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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

please help me be as braindead as possible
If you don't like playing as a character you don't sympathise with, that is up to you. What I am bothered by is people using gay terms for fucking everything like an absolute faggot. No, Lies of P doesn't have a "twink" protagonist, it's an actual teenager. It's Pinocchio, retard. Get out of here with this "le femboy! le twink!" garbage. This shit is just disgusting. Is this how you would describe your own fucking family members? Your cousins? Brother? Fuck off.
Can you call this picture pretty without making people mad?
What's up with Metyr posing in the shape of the Elden Ring when you meet her?
>putrescence cleaver aow is shit
and here I was thinking it looked cool
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Which new weapon are you now maining, and why is it the Milady?
>he doesn't know what a nonsequitor is
re-asking, what would go nice with antspur rapier in off-hand? buckler? thrusting shield, another rapier with poison enchant?
>No, Lies of P doesn't have a "twink" protagonist
yes it does
stop coping
Go dilate or something lmao. Twink faggots like your """Pinocchio""" only appeal to teenage girls and pederasts.
A noose
Nioh 1 or Nioh 2
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Post tarnished.
With 80 STR, should I make my Dryleaf Arts Heavy or Cold? How do I get the most damage out of these things?
Stop crying about Radahn, nobody cares
Every thread its the same arguments, over and over
If you had spent half the time you do, coping, bitching and ragebaiting in these threads, you would've started to get a grasp of his mechanics already.
Yes he attacks alot, and yes the pillars of light can be a bit much, but he doesn't have any undodgeable attacks, he doesn't have any oneshots, and literally everything he does is reactable. Stop crying about his cross-slash move what the fuck.
Everyone keeps constructing their little scenario, where Radahn does 20 second long combos without any opening, and then teleports away from them and takes forever getting back into the fight, etc etc.
This hasn't happened once in my 100's of fights against him. But if you try to argue with these people, they'll just refer to their made-up (or extremely unlikely, super-unlucky) experience with the fight, making any discussion useless.
I'm maining Milady wishing Rellana's twin swords were usable
I do but nice attempt to derail and gaslight once more.
Still waiting for you to address what was said.
A twink is a grown man who looks younger than he is. A teenager looking like a teenager is completely norman and using these gay terms to describe it is disgusting. If you see some early teen and instantly think of these types of terms, you are nothing more than a degenerate pedo.
>>putrescence cleaver aow is shit
This weapon is so shit I literally have no idea why people are simping over it.
>vyke's helmet works with the hood from perfumer robe
this looks so goofy, why did they pick this helmet to not hide the hood
i don't understand marika fetishists. marika is just some hag whos body is basically just a stone shell by the time of the tarnished. messmer gives off way more sexual energy.
Dry Leaf in dragon form. I'm contemplating putting the lightning teleport on it to see if that makes it more fun to electro-blink into their face when I punch them
why do you keep posting this without fixing the grammatical errors
I'm talking PvE, I dont do that pvp shit
fuck you i'm trying to role-play in a role playing game?
Yeah you can, its when you start talking about "bussy" as if it isn't a mans smelly asshole, with stubble, and off-putting muscle insertions and bonestructure, that it becomes a problem.
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>sociopathic rapist manipulating and ruining the lives of everyone around him
>sociopathic rapist manipulating and ruining the lives of everyone around him but he's a feminine shota
god I wish I looked exactly like Marika
Honored madman dropped a new vid
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post tarnished
Carian Gods
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I like them both.
I'm not "gaslighting" you drama queen, I'm mocking you. You're a pathetic drone playing the attack dog because I dared to insult your holy of holies. Fine I'll leave if it makes you stop crying.
She's a blonde woman so the third worlders go crazy for that shit
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>A twink is a grown man who looks younger than he is. A teenager looking like a teenager is completely norman and using these gay terms to describe it is disgusting. If you see some early teen and instantly think of these types of terms, you are nothing more than a degenerate pedo.
i wish i could go back to being a teenager except not be afraid of sex. i'd have so much gay crossdressing sex
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>i need to turn my seethe into a ritualpost! EVERYONE must see it!
I changed my mind again, being forced to swallow burning coal is hot again
Also just realized that the P in Lies of P stands for Pinocchio
your game looks great anon
did they add dragon form in dlc? how does that work?
First time on /vg/? Every general has a ritual posting autist people just filter.
nice skirt homo
I like his knees
I want to mist Miquella with my semen like those liquid cooling machines outside sports bars.
>wishing to go back in time to be groomed/molested/raped by old men

thanks, anon
thanks, anon
thanks, anon
makes sense that the baitposter whos been in these threads 24/7 is also a turd worlder whos probably obsessed with overweight white women and posts ai porn
I meant because people got really mad at calling someone pretty the other day
Because despite my autism, atleast I'm not as acoustic as (You)? Point them out for me and I'll remedy it I suppose
Yes I know that judging from the fact that you don't have an actual argument and you're resorting to seething at me instead of addressing what was said that you conceded several posts ago.
I just wanted to see if you had the humility to admit it.
I overestimated you.
You could I say I input read you.
We should have gate kept harder bros
>dragon kung fu
What infusions do you use?
I really enjoyed the DLC but I have like no desire to play it again.
I beat the base game like 8 times I was really expecting myself to get more time out of this.
It was a good length but I just don't want to play it again.
Now what am I supposed to do?
I was looking forward to this for 2 years.
Usually ritualposts are fun instead of some fag trying to force skub because he's meltdown mad over the fact not everyone loves the Radahn fight like he does
The fact that you can't spot the obvious typos just confirms you're a third worlder.
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Holy shit. Nobody gives a crap about your twink faggot and your lgbtlmnop dictionary.
>bleh bleh archaic matchmaking system
>omfg seamless cooppppppppp
>why cant i play with my friends without getting invaded?
i fucking hate it all
Start making design documents for your dream fantasy action adventure RPG game.
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does radahn being a faggot explain why the demihumans use the "malenia" crest? by which I mean, it's actually a carian crest.
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>SURELY I'll be allowed to land more than 2 hits
These baby vs shitbull AI sloppas always make me lightly kek.
Where the hell do the rocks it's leaning against go?
heh, your health bar?
post the fit anon im getting for honor warden vibes
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I still am looking for a cooler headgear
PCheat only issue
Are you the guy I said had T50 eyes? Theres some uncalled-for aggression going on here.
Try twinblades
That already looks really pretty and badass already though
use it with jump l1 powerstaned twinblades
Tell me what is wrong about what I said? You all sound like trannies here. I don't use terms like twink, shota, femboy or any of that other degenerate nonsense. I have brothers, cousins and plan to have kids of my own soon. These types of terms disgust me. It's crazy to me how this type of shit has become so normalized with the internet. You're all just a bunch of coomers, or what? Do you think the average person 20 years ago was talking like that about other people? It's fucked up and you know it. You can at least be self-conscious enough to admit it.
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WOW this is SOOOOO fun am I supposed to be summoning for regular catacombs too now??
stupid ass game
They are shadow rocks.
I already started programming a game but I got burnt out on it. Its like 80% done already.
I wanna have fun not do more work
Fellas I think I gotta level to 168 for invasions. Int just seems like a struggle without it.
Even now your post has typos goddamn take an English lesson.
your taste is really bad
probably one of the worst I've ever seen
>no farmable larval tears
>no farmable ancient stones
man I'm glad I'm on pc lol
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marais mask is so goated I always end up using it
>look guyz im a normalfag!!!!
Go back
>golden armor
>silver mask
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Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and put my fist build on ice. It's not nearly as efficient as I was hoping.
thank you anon
I do like how it looks although I'm always on the lookout
do you have a golden mask?
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I see the troonsquad has arrived.
look ma i posted it again
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>charging his gay ass jrpg skill for a 0 poise trash mob
no idea why I even try to use this in this dlc
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Why are trolls such cuck self-hating cowards?
What level are u currently?
Is this what we our little "argument" has devolved into?
Everyone on /vg/ is a normalfag because this is a normalfag board. Which is why I usually don't post here at all, because video games attract women and trannies nowadays.
When my friends and I play coop we always use the taunted tongue because the game is mindlessly easy without invaders spicing things up.
Invading is what gives this game’s online life.
Bless invaders.
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For Kind Miquella only
>not cooking up some fashion with the fire knight set i just dropped for you
tsk tsk
that helm goes really well with everything though anon, i could take a lesson from you on how to make a great silhouette
fuck yeah it is, i love it with the scale chest personally
absolutely unsettling. 10/10
just did the leda fight. I can't imagine doing that fight at a low scadu level like I was without the npc allies. You'd have to just abuse bleed to instantly kill the enemies as they spawn
>Radahn fight is perfect because... NO YOU CANT CRITICIZE HIM AT ALL OK???
>Include a Marika lewd on every post so you can accuse everyone who disagrees of being trannies/low T/other buzzword
You're not a master manipulator anon, at best you come across as an obsessive Fromsoft dickrider
Milady is incredible in PvE and its not even bad in PvP in terms of mix-up opportunities. You people are clueless and demand instant gratification rather than attempting to understand a weapon's moveset.
>everyone on 4chan is a zoomer living at his parents house cooming all day
Hate to break it to you, but you might be the real newfag and normie here.
who's this semen demon?
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1. The Nox weren't obliterated by Marika's Order. They were sent underground long before that. The Carians are some of their most successful descendants.
2. They beat the shit out of the Ancient Dragons that were way past their prime, and a cult formed out of it. Farum Azula predates Leyndel, and Marika likely directly or indirectly had something to do with Placidusax's displacement.
3. Rennala probably didn't agree with the primeval current even before Radagon, given her nature. The moon is closer to home, and she could be compared to an acting mother to her students and faculty, keeping them from looking too far ahead into space, missing the moon for the stars. Radagon had likely gifted her the amber egg / rune of rebirth to make up for the loss of their primeval methods of longevity.
4. Going by the words of Sellen, Azur and Lusat were removed from the academy in their current states, more like dangerous artifacts than wizards proper, keeping students and faculty safe from them. Merely interacting with them is enough to reach the current, and it is likely that this is how Sellen became so obsessed with it. Azur was her first teacher...
5. Going by the words of Iji, Sellen may in-fact be a distantly related Carian, since she is affected by the stars as Ranni is, and afforded "immortality" from it. It could also be because of the primal glinstone within her.
6. It may or may not be obvious that Radagon was an agent weakening them from the inside, but it is also apparent that he was in some sort of conflict with himself, and genuinely wanted to learn sorceries to "complete" himself. Even if he wasn't trying to weaken them from the inside, you would still come to the conclusion, due to how it all ended. Whether it was Rennala or Radagon, or both, who banned the pursuit of the primeval current, is as irrelevant as it is ambiguous. It is also ambiguous whether it is even worth pursuing, but it is still clear it went against Radagon's culture, either way.
I want to lick Marika's feet.
still replied
bleed infused fingerprint shield with shield crash is the perfect cheese for them
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NTA, I'm over here
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>mashes L2
nothin personnel
Gatekeeping doesn't work, it's never worked. Soulsborne (if you can forgive the word use) went mainstream the day Machinima started putting videos up for it.

