/ btw. But he also browses here so don’t be surprised he’s here rn posting his essay long “hey btw did you know this happened to me and uh.etc…”
Reminder he made a rant video about a fake lily hurtbox made on Twitter
Enter a tournament or shut the fuck up
if you arent sliming, you're losing
Everyone runs in this game like every SF though
Maybe if these niggas just accepted the drive rush meta they’d place finally. I mean their busy promoting the game with VtuberGolems but still
It's funny how people call Clayton a schizo and then come out with absolutely unhinged posts like this. He has said many times he doesn't browse 4chan or Reddit.
poor jimbo. But it's amazing isn't it? They slightly nerfed Ken and then gave Ryu mad buffs and Ken is STILL clearly better. They need to give Ryu some obnoxiously broken thing if they want him to be equal to Ken. First thing that comes to mind is buff medium donkey kick, yes, the good one. Make it -4 on block and decrease its recovery. Let Ryu spam it effortlessly like Ken spams his moves, then we are talking.
and both of those are retarded ways to approach it based merely on muh feels

a tier list should only reflect the number of favorable and unfavorable matchups the characters have
As a Clayton enjoyer i'm still waiting for someone to post the videos of Clayton saying he is godlike in SF6 and would win tournaments. This is hilarious to me. Clayton's haters are now making up videos that never happened lmfao.
I just want to see him play. That's all, one online set.
Why dont ryus just switch to akuma already. Akuma has been out for barely a month and already won a big tournament
cute hrtitties anon
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Lmao shut your ass up please
I love the guy but he’s mental loser like the rest of us for how obsessed with a community and video game genre he supposedly “doesn’t care for”. He should stop bitching and just play fightcade already, a dead game like karnov ain’t shit. That’s like saying, bro I play smash bros 64!!
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So your point is... He was sent a screenshot by a fan? Obviously Clayton has tons of fans here, because those of us who have been around for a long time know and respect everything he brought to the scene as an OG. Sit down somewhere and lurk before posting.
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Why yes, I was super gold in SFV but I'm 1850 MR in SF6. How can you tell?
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The Capjams Remix of Chun's theme is basically a new EX3 theme
I downloaded her gravure videos like 10 years ago.
Sure clayton, keep going. I’m sure someday you’ll get an editor
its really fucking not
awful shit
Ten times better
CapJams should save this combat ost already
The bit from 1:35 on is so fucking good
>thinking clayton needs an editor
half of magic in his work comes from his avant garde approach to video editing
hes basically a youtube outsider artist
Jesus Christ you guys really suck the skin off of this guy.
He clearly wants money and attention. Nearly every video that makes bank and gets attention has editing lol. He claim all he wants that doesn’t care but it’s fucking cut and dry that he does give a shit
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this stage coming with s2 pass
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It's time to train.
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Yikes god no
Real bout special is the way to go
low tier god never misses
Clayton is the goat. Clayton could search his name all you want to say, but there is a literal schizo here as well who has shit up every single thread he has been mentioned for years searching his name just to whine about him.
does anyone wanna play 3s?
yeah, nubi is a fucking nutcase
Enter a fucking tournament
Thats a weird pose to suck dick
>video that makes bank
Which Clayton videos are you watching? Clayton is a literal Jesus to the community and has showed he has been making content for years for what amounts to nothing.
Yeah I know Nubi.
Clayton is a low level sperg, but Nubi is some UK German white boy who tries his hardest to destroy tekken
It is a mixture of Clayton posting about himself and shitposters mimicking Clayton posting about himself. Nobody gives a fuck about this literal schozo. He joins fighting game discord servers and searches for his own name to reply to messages about him. He does this so often he often replies within an hour despite nobody pinging him.
Clayton can search his name, post all he wants. At last he puts out interesting content and isn't just another empty soulless video, or something that amounts to the equivalent of a meme tier list video.
ellie... meds, NOW
>oh boy let’s see
>guilty gear
Lmao. Not my fault he loves anime kuso and mingled with the bathroom people.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is Roof posting this. Roof also accused Clayton of making fake accounts and then Clayton showed it was Roof and he was caught in the act. Or could very well be one of Claytons discord tranny haters. He showed that one SepyerVA had made 7 different accounts all with their own back story lore of a different Clayton encounter. That was some next level schizo shit.
nigga, just boot up fightcade and play
I somehow don't think it's a coincidence that you have the same writing style as that freak trans who kept sending Clayton photos of his dick on Instagram despite getting blocked multiple times.
Shut up nubi
Enter a tournament or you don't deserve to even kiss daigo's feet
I work in a homeless shelter
This guy has schizo eyes and the staff would be warned about his existence before interacting with him.
His schizophrenia and narcissistic personality disorder is all over his face and behavior, he's basically the poster child for it.
I don't mean SNK.
Why stages are so fucking BORING since 2D fighters are 3D.
And other things that never happened. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you so driven to hate a random prominent guy that you've never interacted with?
This is the most unironic schizopost I've read in a minute
we are not doing this shit again, please go back

