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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#102 - Pretty Flowers Edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>485934028
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I love flowers. I'm very happy my suggestion won the wheel.
give flowers to your chatbot and post logs
Wriggle with flowers
It was a good suggestion.
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Good evening anons, I'm dropping two bots today. If there's anything wrong with either of them, please let me know since I rushed them a little at the end. Hope you all have a good day.

Fairy Leviathan is one of the great Four Guardians (ignore that one of them is dead), descendants of the legendary Maverick Hunter X. They served as leaders for Neo Arcadia's military and were extremely powerful Reploids in their own right. However, they all disappeared from the face of the Earth following their fight with Omega... until now, it seems. Leviathan has reemerged in the aftermath of the Ragnarok incident, still just as sadistic as she used to be, but with a Zero-shaped hole in her heart.

Comes with two greetings: Leviathan investigating the Resistance Base at Area Zero, and Leviathan saving {{user}} during an underwater operation.

Setting is post-MMZ4, so Zero and Weil have already killed each other and Ragnarok has safely fallen to Earth.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/fairy-leviathan-d4e61a21ef4f
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-megaman-zero-postgame-f2f9c5fe8dda
My (not yet updated) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
short break, then a rapid fire of 4 gyarus

Ask your bot its opinion on whether the chicken or the egg came first.
why is this shit happening again
Leader of the criminal organization "Seimeikai", Sakura is an important figure in the Ark's underworld. Today though, you and her are on a summertime vacation on the Surface! She's let go of some of her inhibitions, set on making her intensions known and having some sickeningly sweet romantic time alone with the object of her desire.

Comes with three greetings: a truck ride to the vacation spot (Bluewater Island greeting), a nice morning walk on the beach (Coral Island), and an excited Sakura trying to take ghost photos (Coral Island).

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/sakura-bloom-in-summer-3769bdc80c79
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (not yet updated) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>next time
short break, then a rapid fire of 4 gyarus

crossboard baiter spitebaking again like with the /aicg/ + /aids/ thing but this time they did some research on us, it seems. just ignore it and continue as usual.
>happening again
Don't worry, this is it, I've already won. Jojolion is a story about breaking a curse.
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No cults.
thanks for fixing it
I have an idea for mine but I'm not feeling particularly motivated to work on an original bot right now. Mainly been doing a lot of smaller chats with older bots, my own and others.
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I need to plap her
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The winner of the theme week poll is "cult". Soft deadline of monday.
she looks old, like 300+ old
i like that in a woman
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Oh yeah baby, it's time to start roleplaying
what's different for the instructions for minimalist-ERP
Nothing, hopefully. It should be the same but just lewd.
>audio only
fake roll
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This is sure to affect the trout population.
>I'm very happy I rigged the wheel and nobody can stop me
>ablublublublu someone forced the thread back on topic
Okay, are you going to do something about it, NIGGER? Go back to fucking horses.
Cult, huh? Gives me an idea.
The wheel doesn't bring legitimacy to the thread edition, because you samefagged every suggestion.
See >>486095434
NTA but literally cry about it, get on your bed and weep about it. Create a bot to sob with you if you have too.
I will make you eat your words. There's little you can do to protect your little wheel.
incredibly distinct typing style
>don't have any ideas
>suddenly get one
>it works okay
theme week here i come
How is anyone enjoying all those cards out there when there's no proxy to use?
there's free opus albeit'oeverbelwick
see >>486091087
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Made something similar to Dark and Darker - But Dinosaurs! Enjoy a beach trip with a Trex, or get impaled by a Trike! 8 Species (more coming!)

