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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

are thrusting swords really that bad
my wife
eruden ding
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Malenia is my wife and I want to sit next to her at the Haligtree and wait alongside her
That's it, I'm staying at 138.
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Ranni is absolutely beautiful. How did FromSoft do it?
Marika is a fucking JAR
delicious flat chest
No? It's one of the best classes in the game.
Yeah, she's a real doll.
Just got oneshotted by Impenetrable Thorns again.
But I had a good camera angle so I figured out why it's bugged.

The line of thorns on the ground multihits and has no hit limit. If the spell is unlocked, or targeted at something behind you, the line of thorns will pass through you, hit you a dozen times in a second and gib you. That's what happened, I didn't even get hit by the explosion at the end, just took 2100 damage in an instant from the thorns on the ground.
Just doing a new playthrough and learning how to parry instead of jumping R2. What is the best parry shield in the game? The Buckler? Something else with golden parry?
I want to go Fth/Arc and maybe get enough int to cast a mixed spell, what is the best background to stat with?
I just got a warning for being off topic because I posted those tree man syndrome photos even though it's literally on topic with Elden Ring making the comparison with the hornsent and tree crucible. Whoever keeps reporting needs to read the fucking room.
Were you supposed to summon thioller during the putrescent knight fight...cause he won't show up near st trina..
Fucking stupid
so i guess antspur + cleanrot is still worth it as a build?
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Come now, there's more to beauty than that. It does help make hugging her around the big fur coat a little eaiser I suppose.
Funny, but I agree.
Needs dialogue if you have completed the DLC
I use the parry dagger, bucklers don't work for me
Purchased the game 54 minutes ago.
Just requested my refund.
This shit is gay.
golden parry and carian retaliation give the best parry frames. golden has range, carian costs no fp unless it absorbs a spell.
He doesn't know where St Trina is. Go tell him.
any shield with carian retaliation
>but golden parry
carian has te same amount of frames and it doesn't cost any FP if you miss the parry
Foolish ambition status:
[x] put to rest
This is so valid xister
He fucked off from that grace. Said he was going to the cerulean fields.
about what level should i and my weapons be heading into stormveil?
It's gay in a way that panders to straight women.
Repost as I posted this after the new thread link was posted.

>Seriously Japan, what the actual fuck is up with your obsession with this concept, it has no organic connection with your native spiritual practices and isn't exactly a openly popular position among your Western financial overlords.

You're kidding right? The east such as China have their own alchemists. The very first emperor of China was eating mercury balls because his alchemists said that it can grant immortality benefits.
How much END, bros
first time playing this game what the fuck i am supposed to do at the forge of giants? i keep dying as I fall?
Then he's probably somewhere in that area.
In my game I killed Putrescent and talked to him right after the rune shattered so I guess I skipped the step you're on.
Beast repellent torch. My one true ally. It made the lion dancer death blight fight so much easier. It's deathblight attack does no damage and the basilisk just stood there, so I killed him then and there.
Can I get a quick rundown on what the point of no return is for the endings?
I almost went too far in Ranni's quest before realizing maybe i should try the other questlines
wich summon do I use for Rhadan anons, he is filtering me and I'm too old for this
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>slip her with roofies
>has a personal crisis where she declares you her new lord and gives you are soul to summon at any time
autistic abuse or best girl?
it really depends...
How does the wiki know what the Jolan and Anna spirit ash says if it’s cut off in the game and no option to scroll
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I just wanted an ending with her
Rest at the grace and there will be a special option to talk to melina.
So the Crucible is 100% in the blood right? Morgott bleeds out & in doing so his horns evaporate. Mohg finds communion with the formless mother & his "accursed" blood burns with fire, causing him to become obsessed with shedding blood & blood based magic & shit. Even Dragon Communion is eating hearts & drinking blood so it might even be an aspect of the Crucible or use similar ritual. I think that the crucible knights probably hunted great beasts & drank their blood to enhance their own blood, they fused & synthesized it within themselves tk gain its powers. Are there any other blood drinking/blood based magic in the game?
respec into a higher damage cheese build
endings don't overwrite each other, with the exception of the friendly flame
you only unlock optional endings, you're not locked into any of them except frenzied flame.
Honestly if you want an eaiser time I'd reccomend going through the first phase with a dueling shield with cragblade with deflect tear. Then when 2nd phase use a summon. Personally I use Andreas but the golem might be better.
Datamining. The cutoff is due to a formatting bug but the whole text is there in the files.
If Dung Eater can have an ending then anyone should have an ending.
I did and I don't have enough time to fire the thorns between his attacks, I've tried everything and no luck. I'm 46 years old and my reflexes unironically suck
I'll try, but I can't Sekiroparry at all
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>3 rats
>all these bloodstains
I had no idea that INT is basically engineering.
"Spell Machinist", basically a physicist or engineer or computer scientist.
Why are all the armor sets in this game so ugly?
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where's my nausicaa souls, miyazaki
When 2 handing the shield and blocking at the right time it helps you get used to deflecting at the right time. If you do it to early then it's just a block that you can do a counter for. It's a great way to learn.
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>can't tell gideon about miquella and his broken great rune
>melina doesn't talk to you outside messmer's chamber if you haven't burnt the tree yet
>miquella has no change in diaogue whether or not malenia is alive
does carian retaliation have enough active frames to dispell some of radahn's shit
I dunno
DS3 was peak kino aesthetics
every ER armor except black knife sucks
go pure int caster then blast him with spiral shard spam
you don't need spirit ashes if you summon the other dudes
There's a retard in Fromsoft who's obsessed with the poise system and making people look like clowns
at least 35 on my characters
30 if I use a soreseal
I was thinking about this!!!
I wish the like white nobles set came in blue, I love Nausicaa so much and it defined my fashion taste literally forever
If anyone needs help with Ravla or Rugaela hit me
PSN: MrJekyl_MrHyde
Use your mimic, obviously
His damage is so overtuned most other summons just die in a single combo even with the scadu buffs, but the mimic will survive for ages. Protip: equip meat dumplings, marika's blessing and Uplifting Aromatic on your quickbar before summoning your mimic and during the fight it will have access to an infinite amount of them to heal itself and buff you with.
it's not bugged, it's just an oversight
they always make mistakes like this
First thing I did was equip the black knife chest piece and the veil talisman, I became a sneaky salamander and didn't get bothered by rats or any other mob, I don't know where the fuck to go tho, that shack at the distance seems unreachable.
>Ravla or Rugaela
Ah... I am PC...
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>Even with all the bullshit in the DLC, I still win like 70% of my invasions.

that's fine, then. i'm talking about the people complaining about losing a lot in invasions while doing that sort of shit. if you have fun though that's all that really matters ultimately. peeve for example is well known for playing meme builds and dying a lot, but genuinely enjoying dying a lot. depends on the person.
i don't think it works against any of his magic.
Elden Ring is the first From game where you're meant to play as a sorcerysister, it wasn't designed with melee in mind like every other From game
I don't go past 25 except for pure strength or something
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Is it any good, it seem to do magic damage on top of whatever bolts you use.
I like them. They're easier than roaming rune bears.
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I had forgotten about that dogshit Dark Souls comic.
I want to go back to forgetting.
If you want to do that maybe try Thops Barrier instead.
Unlike Retaliation, Thops works even on some boss laser attacks.
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Would've been nice..
I beat Radahn with level 18 Scat treats. Am I autistic?
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My desire for modern tacticool armor only grows
as long as you don't level dex, you're fine.
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Makes me laugh they always hire some fucking random dudes to make the comics and then we end up with shit that has nothing to do with the game
Not only Peeve is a dogshit player he's extremely petty and quick to make assumptions about other people I never understood why him and Oro "the most nasally obnoxious voice ever" boro got popular
24 +3/1
yeah it's great and only needs 19 str 16 dex
good job cutie
>YOOOOOOO skibidirizzler420 thank you for the sub!! *whimpers*
It's hilarious how many sets would be improved if they came in blue
It's discord. They will mass report anything they don't like.
i'm finally making progress against radahn and I don't like that all of my progress is finding guard counter windows for my ultra greatsword and getting lord's divine fortification online as soon as phase 2 starts.
Peeves been a sweaty shitter for as long as shitters have sweat. He used to call himself the "parry king" unironically.
He was just a small fish in a small pond. As soon as the community grew beyond its console dreg roots he was exposed by even mid-tier pvp casuals and couldn't maintain his audience by pretending to be the bestest of the best anymore. He's not dying a lot because he's using offmeta stuff (every pvp content creator does this because using the same stuff for 4k hours is boring), he's dying a lot because that's the best he can do, and he's being positive about it because he has to maintain the facade that if he pulled out his parry shield and his washing pole and stopped "holding back" he'd be good.
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oh i see we're bloodborne now
Oro being such a massive douchebag is another reason I don't get his popularity.
It's funny because like my main color I like to wear is yellow but I would kill for something like that. I wish elden ring had an armor dye system, but like the severs are already bad enough without having to also synchronize custom armor colors between every player in a session
I have no idea. It's like they're afraid of making good looking fantasy armor anymore.
The problem is there's no real you'd way to assign Jannies
If yoy have Jannies watch over a thread that play the game/know stuff about it, they're too invested and biased.
If you have jannies that don't know anyrhing about thw game, they so stuff likw that where they literally don't realize how that related to the game and that it was on topic and discussing like the real life origin of an ingame thing
but all soulful for being AoE2
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WOW this is SOOOOO fun am I supposed to be summoning for regular catacombs too now??
stupid ass game
why are Type Bs like this
I want this fucking death sorcery
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>they literally don't realize how that related to the game and that it was on topic and discussing like the real life origin of an ingame thing
NTA, but that wouldn't be a problem if dumbasses in the thread didn't report on-topic discussion as off topic. Notice how that's what he complained about and not the jannies.
what smart gameplay
dude just dodge the projectiles
average Radahn seether
Exactly how much dick would I need to suck to cop someone's Magic Scorpion Charm
stop whining you posted a bunch of gross pictures that don't have to do with the game, they got deleted and you got a warning. You didn't even get banned
who cares
Back when youtube and twitch were young, the way to get big was to form a group with other content creators, share your audience between every member of the group and use that to rig the algorithm. It also helped if someone in your group had connections and could get other ccs to shill you and send you viewers too. Once the algorithm picked you up it'd be self-sustaining because that's how the algorithm works.