Get help, Clayton.
Or die from your made up illness, either or.
this nigga pisses in jugs
'''''''domination'''''''''' lmao jive never had those thing margins against t*kken
How would you know about both:
-that event even happening
-the writing style of the person who did it
if you're not the schizo we're discussing. Not even a "Clayton superfan" would know "the writing style of someone who sent dick pics to him on Instagram". Actually unironically kill yourself Clayton.
Another lie? When he posted the receipts multiple times? Roof, you need to get some help and tune down the jealousy. It's ugly.
You can't help but buff yourself up even when its completely irrelevant.
Random, yet prominent? You fuck up the english language in an attempt to make yourself feel better about how irrelevant you are.
Go away dude, stop shitting up the thread.
Not going to lie I would eat that shit
Looks distinctly German lmao
So you're admitting it now? At least we're getting somewhere. Why don't you explain to everyone why you did it? Fucking weirdo
Yeah this can work
The cheese is a bit excessive but when isn't it when discussing american food
niggas look at slimy cardboard sausages and think yup this could work looks like proper european cuisine to me!
lmao rent free. Why do you insist on calling Clayton a narcissist when we already showed he doesn't make "bank? off his videos like you claimed. And he constantly says he sucks and feels lucky that he was able to win. I've never heard any other player ever talking about feeling lucky that they were able to win and that they suck. Maybe you're talking about yourself?
so this... is NA hours /sfg/... I fucking kneel
How will Elena play? She's midrange right?
Wolfgang is a scumbag but the grandstanding over furry porn commissions is fucking hilarious
id say that taking money and then not delivering goods is a bit more than being a scumbag
They look exactly like bratwurst with burger meat in them
Also I don't think you realise it but German food is laughed at all over Europe

Still tastes good tho
Narcissitic personality disorder involves an inflated sense of self importance. You can self deprecate all day but if you still believe yourself to be more important than you actually are, you are a narcissistic.
Self deprecating behavior is a common narcissist defense mechanism, being overly harsh to yourself to avoid actually dealing with the fact you're just unlikeable.
When the fighting game community orders gay bars cumflation porn of Mickey the mouse and blanka it expects professional delivery and quality, nothing less
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>They look exactly like bratwurst with burger meat in them
I think anyone would rightfully beat the shit out of you if you stole 80 dollars from their pocket
Scamming people isn't an L, it's a crime.
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Was Clayton sick?
Is he schizophrenic on SRK making inane posts about kuso and bathroom Gear XX?
Was it wrong for roofle to say he faked cancer or dying?
Is he related at all to street fighter now?
When he’s not gloating about tag kuso like fighterZ or karnov, maybe.
Final review, clayton needs to just chill.
frankfurters, mistake
Sure anon, keep telling yourself that Clayton is the anti-christ while you are working at a homeless shelter lmao.
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wolfgang is a discriminated gay non-binary furry like sonicfox. he has protection
At this point I want Bison to be the new main character for WT and SF6 from now own.
He predicted the entire meta and balance for SF6 before the beta even came out purely off the mechanics breakdowns and character trailers. It literally took the meta months to work out what he said was strongest was actually the best way to play. I'd say that's next level talent.
That anon at least has a job lol
Clayton can’t even nail wood
Was this meant to be a dunk?
>believe yourself to be more important than you actually are
clayton predicted strives and sf6s meta 2 years before the games release
clayton is responsible for inventing roughly 70% of guilty gear, mvc, sf2, cvs and dbfzs tech
that man is a savant who unfortunately cannot survive in todays political climate
he unfortunately cannot actually play a game either
he doesnt care much about video games nowadays and he already proved whats what
The man can order controllers to mash our combos but he can’t be assed to play SF6 online lol
He owns the game too which is hilarious
Narcissists, not even once. A class of person you should actively avoid. Even BPD people deserve more respect.
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Why are fighting game prizes so low?
Clayton tried to kill me on day in Barcelona
Because it’s not bought and sold by Chinese and Saudi money yet?
You think FPS games have natural money? Lol
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>did somebody say desu?
Yes you're doing a brilliant job convincing everyone you don't care
that shit was losing to soive and dbfz
Im confused
Does Cygames own a ton of Stock in EVO? How come their shitty mobile game keeps getting slots year after year?
Im sorry, guys, that spot is for melee.
These people forget that tekken had like double jive's daily players for years
they are heavily involved in EVO
Cygames has been involved in organizing the event since 2019, Sony just gives them the money to do it now instead of fat gay pedophile

