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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

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>messmers marika statue is holding some mutant fuck
Thanks anon who brightened this up though it doesn't really... help.
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i'm gonna fucking
Ranni the BITCH!
Flails seem like they should do more stagger since they’re a momentum based weapon
Ok this sleep crossbow shotgun is fucking hilarious to invade with.
Kakarot this Radhan nigga is pretty strong
Bring some Swift Slash weapon with you as well sister
Not even Yamcha-tier.
>friend starts whining about stuff like thrusting shield lightning axes and other quick annoying weapons
>ask him what he's using
>bloodfiend arm
>he's running endure on it
How fucking bad can people be that they can't win with a weapon that instantly bleeds people?
There should have been great flails
Unfortunately 3v1 you'll almost never actually get to capitalize off sleeping someone because there's always another nigger with a jumping attack dropping on your head the moment you lock yourself into any animation.
Anyone used the big golem spirit ash? The yoda monkey?
I hope the next Miyazaki game has a cute girl for each of his fetishes, all with long quests that can eventually end in marriage but devoting yourself to one will give a bad end to all the others. They will also be your travel companion and appear at bonfires to talk and give lore dumps, unlocking more dialogues as you journey further with them and advance their storyline. Completing their questline will unlock a dialogue vaguely expressing their love for you, headpat option at bonfires, and the ability to summon them with a handholding prompt when you get close.
Why am I supposed to feel sorry for the Kindred of Rot again? Also shouldn't they be antagonistic to Miquella since he tried to take their mom away from them?
yes. also more delayed attacks
There's an Onyx Lord in a crevasse down in one of the caves in the Snowfield that's unique and hostile to invaders. Like it will aggro you as an invader and attack you, and you can lock onto it and kill it for the host.
I hope the next Miyazaki game has difficulty sliders
Can I still get an edge lord ending where I choose to be single and destroy the world?
What are the chances of Elden Ring 2?
Because they're basically children born into the world by Malenia's rot nuke, and then abandoned. They just want a mother/goddess who loves them and a place where they belong.
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I have a question, we know that radahn is wearing the armor he wore when he was younger and the weapons he wore when he was younger. Where'd he get them from in the boss if he discarded them? Do you think he gifted them to miquella and he just kept them or something?
game is their biggest money maker, devs love money
I use the sword of night because you can get a true combo after the WA. And it looks way cooler.
You would be surprised. The amount of times 2 retards have just ran right at me and the shot sleeps both of them is comical.
Predict the gimmick of the next game. The way that delayed attacks were in base ER, and bosses that flail around and never stop attacking are in the DLC.
What's the next big thing he plans to use to trip up players?
They're gods and demigods. Shut up.
Also why is this picture so funny?
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i love messmer i love messmer i love messmer! just ordered a red snake plush toy! and hopefully the collector's figure next when my paycheck hits!
>a cute girl for each of his fetishes
name each of his fetishes
Sad, forever?
What's the lore of the pink ones near Romina? Did Romina act as a mother to them?
bosses that can feint and cancel their windups
They existed before Melenia.
We're going back to Sekiro's combat system next, but in a different setting.
They existed before her
>named evil, heartless and the cause of all the suffering
>tell Blaidd and Iji that I love them
>named the kindest and most compassionate demigod
>Malenia? oh you mean my blade lol, yeah she's cool I guess
There is no lore for them. None whatsoever. Genuinely fucking nothing. I don't think Romina is even mentioned outside of her own gear.
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is there a way to respawn bosses? i feel like i cheated by stoning rennala to death
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I have a confession i like the meme interpretation of miquella who's a genuinely nice guy who's occasionally really creepy it makes him cuter
Worth doing a full INT run? Never done one only mixing int and dex/ strength. Is lasering actually fun? I could finally use the sword ranni keeps giving me
every boss will now animation cancel everything instead of randomly
This thing is useless, just don't get grabbed a 2nd time? Why would I waste time using an item like this during THIS boss when I could deal damage or apply a buff? Maybe if the grab put a timer on you, like 30 seconds until doomsday or something, but no. Just don't fall for the obvious grab a second time.
Yes. DMGS is one of the best weapons in the game.
Gowry and now Moore's dialogue makes it clear the Kindred of Rot in Aeonia and the Haligtree as well as the Forager brood are genuine children of Malenia born from her bloom.
The ones in the Lake of Rot may be from before Malenia but the rest are not.
high, the game sold 25+ million units, the DLC alone sold over 5 mil 3 weeks in

>Total worldwide shipments and digital sales for Elden Ring have surpassed 25 million units, publisher Bandai Namco and developer FromSoftware announced.

keep in mind the relatively low cost FromSoft has for developing games compared to western devs, they you begin to understand how much of a massive success Elden Ring was
Ranni also says she loves you too if you talk to her at the grace right before shadow blaidd
im guessing pot items dont restock in colosseum?
So Elden Ring 2 > Dark Souls 4?
She birthed new members of an established species. Has nothing to do with the forager brood or the kindred as a whole.
They run away when low hp
Miquella probably knew where they were and took them for himself for the resurrection process. He wanted specifically to bring back the orignal Radahn and not the one that's rotted away. I also think it's funny that we never see him use any Fire skills despite the redmanes using fire all the time. Then the final boss has one move where he's using fire but it's most likely bloodflame since it is mohgs body still.

I wonder more if that's supposed to be mohgs body does that mean that's how he looks likenwithout omen features? I noticed prime radahns gauntlets have what looks like omen horns ok them instead of fur and I wonder if that's intentional on Radahns part or if miquella did that as a slight fuck you to the bloody fingers?
The funny thing is that every other fucking grab in this dlc oneshot me, so Miquella's taking 2 made it super forgiving.
Feet, dolls, amputation/prosthetics, femboys, giantess, monster-girls of all sorts, probably lots of others but I'm too sleepy to think
ds is finished as fuck
Deathbros how hard will the DLC be if I bring my Death Sorc in? Is there anything good to be found for that build?
I don't think it's love yet, it's too early. Although it could be the Carian royal women gene that's talking.
They'll summon mimics
WAIT WAIT if malenia birthed the kindred of rot and the rot sisters through that aeonia...AND when only aeonia'd after stabbing herself and radahn...does that mean technically radahn is the father? Is radahn a deadbeat dad ontop of being a pedatrist
there is a bigger chance sony pays them to develop an exclusive game than DaS 4 before Elden Ring 2
It exisiting makes me annoyed the Death sorceries also require Faith because the DMGS is the only weapon that fits my Arthas cosplay knockoff character
>Has nothing to do with the forager brood
Here it is, the fucking boogeyman of /erg/ discussion: the faggot that doesn't play the fucking game but still tries to talk about it.
Holy based
What can they even do with dark souls 4? Everything got completely fucked in the end and the world's destroyed from to many resets. If anything you cab make the argument the true ending happened where you stopped the cycle but the fire keeper sees the light and here comes elden ring.
DS3 ends in the last cycle ending with everything fading to black with the fire keeper mentioning there's still a light and elden rings intro cutscene for every new file is a tiny light in the darkness getting brighter. I'd rather them do an elden ring 2 since there's stoll a good chunk of lore they can do in another game.
>implying a new souls game will NOT feature mimic tear

ayyy lmao. what will the normies do then
Based aesthetic retard.
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Would /erg/ like a sibling who's as supportive of your romantic endeavors as malenia was for miquella?
wishes from an arctard that will never happen:
>magma wyrm swords is now an arc weapon instead of fth to perfectly fit dragon communion
>scarlet aeonia and rotten butterflies are now arc weapons so they match the poison infusion and romina's halberd being an arc weapon
i'm sure they're already working on it.
>Euporia requires you to hit the enemy a fuckload of times
>Buff only lasts 15 seconds
>AoW takes ~5 seconds to fully cast
>In a game where bosses have combos that can last 30 seconds and downtimes that last 5 seconds
Genuinely what was Miyazaki thinking
Elden ring has so many cool weapon ideas and skills that can't be used against bosses.
I wondered that as well, but maybe they were part of younger Radahn’s armor given they’re also there when you buy them after the boss fight. I’m still salty that the two different versions of Radahn’s new swords weren’t one weapon where doing the WA plus light or heavy attack changes what ability comes out of it like the fused Twin Princes Sword from DS3
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sad quiet warrior girls (maria, friede, malenia, etc.)
maiden/nun type characters
let me know if i missed anything
ranni is a manipulative and murdering piece of shit, anon. don't for a second think she's any better than miquella.
They put the cut weapon in funny haha get it you saw the datamine right it says abundance haha. They weren't going to put any effort into actually finishing it, though.
The more I think about it, Miquella is a pretty good portrayal of the sin of pride.
I don't care, ranni is cuter.
None of them are good. They are all demigods, they all inflict suffering. They are curses. The fact the gods are no better than us men is a curse upon the world...
May chaos take it, then.
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This cannon build is ridiculously fun
I can only imagine the shock of my hosts seeing it
It's not good at taking aggro but it fucking splats invaders and bosses
she's murdering sure but she straight up admits that she did it all when you confront her. there's no manipulation. she's either, serve me or don't, i don't care
Spirit ashes make the boss harder.
Elden Ring = DS2.2
Elden Ring 2 = DS3.2

post build
Love being at the mercy of chink and favela nigger internet whenever I invade.
I disagree, fromsoft won't do that. Because spirit ashes are there excuse to make bosses HARDER. They can make bosses harder than ever before because they expect you to use a spirit summon.
The most cliche DLC weapon+armor combo, but you can't deny its synergy.
babby's first anarchy
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Who the fuck is meant to use the new Radahn Swords? Quality scaling for the base damage with token int requirement and scaling, and faith for the damned weapon art. What retarded build makes use of this?
Mine, I'm max level. The weapons are bad and nearly unusable though so just skip them.
I hope they bring back covenants in whatever game they make next. I miss those things.
they can chug and heal
godLOSE jobbed to some bitches, he deserves more blame than ranni
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RIP Siegjar of Potarina, even though I don't see why he had to die for this questline but whatever
We already have malenia
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whats the best new armor set as an altered version
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Aside from rolling sparks and thorns, have you guys found anything useful for runs over NG+7? I feel like I haven't found anything better than the base game stuff I was already rocking.
Well, aside from the giant fuck-off bleed monster Turkey Leg anyway.
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Beat Bayle twice with Igon.