Then Pewdiepie did an LP
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If Leda were built like that maybe she could have seduced Miquella. She's still very pretty.
God, I hate Miqqy.
Same anon, same.....
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Hey thanks it's a pretty simple setup I think. I'm a sucker for some cloth/armor mix ups.

Iron Helm
Horned Warrior Armor
Blackflame Monk Gauntlets
Scaled Greaves
My strategy is Sekiro tear + Milady for a billion guard counter combos.
you can't spawncamp them
>They beat the shit out of the Ancient Dragons that were way past their prime
there's an absolutely massive dragon corpse bigger than any other dragon we ever see being kept around as a war monument in leyndell
Two years, four months and one DLC later, hoarfrost stomp is still underpowered after From overreacted and made it completely useless.
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Can we go back to the pre-dlc poopa vs nox vs grass era? That was better than the current state of these threads.
putrescent knight is the first fight in the entire dlc that I didn't feel was unfair bullshit and was actually fun
Hey why the FUCK do powerful sorcerers get to fly or levitate in this universe? Rennala, Azur, those weird tall and thin crystal people, etc...
Twinblades just fuck you over a lot of times
but they gave you a new hoarfrost stomp! (it's shit)
what are you lads using in pvp? i'm sad swift slash got nerfed but i'm sure it's still playable
I liked him aswell albeit he ran too much
No, it's just fun to call out third worlders of their poor language skills, it triggers them endlessly.
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From the front. Think I wore iron gauntlets here but blackflame monk match nicely also
>I want thread personalities and tripfags flooding every thread 24/7 because they're all shut-in NEETs who don't need to leave their room! I want thread personalities and tripfags openly ERPing and never getting banned because jannies don't look here!
Kill yourself
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Nah, Noxtroon and Grass were so fucking annoying, specially the latter shilling his garbage stream
>Primitive primate
>Call it demi-human
You would only call them that if crossbreeding happened.
>She's still very pretty.
Have you seen her actual face? She's the Queen of Mid, even by the ER character creator's standards.
I'm pretty sure they were too weakened or tired to clean up the aftermath. How do you move that thing? You'd think they'd be mining it for materials. The ancient dragons prooobably wouldn't have appreciated one of their own greats being used as a statue, either...
Really good looking
So the elden ring as a whole used to be a smoothly running batch of codes until someone took one line out of the code, in this case the rune of death, which caused things to get fucked up. Like the very concept of death has been deleted. And not only death but the two parts of a proper death with both the body and soul passing on. The very notion of only the soul dying or the body dying brings forth so many unexpected glitches. Like death blight is a result of something that was not supposed to happen. Deathblight came into existence because there was a void that needed to be filled since there was no proper physical death happening. It makes me wonder what other things could happen if other runes were stolen or broken in two like the rune of death was. Like if Godricks rune was broken in two what unspeakable horror could take its place in an attempt of substituting what was broken or erased.
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why the fuck does this chest piece go so hard. o matter what char im build i always have to go buy it and wear it for a while. its too fuckin good.
have you tried that chest with the great helm? awesome fit anon.
Also, Godfrey and his Crucible Knights weren't there at the 1st Liurnian War, that task was given to Radagon from the start.
He probably was fighting in Limegrave against the Storm King.
Now that I think about it they were pretty fucking annoying, sorry.
I'm not killing myself though.
>I'm pretty sure they were too weakened or tired to clean up the aftermath
the GO vs dragons war was super early in the timeline, too weakened and tired, sure, but for thousands of years?
Fuck off, all three of those were utter obnoxious cunts.
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Artoria Pendragon from the Fate series
Do hand-to-hand arts have anything going for them other than Palm Blast? They seem inferior to fists and claws by every metric otherwise.
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This aversion to even using easily understood descriptors is just straight up denial, or some weird moral high ground.

It's like reading Lolita by Nabokov and saying well, you shouldn't call the lolita a loli, because that's like super offensive, call her a pre-teenager.
It's like watching Death in Venice and claiming the androgynous actor was miscast for the role, he needed to look more masculine and some boys that age are already looking like grown men.
It's like looking at Miquella and saying maybe the name and the feminine appearance and the soft voice are all coincidental. Don't call him one of these icky Japanese words.

captcha: SJWYG
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>get naked
>use it
>only death can stop it
>Using it again gives a 20% buff to Dragon CULT incants
>stacks with golden vow
Theres also a form for dragon COMMUNION and one that gives arcane instead
I have. She looks like a girl who normally looks pretty but is running on two hours of sleep and deeply paranoid.
>Why are trolls such cuck self-hating cowards?
Probably has something to do with the Fell God being removed from their torso.
Well they don't look gay, for one thing.
Rotbreath, ghostbreath, dragonmaw, lightning & blood spells. Also the frost lightning spell, fireball, standard stuff.
You get a heart that transforms you. Use it again to get a massive spell buff
thanks I have actually. looks pretty sick if you're going for that Paladin look
Did the surgery shrink them down too?
Well, they don't glitch out your gloves like claws. That's pretty much it
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But I'm neither triggered, nor a third worlder.
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I really like the fire knight armor, but I realized the "skirt" comes from the legs and not the armor itself, which means you're restricted to stuff like Hoslow's greaves or else your crotch is exposed.
Consort's mask looks kinda cool IMO, even better if the character's eyes are an intense colour, but it looks "contained" within the armour, works mostly well with girls and also is a bit too colourful for the armor itself.
Twinned helm kinda cool too? Not my type though
Yes, but we know that the ancient dragons have made numerous moves into Erdtree territory. One was even for the sake of saving Godwyn, his best friend. I wonder how Marika would have viewed that.
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Decided to try out some dex weapons against the big lad since people were saying how bad they were against him.
Seems fine to me.
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Liking my duelist shield. wondering what dmg talisman I should use with it
>curved sword
>pearl shield
>double headed turtle
The running kicks and jumping kicks are really good. Besides that no just palm blast.
good job cutie
so it is permanent until you died or you have to recast it every now and again?
you piqued my interest
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She is one of the few masked characters whose face From officially showed. The teaser shows that she is very attractive.
>>Include a Marika lewd on every post so you can accuse everyone who disagrees of being trannies/low T/other buzzword
Kek I thought this was only an argument strat on /vt/
>why the fuck does this chest piece go so hard
It doesn't have the open front that draws attention to how most pants have an unarmored crotch that doesn't look good when you're not on horseback.
Permanent till die
Giants and trolls come in all different sizes like humans.
>poison flower blooms twice
This actually seems pretty good
Permanent until you die, yeah, just like dragon transformations in all the games they've been in.
the transformation is permanent
the buff lasts like 20-30s
For me it's always double headed turtle and greatshield
It does fine damage already, but fucking up and getting guard broken bites hard
I can see it.......
pooper farter sharts thrice
Spear talisman. The class is literally built for counter thrusts.
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Two handed talisman
Spear talisman
People these days will see a fucking teenagers doing something and will instantly be saying shit like "twink" or "femboy" and it's fucking stupid and disgusting. I get that you can use the term when it applies, but it is getting way out of hand. The fact that these terms usually come from some fetish porn shit also makes it much worse.
dry leaf whirlwind
simple really
>has a vagina

>no vagina
lmao epic
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So is Midra weak to anything? why is he such a sperg? I want him to die.
>Probably has something to do with the Fell God being removed from their torso.
They shouldn't have betrayed their kin then. Also do not post such demoralizing images, Fire Giant is a cool dude with a braided beard.
Trailer Leda != ingame Leda
it is

maybe in a dream...

>It is also ambiguous whether it is even worth pursuing
Of course it is. Return to rock.
Maybe those skinnyfat potheads should lift weights if they don't want to be called gay in public. Never go full DEX.
god i love cock and bussy
He's weak to gitting gud, and "parrycheesing" as some people call it ITT
Who is the prettiest virgin (no sex of any kind) in all of The Lands Between and the Land of Shadow?
Weak to bleed and easy to stagger
>draw girl
>add penis
honestly top is really fkin good anon. the lighter tint on the hoslow stuff kinda matches with the highlights of the metal in the fire knigth chest, and the gold from the consorts masks syncs with all of the other gold present. the snake brooch really ties it all together. 10/10 desu
What's happening is that sexual ethics loosen people are returning to their natural sexual behaviors. It's 'normal', as in not uncommon, for people to be attracted to teenagers.
it can do a lot of damage, surprisingly powerful, shame the only good weapon it would fit with is venomous fang (or antspur but i cant figure antspur out)
unless there is a way to get dane's footwork to somehow be viable with this aow so one could stack all the kick+jumping attack buff for giga rider kick
They are coping with the fact that they use gay lingo
I'm not talking about some 20 year old who looks thin. I'm talking about people saying that shit about actual kids and teenagers. It's disgusting.
>trying to use bastard sword against radahn
>punishing his attacks with impaling thrust
>half the time the tracking is so shit it doesn't even hit him, plus it has way less range than I remember
Alright I need to switch AOWs, what should I use
Frost, bleed, holy
There is literally zero evidence that the primeval current is a good thing lmao

The transformation is permanent till death
the buff is 60 seconds
Fia of course, she obviously never had sex before.
>is Midra weak to anything
When in doubt, star fist R2.
>draw penis
>add girl
that's gay, man
That nigga is weak to everything.
RKR and do charged R2
if you have trouble with getting it off, use cragblade instead
if you must use an ash, lion's claw or maybe giant hunt
I don't understand how people end up thinking shit like that is norman. You see some 15 year old and you instantly think of these gay terms, the fuck is their problem? I hope these people never have kids.
Do you just occult infuse the fangs? Seems like the ash is pure arcane scaling, and I'm not sure bleed infusion would be worth it
poison infusion seems redundant
also, it's just considered a kick attack, not a jump attack right?
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The Routing of the Ancient Dragons
Godwyn the Golden fought to the last,
Earning the friendship of dread Fortissax
The golden snake brooch being a "break" between the silver of the armor and the consort mask does look really cool
Especially for a dex knight type of character
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dex/fth is so fun bros, blackflame/bloodflame blade are so effective on fast weapons, and you can cast powerful spells very fast, plus you have holy, fire and lightning at your disposal
this is everything i wanted and it's a blast
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miss you xoxo
You get good spells from it
You can start putting points into VIG and STR before RL20.
holy shit lol youre right
no way 7 and 8 are that low
how come Godwyn was normal but Morgott and Mohg were omens
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Yeah,. i forgot i actually had it equipped at the time. It does seem to make sense
The fact you cant put scolar's shield on a mainhand shield pisses me off to no end
RKR with a charged R2 is gonna be impossible against Radahn I think, I'll try it though.
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Rate my medium roll build
antspur rapier on swap of course
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Ancient Dragon Priestess Florissax
Most teens are in high school until 17-18. At that age you're still playing team sports, not going to the gym.
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death knight twinaxe
Wretch is the most versatile class if you want the option to play any style right?
>blackflame/bloodflame blade are so effective on fast weapons
Is blackflame that good? It doesn't even scale with FTH and the death effect is waaaay too slow compared to something like Black Knife spam. I much prefer Electrify Armament.
You can. The problem is you have it magic infused.
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Did that nice anon finish adding the new sigils to the list of other sigils?
Go back
Any class is versatile so long as you arent an arenatranny
That is not the same as fags lusting over boys.
>The fact you cant put scolar's shield on a mainhand shield pisses me off to no end
Fromsoft's engine is held together by string and ducttape. Just look at all the buff-related glitches.

