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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

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St. Trina is my wife and I'm her consort!
girls can't love girls
Watch me
Is the whole 2/3 fingers thing honestly just a meaningless shallow allusion to the schism of the russian church?
>raptor talons followup charged r2
>ansbach scythe followup r2
>eleonoras poleblade followup r2
why would i want to move AWAY from my target, stop doing this shit mikael saky
it sucks that they made miquella unforgivably stupid and evil, it's hard for me to make themed rp invader characters to simp for him now. something about elden ring in general just feels harder to find a good invader larp for but i'm not sure i can put into words what that is.
>St Trina
that's the part of him that's not stupid or evil.
I larp as St. Trina's (my wife's) consort
He got ganked by a whole squad of them with the daggers, probably spammed the AoW on his ass and anyone who's ever used Tiche knows how OP that is.
why is it hard to make simp characters for the dude with mind control powers?
because i can't get into it. like in dark souls i could always make a chaos servant and simp for the fair lady or for the general vague idea of izalith because there was presumably more to it than we see. with elden ring it feels like the only path to an interesting character is allegiance to one of a few dozen demigods that are all shit
But WHY did miquella have to abandon all that shit and leave vague messages across the shadowrealm hinting at some grand design/character conflict when it was just him wanting BRC? Why abandon his compassion/st. trina/ etc etc. Wasnt his body already abandoned in the cocoon?
This thing with sleep arrows is so fucking funny. Shamelessly been doing this all night.
was mohg actually innocent?
Yeah yeah we get it, you like her. You're approaching avatarfag territory with this shit.
No but he is a bitch now.
sounds like something George would do.
i used the cream i got for my arm cramp and then spaced out fondling my nuts and now it feels like my ballsack is on fire
In what? He barely had any agency anyway.
Though he did have a whole blood dynasty that presumably predated the miquella stuff, which is kinda sus.
Post cute tarnished feet right now or else!
Is there a way to use elden ring debugger or cheat engine to skip the ensha encounter after getting a medallion half? Shit crashes my game and I can't find any useful info on this.
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Me too brother, try ansbach's bow, the spread shot is bugged right now and if you hit one arrow it applies the damage and status effects of all arrows, it's quite funny.
I love her! At least it's not marikabro gooning.
Post Omen
once again you guys are taking a narrative device too mechanically
for all we know he put up a good fight and this is just the moment he got grabbed at the end, and then grab + destined death; god damn it now im doing it too.

>Please wait a while before making a post (60 seconds, after clearing browser)
this is the gayest fucking thing the feds added to this site, just let me post ffs
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I tried it earlier but getting the hit wouldn't get insta sleep. So I just stick with the crossbow.
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>if you hit one arrow it applies the damage and status effects of all arrows
Does it really? In pvp only? I tried it in coop thinking it will be great to apply statuses and this thing takes like 4-5 uses to rot Godrick where Rain of Arrows does it in two, felt really underwhelming considering the giga dex it wants.
>No option to collect all of the parts Miquella cut off and restore him after you win his boss fight
You monster stop that right now.
golden parry costs fp no matter what while retaliation only costs fp if you parry a magic attack, both have the same amount of parry window, though to be fair golden parry has longer reach but you're parrying the boss you'll be hugging them anyway
Anyone else feel super disappointed when they realised the monster swimming around the flooded keep was an ulcerated tree spirit?
The moment flipped from super cool seeing the shadow of something down there to resignation upon recognising it as a tree spirit.

Couldn't have reskinned the sekiro carp or something?
>no Age of Blood ending where you restore Mohg and install him as Elden Lord
>no Age of Dragons ending where you become a dragon-man Elden Lord
>no Age of Rot where you defeat Malenia and make her your Empyrean consort
Instead we get poopoo man or autistic gold man endings.
Super cute feet. Got anymore?
Cool, good for you. Now stop it. We don't need another thread personality, it ALWAYS ends up as a fucking shitshow and I'm tired of it.
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I don't want to know what you think the correct pronunciation is, I want to know how you pronounce "Eochaid" in your head.
replace the manatees with the demigod

(no youtube clip of this so, sorry for the "weird link" maybe youtube should stop being shit)
How are you supposed to fight Romina? She keeps making distance and there is barely ever any time to make any but the quickest attacks.
Ayo chad
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I'm okay, thanks.
I'll give you some feet don't worry
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You can always tell when someone has only recently jumped on the shieldpoking bandwagon by how they always get knocked back when blocking super heavy attacks, such as the second hit of Promised Consort Radahn's double swing move (the one where the first hit is him swinging both swords 180 degrees from upper right to upper left and the second hit is a big overhead slam with both swords swung at the same time).
Anyone who actually knows how to shieldpoke won't get knocked back when blocking attacks like that.
All you have to do is shieldpoke right before any knockback attack hits you. You won't get knocked back. This applies to any attack that causes your character to fly backwards while blocking.
I genuinely burst out laughing when I heard the sound it made, I just knew it was another tree spirit. Not even the only one they reused in the DLC
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Ringed City mogs Shadow of the Erdtree so hard desu
Good work Anon
Where does the green armor guy from the DLC go after he leaves Belutar. I can't find him anywhere. Same with the old Mohg guy after he leaves the storehouse.
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>world's smallest violin playing
how did he get away with it
Your character has such cute feet please more.
Elemer of the /erg/
Who's a better parent Marika or the Emperor of Mankind?
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>footfag hours
it's the demigod equivalent of posting aesthetics and vagueposting on social media
Resetting your position is pretty useful if your opponent is fond of trying to force trades. Beast claws also have a follow up R2 that gets you out of dodge, I like using it as a reset into raging beast to psyche players out when they try to press forward. In PvE it’s a solid opportunity to recoup at least a bit of stamina.
What, still here?
Hand them over. Those things...
Your... rose tinted glasses
For my lady's outfit...
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I hate footfags so much it's unreal
Are those not all hours here?
I'm just a DLC tourist but every time I've checked out a thread there's been some level of feetposting going on
Only to piss off the guy who hates me posting about my wife (st trina)
No, they used to be at least somewhat tame but they’ve been extra obnoxious as of late. You’d think they’d go to /d/ or /aco/ but for some fucking reason they come here.
Any tips for seeing radahn better?

Cool boss but man I find it super hard to even see what the hell is going on sometimes.
Marika actually raised her kids (most of them).
Unironically turning down the brightness
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>but for some fucking reason they come here
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This place rapidly deteriorated back into shit once people started finishing the DLC
Anon would your wife approve of you sharing what’s essentially lewds for others like a strumpet?
The fact that he had to be shamed into behaving should tell them how unwelcome it is.
black metal wife...
Huh? Since when does malenia not have bare feet?
>>484489021 >>484489081
They also showed off miquella's feet in the mid-fight cutscene with radahn the fuck did you think was gonna happen
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>This is MY Tarnished
They mean she’d somehow miraculously have normal flesh ones again instead of prosthetics. Someone had the common sense to tell him how stupid that would be thankfully
Oh okay fine. I do distinctly remember the prosthetics having toes though.
So what IS the Land of Shadows? Why did Miquella need to go there?
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>kill radahn in more or less 10 tries
>had to do 20 tries to kill him in 1 shot build because the buffs kept falling off
>have to macro talisman swapping

im not sure if it's worth it because it felt like a huge waste of time to do unless you wanna flex. copied some youtube guy's setup anyway.
Soooo cute please mor even if it's just to piss off that one anon.
Is the St. Trina sword any good?
The image is fake that didn't actually happen as hilarious as it is to imagine
Of being a pedo rapist at least yes.
He still was a blood god worshipping nutter, but presumably his original idea of his Dynasty would have had a female to give him heirs instead of twink bussy.
Why the Russian church and not any of the other religious schisms throughout history?
ayyy (can't find a clip of ? (80?s tv star) saying "ayyy" on youtube)
fuck it I give up the internets too stupid now.

(e)ayo-chay'd. but frankly I just call it E O CHAD
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You got it
What are some media franchises with the trope of "actually God is gone, but his servants are still pretending he's around"? The only thing I can think of is Supernatural.
Why do people play with a fucking guide might as well just watch someone else play for you.
More bare soles if possible pretty please.
Holy shit lmao
If I had Three Wishes, one of them would be to have a slime gf, the second one would be unlimited resources (free gas, electricity, money), and the third would be to have complete executive control of Elden Ring.
That trope is retarded because "God" is almighty and eternal. If he is gone than he is not a god.
>b-but muh weak european mythos
God is omnipotent and he stands alone on top
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I mean, I think people should play how they want personally. If that's what's fun for them then who gives a shit?
Here's some feet
I agree
You started off pretty strong there but the wishes kinda got worse as it went
>tfw no mohg ending
>because "God" is almighty and eternal.
That doesn't mean he can't fuck off and leave his creation behind. I suppose Bionicle has the same trope, although heavily skewed.
thank you, chatgpt said carlton banks and then fucking the hoff, im losing my mind.
Again he is not gone, just absent.
miracle workers (but god is just dicking around usually he's not "gone" gone.)
Use a guide for skibidi fragments and checking how to get cool weapons you might've missed. I would've missed the last 4 levels of fragments if I didn't look them up
Perfectttt anon. Please please more.
>That doesn't mean he can't fuck off and leave his creation behind
It kinda does because God is everywhere all at once he can't leave because he encompasses all of creation
He can just stop doing anything and stop "looking" but he can't leave as such
Because one of the factors causing the schism was the desire to start using 3 fingers when doing the sign of the cross instead of the traditional 2 fingers.
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Is skibidi level 7 too low for this guy? I only beat the Lion, Rellana and Bayle as the main bosses so far
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god can do whatever they like, they're god. mortals cannot fathom the 512 dimensional backgammon at play.

what you should be asking is how god made a mistake (bible book one) if he is omnipotent tldr god is imperfect too and THATS PART OF THE LESSON. religious zealots are FAR to focused on books WRITTEN BY HUMANS instead of looking closer.
Want me to fuck your wife for you, too?
Trust me, I have very good ideas on how to make Elden Ring better. First and foremost, I would make the DLC tie into the main game better by sprinkling in dialog and references to DLC characters. Have Freyja present at the Radahn Festival. Put Leda in the Haligtree as a summon for Loretta possibly.