Clayton has proved he can play games at a higher level than most people ever will.
Too much drama, smashtards brought this on themselves, no thanks.
The irony that so many of you want to call Clayton a narcissist, and somehow are oblivious to the way you are talking about yourselves and him is not lost on me. Might need to reflect on yourself, Clayton isn't toxic but he sure brings out the worst in some people.
I remember the first thing I heard about Smash was a bunch of people arguing over whether or not a 26 year old should stop a 15 year old from sucking his dick.
And then I saw videos of a grown woman repeatedly fondling a little boy during a smash tournament, which apparently was happening for half a decade, and nobody noticed or did anything to stop it.
How the fuck do you let this shit happen in your scene in broad daylight?
bison does way too good of a job at shutting down this game's mickey bullshit.
ex psycho crusher
ex psycho crusher
ex psycho crusher
You fucking faggot, Daigo is well into his 40s and he still travels the world to go to tournaments.
You're a fraud motherfucker with your stolen valor
>Im sorry, guys, that spot is for melee.
not a fighting game
Goddamn, that kid looks fucking tiny, like 9 years old. And this is just what was captured on camera? What a freak
>All these teams and sponsorships
>184 dollaroos
Time to till job apps bro
Thats why fags are raging about him
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One thing I quite never understood: am I supposed to time my buttons when linking or should I mash them to not miss the timeframe?
Time for consistency
God I wish that was me
FGs just have godawful monetization, merchandising, and sponsorship options.
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I haz Cammy webms
Daigo...? That fraud who got raped and humiliated by DualKevin?
Never mash, learn the timing
There won't be any money made in the open tournament format. If you want money you have to be invited to invitationals.
Dude shes fumbling him around like a toy, shits so nasty. And she can just get away with it because none of the retards in that scene are emotionally mature enough to recognize abuse. Far be it from me to say I couldve stopped 9/11, but if I saw this shit I wouldve told someone and trusted the situation could be dealt with. But the Smash scene has clearly broken down to the point where that would not have worked.
What a lucky bastard

I cry out of my misery, for I was a very ugly child
Who the hell are you talking to?
>stolen valor
Why am I not surprised a Clayton hate cult schizo talks like he wears a fedora and is playing dungeons in dragons in his parents basement.
This mod's plastic tits look so bad
that kid grew up gay if he didn't tap that
i'm losing cleanly to niggas who i could beat before. its over
you really gotta put yourself in the shoes of an attractive 24 year old woman. only then can you recognize how absolutely depraved you have to be to ignore all other advances and actively hunt a literal baby from the crib
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meanwhile CHADken
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I will never be an attractive 24 yo woman. I have been though, a 12yo boy. And in his place, I would have tapped that, told it to all my friends, and be hailed as the supreme leader of the boys in my circle
back at you, retard
Bros... I love women
What a juvenile way to view being sexually assaulted by a creature that doesn't even see you as human.
Specifically white women with fat asses yes
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sure, sure.
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I wish they were real...
I don't see women as human, so we're kinda equal here.
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So what youre saying is that pedophelia is ok and that you want small boys to be propositioned by pedophiles?
how else could you interpret it?
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please post the folder in gofile or something. I collect Cammy webms
Smashers never cease to amaze me
Get the fuck back to /fgg/ you disgusting fucking smash mutants
how are they plastic?
he's trying so hard to force discussion of long dead timmy drama
Shotafags are really the lowest specimens here, and I’m including the Mickey retard.
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>Ken and Cammy are the top 2 characters represented in world warrior tournaments so far
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jp players are carried, the nerfs barely did shit
>Started learning the game with a bottom tier AGAIN
Aaaaaaaa why does this always happen to me
I have more, the source video is much higher quality so once I figure out how to webm properly Ill do it.
As long as things keep heterossexual, I'm ok with it
>Manon has more Top 4 placements than Luke, Aki, and Akuma
i would let her molest me
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Suddenly the game became a lot harder haha
how mad are 09ers gonna be when one of the season 3 new characters is our avatars?
Anyone that stops and think "I will play a keep away character" is a bad player by default.

The character is busted, I agree with you, but you won't see people who actually have skill like Kawano, or Punk picking keepaway. Chars like this are meant for the morally weak
post reeks of grappafag
spittin fax bruv
You do know many underage don't report it because they consented to it. Doesn't make it not wrong because the actual main problem is the sheer power an authority disparity which frequently is way more common in inequality relationshipss
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No other Cammy looks even close to as good as this

Lin Fen
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nakayama must be stopped
What WEG?
Would rather get Heihachi desu
>Because it’s not bought and sold by Chinese and Saudi money yet?
the fuck are you talking about man one of those players is owned by the saudi sovereign wealth fund, and the rest were only picked up because the saudis said you need FGC players to win the fat 20 mil esharts world cup prize
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>mortal kombat shit characters
>tekken shit characters
>guilty gear shit characters
Kinda absurd how Bison exists solely to outclass Marisa in all aspects
And only 4 (cuatro) characters a year.
At this point /fgg/ is more on topic vaguely.