Still worse than Midir.
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Fire damage chunks Putrescent
Con: He moves around a lot so it needs some aim + his fire 2HKOs me
Yeah I'm not taking the shit powerstanced colossal sword moveset to NG+3 where I finally get the stats to use them.
try NG+12
Just beat him and move on. It's a terrible fight.
Warrior's death anon, what better foe to slay you at the end of your heroic quest than Tarnished Elden Lord who's going to take it all? Plus his spirit will live on through his innards provided you take them to Jar Bairn, life goes on.
Yeah it's kinda annoying.
Not the fact they're 2 different weapons but more that their boss soul is the only one in the game with essentially 3 items in it.
Feel like the dlc should've all had 3 items with them or something.
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Drip check
The DLC wasn't supposed to make the base game easier.

nothing changes past NG+7
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This is going to sound autistic as shit but the tendrils of the dead internet theory have taken root in the arena, damn you Godwyn
Cute flower.
>nothing changes past NG+7
My will to live decreases each time, retard
Shut up, Rennala. No one cares that your ginger hunk left you.
>can recolor the eyepatch/blindfold you can give your character
>can't recolor the rags they wear when no armor is equipped
Thanks my wife gave it to me
Death's Poker or Helphen's Steeple
I don't care what it was or was not supposed to do, I'm just asking if anyone here has found something better than, or at least comparable to what we already have for those higher level playthroughs.
impenetrable thorns spell
bayle incants
pest thread spears incant
light of miquella for things that aren't holy resistant
best strategy for bosses at a NG+ level that high is still black blade + blackflame spam
>he came inside me and then immediately left my place
wow what a jerk
There's three new death spells, one of which comes from a remembrance.
Lies of piss system where they start regenerating health if a crit isn't applied so you have to keep aggression. Countering and deflecting is a vase game function and becomes important for the main game bosses. Keep that summons inflate bosses HP hut maybe add like 2 or 3 moves to a boss that acts as a party wide nuke to keep people on their toes. Have one boss if they hit a spirit summon then they become hostile to you so you should retreat them half way through the fight.
>best strategy for bosses at a NG+ level that high is still black blade + blackflame spam
Erm... what the sigma? it's Bleed spam, idiot
gonna kiss Malenia on the cheek and nose
can you get better fashion please
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Am I allowed to summon those little guys?
have fun with your hep-c friend
Why would you not be allowed?
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She's a lot better than "Age of Compassion after I threw away my ability to love" Miquella
I want to beat the game like a true gamer
In truth, I don't want the NPC to play the game for me
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They're the only summon you're allowed to use from now on.
This is horrific, but thank you anyway
They really aren't, they're rats. They help, but that's it.
I wanna burn the world but torrent would be sad ):
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So... CAN you kill them?
yeah just parry them
is there no reward for killing them besides the exultation and a crafting material? was hoping that killing all 6 would unlock torrent but to nobody's surprise it doesn't.
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DLC 2 or Elden Ring 2 needs to bring back Gravelording
The exultation is the only good reward
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>get into a duel
>opponent almost dies
>I die
>he points down multiple times and tosses rot pots
intentional bad camera perspective to increase difficulty.
Cool, I'll see if even one of them can make it through the fight
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The Hunters are not sending their best.
What's the best grace to farm materials for sleep bolts?
They've confirmed there will not be another dlc
Fastest way to get to the DLC after going to NG+? Just kill the dude in the Altus plateau and do Varre's quest? I really don't want my character to have bloodshot eyes, even if my character wears a helmet almost all the time.
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Needle Knight Leda's wet dream
Bayle the Dread.
HOLY FUCK I CLAPPED. Probably my favorite Elden Ring boss now
Mohg and Radahn are the only requirements
Going to Altus will start the Festival with or without Ranni's quest so just beeline the invade for Varre's quest
idk if you have to do Godrick for that though
Imagine being a blue cuck
Like hostoids need any more help against invaders
just don't use OP summon then.
Most summons will get easily killed by bosses.
How come sometimes that throw does 60% of my health and sometimes it does 90 dmg
Miquella is a twink faggot and I hate him, St. Trina is my wife.
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He said 'new' gimmick, anon, not the same one in half the DLC fights.
I do just in case the dude im fighting goes on 4chan and makes this exact post
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Why exactly is Rellana thirsty for Messmer? Is there any hint of Messmer even really interacting with the Carians at all? Like how did they even come into contact
You can deactivate the blood eyes, or any type of special eyes in the character menu in the eye section after you've acquired them
Yes I'm right here. Sorry to startle you.
Based Thiollier
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Worst mom
Commander gayass' description says he was friends with Messmer and they were both like older brothers to Radahn, so Radagon had already fucked Rennala
and must have had contacts with the Carians
Do we know WHY she did it?
>following a guide to do all the NPC quests
>reach the end; it's incomplete
>rest won't be out 'til wednesday or thursday
>nothing to do until then
Well shit
How are you guys finding the Dryleaf weapons? Trying out the footwork, even with rotten, millicent and the kick talisman the damage doesn't seem to be all that great and range is awful, kind of like worse fists. I like how the attack strings look so I'm trying to make it work but I remain unconvinced. Guess it builds up status fast? And the Palm Blast seems to hit pretty hard at least.
But best Mommy
Does anyone have that one writefag thing archived?
It started with https://archiveofourown.org/works/49017289/chapters/131577178 but they kept going and I don't remember when it was
Which ones did you not complete?
Best mom. I will protect her smile
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To be fair that guy was doing a solo taunter's tongue run; too bad the blues he got were fucking useless (one of them didn't even reach us).
It has some pretty dramatic damage falloff, even with the Arrow's Reach Talisman. The difference between getting hit full pelt and having it tickle you is like a metre or so, and also obviously depends on whether or not the heavy was charged or if it's just a running attack.
>video of Bayle vs the base game bosses
>doesn't adjust health/damage
Yeah, no fucking shit the boss designed to fight players with twice the damage resistance and twice the damage output can wreck the base game bosses.
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what is the best coop cheese build for my stats?
Sorry fellas, I'm joining "this shit is ass and I hope it gets nerfed" crowd, Radhan is one of most tedious, annoying fights in any of these games. It is, in fact, everything unfun about these games put into a single boss. The only thing he's missing is just ganking you which he kind of does with those bullshit teleports
>try to think of an answer
>it is already implemented in the game
Considering that greatshield is op, they will probably add attacks that bypass shield like Malenia life steal but for all bosses
I used to be a guidefag when I was younger. Glad I grew out of it
what does /erg/ think of this weapon?
i want to love because of the unique skill but scythes are so slow...
It's fucking Arcane and I hate that
Arcane is such an insanely dogshit stat flavorwise
>host has ONE skibidi
>rakshasa boss annihilates 70% of our health in a single swing
Faith talisman + physick and Impenetrable thorns
it's pretty weak among scythes but the weapon art is good
>doesn't adjust health/damage
Why would they? Isn’t half the point of the comparison showcasing the differences in health and damage?
He got creamed in the Garden of Eyes video because the other thing about Bayle specifically is that he's designed to attack behind him or to the side relative to where the player is even when he's aggroed on someone else which no ther boss in the game does
The ash is cool but it just kinda feels like a worse grave scythe imo.
why she killed godwyn? someone must die in soul for her to die in body. as for why godwyn specifically, nothing concrete. my headcanon is that he was the arranged consort for ranni and she didn't like it
>want to make a prelate charge build
>can't decide on a fashion, concept/theme or a weapon to use it on
>don't want to be lazy and make it some fuckin' tiny prelate or something
S i g h
>spammable iframes like the bloody helice
>can spam in whichever direction you want to do
shrimple as
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Why can't we fuck her before she goes up in flames?
>Delayed attacks
Not a problem if you have good reflexes, assuming they are regular delayed attacks
>fast bosses
Not a problem if you have good reflexes and know how to punish bosses, although i agree not every boss should be fast

The biggest problem is actually the AoE attacks or attacks that have awkward hitboxes like showckwaves.
These attacks basically force trial and error gameplay. Almost every boss in the DLC has one of these types of attacks. It turns the boss into one that you have to "learn" by dying to the move.
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>it has become normal to call scadus a shitty gen alpha meme word
holy shit you fags surely come from reddit
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this place
can you get to it?
Outside my pure STR character from my first playthrough and the aforementioned character for my second playthrough all of my other characters are cosplay knockoffs as well
>Darth Maul who I then changed into an Crucible Knight because I like the Crucible incants even if they’re subpar
>Dagoth-Ur pure Faith build using predominantly fire spells with a dagger to represent Keening (haven’t found an appropriate weapon for Sunder)
>DMC5 Nero / FF7 Sephiroth Dex build using the Dismounter with Flaming Strike when playing as the former or Nagakiba with Aspect of the Crucible: Wings on the latter
>Slave Knight Gael pre-Ringed City boss fight using Marais Greatsword in main hand in lieu of Executioner Sword. Still haven’t found a shield I like that best matches his one but might take him into the DLC for Messmer’s Greaves which are pretty close to the Slave Knight ones.
I don’t know why I exclusively do cosplay knockoffs but I always find doing them fun and like having a specific ‘goal’ (for lack of a better word) to work towards.
>people unironically thinking that the trailer showing Malenia whispering something to Radahn before blooming means it was always planned that she was there to drag Radahn to Miquella's rape dungeon

