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waiting for the official discord
previous >>484458663

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter that sees players battling to win an interstellar struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. You are a Helldiver, a member of Super Earth's most elite fighting force. You and your squad choose to wage war on a number of contested planets, completing various objective-based missions within a procedurally generated area of operations. Each successful mission contributes to the complete liberation of that world, and ultimately, total strategic victory in the game's ever-evolving galactic campaign that's made up and randomly changes based on whatever the devs want to do.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Released in 2015, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The most major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down, twin-stick shooter.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






LATEST PATCH June 25th https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4183362170410922203?l=english

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it's over
ded gaem
killed by endless technical issues, schizo balancing and no content
Read up the reply chain, dingus. OP wants to make Exploding Crossbow a part of the loadout, why choose a support weapon that overlaps almost completely with it.
>Bot players actually managing to overachieve the current MO and go positive on liberating Meissa.
Let's see how long it will take until Joel ups that decay from -1% to -3% and or connects one of the planets to the east of X-45 so there are another avenue of attack for the bots to the planet.
palworld was fun and i might jump back in
please get a hobby
Where would the new supply line come from? Mekbuda or Vindemitarix Prime in the Valdis sector right next to Cyberstan?
What did they add?
The bots will just turn cyberstan into a spaceship or whatever so joel can throw it everywhere to fuck shit up
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my life for super earth
I have 300 hours in the game and have yet to see a single 100 SC drop. I refuse to believe your photoshops. They do not exist.
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This game finna be dead in a couple weeks
i got 2 or 3
I'm more disappointed that Wezen isn't being defended more. Defending a planet is a lot easier than trying to retake it afterward, and it gives at least a bit more defense in depth than Vega Bay. Yeah I understand that everybody hates fire tornado planets, but not defending it now means that it's just going to be part of a liberation campaign later which will be even more of a pain in the ass.

I guess running defenses at Meissa and Vega Bay are preferable to defense at Wezen though.
,>my character scream last reload and myteammate calls down a supply drop on reaction
>I'm actually running supply pack and still have completely full backpack of supply
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>The bots will just turn cyberstan into a spaceship or whatever so joel can throw it everywhere to fuck shit up
Not bad numbers at all.
>Jungle swaying in the tropical storms
>great balls of fire
Meissa is actually kind of kino.
So long JOEL exists we are all slaves of fate. Do not bother.
>Leg is bleeding out, and has been bleeding all over the place for hours
>nah its not a bad injury yet I can still move it
Dont be surprised when it rots and falls off retard
So autocannon or HGM for bots?
Vindemitarix Prime sounds like a cool name, so I think they'll save that one for later and we'd end up getting Mekbuda. Though honestly I'd prefer they not play their hand and use either planets since they're just the same old biomes we've played on enough already. The last 3 planets around Cyberstan should look different, maybe even have signs of the old war against the Cyborgs a hundred years ago.
either, both are good. go with the one you feel like using.
>not-so-subtle Halo reference
You are on my shitlist, OP
Yes. It's the same tileset as the Creek. Just without the ion storms and a more earth like lightning and colouring pallete.
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Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to try running:
The medium scout armor
Supply pack
Eagle airstrike
Orbital Gas (or rocket sentry in the event of LMAO YOU MISS modifiers.).

I'm hoping gas will pull double duty as something that can spawn camp bot drops but also destroy fabricators and detector towers.

I'm also hoping that the scout armor combined with xbow and gas/turrets might let me occasionally sucker punch some outposts without giving them opportunity to call for help. But stealth in this game feels weird the instant that you shoot something. Might give the HMG manned turret a try too. Some madlads seem to like it.
>being this womanly
Is there any particularities where one excels and the other doesn't?
I demand this version of the armor
Consider HMG as a smaller autocannon that doesn't explode but with more ammo and no backpack i guess
yeah losing over 90% of the playerbase is very good
AC is better at staggering the fuck out of heavy devastators and killing the bots on dropships before and immediately after they drop
HMG is better for never needing to switch off of to your primary or secondary if you come across some threat that isn't 'worth' the AC shot like raiders sitting in an outpost or tag-alongs. You can pretty much run it as your primary.
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>throw strafing run at dropship to mop up chaff
>Eagle comes in and literally cuts the fucking dropship in half
That was kind of cool.
>coping and lying to yourself, just like women who are approaching the wall do
You will never be a woman, but you sure act like one. Keep pretending the issue isnt there until you slam face first into it.
If this MO doesn't end with every planet in the sector except for X-45 being lost (which will be lost next MO anyways) ill be very surprised.
Autocannon if you hate shield Devastators, Scout Striders and want to pick off Factory Strider chin lasers quickly. HMG if you want a backpack slot and want to be able to more reliably shoot down Gunships. They're otherwise about equal when fighting everything else (though the splash of AC makes it pretty nice for dealing with Berserker waves).

Supply Pack isn't wholly necessary if you're packing Laser Cannon, and especially if you aren't running Engineering Kit, Med Kit or Grenade Pistol. Shield Generator Backpack or Guard Dog might synergize better with Laser Cannon, or even Jump Pack if you're a madman.

Gas Strike is seeing less use now after the Orbital Gatling buff, and I don't think either can destroy Fabricators or Detector Towers. I know next to nothing about stealth builds but if that's your cup of tea try this guy's channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0KfgtkxyXU
>Autocannon if you hate shield Devastators, Scout Striders
I do hate those cunts
>HMG if you want a backpack slot and want to be able to more reliably shoot down Gunships.
It'd be helpful to have a shield, but that's a loadout slot
Who cares, every MO is just an exercise in futility where you claim some planets while Joel flags defences on others in an endless cycle. For every planet we capture in the next MO there'll be more to fill the ranks with impossible amounts of defences.
>reliably shooting down gunships
Nigger it's way worse at that than the AC.
The only thing the HMG has over the AC is raw dps. it demolishes things like factory striders and tanks insanely fast if you get at their weakspots with max RPM
LMAO you sure know about womanly nonsense
>You will never be a woman
I think gatling can hypothetically kill a fabricator if one of shells somehow manages to make its way inside the vent but LMAO good luck.

Supply pack is due to ammo concerns about xbow and HMG, but I think I might be more inclined to run an extra red or green stratagem rather than a different backpack.

Stealth would just be a tool in the toolbox to be opportunistically leveraged rather than a core gameplan.
>helldivers fans on both reddit and ITT: wow this game has a lot of problems and I'm going to bitch about them daily
>but also if you say the game is dying you're lying and the playerbase is healthy
just start doomposting already, stop discussing the game, stop booting it up, leave negative reviews, make the devs wake the fuck up and deliver content that isn't milqutoast warbonds and improvements to the game already
Yes anon because I work with them and have to pretend the obese ones in pulled up shorts aren't putrid and look 40 when they are 25.
Don't know if implying you've never interacted with a woman and don't know how they behave is a good call for you there anon.
>no laser for the arc thrower or blitzer
AC comes with a backpack, which you don't need a use a slot for backpack but also miss out the backpack benefit
HMG usually is run with supply backpack, which means a lot of ammo for the HMG but also a lot of stim and stun grenade as well as ammo for your primary/secondary. More stun nades is simply very strong on bot and cover HMG weakness of lacking true stagger unlike AC
HMG is slightly harder to control. Its effective range is not as far as AC.
HMG can't destroy FAB while AC can
HMG can potentially kill more enemy in a full mag and kill single target faster, but AC shot has AOE so it might be more efficient at clump up enemy. Both have about equal full reload time but AC has option of a fast half reload.
HMG is better at killing factory striders imo. It can kill both turret and go under to destroy the belly in just one mag.
HMG is better at killing hulk from the front. It's much easier to land 5 shots of HMG than to land 2 shot of auto cannon.
AOE is better at dealing with shield dev because it can hit through shield and has true stagger stun lock on dev. HMG cannot damage through the shield and doesn't stagger dev enough to be a true stun lock.
HMG can deal with berserkers if they get up close while you might hit your self with AC's AOE.
Shots used on small bots from the HMG isn't really a waste unlike AC shots. If you encounter a group of mixed enemy, you can mow them all down efficiently while you have have to switch off between weapons more to be efficient with AC
if you told me these /v/ tourists spamming their incessant numberfaggotry were actually discordtrannies raiding i would believe it
The HMG is extremely good at taking out gunships, as is the AC and LC. It doesn't take 2 shots like the AC but it also has 75 rounds in the mag.
HMG doesn't free up your backpack slot, you need to use a supply pack with it or you may as well not pick it in the first place.
This is the same route you can go down with the ugly and fat women in a friend group. The hot ones will all say she's brave and fierce and sexy. The minute you imply the hot one looks anything like the ugly one they're stupid enough to go into full defense mode and act like you called them a fat goblin and forget their previous behaviour.
After enough practice with the HMG, I would say HMG deal with gunship equally as good as the AC
The HMG has slow bullets and garbage handeling, gunships are its one big weakness for bots
You and your gal pals sharing vagisil!
>HMG doesn't free up your backpack slot, you need to use a supply pack with it or you may as well not pick it in the first place
I wish it had more spare magazines. You shouldn't need a 2nd stratagem to have "e enough" ammo. Doubling down with a supply pack should shove you over the line to "full retard spray and pray" levels of ammo
>helldivers players are a single hivemind
Wow get a load of this big brain take. Picrel is what the world would look like if whining and bitching all day did fucking anything.
what can I say...in my own experience they don't really give me any trouble when I'm running he HMG
Damn and still beating literally every other co op game on stream no less crazy how that works
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>kill teammate for first time in long while
Just explore POIs and pick up ammo boxes, that completely solves the HMG's ammo issues. Supply Pack with HMG is nice but not absolutely necessary, it just shines all the more if you have the extra grenades or medkits perks.
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Hold on, I still dont think the bar is low enough yet.
aaaaand, there!
did you at least reinforce him immediately after? I swear, the number of people that don't even have the decency to reinforce you after TK is increasing
Uh oh anon is panicking he accidentally revealed he doesn't speak to women. Too late to delete your post bud.
Strafing run has got a pretty big glow up to be honest. I tried it out and i am pretty impressed.
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>and I don't think either can destroy Fabricators or Detector Tower
direct impacts with SEAF smoke do the trick on fabs so maybe it works
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of course
>A used tampon applicator
Go have fun with your gal pals and talk about handbags lmao.
>Yes, I'm king simp
You sure showed him
>Speaking with woman who work at the same place you do is simping
Oh no no no.
What a simp
anybody else getting slow downs on X-45 and meissa?
I'd take the guard dong instead of supply pack. Xbow + LC + guard dong + EAS makes killing all bots on sight on d9 EZ mode. I also prefer to use heavy armor with this setup because you don't need to run when you can just kill everything
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>Team keeps dying
>They all die again while as the shuttle lands
>Call them in instead of just boarding
>End up dying while waiting for them to respawn
>They kill the bots in the area and then board without calling me back in or picking up my samples
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those things have names too
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I don't agree, AC also sucks at that kind of range and any closer than that and it's just a small adjustment, nothing you even have to think about for either weapon. They're both great at it. A bigger problem for the HMG is the janky sight that feels off, probably a similar issue to what the AMR was plagued with for a long time.
If it got another magazine it'd be in a good spot. Same goes for the Grenade Launcher, they both feel like shit with just 2 spare mags.
Where are the quads when you need them
Damn that was clean
Whoever decided to give GL only two mags deserves to get zapped
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>Hi there, would (You) like to sign my petition?
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What I want to know is why the fuck don't we have armor sets whose passive is extra magazines? A bunch of them even have extra ammo on the model.
Is it too late to buy Helldivers 2?
I'm staring at the game and thinking maybe.
Get it 6 months from now when the game is unfucked hopefully
contrary to what retarded numberfag doomposters ITT say it's not a dead game and there is plenty to like about it.
it's a really good game
Ignore doom sissies, you'll enjoy it.
meissa is so fucked up
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what planets are available to play is entirely on rails
fuck you for showing this, now it will be nerfed
Good luck doing that when the gunships are moving side to sdie and spamming rockets at you lmfao
>objectives complete, team heading towards extraction
>get there first, notice one one tiny outpost left on the map
>start making my way towards it
>too many patrols, can't find a good avenue to sneak through
>think, "fuck it we don't need it"
>webm related starts
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there is a bunch of shit they need to add
>fire resist
>extra mags
>corrosive resist
>movement speed increase
as opposed to doing that with the AC? It's just as "hard" then as it is with the HMG. But it's not hard so I don't know why you're obsessed with it
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it's literally the same shit with the autocannon dum dum
What's fucked about the game?
swedes should not get paid for their shoddy conduct
wait a few months
it crashes a lot and has a few bugs that leave bad taste in the mouth
anon's hyperbolizing as you do on /vg/
NTA but let me predict his response

