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on the spectrum (but doesn't act like it) edition
LastSoftware: >>484829395


>The main information documents for Elden Ring (/erg/), Dark Souls (/dsg/), Bloodborne (/bbg/), Demon's Souls, Sekiro, King's Field, Armored Core (/acg/) and Spellbound

>Soulslike games like Nioh, Lies of P, Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen, etc...
what the hell lol
May Chaos Take the World.
me on the left
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midra grab fc?
back to 5/6
Miquella takes too long to type, what's a good nickname that reflects his perverted nature
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miquella is very empathetic
it's just so many ppl are so stupid it would just be easier if there was some way to MAKE them understand that they should be nice
miquella has never done anything wrong

diddy party with miqqy
miqqy party
>very little empathy
Trina has it
Torch fc
so is the dlc a dream or not
That's how he's called in some game files
why would it be dream
cope for the shitty writing
the spikes at the end have too long of lingering hitboxes which makes a backstab punish impossible but i think thats what fromsoft intended or else pvers would cry their lungs out saying the weapon is useless
It's a hidden veiled area in the middle of the lands between. The suppressing pillar says at much and you can see the veil, and the maps overlap in certain ways that makes it check out
How the veil works, why the tree is a scadutree, and why it's hidden I don't know, but that's what I gathered from playing
I've punished it with a bs before, you just gotta roll late as fuck
because nothing that happens in the dlc is reflected in the actual game
like radahn being young etc.
why would radahn being young in his fight effect the base game?
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ansbach says hes okay with you killing mohg
and then freyja says that she disagrees with jerren who would want radahn to have an honorable death czu she thinks he wshould have war 5ever..
How would it be reflected? Radahn gets killed by you (again). What influence would it have?
uh oh wrong general poopie
jee called palm blast bad, it's over
maybe those people are real like you trapped inside the dream
but radahn is dead in the main game yet he's still alive there?
... miqqy diddy revived him into a weird zombie puppett using mohg's body tho
did you skip all the dialogue, cutscenes and item descriptions or what?
radahn dies and his soul goes to the earthtree, from which miquella takes it and places it in the mohg skinsuit. that's why radahn being dead is a requirement for entering the dlc
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can't rejoin for some reason so I'm going back to pve
ggs thanks for the webm material
Radahn explicitly gets revived in the body of mohg, pay attention
that was awesome I jumped over waves of gold with messmer's orb
we have 7 people
I'm gonna leave now and get lunch so you can come back
back to 4 man ig
i don't read item descriptions
how do you find radahn's soul in the erdtree between all the other souls its like needle in hay
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bro idk he's a fucking demigod there's no real system to this magic
what do thrusting shields offer over just twohanding a greatshield and slamming the fuck out of bosses
true love
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a real moveset with reach and chains, plus ashes of war
why not?
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Did this really make boomers shed tears?
boring and i don't care about the plot
>dog limping pathetically
>have to kill her anyway
yea it's sad
hyperarmor & big pierce counter damage
Have you ever 2handed a greatshield? They have a real moveset with reach and chains and they have strong as fuck ashes of war too, they just also block 10x better than the thrusting shield and vastly more poise damage. There's even gimmick greatshields that ontop of thta have cannons built in
nyooooooo not the doggo!!!
>They have a real moveset
They're not nearly as good for fighting. Baby ass reach and slow as fuck
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boomers fucing SOBBED over old yeller, plague dogs, and where the red ferns grow

also nobody owns dogs anymore
this is a cat-owned generation(s)
i miss my dog
swapping real quick
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jar the jar men
dogged contender before it was cool
>also nobody owns dogs anymore
are you insane
are you brain damaged
its sad to see the state of fcs after the dlc...
don't even @ ME BRO
you actually own a cat.
three cats even.

and a bird or some shit fucking toucan i bet
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>what did u like about it?
Most of the bosses, enemies, weapons, armor, ashes of war, dungeons, minor dungeons, and open world areas. I really liked the concepts behind Ancient Ruins of Rauh and Jagged Peak. The art direction, atmospheric, and music were all fantastic.
>what did u hate about it?
I liked the concept of Abyssal Woods, but the execution was counterintuitive because "open world" and "horror" don't work well together. It needed to be much smaller / shorter, or integrated into Midra's Manse. I also didn't like the concept of the Finger Ruins being areas dedicated purely to an NPC side quest that concludes with a boss. I'd like it much more if the final finger ruin under Manus Metyr was a dungeon, even if it was a short one. I also dislike the NPC quest stuff involving Leda, Hornsent, Ansbach, and Freyja's interactions. It's awkward and highlights the limitations of FromSoft's NPC interactions.
I don't like that it offered no multiplayer content and made invasions even worse.
>what did u want from it?
More Elden Ring, with denser world design.
>overall rating?
9/10. My second favorite DLC, TOH is still a better experience as a whole.
bro that talisman is fucking ILLEGAL

this is a fucking felony backstap rightt there
oh yeah abyssal woods was a let down... i thought it was g onna be a lot scarier lol. the messages leading up to the reveal were scarier than the actual thing.
>denser world
yeah me too...

oh also i was disappointed by the manus metyr stuff.. the boss was cool but idk using a bunch of finger horns and then raiding wizard man's pantry at midnight was kinda meh
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he got back up and pwned me though
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nobody seems to ever get rollcaught by the solitude WA even though that dude was kicking my ass when I started the dlc
that was a quickstep though!!! I have yet to find that talisman but I'm eager to try it out
oh yeah oops im blind

only slightly illegal backstap
that's a reverse backstep
Any tips on how to deal with the giants in the Cathedral of the Deep? I have already slain the boss of the area.
the backshot spear combo goes hard
having WAY more fun than pre patch desu
I have a dog
his name is is teddy
he is a terrier and a little shit but I love him
hard to connect on latency
have you tried delaying it a bit?
just you wait man it's fucked up
reverse backsteps dont cost fp buddy. bud. you're on the big screen with us now
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how's he gonna quickstep with no ash tho
this shitty rapier kinda slaps
i'm stumped, i'm rolling in my seat now trying to figure it out but i can't defend my position, i just wanted to have fun today and now this happens
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When do I find a twin blade I'm still at the first tree sentinel
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brunt dragon toast ruins
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>mogs every boss in elden ring
go to altus early and get the twinned k***ht swords
>rapes him with rapier
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>scorpion stew eating animation is just the normal meat eating animation
I keep getting random drops especially when I fight tree sentinel. Is there something I need to change in my settings?
turn ray tracing off
This mfer eatin' bugs
Ray tracing isn't turned on
>have you tried delaying it a bit?
I have, yeah. still haven't figured out the perfect rollcatch timing though. I thought mashing the followup instantly gave me the rollcatch since it did so in a couple of invasions after I tried doing it with delay and never actually connecting. it's a bit too random for my taste.
thats it for me, ggs
decent fc
Anyone doing arena on PS5? Anything except for 1v1s is dead. If we can get enough people we can do 3v3 or free for all. No one above level 200 though
My clip was not selected for oros invasions of the week...
can we ban big madness pots and nanayas torch from fcs
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>almost 200 damage swiftsharts
Frenzy builds need Banana's torch to function
bitch they have the madness hand
yeah but it's actually not fun to get hit by undodgeable aoes that cover your entire screen and stunlock your character
with negative range
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banan torch is getting fucking NERFEd (in six mont)
Use the focus charms.
they don't do shit
Yes, they do
can we test banatorch vs max focus
No, they don't
make a room and I'll torch you
Skill issue
>wahhh I want to consume my optimized crab meat don't make me consume a focus consumable noooooo that's not fair noooooooo
adapt nigger
nobody says this doe
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wheres the focus crab
2nd dlc will add another set of stronger greases and the +3 erdsneed favor tali and +2 spear tali
and even bigger pots
insta frenzy pot
I'm not sure if there will be a second DLC. The first took about two years to create.
rellana is better
they said they wouldn't make a second
Easy way for them to print money
Is there anything interesting to pick in Blighttown, or can I just rush this level?
Because seriously, fuck this level.
its one of the best levels in ds1
cope and seethe
maybe if you little faggots told me that taking my clothes off activates god mode i wouldn't have wasted an hour trying to wrestle with animations
why do fags bitch about scadutree fragments
do they not remember sacred tears and golden seeds making your estus dogshit if you dont explore, making the game way harder
ur bad kid
there aren't any spare fragments unlike golden seed so it's easy to miss them
gauging their efficacy is also quite murky and not as obvious as +1 estus
>bad is when you go glasscannon
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Does this remind you of anything?
Also, curse the designer who added that swamp. Don't give him any Poison Moss.
imo the issue with scadutree fragments is that they condense DLC progression into one extremely specific mechanic, whereas the base game has 4 overlapping mechanics with varying specificity that define progression. ordered from universal to specific:
1. leveling
2. weapon upgrades
3. golden sneeds and sacred tears
4. spirit ashes and their upgrades (optional)
literally anything you do will give you runes, which allows you to level. therefore anything you do contributes to your progression. after 1.03, which increased smithing stone drop rates from common enemies, this also applies to weapon upgrades to a lesser degree. in other words, even in the worst case scenario, content you're clearing is contributing to your progression even if it's a drop in the bucket.