Speaking of Loretta, I would update her Carian Manor fight to make it more clear that what we're fighting is just some magical construct. I'd probably remove "Loretta" from the name and call it Carian Sentinel or something. Then in the item description allude to the real Loretta.
If you killed Bayle you can get this guy for sure, jump the ghostflame attacks
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How do I get to this green grass area?
Might be, heavily depends on your build as he's destroyed by Holy for example and you'll have much more uptime as a mage
Do you want hints, or do you just want us to tell you?
O Mother you don't have the right o you don't have the right
Stop encouraging him you dumb cunt. This is exactly how we ended up with the whole noxtroon fiasco that ruined this place for months.
Those are synonyms you fucking autist.
Hints, preferably.
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No thanks. She's not as easy as your slut mother. Nobody needs a guide for that whore
>but he can't leave as such
then he's not almighty.
I found Bayle much easier than this guy so far to be honest
More soles please.
Try gesture
Lol is every Russian theologian this red n
how many tries do u think ongbal's rl1 radahn no-hit video took
I gave up and just looked up how to get there the other day, but what's the 'correct' way to figure it out?
Guess you could figure the gesture part itself once you get to the statue, but how in the hell you're supposed to know this specific gesture can be looted from random-ass abandoned village?
The what?
I think it would be easier to get the AI flowchart and make a TAS.
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Here you go
If you can incorporate holy or lightning into your build, it should help a fair bit, otherwise nothing wrong with coming back with more fragments if the build isn't doing too well.
They're so pretty. Moreeeee soles.
Better that you don't know
>but he can't leave as such
You're caught up on pedantics because you're terminally autistic. If God chose to turn his back on the world, chose to ignore it and focus on a new universe or whatever, he absolutely could.
I have the gesture, but I have no idea where to use it.
I just got off the game and used up my reserve so that's it for now. Glad you liked them though.
Does INT have any cool tools or should I just go FTH if I want a spellblade character?
Guys... Why do I see a ween when I look at this area?
Check the room near nuGyoubu's arena
im just going to say it if you're mad about someone posting their oc with gusto why don't you post yours instead of you know being upset for months and no im not defending nox cause they were an insufferable cunt at times but if you're not happy why not do, anything else, rather than constantly bitching about the state of things like people have time in their day to care about that, every day, again.
if god stopped caring we'd cease to exist (Abrahamic religions) and thanks for ignoring my other post all of you sure was worth studying the occult after realizing what christianity is after being one from childhood.
Nooooo. I wanted more anon! Ugh I wish I could just message you.
>retarded jew stealing Persian and Indian theology imperfectly and leading to nonsensical statements like "god is immanent but also transcendent but he's actually incarnated too, he can be scared off by iron chariots too"
Stick to semitic polytheism it makes more sense
Suppose you posted your toon on /erg/, would you get upset if I jerked off to it without permission?
For spellblade definitely go INT. It has a lot more viable tools for actually spellblading since the FTH route is just what flavor of lightning spear or fireball you want.
Elden Ring 2 will have Dark Souls 1/2-style magic, where each spell will have a number of uses rather than a mana/FP bar. You heard it here first. Email me for questions at fuckmyparents420.com
Latent homosexuality surfacing.
i finally got filtered bros, they got me

i kneel miyazaki
Why is Gideon Ofnir The All Knowing seen as such a joke? No one ever talks about his boss fight like hey do with malenia or radahn. It only drives home how bad being a caster is in this game compared too a melee user and how the game favors the latter.
>So what IS the Land of Shadows?
Homeland of the Hornsent that Marika sealed away so Messmer could purge them all in private.
>Why did Miquella need to go there?
It has the divine gate he needs to become a God.
Any specific recommendations?
me no pretty sure some have already its 4chan after all.
I'd be flattered
>if god stopped caring we'd cease to exist
According to which doctrine? Because the Orthodox and Catholic churches actually has a word for "living without God", it's called Hell.
Because he isn't really a boss, he's basically just an NPC invader.
You retard, the book is faulty because it is translated by the word of man. God uses man to convey his message. Just look at Moses when he was gone for a bit, he as a man cannot keep check the impureness of the average man.
God is never imperfect or else he is not a god.
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boss fight?
I love Sellen so much.
how much?
Search the archive for the word trannox and see for yourself
>if god stopped caring we'd cease to exist
Nigger, I think you've forgotten that we're talking about the fictional world of Elden Ring. Also that's just plain nonsense. God created the laws of physics so that the universe can exist on its own.
nuGyoubu? Is Gyoubu a boss from some other FromSoft game? I don't get the reference. What's the boss's actual name?
What do you guys think about twinblades?
I am officially sexually attracted to light greatswords, but I need some weapons to play the main game.
I'm thinking katanas or thrusting swords or twinblades.
I'd be more impressed of the accomplishment of the feat and consider you a different breed of coomer altogether than be mad.
>according to which variant of christianity
you didnt read my previous posts clearly the answer is no one cares.
hell doesn't exist either thats from dantes inferno NOT the bible.
im not even reading your post cause you started with you retard go fuck yourself.
I just happened to find it by luck before finding Gaius and then when I found that statue I figured that gesture would be the one because why else would the DLC give me a gesture? And I remembered at the base game launch Blaidd could only be beckoned down by a specific gesture so figured they'd pull something like that again
>ER just simply will not launch at all anymore
>EAC shows up and then nothing
>dex troon
Stop being gay
That's happened to me a few times. It just takes a couple of times for it to actually start. Restart your PC if you haven't already.
Okay so what, the Land of Shadows is also some kind of afterlife?
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>video of Jeenine using the smithscript weapons
>doesn't try to throw them once
I've just been posting it because I thought it was funny to watch him get mad, I do really like St. Trina though so I'm going to keep posting about her because my character is literally named "St Trina's Blade" in game.
The usual suspects, carian slicer, carian piercer, rock sling, adula's moonblade for frostbite, swift glintstone shard, gavel/cannon of haima, magic glintblade, and shard spiral will give you a bunch of options for close, medium and long range. Shard spiral is particularly good for big enemies like dragons.
This much
I accept your illiterate concession, retard.
>sellen breaks her fucking legs in this image
I lol'd
How the fuck does this pose even work?
They both have cool stuff and don't listen to this >>484490591 stupid nigger.
INT has carian sorceries and miriam's vanishing from the DLC
FTH has pocket sand, WoG and catch flame.
Just make sure you pick a weapon that scales with dex then pump it to 40 so you can reach the casting cap with radagon's icon.
He's a Sekiro boss that rides a horse and became a meme because of how he introduced himself. I'm taking about Commander Gaius, the guy who rides a big boar.
>unlimited unprotected sex without any risk of pregnancy
>never have to deal with PMS bitch shit
>men actually know how to jerk off a cock, unlike women who just vice-grip and tug as fast as possible
I like being gay.
If they gave Gideon Rellana's poise, it might have been more interesting fight but as is any slightly competent build just beats him into the ground like a normal npc
>Seen people complainning about hosts not using dragon katana against bayle
no nigger I', not going to respec to dex for one fight.
meaningless buzzwords. reminds me of that line from revelation, the spewing crap and mouths of frogs. thats you guys.

you wouldn't get it if I beamed the knowledge DIRECTLY into your head. im done here. and, you will never reach enlightenment.
I saw that the statue was blocking the way on the map and remembered getting that emote and thinking it might be used somewhere combined with marika being a mother made me try it.
How the FUCK she is sitting? This is NOT anatomically possible.
i genuinely doubt someone would put up a "good fight" against invisible assassins with daggers that can actually kill you
that shit never happened in history before
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Anyone got a Freyja's Greatsword they're not using? I'd be happy to trade something for it if I've got it unupgraded.

Gyoubu is a mounted boss from Sekiro much like Gaius but way less cancerous to fight.
anyone experiment with using the perfect guard tear & fist weapons? Am I fucking up the timing or is the stamina hit still high even with perfect guards? It feels like I still need guard boost for this to function against a series of attacks. i might also be getting too greedy because the guard counter is so fast I'm probably blowing through stamina guard countering attacks in combos then proceeding to block the next one
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>Fromsoftniggers when you don't beat the entire game with a SL1, naked with a stick and actually use content at your disposal in the game.
On the topic of gideon I wish he got spells from the dlc after you killed bosses in it like he does in base game, that'd be neat.
Hello, tourist.
You didn't beat the game.
he's not wrong
will swap freyja sword for your milady
miquella is laying down and she's sitting on his lap, those are miquella's feet
Dude, it's incredible how much people care about how others play a videogame they paid for.
Grinding out the mortal journey gauntlet made me fucking hate Gyoubu
Take the L. You fucking lost. Hard.
I can drop you one if you're on pc and don't mind that its a +3 already
>hell doesn't exist either thats from dantes inferno NOT the bible.
Nigga what? Are you that faggot from the Hazbin threads on /co/ who follows his own special brand of Christianity?

2nd Thessalonians 1:7-9
And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power

Matthew 25:46
And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Matthew 10:28
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Revelation 21:7-8
He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Nah it's more of a pocket dimension of all the things Marika never wanted anyone to see. Miquella resurrected Radahn through recovering his soul somehow and storing it in Mohg's body.
Why do people miss that Miquella is also mentally a child?
INT has EXCALIBAAAA with three different levels of coolness
They be yapping
Nope. Nice try, samefag.
what's the point of carian greatswords if I can't do a jumping heavy
Thought you couldn't drop upgraded weapons?
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*publicly educates your path*
Is there a single piece of specific evidence to back this up? The answer is no.
i still don't get it but just the thought of a straight shota is already good enough thank you
Not everyone is terrible at videogames like you. Some people don't cheese every single mechanic possible and still kill things in a fairly low amount of attempts, anon. Not trying to say anything about "you didn't beat the game" or any of that nonsense of course.
You can drop upgraded weapons to the highest level of the person receiving it. Example being if I have a +10 bandit curved sword I can only get weapons up to +10 dropped to me
Is this better desu?
The guy is the twin brother of the rotten slut. Pedophilia is not at play
i don get it
You can, you just won't see it unless you already have a weapon of at least same upgrade level on you, drop a duelist sign at Elleh with erg password if you want the +3 one
None of these mention lakes of fire of circles of hell, you're getting mixed up with sheol again
its cope
It highly telegraphed, takes 3 centuries to cast and it's easily interrupted.
>Why do people miss that Miquella is also mentally a child?
Because nothing in the game suggests that. In general fiction, characters who are stuck physically as children have adult minds.

>captcha: GWYNT

how fucking retarded are you?
At least it's anatomically correct.
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Yeah that's some good sellen art, my personal favorite is art of sellen as a fat stinky NEET
>Not everyone is terrible at videogames like you
Nice projection there faggot, I bet you call people who use RoB pre nerf furries. You are just mad because people can use their brains to make the game easier for themselves rather than rolling and floping around for the 20th time
prove us wrong then
post a picture of you in the same position
Anon the revelations passage literally says lakes of fire and brimstone
No, I have Milady it's just +25 and I don't often multiplayer so I wasn't aware of

I'll put an erg duelist sign down at Elleh near the anvil look for Ironheart
Put Sovereignty on a greatsword and get enough hyperarmor to tank most attacks. The full cast is enough to stagger most enemies and bosses.
I'll just straight up give you a freyja's if you want, no trade necessary because I don't much like curved swords and I already have one from my previous NG
NTA but if you need another milady I have one I don't use, could get in in about 10 minutes if you want it
I never said shit about lakes of fire or circles of hell in the first place you spastic faggot, are you replying to ghosts? I said that Orthodox doctrine is that separation from God. It isn't a physical place, it's a spiritual state of existence wherein you are unable to feel the presence of God or His love.
Also lmao at thinking people are confusing Sheol with Hell when Gehenna is the actual lake of fire, Sheol is the dark dismal place where the spirits of the dead dwell, being there in and of itself is the punishment.
Elden Ring plot seems unfinished. Too many questlines with no ending and what was all the lore behind Godwyn for?

Just to use him as a tree branch?
R.R Martin sucks with his convuluted incest shit. Bloodborne has a far better and easier plot.
Is Thiollier's Concoction?' I fucked up and walked too close to the shadow keep and was locked out of this questline.
>this place with the two winter lanterns
Both of them aggro me at the same time wtf how do I do the parry
Crucible wings is an ash of war
What the fuck
Either you crashed or someone got you first, I'll wait around for a bit just in case
Not really the right way to try and use the word projection, anon. That aside, I'm happy you found a way to enjoy the game that suits your playstyle and allowed you to get what you wanted out of it.