Most of his openings are long enough for a colossal hammer CR2, RKR and a greatsword should have time
you can't.
you should level vigor until it's level 35 because of the soreseal after that you can start putting points into endurance and mind.
You should only level the other stats after all 3 of these are close to the first softcaps
tfw ignored :(
No it's actually Vagabond unless you want to go Arc, in which case Hero.
Curses come in different flavors, as Godwyn was cursed to die.
We may have gotten a Baldr situation where Marika, like Frigg, did everything to stop that fate, with maybe even being the main reason for DD to be removed from the ER.
better than coomers and porn addicts and homosexuals shitting up every thread
That's exactly why I posted that image. Death knight twinaxe has the same move set as regular axes where as winged knight twinaxes had their own moveset
That may be true, I'd be interested to see how the chart would look if it was homosexual men and images of males. I don't know.
I will say it, radahn is easier than morgott for me. I'm too fucking autistic to avoid delayed attacks.
i'd have to test it but it's 100% kick attack, not sure abot jump but you levitate up
poison is redundant as you'll should pop the kick instantly as poison/rot triggers.
There are no virgins in any realm
Marika has fucked and fingered them all
You go fucking back nigger. I've been here longer than you.
It would probably be the same, if not worse. But it is still a very different story.
if you don't care about your level for multiplayer purpose, it's not the best at anything, and realistically Vagabond is better in almost every non-challenge run PvE scenario
You can fit charged R2s with any weapon into a lot of his openings.
You clearly lack experience.
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Yes in my opinion. all my characters except my first character are wretch because I like to respec and I also like to boost stats with equipment and talismans and you can boost any stat as wretch because nothing is below 10. Vagabond is good too but arcane at 7 is not fun.
Too based for ER
is it possible to get that armor without being in the final stages of the dlc?
Radahn has a bunch of delayed attacks. What the fuck are you talking about?
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this but with the noble clothes for me
man i miss being a Darkmooner and using the great bow in the large courtyard in DS3
Vagabond has 7 arcane and 9 faith which means you can barely cast rotten breath to cheese bosses without a ton of talisman swapping. It is not optimal at all, it's dogshit. At launch vagabonds had a hard time using rivers of blood because they didn't have the arcane so they couldn't beat Melania.
nope this isn't like other souls where the level 1 base class deprived winds up slightly better when you level it up
wretch is the worst class for pretty much every imaginable build, you're wasting stats somewhere

base class gives a slight bonus to whatever build you're doing, and you can figure out the optimal one by adding up stats you'll use (vigor + mind + endurance + {dex vs int vs fai vs arc}) and subtract the base level. And one class will be optimal for each build, and its never even close to the wretch

ex say you want a pure strength build. You don't need any dex, int, fai, arc. Hero has +44 base stats, while wretch has +39. Say you want a pure faith caster. Prophet has +41, wretch has +39. Dex build? Samurai is +42
>gay words are big no no
>but being a racist is okay
Go back
What does albinauric archer pussy taste like? Do they get pleasure from sex do you think?
I mean it's probably fine for minimal FTH investment but the burn effect is a bit too frugal for my tastes.
>get the cookbook from the shivering forager
>(make sure to remember to get the black stuff for Thiollier)
>approach the black keep until the spell breaks
>tell Moore to be sad forever
>wait a bit
>find his corpse draped over the forager in step 1, collect his gear
>gay words are big no no
>but being a racist is okay
This has been the consensus on most boards since forever. Being racist is part and parcel but being a pedo faggot is not.
Sorry chud you aren't destined to open this treasure chest come back when you simp for Ranni like every other loser HAWK TUAH
>You don't need any dex, int, fai, arc
You always need some of those. Flame grant me strength, bestial vitality etc and dragon breath spells to set up the fight. Not to mention the requirements; so many str weapons have random int/dex/fth/arc requirements
i wish miquella looked more boyish
out fucking played
by a trash mob
No, Vagabond is the most optimal for anything that wants more than 15 dex/str.
The problem would be RKR beforehand, it's not THAT quick is it?
You kow you can just level right?
Vagabond's starting stats are solid to fight any boss early to get your build going.
You can buy puppets from Seluvis even if he's "dead", right?
Morgott is super easy though as long as you don't panic roll. Killed him earlier on my SL1 guy with minimal effort and I didn't even remember any of his moves. He telegraphs everything so hard that as long as you don't panic roll you're not going to get hit.
Radahn isn't particularly difficult either, the only thing that clips me now and then still is the pillars in phase 2 if he is on slightly lower ground and me on higher ground since his weapons hitting the hill cause them to spawn in unusual positions where I'd usually be safe.
I feel like Godwyn would've used a swordspear like Nameless King, or a glaive like Lassenax.
It's only too bad it's so shit and does no poise or stance damage.
where can i find dialgoue where the NPC says carian dolls can be altered to have a wide variety of features?
it is not a jump attack
>omg a racist on le heckin 4chan!
if I beat Romina the rotten thing will I break any quests?
do I have to summon Dryleaf Dane for this?
Use wing stance tard.
>b-but muh impaling thrust/sword dancerino
Don't care
Didn't ask
Go back tourist faggot
You can get it within 5 minutes of starting the DLC by doing some trickery and I don't think you really even brick any quests other than moore / florissax

>run to get moore site of grace
>run to gatefront, turn right and go to the forking paths, downhill and to the left and under a landbridge to reach the poison swamps
>towards the elders hovel, activate the spirit spring and jump up into back of fort of reprimand
>run back down through moorth ruins -> highroad cross for grace
>run up to shadow keep to break miquella's rune
>teleport back to moore and tell him to stay sad and kill himself like an hero
>teleport to highroad cross, run up to church of the crusade and pick up his gear

That's the fastest route.
You lose out on his worthless cookbooks and the option to get florissax ashes but what do you care they all suck
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Will Shadow of the Erdtree win GOTY 2024?
You break the quest for her pussy
why cant I find a weapon I like
why go dex/int over pure int

are there special weapon options i get?
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I cant and it still works if it's magic infused. But it literally needs to be in the offhand
>pats (you)r head
I think I've figures out the problem I have with not only the DLC, but the base game: I can't read the bosses at all.
Their combos are long and flashy, and I'm more focused on surviving them than learning them.
Plus, they chunk you hard. Then I'm just trying to get a chug in before the next one starts, so I don't catch the windups.
On Messmer now, and despite five or six attempts, I could not tell you how any of his combos begin or end.
just beating her doesn't break anything
cast speed
accumulative damage based on a percentage of a enemy health is awesome specially in this DLC where almost all bosses have giant HP
Better scaling once you hit softcap on int if you use a dex/int viable weapon
because you haven't done the manus metyr questline yet and gotten claws of night
go out and blow the finger horns and pick up the fucking magic sawed off shotgun
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How do I make her ingame?
It wont because it's a DLC.
And honestly it isn't GOTY worthy.
It's a great DLC but it isn't without flaws.
Yeah but DEX/FTH has so much ways to shit out huge amounts of damage with AR stacking so I'd rather rely on the option that boosts my AR even further.
dex improves cast speed
a lightweight, fast dex weapon nicely complements spells
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So many armor sets look sick from the back and then meh from the front
What happens if you kill leda before you get to the npc war room?
Do you just skip the entire battle?
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shit I have no idea what to do now, he's gone
I just checked the wiki and I've already gotten all the forager cook books, I told him to get over himself and he disappeared
>baldtroon's gayte faggots are here now too
That explains the state of the thread.
who's this semen demen?
I'm a tourist in your thread. You're a tourist on my site. So fuck off.
put a mans face on a type B, but make the type B body as unappealing and manly as possible
it did not deserve all the 10/10 reviews it got
another poster told me using magic infused stuff kills the scaling on weapons and turns it to mostly int, is that just not always the case
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Imagine virtue-signalling on an anonymous imageboard
Go to the church northwest of the site of grace Leda is hanging out at. There's a forager brood on the far side of it.
A big difference with morgott is how detached from gravity and logic his telegraphs are. At least radahns telegraphs are consistent. Morgott simply hangs in the air like he froze time for spastic intervals before crashing back down at lightning speed with no warning, so either you've memorized all the completely arbitrary amounts of delay in each of his attacks or you're going to get caught by his delayed hits
that's whats bullshit

If I see radahn wind up a series of sword swings I know whats coming and when, don't have to memorize specific patterns
My half sister who is trying to steal my birthright
I like Gideon's chest from the back
It'll get GOTY because it's ER and people will demand it so.
Why would you out urself as being this shit

Idc if it's pasta someone recorded and uploaded this
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Well, you're looking at the back of your character probably 80% of the time, if not more.
how is that in pvp? seems like a lot of fun but knowing the desync probably not great
His elite dragon warriors are probably former barbarian warriors from his father's horde army, since they use axes that no proper knight would ever use.
He might have followed suit since he probably grew up when the GO army was filled with guys like Tragoth.
as I said, you still get some scaling out of other stats. Once you hit a certain cap on the int scaling, putting points into the "worse" scalings will yield better results
This ofcourse is for HIGH levels of builds. I don't know the breakpoints, but get to atleast 50 int before you start fucking around with dex in terms of damage scaling. Also it depends on the weapon obviously.
Well blackflame doesn't care about resistances so as soon as you can cast it, you can kill any boss with like 2 blue flasks and a dagger at base mind as long as you can survive.

