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NEW UPDATES >>484629139 >>484686742
prev. thread >>484546660

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter that sees players battling to win an interstellar struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. You are a Helldiver, a member of Super Earth's most elite fighting force. You and your squad choose to wage war on a number of contested planets, completing various objective-based missions within a procedurally generated area of operations. Each successful mission contributes to the complete liberation of that world, and ultimately, total strategic victory in the game's ever-evolving galactic campaign that's made up and randomly changes based on whatever the devs want to do.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Released in 2015, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The most major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down, twin-stick shooter.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






LATEST PATCH June 25th https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4183362170410922203?l=english

ded gaem
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this 4th of july, we remember LIBERTY DAY
Civ Extracts have smaller maps? What else is the swedish lobby hiding from me
t9 blitz on crimsica or any island planet vs bugs
At least properly post the patch notes https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4246413199434585562?l
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>infinite loading
I'll rehost in 20 minutes. I need more coffee
Yep, Superior Packing Methodology is still broken.
It'd be pretty awesome if the mechs had handlebars that you could ride on while onehanding a weapon.
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summertime on SUPER EARTH
Does anyone know why the third person camera does this weird slide behind your back thing when reloading sometimes? I feel like it only does it with support weapons, but I don't know for certain. I don't think it has anything to do with reloading from a partial or empty magazine either.
It's cool
sadly they hate fun and can't even use stratagems while inside the mech like in the first game
>throw airstrike on shredder tank
>all bombs lands dead center to the tank
>whoops, sorry lad, barely smoking, try again
Fuck you, how hard is it to make damage consistent in this fucking game
A seat on each side and one in the back facing the rear of the mech to provide 360 degrees of fire would be neat.
That way when the mech pilot accidentally runs over a spike plant, the whole squad can wipe together.
Yeah, you can really tell they didn't want people using the mech in this one.
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What can bring back the 300,000 players?
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another victory for the White side of history
That's nice, but it moves the reticle and makes requiring targets in more hectic situations more difficult.
It's a bug, I think it's supposed to center the camera on your diver so you can look around yourself while reloading and admire the animation, but sometimes it doesn't happen or it breaks and the FOV is too zoomed in
they do have handlebars, they just don't do anything
I'd personally prefer them to let you demonstrate your superior Helldiver physiology by letting you hang upside down by your legs, letting you still use your main weapon even if the main seat on top is taken
So you say
Alexus finally being allowed to nerf the AC
Bro your scorcher? Although I think that was changed recently, because I swear I used to be able to blow up shredder turrets with the scorcher in less than one full mag and now that doesn't seem to work anymore.
Welp. More bugs. This is fine.
Ok, technically, it makes it more difficult for me personally. But you can see in the example clip that the reticle does move.
ok maybe it happened
but it wasnt 300k
Illuminates, vehicles, heavily advertised assault on Cyberstan event.
I think maybe they hate retarded, reddit-tier ideas instead.
maybe it's to show you the backpack even while you're still aiming

Dude that would be SO EPIC!

take my upvote
I don't know how the fuck do they manage to do it, but with this patch, the patrols feels even worse than before. Feels like playing on a 40-minute exterminate mission with non-stop patrols at all times, and we already were at fucked up levels of spawns before.
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jump. because you can
>everything I don't like is reddit
How is a strategem launcher a reddit-tier idea?
Not the small turrets, the tanks. Big asshole tank that fires millions of rounds per seconds and spins around at the speed of light.
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I was referring to the monkey bar idea, anon

Are you playing on difficulty 9?
Try reading more carefully next time then.
how about you try sucking the shit mist from my anal cavity
Bots 9
Finishing the last 2 missions
i just got accepted into a mod position for the official /hdg/ discord
feeling in charge rn
380 rules
Yes I know, blah blah blah lower the difficulty etc etc etc... I don't know what got sneakily changed, but I did 4 missions in a row where it felt like I had extraction levels of spawn at all times.
Whoa now, that sounds like a FUN idea! Those aren't allowed here, diver!
>Everyone saying it is reddit
Make the weapons FUN
Make the stratagems FUN
Make the enemies FUN

translation: Make the game piss easy.
Oops, I meant to type shredder tank, not turret. The one's with four barrel machine gun round, right?
I can't say I've had much bad luck when using eagle strikes on the shredder tanks though.
I made a lot of people mad with that one, didn't I.
There is a faction of anti-content creditors here. Whenever the idea of anything getting added to the game is brought up they start acting extremely hostile.
would be cool if the mech was faster, it'd be pointless as is
Fun is reddit anon
>t. scrub (not even tryhard)

It would be heckin epic AWESOME SAUCE if they put ponchos in the game XD.
Hi sissy's, happy 4th of July. Let's blow some shit up!
Isn't the mech walking speed a sprinting pace and can go through water and stuff?
Another patch another no durability damage increase for the railgun
>this doctored photo has been sent to the ministry of truth and its creator sent to the mines
The mech is generally slower than sprinting speed. Long distance it MIGHT be able to keep up with heavy armor.
the game is very schizophrenic with its comical technology and autistic gun mechanics
fuckers are keeping me from overcharging my energy weapons when way more serious settings have their laser guns and plasma guns explode if they're pushed too far past safe limits
Did you got triggered by someone saying Awesome of all things?
pelican support when
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Why do the so called 'fun" ideas always involve making the game easier(or outright stupid and unfitting for in-game universe) than it already is? And Why do the people who get called out for their shit ideas get so defensive?
Well it would be still be useful for traversing deep water
That's just another word for fun. The original had silly passenger seats, I figure we need to bring them back.
Just give HD2 to Risk of Rain devs
>or outright stupid and unfitting for in-game universe
The mechs have handlebars what's so stupid and unfitting about it?
Railgun doesn't need durability increase, gunships need a durability decrease.
HMG does way better durability damage.
>Railgun being able to kill anything other than chaff is making the game easier
>500kg actually damaging things outside a 5m diameter is making the game easier

Nah, they're already weak to most support weapons.
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happy 4th break out the break-action shotguns
>throw down mortar
>it just sits there not targeting anything
What the fuck is this flat pack IKEA garbage. Fix your shit you putrid fish slurping cunts.
bro your targeting upgrade?

Those aren't the type of ideas I'm talking about. Those are balance issues.
This but unironically.
get real lil homie
>nigger speak
>quickplaying against bots
>a factory strider appears
>No big deal, let's just shoot the chin guns off and then either mag dump the stomach or snipe its eye.
>Instead my teammates throw 30 minutes worth of timers at it.
every fucking time. I swear randoms only know how to throw every fucking strike at the thing and pray that it dies, and then scream and cry when the 2nd or 3rd one shows up.
LOL stop fighting over me, u 2
So nothing came of that discord post drama?
I had a feeling it was some patrician-tier trolling
It's not like you can know when other players are preparing a strat.
The best ones are when they throw cluster bombs at it.
does it still happen with the camera shoulder swap? mouse5
get real lil nigger
Lmfao seethe metafag i will throw my 380 at the strider and i will have fun
>spamming and samefagging with his mom's phone
our standards have hit new lows
500kg is already one of the best stratagem. It has small radius because it has strong damage in a single hit. Kinda weird choice to think that it need buff out of all the things that can get buff
Railgun can get a buff, sure. It is one of the weaker support weapon imo
well it certainly made a lot of anons very upset
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>haven't played in ages
>wrangle 3 other retards in
>drop into a bug 9
>take Spear
>mfw folding BTs and nuking shrieker nests from the other side of the map
spearchads we're finally home
KEK you told yourself you had to say nigger after that. You're fitting in nicely.
>outright stupid and unfitting for in-game universe
Anon, the game is outright stupid, just look at the fucking upgrade descriptions
Helldivers 2 is about a bunch of retards doing stupid and dangerous shit because they're "Special Forces"

if the game designers and the writers had proper communication then there would be a lot more unsafe modes or combining stratagems
why do people keep saying shit like ‘samefagging with his phone’
why would you need a different device to samefag
or am i being retarded and missing something
It's unreliable as fuck, especially now that the BT may not register damage at all. Way worse than a pair of EATs, specially for people that don't have the Eagle upgrades
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>put down rocket/autocannon sentry
>it starts wasting all of its ammo on a barely visible fabricator
>scramble to blow it up before the sentry is completely wasted
>get killed by the legions of heavy bots the sentry was actually called down for
i've explained it before. it's the wannabe-normalfag types
And worst of all: it's not FUN
Make it unique, have a long cooldown, but make it go KABOOM
haha yes i am kekking quite hard myself my fellow anon
at least mortars have a tard wrangler mode locked behind a helldivllion samples so they won't do that anymore
I have not tried that actually. I dunno if its really worth testing, and to be fair it is kinda nit picky. But if I remember later I'll try to test it out.
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rare sample farm (hole hunt missions) on crimsica
It is fine for me
Bile titan is janky and a pair of EAT is equally as inconsistent as killing it with a 500kg
if the only way to generate a reaction is by spamming you're not trolling, you're wasting your own time just as much as the other person's
Decreasing the durability of gunship engines to 70% will allow the railgun to destroy them in two SAFE shots while keeping the number of AC shots requires also at 2, reducing AMR to 2 shots from 4, HMG to 5 shots from 8, and reducing laser cannon to 1.5 seconds continuous fire from 1.8 seconds.

It would also effect primary and secondary weapons:
lib pen: 34 shots required down from 58
adjudicator: 24 from 50
DCS: 16 from 58
slugger: 7 from 11
dominator: 6 from 9
senator: 11 from 24

Eruptor, scorcher, purifier, punisher plasma, crossbow and grenade pistol would remain unchanged at 2, 8, 4, 6, 4, and 2 shots respectively.

Reducing the gunship engine durability is a benefit to many weapons and makes gunships less of a hard support weapon check. Increasing the durable damage of only the railgun only effects it and doesn't solve the underlying issue with why gunships suck.
rrrrreeeeeeee hahah
>doing soil sample mission on a comfy diff 7
>everyone competent, tagging, working together, etc.
>green diver has samples
>out of nowhere he gets yeetus deletus'd from the soil sample site into the deep ocean at the edge of the map like somebody imported the hand tool in roller coaster tycoon to pick up guests
>bye bye all of our samples
Entire team laughed their ass off. Was too ridiculous to even get mad at.
EATs are just as unreliable but can be called far more quickly and you won't miss your shots if the BT decides to rotate in place, you can also let your teammates use it and save the Eagle for better stratagems
i was a bystander during that episode
desu im disappointed it wasnt just ignored instead of shitting up the remainder of the thread
Havemt been home to play. What are the new ship modules in the notes or any other pertinent changes bros ?
>especially now that the BT may not register damage at all.
bile titans have been ignoring damage since release.
/hdg/ discord when
bugchads stay winning
>hole hunt missions
Anon, that's just you going to the bar. That's not helldiving at all! You just want wingmen for cruising! >:(
Lmao dumb wannabe normalfag
Hasn't it been confirmed recently? I remember the "just aim better bro" cope
Yeah riding a mech is stupid but ftl travel, orbital drop pods, giant monsters, said mechs, and drugs that instantly fix broken bones aren't. Fuck off.
yes, it;s only just been recognized as a known issue, but it was always present.
bot or bugs?
devastator corpses sometimes launch you into orbit
i wish they'd add capes to the slop shop.
/b/ro wtf is ur problem
>"Rhinos? RHINOS?! Our enemy rides in metal boxes! We.... we shall take away.... their metal BOXES..."
APCs when?
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>collected all their dropped samples again
>some big air jumping off slopes
>take out multiple patrols with less than five shots on the way
>don't even need samples anymore
don't worry i got u
*Drops clussy on you* nothing personnel kid
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Has coomer modder made a Natasha mod yet? Been running the DCS on both bugs and bots lately.
Which barrage should I bring for bots?
like that other guy said many threads ago, let me grind for them

