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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

Does the staff of the guilty buff the new scadutree spells?
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post your tarnished
How can these fucking threads die so fast, holy shit. 800 replies in 2 hours and there's nothing absolutely nothing of value in there.
Release is always unusable
Welcome to 4chan
> Half of the map is empty and could basically be removed or cut to a third ( Abyssal Woords, Jagged Peak, red flower zone, blue flower zone, shadowtree zone....)
> With some exceptions (Midra, Messemer), most of the bosses are way lower quality than base game bosses (Dancing Lion is just a untested bugged piece of trash that does nothing more than bugging the camera for example)
> Fucked up lore . not actually explaining any of the things that were teased in the trailler, torrent... gate of divinity...

It's still decent, but The DLC is clearly an unfinished product that had to be rushed out for some reason, inferior to the base game in almost every single way, and the fact that FROM isn't being criticised, and is actually being lauded for this makes me afraid they will just turn into Bethesda 2.0 in some years time
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In light of the DLC's discoveries imagine Marika's face when they show her baby Mohg and Morgott
maybe there were was more content added to elden ring so people came to the elden ring discussion thread to discuss it
For the anons that are doing playthroughs beyond NG+7, are there any DLC items you guys enjoy using? Aside from the the thorns and rolling sparks, I mean.
but it doesn't matter because impenetrable thorns does ridiculous damage and realistically there's only two staves you'd ever use to cast them anyway
>most of the bosses are way lower quality than base game bosses

You say this when gargoyles and deathrite birds and fallingstar beasts exist
the thong
what boob warp matches it
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>Shard of Alexander has a piece of Radahn's armor poking out of the gore
Man, how have I never noticed it before?
i can't fucking take it anymore man please stop
did Radahn really need to fart holy energy after every single move he does
Does anyone know if a chest wrap color matches the new thong?
It has been 5 minutes anon. We still don't know.
Kind of feels bad like 90% of the cool new toys in the DLC are some flavour of faith-scaling.
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I am afraid of this thing.

Should I be? is he going to suck my brain out of my eye sockets?
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Thanks for the help anons. Now I can start on my Miquella cosplay after AnimeExpo.
Some areas are a bit odd since they hold an item and nothing else. Feels like they should have just planned on 2 DLCs.
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on my faith playthrough now
I can not read messmer's moves at all
i would be okay if the deflect hardtear was not a tear but still a limited time consumable something like the priestess heart, being forced to use your other crystal tear in your physick if you want to play with the deflect feels very poorly thought out
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Red and blue complement each other
cant find a weapon I like - its over
Crack ship
This is clearly the Fire Giant's armor :)
Would you let Miquella steal your heart?
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>what if slinky but made of fire
miyazaki is a genius
You're gonna dress up like Miquella (like a girl)?
why don't you ask >>484419996 i'm sure he knows
remind me, on a new character what level should I stop using soreseals?
It even has some of the famous red hair. Nice catch anon!
just summon torrent
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You're a boy, right?
Dyslexia failed me. Was supposed to type Radagon. I'll just delete the evidence and no one will know.
my heterosexuality would dispermit me from doing so. also..


So this is an Ancient Dragon, is this one bugged like the other Ancient Dragons and impossible to stagger in regular gameplay?
When are they going to nerf Radahn's 2nd phase? This is such bullshit it's not even funny anymore.
Sure but brother the shitposting is the fucking same I've been here the last 4 threads what even the fuck are people doing? Not playing the game for a start.
>She was an INTmaxxed viglet witch
>She was a DEX swordfu
Can I make it any more obvious
Are beast claws just not viable at all without bleed?
its piece shit like all others
as soon as you don't need it for requirements
Your fault for being an atheist in a world of literal magic and gods.
Would it have been too good if the deflect effect was on a talisman, assuming the guard counter boost would be replaced with a negative effect?
Does a chest wrap match the nice new thong?
I've been trying Radahn for 5 hours (3 yesterday, 2 today) and I can barely survive in phase two. I have to finish work and will keep trying after. Does it get any better? Will I learn to dodge these moves by myself, without some annoying guide? Or are they too retarded?
how do you kill the armored furnace golems?
That is what a cosplay is anon. Can't be that more feminine than my Venti Cosplay.
I am
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Ansbach bow redman, whats your build?
>Does it get any better?
No. If anything learning the patterns made me angrier.
196 cm easily tricked retard here
Would you like a Radahn or a Mohg to go with you
what are your stats to get that much damage with that thing
The boss is objectively broken and retarded. You can bang your head against the wall if you want to.
Was mostly thinking about remembrance bosses, but yeah, fuck the gargoyles

It almost looks like that had an entire ER2 planned and then had to scrap most of it on a deadline, 2DLCs might have been a better idea.
>I am
Post feet
I think the best choice for most people is to just go all in on defense talismans.
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>Venti Cosplay
poast it....
Are you some guy in his mid twenties trying to be "cute" with these types of cosplays but you really just look like a man in drag? Tell us honestly.
how tall are (you)?
Eh, I'll use it anyway. The aesthetics work.
I've already got the braid + dragoncrest. Turtle talisman +2 and the one that boosts two handed. Do you recommend switching any of these?
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Looking for a top that matches this new leg armor if anyone knows one.
>Does it get any better?
Absolutely not

>Will I learn to dodge these moves by myself, without some annoying guide? Or are they too retarded?

As long as you keep banging your head against him sooner or later it's bound to happen, as it is right now it's absolutely not worth your time IMO so 1) if you want a honest win go greatshield + antspur 2) if you don't give a fuck do the lightning perfume cheese
>easily beat radahn with guts sword.
>struggling with dex
I never want to hear strengthfags bitch ever again in my life.
>shotgun bow
>one arrow hits
>hits like al arrows hit

Blessed Micheal Zaki, he wants you to kill hostcels.
Despite everything a shield does make the fight exponentially easier.
Consider it anon, finishing this fight gives you literally nothing in the game except the remembrance and the rewards from the remembrance are dogshit. In all my other playthroughs I'm stopping before Radahn, it's not worth the headache.
It's worth looking up a no hit kill video if you want to see a demonstration on how to avoid a specific attack.
Seems fine. Turtle talisman is pretty much mandatory. But I used the Crimson Seed +1 and that helped a lot.
Don't be fooled, enemy host had baby vigor.
Good damage though, it's true. Uhh not gonna look this up for you, if anon doesn't reply you can use a calculator to find out. Don't call me a retard,
well the point is there's no other staff
if you're building faith then you have to use the staff of the guilty regardless
>new thorn spells
>is not affected by any of the thorn buffing gear
>did not buff up the abysmal release thorns spells
There are so many little tiny oversights in these games when it comes to which spells/incants fall under what buff effect that it has to be done purposefully.
Dex starts out kind of crappy but ends up melting through enemy HP bars later down the line with the right loadout.
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Im in the US and I don't know what that translates to.
>2 DLCs might have been a better idea
For sure. Feels like they could have tapped more into the lore with that as well. Sort of disappointed we couldnt interact directly with Miquella.
I'm a guy in his twenties that just cosplaying. To answer >>484420972 i'm just a 5'2 dude so I've always just cosplayed tiny characters.
Suggestions for a long range sniper build to destroy bayle while my phantoms and igon hits him?
Goldmask's Rags
it would actually be a nerf if it was a talisman, because you are already starved for talisman slots (greatshield talisman, curved sword talisman, and then 2 perma slots like greatjar and bull-goat)
>Fujos openly lusting for Messmer
>Fanfictrannies not even hiding it
>Now a femboy cosplayer
Worst general on /vg/ and that's saying something considering the competition.
Hard to believe the same studio who created such fantastic bossfights as Dragonslayer Armour, Gael, Lady Butterfly, Owl or Gehrman also made the abhorrent trash in this DLC
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Elden ring is better than dark souls 3.
Dark souls 3 is their second worse souls game
Elden ring is their third worse souls game
Anyone who disagrees is a newfag to these games or not white
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>> Half of the map is empty and could basically be removed or cut to a third ( Abyssal Woords, Jagged Peak, red flower zone, blue flower zone, shadowtree zone....)
People bitched that the base game had a dispersive layout and lots of smaller dungeons. The DLC incremented the content desnity in some areas and left areas for exploration and collecting of a few items. Ultinately you can't win, damned if you do damned if you don't. I think the base game did a great job but I don't dislike the DLC world. Granted that if they put a bunch of caves and catacombs along the Cerulean Cost and the Abyssal Woods people would bitch about it.
>> With some exceptions (Midra, Messemer), most of the bosses are way lower quality than base game bosses (Dancing Lion is just a untested bugged piece of trash that does nothing more than bugging the camera for example)
I disagree, Gaius is the only bad boss, and it needs a patch like Starscourge Radahn that fixes the hitboxes.
>> Fucked up lore . not actually explaining any of the things that were teased in the trailler, torrent... gate of divinity...
Seems pretty straightforward actually. I didn't expect Radahn, but I certainly didn't expect Godwyn either, so Godwynfags are retatded especially if they belueve the Eclipse had anything to do with Godwyn.
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Me too
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Fight club is at 2/4 for me — did we lose people or gain people?
I'm losing my mind at Shadow Sen's Storehouse, can I explore the entire thing from within or do I enter the rest of the floors from the outside?
I love how niggers started singing praise for Dark Souls 3 the moment ER became popular as if the common consensus by non-casual players that it was the most boring, unfun piece of shit game in the series.
>he doesnt know about the resident elden drawfag who does belly inflation porn on the side
>Abyssal Woods and Jagged peak
I'd change up the drake battles in Jagged Peak but removing it entirely god no. That climb was great.
> Fucked up lore . not actually explaining any of the things that were teased in the trailler, torrent... gate of divinity...
Gate of divinity was pretty clearly explained.
>too stupid to google "cm to inches"
Why are femboys so fucking stupid?
I'm curious how speedrunners will deal with the scat tree fragments. Because I'm already thinking it might be viable to just skip most of them and beat the DLC with the bare minimum.
I'm guessing lose since there was one guy spamming that stupid night claw attack
you're a failed man so it all makes sense
let me plap you
They've been Bethesda 2 since ds3. You people didn't see the writings on the wall back then. You called me a schizo. But now you're seeing it
It was derivative for sure but a lot of banger bosses.
>Im in the US
You have to go around to the other side of the fucking planet just to use that ladder.
To exit north of the keep you have to enter from the church district west of it, and getting there is a long journey that starts in a hole on the ground in Moorth ruins
I used Ansbach + Mimic tear with bleed, 19 fragments, dragoncrest greatshield, golden braid, crab and opaline hardtear. Even with all of that broken shit, 82% damage reduction and 75% holy, I still had to abuse things like uplifting aromatic when he'd grab a summon or before he'd do his divebomb from the sky to try to keep them alive. With all of that bullshit in my favor it still took about 25 attempts to down him.
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basically, F-tier is reused base game shit and repeated DLC bosses