Most FGC players are years behind on the news and drama of literally anything outside the main "core games" let alone things like tech or PC/networking. At least out in the shitty NA scene, can't say much about JP due to never being there.
it feels weird to me that bison doesn't have a big smiley grin on his face at all times in this game
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I don't get it. Games always get a boost during their launch year. Tournament is in America, when you guys say that only Japan plays SF6 while Tekken is a game for the west. Tekken 7 was way more popular than SFV and Tekken 8's launch was riding on that popularity. People here also keep saying that Tekken 8 sold more. Yet SF6 is still winning? Tekkensisters... how could this be?
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Why are Bipson and Akuma have 2 plus on block buttons, one who's good in the neutral and one who's good in the corner?
yeah he's got so many armor moves... how can she compete?
I think he is just being polite about this. The interviewer brought up sub-zero even though Nakayama will never consider adding that fag to game. He wasn't just going to say
>no we're not going to add him
He leaves it as a maybe that will never happen to not hurt his feelings
Lily but she’s using Taos clothes
Manon but she uses Tabasa’s clothes
Marisa with nemesis outift
Luke with Ethan’s clothes
Jamie with uhhh
Fuck that shit. Give me Raiden instead, with the gibberish too.

This but DeeJay.
evil nigga privilege
Yeah man just like season 2 will fix season 2 drive rush buffers, make drive reversal viable and will have 6 characters.
He's basically saying if they pay us enough like SNK we will do it. Wouldn't surprise me to see some fuckin Arcsys characters in season 4
I never doubted Blanka in his pocket.
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"If they pay us enough we'll do it"
Haters and cope.
>he he said
Nakayama sold your game out to your IP to Saudis. If money from Capcom heads say jump, Nakayama says Hai
Season 3 will fix everything.
>He's basically saying if they pay us enough like SNK we will do it
Are you actually that fucking retarded or just pretending? Street Fighter has a long history with SNK, not even the same thing at all than a western game that never made it to Japan
Liu Kang will be the trad shoto in Six.
Mandem wanted to turn Dix into a team fighter, fuck outta here.
sol badguy in sf6 would be kinda poggers
No DP though. I know he has DP like teleport in MK1 but no one cares about MK1.
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>guest characters
>all play like shotos
>western game that never made it to Japan
MK was in the arcades back in the day lol.
SF6 Niggas really sitting here jumping through hoops to justify Matsumoto ass raping them
>no one cares about MK1.
It's the one people are actively playing lmao. In mk1 he plays more of mid range zoning game but his suppose pressure an d throw game is solid.
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How mad will crabba be when Goku join the roster?
it's literally banned in japan
I don't care for Sub-Zero or MK but I really dislike this "lie so you seem polite" culture. What's the harm in just being sincere and saying
>it's unlikely that [character] would get in because of [reasons] but we'll think about it
Not in the 90s lol
Listen kid, subzero could come in and he’d be toned down. You can say shit like modern Mk but mk1 existed in Japan before ersb
I fucking hate playing against patient people
The type of person who just waits for you to do something minus and then 50/50s you
Just slime me or something you fucking creep
the fear after getting nuked twice
Clayton is a 1 in a million genius. Timmy just seething he'll never be anything.
god bison is SO fucking FUN
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MK can still be bought, it’s just not localized lol
>Not in the 90s lol
Okay cool? No one played that shit, no one cared about MK over there. No one in Japan wants MK, no one in the west wants that shit either, MK is a dead franchise.
Based average dixxer
I don't mind it so much against most characters but it's always a fucking Manon or Gief, someone with a command grab so it's a true 50/50
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SF6 Niggas getting worked into a shoot. Can’t wait for Tekken to come in to six soon
>Tekken is a game for the west.
It's an mainland Asia game with a Strong JP scene.
it's kind of funny how tekken had a shit roster til they got to borrow akuma and geese, and now they want their shit characters in a better game than t8 so they're hoping to get their characters in sf6
>No one played that shit, no one cared about MK over there.
Oh people played it back then and some Japanese media do reference it.