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>I remember the "just aim better bro" cope
Is it cope if it's true? In my months of testing trying to figure out why bile titans sometimes took 3 shots to kill it was always, every single time I've ever done it, always a consistent two-shot if I hit the ridge of their forehead plate while they are spitting. This is without them taking any damage from any other source, not even their own spit. Hitting the mouth while spitting? always 3+ shots. The forehead plate ridge? always 2 shots.
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>drop into gacrux egg mission
>actually have fun
>one of us is lone wolfing side objectives
>as soon as his pod data upload finishes, the game decides to fuck itself
>reinforcement bug
>eggs become unbreakable
>enemy animations stop working
they added some new fuckery to discourage lone wolfing objectives in a squad, such as patrols being redirected at you if you're at the objective site where previously this would only happen as soon as you activated the terminal
shit goes much further than this but I'm still exploring
another bad call that hurts the cooperative aspect by forcing interdependence
but beyond that, it's so shoddy and broken that it can brick your mission
It was bots. Weirdest thing is that as far as I could tell there were no dead bots around "green" when he went superman. One second he was running around the side of the soil sampler and the next second he was returning to his home planet.
loving these epic helldiver memes and greentexts
please keep us updated with any new helldiver memes and greentexts
wanna see how funny u cant get
The patrols seem crazy now. Along with dropship calls. Why do they have to mess with the difficulty every patch.
heavy armor weakpoints should be large and small weakpoints should be medium armor, they should never overlap
is that pic real? it does take me 2-3 EATs
go watch some faggoty anime since they're apparently so great and not a troon-infested fandom
That's a really fucking scuffed target
the idea is you post with 2 ips so you can post faster and reply to yourself faster than the post limit
no thanks i do not watch japshit as i do not have erectile dysfunction
You're the one with troons on your mind and also the one who keeps mentioning them lmao. Really low-functioning, bro.
I love slapping bile titans from across the map!
funny, when i use my pc and then my phone to post in the same thread not for samefagging i swer i get a shared cooldown
please kill yourself already
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Arrested for CP, such is the fate of all discord fagaloons. Too bad! So sad!
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you really let a post like that set you off, really?
i would if i could
We need one because this general is going to die eventually and I'm tired of posting lobbies here
stimming you :)
way too much to live for ;)
Because they're retards. They mistake their casual cinematic dakka shooter for some sort of milsim hybrid survival game. Identity crisis is one hell of a drug.
I love undocumented changes. Shit even the fucking tier 5 modules aren't in the patch notes.
its "an hero", retard
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At this point it's either a rogue dev hellbent on crashing this shit with no survivors making secret changes or the most incompetent dev team of history
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so what player count do we think this game is going to level out at for the next year or two

im thinking somewhere between 10-15k
less than something like payday 2 but more than games like darktide
>the most incompetent dev team of history
Given that every other swede developer seems to do this for once I think it's actually incompetence instead of malice.
Well, if their patch notes are as well documented as their version history, they may well just be uploading earlier revisions at random which is how old bugs keep getting resurrected.
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it's not so bad in practice, you do get a decent amount of time to line up your shot
Darktide average 4k.
It's the only thing that makes sense, it would also explain why they have to keep fixing the same bugs different ways.
>brownoids talking shit about swedes because 2 companies happen to make a few mistakes
thank you pablo very cool
Paradox just releases dogshit, I've never seen someone trying to fix a bug, fail to do so, make 5 more bugs and THEN releasing it without even testing
>a few mistakes
Please get some better bait. And get the fuck back to work Alexsus you lazy piece of shit.
I miss this rock. I'm so sick of ebin fog worlds.
no kill like overkill
>fixed infinite drop pod loading screens guys! :)

Who the fuck let you out of your cuckshed, alexus? Get back inside, its time for your mandatory dif9 playtesting and electroshock therapy.
Depends if they flood the game with more cosmetics. Normies need a massive endgame grind and this game doesn't really have one, streamers have no ULTRA ELITE bosses to fight or anything. And the game is too intense for casual streamers to chat while playing it imo, but ohdough does it while solo d9 so maybe once people get gud
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>happen to make a few mistakes
>make a few mistakes
>a few mistakes
>few mistakes
What? It's the opposite
500kg is way more convenient than EAT. You just call it then bait titan into one of its long animation right under it
For EAT, you have to call it, wait for it to come down, pick it up, shoot, then pick up the 2nd one (assuming that you didn't get pushed out of where the EAT is). If the titan is spinning in circle then it is harder to shoot the EAT, especially if you try to shoo the head or the upper back to break the armor
>le alexus
>le bait
you have to go back
Very cool Rajeesh, your next line will be "brownoids".
The deagle is kinda shit compared to the revolver
you are bad at the game and you should feel bad
Brown people don't play this game
jeeshus anon stop being so racist
Nuke India, curry war now
>His area is not already full of EATs
You are using them wrong
>leg meta still not fixed
I sleep
It has really shitty cone of fire. I whiff so many shots with it even when standing still.
>leg meta
>staying in one area long enough to call in multiple EATs
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No way.
>Planet modifier doubles call-in time
You've now missed your two chances, enjoy your doubled cooldown
>If the titan is spinning in circle then it is harder to shoot the EAT,
You wait until it stops spinning
What the other said is also true, you can call down EATs everywhere since the start, can't do that with 500kgs
yeah i agree that it lacks staying power. the cosmetic “system”, if you could call it that, is so barebones and pitiful it may as well not exist

the game needs weapon skins, armor skins, more ways to spend req slips and samples. basically just more little hits of dopamine
I never really hang out in one place long enough or double back to place I was in to use random EAT I call in way earlier.
It's super easy to hit a 500 kg on a titan, even with the modifier to extend call in time. Sure, it won't kill it by itself most of the time in one shot, but it will do very good damage.
It's nice to call 500 kg if I get 2-3 charger/behemoth stunned in one place as well, which happens quite frequently
>>a factory strider appears
ngl I
reminds me of bunker missions where i'll call out "lasering this bunker", throw the orbital, then hear someone typing out their own laser and throw it in <5 seconds later
If you're going to seethe about what other players are doing then get your own group of metafaggots to play with. God the endless bitching in this thread about pubs is grating.
botfags will never quit bitching
it says so in the bible
>No big deal, let's
Yeah, good luck lmao
I have a feeling like randoms just dont shoot at things. I join lobbies from this thread and the game feels pretty easy. I play with randoms and I feel like I'm doing everything myself
I feel like only people with Spears ever helped me and I noticed it, the rest are basically just mostly shooting at things and maybe saving me from a few hits
Reminder that if you can't run diff 9 with default armor and the default liberator rifle, you are bad at the game.
Reminder that if you don't engage every patrol you come across, you didn't actually beat diff 9
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Nice crutch shitter
Try the scythe or the post nerf breaker
>default armor
Padded medium is pretty good, desu.
Still running scorcher/tenderizer/punplas a thousand times before I run any soulless, boring, dogshit liberator variant.
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>diff 9 buugs
>main obj done
>4/5 side obj done
>three others call the shuttle
>try to solo the last obj
>obviously it's a stalker nest
>get called back to shuttle
why are they like this
Also did they fuck with the strat inputs lately? For some reason EAT's seem not register the last right button
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bots or bugs 9
coomer modders only
coomer get ye gone
>Post nerf breaker
bro it's like a tiny ammo nerf because alexus couldn't sit still without nerfing the thing even if it didn't needed it.
Would explain why I have to hit reload, stim or run ten thousand times
>Also did they fuck with the strat inputs lately?
I've noticed this as well. Normally lightning fast on the inputs but now I'm having to redo things way more often.
>tiny ammo nerf
And now it's just dogshit Dominator
how long until the swiggerbeasts delete fabs from the targeting list of sentries that can't pen their side walls (currently all of them) and make the targeting logic make the things actually select penetrable subareas of enemies in view like heads or dropship engines, even if as an upgrade
how so?
>how so?
Play the damn game
how long until we get an ingame bestiary which shows the newfags and retards what parts of the enemy you shoot at and what guns you need to bring to actually damage them?
If it hits the vent or the open doorway can the plasma punisher destroy a fab?
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Fuck that, when are they going to stop spraying the entire battlefield every time they rotate around to shoot a new target?
The end of everyithing
no use your autocannon, a shot facing the vent will ricochet into the fab and blow it up
Coomer armor maker needs to get more consistent and encompassing with his variants, I doubt I'd install any but when I skimmed them it's very noticeable when one has a variant for crotchless/crotched pants yet no boots toggle and another has a boots toggle but no closed zip option for the nearly pube length open cleavage
you are the one comparing the automatic shotgun to the dominator, now explain yourself
Absolutely, definitively, unironically never. If players were given the resources to learn and git gud they would start nooticing how broken and poorly coded the game is.
You're right, I thought it said Eruptor. I apologize
stop posting this or i will fuck you like a pig
We sleep.
We sleep.
i can still fucking see you Mini-Me
Not her, but I sleep.
We sleep.
I think they'll nootice the game is an absolute mess when they discover they have to dive forward when using the EAT
i thought you were talking about the slugger
which is pretty much the dominator if it worse
>based sleepers shitting on the wannabe normalfag
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>hmm a behemoth leg has the same hp as an AT weapon has damage. So why can't it break it with one shot???
>Two AT shots should be more than enough to kill a titan head, so why does it very often need more???
We sleep.
Why are the guns so damn big
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>thread is filled with nonsensical shitposting
What constant shit patches, drama, and content drought do to a general.
>beaten by 1 single kill
Literally what can you even talk about other than
>Yup, they made everything worse with this patch, again
Can't even properly discuss about stratagems/weapons because nothing even works like it should
>Deaths: 7, 5
Sorry buddy, 5 deaths tallied up too. You're out at first base.
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Wait there's another tier of ship modules? What the fuck why isn't this ever announced in-game.
I'm from Buenos Aires and I say AH SUCKS.
This game has taught me to never use the Spear ever again, shit can't hit weak points for shit
also purple just fucked off to one direction, hence the low kills
i did a bunch of 9s today the game feels the same besides random crashes but thats normal at this point.
This is an 18+ website.
I use the spear because I don't want to be swarmed by PIG CHARGERS.
It's crazy how harder the game gets when you don't play exactly like they want

I have more fun shitposting here than I do helldiving

the magic is gone anon
it’s fuckjng gone
I'd say EAT's are better for chargers too, for the heavy ones aim for a leg and then focus fire on that leg
high difficulty is not playtested since the devs are hardstuck in diff 4
I'm not micromanaging EAT's.
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>I feel like only people with Spears ever helped me and I noticed it
>TFW a teammate marks a heavy they are getting chased by 100+ meters away from me and I blow it out with the spear as they then use the thank you voice command.
I love this support weapon.
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nor do I
Literally just cook their legs for 2-3 seconds with a flamethrower
>This kills the behemoth charger
Good, good. That's you and you should reply when someone calls to you, wannabe normalfag.
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A foking infinite loading like 3dr time from 8th match loads
What a big steamy lie it was fixed, FUCK SWEDS
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Finally got home from wage cucking, let's kill some bots (and farm samples)


Bot 9
Helldiver, turn the game console off right now. Stop defending X-45 and liberating Meissa.
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Patrols on 4-5 bots seem way out of whack. I was fucking around with lower level sample farming and aside from fewer heavies the sheer number of enemies seemed insane. Idk how people at that level would deal with this shit. I had several easier games today on 7-9.
>defense mission
>notice teammate is using a recoiless too
>approach him to help him reload
>ge punches me away and goes back to solo reloading like a retard
>>reinforcement bug
>>eggs become unbreakable
>>enemy animations stop working
yeah anon they definitely added in a secret toggle that if anyone completes an objective while being more than 50 meters from a friendly it bricks the fucking mission.
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you did try to grab hold of his RR without consent
How does this work? i havent never played through link
copy and paste the link in your web browser