It helped that they were the only ones doing this for des/das1 back when they were niche, and so could smother competition before there was any threat of 'big' channels coming in to smother them. Then when DaS1 went viral, they were the biggest fish in the pond and that carried them to the very sad and unenviable career of a content creator.
Do NOT choke Miquella
You don't have a way of knowing when it's one or the other
why are you blaming the game for your own stupidity
How does the casting rapier work in the offhand?
Unironically deserved, I'm glad the enemy is able to kill you from full health like this.
it casts when you perform a strong attack. can you perform a strong attack with your offhand
Kill yourself fragile bitch. Go browse reddit if you don't like gross pictures. You and your coven of trannies can fuck off forever.
Not even if he asks you to while you're going to town on his bussy?
wait a minute, you're that faggot who bragged about getting filtered by fire knights

Read the first three letters of that post again.
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It's useless, but I just learned like if you jump doen into the pit of water where the elevator shortcut is early before draining the water, your body eill hit the button and send it up early before draining the water when you reapawn
You can't like do anyrhing, if yoy try to ride it down the water is still there and you just end up dying as you're lowered into it, but it's funny
There are some really broken new helms in the DLC at people seem to be sleeping on.
>bird helm
+3str +4dex with good defense and poise. 7 free stats! What were they smoking? Also you look like a stargate LARPER.
>divine beast helms
+3 str/dex, higher defense than above but worse negative effects (-45 focus, enjoy being maddened)
>horned warrior/curseblade
+5str/+5dex respectively. Again, 5 free points. Decent armor too.
>Fire knight helm
Gives 2%hp, 5%stam, and 4% equip. This is just a combo of dad/mom/son mask. Everything you could ever want. I bet this will be super fucking common to use at 150+.
>Light circlet
1 weight for 5 poise, great defenses, and +1 int/faith/arc. Also it shows your pretty little face for the waifu nerds. Going to be very popular as well.

Hell the bird helm makes the silver tear mask obsolete as those 7 free stats can easily go into arcane and you won't get the -5% physical AR loss, and both make you look equally ridiculous.
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It's such a simple design but it looks so good. The game has scale armor but it has too much shit on it.
That's an exception
there's still some bangers in ER, but yeah fashion was of much more consitent quality in prior entries. if eyesores like bull gpoats and lionel's werent bad enough, the lack of common metal tints in ER hurt a lot.
How bad is Bloodfiend Arm now? Just saw the patch notes.
Poopabros are we actually shitters...?
>horned warrior/curseblade
These come with penalties right
Are you the cunt that was spamming tree man pictures? Yeah, you're not a victim dude no one wants to see that.
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I'm in love with this hat. I need to wear it on anything I do now.
Minor slap on the wrist. Still very strong.
go look it up on youtube. it's basically fucking nothing but of course people filled their diapers in protest.
billed mask my beloved
Just had the weirdest bug.
Using the Curseblades. I hit someone with a running attack while they were chugging a flask. The hit made a hit reaction and triggered bleed, flinching them. However both the hit and the bleed dealt 0 damage and they were able to instantly recover and attack me during my attack recovery.

They couldn't have rolled the hit, because they were drinking a flask, the hit interrupted their flask animation
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You aren't welcome, you don't understand the culture, you're a weak little bitch who would rather grass on people than click "hide image".

You're a whiny disgusting little dilator enthusiast,
Okay, go ahead and post more gross stuff cool guy. See what happens to you.
pls kill yourself
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why the fuck would they make these things parriable? that removes the whole point of a spooky unkillable monsters you need to hide from..
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For me it's the Cainhurt Helmet. Though I love both.
Cry about it
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>erm it's actually YOUR fault you didn't wait for your turn to attack and anticipate the enemy having a charge attack that can one shot you
Let me guess, this was my fault too? For not waiting for my turn to attack?
They should just have areas that insta kill you if you don't summon. At least then there would be no confusion as to how you're supposed to play this game.
I completely forgot those things have no scaling, thank you for the reply tho.
because they're still dangerous enough anyway
All of them have 0 focus, a penalty to your base focus and reduced healing flask effectiveness.
Because parrying is hard
holy moly you suck
Oh, you're that guy?
Fuck off. I can't believe I defended you.
So it was you.
I regret agreeing with you now
I dunno once I know something is killable in a horror setting it kinda loses that scare factor for me
>fighting the fire golems
they're literally retard traps.
love these beaky helmets
I love a good melty
hey are you this retard as well, by chance?
if not i think you'd make a cute couple lol
>accidentally talked to Ranni giving her the fingerslayer blade
>now i cant buy shit from selivus
Are perfume bottles any good?
yes but they're less broken than before so people will say no
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>NG1 , Paladin caster
>Fighting Rellana
>Getting my ass handed to me over and over again
>hours go by
>REALLY TEMPTED to summon but don't cause I feel like I can beat her without
>Finally beat her (even though a stray glintblade manage to kill me)

I REALLY enjoyed that boss fight, but holy fuck her 2nd phase is ridiculous, it feels like her combos last forever and she has no down time. I guess it gets harder from here right?
Erm sweaty if that was me I would have killed it and won
>until we have more counter posters, they will keep mass reporting you for fun
strange that you are the one person who gets "reported for fun"
yes but they were one of the most broken things in the entire history of the game on the previous patch so >>485009207
How'd this make it through this many years? it trivialized every humanoid fight. NPCs don't understand how to play against it. Just charge release repeat until they're dead
>Divine Invocation gear has an explicit weakness to Sleep and Madness
>all the enemies that use Divine Invocation are immune to Sleep and Madness
Justify this.
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Holy shit I wish there was a fucking item that let me not only turn it to day, but make the weather clear. I'm so fucking sick of it being so dull all the time. Every time I rest at a grace to make it morning or afternoon, it starts fucking raining shortly after or the weather is garbage and I have to do it several more fucking times. Just give me a clear fucking sky jesus christ fuck you fucking memezacki
how accurate is this
Sucks I didn't use them before.
Is the poison one good though? For PVE at least. Poison always seems kinda trash, but I'm Arc/Dex right now, so I may use it.
Buy an ad. Not watching, but I feel Morgott would be homophobic.
We've reached the phase where enough newfriend normies from the DLC release have left that the newfag autists can start acting up. "Everyone who disagrees with me is a troon" spammer, the anon who has posted the same bait for something like seven or eight different threads, and now this guy.
>isn't stacking Golden Vow with Barrier of Gold
>isn't also using the defensive talismans to stack defensives even harder against magic faggots
I didn't even roll in that fight. Just spammed R1. I had over 90 Magic and Fire Defense and almost 90 Physical Defense.

What the fuck are you doing, anon? Faith is literally easy mode.
what a weird thing to complain about
Actually after Rellana I think the DLC chills out for a bit. Messmer is hard but his combos are mercifully shorter and a lot of the other bosses between now and then aren't humanoid.
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there's several weathers in SotE that are just completely fucked, so fucked that you can't unfuck them with post-processing. and obviously you can't strip out / edit the LUTs unless you're playing without EAC. it's sad when you get a brief glimpse of the neutral lighting and it's great, and then it immediately goes back to
>everything teal lol
best you can do is up the contrast and tone down the green a bit
Where do I get the weird bird leg feet
post the lists
2016 and its consequences
You think that they'd at least make the rain look good if it was going to happen so often, but I don't think there's a single place that looks better with rain. Even weeping penis, which rains all the time, has shitty looking rain.
I fucking hate the rain and fog. I FUCKING HATE having to wait days at the grace just so that it clears up.
I think they drop from the bird guys
I got some from the one after the portal in ensis
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I just want to see the world clearly. I'm sick of exiting a dungeon and not being able to see anything within five meters of myself. The world is pretty and nice. And I want to see that. But more often than not, I can't see fucking shit.

Yeah, it wasn't this bad in the original game.
Carian Grandeur does the same thing, is a knockdown even when uncharged, and has almost infinite hyper armor.
The fog is 100% hiding the fact that the game can't render the open world in time
im actually happy it rains so frequently in the shadow realm. only place you ever get that kind of weather as often is at the weeping peninsula, and you're practically never there after early game
>its another "The host died before you finish falling into the Putrescant knight arena" episode
Please just dodge for a little bit I am begging you, it has increased health you arent going to do much just by yourself, you summoned me, please just wait like half a second
>get absolutely drenched in blood and look sick
>try to find good lighting for a cool screenshot
>can't find any so go outside
>weather instantly changes to raining and all the blood disintegrates
>Needing vision
fog is BASED
>What the fuck are you doing, anon?
I just respec into this, because I got tired of being a Mage and spamming glintstone. I forgot to mention that I use a sword as well, and I find this build much more fun but I'm wstill getting used to it. Fighting Rellana pretty much force me to learn faster lol. You got any tips for me? I should've know to use Barrier of gold, I am using golden vow though. But yeah, gotta get gud.

Rellana fight alot more harder Malenia pre-nerf for some reason. But I think I've gotten alot better at fighting after this fight.
anons whats a nice and easy boss i can help people with at RL150
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to be fair this specific instance is designed to obscure the ruins from jagged peak's perspective and make them more mysterious. scadu altus is the real offender.

not really, no. they make no effort to hide LODs in a lot of places.
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>mfw its been almost 10 years and Permanent /Pol/tard Summer still hasnt ended
The Horned Warriors with bird heads drop them. They have a whole set.
There are only 2 of them. One is in Rauh on the other side of the Altus sending gate. You can also reach it from the Grand Stairway grace in Rauh but it's still an obnoxious farming run.
The second is in Enir Ilim right next to the first grace and super easy to farm.