Elden Ring makes more sense if you think that they just want you to headcanon the entire fucking thing. Characters included.
No fun allowed.
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ill give you guys a hint
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>high dragons in this setting are literal jews dangling the promise of dragonkin before the faces of mortal warriors in order to force them into servitude
I meant to ask if it was tradeable between players or not*
Ngl would be unironically better than Elden Ring/DS3 system, but for a specific reason.
They just need to not shit on the bed and make powerful spells really powerful.
Like, take Greyoll's Roar. Make it have only 1 cast but make it really worth it: much longer duration, more damage etc.
Same with Fleeting Microcosm (a travesty), make it 2 cast but make it BIGGER and increase it's damage.
FP costs are irrelevant because flasks are a thing so they don't really stop you from spamming spells, and they have to nerf the supposedly "powerful" ones because of that. With spell uses? No such a thing.
They also need to completely remove items that refreshes spell uses too, since cheaters would just give themselves infinites of it.
Much obliged Mildred, enjoy your dual milady's
>Too many questlines with no ending
Such as?

>what was all the lore behind Godwyn for?
Fia's quest and the Age of Dusk ending. Godwyn's story was thoroughly explored and concluded in the main game. What else do you want?
idk if that's about jews specifically? It's pretty normal for how higher beings treat lower ones
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i am become... double fedora
thx bro
It's only used to brick yourself out of a cool mace and and the dragon covenant 4.0 transformation for a usless incantation and a summon.
>They just need to not shit on the bed and make powerful spells really powerful.
Vancian casting doesn't work dude, and balancing through scarcity is terrible, dogshit design no matter what game you play.
s'all good, trade has been established >>484491949
Well i want the useless incantation and summon. Can you trade the item/get it from another player? Or am i just fucked?
>What else do you want?
A way to get rid of him, implied or otherwise
Hey so someone already got milady but if you want like a second mohg trident, greatsword of damnation, eternal sleep sword or reduvia I got one.
Purging dysgenic mutts out of your bloodline sounds pretty Aryan to me.
Seeing people trading mutually warms my heart, you guys are great /erg/
npc invader fights tend to be incredibly jank
have any of them actually been good?
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Would you an IRL Sellen gf, /erg/?
Vancian casting is an absolute dogshit for arpgs. The second Team Ninja ditched it after Nioh 2, in Wo Long, it improved the gameplay tremendously.
(nta) If Godwyn's ending is linked to the Age of Dusk ending, which is not what you're going for, then what would be the conclusion?
Same as Millicent's/Malenia, we don't know what will happen to her. Other than the fact she's now a flower.
Sorcerers in Elden Ring are all sociopaths so no.
Maybe if I had a better picture of her feet.
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The eternal sleep sword was kind of disappointing because it's just worse scaling than the regular st trina sword
kek nice job anon
But he's already gone. He's dead. There's nothing left to kill.
Why the fuck is the heal on Minor Erdtree so dogwater? SEVENTY fucking faith
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>I want the useless incantation and summon
You can't trade it
Can someone explain to me as if I was 9 years old as to what happened with Bandai and the fromsoft games IP rights?
Some dude said to me there will be no ER2 because fromsoft wants to make other games and Bandai can't make any sequels to it because they no longer have the rights.
Yet they still seem to be affiliated with the product in every release and official merch?????
>Spells tied to the same meter that you use martial arts from, gained by just hitting things or parrying
Underrated system. Absolute perfect for spellswords.
her face is more fitting as Rya instead
Ee oh ka hìd
hi crag

Then a final solution to the deathroot problem, you know what I mean
And his body isn't dead that's the entire problem
>b-but muh lore
Man I was so hyped because I thought it was the spell melina used in the fight with morgott and my disappointment was immeasurable.
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How about now?
I'll start:
Due to how he fights and all of the flips and shit he does being somewhat reminiscent of lions claw and savage lions claw I believe the one who actually taught blaidd how to fight was radahn.
ER's spell system would be greatly improved if spells were on cooldowns rather than using mana
But then you'd also need to be able to tie spells to weapons and put AoW in spell slots
heh, the glowstones on the tower to ranni's bridge with the godskin noble are laid out in the shape of half the cursemark if you were to look down on the bridge from above
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Where's the "Best Husbando Poll: Post-DLC Edition"?
Hey you know crag too? I'm not him but that's cool.
St. Trina made me her special consort and now I'm her husband to serve her in eternal slumber
seriously what the FUCK were they thinking with all the cookbooks
like half the fucking items out in the open world are cookbooks what the FUCK
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God damn't that really sucks ass. God forbid I walked a little too close to the gate. What a terrible system sometimes.
And since we're posting fedoras, I like the fedora sword. Malenia/10
Ok I can be convinced. Cute feet.
>tower to ranni's bridge
bridge to ranni's tower, i mean
Felicia Day vibes
Bandai has never had rights to Elden Ring. They are From's rights and they allow Bamco to make merch and publish in the west
In the eng version he's called a martyr but in the jp version the kanji used to describe him means willing sacrifice. He wasn't ganked he let himself die. A theory I've seen people have is that he thought only one demigod was going to be killed that night and offered himself up to spare anyone else from harm.
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I love the lore but there's NO fucking way this shit isn't bugged, I have almost 380 scaling on my seal and a 70 faith spell heals less than Lord's Heal
Not even Erdtree Heal, Lord's Heal
thats not how religion works thankfully, i'll be proven right wrong or otherwise when I die and so will you.
still ignoring my previous posts, humans wrote that and its been changed over time.
the bible (technically the torah, genesis, whatever its from books that existed before you were dreamed of anyway) references the lake of fire and "ha-satan" which is a title not a name, HELL is from dantes inferno. period.
the last bit you quoted from revelation even says it right there lake of fire and brimstone NOT hell.

not sure why /x/ showed up or are you 2015 /pol/ either way pretty narrow minded to think one religion is "correct" they're all wrong.
is this flower the new tranny horns?
artificial sense of reward for exploration
note how most cookbooks in base game let you craft like 5+ items and the ones in the dlc only 1 so they made sure to make 50 redundant ones
While we're wishing for things, I hope the next FROM game doesn't use the Estus system. I'm getting kind of tired of taking one hit and have to run to safety for a sippy. It's REALLY bad in this DLC.

I don't know what to replace it with, just not this.
I thought it was another hippo, so the disappointment was even greater.
St. Trina (my wife) gave me this flower as I am her promised consort!
probably here somewhere
Now that the dust has settled what do we think about Elden Ring 2? How is the new spell system compared to the first? What about the new dodge and counter system and classes? I wasn't really on board with them revamping bows and making them their whole separate thing but having a gunslinger class is pretty cool.
Why the fuck Miquella has 4 arms in the final battle just like Ranni? I feel like lorefags are missing something important here with the grafting and whatnot
>still ignoring my previous posts
So you're just going to pretend that I didn't just prove your claim that Dante invented hell to be full of bullshit?

>NOT hell
Matthew, on the other hand straight up namedrops the place as a place where souls are destroyed.
You know how the Smithscript weapons supposedly do best with flame infusions?
Are there any other weapons in the game that specifically excell with some infusions?
Just got invaded by a type B named "Let You Beat Me" who was completely naked except for some kind of flower cosmetic in her hair and Goldmask rags. She popped a bunch of defensive buffs and kneeled. My friend and I walked past her and went through the fogwall
so he was in on rannis plan? intended to be the prince of death? the plot thickens...
they should seriously consider a second dlc and I don't care if it takes another two/three years thats fine
Yes, Wo Long's resource management system is a literal perfection. I don't think i've seen anything like it in any other ARPG, and Fromsoft would greatly benefit from stealing it and adjusting ashes of war and spells accordingly.
He is not evil, don't let people gaslight you. People have just latched to Ansbach's words, but he is the only demigod who actively goes out of his way to help people without having to have a previous relationships with them.
Both him and ranni cast away their physical forms which adds up to four arms I guess
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Bitch we had one on /erg/
Malenia's first bloom was when her sword master exorcised the rot god from her body and sealed it beneath Liurnia.
don't you mean her wife since you play as a type B character?
Just have something like Code Vein's mana system. You get MP and increase your MP cap by actually fighting.
Not intentional, but I can see it.
Probably. I don't like the malenia hat too much, and most other things just look silly
>the jp version the kanji used to describe him means willing sacrifice
post it
Cookbooks out number everything except
>scadutree fragments
>armor (when counting each piece individually)
Isn't that a bit fucked.
Just use Lies of P's system, i.e. Estus + Recoverable Health + Clutch Estus.
How casting away your physical form would give you extra arms?
>So you're just going to pretend that I didn't just prove your claim that Dante invented hell to be full of bullshit?
I don't need to prove shit I know that to be the case from having this argument more than once before and everyone who actually gives a fuck already knows that

"Different Hebrew and Greek words are translated as "Hell" in most English-language Bibles. These words include: "Sheol" in the Hebrew Bible, and "Hades" in the New Testament." <---- *mic drop*

dont discuss religion with me again.
I don't give a fuck, sister
DLC consumables are among the strongest in the entire series and become exponentially more desirable if you also want to pvp on this character
Lulling Branch in particular is game changing.
>900 hp host at Bayle with no shadowtree blessings
I just don't get it. Is this the people who complain about the difficulty?
Why are you replying then, dumbass
Pls more.
Hitless, no parry, dodge only guide that debunks Shadow of the Erdtree schizo haters.
Radahn can be consistently perfectly dodged
>B-but I can hit few times.
You can also trade or block/parry then, don't complain if your passive playstyle is passive
No she's my wife, she told me the flower made me look cute!
With ranni it's because she was a soul put into a doll so she just made herself extra arms, but with miquella since he's a god at the point we see him he can just do whatever the fuck he wants.
>mic drop
Cringe, but luckily Gehenna is consistently the lake of fire.
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>A jar
>Ugly bastard
>Finally a human being
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You're welcome bro, now I can have dual big swords with a better moveset and psycho crusher.
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why is miyazaki so obsessed with weapons who have int or faith taxes now?
Ds3 had a few like mornes hammer and thats why nobody ever used it.
Also were gonna be stuck with ER PvP for the next few years lol
Why? Cookbooks are generally very useful.
>light load is a requirement
ER brought a tonne of new people who never touched dark souls or even any action games in general. They end up being retarded and relying on summons to slip through the game.
The issue with having a husbando poll on a place that's 99.9% guys is most of the votes aren't actually for husbandos but just bro-type and "gigabased lmao" characters. You can tell because until Messmer came along Morgott is possibly the most popular among foids but he's well below "cool guy I could be friends and hang out with" characters like Boggart, Alexander and Hewg.
>Yura rated so low
furfaggots and niggers all of you
you gunna call me a schizo next while talking about your 4000 year old books talking about talking with sentient burning shrubbery?
im here to play elden ring go back to italy bible thumpers, you lost my interest when you FUCKED CHILDREN.
Boggart was p popular among the girls too
None of them liked Alexander though, they saw him for what he was, a loser