>they constantly nerf everything, never buff
>they buff but the buffs they do deliver are inconsequential
>every primary but 1 or two feel like total and utter dogshit and are completely 100% unviable and if you don't bring the absolute best one for the faction you are gimping yourself and team and won't be able to win
>same but for stratagems
>too many enemies
>too few enemies
>the way you need to engage with bots doesn't cater to my power fantasy, bugs are much more comfy
>the negative modifiers are oppressively strong and there's so many of them
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wat happened to the official /hdg/ discord
Too many bugs, idk why this >>484560916
stupid nigger brought up game balance
But yea the content that's there is fun but then again it's FOMO so you could play when there's no interesting MOs and no community spirit or when there's a really hype objective, terrible way to run a game
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DMCA'd by Arrowhead after I tipped them off about the use of the word 'official'.
you hate your strawman because he spoke the truth
you say strawman but those are the exact arguments and points I've seen in this thread from people being genuine. I've literally seen some one argue they only ever nerf and never buff and then claim, when confronted with a list of buffs that did happen, that they were inconsequential despite there being things like the original laser cannon buff that transformed it from being actually unusable to competing for 2nd best bot support weapon, or the dominator buff, or the DCS buff, or all the buffs to the incendiary breaker that made it the single most OP primary in the game at the moment.
You asked the wrong question. Now every doomy sissy is going to spill the beans about retarded shit.
this nigga actually using the first person aim of the HMG, good thing the gunship was close enough for the insane height-over-bore to not matter
you sound low skill
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Guess all the lobbies got driven out of /copeg/ for now

9 bots, jungle shit


oh fuck off, or join my lobby and prove your worth
>but duh buffs dat did happuh
incidental, accidental, occasionally responded to with renerfs, and we're still waiting to see if they'll repeat the June 13th good patchy
i can't see the reticule very well against the skybox usually so the red dot does help a lot even if it's misaligned
They also rebuff the Eruptor to good anyway. Maybe they'll rebuff the the fucking slugger one day
can't join :(
it's flat out superior in 1st person especially at range
full for now, might be a bunch of randos tho
don't select a mission when you post link
Well, for one thing the core gameplay loop clashes severely with the meta narrative the developers are trying to tell. The setting clearly invokes neo-fascist overtones ala Starship Troopers (the film not the crypto-fascist novel) but frames you the player as being in moral right. Contrast that to other games that nail their ludo-narrative synchronicity perfectly such as The Last of Us, this game wants the gameplay dopamine rush from murdering indigenous peoples and stealing their resources, while trying to also be a tonge-in-cheek satire of the same. This creates a dissonance where inadvertently media-illiterates believe it to be 'anti-woke' and reinforce their far-right maga trump delusions. Also, no LGBTQIA pride capes. Really?!
game runs like shit and crashes and fatal bugs out the ass
>bots ragdoll you with explosions even if they don't directly hit you
>rocket devastators still shoot volleys of rockets at you so quickly you can't even get up from ragdolling from the first one
>controls taken away from you for 10 seconds at a time
Who the fuck makes a game like this lol
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twitter trannies do this too, i see it every now and then while scrolling for porn. Maybe it's too much to expect them to keep up with or actually play the game.
>greentexting on twatter
>browsing twatter
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people greentext everywhere now unfortunately
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What keeps you playing?
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woopsie, gonna get some 'za then be back in an hour
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>Also, no LGBTQIA pride capes. Really?!
This was really good bait until this.
twatter basedposter niggers are right, you and swiggers will seethe
There's a decently sized list of known issues, some of which have been in the game since launch.
One of those issues is lightning weapons arcing towards bodies somewhat consistently, instead of, y'know, living enemies which you'd rather zap.
Mechs are underpowered, but that's an opinion instead of a factual issue. What is not an opinion is that they're worse than in the original game simply because there's no stratagem tube. It's been a hundred freaking years in lore, and I forgot how many years IRL and they botch the design that bad? If they wanted to make us spend samples for the tube then freaking add a mech bay with upgrades to the ship day one goddamn swedes.
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I wouldn't say the game is "fucked" but it's a live service game with no live service. If a game's going to be an online-only game with a cash shop and everything it needs to have regular content updates, to say nothing of bug fixes. I know that's a lot to ask for a company that made a shitzillion dollars in one day.
still having fun, honestly. I just find the gameplay satisying. It would probably a litte less if SC weren't farmable though. I play normally and take the ones i can get rather than spamming diff1
Lose some weight, fatass.
I'm having fun.
Nothing. Doing the same thing I did after I maxed out the new ship modules (when superior packing was released), wait until actual new content and check in with hdg every so often for news or to laugh at AH
>not defending wezen
Also atypical
Usually defense worlds get priority by most players
the devs aren't swiss
because firenado bullshit, also it's not right next to the MO planet
>ragdoll simulator again
nice game
>Dive out of the way of a hulk's flamethrower
>Get caught on a piece of map geometry
>Ragdoll for almost 10 seconds
I'm having fun.
no, swiggers, not tobleroids, get your epithets straight
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>No Warbond this month
>We are already starving for content
Why is Arrowhead intent on killing their game?
>he doesn't know about the grooving torso stratogem
>surprise bile spewer ambush from behind a pile of other dead spewers
>liberty leap from danger but still down to 10% health
>land on a pebble
Good morning sir, I hate swiggers.
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>Warbond delayed
>even when its confirmed its just 1 weapon, 1 secondary, 1 grenade and shit skins
>Dive out of the way of a hulk's flamethrower
>Get caught on a piece of map geometry
>Ragdoll for almost 10 seconds
>Spend about 2 extra seconds being stuck in the automatic standing up animation every time you get floored as well, so you can't even fucking heal while on the ground
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It's over
>1 weapon, 1 secondary, 1 grenade
And they will all suck too LMAO
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Same as fat shark, swede cucks just make games for passive income. An american or Jap studio needs to be brought in for content, I'll take the risk on eccentric content
>still waiting for haarp objective
Lmao. Holy shit.
Why? Because this studio never expected to manage to capture lightning in a bottle. They were a mediocre indie studio that developed their game with the intention of 10 to 15k players max and now the game's playerbase is normalizing out to exactly that projection. Make no mistake, this game losing 95% of its players is exactly what they are hoping for because they absolutely cannot satisfy a GaaS playerbase on the same level as Destiny or Fortnite.
>>No Warbond this month
as far as I'm aware they haven't said what the new release schedule is
The extractions.
>Games are always ridiculously buggy to a degree that Bethdesda looks good by comparison
>Games are always a bunch of procedurally generated maps on 4 or 5 different tilesets
>Weapons and gear are always locked behind awful grinds and RNG
Why are Swedes even allowed to make games when every single game they make is the same thing with a different coat and paint and they STILL can't work any of the bugs out?
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I'm taking a break right now, my bro and his friends got me into their steam family and i have a shitload of free games to try
I will probably try to fight bots on X45 when they attack it though, then come back for real when they add new shit
>>Weapons and gear are always locked behind awful grinds and RNG
This is not true for HD2 at all lmao
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New lobby, 9 bots


Death to those who insult the 'za
Yeah man just do 116 level 9 missions so you can get stratagems and support weapons.
Better hope the sample spawnpoints are good or you won't be upgrading your ship any time soon.
Oh and don't forget to hunt for supercredits if you don't want to spend more money on the game you already spent $40 on to unlock warbonds.
See? No grind or RNG at all.
They confirmed they still don't have info on warbond cadence today and it seems increasingly unlikely they are only increasing the cadence from 1 month to 1 month and 1-2 weeks. July will not happen.
Dont agree with most of your post, but I have thought about the warbond issue a lot because I think to myself "for a new player who is trying to get into the game, how is this any different from a paradox game except DLC is full price permanently?".
Like right now, if a new player bought the game and logged in for the first time, played a mission and then was prompted to visit the warbond menu, they'd see $50 of extra DLC on top of the game they already paid for.
For people who've played since launch its all spaced out nicely and its possible to rack up a good amount of SC if you actively hunt for PoIs in every mission or did the exploit before the patch.
But for a new player, their choice is genuinely not to ever have this content until they grind up SC (since its never given away) or pay in $10 installments.
Its honestly pretty fucking awful.
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>only play D7 bots and D9 bugs
>D9 bots has so much ragdoll spam I don't find it fun without a shield generator
>if I run the shield gen, I can't run the AC or Spear
>AMR is like the AC but is mediocre against gunships and I don't like the lack of a 3rd person reticle
>Railgun does good against mediums and higher but is nearly useless against gunships and tanks/turrets
>LC is pretty good all around but has no stagger so they're ALWAYS shooting back at you
Sorry buds, I gotta stick to 7 for my own sanity. Not even heavy armor feels like it helps enough to go without the shield generator. They need to add stagger resist to heavy armors or something.

Hahaha, I haven't spent any real money on SC and I have everything in every warbond unlocked except the hellpod and pelican skins, and I'm rank 82. I ran out of non-cosmetic items to unlock around rank 65, and you're given so many req slips that you can unlock pretty much every strategem by 20-25 IIRC.

You guys haven't played games with real grinds, like Warframe, Planetside 2, or Destiny. HD2 is MILES better and more fair. In fact, I'm at the point where I WOULD pay real money to speed up the content release schedule. I was fully prepared to swipe my credit card to unlock a war bond in case I ever got capped on metals, but I always managed to have 1000 SC by the time I started getting close to 250 medals with nothing else I wanted to buy.
saying "we won't say whe nthen ext warbond is due or thei nterval between warbonds" isn't the same as saying "no warbond hits month", and 6 weeks between warbonds isn't far-fetched
Believe what you want. You are going to be disappointed.
You have 10 pages of free warbond to get through, which has great stuff in it, and going through that unlocks you like 750 SC alone, not even counting what you pick up in the world. With 300 additional SC in every bond, you can easily play enough to unlock everything at a good pace. I haven't spent a cent on SC and I started pretty late, about 2 months ago, and I only have viper commandos to unlock now with 800ish SC banked.
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Since this shit doesn't seem to go away, reminder that the people who cry about nerfs are shitters that couldn't beat diff 7 with a full squad.
Fuck it, I just bought Viper Commandos despite trying to hold off on Polar Patriots and Viper Commandos.
Take the erupter/plasma punisher/dominator pill and stagger bot instead of them staggering you.
>10 pages of free warbond
The free warbond costs just over 2k medals overall, which is the equivalent of 3 warbonds but obviously if you check medal costs its ramped up massively towards the end.
You have two months of game time and are accurately depicting my first scenario of having to spend a shit ton of time until you grind up SC. Youve been playing for 2 fucking months and you dont even have everything.