Only farm the first one if for some reason you REALLY need to get those feet before Enir Ilim.
do more people tend to level into infinity or stop at ~150? I don't invade / summon etc. I'm just curious if people find it better like that. Builds kinda stop meaning anything much higher when you can use anything you have
They're probably getting dunked when he opens with the Horsefowl Dance
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Chat am I cooked?
I wanted to stay at 150 but I've been leveling up to 170s now, most people seem to
Thank you
Thank you
They only make the fight harder. You're going to get smoked so hard the meat will fall off your bones.
I don't really view that attack ad hard to dodge at all, you just dodge to the side for the horse, and dodge towards him teice for his attacks
I think Builds lose meaning at around lvl200. past that you are putting points into things you dont need or past the hardcaps.
But i have a character at 250 and can still invade and be summoned, so idk.
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1 character for max level, all achievements/trophies, spells, weapons, rings, armor, etc. Another 1 character that levels to generally accepted PvP cap of 120/150/200. All I really need honestly.
unironically i dont think the personality type of people who become politicians and the personality type of people who play vidya have anything in common
i know some politicians have played vidya on stream etc but it's always a publicity stunt
something about the soulless powerhungry nature of career bureaucrats and votegrubbers is totally incompatible with sitting down on a weekend and just beating up virtual bad guys with a virtual twinblade
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I really like the tooth whip but its a shame the stamina debuff only works in pvp
What does it take to consistently stagger Mad Rad?
I mean I think it's more that vidwogames are good at scratching the "accomplishment" itch, and people who do stuff like that scratch it more by doing stuff more actively
>You want to dance?
Anon you arent being an action movie hero when you ban evade to spam a /vg/ general with offtopic
Thollier very LITERALLY cant enter the boss arena. you are fucked
I don't understand why you lot just upgrade to lvl300 for PvP because you would have more freedom with changing builds instead of doing that retarded larval tear all the time.
theres no poltard summer. this is just the way political discourse happens and permeates discussion in the internet age.
it's supposed to be a secret you don't find out till you get to the manor, but the hint is so vague and detached you'd think it was referencing something else.
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Fromsoft was cookin when they did the lighting here god damn
why not just make multiple characters?
>see funny invasion youtube video
>"wow that looks fun, i should try"
>boot up elden ring
>3v1 ranged spam fest getting knocked around at 140 poise
>try again
>same thing
> maybe its a bad area?
>go to different area
>same fucking thing
>wonder how the flying fuck this person got all the footage they did for their video.
>set down controller
>exit elden ring
I voted for the MP for the Liberal Party of Canada, whose leader is Justin Trudeau. Did I enjoy the whole Miquella's cocklust?
>see message
>"strong foe ahead"
>go ahead
>weak foe
It's such a shame because they clearly put effort into the area, yet it's complete ass outside of the first time you go through it. Afterwards it's a slog because the ONLY THING in that ENTIRE ZONE is Midra, if you go there on replay it's for Midra, yet you have to walk through every time

On my 4th DLC playthrough now and it grinds my gears
Ah shit that actually makes sense. I've seen a million "Try Parry" messages so I just tried it. Fuck I should have done this zone offline. Having to be sneaky and stealth around until you find that clue would make it much better
>why not just make multiple characters?

150 hours multiply by 6 builds equals wasting my life away.
in 2015, 2019, or 2021?
if you are on pc you can download a save file manager to do that.

if not then dont do pvp.

the pvp sucks to much to play through multiple times to do different builds unfortunately
Did you like my advice about trying stealth, then trying critical hit in Shadow Keep east entrance church area for the approaching fire knight on the roof? If you backstab it with the Misericorde, it's basically one charged R2 away from death on NG with 10 shittree fragments.
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Every once in a while you forget most of the people using this site are maladjusted youths with persecution complexes and then a proper meltdown happens to remind you
Verdigris armor? On
Poise? 133
Consumables? Cheated in
Chainsaw glitch? Prepped
Yup its invasion time
is this the new bloodhound step?
Weak foe ahead.
Didn't expect bloodstain,
so to speak, seek skill.
Should you dual weild perfume bottles? I think it's the same damage but more a bigger hitbox.
But it would be nice to use it on one hand, and on the other have a sword or something.
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>unearthed an old rl150 prophet save
how should i theme him for the dlc? he's currently set up as a beastman. picrel
what armor is that
Sorry bud. Not even a persecution complex. Just reacting to the discord trannies who love mass reporting anything they find icky even if it's SFW and ontopic.
wdym theme? like a larp idea?
When not fighting a boss, use Blessed Blue Dew and Ancestral Talisman. Combined you can keep up two buffs of your choosing at all times as long as they don't stack (i.e. can't have two body buffs). I generally prefer Golden Vow and Blessed Boon. In Co-Op, when I help people, this is god tier. If you want a proper heal, use Heal From Afar, it's the best heal in the game for it's FP cost, speed of use and utility. At only 60 Faith this thing will heal myself and two other players for over 1k each and only costs 45 FP.
I don't play my "Paladin" guy with any offensive spells. Ashes of War more than make up for them. Offensive Spells are way too intensive on Talisman slots. I generally like to have 3 Talisman slots at least that are free to switch around if I need at least one to make my build work (i.e. a Jar Talisman is sometimes a mainstay for fashion or defense).
3 Talisman slots lets me put on Blessed Blue Dew and Ancestral and either a defensive talisman or an offensive. I usually go for Alexander though as keeping up Golden Vow through an entire dungeon permanently due to the FP regen and FP on kills more than gives me enough defense and DMG. For bosses, I switch out those two for their specific defense. For the dancing Lion for example, since it has such a wide varied assortment of attacks both Lightning and Frost (Magic), I used the Pearlescent Talisman and the defensive Talisman as well as Alexander. Then I changed my physick to physical defense and fire damage (since it's weak to fire damage) then used Golden Vow and Protection of the Erd Tree. Then I just laid into it with my Fire Ash of War. It did basically no damage to me and I killed it in seconds never bothering to roll or block. When I fought Gaius though, I switched it out to Barrier of Gold (not sure if his gravity stuff is Magic, but just to be sure, I went with that) and Golden Vow then used a Holy Sword instead since he's weak to Holy.
Good luck paladin bro
Who was in the wrong here?
looks like confessor's set
this is just what happens when 4chan cuties deny themselves their true desire to be a girl
precisely. ive already done
>fire knight
>crucible knight
and im currently working on a dynast as well. something that theme well with the dlc would be cool
I missed all this, but the basics is that the hornset growing horns is like treeman syndrome
based fromsoft finally made 2 good bows
Since the last patch i feel Golem Smiths take more damage with normal attacks but less damage when you break their stance and backstab their butthole
Is this true?
NTA, if you're keeping the Blaidd headpiece you can roleplay as an Empyrean's Shadow trying to figure out where your Empyrean went.
You could try a dragon cult lightning guy, there's some neat stuff to find in the DLC that would fit
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i love her so much bros
i wanna take care of her so bad
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Wow, thanks for the tips anon. Yeah gonna screen cap this for future reference. Just realize my spelling was off in my previous posts, I still have adrenaline going through me lol. Yeah I'm excited for the next bosses, and I'll keep in mind what you said for sure.
what does the lamenter transformation even do?
that's a nifty idea anon, though im not sure what weapon(s) and incants i would bring to fit that theme
i was thinkin about this. is lightning armament/vyke's + phys weapon viable at 150? or should i stack up some dex and go for lightning infusion?
>Malenia uses waterfowl 7 goddamn times in a single fight
Fuck this bitch.
boosts vitality i think
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Does it look retarded? I'm trying to make a Cainhurst / Londor look for my next character now that I have all armor and can experiment.
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Best daughteru. I don't do any questlines to their endpoint now so I can imagine my Tarnished actually keeping everyone alive and getting to rule over/help them after I take over
heh mad cuz bad
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why did he do it
the tints clash a lot anon. however, i have a feeling the tint on the mask may just match the metal on the confessor set
the hornsent deserved worse
I think it looks good, I'm always like a sap for lightly armored/just clothed like torso and legs but with like hefty gauntlets and boots
If I give Ofnir the Seluvis potion can i still buy shit from Seluvis shop after?
try the fire knight gauntlets + legs
>I missed all this, but the basics is that the hornset growing horns is like treeman syndrome

Yes. I make the link for inspiration because the Erdtree, crucible and hornsent are all linked to one another.


There's also the cutaneous horn that would have been put in as well.



>if you take off Alberich's cloak you lose the thorn damage bonus
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who has the best second-in-command and why is it mohg?
Mhmm, he doesn't suspect you betrayed him, he just gets confused
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Why would he not? H*rnsent are all disgusting cultist freaks, their highest purpose is to be used as target practice for his flame magics
Just normal Quickstep
Confessor Hood, Ansbach's Attire, Preceptor's Gloves, Preceptor's Trousers
I noticed that alot of the armour sets are clothes and not that much medieval armour.
if your build has golden bow and flame grant me strenght it doesn't count
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The wild part is Radahn is uglier than Mohg so what the fuck was Miquella even on
Yeah. He thinks the potion was a dud.
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What is up with this really weird elevator? I'm not lime crazy right, why does it have these weird gaps? Why would that be a thing ehy do you have to jump to the actual elevator?
I've never seen the game design one like this before
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Miyazaki's fetish
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>Golden armor of the Death Knights, adorned with an antiquated depiction of the Erdtree. Enhances skills and incantations of the capital's ancient dragon cult. These knights, once Godwyn's personal guard, quested to find their transfigured master's cadaver surrogate—for the coming age of the Duskborn.
Fia's quest and ending would have been more compelling if one of these guys had been in the base game. Knowing that Godwyn's knights presumably would support Fia makes her ending more compelling
>Radahn is uglier than Mohg
Spoken like a true monsterfucker.
>The crucible is return to dragon
>Dragon is return to spiral
>Spiral is return to crucible
Cheeky miyazaki
use the Fire Prelate legs and maybe the gloves too. It will match the helmet.
i lied this is still scary i can hear it but can't see it

I bet invading here is a lot of fun
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I'm having trouble with Maliketh
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I'm a True Monster Fuckerâ„¢ and I support this message
Want help?
>forgot to grab dragon cult seal before burning leyndell
does anyone have pc have one they'd be willing to part ways with? i'll trade for it
ive used the bloodhound fang as the only weapon ive ever used and im a little bored now that im in the dlc. what weapon is better but also similar while being a little different
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I think you actually get a bit more total AR from using Electrify Armament, but of course it's more inconvenient. Lightning infusion is fantastic if you just go full dexfag, but that leaves out the fun incants.
No summons really
It's just that the double dagger swing fucks me up
I can't even get him to phase two lol
The dragon communion seal? Yeah I can give it to you
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>"Grrrr! The jannies have wronged me for the last time! I declare war! I will spam offtopic and ban evade until the very sun burns out!"
>Sharts out a few /pol/ copypastas and evacuates the thread
What possesses people to act in this way?
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This is what Radahn looked like before Malenia even rotted him.
bratty from lack of cock in their hands, mouth, and bussy
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Didn't the shattering just happen?
I like the guy, he's at least passionate. More than can be said of most irony poisoned faggots these days.
See >>485011271
They can't wrap their heads around being reported for posting offtopic and getting deleted for offtopic so they imagine it's a conspiracy from a pisscord cabal. This way instead of them merely suffering the consequences of their own retardation they have a phantom spook to fight against
Literally tilting against windmills
thanks anon, but i mean the dragon cult seal, the one for boosting all the lightning incants
Ye I gotchu Anon, meet me at kale, putting down a red sign. Don't need anything in return.
He means the Gravel Stone seal that drops from a k***ht in Leyndell.
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how did messmer inspire such loyalty
gravel stone seal anon
Dragon CULT
>posting directly relevant on topic materials for lore discussion
Hello discord. We can play this game forever or you newfag retarda could learn how to filter or hide what you don't like.
Messmer was the Elliot Rodger of the skibidlands.
comin anon, pass is erg
>imagine not wanting to be Miquella or Marika
where do banished knights come from
how do i dodge commander faggot's charge
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>rad does the numen space laser
>frames tank
Performance patch when?
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I'm not sure but I can make several educated guesses
Considering it requires effort to mass report (there's a timer to report posts), that anon is probably doing this so the sensitive reporter has to waste his time doing it instead of choosing the faster hide option.
>wanting to be a living fucktoy who gets passed around
Well he's the son of a Goddess and also very fucking powerful.
The real question is why everyone didn't abandon him when they found out there's a snake living in his ribcage.
thats the dream
Next patch will be a nerf + performance patch.
>dragon aspirant
my man has came in clutch AGAIN
tyvm anon
>ooh his gear and incantation look cool - will be fun to play through the DLC with them!
literally have to finish the game to get them. I fucking hate NG+ gear
I wanted to give it to them
I have to question how he was able to hide it for so long
>discus hurl makes Malenia spam waterfowl dance
>Malenia input reads and dodges throwing weapon projectiles
Uh smithscript bros???
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I don't want his hand in marriage I just want to drag him across the lands of Shadow picking up his litter before taking him back to the Haligtree and making him take care of his sister.
i wish we could do one big /erg/ seamless coop playthrough through the dlc
that would be so much fun :(
I wish password invades existed so I could beat the shit out of you faggots
run and dodge to the side at the last second, you can dodge directly into him sometimes but it's riskier.
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No prob Anon, have fun.
why didnt miquella just keep trying to make the haligtree work
would they actually nerf radahn? i thought for sure they would nerf waterfowl since not being able to dodge a move that does 50-90% of your health and regens the bosses health was insanely retarded, but they didn't. i have 0 expectations for them to nerf radahn. they don't care if you are forced to take damage in this game, they want you to stack buffs and bleed/frost everything while looping stance breaks
Ah, you were at my side all along. My kindly miquella. My blessed haligtree.
I like you. Save this.