2/4 :D
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failed to join lobby fucko
its full, sowwy
Oh it needs steam overlay to be turned on
Something got fucked
Destroyed gunship fabricators are still spawning gunships
begone ESL monkey
kill them.
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> Superior Packing Methodology STILL not working correctly
was it your own resupply call-in?
You pretend you're high test in a video game thread lmao. You really are a wannabe normalfag.
Tried both mine AND randoms call-ins. Would leave me with 1 short Spear ammo.
is the normalfag in the room with us right now
not seen that even once
Shhe's going to be BRED by FILTHY BUG COCK
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>Unable to join game
>Failed to join because the session is full
>Failed to join because the session is full
>Unable to join game
>Failed to join because the session is full
>Lobby is private
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New stratagem hint, commando maybe? Or am I just coping
There's a reason this MO is only one planet. They don't want us to fail it because it's the story reason for the content in the next free warbond.
Really hope it's the AR-20L Justice, iirc there's a few guns like it that were in a semi-playable state a whiiile back. The silenced AR, the Patriot carbine, and the Justice.
Why does the laser cannon, scythe, and dagger have recoil. It doesn't make them more fun to shoot, it makes them less fun to shoot
The ones with an arrow on the shield do. They only appear on DEFEND planets and are 20 minute missions with smaller maps, but seem to have the sample counts of a 40 minute mission (or higher? idk it's very high). The ones without the arrow are 40 minute missions and may have the same number of samples but obviously they're more spread out and inefficient to collect.
Isn't the AR-20l justice just the same as the liberator penetrator? For some reason they don't want to give weapons in this game punch-through (even the railgun) so there's no hope of getting a TRUE penetrating weapon in HD2
How is it going to be different from the Adjudicator?

Something fucky has to be going on, they've been fighting on Mesia for what over a day at 1% and it's only half liberated?
>Game decides to spam tanks and shield devastators at extraction
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its from the internals moving around inside the weapon

>t. pilestedt
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>distinct color sets and camos while also being interchangeable increasing the value of each set
>all follow the black/yellow theme without looking too goofy
What happened
also just run stealthy shit and ignore the main objective, keep collecting until you hit the emergency evac shuttle that gets called when time runs out and you'll have an extra couple minutes to make it back. if you get good at timing it you'll consistently maximize your time collecting and also arrive right at the ~20-30 second window where the evac dropship is landed and will be able to get out relatively cleanly.
armor paint jobs probably aren't far behind now that we have fucking drop pod paint jobs
I'm guessing it'll be more of a marksman rifle if it is released. I'm not too concerned with its stats or performance though, I just think it'll look cool with the default armour.
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>tiny ammo nerf
Loosing 3 rounds per magazine is enough to make it feel awful to use. Plus it lost 21 rounds overall. I haven't used it since the nerf.
>I just think it'll look cool with the default armour.
If the model is the same yea it probably will.
Every single weapon feels like it just tickles the enemy, who the FUCK thinks it's fun to mag-dump chaff?
How long do you have to be out of a match before it lets you change your strats if you rejoin?
waffling on various customization options and eventually deciding they want to get away from the pure black/yellow base scheme only for people to want those options and not care too much about the new schemes either
is it even possible to extract alive out of diff7+ solo blitz missions
it's insane how hard it ramps up the enemy spawns
I have, but it's a lot of RNG
which "chaff" are you magdumping
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Same as usual, start with bugs and move on to bots. Helldives exclusively.
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I went from playing Aliens Fireteam to this game and it's a shock how weak and awful feeling the guns in this game are.
The bot soldiers
Sometimes they resist headshots and it's so freaking weird
Not from my liberator penetrator :)
The design choices in this game are honestly baffling.
They made guns shit on purpose because they want you to use stratagems, but most stratagems are also shit and the ones that aren't are limited use or have some other drawback to them that leaves the player unsatisfied. I have to hand it to them, they really captured the feeling of being in the middle of a shitshow.
weeb btfo
I'm shooting at them with the Scorcher
Maybe I'm hitting their necks? But the explosion should be still able to kill them
Is the Exterminator armor worth getting?
I want it so fucking bad bro look at that drip. Fuck it I'm doing it curse you
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>They made guns shit on purpose because they want you to use stratagems, but most stratagems are also shit and the ones that aren't are limited use or have some other drawback to them that leaves the player unsatisfied.
support weapons are stratagems
>regularly go 200+ kills with just the DCS on bots
possible problem related to execution of gameplay
i wonder if the shitters trying to swing dick with killcount know how bad they are
It's the coolest looking medium armor in the game that has that passive. Go for it.
You can do that with just the 5 strafing runs anon
Weren't you btfo in another thread?
ultimately kill count is meaningless anon
if someone told me they got 600 kills I'd just assume their a shitter that got carried, endlessly killing reinforcements while their time struggled with one less player on objectives
The point is primaries aren't that bad
Really anon? You're getting 40 kill strafing runs on bots?
no retard
its almost as if not everyone is shit like you
scorcher inconsistently 1 shots chaff, bring a revolver for that or something
costs 600 credits tho
fuck it I'm doing it
There will be a massive player surge when the illuminates release
Then likely another big player surge when vehicles release
Basically whenever real content launches lots of players come back but most normies don’t care for the ongoing war events and minor warbonds and shit
This doesn't contradict anything I said.
it's more fun when you have 12 magazines to dump in that chaff, of between 45 and 60 rounds of recoil compensated 5.56 or 20 to 30 rounds of 7.62 that punches infinitely through any line of targets below its armor pen value, with a bayonet as long as your forearm stuck to the gun

they already know what's perfect, but forgot to remember what they already know because they're dumb faggot swiggers
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works on my machine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
listen retard i regularly go over 300 confirmed kills with my DCS (diligence counter sniper) on d5 bots

skill issue tongues my anus
reading comprehension
You're literally agreeing with me anon?
That was my point? That primaries are fine and serviceable?
swear to god if that bug is back
Kills matter gamewise and storywise Don't let cucks make you think otherwise.
why would i use energy on reading comprehension

i am shitposting not grading your nerd posts
im the top shitter in the entire SEAF armed forces

you are nothing to me
>Actually primaries should only be used for mediums!
>Actually primaries should only be used for chaff!
>Actually don't even use primaries!

t. Arc Thrower chad
>top shitter in the SEAF armed forces
>SEAF armed forces
>Super Earth Armed Forces Armed Forces
Based retard
Also, everyone knows that Eagle-1 is the best shitter in the SEAF. Because she's anal only.
>diff 7 blitz
>full squad
>host and the other two are not doing the best despite being an 80, a 60 and a 40
>try to just keep my head down and blitz the fab destruction as fast as possible, by the time I joined not a lot of time left
>swedish magic happens, host somehow gets disconnected, I'm the new host
>notice that I seem to be the only one destroying these bases, and that after i pin where i'm going and destroy the base and REMOVE my pin, when i'm already blowing up the next base the two remaining players are barely getting there instead of pivoting to the new target
>at some point they just decide to camp permanently in the middle of nowhere with only a few chaff around, somehow having trouble with just pure chaff
>tell them to just leave, they have a very obvious exit route right next to them, chaff is too far away and not at the right angle to hit them in the back, we only have 3 min left
>get a negative
>pull up the main menu, start clicking on names
i have literally no idea how there are players past 20 who can get bogged down
moving position in this game isn't hard, and it's essential to bot gameplay
what should i get after the tier 5 faster reload module? im thinking quick weapon deployment or orbital upgrade for the big rail gun
Scorcher is so good against bugs bros. Why the fuck is this thing so OP. It even kills chargers if you shoot them in the butt with a mag while they're stunned.
they want to play the game and not a running simulator
It's a good all rounder, with the drawback being terrible ammo economy. I stopped using it entirely because unless I'm doing an ammo pack meme build, I'm basically down a primary half the time because it's empty.
Your real primary is the senator anyway
Then they should be playing the objective.
So is the game still broken dogshit? Haven't played in a month.
Might be more broken, actually. I'm getting crazy frame drops since the patch and the infinite load screen bug is still common.
>I'm getting crazy frame drops since the patch
are you pressing escape or opening the social menu in game during your play sessions
but i like running and jumping from large hordes to turn around and shoot back. arc thrower can kill like four of them per shot
>arcs into the ground
>arcs into a rock
>arcs into a tree
>arcs into a corpse
Cool. Cool. I should just uninstall at this point.
The variety of ways it can fail is part of what makes it fun. Few understand this.
I *can* understand trying to get to an objective and having to fight 3 patrols because there going straight to you now
I *can't* for the life of me understand why the hell don't they run away when they start chaining drops
Yeah it's the commando. Playstation leaked the ingame armory video for it late last week and we've had the finished version in the game files for about 2 weeks now.
>Based retard
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little shit?
What do you take with the arc thrower to deal with Big Niggas
it does that sometimes, but you should have plenty distance, and, therefore, time, to fix that before they get too close.
we should be taking most of them out before they get too close
helldivers never cry
I hate bots so fuckin much
I don't understand people asking for tye illuminate when it's clear these fuckers couldn't even get a second faction right
Stop wearing armor with 100 or less rating.
Zero (0) bridges in the entire game
>Cool and braindead simple objective that everyone would love? Nooo you have to run around the map like a retard
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h-helldivers never c-cry
It's not the instakills (though those can happen even with heavy armor), it's yhe frustrating cover shooting in a game that isn't a cover shooter
You constantly get surrounded by random patrols that spawn near, or shot in different angles by long range
It's infuriating
>blow up this huge inert object that the enemy is using, enemy defenses or armored convoy crossing or loitering optional, haha 500kg go boom
>alternatively help these SEAF retards gain ground to use our own orbitally dropped bridgelaying equipment, another variation on defensive console inputting with animation porn that happens to generate near uncrossable chasms
dont do it
i said dont do it anon
They need to generate some roads or something
Ok, but the Adjudicator, Eruptor, Tenderizer, Grenade pistol, Verdict, Senator, Explosive Crossbow (if you can pass the shitter filter), Sickle, Blitzer, Scorcher, Incendiary Breaker, Breaker S&P, Diligence, DCS, and more are all good weapons. I think it's reasonable that aggressive retard mutated bugs are able to tank a few hits, though scavengers shouldn't be able to with their annoying tendency to whack a mole their breach calls. Maybe the smaller bots shouldn't either but there are several primaries that are more than able to shit on them with one bullet.