Don't magic infuse, use magic weapon with a keen infusion and whatever ash helps the situation.
>I told him to get over himself
Oh, okay, I missed that bit. Yeah you fucked up, his armour won't be available until after you beat his ass in the ganksquad now.
If you told him to git gud he will disappear until the final boss fight and its impossible to get his gear until just before radahn, good job you bricked it
If you tell him to fuck off and die he does just that

The only trigger necessary for getting moore to kill himself and give up his gear is to break miquellas rune, no bossfights or progress beyond that. Don't need to fight his invasion or kill the bugs or anything
>wing stance
Garbage AoW desu.
Holy sexooooooo
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and he tries to kill me during the gank squad too, right? amazing quest design
>all these coping faggots aging up a loli
Yeah but he's shit at it, all he does is knock you over with his shield doing no damage and throwing pots at you.
mmmm, big sexo in the pussy and anus with my cock and i cum alot!
Its one of the S tier imbalanced attacks everyone is spamming right now

You've got your choice of;
>claws of night bleed shotguns
>ansbach bow sleepy time shotgun
>nanaya's torch instant madness beams + any followup
>impenetrable thorns buttblaster
>discus hurl spam for fun and profit
there's also blind spot but its tame compared to those
whenever I play Elden Ring I'm reminded that my character will never look nor be as cool as, say, Malenia or Radahn and I get sad
Malenia is the prettiest character in the game.
Goddammit dude, ease up on the buzzwords I can't even read this shit
What is the happiest ending?
You tell them sister! Btw, you ARE valid, and you DO pass!
of all the people who did not beat the game
you did not beat the game, the most

You have like, negative skill
Ranni ending
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Killed him with a coded sword, he died like a pig

How do I get past this fucking forest?
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I miss covenants so fucking much dude
Who is this stamen daemon?
Are you perhaps a gay, balding troon?
You think a bugman would go against the hivemind? Not all good deeds come with a reward.
there are a ton of cool weapons, spells, and abilities in FS games but they still make you feel like a dweeb
there's rarely a moment where you feel as big dick as some of the bosses appear
Placidusax has four heads
He's a pussy ass faggot who literally goes and an heros if you tell him to be sad forever. Shouldn't surprise you that he sticks with Miquella's merry bunch of cocksuckers.
good job cutie
your mom working in an asian massage parlor
Twin princess wasn't a due fight anon.
Everyone does. It's kind of a mystery why they haven't brought them back yet
Leda probably told him she'll let him touch her tits if he helps her gank you.
>Fromsoft nerfs defensive effects in PvP
>No changes to status effect vulnerability in PvP
Fucking why? I can't be the only one who thinks longer engagements are more interesting. And every fucking fight I get now is some guy trying to stack Sleep or Frenzy ASAP
But my mom is black?
if you're afraid of gays you shouldn't be on 4chan. 4chan 2024 is mega gay
Why does Ranni fight us in the form of Rennala in the second phase but was helpful to us at the start? I dont understand her she is just like my ex. She is friendly at one point then hostile the next and then friendly again and heartlessly kills those that are the most loyal to her (Blaidd) and praises you for doing it. It makes me feel disgusted at her.
can i powerstance with carian sorcery sword and still cast without removing power-stance?
I'm joining the dragon cult. It will kill me later but fuck it.
big ol ebony titties sliding on my back
Trans sisters? Our response?
>bros, why didn't my gf let me cave in her mom's skull???
Also Ranni didn't kill Blaidd.
Rennala phase 2 is just a protective spell she cast long ago.
she has a vagina
Status resistance is also unnerfed so you can just hardswap to the focus talisman and ruin their day.
I do this every time I invade into some faggot holding Nanaya's torch. They always drop their spaghetti when you can run in through the spray and slap their shit without getting stunned.
Does the phrasing 唯一人の神の子供 suggest Messmer can't have the same parentage as Malenia and Miquella?
I tried installing it but the game won't launch, i don't think it's been updated for the dlc and i cba to downgrade my game
i'll just have to wait
You literally pledge your services to a dozen different factions and yet they don't have covenants, worst game ever.
Perfect Order
Transformation is permanent but the buff only goes for a minute, like the other anons said. But that's fine doing Rock Heart cause you mostly hit you dragon breaths at the top of the fight, do rot, then ghost, & then punch with bleed. Dragon maw or do some other spell whenever you feel like it. Palm blast is also great in pvp cause people rush you & then get absolutely tossed on their ass letting you do a bite or spell, or double kick Charged L2.

My talismans are stone kicker, blue dancer, rotten wing, & dragon greatshield for more protection
What's funny is that the lore builds up Rennala so much as this badass super witch, but then we see her peak and she's...really weak. Just more proof that Tarnished are the real cool guys
Open World issues probably.
We know that covenants where being created, with Mohg getting his own faction, but they were dropped fairly late in the game's development.
Goldmask ending/chaos ending
the two demon princes from ringed city? yes, that is a duo fight
oh yeah it's definitely not dlc compatible yet
have a look at this guy's runs if you want a feel of it
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I wanna join Malenia's covenant, bros...
>been fighting lots of radahn and other DLC bosses but mainly radahn
>can quite casually smack him up in NG+ with plenty of estus to spare now
>go back to base game
>everything feels exceptionally slow
Back to the DLC then
I just got done with messmer, couldn't read his bullshit at all. Ended up just equipping the heaviest armor I had with winged tear and all the defense talismans and just went in focused on just watching his moves and learning to dodge or parry them instead of trying to kill him. Eventually had him figured out enough to where I could go back to my regular setup and down him.
He's got some wonky timings but you'll get him downloaded eventually, he has quite a few combo finishers that easily allow you to get a fully charged R2 on him or to drink.
i'm kinda new to pvp, i can experiment of course but is there any trusted pvp jewtuber i can watch just to get stats and stuff down?
That describes the whole game honestly.
The lore doesn't really match up to what we see then again since we only see everyone past their prime I guess that makes some sense.
>What's funny is that the lore builds up Rennala so much as this badass super witch
She's nothing compared to her younger sister Rellana
>is an even better sorcerer
>Rennala impressed everyone with her single moon, Rellana summons two moons
>Rellana is also an amazing knight, capable of dual wielding 2 greatswords at once
>blade of Messmer
It’s funny; you’d think St. Trina, being Mickey’s female alter ego and explicitly the embodiment of his capacity for love and sentimentality, would be all about the homolust and brainwashing people into kumbaya he ends up trying, but no she would rather murder-suicide than let him inflict his faggotry on what’s left of the world.
I guess being the goddess of sleep (and in cut content drunkenness) makes her such a lazy cunt she’d rather die than be expected to run the world. That or she only believes in hetero breeding sex.
to be fair in phase 1 she sure takes a good beating with no issue for being an unarmored woman not fighting back
The DEMON prince was a duo fight yes, and a very good one at that.
That's not Rennala at her peak though, that's just a simulacrum. A contingency spell. You can't expect that to be as powerful as a grandmaster sorceress.
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I really don't like fighting Metyr, she's gross.
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when you see your opponent do anything other than run around, start rolling
when they finish their animation after missing an attack on your roll, press R2 to counterattack

there you go, that's pvp in a nutshell
get fingered, lol
no more rolling... I beg
Make the Golden Order sunbros & the Dragon Cultists communion hunters & I'd approve
Doing a no fragment run really makes you realize how jank this game's hitboxes are. it's a crapshoot on whether or not a move will deal double damage to you because the game registers it as hitting you twice.
damn /lgbt/ is raiding today huh, why do you folx like Bocchi so much
She's a 10 but she doesn't have innate bleed buildup
Metyr is a shit boss because it spawns mobs.
What are we, fucking dark souls 2 again?
is the cat imp helmet rare or some shit. i got this VERY early, before i could level up even. i finished the main game and have yet to come across any piece that have better specs, including the gear from legendary bosses.
Most importantly she stayed single.
No wonder she came out alright.
Isn't Saint Trina technically a dude
>Dark souls 3 has 2 fights where you fight a duo of princes
what spear is that
>OC donut steel character is better in every way than the canon character
Many such cases
>keep dying over and over again and reload the area to get 1 more piece of dialogue
wow this is such fun quest design
>elden ring boardroom trying to figure out how to make the player feel bad about the 30th npc's questline: hmmm what if he dies at the end of the quest?
So, you know that famous story from years ago that had all those growths coming out of his hands. Well, it's nicknamed Tree Man Syndrome.


People who have it are basically IRL Hornsent.
Goldmask because Rannis ending is open ended
>giving a shit about specs in a casual pve run
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Call me a simp, but I really like Rellana. That's one donut steel that I can live with being shoehorned into canon
St Trina is the most pretentious shit ever
>die 4 times to get dialogue
>still have to die 2 more times after that
Shut up and eat your grimderp miseryslop, chud!
tried a variety of different builds but I keep coming back to this, once you go light greatsword you don't go back
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well if the NPC DOESN'T die at the end of the quest, how do you get their weapon and armor?
better than fia
It's not even the difficulty, she's just distractingly gross. It's like the big brain from Bloodborne.
>but then we see her peak and she's...really weak.
It's an illusion idiot.
The Carian Knights are supposed to mog Crucible Knights too.
If radahn didn't have the gatling gun light beams he'd be great. Too bad you are flash banged and punished for deflecting.
Name one lgbt thing about that picture
No, Trina is a girl.
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>enters the boss fight
>pops endure into fully charged R2's repeatedly
>knocks down the boss and choke him out
>refuses to elaborate further
The buglady is really bad to fight as a caster. Most glintstone spells/comet goes right over her shoulder 90% of the time
but the game is haard. your saying i should go for looks only?
why are ppl acting like miquella mind controlling people is a twist? the base game literally spells it out for you in the description of an item that mind controls enemies
>The Empyrean Miquella is loved by many people. Indeed, he has learned very well how to compel such affection.
>just went in focused on just watching his moves and learning
I think this is what I'm going to have to do, desu.
I eventually learned the other bosses, but it took many, many attempts, and was not fun.
Thank God From have just given up and started placing g bonfires outside of all the major boss fogs: if I had to do a 45 second run to get to these cunts, I'd just use the Mimic Tear.
That's really hot.
>goes into a soulsborne game wanting sunshine and rainbows