Take yourself out of the game as someone who knows it, and tell a new player "yeah so it took me two months to get almost all the stuff", what? no you dont unlock it through mission completes, you unlock it by finding shit on the map so just repeat that for 2 months an- hey where are you going?"
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Just because other games suck dick harder in regards to grinding and RNG doesn't mean it's okay for this one to.
I'm not going to confidently claim no warbond this month when there is zero evidence to back up such a claim. All we know is it's going to be longer than every 4 weeks. Based on that I can confidently claim there will not be a warbond trailer tomorrow and there won't be a warbond released on the 11th, but I cannot claim that there won't be a warbond trailer on the 11th and release on the 18th, or a trailer on the 18th and release on the 25th. We just don't have the information to make any other claim.
>Youve been playing for 2 fucking months and you dont even have everything.
Yeah? The last warbond only came out a couple weeks ago and I'm still catching up from the people who started earlier than me. How is this not good time?

>Take yourself out of the game as someone who knows it, and tell a new player "yeah so it took me two months to get almost all the stuff",
Have you ever played an online game before in your life? I played some games for years and have it unlocked even half of what they have. Unlocking 80% of the content in 2 months of casual play is fantastic by comparison.
you people are genuinely extremely pathetic
seriously just kill yourself and be done with it
Bud, I really don't know how it could be easier other than completely doing away with monetization completely, and if that happens they have no incentive to continue to develop the game. Like I said, I was prepared to spend the money, I have nothing against it and have done it in other games, but I found absolutely no reason to do so with how progression is paced. If you think HD2 is bad, I doubt you've played very many other games.
>Have you ever played an online game before in your life? I played some games for years and have it unlocked even half of what they have
Yes retard, because you likely didnt play near launch and instead years into their life cycle. If you played an online game at launch or a few months after launch you'd be at very nearly the same place.
Maybe in some MMOs where time has instrinsic value that you can never catch up on maybe, but thats a whole different story.

Name me a few games that you played a few months after it first launches that you "didnt even get half the stuff in".
It's called reading the room.
Loot boxes for cosmetics were working but then Europe had to do Europe things and now we're all stuck with box price games asking people to fork over money for player power. It's not okay and it shouldn't be accepted.
>Name me a few games that you played a few months after it first launches that you "didnt even get half the stuff in"
Planetside 2, Warframe, Destiny, PoE, WoW Nostalrius and Classic, FFXIV, War Thunder off the top of my. Not sure if Diablo 2/3 count either, considering the random aspect of them, but it sure did feel like an infinite carrot dangled in front of me. HD2's grind is nowhere near ANY of those.
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Tell'em, warfetus
*off the top of my head
What can I say? I do love a good carrot.
You ripped off my post but made it funnier, gj
Sorry man I was pretty casual and was all set to come back when The New War went live only to realize I had to do railjack and necramech shit. Having to grind through dogshit abandoned old content to get to the new stuff turned me off and I haven't been back since.
How easy it is to cheat on this game with such an intrusive anticheat feature?
I just spectated a teammate and wasn't taking 90% of the damage he should've been
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>never crashed on launch
>today I simply cannot log in because I keep crashing
What did they do between yesterday and today?
Holy shit no wonder you dont think HD2 isnt so bad kek. Youve basically been on the abusive long term partner carousel equivalent of videogames
For games like Warframe, Destiny, PoE and WoW (idk if FFXIV even has random stuff ive never ever interacted with it) I think calling loot "content" is a pretty ridiculous stretch. I dont play Borderlands and bitch I didnt get the exact specific drop of a gun I wanted and claim I never got it.
For Warthunder im pretty sure sure thats literally a gacha.

HOWEVER, fair being fair; if you did play those games since or near launch and you didnt get half the content especially due to the type of game they are then yeah I can see HD2 being a huge improvement. But every warbond that comes in the issue gets worse, especially if the new player doesnt have an abusive history like yourself. In a year or so there'll be $100 of hidden DLC, unless they do the smart thing and start reducing the cost of the earliest warbonds over time.
I'm not that guy, but even comparing to Vermintide 2, HD2 is much less grindy
In the cosmetics area, it lets you acquire an in-game currency with which you can buy premium items, VT2 limits a lot of them to money only
In the items area, VT2 takes longer for you to grind the items and XP to get to level 30 and unlock everything while HD2 lets you reach the level you unlock everything much faster
Are we getting our own battle stations soon?
No lol.

I don't, I only play when a new stratagem, mission type, enemy type, biome, or warbond is released. There's literally no reason to play besides that since I've played the game for 200 hours and gotten my money's worth. I have 4k SC sitting in the bank too and nothing to buy with it because they won't release armor recolors, skin colors, or anything else. What the fuck is their giant 120 man dev team even doing all day?
>What the fuck is their dev team even doing
Swedish summer vacation, please understand.
The anti material rifle should be able to take down flying ships
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Holy fuck it's actually over jesus christ. This picture gets more relevant every week.
It can take down gunships.
It's probably going to be a planetary modifier like the SEAF bases were that's gonna immediately get destroyed when the community doesn't defend the planet come the next MO.
Mines can’t
>Battle Station completed on the planet gives it +1 additional day for the bots to actually capture the planet on defense campaigns.
>Players still don't defend it for the whole two days, causing it to be lost in a week's time.
I can see it now.
Nah the flamethrower pistol will be my pocket charger deleter
Why would mines work on a gunship?
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Watch them "fix" flamers at the same time
Honestly, I'm fine with the flamethrower on charger leg being fixed
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Instructions unclear, swiggers made flamers unable to penetrate armor at all, now useless on all non-light enemies.
The year is 2645. The entire Super Earth and it's colonies lives under BOT RULE. All the males are sissified. Super Earth women live to serve BOT KINGS in vast reproduction facilities. Welcome to Super Earth's BOT FUTURE.

John Helldiver remembers life before the revolution – before the government-issued hormones, the sissy wigs, frilly lingerie, and mandatory chastity. He lives on the war-torn outskirts of New Cyberstan, where he hides his beautiful blonde step-sister Kaylee from the clutches of the brutal Automaton army.

As musclebound metal soldiers prowl the countryside searching for fertile Super Earth women, John will stop at nothing to protect sweet Kaylee's purity. In his pink-and-blue wig, flirty sissy skirt, and fishnet stockings, Alex gives his tender wite body to a gang of pitiless bot alpha soldiers: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is sissy John prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of power and domination? The encounter brings him face-to-face with his worst fears... and his most unspeakable sissy fantasies.

Acclaimed author and pro domme Whitney Ryan presents a tantalizingly political vision of the future. Her powerful, vivid, fly-on-the-wall passages of three-on-one interracial bot-on-sissy action push the boundaries of sensual fiction. The BOT KINGS have their way with Alex's sissy body, pumping and pounding and cursing through one of the hottest gang scenes in the history of the genre. And interspersed throughout the sizzling prose, a suspenseful narrative full of imaginative world-building unfolds.

Experience the true power of automaton bulls in black jackboots. Prepare to pay the ultimate reparations. Explore the mind-bending world of BOT FUTURE, the first book in Whitney Ryan's brand new series.
why don't lasers have a "wattage" fire rate setting?
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My seething hatred for automatons.
hey HEY just what you see, pal
I'm pretty impressed with how blatantly Arrowhead ripped off 40K for this design.
Swiggers are like Italians and Greeks in that they only work six months out of the year.
There's nothing to fix
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Join up
Something 9
>six months out of the year
Man you're really optimistic aren't you?
Game's insanely buggy and every time they put out a new update it's quickly revealed that they just flat out lied about fixing an issue, partially fixed an issue but not completely, or introduced entirely new bugs. Sometimes they fix an issue and then a month later somehow reintroduce the same bug a second time. You'll see extremely important bugs on their list of known issues that remain unfixed for months and months at a time, and you'll also realize that their list of known issues is about 10% of the size of the list of bugs you've experienced just in the last week.
Then they'll put out new content like a Warbond and inevitably multiple things are bugged and just flat out do not work as advertised.
I've never seen a team as incompetent as Arrowhead. Usually when games are fucked it seems like it's because of shitty business decisions forcing games to release in a broken state, but Arrowhead's problems seem to actually be because the devs working on the game are just extremely dumb.
Shut the fuck up fag.
Failed to join. You full?
It's over.
>take the AC into bot D9 for the first time in at least a month because tired of Devastator spam
>it's actually godly at shooting down Gunships because you only need to land two or three rounds to bring it down
I apologize, ACchads. I still think the Spear is better for shooting down Gunships, but this thing is still the god of bot missions for a damn good reason.
All humans would be used for fuel and turned into bots under bots rule.
Do your homeworks before you attempt to write cuckfanfic you mongoloid tourist.
wait, so even business owners in sweeden get like six months off?
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My personal bug support weapon tierlist. Let me clarify a few.
>Stalwart higher than mmg
I value being able to move and reload, and more ammo for my chaff clearing support weapon. I'd rather take HMG if I wanna kill heavier bugs. MMG is in a weird spot.
>Grenade Launcher higher than AC
Same take as with the Stalwart vs HMG.

Emancipator mech would go in C tier. Mechs would be higher if they were more consistent, especially for bugs. Patriot suit is great on them.
Emancipator is very strictly designed for one single purpose, and that is to run at every bug hole on the map and close them. Which is why it's S tier in bug blitz missions.
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>Dropping drop-ship like flies with my RR
>Suddenly, a mortar knocked me over the ledge and into the enemy's
>Got bombarded by teammate airbursts and airstrikes
>The entire squad start laughing
Very, very true. I mostly focus on 40 min missions for tier lists. Mechs are S-tier for bug blitz and eliminates.
Lmk if you got room :D
AC is top tier against bugs. The only thing it struggles against is the bile titan.
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Tuesday's patch will save us
isn't yesterday tuesday?
Just keep repeating this mantra until you die of old age.
>patch on thursday
ESL retard.
He's not actually writing proper cuck fanfic, he's just parodying some existing BNWO sissy forcefem book.
That said, I think a much more visceral bit of cuck fanfic would be set during the war, during some period where the forces of Super Earth are on the attack.
The bots get a hold of some ancient Super Earth broadcasts and realize the destructive psychological warfare potential of propaganda broadcasts - specifically - broadcasts of bots capturing leandivers and ravaging them right there in the field. Of course, the bots aren't barbarians, they're cold machines, so you'd also get long panning shots of hundreds of leandivers lined up in a "breeding" facility (they're not actually being bred, they're just being raped and brainwashed and forcibly converted into flesh puppet automaton hybrids). All this to say, I think there is potential in the automaton Animatrix rape tower.
i have kicked the pub get in
I can hardly recognize people obsessed with sex and cucking as humans, you anons are more akin to subhuman beasts suffering from akrasia.
Failed to join. Grr.
Off Work Till Monday Edition