and Radahn's phase two, the first phase is like mid A-tier
>Shadow Sen's Storehouse
The storehouse is hardly THAT bad.
>resident elden drawfag
Need to know who this is and how to get in touch
>Worst general on /vg/
sorry bro i guess i was out of place with 2 ppl spamming magic shit at whomever was fighting in a melee
Post your Venti cosplay please
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Bayle is S++ tier spectacle, C tier fight at best
I haven't looked up anything but I imagine that they skip using fragments and rely on bleed/cold to kill Messmer/Romina/Leda/Radahn
Radahn would be the big runkiller, Messmer/Romina both have fair and consistent movesets to learn.
Speaking of Lena, if you just rush to the end and don't do any npc quest it should only be Hey, Dryleaf and Hornsent right? You can still summon that random sanguine noble.
Actually wait, is fighting Leda even required, can you just run past the room?
I'm not a speedrunningfag but if I had to guess, I'd say they'd rush chicken leg and blood infuse it.
The charged R2 can accumulate blood loss insanely fast and since it's percentage damage, it works regardless of skibidis.
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>got to the DLC is just over 2 hours with 2 +12 weapons
>second tried Mohg this time
I'm finally getting good at Mohg. He's such a fun fight.
I even remembered to use my gold fowl foot this time.
shit fight, stupid retard
60 dex
soaring sting talisman, sting talisman, alexander shard, old lords talisman
I use golden vow and blessings boon, replace the old lord talisman with millicents prosthesis if you don't want to

make sure to cheat in sleep arrows :^)
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It's the "last game was better" thing. The souls community has this funny habit of pretending like the last game was the best or amongst the best in the series while the new one is amongst the worst. They did the same thing when ds3 launched and when sekiro launched. Its how fromsoft fans are, I'll bet you, come their next game, the same people slurping ds3's cock and more will pretend elden ring is the best or amongst the best. It's an endless cycle at this point.
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Why did he have to leave her...
Have to disagree since Sekiro is fire (At least the 50% where the bosses use weapons with perfect hitboxes, and not the 50% of bugged indoor cameras, or grabs with such bad hitboxes that the animations straight up need to teleport you into them).... Ok maybe they started fucking up that way back
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Been running this setup forever (gloves and pants used to be lionels before verdigris came out), only super heavy armor set mix I've been able to make that I actually like. I wish the lionel helmet didnt have clipping problems with fucking everything though
>chief bloodfiend
I guess I mssed something
>M'lady + Twin Blades
>You get Twin Blade L1s with all their combos and any AoW you want + you look cool as hell wielding 3 swords
Hell yeah
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I know there are matching tops they are not telling us about. We will get to the bottom of this.
It's not an oversight. It's a lore technicality, The Staff of the Guilty buffs BLOOD STAR Aberrant Sorceries. Impebetrable Thorns aren't blood. It doesn't matter because the damage is good and you do want to have the Staff of Guilty at hand
>The souls community has this funny habit of pretending like the last game was the best or amongst the best in the series while the new one is amongst the worst. They did the same thing when ds3 launched and when sekiro launched
this is better known as the zelda effect, it's common in a ton of different series
Lmao, scrubs getting hard filtered by the best Souls dragon.

Go on, tell us all about the camera you low skill goofs.
is there an FC happening right now?
god I wish there was a decent bow with arcane scaling. serpent bow being stuck with the shitty ash is so depressing
That's the only real positive it has. Everything else is poor. Elden ring does better in ways ds3 fell short in yet falls flat where ds3 did good at. It's why I can't rank them any different. For me they're two sides of the same coin.
Mixed feelings.
St Trina and Miquella being two different beings would mean more for me...
But I think it's not that literal but just symbolic...
>I wish the lionel helmet didnt have clipping problems with fucking everything though
Now you know how INTbros feel when they want to wear a big hat but also use the MLGS.
it's literally in the item description
Yes, it's the best souls dragon.... the issue is that souls dragons are normally shit
Yes on Xbox
Right, this one just happens to be a masterpiece to rival Midir.
Not me
I always loved DS3. Never got the hate it gets.
Not a zeldafag but I believe you. But I do remember people shitting on twilight princess then pretending like it was a masterpiece when botw released.
It would help me if I only had to heal once instead of twice. Healing in second phase is very annoying. I'll try it out. What level were you when you beat him? I am level 150 now. Would leveling up to 175 or something make a huge difference? I'm on 80 strength, 25 endurance and 60 vigor.
Serpent Bow's ash makes sense because it has a huge status mv. A single shot will deadly poison most targets and you can do funny stuff with sleep arrows in pvp.
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When did I say I was a femboy?
Sorry but I have a girlfriend. She actually has a Ranni cosplay.
Oh you're fucking tall man. You're taller than my best friend and he's 6'2.
>post it
Trust me you dont
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I warmed up to the idea of Consort Radahn
We always talk about what's getting nerfed, but what's getting buffed?
I would say DS3 had the best invasions in the series. Yeah the revolving door of summons was annoying if you didn't catch the host but besides that I felt like the balance between invaders and the host was at its peak there. Being purple was also the funniest shit.
I'd rather have enchanted shot and actually hit things.
Based fundamentalist anon, really fun fights
Some of the levels are a slog but the bosses shit on the entire Elden Ring package in terms of quality and fun
i like placidusax more than midir or dayle
I don't. Miquella is for women. Big women. Straight shota. Josou seme.
The throwing daggers maybe. They're pitiful
The stamina consumption on Messmer's Spear R2s was clearly meant for the nuke damage they did pre release
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It's very good
I want to know for sure first if he's charmed or not.
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>sword-lance blood infused gives fucking 120 base bleed build up
>wanted to try power stancing them
>dupe my remembrance
>limited to one per playthrough
does from think they are fucking funny? I didnt realize duping remembrances was so useless
>No no no, the hornsent aren't "the bad guys"
>meanwhile the one hornsent drops a pair of shitty underwear
Fuck the hornsent. Glory to the blessed marika hips.
>Never got the hate it gets.

It doesn't really get any hate, it's widely acknowledged to be the best game in the series.