fragments are basically as specific as sneeds and tears. instead of being found at glowing trees and churches, they're found at glowing crosses, churchs, messmer encampments and statues of marika, and... completely fucking random locations like the one in Abyssal Woods, the one guarded by a demi-human chieftan in Cerulean Coast, or the one at the bottom of Enir-Ilim. you'd have to be pretty retarded to fail to pick up on the first three parts of this pattern (but the average Elden Ring player is pretty retarded, to be fair), but the others really do require a checklist if you're not thorough. obviously you should continue leveling and upgrading new weapons though the DLC, but these mechanics pale in comparison to the effect of increasing your blessings, which leads to too much of an emphasis on a specific form of progression - which in turns leads to a sense that anything that doesn't yield a seed is a "waste of time".
Two tried Great shinobi owl and True corrupted monk on my first playthrough.
I'm a god, kneel.
they also drop after you beat random field enemies like hippos sometimes
i forgot these but i think they're also consistent: hippos always drop them, and glowing pot guys are a 50/50 whether they drop fragments and ashes or crafting materials. typically you want to keep your eye out for graveyards in the open world, and i think there's one glowing pot guy in some ruins in scadu altus and one in rauh.
and the completely random pot-bearing shadows
i only got to skibidi level 18 before beating the dlc
the whole scadufragment thing matters less when the scaling falls of completely after 12, which you can easily reach without searching for them too much. 12-15 seems to be the sweet spot for difficulty too.
i refuse to overlevel
Makes it much easier to experiment with new weapons. Praise merchants and free trade!
i think i can name every single ds3 weapon from memory (not counting shields)
Why is grav missile so cheap
farron greatsword
int's gotta eat sometime
you forgot the pkcs smdh
would you fuck a pkcs unwashed moid
gaius would be better without the hog
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i've lost a lot of the enthusiasm I had for this game but these are a must have for invasions
they're a better radagon's soreseal, +6 to all stats, no damage taken increase, the hp drain is like 3/4 per second, and they last 90 seconds
It's total bullshit I invaded a host spamming just that and destroying everything around him. Of course when his phantom dies he just kills himself.
i just use these for the grafted glitch to get the vig free forever :)
Looked at https://rentry.org/ergpocketguide#smithing-level-ranges

This thing says:
>NPC item drops do increase the Smithing Level; see the relevant section on who to avoid.
but there's no relevant section. Anyone got a list of them? It's been too long since I played through the base game so I no longer remember
rogier gives you a +8 raper
edgar gives you a +8 'berd
Patches drops a +7 spear
wow what cuties wait what are you doing?
thanks I woulda never remembered rogier and patches. Is this conclusive?
troona simps btfo
people who say OnS are a well-designed duo boss are on high copium. you're fighting the camera and the furry motherfucker can chuck lightning at you through smough's fat body without you seeing anything. it's impressive how they managed to make even worse bossfights
I just used these and used the grafted WA and quit out and zamn
are there any other things that work in combination with the grafted sword WA buff?
Yes I am going to use a flame Art Carian Thrusting Shield on my int-fai build.
nah those are the only two vig-increasing temporary buffs that you can stack (godrick rune doesn't count because it's a rune). also remember to not equip any other stat-boosting items or you lose the buffs.
worse than magic infusion :)
Worse, but, it's funny.
Can putrescent knight be poisoned or rotted? I want to have some kind of edge on him with my arc build. If not then chicken wing strike damage will have to do.
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>chained grab attack
ugs knight is the worst
Godskin duo is unironically a better fight than them
giant rot pots would prolly instarot putrescent knight
o&s aren't really well-designed as much as they are culturally important for being the ultimate filter in DS1. i don't really enjoy phase 1 that much, and phase 2 is too easy regardless of which one you're fighting.
Yeah, midroll in ds1 sucks. Either stay under 25% or go full Havel's and tank the world.
putrescent knight kicked my ass until I equipped the kindred of rot talisman and just out dpsed the fucker
I actually chuckled when I learned I could just sprint past all the madness mobs in the woods after giving up on the grass crouching. This is not that kind of game, what were they thinking with this section? Should have made Midra's mansion way bigger but half the dlc is empty so I reckon they couldn't have done it.
Use a strike weapon with sacred order on it (which for some reason isn't even gated to a faith build nice game design lol) and you end up doing so much damage he's completely trivial. I killed him in 5 attacks with a greathammer
putrescent knight kicked my ass until I hit him a lot without getting hit and he died
?? it takes like 30 seconds to sit in the grass and it works 100% of the time unless you hit the bell like a mongoloid

skill issue, but more likely brain issue. I liked the section, one of the only good areas in the dlc
I was surprised by how many approaches there were to the madness guys. Throwing ruin fragments, knives, pots, etc. to distract them and sneak past? Worked. Assassin's gambit and / or hidden body? Worked. Running away like a bitch? Worked. Parrying? Worked. I wonder if those noise-making consumables that make footstep sounds that the DLC added would work.
>hit the bell intentionally
>walk away
>they scramble to it
>walk behind them for free
the bell is the thinking man's solution
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hit a roadbump in the the'fic today
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from literally saw the st trina flowers and decided to make st trina a flower
Yeah I walked into the weird looking plant that was apparently a bell unknowingly once and then by accident a second time while fighting the rats and then just started running and it worked. Utterly fagged section of the game. Another big empty area like finger ruins. There is nothing to fight, as usual with SotE. Boss rush dlc but with Easter eggs strewn about for you to pick up to scale your character. Can you CE the Scooby snacks? I wouldn't consider replaying it without that.
yea you can ce skibidis
also what do you mean... did you not enjoy fighting a billion frenzy rats??? not cool.
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401EAB90 Scadutree Fragment
401EABF4 Revered Spirit Ash
just a heads up, its a limited key item, so doing this will automatically ban you next wave
fake news, i have tons of limited key items and never got banned