You're the one who started losing your mind about how god isn't a real god unless he was omnipotent, omnipresent, and transcendent
Get the fuck out of here with your superiority complex
Mogh beat the allegations
But at the cost of his bussy
you can do it with mid roll by changing very few roll directions
>You're the one who started losing your mind about how god isn't a real god unless he was omnipotent, omnipresent, and transcendent
no that was the other poster, I said he can do whatever he wants hes god, and YOU don't understand because you're a mortal.
>superiority complex
also you.
four arms represent dead body but living soul, apparently.

miquella and ranni had the same plan for all intents.
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fuck you're talking about
Where's the back sack, that's a vagina under there.
I feel there's probably more to it we are missing but thanks, appreciate the explanations
It's more about what this anon says >>484492614
Every "series" of book should've just been a single one. Done like that, you have 13, a meaningful number of collectibles. But 45? That's just trolling.
>Boggart was p popular among the girls too
obligatory nta, iirc there was just one tranny forcing the bbc meme months ago with boggart
outside of this hellpit site morgott reigns supreme for yumeschizos
Carian Supremacy
Where is it
There was one retard forcing the bbc meme but boggart was decently popular among the women who actually did his quest
Morgott was the king of yumejo though I'll agree with that but then again he's kind of based
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Right here.
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You have the equip load physick right?
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no more christfaggotry PLEASE thank you. any further replies will be ignored
What's a fitting paladin weapon?
Early on I just grabbed a mace, looks cool, but the tiny range kinda bothers me. Maybe some spear would be better? I do kinda want to rock a shield, too even just for aesthetics.
Over there
>*points that way*
Except for ranni succeeded because she's based and chose the main character to be her consort instead of some bara faglord
Claymore is the quintessential Paladin weapon.
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>the blue dancer is connected to the carians
>the blue dancers people are known for a duel wielding fighting style
>we see both rellana and radahn with dual wielding fighting styles
>the blue dancer was also malenia's teacher
>the blue dancer seemingly died defeating the rot goddess
>the blue dancer sealed the rot goddess below liuneria
Is it safe to assume the blue dancer acted as a sort of hired sword trainer for the carians? Kinda like syrio forel?
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beneath the cathedral
I played 90% of my quality playthrough with a claymore though, so I don't really want to use a greatsword again on this FTH character.
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What were they thinking?
I don't think he's saying he was in on it, but that he let himself die so no one else needed to
>can we do forced obsolescence in reverse
>take down 2 fire golems to discover what they're guarding
>open chest in elaborate looking shrine
>expect a weapon or something
>chest is literally empty
Is this one of those "the real reward was your victory" bullshit things
not the person who uploaded the video, so i don't care
The only one on that poll that makes sense is just Blaidd and even then he's a bro. The female polling sample size is just too small. You might get some votes from actual femanons but the rest are voting based off how bro a character is like you said, or how funny it would be for a character to show up at the top of a supposed husbando poll.
>Vote Maliketh and Blaidd because furry
>Vote Boggart because black
>Vote Mohg because pedo
And this way you can get le wacky reaccs from people like >>484492962
>I cooka da pasta
"Lol" Said miyazaki "Lmao"
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>2 fire golems
huh? where? I don't recall a place with 2
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Didn't there use to be a co-op summoning pool in front of Rellana's bossfog?
longsword, greatsword, mace, morning star, polearms can work, consider looking at the proficiencies from DnD if you're struggling to picture it or want something more exotic but in the right vein.
they would have used what are considered holy weapons by religions (do not use this an an excuse to continue the previous conversation about irl religions not interested...) with more effective armor and holy magic, with a focus in healing but not as much as a white mage.
Probably the ruins of unte or w/e it's called
dont forget its 4chan so most of the """feminine-brained"""" votes are actually from troons as well
the finger cathedral? wtf
must've missed it
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>he lacks knowledge
>has ac but none before 6 and no KF or ST games
spot the faggot
The small fort just below the shadow keep and theres like 8 dead golems but 1 gets up and the other you need to awaken to unblock the doorway
light rolling is not required for any boss its just better rolling, you don't even NEED med roll but you have to get good a timing fat roll for that to work and then there are true combo roll catches like maliketh and radahn2s r1s
I lol'd
>DS2 is le bad
Shit list desu
>both were rejected by redheads with Marika's DNA
A bloodline cursed to be cucked
Me on the left
>every cool new weapon I get in the DLC needs INT or FTH
guess I'm sticking to my big slab of stone then
>and the other you need to awaken to unblock the doorway
oh that
I just bruteforced by way in from behind by jumping on the ruins lmao
You have big boobs.
Is Messmer the big Pleb filter where you git gud?
Is Romina just not that difficult?
Or did I just get lucky since I beat her in 3 tries?
The shrine gives you a sword that can be turned in the Sword of Light or Sword of Darkness
It's in a cave off a slope to the west(?). Hidden fairly well. I found it because of some messages.
There's the Great Mace of course, with a suitable ash like Sacred Order/Prayerful Strike
Spear and Shield also works. You have lots of choice.
Provided you wear the quintessential paladin outfit of course
>big Pleb filter
i thought that was rellana
I tried to do that but im not as great at sleeki breeki
>Rennala's tits are slightly bigger because she's the motherly one
>Rellana doesn't have more musculature from being a knight
what's that chestpiece?
>Young Lion set is inferior in every way to Radahn's base game set except for clean look and more pronounced lion imagery
what is the point?
I stumbled onto the stone sword earlier but I wanted to keep it as a stone for the strike damage
you're probably not wrong about the way straight guys would vote on a husbando chart, I mean i'd pick dung eater cause he is the best summonable puppet and therefore my bro.
then alexander then hewg, then kale (cut content lines)

but my actual vote if I channel my gay side is Miquella for obvious reasons.
and im guessing if you include (actual biological) females you get blaidd. (come on you know why)
By the time you get to Romina and Messmer you should be near max skibidi assuming you are a fellow spergoid so they will be easy.
>Consort Radahn fight is inferior in every way to Radahn's base game fight except for the generic spectacle and cosmic magic shit spam
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Nah, Romina is fairly easy.
I don't know whether Messmer is a filter, but he's certainly a challenging and fun fight
that chest isn't empty tho so what is that anon talking about
Rushed final boss
what is an "aging untouchable"
wtf are the winter lantern dudes
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jew merchant near caelid map stele
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The gauntlets and leggings are significantly cooler
they're the same thing
I really want the golem fists to be useful but the r2 is so slow and it does no poise damage with any attacks...
If only there was a way to make it so only real femanons could vote on a husbando poll
We'd probably end up with less than 5 voters but I'd be interested in knowing what the results look like
I beat Messmer on the second try although I was sitting at 18 skibidi when I fought him and I went to phase 2 in 3 flasks then I ate the three hit snek combo 10 seconds into phase 2 and died
it's in Altus. The Caelid one sells the greathelm though.
Rellana Pontiff Sullivan Artorias hard
so is it foolish to give a weapon an elemental infusion, like fire or lightning, because of how defenses work? adding up the numbers on the weapon stat page says I'll do more damage that way, but from what I understand you shouldn't trust the numbers in a vacuum
altus greatbridge my bad, was thinking of the helm >>484494294
Is there official documentation of Hidetaka Miyazaki stating that he likes feet?
>Can't fast travel from Enir-Ilim
Is this the final boss area and now I am forced to fight him?
>KF or ST games
Yeah I am sure you played that outdated slop, go piss off you bellend.
That note is your hint to parry those fools
>prime Radahn's remembrance weapon isn't a STR/FTH weapon with skills that change based on stance (R1 for beams, R2 for light speed)
Yes I'm still mad
No I won't shut up about it
you don't really need further proof desu
Where is that red dancer fight seen in the trailer? I fought a dancer boss, but that was in a tiny dungeon.
>people think the meteors and 20%HP nuke are entirely undodgeable without light roll
No wonder people are pissing, shitting and crying so hard over Radahn when he's not even that bad
They just don't actually know how to fight him
You might need to revise your definition of "consistently", he literally starts the video off by saying that the left-right-cross slash attack can only be reliably evaded in its entirety by already being to on one of his sides when he starts
The real winner of the dlc is Godfrey icon and Millicent's prosthesis
>DS2 is le good
If you love junk just go to the bin and grab some you watermelon muncher.
fashion > stats
untouchable makes me think of the monumentals from demons souls, any connection?
mimic veil is really the best invading tool nice webm
not possible in current year but I still know the winner would be blaidd.
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>Video of """"supposedly"""" cut DLC ending by some literal who gets recommended to me
>It's just the dialogue dump snippet of the Miquella age of compassion dialogue with the slightly different alterations and a bunch of headcanon attached to it because the dude is a simp for Miquella
>The fucking comments of the video full of Miquella simps with "how could this ending be bad? sure there's a little mind controlling but his age would be full of love (crying emoji)"
This is the hardest I've laughed in a while. The dude who owns this channel must be the same guy who keeps throwing around that he """""supposedly"""" has found cut content related to Miquella and that it was scrapped 2 months before release.
There's static and then there's percentage based damage reduction due to that when you split damage you do 100-150 less damage than expected per splited element.
Just parry them
She's in the southern nameless mausoleum accessed through a cave on the cerulean coast
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>a souls game without christian themes
you should be able to leave whenever and yes it is the final area
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Why would you compare to to Gaius and not the actual Gyobu assets in Elden Ring?
Gyobu is the only fun boss in Sekiro because you can actually use effrctively almost everything as he doesn't input read and block every attack you do in its recovery.
yeah that's all, they probably just moved her at some point
I think of it this way for any game with split damage, would you rather deal reliable damage or try to guess what resists what. The problem with split damage in any game is that it has to pass through multiple defenses before the final calculation.
It's kinda hard to go back to the older games now I'm used to the arts and playing ER like a team ninja game
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>Gyobu is the only fun boss in Sekiro because you can actually use effrctively almost everything as he doesn't input read and block every attack you do in its recovery.
this also applies if you're abusing deflect guardcounters
That I can't put that piece of shit on my dueling shield makes me incomprehensibly angry.
>Gyobu is the only fun boss in Sekiro
he's fun but what the FUCK are you on about
yea i thought to replay DS1 some time after ER and i just couldn't get past how sluggish everything feels anymore.
The next from soft game will have us dodging like sonic. Miyazaki the hack should abandon the dark souls combat mechanic and give us something else.
Parrying, side dodges, footsies. Come on bro be better
It also doesn't help that any game older than 3 feels pretty antiquated in just how it controls. Even going back to ds1 I try to jump with my A button.
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Any good LIGHTWEIGHT weapons for a pyro in the DLC?
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H-how did you beat Sekiro?
rofl what the fuck was that grab box.
What's your favorite co-op build?
I meant lorewise
like wtf are they
I kinda want to go grab Fire Knight weapons from the DLC, got some questions. First of all, is the fastest way to just kill Hyetta for Varre's quest? Does that make me miss anything than the Frenzy ending?
And secondly, can you get Fire Knight weapons without Miquella's rune breaking somehow? I don't really want to push the quests in the DLC when I'm only entering it for a minute.
You can beat the game and think it's fun that every interaction with the boss is always the same streamlined gimmicks
frost-infused dane's legwork at malenia's
This weapon is so dogshit kek
Spooky holohoax ghosts, eternally reminding everyone about the six gorillion.
Imagine being Rennala and Rellana's dad. Watching your daughters get fucked away and broken in by dickings by redheads from the Golden Order. Is there anything more cucked? Having to sit there and know the twin moons of your life, your prides and joys, are getting their wombs splattered with Golden Order cum and their ovum bullied and beaten on by Golden Order sperm until the cell wall surrenders and gets inseminated? What a pathetic life.
what are good straight swords to powerstance with? is it still noble's slender swords?
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the dev team told him to tone it down when he pitched rennalla or something its in an article somewhere.
don't tone it down senpai
Play a STR build in DS1, half the unique weapons have essentially ashes of war on R2 and all of them are ridiculously strong.
Are you okay anon
And the lightsabers, no, not the new ones, the old ones.
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Anor Londo....home...
what was the point of the dlc then...
what else were they going to do?
rot away in their manor?
Technically it has higher physical damage negation
Cute feet.
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yes, not only does rellana dual wield she literally does the exact same side hop malenia does
yes the dragon type weapons use proto-ashes of war, I used drake sword on my Crono build, for oh for fuck sake im not spending 10 minutes looking for a gif of crono doing wind slash someone fix google.
You could also use either of the dead maidens for the blood, in Vyke church or the starting chapel - neither takes super long time to get to. As for the weapons, I think merely approaching the castle where most if not all knights are, breaks the rune so might be tough luck on that one.
literally every prosthetic tool gets blocked by most human bosses in most situations because it's slower than the default attack, wasting emblems
lol... got clubbed at 0:09 though
Does Frostbite also increase how much damage Bleed causes when the latter activates?
Chink internet moment
Fire-Knight's Shortsword is a dagger with fire damage and apparently an affinity for fire infusions
Forked-Tongue Hatchet lets you breathe fire
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nice webm
my icon shield, great shield talisman, pearl shield talisman, dew talismans, ultra blocking tank regen build got destroyed by messmer in seconds.
he shouldn't be allowed to do what bayle can't do to me