Either way I would love to recommend running a HMG or MG along with the supply pack for your desired performance against smaller enemies. Run AT orbitals and you'll be fine.
>validate files after patch this morning because I always get a "failed to connect to game" bug if I don't whenever there's a patch
>mildly surprised that everything was fine and no files need to be reacquired
>played for an hour and then went about my business for the day
>tried to play again just now
>can't connect with anyone
>check steam status
>the "On Main Menu" status is there, which is the callsign for this bug, I'm bugged again
>happens every time there's a patch
>I've moved heaven and earth to see what can be done about it but it always just takes 2-3 hours after validating and restarting my PC to work again, no solutions fix it
Welp, have fun boys. I would have enjoyed playing tonight since my plans fell through but I guess I just have to sit here and fume instead.
how about you generate some bitches
t. on linux
it'd be nice if gunships and chargers didn't have infinite fucking tracking
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They want 200-250 rare samples for each of these new stratagems and 200 commons. They could at least let us collect more. Why is there even a cap?
>some shitlord teamkills me for absolutely no reason
>think it's an accident, continue playing
>later on he points his weapon at me and shoots me, almost killing me but I escape and stim
>think it's suspicious but couldn't point the finger at him since I wasn't paying attention, why would I suspect someone of deliberately trying to kill me
>see that he's low on supplies, try to run up to him to give him supplies
>he deliberately shoots me and kills me even though there are a fuckload of bots around
>the next time I spawn I immediately kill him and then disconnect

Shouldn't have taken me that long, but there's absolutely zero reason to expect someone to behave like that.
I'm on Linux and my game is easily the most stable out of my entire friend group and seemingly infinitely more stable than the majority of this thread.
I'm pretty sure it's the anticheat that's fucking Windows users over all the time.
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to keep you playing, duh
Holy cope.
Level? Diff? Console/PC? Was he trying to steal your equipment?
This grind is supposed to last 2 weeks until the new warbond. At least we get the commando next week, I guess
What reason do I have to cope when I'm the only one whose game doesn't crash every session?
I've crashed maybe twice since launch.
Commando will be this weekend, it'll drop part way through the MO.
Drew you out as a linux user. Cope.
Someone explain this to me
The anticheat is invasive and obstrutive, yet AH cares so little about cheating that they don't even allow you to report cheating
How are they going to balance the commando against the EAT? Long cooldown after summoning?
It's pretty balanced. More convenient (can spam all 4 tubes, only comes in one package) but has some downsides like twice the call-in time, and the rockets do less damage each. I think the leaked version has overall more damage (all 4 rockets) but I don't know if they will change that. I think it was 450 per, where the EAT does 650 each
>How are they going to balance the commando against the EAT
It's a direct upgrade, which is a good thing. Sidegrade stratagems are fucking trash nothingburgers. Did everyone forget this game is supposed to have PROGRESSION? Like, the high level expensive RQ stratagems are supposed to be more powerful than the ones you can acquire before that? Alexus did I guess
off the top of my head the cooldown was roughly 2.5x the cooldown of EAT, however the launcher supports lock-on like the spear and dumbfire with a very short delay between shots. It's less of an EAT competitor and more of something you bring in addition to EATs since it deals the same damage as the mech rockets instead of EAT/RR/Quasar damage.
It was always just to protect MTX and nothing else. You can cheat samples easily with memory editing. You can't cheat SC the same way.
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I love how scarred and pitted your armor becomes as you survive more and more stuff.
>You can cheat samples easily with memory editing
I'm honestly very tempted
Honestly I think a lot of EAT enjoyers will just want to run both.
>How are they going to balance the commando against the EAT?
If it stays the way it is now it won't be balanced against EATs, it will be flat out superior.

1 commando drop will have 1800 total damage in a single 4 shot package
1 EAT drop is 1300 damage in 2 single shot packages.
Command will two-shot bile titans, chargers of both variety, tanks, cannon towers, and factory striders. It will also 1-shot hulks and gunships which is much easier to do with the commando than the EAT because the commando is laser guided, and has 3 more rockets ready to go.
It's wire-guided like the HL2 rocket launcher, not lock-on. It tracks your mouse cursor if you keep aiming

Which I don't get because the anti-cheat has nothing to do with microtransactions being uncheatable in this game. They send a special packet to the server that you can't spoof when you pick them up.

What's to stop a determined cheater from just seeing where all the samples are on a map and teleporting between them, then restarting the map on a timer? If it's automated correctly you don't even have to touch your keyboard while your script runs. The anticheat doesn't do anything to prevent this but break bypasses every major game update, but they're fixed in a couple days. So what's the point? People are speedhacking as we speak to open bunkers, be invulnerable to enemies, and get SC at a rate of 2k+ per hour.
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>doing blitz mission
>timer ran out but only have 30 seconds left til pelican
>have a good amount of samples
>someone throws a SEAF artillery strategem but gets ragdolled so it falls in the middle of us
>we wipe and the host leaves during the mission summary screen
>apparently the host leaving at that time means you get no medals, XP, or requisition slips
Cool, thanks whoever you are.
>get SC at a rate of 2k+ per hour
Ok, that's pretty based.
>I want to play this game even LESS before getting burned out!
Never understood you people.
Just an extremely malevolent strategy to steal your FPS
>she enjoys grinding
I just spent 600 SC on a shitty armor, I'm not looking forward to your extremely engaging grind borefest, Piledick
D8 bots, we were both console and no he wasn't trying to steal my stuff. If he wanted to, he would have done it after the first kill. I didn't even teamkill him by accident before this, it looked like he was just being an asshole. Weirdest part was that he was the host, so if he didn't like how I was playing he could have easily kicked me instead of going through all that.
>EAT upgrades to drop four at a time in two bundles of two that you can merge together like an ammo drop if you spend just one out of each pair, gets directly improved warheads like other similar launchers like RR and Spear, starts one shotting BT heads and the like
>upgraded Commando gets to transition from a disposable weapon to being a backpack one, then gets doubled capacity to 8 by stacking more barrels or using superposed tubes with extra diagonal venturi ports or something, becoming just like its original fully upgraded self except it starts as anti-tank instead of taking that as its final upgrade and then buys the backpack back
commando would still be better, but you can absolutely make the EAT keep up
because it's intended to stop your average mouthbreather from just googling "hd2 cheat engine super coin", downloading the first CE table or malware program (that works but also infects you) and clicking two buttons after hooking the process
Did he have an edgy name ?
Can confirm this as well.
A lot of the hard crashes that were community reported never happen to me, sans the arc thrower one. I'd usually be the only one left in the lobby once one of those critical bugs goes off and just kek.

I don't know why you'd play this on windows at this point.
There's close to infinity ways to entirely prevent resource cheating without using malware-tier anticheats
You're not taking into account the damage from crushing things with the EAT pod, and honestly when I'm running EAT+another support weapon I tend to kill more chargers with the EAT pod than the EATs themselves.

There also is the challenge of needing to hit the same hitbox twice with the commando. Otherwise you risk spreading the damage around ineffectually. The laser guidance will help with that but you will be exposed and vulnerable while guiding the missile.
oh its the anticheat schizo again
don't worry the guns in AFE feel like they're tickling enemies too when you go to the higher difficulties
it's not a schizo, it's a shazamniggy
I never notice any of these effects because my PC can't keep up with all these unoptimized as fuck games.
Or I need to upgrade. Probably both.
It's my very first day in this general
Grinding for credits is retarded nobody actually enjoys that
>Playstation leaked the ingame armory video
lmao I didn't realize it was snoystation that leaked it, I thought the armory video had been datamined.
No, just the standard college dudebro handle. It couldn't have been my loadout either, I was just running HMG + Supply Backpack and I only did that after making sure the overall team loadout was balanced.

I guess some people are just assholes for the sake of being assholes. I probably could have spawncamped him for a couple more kills just to drive the point home, but I didn't feel like it.
if you can shoot a bile titan twice in the head with an EAT drop you can hit it twice in the head with the commando, only you won't have to scramble for the second one and you won't have to prep it.
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Oh, it's a coping cuckold tranny again.
Reminder Linux users don't have kernel anti-cheat and actual tools to isolate games from your personal data.
Is there any other shit coming?
You KNOW performance gets worse with every update because they're patching exploits, right? What's this "anticheat schizo" cuckoldry?
very cool! share your experiences on /g/ and don't forget your bi-hourly axe wound dilation!
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Carpet Bomb and a tactical nuke, both of which can only be used once per mission. Carpet Bomb is completely finished (and has been for months lmao) and ready to go but the nuke was missing some VFX last I checked but has been updated several times over the past few months.
Just play the game you retards. I've been playing for 2.5 months and unlocked every warbond but the last one just playing the game. Only need like 150 more SC to get VC too.
I don't know what you are taking about, the Chinese are still playing.
>Carpet Bomb and a tactical nuke, both of which can only be used once per mission
what use case would they even have? When you REALLY want that heavy base dead?
Don't forget they're likely going to be tied to the platoon system via the station.
Carpet bomb wipes a rectangular area of intermediate enemies and functionally hard resets that direction. The nuke wipes a bot sized large outpost from existence. They'll be "free" stratagems so it's just some occasional tools to add to the toolkit at no particular cost.
Okay, but seriously, any lobbies?
>both of which can only be used once per mission
>They'll be "free" stratagems so it's just some occasional tools to add to the toolkit at no particular cost.
Oh, cool
I want to run a laser only d9 bug lobby (sickle, scythe, quasar, laser drone, orbital laser, laser cannons) but not sure if people would be down for that
>They'll be "free" stratagems so it's just some occasional tools to add to the toolkit at no particular cost.
orbital illumination flare stocks just went up. If they are willing to make these free surely they'd also make that one free too.
You want to run it like only you will run it or you are wanting the full squad too?
right, crossboarding
SC is the only thing that isn't worth grinding for, and taking money from the swedes is absolutely based.
Fuck off /v/eddit tourist
I remember when redditors were unironically saying shit like "even if you we don't need to, I'm going to buy SC just to support AH".
I haven't seen a post like that in months, lmao.
>platoon leader parks the space station on a non MO planet
Mutiny time
The use case where you would want to use 380 orbital barrage, except it actually hits what you want dead instead of just wasting everyone's time for an eternity.
>Fire incendiary breaker at scavenger
>It fucking dies

I can see why everyone says this weapon is OP now. This shit is unacceptable arrowhead.
>weapon excels at dealing with hunter spam
>people lose their minds
I hope platoons have randomly assigned players and automatically send the battle station to a planet after using managed democracy to decide on a plan of attack.
>Mag-dump a warrior
>Head blows up
>Brawl with the dead body
This shit is so COOL why can't they do this with the rest of the weapons
Why do fucking niggers still have HDDs in 2024 ?
and chargers
and titans
and patrols 200 meters away with incendiary buckshot ammunition
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Ok, I'll host a lobby. D9 bots. We'll make an effort to collect the samples.


Unfortunately all of my operations are on the night side of the planet, so it's dark as fuck. I swear they're always on the night side of the planet. I blame the swedes. They want to make it harder to see the POIs. The voices in the walls told me so.
So the leaky chappie robot is the manager of the battle station.
I use HDDs to save my recordings. They're still WAY more efficient in terms of gigabytes per dollar. The actual OS and games are running on SSDs.
I obviously meant why do niggers still RUN THEIR FUCKING GAMES ON A HDD
They take 3 years to load in
>had 4 mission terminals glitch out today
>lose over 100 rare samples
fuck you alex
2/4. Waiting for more anons.
3/4 now.
Nigga OPS is a level one stratagem and is one of the best in the entire game
We weren't but someone connected right as I was typing this reply.