only one i got warned for was fia's panties early on
>beefed roll
>doesn't deflect
acquire skill
>you literally murder the relatives of multiple main characters you talk to in slurmshit in the dlc
>not even new dialogue
>>beefed roll
what? that's medium roll
is 16/16/50 alright for faith
yeah but you save sif in the past and he recognizes you. rennala has dementia, melina has amnesia, and malenia is a dumbass who's waiting for her brother to come back (you don't tell her).
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but i've hacked in golden sneed and talisman pouches and that kind of stuff.. areb't they the same
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And so... the cycle continues.
16 VIG, 16 END, 50 Mind? yeah that's good
16 str/dex you ape
get 18 dex
I do wonder how many of these corpses belong to you Anons.
those are all umaru
those are all WHO?
the most powerful anonymous ds3 pvp legend
mogged by mari
aren't they the same person
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that was a long time ago
yeah it was one norway nigga named terr who played "mari" on kb+m and "umaru" on controller with his feet
poomaroo was the other dutchfag in this general
where are they now?
terrence is now 3rd place in elden ring competitive pvp, and umaru got throat cancer and passed away because euro healthcare is too slow.
didn't expect that
in the bb2 waiting room
yeah you should see him with a handaxe. dude has crazy spacing.
do you guys mean ippiki9
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First time playing a souls game, are the boss souls worth keeping for their forged weapons or should I just burn them for souls? I currently have Butterfly, Quelaag, and Sif.
stop talking about ippiki9 you fucking geriatric
i'd keep them but if youre absolutely sure you dont want them for their items then you can get rid of it
never burn them for souls, it's just not worth it
the start of the ds2 menu theme still gives me the chills
it's good
The Stray Demon soul can be used to forge the Havel Ring in Dark Souls 3. Who can say no to fighting the Asylum Keeper again?
ai post
Stray demon > Asylum demon
Stray Demon is technically the first boss you can see in Dark Souls. It was he who saw our journey begin.
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Thank you, here's another question I forgot to post the first time. Made friends with a spider lady behind a hidden wall when I was looking for any kind of shortcut so I could reduce my future trips through the poison shitshow zone as much as possible. Is there any benefit to offering her humanity if I'm a World of STR unga bunga build or is it more spells I won't use?
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Assylum L O L
I think she saves the sun bro for you
if you join her covenant (which ditches other covenants and you lose your progress in whatever covenant you were in before) she gives you a special pyromancy chaos fireball and if u give her 30 humanity it will open up a shortcut for you later in the game which will help you save solaire. giving her 30 humanity will also give u another pyromancy iiirc chaos fire storm/tempest iirc
pyromancies you probably won't use but in ds1 pyromancies scale off your pyro hand upgrade level and/or how many humanity you have in your counter next to your hp bar. so you can always toss on a few pyromancies in any build if you feel like giving a few points to get a couple slots
Which cracked tear does this Erdtree avatar drop?
holy fuck pest thread spears dude
how can int compete
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Holy shit I want to hold hands with the DS3 firekeeper
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It's really over isn't it? I have no hopes for fromsoft anymore at this point. All I can anticipate is Sekiro 2 (lol) or maybe an AC6 dlc. Whatever their next "souls" slop is it's very obvious that it's going to be more of the same shit. I can't believe the series somehow peaked with ds2.
>ditches his main casting stat on a whim
Pick up a multiplayer shooter
zaki is done with soulsloppa
AC7 will be kino. And there's always hope they kill the souls/elden ring formula entirely after this game. It's clear they've ran out of ideas on how to make it work and threw a bunch of stuff at the wall. They got lucky this time but I wonder if they can pull it off again. Safer to make a scifi version where they control the combat more like sekiro.
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ac7 will be a very badass stor yabout a bunch of terrorists (Good guys) against the government (bad guys) against the other government (also bad guys)
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time to pack up and leave until the ds2 remake drops
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dark souls 2^2 resequel
>bill cosby sleep build
that's pretty funny
I ditched int because the dlc was a faith dlc desu
Deathblight worthy pic
You're Weak.
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that'll take like
several generations...
If AC7 has hard lock any stickier than 4th gen I will never buy a new fromsoft game
>incantation that needs intelligence to cast
literally why
>have longhaft axe
>scales D, D on standard
>damage: 188 + 75

>scales C, C on quality
>damage: 159 + 63

how the fuck does scaling work lol
is it based on the base damage and quality lowers the base damage? Is that what's happening
I have 20 dex/str for the record
quoted the wrong post?
yea base damage and then the numbers only tell you that the scaling multiplier for extra damage is within a range of values that i dont remember.
I go where the cool is, man. As a strict adherent of the rule of cool, I was instantly drawn to the unbelievably neat faith weapons, ashes, and spells in the dlc. It's that simple
So I'm guessing once my str/dex gets higher then the better scaling will overtake the slightly lower base damage and it ends up doing more overall? Or is elden ring just weird and that point never happens and quality sucks
Quality just sucks.
yea you just need more stats. quality also sucks a bit tho.
Maybe at 80/80 you get 10 extra AR.
>love how crucible knights look
>hate how the armor looks on the player
Why does it look so off /erg/?
2 small
Adjust your sliders. Being too thin or too thick makes some armors look like shit
>body: 0
>abdomen: 0
>full goats
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yeah... somehow i dont think we're going back from ac6 lockon lol
cuz we're midgets lol
crucible knights fire knights etc etc all look fucking badass cuz they're towering awesome dudes
meanwhile we're little toddlers wearing a t renchcoat
you can mess with your head size and whatever, but I still don't think it'll ever look good.
Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 1
this, unironically
where does slurm go
the hole
>enter the hole in the blue flowers zone
>jump down a ledge
>another fucking grace
>jump down another ledge and go around a corner
>another motherfucking grace
>Thou'rt Tarnished, it seemeth
He was too kino for his dlc. I was utterly dumbfounded that this guy is like the 3rd boss you fight and very little in the world outside of his castle really has to do with him.
it's a ds3 reference
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>graceless heathen
>literally the most grace filled individual in the lands
sloppa dlc
indian contractor level design, you rike?
Marika is a fucking JAR!
Your eyes ain't glowing gold so that makes you a negro
speak for yourself I took the frenzy flame
>grace directly before boss arena
>kill boss
>another grace 20 ft away spawns
jesus christ
jee would have gotten caught in his menus trying to switch to kick misericorde to break the phantom's guard in this situation, and then killed by "shit net"
i blame casuals complaining about boss runs / shortcuts

did anyone else notice that bayle's arena is full of rectangular stone recesses that look like the design of this helmet? vaati fuck off btw
that is why I play as the softswapping wdc that I am
this is bad because?
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softswappers stay winning
FC status?
l1 gods lost...
been over for a few hours already
the oldhead vs the pale imitator
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um yeah?
did they really add back monscim instaparry in ds2
are you dumb
lmaooo wtf...

dvrk swvrd...
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>no /dsjee/ TT livestream
>no grass stream
>no covenant
The good times are over
im playing 2 rn srry
1.12 changed it so now it's the same speed as every other parry to start up (4 frames) but has more recovery frames :)
why dont YOU strem
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I have the WORST internet, like Saint Riot tier
i'd stream but i dont have anything set up for that
I wouldn't stream
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that's just too bad...
also im watching sanes first playthru strem rn.. comfy
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>going for stupid shit on pve instead of just whacking them

i like when he reads item descriptions and then its just dogs barking for 5 minutes
l2 babies lost
>sword lance
oh man
oh boy
I like this weapon
it's the most boring weapon ever
I will make it my weaponfu
I've had enough of the solitude greatsword
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is ds2 the only game that lets you get this much tit
what the fuck is its niche. getting colossal level status build-up even though it's a HTS / lance?
>ruins the best attack
I don't
getting a hyperarmor r2 that combos into r1
pretty sure that guy is playing a character
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>start using hefty rot jars in invasions
>the moment gank squads get hit by it they start to panic roll no matter how high their health is
>when they do get low keep spamming swift glintstone so they have no choice but to keep rolling and die
I didn't realize these things were so useful
sword lance is fun to kill mechs wi- oh youre a souls sloppa
coomers are pathetic
Newfren please
He's just mentally ill
bro your >>>/m/acg
got nerfed anyway
Nah he's doing it for (You)s go look at the webm he posted with the fire giant. He's not even rolling, he's doing it intentionally to rile people up
What a sad life
he's also addicted to modded minecraft
am I fully retarded or was there an autocrafting feature that would automatically craft the pots you set it to craft? Like you could make it always replenish fire pots to maximum each time you rest at a grace
Did I fucking dream this? Or does it exist and I'm not finding it anymore
modded minecraft is fun
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there's no autocraft
but there is an autorefill that u can turn on and off individually for whatever pots u have stored in your box
so when u sit down it refills whatever pots u want
I'm going to fucking kill myself, gwyn at SL1 is fucking aids, 1 hour of this nigger has made me seethe more then the rest of my SL1 run combined, fuck this nigger and fuck his bullshit split second swipe
dangerous levels of autism
there's an ae2 block in gtnh that allows you to autocraft things if there's less than an amount in your system
wrong general
maybe keep your edrama to their appropriate zones and you would 't have this conflict (>>485010687
That's what i'm doing, but getting the timings right when the bulk of his shit one shots you if you fuck up is driving me insane
>but there is an autorefill that u can turn on and off individually for whatever pots u have stored in your box
But isn't that pointless cause pots are limited by the cracked pots or are you suggesting I cheat in 999
I wasn't really looking to cheat only I coulda sworn there was a way for it to autoreplenish fire pots with my mats so long as I had em
you dreamt it up i've been having to recraft pots after every other invasion since forever
there's auto restock for most consumables though, just not pots or perfumes
it's for putting pots into storage. if you don't set the autorefills for your pots, it'll always try and jam fire pots into your inventory from the box.
crazy I have such a detailed memory of it too, like the menu explaining to you that it'll autorefill the pots and how to set it up
I might actually be going demented
Dam I fucking knew there was a way to do it. Thanks man. Only annoying how you have to manually craft them all first
yeah and i think you have to stick them into the box in increments of 20 or 10 too... idk i just cheat my pots in :)
meant for >>485012359
Boc is beautiful and cute I love him
Too bad he lives in a hellworld
Bed of Chaos is the worst boss in Dark Souls history.
>throw a pot at something i'm locked onto
>fucking goes right between his legs and misses
i think seath is up there
Does it ever annoy you that the protagonist character is a manlet? Everyone is taller than them.
I think it's generally a good thing if the enemies in a game are usually way cooler than the protag, that includes the beefy ass 8'0 footsoldiers
it would be cool to have a bit of a height slider tho. Not as big as those enemies but just big. Or maybe a spell to enlarge
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>Be new souls player
>Sen's Fortress
it is kinda evil the way they hide it and don't let you take a slow look around because of the bombs
>Dark Souls 2