DS2 is the real black sheep. Because it's genuinely awful on almost every level.
Midir was a better fight but the devs were definitely smoking something when they designed Placidusax's arena.
>The throwing daggers maybe. They're pitiful
They're stupidly strong if you use an elemental infusion.
Why do you insist on cosplaying as these types of characters? Just pick something that doesn't make you look like a massive fag?
Miquella's whole shtick is making everyone a mind slave.
I have 3 larval tears left, level 219
Tell me what to respec into to kill Radahn as painlessly as possible. I don't care if it's the most disgusting, cheating, low effort, babby mode cheese ever devised. I just want to be done with this.
gg game crashed and igtg
Elden Ring bosses are better than in any other Fromsoftware game, shitterfaggots.
Fuck off back to rollspamming in /dsg/, especially DS2 and DS3 faggots
It's good either way.
That's hot. Tell us more.
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How have they not put a patch out to fix performance issues yet.
The worst part of Sekiro to me is that it's a game where you're a ninja doing stealth. But the AI is literally the worst AI ever for a game of this kind, the enemies are beyond retarded. Even the MSX Metal Gears were better.
The only hate I've seen is it being too linear, which it really is. Otherwise it's a great game.
Leda still loves him even after the mind control
>it's widely acknowledged to be the best game in the series
lol no
ds1 is widely acknowledged as the best in the series
Budding in, my theory is that it's one of two things for people
1. It's the game they started out with so they're the most attached to. Before elden ring ds3 was the souls game that brought in the most people and many of these "veterans" had the same youtuber builds and phantoms carrying them that these elden ring newfags do now
2. Since it's the last they played they played it the most. They grew attached because, how these games work is, only the dedicated fans of the specific games are the ones that keep playing years after the last dlc, meaning they're the biggest fans of it bar none, whenever the new one comes out, and from continuously showing how incompetent they can be, they dislike the new game compared to the old. It's why ds2fanboys and bloodbornen fanboys only showed up in masse when ds3 released.
>New Thorn spells are buffed by Staff of the Guilty AND Alberich armor
>None of the new ghostflame/gravebird adjacent spells are buffed by Prince of Death
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>if you're using a Somber weapon
>you can cheese a +9 without setting foot in Leyndel
>just by doing Limgrave + Caelid + Liurnia and doing Rya's quest to go to Volcano Manor
>and then get a +10 for Mohg by going to Mohgwyn Palace with Varré's quest
>allowing you to go to the DLC with a +10 weapon before you even fight Morgott
>if you're using a normal weapon you have to go all the way to Farum Azula before you can max a weapon
That's not true. A lot of people hated on it because they seemed to resent the nostalgic approach it took to DS1, by rethreading certain locations or linking certain new areas to old places.
But I greatly appreciated that about it myself. It was an amazing send off to the series as a whole and it felt as if people were just being jaded and cynical about it for no reason.
Big shield and a big weapon, either charged R2s or jump attack spam. Phase 1 can be done in like a couple of swings since you will break his posture (if you want to be fancy wait until Phase 2 to break his posture) and Phase 2 just hope to god he doesn't do his stupid nuke.
greatshield+heavy thrusting sword
Might not even need to respec if you have the strength to use a greatshield already, it makes him SUPER easy
need 1 more
>eat a stealth candy
>proceed to either skip or stealth kill all enemies with absolutely no chance of ever getting spotted no matter what
Not much of a stealth game.
3/4 PCbros, hop in here for some jolly free for all fun
>DS1 with an infamous second half
Nah. DS1 has aged like shit.
>but anon there is this one lady who is submissive and totally into it
You don't say...
How? That game is widely known as "the game that only has one good half". I do not agree with this statement, as some second half areas are fun too, but I think most people generally prefer DS3?
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>Amerimutt hours
>Shazamcord raids
Leda's a shotacon who would have done anything to feel his wiener inside her while she pretends to be brainwashed into loving it.
Placi is exactly what a spectacle fight SHOULD be.
My main issue with bayle is the same as basically every dragon since Midir. Fromsoft has some obsession with trying to force me to play whackamole with their head when it's only occasionally within reach and pulls right back out of reach again on a whim.
Midir himself was barely tolerable because they put a great deal of effort into designing his entire animation set on controlling carefully when his head was in reach or not. That attention to detail was completely absent with all of Elden Ring's dragons, including Bayle.
Exactly. The reviews I had seen didn't mention how shitty it is, yet it is a major part of the game.
Anon, I think I already told you that thanks to the DLC you can probably get a weapon to +25 without fighting a single DLC boss.
If STR is absolute babby mode, what is the hardest build?
They've been bethesda since dark souls 2. That thing was only salvage by SOTFS but the release version had all the Yui Tanimura garbage the Elden Ring is made of.
That's my point. Someone still loves him without mind control. Who's to say Radahn isn't the same?
dropped DS1 out of boredom recently
And I told you already the point is to get a +25 weapon before you step a single foot in the DLC.
DS1 was a blueprint, DS3 is the polished final vision. The only real criticism of 3 is it not being original, but that doesn't really mean anything if you consider these games on their own merits.
Pure faith
No arc dipping shit, that reverts to baby mode
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A lot of stormveil hosts will get a taste of new madness weapons soon
If you're looking for an action game, sure. As an adventure game, which the other half of these games are, none of them come close to DS1.
Anyone with a brain, because it doesn't fit his character
I'm firmly in the camp that believes 2 is easily the worst. But it's just a 6 or 7 out of 10. It does have some interesting ideas that are disappointingly abandoned because they
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I'm just going with the "Radahn promised to be Miquella's consort so he could have an excuse for total war" theory. Miquella and Radahn would then be two sides of a coin, Compassion and Wrath, but like Yin and Yang, there is an element of both within the other. Miquella is manipulative and totalitarian, while Radahn can show deep care for those who he loves.
>so I've always just cosplayed tiny characters.
>Fujos openly lusting for Messmer
>Fanfictrannies not even hiding it
>Now a femboy cosplayer
Best general on /vg/
Romina was disappointingly easy... great design and moveset though, just piss easy
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The mind control makes him hotter.
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Do we like this scythe? The ash is pretty cool.
Why though?
It's unnecessary. Just go into the DLC and farm there.
>Still 3/4
I’m not feeling so good bros…
Apparently the Tarnished of No Renown disagrees.
its too shit to be fun
He grabs you and kills you(does extreme damage, not a true instant kill), but he is as blind as most things are.
They are invincible but can be made vulnerable by parrying, if you press it as he raises his hand with buckler or golden you should be good.
Some of them have specific gear drops, most notably the atk up when madness proc talisman.
The fact that he rejected Miquella's proposal and then went to war to enforce that. What we are looking at is a reanimated corpse with a soul receiving the full attention and lust of a god.
>Fujos openly lusting for Messmer
this is based however
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YO this pvp is BUSSIN frfr
ds3 is a hallway. They completely rearranged the areas and bosses like 6 months before release to hide the fact that it's more unfinished than ds1 was, most of the lategame stuff that they showed before release never made it into the game.
it's fine as an action game, but it's even more rollslop than elden ring and completely loses on what makes ds1 good, being the interconnected world and the slower more tactical combat. The only thing that ds3 really does better than any other souls game is multiplayer.
>only has a single, sole, canon hetero "i can fix him" ship
Had to be killed by Malenia so Miquella could fuck with his soul. If he was with Miquella then the DLC wouldnt have played it as it did.
>DS3 is the polished final vision.
DS3 is an uninspired, roll spam fest and the most linear piece of shit in the series. Dark Souls 1 will always be king for how absolutely perfect its stamina management and roll recovery was compared to all the other games.
>Marika offered a braid of hair to some complete rando literal who named "the Grandmother"
Seriously who is this? A tribal elder? The Hornsent Grandam?
how do you receive the lust of a god? asking for a friend
Quick rundown? The fuck is shazam?
Same. Sinh is also better than the other two.
Literal who lore wise, just like Midra.
>Amerimutt hours
>DS2ggots start spamming
>DS3 BAD posts out of nowhere in erg
it does so little damage
>the blade is moon-like and winter-themed
>fits the idea of "cold"
>supposedly the opposite of the DMGS
>should fit the idea of "warm"
>it's a fucking holographic sign without any "root" to it
>Not even a proper handle and handguard like the DMGS
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I'm glad they both got to fulfill their promises!
As much as the damage is retarded, I can't else but blame the host for going headfirst into it. Nothing is more frustrating as a furled than a host that does not care about their own wellbeing/is too stupid to save.
uhhh let me make something real quick ill hop on
Anon did you not look at where you found it? The statue that Marika dedicated her braid to?
>leda's sword just casually taking buffs away
What the fuck
Why would I not always have one of these in the pocket.
You mean that you cosplay as little boys? That's kinda weird, no?
>DS2ggots start spamming
>DS3 BAD posts out of nowhere in erg
Both turds are bad, but the audacity of 3fags saying it's widely considered the best in the series is just lol
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Missed opportunity to not have Gideon used incantations from the DLC if you beat it before fighting him
I wonder if this weapon will be overlooked by patches since nobody uses it.
Literally the first time in the franchise a non greatbow is good
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>leda's sword just casually taking buffs away
NoBuffs-chan.... your time is NOW....
>>supposedly the opposite of the DMGS
it isn't
>>should fit the idea of "warm"
>Why would I not always have one of these in the pocket.
Because it's hard to fashion with.
Can someone translate the moonrunes?
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/v/ spammers that seep into generals at every flavour of the month release
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Godskin Duo isn't even hard, the string bean is ultra passive so you're really dealing with the lardass for most of it.
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>tfw you started a sword and board playthrough before the dlc dropped and ended up being the pinnacle of "you didn't beat the game"
But what is (a) shazam?
I like it, wish it wasnt arc though since that already has basically the same weapon art with the helix rapier
woah!! cool webm!!
you think radahn accepted being resurrected just to fight us is because we are fucking his sister?
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>scattershot throw
>swify slash
>dueling shield
>sleep spread crossbow
Fuck off
>once bequeathed to him by his first wife, Rennala
>A Moon Greatsword, bestowed by a Carian queen upon her spouse to honor long-standing tradition
Pretty obvious it was once a Moon GS but got "sunnified"
if by sword and board you mean greatshield thrusting sword
So many weapons/spells in this game are complete dogshit compared to other weapons/spells.
From really needs to give them a 10-50% damage buff to level the playing field
I don't think Radahn had a choice.
>holy nuke aoe that covers half of the arena and is followed by random holy lightning spam
Fuck off
>every single slash is followed by holy cancer popping from the ground 0.1 seconds later
Fuck OFF
>undodgeable afterimage spam
>heart stolen
Literally done with this game.
Lol if DS1 and DD2 were good, people would actually play them, not circlejerk each other about what awesome experience they were when they played them back then
Makes as much sense as anything else in the lore
It just kinda feels like a bit worse grave scythe desu.
I can explain as someone who dislikes ds3 but still like parts of it.
I'll start off with what I like, it objectively has the best bosses and it's pvp system is overall the best, the number of spirits per world, the number of spirit colors, the arena, the pvp invasion area covenants. All top notch and the best in the series. BUT I don't play these games solely as a boss rush game, I'd play monster hunter or sekiro if i only cared about bosses.
>the fashion
The fashion is overall a step down from 2, one of the only things about 2 that were good was the fashion options, in ds3 there are barely any good looking new sets, and the older ones, like dark wraith, drakeblood, and more they look worse than in the previous games. Hell the black knight set has skin showing around the neck. There are very few new sets, yet oddly, for things like the silver knight's set they didn't bring back the weapons despite the enemies having them. Overall the fashion in ds3 for me, is just as bad as the fashion for elden ring, though elden ring fashion is more egregious in many areas, namely the non matching colors for metal
>Weapon variety and build variety
Also poor, many of the weapons look uninteresting and many more are just plain useless compared to others, and builds again are a step down from 2 where the core design of miracles for that game make them the worst of any fromsoft game, bar ds1, although pyromancy and sorcery is in a good place. Note I'm not a ds2 fag, what ds2fags don't get is that the only reason so many weapons were good in that game was simply because of how the rolling system works if it had ds3's 99% of weapons would be useless there
>the world and atmosphere
This is probably the worst part for me, it's drab, and uninspired only ds2 had a worse general world look and feel.
>the bosses
It has some of the best but lamest bosses ever. All of the good bosses are late mid-late game.
Are shields really that OP? I thought that bosses will just do 10x combos to break your stance?
When it had just released one of the most common complaints is how the vast majority of bosses were complete pushovers that you could literally destroy with nonstop R1 spam right off the get go.

Dark Souls 3 is absolute garbage and >>484421439 is 100% right. There has been some massive contrarian Dark Souls 3 propaganda lately. Dark Souls 3 has every single Elden Ring problem except the open world and none of the upsides.
Why do zoomers say something is bussy when they mean it's good? Are they all gay?
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Its from the Shazam movie poster and edits of it. Basically using the image of the guy drinking from a straw with text mocking X or Y popular vidya. Its faded away now but it completely took over /v/ when it started and /v/tards then took it and flooded /vg/ generals for months
>caring about what faggots on the internet think
screw them, if you're fighting gods and eldritch beasts, you are allowed to use a shield
Another one defeated by Prime Radahn.
>boot up game
>load save
>immediately die by falling through the map
>my bloodstain is nowhere to be found
>goodbye 4M runes
If runes mattered, I might have been upset. Still very odd.
>what makes ds1 good, being the interconnected world
That is true, however it's balanced out by DS1's latter half being utter garbage, while DS3, with all it's linearity, has a very solid design of individual levels throughout the game.
>the slower more tactical combat
That's nonsense. It's just slower, period. Everything's way too easy to parry/backstab. Bosses lack interesting move sets and just aren't challenging in the slightest. Poise is completely broken, just put on Havel's and faceroll the game away.
>ds3 really does better than any other souls game is multiplayer.
While I do have a thousand hours messing up Pontiff shitters and really love the PvP, that's not really relevant to the game's quality.
>Bitching about jagged peak
You're a fucking retard. If you don't see the appeal in going up and having atmosphere and tension built then you should just fuck off to DS2
imagine writing a post about why a game is bad and your longest point is about fashion
>though elden ring fashion is more egregious in many areas, namely the non matching colors for metal
DS3's mismatching armor sets are far more pronounced than in ER though.
Fuck, I mean >>484421686 is 100% right.
No, because he wanted to be king consort
>n-no he was mind controlled
look, I don't like it either, but that's what it is. Radahn always accepted to be Consort, and the Battle of Aeonia was a typical JRPG trope of "You have to prove my worth before I joing you as servant" deal
This sounds like some retarded dream I would have. I truly don't understand how these things could happen.
A fashionGOD is speaking. Shut up and listen.
Don't Fujos pair up men with other men though? Who is exactly are they pairing Messmer with, who can they pair him up with?
Great shield talisman and anything with decent guard boost with 100 phys, or even close to it if you are willing to take some damage makes it pathetically easy.

Even shields that suck can be buffed as well.
>"you have to prove yourself to me before you can get with Ranni"
>kick his ass twice
I think Radahn would be accepting of the arrangement
>Forged by King Consort Radagon to proudly symbolize the tenets of the Golden Order.
The Golden Order is not associated with the sun anywhere that I can recall.
>how do you want your pvp meta bro?
>total meleenigger death it whoever gets hit with sleep first loses
bussin not bussy you fucking porn addict
Dark Souls 1 is approaching 15 years in age. How many thousands of hours do you need in a game before you can stop playing without some faggot retard online complaining that it isn't popular enough anymore?