AC should be higher, but still weaker than GL
Railgun should be lower to B
EAT is at least A or S as secondary support weapon choice
Arc is A tier minimum. It is better than MG, stalwart, AMR, LC and rail gun for sure.
someone else joined. rip you.
Two spots left, I gas anyone who doesn't join.
Anon, don't take it out on me. She's just automaton fuckmeat now. It's not your fault, bots are just so much stronger...
I think I had a heart attack right before I died laughing.
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Also, you guys weren't kidding about the devastator spam on D9.
Nice laser light show.
The difficulty difference between bugs and bots is insane. A 9 bug mission is like a 6 bot mission.
Yeah, you basically have to plan an entire loadout around either killing waves of Devastators or making space for your team to kill the Devastators for you. I would almost rather accept the pre-patch spawns when you would get two Factory Striders and a half-dozen Hulks dropped on top of you in a Bot Drop, because at least then the Devastator spam wasn't nearly as bad, you didn't get hit with as many waves per mission and you can 500kg and Orbital Laser your way out of it.
>you basically have to plan an entire loadout around either killing waves of Devastators
Wat. You can deal with clumps of devs easily with just eagle airstrikes. I don't think I've ever had problems with them were they feel unjust just because airstrikes solves them almost every time.
Am I the only one who actually liked having 4 factory walkers dropped on me, to the point they were struggling to crawl over each other's wreckages? I just think they're neat.
Oh, I see the problem: 500kg. That strat is fucking worthless on bots. Even Orbital Precision Strike is more useful. Eagle Airstrikes can destroy literally every enemy unit the bots have other than gunships. It can even oneshot a factory strider if you line up all the bombs along its length.
Its pretty satisfying to be able take them all on as long as its on your terms Its not so satisfying when they loom over the walls and basically two shot your generators on VIP evac missions before your air strikes hit and / or your anti armor finishes reloading.
Asymmetry is aesthetic.
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As much as it doesn't matter, it is funny to see how literally 73% of the community is accomplishing fuck all because they are all spreading out along the map to the point where decay rates knock down their lib %. Even the guys on Wezen are a futile defense since it lacks enough players on it. You're either on Meissa accomplishing something with the liberation you get on operation completion or just fucking around on other planets for fun.
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You are out of your fucking mind if you think 35k players on steam is a bad figure. Pretty much every game sees a massive decline in player counter after the first few weeks.
>pic related, data on Halo 3 came from the bungie.net website via wayback machine
Some multiplayer games hang on with < 5000 players and are still plenty playable. And yet you guys are complaining about 35k players on Steam. That's not even counting console players. You've bought into the unrealistic narrative pushed by idiot gaming influencers that any game with less than 100,000 players is "dead." You're a fucking idiot.
It's just his job to be womanly.
>PVE game with 35k concurrent players daily
FOTM niggers never counted and never mattered. The game's core playerbase has been established.
>1 rocket devastor at the back fires and the resulting friendly fire wipes out half the other bots
Useless EAT can't even take out FC top cannon with two shot. I guess I will take railcannon strike.
The spear one shots the top cannon on factory striders and isn't tied to a dogshit 3 minute cooldown.
>3 minutes
nani the fuck are you smoking
Yeah, but my teammates already brought one.
>Useless EAT can't even take out FC top cannon with two shot
But it can. It's only got 800 HP so two EATS does more than enough to kill it
On a per-unit basis, bots aren't actually all that difficult. The problem lies in their wave composition (Devastator spam as per above) and the amount of broken bullshit that can happen (e.g. even if you cleanly break line of sight and aggro with a bunch of bots, the moment you engage a completely different wave not even 100 meters away the original bunch will also start shooting at you from behind and fuck you up). It's honestly kind of hard to blame bugdivers for not wanting to fight bots when it's in its current state.
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Mein Helldiver... the patch
Sometimes I take the railgun over the AMR just because it can oenshot hulks.
>capture and defend 1 planet for 6 days
Wow, I can't wait to see what Joey pulls with this bullshit.
Nothing feels better than railgun headshots
>Gee why don't you want to play bots anon?
>Not thinking this is fun.
Bugdivers are such squares. Go kite an entire horde of scavs and chargers around the map some more - I don't think you guys did your daily 100km yet.
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Real videogamers enjoy the pain.
When my friends and I first started playing, two of us had a strong preference for bots because on lower difficulties you don't get spammed with hulks and devastators and the difficulty change between bots and bugs is irrelevant.
Then we started creeping up in difficulty and everyone agreed that bots sucked dick and we should stick to stomping on roaches.
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>I don't think you guys did your daily 100km yet.
Botdivers is this really the guy you want representing you?
>he doesn't want to drop ordinance onto a literal ocean of automatons
Go back to weeniedivers
a single eagle airstike into that mass would have been glorious
At this point I spend more time shitposting here than I do playing the game.
>mods in tight nominally practical bodysuit instead of totally inexplicable leotard
this man fucks
If only we can get a zipped up version, but baby steps. A gay furry is the only one making mods right now
>A gay furry is the only one making mods right now
I wonder if X-45 will still be under super earth control after the MO.
I kind of wish the community just decided "fuck the MOs" and ignored it just to see what kind of mental gymnastics AH would pull.
Orbital railcannon/railcannon strike.

You can't really go wrong with two of them anyway as long as the person deploying resupplies has superior packing unlocked anyway.
I got one once in the first month or so and my friends were convinced it was a text error
My brother. You understand.
Cope and seethe
>the moment you engage a completely different wave not even 100 meters away the original bunch will also start shooting at you from behind and fuck you up
Yeah, they are great at pinching your position. It's why you want a good strat that can just soak an area in damage over time. Orbital gatling/barrages help with that.
i am so used to playing smoggy foggy shit planets that i can't tell if your colors are oversaturated or if it's actually supposed to look this cool at night
just doesnt hit the same here as on twitter xister, go back and make mr musk proud
>Teammate said he will take care of the heavies while the rest of us will deal with grunts.
>The bots say bet and drop 6 tank and 4 factory strider on us.
They're esportsfags or consume esportsfag content. Everything is a popularity contest and if there's any weakness they will try to pounce on that as soon and as often as possible to "win".
In a way I think >>484587801 is right, they're genuinely behaving like women.
If you guys had a bit of integrity you would have let him do all the work.
I know I'd been stocked if that was me.
Nope, no saturation up or anything, that's just how it looks when you're not having Vaseline smeared all over your screen.
Excuse me sweaty, we make sure Alexsus eats ALL his surstromming. It gets him properly gassy so he fogs up the studios so our artists can capture the perfect representation of how foggy the planets should be when you deploy.
>alexus torture fag was actually homoerotically attracted by alexus' farts all along
You have me confused with another anon, mate. I'm just being stupid on the Indonesian coconut water making forum we call home.
Lobbies? Should I play today?
Needs a cape, even if it's a short cape.
Oh yes, absolutely. Try out the arc jumper loadout! Tell us how it goes.
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can you not associate me with your vile brapposting please, thank you
almost perfectly loopable webm lmao
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It's trash
>Oh yes, absolutely
Post lobby
Sorry anon, I'm at work. Please play in my stead.
I can tolerate about one operation's worth of gameplay per day. Did my part. The absolutely disastrous FPS right now are making me even less inclined to play more than a mission or two.
did you press escape at any time during your session?
I want to buy the Alpha Commander armor from the twitch drop. Looks like the two main sites are G2A and Kinguin. Which of these will probably not sell my credit card info?
Get it from ebay.
Do you still want to join a lobby?
D9 whatever
We've picked bots, probably Meissa.
3/4 and started
I got mine from eBay, if it doesn't work you can just get a refund.
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Meanwhile, I don't think I will use any other armor besides Combat Technician and champion of the people. CT for 40 minute mission and COTP for eradication.
Is the /hdg/ discord up yet?
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Okay I bought the key. I redeemed it in Steam. Now I go into the game and I'm not seeing it in my armor inventory. Is there something else I have to do?
I tried to redo the redemption on Steam and it says this item is already owned.
Of course it was the guy carrying the supers
Also I have already exited the game and re-entered multiple times.
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I'm pretty sure everybody in the lobby was already capped on samples. I just can't help collecting any that I see.
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>unequip servo assisted armour
>feel like i have the throwing ability of a fucking toddler
I love this passive so much lads. Being able to chuck stratagems at enemies very far away just feels so good.
why would there be such a thing
I feel like we need to surgically implant some cataracts in Alexus' eyes and see how he likes only being able to see things 2 feet in front of his face.
Because these autistic virgins have no friends
Because the state of this general calls for one.
discord troons want to control, dox, and further brigade the thread
>tired of getting my shit pushed in by Devastator spam on bot D9, decide to try to go down a notch just to see how it feels
>nobody playing on D8, so the only option is D7
>literally just waltz through the match solo with no cares in the world, Recoilless sees virtually no action since the game barely throws any Tanks or Hulks in your direction, saw zero Factory Striders
>there are few enough Devastators that even a solo Plasma Punisher is enough to make short work out of anything that crosses my path
>even found a 50 SC drop and am almost back to where I was before buying Executioner set on the superstore

This doesn't feel right. I want a challenge that forces you to work with your team and synergize your weapon loadouts with each other, but I also don't want something requires a lobby of experienced friends with mics to clear.
I believe the anon that made the post in the previous thread was joking, having a laugh, pulling your leg, jesting, japing.
I breeze through diff 9 bot all the time
Maybe stop using the recoiless in bot if you struggle that much
I mean I breeze through bot 9 with random and no mic
>brings single target low ammo low utility support weapon to high difficulty bots
a true mystery
Never mind I thought it was a light armor for some reason. I have it. Thanks ebay friends.
Not him, but maybe stop using the recoilless against bots if you struggle that much.
Why is every fucking planet foggier than silent hill?
the last thing any general needs is an influx of discord trannies circlejerking
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>can do like 6 level 9 bug missions in a row and not get tired
>do like maybe 2 level 9 bot missions and feel mentally exhausted