4/4, we're diving.
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>infinite load screen
>superior packing methodology still not working properly
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>get aimpunched by a basic bitch trooper at 100 meters, shoot the piece of cover I'm in with the EAT I'm holding and explode myself
So that's how shield babs are born...
Is this the N64 port?
Well, I know that when the mission timer permanently turns red that's when you can expect the game to ass ream you at extract.
DS Lite ass gramphix
Don't know why anyone would be anything more than mildly annoyed at this, you never have to interact with that terminal more than a few more times by the time you have enough samples to get that upgrade.
That rare fun moment when the team decide to just use primary to kill the charger
Wonder why are we even using armor, dudes don't flinch, they straight up spasm when they get shot
I had this issue. Disabling steam cloud sync fixed it for me. Fuck if I know why
it should be comically long with SE propaganda blasting as you walk down the hall
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>I'm the only person collecting samples
>they removed the 15m science team resque mission to cheese samples
>everything needs 400+ samples to upgrades
This psyop to make me stop playing is starting to affect me.
For some reason Arrowhead decided that every module must be capped by rares. Could they have 2 modules with an increased common or super cost? Mmmm no we need you to play for 2 weeks.
>2 weeks
I'm only missing the last one, but I'm already burned out.
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What'cha doing over there, buddy?
Yeah bro because you grinded the samples for 5 modules in a day.
>he didn't buy it last
you fool
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Is this game good even if I don't have friends?
I am fucking FED UP with the fucking "I tossed an orbital laser at the base and then just kept running" niggers.
>join quickplay
>objective's done, at least one of them is a bug main because MMG + clusters
>they seem to be in disarray, moving for extract
>casually run across the map to recover downed samples in a heavy base
>they start losing their minds about it in chat, in a good way
>get back, 25 samples recovered
i mean, i only killed 18 things all game and just took advantage of light armor speed to get there and back, mostly during the shuttle timer.
It's the weekend
Players who have no business playing diff 9 bots are playing diff 9 bots
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D9 bots, 1/4
I don't think my PC can even run a D9 bots anymore
I'll run localizer, drops the count pretty seriously.
Yes, quickplaying/playing with pubbies is fine. Solo sucks but is playable at the lower difficulties, wouldn't recommend picking the game up if you intend to solo.
Just join our lobbies. You don't even need to talk. At most I've heard the occasional guy say the word "stalkers" when fighting bugs. Nothing more really needs to be said.
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>call down mech
>it lands on extraction beacon and i can't get in it
My ship crew fucking hate me and idky
How do you run one in HD2?
Join up if you want FUN.
Localizer is one of the boosters, reduces enemy spawnrate extremely noticeably, effectively by 1-2 full difficulty tiers.
use a resupply pod to climb up to it
Oh I thought you meant like, downloading files to so that the game is lees dependent on online content or something
>reduces enemy spawnrate extremely noticeably, effectively by 1-2 full difficulty tiers
Seriously? How come no one talks about it or seems to use it?
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>bots 9 on Meissa
>starts raining and visibility is zero
>running away from a factory strider that's taking potshots at me from behind a bunch of trees
>accidentally dive into a patrol of devastators
>gunship patrol overhead
>teammates nowhere to be seen
>popping stims at every moment i can
>someone brought the stim booster so my screen is just solid red with streaks of red lasers and explosions everywhere and i literally cannot see where im going due to the fog
>somehow survive
>take a breather and reload
>get shot by a cannon turret that saw me half-way across the map

Because it works in a very specific way and it's inconsistent. If the enemy is constantly calling in dropships/breaches then it's good. Otherwise it's not great.
>>objective's done, at least one of them is a bug main because MMG + clusters
I don't get this. I'm a bugnigger but even I know if I play bots to use AC/airstrike. Not that I use shit ass clusters in the first place
>If the enemy is constantly calling in dropships/breaches then it's good
But they're alwasy calling it in higher difficulties
Specially the bots, it's like their addicted to it
clusters are great on hunter/small bug seeds but
>knowing the seed in advance
>>knowing the seed in advance
Exactly. These days I find myself taking gas napalm and something else to fill the last two, usually OPS and whatever support weapon I'm feeling.
Anyone have a link to the hd2 modding guide or discord
It says crazy that no one uses gas, I only started using bc people here recommend it. Drop one in a bug breach, throw a stun to keep the ones around from moving, boom, like 40 kills
10/10 for bugs, 1/10 for bots
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>Walking barrage (literally just a 380mm but moves)
Yep, I'm gaming.
120mm just doesn't do it for me, short range and the effect is minimal
OPS feels better, 1 380/minute, devastates the area.
hunter seeds are the worst I fucking hate this shit. the incel breaker nerf will be the death of bugs its the only weapon in any slot that chemos this cancer
It also inexplicably has the same cool down as the 380
It's a weaker shell, firing at a smaller area and it has the same cool down, it's dumb
At least the walking barrage fires differently
why specifically is the punisher plas so dogshit on bugs? it actually cant kill fucking anything
too many bugs for its 8 shot magazine
>Annihilator Tank's Turret has less armor than the Front
My tank autism is tingling.
it doesn't, that is outdated. both the turret and hull front only have 5 armour now. They both used to have 6 but they reduced it because apparently it wasn't 'visually distinct' enough for people to figure it out
Oh good.
Bugs are tougher than trooper bots, so it has bad breakpoints.
NTA but I’ll disagree: gas strikes on bot elimination missions are pretty good since all the bots drop into the same predictable spots. It’ll kill all light bots and leave devastators as easy kills. Plus the rapid cooldown means it’s always up.
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once more it's the fucking rares crushing my testicles
>Quit game
I'm getting tired of people that fell for the "just run away from everything" meme. Nigger just spawn camp the dropships with an airstrike or something. 2 helldivers can clean up a D9 bot drop in a few seconds if you actually make an effort to clean up your mess. They're the reason for the clips of people getting lit the fuck up by ~7 bot drops worth of shit.
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>walking barrage text states that it isn't suitable for heavy armor or vehicle armor
>destroys buildings, objectives, towers, and everything else just fine
Is the walking firing 380 shells? Is it supposed to fire 380 shells? Did someone fuck up somewhere? Either way I love this stratagem, It's easily my favorite by far and I hope they never nerf it.
>walking barrage changed to wandering barrage, now randomly shells the entire map
you're welcome bro ;)
Ok new upgrades, what's good what's shit?
I'd take it.
I take both walking and 380 because I'm a gambling man.
they're all some flavor of good, they're just also pretty small boosts. the eagle one gives some incentive to bringing 500kg again instead of OPS though i guess, as long as you're bringing another eagle strat
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>6 months to unlock whatever it is
>after 6 months of mo's they reveal the new unlockable weapon
>it's the at mines, again
what do you do
>Another match, another instance of a teammates throwing a 380mm at an outpost where the only thing that the barrage accomplishes is protecting the base from the rest of the helldiver squad long enough for enemy reinforcements to arrive
I am sick and tired of this meme strat.
Just a quick glance, what it looks like to me is

>Explosion Radius
>All CD
>Eagle Rearm
>Mortar Targeting (if it works lol)
>Instant Support Drop
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Hey this post is about me!
the support drop is great for EATists that can stick them to enemies, since it just means they come faster. but yeah they're all just general improvements, as long as they're working they're not bad. i'd probably say 5% cooldown -> reload -> eagle/support weapon/explosion radius depending on playstyle > the other two of the last pick you didn't take in whatever order > mortar targeting
Is there any adventage of using safe mode on the railgun over unsafe. Faster charging or something?
No, the only merit is you can keep it held down for as long as you'd like at the pitiful level.
Just leave it at unsafe.
it doesn't explode, kill you, and deny you your support weapon, but safe is 5 pen/600 damage/60 durable damage, unsafe is 7 pen/900 damage/90 durable (at max).
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I'm almost always on chaff clear with MG or Flamethrower on bugs or HMG on bots so the reloading is pretty sick, but I think you might be right about the CD being top actually. I usually run 1 eagle, OPS/gas, support weapon, and backpack.
>Is there any adventage of using the railgun
>oneshots hulks and devastators
It's comfy.
you don't have to worry about it exploding ever
all energy weapons should come with an unsafe mode, that would give them some reason to be all under the same category
>Mortar targeting instead of literally anything else
What were they thinking
ultimately every build is running reds or greens that benefit from being able to be dropped more frequently, even if 5% isn't huge for most strats sometimes life and death come down to seconds. it'd be interesting to know if it has an effect on resupply but i'm too lazy to check it
i'm of two minds as to whether it should be general turret targeting or not, but you could use it to reduce friendly fire incidents with mortars
>Target devastator
>Kills it
>Automatically starts firing at the marauder rushing you anyways
The Railgun could replace the AC in bot meta if it wasn't for gunships
don't have to risk exploding while still being able to one shot brood commanders, bile spewers, scout striders, and hulks
There are new upgrades? What are they and how much are they gonna cost me.
You can kill scouts and hulks in safe? I taught you needed unsafe for that.
5% cooldown reduction for all stratagems, 10% faster support weapon reloads, zero call-in time for support weapons, 15% faster eagle re-arm on a manual re-arm, AMS and regular mortars target pinged enemies

250 to 300 commons, 200 to 250 rares, 20 to 25 super rares each
you've got time between the salvos to target something else or burn down the fodder, come on now
if it wasn't for its god fucking awful durable damage you mean, it needs nine or more shots to kill a tank
to be fair the AMR can do brood commanders and bile spewers better if you're good at hipfire, one shot to pop the BC head and they bleed out pretty fast after, and one shot to spewer heads
2 fucking hundred rares
Back to the trenches
think the eagle one is the only one that requires 250 rares
hulk eye is only 250 HP, 4 armour and only 25% durable, and the scout strider body is only 500 HP, 4 armour, and 0% durable. safemode railgun is 600 damage and 5 pen
Gas plus napalm has gotten me some disgusting kill streaks.
the AC can't kill a tank anyway except through the vents
I just use the OPS everytime
Be honest. Do you have friends you play Helldivers 2 with? Saying "It's fun with randoms" when you still have friends you play with is very different to a person who will ONLY play with randoms
The new 10% reload speed is pretty nice. The HMG reloads comically fast, animation-wise.
even more comically fast than it already does without the upgrade? it's like a fucking call of duty reload
>0 call in time for support weapons
And eats are back to being the best at support weapon
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>huh why's everyone foaming at the mouth for samples again
>new modules
the grind is back at the gates again, howling my name. "C'mon in old buddy", I say, "sorry to keep you waiting."
Yep, the animation got even fucking more cracked, sleight of hand tier shit. I honestly feel like it's faster than the normal MG with this upgrade. Slowest part of it is pulling back the charging handle.
>turned EATS into 60 second orbital rail cannons
what were they thinking?
You thought you escaped the rare farm? Welcome back, 200 a pop.
If you didn't buy this module first then you're omega bricked
just understand it only removes the bit of the timer between the stratagem ball activating and the pod being shot from the ship. It still takes the same amount of time to travel from the ship to the ground and deploy, it's just that first 3 or 4 seconds removed.
it's not hard to flank a tank if you have to, and if the team has multiple ACs one of you just needs to bait the turret away from the other(s). you can also hit the vent with direct hits on the side of the rear of the turret. plus you can come up behind 'em too.
they can't stick stratagem balls worth shit, they weren't thinking
There's likely to be a lot of troops around it and you're likely to be wearing heavy armor it's just better to use an OPS
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>unsafe laser cannon
I am here to commit horrific crimes.
I'd be more worried about the unsafe blitzer
we gave arc weapons heat just so they can explode if you use them wrong
>10% reload speed
options are good to have and i run light