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>The winged serpent is the token creature of Messmer's military forces. It is a wise friend which keeps the base serpent at bay and holds its power in check.
Why is calling the snek a wise friend so funny to me
just reducing his HP by like 20% would be adequate. to be quite honest, malenia is still harder.
>See Messmer image
>Right click
>Save Image
Simple as that
so is serpent hunter dead for pvp?
No right click on phone
Malenia took me longer to beat, but I think that's because it was my first ER playthrough.
Radahn feels harder right now, but also his fight isn't that fun.
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Where were Godwyn's knights in the base game
>distinguished golden knights
Tree sentinels? I dunno
proof that it's the haligtree?
>Commander Gay charges me
>Roll toward him
>This actually work
>My character just sort of pass through him, intestines and all
>Sometime the roll decides to stop working and i get hit as i was passing half way through his butt

Well that is silly.
You get the medallions off of the Death Knights, that's who they're referring to
>hold on, let me consult my advisor
>hiss hiss
>yes, of course
started a new character and beat malenia again a few hours ago and she's still definitely harder. Significantly less enjoyable fight too. I don't think Radahn needs a nerf, but I wish I could've seen past all the effects and miqella's fucking hair
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How many dlc characters have you made? I've made 3, the top left guy was a bleed guy that turned into the dragon guy because I messed up ansbach quest and missed his scythe and spell

also post em
Would you guys prefer an Elden Ring anime or a live action movie
Does this mean that Godfrey fucked his cat?
it means that godfrey killed serosh, lord of the beastmen, took his shattered axe as his own, and adopted his bodiless spirit as a friend and advisor
I fought both days apart, malenia took me longer and was more challenging. the major difference I found between the two is that radahn seems to deliberately punish rolling, whereas malenia can be absolutely dumpstered by a good rollslopper. if you want to beat him reasonably, you either block him or you parry him.
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why didnt we get a frostbite exultation
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Why didn't they make her a field boss like in the trailer? It would have been cool to fight a stylish dancer in a pretty blue field instead of a shitty copypaste wyvern.
I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I've fought Malenia 3 times with different weapons since the DLC dropped and beat her within 2-3 tries each time.
I've only beaten Radahn once and he kicked my ass so hard I resorted to status spam. Any tips for the fight?
Malenia feels more intuitive for me.
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So Tanith used to be one of those right?
you right you right
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How am I supposed to get that
you need the enemies to use their laser attacks to destroy the tents
anime, live action would look weird
it's a helixed crucible tree. either radahn is wearing the skibiditree on his cape for no logical reason, or his cape shows two lions (representing radahn's two swords) defending the haligtree.
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I've been trying to use thiolliers needle L2 after sleeping someone but soft swapping to it is very hard to land
let me try
You need to get one of the merchants there to sperg out on the cloth
>helixed crucible tree
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Frostbite already unironically does not need it. The frostbite debuff already increases damage taken by 20% and frostbite buildup doesn't scale off any stat, it's naturally high without any investment.
Then again, bleed didn't need an exultation either and it still got one.
>every double helix represents dna
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oh fucking gay why can't I do that myself
either use a good shield or parry him, he deliberately shits on people trying to roll spam.
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but I noticed that if you have Thiollier's neeedle on your left hand, it's L2 overrides the L2 on the right hand weapon letting you get the combo
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You fucking cunts. Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you warn me about Getting Boc killed?! I blame you all for this! It's not my fault!
Stand next to it, quit out of the game and resume. It just werks.
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>pure str
>pure int
now i'm a dex/faith char with the confessor set because i love it
Did Rykard marry the Lands Between equivalent of a gypsy woman?
I mean honestly yes that is 100% what the helix is alluding to. the entire story of the crucible, its refinement, its gift of intelligence, is alluding to evolution. the game even refers to the crucible aspects as an "aspect of devolution" at one point.
why do you think he's the blasphemous
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yeah it's like grafted dragon, just leave it in the offhand
stage play, perhaps a musical
autism, probably
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>you see, this armor encourages a high-risk, high-reward playstyle, by increasing the player's damage in trade for lowered defenses, it's a good idea to pair it with the great katana that comes alongs-
>y-yes of course, it does also improve the damage of Comet and Giantsflame, why do you ask?
Its funny that Rykard was visiting a foreign land; the idea the demigods ever left the lands between is funny
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I tired that sword but it does less sleep than the vanilla one... and there isn't even a difference between sleep and eternal sleep in pvp
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>fromsoft reuses some shitty face model that you can't even see in game
fromdrones are pathetic
>frenzy flame burns away everything
>it's beyond destined death
I learned to parry him. Works just as well 2nd phase as 1st, just harder to see what he's doing, especially as you have to roll into / around him or get hit by shockwaves. Stand between his legs when he does his dash and goes intangible, dodge right when he spam his slices after the meteors, raptor of mists his nuke and apply status / spell spam while he's floating down, just sprint directly away when he takes off
there's a massive landmass visible just north, you could get there by boat in a couple of hours easy.
Damn, that's what I had to do to beat him in the first place.
Guess I'll just skip him or respec in future playthroughs.
just burnt the erdtree for the first time lads
If you had eyes you'd be able to tell the face model is different. We know Tanith was a dancer from a foreign land, we just always assumed she was some kind of bellydancer or stripper. So getting a combat dancer enemy with a similar phenotype clears it up.
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>I mean honestly yes that is 100% what the helix is alluding to.

I'm of the opinion the primeval current is also the shape of the double helix.
Is Cragblade's Cloudy Boi Form the longest distance travelled by an Ash of War? I want a distance closer for PvE stuff, don't really care about pvp.
Enjoy the incoming boss rush kino.
it really should only improve melee damage, considering its wearer is a swordsman
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how do I get my bubble to do big damage? I'm using godfreys and I have 50 int
The cutest feet.
Does anyone else think that Elden Ring should be called jumpslop?
the primeval current is literally the crucible anon
>Invade guy named VIGOR TEST
>Failed it
Made me laugh my ass off at least
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You are like a little baby, watch this
wtf is jumpslop
Elden Bing Bing Wahoo
uhhhhh Marika feet???
Honestly man I have zero fucking clue. People were still using sleep boluses against me. It's quite satisfying at least to land the needle.
That's not correct. A crucible is a melting pot that you do to make alloys (hmm, just realized the shaman were put in pots to meld with others).
DMC is jumpslop
I wanna finish the game but at the same time I don't want to
I don't like NG+ stuff, everything always gets so bloated with HP
Oh well
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Are there even any bonuses like that in the game?
There's physical only, but melee only I can't remember any.
Well, the red armor makes for a pretty good Pyro set.
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>wtf is jumpslop
It's an offshoot I'm making up to the one about Fromsoft games being rollslop.
Anons what happens if I get someone to pass me items to a brand new character?
Like I wanna play through the whole game again but with the cool armor and weapons I like already unlocked, I don't wanna have to spend 60+ hours to get Malenia's set or the Black Knife set or Milady or whatever
Am I screwing myself out of something? I know invasions and stuff are tied to greatest weapon level, for example
did VIGOR CHECK die or did u die
the DS3 knight set was pretty good.
Your account gets flagged by EAC and Miyazaki personally kills you
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I was expecting it to big more damage, like 1200 maybe.. but it only ever does 800-900 for me. Just R1'ing them twice or thrice is already comparable
>oracular bubbles are blue microcosms
>the archaic meaning of "oracle" is an obscure divine message
>even the clay people are just people abandoned by the greater will

I'm unironically starting to think the greater will literally just died without anybody or anything knowing it happened.
no........ miyazaki-sama.......... please...........
Maybe the greater will is like a celestial salmon. It blew its creative load all over the universe and then died.
Yeah I'm getting around 800-900 dmg as well on it. Also wait does eternal sleep have more fp drain compared to normal sleep? That's the only thing I can think of that might be different in pvp.
>trying to play with fashion
>lighting is awful and cant see the colors
>it starts raining
>pass time
>it's now foggy
>pass time
>it's day time but looks like night
>pass time
>it's raining again
>pass time
>it's still raining
>pass time
>finally bright normal fucking day
>open inventory
>basically turns to night in a second but it's still day time
>now it's foggy
>about to pass time again
>starts raining
Please tell me of a place with good lightning. This shit is obnoxious.
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these dudes had infinite rancor pots, madness pots, furnace pots, those throwable dragon communion harpoons, starlight shards and killing the phantom gave me 350k runes
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The Greater Will is (you)
I stood still and let him hit me.
The 1-hit bonk was more than enough.
nah, one person saw it
>When Lusat glimpsed into the primeval current, he beheld the final moments of a great star cluster, and upon seeing it, he too was broken.
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Miyazaki reads Chainsaw Man.
That's fine, you can do that
>Also wait does eternal sleep have more fp drain compared to normal sleep?
not sure
even if it does, I don't think i'll use it over the vanilla sword
Making consumables out of materials that don't respawn was stupid. They should have known cheaters would have gotten around it anyway so they're just punishing players too lazy to cheat
they were beheaded and had inquisition glowy wood stuck in their necks
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>go through the area for the first time
>kill all the guys in there without thinking about it
>see the items behind the invincible wooden structures and go nuts trying to break it down
>"oh I get it, they're impossible to get so you feel crazy. haha very clever mister zaki"
What a retard
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Unironically the void that the Fell Twins live in before Morgotts divine tower.
If you don't collect the item the corpse has the fight wont start and you can teleport out
It's bait for Type B's.
i dual wield them with both at level 0. i just sleep people for fun. shame eternal sleep doesn't do a deathblight deal.
I never got it either, previous shells that haboured the Flame of Frenzy since it takes your head and replaces it with its Flame eye?
I think the velvet sword is also much longer than the existing one, but man.. 66 vs 42 sleep (i think those are the numbers) is kinda disappointing. they should've given it a different moveset or something (not a fucking lgs that would be a nightmare) idk.
yea i feel like i've met that guy at malenia's before...
Are there any interesting weapons for a pure arc build that aren't just RoB bleed memes
It's the longest SS in the game, longer than noble's.
you know what, I think you might actually be on to something

>When a star dies, it sheds clouds of gas in strong stellar winds or in an explosion called a supernova. As the gas cools, minerals condense, creating star dust.