i'm getting old...
The problem that I have with bot missions is that every fucking planet is just lasers flying at me from some indistinct point in the fog. Bots aren't that bad if you can actually fucking see them. If only they were as inhibited by fog as players.
4 level 9 bot mission for me
the first of the 4 was a failed missile defense with my brother
Maybe we are here to age together. I can't offer any encouragement, other than maybe, we will one day awake as young men together again.
>ac below machineguns and railgun
weak b8
because bots give you a lot more to think about than bugs. bugs really are the turn-your-brain-off faction.
>flamer in S tier
>when its only role is charger bullying and thats a bug
because energy weapons are just there to have the heat mechanic and look weird, not to have anything special to justify all energy weapons having the same category despite all being vastly different in how they work
anything that handles chargers is S tier automatically
it can also light the ground on fire
>bugs really are the turn-your-brain-off faction.
I cannot dispute this. But I also do not mind this.
On the N64 it was done to compensate for shit hardware.
Faggots that are going to get BTFO
>Anti-clan fags
>Anti-vehicle fags
>Anti-mine fags
>Anti-new aesthetic fags (again)
Eat shit.
everyone wants clans
everyone wants vehicles
nobody wants mines
i don't know what that means, armor sets?
Laughing at you faggots never gets old
Shit I wish it was light, as much as I like it I only use it on eradicate missions. If it was light it would be pretty high up there for me.
Why would I buy the fire warbond? I have the incendiary breaker.
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>japs use the fog to make the game run better
>swedes use the fog to make the game run worse
Good thing all you need to be entertained is a mirror.
Yeah a mirror image of your mom's pussy
I want the mines. I'll use the mines on every mission if it means I can fuck up Devastators.
They don't mirrors big enough.
Damage reduction vs the automaton flame troopers and tanks.
>the enemies that have to get close to you to deal damage... in the ranged faction...
I don't even remember the last time I finished an operation. I just play a mission or two and then log off.
when do we get purple stuff
I want purple stuff
get me purple stuff
fog legitimately drops my frames by about 10fps
lol tranny
huh? isn't the ymir sector isolated?
how are those planets still getting reinforced?
camaraderie of blasting baddies and getting through the mission
>Italians and Greeks in that they only work six months out of the year.
at least i know greeks really do work a LOT, much more than the germans (who are highly regarded as far as workers go.) the problem with the meds and especially greeks is the incredible inefficiency. more hours for less work completed, but they are definitely at work, in the office, toiling (to no effect.) Like japan actually.
Whoever recommended Medium Machine Gun and Peak Physique, thank you anon. I fucking love machine guns but hate the atrocious handling. The MG handles like a Liberator with physique. Its so fucking fun!
>Medium Machine Gun
is that a new weapon?
Not that anon, but currently Greeks work most hours per year and Germans the least. The "industrious germans and lazy greeks" is literally a boomer meme detached from current day reality.
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a bit late, but ggs.
>Pretending to be retarded for attention
I'm feeling generous, have a (you). Now luPeople here call it MMG constantly.
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I just wasted a few minutes of your life huehuehuehuehuehue
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np king, enjoy the dakka. It's my default bug loadout now, I'm glad you enjoy it too.
>helldivers 2 has lost 90% of it's playerbase
Rest in piss
>mfw the Automaton never knew about the bug oil this whole time.
They're robots, they don't need FTL they just go really fast.
t. Revealed to me in a dream
It's literally breaking the downtrend on that chart with a triple bottom. Bullflag incoming, jeets are out, sellers will rope.
>the APC, despite being finished and in the game, hasn't been made available because it so significantly changes the game they have to redesign objectives and map size and enemies to make it work
>otherwise missions would be over in less than half the time and there would barely be any fighting
>source: my ass, but it's the only thing that makes sense

Why didn't they just design the game with vehicles in mind to begin with
>more bot mines/blockades to stop you from just driving straight from objective to objective
>bugs kamikaze your vehicle to damage it and slow you down so something stronger can flip it over, maybe add a bug enemy that specifically hard counters vehicles
Simple solutions off the top of my head.
You love tranny penis
I really like the regular guard dog, it just needs to resupply mags from the ground boxes
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when are we getting more coom mods
That, and have medium penetration. It only has 30 rounds so they might as well just go the whole nine yards and make it a liberator penetrator instead of a gimped liberator.
Then it might be useful against bots. But I notice it only really engages shit that has line of sight to you/the backpack so you can't be cheeky and stick it around cover to kill bots
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The most common anti-vehiclefag argument I see is that vehicles would have severe issues climbing over rough terrain.
So why not just... add vehicle paths to the maps. Do Super Earth colonists not have the ability to make roads?
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another victory for the White side of history
>Do Super Earth colonists not have the ability to make roads?
They do, swiggers don't.
>is that vehicles would have severe issues climbing over rough terrain.
i've seen enough tanks doing mountain climbing to know that's a load of bullshit
When are getting a mod that deniggers the ship crew
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It has to do with how maps are generated
it'd be tough to connect the tiles like that and we'd end up bland repetitive maps.
Shouldn't the SERF strategem squad get at least one anti-tank guy ?.
oi trevor u cant say dat das racis
This is actually a good idea, gotta go lurking around in the patch files for that though. Reminds me of the battlefield 1 mod that made all the random black people white
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>5 months since release
>only 1 mission has been added to the mission pool and it's only for 1 faction
I honestly do not care for a SEAF squad as a stratagem
Not only would it probably be completely useless but it would just raise more questions about why extract fucking takes so long
If infantry NPCs absolutely have to appear in the game it would be cooler if they got automatically shuttled in to certain objectives like the SAM site or artillery. Just for atmosphere if anything.
SEAF squad should contain a random assortment of support gear.
I'd prefer something like a customizable helldiver cadet squad, but due to each helldiver having their own super destroyer to get support from that probably couldn't happen.
>live service game
>barely alive
>no service
yo wtF bros
You should be able to team reload machineguns by linking their belts together.
I think dropping them at the enemy base, so the bot can't focus fire on you can be neat.
>only works if the loader has a machinegun in his person
because fuck you for wanting team reloading to be natural or, god forbid, practical
Extractions take so long because Pelican-1 is highly autistic and just plays Stratagem Hero over and over until we call him in
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>people actually hoping for clans
>people actually hoping for content
>Bots about to storm though the last gate
>Get cocky and send 2 more dropship in front of the gate.
>Shoot both of them down and pin the horde right there while my mortar finishes them off.
Thank a lots, Clanker
dead game
What the fuck is wrong with ballistic shield now
>when i walk or sprint i start zigzaging with it towards the right
>if i get ragdolled i get insta killed
>if i pick up a SSD with it on i drop the shield but if grab it with a strategem weapon i can carry both
jesus fucking christ
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Do you like the dish dear customer?
they turned on the shields collision mesh
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I'm thinking of making SSBBW mods for it, if you are into absurdly obese women.
This is the anti-content redditor. This is the enemy.
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As long as they've still got nice curves, hey, I dig it
>pic related
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new update just dropped.
If you learn how to make mods I'd just like someone who knows how to extract the textures so I can make color edits. Thinking about making a mod that turns every armor/helmet black and yellow
# PATCH 1.000.404

## Overview
This hotfix aims to resolve crashes and to reduce the number of people stuck in the hellpod drop-in loading screen.
## Fixes
* Fixed the 'Superior Packing Methodology' ship module upgrade (technically this was fixed on the server side and has been working since July 1st).
* Fixed crashes and glitches occurring when dropping into a mission.
* Fixed instances of players becoming stuck in the hellpod loading screen.
* Fixed a crash that occurs after changing settings (this should be fixed for real this time, the last fix didn’t stick the landing and we have sent the responsible engineer to a Super Earth re-education camp).
## Known Issues
* Sending friend requests via friend code in game currently does not work
* Players may be unable to be joined or invited to the game
* Players added to the Recent Players list will appear in the middle of the list
* Players may experience delays in Medals and Super Credits payouts
* Enemies that bleed out do not progress Personal Orders and Eradicate missions
* Deployed mines may sometimes become invisible (but remain active)
* Arc weapons sometimes behave inconsistently and sometimes misfire
* Most weapons shoot below the crosshair when aiming down the sights
* Stratagem beam might attach itself to an enemy but will deploy to its original location
* Hand Carts ship module does not reduce Shield Generator Pack's cooldown
* Bile Titan sometimes does not take damage to the head
* Players may become stuck in the Loadout when joining a game in progress
* Reinforcement may not be available for players who join a game in progress
* Planet liberation reaches 100 % at the end of every Defend mission
* Raise Flag of Super Earth objective does not show a progress bar
* Mission count in the Career tab is being reset to zero after every game restart
* Some weapons’ descriptions are out-of-date and don’t reflect their current design
* Personal orders may not display correctly. (*Kill 5!*)

it's nothing
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New ship modules!
Hell yeah, new propaganda clips.
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I'm gonna kill so many folks with this.
I'll likely kill myself so much with this as well.
It's so over lmfao.
can you post them?
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>list of known issues is bigger than the list of fixed issues
post the rest puhlease
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Here you go, these are all the new modules.
>superheavy enemy randomly ignores damage
yeah minor issue, might solve it this year, maybe, dunno lol
>reduces cooldown of all stratagems by 5%
Only good one and that's not saying much
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theres a few i actually want this time unlike when T4s dropped. Fuck
man most of these are hot garbage but im curious on the mortar upgrade
>200 rare samples
Aaaand I'm out. Not retarded enough to use cheats to get free samples and the grinding is bullshit. I could have all of these if they'd just remove the cap. They really want us to grind all these with NO NEW STRATAGEM? Give us the fucking commando launcher ffs, IT'S COMPLETE!

The mortar one is cool because it's new functionality.
>they added SPM second time (they already bragged that they fixed it 3 days ago) so the list wouldn't look so pathetic
>reduced reload time
>reduced stratagem cooldown universally
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380mm chads... Our reign of terror continues
getting EAT's (and the commando when it comes out) 5s faster seems pretty nice. As does 15% reduced cooldown on eagle stratagems if you reload early.
No they added it in the official patch notes because not everyone gets news from discord/social media
EATs (and commando) on demand even harder than before is pretty good. That was the one downside they had.
>New patch
What did they break this time?
>* Bile Titan sometimes does not take damage to the head
When will they fix this? Ffs sometimes I unload 5 EATs on the head and it's still walking...
railcannon is now exactly 3 minute CD, so 30 seconds shaved off total with both CD upgrades. Neato.
EATs are dead because of the new bullshit behemoth charger that needs 2 of them to be killed.
>the new bullshit behemoth charger that needs 2 of them to be killed.
he doesn't know
you just need to walk/dive towards them and it will strip the leg
EAT pod still kills them in 1 hit. Usually.
You can break their leg armor with a single one. Then a few shots of your primary will kill them. This also means you can stun grenade > EAT pod them since it arrives 3 seconds faster.
need more peak physique armors, preferably not more camo garbage, only military fetishists with shit taste and hicks (large overlap) like camo
The fuck is this surstomming code?
>+10% orbital explosion radius doesn't affect orbital Gatling
fucking swedes.

>once again rare samples are the only cost that matters. Super sample costs are negligible, and its easy to farm large sums of common samples and requisition slips.
I can only assume that they think that playing on D7 (I guess D6 now) is some Herculean task.
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>mfw buying payroll management first solely so everyone that joins my ship sees the big ass hallway to the ship management computers
>EATs even more effective at podding chargers
Damage dropoff is based off projectile velocity rather than range. Behemoth leg armor has exactly the same amount of health as the EAT/RR/Quasar has damage. Upon traveling one millimeter from the barrel, the projectile is slightly slower than at the precise moment of launch. This marginally decreases the damage output by a fraction of one point of damage, and then it rounds down to the nearest integer. End result: the behemoth leg armor has been surviving by LITERALLY one HP.

By walking/diving towards the target, our projectiles actually inherit some of our momentum and in turn are marginally faster than if we shoot them from a standstill. This actually increases our damage by a negligible sum. Enough that we round down to precisely the amount of HP that behemoth leg armor has. Tracking all of this autistic shit is probably why the game runs like ass.