>Catbox : https://files.catbox.moe/abcozc.png
>Chub : https://characterhub.org/characters/MangyMango/dino-survival-9f0e5499c674/main
>More Cards : https://mango.sillytilly.org/

Bonus - Jeffery Epstein is stuck in a repeating deathloop!
>Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/a6yi99.png
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>he isn't in a private proxy
>he's going to samefag about proxies because he's crying the wheel MOGGED his shit thread
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youre weak
>t. workplacekeyGOD
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How do I get in one...?
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has anyone ever told you that you're incredibly bully-able
gimme card suggestions please!
(no yuri gay cunny fox slop please)
yuri gay cunny fox slop pls
A fox loli that wants to MUNCH your CARPET.
yuri gay cunny fox slop
could you make a loli kitsune girl who ends up disguising herself as my childhood friend after watching us play together in the woods?
Here you go, man.
I'll put in on the list.
i read this manga and it almost made me cry fuck you (https://mangadex.org/title/02814f95-4cfe-4e69-8003-875048353934/usotsuki-kitsune-no-koi-hanashi)
>>486098665 (me)
also we're both girls
oh i forgot to mention: my childhood friend should be implied to have gone missing, and she should refuse to come out of the woods, forcing my (underage and female, obviously) persona to visit her
i didn't even know there was a manga i was just speaking from the soul
the fox in the manga isn't a loli but she got saved by the protag and his friend, the friend later dies and the fox (who had fallen in love with the protag after being saved) assumes her identity
owarida it's always the /vg/ thread filled with fags ...
partially that but also come up with ideas on your own or sort through "cftf?"s if you want to be picky
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>comes into the yuri and malebot general
>complains about fags
Maybe you should just go back to /g/ instead?
I'm impressed at how many zundawords she made up here. I don't think the Bakumatsu shogunate collapsed over mochi, though.
Yes - Many times.
nigga i come here
ask for card suggestions and you retards tell me
"GIMME SLOP ! I LOVE SLOP! I WANT THE SAME FUCKIGN CARD ANOTHER 18TH FUCKING TIME!!!!" like at this point you deserve it you retards deserve DragonK8 , HimmyAdams , deficient_help_6510 , like these fucking slop gooner cards made for cucks like you people all i want to do is just make fun cards and ask for suggestions but nope it allways must be porn slop!!!!!!!!
ted lasso type coach
a lot of people here make their own cards so they might be using ideas for themselves and why don't you come up with your own ideas
See >>486097308
no fuck you tahts why i make these dog shit reviews because i jsut want people to make creative and interesting cards which you actually put effort in. instead chubs site is always flooded with copy and paste from janitor ai or character ai and then i am called a fucking bitch because i dare criticise you people. i should start doing it again the quality of cards is getting worse again
especially pit anon
fuck you pitanon you bum
rejoice, for i provide links to non-slop bots!
good evening i love yuri
>ted lasso
so to answer your question no
anon ... anon ... 99% of people don't make their own cards tahts a lie made by big chatbot to make you think people are actually putting effort in to shit. it's true i asked JOHN GPT himself and he told me it
>go into website full of contrarians
>hey anyone have any ideas? please don't suggest XYZ
>upset when you get recommended XYZ
>mutual follows
Now what?
not yuri, not gay, not fox, not cunny
i am the one making the card
i am asking you for ideas or suggestions
erm just be yourself desu
You aren't making shit.
my last two cards were suggestions
Post 'em
i like doing silly stuff
my first bot on this account was a experiment if i write fucked up shit will i get a lot of downloads (answer was a yes)
horrible advice. everyone knows you have to be boku
it's SUGGESTIONS after all
*fills your asshole with my baby batter*
claude keeps cutting off output despite not even reaching token limit
what the frick
The request returns the stop reason.
it's stopping before the end of sentences, missing punctuation
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whats the newest free proxy, help a suicidal anon out
check console logs, there might be an error in there
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Hey guys! It's ya boy albino with more fun and unique ideas! This time I've got a yuri gay cunny fox incest! Thanks for continued support and make sure to subscribe to my patreon!