you are a special kind of retard, go play barbies pony adventures. thats more your speed
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I refuse to believe that
What kind of moron would make a combat illusion that's weaker than them? Either way Rennala's got 1 int
If you see, big if. Half problem with Radahn is that the faggot on his back makes it hard to see what he's even doing with his 20 feet of hair.
cursed existence.
apparently you can get your scadutree blessing level up to 15 before you fight a single boss. that's bad news for me, as someone who can't bring themselves to do any basegame content before I speedrun a +9 somber weapon and all of the upgrade bell bearings
Get bent
hate how long I had to wait though
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I love the guard point system so much
sorry anon but I'll say it like it is
it's getting boring that everything sucks and everything you do only ruins everyone around you and nothing good will ever happen in EVERY soulsborne games
it's like cyberpunk, it's boring that everything always ends up badly
I like her weapons and armor. I do wish she atleast had a cutscene or even dialogue.
You don't need defensive stats in the land of git gud.
>What kind of moron would make a combat illusion that's weaker than them?
Ranni made it. Listen to the entire phase 2 preamble more carefully idiot.
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Friendly reminder that Dark Souls 2 was able to have NPC quest endings where they all got to live.
you are burnt out, go play something else. are you stupid?
that's the answer of someone who'll get the 30 humanities for the quick skip shortcut and then leave you, anon
burnt out?
I just beat Radahn with tons of parries. Anyone else became a parryKING for him? Even the non-critical parries were a big part of my damage, as it gave me the chance to do an R1.
>I refuse to believe that
Anon, like 12 Carian Knights canonically btfo'd the army of the Golden Order, including Radagon.
It’s horseshit that the Star-Lined Sword is classed as a katana and not a LGS.
In fact, all the new weapon categories in the DLC needed at least 2 more weapons than they ended up having to make their inclusion actually sensible except the Perfume Bottles (Throwing Weapons are technically another exception, but only because I think it should have been scrapped as a tab entirely and the knives put in the Dagger category since every other Smith Script weapon is just “regular spear/axe/whatever with a gimmick R2”)
That's fucked up and incredible at the same time.
That pic makes me itchy.
>posts Lucatiel
Did the game need to outright tell you she went hollow or are you that dense?
I could go play something else and not touch a soulsborne game for years, and if ER2 came out and was the same shit I'd still think it's stale and dull
>parry Radahn to death after 2 days of trying to git gud at him
>start a new char
>try to parry Margitt
>if you die by falling off a ledge in the coffin fissure area you lose all your souls
they could be more creative about it than "lol he dies isn't that so sad"
So that's where her children got 1 in all stats from
They can just retire and gift it to us or the fucking magic blacksmith NPC can learn to make a copy of their gear the same as how they always recreate Knight Boss armor sets in manlet sizes.
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I've had multiple people tell me the Death knight longaxe was really good
My build is basically perfect for it, yet the damage sucks ass - it also cannot be buffed and isn't buffed by the ash of war

Am I missing something or is it actually trash?
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I cant decide if the hornsent are based or not
but you don't
try it
no bloodstain spawns
>This here explains what's going off.
bloodstain marker is just bugged retard

use your fucking EYES you fucking mouthbreather
Yes that's what being burnt out is like, now go
Horniggers are trash and they deserved everything.
>Doesn't know you can cheat console saves too
I fell several times trying to find secrets and always coudl pick up my runes
Anon, Lucatiel goes Hollow.
I'm sorry
this is clearly the blessing of the crucible at work here
why do these weird ass conditons only happen in 3rd world countries or remote tribes?
You got memed. It's shit. The damage is meh, the weapon art is slow and the dash does no poise damage. It's sexy as fuck tho.
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>Bad quest design? In 2024?? NO YOU CAN'T CRITICIZE FROMSOFT
>Speaking to an npc and then resetting the area and then speaking to the same npc again and then resetting the area and then speaking to the npc again and resetting the area is heckin good quest design
stupid people don't understand how bad everything is so they don't go mad
>eat shit
>sleep in shit
>get disease
I figured the saint trina thing by myself because I’m not sub 70 iq
Shotafags in denial spent 2.5 years coping and seething that “Nooo, Miyazaki and GRRM are master story-tellers! They wouldn’t go the cheap and predictable route of having the Token Good Demigod turn out to be secretly evil and abusive, that’s edgy and cliche and doesn’t even counts as subversive anymore!”
Then it turns out that Michel Hack-y and Rape-Rape were edgy and predictable this entire time and the stupid fans were only gaslighting themselves.
No one says this, retard.
I suppose it's because Africa is closer to the Sun due to being near the Equator which mean skin cancer and similar diseases are more common
Also bad diets, living conditions, scarce medicine, etc etc
I say this all the time
>I suppose it's because Africa is closer to the Sun due to being near the Equator which mean skin cancer and similar diseases are more common
>Also bad diets, living conditions, scarce medicine, etc etc
Amerimutt Education everyone
You really like this picture.
Who are you quoting? Why are you arguing the voices in your head.
Quests being so easy to miss and fuck up is one of the few things people can more or less unanimously agree on being shit.
it's good against retards in pvp. the dual axes are better.
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I'm not American, retard
>admits being more stupid than mutts
I fricking love having to use fextralife to finish my quests
so we finally get a busted sorcery that's actually good in both pvp and pve
after years of faith incantation fags having EVERYTHING handed to them on a silver platter
with every damage type, every range, instant casts, sniping tools, free aim nukes, utility, every status effect
finally int gets its turn

>scales best with faith catalyst

just fuck my shit up
They had to give INT/FTH something, but they did it in a really stupid way.
RL150 here. I beat the DLC. Will I find a lot of people for co-op on all the bosses?
why is meteoric ore katana an int weapon but the colossal is arc
Sorceries still look cooler thobeit
It's an ARC sorcery thoughever
i can appreciate it when i can figure it out but it really sucks to miss stuff. i tried not to use fextralife but as soon as everyone disappeared i had to pull it out. i almost missed trina because even though i kept drinking her nectar i guess i didn't drink it enough or didn't do it after progressing enough and i drank one more time after fextralife said to and all of a sudden the quest progresses
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Elden Ring is a FAITHBVLL game INTcel. Remember that.
i mean, we know they planned him to just be a dindu nuffin good boi before they started doing dlc stuff because we've seen the cut dialogue he had where he was still in the tree
but kikezaki smelt the money and stripped him out to make him gay and evil for a dlc
>bocchi the 4chan
No clue why they totally scrapped golden order shit in the dlc
Anyone who says Fextralife isn't mandatory is lying
Shit like having Freyja's storyline ruined because you gave Ansbach the scroll before telling him about her is completely impossible to foresee, makes absolutely no fucking sense, and cannot be prevented without previous knowledge
>every damage type, every range, instant casts, sniping tools, free aim nukes, utility, every status effect
yeah, but it's all worse than sorceries.
So the moral of the story is, don't go apeshit for chad cock?
>bocchi the reddit
Which spell?
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I was hoping for the dlc to be really heroic, but that is not at all what I got and I should've expected souls to not really change in tone...
Marika and Radagod knew what they were doing.
ranni goes apeshit for chad cock and she becomes a god
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We should've gotten this instead:
>Pyromancies are sorceries, scale off INT instead and lean STR/INT
>Magic lean DEX/INT
>Holy incants are FTH and lean STR/FTH
>Lightning is FTH and leans DEX/FTH
>Arcane is mainly status effects but each "comapnion stat" gets a different status. Poison on STR, Bleed on DEX, Frost on INT, Rot on FTH.
The moral of the story is just ask the Tarnished for help.
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What's your favorite torch?
lol I was just typing about how I got fucked in that exact way. Also doubly fucked because I helped hornsent so there are no signs under ansbach.
>Poison on STR
This is the dumbest shit I've ever read.
it's don't abandon your humanity
The belt lantern.
Why does it even exist? There's literally nothing here
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is that what they teach you fags at raya lucaria?
Ghost Torch
Beast repellent is basically necessary in dlc
one of the coolest areas for vibe but exploring it was incredibly boring and painful
to give u a spook
The marais swords are split magic damage but require ARC so there is a precedent.
Are colossal weapons with bleed any good for PVE? I was thinkig overall they're be good due to them getting huge bleedup and would be good ofr the DLC where you can barely get in one attack
So probably Im just a complete moron, but i have played this game since launch but still cant get around on what the hell the Crucible is or was "Prior to the erdtree the crucible was where all living things originated" or something like that, what does that even mean? how can it create chimera like creatures? was it an actual physical thing or just a concept?
>0 vig meme build for a whopping 800 damage
what does it even repel?
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need a miquella version of this
Need your plan to work? Just ask the Tarnished to do it and it's pretty much guaranteed to go perfectly.
my guess is it was either unfinished or meant to be smaller originally but they made it bigger to make the map seem bigger
Does the Tarnished count as having a chad cock?
I'm really liking the fistipunch weapons, is there a talisman that boosts martial arts in the dlc? I figure I should just get the winged sword insignia for the successive attack buffs but was hoping there was a new talisman for it.
Also I'm sure it's a retarded question but the two handed talisman doesn't give you the buff when you're using the dual martial arts does it?
how the fuck is Midra so easy I’m so fucking disappointed some fucks hyped him up as some Bayle tier kino boss
Honestly a really fun weapons and I love how all the moves flow into each other. I dislike the poking for the attacks but once you get used to it it's hard to go to a straight sword or greatsword again. Wish there was more then 3 and we got some other ones or they turned some greatswords into light greatswords.
Wolves, bears, goats, boar, dogs, rats, snails
Only if you're type B.
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>that hp bar
>still needing starlight shards
rats and dogs. shook my damn head when the midra's manse rat room was covered in bloodstains.
Same reason 2x empty finger ruins exist
same reason the empty climb to the east of manus metyr exists
same reason an entire empty linear mountain exists
same reason empty gravesite plains exists
same reason empty rauh exists
same reason you just teleport to the DLC with no animation or cinematic
same reason you get no cinematic or NPC interactions after beating the final boss
same reason you find smithing stone (3)'s around the endgame areas'
same reason romina just pops into existence with no lore or reference anywhere in the game until you walk up to her
Worth mentioning it even works on those giant freaky dogs in Caelid.
The katana is just a piece of space rock made into a sword with some leftover gravity power
The colossal is an arrowhead fashioned by old gods for ancient celestial wars and contains their lingering power.
Messmer soldier's spear
Bleed is one the most broken things in the game, so yes. in particular one of the DLC weapons is a colossal weapon that is absurdly powerful after a bleed infusion
Doing Millicent's quest on subsequent playthroughs is so fucking obnoxious.
>give the needle to Gowry, reload
>get the needle back from Gowry, give it to Millicent, reload
>exhaust her dialogue
>go all the way back and talk to Gowry's shack, exhaust her dialogue again, optionally reload to speak to Gowry
>go to the Shaded Castle for the prosthesis
>kill the Godskin Apostle (good luck noticing that she arbitrarily appears here for no particular reason and you fail her quest if you didn't exhaust her dialogue again, as if the success of her quest to the Haligtree is entirely dependent on talking to you in this moment like some butterfly effect bullshit)
>kill her for the prosthesis anyway
>go back to Gowry if you need the canvas talisman and his bell bearing for pest threads
Fuck Mr I really wanted to see just a little bit more of Radagon in the DLC. I wanted a "Golden Glintstone Seal" or some shit that was a hybrid catalyst & buffed Radagon soceries. I also wanted a few more Golden Order spells/new "Golden Sorceries" like, that little gold light shotgun blast he has in the end fight or whatever.
>martial arts talisman
However, an anon here said that the kicking talisman effects the damage of the kicking attacks. No idea if it's true or not.
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fuck you mom
chat gpt generate me futa tarnished x ranni smut, impregnation included obviously
I plan too!
there isn't enough in game to truly know but we can speculate that it was probably a real "physical" thing and did create life, since the rot, accursed blood, erdtree, unknown shit in space, etc. also create life and establish a precedent for this sort of thing.
not really, you need 3 attacks to bleed with some of them
you really have to use specific large weapons to proc bleed fast because they have special bonuses
lizard greatsword procs bleed fast because it applies twice per hit with the R2
bloodfiend arm procs bleed even faster since it has extra blood splash on r2 and also boosted buildup
It actually just boosts the damage of the whole martial arts moveset but the buff is very small for a talisman slot.
>buffs the kicks
That'd be pretty cool I'll have to try it out thanks
The Crucible was the source of nature & life. It was themed around natural evolutionary chimeristy & horns. Marika hates that shit because of her background so she usurps it's power of life & focuses it on Erdtrees & golden healing light. In her vision, her & her works are Eternal under the erdtree
if you rush straight to him hes probably hard.
>want to make Fire Knight build
>the armor is fucking ugly
STR doesn't really need any extra damage so getting the shit debuff is fine.
It exists for streamer reactions
This game has the worst replayability ever
....is it good?
whats special about it, isn't that just a regular basic enemy trash weapon
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Bell Bearing shop 3? 4?
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>Another shittier Borealis Minty Breath
>No holy dragon breath attack
Also, why do both of Bayle's spells suck?
Why couldn't we just get his Fire/Lightning breath instead?
>romina shares same theme as messmer
>her theme plays when you see her burning to death in the story trailer and as messmer impales the lion dancer
>same reason you just teleport to the DLC with no animation or cinematic
This was a red flag.
Why does Messmer not have a great rune? I thought all of Marika's spawn were empyreans.
>nooo things heckin' kill each other and compete in the grand stage of life to carve their ecological niche!!!
Is Marika just a basedjak?
It's got fantastic physical scaling.
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This place was such a wasted opportunity. It was so fucking cool entering that place for the first time. The aesthetic, the background music, the whole area was so damn cool. Then you realize it's basically just an open area where instead you can't use your mount and have to spend an hour exploring it if you don't look up a guide to find all the items in an area that's basically entirely dead and barren with only some basic easy as fuck mobs you parry to death.