>regular mortars target pinged enemies
I have a title that says "Master" and I'm not afraid to break it out
>options are good to have
Sure I just think it's a better call
> i run light
I think the Railgun is better for you then, since it's more agile to use
>set Arc Thrower to unsafe
>it sprays lightning everywhere
>it starts sparking
>explodes into arcs, killing everything around you
Also a reason to wear cutting edge's armors
i'm not a fan of struggling against gunships and contrarian on usage of the shield pack
Unsafe shield relay
>and contrarian on usage of the shield pack
But you can't use the shield and the ac
you mean the backpack, right?
because a shield relay that acts more like a plasma dome would be nice to have vs bugs
I technically have friends that play the game. 97% of the time they don't fucking log on and I'm either dealing with quickplay randoms or people that I don't know from the lobbies posted in the thread.
Your reaction when the weapon cache is revealed to be the older version of the anti-tank mine ?
I'm not sure what you mean but I think it's if you're aiming. If you reload a weapon the camera centers on your body. If you hold down aim while reloading the camera moves to a not quite over the shoulder view
Tier 6 upgrade
Ballistic Hellpods
is noticeably more durable and longer-lasting but explodes, ragdolls and ignites everyone if enemies break it before it expires.
just drop the illuminate already
or give us a mysterious shipment of dark fluid so we can get some highly unstable but also very fun equipment
better have like 10 times the fucking health if that's the case
Unsafe dagger that can be tossed as a grenade when overheated.
would do more damage than shooting the fucking thing
what about
mini-quasar with ragdolling recoil
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Honestly I don't know anyone that stopped playing the game because of balance. All my friends stopped playing solely because of the lack of meaningful content being added.
It doesn't even kill devas that fast in between the time it takes between reload and charge and it can't just shoot through the shield of heavy devas. Its most efficient kill is on hulk eye but even then, other AP4 weapons kill them fast enough. It's an okay support weapon for bot but nothing special.
Imo, what the the railgun REALLY need is infinite penetration through target and being able to keep hitting every enemy behind it as it travels through. If the gun can be fired through line of bot and hit all of them (it also should go straight through heavy devas shield), it would be a great weapon. I'll even take that over the ability to take down gunship in a heart beat. Being able to insta kill multi devas in one shot is more value than gunship
All my friends stopped playing becouse they were fotm tourist. A bunch of em put in 100hrs in the first month and played maybe 5 hours since.
Reminder: Warbonds are "content", not content
>unsafe plasma punisher explodes
>unsafe dagger explodes
>unsafe quasar explodes
>have to call in a resupply because you blew up all your guns
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>Unsafe rover explodes
>unsafe orbital laser explodes
isn't that what happens during a normal orbital laser since there's limited charges
Unsafe laser won't have limited charges, but has a % chance to just destroy your super destroyer and deny you stratagems for the rest of the mission.
>deny you stratagems
and reinforcements
you can break the pole though
Rain of burning debris for the next few minutes.
I just noticed that the airburst launcher has 2 stages reload now.
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>people still blaming SNOY without understanding it was a contractual obligation, and why it was even relaxed on launch
>never once blamed the retarded swede developers, when "retarded swede developers" could've covered all his points at once
>still having hope after admitting jack-fuck all has changed month-on-month-on-end
Actual fucking content would be a good start.
Don't bother with that faggot. He's been spamming his shitty old webms to gaslight idiots about the bile titan even when the devs have put out they take no damage sometimes.
>Use Purifier
>In the time it takes me to kill one Devastator, I could have mag dumped three of them with the Scorcher
Jesus, what a shit weapon.
are AH funny enough to force the AT mines on us after this MO?
they're claiming we're uncovering weapons from the previous war
AT mines weren't in the first game i think, it's 100% the commando launcher
It might just be a teaser to the leaked platoon system aka clans/guilds. They already have a leaked space station for it and messages like "player has been kicked from the platoon' in the game files. Obviously won't come out with the MO but it will start "constructing" if we win
I haven't been bothering for around 10 hours
in truth I'm mad about bile titan heads being so small and heavily armored in the first place, they resemble the heads of the bile spewers, not chargers so they should have the medium armor of the spewer or slightly higher, not charger-level heavy armor
and the joints despite being so huge and having clearly visible unarmored segments are still heavy armored all the way through, it's horrible
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The Anti-personnel mines turned into Anti-tank mines for their third upgrade and were re-named upon doing so as well.
It's the commando launcher and possibly clan system. Clans are tied to space stations and that's what we're helping save.
M-maybe the 380 will finally be good with the -15% spread reduction AND +10% explosive radius!
Bots don't spam you with shitter units so crowd control stratagems are a wasted slot.
they removed those because shitters couldn't handle them
Bugs are unironically tankier than the literal robots with metal armor. seriously makes no sense from a realism and gameplay point. Fucking bile spewers are worse than berserkers because you have to use med armor penetration on their fucking heads or explosives on their ass. even their bot equivalent Berserkers have a glaring weakness of no armor but high hp. Bile titans are strangely tanky and invincible on certain parts despite them being a really basic and boring moveset. Seriously they do a stomp and spit acid while the strider has all these unique attacks and weakpoints to allow most weapons to kill it.
they removed them because they were shit missions who's sole value came from POIs being close to one another and having tons of samples close together
Bile spewer is the only "proper" medium enemy from bug. It being tougher berserker means nothing because berserker is the weakest bot medium. Even scout walker is a bigger hindrance than berserkers
to be fair, i wouldn't mind a rework. That being said, I'm still mad they removed the code scramble modifier from bots. That shit was some of the greatest fun I had asa newbie and only a slight annoyance once used to it, especially compared to other modifiers. It was one that you could WORK AROUND. Seems to be a magical concept to AH
>It was one that you could WORK AROUND
"Just waste your stratagems so you only get one option" or "Stop being unlucky, just be lucky" isn't playing around it retard. Stratagem scrambler should have been a modifier that randomizes the activation codes.
i am cumming on the face of democracy
It told you what you had after you put in the code. A great way you could use this was using simple inputs like airburst to scramble to complex stuff like 380.
I uninstalled the game. See you in autumn again. Surely by then most bugs are fixed and the squids are in the game.
"Having to reinput a code" vs "we take a whole stratagem slot away" and "your orbitals just miss lol" as well as "just deal with the cooldrown bro, lol"
I was expecting a planet to be attacked right when we were about to liberate Messia. No fun allowed under Joel's watch
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Is this Democracy?
You can't play around it if it never gives you the fucking stratagem that you want. The best you could do was not throw the thing when it rolled the wrong one. I went on streaks of 10+ attempts to call in a stratagem since it just activating the wrong fucking one. My only options are "Just be lucky, don't be unlucky" or "waste your other stratagems so that only one option remains."

There was nothing good about the old scrambler. It always should have scrambled the konami code instead.
democracy lives in every one of us, citizen
...so you're giving yourself a facial?
I don't think I like helldivers anymore. The game is more frustrating than anything. The bots spawning constantly ragdolling me around. The low ammo can't kill everything just have to run away. Stratagem 25% increased cool down and scatter. Ship upgrades cost hundreds of samples but there is an arbitrary cap on them. I don't mind grinding but the game isn't fun right now. How did they butcher this so badly.
i'm detecting a seditious tone in your message, citizen.
I keep seeing the commando and thinking I desperately need something to replace the EAT but can't find anything as reliable. The RR and Quoissant comes close but nothing beats not having to reload or charge up.
correct, i'm saying that i refuse to use the shield pack. occasionally i'll pick up a dropped one if shit is FUBAR and the all that's left is survival, but otherwise i refuse to acknowledge its existence.
honestly it'd be hilarious if that was how they decided to force us to take AT mines, i'd allow it
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They need to add a stratagems roulette for each color.
You pick them, and they randomly decide what stratagem you get, and they all have the shortest cooldown in their own tier to make up for it.
I think that could be a planetary effect, like limited resources or something that randomises what is available on a drop
and if you join later into a mission you can't choose a full loadout other than primary, sidearm and grenade
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>patch fixes not actually fixed
>lost half of my fps anyway
>game laggier than ever
>patrols completely fucked
>bot flinching and ragdolling now twice as cancer
yeah I think I'm done with this game
>factory striders still dropping into rockfaces making it impossible to get a clean hit on them
>they just one-shot the generators

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I kept seeing this bug with chargers and thermites and how they go spinning, turning into deathwheels that can oneshot everything in their path.
I wanted to weaponize it, so I've started practing the trick, and I've learned a bunch about thermites instead:
>they can close holes, but they don't actually destroy nests sometimes, resulting in making a nest impossible to clear
>tagging chargers with thermites can easily get you killed by the DoT, since chargers now drift a fuckton and that's enough to get you in range of the thermites damage
>getting the spinning wheel of death bug requires too many things to go right and it's best reproduces with someone's aid, but also requires + 4+ thermites to be reproduced consistently (which isn't terrible if you also want to abuse the 4 billion nades glitch)
It sucks that thermites are so bad, my first thought was "maybe if I could weaponize the spinning charger glitch they'll finally be useful against bugs, even when the fucking infinite nades glitch exists.
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Thermites are good when paired with a spear, useless dogshit otherwise. No fun allowed.
If I join a match with anyone or if anyone joins mine and chooses 380 barrage (before mission start, that is), I'm legally inclined to also choose it and throw it whenever I hear "requesting orbital strike" for maximum chaos.
It's usually a clusterfuck and most of the time reinforcements run out and we hardly make it out with any samples.
They are bad players
>t. 6 deaths, 13 stims used
>verify intergrity of game files
>1 file reaquired
>do it again right after
>1 file reaquired
It's just broken
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actually its more like:
>0 deaths, but 24 stims used
It's like every fucking three missions I get infinite loading screens, fucking swiggers didn't fix the bug
Stims are a way too essential element of the game
Not just in repairing limb and restoring health in a game that has you constantly getting hit, but also in giving you prescious seconds of invincibility
They should either remove or make it as though the medic armors bonuses are universal, and then make the medic armors actually incentivize players using their stims on other players
Stuff like applying a Stim on another diver heals you 50% (something VT2 does) or it doesn't spend your stim or both
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>super react trans flag
>here's why we're being retarded on purpose
I hate AH so much it's unreal. If you have the unlock, you should get full ammo back. Simple as.
>we don't know how much our game works
Okay so if you haven't unlocked SPM you're banned from ever resupplying, on punishment of death and kicked from the game, got it.
>all of this retarded back forth with patches desperately trying to fix it (despite it working previously)
>they settle on this braindead solution rather than simply reverting it
It's amazing how they literally CANNOT touch their game without making it measurably worse. Same with the patrol spawns.
These aren't the same fuckers who developed the game.
Why does taking the supply pack put you under some kind of contractual obligation to whore it out to other players?
Fuck off retards, get your own fucking supplies. I didn't sacrifice my backpack slot just so you can get away with being shit at the game.
i love you fruity rudy
>punish the whole team because a low level called in the resupply
Brilliant design philosophy. The geniuses at arrowhead never disappoint.
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call in a 380mm barrage on that hunter
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>Wezen had some decent progress when I went to bed last night
>Wake up this morning and we've totally lost it and now Vega Bay is getting attacked
It's like playing D&D with a hyperautistic GM who will just railroad the party into their on rails story regardless of what the party tries to do.
Calm down thats just what the super react looks like, it glows whether you reacted or not.
>Vega Bay defense is on
Don't you dare win it before I get home and get to fight bots in the snow! Finally a biome with decent visibility and top notch aesthetics.
If you don't ressupply me I'm fragging you
Ugh, I know, I can take my own backpack but I just don't WANT to. I simply don't! I'm taking yours instead! hahahhahaha
What's the point of reacting with a flag?
Especially spending money to react with a flag?
What's wrong with aussies?
>calling in a resupply without SPM
Yep that's a kick.
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shame that they're still arbitrarily sticking to mil autism for this, completely empty supports still receive less than 100%
like SPEAR will only receive 3/4 because programming +1 to 5/4, counting the empty, would blow up their engine back to 4 billion rocks or something
Be thankful that Joel forgot to cripple the decay rate of Meissa before he went on holiday so we made good progress there instead despite not having the best numbers.
no, I like that, it's funny and is a carryover from the first game, lern2prone shitter
>Wezen had some decent progress when I went to bed last night
no the fuck it didn't
>arbitrarily sticking to mil autism for this
Milsim autism is what they use as a bludgeon to punish players. If that same realism would benefit the players, you can guarantee said system would be gamified to "balance" it out. Shrapnel, for example.
both EATs should be able to be carried at the same time
Meh. I'm fine with it working as it does right now. Supply Backpack not benefiting from the upgrade is fine because that's the cost of being able to bring supplies with you. The upgrade being depending on who calls down the supplies is also fine because you don't actually need full supplies from a single box below D8 or thereabouts, by the time someone is a regular D8 or D9 player they should have at least all of the level 3 upgrades and a decent amount of the level 4 ones.

The real question is why everyone is tied to the same cooldown despite this, but I guess if that were the case then the cooldown would have to scale up with number of players in the match, and people would easily fuck themselves over by two players accidentally calling down supplies at the same time and leaving themselves high and dry for like six minutes or more. It's a decent system, and if you don't like it then explore more PoI's.