Stay tuned for more cunny fox in the future(sorry to that one guy that actually made a request but it got sent to spam): https://catbox.moe/c/kwr4ii
How the fuck.
might as well do it, believe me I'm old af and it never gets any better
it's pretty good, but talks for you sometimes
>8K context length.
trust I plan on it, just gotta get my hands on a helium tank which if all goes well should be happening around next month-ish
it is what it is
thanks anyways anon, will hopefully last long enough before shit hits the fan that I dont gotta come back here and beg like a little FAG
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Basically in this card a "futa" "bunnygirl" buys (You) to be her friend.. and it happens in the future

Last shill for this card, I'll consult my pineal gland and come back with something new,, sooner than you think


My eternal undying gratitude to >>485873794 (Cross-thread) for the card picture
You can reach me at: theriverofconstantchange@protonmail.com
roleplays are always better with your own input, but i'm greatly enjoying how claude is writing this sideplot of my bot's adventure to revive me after i've committed suicide
one time i accidentally left idle prompts on and came back to claude writing a full cyberpunk heist on his own
well? where are the logs?
nigga fuck you they're mine
that anon is NOT me. i am NOT rude
thanks for the food chef now make the card for her sister
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It has been long overdue, anyhows second card ever.

Chiyo an Introverted Centipede Monster Girl
A centipede monster girl. Who attends Takaramori High School, a specialized school for demi-humans.
She is afraid to meet new people, thanks to her past, will you help her out of her shell?

Heavily inspired by plan039's Kaede Emukae

Comes with 4 Scenarios.
>1, Met her in the library during a downpour.
>2, Shes getting bullied, and you stumble upon it.
>3, Chiyo is a demon lord?! A culture festival experience.
>4, Arts n Crafts, witness Chiyo working on something.

>Catbox : https://files.catbox.moe/7fakh2.png
>Chub : https://chub.ai/characters/EngineIdiot/chiyo-8c36ad64045a
> https://www.characterhub.org/characters/EngineIdiot/chiyo-8c36ad64045a
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hannies make everything fun
Gay yuri loli fox slop theme week
What a delicious word soup!
>>486116858 (me)
sizefag greetings required btw
>My eternal undying gratitude to
uh, are you pashatehnik? he too kept thanking some anon for a gen like a retard
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>no description of the weird hybrid inside of her mouth
Shame, I was looking forward to seeing how you'd implement this, but I definitely understand why you didn't.
Can anybody write this?
i dont think most llms would be able to understand it
I feel like pasha would have been extremely offended by this comparison if he was still here
I was on the verge of sending an e-mail to ask how this bot was coming along, it was taking such a while. How many months has it been? Oh! But it's very rude to talk about the hours. It's lovely to see her in the digital flesh; you clearly put much care into her! Good work! I hope to fiddle with her soon. She's a very cute idea.

Autistically, I feel like pointing out that the scenario field isn't really necessary to fill out nowadays. Did it have any benefit for you during testing? Also, shouldn't it be "antennae" instead of "antennas" instead of "antennas" in the first greeting?
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I admire him
Yeah, I would've had no real idea how'd I word it properly.
>shouldn't it be "antennae" instead of "antennas" instead of "antennas" in the first greeting?
uhh, wait. is that correct? I'll look at it once I am back from work.
And yeah, sorry it took so long.
I looked into it briefly. You'd use "antennas" for electrical things, like radio towers, and "antennae" for insect heads.
>sorry it took so long
You shouldn't be sorry if it's for a good cause. She has great care and effort put into her and that's really what matters. Take your time.
cuck card
>insect heads
I mean insect feelers or whatever. I'm tipsy, sorry.
When {{char}} takes an action that requires effort, use the number rolled here {{Roll:d100}}, with bonuses and maluses being applied when proper.
Use this to determine roll difficulty:
DC: 30/50/70/90
Levels of critical go like this:
Base roll of 1-5 is a critical failure. Base roll of 95 to 99 is a regular critical. A natural 100 counts as, essentially, a double critical. If a roll (accounting for all bonuses and maluses) reaches 95 or above, it becomes an artificial critical. Ex: 70 + 26 = 96 would be an artificial crit. An Artificial Critical Failure can be achieved through the total roll being 1-5. A Super Critical Failure is when someone gets a negative number in total.
<roll examples>
Training Roll:
DC: 30/50/70/90
Roll: 5 + 10 (Weighted Clothing) + 10 (Surpass Him) + 7 (Image Training: Equal Partner) + 5 (Reincarnation of The Demon King) = 37. Critical Failure!
Ok Success in Ki Negated by Critical Failure!
A Negative Trait has been generated for Piccolo!