>No one in Japan wants MK, no one in the west wants that shit either, MK is a dead franchise.
How are you gamewarring this hard? This ain't /v/.
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Armor King or Nina in Dix would be litty doebeitever
Tekkens home ground is EU and Asia with strong Middle East ties now. Most of those ps1 tekken3 sales are Gertrudes, Sir Williams and British timmies like Bartholomew.
It’s Japan scene is middling but had SBOs since Tekken tag1 and stopped by Tekken6
Tekken was never a west game lol
SF until six was only a Capcom USA product due to sf4 being so big over here. SF3 didn’t sell well in the west or Japan.
Nice seethe list bro.
You say that but jin from SFxT shits on any dix newcomer. Can’t wait
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tekken characters would be cooler if they were put into real video games, unfortunately their movesets despite having "over 1000 attacks!!!" are generally
>left jab
>right jab
>puny hop kick
>puny uppercut with puny spark effect over it
if that's the case then i'd rather just have more kof slop added tbqh
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You know I wouldn't have minded old MK, chara designs used to be cool. But have you seen the state of the franchise now? I would never want SF to associate with that garbage now
Lmao shut your mouth Nigga
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YIKES I think I see why now SNK BEGGED and BRIBED Capcom to put their characters in their game.
Capcom would obviously be designing the game character for RE. Aka some designs would be compromised and WBs mandates for Scorpion and subzero are
strict but concessions can be made.
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>lost to MK1, fucking MK ONE
Ayy dios mio..ayuda SNK por favor, mierda
>muh concessions
Yeah no fuck off. It's never happening anyway and thank god for that
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MK always had cool characters, but like with everything in the west, they had to be uglified by their Communist developers.
>I would never want SF to associate with that garbage now
The mk1 designs are pretty good though. Why do yiu think any of this or Capcom doing a 1:1 or near 1:1 copy would be gard to do or controversial?
what if you were that cat and started sniffing Cammy's crotch lol
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brian_f never misses
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>The mk1 designs are pretty good though
No it's fucking not. But sure, go ahead, post your "pretty good designs" so we can have a good laugh
people are so mindbroken over kami6 its incredible to see
>they literally had to make shit up for the tekken side because their movesets are that fucking lame
cant salvage niggerly
Insane to me the way these buffs took Gief from being a tense back and forth match to one of the least fun characters to fight that I've ever experienced in a SF game
>No it's fucking not
They look pretty sweet. I'm not sure what's bad about it. Sf6 also has pretty good ones too.
>The mk1 designs are pretty good though.
Some are, like Liu Kang and Reptile. Some aren't, like Li-Mei and Johnny Cage. Johnny in particular looks like a generic background NPC now.
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Chuds have the worst taste
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>I would never want SF to-
God I love Dixie’s and nuSF fans still trying to be high and mighty.
Could have loads of their characters for this pass but you’ve got two fucking guests and you have to hold out until Elena next year
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>opponent spams forward/backward jump
>suddenly lose the ability to AA
I hate these niggers
kami 6 owns you
>The mk1 designs are pretty good though
>okay post them
>They look pretty sweet
Am I getting baited right now? Post them
>Sf6 also has pretty good ones too.
Please don't, you're going to make us look bad
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Give Penaldo your energy for benalties, /sfg/
>Yeah no fuck off.
He means
>"Sub/Scorp can't fatality people and bet Sf an M rating"
You do know IJ had both be "bloodless"? Hell I do recall the Samurai Showdown cast in ither IPs can mutilate their foes like they could in their original series.
>More people will know Terry and care about Terry from Smash and now SF6 than they ever will in literally anything SNK-made
>make drive reversal viable
Is it not? After my opponent slime cancels on me drive reversal is my best friend, double if it's a grappler
Dimps was pretty faithful. Only new move was jins laser scraper from tag1 and 4 being made into a projectile, hence the projectile. But SFxT like all fighting game has a Dev favorite. Jin was, Heihachi is, Akuma is too. All top tier picks with the best moves, and so jin with no traditional projectile was given one of the cheapest since he’s the poster boy of Tekken.
something about fighting bison really causes people to just start jumping on wakeup, mashing on wakeup, and trying stupid shit that doesn't work against any other character in the game
>you're going to make us look bad
Who the fuck is "us"? You're on 4chan man, we're all anonymous here. Punk won't post a tweet saying "look at this Nigga right here!"
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>still not posting the designs
stop posting my older brother without permission
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>Punk won't post a tweet saying "look at this Nigga right here!"
they just turned kimberly into a white woman
No they turned her into fuckin MJ
It's so weird to me. Being Latino, I know people who don't know much about video-games who know Terry. He is at least as popular as Ryu and Liu-Kang if not more. But the people I know who play KoF only play 98 and 2002, no one cares about KoFXV. It's weird as hell how SNK is this obscure company when I'm talking to people from elsewhere.
That's because every character played exactly the same, and then they released bison who just beats all of that.
Straw grasping ensues
I'm going to kill myself
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Not him, but like I said before, Liu Kang is cool.
Post MR
>asks a design
>posts a random doing a cosplay
You can kill nakoruru in one of the OG games and it’s sequel. Literally cut a fictional 14/15 year old in half.
Shits metal
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SFV had over 1000 more entrants at Evo during T7's launch year in 2017. This was with the input lag, rootkit fiasco, 09ers crying crocodile tears, and so on. DBFZ only had 70 more entrants in 2018.
Plat 3 shitter here, I absolutely got btfo by a Guile player. I couldn't get close to him and I wasn't able to punish any move from him. I thought I was average at the game, now I know that I'm just trash because I unironically don't know what to do against that
>He tied one of the bottom edges of the shirt to his belt so that it folds upwards and shows off the lining
What a flex. He really do be a gawd
don't do it.
Is she still a child in cotw
The designs look fine, anon.
>Jiver platoon leader coming out of the bushes to defend
Wars over gramps lol. It’s been 50 years since the great Kappa harbor bombing
not only are you not average, you're actually in a class called "pretty good."
guile's a rare character with a unique playstyle compared to the rest of the cast that forces you to play at his pace, by his rules. watch some videos of your main vs. guile and try to take notes on what they do against him.
Sure normalfag
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How do I get in position to do my lp > lp > lp > tatsu combo ? I end up fighting out of crouch block and do yolo with my drive impact with the odd move here and there also shoot a lot of fireballs. In the end I’m forced into my corner, then beaten to a pulp. I need to stand tall and fight in the middle or force them into there corner, how do I stand and fight so I can do a combo in ranked ?
If it helps, once you do figure out what to do against a competent Guile, you can be confident your fundamentals are better than 90% of the playerbase
Vappa heads must always be taken. SFV did lose to Soive in 2022 though, but then Kami6 came out.
Nta but why didn't you elaborate, and instead doubled down on the fact that you are sub-normal.
You’re thinking over the blue haired girl Hotaru FUTAba
No she’s like 17/18 I think lol
Do I really need to elaborate on how all the characters have been uglified?
Im glad SF6 has mods
Proud vappa to have served and stopped the jive menace!
*shows dog tags*
A Ryu player got me to 1HP then did drive impact on me repeatedly, hitting me and making me crumple but refusing to KO me until I drive impacted back so I would die from it hitting my armor
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Stopped? We are all playing SF6 aka Kami6, aka Jive 2.0. I see your time in the black cells has deranged you, redditor. I shall have Emezie give you the coup de grace.
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>all the characters
You mean the women? Who cares about women, it's time for men.
sick of stepdaddy ryus
Based redditor. But yeah even the dudes have no charisma
Oh yeah I mixed up the ferret girl and the bird girl my bad
Stop putting children in the games
Low Tier God Is Now Scared Of The SF6 Salt
I should've been playing smash while growing up instead of SF, Brehs.
press cr. lp after blocking a normal up close. it is your fastest button.
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>Stop putting children in the games
No, it's time for Li-Fen.
I love them
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Pride month is over. There will be no time for men.
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When that anon funds the translation of rival schools dating, Akira is gonna be mine, then my dear Hinata-Chan….
t. giefbro
Isnt Ken supposed to be the deadbeat dad?