All of this said, their rear legs are softer than their for legs so you can always strip the rear legs without having to dive autistically around.
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>behemoth charger that needs 2 of them to be killed.
as the kids say:
lmao even
for me it's morale augmentation
paid shitter breaks boys we fucking rich now
Guns and rockets for some reason have damage falloff the moment you fire them, that damage is always rounded down so for EAT/RR/QC who deal exactly as much damage as it takes to blow the armor of a leg of a behemoth they can't because the damage fallof makes them do 1 point less than needed to blow it off with one hit, doing it on the move/diving counteracts that
Do those swede niggers even know how fucking AT rockets work?
apparently not because the big damage is on the projectile and not the explosive effect. 650 projectile damage at AP6 so that's clearly the HEAT warhead going off, and then 150 explosive damage at only 3 pen so that's just the small blast effect
realizm only matters when it's to make our life miserable, otherwise we'd be able to team reload RR from the shooter's backpack since thats how its done IRL
I've bought the instasupport weapons calldown upgrade.
It doesn't work!
It's almost like fast team reloads comes at the price of sacrificing self reloads was intentional design or something.
Why am I not surprised?
Why the fuck do I still hope that this game will be good and not deleting this shit?
Man, the september can't come soon enough.
record a video. Is it still doing the countdown before launching or are you mistaking the travel time with call-in time?
well its a shit design, as shown by the fact nobody uses it unless they happen to also use the same weapon
what do we do now that x-45 is at 100% with 5 days left on the MO?
>arrowhead adds reloading from teammates backpacks
>every stratagem weapon player now sprints towards you and teamkills you if you don't reload for them
>kicked from game for failing to babysit the hosts autocannon
excellent design idea guys, absolutely would love it being implemented
try to clear Meissa and prepare for another attack to X-45
>200 rares for that shit
Fuck off
>there's no sink for samples I hate being at the cap :(
>wtf a sink for samples this is bullshit!
EATs take 4s now instead of 7s? Call-in time is only like 2-3 seconds for most stuff, then there's a 4-7 second travel time.
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New dispatch update.
What did they mean by this
is this going to be the same shit that made retards think the instant deployment for emplacements didn't work? they didn't realize the travel time from the ship to the ground was a thing?
>classified reports in bio
>Not thinking this is fun
It's not
To be fair you can't completely blame them on this one. People assumed that setting the call-in time to 0 would cause it to instantly arrive because the negative call-in modifier doesn't actually increase call-in time but increases the total time. So something with a 4s call-in time and a 6s deployment time should be 12s ((4+50%)+6 with a 50% increase to call-in time but it's actually a 20s call-in time because the game adds both, then adds the modifier. Which means something with a 0s call-in time and 4s deployment time becomes 6s due to the 50% call-in penalty. SWEDES PLEASE TRY TO BE CONSISTENT IN YOUR PHRASING AAAAAAA
i quick-mathed wrong, it should be 15s not 20s.
>shitters just make things up and people believe it
meta progression is not a sink anon. a sink would be "oh hey enjoy all these different skins" not "here's something you need to max out...oh once you've maxed them..well..too bad"
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what are they even saying with this?
Thats right, and its fucking stupid. Nobody wants to carry around a single shot weapon that you cant load by yourself, and nobody wants to be the ammo bitch.
Completely true. Now imagine how your teammates are going to behave when everyone is an ammo bitch.
worked great in HD1 because everyone was forced onto the same screen and heavy armor was everyones immediate problem. Does not translate well into HD2. I was really really surprised they didn't just have your assistant pull from your backpack so that it's something everyone can do at the cost of taking a player out of the fight to assist in the loading.
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The delusion:
>With assisted reloads I can always get my reload on time and the game becomes funner!
The reality:
>Game with 3 other players all yelling reload me bro into the mic and you get kicked on extract because the host was expecting a reload from you 15 minutes ago
cool fanfiction, made even better by your own delusion that people will suddenly start using mics for it
do I still have to validate my files after every update?
its always best to check, it's only a minute at worst
I would. And I still do
It does nothing btw.
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>when someone tries to team reload me without my permission
>playing with randoms
>they unironically bring quasar to bots
lmao retards
>10% reload buff
ill take anything that reduces standing reloads, how long until people start finding which of these upgrades dont work
>5 files failed to validate and will be re-acquired
I does something, alright.
Whats the matter? Never been to a Swedish bathhouse? ;)))))
All they are going to find in my file is fun-sized cyborg girl experience cultural enrichment..
i want to cum inside democracy
support weapon call-in time removal works.
Team reloads currently:
>force one player to be an ammo cuck
>forces one player to do nothing and cannot move while assisting
>forces two people to be close together and an easy target for enemy explosives or large attacks
The downsides of one player being able to do nothing else, cant run, cant shoot, cant call in strats, cant heal, cant throw grenades, cant split up so a single hit doesnt kill two people, cant do fucking SHIT is all that is needed for a weakness for team reloads.
Having to be an ammo cuck and carry someone else's backpack is so contrived and stupid for no reason
>your sentries now target targetted enemies upgrade
>mortar only
explains why they didnt buff 120s, 380s or walking during that strategem balance pass since they had this in the works.
Yeah it's pretty lame. It'd be really fun to ping something and suddenly all 4 of your turrets begin rotating. Or being able to direct AC+Rocket sentries onto the heavy armor targets.
>still no info on new warbond release interval
maybe I'll buy viper scammando after all
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What's this about? Sometimes these dispatches feel like schizophrenia.
These upgrades are way too expensive for how little they do, the mortar one is the only one that deserves that price
380mm itself is already a good stratagem
Walking as the potential to be good but the stupid zigzag pattern is makes it too much of a pain in the ass to use. It would be good if it is actually completely straight
120mm is just too weak
Walking can destroy bot bases from a long distance away though not 100% reliable, might be better after this upgrade
I pulled the trigger on the winter warriors today, because it has 3 primaries and secondary, which means more chances for weapons to be viable.
The problem is the stupid zigzag that require you to memorize the zig zag pattern and spacing and the pattern also changes based on which cardinal direction you throw the stratagem toward.
Too much stupid effort when you can move slightly closer and throw a 380mm.
It's too annoying when you rely on a orbital to clear a bunker or detector tower but since if it fucking miss, you now have to push the bunker or tower with a full dropship wave
Eagle+base cooldown is 15%. that's a re-arm 17 seconds faster which is certainly not nothing. Support weapons arriving 3s faster or 5s faster w/ negative call-in modifier is also not something to write off. EAT's for example arrive in the same amount of time as an Orbital Precision Strike now which means you can always land them on something if you stun grenade it first or bait a bile titan into vomiting.
Feels like an email scam joke that missed hard.
i WILL cum inside the democracy of super earth
Note to seft, lore wise super citizen still have access to the internet.
5% universal cooldown is very good. OPS with the 10% orbital cooldown is 81 seconds. With the additional 5% cooldown (assuming both are affecting the flat 90, but I'll include the worse alternative too) you go down to 76.5 seconds per use (or 76.95). Which changes the math for how many times you can use it over an operation in a significant way.
It's not like you're ever rapid firing stratagems for that to have that much of an effect.
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Welp. Time to spend stuff and grind for more.
MOs should use samples as rewards sometimes
with warbonds slowing down and costly new upgrades they're way more valuable than medals
Samples farming slave work at the D9 mines.
>x-45 under attack again
fun MO
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>no level cap increase
>Fixed instances of players becoming stuck in the hellpod loading screen.
oh shit, did they actually do it?
Huh? from where? didn't we get Meissa?
We're at about 40% right now, everyone's so spread out that it's going to take two days to liberate.
doomersisters... it wasn't supposed to be like this...
Nigger it's 30k total players. The game just had patch that gave samplesinks that take ages to farm and no new info about warbond. It's fucking dead and it's time to bury it.
>samplesinks that take ages to farm
you wot
do you not extract with max samples every d9? get a better squad
Oh man, I didn't even grind for the current ones
I hate sample collecting
I don't extract at all, I complete everything so fast pelican 1 just hangs around near the pickup zone
None of you niggers collect them (and desu I won't do that as well because that's fucking boring), if you're not actively looking for them and just collecting shit that is under your feet - you'll probably end up with 10 common and 10 rares tops when all the objectives are done. 20 missions for 1 measly upgrade like -3 seconds of weapon deployment? Swedes can fuck off.
I always collect them anon
even detour to drop them at extract site
anything to make my squadmates smile
isn’t there another medium set that has fortified in the superstore rotation? Not a fan of the executioner aesthetic
>le difficulty 3 with zero other enemies and a behemoth sitting still has a weakspot of 0,1mm that you can only hit when firing from a leap mid-air
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>vid on their discord had quasar in 10% reload time reduction
>go in-game
>it's been removed
shit eating sw*dish fucking cunt mongrels
in soviet russia, democracy cums inside of you
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>tfw stuck at work while people are having fun with the new ship upgrades
Can't wait to go home bros :( Maybe I'll make a lobby too so I can farm samples with anons here
You're working on 7/4? For your sake I sincerely hope you aren't American at least, would help take some of the sting out. Hope your shift is almost over.
>get payroll management
>now I have to walk a mile to get to the control panel
oh joy
>I always collect them anon
Why must you turn this anime imageboard into a house of lies?
No. Shitters who cannot even survive a 6 of all difficulties don't deserve nice things. They also don't need T4 or T5 upgrades because they are only playing on diff 5 and below.
down to 3/4
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>next ship upgrade releases
>ship management upgrade is just a bridge to another ship's panel
If it's a higher difficulty I dont do concerted efforts to get them unless the rest of the team is down for it, but if I'm already at a place I will try to pickup what I can, even though immediately prior to the recent upgrade drops I was maxed out on samples.
I'm not american, yep
>Hope your shift is almost over.
won't be over in 10 more hours, my colleague called in sick today so I have to cover his shift too.
>won't be over in 10 more hours, my colleague called in sick today so I have to cover his shift too
Now that's some bullshit. Management should get off their ass and deal with it themselves. You should call in sick after your shift too, lol.
>do the airbase sabotage mission
>the terminal to blow up the control tower refuses to work
>yes I inserted the SSD you cunts
>the tower is completly immune to everything
No wonder this broken buggy mess of a game is dying, if you're allowed to get past the drop-in screen you get fucked by bugged mission objectives instead
Gotta also love it when you're on a soil sample mission and it deploys with two terminals clipped into one another, kek.
>missed the fucking light medic armour again
fuck this dogshit game
also light medic armor looks like shit
What a homosexual post
>I want to grind moooore
yeah but the medic passive rules and light armour also rules
if i have to be a toothpaste marine for it, so be it
aesthetics > function
>medic armors
you will never be a real leandiver
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>they cant survive
>thus proving that they do need t4 and 5 upgrades actually
The absolute state of zoomers. Or of a slav, a huehue, or a chinese gamer.
>I want to get everything super easily without any effort, ever. Why can't I just press an "I Win" button?
meh, light armor is only good for bugs and you can use medium armor well enough for them
to me Bonesnapper is the unrivaled medic armor for looks, only challenged by that unreleased yellow medic armor, which is just Bonesnapper but yellow
>pls arrowhead make us grind even more
>i want warbonds to cost 10000 SC
>I want new stratagems to only be unlocked after level 250
I can't believe people actually simp for company wasting your time
You must play WoW
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there's already enough fucking effort wtf are you on about
I accept your concession
>verification not required
>grinding = challenge
lmao even
>which is just Bonesnapper but yellow
It's more like a combat hazmat suit while bonesnapper is a combat surgeon scrubs suit
They're well designed in their ideas and clearly the only ones thought out, the other medical suits are very low effort
>instantly folds
Kek, pathetic
before they made the game easy full clearing D9s used to be a challenge to maximize rewards but I agree its quite easy now so the grind has no value anymore
>its quite easy now
Show us your solo no hit run
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>coop horde shooter
i thought you liked a challenge, pussy
teammates are a crutch
Just got 1000 super sheckels, which warbound should I get?
That you call it a grind is very telling. You SHOULD be playing 6s and above and the super samples would accumulate naturally as you just simply play the game. That you call it a grind means you are forcing yourself to keep doing those levels.
either DD for teh grenade pistol or steeled veterans for stun, incel breaker and the dominator
they're already in order of best to worst
Release order is roughly the order of how worth they are.