>Boss is called the Last Giant
>Dark Souls 3 has a giant so he's not the last

>Boss is called Dragonrider
>Doesn't ride a dragon

Who the fuck named these?
ride a dragon one time...
My favourite is how there is a dragon outside of the Dragonslayer's boss room.
I fucking give up, fuck finishing SL1, gwyn is bullshit and fundamentaly broken, i'll be happy having beaten the rest of the base game and the entier DL Croster SL1
for me it's "armored warrior" in sekiro

pinnacle of creativity
*DLC roster
I don't even want to touch DS1 anymore, jesus christ, how the fuck is the bed of chaos considered worse then Gwyn
invade undead parish now for fun
huh? im still midway through my sl1 playthrough so im not speaking from experience, but is it not as simple as parrying him to death, same as always?
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I can't find that calculator for dark souls 1 that gave you the the host's SL based on the amount of souls you got after killing him
already dead
what an adorable baby. I'm sure he has a bright future in front of him
slop of the first sin added that its headcanon
I like ds3 alot but the game suffers because of some of the worst designed places like the swamps, irithyl dungeon and the cathedral of the deep. I think they should've never added deacons to the game, they're so bad. Not talking about the boss just the npcs. I remember these retarded things and don't wanna replay the game seriously.
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Ok, the moment of truth. How hard does my character build suck? So far, I am finally done with Blighttown and about to take on Queelag. I've been slowly but surely making progress, and the game seems pretty forgiving of my bumbling around, but I am paranoid the game throw "fuck you, your tank build sucks" curveball at me at any minute.
Yeah, I have no idea what I'm doing.
>leveled up resistance
oh no no no no
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>nu-arrow talisman stacks
>>with the damage one and the range one
brb gonna oneshot a kevin from offscreen

looks good enough for a first build to me. resistance is a bit scuffed, but you're not at the point in the game when you realise that the end for ultra-heavy sets (giants, havel etc) give more payoff than just levelling res. it's not a tank build, it's just a normal build desu.

you really aught to be more confident in yourself, if anything.
To be fair, I did get clowned on by a Butterfly to the point I had to use a summon, because there was no way in hell I could defeat it.
But my next step after defeating Queelag (I almost got her the first time, but then I had a brainfart moment and she punished me with OHK attack) would probably be Valcav Havel, because apparently he has a good right that helps me with my biggest blind spot, that is fatrolling.
>because apparently he has a good right
a good ring
i stacked all damage talismans and raskaha armor and exalted flesh and a greatbow shot did only around 740 damage to a mage wearing rags at RL150 dont get your hopes up
how much dmg does it do against the secluded cell troll
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not bad at all it probably shreds bosses with the radahn rain
name a single boss who doesnt teleport around the arena every nanosecond
doesn't radahn bow + offhand radahn bow stack the radahn spear damage bonus?
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sure but thats ugly af
just use a mod that obscures your sheathed offhand
I never learned how to parry after des/das
Need help with Maneater

I am trying to go back to Demon's Souls (demake) after having had my Elden Ring fix.
I thought I'd find it easy but I the Maneater is still eating my ass in NG+.
Part of the difficulty is the jank - I keep accidentally doing unintentional attacks with my weapons, and dodging feels a bit clunky.
Then there's the tedium of having to farm consumables like grass, pine resin etc.
I'm using a pretty standard strength build - I have the Dragon Bone Smasher, Crushing Claymore, and Crescent Falchion all +5.
It seems I'm unable to learn any useful spells
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it do be like that
turns out most of the difficulty is NG+
I have another regular save and just destroyed them
sword lance has higher AR than the lance but hts moveset instead of great spear moveset
revising my rkr lance idea into a rkr swordlance idea instead
Does club deal more damage to skeletons than bare hands in demon's souls?
Like 90% of the Elden Ring players I meet don't have the slightest clue on how to dodge or block any attack. They just spam whatever baby mode retard masher move their build allows over and over and hope the boss dies.
that has been the case since release
the game encourages you to play like that
Their only strategy is brute-forcing everything. It's no wonder Elden babies get so uppity if you tell that they didn't beat the boss or whatever because they mashed the L2 button like monkeys or summoned a reddit shitter or their mimic to solo it for them and think that just because it's in the game it couldn't possibly be broken.
I know, but you'd think they'd grow a brain or try to play in other ways after so much time.
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you didn't beat the game
>bh step perfume
you beat the game
>the final dlc boss barely has more hp than malenia
>you do double damage in the dlc thanks to the blessings
and this is supposed to be a hard boss?
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stale old webm
hearest thou my voicee still

ashen one?
eldoggers ALWAYS mash out of hitstun, damn
hosts running to the grace to resummon their boyfriends grind my gears
what's so wrong with dying to me huh
you're at the grace anyway you piece of shit
You sound like an entitled crybaby faggot
cry more, hostnigger
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get rekt
invcel status? BUCK BROKEN.
hostGAWDS won
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I want to try this but I heard the remake loses the atmosphere of the original and added a bunch of niggers and women

But I also like pvp and playing online

What do?
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it's not that bad
Well in considering it vs original