>Long ago, we began as stardust, born of a great rupture far across the skies.
>We, too, are children of the Greater Will.
>Is that not divine? Is that not sublime?
>...and yet, none can fathom its implications, its utter brilliance!
I miss Sellen... I wanna help her out of that big ball
Its a warning by the Hornsent to people. To discourage people from messing with the Frenzied Flame
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Maybe I'll try dual wielding them, I bet 2 L1's would out damage the needle L2 by a lot lol
here u go
it is longer and also does more damage but I want to meme people with thiollier's needle so build up takes priority over damage for my build

also are there any CEchads around? can I ask for 999 materials? I promise to only use it against the stinkiest of ganks
They have really good ideas

a frenzied flame cult formed in the manse, so they killed them all. the sticks in the neck seal the flame
You have a, albanauric crescent halberd and flowerstone gavel.
>all life was actually just a cosmic accident resulting from the greater will
>its emissaries are just aliens that crash-landed on the planet
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Going through the checklist in the OP and realizing just how much shit I've missed is kind of depressing.
wtf does this mean
when the greater will died, pieces of it landed in the lands between creating life within the crucible. metyr was simply the first to fall.
there isn't any evidence that the greater will actually was an active participant in the lands between outside of random meteors showing up every few hundred years and people saying it was the greater will
>enter messmer fight
>after his easy dodge attack the fight starts
>he attacks
>then he attacks
>then he attacks
>then he attacks
>then he attacks
>then he attacks
>fake opening
>then he attacks
>then he attacks
>fake opening
>then he attacks
>then he attacks
>attack that ends in an explosion and instant recovery
>Maybe I'll try dual wielding them, I bet 2 L1's would out damage the needle L2 by a lot lol
i put velvet in main hand and use that l2 to buff than just l1 with both most of the time. should do alright damage when upgraded, like any dual wielded straight swords.
why the phrog mask
I hate the dancing lion boss so fucking much. utter fucking dogshit boss, id rather fight bed of chaos
is this one of you guys?
>I'm unironically starting to think the greater will literally just died without anybody or anything knowing it happened.

I've been saying that for about a week now, an entity that massive wouldn't just disappear without a trace if it was still kicking around the cosmos.
convince me not to use all my Gloveworts on this cutie who will accompany me
So, what kind of silly and broken stuff can the casting sword do?
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I wanted to use bubble spells and they require arcane. I thought eternal sleep would let me get a full charged bubble on people but it sucks and it's the same as normal sleep
Also it looks funny
Bring dragon wife with you instead.
Waste of FP + Seluvis' cum on your dong
Roll towards him instead of away from him. He's unironically the "overaggressive fencer" archetype. His attacks will go right past you due to poor tracking and you can punish him easily. It actually gets even easier on his 2nd phase because he takes a while to transform back to human from snake and you can hit him while he's in puddleblob form
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It's not working for me.
Maybe the Fingers are just really fucking shit at interplanetary communications?
outer gods don't have physical forms. thats why they are OUTER gods. greater will isn't real and still hasn't been referred to as an outer god once in the game.
it can break your desire to use it
>Life sprouts from death, as it does from birth. Such is the way of the living.
my problem is the impossibility of ever recovering from anything
You get that many runes in the shadowlands that you can upgrade every spirit to +9 with ease. Fucking sucks that the full versions as well as the stones are in limited supply per playthrough.
So all life in the game is a 'child' of the greater will in a sense. Its Elden Rings Yog-Sothoth but actually dead and gone
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>No Melina/Messmer interactions
>No shirtless fistfights atop a lidded Furnace Golem
>No frantic escape on Torrentback while Messmer chases you on his own steed
My disappointment is immeasurable.
yes mommy, anything for you mommy
Dueling shield or perfume bottles?
Don't panic roll, is combos are pretty telegraphed so there once you make it through you can chug or hit him
third worlder still posting ai porn of white women with two buttcracks
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>using 3D to give her feet
this is next level gooning
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Fuck off you dumb nigger, get a discord if you want to jack off with other dudes, holy shit
also, bullshit that his attacks miss, especially when he starts shitting fire everywhere
only once could get him to snake form and that's when the retard used the throw spear attack like three times in a row
Low T, tranny, or both?
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>outer gods don't have physical forms
I'm not saying that, I'm saying that an entity that massive wouldn't disappear without a trace if it was still kicking around the cosmos.
>telling other dudes to jack off to images you post
This is some really gay /trash/ behavior
>summoned for divine lion
>host has 0 scadu
These people are actually retarded
i don't get it
It's discord retard behavior. This is common in "gooner" channels.
Melina accidentally triggered Marika's PTSD while trying to impress her.
Miyazaki would approve of it though. Miquella is proof
gooning is based by gooning to ai white women is not
post more of that cosplayer
>Marika bathed her home in rays of gold, knowing full well there was no one left to heal. She never returned again.
Why did she do it?
Keep licking.
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I think its like
Melina manages to do something/cause some magic to happen with the mini tree sprout, and turns to look at her mom, expecting her to be proud, but instead Marika like is about to cry because she knows that Melina exists to later on sacrafice herself to burn the tree
>Tired mom Marika
I will put healthy babies in her and fill our home with laughter
You act like a teenager who just discovered porn. Grow out of your "DUDE, SEX!!!" phase or fuck off to an appropriate board.
Marika… had a hard life
so did messmer burn the erdtree before? people were saying he did for sure when we got the trailers but after playing i have no clue what he actually did outside of slaughter a bunch of cultures.
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And you yellowcels are the ones at fault for carrying them through the entire game
Why does anyone do things that are small gestures they wont see? Like why do men "pour one out" for people? It's just a thing
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No he did not. He burned the hornsent in a genocidal crusade on behalf of Marika.
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Are there really no good int weapons in the dlc?
No, during the Morgott fight Melina can use Minor Erdtree.
Marika used Minor Erdtree to bathe her home village in light after the Hornsent massacred everyone there but her.
Marika's getting the bad flashbacks.
Radahns swords
i'd say some do
formless mother wouldn't be called that if she was unique in this way
the outer god of rot was sealed away by a swordsman (context is a physical fight)
>she knows that Melina exists to later on sacrafice herself to burn the tree
Why did Marika do it? Is Melina also infected by the abyss snake?
unironically have sex
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>splurt splurt
Ohhhh that makes sense, thats funny cause like I posted it not getting that was the context, hehe
That makes sense though
I dunno what that means, the other anon seems like they know more than I do, ask them
god i want to get bullied by her feet so bad
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Chinese Knockoff Londor
Chinese Knockoff Cainhurst
hnnnnng i'm so close mommy
>why did Marika do it
Godhood is a prison and Marika wanted to be free.
Part of the same reason she orchestrated Godwyn’s death and divested Godfrey and the tarnished of grace.
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Fuck this boss
>shockwaves fucking everywhere around him
yo wtf I thought this was a pic of metal gear. good shit anon
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I wish they had made the Carian Knight Sword a catalyst instead, I like the moveset more than the thrusting sword and it looks nicer.
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You have other boards for this shit, go there instead
what's his build
OH ITS NOT? So did I
Summon the Mimic Tear. He's ready, coach. He hungers for the flesh of your enemies.
>Marika always depicted as a hot haughty bitch
>She was actually just a caring mom who was getting fucked over for her entire life from pretty much everyone
Try horseback battle
Yeah he’s shit. Just run past it.
i like left a lot, anon
though wouldnt the sword of night be more fitting? it is a semi-coporeal blade much like darkdrift, afterall
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I really really really really wanna use the Banished K***th Greatsword instead of the claymore because the moveset is so much cooler looking
It has no poke and the claymore unironically just looks better.
This game is so hard
>Part of the same reason she orchestrated Godwyn’s death
That was the Two Fingers acting via Ranni.
I only coop so I can refight bosses, if fromsoft could have no been stupid and put in sekiros mechanic all of this would have been avoided
I like the Great Katana too much to care that much about my larping.
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Hey does anyone have that image that shows the direction for the malenia vs radahn fight. The one that shows what's going on?
Use the K***ht's GS instead.
It goes well with the full Solitude set even.
>Western armor
>Kuh tana