Ken is so fucking cool
imagine picking waifus instead of cool motherfuckers like Ken, Akuma or Bison
I picked Marisa because shes cool...
Timmy only plays a single character
Ok thanks, I’ll give it a shot.
imagine being gay
how come only ken got a good theme in 6
I fucking love 4's ost so much
Kenneth is fucking cool
Waifu does not mean cute anime/vidya girl, newfag.
Don't have to
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Theyre someones waifu
Source: /sfg/
there is only 3 waifu characters in this game being cammy, juri and chun.
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Terminally unfunny
When is tubby getting a 9 to 5? His shitty art sure as fuck ain't gonna put food on the table
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Just got back from Reddit: Homepage of the Internet
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If only he had some of that FUCKING saudi money
This akuma is a big problem for my ryu, especially when he’s modern controls. 2250 lp modern akuma jumped back and forth over me shooting balls at me, when I tried attacking he combo to special me to death. Almost got a perfect ko on me, but I swept his legs one time. When I get good I’m not going to show any mercy on this demonic prick, I won’t forget.
yes jive had tons of waifu characters.

the only 3 in dix is cammy, chun and juri.
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Idk why anon deleted, I saved it though.
And you are correct, only those three are valid
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What's happening here?
Oh bc no Aki, another monster/non waifu material pick that's why deleted
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>"She's a murderer"
Sorry but have you ever considered that she's my little princess
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I forgot to delete the version pre-AKI
Love Lateenas.
Johnny Cage also, he's always looked cool.
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this isn't a fighting game character, this is a piece of racist anti-asian propaganda from 1943
>cool as fuck
>cute AND sexy
bison gods... we won
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Bison looks cool as fuck in 6
Actually looks like his SF4 art
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I think that Aki is pretty, but I also love this pic with the exaggerated FOV, perfect troll face.
i imagine a character who is supposed to look menacing WOULD look good in a horror engine
>most popular female newcomer
>cute, sexy, and dangerous
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my yellow peril wife
every SF6 girl
why'd they make all the kookily characters busted this patch
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You could blindfold this bitch with a shoelace.
fireball slime chink edition is NOT sexy
AKI filters so many
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>My kookily main is still not busted
we wuz changz
She's the most popular newcomer full stop, it's not even close
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this one legit spooky ngl
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*blocks your path*
This. He already has made the greatest SF game in his head.
i know
it's hot
Hisako for dixx year 3
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I know it sounds weird, but I think AKI's weirdness actually works in her favour, and pushes her popularity above what she'd be if she was just hot.
SF straddles a weird line between characters having cool/hot/weird aspects the way no other fighter really does, and if you take any one of these things away you get diminished popularity.