bayle can't break through the defence how is messmer allowed to?
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justice for mohg!
justice for radahn!
miquella is a serial rapist, a ruthless manipulator and a disgusting freak preying on vulnerable men

he's probably necrophiliac, too
look at their heads when you die, their heads were replaced ENTIRELY by eyes going in all directions
>miquella is a serial rapist, a ruthless manipulator and a disgusting freak
no* (not the % part, the flat 50 or whatever possibly but that would come out at....30 times.....6 damage.)

thou art bereft of light
Yeah I love Sekiro but they really dropped the ball with the vast majority of prosthetics and combat arts
There are situations to use prosthetics against some bosses and some combat arts feel like they were almost made to counter certain boss situations but the vast majorty of them you really have no reason to ever use or experiment with
A big part of that is the emblem system because why would I ever experiment with my arts and prosthetics if it costs a consumable with every use?
which quests get broken when you enter Altus?
>Altus Plateau
none, it just skips ranni's questline and makes corhyn leave the roundtable
>dlc altus
he using dark souls 1 black flame with the poise damage
swap hp dew for firedrake+2/3, buff with beast vit to compensate (unless regen buff slot is already taken)
the artist deleted it from pixiv

Dragon weapons, golem axe, havel shield, stone sword, arguably obsidian greatsword. I revisited DS1 not a long ago and i was surprised that STR build is essentially a muscle mage. Never realized it before.
Nice, thanks anon.
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His charge can be dodged consistently but it's such a pain to deal with.
No, I meant Altus Platou, in the base game
>just skips ranni's questline and makes corhyn leave the roundtable
ah, alright, I thought some of them get completely broken
Miquella dindu nuffin. He was helping out with the disadvantaged and the Albinaurics and whatnot
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I support his Age of Compassion
so inside miquella there were two people?

one was a tranny called st trina, the other was a crossdressing faggot called miquella?
3 choices.
where's the best place to farm fire knight GS?
Kinda feel like back in the Souls days it used to be you could first try a boss if you were skilled enough, nowadays with the DLC it doesn't feel like that at all anymore because they throw way too much bullshit at you to reasonably outskill bosses without prior knowledge of their movesets.
This boss is designed for mounted combat, what the fuck are you doing on foot.
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Befriend Albinaurics. Respect Albinaurics. Roundhouse kick Albinauric friendships into existence. Slam dunk some healthy fruit and vegetables into Albinauric babys mouth. Love Albinaurics. Share some food with an Albinauric. Launch Albinaurics into orbit as part of high-paying astronaut jobs. Treat Albinaurics like human beings. Warn Albinaurics not to fall into active volcanoes. Share life experiences with Albinaurics. Watch TV and play video games with Albinaurics. Invite Albinaurics to parties. Report Albinaurics to the Nobel foundation. Karate chop sterotypes in half. Give up your seat for pregnant Albinaurics. Free Albinaurics from quicksand. Appreciate Albinaurics. Eat with Albinaurics. Judge Albinaurics by the content of their character. Dance with Albinaurics with steel-toed boots. Cremate Albinaurics in the oven, but only if their family didn't want them to be buried. Dignify Albinaurics. Civil rights for Albinaurics. Collect Albinaurics garbage to put in the garbage disposal. Surgically reconstruct Albinaurics with a ray gun. Help old Albinaurics cross the road. Admire Albinaurics.
the dragon tail (sewers) cut axe + rtsr at level 60 anor londo was one hell of a troll build too (it oneshots, through walls)
I used to be good at builds now its all use nothing but basic shit and no skill or you didnt beat the game
what happened to did I have fun ?
Yeah, I 1000000% recommend playing with the mod that lets you assign combat arts and tools to quick slots, it's infinitely more fun that way.
And there's really no reason why the game doesn't just restore all your spirit emblems upon resting, there's got to be a mod for that, too.
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How does /erg/ feel about the theory that, as a competing empyrean to marika the gloam eyed queen took a great serpent as her consort, the abyssal serpent, and that their kids were the godskins and the god devouring serpent? And that upon their defeat within the eye of messmer went a portion of the abyssal serpent's essence cursing him with a special fire and snake bullshit. And within melina a portion of the gloam eyed queen's essence was sealed in her eye curing her with special fire and death bullshit?
Compassionately sucking miquella's cock
>still no patch
the fuck are they doing?
Same, wish I could take Radahns place...
>the artist deleted it
not true at all if you use the damn skill tree, the shuriken followup attack is extremely fucking broken and costs ONE skillpoint
I try to stay on his sides, preferably his left and get great katana thrusts whenever possible.
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>that webm
Do they have autism or what?
what are you expecting exactly
ill make him remember what love means
with extreme prejudice
anyone else getting booted from the game due to "inappropriate" activity?
has happened to me for two days in a row now

but every time was during summoning, could it be because a cheater is trying to invite me?
if you deflect/dodge/block his 5 year long combo and circle to his ass he'll get locked into that combo, the gravity upthrust, and the pig kick, totally neuters him
yeah, it's a bug, reopening the game fixes it
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What does he have that we don't....
loft grace, drop down on the staircase below, go down the stairs and kill the guy next to the ledge (don't knock him off, obviously). takes like 10 seconds to get to him from the grace, it only took me like 8 minutes to get a drop with silver ring
PVP in ER is shit, but this animation is great.
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>watch some dude struggle and roll their way through a bossfight for 2 straight hours
>meanwhile me, a greatshield + mimic chad, steamrolled the boss on the second try
feels fucking great man
verify files should fix this, devs said on twitter
>designed for mounted combat
No boss is designed for mounted combat until they remove the "confirmation" that you want to use flasks to bring torrent back instead of just using them.
Rutting Miquella until he gets pregnant through the sheer power of love and compassion
I don't like Torrent combat, and he's got a lot of moves that are designed to catch Torrent's lack of iframes. Which comes back to why I hate Torrent combat, it degenerates into a boring sequence of drive-bys against a boss that's caught in an AI loop for 10 minutes.
>gf just spent an hour trying to explain to me why miquella has a massive penis and how she'd like to see me raped by him
I should've never gotten her into this game.
>not true at all because of this one example
The spear is useless outside of one special interaction with the headless ape
The dagger is entirely useless against bosses outside of applying poison which isn't actually helpful
Firecrackers have special interactions with gyobu's horse and the apes
The mist raven is just a free dodge why would you not just parry?
The fan has no use at all against bosses they can't be spirited away
The axe does nothing special even if you manage to get it to connect
The flamethrower can set the ape on fire and scare the ogre miniboss
So basically prosthetics are useful against the ape and only the ape when it comes to bosses because they gave it 3 special interactions
Keep voting!
3 choices.
Bayle isn't actually breaking past your guard, he's hitting around it. Either move back or dodge the 2 moves he does that can hit around your shield.

Right hand dueling shield left hand talisman.
Negation maxed with all 3 element absorption spells (for all 3 flavors of invaders), Divine Beasts Ice Stomp, heal from afar, aspect of the crucible horn and tails, Florissax's lightning, Lightning weapon. 2 flasks for healing and the rest for FP

I usually have enough juice to get through most dungeons that aren't haligtree and fight the boss with a host. Heal from afar to babysit the host if he gets touched by anything because otherwise there's a non 0 chance he'll die to a combo.
Being able to attack and defense while still being able to quickly cast Horn and Tail is great.
Very much a co-op centered build though so I had to notbeatthegame Radhan with Taylew to ram it through without changing spells, weapon, or strategy.

Honestly I don't think I've ever enjoyed any from Souls game co-op more than I enjoyed one handed dueling shield faith build.
If they ever fix the spell scaling on the Carian sorcery sword I'll see if that doesn't have some fun sequestered away as well.