Steeled Veterans: Senator, Incendiary Grenade, Breaker Incendiary, Dominator
Cutting Edge: Stun Grenade, Punisher Plasma
Democratic Detonation: Adjudicator, Grenade Pistol, Exploding Crossbow
Polar Patriots: Incendiary Impact Grenade, Verdict
Viper Commandos: Bushwhacker, Experimental Infusion
Raise the fucking cap for Rares if you're going to keep doing this AH, jesus fucking christ.
>Polar Patriots: Incendiary Impact Grenade, Verdict
>no Pummeler or Tenderizer
>the fucking Verdict instead
bro what the hell are you smoking
The last 3 are garbage, get Steeled veterans or Cutting edge.
Steeled Vets gets you the gun that will make you never take another gun to bugs again. and the Dominator which is top 3 primary for bots probably. Recommended for Top Primary Access

Cutting Edge gets you stuns, and 3 solid primarys, the Plas Punisher is peak comfy on bots, the zap shotgun is alright on bugs. Sickle lets you forget ammo economy at the cost of being a liberator. Very good and Stuns are God Tier

Democractic Detonation only really has the Grenade Pistol which lets you flex support weapon and stun grenades while keeping ability to pop bug holes or fabricators without using strategems. So its a solid second after Cutting Edge to round out that pair, but otherwise really dogshit.

Do not recommend other ones unless you got much shekels to throw around.
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>still no mech upgrade
Holy shit I hate Sweden
>what is 5% global cooldown
take it or leave it
>stop playing for a few months
>come back
>amr scope is STILL blurry when ads
please I just want to larp as an epic sniper
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Rate my attempt to meme, chuds
The verdict is good, Tendie is good and he's a dummy for not including it, but the Pummeler ain't it anymore.
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>anons bitching about new modules being too expensive or sample caps being too low
>i have farmed thousands, if not tens of thousands of samples since last capping out
im just happy for few crumbs of dopamine
meh about these new upgrade. If they wanna get me back into the game they need to deliver a new warbond, and it must be better than the viper shit
commie meme
don't forget faggot tranny jannies and furries being their public face in the main source of info for the game
Isn't it like 30s less?
It's not much
show me on the doll where the jannie touched you
>>i have farmed thousands, if not tens of thousands of samples since last capping out
I'd be malding
which uncle or parent was it that made you into a mentally fucked freak
i guess its a new player thing. i used to check if i had enough for a new module after every mission, now i just kinda forgot the whole system exists
But nobody likes collecting samples
At least super samples have a set place, that's kind of annoying having to find, but it's almost like a secondary objective
Rares are spread all around, often in places you'll have a firefight in and move on
Collectibles are fine in a single player game that encourages exploration, in a coop multiplayer with time limits it's retarded
It really should be a reward, or least bumped up in numbers in the PoI pickups
my brother in christ you run right past them all the time
just tap E and go on with your day
Because the game is arbitrarily deleting my progress?
Imagine if there was a cap on how many weapons and armors you get, if you buy above it, older ones are deleted
>everyone complains about turret targeting being retarded and wasting ammo
>it's the only two turrets that never had an issue with picking targets
these guys are so goddamn retarded holy fuck what the fuck are they doing
lobby doko?
no i get that, im just wondering why it bothers you

like on an emotional level

or whatever

please be patient i got the autism
>my brother in christ
I guess one has to be redditor to enjoy this type of gay grinding
>im just wondering why it bothers you
Because the game is arbitrarily deleting my progress
>like on an emotional level
>or whatever
Nigger what are you talking about
I mean I definitely would have appreciated the rocket sentry at least being included, but mortars targeting by proximity is a problem and this is a nice thing to have.

The problem is that the shitters who are too dumb not to bring and drop mortars at the wrong times to avoid constant friendly fire, are too shit at the game to have unlocked any 5th tier ship upgrades.
Kek, ain't that the goddamn truth.
>mods coomershit into every game possible
>not addicted to porn BTW
Do some ammo boxes look different according to what gun you're using now, or I'm I imagining things?

I was playing wall defense with a punisher blasma and some ammo boxes were black with red letters saying blasma ammo.
There's two kinds of ammo boxes, but I think the rarer kind only spawns in low numbers during rocket defense missions. I don't think either kind has any text on it.
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host a lobby when
I think those are meant to be "big" ammo boxes that refill as much as a dropped supply box. It's not dependent on your weapon.
The Rocket and AC sentry should 100% have been included because they are deployed to take down big targets that can instantly destroy the sentries if the sentries don't immediately focus them down. As it is, the module just isn't worth it.
i wish they made a ship module or booster that made samples show up on the map, drives me crazy not being able to find them all
>leg meta still present
Yeah I'm deadass not playing this shit
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9 bots, and stop ignoring the samples you fags

>somebody stimming causing everyone to stop sprinting STILL isn't listed as a known issue
It's never going to even get acknowledged is it
>equips plasma punisher med armor supply pack calls in resupply
you WILL halt when i command sprint sissy
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Hmm, no
2/4, where the leandivers at
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starting with randos, maybe next mission
dead game
Tell me when there's a spot, was in the middle of a poxclick game
like ur dad lololololol
>Meissa waiting for x-45 reinforcement
>The main SERF force in Aesir Pass is still useless and hasn't saved shit.
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>join anon's lobby
>don't do shit the entire game
>extract with tons of samples (which they picked up)
Thanks for the samples, slaves
>The main SERF force in Aesir Pass is still useless and hasn't saved shit.
what SERF force? you mean the training facility? because that shit was destroyed weeks ago, along with the other one on the bot side
The nonexistent one from the MO briefing saying they're going to stage there before moving to relieve X45.
That's going to be the next MO, where we're going to have to punch a hole through Marfark and Matar Bay to connect a line to X-45. I'd be optimistic and say that we could get special missions where we call down and escort those SEAF riflemen to objectives, but who knows.
>almost 15k bugdivers still
im saying quit get mad at video games nigger
>I'd be optimistic and say that we could get special missions where we call down and escort those SEAF riflemen to objectives
You have way more faith than me.
>only ever allowed to stockpile 250 Rare Samples
>minimum cost for each upgrade is 200
This was deliberate, wasn't it? You don't even need to put that much effort into collecting Super Samples because the 100 cap means you only have to grab 10 to have enough, and then spend the next few months maxing everything out again.
meant for >>484651716

id rather be reddit than jack it to cartoon kids
Total randomness. What seed are you getting? How are your squadmates? What absurd bugs will you run into this time? DIVE NOW AND FIND OUT!
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>bot MO
Fixed it
How is a battle station suppose to help the bug farmer ?
Nope! Still happening.
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2/4, game's open again

Works on my machine, try not using hold to spring like a subhuman.
>the more you upgrade the ship terminal the further it moves away
literally pay to be inconvenienced
Need those hours per players going up.
When do you get that extra headshot protection? At exactly 100 armor rating or at everything above 100?
helldivers never cry
>can control mortars and where they land

What's the o/u on people still tking me with these fucking things?
>please be a good goy and collect common samples all day
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i swear you faggots would find something to bitch about even if the fun were injected directly into your brain
100% because mortar niggs are retards and anyone with a brain already adapted to not using them
Most people will probably still set and forget their mortars because they're lazy, so never get within melee range of an enemy. Even though I only ever use EMS Mortar it's kind of nice to just let it shoot where it wants since it'll stunlock enemies that aren't even in your line of sight, giving you all the time to go over to where you see the static field and finish them off.
3/4 again

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What's the deal with the screen fade after the loading screen just immediately opening with you slammed into the ground rather than steering into the landing zone? This has caused so many random deaths because I've landed in high places or into a clusterfuck I could have steered away from. Is this even an acknowledged problem? It never happens when I'm joining a game, just when I'm hosting.

Also for shits and giggles I tried out the ballistic guard dog and paid attention to its ammo economy. How did they think that it's ok for the thing to not restock off of normal ammo crates and shoot for 2 seconds before needing to reload? I've never seen the Rover version have to stop shooting due to an overheat. I don't know if it can.
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White Phosphorus mortar when?
>bots begin to melt
>bugs screaming

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I'm so torn on which new ship module to buy first. These rare sample costs are unreal and it's going to be a while until I can unlock another...

I'm thinking the support weapon reload speed bonus or the 5% overall strategem cooldown reduction.
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hope I don't regret this
i couldn't play yesterday because i was playing PUBG
>lost 20 fps since the patch
I am beyond tired of meatball code
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nobody asked nigger
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I mean they can be a few steps away but they would need to find a way to balance them and making sure their AI don't get bugged
The reload one works. Not sure about the 5% cooldown but then again
Universally good but 5% doesn't seem much. On the brightside, there's no need to feel like you're in a rush to get them since it won't make too much of a difference. The only one that seems unique is the mortar one.
Is there any way to increase the distance the screen moves in armory menus with the scroll wheel? I'm tired of spinning my mouse wheel thirty times to make it to the bottom or top of the page. Changing my system's mouse wheel scrolling distance doesn't help.
Shit I thought I was the only one. New biome specifically becomes borderline unplayable at times which I'd never experienced before.
>Mortar targetting upgrade
>Doesn't work on heavy busters like AC and Rocket
Upsetting. Well at least i can try out if the mortars can snipe gunships i guess.
*TK you*
*pick up your resupply backpack*
*resupply myself*
*drop the backpack into the nearest pond*
*reinforce you into the middle of a bug breach*
>support weapon reload speed bonus or the 5%
Works on quasar?

sample farming (rare)
Only one it doesn't effect lmao

no refunds
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>still not getting full ammo on resupply sometimes
I'm just tired at this point
It can't be all that hard to adapt the civilian pathfinding for this purpose. Just combine it with a basic shoot-at-enemies script similar to what Guard Dogs use. They probably won't kill anything bigger than basic enemies but it would probably still be better than basic escort missions as long as they don't friendly-fire each other.
I know you are brown but I'll attempt to explain it to you anyway, it doesn't work if the person who called it in don't have the ship upgrade.
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This game is so shit it's unreal
Death to swdes
>just got another infinite loading screen
good fix, swedes
>3 months ago
lol this game is dead.
For an previously irradiated shithole there sure are a lot of fucking trees.
Well chernobyl is fine too.
The trees are probably some kind of genemodded terraforming plant that absorbs radiation.
That means if one gets shot up near you and you breathe in the bark dust you're getting cancer 100%
Plants grow just fine in radiation contaminated areas, but you're falling for blatant propaganda if you don't realize X-45 is still completely irradiated. The fact that the MO explicitly tells you that it's fine now bro trust me means it's not fine.
Sorry I only need to sample farm (common)
>how it worked before
>it was tied to the weapon owners strata
>its tied to who called in the resupp
guaranteed spaghetti bandaid fix, get ready for it to break in due time
Every time I think the swedes have sunk as low as they can go they manage to disappoint me again.
>play 1 game
>reminded that behemoth spam/leg meta is still a thing
>close game and play something else
any sample farm lobbies?
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>thought I took shield generator
>called down tesla tower in the middle of the entire team.
I like the dominator and the verdict. Such comfy weapons.
>inb4 absolutely nothing fucking changes because he barely did shit anyways
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>17k bugdivers
>taking a break from tweaking decay timers, pulling new supply lines out of his ass and writing 100 words every week for the new piece of shit MO
a hard life indeed
So hard they had to hire him an assistant.
>141 people actually diving Charbal-VII
>worthless planet
>dogshit biome
holy cope
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>he's a flameshitter crutchnigger
>id rather be reddit than jack it to cartoon kids
Then why are you doing both?
I wish this game leaned a tiny bit more into the 40K designs it drew inspiration from.
Where's my heavy armor penetrating heavy bolter? Where's my fucking chainsword?
>caring about meta against bugs in a vain attempt to make bugs seem challenging
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>4th of July
>no Illuminate added to the game with the announcement that they vaporized the Super White House
A completely stupid feature that makes 0 sense. Mortars are pin point accurate, target enemies for you, why the fuck would you waste limited ammo on hitting air.
>bring mortars
>berserker seed
>a month since I uninstaled this crap because too bugged to even stay on a match for more than 5 minutes
>still no new bot exclusive mission...
devs still want us to think they care about the bots
Then why can't all 4 helldivers call down supplies at the same time?
>nothingburger half assed fix patch
>half of my fps stolen
Someone is actively sabotaging this game
It DOES make sense, in that it's being called down from that player's Super Destroyer. There's a destroyer in low orbit for each player and the budget only allows for one supply pod every few minutes.
What it needs is a visual representation of an upgraded versus non-upgraded pod.
Its nothing.
Hijo de puta jodan capullo tu madre. Gringo pendejo.
This swede thinks hes white lmao
It's the same reason the super destroyers are stocked with hundreds of helldivers but you only get 20 in a mission. Every time you run out the crew has to get the forms filled out to get 1 new helldiver approved.
What are you talking about, anon
6s is a mountain of time!
Why we come down from only one ship?
>but you only get 20 in a mission
You only get 5, each Helldiver adds 5 to the total pool, which is why in a team where someone has superior methodology, everyone should get it
>Eh, close enough...