Either multiplayer and good graphics

Or original art and atmosphere and no niggers
RPCS3 version has online.
bro where's your golem bow
are you blind, '''''''''''''''bro''''''''''''''
i only watch the first 3 seconds of webms, breh
How did radagon actually fuck marika?
like one npc has darker skin and that's it. i'm sure that your brown ass can handle it.
the artstyle and atmosphere is worse tho so i'd recommend playing the ps3 version first.
mimic tear
radahn's cape literally symbolizes him defending the haligtree. retcon fags absolutely BTFO
loreshit belongs on /erg/, newfriend
shut the fuck up
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Hand it over, that thing, your /dsg/
finished the ER DLC yesterday, might start my first Bloodborne playthrough today
Is there some sort of collection of all true combos? I feel like I found some but its hard to tell if they actually true combo or the hosts are fucken retards mashing r1
Demons Souls is diabolical in terms of acquiring all rings
I thought I'd taken care to do all the rings requiring PWWT, then doing all the PBWT rings
What I forgot about was that it's only in PBWT that the Black Phantoms spawn, allowing you to achieve PWCT (which is required to get a ring), and I already killed the Primeval demon in World 3. Fuck this shit
it's on the jee'cord
>That smoothness to dodges, that lower recovery, those 7 rolls in a row
Then some /v/igger poser who TOTALLY started with Demon's Souls sharts its pants when I claim Dark Souls 3 was the sequel with the closest mechanics and balance to Demon's Souls
wait your evidence for des and ds3 being alike is the roll animation being smooth?
I want you to look at how one straight sword swing onehanded saps a third of his stamina bar, then unironically type out "this is just like Dark Souls 3!"
>+1 stones instead of slabs
They really want people to cheat lmao
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The recovery times, hyperarmor, even the movesets themselves, how a lot of R2s have more forward momentum, how a lot more common enemies were staggerable. I always cringe when some faggot posers pretend Dark Souls was a continuation of Demon's Souls when the gameplay of DS was actually very smooth and aggressive centered, or even bundles them together when juxtaposed to later Souls games
this community sucks at gathering info. they get too lazy with their framedata so they just say "uh go check on the framedata site"
what the fuck are you talking about retard?
My favourite part of Dark Souls 3 was when two Darkwraiths obliterated an entire tribe of lanky swamp people.
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whens the the the
have you ever looked at a demons souls boss? theyre about as dangerous as a broken straightsword hollow. The animations are just choppy cause they sucked at making em weighty back then
In a way it IS like ds3 in that but not intentionally
it's a guaranteed pickup at earthen peak
But why...
>infuse erdsteel daggie with bleed on my dex/arc/fth bill
>trash damage
wtf why
>>>>dex/arc/fth bill
saves you a poison stone
not a real build
that's the romina bill
22 dex
35 fth
60 arc
>It's not intentional that they reworked every major mechanic in a direction closer to the origins of the series
nigga play Occult and spec into Arcane
22 dex isn't dex
retarded ergie
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it is a real build doe
>47 vigor
how dishonest
i'll be honest when this game stops being a dumpsterfire
Correct, it isnt intentional. They designed DS3 far more after BB. That it starts resembling how choppy and unweighty DeS was is total coincidence
lose the flock and drop to 45 arc... haybale incants suck
Nobody would play it if it wasn't a dumpster fire, that's the FROMsoft formula
its a bill that waits for 1.13 to buff those incants, not playing it rn
lose the flock anyways
Use a stat helm
>retcon fags
call them what they are. godwynfags
seamless pvp is what the game looks like when its not a dumpsterfire, perfect lat and no animation skipping, the subhuman at bandai who greenlit EAC and not using the new steam network API should be crucified
>use clown helm
You're already using clown tech
>blood, dragon communion, frenzy, rot and beast stuff
nice I want to do everything "build"
>choppy and unweighty
Lol and here it is
flock sucks if you aren't a pure caster
Which sorceries proc the multi-hit talismans
godwyntards are literally screeching about how he was supposed to be the final boss and miyazaki simply changed it for radahn fanservice
its like 200 dmg on all my incants
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>radown defending something that didn't exist during his time
hammie of hymen
where's my swimming sunflower final boss
: (
it did
the sunflower isn't related to godwyn
I already said that in the post you were replying to, you're far too late to start doing the "ahaha you used the blacklisted phrase" reddit shit, faggot. When you do it like that it's clear that you got argued into a corner and that's the last desperate attempt at saving face
sunflowers don't swim
they do if they are sentient
0 Int
>and here it is
And here it is
>using call of tibia to fuck up blind spot/swift slashers
this works way too well, mr skeletal doing his dance is a hardcounter
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we're back
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okay but what if its a magical sunflower that doesn't follow our rules. suinflowers in elde nring are swimmers, you don't know YOU DONT KNOW

i should add a swimming sunflower to the'fic
except i won't because there's already something similar to godwyn in my setting zaki copied me i'm suing him.
To this day i don't understand how Elden Ring is regarded as the holy game of the century, yet Sekiro, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, and Demon's Souls came out before it, had the same style gameplay loop, but with much tighter execution.
Open world does not work in FromSoft games. It looks great, but it completely lacks the replay value of the previous titles. It is comically full of filler bosses, enemies, ruins, dungeons, and bad rewards. Since PvP and Co-op are also implemented poorly (they had 12 years to figure it out), there is no point in replaying the game to make a funny build to play with other people.
Back in my day, we used to run through Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 in an evening or two, making a fully functional PvP build in the process. This is totally lost in Elden Ring.
Open world has more mass appeal, GRRM drew in all the game of throne normies. The underlying game being good too is a bonus, normies were tricked into playing an actual video game rather than a movie. Those factors combined made it p big
>It is comically full of filler bosses, enemies, ruins, dungeons, and bad rewards
You just described every single soulsbornekiroring game
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>sane ryan bitching about how he keep picking up ghost gloveworts and not a good weapon
I depends on how bad 'comically' is. For example, look at ER talismans. Out of 9000 talismans in the game, maybe 5 are somewhat impactful. Compare that to DeS and DS rings - all of them did something meaningful. None of that 10% increased damage for the last hit in the combo bullshit. You could grab the red tearstone ring and chunk cut bosses like butter at low health. Resistance rings actually increased resistances. The +1/+2/+3 ring bullshit that started in DS2 is inexcusably bad, clearly it only went downhill from there.
everyone hates dat doe
How the fuck do you get to rauh again
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i dont think i ever used any of the resistance rings in demons souls lol
i only ever used cling ring, and then magic sharp or foe/friend ring.
occasionally i would do rtsr (clever rat? i forget)

ds1 for me was mainly
fap + something, so hornet usually or dwgr swap.
sometimes I would make a gay zero poise high end build (thank god for toggle esc) with hornet and some other ring.
the rusted iron ring was more of a convenience than something actually worth keeping on
rtsr was good, but rtsr is in every game anyways
leo ring was pretty gimmicky but fun ig

+1,2,3 is fucking gay tho yeah.
the dlc killed tali economy even more by adding more damage talis. why run +7% fire resistance or whatever when i could be getting +10% damage overall for 2h my club
just play it
they made some of the npcs look a lil fruity and turned 1 into a nigger, that's it
yeah it loses a bit of the atmosphere but it's still great, if you never played the original you wouldn't know what you're missing
new 'ullie is up
uhhhh you know the area where you fight the monk and the red bear
somewhere around there is a lake with worms and if you head north from there you find a poison swamp thing with death birds
if you go through the area you arrive at the base
t. went through that yesterday
Why are you typing 'Uhhhh'
stupid fucking zullie thumbnail
slurm already has a dragon that's so big that it's part of the map why is this shocking
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dunno man, get off my case bro
>Elden slop zoomers have never fought a good wolf boss in a from game
>Compare that to DeS and DS rings - all of them did something meaningful
>zoomers zoomers zooomers
millennials have zoomergods in their heads rent free
What's the commonly agreed level for PVP again?
150 is still good?
150 for fat morons that can't make builds
>slurm already has a dragon that's so big that it's part of the map why is this shocking
no it did not retarded retard dumb fucking retard
150 is the meta level
some people are even going up to 200
ignore anyone that says 125 or 138, they're pvp discord trannies trying to get you to stay within range of their tryhard sweatlords
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150 is tryhard central
139 for melee bills
150 for casters
125 for duels only
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feel free to kill yourself
150 is 115+ poise territory. But since the vast majority of players are at that level or higher, going lower will end up putting you at a disadvantage most of the time. So go for 150-175, have whatever stats you want, just add Endurance up to 40-50 and the bullgoat talisman.
125 is duel level
139 is the midrange
150 is reddit level and where build variety falls apart
anything past is for retarded ganker bloatlords
tranny pvp discords don't dictate the meta level
keep sucking off reddit
>retarded co-opers who don't even want to do pvp are the ones who dictate what the pvp meta is!!!
ergites will have a meltdown if they can't have 50 endurance and access to all of the faith buffs and also get 80 strength
>>retarded co-opers who don't even want to do pvp are the ones who dictate what the pvp meta is!!!
that's where all the players are
That's where people who want to pvp stop leveling
Therefore that is the meta level
you can stay at 125/138 if you want to fight third world tranny discord duelists though have fun with that
reminder that zullie won
did you also bitch about the meta in all the other games since none of them line up with where the most casuals play?
the 'fic reached 130000 words
What is wrong with this trannygger hes whack