Is this a zoomer thing or do people just not know what the mystery box style of writing is anymore.
upvoted this comment
for future reference how do you find this? you can't search text on the archives and it doesn't seem to show up on google
stop being so sensitive
That incant requires 24 faith to my 15 so I'd need to respec for it but if it's good coop cheese I guess I will. I want to cast Golden Vow anyways.
There's no point when the player also has a multiplier. Some of the base-game bosses absolutely would have beaten him if the bosses has a similar scadutree blessing to what the player would have at the point of fighting him.
Yes, bayle has more health and does more damage than base game bosses. But you can't face base game bosses with a nearly 2x multiplier to resistances and damage.
She's so fucking pretty.
I’ll post it when I get home from work. I also haven’t taken them into the DLC yet but with what I’ve seen I don’t see a reason to do so with them.
Scadu is a stupid fucking word
They should've just named it shadow
We've been saying that since day 1, nobody wants to type out "scadutree," "skibidi" sounds similar, and what is it with millennials and the unending victim complex
who even is this?
Blame us zoomers again and I'll suck you dick faggot
For me, it's her voice
erm, gen alphas are grownups now, it's all about gen betas
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>boss reward headpiece for "bear communion" boosting
>there's only one bear incantation
Mitsubishi DID say that the DLC storyline was rounding out everything that GRRM initially wrote with Miquella
here you go buddy
>you can't search text on the archives
you can, though
If. If the player has the multiplier. The fragments are entirely optional and the player can have all or none of them. Even then though that’s a player specific resistance. Why should it factor into two bosses fighting?
It's essentially pronounced 'shadow' anyway, it's fine.
erm... what the skibidi? you really need to pay your fanum tax and go out and rizz up some grass, fellow sigma
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What level?
kill your entire family, then yourself, you dumb shitbrain
Why the FUCK does it decay at all
It goes away when you use the weapon skill anyway
What the fuck is From's balance team
It isn't, it's pronounced schay-dew
It literally reads "Shadu" it's like thinking "Gaol" is tryhard

no one who is 25 today will ever actually be an adult
can I have a hug?
Bro, your infinite broken consumables???
It's just everything really. The calm but hopeful tone in her voice. Pretty blonde hair. She is so perfect.
Damn wtf since when
I was sure you couldn't
Nvm I looked wrong thought you were at 10 faith where faith talisman + faith tear in physic would put you to the required 24. I found it very good in coop, not actually broken like the perfume rolling sparks but with 60 arc it was bleeding bosses pretty much instantly, huge chunks of damage even in 3 man groups. Maternal Staff + Staff of the Guilty off hand for weapons. Just leave sunflower and the knight pools out since they're bleed immune.
What makes it funnier is that Miquella discarded Malenia before he even split his "good" side into St. Trina. That little shit genuinely never gave a shit about her.
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Sure thing
That'll be 50 ml of semen and don't try to run away
Canonically as shown with rennala as well carian women fall for murderhobos. This is a fact. Nerdy moonbitches are weak to murderhobomen
literally no proof of this. it's pretty obvious that he was going to return once he's become a god
yeah it's not exactly 'shadow' but it's closer. People complaining are thinking it's pronounced https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy8kmNEo1i8
some external archives will have searching disabled on some boards for bandwidth reasons, might be thinking of that. b4k instead just doesnt maintain /vg/ past a certain number of years
I wanna imagine st trina begging Miquella to take Malenia with him somehow
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the big rot pots alone break the game, son, statuses will always be king
STR/DEX Medium shield and DEX-gun combo. Parry bosses and guard counter everything else. Use some whacky DEX weapons I guess?
Pros: use like 80% of all weapons. Use some super cool new shit like great catanas and light greatswords (so fucking cool). It's an actual build. You can actually enjoy dancing with bosses.
Cons: Fucking boring. Need to fight a constant urge to devolve into greatshield / spear combo (the most boring way to platy period.)


Abandon reason and make a bow-only run.
Pros: Funny. Some bows are relatively strong. Kill shit from far away.
Cons: Everything else. Ignore 80% mechanics of the boss. Forced to use statuses to do any damage.


Fist only run. Later switch to marshal arts.
Pros: ??? Fell like a chad fisting enemies to death.
Cons: Abysmal range.

Your thoughts, anons?
how much is that...~?
So basically you’re simping for Irina but now she’s a corpse piloted by a flaming tapeworm that wants to burn everything? Why not just simp for Irina? All the sweet and gentle nature with none of the frenzied flame fuckery manipulating you into to thinking this is an innocent young woman.
I won't give you my semen... You'll have to take it from me
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I wonder what Marika's tax policy was
Fist run, weapon are overrated
>doesn't help her after Caelid and Finley is left to make the journey alone

Defend this
What is the Staff of the Guilty for? Don't you use the Maternal or in my case Albinauric for the bleed to scale off INT for the incant?
>Maternal Staff
>21 INT
too big an investment at RL125 I think
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Ah makes sense
I might've been thinking of desu or something that didn't let you search
how to do well as invader with an arcane build and ansbach's scythe?
in a 1v1 i can consistently win but it gets messy when it's 3v1, even when i rough up one of them he just heals while the other keeps me occupied.
i feel like i should have picked the bayle roar instead of the arm crush...
Yes people literally simp for a brain dead statue of a genocidal woman and a murder moon doll. What's wrong with hyetta?
He literally dipped the second she shat herself without even saying goodbye. He even took the time to heal Freyja from the rot with one of his needle.
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It's about 20 ejaculations
Maybe I like getting manipulated by cute innocent women.
>scale off INT
meant scale off ARC
he was on the other side of the continent during the event. if he didn't care about his sister, he wouldn't bother making the needle
bamco buckbroke hackazaki halfway through SOTE development on there WILL be an ER2 which is why the story/lore of SOTE is so half-assed and unusually shit
wasn't he immobilized inside the haligtree?
It’s an act same as with Shabriri. The difference is that Hyetta keeps the chaos tism fit in her pants. Better to just enjoy Irina don’t you think?
yes ma'am~! if you tease my prostate I promise I can make more for you~
Whoring yourself as usual? It won't save you from the jar, marika
I will do my duty for hugs.
He was at Caelid after the battle
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Yes, my Queen!
every boss can parry just like npc enemies
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I've seen a surprising amount of St. Trina x Miquella stuff
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i like to be slapped, anon~
Or get the bloody eyes first and then overwrite them by eating dragon hearts to get dragon eyes, should work, I think.
No, Freyja states that Miquella himself saved her from the scarlet rot with one of his needles as she was dying of rot. He was physically at the battle.
>noxtard is back
And people say this is the best game Fromsoft has made
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Hornsent have to fork over 70% of their yearly income, Badlands folk only 40%
Carian Royals have the lowest income tax at 30% but only if they have a minimum of 3 dependents
astel in snowfields is the worst one i've seen.
Shabriri would be a better character if he wasn't just like, an annoying shit disturber. It's not like he's the dung eater, he basically just pissed everybody off and then got upset when they rightfully were annoyed by him being annoying.
Walk into traffic and get slapped by a speeding semi truck. Seriously man how do you not feel embarrassed posting this kind of shit? Look yourself in the mirror and reflect one what you’ve become. Then end it.
that doesn't mean he was there
historically tax rates of 10% were more normal however
you should've been able to save irina
St. Trina is my wife
did i fuck up any questlines by doing everything in the world before the boss of shadow keep? i haven't killed the bosses in rauh ruins yet because i thought the tree burning would happen there but still i feel like i fucked up because i haven't seen any of the npcs besides thollier this whole time. i wish the game would make it more obvious what order you should do things in. sometimes its go the obvious place but sometimes its not and you miss content if you don't go a side route first
What happens to tax evaders? (Based on their race)
It's a thread on 4chan and I'm merely professing that I'd like an attractive woman to finger my shitpipe while she collects my semen in exchange for affectionate embraces. You wouldn't know what it's like, girlhugger, but it's tougher than you think.
Anon think of the advertisersssssssssss.
who could save her then though
and why wouldn't they use the needle on Malenia?
Staff of the Guilty offhand because it boosts thorn sorceries, Maternal is bugged in some way and gives the thorns huge bleed build up through arcane, you can try it out its very obvious difference. But you can get by with any staff, the spell is broken enough.
Makes sense. That would've been a much better consort pairing especially given that Marika already did it so it wouldn't be an asspull like "le prime radahn!" fight.
>Long ago, I was stricken by scarlet rot in the Swamp of Aeonia. Immobile, feverish, and in great pain, I was entirely resigned to death.
>I was left behind, and only Kindly Miquella was enough to seek me out. My wound was swollen and festering — exuding a most pungent odour — and yet he drained the poison from it.
>...Despite my wretched visage. Now, I consider this wound my compass.
What's your next cope sister?
kill yourself, nigger
Oh I thought it only worked if you cast the incantation with it. I'll give it a try thanks anon.
what contrarianismism does to a mf
You only get fucked over when you burn the sealing tree in rauh ruins, you are fine before then
I'm just trying to unlock as much shit with as few playthroughs as possible