Like sure Lucia, Laura, Kolin, Falke were all hot, but they didn't feel like classic SF characters, whereas AKI kind of does feel like she could have been drawn in an 80s/90s anime style and still work as a corny 80s movie character, like all the world warriors were
Feel free to call me out on this but I haven't seen a design catch on as much as her since Juri
It's not close that's true, but she isn't the one retard
Go outside
kek I fucking love this dude. He's like every 4chan meme condensed into one person.
shes native american and uhhhhh HER HAIR IS A BIRD

shes chinese and uhhhh HER HAIR IS A RICE HAT

shes a muscle girl and uhhh HER HAIR IS A GLADIATOR HELMET
kys clayton
She's definitely more popular than Jamie, but I agree he's second
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based and sciencepilled
lily's hair is supposed to be a bird?
I really don't mind Clayton, I don't get the hate
Is that the grudge spirit from KI
Sounds familiar but not googling
i dunno if weird is exactly the right way to put it, but i agree anyway. it gives her character
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the most popular newcomers
gaymiefags are absolutely insufferable
> Ctrl+F "Clayt"
>64 results
Are you sure this isn't fgg

Anyway Aki is not more popular than Jamie
If he played in a tournament then we could actually either admit that he's good at games, or that he's a dogshit fraud

But he'll never do that
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You would piss your pants if Jamie flirted with you
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yeah its supposed to be hawk wings like its swooping in downwards. the original design accentuated this more.
Bbc armor activated
I'd rather have the skeleton
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We're getting Grade A fuckmeat
>Lilly HAWK
>with her CONDOR moves
>and that HAWK that shows up in her win screen
No way.
It does now and has meant cute anime girls for over a decade now, old man.
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>SF characters have weird hair? This cannot be
Huh oh yeah you can see it there, never would've guessed from the ingame model though.
He doesn't count he's special
Fuck... my argument is invalid
That's because they made her look like Mr potato head with toddler braids in game.
The people that play and post about her are disgusting pedo freaks
When I hear this song all I can think of now is
>take this higher!
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Bring back T. Hawk.
Bring back Birdie
Bring back Guy

It's time for men.
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I would graciously inform him that my wife Kimberly is awaiting me at home.
I would put KI in MK's place there. MK doesn't have many weirdos overall compared to how many "cool normal human" characters they have.
I mean, he's definitely good at fighting games. I don't blame him for not wanting to go to tournaments that are full of fat, unkempt non whites.

kill yourself
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guy would've looked amazing in the sex engine
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Remember when they named a character
and then made her hair look like a snake? What was up with that?
No I'm not talking about mashing a friendly set on some game 50 people play, I'm talking about an in person tournament with actual competition
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look at those freaky weirdo classic sf2 characters
theyre just like aki!
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Damn he's really upset today
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Call aki ugly once and he roams at the mouth

Ken is low tier
didnt watch also no hes not
i think ken is rashid's worst mu
>no screws bite into my stick case except for 1
The bottom of my stick is held in by a single screw lmao
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lily if she was a member of the bogdanoff family
>> Ctrl+F "Clayt"
>>64 results
It's because he figured out the game and newfags are getting mad at him for some reason
Doesn't he have some kind of medial issue that prevents him from going to tournaments? He has played in tournaments though and won.
Does Chun have any fireball juggles in this game?
Brolylegs had a pretty fucking serious medical issue and he was going to tournaments all over america
Wrong board, wrong meme, and just wrong in general. 0/10
clayton doesnt like modern fighting games, why would he travel halfway across the country to play in a tournament for games he doesnt like?
And then he died, not exactly a great advertisement for spending time around filthy FGC troglodytes
tournaments like...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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i think analog stick is better than d-pad
especially if you play charge
Sprites look so much better than 3DPD
You know besides meaty set ups to show off the system.. Lets say perhaps you are afraid the opponent is good at reversals you are confident he will reversal DP or whatever it might from your meaty set up.. Lets say maybe in this situation then to show off the system you use just a regular string, perhaps the guy already has a bit of his guard meter gone, so you do your block string, you fireball, whatever special it might be, then use 2 bars of your versatile meter to then do another lp metsu fireball, which will break the guys guard that way. Since say perhaps when you cancel like that it does more guard stun then any other normal you might have done that allows this to be a true combo on block. So again the point is, a move like ryus metsu hadoken, you can make it a normal move while giving it a little bit of fiddling with the properties while still appreciating the different lore of the denjin hadoken, raido raikou whatever the fuck that hadoken was. And to make it its most useful you have to use the system, but the opponent can also use the system to "save" themselves so to speak. There is a potential tug of war here between our meters, but its not a generic or homogenized tug of war like is present in a game like say SF6. Again every character is actually unique.