Also thank you for your cervix my updated filter added a new e celeb
transfolx just can't accept that they aren't the center of the world and no one wants to play with their mentally ill 125 tryhard strength builds
why did i struggle so much with fume knight.
I absolutely hate this game's antialiasing or whatever makes it look like oily dirty smeared shit all over the screen. It hurts my eyes, just like BB, but at least BB has something to look at.
what sorta pvp level would you recommend? I'm not invested in whatever people call meta pvp levels, just curious
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Just finished the DLC and I think I'm ready to finish off my remaining chievos which are really just the collection cheivos. Do you think I could finish these off in one playthrough? I'm thinking of just getting what I can in my current playthrough and then getting the remainder in NG+
take it to /pol/
75 or 150
75 to invade at lower levels, 150 to invade in the dlc
The only missable achievement item is the bolt of grand sucks.
Why is she trying to find an even bigger bad dragon again?
meant for >>485081112
Right, I'll have to do that in NG+ then.
That's more or less what I was thinking just ot have the biggest pools of players to fuck with, good to know I'm not too far off
annoying faggot
It is crazy that the Smoldering Lake is massive but is just an optional area.
A western developer would never.
>meant for >>485081112(You)
Eh, I don't think so.
>shield has more AR than my rapier
it's bigger and slower of course it has more AR
Why do you care about numbers? This is a role playing game, not PvP tryhard competitive fighting game. You don't have to care for frame data or AR numbers, just enjoy the game at levels 150-300 like a normal person.
Jeez, these pvp jeanine pedo discord fags are so annoying.
continue spamming ds1 or whatever nigger, nobody's speaking to you
>wtf this fast poke weapon doesn't hit as hard as a slow blunt weapon
wtfffffffff shit balance wtfff
esl retard
grab some rope already
I would expect a magic weapon to do better than a magic shield
how's activity on rl118?
Keep on discussing Dark Souls 1 or whichever Dark Souls you are playing, friend. Many of us enjoy reading and interacting with your posts.
>i would expect a magic weapon to do better than a magic shield
and it likely does, you're just a retard for trying to judge it by the AR alone
>AR doesn't matter
okay buddy
ar doesn't matter but damage does
>AR isn't the only thing that matters, you also have to look at how fast it hits, counter damage, the fact it has good animations and fast hits, does more overall dps if you calculate the actual damage per hit and stamina spent...
your IQ must be genuinely below 80
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Buff Rapiers
since you (You)d me, answer the question >>485082743
I am someone whos playing DS1 for the first time after playing elden ring as my first game in this series. I just died to a lift in Sens dungeon because apparently I missed my stop not expecting it and the lift shot me into spikes killing me

I immediately quit the game and was mentally reminded how Miyazaki reminds us difficulty isn't the point, its the *atmosphere*
idk should be okay for lategame and its near 125 as wellprobably a ot of fogwalls idk

*puts finger to my chin gayly, adjusts my tortoiseshell glasses*

what's the actual game design reason behind parry frames being hwat they are? I'm so confused
Apparently with SotE they made all the start up frames the same, so normal parry is just better than buckler parry now. Ontop of that the actual parry dagger sucks ass despite it offering less utility than a shield. I just dont get the design
pwned the windmill girl again
The only design this game has is art and music (music is unusually forgettable this time, like Dark Souls 2). There is NO game design. I seriously think that all the good staff of FromSoftware has now retired, and the young are concocting the slop that is Elden Ring. It tries to be good by reusing the old game mechanics, but instead of a complete experience, we got Dark Souls 4 with the Ubisoft flavour.
The hydra fight is such bullshit. It's not that it's hard, I just keep falling into water every single time.
Is swear the remaster fucked up the shader so now you can't tell where the edge of the water is.
would you say you're having DIFFICULTIES not falling into the water and drowning? Heh
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oh fuck that bottom one is missing miquella is the bad guy and bone fist 3.0
oh nice double bingo on the bottom one then.
ropemaxxing dlc
it has a glintstone gun aren't you happy
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he raped me after raping the blue
>microcosm into piercer
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sigh....yemmy, post the kneel group pic
what's the point of this building? just free skibididididdler fragments? there ain't even an entrance to it
is it supposed to be a fancy gate? what's the lore here
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where are all dsa lapps
what's wrong with the glintstone cannon
they moved on to elden ring
she changed the thumbnail
uh oh here comes the pronoun police again
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not what i wanted.. doesn't count...... it's nyot a glintstone sanctum xbow
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the new Jvnd is good
Armored Core 6 is the only game I like and finished from this company.
Dark Slows sucks.
Suckiro is boring albeit I played it the longest.
Elden Ring got it's hooks on me during it's release month but I never got back to it.

AC6 had a deal on it and decided to try. Instant love. Got the three endings in less than a week. Don't remember the last time I tried to 100% but I'll do it for this one.

Wish the AI wasn't so fucking dumb.
ok I have to admit, approaching this area and then hearing the title menu music was ludokino
did you clap when they did the thing
omg this empty area has different music....*basedpogs*
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zamn the new 'aati merch lookin fire af fr fr very drippy on god
its ok for that area to be empty because lore
it is NOT ok for everything around it to also be empty as fuck
it isn't even empty tho
start one
skin color and country of residence?
are we talking about you or the "main villain"
black, netherlands
they call me black pete
daboo de daboo dai
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my asscheesk were clapped when i went to the shaman village
best lore in the entierty of elden ring\
this gaming shit is too subtle i need a big ass vaati tattoo on my perineum
Does everyone just play at 150 now?
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I want Fromsoft to make an MMORPG and I am NOT joking
>inb4 Elden Ring is an mmorpg
Shut the fuck up
jee plays at 125 sometimes 135
vomit-inducing take, 98
It is impossible for a modern day MMORPG to be both fun and succesful
>fromshart doing treadmill work
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nvm then no one joined
yeah I was queueing for a bit but I don't want to do 1v1s with a dsgger sorry that's too awkward ok
yeah i dont play with brown people sorry
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omw to bed
you have never joined a fc
hes from norway
shy bitch
yes almost every single casul hangs at 150+ for the DLC if thats what you mean. PvP youtube metas stay where they were, as do base game invasion ranges
I can join in 3 hours after I finish the dlc
are mtf trans folk allowed to join the lub or nah
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playing sl278 with chinese and euro players :D
just discovered a 'fumes true combo
bring it to the club
does someone have the map for invasion ranges for ER pretty please
Do you prefer to have sex with white men or black men
doesn't exist aka nobody gives a shit to make one go use fextra
fuck yo ufuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
kill yourself subhuman freak
yes (because I am not playing)
I can instantly tell someone is american when he uses the greathelm with knightly plate armor
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one of the builds of all time
im a eurogod and I use the greathelm with the armor of solitude (unaltered)
black women!
im a ausgod and I use the albie mask with the fire prelates chest + no gloves or legs
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tranx folx are always welcome to join!

damn... elden ring is goated
vomitous man, why do these people have to fucking ruin everything
i long for the pre internet days where you could beat up retarded annoying faggots for trying to come into your hobby
go back to /mmcg/ already
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Who wants a piece of the champ
dryleaf 1h R2 should've been gundyr kick with heavy knockback
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knockback? NYO
Where's the fc
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be the change you wanna see
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be the 4 people you wanna see
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+ you don't understand the weapons
Isz 9v8qndas
Is your ass fat enough to make it clap? You should post a video of yourself doing it if you can
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my ass is not fat... :(
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you haven't done the vig glitch ONCE
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>playing DS1 for the first time
>get to spider bitch quelaag
>try to make sense of her but nothing does, I can dodge her three hit combo but she will just immediately jump away. The only tell I could find she lays down when doing an AOE attack around her. Her attacks don't even make any kind of sound
>equp my starting armor and axe and kill her on first try just by light rolling and hitting her constantly like shes an elden ring boss

I guess this is why "series veterans" recommend light roll. I'm not even good at these games
midroll with poise > light roll poiselet
not that guy but i can make it clap
wait until you find out about shields
hop off 2
testing my new controller
gonna make a fart build with the staff of the great beyond
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I want a game with
des aesthetics
ds1's map design
ds2's ng+
bb's weapon philosphy
ds3's online
sekiro's deflects
er's movement and spells
and ac6's dialog
is that so much to ask?
er has shit movement doe
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i dont think any of this shit scales with cast speed but whatever
I use my shield constantly on regular trash enemies but not on bosses. I also mostly use it because every fucking pathway in this game is so narrow they clearly didn't expect you to roll around them