No. It's EAC breaking on summon. Restart the game.
You can verify but it's still going to happen.
>what are you expecting exactly
Fixing the performance?
Fixing the bugs?
Fixing the fucked balance?
Buffing the shit weapons?
Nerfing the gamebreaking bullshit?
Changing the loot in the DLC overworld to stuff that isnt useless?
Fixing the final boss remembrance weapon to be a stance weapon rather than two separate pieces of garbage?
Adding a new throwing blade weapon so we have more than fucking 1?
Fixing the fucking final boss? (And yes, I have beaten him)

They're not a small indie company. They need to be better.
Are you the cosplay manlet?
not like it's a surprise or anything but holy damage absolutely obliterates death knights, a few coded sword skill casts and they're gone
>Malenia gf
Very based.
Oh the umbrella's entirely busted though how could I forget it
Just a free parry with an enormous window that can parry otherwise unparriable attacks and can be spammed to give it an effectively infinite parry window and the followup attack does big health and posture damage
DoH without the fire umbrella would be aids
its EAC being shit, it has zero days anyway someone hacked the apex tournaments alternatively most of the participants use aimbots (unlikely they would have been caught and DQ'ed for that long ago plus one guy even stayed in game blocking doors and healing but refused to shoot out of HONOR)
this problem wont solve itself until humanity no longer needs fucking EAC to stop people just using cheat engine. so never.
Current results.
>fight death knight

I swear they do it to piss people off
>Bayl won't let me summon igon
come on man I'm not even attacking do your From patented ER faggot strafe will you? input reading nigger
I beat Gaius at 0 skibidis. I made a lot of mistake but I think I did well enough for now.
the spear is a pretty good way to do posture damage when upgraded. the poison is situational but i like using it to lower hp for later posture damage on tougher enemies, mist raven lets you move around to avoid counterattacks especially on isshin, axe does massive damage and has hyperarmor which lets you simply ignore many enemies, fan is objectively the fastest way to kill elite enemies than are vulnerable to it, flamethrower is really useful situationally to stun shit and prevent posture regen, you're either ignoring all the uses they have or haven't tired them
good job cutie
they are godwyn's knights anon of course they use lightning
Why are you calling me a cutie?
your guardian force is based anon

Kill Hornsent. Behead Hornsent. Roundhouse kick a Hornsent into the concrete. Defecate into Hornsent crucibles. Launch Hornsent into Mount Gelmir's volcano. Crucify filthy Hornsent. Throw Hornsent children into jars. Dunk Hornsent into vats of acid. Feed Hornsent to deathrite birds. Seed fly plague in Hornset villages. Throw Hornsent into furnace golems. Trap Hornsent in the Land of Shadows. Seal the Hornsent tower behind a shadow tree. Exterminate filthy Hornsent. Smash Hornsent divine beasts. Mandatory abortions for Hornsent. Insult Hornsent grandma's cooking. Rip the horns off of Hornsent. Abuse Swift Slash and Blind Spot against Hornsent. Cast Night Maiden's Mist on sleeping Hornsent. Steal the Elden Ring from Hornsent. Burn Hornsent cookbooks. Lock Hornsent up in the Abyssal woods. TOTAL HORNSENT DEATH.
Holy made out like a bandit this DLC by finally getting an ability that reduces holy absorption in the Sword of Darkness
Provided you don't mind reupping that buffs every minute/minute and a half the various scalar multipliers means that holy builds could realistically kill Radagon with pure holy damage without the stars dying out.

20% absorption negation still too low though. That shit shoulda been 50.
guts sword users again
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I am thinking based
good job sweetie
>skill takes 3 years to cast
yeah i'm sticking with pre-buffing with sword of light and calling it a day
Based, me too.
say less
does sleep and eternal sleep have different status bars? or do they share the same one like poison and deadly poison?
there are other people doing no skibadi runs other than myself? unfathomably based, you will beat the game.
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eh oh sh hey'd
rape miquella rape miquella rape miquella rapemaigquela reauge mighealls prawe pmiquaella rpame mmiquqorklal
Which is better, changing your weapon to be holy or putting holy grease on your weapon? I assume the former will only do more damage if your fth is being scaled from it where as holy grease does not require scaling from you and it just does bonus damage ontop of your weapon's so using grease is better is most situations where your build isn't able to scale from those weapons
Need this pasta but with all the different ways to describe fucking and impregnating Marika.
i finished mine already. i resorted to shieldpoking radahn because i wasn't having fun. hardest was bayle
Fuck imagine this face making bedroom eyes at you under the covers. The night is dark but her eyes glow subtly like a cat's.
holy grease is a small flat amount of damage. if you need holy damage just equip sacred blade as sacred affinity
they're just fucking around
Everything you just listed is true but slower, less efficient and takes more effort than simply just parrying the boss until their posture bar is full
Parrying is so strong and universal that it makes all of that irrelevant as long as you're good enough to parry the vast majority of attacks thrown at you
Why would I mist raven away and not just parry? Why would I hyper armour through an attack with the axe when I can just parry that attack and retaliate? Why would I use the flamethrower to prevent posture regen when attacking with my sword does the same and forces a counterattack which I can then parry?
Using all of that is definitely the more fun way to play and when I replay the game I use my prosthetics and combat arts as much as possible but my point is that just parrying and attacking is always the superior option and that's where From went wrong with the game design because you're never once incentivised to actually use your tools that aren't parrying and blocking
Oh yeah Sen throw is arguably the best prosthetic in the entire game that shit is hilariously overpowered
Sacred Blade also gives flat holy damage
For fire, Flaming Strike works the same way
>torches (meme)
you'd be surprised

not voting yet too many dlc stuff to try.
historically my favorite is curved swords BUT no furysword in ER so not this time.
its between katanas and greatsword (not guts/cloud the bastard sword length) but I can't decide and again dlc stuff I havent tried.
60 VIG
37 END
54 STR
22 DEX
11 INT
11 FTH
I used the Great Katana for its thrusts and the misericorde for ripostes then applies freezing grease in the 2nd phase for a proc and some extra damage on attacks I tried staying to the boar's sides as much as possible.
Unga-bungas still wining.
People really liked light greatswords huh.
say more
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i dont enjoy replaying the game now
Holy grease is what? 90 holy damage?
The DLC grease is all 168
It's free damage.
You only do holy infusion if you're a faith build.
it's easier than perfect parrying everything and also more fun, why wouldn't you do it? and tools that target weaknesses ARE faster, it takes several seconds to deflect a big boy that you could spirit away in 2 seconds, shield guys insta die to axe, burning ogres makes it easier to kill them. get off it dude.

but say I have like 9 fth but like 60 STR and 60 DEX if I try to change my weapon to fth the damage bonus wont be much and i should just go for the grease no?
>highest voted weapon is also the weapon that makes the game the easiest
i knew /erg/ was full of shitters but goddamn
They're really fucking sexy
I fucking love proper greatsword movesets
sacred blade is just that good even with no stats
Her eyes and Golden Order sigil womb tattoo get brighter when she's aroused and/or close to orgasm
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Is there any mo(o)re to his quest? Or is it just that one decision.
holy + sacred blade buff + last rites passive

keen + grease or orders blade means you're a dex build with a faith or grease tax and can't use the faith scaling
t. been playing a white mage since the saturday after the dlc came out and im still not back in the dlc but im getting close
so trust me when I say i've done the math on exactly this
>it's easier than perfect parrying everything and also more fun, why wouldn't you do it?
Because I can perfect parry everything with 99% consistency and that's in most cases the superior option
Also I was very clearly talking about bosses specifically I never said anything about fighting overworld mobs or elites
Gather 6 cookbooks, tell him to go fucking kill himself.
That's it.
>highest voted weapon is the best
No shit?
my last 3 characters were copypasted and i just played for them for a bit and closed the game, i feel you
The amount of asians playing the game is fucking ridiculous. Chink/JP hours are even more active than EU/NA/slavs.
Fuck yea they are.
Same. It's a lot of game to slug through just to get back to the DLC and the DLC bosses are so cracked that it's retroactively made the regular bosses inconsequential.
I might make a Wretch and park it level 1 after Mohg.

And even then dueling shields have fucking ruined me.
by holy I meant sacred infusion my bad, stack that holy damage
I dont have a shot of two seconds after this so you'll have to fill in the gaps in the joke
Standard, Heavy, Keen and Quality is a thing. Even with Sacred Blade.
standard + grease or sacred blade in this case
you're not going to find a weapon that has the "kills skeletons" flag with no faith though fyi
Idk why but non-coomer art of Marika makes me harder than coomer art of her. Something about the more grounded "tired but still graceful and pretty 40~ year old mom" look gets me going like nothing else. The golden(lol) transition phase of MILFhood where there's just a bit of crinkles at the edges of her eyes and a noticeable but not yet overly pronounced sag to her tits. A woman who takes care of herself but can't counter how brown and used her nipples have become, and still shaves her armpits out of habit but leaves her bush
>Lord of Frenzied Flame fight takes place in a wooden arena full of wood shavings and cloth drapes everywhere
>everything is on fire during the fight
>no changes to the arena at all after the fight, even the wood shavings are still exactly as they were before
so what was THAT all about?
It's starting to really piss me off because I hate playing the latency game of spam attacks on a dude standing in place while also spamming rolls to hopefully dodge the shit he throws on his screen until one of us explodes.
Why the fuck does the lord of frenzy even attack us if he's not frenzied yet
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On further testing during invasions, i can say that Knight's Lightning Spear is ALMOST as good as Comet.
Slower recovery so it cannot be spammed as effectively. Fantastic damage. Can punish heals or high commitment animations. Can be aimed at two people at once. Gate of Babylon projectiles still come out if you're interrupted.
Oddly specific but yea, it's hot.
because he told you multiple times to get the fuck out of his house and yet you're still there
Radagon is harder than I remember. I've died 4 times to him wtf.
Doylist perspective? Devs are lazy bastards. Same as how the base game skybox doesn't change depending on the ending you pick.

In-universe... The Frenzied Flame isn't really a physical flame but a metaphysical/spiritual one. You can view it the same way a ghost being exorcised causes a haunted house to become perceptibly less creepy even though no physical changes happened. The rooms less chilly, the sunlight brighter.
it's frenzyflame I ain't gotta explain shit
This post has ovaries
So that post can get pregnant, hm...
honestly im amazed this game even runs without setting peoples houses on fire and you're confused as to why static meshes don't burn in game with all that going on, cause we don't have super GPUs yet thats why. they're too busy rinsing you for 3k per card while suppressing the means to make local AI technology (and calling it slop so only they have it and you have to pay them for it)
What does that mean?
Remember that you can make your own line.
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>hile suppressing the means to make local AI technology (and calling it slop so only they have it and you have to pay them for it)
This is a legitimate conspiracy some of you retards believe? o i am laffin
is surge o flame completely fucking worthless?
You know what would have been funny? If the Midra fight ended at stage 1. Like the Mist Noble.
unironically its kind of funny how if you hang out here long enough you can start spotting the ao3/tumblr transplants
The only thing stopping it's ascendency is it's cast time. It's notably slower than lightning spear and against most weapons can't be used for whiffs.
The game is just poorly optimized dude, no need to go off on a rant
The game has like 1k textures
It's not chink internet at all though, damage is almost instantly both on invader and host and matches the animations
>Godfrey drops his weapon, tears his shirt off, and rips a man's spine out through his chest with his bare hands
>Marika: omg babe that was so hot, cum in me now
What was her FUCKING problem?
>In-universe... The Frenzied Flame isn't really a physical flame but a metaphysical/spiritual one.
It's a physical flame. That's how you scorch the entire earth into ash in the ending. it's how you're burned by the fingers when you inherit the flame. It's how Hyetta burns into literal ash and smoldering fire.
>pretending its not a real issue, getting derailed every single time by "hur slop, good day sars"
>calls it a conspiracy like the cia used to discredit people
you're just proving me right.
I just wanted to rapidly prototype cool pictures for game development purposes but you have to just give me shit the whole ass time and THEN pretend it isn't happening. fuck you.
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I mean, you're not wrong...
We only use Golden Vow here.
>first 6 weapon categories are just "swords"
What a bunch of reddit normies lmao
Is Messmer meant to imply a connection between serpents and the Fell God? Is Rykard's lava also connected to this?
But you literally can run generative AI on a home computer
>for game dev purposes
You have no game
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>everything is a conspiracy until the masses believe it, in which case i will then follow and believe it too
being an NPC drone isnt something to be proud of anon
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Why the fuck is this still a thing in 2024
no, dragons dogma 2 was poorly optimized. elden ring is astounding, you can see the WHOLE map from the start and your house isn't on fire. and then you can go underground and realize there is MORE.
if thats not impressive to you you either don't know how game engines work or have mental issues unironically. cynicism.
>nooooo the only people calling it slop are feds and people in on the conspiracy so they can ruin its reputation and discredit us
>noooo ignore that AI art looks like shit and objective is slop it's the feds i swear aiiiieeeeeeee
It's not a physical flame the same way the snakes in Messmer's skull aren't biological snakes. Hyetta doesn't burn into a crisp, her soul is seared out of her when you touch her eyes, leaving her body intact. The Frenzied Flame Village in the base game isn't burnt physically either.