Btw does that stack with the black dumpling? that would be based
Marvel got Captain Marvel's naming rights. So DC had to rename Captain Marvel to Shazam, which were already his magical words for transforming. It means he has the powers of Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury.
>Trust me you dont
Trust me I do
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>800 replies in 2 hours and there's nothing absolutely nothing of value in there.
kek but yeah welcome to /vg/
We might be at the point where the general starts rotting as all that there is to discuss has been discussed multiple times. Third party resources (like f*xtralife wiki) are pretty good at this point so there's no real reason to come here
Does it make every boss easy? Or just Radahn?
proof of said acceptance? there's more evidence that it was mind control than not
iirc "fujo" just means "rotten girl" in nip and can apply to any degen foid, not just ones into gay sex
It's the closest equal to it, also the world doesn't have a visible sun with the tree acting in place of it from what I can tell.
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what you lookin at me for? Got a fucking problem?
the falx sucks ass in pvp
Larval Tear rebirth just means a Mimic Tear takes your place, right?
Like someone going through a Star Trek teleporter, it's noticeably you anymore.
You beat the game you just didn't arbitrarily limit yourself. I'm jealous because I do arbitrarily limit myself.
No, girls who are into het or shipping anime boys with themselves are called otome or yumes.
>Poise is completely broken, just put on Havel's and faceroll the game away.
this is my goto strategy for four kings, havels and the biggest fuckoff weapon I can possibly find and just never dodge a single hit
Every boss. You take chip damage from breath attacks or fire but can block basically everything.
I like tomato soup.
I'm level 100 and just beat morgott, do I travel to kill mohg and enter the DLC or finish the base game instead?
You suck ass in pvp. Falx works fine on my machine
Miquella's words at the start of the cutscene
It trivializes literally every single combat encounter in the game. You're just playing a completely different game at that point.
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current tarnished on NG+ planning a frenzy build and aiming for the Lord of Frenzy ending this time
no, you just go in and out and she takes the tear as payment
Also, what's the significance of the DLC Larval Tears looking/ being different?
>Miquella's words
lmfao shut the fuck up retard
Just like Star Trek's teleport, it's hard to say. Maybe there is a soul that stays the same. I wonder if anything is different lorewise with being reborn by the new larval tears, and what their relation is to the old larval tears.
at least get all the smithing stone bearings first
I genuinely don't understand how anyone at From thought this fight was good. It just makes no sense and it feels like they just approved it with zero testing thinking "eh some autist will figure out the broken builds needed for this, good enough".
i want to use the weapon art that locks me in place for 4 seconds and kills me
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Death knight longhaft axe is fucking really damn good. It's got a surprisingly quick moveset and the weapon art does a shit ton of damage.

Plus i love it's carry stance for one handed.
That could just be him being delusional.
>Oniichan, when I grow up, let's get married!
>Yeah sure whatever, now go play outside so I can ride Leonard
bum rush for miner bell bearings 3 and 4 in snowy area and farum because you will need them, maybe alexander shard and erd tree favor +2 if you want them too
but I only use greatsword
Well Done!
Be wary of yandere
I don't believe you.
>The Miquella-related Empyreans all get gendershifted
>St. Trina is a sleepy guy with a smooth voice
>Radahn is a mindbroken amazoness
>Malenia is a creepy imouto-obsessed cripple
>Miquella is a cute girl
How does this change things?
is that a boy? tell me it's a twink please
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Can you blame Radahn?
I never stopped playing Splinter Cell Chaos Theory yearly because it was quite literally never surpassed in stealth gameplay.
Dark Souls was born ancient with worse downgraded mechanics from Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 2 went further in that awful direction
>just approved it with zero testing thinking "eh some autist will figure out the broken builds needed for this, good enough".

You just know that's EXACTLY how it went.
>doesn't work on my machine
>works on your machine
so if I had your machine it would work?
so it's literally pay 2 win!??? FUCK this game!
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Freja says that Miquella and Radahn once upheld a vow.
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It's so bad I backup my saves so I can just ignore it when playing ds3 again
>the npcs
Less memorable than most, the only truly memorable ones are greirat and patches, I will say, ds3 patches is the best rendition of him he's the only one that feels like a real character, but most other npcs just feel bland even compared to elden ring somehow
>the lore
I dislike how they removed the player choice aspect of killing gwendolyn, but I don't actually mind all of the "remember ds1" moments, giving the chaos sisters a fitting send off was great imo. My main problem is the NEW lore is just boring and bad, not as quite "spitting in your face" as elden ring, but still just not interesting or fun
>the dlc
Ashes was shit, probably the second worst fromsoft dlc, yet it's juxtaposed by ringed city which is obviously their best. Seriously it feels like they didn't want to make vanilla ds3 but actually DID want to make ringed city it's unreal how much of a 180° it is in terms of ALL of my previous complaints for ds3. Taking only ringed city I'd say it's the best fromsoft experience, that and old hunters trailing behind it.

Overall I cannot rate elden ring or ds3 higher than eachother, they have so many of the same or conflicting issues I can't help but view them as the same game. "Modern dark souls" and frankly i hope they make more games with alterations to this formula like sekiro or bloodborne, instead of just making dark souls 5 but in a different setting.
Nothing, I'm killing all of them.
As King Marika commands.
The only play that feels ethically viable with shields is perfect parry playstyle and even that is broken as fuck.
Radahn is far easier with str weapons because dex weapons don't do shit to his poise/stagger if you're not using strong weapon arts, as in fighting by literally only using Moonveil L2.
How do i know how a ash of war scales? Radahn swords for example, what do i level to get damage of the l2?
I have 600 hours in the game and no matter how many times I try I always revert to a basic bitch pure melee build. My retard brain cannot find ways to weave spells and incants in the middle of battle. Even tried 25 faith just for buffs but my autism demanded I put those into Str/Dex/End instead. What is wrong with me?
I love me Uchigatana, love me Unsheathe. Simple as.
>It's the closest equal to it
No, that would be the flame of the Fell God. The GOG is modeled after the Elden Ring. Makes sense to me.
Do people who take PVP in elden ring (and other FS titles) seriously know how pathetic everybody thinks they are? Not even FS takes the entire PVP systems in their game seriously.
>Literally the first time in the franchise a non greatbow is good

Imagine not knowing about demon's souls oneshot bow build
t. literally just died to an invader moments ago
Yes actually, because the previous complaints are all commonly said, I never hear anyone mention just how bad the fashion is in ds3 however
Neither are good, but at least ds3 doesn't have a ton of barefoot leggings even when they don't make any sense.
>I never stopped playing Splinter Cell Chaos Theory yearly
You and all 4 other people on the planet, I guess chaos theory is actually overrated since more people are playing blacklist according to steam charts. This is how fucking stupid you argument is. Kill yourself.
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Why do Miquella and Malenia not have a shadow again
it's the same people that gank low levels in wow with their rogue
>King Marika is literally Radagon with golden hair, but a bigger cock

I'm gonna say that's due to Godfrey connection to the crucible, based on his rock slinging moves and the fact he led the Legion literally known as the Crucible Knights.

Plus, its possible for recessive genes to pop up in a family, like a white woman with a white husband giving birth to a black baby, because both she and her husband had a a black ancestor somewhere in their family tree
Dks3 was certainly a relatively bad game in many, many aspects (art design and level design especially) but the common idea of:
>Friede > Malenia
>Midir > Bayle
>Gael > Radahn
definitely holds true.
PvP is fun until I meet someone who knows what they're doing. Then it's no longer fun. And I can't take the game seriously enough to learn how to actually PvP. My life is a struggle.
defeating gods by pulling your sword really fast is hilarious
There should’ve been a post game run back where you drag Miquella back through every cross site and have him slowly reclaim his humanity. Having him react in horror at the consequences of his actions and how monstrous he became, until it culminates with him breaking down at the corpse of St. Trina. Reloading the area would have him still mourning, but he’d thank you for reminding him of himself, and encourage you to pursue lordship like the base game npc’s.
yeah but you want to offhand it, the finger staff has unnerfed arc status scaling
>but at least ds3 doesn't have a ton of barefoot leggings even when they don't make any sense.
Okay but your character literally looks like a little kid when wearing most armor sets helmetless. Just look at shit like the Lothric Knight set.
Stop asking questions.
Alright ds3 haters and ds3chads can we all just agree that bloodborne is overrated cringe?
They're selfcest babies
>No, that would be the flame of the Fell God.
Who the fuck calls the hobo with a flame thrower the stand in for the actual sun
DS3 easily has the best fashion and DS2 has the worst, even ER's not that bad.
nah it's a chick
Personally for me it's how fucking awful the control scheme is for accessing this, and weapon arts largely make a "batlte mage" play style obsolete.

Honestly weapon arts in general feel like they are a negative direction for the game.
That would be too sovl for FromSlopware. Enjoy your Nth delayed attack spamming boss with le latin choir meme soundtrack and yet another >the NPC dies because... THEY JUST DO OK?? plot
Marika was the blue dancer who sealed away the rot god to establish her golden order rule.

Disagree? Find me evidence that contradicts my statement
the only thing I've heard about bloodborne is that it's a console exclusive that runs at 30fps
Oh I agree, also hated the penalty system it had for missing pieces of armor, it's not just that you didn't get extra defense, the defense was practically meaningless for armor, but that not wearing a helmet or gloves made you take more damage compared to the previous games where you just missed out on the defense increase for helmets.
1.They are dead just like their fingers.
2.They never got one because the Fingers concentrated their grooming efforts on Ranni.
>no Marika (forma god) fight
>no Godwyn (forma prime) fight
>can't cut bayle tail
all this kino lost forever...
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Your head would look nice on a platter.
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can't believe i waited this long to actually use the deflect tear
the poise damage is just insane
Kalameet, Midir and especially Sinh were all better fights for sure when it comes solely to you vs. boss though. Bayle had really cool hype with the climb and NPC, but actually trying to fight him solo is pretty miserable because he has all the deficiencies of Elden Ring boss design.
Can't imagine being a pure caster in this DLC when every boss can and will cross the entire arena to rush you in a third of the time it takes you to cast anything
maybe you should find some evidence that supports your statement first
I've never PVPd in elden ring. The last time I was invaded was replaying DS1:R, and I killed them.
Doomscrolling /erg/ to cope with Rellana existing
I really hope you were not crying about fan service that Radahn was brought back because all this garbage you wrote is even worse than that
I have 60/45 dex/arc. I have a bleed infused estoc with 450 AR and 108 bleed. Bleed infused vulgar militia shodel also seems quite good. What else should I be using on this build?
>Dks3 was certainly a relatively bad game in many, many aspects (art design and level design especially)
No it wasn't, it has bad art and level design just like any other From game, and also good art and level design
>>Friede > Malenia
>>Midir > Bayle
absolutely wrong
>>Gael > Radahn
Was thinking this, myself.
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>the Fingers concentrated their grooming efforts on Ranni.
But why, she's the one who wanted to become an Empyrean the least. Oh wait, that's why.
will sweat out 1 more fight club with backhand blade and then go to bed
>he thinks Rellana is bad
Every boss you encounter in this DLC will make you think "what the fuck is this cancer", and then the next one will make you think "no actually what the fuck is THIS cancer". By the time you get to the end, every boss before will feel like an early game trash mob.
Anyone else getting "inappropriate activity detected" messages? It's something to do with online play.
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just had an invasion where the host cast stars of ruin 19 times while I was fighting his phantoms
Why don't Miquella or Malenia have shadows the way marika and ranni do?
Messmer please, just talk to the poor girl
>see that giant hand faggot in mountaintop of snow giants
>he does his knockback bullshit
>realize I can use Vow of the Indomitable and ignore his stunlock
I feel like a genius.
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The expansion is just alright so far in my opinion. A lot of the zones feel pretty devoid of content. I think I'm about halfway through it by now and there have barely been any dungeons. A town here and there with a cookbook or some crap like that with no boss. The final areas had better be an improvement.
EAC crashed. Restart the game.