For me instead of trying to block bosses its just easymode to strip armor and hit them as hard as I can. The boss mechanics are really basic anyway, trivial if you've played the latest games
night maidens mist has the bonus of eating fps
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The people ahead of me in the crowd, all wearing similar coats
Are wreathed in the same air of defeat
In the interrupted sky above, no birds fly
Dead leaves dance, like the sighing of skyscrapers in the evening sun
At last, I recognize the desiccated townscape before me
Behind the superficial freedom it decorates itself in
Ah, standing in the crowd, I feel a push on my shoulders
And suddenly, halfway through the intersection, I stop
I find myself itching with this feeling that before I can cross
There's... there's something I have to finish
Standing on the train platform at rush hour, I duck my head down
Am I getting buried in this sterile environment
Am I drowning in a feeling like I'm a magazine
left up on the luggage rack?
Am I singing a song based on falsehood?
Am I being sold on empty dream after empty dream?
Am I afraid of being hurt?
Am I lying to myself because I want to be good?
Am I cursing, in vain, the flow of time?
Am I being swept towards a future I never wanted?
Am I indulging myself without exerting myself?
Am I just a tamed animal in a tepid apartment?
Am I running away, acting like I don't see?
Am I giving up, acting like I'm wise?
I like jumping, 20. so fuck you. and fuck off.
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sekiro did that better
erm your duration talisman
oh yeah i forgot to put swimming from sekiro on there fuck
does that extend the fart clouds wtf?
This is the end.
>theres gonna be daily fcs after the dlc its gonna be amazing
there was one lol
we've had like 8 fcs 50, get with the program.
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Is it time
ugh i dont wanna bust out my half-baked pre-dlc quality pve build again but im too lazy to update my generalist bills
g9 is using my fashion wtf
yeah he posts here
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>baller swag sword
>praise the sun
>biggie smalls
>interconnected world
>anal rodeo
>git gud
what are the ER equivalents of dog1 redditspeak
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Too bad
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>invade a hostie
>somehow they've frozen Fire Giant's AI, so they're in the arena while I'm trapped outside
>snipe the fuckers from outside the arena with my railgun
>somehow this fixes the Fire Giant
>into the boss arena somehow
>toastie hostie and his overlevelled phantoon are now spamming the broken 100000DPS thorn incant to cheese the giant
>teleport in right as phase 2 starts, and just blast one into hosties back
>like, 700 HP, kills the retard while I'm a red turd in the middle of a white field
Don't know what the fuck happened, but I'll take it.

>fingerprint ganksquad with NPC masks immediately after
i'm working on an essay sorry
1 sec lemme find pate
Your build is too fat :(
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i'm not playing through the game again to make a lower level build when the game already scales me down and I do less damage than 3/5 of the other players
You do NOT deal less damage than other players
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Since when is there an inventory limit in elden ring???
forever... dlc just added enough item bloat for it to be relevant
I can't oneshot anyone with instantaneous frenzy nor am i powerstancing
there isn't? that's probably a bug
You deal 80% of the club's hp with one Orb.
>there isn't? that's probably a bug
Whenever I pick up a new item it goes directly to the chest and the only way I could pull it out was by storing other items in the chest.
1 sec gotta update the blue emoji filter since he found a new image
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@ me when is 7/6
bro who is HE there's like four different ppl who post cookie monster
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>GUGS / Guts Ultra Greatsword
>the dastardly doodoo eater
>want to go home and edge!
>fort night
>you didn't beat the game (but in an epic ironic sense)
I'd hesitate to say Kevins too since it was originally our thing, but it seems to have been picked up and used in a different context by normalniggers.
I don't really know that much normalfaggot memespeak now I think about it, I don't really frequent those places all that much.
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better than using stuns that hit through iframes
dodge NOW
really? that's wack.
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please join the FC
>let me solo her
>everything involving (t)ranni
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shut up
I will do 3 (three) games but this paper is due tuesday and I really don't want it hanging over my head
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ranni is fine
typing like messages
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what did xhe mean by this.
he's okay
whats a kevin in a normalfag context?
i leave
enjoy fellas
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>or beast!
>first off, well done
>by the way praise the message!
>No secret passage ahead
>therefore praise the message
>Behold, flower!
>seek god
>try finger
>but hole
>if only I had rump
>didn't expect message...
>therefore praise the message!
my favorite chinkcore message: no horse ahead
why not 6 player lobby
>touch grace
>if only i had a woman...
>two-handing required
>you don't have the right, O you don't have the right
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what the fuck is that radahn phase 2
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For us it's specifically a faggot host viglet that wastes everybody's time to summon twice and dies in 1 hit before you're even through the fog gate but applies to viglet summoning retards in general (after that one webm), to normalniggers it just appears to be a generic John Darksouls way to refer to any kind of host like picrel.
Fucking hell. I have been completely filtered by Fume Knight. I have used
>All my resins
>All my effigies
>All my green blossoms
I just can't get past him. I can't. Every single fucking time, i lose at the second phase because of his stupid fucking atacks that one-shot you even if you use a shield. I have 24 END and 34 VIT and a fully maxxed out Faraam set, and i STILL get one-shot.

I just can't get past him. I'm fucking stuck.
ps kibas are honest now so dont get mad at me
>likely snake
>healing required therefore praise the message
that's kind of funny how the lingo broke out and isn't even used properly anymore. I guess reddit does that a lot
Huh me an my friends just used John Elden Ringin general, and specifically Timmy for baby tier hosts
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zaki the hacki had a revelation after he heard about all the people complaining that bloodborne will never ever come to PC / is by default locked to 30fps, so he decided to make a boss that nukes your framerate as part of the difficulty.
also he had the vision and foresight to make literally undodgeable attacks if you don't have flawless positioning, because when they fucked up with malenia and shitsuckers lappad it up anyways, he carried on course.
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which attack.
i have a webm of that but its me doing it
stabs you in the throat
luckily for me I'm not poor so I don't have any frame issues
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>(after that one webm
still cracks me up

>soundless webms you can fucking hear
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Fellow newfriend here, I bungled my way into beating her hitless on my first try by keeping to her direct front and left. It seems to keep her spamming the double sword swipes which don't do shit if you're too close to her because of it's angle, then the thrust from her front and center which can be sidestepped easily if you're already at her left or right.
I hope this helps.
>which attack.
Fucking all off them. In his first phase, it's how his combos LITERALLY NEVER FUCKING END. One hit drains ALL your stamina, and if you try to keep rolling, he'll just keep attacking and then fuck you with his delayed sword swing.

Then in the second, you can't do anything at all. You can't block because he does damage anwyay. You can't dodge or attack because he uses that fucking AOE burst that hits 80% OF THE FUCKING ARENA, and ONE SHOTS YOU. And if you get hit by a *single* attack, it's over.

Now because i didn't spec into some infinite stamina dexfag, i'm pretty much stuck.
serious competitive game btw that's why you need to stay at level 125 and practice dueling against turd world brazilians for 1000 hours
Can you really disable open world invasions with CE?
seconding this, how do you disable the obnoxious invasion spots like malenia / radaon / gaius / bayle / etc.
you're not stuck, but having good stam helps if you're not used to the fight.
don't block against him.
You're probably to roll everything when DS1 bosses were far more about positioning (strafing rapes most of them a fair bit)
please let me put crabblade on the css
>dodge the boss's 15 second melty
>get 1, maybe 2 hits at best, assuming the boss won't cancel into some bullshit and either fuck off to the other side of the map or try to frame trap you
>it has 6 gorillion health so this takes an eternity
I hate the Shadow of the Scattree
ban big pots from the fc
ban str bills
I have 136 stamina, chlrothanty +1 AND the second dragon ring, and yet all it takes is two dodges for it to run out. It's not even a fatroll or anything. And even *if* i don't block ,i get hit by
>His fucking AOE attack balls
>His wide sword sweep somehow going into his back because lol hitbox
EVERY time i get close to killing him, it's always the fucking aoe dark fire balls or his wide sweep
sword lance with rkr on str bill is jee approved
put on a helmet you freak
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>summon / ash
>greatshield rotspur poke
>destined death spam
simple really sweetheart :)
they wouldn't be mechanics if you weren't supposed to use them :)