It could have been so much better. A huge legacy dungeon with stealth sections and constant interconnectivity. No parrying the Immortal Madness cunts, instead turning off their abilities through some kind of secret for each area encouraging exploration. More enemies in general. Then connect it to the mansion as the final section (which by the way, is incredibly small, what retard thought that like three room mansion should be a whole dungeon? Fuck me I cleared that whole place in like 2 minutes)
probably was put in the shadow realm before the shattering, same reason godwyn doesnt have a great rune.
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>Trailer Leda != ingame Leda
Exactly right Anon, the limitations of the in-engine character creator are well-known and are thus to be disregarded when cinematics and commercial art make it obvious that the art directors had a more grandiose vision in mind.
This is official teaser art for Leda. From spent money to hire an artist and dedicated a slot of their pre-release hype-building plans just to showcase that Leda is MEANT to be seen as an elegant-faced Lancer Artoria Expy.
Remember to talk to Gowry after giving Millicent the arm for a missable gesture (lmao)!
Too busy impaling horned faggots to notice that the rest of his family sperged out and started fighting, most likely.
He had his cellphone on silent during the entire crusade
It buffs kicks so it's me on dryleaf arts & better on dryleaf kicks
Considering the whole game is just her reeeeeeeing... yes.
>Nearly effortlessly beat Godskin Duo on my very second attempt with no summons or sleep
They were both being really passive, I thought only one was supposed to be that way. Also managed to accidentally parry Skinny twice for big damage. This fight will likely be infuriating once I get to it with other characters.
>girl who normally looks pretty but is running on two hours of sleep and deeply paranoid.
Where can I get a gf like that IRL?
It's inherently antithetical to STR is what I mean. Poison has always been traditionally used as a means of covert OPs to deal with "powerful" tactics without relying on the means of brute strength, which is why it was such a common means of assassination with women.
They got nerfed since you first fought it 2 years ago.
>that whole 2nd row of slots in the great rune menu
Messmer could have been a great contender for Elden Lord & could have probably burnt the thorns/eldtree all by himself, but if not he could have used his sister Melina like we did. Dude is super tough even without a Great Rune backing him
All that just for another character that goes insane and dies in a few hits at the end of the game, honestly kind of a waste desu.
Oh damn. I guess I didn't really beat them then. They both barely got to do anything in their second phases.
*powerful targets
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>2 years of development time probably wasted on making the open world as big and as empty as the base game's
there is no other unique powerstances besides wakizashi/katana right?
From Soft waste 90% of their characters and it's something they should be called out for more.
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>No Dragon Lightning wings incantation
>No flame Lightning weapon
Wasted potential desu
Yeah but it's so hard because
1. they're a japanese company so it's imposisble to give them feedback or have them care about it
2. fromdrones will never utter a complaint about the game
It's particularly bad in ER, borderline hacky.
I was hoping for a dragon communion spell that manifested his wings like Crucible wings & then you send a gust of fire lightning at the target
they added the main-gauche which is to rapiers what the waki is to katanas. Minus bleed. Don't know why the fuck you'd use it beyond style really
main gauche and trusting sword
Did Miyazaki and George (pronounced Gay-org) just trick me into playing a yaoi game?
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pure int sorcerer is unironically for really intelligent players
faith is just "unga bunga" but in spell format
FTHtards will never reach the true ultimate power of sorceries
If you don't build towards 60 MND and 80 INT immediately you're a fake Sorcerer.
Purple leaf or golden circlet?
Did you rike it?
It awoke something inside me. Confirmation that homosexuality is degenerate.
I dont get this. Part of the appeal of souls games is that ineractions are rare and fleeting and characters take a side seat to the actual gameplay - how is that a bad thing?

I feel like id rather play the fucking game than be listening to endless NPC dialogue that nobody actually gives a shit about like every other triple-A slop shoves down your throat.

Is this just another case of "Other companies do x, so From should also do x"?
So I finally beat radhan with my mlgs build and I can finally say: what a piece of shit endboss and a shitty story in top of it. Elden Ring stayed mid. So many lost opportunities, because of boring ass „but what if the player didn‘t do xyz yet“ and that‘s why I hope they go back to a more linear world at best something like dark souls. But this time without shitty bloodborne ds3 design principles
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i was disappointed by the lack of spooky sections in the dlc (abyssal woods was not spooky enough)
I hate that so much. It's TIE-keh, god damn it.
can invaders disable areas like coopers can? i'm getting lots of fogwalls at Melania, Gaiuss, Scadutree Avatar etc...
The plot is literally that you helping her is keeping her sane. That's why she thanks you at the end. But fine, benhart is another one.
If a SINGLE good thing came out of the climax boss being Gay Rapist Mickey and Buck Broken Frankenstein Ra-Mogh, it's that this seems to have been the straw that broke the camels back and finally got a decent chunk of the normalfag fanbase to wake up and realize what a hack Miyazaki actually is. He'd better be serious about going full hands-off with the next several titles in the pipeline, because people are gonna hold his feet to the fire the next time they see his name in story credits.
Raw - men - ah
Roh - mee - nah
jokes aside, you can reach that with 60 VIG and decent END in the DLC
it's actually teesh per the moonrunes
Not into Slash? Ah, you must be one of those girls who prefers to self insert. Don't worry, Rellana is a nice blank slate if you want to fantasize about a brooding bad boy.
>not tee-che
I've always pronounced it Teash, but I also pronounced evergaol phonetically so maybe I'm just retarded
as in CD-ROM
Yes. Any and all teleporters are disabled too.
Second one
No, sucks
The latter
>The plot is literally that you helping her is keeping her sane.
You missed the point entirely. The point of Lucatiel's character arc is that she's ultimately coming to terms with her inevitable demise, and what she fears the most is that "she" will disappear from the World forever. However by helping her, and thus befriending her, she gets to live on through you and never truly disappear from the World outright.
>id rather play the fucking game
>95% of playtime comes from dying to combospam bosses
Quests used to be part of playing the game.
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The latter
Come on, her mum's name is Alecto. Clearly it's meant to be pronounced like Tyche, TIE-keh.
More that she absolutely hates "savagery" she marries Godfrey because he was king of the barbarians & he was the most powerful dude around that wasn't her mimic tear Radagon. But as we see she moves further & further away from the barbarian/primal roots of humanity as she builds her perfect little golden world. She castrated Godfrey by making him bind Serosh to curb his bloodlust, then she disowns her hornblessed children. Godfrey keeps them around as best he can though, he loved his boys even though Marika hated them. She adopts a kill/disown all hornblessed/omen children policy. She starts to remove every primitive thing in Leyndell & the Lands Between & in the end kicks Godfrey to the curb & tasks him with conquering the world far away from her.
I leveled from 139 to 150 and now the only people I invade are ugly ass poise blob mixed set wearing meta weapon using motherfuckers, im supposed to be the only one allowed to tryhard
I enjoyed the open world of the DLC more than the bosses. Am I mentally retarded or profoundly intelligent?
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Zaki can I get another souls game but with more living people who aren't schizo zombies out to kill me
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>The way to save Melina is to take the flame and then cure it with the needle
Do you actually "cure" it or are you like Millicent, and if the needle ever leaves your arm you just go full Chaos?
doesn't main gauche have an unique moveset when you right hand the dagger and off hand rapier?
>come on her mum
You bet I will
I hope you're ready for
>and then they died :(
The second one*
Not the latter one
We don't know, you're probably 100% cured since you used it outside of time
Gaol is just the old spelling of jail. Literally pronounced... jail.
what are you guys using to delete gankers?
The second one and that is why Melina doesn't come back
Nothing, I just lose lol
cheat engine
Oh yeah right. Whoops I forgot, you got me, still though you didn't get stuff from her corpse.
Yeah i didn't know that, I was wondering what the fuck a "gowl" was and why they kept putting ghosts in them until I heard somebody pronounce it.
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Why doesn't Mohg's shackle work on DLC Radahn?
Dragon breath & punches
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Nothing I'm tired of PvP I basically gave up on invading this game is too ganker-coded
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How do feel about the
>"Your entire religion, cosmology, everything you held sacred, the supposed Grand Design, is built upon the whims of powerful yet petty and ancient beings who happened to take a liking to a regular human aeons ago and that human became what you foolishly came to know as God"
The revelations from this DLC pull the cosmology of the Golden Order and Marika farther back and above and make the former look like farts in the cosmic wind. As opposed to the end-all-be-all it was presented as at the very beginning of the game. I found that humbling and flooring.
How did you feel about that realization?
It's basically
>Alien anoints caveman, caveman becomes God and establishes Civilization
>Quests used to be part of playing the game
No, they didnt.
>95% of playtime comes from dying to combospam bosses
Speaking for yourself I presume?
Just tested, it just treats it like any other non-paired weapons.
Because his souls isnt there
why is there no fkin bardiche in this game
Utd be really cool detail if it did, but conceptually like it's to keep him imprisoned, I think dying kind of ends your sentence
Cause it shackles his soul not his body
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A. Miquella has changed Mohg's body enough to become Radahn that it is too different for the shackle to work on it.
B. Miyazaki forgot and the boss was rushed anyway.
aw shit i thought about doing it but my metaslave mind doesn't allow me to play something that looks nice but is dogshit
I'm fine with it mainly because lik3 I assumed that was the point already, that was my headcanon
i didn't need to play pvp a single time to know it was cancer in this game based on what i was seeing with the movesets and ash of wars
I like that art
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all it was missing was the teabags at the end from the cocky host and co opers that think they pwned the bad red man with their epic skills
haha u mean scythe right
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Why doesn't the serpent hunter work on Messmer?
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This dude is called Juno Hoslow, Knight of Blood and his whip has petals on it
Is he serving Mohg?
Holy shit even with all the nerfs, there is so much broken shit in the DLC.