Because it's a team game, and your teammates having Spear and AC ammo means you not getting juggled by Gunships or getting mobbed by Devastators.

When a planet is lost it starts at 50% and decays from there. What you saw wasn't liberation progress, it was the bots taking back the rest of the planet after we lost the defense.
>muh Eruptor
I can't believe you dumbasses still have your panties wedged up your asscracks over this. Just accept that it was too strong as a primary and use a different loadout.

And you really believe they would be able to code this without introducing a dozen more bugs? Is that what you really want? Think about what you're typing before actually making a post.
I'd accept an eruptor support weapon.
Give me back what's mine.
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Bugs that are just accepted as part of the game:
>Anyone stimming slows down the entire team
>If you animation cancel your reload with your primary you sometimes lose an entire magazine
>Shooting down a dropship just leaves everything heavier than the little robots hovering in the air just off the ground unable to walk but can still shoot
>Needing to walk forward when firing a rocket at the behemoth charger to deal 1 more point of damage to break its leg armor with one missile
>Enemies shooting/walking through the terrain
>Heat seeking barrages whenever a helldiver is in its range to kill them but somehow misses every shot on an objective surrounded my enemies
>Eruptor being eternally shit because its unique mechanic was oneshotting helldivers at long distances randomly and now they gaslight everyone saying that it was because it was too strong
All this reads to me is
>kick low levels from the match because they'll fuck up your resupplies
thanks, I will. I have much better matches with high levels anyways. Gunships show up? They get taken care of in seconds by the randoms I played with today. All lvl 70-110. Great group. Low levels never care about gunship fabs or gunships and the respnsibility falls on me alone. Too bad we got seperated due to the infinite loading screen that these lazy fucking swiggers still haven't fixed.
Too strong or not they were too retarded to unfuck shrapnel so they removed it entirely. They're incompetent faggots who only drum on about realism when it suits them but the moment it benefits players it stops being a consideration.
And fuck you for defending them.
their incompetence won't impede my objectively good ideas
>Needing to walk forward when firing a rocket at the behemoth charger to deal 1 more point of damage to break its leg armor with one missile
They should fix this by removing Behemoth chargers. Leg meta is cancer and I want the person responsible for it's reintroduction fed to a woodchipper feet first.
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Current incendiary breaker is more oppressive than the Eruptor ever was and sees more use than the Eruptor ever did.
>Anyone stimming slows down the entire team
Get a teammate. Damage him. You start running, he stims. You slow down as if you were stimming as well
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you cant be serious
>priority alert
>wasat system defending against terminid invasion
but wasat's on the automaton front?
ever wonder why you randomly slow down while sprinting in a straight line? pay attention to your teammates healthbars :)
Nah, vanilla eruptor was pretty whack and was godly on both bot and bug. It also had almost no weakness, being able to clear chaff AND medium well while incen breaker mostly good against light chaff
Incen breaker is only good on bug. It should get nerfed though.
Other anons have videos of this happening when deliberately testing it kek.
Once it's pointed out you cannot not notice it anymore
I have enough for one of the new modules, is there one which is a must-have compared to the others? Because right now I'm just contemplating whether I should get the instant support weapon call in for those easy charger kills or the universal stratagem cooldown reduction.
I think the awful rate of fire, tiny magazines, inability to shoot targets near yourself or your teammates and the abysmal handling were all weaknesses but don't let that stop you.
Either way the incendiary breaker gets picked way more than the old Eruptor did. That thing was surprisingly not used all that often given how much people seethe about how strong it was.
>It should get nerfed though
Knowing AH they'd remove the incendiary effect from it, stripping the weapon of it's identity and leaving it useless. Ergo doing exactly what they did to the eruptor.
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>changing speech language to japanese causes the game to crash on launch now
this is what I get for being curious
Instant support weapon call in is misleading, it only reduces the cooldown further.
Idk what you were playing
Everyone was running it only diff 9 on release
Erupter is regularly being run on diff 9 again now. The more I play with it, the more I think it's probably A tier again, at least on bot
Yea, the handling was rough and that might discourage some people from using it but the weapon was just extremely good after you grasp the handling. It straight up almost as good or even better than some support weapons. I used it since release and I know how insane it is.
Oh god it's this clown again
Oh okay, in that case I'll probably get the universal cooldown reduction. The eagle one seemed nice at first but realistically I have manually rearmed eagles maybe once or twice during my entire playtime.
I mean it is probably S tier on bot, A minimum.
Tougher to use on bug though
5% cooldowns is literally nothing, don't bother
honestly just get the mortar one, its the only one that actually justifies the cost
Sorry, I just judge the weapon objective. I don't see it as a representation against Alexus or w/e e-drama against AH.
Even if you mark a big target for mortars to focus, aren't they too slow to actually hit it? They don't lead or anything like that. A Hulk or Charger is just going to run right through all of them.
I remember the first round I shot with the Eruptor getting x10 kills from a bug patrol. The shrapnel was pretty outrageous but it didn't need to be removed entirely to bring the weapon in check though.
The most reasonable change would be that the Incen Breaker could only apply DoT within a certain range and need multiple pellets to activate burning, instead of being able to just rain pellets down on enemies from 50m+ away and tagging them all with DoT.
>Everyone was running it only diff 9 on release
Yeah, no. It was a popular weapon but it didn't even dethrone the Sickle. Nowhere near as present as the Incendiary Breaker is currently.
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>Erupter is regularly being run on diff 9 again now
Whatever fantasy world you live in, I want to be a part of it. The only time I ever see eruptor is sparsely someone taking it, loudly exclaiming that it's still shit, or that they're disappointed, if anything at all before they swap to another weapon or just silently swap without saying anything.
Within the past month or two, I have literally only seen one (1) ((singular)) person use it for more than one mission and actually stick with it for the op.
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>infinite load screen again
The shrapnel was not only make it extremely strong AOE. The single target damage was insane as well because the shrapnel would multi hit the bigger medium enemy and be able to one shot most of them.
Would it be too much to ask for the Adjudicator to have more bullets per mag? I feel like it always runs dry before it accomplishes anything.
>Everyone was running it only diff 9 on release
you never played the game then and it shows
unironically nothing, Sony eternally doomed the game with the account linking thing
You're the same faggot who was shilling it versus bugs despite the fact it can't even one shot brood commanders etc. That's not objective, it's delusional. It's somewhat usable versus bots but still far from competitive.
>could only apply DoT within a certain range and need multiple pellets to activate burning
Which means the smaller stuff you'd want to clean up with the DoT would die to the direct damage and the bigger stuff would be close enough you'd need to kill them immediately, ergo you're not getting value of the DoT there either. The only nerf that really makes sense for the incendiary breaker is to it's magazine capacity or it's direct damage.
Eruopter needed to be nerfed it could one-shot bike titan and facotr sttidera
W-what? The gun with horrible handling, small magazine size, extremely low fire rate and a rather chunky reload time for a primary could oneshot MEDIUM enemies?! Prepostrous!
Well, it was kinda shit until the very last patch when they buff it enough to hit solid break point.
Idk how anyone can see it as bad, at least on bot unless you just can't deal with the handling and miss most of the shot or something.
Eruptor can one shot minigun devastators please nerf it right fucking now this is unacceptable for a primary
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Nu-bots aren't fun and I'm tired of pretending they are. Since the patrol fix fix (not fixed) it's no longer a game of repositioning and flanking, it's just a game of running away just like bugs. Except you get shot in the ass so you just spam stims with a supply pack
i'm amazed Arrowhead never actually made less fog like they said they did during "le cooking" patch
so can the Counter Sniper
It's just a worse Dominator/DCS. If you can aim (and that isn't a high bar) then there's literally no reason to take the Eruptor.
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>Eruptor could oneshot anything if you hit the perfect angle and made the shrapnel ricochet into the enemy, otherwise it would bounce and travel past the enemy and you would need to spend 5 seconds waiting before being able to shoot again
>Retards think its a good thing that high skill ceiling weapons are changed to be retard proof because some could use it well
I can kind of handle it while playing D7/8 solo and usually clear all objectives on the map and extract alive, D9 is just ridiculous though. But some enemies on the bot front are just really fucking annoying, especially Shield Devastators. Even if you manage to shoot them in the fucking head inbetween their bursts they'll just continue to spray you down and I'm pretty sure most of my bot deaths are from shield devs just bullying me to death.
primaries are supposed to be shit faggot, that is AHs vision and you will like it
>gunship patrol modifier
I don't even bother playing bots with pugs anymore, this gen or copeg tends to fight robots head on and it's fairly fun.
>Charger 1 shot is constantly mentioned
>literally never saw other players 1 shot chargers with it
It was all just post-hoc justification wasn't it? Also pretty sure that most of those cases came down to leg armor desync anyway.
oh my fucking god dude
you fucking ruined me
Yea it was ridiculous. It could 1 shot medium that would take semi auto support weapons 2-3 shots to kill AND it has AOE AND strong stagger AND good utility.
Headshots on shield devs should put them in a stagger animation, otherwise in the open they will just stagger you to death while your struggling to line up a headshot
yes one streamer does it and its clipped and now everyone was doing that everywhere 100% of the time
>30 shots
>tiny magazines
>long reloads
>worst fire rate in the game
>worst handling in the game
>self destructing projectiles
I'm sure glad it doesn't one shot medium enemies anymore. I love how "balanced" it is now.
D9 bots is broken as hell right now, D8 is about where D9 was previously so it's pretty good.
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I just wish we had a proper bolt action rifle.
The eruptor is really large, unwieldy and the projectile is janky as fuck on top of the horrible ergo.
I wish we had a (proper) DMR that doesn't mcfucking blow, as in it has high damage shots, slow rof, but also precise and smooth aiming that rewards you for being precise.
I really don't get the point of the counter sniper being so annoying to aim. It feels like it has a worse ergo stat than the fucking AMR which is twice its size and does double its damage.
Just give me the liberty constitution from the first game. That's all I want. I want to click heads, and not feel like I'm fighting the entire universe and swimming through a sea of shit and mud and piss and shit located entirely within the realm of my mouse the moment more than one enemy appears on my screen within a 10 ft proximity meaning it takes 7 fucking seconds to aim at him.
i'm starting to hate those things with a passion, unlike Stalkers if you don't have the few weapons that can actualy damage them you're prety much fucked
I really enjoy the new bots desu desu.
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>this gen or copeg tends to fight robots head on
that's more my fragile ego not letting me give up on trying to mailslot hulks (I miss 95% of my shots)
There was a bolt action sniper leaked but with how much content is in the files who knows when we'll see it. It looked like a scaled down AMR.
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>Peak physique is changed to double the handling speed of the autocannon
>Barely effects the eruptors handling
Dominator is overall as good as erupter. It is more forgiving, have better DPS, deal with berserkers better and also can stagger lock but it is slightly worse against shield dev , which is kinda a big deal on bot diff 9. Dominator is also worse against scout, tanks, tank tower, and don't have the utility of erupter.
DCS is just worse than erupter. It is only better against trash small bots. Headshot on devas is nice and satisfying, but not consistent if you have to fight the volume of enemies in diff 9. It takes 1 shot from the enemy to stagger your aim so good luck.. The stagger and quick burst damage even on body shot of erupter is significantly better on d9 not.
Opinion discarded. You've proven too retarded in the past.
Is it just me, or does 380mm not strike the red marker, but Walking actually hits it?
This is the most retarded fucking post I've ever read.
Play the game.
>DCS is just worse than erupter
>Dominator is overall as good as erupter
This anon can't aim and it shows.
Why can't they be actually good against chargers/hulks?
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"Staggering" heavy devs right now, at least with the HMG, just makes them raise their infinite armor shield in front of their entire body, while still blasting you with perfect accuracy. Heavy dev shield armor should just be reduced to 4 if Alexus still insists on making suppression just not exist.
Because AH wants to strangle build variety and force you to take AT. If you could take a thermite grenade and relieve some of that pressure it would ruin their idea of a good gameplay loop (read: tedious charger rodeo).
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>child predator flag react
Explain yourself, nigger.
The game has built in strong gun wobble on slightly movement and very strong aimpunch when you get hit. Trying to hunt for headshot in tough battle won't be consistent, no matter how good you are at aiming.
This anon is projecting his inability to aim onto everyone else to cope
If we got two thermites, but the cumulative damage was like an EAT, I'd run it.