Time frame and motivation all provide sufficient t circumstantial evidence
Anon Marika was never a warrior, the only sword she can wield is a meat one.
did you have fun?
But anon, (you) are Rellana!
there's a 90% chance you replied to a femcel obsessed with messmer
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>Your head would look nice on a platter.
Yeah because i'm super cute and beautiful :)
Two years wasn't enough, From needs double the time to actually finish a game or DLC under Bamco.
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>not DaS 3
Turn your game settings up?
>art design and level design being bad in DS3

Holy fuck and this kind of clown is someone you'd actually engage in a discussion with if he was a bit more cautious to hide his retardation. This place is disgusting.
you might have missed some of the dungeons, there's a gaol, catacombs, and forge in each area I think
How would you ever go about justifying Radahn being a better fight than Gael without sounding like either a moron or flat out insane?
Fuckin hell maybe I should be using the deflecting tear.
i am very confused. i remember, clear as day, there being 3 different "Melina at the giant's forge" cutscenes.
1) you do everything normaly, you fall asleep, she appears and sacrifices herself
2) you inherit the frenzied flame, talk to her about it, she says she's gonna kill you, and you light the fire yourself
3) you inherit the flame, don't talk to her about it, she appears to sacrifice herself but you pull her away and do it yourself
i inherited the flame, but this time she just automatically talked to me when i sat at a grace without me chosing it and told me to go fuck myself
I'm going to fight Messmer after I get back from work but every boss until now has been free to burn, o flame. The fact that you crouch during the animation means a ton of things go over you. Like, half of Rellana's strings go over your head for example. Whatever I can't kill with that dies to the black fireball that deals % based damage. I'm not even a pure caster.
I will bite this bait only to call it bait and not reply to you further.
I'd say ds2 is more overrated by its fans, simply because, the only 3 good things it did were build variety, fashion, and the ideas it had. The issue is however, the build variety was only there because of how the roll system worked for pvp and that they were insistent on making bows and magic usable without the need for melee in that game, while in other games magic is meant to be more of a sidearm unless you're specifically a sorcerer or pyromancer. The fashion is only good because the sheer amount of sets there. And again, I cannot state how shitty ds2 would be pvp wise in terms of "build variety" of it had ds3 or elden ring rolls, seriously, the only reason so many more weapons worked in 2 pvp compared to others was 1. No one leveled adp, 2. The rolling even with high adp was almost equivalent to ds1 mid rolls just moving farther and the i-frame increase was almost negligible. That and soul memory allowing for any sort of "build" as long as you matched the general memory level of other players.
It's a WA stick. It would be good if the WA could move forward and be used as a chase/initiation tool but in practice it can't so it's just a defensive/retaliation tool. It does great damage in total but the followups don't truecombo and the first hit is only confirmed if you juke super slow jumping attacks so it's just not good for anything in pvp. In pve it feels like it's sharing its gimmick with the Bloody Helice but just weaker across the board.
i bet he had a grin on his face watching you roll around
this but unironically
when i saw liurnia niggas at castle ensis i thought "huh so some of them got conscripted or something?" and then when ti turned out rennala just randomly had a sister added in i knew the dlc lore was going to be cucked. and i avoided all spoilers too so i only knew about miqqy + radahn at the end
To this day I can not see how Friede is considered one of the best fights

>1st phase she gets staggered by a sneeze, invisibility is just an annoying gimmick
>2nd phase you just wail on the giant retard
>3rd phase is a copy of Maria with more AoE

Add to the above that each phase is a full lifebar too, shit is a slog
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The honey moon phase is wearing off and i think this will be the general consensus on the DLC by the end of the month. Critics get a pass as they had only a few days with it and are generally cock suckers any way.

I feel like you get your moneys worth out of it "quantity" wise, but the quality is a 3/5.

But if you are a lore fag its a "please stop spraying shit in my face" out of 5.
I have found like 2 or the gaols, one forge, and a couple catacombs. Not nearly the same dungeon density as the base game. Cerulean Coast has like ONE dungeon in the entire zone with another locked behind that seal
I know, but it's something that never happened to me before. Guess it's just one of the things that got broken with the DLC.
So you can farm furnace visages off the common soldiers just outside Shadow keep by the golem bodies
i used the op weapon and won guys gg no re see u tomorrow
the deflect buff stacks as well, so if you deflect 3 hits in a string your guard counter will do almost double it's normal damage
The art design is really trash, every unique enemy resembles a Nightmare Before Christmas shirt you'd find in Hot Topic and the color pallet is just hideous (but not in a cool way).
will one of those stabby shields help with radahn?
In PvE can you stack poison and scarlet rot? I can see that the visual effect on the boss changes but it didn't look like there was extra DoT.
>disgusting gray-brown color pallet, most art design just copied from ds1
>literally only two good levels in Cathedral and Lothric
Go ahead and tell us how ds3 has such good art and level design lmao. Even Elden Ring has better level design.
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So what's their deal?
Also is the entirety of Midra's Manse really just ~20 minutes long? Did I miss a whole secret section or something? It felt way too short.
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Base game is 10/10
DLC is 9.5/10
they stack, yes
Reminder that Ranni is a very dedicated lover.
Reminder that Marika drops her lovers like a hot potato.
base game 10/10
DLC 7/10
>dregs of eochaid
>not using the drilldo sword
>500 ping spic with gravity missiles that explode before he casts them
I hate fromsoft netcode so much.
>ledditors unironically larping that Dark "hey guys 'member Dark Souls 1?" Souls 3 is anything but low effort mod tier garbage
consumables don't get consumed in the arena but arrows do...
Supposedly broken as shit with the deflect tear.
>you inherit the flame, don't talk to her about it, she appears to sacrifice herself but you pull her away and do it yourself
back to your parallel universe you go
Radahn is in a game with stance breaks and jumps. That already makes it better
Yes. They're broken, abuse them.
I'm poisonmaxing rn. The poison moth flower only rots thrice, after all.
DS3 literally has the best boss lineup in the entire series
Those are Midra's servants, culled by the inquisition for guilt by association.
>you inherit the flame, don't talk to her about it, she appears to sacrifice herself but you pull her away and do it yourself
Wrong dimension buddy, fromslop in this universe is half-assed after souls 2
Some of them are alright but a good chunk of them aren't that spectacular.
fc anyone?
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I for one like elden ring the most but I think ds3 is a really good game too. Elden ring, ds3, sekiro, and bloodborne, can all be my favorites depending on the mood I have at that current moment and which game I want to play. I think each has something one of the others lacks or does poorly in which makes me like them more. I started playing these games when I was a kid when my dad let me play kings field after watching him play. We still play these games together sometimes, we beat radahn and miquella the other night and I've been working on a pure int character today. Am I the only one here that likes elden ring, ds3, sekiro, and bloodborne roughly evenly?
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midir remains the last dragon boss fight i have enjoyed since it's easy to hit his head but he still has an exciting moveset
the elden ring dragons have been really disappointing
ok maybe divine dragon too but that's more like a playable cinematic
>DLC on second char
>get to Scadu Altus
>last time I approached the keep instantly and Miquella broke his rune
>gonna stay away for a while this time ha ha
>go to Bonny Village
>cross eastern ridge

Fucking hell I thought it would happen nearby the eastern entrance of the keep
Only if you count the DLC bosses are really good. BB or DS2 has the best boss lineup.
it removes a bit of rennala's charm.
she also doesn't even have a cutscene. rennala's defense system has one...
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>DS2 has the best boss lineup
>deflect tear
which fire basket golem has that one? does it have armored feet? I've skipped those
It's short but there are a couple hidden walls. Honestly it was a breath of fresh air for me, because I think the DLC's level design isn't that great compared to base game. I do wish it was longer though.
When did I even praise DS2 anywhere in my post? Anyways, I actually really like the Painted World a lot, just the main game I can't stand to look at.
There are multiple trigger locations
Can't even come up with a proper reply huh.
there's a pc fc going right now
one is up right now
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Kinda funny, I pretty much haven't beaten any of the DLC bosses with what my build is actually good at.

Went in at 120 with a 30 int/dex/str build and was kind of seeing if I'd find something that would make me respec. When I got the solitude set and weapon and saw how good it was at blocking I ran with that for a good while, but without respeccing, so my 30 int was wasted. But I beat dancing lion and rellana with that.
Later I considered respeccing for Smithscript weapons but didn't... Instead, I cold infused the Smithscript axe and it actually demolished shit, but then Gaius filtered me hard (he's an actual shit fight though, let's be real), but instead of respeccing I put on the faith talisman, put prayerful strike on the Smithscript greathammer with sacred infusion, put on full solitude armour + bullgoats talisman and poise tear and just fucking tanked his ass while spamming prayerful strike. It worked. Same strategy worked for Putrescent Knight. Then later on I respecced to 60 str, 60 endurance to fully commit to a sword of solitude but had trouble with midra, so I equipped my cold smithscript axe and the 5 int talisman to meet minimum requirements and fucked him up in under 30 seconds on the 3rd attempt.

Ellen Ring is a weird game now. The bosses are cheesy and you just cheese them back. When I first played at launch most ashes of war were dogshit and rivers of blood and comet azur were the only broken builds. Anyway, like with the base game it'll probably take them 2 years to make worthless ashes of war and spells/incants good.

Anyway I'm really confused about the DLC's quality. Some of it (exploration related) is the best they've made since Dark Souls, then some of the other content is SotfS tier shit. And the camera has been an inconvenience in the past games, but in this DLC it's genuinely the main boss.

Lamenter was a cool btw.
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Jesus fuck this madness torch is a tool of a deliberate torture lmao
A pissbaby led by a level 300 phantom just committed suicide after i frenzied his diaper man like 30 times in a row
change to 6?
Is there anything past the boss? It looks like there's a whole section behind the Manse that I can't get to.
That was the last match for me bros, thanks for some fun fights
The game is absolutely gorgeous. It's like i'm walking inside a painting. The artists were absolutely cooking.

But every area is full of cosmetic mobs that don't do shit. Glorified walking sim.
Then there's 1 enemy that fucks.
Then there's a sperg boss and the game difficulty is increased 100x
And then it's back to cosmetic enemies.

I want more in the middle.
I hate you faggots so much
>room filled with skeletons
>room filled with rats but one has a mohak
>room filled with rats but one is big
>room filled with NPCs but one is a MAGUS
>cave actually filled with NPCs
>room with a blob
>hey it's a boss you've killed already but it's a different color/there's a few of them

fucking retard kill yourself
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>Queen "Marigga"
Do you think the Demi-Humans have their own scuffed, bargain-bin Elden Ring adventure happening off to the side with comically misspelled names? Do Demi-Human Tarnished complain about having the unfairness of fighting "Michelob and Radurn?"
Sir Alonne, Sinh, Burnt Ivory King, Fume Knight and many more are stand out bosses. It also has some of the better gimmick bosses that harken back to Demon's Souls.
the very first one you encounter
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we just lost one its 3/4
that's a visual problem that also happens with buffs. The visual effects on your body can override each other, so you only see one effect. But both are there.
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>lvl 40
>playing a claymore build
>cant stop invading
Its just too fun
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Can you shitters stop pretending that gay Radahn is hard
Just slap on damage resist talismans and green turtle talisman
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Smithscript spear & shield or great katana?
I can't decide.
>A lot of the zones feel pretty devoid of content
imo that's only cerulean cost, hidden grave and abyssal woods. those places really are just big and empty.
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Color palette I can understand, but it has some of the best armor, architecture and enemy design of the trilogy
Having a hybrid build at 120 is retarded, having a 3 way hybrid at 120 is worse. I gurantee your stats were all fucked up. Stick with 125 like sane people. No higher or lower
how do you even fuck ranni? it's all ropes underneath that dress
Am I playing the game wrong somehow? It feels like it's never "my turn" to play. The enemy's turn consists of them attacking 4000 times and obliterating me, my turn is 1 single sword swing that I hope connects and does 5% of the enemies life.