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>summoned for Bayle
>host has 2 fragments
How the fuck is that even possible? Surely there's more than 2 on the path to the mountain.
>The assassins that carried out the deeds of the Night of the Black Knives were all women, and rumored to be Numen who had close ties with Marika herself.
Ranni was a useful idiot
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why the FUCK not?
messmer is so fucking stupid man
his jump swing all around the air attack has two types, one actually is an attack, the other isn't
how the fuck am i supposed to know which one is which?
ty mommy i finished <3
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Yes. Usually I would agree with you. I've long since hated Katanas. But not only does it match the thing I'm attempting to cosplay, the new Great Katanas are so cool, they've gone over my hatred of the smaller ones.
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What are you currently playing?
I'm currently doing a dryleaf arts build with bleed, going around punching shit to death in NG+, pretty fun so far
I'm gonna do all the npc questlines cause I fucked up a few of them first time I played.
The lack of a reliable poke that doesnt combo into something weird on anything like is honestly what keeps me from switching
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got what a nigger
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The same Nox women who got nuked by the GW and all bear a personal grudge against it and it's lackeys? Those women? Don't act like they're friends with Marika just because they're the same species, that's dumb. Ranni hired them as disposable assassins because they were already pissed and had the skills needed.
no, ranni fucked her plan. the tree couldn't burn because death wasn't reintroduced.
You'll find that most emotionally damaged women who make it big usually go on to at least go through a phase of "too cool for school bossbitch/slut" in an attempt to convince themselves they are now beyond the vulnerability of their youth. We also have direct recorded quotes from Marika that she endorsed Social Darwinism among her spawn.
Currently playing with smithcript shield and great hammer, but debating restarting for perfumes or dueling shield.
The throwing weapons are funny but mostly play like normal weapons.
>open the game with cheat engine to feed myself larval tears
>i happen to be in a DLC area where i get like 40 FPS
>i'm getting 60 FPS with cheat engine on
>walk around
>FPS still stable at 60
>restart the game without cheat engine
>40 FPS again
what the hell is going on here
does cheat engine increase your fps or what
Why doies she have a black person nose
>tried to use Eternal Darkness to eat Miquella's laser strike
sadly didn't work, was meaning to try Thop's barrier I'm just bad at timing it.
Just tried smithscript cirque postpatch
The fucking weapon is phenomenal. Absolutely oppressive in duels with the ranged switch ups. It makes me want to do a curseblade character. What would be thematic to it?
>smithscript cirque
>curseblade cirque
>dryleaf arts
>throwing blades
Anything else?
If you beeline straight for BAYLEEEEEEEEEEE cave with the dragon warrior, you find two assuming you take a straight turn off from the main highway. One when you enter the DLC. One on the way there before the turn off. After the cave, there are none unless you get the one near the boulder which is easily miss able.
I’m grateful I will never be this much of a degenerate homo that spends his time pleasing other men on the internet.
this is a pretty common rpg trope, magic = technology
Does Blackflame have the ability to kill someone permanently or is that exclusively a destined death thing?
One of the disadvantages of being over 6' is that it would be extremely rare to experience pounding a snu snu.
Light roll and deflect tear
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Your favorite? I thought Ansbach was cool.
>i'm considerably taller than the tarnished
What a fucking manlet loser.
Ansbach turned out to be the coolest guy, despite being a Mogh follower.
I really regret siding with Leda over him first time
Anbach followed by Moore. Moore is flat as hell but it’s funny that he rewards your help by throwing a pot of aids at you.
has anyone at all documented if any main-game ending actions have any impact in the DLC at all? Getting the gold needle?
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whats a good option for full bleed? never tried melee or katanas, but the sekiro tear seems like it would make this game less boring. great katana looks cool but feels slow and i can only get about 130 bleed buildup on it
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Why all great runes are complete dogshit?
You get the power of fucking demigods and turns out they're not only weak, but generic as fuck
>Here's a bonus to stats
>here's a bonus to HP
>Here's a bonus to HP, FP and Stamina,
>Here you get HP after the kill
>Here you get HP if you strike just after you get damage
What a joke
Ansbach is everyone's favorite except for Ledafags who wouldn't care if she wasn't so pretty in the promotional material.
Leda because sleepy girls are my jam
Yeah Ansbach is easily my favorite. Thiollier looks like a fag but at least he fights for his waifu which is respectable.
I heard anti cheat bogs FPS? I don't know because my computer is good and I'm locked at 60 fps everywhere.
Ansbach but Leda is cute and I will fix her with my dick
I'm prone to the axe myself. Though it's damage is fucking ass post patch. The mixups are great. It feels exceptional to use. I attack, jump backwards, throw, spinning slash if they get too aggressive - it's a brutal as fuck weapon. But it's damage is so fucking bad post patch.
Because they're replacements for dark souls 3 embers, which just boosted your hp.
...Why doesn't killing bosses activate your greatrune?
cheat engine can affect performance negatively, yeah.
Yeah they are all pretty dissappointing. Radahns Godrick and Morgott are the only good ones
I could see him abandoning Metyr after she got that gaping chest wound from the fingerslayer blade.
Anti cheat is constantly scanning for shit so it fucks your performance
none, I have been playing the exact same character since release.
After you pick an ending and are in the postgame before starting NG+ you should be able to combine them into the Elden Rune that has all the effects.
Ansbach easily. He feels the most fleshed out. Leda would have been better if it wasn't for her going completely psycho out of nowhere. Some kind of build up would have been nice but its basically
>hey what's going on Miquella is pretty sweet right
>rune breaks
>yea I think I need to murder all of my friends which one should I start with anon?
cheat engine eats CPU cycles, if you have a good GPU but a mediocre CPU you'll feel it.
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i finally beat base game radahn!
the run between him and the starting point was more of an issue than the actual bossfight. what a shitty design.
Bloodfiend's Arm.
Colossals in general go pretty well with the deflect tear as their guard counters smash enemies into the floor.
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who could defeat them?
This but unironically. Marikaposters won. Get over it.
I fucking hate gooners
I like how even she realizes how fucking insane she actually is without Miquella's charm making her friendly.
>get summoned by someone for a boss
>he has Varres mask
>blood weapons
>jump armor

Yea so I just sat in the corner and watched him die.
that makes sense
im definitely turning it off now, reading "try finger but hole" or "try edge" isnt worth the fps drop

it was the opposite, my game became perfectly smooth with CE on, but apparently it's the game's anticheat that's causing fps drops
>9" of footjobs and foot worshipping
S tier bro that redeemed his lord not only in game but irl too
Bitch only cares about fighting and is ok with digging up Radahns soul despite the kino send off that was the Radahn Festival
Showed he had it in him after all, deserves a nice long sleep with Trina
Crazy murder bitch
Wanted to like him but his choice of standing with Leda at the end ruined it
Based revenge hobo but they deserved it
I like him but he should have sided with us
I mean that's the entire point of the charm anon. it's not character development it's literally a mind control spell breaking

report them
>ERPing on /vg/ = winning
i jerk off like any guy but porn has unironically melted your brain
ANYONE? It's describing the scene showing that malenia won
>12 vig
i know you're a wizard but still
The black flame was used to slay gods, so maybe? I think I read that like it lost the ability to do so when Maliketh defeated them, so maybe like originally blackflame = destined death but it was essentialyl peeled away so now only maliketh can do that and like blackflame cant do that anymore
Damn anon, i bet if you were a girl you 'd get pregnant alot. That bitch straight up told you she was fucking crazy right from the start

>Hello again. Did you meet my compatriots? They’re quite the congregation. From places as far and wide as you can imagine.
>Doubtless they’d have all come to blows at first glance… Were it not for the charm of Kindly Miquella put upon us. This is what allows us to serve together. The work of a living god.
totally normal behavior for 30 year old men to post porn online to get other 30 year old men off
if you have any problem with this you are low test because high test men spend all day jerking off online
Easily Ansbach. Super respectful and has my favorite line in the dlc if he dies in the final fight
>Righteous Tarnished. Become our new lord. A lord not for gods, but for men.
Does anyone have a screenshot of Ranni saying begone? Thank you.
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i was using the gavel
the vigor might as well have been cosmetic though, i didn't get hit once. i wished i saved the levels and put it into int
not elden ring
Who even played this game?
so where did marika get her powers from and why was she the one who became god?
dryleaf memes

beast claws

le great katanas

light greatswords

no i will not elaborate
>Still elder god tier
>I like him but he should have sided with us

anon the people who sided with the player were the people wronged by miquella's charm; both ansbach and thiollier were followers of other deities who got redirected to miquella against their will.
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It is not even good fucking porn. It is some shitty third world poorly made 3D models. I have no fucking idea why he even saved it in his folder
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the only important parts of the map
rest is filler and drags down the experience
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Finally, I have acquired the peanut butter and chocolate greatswords
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>>>485019559 #
>This but unironically. Marikaposters won. Get over it.
glorious anti-cheat, you should feel very grateful that it only eats away at your frames. It is doing an amazing service
Hornsent were trying to create saints with the jars, and built the whole final dungeon out of shaman's corpses to achieve Divinity, so I figure Marika was their ultimate perfect creation.
then they got all shocked when she turned on them for revenge and sent her son to genocide them.
I'm between a couple different set ups and can't decide. I'm running low on Larval Tears so the pressure is on
>beast claw/gavel/lightning Florissax cosplay (no idea how to build stats for it)
>cirques/dryleaf Curseblade
>milady/deflect/dryleaf duelist
>status effect perfumer/consumables
>impaler spear/flame spells anime fire lancer

I originally picked up Elden Ring with the intent of making Genichiro but katanas and lightning don't get that anime
>Ranni's great rune
>restore 5 +3% fp on kill

>Miquella's great rune
>melee combat has a chance to bewitch enemies
>so I figure Marika was their ultimate perfect creation.
The Grandam was going to be their new God.
Marika jumped in ans stole it for herself.
>can only lock onto bayle's head
>everytime he does an attack he immediately reels his head back so you can't hit him
fucking awful, how has fromsoft not figured out cameras for big bosses in 20 years?
have to read the descriptions on the incantations again. I just use blackflame and it's brothers quite often so I was curious if I was permakilling all the bosses in the dlc
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I did. It was fun
anon every hornsent, including the horned animals, is labelled an empyrean in the files.
not combo into any melee sorcery due to swing delay
>messmer fight
>wanna summon hornsent
>messmer does the explosion dive
>if you try to summon it before, the option always defaults to "no" so you either fumble super fast or eat the attack
epic just epic
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Yoom yoom yoom
hostcels have 0 survival instincts
if you have the faith use the quill incant on dragons
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malenia and romina kissing
on the upside, summon signs that are inside the boss arena dont increase the bosses HP
if it was outside and you summoned him, the boss would get like 3x his normal hp
isnt that her nephew?
yeah it's why i didn't summon freyja or anyone else
What stats do you even need to use EVERY perfume?
Read the previous threads he's mentioned why, he's doing it to "fight" fujos, trannies, and gay men here who shitpost about messmer and radahn x miquella/mohg x miquella/malenia x miquella. He also spams the threads calling anyone who dislikes the radahn fight a tranny too. It's a genuine coomer schizo.
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FTHChads, quick question
Is it better to double down on one element or have multiple elements based on needs?
Like, wouldn't it be better to have shit like all Fire Spells and Fire Scorpion Charm and other stuff that boosts fire damage? Or is having the versatility of hitting different elements really that important?
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no, this is rood
>melina's erdtrees are bigger than ours
fits right in with the schizo who thinks a discord is organizing to report his posts while he's spamming vaccine shit on a vidya general
Her sister's ex-husband married his mom.
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thanks for the lore dump, xister
knowing that makes it all better
>carian sovereignty cant be put on a carian sword
but why
elemental resistances are area coded in a way
like if you walk into messmers castle you shouldnt be using fire stuff
basically, focus on one element to increase damage, buf change elements depending on the area/enemy
reorganizing spells and talismans takes 1 minute
The answer is just to black flame/black blade everything to death so why not specialize?
The actual hornsent intended God was the gloam eyed queen that's why they fought eachother, why the hornsent can use black flame, and more importantly, why marikas sigil and hers are so similar.
i fucking hate radahn. usually when I get walled by bosses in games I start to become affectionate towards them and think of it as getting to know a new friend. "oh how wonderful I got to spend a weekend with malenia, what a lovely time we had."