My understanding of HD1 was that high difficulty = more anti-tank, so that seems to be their design philosophy. What I don't get is why they want to make it such a chore, instead of adding variety to the anti-tank experience.
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>Not even aiming
>All those misses
>All those glancing blows
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SIR, that wasnt a hunter, that was a stalker, and my team already killed it.
>My understanding of HD1 was that high difficulty = more anti-tank
Not really? It was more or less true for Cyborgs but for Bugs and Illuminates it wasn't really the case. They had really spongy enemies they would send at you in big numbers and that's where a lot of the difficulty came from. Even the Cyborgs did that to an extent with Butcher/Berserker/Hulk spam. The only real ramp up in AT requirement was with warlords.
In HD2 it's more or less inverted where Bugs require more AT than Bots do for some reason.
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>bots keep ragdolling me into deep waters the whole game
>I am now stuck inside a hole without any way to get out
>my support weapon, backpack and samples are now stuck there forever as well
>absolutely no way to get out of that situation
I wish I could get mad at this, but all I feel is disdain for swiggers and anyone part of this trash fire.
I wish I could just stop caring, but I genuinely like the game even if it's filled with flaws.
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>DCS is worse than the eruptor
It really shows that you have never chain headshot 5 devs in quick succession
Yeah, but without the charger rodeo, you'd be dumping your hoard clear, and the hordes would need to be even bigger.

I think they just need another big bug that can complement chargers, so we have to face both in similar numbers, but it's not the charger rodeo.
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whats a stalker
Show me you doing it while 5 dev in simultaneously shooting at you anon
Impalers would be a great solution for that and they have their abilityIDs in the files but they're dragging their feet for some reason, in the first game they were devastating if you got caught off guard. I think Bile Titans should be reworked too, their current implementation is so obviously lacking compared to factory striders. They should act as an enemy master, not a Charger on stilts.
I don't need to entertain you when you seriously believe current eruptor is better than DCS
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>Hitman actual, Godfather is standing by for your BDA on that 'Bile Titan Super-Colony'. How copy? Over.
>Wasat defense
Fucking keep it. Who cares about yet another acid shithole.
If we take Meissa, does that stop the defense on washit?
This is Hitman actual, solid copy.
Pvt Xinping called in a cluster strike on our position. Everyone else is KIA.
Otherwise good effect on target for BDA.
Hitman out
we don't need to go there, all we gotta do is capture Meissa
This. Just finish the job on Meissa
Eruptor is better than DCS for sure now. I'm someone who regularly shill DCS because it's fun for bot as well. Eruptor is simply more consistent for dev, especially shield dev. All it takes is a heavy dev turning a bit funny with the shield and fuck your shit up because it's impossible for you to shoot the head. Eruptor has way more utility on bot as well, like being able to kill scout, tank, tower much better and being able to kill fab. Honestly DCS is is a whole tier below eruptor for bot, even if it's still a solid bot weapon.
What strats and supports do you run with Eruptor?
The eruptor, in its current state, handles and feels exactly how I want plasma guns to feel in a 40k shooter.
>Eruptor is better than DCS for sure now
This anon can't aim and it shows.
Verdict or senator, stun, HMG, supply backpack, eagle strike, and some orbital or HMG emplacement
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private helldiver reporting for bugle tryout
Throwing Knives
Eagle Smoke
Eagle Cluster
Orbital Laser
Guard dog Rover
I'm on linux and have had zero need to check integrity after patches. Havent reinstalled since launch either. Only issue I have had is sometimes it says its doing shaders but nothing happens. Click cancel and launch again and its fixed.
Oh, and that is for bot
For bug I have different builds depend if I run MG, arc thrower, or flamethrower with it.
You are now allowed on my team.
Does the regular Diligence have any place in high difficulty bots or bugs?

It was one of my favorite guns when I started, but the volume of medium armor and volume of bugs has made me leave it in the armory, but the handling was so nice.
It's impossible to ignore that you're leaving the tank burden entirely to your teammates with that loadout. I hope you thank them for carrying you.
I don't know if I would bring it on bug, but I'm considering it for bot.
Nope, not until it can kill devastators in 1 headshot.
What's the worst biome in your opinion?
I think it's the acid one. It's just "you can't see shit: the biome" with nothing else going on, on top of being ugly as sin.
Fire tornadoes come close but even those add a gameplay element and the terrain is more interesting.
Anytime there's that fucking bong cloud mist on the ground.
>stunlocks and kills devs with ease
>trivializes cannon turrets and tanks
>hulks stand no chance, just to hits to the face and they're gone
>can destroy factory striders in like 5 seconds with bellyshots
>shoots down gunships with just 2 hits
>rapes everything smaller than a bile titan
>great ammo economy
>fast reload if you don't let it go completly empty
The AC needs a nerf like a month ago
1 Acid
2 Fire tornados
3 any dense jungle
Dense jungle sucks specially with bots because they can shoot and see you from far away with their ai targeting while you're bogged down with your human eyesight and dropping frames
Uhhhh, heavy is not an issue with that build for bot
For bug, I usually run 500 kg + OPS (or EAT if there is scatter) with that kind of build so I usually don't lag behind in tank kills compared to guys who run AT support. I have separate builds if I want to run AT of course and I don't usually run eruptor if I run AT support.
Not him, but I've had some luck with the eruptor running
>Peak physique armor (mandatory, fuck swedes for making guns handle so ass)
>stun grenade
>Heavy MG
>Supply Pack
>orbital gatling
>eagle airstrike or orbital precision
I mostly used the eruptor for staggering heavy devs to death, killing devs at ranges where the heavy MG was impractical, and destroying fabricators.
Shut up, alexus.
I unironically want them to nerf the AC so I can finally be free of this piece of shit game
>connection lost
>connection lost
>connection lost
>connection lost
>connection lost
>connection lost
One operation, I just want to finish one.
Yea, it's a solid build for bot.
Eruptor is only "okay' for bug but the utility is still nice, especially if you care about plugging bug holes. If you are not at the point where you can comfortably 100% clear diff 9 yet then you shouldn't worry about it.
This, fog on most planets is bullshit especially when it doesn't effect the enemy and they just blast through it with zero issues
Oh yeah I get the dense jungle one. While playing on X-45 yesterday, I had 100% out of sight base turrets aggro on me because of a missed shot landing in their general vicinity.
Then I just died out of the blue when one of them blasted me by threading the needle between several trees and through some twigs.
Even Alexus is too scared to nerf the AC out of fear someone would suicide-bomb their studio. The most they can do is indirect nerfs like increasing scout strider explosive resistance, which also indirectly nerfs every other explosive weapon lol.
Never ever. Its Pilestadt's little gun slut, so it will never be nerfed. Isn't favoritism great?
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Jesus, its only dif6, calm down, swiggers.
Fixed spawns btw. Had the same shit last night on D7 while sample farming.
Tuesday's patch will save HD2
For me, I use peak physique for eruptor for bug but I stay on fortified for bot because I prefer better accuracy for the HMG to shoot hulk eyes more consistently and also have better effective range. I do a lot of pre aim and shuffle quick peak from cover for bot with eruptor so I don't feel like I absolutely need peak physique for it
The AC sentry is so nice for that anti-everything role too.
No support. Shield backpack and 3 turrets.
Welcome to tower defense.
People are saying that something is particularly wrong with diff 6, that they are finding 8s and sometimes 9s to be easier.
bro..turn the difficulty number upside down..
>but they're dragging their feet for some reason
It's because swiggers only work 2 weeks cumulatively each year. They're either on vacation, getting ready to go on vacation, or recovering from being on vacation. Not that they do any work when they actually are at work.
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>Adding super samples to difficulty 6 somehow turned it into difficulty 10
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>dif6 is the new dif9
This is what happens when you fall for the "it's just best to run the fuck away" meme instead of just killing stuff as it spawns. That's not even that bad. Just go splatter two of them with those 500kgs. You might even be able to get some 2-for-1s.
So the A team / B team theory is true right? There's no way the current team handling the game are the same people who built it.
>fear someone would suicide-bomb their studio
There is a non-zero chance of this considering all the vibrant third-world diversity they have been importing for years. Not even mass shooters in the USA have access to hand grenades.
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>>Anyone stimming slows down the entire team
Bonus points; this only happens if you use hold to sprint. No idea why.
test :)
I'm a toggle sprinter, so I never noticed lmao
wb king
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I still love the part where despite clearly only hitting the gunner the assistant gunner also gets gibbed. This webm just encapsulates the game so perfectly.
>Game won't launch
>verify integrity of files
>1 file re-downloaded
>diceroll if it even fixes it
>repeat next time I want to play
surprise surprise, this only started with the June 25th patch. why are they like this? I haven't even been able to do one (1) mission today because of how unstable this game is.
Machine issue
>surprise surprise, this only started with the June 25th patch.
Funnily enough this was happening since mid-May for me, this is the first patch where it didn't have to redownload anything when verifying.
Since the patch I've been crashing and having framerate issues. Dunno what they did but it's fucked.
Someone here told me to turn off Cloud saving in the steam game settings for HD2 and so far, that's helped.
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Nerf AC xisters, how do we respond without sounding mad???
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I believe that AC is the baseline for how strong a support weapon is allowed to be
Alright, now make every other support weapon that strong.
Small indy game, please understand
Why haven't they removed Behemoth chargers yet?
>that retard evilbosse no longer on the discord
has he been fired?
Was that the gay furry?
No he's an alexus tier retard dev flamming players on discord
>turn off cloud saves
>relaunch steam
>game starts no problem
if it was that causing the problem I'm gonna dump fertilizer on AH's front door
I never want to hear about Melissa ever again
Good morning, I love Sweden
What would be some fun biomes that we don't currently have? I'm tired of fart cloud planets.
Sweden has only done one good thing in their entire history. I hate Sweden.
Destroyed cities
Moon type places
A giant cave
Super Earth biome. Endless McMansions and objectives like "defend burger town"
lava planets
urban planets
more snowy forest maps instead of barren rocks or ice lands
I would love to Defend Burger Town in a Super Earth suburb.

Give me that World in Conflict firefights inside a shopping mall.
>refuse to partake in the Vietnam war
>inventor of the Bofors 40mm autocannon
>most inclusive and progressive country in the world
>free health care and education
>affordable housing
>literal descendants of the Vikings

How can yankees even compete with this?

High altitude mountain/plateau biomes ABOVE a sea of clouds.

Inhabited biomes that can reuse some assets.
>An actual cityscape, ruined and/or intact
>Factory/industrial sprawl
>Farmland/small town
war planets
>trenches/barbed wire everywhere/bombed out buildings/mud/rain
Most weapons just need more fucking ammo.
our devs
might be idorts
Sand dunes
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why did you capitalize ‘defend’
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>Teammate keeps throwing reinforcements way out into the sea of enemies instead of near the shuttle
>Does this until reinforcements are depleted then gets on the shuttle
>he doesn't know
We have sand dunes
Big weapons factory planet, like if Tien Kwan was actually a critical manufacturing hub instead of another wasteland with scattered copy/pasted POIs.
>>most inclusive and progressive country in the world
Pretty good bait if not for that.
Holy shit, you can't be serious.
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I am.

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