I mean I am genuinely asking how you are supposed to play. Every move I make feels like the wrong move, I can never "combo" anyone, because if you try to string together 2-3 moves besides just 1 "safe" move, you are guaranteed to be hit. If you do anything besides back-pedal-turtle against a boss you will be hit or forced to roll spam. If you by some miracle do combo 3 hits you won't have any stamina left or are animation locked so you are guaranteed to be hit by the enemy/boss.

I mean, I seriously do not get it. Unless I went super autism mode and learned every move/attack/frame/etc I feel like there's nothing to do but sit still and wait for my 1 turn strike
>Elden Ring brainrot cannot handle gimmick bosses anymore
Surprisingly, they end up being some of the most fun.
You don't, you can't. Coomers are retarded as fuck.
i'm dogshit
>take spirit spring in Temple Town Ruins (next to the giant red plants)
>lands me on the side of a ruined wall
>without moving my stick at all, I slide from the exact spot it placed me, off the ledge, down a chasm, and die
500k rune on the line, boys.
Abyss Watchers
Dragonslayer Armor
Champion Gundyr
Twin Princes
Nameless King

All shit on every single one of those bosses
>enter boss area
>spam r1 carefree
>boss dies
>best armor
Okay dude you can stop trolling.
>mudcore demi-human souls
i would play it ngl
Nope. It looks a lot bigger from the outside sadly.
the areas are great when they aren’t empty. I wish they delayed by 6 months and actually put stuff in cerulean coast/finger areas/chaos area. I guess being unfinished is also something it has in common with dark souls
patch to buff and nerf weapons when
Level 40 is like a little 125
A ton of tryhards and decent challenge but also some actual pveers as collateral
>some of the best armor
It fucks up a good portion of the older sets and only has a few good looking new sets. Ringed city had the best fashion out of ds3 and it's not even close. Infact ringed city did everything ds3 did but infinitely better. Like it's insane how much better ringed city is than every other fromsoft anything
how many we have right now
Think they'll expand the new weapon categories in [next dark From RPG]? On that note, they're not obligated to continue with ER like the were with Bandai and Dark Souls, because they bought the rights to the brand, right?
She is a witch. She made a whole illusionary version of her mother for you to fight against. She can figure something out.
> t. can't figure out how to fuck a puppet
Coomers would figure it out. Who's actually the retarded one?
post webm of playing so we can tell you what you are doing wrong
Feels like a waste to spend the peak dlc season invading the dregs. Folks will always be making new characters and new players will forever trickle in but this is the one period where you'll find instant activity anywhere in the DLC with genuine pve-ers cooping with their buds
of course my stats were all fucked up, but I just wanted coverage for trying new weapons. you don't need to min max.
Her mouth is still functional, Anon
>Am I playing the game wrong somehow? It feels like it's never "my turn" to play. The enemy's turn consists of them attacking 4000 times and obliterating me, my turn is 1 single sword swing that I hope connects and does 5% of the enemies life.
You're not doing anything wrong, that's just how From designs enemies now. It was already bad in the base game and they've turned it up to 9001 in the DLC. Fucking idiots are so obsessed with getting all the NEW FROMSOFT IS THE HARDEST GAME IN HUMAN HISTORY articles they've forgotten how to make a fight that's challenging but fair and fun.
rebooting because shadowplay shit itself.
Architecture is cool when viewed from a distance, it's just a shame it's not a significant part of most of their level design, Ringed City being the biggest offender of this.
You can't fuck ranni nor marika but coomers are deluded into thinking you can of that marika can repair herself or that ranni can alter her body with the elden ring when there's no indication for either ingame.
dolls don't have saliva. Or a throat.
>them attacking 4000 times and obliterating me, my turn is 1 single sword swing that I hope connects and does 5% of the enemies life

What's the problem? If you don't find that compelling, you can just cheese your way through the game like most people do.
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I beat Rellana with 0 Scadus
A single X-slash from her was an insta-kill, but I did it
5 months
>circlet of light weighs only 1.0, has 5 poise and gives +1 to int/fai/arc
>it matches literally no armor in the game
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>pvpqueers best moments are when they can abuse people who don't pvp
see >>484428358
>All those building and you never get to get lost in that maze to get ambushed by god knows what
Sad indeed.
is there a lobby running?
Ringed city is better than base ds3, elden ring, and any other fromsoft anything argue with me and I'll kiss you on the lips faggot
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>Mogs everything in Dark Souls 1 and 2
I can't be the only one who feels like a lot of the side lore in the DLC on item descriptions reads like fanfic. Like with the Onze demihuman Samurai and the Demihumans that were convening with the stars. What the fuck lmao? The main game had some feeble attempts by the academy to share knowledge with demihumans, this shit feels way too out there.
Thats what my DLC character is for, but DESU I dont really like how common swift slash and gank squads are.
Yes, finished the DLC at 125 on my "main", was wondering if I want to go to 150 but I feel like it will be a clown fiesta
i also like them all but i don't think ds3 deserves to be on par with sekiro, bb or elden ring, don't get me wrong is not a bad game at all and the gameplay is a lot better than the previous souls is just the lack of innovation and the lore getting literally retarded at that point
yeah, swap to 6
Glad to see my Blasphemous Blade still shits on everything in the DLC, and no I don't feel bad for using it considering how FROM has decided to design their bosses now
Onze is a reference to Yasuke.
>spit on penis
>insert penis in doll mouth
problem solved
>or that ranni can alter her body with the elden ring when there's no indication for either ingame.
Again she is a witch. She made a tangible copy of her mom that you can fight against. She can make a human body for you to fight, she can also make one for you to fuck.
Based on previous patterns we can expect the first balance focused patch about a month or 2 postlaunch. Most patches before then will focus on fixing bugs that were known before launch but couldn't be fixed in time, addressing some of the most egregious post-launch complaints (like the skibidi buff last week) and adding in content that wasn't done in time for launch alongside a message saying something like "Fixed a bug where Ranni was not present for the final battle"
>Yes, finished the DLC at 125 on my "main", was wondering if I want to go to 150 but I feel like it will be a clown fiesta
Leave pure melee at 125. Go to 150-200 with casters since they scale better with additional stats.
fume knight is only standout compared to other ds2 bosses, it's way worse than ds1 equivalents like artorias. Same with sinh and kalameet
alonne and ivory king are ok, but they're also very basic guys in armor with basic movesets and are only liked for the visuals
use a weapon with more stance break like a colossal sword and learn to abuse your ducking hitbox when crouch poking/finishing a jumping attack. you will instantly have a better time
How is fromsoft's art direction so good, but it's asset creation so bad?
It's a small hallway to a staircase and then a fucking swamp. We don't actually get to do much exploring of the infrastructure there at all. So disappointing. Imagine if we had a Central Yharnam version of the Ringed City.
It's a worse looking version of a set from ds2 that also makes your character look notably fatter.
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I love nothing more now than bullying swift slash spammers with thrusting shields
>invade into a dude who's trying to do muh honorabru duel but he's using the laggy damnation greatsword
>keeps spamming the l2 and keeps getting poked by claws of night
>pulls back when he's about to die and chugs and brings out swift slash
>take out thrusting shield
>he keeps mashing l2 and keeps getting poked
>gets the cold debuff and realizes he can't kill me he alt f4s
Thank you miyazaki for my new favorite weapon type
would she be mad if I request one of her mother?
Moon enjoyer you retarded fuck fix your connection, dumb third worlder.
marrying ranni except she only wants to watch you fuck copies of her mom
According to the DLC, her body can be modified too. NYEHEHEHEHEHE
There's a purity to pve and a pure kind of joy for being party to someone's first blind pve experience in a positive way. Invading isn't about winning or losing, I have a box full of rune arcs I'll never use already. It's just about being able to fuck around in asymmetric multiplayer with good level design.
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Your Tarnished isn't the type who finds women who want to stab him sexy, is he?
The enemies look cool but it's one of those sets that makes your char look like a fatty rather than a cool viking pagan.
whats the best twinblade that can accept an ash?
She uses magic.
>Tenser's Floating Dick
>Aganazzar's Shocker
>Bigby's Grasping Handjob
>Evard's Black Tentacles
>Elminster's Multiple Mouths
>Power Word: Cum
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bit laggy but i got it
should I feel bad for mimmic tearing the fuck out of the final fight? not even sure how you could do it without having something to draw away agro
Hell yeah she is
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I have a question, we have a segregated general, if you prefer ds3 instead of arguing here why don't you go to your own general? I say this to elden ring fans in the other general too. Why can't you just be seperate but equal? Why can't you stick to your own kind? Integration is never a good thing even in /vg/
>Nanaya, forgive me
actually laughed out loud.
man, fuck. these games are starting to just become a parody of themselves. SotE almost feels like one. I mean literally every boss enters phase 2 with an aoe explosion.
I can't tell if this is the man-faced katana spammer or the fire prelate UGS guy, either way, duels are fine on my screen
Sure love the fact these cute fanarts were utterly ruined by the DLC!
Its a pure int melee
its diana
To be fair we know who Nanaya is before the boss fight.
I'm actually going to make a new character entirely because rellana's armor looks gay as fuck on dudes
god damn it
Anon normal ending is you repairing Marika and getting raped by her (Zaki words).

>you can get everyone from the gank squad on your side apart from Leda
>enter final boss arena
>phase 1 is phase 2 but with less bullshit
>phase 2 Radahn breaks free and explodes Miquella
>Radahn thanks you for the glorious festival you fought in in base ER
>asks you to give him an even greater fight
>all the DLC NPCs summon signs appear
>everyone has a few voice lines
>his death destroys the gate of divinity

Now you can all start clapping
Just alter your appearance
an artist can control every aspect of an illustration but a model has to synergize with animation, world and lighting to really look its best and there's multiple people on the job
Anyone else autistic about weapon balance
>Want to play a good PvE and PvP weapon in one
>Choices drastically drop

The Beastcleaver curved GS is so cool but so bad for PvP. Heavy Thrusting Swords are so good for PvP but shit for trash mobs because of how much forward momentum it has + targeting + is awful for getting mobbed.
Is Midra's sword just completely broken in PvP? I can never dodge it, I just get teleported back into the impale
not really, at this point I have lost my passion for these games boss fights. every fight is the same memorization exercise anyway. can't blame one for finally not caring anymore after doing it for 100+ bosses.
bro, your mirror?
>explodes Miquella
the fuck
The funny thing is that it's not even the only zanzibart forgive me part of the dlc.