It only takes on physical elements in the Frenzied Flame ending, maybe it becomes physical as well as metaphysical when its properly invited into the world and empowered by the choice of the Elden Lord?
When I was in the arena earlier I saw a dude using the black dumpling and a frenzy spell to get a damage buff so I just fucking killed him, I'm not sitting here for 3 minutes while you try to proc frenzy on yourself.
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>deflect hardtear still results in you getting chip damage when deflecting swings with elemental properties
Why was it so hard for them to just make it so that deflecting means you lose zero HP (regardless of what the enemy attack was) and lose zero stamina.
yes but specific hardware....
why am I in yet another argument with you retards already in the same day
>you have no game
I have several games

didnt read.
>AI art looks like shit
Most AI art looks far better than what the majority of humans are capable of making.
That's an awfully huge leap in logic you made there anon
But sure keep believing that big tech are supressing home AI and are the ones criticising AI art I guess that's a pretty good coping mechanism to defend your six fingered AI gens
you're not deflecting, you're just blocking
the sekiro makes it so you use significantly less stamina when blocking at the right time
Seriously, the fact that they made this damage formula for ACV and just decided to keep using it for everything else forever is really funny.
>brings up messmer out of nowhere
this post has ovaries
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If eiglay is related to the Fell God it would explain why Rykard is seen as such a blasphemer. Burning the Erdtree is the first cardinal sin, after all.
Maybe it's because i'm a slav, but my connection with chink playerbase has been pretty good lately. Makes these hours actually enjoyable to invade, as long as you realize that they will do ANYTHING to win.
Whats your opinion on KLS vs GTT

I'd like to see them side by side but it feels like they have about the same casting time / recovery. About same cost and same damage, but fire vs light. But KLS does significantly more damage when charged. KLS projectiles appear slower, are more telegraphed in their dodge window / direction but move faster once in the air. KLS only hits a single target with each spear, and they can miss, but GTT hits a colossal AOE around its collision point and everything takes full damage even with multiple targets, and its a knockdown. And as you said KLS projectiles can still activate even if you're interrupted, GTT has a flat foreswing/action frame/backswing animation.
and I didnt say you are feds I said the CIA made up the term conspiracy theory specifically to discredit people

I have better things to do with my time fuck you bye.
doing the base game with the thrusting shield. it really shits on alot of bosses. coasting through trying to not break quests this time and failing. theres a bunch of them thats just "you need to return to this one site of grace and sit on it". had to go to radahn's caelid site of grace and sit there to trigger jarburg, or how nephili wont go to the castle until you sit at fort haight site of grace.
>I have several games
In your head I'm sure
Post the games then nigger
My favorite is the greatsword of damnation l2 spam setting them up for shots from my sleep bow.
fuck off. I don't owe you anything.
if speedtran chuds skipping entire game and abusing every bug is "beating the game" then using broken builds is beating the game too
>Dismiss Dryleaf set as just martial artist shit at first.
>Get it and realize it looks great as the outfit of a wandering priest.
Pretty nice.
yeah I did
I'd say as long as you have 80 FAI you just should have both of them at once. Spear works better as a punisher, especially against retarded high commitment shit like waves of piss. Giansflame can be freeaimed giving it an entirely different layer of tactics.
Add Light Miquella on top of it, and you have the holy trinity of coopus deletus.
>he thinks home AI hardware is being supressed for home users
>when the big manufacturers are only just now gearing up production for their very first AI centred hardware
They're not supressing shit you dumbfuck the tech is in its infancy. Nvidia haven't released a single AI first GPU yet for anyone not even governments have their hands on them but you think they're suppressing it from you? Get over yourself
does it feel good, knowing you make me so mad I want to kill someone and then you're all "why are you mad hahahaha" does it feel good?
>meds now
not until you kill yourself.
poast it....
>Make dragon hunter great katana
>make it quality
>put it on a dragon man who uses dragon communion so you bait every player who encounters him

What did from mean by this?
Do your next playthrough on foot
>yes but specific hardware
You mean the cards to actually run the AI? Because you can buy a workstation card and liquid cooling and go to town if you're just running stable diffusion

>you can see the WHOLE map from the start
This shit ain't difficult dude, Skyrim modders can do it with Dyndolod and some ini adjustments. The game's assets are poo tier and look like shit by themselves, if you don't believe me walk up to a wall and look at it up close.
What the game is is very good-looking despite its dogshit asset quality due to good graphical and level design.
Yep the robe is really nice, I usually just leave the hat out though, for prophet blindfold or somesuch
>Eternal Sleep on Godskin Duo
Get absolutely FUCKED AHAHAHA
The fact it hides your arms is the best shit ever.
>the tech is in its infancy
I bet you think that civilian drones are the peak of drone technology too, don't you?
>they're not supressing shit
fucking congress got involved talking about shutting down github and "they're not suppressing shit" you are a retard.

im not talking to you guys anymore today. you can stop fucking chain gang responding to me with off topic shit now. im already beyond pissed off.
both of you cucks rn
fromsoftware is technically incompetent, that's not a secret
"oh you can see the whole map" isn't justification
If you're the conspiracy nut who also thought Hell doesn't exist in christian doctrine then yeah it does feel pretty good desu
Some dude tried to cheese me with floor aimed rolling sparks lmao. I gave him the ol' R1.
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Why did they rush the dlc spells?

Even the spell icons were lazily done / changed at the last second of release
Do they just stop moving forever?
half the basegame quests let you skip half the quest and all you lose is some lore
if you don't speedrun to altus and don't forget latenna you don't really break anything important
And what does github have to do with hardware
You have no games, you have no money, you have no bitches and you got no neurons
Same here.
Feels good not caring about honor or any arbitrary measure of what counts as playing the game "properly".
I beat Messmer easily with the fingerprint+antspur setup I've been using for months on my NG+3 character (and my wife Tiche helping along). Then after I finished playing for the day, I checked to see on YouTube how others fared against him.
Some guy literally spent like 10+ hours over the course of 3 different streams trying to beat him with just a longsword and a medium shield for parrying.
Imagine spending that much time struggling against a boss just so that you can say you beat the boss "honorably". Couldn't be me. I actually use all the tools the game gives me. I play to win.
Which one are you? Miquellafag or sellenfic anon?
yeah thats what I thought, go fuck yourselves, you are shitty people. remind me to never come back here lest I fucking hunt you down irl.
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Neither of those villages are literally on fire.
>Sear her soul
And her body. Unless you're saying this didn't happen
You hear that Hyetta, you're not burnt for real, quit playing.
I guess those fingerprint marks mentioned in the description of the grapes and swollen grapes in the DLC also are just spiritual markings.
Anon the entire dlc was rushed, not just the spells
I just don't like rot flavorwise and think the fingerprint shield looks like poo
having both giantsflame and miquellas besides eating a bunch of memory slots (okay pretty useless) turns incantations into holy fucking snipers

did faith builds really need to get THREE different spells that all hit from beyond maximum lockon range and can take 2/3 off someone's HP or even just OHKO them depending on setups?
>lob a giantsflame freeaim at 45 degree angle, it travels from limgrave to leyndell
>miquella's light locks on at max range but also casts with auto-lockon when untargeted and MUST be immediately run out of, oh and slaps you silly if you sit around for the extra firestorm damage
>frenzied burst is frenzied burst
You can screw yourself out of crab if you reach Volcano Manor without meeting shrimpbro. That's basically it.
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>remind me to never come back here lest I fucking hunt you down irl
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
explain how
im done taking questions totally not federal agents its for the models and you already know that. you tried to have them banned let alone creating local AI hardware FOR those models. now fuck off, all of you, FUCK off.
I just wish the DLC introduced other greatshields with guard boost equal to fingerprint shield, I don't even want a small powercreep like Moore's shield... just give me something with the same guard boost but different appearence.
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You ain't done until I'm done
Post your games
this is what i meant by "speedrunning altus"
Why does eating a crab leg make you so sturdy in Elden Ring?
Man I really want to summon some randos for dungeon co-op but it's 90% 2kat and other basic bitch builds with no fashion sense.
New idea for an enemy for Elden Ring: Frenzy Flame Dragon
tons of missable quest items at farum azula
all the contract items in volcano manor missed on actually finishing volcano manor
fia's questline
ranni's questline
all the content inside leyndell itself
snowfield and haligtree are actually missable
Is the Serpent Flail any good at all?
you get fat
Even though there's a lot of broken shit that needs to be toned down like rolling sparks, i genuinely love what these new options are doing with invasions.
Unfortunately some cool shit like fan shot on ansbach's bow will get gutted too.
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>if you perform a riposte on Homo Radahn that has two tics of damage and the first tic triggers his phase change, then you don't get any damage on him on the second tic
Shit fight.
bit disappointed there aren't more Frenzy focused weapons
New idea for an enemy in Elden Ring: your mom performing godskin noble's fatroll
new copypasta!!
I hate how we only got fourteen new sorceries wtf
none of these are easily missable tbqh
We got enough. Madness fists are fun as fuck to use. Get base stats and just throw them on a martial artist character. Keep it as a "secret evil art".
But boomhammer, except shit.
It's like the only item that constitutes real food
You're malnourished
How many fucking buffs did he have?
>How are you supposed to fight Romina
Just smack her with anything that does fire damage. I'm still at a loss at how braindead easy she was. I was expecting Malenia 2.0.
What the fuck even is that
>Too strong in PvP
>Worthless in PvE
Madness is a huge disappointment.
At least some of the frenzy incantations are good even without the status effect, I guess.
no I am in fact done
you will be the only ones burning in the lake of fire oh sorry hell like it doesn't say in the bible sorry torah sorry collection of books no one actually knows the origins of but have been fighting stupid wars over for AT LEAST 2000 years and youre the same people still pretending you're the smart ones.
I can't wait until we're all finally dead. but I hope you suffer more. I hope it fucking hurts.
>Forget about putescants waves of magic
>die in what should have been a guaranteed win
Man I'm so fucking bad. Holy shit.
Word. It's so funny to see the tryhard autist fanbase seethe at the casuals steamrolling the game because it completely shatters the illusion that ER is "hard". The floodgates are open. Elden Ring is a casual game. Fromsoft is not the last bastion of good game design, they're making games for the masses just as anyone else. The only way the game is tough to beat is by self-imposed restrictions and challenges.
Hey is there a way to keep track of your ingame progress in ER? I want to soft 100% it. Like collect all eazy to obtain weapons, kill all bosses. But there is 10000 caves with copypast shit i just cannot track myself.
I somewhat remember an interactive map with such a function of smth.
>and think the fingerprint shield looks like poo
>other greatshields with guard boost equal to fingerprint shield
The Eclipse Crest Greatshield from the base game is barely a noticeable downgrade from the Fingerprint, with 75 guard boost when maxed out compared to Fingerprint's 86.
The Black Steel Greatshield in the DLC gives you 83 guard boost when maxed out. Again, barely noticeable a difference in guard boost compared to Fingerprint.
even once rolling sparks are toned down lightning perfume bottle is still gonna be a top tier weapon just on its own regular attack merits