bots, vandalion IV
>comes up with insane headcanon to justify a mechanic that doesn't align with reality
LMFAO brown behavior
I've only tried it with the AC so far but it's definitely a noticeable increase.
>the supplies are so tightly crammed that when the pod opens they just quickly eject off it
Then why did it work properly before?
It's literally in the ship module descriptions for reducing support weapon cooldowns, everything needs to get approved, you dumb cunt
Man I can't imagine what it's like having a job where you're probably getting paid at least 60k a year for 20 minutes of work a week at most.
it's full now, one of them might leave after a mission
my game crashed nice :))))))))))) FUCK YOU SWEDEN
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>got infinite loading screen bug twice so far
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It wasn't infinite, it just started working after you alt f4'd
Man you gotta share that copium. Better yet you should get a job at AH, they need retards like you to fuck this game up faster.
>massive frame drops every game
Okay what did they break this time?
retard alert
verify game files
CTD is almost always from not verifying after update
AH is retarded
Sorry that was me, I ate a whole curry banana pizza and shit in the server room.
>verify game files
but I have mods
This is me. I feel you, brother
>frame drops
>server room
Why couldn't they make all the turrets target pinged targets?
Yeah. It's the room... that serves you frames.
>Pick up Resupply Ammo
>Two SPEAR missiles back
can you?
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Working as intended chud
>rocket defense mission
>it's a tank seed
>and a factory strider seed
The courtyard was so full of smoke we couldn't even see the bigass striders, just hear the noises and see the targeting circles at our feet.
Fortunately, we managed to take at least the cannons out and pop the chin guns before they got too close to the generators. Somehow. While more or less blind.
>hurr my game isn't working
>durr but I NEED my coom mods so I can't verify
>mushrooms that throw you into a wall at mach 10 and instakill you so le funny xD
Any way to reduce the retarded amount of smoke that ends up covering the entire area for Evacuate High Value Assets on bots? I can't see shit and my fps goes below 20 when there are a dozen strider/tank corpses sitting around billowing out smoke the whole time.
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Bots 9
>coom mods
Sounds like projection
My only mod was the one that makes a cape invisible and the one that fixes clipping in a few armors
throw strikes and pray
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>makes a cape invisible
That's even worse than gooner mods
>You need le heavy armor for bots bro
>Does fuck all against rockets and the million laser rounds, can't even tank anything like you can with medic armor
who the fuck gave you that advice
what you need is the fortified buff which is available in all three armor categories
>makes a cape invisible
I thought that mod was broken.
>That's even worse than gooner mods
Should be an option, some armors look bad with capes
It was working fine to me, did you rename the files?
>It was working fine to me, did you rename the files?
I never tried it, I just saw comments on the mod page a while ago saying it was busted.
>Infinite loading yesterday
>Fucking disables my graphics card
This shit is even worse than the nerfs
Same shit honestly, I'd rather run the shield backpack, tank the rockets/explosive rounds then stim myself and be invulnerable instead of tanking a single rocket, get flung to a bot patrol then die on impact
>Should be an option, some armors look bad with capes
Heavy armors should have smaller shoulder capes/mantles or buttcapes
They definitely reduced SC appearance rates so people (especially newbies) don't clear out the increasingly sparse warbonds for free. Total meatball-chugging elk molester death when.
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So which of the upgrades is bugged and which one are working. Don't want to waste my samples.
You should know by now that this thread is infested with horrible shitters that bitch and moan about everything while claiming to clear d9, yet in reality barely cracking d6. Heavy armor is totally worthless and gimps your ability to move and reposition in exchange of tanking an extra few shots which doesn't matter in 90% of scenarios.
I can't remember the last time I found any at all.
Still does fuck all for bots
You need a perk that helps weapon handling nad that's it
>extract is inside a bot base
>only one entrance
>patrols from all directions but that's fine since hey, only one way in
>bots stand just outside the walls
>and then just teleport on top of them
>and start shooting at us
>even the hulk just janks its way up the wall and then down on the other side

I died with most of our samples but managed to get them back with some stim abuse. Everyone extracted, but there were a couple of extra deaths due to Swedish Code.
shut the fuck up, you know nothing
Just get the Eagle upgrades, the extra use is good
If you like using the flamethrower against bugs then get the 50%? damage increase
If I had known I wouldn't have bothered with increased hellpod control, half the time you can't even steer the stupid thing
No (You) know nothing
>690 trans flags
whats funny that it was supposed to but they removed it before rolling out the patch
see >>484642621
Trannies use discord.
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Works on my machine. Shame the ballistic shield is now an active hazard against yourself though.
>If I had known I wouldn't have bothered with increased hellpod control
Me too, it sucks
But it is a requirement for the flame upgrade
They hate everything they've nerfed like someone with a childhood grudge.
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was it your resupply or a teammates who possibly didn't have the upgrade?
I will never wear anything but heavy armor, medium with extra padding, or the enforcer armor on bots ever again. Even 100 armor rating fotified isn't fucking enough for D9 where the air is saturated with missiles and lasers.
inb4 the space station thing is an anti-tank mine factory
Just dodge, dive, drug bro
Helldiver, with the successful defense of X-45 we have not only recovered the plans for the battle station, but unveiled a nearly complete prototype of the vessel. Our engineers have been given generous unpaid overtime to convert the prototype into the raw materials needed for mass deployment of the anti-tank mine.
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When are you going to man up and buy some REAL armor?
Wearing this, with or without the vitality booster, is the only way I've ever been able to completely avoid one hit kills on bots.
>be lvl75
>join dif 6
>lvl 26 host
>host say "look for supers"
>play like 20 minutes
>its time to exract
>host starts to kick ppl
>no supers were found and only 4 rares
This is the reason why i dont dive with under lvl50 anymore
not enough drugs for the shit I put up with

Too bad it looks like shit. Need a 200 armor set with armor plates instead of marshmallows.
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Or you really can just get good and learn the shot location
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*Headshots you*
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>do a few D8 bot dives
>it actually feels like about the same as D9 before the spawns got fucked up
I don't feel guilty about this. Not like I'm going to need the extra Super Sample per mission given that Rares are the bottleneck this time around. I'm gonna stay here until the spawns get fixed.
Diff 2-8 are filled with casuals and retards who don't understand team play or cooperation.
ALMOST every D9 player I've helldived with has been exceptionally chill, and has played far better than every single D8- player I've ever seen.
The true helldivepill is that it's not that much more difficult than other difficulties, it's just a mental filter for people who're afraid to push themselves.
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>but you threw a stun and there still weren't any enemies arou-
>fast as fuck
>invulnerable to everything that isn't a support weapon
>tanks multiple hits to its weakpoints because lmao durable braindamage system
>heavy MG
>rocket spam
>spawns insanely fast from dual objectives
the swede that designed gunships deserves to step on legos every day, every moment, every second of his miserable existence
>guard dog shitter
>no bile titans
>no 500 hunters spam
>only 1 cuntcharger
dif 6 detected, opinion discarded
Chaotic gunplay which is still somehow entertaining despite occasionally shit teammates. Nice just to boot up, kill some bots, get into some crazy gunfights, and then move onto my other daily tasks
You people say this but in my experience d6 and 7 had some really chill guys with mics while in 8 and 9 no one used a mic, and some guys were clearly cheating
Scorcher can actually bring it down, and they are the sole reason why I bring Spear against bots.
Yeah i play sometimes D9 but more i just want to chill. Meaby i need to start not being bitch and only D9 from now on.
unironic skill issue
i felt the same way at first, but gunships become trivial once you're familiar with the leading angles and projectile speed of your support weapon of choice
it goes from ~20 seconds/gunship to 1-2 seconds/gunship, 3-4 if you account for some reload time
>burning bugs run into you and set you on fire that cannot be put out by diving
nigga can you read?
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>only 1 charger
>difficulty 6
Not him but
>dif 6
I exclusively use laser dog and flamethrower + eat for diff 9 bugs, it's probably the most meta build
yeah I'll just snipe them with extreme precision while 8 gunships ragdoll me around the map
are you playing solo?
if not, the agro should be split
if it's not, you should be sticking closer together
if you are and it's not, your teammates should be helping you
if you're playing solo, you should be hyper focusing on avoiding the patrols, they're easy to stealth and you can spot them from hundreds of meters away
no update this week?
if he's playing solo only a single gunship spawns per tower and gunship patrols have a maximum of 2 gunships. If he is solo and somehow there are 8 gunships active in the air he's purposely letting them build up or didn't bring anything capable of handling them in which case what do you fucking expect?
>laser dog and flamethrower
How are you not constantly getting hit by you own weapons
We got one just today:
>Fixed the 'Superior Packing Methodology' ship module upgrade (technically this was fixed on the server side and has been working since July 1st).
>Fixed crashes and glitches occurring when dropping into a mission.
>Fixed instances of players becoming stuck in the hellpod loading screen.
>Fixed a crash that occurs after changing settings (this should be fixed for real this time, the last fix didn’t stick the landing and we have sent the responsible engineer to a Super Earth re-education camp).
>have a maximum of 2 gunships
What? I've seen +4 gunships
For the laser dog you look up or rotate your camera if you see it's going to hit you, for the flamethrower you just don't set the ground on fire if you don't want to block that path, also always keeping the bugs away with the incendiary breaker if they get too close. Oh, and never dive backwards with the flamethrower
Next warbond is july 18th
New enemy and stratagem next week
>the rover directly shooting UNDER the bug
what the fuck did they do with it, why does it ALWAYS ignore the shitters and focus on a hive guard or purposefully aim right in the ground instead of the chaff
>Next warbond is july 18th
evidence? nothing on the official hd2 twitter
this. eagles are top tier. each upgrade is super useful
>official hd2 twitter
Bro are you even trying
2/4 with a +1 npc
>swede thinks hes white lmao
Statistically northern countries have the lowest rates of lactose intolerance, so yeah.
>nothing on twitter
>nothing on discord
>nothing ingame or on steam
funny meme
best rare sample grind?
Why in the fuck are private lobbies publicly listed?
T9 civ extract, gives you small maps with extremely concentrated sample counts.
They removed it, but T9 blitz is nice too.
it used to be tied to the caller's upgrades. i had games where players that didn't have SPM calling it meant i didn't get a full refill before they broke it

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