Leda's, basically. But since she's tied up with Ansbach and gives like two or three different rewards depending on your choices I'm holding off.
>being a blue cuck
>and why wouldn't they use the needle on Malenia
the scarlet rot on the others is the same as yours, the one that can be worked with boluses. malenia's is an outer god influence, can't just be cured like that. it's a part of her
what the skibidi???
will i have to backtrack to find any npcs? i saw some messages on the ground that sounded like an npc is supposed to appear there
yeah but it can delay things and probably make her conscious, the entire reason Malenia had to break the needle is that it keeps the rot at bay
It doesn't cure her but it at least prevents the Rot from getting worse. If she still had the needle the Haligtree wouldn't be infected
This DLC needed to have a guide like Melina and Gideon to explain and give context to what you are doing.
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>had to verify my game files because game kept glitching
>banned for messing with files
What the fuck is this shit?
mmm talk dirty to me daddy
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What’s the lore behind these black phantom enemies? Are they hornsent?
The multiplayer component is the the most barebones it has ever been. Even Demon's Souls had more going on.
skibidi more like shadooping
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Me, sitting in the line of fire of Marika's cosmic braps
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normal radahn is in the cutscene with the fight with malenia. he looks closer to starscourge than consort radahn.
that's just what shadowlands people always looked like
What exactly is the point of blues? You have to wait like 500 years to get summoned.
stop cheating lmao
Is she only a torso?? Where are st Trina's legs?
Would’ve been nice if completing the Nepheli and Kenneth quest let you save her and Edgar as well as Hewg and Roderika after burning the tree. Would’ve done wonders for the theme of casting away the sins and mistakes of the old GO if you were able to do that and then set up shop in a hostile free stormveil castle while the roundtable burns.
I don't even like Ranni that much but the psychos who are obsessed with proving that she's evil and manipulative and doesn't love anyone reminds me of the same drooling morons who think Ayre was manipulating you/evil so Rannifags have my full support.
I get that message when I log-out of a character to the home screen, but if I quit to desktop and relaunch I’m fine. No idea what is going on with Anti-Cheat at the moment.
I miss covenants
I cummed
She's a flower, my pretty flower and my beautiful wife
>giant femboy dragon girl with both arms replaced with doll parts and bare feet, formerly the head of a convent but turned into a warrior who fights with you
i could unironically see him doing this please
>emaciated old geezers
>oddly acrobatic fatties
>getting sprayed with maggots
>feces dropping on your head and suffocating you to death
>poison swamps
>sewer mazes
girls for these fetishes???
Sorry bud I accidentally cut her into pieces
t. gurochad
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The only time I ever got warned was because of my Steam Deck saying it was suspicious.
>Mounted boss
>game lets you mount
>game also punishes you for mounting
why is FromSoft like this?
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I think we all do anon...
Yes they are hornsent, basically the only ones that survived Marika building the gate of divinity out of their corpses. There's a couple that aren't under the influence of the sealing tree like the hornsent we talk to and the Greater Potentates but it's not clear why
The memory of the hornsent abusing the numen women is the closest look we get at their real appearance
Not true. They look like black phantoms because Messmer burned them all.
I stole them and now use as clubs.
How are you supposed to pollinate her?
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Just got hit by one of those new madness pots by a red man at rl 30, I have 1550 hp because it's a full vigor dude with soreseal and that shit still hit me for like 70% of my health, any of the usual hosts at this level has to get deleted instantly by that. Sadly the guy backpedaled right into one of those pre-Rennala balls after and died so it ruined the moment a bit but still, CE'ing dlc consumables at this level, for shame.
you're a bottom :/
>lizard greatsword
Fucking kek. I wish this dropped for me earlier in the DLC. It's not just the ranged R2, being strike with greatsword moveset is cool.
Who doesn’t?

You rike? *Laughs in rice*
write some ryona anon
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what a fucking cancerous fight
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>rotknights and redmanes lose their lives and sanity by the hundreds fighting for the demigods
>they were just playing around for miquella's stupid 0 IQ plan
>all those deaths and ruined lands mean jackshit for the demigods
>freyja just accepts this and turns on you
Never before did i ever hate an npc more, fucking piece of shit puppet, rot together with your demigod scum.
Hotglue her until she gets flowerpreggers
They should've brought back goldmask for a bossfight, that would've been cool.
still don't understand how people are having trouble with this he can't use half of his moves if you constantly try to position yourself behind him on torrent
keep going, you almost had him
Possibly a way to telegraph parriable attacks from enemies and enemies that try to blindside players, even though that could be tricky6
>Countering and deflecting is a vase game function
I would rather not. I hate all deflectslop and "muh aggression" is a meme buzzword for game design that incentives braindead play.
>2 shot this fight
He surprised me the first time
Aren't those pots easy as piss to get the materials for, or is it the sleep ones?
But yeah, From went and added a hundred of useful consumables that are mostly only available to CE users.
If you summon me I can help you
The Radahn that Miquella "brought back" is young Radahn, specifically before he conquered the stars. His weapons states that he discarded them and his old armor after doing so, and adopted his new armor and the starscourge greatswords. Possibly as a symbol of completely mastering gravity magic or something. There is also a huge size discrepancy between Consort Radahn and the one you fight in Caelid. That might be because it's Mohg's body, but it's worth noting that when Radahn fought Morgott, he was around the same size as him in the intro slide. Starscourge Radahn is around 3 times the size of Morgott. Also, why does Young Radahn's armor fit Mohg's body perfectly? My theory? Miquella fell in love with young Radahn, before he mastered gravity magic and possibly before he gained the rank of general and the title of "mightiest" demigod. After doing so, he fell in love with war, similar to Godfrey, and lost the kindness that Miquella saw in him when he was young. He was only interested in battle and war, so Miquella had no interest in bringing that version of him back.
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most overrated and over hated scrub stomper
I will also assist, gib password
>The only good and most based of the demigods ended up being the Omen
Bro, your sekiro tear?
waiting for St. Trina nectar (sleeping pills) to kick in and dream about her and me sleeping together and dreaming about purple flower fields forever
Freyja’s just a meathead who wanted a warrior’s death. The epitome of a career soldier who knows nothing but war. The real nigger here is Hornsent who repays your efforts to get him his revenge by trying to kill you. Also Leda who lets you do all of the work to get her to Miquella and just heel turns and tries to gank you because she’s a paranoid twat.
if you're playing online in a souls game you're just begging to get griefed anyways. poor little hosts trying to play the pve have never been a match for sweaty nerds who play souls for its shitty pvp, cheated items or not.
>on torrent
MOTHERFUCKER he deletes torrent in one or 2 hits then kills me once im knocked down and cant get up.
You literally cannot use torrent in this fight. It is a trap
Found a new glitch; not one that is currently known.
How long does it usually take for From to make DLC patches? Figure I'll post it after that.
You wish, she's my wife you harlot
I think you need the flies from the madness area for them though I'm not 100% on that. The cookbook for them is in that place at least. I'm used to everyone chucking rot pots 24/7 but this was a new one, wonder how strong the other hefty pots are, this frenzy one seems like it goes very hard.
She is as ugly as she is retarded. What an absolute disgrace for a Redmane.
Unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with the lore to write anything yet but eventually maybe I'll write something about nuggifying st Trina before she turns into a flower
Am I missing something obvious in the flooded section of the keep? Its just a few rooftops and broken logs you can jump over, and there is a lever but I cant use it because it's flooded.
>saint TREEna
>fucking tree
how does he get away with this slop
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Always were, you were told they are nothing but traitors and you didn't listened.
nearly every fight is cancerous the first 20 deaths where you die to a new move you haven't seen yet each time and then once you finally know the timings of most moves its not so bad
ok tell me, how many times have you drank her nectar?
In the big church area you drop down into there's 2 paths, go the path with the bats on it and there's a ladder to climb and you drain the water there
Do you need to bring Ansbach with you to fight Radahn to get his incantation?
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>Brave Tarnished
>Follow the path laid by Kind Miquella
Keep going until you find broken roof you can drop down, there is more to it.
Need to jump along the SW side (from the west) to get to the lever
I genuinely can't tell what's worse
>Miquella sic'd Malenia on Radahn so he could mindrape his soul since he no way fag'd him
>Caelid was actually a giant larp session where Radahn just wanted one last glorious battle to die in that went horribly wrong
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Leda is too retarded for me to hate. I like how she wants to murder everyone EXCEPT you until she realizes you're planning to murder her lord.
Currently am, I have been sipping her nectar since I've found her
Anyone else here just really, really, REALLY fucking hate Bayle? God fuck that guy, piece of shit.
Redmanes would actually have been fine with the latter. They lived for war and would love going out in a blaze of glory. Unfortunately, Malenia sharted herself and ruined things for literally everyone, herself included.
She's just misunderstood
why are the boss AI of this game okay but npc AI are so bad where they just try to mash attack out of hitstun, the leda gank could be actually fun if they didnt tank my 10th r1 in a row without doing anything
>Dashing autistic knightess who's dumb as a box of rocks.
I regret marrying ranni.
>lv9 erdtree seal, 45 faith, 40 vigor
>Mohg is still kicking my ass

People who say magic is easier are fucking memeing, I remember melting bosses left and right with plenty of +9 somber weapons and 40 STR, but Erdtree+9 and 45 faith is literally doing nothing to this guy. Mohg healing nearly his entire hp was just cute on my STR build, but now this fucker is royally pissing me off, does he think my FP flaks are infinite or what.