This DLC does indeed feel like a badly written parody.
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But they weren't. Miquella still loved Malenia, and despite what some believe there's nothing to indicate he 'abandoned' Malenia and the Haligtree.
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we should go to 6 im swapping bills real quick
I've loved every single boss in the DLC except Gaius and Scadutree (because they both took less than 15 hits to kill), why are people upset again?
wait are there two separate 4 man fcs going right now?
I'll join in a few minutes if there's still space
I'd take that as final fight over the current one or elden beast any day.
who says you wouldn't know Zanzibart beforehand
Let's try queueing for 6
The former then.
Someone says it
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Leda (fixed)
carbot elden ring videos are funny and cute :)
Skill issues
So does the DLC finally explain why Malenia attacks us?
Hello sir what are your stats? I want to try a madness build.
>he doesn't know Zanzibart already
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How fun is it to find items in this game
>all the DLC NPCs summon signs appear
Please no. Imagine having to go around summoning the damn NPCs and having to click "yes" for every summon sign.
Maybe if they added an option to insta forgo the "yes and no" prompt for shit like that in the options. Honestly I feel it's something they should do. Summon signs inside arenas and Torrent's resummoning with a flask are annoying.
in 40 hours I haven't seen the DLC explain absolutely anything
not even its own story
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I prefer this one.
it looks cool
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I wish elden fing fans and ds3 fans wouldn't fight so much. They're my two favorite games I love them equally. It reminds me of watching my parents fight as a kid and it makes me sad. I hope you guys make up like my parents did.
>why are people upset again?
mostly because the bosses are bad
>calls her loyal blade instead of sister
Yeah nah.
Miquella gave no fucks by the end.
It's only natural to compare the old Souls titles to ER.
Which is better, Dryleaf Fist? Or Footwork?
Which ashes and status should I use with either or?
While the literal translation just means that its almost always associated with BL/yaoi or malexmale shipping, it would be yumejoshi more correct way since that'd like shipping yourself with the male character or shipping someone (usually implied to be a self insert though, like reader x character) eith the male character
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if it hits on the user's screen then it hits
Messmer and Midra are both S-tier bosses, I do wish Midra had a more involved second phase but he's still very cool.
Becoming a god was Miquella's last resort into saving Malenia, basically destroying what he was in exchange of power to save Malenia (and everyone else)
To me, the worst part isn't even Radahn.
The worst part is that we spend 90% of the DLC building up this Gate of Divinity and doing our whole fucking quest just to unseal and reach it. And then that's it.
Miquella comes out of it. That's all
Why couldn't we go up to it? Why couldn't we stand between it? Cross it maybe? Have a cool glimpse of the other side? Even a tease?

This whole fucking DLC just so we can stand in front of a giant dusty tuning fork full of corpses blocked by a broken stairway because "you don't have the right o you don't have the right"

Like actually fucking fuck FUCK.
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>swap to 6

The fact that the story of this DLC is centered around faggots ruins the whole thing, particularly the final boss for me.
This is beyond retarded, it's so frustratingly stupid, I just can't bear it
I mean, they literally do that for Radahn
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it's kind of annoying after a while
>>calls her loyal blade instead of sister
>Yeah nah.
>Miquella gave no fucks by the end.
Must be because he abandoned St. Trina
>why Malenia attacks us
The Tarnished stormed the Haligtree, slaughtered its defenders, barged into her room unannounced, has a reputation for beating people up and taking their stuff, and is her/Miquella's competition for the throne.
Footwork has more kicks in the moveset, and you have items that buff kicks in the DLC
>calls her loyal blade instead of sister
Isnt 41 faith low damage wise for spells?
>Miquella gave no fucks by the end.
Because he gave away his capacity to feel emotions for the sake of power and fulfill his plan of saving others. Saving Malenia is part of duty. He was still going to save her, even if he couldn't feel love (and his own existence being pure agony)
On my way
Yeah but, Starscourge opens up with him firing arrows at you, so you've got mostly good openings to summon.
I guess if they had this new hypothetical phase 2 open up with a similar way so you'd have some opening to summon.
Otherwise, if it's anything like what we see of Consort Radahn, it'd be hell.
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I for one think DS3 has the best horror elements, even moreso than Bloodborne. The sheer amounf of suffering abominations, the actual breakdown of realiy depicted and so on. The fucking Dreg Heap angels.
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Is the arena fight still ongoing?
Why does every invader I see just autistically try to murder me too after killing the host, when I just stop fighting and start emoting at them?
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DON'T miss out on high level invasion while they are still active, bros! They are fun in their own sadistic way.
>I wish elden fing fans and ds3 fans wouldn't fight so much.
They don't, both games are always criticized by the blight upon this series known as DS2 faggots, who will sometimes larp as either side
I wouldn't be attacking anyone if they didn't attack me. Damn near everyone in the Lands Between is hostile
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It was because of that, but also he didn't give a shit about saving her in any emotional capacity.
Again, it's shit. There isn't even a proper catharsis to the tragedy of it all. He mentions her once in such an impersonal way and that's fucking it.
Part of that is just the poor writing in general but regardless it's pretty ruined.
I used mimic tear for Senessax
one more...
does this make most of /erg/ yumedanshi
Fujoshi was coined to describe women who obsessed over gay men, the connotation is that they're no good for marriage (ie rotten) because they are too focused on fictional gay men instead of real life straight ones. They adopted the term as a point of pride and now it's just what they call themselves.

There are dozens of variations of the term to describe other kinds of obsessive fangirl. Yumejoshi (lit "dreaming girl) are the ones who self-insert into the woman in heterosexual romance fiction and dating sims.

While in the west a lot of terminally online women are just voracious coomers that will consume any smut, typically fujoshi subcultures don't want het mixed in with their BL, and yumejoshi rabidly despise BL because there's no one to self-insert into and it encroaches on their content bubble.
is Miguella a man I don't get it
what is the point in being able to use your horse against gauis when the fight was clearly not designed around it and doing so makes the fight 10x harder
Is Spiked Caestus just a straight up grade of normal Caestus?
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Do you rike it?
>he didn't give a shit about saving her in any emotional capacity.
What are you talking about? He made the needle and everything. Since that failed, the next best thing on the list of possible solutions is to become a god
I just have 41 to meet the requirement for a shitty spell that I never use
idk.. phantoms do the same thing too, the only constant here being is that the host is dead
probably but they're not good anyway
I found that riding torrent basically trivialized the fight. The only attack you can't dodge on horseback is the flying joust move, but you have time to dismount and roll that (or just run out of range if you're lucky).
>The fact that the story of this DLC is centered around faggots
It's not, there's nothing sexuak about any of it. Fuck off with your shitty attempt at shitposting.
I wouldn't say most since I think that men are only about 50-60% of the board anyway and then on top of that some chunk of people only like the gameplay or only like the story at a thematic/plot level and don't do any shipping.
Miquella? Yeah
Why do you see it faggots, instead of brotherly love? are you a closed fag or something?
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I fucking hate EAC
So if the yumejoshi have Messmer, who do the fujos have?
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I thought this was clear. He loved malenia, he loved radahn, he loved godwyn, he wanted to make a better world for all of them and for all of his followers and he was willing to metaphorically kill himself to make a world where albunaurics aren't hunted for sport, where omens and merchants aren't forced into sewers, where godwyn can finally die a proper death, where malenia can be free of her scarlet rot, where radahn can live out his dreams of being godfrey and radagons heir, where even his mother, marika, gets to die and be with her shaman people and godwyn in wherever her soul would go. Miquella IS the kindest of the demigods, he IS the most loving and he was willing to throw that all away just so those he cared for could live and die in ways that made them happy. Miquella is the hero of elden ring. St trina wants him dead because she knows what suffering miquella is and will continue to go through with his age. If you ever read the ones who walk away from amelias it's like that, everyone gets to he happy, miquella suffers knowing everyone else is happy yet unable to enjoy their happiness and be there with them like he used to. He suffers so no one else does.
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>try greatshield in invasions
>guard is broken almost instantly
He was shit like all the rest.
>men are only about 50-60% of the board anyway
how does it feel being so poisoned by judeo-christian religious ideology that you think that you can criticize based traditional japanese culture? be more respectful.
So how would a more spell centric madness build work?
>It's not, there's nothing sexuak about any of it
incredible cope
Radahn and Miquella, duh.
>perfume spammer
You can be both at different or the same time
>decide to create a separate save with the best human-like bosses to practice for fun
>so far have godfrey, malenia, messmer, midra, new radahn
Anyone else worth adding?
She wasn't even awake when the first Tarnished showed up to the Lands Between. You're the first person she sees and she attacks you.
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>Miquella IS the kindest of the demigods
He was
>the frenzy torch has 51 guard boost

I mean the defenses are shit but that's more guard than half the medium shields in the game wtf
Your deflecting hardtear?
LOL I felt bad I forgot it had rolling sparks on it. I tried using the normal attacks but god damn they're bad.
33 fth for unenduring
a bunch of arc for dragon communion
frenzy seal in 1 hand
dragon communion on another
normal faith build with madness seal in the offhand
What would you recommend for a fist weapon? I'm still in the base game. At Ranni's Rise.
that's stamina damage retardfriend
you take 75% physical damage, it's not worth
I would murder everyone in the land for my queen.
do we have 8
How much faith do you realistically need to dab on ghost dragons with litany of the proper death?
I even gave allowance for still being able to say majority
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Miquella is the most morally good demigod. The only one infact. I was upset at first with the dlc. Then I understood it was a test. A test of my love for miquella, a test to see if I was a true fan of his or not. And I passed this test. I see miquella for the kind and loving demigod he is.
No you can't
>I forgot
Sure you did.
Once I finish eating I'll rejoin and throw some tornadoes at you
I mean after he left St Trina.
But honestly, maybe even before that. Sending her against Radahn like that.
>What would you recommend for a fist weapon? I'm still in the base game. At Ranni's Rise.
the star fist is very strong, but you get it in leyndell
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How fun is the frenzied flame stuff
not as bad as the claws of night guy
what's this for?
Ruined by the lack of FF headgear
No higher than 33? Wouldnt the damage be better at 60 or 80 faith?
Would I be able to use vykes spear as well?
You can have 99 faith and it still won't do shit to them. TWLID only.
Yes you can wtf do you mean
You can think at some times "Hey, these two together would be so hot" then end up thinking later "God X is so hot"
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I just lost 250k runes because I jumped in between some stone tablets in storehouse first floor and it out me in an infinite fall animation and eventually killed me. shit game.
>chief bloodfiend
I know you fight a bunch of smaller versions, but unless there was another boss that I missed, the chief's moveset is completely different compared to his smaller counterparts, not that I found it particularly inspired though
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He knew she could win because Radahn is a jobber.
>I don't know how to make Radahn fall for me
>Leave it to me, brother
That is also possible
>like a white woman with a white husband giving birth to a black baby, because both she and her husband had a a black ancestor somewhere in their family tree

Terrible example. Skin color isn't recessive, it's co-dominant. That's why all the mutt children have a lighter skin color than the black parent.
>30% damage increase
What were they possibly cooking this this one?
These games are not a journey with a destination and a goal anymore, they're just theme parks full of things to kill for no reason other than the killing itself.
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damage isn't really what you're going for with madness, you're going for build up
you can boost your damage in many other ways that don't involve stats like shabriri howl, flame grant me strength, physick, talismans
>Would I be able to use vykes spear as well?
sure, but the thing about vyke's spear is that is scales best with dex. So you either want to focus on faith for incantation damage and sacrifice your weapon damage, or focus on dex for good weapon damage but do less incantation damage.
Yumes dont have Messmer, Rellana does, yumes have nothing at all
Fair enough, but then again, how would you react if you woke up one day and found a heavily armed mute stranger in your bedroom, past all your security measures and personnel?
holy shit the skelly cleaver L2 is so fun I keep killing myself
>it happened again
The Japanese version hints that radahn had some part to play in his plans he consented too and that he had demanded something from him. It's more likely that malenia vs radahn was just radahn making the stipulation of wanting an honorable death in combat or he wouldn't go along with miquella's plan. It would explain why radahn stands there, sword in the ground, waiting for malenia to pick her arm up instead of just squishing her then and there. Or why he didn't use all of his gravity bullshit during their fight. He wasn't there to kill her, but die himself yet his honor wouldn't allow him to take it too easy on her.
>I'm going to go kill Radahn and his army.