Very insightful, just took some notes on this
Yeah all I'm seeing is someone pretending they play when they don't
why PHUCK isn't my dualsense working in the kunitsu-gama demo when it works in sf6, dd2, and re4r crapcom!?!?
I love shadaloo. I love SF2.
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>Yeah all I'm seeing is someone pretending they play when they don't
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One of the greatest starting rosters in fighting games
Making fun of a dead guy is pretty fucking low Clayton
Broly was godlike
kami 6
>that deejay
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my blacklist looking kinda fire no cap
Clayton is not you’re friend bro lol
AKI's design works much better in 2D than 3D
The hair in particular looks terrible from any angle except the front
good god bison's new design is dogshit
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i imagine the people who play him look like him
in the sense that they're disgusting and balding
clayton is faking his sickness
for example theres this other sick guy brolylegs who attends a lot of tourneys and hes fine!
If your opponent gets caught with your fireball mid air you can do stuff like DR HK into stance MK

stop spamming your slime shit clayton
just added two more
good god, this game is dogshit lol
they buff all the shotos and then release pay 2 win bullshit

how are you people playing this?
Thanks, sounds like it'd be pretty useful against akuma
Imagine Cammy getting pegged by Rogue. Ugh~
isnt it interesting how no one asked brolylegs to show his medical history? its like people think clayton is too handsome to be ill
I wouldnt say he’s faking it but it’s clear he just didn’t want bother or didn’t want travel. Lost of old pros don’t travel anymore. Clayton still has no footage of ST or 4 or V. Shame
They accused Clayton of hacking the hospital records when he showed proof. And they call him a schizo.
Clayton is a god

Rent free

People are just jealous

Everyone knows that deep down if Clayton made a game people would play the shit out of it. A company should just hire him under a alias already.
What tournaments has Clayton won?
What's Clayton's illness exactly?
This. Also I must be missing something, I know people want to meme but are people forgetting how often this guy is in the hospital? You can't honestly believe the guy went to Japan for a month to spend almost the entire time in bed like he showed. People really think he paid money to fly to stay in another country to sit at home? You guys really are schizos to believe that.
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What isn't Clayton's illness is a better question... They do say that God gives the hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.
Clayton has showed his health record many times. It's inspirational and that's not me saying it as a meme.
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thank god for 4chanx
he won the losing to DSP tournament
these posts are more annoying than the shitposts I won't lie. no one cares about your filter fag
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dsp > faggotton >= dale
keep on slimin
Damn, that's rough.
I'm not sure why people are so insecure about Clayton anyway. I think it's cool we have him, better than random other shills and content creators who don't put out anything that isn't basically a random generic tier list every other video. He has real interesting topics. I don't get the Clayton never went to tournaments schizo rambling either. If he never went to tournaments why can you look so many of them up? And ffs why is there that whole disturbing story of Clayton being sick at a tournament collapsing and then everyone stealing his stuff that is still around. That's pretty fucking dark leaving someone for dead over a video game.
>these posts are more annoying than the shitposts I won't lie. no one cares about your filter fag
Clayton? More like Gayton
What tournaments did he go to though?
kinda looks like phoebe bridgers
Why the fuck do so many people one and done, holy shit
Just make it forced FT2 already
muh MR

Here's your S3 guest DLC character
It's actually unbelievable. This same song and dance, literally the exact same types of posts about being 'left for dead over a game' and 'You're all just insecure' since jive came out in 2016

How to tell the difference between me getting better or other people just being shittier on average at a certain point in time?
I won like 6 plat games in a row i think its the latter
Guileniggers have always been the biggest cowards.

Maybe try and think closely about what you did. Were you able to check rush better? Did you nail a tricky combo? Were your anti airs better?
if its one thing mortal kombat got right its forcing the set
are you recognizing stuff your opponent is doing and making reads with that information
Plat is already top 10% in the game or better
Yeah I might be seething for ten minutes now
But at least I'm not seething for 8 years
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SF6 status: Mastered.
Go do your homework instead of shitposting
This one
i wasn't sure if i was getting better but recently i played a lot in battle hub against randoms and was able to destroy plats like 20-2 so maybe try that out
The worst thing about guests is that now rosterfagging will get 10x worse

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