The temptation of going fire uchi/cold nagi, or any bleed weapon, is nearly overpowering. But then I would break my incantations only rule for this character.
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>we found igon in thread
>5 second downtimes
I have never seen this happen once.
As soon as you move to attack they resume their combos with no delay.
The only time they WON'T attack is specifically when you're not trying to.
Leda is impossible to hate because she's just an insane yandere
Placidusax aren't you too old to be posting on ErdChan?
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aight fuck it. Sekiro mechanic FTW.
Still. Fucking shit fight.
>controller fucked
>Try MKB
>Want to fucking die
Well boys, guess I'm done with Elden Ring for a while, don't wanna spend 60 bucks on a new controller
>he doesn't know
you will never hear her unique dialoge, humbug
gj anon, you cleansed the world of another albinauric
They were too based for words.
>both spurned and forced to live in literal shit for a curse they had no say in being born with
>one grows up to shrug off his past trauma and try and be a good king for his people
>fights off an army and trained warlord
>actively resists the pull of an outer good until half dead and forced by said god to take it
>other was trying to start a dynasty that accepted the downtrodden
>embraced the outergod likely out of despair but still left a piece of himself to prevent the FF from being found
>was still cool enough to have Ansbach serve him loyally and challenge an empyrean twice for him
If they were opt-out instead of opt-in their activity would increase exponentially.
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Oh what could have been.
Well, what incantations are you using?
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Was this an accurate representation of lolifags?
Radhan went from a honorable warrior to a traitor who let all his men get killed a pointless death only to ally himself with the demi gods who had them killed, in my mind my tarnished is a demigod killer who punishes these scum, stomps on their corpses and then burns their garbage world with the flame of chaos.
So is Leda basically just Saber from Fate?
I liked the fight desu, but I used the tear from the start so I never experienced the shit hitboxes I keep hearing about.
thank you for your kind offer, I managed to beat it alone
>surviving Redmanes are still in Caelid, trying to fight off Rot infestation
>Miquella: it was all just a prank lmao, who cares about these guys anyways
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It would have been cool if she sided with the player upon learning the Battle of Aeonia was essentially a pharaohs funeral with the two armies slaughtered to serve Resurrected Lord Radahn and the DLC had resurrected Redmanes and Cleanrot Knights spirits as enemies. I think that's the kind of subversion I would expect from a Miyazaki game.
What's that, Tarnished-dono, the DLC boss is cancerous and homosexual? Leave it to my drink.
>teehee muh retarded waifu
eat shit, coomniggers your dumb strumpet is deadmeat and so is her lord
What, the one you need to hear to complete Thiollier's questline? I still hear her telling me to kill miquella but I'm too sleepy to do anything about it (I'm still drinking her nectar)
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I like to imagine there's another world where Leda and the Tarnished get married and she murders everyone woman he gets close to
SOTE continues all the 2 that are 1 themes of the base game and literally the only one of Marika's kids in the entire lore that's unaccounted for at this point is Melina. I'm starting to think she's actually going to be the focal point of the HBO series
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Reminder than Ranni won and she did nothing wrong
How come Radahn looks way more normal in the DLC than he does in this cinematic? He wouldn't have been all fucked up here yet.
hefty pots are broken
huge ass AOE
one pot = instant status
>but muh tell
it's so easy to catch people with it
yes mommy
anything for you mommy
Truly my greatest ally
>This is the only St. Trina related armor we will ever get
>You will never be able to make a cool knight fashion loyal to St. Trina
I just want the hair cape glued onto the oathseeker armor. crossdressing anti-Leda
Because that's him in his prime as pumping himself full of steroids and absorbing his great rune. The one in the DLC is essentially his teenage version.
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Based. Thank you, mr Wolf.
Just rot him with a dragon breath then spam Pest Flies when he's standing still doing his thing and he'll melt.
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more like shit player who needs busted shit to win
I play MKB it's not that bad
Magic is busted when you have a summon to take aggro. I watched my INTfag friend play against Mohg yesterday and he killed him on the first try because he just summoned his mimic at the start of the match and then spammed comet azur and troonveil. Mohg didn't stand a chance against that shit.
Imagine how convincing the other demi-gods could have been if they too, had little doll replicas of themselves that talked to you at campfires and pretended not to like you but obviously did.
>miniature morgott
>I-I'm sorry if my horns are poking you while I'm in your pack
>Oh, you don't mind? You kind of like my horns and think I look cool?
>y-your just saying that! *blush*
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Post your Ideal Casting for the Elden Ring tv series
For me its
Sidney Sweeny as Queen Marika
yep. rot + Black Flame, alternately incants that deal physical damage
What if someone said "He's riding me ass and driving me nuts" as a way of saying "He's atop my ass and controlling my genitalia"?
I originally went for a blood cosplay for my dlc character but I decided to swap to being St. Trina's most loyal follower after
Who the hell is lord Jobs?
not nearly maternal enough. If she were older it could work though. I know zoomers think SS is the only hot blonde woman in the world, but there are better choices.
>he drank the casul juice
If there is a screen adaptation I will only tolerate 4 uninterrupted hours of Marika walking around in her waist robe and lounging in her stone bed.
But, for real. It has 2 cheap tricks devs use to make boss fights difficult that I hate
>extended damage window
>extended hitbox and or slide lunge with every attack
one is when the hit 'lingers' so it can still damage me for longer than I though it would. The other is when every fucking attack the boss lunges forward, literally sliding through the ground, an unnatural amount and can basically always hit you from stupidly far away, from much farther away than I would naturally expect, fucking up with my distance perception.
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>muh tv
for me is (You) in the death row gallows
Morgott wouldn’t act like that you coombrained ape. He’d begrudgingly offer tidbits of advice while still calling you a foul tarnished, at the absolute most he’d offer something that halfway resembles a compliment before following it with “for a tarnished”.
It's blatantly the second at this point. As weird as it can be, it makes sense, but destroys the figure of Radahn as cool heroic and charismatic leader, which I guess didn't matter to him because Radahn was a war kunkie that wanted tk be like his precious Godfrey.
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So marika enjoyers, ranni enjoyers, goldmask enjoyers, and frenzy enjoyers came out the winners yeah?
Marika was justified for her genocides
Ranni proven right about the fingers being suspicious
Goldmask proven right about just how awful demigods are
Frenzychads proven right about hyetta's ramblings
An honorable mention:
Godwynchads free from being associated with miquellas retardation remaining the only good demigod who's worst crime was maybe fucking a dragon and dying.
I'll see the bullshit for myself soon enough, playing through the DLC again on another character
cope. Deflect tear is kino, pure skill, like a parry but more manly and more stylish.
>the Elden Ring tv series
live action is going to suck donkey cock dude
>but anime will be worse
nibba nothing is worse than WoT or RoP
>Thiollier's set increases arc
>none of St Trina's stuff has an arc requirement
thick as 2 planks
>Goldmask proven right about just how awful demigods are
Goldmask had nothing to say about demigods, only gods as opposed to the GO
But it turns out the GO was the insane ramblings of something that isn't even a god
The real loser were GEQfags who got stepped on
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Miquella is a stupid twink faggot and I'm glad I get to kill him and his stupid faggot ass bara gay lover
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Cute feet
Natalie Dormer, she can pull of both Marika and Radagon with the Blond and Red Hair switcheroo and looks good and has no problem being naked
>I posted it again
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>scrub easy mode-user telling others to cope
you may as well summon the mimic
Wheel of Time
Rings of Power
both Amazon series and both dogshite
idk who you think would be producing it
So it definitely was supposed to be Godwyn, not Radahn, right?
Your feet look very ticklish
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you have no idea how much I hate Albinauric archers
Anime movie by ufotable would do it justice
>old hag with no ass and no tits
No thanks
I love queen Marika. The boob jiggle is crazy.
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>put down sign in front of Gaius
>get summoned by a guy finally
>dealing very low damage
>host gets 1-shotted by hog charge with seemingly enough armor to not have been
>realize that skibidi power is copied from the host and mine had barely if any
Definitely incentivizes me to even bother trying to help other people, what a fucking stupid system
why is godfrey called the first elden lord?
wasn't placidusax technically elden lord?
and saying he was the first makes it seem like a long list, but it's just him and radagon who barely counts
George literally doesn't talk to anyone besides HBO and he's apparently involved in this
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Try me I'll drink thiollier's concoction before you get close, only my wife gets to touch my feet because she doesn't have any. Sidenote though, why can I not drop them for other people so I can tell people using swiftslash spam in pvp to kill themselves?
Stop showing feet. Final warning
they never made anything good, they're not about to start
Why she got gaius's pants tho
In a hypothetical Elden Ring tv series, how would miyazaki make it a struggle to watch and the player feel accomplished for having finished it?
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>4 archery talismans
>still can't make a decent archer build for coop

Its over bros
Mohg beat the allegations
but at what cost
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Duskborn kings won.
I don't think you can have one actor play marika and radagon
Ranni, your wife, your chosen Empyrean that you carried to Godhood itself, stands by your shoulder as you both challenge Miquella and Radhan, roles mirroring yours and Ranni's, for the right to decide the fate to the Lands Between

Would've been fucking kino. But sadly, Miyazaki is a hack
>wasn't placidusax technically elden lord?
not only "technically". but that was before the age of the erdtree
And HBO will make a good show? lmao
>get summoned to Raya Lucaria
>play through a portion of the level until we reach Rennala, don't get invaded once
>get summoned to Radahn's Beach
>the host immediately tries to use the portal and can't because we got invaded immediately, takes like 30 seconds for the invader to actually show up while the host is confused
Good job, From.
Shit opinion
Because the fact that other Orders before the Golden Order existed is a big secret
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you're on 16 levels of cope anon you shouldn't have opened comparing it to rings of power it would've made you look like you were coming from a reasonable position
Literally defeated him in 3 tries at ~10 skibidis
Endure is broken, just use it lol
what would a hypothetical show be about?
it seems like it would require a massive cgi budget, I can't imagine it would ever happen
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Godfrey is the first ELDEN Lord.
Placidusax is the DAGON Lord.
how hard is this to comprehend?
Post cute tarnished feet NOW.
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Or what
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>get /tv/-tier posts
well done
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What's the strongest invader build that doesn't abuse a broken mechanic.
Godfrey is the First Elden Lord of the Golden Order
so why doesn't anyone call radagon the second elden lord?
You think you being dead will stop me? Also probably because it's a quest item
The Dragonlord whose seat lies at the heart of the storm beyond time
is said to have been Elden Lord in the age before the Erdtree.
Once his god was fled, the lord continued to await its return.
The fingerprint + antspur combo is a meme for a reason.
Mitigating damage with shields and using status or % damage in general is king for coop in the DLC because your damage will depend on the host's skibidi levels otherwise.
Is it actually? I've never found where to use it and you can buy them from him infinitely for 30k runes a piece
Or else I will cum to your characters feet.
it's nothing but erping and dogshit posts at this time
I really hope deflecting comes back as a base game mechanic next time. Don't care if it's not le heckin hardcore gaymer strategy, it's fucking fun and looks a lot better than flopping around on the ground like a spastic.
have you even played the game?
boobs too big for radagon
Tried black flame+black knife weapon art, I can get him to his second phase and even bring him back to around 30%, but the damage is just not good enough to burst him down fast enough.