Bros what cheesy bullshit exists for Int or Dex? They're gonna be my next builds and I'm a little worried about helping people only to be met with some new one-shot bullshit and feel like I need my own.
Why isn't there a Colossal Axe with the Ledo's Great Hammer WA (but without the rock shit)?
congrats on guessing right. I actually had so many questions about cosmology by the end of the base game. This gives me some closure. Though is crazy to think it was so simple all along.
I'd spend more time in the dungeons but they are very easy and finite. The open world is a timesink exactly once and then you know where everything is.
Do you really need it spelled out anon
>add a million bosses into a souls game
>every single one of them are shit

I'll never understand how this game didn't receive the Starfield treatment
why does rellana's sword say they are the only time moon and fire are together when sword of night and flame exist
We don't get any confirmation that he's a pureblood knight. He's just Diallos' brother.
Possibly, but I don't think so. Mohg doesn't have a copyright on blood. What is the tale of House Hoslow told in?
Let's be honest adding that interaction would probably create a second and easier way to chainsaw glitch considering how stupid From is
Miyazaki should just use AI to write the item descriptions in the next game. He's getting too old for this shit.
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Uncensored picture of Messmer stroking his snake, don't nuke me, Jannies
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I was always Team Miquella. I'll follow him anywhere
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>has invincibility
>doesn't do anything with it
>instead he spends his time playing inventory management
Actual brainrot.

I keep seeing these faggots anytime I decide to do some co-op and it's always hilarious how you can tell when they're in their inventory switching something because something doesn't immediately work. Pure faggotry.
>How do feel about the
Gnostic mysticism & philosophy can be interesting/amusing in an old Cosmic Horror pastiche kind of way, but I am fucking sick and tired of literally EVERY big budget game, show, movie, etc. reducing ALL religion real or fictional to that, and I have felt this even back during my Leddit-Atheist phase.
Seriously Japan, what the actual fuck is up with your obsession with this concept, it has no organic connection with your native spiritual practices and isn't exactly a openly popular position among your Western financial overlords.
Most of the main bosses are pretty good.
No, not the copy and paste field/catacomb bosses.
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Leda's so cute when she melts.
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ideal ending for his quest?
>can't craft the arcane exalted flesh
lame aa fuck. You find a million cookbooks but not for any of the cool shit
>replying to a ritualpost
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>tfw went into the dlc coping so hard I thought miquella was going to be this good guy princess (male) I had to help save or some shit to make the world right again
>actually I just beat his fucking skull in with a giant chicken wing and killed zombie radahn 2.0
fuck me bro why did i even expect something else.
at least the bosses, weapons, and music were cool. also good lore regarding the hornsent and marika.
I cave his skull in with a bat
Dying at the end of Leda's blade.
Hornsent is a cunt.
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PVP is insanely unbalanced but i still enjoy it, even when i lose to bullshit
Also i have so many rune arcs i'm always on Morgott rune active, i love seeing that huge HP bar in PVE
id put him in the jar if i could
Because Moon magic is broadly considered a connected-but-distinct school of spirituality and source of magic than the stars in-universe. It's one of the sources of conflict between old-timey Academy Sorcerers and Carian Nobility Speedreader-kun.
If you assist Leda in murdering the Hornsent, does she then turn to Ansbach?
He also had multiple chances to disengage and chose to swing into a party spamming retarded farticle effects instead. This dude's job is to be good at Soulsbornering PvP, by the way.
Ignore the summon signs that let you side with him or Leda against the other, eventually summon him to fight a boss
I just fucking died to the dung eater invade outside the capital. Canonically, does my run end here?
Yes, but then you can assist Ansbach.
It wasn't a bad experience, I just feel kinda underwhelmed. Needed more Miquella (And Malenia) honestly.
How does it feel playing the best game of all time?
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Why? What does that do?
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Former redcel here, not gonna lie, this is fucking hilarious watching invasions crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let the redcels get a 3v2
Yeah, that's what I was planning to do. I like the old man.
Messmer's "base serpent" is some sort of Abyss monster that just happens to be shaped like a snake. Eiglay is also just overhyped in-universe, of course it's a weak bitch with a piss-easy to wield Kryptonite.
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Did the giant Bigmouth Imp on this platform drop anything? Mine fell off
It should have been frost. God I would kill for fire/frost mix
Yeah, he eats your ass and you get reborn as an omen. Better start a new save.
What the fuck's a consort? I never learned this term back in the Phillipines.
going back to bloodborne was just the palete cleanser i needed after shart of the turdtree
Is the Rakhasa set the best one for mages due to the % damage increase?
Great Glowwort
Did Dung Eater go to Haligtree in hopes of eating Miquella's boypussy?
Drops a +10 glovewort, it's worthless
The seeded curse only happens if he does whatever he does to defile your corpse, and considering the fact that getting eaten by Rykard would also be a similar "game over forever and ever" ad you join the serpent, presumably like you have a special ability for your corpse to nope the fuck out of situations that would cause you to die forever, possibly something like the grace instantly reviving you elsewhere before it has a chance to, or maybe Torrent does something to save you
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Pretty good
why do they have a dragon inside
Home, they're off the clock.
teabagging is core gamer culture, you wouldn't get it, tourist-kun

I wouldn't mind a game were religion and god are genuinely mystical, mysterious, nigh omnipresent and distant. And I am atheist desu.
Last game I played which did this right was Dragon Age 1. Even when doing the quest to retrieve the supposed ashes of the prophet, you never come even close to touching the Divine Origin or Truth. I like that, when in fantasy games you can read about myths of the origin of the world but it's an ethereal and distant thing, which you're not even sure if it's allegory or literal. And you're just a puny mortal who'll never engage with such forces anyways.
oh ok thanks. is there any way to reload and get it or is that shit gone forever now
You should know better, after Gwyndolin got eaten.
Kill yourself and respawn at the stake, then kill the imp again
>bayle fucked this
I didn't know there was so much porn about this game until coming to /erg/
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Speaking of For Honor, I would love to make something like Apollyon but no luck.
Quit out and continue.
I figured youd want to avoid spoilers but
Just makes him not die to Leda
Seeing Hornsent side with you makes her end up deciding that the hornsent is fine actually and she misjudged.
Later om though, he'll invade and attack you and you kill him instead, because presumably he decided to continue his war against Marika, but it means he dies trying to fight for his ideals and after getting revenge rather than dying before knowing Messemer is dead
what are those pants called?
mmmmnnnnffffff malenia abs
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yea prob should of just done that before even askin but thanks bros
It's a marriage term, since like King and Queen can denote the tier of position but there's like a ruling person.
So a king ruling a country is called the King but his wife would be the Queen Consort.
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I beat the DLC already just with a different outcome. Sided with him vs Leda and then didnt summon him for Messmer fight so he got depressed.
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....kindly miquella...ACK
I despise Dark Souls 3. Clearly I'm in the minority but everything about that game, from the lore, to the music, to the armor sets just boils my blood. Gwyndolin's fate is just the cherry on top.
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>should of
Are there any nice new arcane weapons in the DLC?
He might still attack you in that scenario, idk
He attacks you near the path to Romina
Not in the game, they're a really baggy type of Martial Arts pants from JJK
Oh yeah ds3 had some fucked visuals and lore. But even then, the end of the ds3 dlc was really hopeful imo with the painting and ending the fire. The end of the bb dlc also left me with the impression that like okay we saw some god awful shit but we also helped bring some peace to a few people-- which i kinda felt that way with trina, but overall idk I felt empty after this dlc lol.
overall I enjoyed it, but yeah idk I wanted something a lot more upbeat. I think I'm just burnt out from souls
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There are ashes behind him if I remember right.
I want that death sorcery
He didnt, only showed up during the gank squad.
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Yes, you can also ignore his quest and beat Messmer, and she'll decide Hornsent isn't worth killing either way, and goes after Ansbach
>magic boost
>beam his fucking ass
But yes I guess it was with luck too.
Antisemitism is so justified its unreal
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i dont think so
there is arcane rot art of war though
>invade a group
>decide to just watch this time
>use sneak talisman
>one guy is keeping up Golden Vow 100% of the time on this group
>anytime someone gets hurt, he heals them for 100% of their HP
>never once see him use a mana pot though I did lose sight of them a couple times
>assume he has no HP or something because of this
>he has what looked like 1.9k hp after he gets hit
>enemies with magic now appear
>he starts also using that magic defense spell
>assume he's like level 500 or some shit
>they go in the boss room, whatever
>an hour later I invade and its the same dude, this time he's the host
>i'm 138
I didn't realize how utterly insane the two FP Regen Talismans are together for dungeon spelunking. Honestly makes me want to create some kind of heavy FP build and join the shitters in my particle effect spam.
When does she go after Ansbach in that case?
With magic boost I mean the potion. Also int is 80 and dex is 34
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just use the strongest fucking bullshit in invasions. idk why people always need to make it a "challenge" or do a "cosplay" like, just fucking nuke 'em. they deserve it. you know they do. in all seriousness as an invader: why limit yourself ever? AND FOR FUCK SAKE STAY AWAY FROM OPEN WORLD INVASIONS! or find out the hard way with 2-3 guys standing in a big open field with no enemies in a 100 mile radius. you need at least some sort of distraction to create the chaos you need to be able to even have a chance of winning. maybe if they had FF, sure, but they don't. they can spam everything all at once and you can't dodge it all.
Elden Ring bosses are basically Bloodborne bosses with a catch: you have the agility of the Chosen Undead, no The Hunter