>but i don't want to abuse the game, i want a straight and honest DLC final showdown test of skill, like Manus, Fume, Orphan, Inner Isshin or Gael
this isn't one of those games :)
this is abuse or get abused :)
godwyn the golden, prince of death, lord of dragons, god of hapiness and abundance, firstborn of marika and rightful heir to the elden throne was lined up, but since zaki heard how much you all liked malenia and how much you wanted radahn in his prime... adjustments were made to the script :)
>not trading with your regen bill
>not shooting magic when it's far away
The absolute state of non-faith builds
whats your adp?
shit >>485112829 meant for >>485110507
27. My agility is 101.
You're such an ape for using that tear
this is my last round
Nigger just circle around him. He isn't an Elden BRAP boss, he won't perfectly track you into some retard combo designed to catch you off-guard.
'Circle around him' works until phase 2, then he pulls off his 'cover entire arena with an instakill AOE burst' move
I lost the catbox link to the no roll fight but there're plenty of videos where nerds circle him to death.
If you're talking about the one where he summons some orb then just outspace it.
ok jeejees
gonna make some ebin webms now
patch soon
too many spammable op nuke abilities now
my screen is getting raped nonstop in these fcs to the point that my fps drops
you will rike the hefty fire pots
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people dont fuck with me
people dont fuck with me
You WILL eat the grav nuke
you don't like getting 1shot by the high-skill maneuver of pressing weapon art from offscreen???
>name myself "you beat the boss"
>get summoned for the boss
>perform the chainsaw glitch and obliterate the boss
The host beat the boss.
true, why restrict yourself to make the game more challenging? thats a cuck mentality. if its in the game the devs intended it
>name myself "you beat the boss"
>get summoned for the boss
>do nothing and let the host beat the boss
The host didn't beat the boss.
I chainsaw bosses but you act like an eternal reddit victim, fuck off, dont let me catch you posting baseded up shit like this ever again
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>mfw i beat the game
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why is it that when i invade i get back-to-back robspamming npcmask ganksquads that ghosthit on netcode but when jee invades he gets normal people who use things like mairais straighdsworns or fucking crossbow users
because he invades 20 hours a day and he probably has all the cancer fags blocked by now
5 million players doe
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forgot how fucking fun this fight is. dodging the giga laser beam sword always makes me clench my cheeks
As long as you didn't use mimic tear or summon you beat it. Yes prepatch rolling sparks, thorns, chainsaw glitch and shield poke deflecting tear are beating it. The real challenge in these games is swift slash sleep shotgun gank squads
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gonna spam the thread with 'ebms now
sad webm
only a teeny fraction do ganks
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the accidental hibachi
Is Malcolm still around?
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>dsg fc
>it's all full of tryhards
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we're all doing stupid shit, come join sometime
it's very fun
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>look inside dsg fc
>full of boiling water
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fighting passive tryhard arena duelist clone #9568 is not fun
>finally get an extra effigy so i can finally fucking stop using the stupid binding ring and *maybe* beat fume knight
>immediately invaded
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1 more and I'm done
when's the next three feces
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I was already dead...
that's it, all the webbums
fun times
Did you fight Alonne and blue raspberry flavor Smelter Demon already?
just pull plug on him
but also regarding fume knight

i just beat him here
just go into the fight not trying to win but learn his moveset
you can circlestrafe or roll right for a lot of his sword swipes. and some of the huge sword attacks you can position yourself behind him and avoid it completely
only attack once or twice when u find an opening

in phase2 the laser beam swipe has to be dodged perfectly. you can block it with a good shield but it eats thru your stam and a bit of your hp. Or you can unlock and run around him as he does the attack

when he shoves his sword into the ground u have to roll away and the. either spell parry the meatball, position inbetween them, or roll it.

other than that phase 2 is pretty simple. he does extend his combos sometimes and they can be delayed so be patient and just see what he does
I have fought everyone else, but i just fucking can't DEAL WITH THAT STUPID FUCKING BOSS. Did you know that the part of his AOE attack where he plants his swrod can stagger you? Yep. And then you get hit for 80% of your life. How FUN! And it's even better when you have to waste one of your rings on HP loss reduction because lolol, it's so fun to lose HP so the bullshit boss with retarded hitboxes that hit you from several meters away becomes even harder.
I beat him and I did not need to respec my build, level up, summon or use any of the things you mentioned
>2 meme casters
Where's the tryhards
i always thought "if gwyn was an elden ring boss" meme funny, but how would ER bosses fight if they were in DS1?
threeces, get it
they wouldn't have trackign and be virtually indistinguishable from DS1 bosses
Honestly thinking about it some more I am a bit disappointed by his difficulty. Everyone hyped him up to be super mega hard unbeatable without cheese boss and yet he was just a bit harder than the previous hardest boss Malenia. I died to him 35 times most of which was to phase 1. Phase 2 wasn't significantly harder since most of his new attacks looked more dangerous than they actually were.
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Where's the infusion patch...
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Holy fuck. Finally. I fucking hated this shit. And you faggots fucking dared to say this was one of the most 'fun' bosses.
wait how did that go through tears
Nice work! The shield was probably a handicap so you definitely earned the victory.
I dont like jumping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it turns pve weird
The shield is the reason i didn't have to roll through every shitty small sword attack he does when you get close to him.

It's ridiculous how much this guy was obviously meant with a dexfag build in mind. It's just roll roll roll roll roll. He's like an elden ring boss, except here you have the stamina of an 80 year old with lung cancer.
DS2 DLC definitely started the trend of these cancerb osses that leave you no openings. DS3 had a bunch too and elden ring is full of em (but in elden ring you have jump attack hacks so i guess it works)
I really like jumping it adds a cool extra dimension to the combat
I should've probably clarified that it's the jump attacks I don't like, every single weapon now has the same gap closing move thats super easy to place
they always worked but they were never this easy to execute and hit, it feels almost like broken ass ledge jump mechanics in MHW except you dont need a ledge
The difference is that DS2 is ridiculously fucking slow. Adaptability, the slow-ass estus chugging, getting staggered by every move...DS3 and Elden Ring let you be a lot faster.
>find out it's possible to jump over furnace golem fire aswell as putrescent fire
listen man I have on occasion used jumping to dodge shit, but if they make shit that's evidently designed for you to jump over, should the animation not fucking reflect that? the flames are way taller than me why can I jump over them? Why not make it something more shockwave like so it's more obvious
I feel fucked with
But theres clears opening for fume knight to get one attack in slow or fast…
its okay I had no idea you could jump over them either. I killed my first furnace golem by using the crucible feather talisman (the one that increases iframes during rolls)
someone in erg told me you need to jump over the fires
It is fun. You got gud
skill issue
after doing ng+ and doing stormveil i realized all the legacy dungeons in the dlc are dogshit. stormveil design shits on all of them severely, from every angle
>level design
>enemy variety
>subplots (gostoc raping you when you die, rogier and the death stuff, nephali showing up, how it relates to the kenneth questline overall)
>looks cool with tons of really nice views
>extremely fucking fun to invade in due to how complex it is, can run around and hide around corners and people lose you, whereas in the DLC almost every place is just a hallway
Bit of a shame. Liked the DLC overall but it's really glaring when you do it back to back. specimen storage was alright but it suffers from some of the same issues
King of Storms or whatever is cooler than this guy.
There is an line where 'hard boss that feels great to beat' and 'holy fucking shit, fuck this garbage, it's finally over'

Dying because of a shitty hitbox is not, nor will it ever be, fun.
I forgot to mention stormveil even has 2 alternate approaches that feel completely different, can go in the easy way but have gostoc rape you or you can open that gate and storm through a hellish gauntlet of ballistas, crossbows and fire
Fume knight is a _____ boss
Ds2 is a ______ game
DS2 doesn't have shitty hitboxes. The boss just beat you and you're mad.
Stormveil is the only well thought out area in all of Elden Ring. Everything else is super half baked.
I think that there's a couple comparable ones that are good. Haligtree is great too, and castle sol is short but sweet
>DS2 doesn't have shitty hitboxes
I see, so you just straight up didn't play it. At all.
how do I get over bloodborne's 30 fps feeling like 5 fps
just started it and never played it before
wait for the inevitable working emulator version of it, that's what I'm doing. Apparently they're making progress on it
Yes, you did get caught during your roll. The animation just started at the end of your roll animation not the moment you got tagged.
You knwo what I hate and DS2 introduced it
>swing at enemy
>he gets hitstunned
>enemy hops out of the first attacks hitstun and hits you before you can do any other input
eat shit 0 interaction possible
Elden Ring had this dogshit too. What's the stupid knife bitch you fight in a gaol for the ranni quest? I nearly popped a hernia from raging, every time I attacked that bitch she would fucking swap poise cancel the hitstun like a DS1 sweaty and hit me with a counter attack before I could even recover from my attack

That said it's not too common I just hate every enemy that can do this. It's not fun
Not a single enemy does that
fresh loaf???
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Try reading again, I named one. In DS2 the dogs in the gutter do it too. There's more but I can't remember all of them
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fun weapon
Where's your chicken feet
I don't know what that is
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Boosts your kicks
huh that's neat
time to make a str fth tax bill with the cgs and kicka
its still gonna have nyo poise and be poop
you're neat
Just slap on the goaste chest
umm thanks...
You're not getting any more compliments
ERMMMMM you touched the Crucible and turned into a bullgoat eagle

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