Almost killed him once with pest threads+stone of gurranq, but got caught panic rolling and died while still having two FP flasks left. I think I will just finish Leyndell already, kill fire giant and finally get the ancient dragon book to melt Mohg in four casts of ancient dragon lighting.
You just do a pre-shattering show about Melina and her emotionally unstable brother while their mom is trying to establish the Golden Order. You do eternal cities and godskins and you give the normies some dragons and snakes to look at. Just don't do Radahn or Gaius first season. Worked well enough for Fire & Blood
>playing through the DLC again on another character
>mfw every time I find a cool new weapon or spell I wanna try it but pretty much everything requires re-speccing due to how niche or specific most new gear is this late in the game.
Any one else have that feeling? I'm tired of having to upgrade every new weapon all the way to max every time too.
I love experimenting with new builds and playstyles and trying new weapons, but the friction kills me.
You can use it on the dragon priestess at night, basically drugging her
I guess they nudge you towards that direction since thiollier keeps saying "it's powerful enough to make an ancient dragon fall into slumber"
Seeing dogshit CGI of the female actress playing marika turning into chris pratt or some bullshit for radagon would make me lol
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no, anon, i clearly never played the game because you disagree with me on a lore piece
right. I hope you're using the shackle and purifying tear as well. greatshields helped a lot for me as well, as well as the blood exultation + white mask
Fucking who? What dragon priestess? Am I retarded?
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that makes sense, given that you wrote "how hard is this to comprehend?" about something that is directly contradicted in a remembrance.
You never found the dragon priestess? She's next to the communion altar, right on the giant dead dragon
>have to block at the perfect time
>no i-frames, high risk high reward playstyle
>larpers wanna pretend is 'izi moad'
Did you even play the game, anon?
Thoughts on Godfrey?
why would you see it?
it's supposed to be a secret
Oh, I guess I must've accidentally gone past her because I killed bayle and found the dragon communion altar afterwards and found the heart transformation item and a hammer. I was trying to give igon his peace above all else.
Messmer made me realize I don't actually enjoy difficult videogames, at some point I was just annoyed with his fight.
is this canonically, exactly what Marika's dress looks like, or is this a skimpier version?
Cool weapon I can spurge about and make a whole build centred around?
I'm fine with both, I just prefer Ranni because she looks like an anime girl and is goofy.
Miquella needed some humanizing the way Ranni was.
she looks old dude
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Ranni = Cute dollwife
Miquella = gay retard
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>he doesn't have a dragonwife
I mean I'd probably watch it but melina is such a non-character
What's that makeup then
good lord poison was not the move
You were annoyed with one of easiest and fairest fights in the DLC?
>disagree about
>Placidusax was the Elden Lord of the Lands Between long before the Age of the Erdtree, under the influence of an unknown god and was protected by the Farum Azula Beastmen. During his rulership, one of his former servants, Bayle, attempted to take his place as the Dragonlord, leading to a brutal battle between the two. The battle left them both heavily injured, but Placidusax was able drive Bayle away to the Land of Shadow.
Ranni didn't throw away her heart
He did. He's just an autistic computer now. No loyalty or love for anything or anyone.
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Greatsword of damnation but you only press l2
literally GOlden Order propaganda
>he doesn't know
>definitely Godwyn
No because that would create conflict with the Godwyn ending.
>not Radahn
It was definitely not supposed to be Radahn. Miyazaki is not above fanservice. DS3 exists.
2nd place is the first loser
The dark circles around my eyes because my wife calls me to bed every time I spawn at the grace
Is this from fextralife? The influence of unknown god makes me think they're still subscribing to the dragon outer god retardation
any good pve archer build bro? I've been dying to play an archer. What about the new crossbows? Have you managed to make them work?
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>No Age of Dragons ending were you become the new Dragonlord with Florissex as your Dragonqueen
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We should've had more spirit form wives, it's just Latenna and Florissax (and Nepheli but she doesn't couint)
So i just realized the black knight at the church of consultation dropped the black shield and the black knight at fort drift dropped the same shield
How the hell do i get the hammer?
>always hit you from stupidly far away, from much farther away than I would naturally expect, f
thats just every boss in the dlc. you just have to memorize the properties of each individual slash bosses do based on trial and error. how long does he hold the retarded pose before he attacks? does it move them a mile forward? does it track perfectly side to side? can it be jumped or low profiled? a bunch of bullshit that is trial and error and most of it not readable from the animations? my favorite is how many bosses have a gay move where they rise into the air and do some retarded spin whille posing or something for five seconds then just fly at you like what the fuck is that and why does almost every boss have to do it
>one of easiest
Rellana, Hippo and Lion were far easier
Maybe, but he has so many moves and different combinations of attacks I felt overwhelmed, just let me breathe a little.
Placi's god was still the greater will
This just confirms that it left long ago, and the fingers have made up shit ever since, so Marika was always guided under false pretenses
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St. Trina is my faithful wife and I'm faithful to her because she's beautiful
nta but "unknown god" is probably just because the remembrance doesn't specify what god it is. and the "fleeing" or "leaving" implies that it can go somewhere else, that is, outside/away
Just skip the final boss, if you think messmer is bad its fucking 100% over for you.
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>You have to give npc A the item you get from npc B, hours apart, in completely different zones, no direct connection between the two except a few words of fluff text.
>Fail to do this and your playthrough is bricked from lack of kino S tier support incantation.
Fuck gay-ass FromSoft and it's retarded "quests". Never had I advocated for a ques log, until now.
>Hid her feet
Dammnit anon you had one job.
yeah but what's the settings it's based
Imagine slowly gently peeling back the petals of St. Trina's to reveal her naked form
What's the prettiest girl and sliders you've seen made with the character creator?
if you do it, your save is also bricked because you miss out on dragon hammer and the dragon cult transformation
>Once his god was fled, the lord continued to await its return.
See I always assumed this meant like 'the marika to placidusax's godfrey' not 'the equivalent to the greater will'.
>get summoned for radahn
>host instantly dies
NG+7 damage gets fucking insane, your character doesn't really scale with it at all after reaching vig softcap.
So did Lansseax look more like an actual human in her priestess form or the dragon/human hybrid that Florissax looks like. Florissax seems like she's unable to transform back
It's not the equivalent to the greater will, it is the greater will
fromsoft needs to decide if they want giant aoes to be rolled or jumped or ran away from and make them all work the same. its retarded that i have to die 5 times to midra's aoe trying to figure out if im just timing the roll bad when i just got back from rolling through the mother finger's very similar aoe. bayle is another one where he makes giant aoe's that literally color your whole screen orange but you can roll through that one for some reason while there are other ones you simply can't.
ok so is actually a skimpy version then. Real one is not a pelvic curtain but a full skirt, with no leg cleavage whatsoever.
Do better. The host died because you suck.
The spread crossbow is really good for applying bleed and status effects.
With the talisman's I've been able to get up to 750 damage (not including arrows) per shot with Radahn's greatbow, and 400 per shot with the bow with the rapid tracking arrows.

It can work to a point.
Rakshasa armor set can give you an additional 20% damage (at the cost of taking more).
Plus the talisman's.
Plus the damage at full health talisman.

Radahn's rain actually is the fastest way to dragon's and large enemies in the game. I don't think anything can do more damage.
malenia beats consort radahn, which i find funny.
She usually just wanders around topless.
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Any early game now stat requirement weapons for an int build besides moonveil? Trying to go full int as much as possible this time and not deviate to focusing on dex or str. Want to shoot lasers as much as possible but know i'll feel the need to hit shit sooner or later.
Lifesteal op.
I fought Melania again recently. She's a fucking joke compared to consort radahn man.
tfw you cant put the Parry ash of war on an offhand katana to give it the ds3 parry
that's because Radahn had a draw with a normal Malenia, he'd have jobbed against her goddess of rot form
Malenia honestly almost had a chance against bayle and probably would've won if the damage was normalized. Malenia always has a huge advantage in the npc vs npc fights because of the healing.
>thats just every boss in the dlc. you just have to memorize the properties of each individual slash bosses do based on trial and error.
Rellana wasn't like this. Her hitboxes were precise and you could make her whiff attacks by back or sidestepping, no ground gliding bullshit.
Beating her wasn't a challenge of autistically memorizing each maliciously delayed move, but getting her rhythm down and do the Deathly Dance with her. Rellana is kino.
>Bayle's 2nd phase flying fire breaths
>1st attack creates fans of firebolts on the ground with long tails, somehow you're able to roll through the heads and into the tails
>2nd attack he shoots a big dick vertical laser at you, somehow you're able to roll through out
>3rd attack is a delayed AoE that you basically have to blindly roll out of sheer timing
I threw a pot inside a wicker man and now he's moving around.
Do I HAVE to kill him? And if so, is there an easier way than playing the ankle biter? I JUST killed another one right outside this ruin. Getting real tired of their homing fire spew.
Him shedding off Trina was him shedding off the dream that he might be Heterosexual
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God I miss it
This isn't enough, I want more CLING CLANG
Miyazaki seems like a cool guy but I doubt he'll ever be THAT based.
It's neat that we can summon her, but holy shit she's terrible in combat. I assume she's one of the bugged summons because she does fuckall damage and dies to a mild gust of wind. Her incantation also sucks for a spell that requires fucking 52 faith.
Ugh I wish there was a faster way to rush ng+7. i wanna try the DLC bosses on it.
I wonder if Radahn will be a joke compared to the next game, like how people used to find Gael too hard and now he's a total pushover compared to even some middling Elden Ring bosses
I saw that florissax post. Don't think you got off that easily.
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can trina be considered cunny?
> my favorite is how many bosses have a gay move where they rise into the air and do some retarded spin whille posing or something for five seconds then just fly at you like what the fuck is that and why does almost every boss have to do it
yeah I hate how fucking anime these games have become. Feels like I'm playing monster hunter but without the cool moves.
no, he's an accurate representation of a drug addict.
They're tough but possible. With a greatsword I'm still getting staggers. Bosses like Messmer are nice and fair, some enemies can suck a cock with how much damage they deal though. Very basic enemies tear through me easily.
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Here you go, dark circles
Are you doing as many jump attacks or charged R2s as possible? Fighting under his dick is already the safest and fastest way to beat it.
NG+7 just makes the numbers go up
so just don't level up or upgrades your weapons to keep your numbers low and it'll be like NG+7 but in NG
Maybe one day I'll be absurdly bored and just speed run the base game like 5 times in a row.
>damned if you do, damned if you don't. Just like Bayle's incantations
Why does FromSoft hate us Dragon bros?
If you're going for the DLC, I recommend one of the easier to use greatswords so you can slap Carian Sovereignty onto it. I recall the Knight's Greatsword being pretty accessible.
nah she absolutely is
Carian Knight Sword, Clayman's Harpoon. You can also just magic infuse any old weapon. I like to have a colossal sword on all my builds, so I always pick up the zweihander after getting relevant whetblades.
man, those massive eyes are ugly
Glad you like it
Hammer is shit
Dragon cult form is literally troonshit unless you are type b
You don't have to turn the immobile one on at all, you can jump up the side of the building and get through the big opening with Torrent
lookin good champ
She looks like the goth girl from Brutal Legend.
based thanks
Anon, he said they were ugly
>S tier support incantation
It's fucking shit though and worse than Golden Vow in every way except FP cost
>the demigod that all the albinaurics, misbegotten and other haligtree miscreants put their chips on just turns out to be a sickfuck weirdo that only wanted to Big Radahn Cock