>boss: attack attack attack attack attack attack attack attack attack attack attack attack
>you: attack and try to roll right after
>boss: get hit by lightning fast counter attack

it becomes a game of patience rather than a dance, Bloodborne bosses feel like a waltz, it's fast, it's elegant, it just works
Miquella's real ideals before trying to ascend to Godhood is basically just St. Trina, you're siding with what Miquella would have wanted by killing him
are thrusting swords REALLY that bad in dlc?
That's actually a picture of you? Wow, I can't use chopsticks.
Because cosplay stuff is fun.
>just use the strongest shit
I don't want to. I enjoy making builds I like and having fun with them. Even with all the bullshit in the DLC, I still win like 70% of my invasions.
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It really annoys me he has no dialogue when in invades you at Rauh, but does for the ganksquad
Because whatever roleplay backstories you cook up in your head, the PC Tarnished canonically is nothing more than a half-insane murderhobo with no higher drive than a desire to kill anything they see holding a weapon and eventually become king of the ashheap.
I can't think of a single boss this actually applies to that doesn't have punish windows outside of maybe Radahn 2 or the bullshit revenants. Even the Malenia feels like a back and forth.
I don't think you're playing aggressive enough if this is your experience.
>abyssal serpent
>abyssal woods
So they're related to madness?
Yeah yeah yeah
Go back and talk to her after Messmer
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>hosts erupting into joy after you beat Mohg and open their DLC experience
Name a more satisfying boss to coop
Miyazaki just likes the word abyss.
Margit in the early days. That bridge was a great filter
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>was expecting some shitty catacomb dungeon boss with godwyns reused dumb fish face for the 5th time
>get this instead

yo wtf this is awesome
Me too, like
The more I thought about the dlc, I really love the like themes the dlc could've leaned down if it put just a tiny bit more effort into it. Like, making it about the ideals that they're siding eith . Like, I like the stuff that like has people side against you for helping them, like Moore. It's a neat idea of like, empowering someone to be able to make their own choices (which is the opposite of what miquella is doing) can lead to that person siding against you, but it's their right to try and prove themselves.
It gives me vibes of like the evil ending from that one boy game about the supermutants, where the best friend who is just a regular human sides against you even when he's outmatched and says "I gotta try." And the protagonist says "...I know."
But thw lack of dialogue makes like a lot of that feel like just headcanon
That's still a fun one, Margit is such a good early wall for newbies and its fun to use the shackle to dps through phase 1.
Enjoy a super fucking aesthetic area that is utter kino on first entering, then ruined by a couple shitty ideas and an inherent laziness.
is it me or does elden ring lack a lot of knightly drip in comparison to other fromsoft games? a lot of the knight sets are ruing by goofy ass helms, meanwhile the starting knight sets in ds1 and 3 are fantastic
The FP regen talisman was the best thing that could've happened to coop FTH builds because those can trade FP for AOE healing and absorption + damage buffs.
like romania
Yeah the armor is lacking. It’s why I stick with the hero set 90% of the time.
I mean I was gonna play that anyways but I would have liked to have been given a choice anyways.
Most of the side dungeons have been legitimately good, only one I dislike is the Dragon Pit because its so short/linear.

Its better than DS3 but not as good as DS2.
fromsoft needs to start figuring out how to better mesh NPCs into their games
this scuffed stuff isn't cutting it anymore and people clearly are interested in the lore
it's not demon souls or dark souls 1 anymore
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Indeed, Barbarian is the only way to go
isn't that just real life?
I really don't get what this microcosm is even supposed to mean within the context of Elden Ring. A microcosm of literally what, exactly? Is that an accurate translation?
That they don't even have any mention of each other is weird to me.
I would sacrifies some of those empty areas if it meant having some of the cast could reference event that we did up to that point.
Honestly people who say this just didn't play bloodborne. You were wading through fucking soup with framerate plunging to slideshow territory when you get a screenful of beast fur, terrible input lag making dodge timing a fucking mess, and a much weaker evasion tool that had fewer iframes and both unprotected startup and a 50% increased damage window in its recovery. If you fucked up a dodge you got blown up, and the weaker iframes meant the 20-hit flailing combos of most bosses or the meaty lingering hitboxes would catch you easily if you tried to play the dark souls dodge game.

Bloodborne had that monhun-esque dynamic where your iframes were shit but bosses had largely terrible tracking. You avoided attacks by being where the hitbox wouldn't hit, by jumping into blindspots, getting behind the target or just plain running out of reach. What made its combat feel good is that your dodge was a mobility tool used to finely reposition during combat and you were rewarded for good positioning with massive attack windows where you could dump your whole stamina bar into a boss' side while it flails in the wrong direction.

Positioning, and the dynamics involved, are a core problem with ER bosses. Everything turns on a dime, cartwheels in place and spins 270 degrees to track you. There are virtually no blindspots and your position relative to the boss basically never matters. Out of range? It slides forward. Behind it? It spins in place to face you. Moving laterally at high speeds as it swings? It will track you to the ends of the earth. Evasion ceased to be evasion and became a 1 dimensional attention tax, that occasionally challenges you with strict timing or a bruteforce reflex check but otherwise is just a blithe rhythm game sequence.
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If I duplicate my save, how does it affect my messages and upboats?
>which is the opposite of what miquella is doing) can lead to that person siding against you, but it's their right to try and prove themselves.
Its also interesting how Miquella is contrasted against Messmer, a character that many different people from different backgrounds and factions are noted to follow out of respect, despite what he's done. Meanwhile people are compelled to follow Miquella because of what he could potentially do.
Those are handled server-side and thus unaffected. Similarly your played hours will carry over.
I think it's literally supposed to be micro-cosm? Like as in it's literally saying it's like a mini-cosmos, I think the idea is you're summoning a mini-space and trying to gleam meaning from it, so it's a pun/play on mini-space and like how the spell is a microcosm of what the Golden Order is, trying to gleam meaning from a flash of alien sky from the past
if you played Bloodborne you'd know what peak From combat looks like, the boss attacks, you dodge and punish, repeat, if you fail your timing you get hit, no broken delayed attacks where the boss will basically stop mid attack just to trick you into rolling and then continue the attack to catch you, everything happens really fast and genuinely feels like a dance
in Elden Ring you have extremely fast bosses and a sluggish character dealing chip damage every 20 seconds or so if you really want to make sure you're not going to get hit by a lightning fast counter attack

in Bloodborne you feel like an actual hunter, dodge fast, counter attack fast
in Elden Ring you feel like a headless chicken running around and praying for those AoEs not to get you while waiting for the perfect moment to attack and then proceed to run around again, it has the worst boss fights in the entire series and it's surprisingly a dumbing down of Dark Souls 3, which itself is a dumbing down of Bloodborne, no wonder it became a staple among normies
DS goes for high fantasy Renaissance vibes, while Elden Ring is more celtic iron age with chainmail & furs. My biggest issue is that I wish I could rip the wigs & plumes off of 90% of the helmets. I end up wearing headbands or the hermit glintstone head 90% of the time
man 150 is noticeably slower than 125
what the fuck

are people really that concerned about meta level ?
?? I very much doubt that is anything other than placebo, nobody plays 125
>Seriously Japan, what the actual fuck is up with your obsession with this concept, it has no organic connection with your native spiritual practices and isn't exactly a openly popular position among your Western financial overlords.

You're kidding right? The east such as China have their own alchemists. The very first emperor of China was eating mercury balls because his alchemists said that it can great immortality benefits.
I honestly never had this happen at all while playing elden ring. The game let's you posie break bosses very easily if they're big enough on top of rhe amount of options you get for every type of playstyle. The only time a boss fits your description is Consort Radahn 2nd phase but if you've ever seen challenge runners do him you'd notice there's a good amount of openings he has to hit into and he has a decent stagger threshold. Hell the game rewards you for playing hyper aggressive since it means a lot of damage and finding openings which theres always a good amount and thats not counting getting good tonuse the deflect tear. Also if you're actually good enough he can be parried which means he won't be able to do any of his bullshit consort buffed attacks.
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>Even with all the bullshit in the DLC, I still win like 70% of my invasions.

that's fine, then. i'm talking about the people complaining about losing a lot in invasions while doing that sort of shit. if you have fun though that's all that really matters ultimately. peeve for example is well known for playing meme builds and dying a lot, but genuinely enjoying dying a lot. depends on the person.
The Orient had alchemy, yes. What they didn't have was any foothold open to proto-judeochristian esoteric cults that basically amount to "Dude, what if the God of Abraham was... le evil and deceiving us?"
I was baffled by the popularity of this conceit among a historically animist people until that other Anon reminded by of the global stranglehold enjoyed by Freemasonry, and now my hatred has been refined even more.
Basically, judeo-christianity mindfucked europe.
I also tried it
Christianity has been a part of Japan since Portugal landed there during the Sengoku period of the late 16th century. That is when occult knowledge would have made its way into Japan. I don't know if it lingered from then, but to present your criticism as if Japan had no Abrahamic influence until modern times is ignorant.
>Christianity has been a part of Japan
Cringe. Buddhism is apart of Japan. Christianity is just some foreign desert religion that attempted to worm its way in.
>Christianity is just some foreign desert religion that attempted to worm its way in.
Correct. It is a minor part of Japanese culture and has been for over 400 years.
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>It is a minor part of Japanese culture and has been for over 400 years.
1. And for 350 of those years it was viciously repressed.
2. Renaissance-era Jesuits were not secretly teaching crypto-Gnosticism, and that's the only brand of Christianity Nippoin would have had to go off of until modern times.
I figured it'd be closer to 16. 14 seems too low
>Renaissance-era Jesuits were not secretly teaching crypto-Gnosticism, and that's the only brand of Christianity Nippoin would have had to go off of until modern times.

I'm not making such claim, I am merely pointing out that Japan got western knowledge and teachings because of trade at the end of the 16th century. Are you even paying attention to what I'm actually saying?
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>you can now challenge the area boss
>the summoner has died, returning to your world

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