589 damage at 80/80 stats, gets free +20% talisman and +20% flask, can use scorpion in pvp, and it has 138% damage dual wield r1, 164% for jumping r2
hits like a damn truck and has long range and lingering hitboxes and of the best element
Is there anything I need to do before burning the sealing tree? I’ve not fought Bayle or Metyr yet.
most of them are good by being either a lot of damage for pretty cheap available early or being shabriri's howl
also sometimes red names happen and you can have some fun
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you have to reach volcano manor just to start the quests and have to reach mountaintop of the giants, post-leyndell, just to finish the volcano manor questline. Before killing rykard who is balanced assuming you kill him before leyndell
I doubt anyone ever completed that questline organically, without online guides
Offhand perfumes are underrated at the moment. Infinite combustion tier midrange "spells".
Even with just an Endure, a fully charged 2hr2 can absolutely decimate crowds of unoptimized shitters.
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lmao the AI schizo is the one arguing about the bible too it all makes so much sense
I think it's just the Miquella followers NPC quests but burning the sealing tree takes you to the end anyway so you might as well leave it for last
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later homo
I just use the manor greatshield
Basic bitch yeah but it looks decent
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>Some guy literally spent like 10+ hours over the course of 3 different streams trying to beat him with just a longsword and a medium shield for parrying.
Couldn't be me. If Jolan and Anna ever become worth a damn I'll be using them in all content.
As it is, me and my brother Taylew will make it work instead.
has an interactive map.
Oh huh I never went back, in my game she's sitting there with Frenzied Flame effects on her but still alive. Idk I guess the in-universe explanation for the devs being lazy is just the Frenzied Flame being inconsistent at what it burns physically?
I'm not Christian lol I just read up on theology for fun
Sorry you got embarrassed by an atheist bro
I absolutely adore that madness spear hand strike. Decently fast and procs madness immediately.
kill yourself
you obviously didnt read a fucking thing I posted because im not christian either.
Scholar's Shield, Shield Grease or Barricade Shield basically compensates for any reduced guard boost your greatshield may have. Just apply it to your greatshield and all your greatshields are now almost fingerprint/Verdigris tier.
you said you were done, just leave already bro
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Yooo I killed an invader partially thanks to the use of Aspect of Crucible: Wings. This thing is so underwhelming, but it looks so nice what a shame.
Alright cool, makes sense. Thanks anon
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Question before I go into the DLC (I never beat the base game, only started playing recently, am level 50).

Is the base game impacted by the DLC? Are there any endings to aim for that impact the DLC? And ontop of that, can I do the DLC after I complete the base game?

Cheers bros
I was but then you carried on laughing at me so im staying until I can figure out where you fucking live. which is not asking for dox do not all boards me again, cunts.

you asked for this.
You've said you were done like 5 times now fucking leave already
>If Jolan and Anna ever become worth a damn
Are they bad? I thought that Jolan and Anna is the best spirit ash in the DLC?

A screenshot for ants?
Long time ago before the dlc, I grabbed a google sheet from somewhere that had every weapon, piece of armour, talisman, spell, all those things and just crossing them off would basically get you through 100% of content available so maybe consider doing that if you have the completion 'tism.
You guys are so fucking insecure lmao
Bayle the dread is such a lame name and character. Placidusax means "The Unmoving Mountain", and hes like a time magician who actually did shit, while Bayle created retarded dragons?? Possibly raped Greyoll??
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>pretty, but ultimately useless area
>until I can figure out where you live
nibba you ain't scaring anyone, what're you going to do when you show up lmao, stab me?
this is the first time i'm replying to your post
make me you pieces of shit
No. Prepare to be disappointed, blissful newfag.

Miyazaki does not give a fuck about how his games look at the end of the day as long as they get released.
>pretty, but ultimately useless area
That's most Elden Ring areas.
>Is the base game impacted by the DLC
>Are there any endings to aim for that impact the DLC
>And ontop of that, can I do the DLC after I complete the base game
yes, as long as you dont enter ng+
>just put on a gorillion talismans and keep wasting your art/spell space and mp on shitty buffs so your shitty shield can be somewhat less shitty
It's one of the best "adventuring" areas in the entire series. Basically a region sized legacy dungeon with insane atmosphere.
>summoned for dancing lion
>host has no skibidi
>and also no health
>I still was confident until the death blight nearly killed me
>host dies while I deblight myself
Man I fucking suck

Yeah. There's things where it clearly is symbolic. But then it also just isn't sometimes and there's no rhyme or reason. The entire forest has large areas of obviously smoldering frenzy frame cracks. It's not literally burning, it causes no damage, but it's there. And there's nothing that explains how that is.

Same as there's no explanation on what makes the eyeball heads. I hate it.
But also love it. Not everything needs a reason
I cba
Fashion > Flavor > Gameplay
Actual unironic mentally ill melties are rare but so fun
I think one of your thousand laws says im not supposed to answer that
uhuh first time ive heard that line too youre just responding to this for no reason and youre someone else. then why are you replying.
nah, I beat the game
>can I do the DLC after I complete the base game?
actually most areas in this game are ugly as shit
These thread have literally become an emotional support group for people who skipped the bosses to tell eachother they beat the bosses
>has an interactive map.
And a price tag of 5 USD. No thx.
>finally get a bow with damage competitive with melee weapons
>it deals 800% damage per shot
>it also consumes 8 arrows per shot and rapes your inventory
And yet they still haven't fixed the Malenia phase change riposte bug.
Aren't Gilded and Haligtree greatshields pretty hefty? 77 and 79 I think. And they're standard so you can put barricade on them.
Bayle the Dread is based on Balerion the Black Dread from A Game of Thrones lol

Igon = Aegon

>time magician
The nature of Farum Azula is still a bit of a mystery. I doubt it was him that did it.

>Bayle created retarded dragons?? Possibly raped Greyoll??
Where is the implication for the rape? I know Bayle did such a bad the other dragons became full racist.
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It's just GRRM being a hack, as always.
Also, Igon the NPC.
Yes. Igon. I see what you did there, Georgie boy. Igon. Aegon. Very clever.
I live in Huntington, Suffolk County on Long Island
good luck lil bro
They're miserable. I saw a video and saw them almost solo a boss . I can tell you right now, they don't work that way. They're bugged which hurts them, they're scaling double bugged like a lot of DLC ashes which hurt them

They hit for nearly nothing, they BLOCK with their piece of shit 50 absorption light shields, they've got no poise, and they do no damage beyond the bleed. They also have no hp. They're tied in effectiveness with the worst fucking duo ashes. Even the Leyndell capital soldiers can take hits longer than these two idiots and the Mesmer Soldiers are outright OP. I'm about to finally get the inquisitors and do cheeky stress tests but I can't imagine they're good if their AI is anything to go by.
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I only use the madding hand once the phantoms are dead and it's a 1v1 with the host. I find it pretty mediocre... no range, no poise damage, sucks in a 2v1
Also the spearhand strike misses at super close range because it does a lunge forward that makes you go around them
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>Having fun
>Furnace Golem appears
Hey I got a buddy that lives on long Island, in Lindenhurst
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Now that the dust has settled.

Where does the DLC stack among the DLCs of the franchise? Is it Old Hunter levels or "shouldn't have been made" tier
what else will you do with those arrows, shove them up your ass?
I think I know what video you're talking about. And yeah, that video was the basis for me believing Jolan and Anna is the best spirit ash.
So if they aren't the best spirit ash from the DLC, which one is? Messmer's Soldiers?
>I know Bayle did such a bad the other dragons became full racist.
He killed dragon Marika. Placidusax tried to do a revenge, got blown the fuck away, and hid away in the hopes that one day Dragon God would return in the one location Bayle wouldn't find him. While also siphoning sleep from Florissax because it's hard to sleep when you're entombed literally beyond time.
any allergies?
They're just genuinely such a chore to fight
You can get under them and play the jumping rhythm game but it just takes so long to poise break them unless you have a great hammer or something
Its not that bad, but was clearly pushed out way too soon. Really could have done with some more time in the oven (Which is insane when you remember they had ATLEAST 2.5 fucking years)
>died of old age
the fuck is this shit
how do I drain the underground area? I found the elevator to the storehouse but no way to drain it.
That's pretty close but I can't say that I have any particular town pride so I don't really have anything interesting to say in response
small world tho
>got blown the fuck away
It seems kind of equal to me
Placidusax lost two heads and Bayle lost a leg and both wings
Either way they both ran and neither could finish the other off seemingly
AMC’s preacher
>fuck is this shit
Everything he puts out is shit tier
I just do the rolling sparks exploit and that works like a charm in murdering them. It's not worth my goddamn time to sit here spamming r1 and jumping over flame aoes for 8 minutes waiting for the motherfuckers to stagger.
Yea that's the best way i guess. I just thought there is a way to automate it.
Visage shield has 100% block and gets 82 boost at +10, actually one of the tankiest greatshields in the game. >60 elemental block on everything and 81 on fire specifically.
new bread
ruh roh
kill yourselves
stupid fucker
I'm sure we can all agree that Philadelphia sucks shit.
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>page 5
>not one but two niggas decide the time is ripe
>my child will choose the Mohg thread
>HAHAHAno I trust mine will post in Ranni thread fast
>ugliest garbage in the game
im not migrating you got your wish, hope I dont find a reason to "bill gates" mosquitos long island but honestly I don't really care anymore youre all shit and I hope they launch the nukes like this year and you all burn to death, see ya.
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>threatening violence
That's illegal
Dragon towershield it is then. Highest boost of all the plain looking basic greatshields at 77.
Messmer soldiers for doing damage.
Andreas has aggro priority so him if you want a more balanced summon
Taylew otherwise. His low HP and insane damage absorption makes keeping him alive rather trivial and his rocket fists do real damage. (for a spirit ash)
Bigmouth Imp is the best turret in the game now
Fire Knight Queelign is... okay I guess.
Gravebird can solo camps if it can actually start flying. Everything else is bugged or shit.
Bloodfiend Hexer (provided it's protected) isn't that bad.

Half of the ashes need to be bugged fixed.
Like the horned curseblade ninja would be good but it has impossibly low bleedup.

It was equal. I was trying to make Placidusax seem more like a bitch but they did a hard wound to each other. And both of them are protected in their playpens by ancient dragons loyal to them.
see you in 5 minutes
It's a solid 7 from me. Definitely no Old Hunters or Ringed City. Hell, I might even like Artorias of the Abyss a bit more.
GoT Dragons are like lobsters, they keep growing as they age and eventually they get too big to live properly.
What is the best way to use thrusting shield block frames? Default art doesn't feel very useful
>the pigstick has a followup
Duly noted.
Artorias of the Abyss is still the gold standard, no DLC has been as consistently good or stylistically and narratively cohesive.
What makes you think Miyazaki didn’t want to throw in a few asoiaf references?

Have you even been paying attention to the magic of ER? It is directly ripped from asoiaf in areas. Fire & blood, church of starry wisdom, blindness, etc.
Old Hunters, no?
I don't know about other DLCs, but I would rate it a 6-7. It's good because I like Elden Ring to begin with, but it's far from a masterpiece.
>admitting reports
That’s illegal
Not reporting

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