So what happens to all the albanaurics? What about Latenna? What about the Haligtree? What about the golden needles? What abgout Malenias infection problem?
Replaying demon's souls and god I miss the unique and varied boss arenas that affect your strategy and playstyle.
In er it's all wide empty arenas so the bosses have enough space to do their 20 hit aoe combo.
This got me good
Not what I was goin for but thanks
You're welcome
I know, it just doesn't bug me
no, I loved it
is the summon and the incantation good?
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does precision aimed mains manually aiming down sights?
Don't listen to them anon. You have cute feet.
Why do people love Ranni so much?
Miquella fucks Mohg in the ass at family gatherings
She's cute and gave me a cool sword :)
smart tsundere dollfu demigoddes
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More useful and fun then the other option imo
Stop loving evil women who are bad for you
You guys should love Melina more than Ranni.
You can't make me. The media needs to stop making them so sexy.
I attacked Grandham on sight hornsent get the gas chamber
Wisn this game had a good combat system…
because i get to marry her
Both are dogshit, only good for flavor if you wanna RP as a dragonfucker
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She gifted me my favorite weapon in all Fromsoft games and she is a cute tsundere witch doll too
>go through SOTE checklist
>only about 50% complete after defeating every remembrance boss except Radahn and most of the side bosses
>it's mostly cookbooks, weapons, talismans, and spells
Stop loving evil men who are bad for you
I got hugged by the yellow hand to save Melina from burning herself, I love her <3
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St. Trina isn't evil, she's cute!
Melina is based, wish the dlc fleshed her out more desu
>Die twice to Romina with colossal weapon
>Switch to sword and board for Messmer
>One shot him
Why do I even try to play this game for fun anymore, the game is clearly designed around cheesing because of how horribly aggressive the bosses are. Normal builds just aren't worth the headache.
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Late night feet posting. At least one anon will enjoy this.
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This is the face of the guy who raped radahn and mohg. What are your thoughts?
got a link to the checklist?
Yeah I can beat them reasonably well, but the arena this time is full of garbage and when they do the fire spew I have to hop on torrent and fuck off until he decides to stop, it's getting annoying as hell.
Also my summon fucked off instead of helping last time, she better not pull this shit on me again.

Messmer is the hero of the story though
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Is there a way to get up there? I'm certain that one of the paintings was made on that plateau.
>Vyke fucked this
>showing off feet without any tastefulness and showing pussy whole hog
No thanks, whore. Keep your pans and meat curtains to yourself.
Calm your tits Rellana
Maybe I'd care about her if she actually showed up more than a couple times over the course of my playthrough
Gotta admit I can't really beat most these bosses and I dont want to resort to summoning or some cheese build. Is there anything I can do other than collecting fragments that can help out like a weapon that is OP but not gamebreaking good
oh no the nigger is back, fuck me
What's the worst example of someone you've seen that has way less health than they should?
>Host dies with 1100 health
I don't even know how people get this far like that.
Post boss and scat level.
Melina gets nothing to her besides quoting marika and dying. There's a reason people choose every other elden ring girl over her. Blame miyazaki for picking favorites with ranni and marika
>Does nothing except genocide h*rnsent and be a good filial son
I wrote nothing wrong and he did nothing wrong, we only fight him because he happens to be in our way
get this shit out of here, this is a vidya general
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There it is.
Pump your defenses, level your vigor, use the skibidis, figure out the bosses' weaknesses, standard stuff.
Marika is a whore and a bad mother.
She looks very hungry
Giant crusher with lions claw
Warning does not work on final boss
I love my mommy
Marika's pussy is hot, wet and sticky and clings to your cock like it doesn't want to be left alone
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Get ready to see Miquella drawn in a cloth diaper in the coming days.
It's uncanny how everyone depicts Marika the exact same way.
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So Messmer had THIS literally begging to be impregnated by him and he still didn't? Is he gay or something,?
Not really enjoy the dlc but I think it might just be me being done with the typical souls formula now. Bosses have gotten bigger flashier and fast but i’m still dark souls rolling and light/heavy attacking.
How do you pronounce Eochaid?
What would you do if you're having sex and suddenly she grows a cock with red pubic hair
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There's 7 here. 3 men, 2 women, 2 "women". The two biowomen negresses here regularly chimp out at eachother over shipping related to male characters if you see anyone sperging at eachother about messmer or something it's them. One of the males is the noxfag, another is one of the ones seething about godwyn not being in the dlc and retcons.
Coomers are so weird man
erm, it's pronounced shadow. you should know this, it's old english :/
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why is she like this?
is there a correct choice?
not just any murderhobo's, they gotta be faith Chads.
It's all pink on the inside
just make the choice you think your character would make
it's a role playing game anon
>I am the only normal man in this entire general
The weight of such a burden... it must be mine
If you porn addicts want to jack off together so badly then get a discord server or steam group or something. Stop shitting up the threads you fucking fatherless losers.
INT pussy is for Big FTH cock only
There is, let her go after hornfag and ignore them both then help your bro in the store house instead.
kek same thing happens no matter what you pick
Clearly my wife wants a reach around; I give her the best double orgasm of her fucking eternal life
Kill all hornsent (if you make no suggestion it doesn't end or ruin the quest)
Then why does she give you a moonlight greatsword? Why did rennala give radagon a moonlight greatsword. Are they stupid?
go back
which part should i fap to today, mommy?
Hornsent is a massive nigger so send her after him
>Just fucking dunked ALL OVER mohg with nothing but me and my +0 mimic and two dragon communion seals
Bro was +0, but he's +10 now Holy fucking shit I had no idea how fucking broken and more importantly FUN it was to have a screaming dragon clone bro
So close yet so far
Unironically what does this post mean
just explore everything and you'll hit 99 vig and str/dex and everything will be easy. i think the game was designed assuming that the majority of players would rely on summons, ashes, and cheese anyways. i have a hard time imagining sex havers getting good enough to beat some of these bosses without cheese or being overlevelled.
church directly east of the very first grace of the dlc
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Whatever your heart desires anon.
Just let yourself summoned and there you go you got it
So do FTH chicks go for pure Str dudes, like how Marika's first lord was Godfrey?
>be me
>successful sorcerer
>have a prestigious seat at Raya Lucaria
>teach advanced glintstone sorcery to the future generations
>still no maidens
>walk around the streets of Caria
>all those wenches walking around with FTHggers
Caria has fucking fallen
Are people in the arena just going to spam the deathblight exploit with the discus shield and nanaya's torch?
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just put on the phantom talisman to turn yourself orange
kek 54/54 Quality is still worse than pure str or pure dex at 80 even after the buff
Just saw xqc beat Radahn with no summons or shield, and he was fat rolling. Shitters, our cope?
He dropped a shield and doesnt respawn
Does anyone know if theyre farmable? I spent a few hours killing some in shadow fort but nothing yet
What do you get for winning arena matches anyways?
Canonically most people in the lands between are attracted to faith cock. Even guys are. Look at radahn and mohg. Literally mindbroken by a faith build.
Just saw Pokimane squirt after jilling to Radahn with no summons while fatassed. Shitters, our cope?
i'm getting closer....
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zoomer streamerfag
neck yourself
A heightened dopamine level and lowered cortisol level, I just like pvp
Quality is not about the damage
It's about the versatility
I haven't beat Radahn yet and it melted him pretty good before I quit the game. When I got summoned it seems pretty weak. Maybe it's only good with the Maternal Staff. Got summoned for Gaius with just me and the host and it wasn't very effective.
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Elden Ring is a FAITHBVLL game
Friendship ended with fire prelate and bull goat legs
Now, greaves of solitude is my best friend
I don't really get why Radahn doesn't have feet. Is it a diabetes joke, 'cause he just eats corpses forever?
He has omega scarlet rot, they fell off like necrosis
I think I'm gonna do a dragon communion build next
based igon poster
Im doing one myself too
>Summoned to help with an overworld boss
>Both me and the other summon are WATCHING HIM SPAWN
>Host is still walking into boss
>Triggers boss
Please god tell me what I'm supposed to do to help these people
Good choice anon. Dragonfagging is a lot of fun and made that whole part of the DLC even better.
That's why I just fight club at gatefront
>Not a single dragon weapon exists that scales with fth/arc
>dragon head
>dragon arm
Why no dragon tail, dragon leg, or dragon wing spells?
Does Drake warrior means you're a Warrior drake or that you're a warrior taht fights drakes
It's not even about dragon weapons, there just isn't anything that scales off of fth and arc
I made a dragon character, and dragon communion seal scales best with high arc, but some spells require a fairly high level of fth
all of this and there isn't even a weapon I can pair with it
>we never got Bayle's Lightning wings as a dragon communion incantation
it means you fight in the name of that rapper that diddles kids
Have any cute ideas anon? Was thinking of either a Daki or him doing the little arm pose he does when he rides Radahn. Going full on Cloth for him