not so with radahn. There is no "getting to know" him. It's rolling to my left and sometimes my right. I don't actually give a shit about what radahn is doing most of the time, he barely mixes things up and he's just fucking boring. fuck off radahn you keep telling the meteor joke and its never been funny. you don't even have a grab you need your brother to do it for you. why the hell am I hanging out with you instead of your brother, hell literally everyone else from your family is more interesting than you
Depends on the threat. Change your loadout as necessary to fit the circumstances. Fire works great on scarlet rot enemies, but I'd rather swap to holy shit if I'm expecting to face Revenants or other undead.
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when and where do the hornsent use the black flame?
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You can keep Moore alive by not giving him an answer when he asks you, he's got special dialogue for it
When do Hornsent use black flame?
is moore a pest bug under that armour?
I'm also a schizo but a passive one. I lurk these threads for 8+ hours a day to collect info and try my best to see which "prominent" posters are which based on the filenames of the images they use.
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>beat Radahn
Finally. Time to shelve this game and wait for the next From project. MAYBE replay Sekiro. ER just never held much replayability for me. There's too fucking much.
cant wait for lies of p DLC
There's at least one Curseblade in Rauh Ruins who can throw homing black fireballs.
>your uglyness
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hornsent broke my heart
good job cutie
Florissax is easy to build for
>base str needed
>high Fai and Arf
marika and the GEQ's sigils are so similar because they are literally two different sides of the same coin. GED is the head, marika is the tail.
Hornsent (the npc) uses black flame in messmer’s boss fight and the npc battle
want to dual wield axes or maces
but don't know where to find the 2nd weapon for each
You guys said 185 had a lot of activity and I'm seeing literally NOTHING
Doesn't help that it's the worst game for invasions/PvP too. DS3 had a pretty thriving invasion/fight club gang looking back. Bloodborne had spelunking. Elden Ring really has nothing going on for its multiplayer.
3 needed for erg fight club combat ordeal any location
When the fuck is Berserk finishing? I think it's been years since I saw a chapter update.
double axe/hammers fucking suck
You know I just realized like
they really missed an opportunity to do like a little bit of a roundtable 2.0 by like having them all in one place, atleast for like a LITTLE bit
messmer is optional??
probably doesn't help that the author died during Covid.
for me, it's ac6 pvp
It was 175 bro
You fucked up
That's the barn
Just make a Death Knight build with the blender axes + the big one.
>every stat, 1 stat, or 3 stats woooooo
>a fucking shit version of bloodborne rally so late in the game it will never be useful
>blasphemous blade/serpent cs passive but in great rune form
>invasion rune that will be irrelevant in 99% of cases
true ending should of been taking radagons hammer and hitting these things even more
yeah i don't believe that the hornsent voluntarily made marika god. someone with some real powers made her god. fingers presumably arrived before the gate and possibly orchestrated it? still doesn't explain who had the actual physical or magical power to get all the way to the gate and use it themselves
The whole dlc is optional, its dlc
175 was just as dead
No, you need his kindling.
I'm getting invasions at 150 in the DLC but they're not instant which I can't help but think is bullshit somehow. And the nearby/far away shit never works properly like goddamn. You have to keep applying on/off until it works.
Give me a two hander colossal build. 54 str 60 vig 40 end then what??
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Yes, but I don't think they'd have known that; Rellana probably fell in love with Messmer when Radagon was with Rennala. Radagon being Marika was a secret.
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Yeah well unfortunately for you I'm a counter schizo. I make sure to rotate between randomizing filenames with timestamps and keeping regular filenames so that I can't be tracked.
I also make sure to only ever use reaction images I stole from other people, that way you can't reverse search my post history based on images
no, the required bosses to beat the dlc is messmer, romina and radahn
you can skip everything else even the hippo by entering specimen storage via church district
Nta but I suspect they were twins. The dlc tries mirroring miquella with marika so it's possible the geq was her malenia but they were either never close or turned on eachother at some point.
Bro it's called the Elden Ring. Marika used the gate to become its vessel, we see her pull out her Great Rune from it in the trailer.
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He's extremely pale, I assume he's like what Gowry is
go higher to 200 bro, trust me
I don't get why Romina is a required boss, she didn't even get a cutscene like the other two and was generally easier than Rellana was.
>glass cannon wizard
>need to memorize bosses moveset to find attack windows, cannot fuck up or you die immediately
>try a bleed build first time ever
>literally facetank all bosses hits and trade spamming attack
these retards are the ones telling you you didnt beat the game
As Elden Lord, the Tarnished should be able to forge his own Great Rune. The Greatest Rune. One Rune to Rule Them All.
Yeah the Deflect Tear completely breaks the game and trivializes any boss. Adding a Sekiro mechanic to a game like this turns it into a joke.
You'd think it would be hard to use but just spamming the block button works most of the time, the frames are pretty forgiving.

I'm 90% sure Radahn was balanced using this specific tear, his fight becomes pretty trivial with it.
Redcel cope
Im getting instant coop summons
>hornsent doesn't appear in messmer's chamber after the fight
fuck this game
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it baffles me too, at least rellana gets a decent amount of lore about her, all we know about romina is she was a church girl who got sad when messmer burnt shit down
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I have beaten malenia, I have beaten placidusax, I have beaten consort radahn, but I have never once in two years beaten hoarah loux and thus I have never beaten the game
Did you visit the church of the bud before fighting messmer?
He does, it's just that if you rest at the grace before speaking to him he automatically moves on and you miss the dialogue. Did you rike it?
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>Jump from "didnt beat the game build A" to "didn't beat the game build B"
>Act all smug for some fucking reason
>Feel superior because you have to do the bare fucking minimum of "having to memorize shit"
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>square off
after clearing the game and the DLC with blasphemous blade I needed something faster
after losing to radahn so much...
my guiding moonlight you were at my side all along
the worst part is we only get two things related to her, and they both are unusably bad. qt pink waifu a best
I am starting to think 2H colossal just sucks balls and id be better off swapping to Greatswords
why is Ansbach so reasonable despite being one of Mohg's minions? Mohg is a fucking psycho and drove the surgeons he kidnapped insane except for Varre because he was already busted. He's not even upset you killed his lord. Is he just so level headed because he's a wizened noble? Even in the base game the """nobles""" were all savages compared to the blood paladin
I went to the roundtable hold, didn't even rest at the site of grace
now you're making the timeline even more compilcated. so the ring existed. who was god and lord at the time? and why did they disappear when marika appeared with no mention of conflict between them?
It is not how much damage you deal, it is how good you look
weird insecurity projection there, bud. just surprised to see how braindead reddits favorite build really is
Retard. Heavy Greatsword with Lion's Claw (STR only, no DEX or magic) is the only build that lets you say you legit beat the game.
bro is STRICTLY a professional. Simple as.
honestly I don't know
am I crazy, Crimson seed talisman just feels mandatory
Mohg was probably based AF before he got miquellestef
Raptor of the Mists turns the Furnace fights into a complete joke.
Im disappointed we never got Miquella's and Ranni's Great runes. And no that broken shit doesn't count.
he was at fucking highroad cross
what a weird fucking DLC this is
Most likely pre Fagquella mind control Mohg was a nice guy and a scholar of the formless mother who took in people who were rejected by the erdtree and gave them a purpose
>beat dlc
>come back and beat Malenia first try
>only get hit 4 times throughout the whole fight
base game bosses are a joke compared to the DLC, it's actually crazy
Except that the clue reads like a girl smacked a guy's dick aside.
>Oh no this twink faggot beat the living shit out of my objectively stronger superior
>Got fucked into submission by the twink's colossal greatsword (cock)

He is not reasonable, he is just retarded
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>"He insists that he's nothing but a worn-down, over-the-hill soldier. But in his day, he was the feared commander of the Pureblood Knights, who cleaved open Miquella the Kind with his blood blade."
>"He claims he hasn't the spirit to take up his sword again, but I doubt it'll be very long...Before he recalls, as I have, the cascading sheets of blood."
>But an old fear lurks beneath, together with the cold, unflinching discipline that once honed his blade, now employed to enhance Blood Oath and dynastic skills.
>Markedly different from the finessed swordplay of the dynast, this is an aggressive last resort of an incantation that gave rise to Ansbach's fearsome reputation.
He was probably edgier when he was younger
do u guys play with motion blur on or off
for the same reason there's a turtle wearing a pope hat
nothing in the game makes sense anon
i just chose not to think about it because really it doesn't make any sense. if hes so level headed, friendly, and wise then why is he so dedicated to mohg when mohg is kinda evil? i guess he can be ok with killing because he seems to love combat but even beyond that mohg is evil in ways that ansbach has no reason to agree with. i think his armor even points out it makes no sense but their excuse is he does it just because it makes no sense. terrible writing.
ansbach literally knew radahn, clearly mohg was more than a simple psychotic murderer before miquella molested his brain.
Leda makes it sound like he was a genuine threat to Miquella
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Does this stay true after SotE?
Anyone got some fashion that works with Maliketh's sword? No, I'm not gonna wear his entire set because I don't want to be a mini do-nut-steal-my-OC
yes but who made ac6? thats my favorite team
ok but what about hamatani + tanimura?
try mixing and matching the black sets, oathkeeper, black knight, night cav armor
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>"Ansbach understood that keeping his oath to his old master was not an act of logic, nor would it bear any justice, but it was for these very reasons he was unable to let go."
Mohg is dead, and avenging him wouldn't mean anything, but he does it anyway. Its honor
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>Have you come to your senses?
>Now, there's no need for any hand-wringing.
>The way the world is, I'd say it's a wonder people don't lash out more often.
Ansbach is so chill that he even understands why you'd attack him for no reason
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I'm just pissed you can't remove the beard from his helmet and that the eye slits are black. Imagine if you could actually see the Tarnished's eyes and how cool it would look with the frenzy ones
do you mean colossal weapons in general or specifically colossal greatswords? usually they have some kind of gimmick that people latch onto. If they have nothing notable from the moveset or AOW you're probably looking at the giant crusher which does insane poise damage power stanced with it's jumping heavy.