>Sister no! You can't! Did you know that the mighty Radahn has never won a fight? Not a single bout in all of recorded history has ended in a victory for him. And I looked. Not even one! He still has to brag about his "war" against inanimate objects! It's too dangerous.
how do you even dodge that
I'll join but I gotta pickup the colosseums
Pretty good, I supplement it with my DEX/FTH Lightning build.
bro ur twigs?
I would engage in intercourse. It's unrealistic Malenia didn't.
>skelly cleaver
Which one is that?
Cause im a baby faced manlet that cant do cool cosplays like Radahn or Mohg properly. If i was taller and buffer i'd do the cooler cosplays.
You want diaper pics is what youre saying
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it's very fun but i'm getting the itch to make a new build
I think i'll do sleep cancer next with the new eternal sleep sword and thiollier's needle
Kill Hornsent, pull them out by the roots
If this supposed to be Radahn in his prime then what was prime Malenia like that he couldn't kill her
It has two usable spells and 3 weapons.
Frenzy itself is like a stronger bleed with an incumbent stun. The stun animation is grab immune and surprisingly short but generally confirms a heavy attack or something. It's not really useful for confirming funny meme combos.
The best part of frenzy is that phantom status means players can't run from you. Unlike bleed, you can't roll the damage or stun so eventually they'll eat shit if they don't confront you head on.
However, they can just confront you head on. Frenzy shit's kinda weak
post your venti cosplay or youre a baiting faggot
which is better strictly for applying poison, the fist or the perfume bottle? how do they compare to serpent bow
D: Those that walk in death are dumbass BITCHES and PUSSIES.
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How did From get away with releasing Artorias of the Abyss back then? Sure it had good bosses, but you could beat the entire thing in 1 or 2 hours without even rushing it.
Do I need to do Igon’s and the dragon quest before burning the sealing tree?
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My journey begins
is thiollier's hidden needle actually any good at applying sleep? its weird it doesnt have arcane scaling. Im bored of straight swords so im hoping something better than the sword exists for sleep
standards were a lot lower back then
>Summon Igon for Bayle
>Already killed him on NG, on NG+
>About to kill him again
>Igon lands an arrows and staggers Bayle
>Dramatic finish as I riposte him for the kill
Mid fight but it sure looks cool with Igon.
the scale of the games in general were much smaller. demon's souls is only like an 8 hour game
That tummy and womb are made for being filled with thick hot shota cum. Imagine Miquella's disproportionately-large Empyrean sperm beating on and bullying her ovum until its cell wall lets it through
This sounds really cute
My yandere can't possibly be bult so perfectly for breeding.
Miquella fucked that?
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Radahn consented. He loved miquella but was a war crazed cringer just like godfrey.
Miquella loved radahn
Miquella loved malenia
Malenia loved miquella
Radahn and miquella were good friends.
I've always liked radahn and malenia equally. This dlc shits only on people who picked one side. It made centrists correct morally and objectively. Neither is wholly bad or good, neither won or lost. Miquella's love is within and surrounds them both. His love permeates through every swing of malenia's blade, through every swing of radahns swords(literally in their boss) they're a big happy family and the most wholesome group in the lands between bar none. Miquella should've won.
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>Incantation in praise of Midra, LORD OF FRENZIED FLAME
>Yet Midra, like others before him, was too weak to become a Lord.
Which one fucking is it, Fromsoft? He's called Lord of Frenzied Flame in the boss fight too.
>DLC basically the size and length of an entire game
>almost every aspect of it suffered because of that
I guess Elden Ring 2 will be 180 hours long (350 for completionists) and have an even sparser land, less coherent lore, and bosses who've snorted 10x more cocaine
$15 seems pretty fair even for 2012 standards.
Probably translation issue, I bet they use two different terms for "lord" where one is lesser than the other.
>calling for nerfs
>Nerf the Shield
Are you really so assmad over a small shield having a use beside parrying?
there won't be ER 2 or other open-world from soft games
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Do you think radahn felt miquella's throbbing erection when he was behind him?
I really don't know where they wanna go from here. They cannot keep expanding everything in scope and intensity. They have to scale down.
"Those united in common cause" is perfect. The fight, too. I would accept it as the final fight.
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Which spells are you referring to
She's Titoria under that armor.
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Finally some good fucking messages
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>forced to summon Igon to complete a quest
The perfume bottle is better by virtue of having range and damage. For being a poisoning shit you want Poison Venomous Claws, though. They never fixed its superpoison.
Nah, because this time they have a whole world, lore, story, and chars to asset flip in 2.
>radahn only lost cause he couldn't see shit from miquella hairs covering half of the screen
makes sense to me
Flame of Frenzy and Unendurable Frenzy. Frenzied Burst used to be good but then it got nerfed.
oh man
coop in the skibidi lands is BRUTAL

you can easily get to 10+ skibidi's before you enter shadow keep, i have so many hosts running at level 5 trying to fight avatar, gauis, metyr and just getting near one shot every attack


i actually sigh a breath of relief when its base game summon
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is he [spoiler[bugged?
But they are literal dead dragons...Holy should completely destroy them, I used the golden epitaph's buff and did pretty decent damage.
She must have a massive ass to have those curves despite all the armor
I keep trying to join and it puts me in an empty lobby
holy shit we have 10 ppl
Maybe its because DS2's base game is utterly dire in comparison, but I think the three crowns were the best dlc from made
zero because sacred blade scales off weapon AR and holy buff on undead is x2 damage regardless of your stats
it would be funny if they leaned into it and let poison stack on continued application so its a side grade from rot which would have a stronger base dot. now that would be poisonmaxxing
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No wonder
This faggot's in the fc
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Hey /erg/ is it okay if I like godfrey x radagon and think messmer and melina are their kids
I have all 6 Foragers Cookbooks why isn't Moore giving me the 7th? I still have the option to tell him to kill himself or get over it
Makes sense. Radagon passes and might genuinely have a womb.
Blockfags in MY fight club? It's more likely than you think
no, help him
Heal the wounded bug.
it was 15 bucks and expanded on the game in a way that felt meaningful and satisfying.
bitch has been exposed
Miyazaki should fix blocks now that we have deflecting hard tear
Is there even one single character on this game that is not gay/atracted to otherwordly horrors?
I already did that. I wouldn't have the 4th book if I didn't do that dumbass
Peak. But who mpregs who?
What about order's blade?
>Frenzied Burst used to be good but then it got nerfed.
it still does a ton of damage though
>might genuinely have a womb
where did renalla's kids come from then?
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I never participated in the FCs because the tranny was the one who started them and I blocked xher long ago
who are you talking about
What are some good one-handed STR weapons?
The smithscript weapons have more valuable range than I was expecting based on posts here. Not what I was hoping for but it’s okay.
What’s a good ash of war for a spear?
rennala has a cock
all holy buffs are the same shit other than whatever holy damage they add to the weapon
why bother though when sacred blade is 10 seconds away from a mandatory church, can be put on nearly anything and utterly wrecks any undead in the game
Why the fuck is EAC so broken now? Holy shit it keeps popping up and kicking me out
still 5/6
if you're in a 4/6 then requeue
Gr*** who else
Warped Axe is unreasonably good
Nox Flowing has a great WA
Godskin/Epee for heavy thrusting ain't bad
then how does she rebirth you?

coolest one

also buffs the weapon
Rennala summoned a glintstone cock.
Marika and Radagon share the same body, meaning they're a hermaphrodite together. I reckon that when one takes control their features become more noticable, for instance Radagon's broader shoulders and red hair. But underneath it all, they're all the same. So behind Radagon's dick there's a womb passage.
works on my machine
Holy DOES destroy them, but Litany is specifically meant to destroy TWLID, its base damage is miniscule but gets massively boosted against TWLID(i.e. humanoid skeletons and ONLY humanoid skeletons) but not anything else.
shoutout to gr*** for inventing fcs
through the egg in her hands? she doesn't actually have you in her womb, dummy
Who are you?
new thread
I don't think you can actually put that on smithscript weapons, they don't take ashes that give weapon buffs
what's his character name?
should i block him too?
>he's playing online
by using magic
If that's the case it paints Malenia as far weaker than before, but also reduces the sacrifice of the entirety of Caelid and both armies to Radahn's Godfrey larp.
Speaking of wombs is it possible, due to marika/radagon's nature and her twin inheriting it, that malenia has a male form we just never see? Or could she be a hermaphrodite? She made a bunch of daughters without a father, could she, like some plants and fungi have both reproductive organs at least inside of herself and is able to impregnate herself?
>she doesn't actually have you in her womb, dummy
she does ,the egg is a metaphor
>dies to poopaGOD once
>blocks him
average golden combatant
I'd join but you guys discriminate against Tiche so screw you guys.
then maybe this one https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Ash+of+War%3A+Flame+Skewer

im not sure if this one buffs the weapon
maybe don't go around blocking people in fcs and you wouldn't have this issue
enjoy waiting in the lobby
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wakey wakey
claws and fists deal shit dmg to armor jfc, the fire prelate guy was taking no damage
Maybe I'll try it just to see how good it is.
>i.e. humanoid skeletons and ONLY humanoid skeletons) but not anything else.
Gayest shit ever and also weird because the golden epitaph's buff is meant to boost damage against TWLID and it worked pretty well against ghostflame dragons, and since litany worked on deadbirds I figure it might also work with these dragons.
It's cancer, don't care.
Sauce pls.
I've come to the conclusion that the DLC is not good and boring.
sucks for you man

I've been having a great time since launch

50 pleasant hours on the dlc, enjoying all the beatiful new scenarios and creatures
i also had 50 hours of fun and then 0 because i don't think its good replayability
>Do people who take PVP in elden ring (and other FS titles) seriously know how pathetic everybody thinks they are? Not even FS takes the entire PVP systems in their game seriously.
>I've never PVPd in elden ring
So what's the seethe for in that case?
he uses CE to brick your save
if I wasn't a backupfag I would've lost hundreds of hours of progress after he did this to me instead of 5.
not him but the idea that someone has to be mad and personally invested to say something is shit is you projecting and not an inherent truth that all arguments have to take into account.
>He isn't mad
He anger is visible.
>pvpers are pathetic
>no one takes them seriously
>even fromsoft doesn't take them seriously
You can say that isn't anger. And it would be a lie.
>not an inherent truth for all arguments
The claim was that he specifically was angry. Not everyone who has ever criticized anything is angry.
another seether placing rad on f
I'm just gonna say you're projecting and move on. Your anger and defensiveness is clouding your ability to think logically so there's no conversation to be had here.

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