Also was Bayle supposed to be easy enough to kill in 5 tries?
You're a warrior of drakes as the name implies
Think dragoons from Final Fantasy: you're both.
Best infusion for this? I'm assuming connecting with wing stance fully applies a status in pvp?
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This weapon should have been the DMGS of Dragon Builds
Maybe trying to act all regal and dignified giving a speech but instantly turns red the minute he feels a little leakage.
if you have a lot of str, heavy or fire
dex, keen or lightning
fth, holy or flame art
int, cold or magic
arc, bleed
Bleed or frost as with most other things that hit fast and lots
If Radahn is in Mohgs body why doesn't he look like Mohg at all
small indie company please understand
If it's any consolation, the RoB great katana also has no Arc scaling.
dlc should have had an item like margit's shackle that you can use on radagon. BACK TO THE JAR WITH YE!
It is the soul that commands the flesh to take shape. Like with Godwyn. When his soul died, his flesh started growing endlessly and without purspose.
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yeah, here's a better look at the front
Swiftslash isn't fun to fight.
thank you mommy, I finished
Oh you gave me an idea with that anon. A speech mid change while he does little arm pose. The question is if the hands should be the default Tarnished Armor gauntlets, Radahn or Malenia
Also I'm pretty sure Radahn still has some horns growing on his arm.
why does Savage lions claw sometimes true combo and sometimes not on the last hit
God I wish the ash could be applied to other weapons
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is it even parryable?
Finally, a guide on how to look like a fucking retarded faggot.
i wonder what mohg would've looked like if he wasn't omen'd
I have no idea brother, I've tried and I'm not sure if it's latency but even if you did the little bullshit malenia slashes it gets would knock you away from the riposte anyway
Wish you could get Midra's rags.
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Good boy
Worthy Rivers of Blood successor
Marikabros convinced me to stop watching porn. 8 days now. Thank you.
Hmmm I'm not sure... I'd love to talk with you more about this.
he looks like he's about to ask me if I have any games on my phone
Marikabros convinced me that honour killings need to make a comeback.
mommy can i have help doing the same?
just use morgott rags, it's close enough
Ive been walking around the finger ruins and thinking about Jolan having the black flame logo on her armour and how nonsensical Ymir’s entire quest line is. Combined with the internal name for the pute knight being “knight of the glow eyed queen” I can’t shake the feeling this entire quest line was made together out of assets from a cut GEQ questing or something
They convinced me that stop bullying campaigns were a mistake
Just go watch porn you waste of oxygen
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To the faggot who just teabagged me after barely beating me and using katana cringe, you fucked with the wrong autist. I know you post in this thread only an absolute faggot plays Elden Ring at 3 in the morning.
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>Not Katana
I should teabag more often if this is the reaction it gets
yesss... more sweat and armpits please.. or COCK
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Is the Dancing lion the first major boss of the DLC? But then, after passing it, I find a closed door. I hate it when the do that.
sote was planned to be two separate dlcs at some point, right? might be assets that were originally unrelated sort of mushed together and repurposed.
wtf... cock is gay dude
I was hoping you were talking about me at first but I am using ansbach bow with sleep arrows and a spread crossbow with sleep bolts
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Miyazaki told me it wasn't gay if it's a cute femboy.
Imagine if the artist who layed the groundwork for fan depictions of Marika touched grass instead. Where would we be?
Where's the best grace to farm mats for sleep stuff? Can you just ride on torrent and pick them up?
How good is she with her mouth?
I'd be making on topic, helpful and informational posts instead. Maybe some lore posts too
I hate the bimbo Marika model so much it looks like complete coomerbait dogshit. Marina should be radiant and beautiful not some generic bit tittied whatever the fuck
How are you realistically supposed to fight Radahn at the end of the DLC? I mean, I just don't really get it. He is nonstop hyper aggressive, and leaves ZERO openings for you to heal or even do certain moves. Literally everything he can do is faster than every move I have, what are you even supposed to do besides just roll-spam for the 200th time in a row just waiting for your single chance to strike? Then you get to phase 2 and it's like an actual joke, like the dev team must have been laughing their asses off with that one. Pointing at the screen tears from laughing so hard at just the sheer stupidity of phase 2
what's your follow up for when they sleep?
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Not that anon but pic related ash uncharged combos into tap r2. It's pretty funny
I farmed trina lilys from the jellyfish around the apostate derelict grace in the consecrated snowfields, and then you just need root resin for the grease which is easily farmable from a location right next to the warmaster shack, just keep reloading the area and you'll get 3 every like 10 seconds. You can't craft trina arrows and there's a limited quantity but you can craft the sleepbone arrows from thin beast bones and the trina lilys. Good luck, it was cancer for me.
Porn addicts have no taste or standards
Spread shot does shitloads of damage if you hit it point blank.
>Coomer hours
God, you all are pathetic. Quit gooning and go outside. Porn is NOT a hobby.
>and leaves ZERO openings for you to heal or even do certain moves
He has a ton, watch a video of someone else fighting him if you can't figure out where his openings are
Nice trips. I'm just trying to play elden ring spreading the love of my beautiful wife St. Trina in the arena by making others go to bed
there's nothing outside except crackheads and angry people why would i go there
Coomer hours. Have some cute feet.
Yuria should be a hollow
never goon
who the heck is that?
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>poison archer pvp'd my way from level 73 to level 117
>still haven't begun the DLC
The usual player from the DLC influx tends to be utterly bewildered that I'm using a bow and actually hitting them. Once they get the dodge timing right I surprise them with a bleed uchiganata (I'm forced to use it okay?). I have 0 chance against experienced players who have clearly been dueling for the past 2 years though.
Sorry here’s someone you might recognize.
Yuria from ds3
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The fate of all gooners
Thiollier was a fake trina follower, he didn't even hear her words like I did, because I'm her true consort
this but me
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>no trina armor set
If the dude named malenia I've murdered twice in the arena is in thread, put on some armor because varre's helm with eleonora's poleblade both isn't a malenia cosplay and is also just a terrible idea.
Thiolliers set
These, but me.
bro, i'm not dressing up as a poison cuck who isn't even good enough to hear trina
Trina was pretty much ripped from the body she shared
should've been an option to go to town on his femboy ass after cucking him
Why did St. Trina want to kill Miquella instead of just stopping him from being a god? And why was godhood a prison anyways?
I get the feeling that status effects, like bleed, frost, poison, rot, frenzy, etc. all effect us way more than they effect NPCs when the player tries to use them.
Am I crazy or is this true at all?
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>takes a million years to cast
>requires perfect spacing
>will whiff if used too close
>will whiff if used too far away
>does same damage as AMOGS R2
>all this for the hefty price of 2 spell slots, 43 FP and 53 ARC
Conclusion: It's shit, but not just regular shit, but Premium, handcrafted, special designed, shit.
NPCs have bloated numbers, yes
Trina probably knew he was impossible to reason with or dissuade by that point, what with having discarded all the parts of him that could be convinced otherwise.
>swiftslashes u
I can't believe both of the new dragon incantations were complete dogshit.
Every cool spell in the game is overtly garbage whenever the PC tries to use it.
Yeah. Absolutely mogged by Dragonmaw which does more damage and has infinite hyper armor
is the roar one redeemable?
>giant fat dragon missing a leg
>still fast as fuck
It’s so tiresome
DLC NPCs have like 10,000 health anon.
Ancient meteoric ore greatsword
The fucking plant dashing across the arena is also very stupid
new thread
um... why did the death rune dagger instantly kill Godwyn? it doesn't instantly kill any other demi gawds.
No, it leaves you hanging for a long ass time, making you a free kill for players or bosses
only one per playthrough. Picked the boss's coolest attack thinking "there's no way they fuck up Giga Red Lightning Flame Magma Dragon Talon Smash 9000"... RIGHT?!
Little did I know, Miyazaki is a HACK
Why did they make it so big that the scabbard noticeably goes into the floor like a whole foot
This but unironically
When did they add Monster hunter weapons to Souls.
Do shield pokes work like thrusting shield guard attacks?
No, thrusting shield guard attacks actually decrease the shield's guard boost, shield pokes buff your guard to the point you can spam them forever with no fear.
1: you wouldn't even recognise old English as English
2: Eochaid is an Irish word
3: you're a big dumb stupidhead
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>put Endure on a weapon
>can literally ignore boss attacks while dishing out my own
>just sip once afterwards and repeat
This shit is so broken when you stack even a little bit of defensives lol
Had someone put this shit on the Dueling shield earlier. He won every trade.
What do you guys think about twinblades?
I am officially sexually attracted to light greatswords, but I need some weapons to play the main game.
I'm thinking katanas or thrusting swords or twinblades.

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