2H appeal is that they're acceptable shields in a pinch since their guard counters are powerful. The instantblock tear breathed new life into blocking with 2H colossals provided you can take advantage of it.
I use night cavalry helm, altered night cav chest and either the night cav legs or oathseeker knight legs.
whats the point of rain of fire, or the bear roar incantation
are they supposed to be joke spells, like the cane sword is a joke weapon?
>mantle of thorns, briar armor, electrocharge, winged tear, low level invasions
For tickle fights
138... 138... 138...
still doesn't explain why hes seems so helpful and loving to everyone yet is somehow comfortable with all the self serving crimes mohg committed and harm he has done to many victims. his character would make more sense as a redmane, where killing and combat is only glorified when its consensual. thats the reason hes ok with you killing mohg, because mohg was implicitly welcoming challenges to his lordship by pursuing lordship.
Wow I look EXACTLY like this irl like to a T it's disturbing me desu
you will never be tyler1
It's kind of funny how our Tarnished canonically SCALPS Godfrey, Malenia, Ansbach, etc after beating them. No wonder everyone we meet wants to kill us, we're like the worst IRL serial killer hopped up on adderall and given effective immortality through respawns. It's not represented ingame but imagine Miquella's reaction when he sees us pulling up to his bossroom wearing the fucking scalp and hair of his sister glued to the inside of her helmet
We know a god existed because faram azula has the elden ring and placi had a god that fled he was elden lord for. Marika wasn't the first.
>oh hey a fire version of Founding Rain of Stars
>its just as useless
The only time I can ever reliably hit something with it is big bosses that I stand underneath, but even then the damage is shit.
>messmer's helmet can be altered to remove his hair
wish we could do the same for the other helmets
You basically cannot wrap your mind around the tribal mindset the guy has.
and how does that all fit together and how was marika able to get the power of the elden ring when there was a current god and lord and why was the tower settlement able to just do all this shit on their own during the reign of placi
You can spam and stack it, unlike something like meteor shower that you have to channel.
what does this mean?? Goldmask was foreshadowing the sunflower boss?
How did Placidusax survive losing his Elden Lordship anyway? Is that just something you can voluntarily abdicate and give to someone else?
hes not tribal at all though or he wouldn't help anyone outside of mohgs dynasty
It seems so
Godfrey stopped being Elden Lord and didn't die from it, he only died afterwards when he went out into the Badlands and got shanked
Is there a timeline for when Mohg got worse? Did everyone go insane after the shattering? It would make sense for Mohg to carve out a hole for the unwanted to live their own lives to act as a foil for Morgott that was unwanted but submitted the shackles of duty despite being ostracized as an omen.
i believe the sunflower is associated with manufactured divinity
Is the grab attack of those like giant jar blob things supposed to do no damage?
They never hurt me, they jsut like grab you and pull you in then let go
just level up and use the dragon hunter katana. It's designed to be a gimmick fight like rykard
the simple answer is that mohg's dynasty had something admirable about it before its leader was mentally destroyed. consider that mohg is a delinquint leader who just sits in his corpussy all day, and that varre's dialogues mirror the type of love and kindness shit you hear from a charmed miquella victim.
why does Leda and her gang have SO much health???
it'll damage you if you're too slow to mash out of it
They ate a fuckton of Scooby Snacks while you weren't looking.
>just level up
>just brick your save
didn't he kidnap the surgeons during the start of the creation of his dynasty though? he was always evil
I hate people who post this image I want to hatefuck them
>Did everyone go insane after the shattering?
This is implied but extremely inconsistent
After the Shattering all the pieces of the Elden Ring went to random demigods and supposedly drove them mad
Radahn for example was a bloated mutant even before he fought Malenia
Meanwhile niggas like Morgott seem to just be fine and normal as he always was(insofar as being a massive momma's boy is normal I guess)
Metaslave Scattershot Throw abuser.
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>Miquella's whole plan is basically just what Sinbad did in the final arc of Magi
Not the return to rukh but the whole, mind controlling the entire world part.
>so im writing this character...
>shes a FEMALE HORNSENT, who happens to be very old...
>i got it, hornsent grandma! i mean, grandam.
Bravo, George R R Martin. I see why you're so successful now
At this point we have no idea which of Mohg's actions were because of Miquella or not
1 more for erg fight club
The jp version alludes to his original empyrean target being Marika. He originally wanted to rape his mom. Miquella made him a pedo instead of a normal rapist.
>The jp version alludes
sure im up for a fight club
Keep in mind this is a setting where groups are very clearly marked and permanently changed by very real Gods that changes the very rules of nature itself. being tribal in this sort of place is going to encompass more then bloodlines.

Also caring only about Mohg's dyanasty is not tribalism but just plain loyalty.
Oh my god Im so sorry I was so dumb, I didnt realize I was queing for duel this entire time I was wondering why there wasnt anyone else
Its really fucking weird that i look a lot like him but paler despite being almost entirely slavic with a little western european in me. Idk what this means I really don't.
>hes tribal but actually hes not but he is because i will redefine tribal to mean whatever ansbach does
>fight dragon
>black blade incantation deals average to meh damage
>pest thread spears decent damage or melts hp if proper positioned

What the fuck why is bug men magic so fucking strong as fuck?
To be fair marika is prime rapebait she's literally asking for it.
>The jp version alludes to his original empyrean target being Marika
so the normal path to lordship, which he would be able to do because he is already inside the walls of leyndell. miquella essentially neutralized him because he was a threat.
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thank bleed
Why did he worship the Formless Mother? When she made his blood burn, did he tolerate it? Did he start a bloodletting cult to relieve the pain? Did he worship blood before that? I can't make heads or tails of this shit.
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How do I go there? Also is there a way to get above the halls that are inside the mountain
it made him powerful and he also interpreted it as a validation of his having accursed blood
Not every little question needs an answer anon, you'll realise this someday.
her full name is "formless mother of truth". she seems to be an alternate to the frenzied flame, that seeks some form of justice rather than a complete death of everything.
I meant level up the sword, anon
Go to the top of the path, then look down, not up. Find some black rails you can fall on.
Yes, it is okay.

>a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader:
>bug patch kills all obnoxiously OP cheese
>poleblade of the waifu still unusably bad
How do I drain the shadow keep?
Is the place to do it inside the storehouse?
where can i find some rogue-ish looking armour? finishing liurnia now and the most applicable gear so far is the starting bandit armour
kill patches
No way to dupe saves on PS5 is there? I know you can keep a save state on the cloud(did that to get all the endings) but I am more so talking about having two saves i can change between freely. Mainly so I can keep one at NG and go into NG+ with the other.t2pp2s
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Approach via the alternate entrance near Bonny Village.
Now that I think about it, why do both Mohg and Morgott have fiery cursed blood?
It makes sense for Mohg but not for Morgott, unless it's a feature of omens. In which case, shouldn't Hornsent be similar? Or are omens not related to the hornsent at all?
you're gonna be stuck with starting gear for a loooooooooooooooooong time anon
Will doing the farum wrongwarp or a CE teleport equivalent get you banned? I hate how the overworld looks after burning the erdtree.
shit u right that does look good but i want to do his quest
you mean the church entrance?
i've navigated all that but found no way to drain it
i'll redo it, probably missed it
Your order has arrived.
It's time to meet Melina at the door.
Been slowly playing through the DLC. I have been doing a Marais Executioner's Sword build but it's not great. I want to swap to something from the DLC. I have the dryleaf / kung-fu fists but I want another option.

What are your favorite DLC weapons? I also haven't done sorceries/incantations. And some of the spells seem really cool.
You can't place a save on a USB?
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She's big enough as it is! No more!
I've heard people say you can't get away from the blessings of the crucible no matter what race you are or that it's a curse put upon Marika's people.
Thanks anon didn't expect divine lion with deathblight glad I had enough aoe to kill the lizards
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Shield AND Mimic Tear, yet you still failed?
Thats the first one I ever won, yay
Either make a new thread or give me something for the pain and let me die.
Okay I changed my mind, the bayle fight is fucking terrible. outside of the cool dragon moves and igon, its one of the worst cameras for a fight in the game made even worse by the fact that the one thing you can lock onto keeps moving out of reach everytime he does another attack.
>give me something for the pain
Thank you, Jesus.
I meant colossals in general, I just swapped to Claymore and having a much better feel to it
yeah it's not a good fight and it has one of the worst cameras
but it looks cool and has igon
Question: why would I use Golden Vow incantation over AoW? AoW doesnt require Faith, the half uptime is negligible since it casts faster, and it's only a 3% damage differrnce??
I'll make it if no one else is, I'm slow so tell me if you are while I do
because then you cant put another aow on your weapon
opportunity cost
im making one rn
I just put it on a dagger with 1.5 weight
arent you a clever fellow
... Oh my god thats actually super smart waht the hell thats such a good idea
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r u guys srs right now
Yeah, I've never thought about that
I dont believe you
anyone on pc feel like helping me take on the scadu altus ghostflame dragon? pass is erg, ill be at the moorth highway, south grace
just gimme a second its cumming
Im just gonna make it in like a couple of minutes anyway if you dont
leda for subverting what most people expected, and i find the paranoid homicidal maniac true believer personality pretty funny and how miquella's charm suppressed it.
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>get punched
>suddenly a lot of armor pieces seem to look better together
W H A T ?
>All that hp
Why lol just roll
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Before (You) ask, it's a joke. The armor is aids in this game.
Bayle was a great fight wdym, easy to hit too
Killed him second try as a sorcerer Chad

Also I just killed Gaius with comets and adula blades ama
lotta retards in this thread
Would it not work or like are you saying dumb because like for not realizing it?
The current /erg/ thread has ended.
For every 10 posts made in this thread...
>...6 were made by men
>...1 were made by women
>...3 were made by trannies
Additionally, for every 10 posts made in this thread...
>...4 were made by normies
>...3 were made by autists and maladjusteds
>...3 were made by the truly mentally unwell
Keep in mind that the same individual can submit multiple posts over the course of a thread, so this statistic does not necessarily represent the user demographics of /erg/, merely the makeup of its posts, rounded into fractions of ten. Similarly, the pursuit of simplication means this methodology could omit statistically insignificant numbers of posts.
That said, the next thread has been posted at >>485029493. Please check your flask charges and migrate in an orderly manner.
Thank you all for participating!
fuck this dude's chunky as shit
man that invader fucked everything up lol. maybe i ought to keep it down to 1 summon
Sorry for dying to the arrow thing
>Radahn is uglier than Mohg so what the fuck was Miquella even on
it's not about beauty, it's about sex appeal

miquella is cursed by being childish/immature not only in his body, but in his mind too, so he desires shallow pretty simple things, not things that are actually appealing to someone with mature tastes

hence dumb incest subplot with retarded boring simpleton (radahn) instead of superior choice of malenia

and of course mohg is a connoisseur choice
mogh and margit are like zeus and poseidon

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