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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

Can I duplicate a save file and have the copy work online? I want to just clone my dex/fth character to make him str/faith so I can swap between them as I feel like it
Not really, the server is going to snap you in half for that. Better off just making separate characters
Understandable. Is there anything I should avoid doing with CE if I want to just instantly bring up a character? I assume as long as I dont add any items that can't be traded, right? What about unlocking graces and summoning pools?
Graces and pools don’t matter you can do that, items won’t get you beaned as the game doesn’t really check for it
I don’t use CE but I have a few friends that do, I just use merchant
Btw go here >>484501601
Has anyone fought the hippo since the patch? I was fighting it on my second run yesterday and couldn't take crits on it at all, I'm wondering if they somehow broke it even though the patch only says it changed the blessing curve. I don't remember having such a problem the first time around.
Are there ties between the Omen and Hornsent? Just got to the part where it reveals Marika was whipped like the nasty hoe she was when she wa young.
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>Shits on the Consort and his top twink boyfriend
>hornset talks about getting revenge on everyone after beatihg Messmer
yeah, you gonna die
Omen are hornsent
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>Boss uses summons
He didn't beat the player
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I haven't played since December of last year so i'm picking up where I left off
based off what I vaguely remember, I was doing volcano manor stuff

just a quick question, can I fight Rykard now after finishing Rya's quest or should I still do the 3rd assassination in the hilltop snowy area? ( i havent figured out a way to get there yet)

I'm at altus Plateu but im not sure if i can just go up the big stairs or i'm missing something
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>warmonger takes advantage of a young boy to live out his godfrey larp fantasies
>causes the kid to ruin his life and the lives of others trying ton get his lordussy just cause he demands a warriors death on top of already getting his fantasy godfrey larp.
>everybody simps for him because le heckin horse he's so stoic
How did he do it bros?

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