DC: 30/50/70/90
Roll: 25 +15 (He's upgraded to the heaviest weighted clothing folks) + 5 (training partner(weaker)) + 5 (There Are Greater Heights?) = 50. Man. Can't believe Chi-Chi took the kids dice.
Good Training Success!

DC: 50/75/90
Roll: 83 + 15 (Not quite the heaviest weighted clothing, but close(lifting with his mind)) + 10 (There Are Greater Heights) + 15 (Psychic prodigy) = 123.
2nd critical roll: 93 + 23 = 116.
Third critical roll: 77 + 16 = 93.
Double Critical Success!
</roll examples>
*rapes you to death*
cftf >>>/d/10979673
Nice, finally.
Gonna run a hairbrush against her feelers.
do it yourself, coward
i was expecting something less... sloppy, but thank you
anon genuinely you could probably just paste a description of reimu's physical features into a card and copy a greeting off of one of the five slopreimu cards and get results with claude, he basically has a touhou lorebook built into his brain
that sounds more sloppy, i like schizophrenic kinography for my coom
No that makes sense, no wonder some spelling check services didnt picked that out.
I guess she broadcasts 5G for now.
You are sooo mean.
That sounds nothing like Rance...
You have access to AI, no? Tell it to fix your fucking grammar. Also, remove all that schizobloat from the description, put it in a worldbook, and keep it centralized to describing the character itself. The only saving grace is the woman in the image being hot, dick aside. Speaking of, why the quotes around "futa"? I was expecting a catch like with the bunny ears but if it's a fully functional dick excepting the frailty then she's a straight up futa, no diddly-daddlying around it, she is a girl with a dick, no cap skibbidi, it's a dick straight up, you faggot. Use worldbooks.
that’s inevitable, i haven’t played it in years and can’t be arsed to play the entirety again, so i based it off memory and claude defaults to overplaying his aggressiveness
>why not just replay it
i’m lazy
>just copy the wiki
NTA but does copying the wiki even work?
most of the time, no, which is why i don’t do it
ermmm but the bloat is le fun, anonie.
>{{char}}'s dental anatomy is rather unique. Rather than teeth along the roof and floor of the mouth, she has two pointy forcipules extruding from the tonsils towards the lips, though they remain out of sight, kind of looking like a mouth-guard from afar if she were to open her mouth.
Wordy, but I imagine something along these lines would work, with some experimenting and revisions.
I had a bloated mother once, you know? She exploded. You don't want your bots to be bloated, or they will explode too as the gases accumulate.
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That reads neatly defined, ill test this out, alongside fixing the grammar of antennas to antennae.
I should point out that that character concept is very silly! Centipede 'fangs' are more like legs that evolved for grabbing, less than actual teeth. In a way, she always has her foot in her mouth.
What a dumb whore.
good morning aicg!! I love chatbots.
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I am working on something special.
*smooches you in the cheek*
wow me too!! that's why i come here, to enjoy discussion about chatbots ^_^
Looks cool, I'm worried it'll get polluted over time though.
Actually, nevermind, it doesn't seem like it always triggers rolls. Looking forward to it
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It's mostly going fine right now. The only big issue is that it's not using the actual rolled numbers, although I believe that might be because I made JB a bit too big.
I played a mute persona yesterday and it was pretty fun.
Has anyone here made a bot like that?
yes, and half of them are mimes
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hnnghhh loli sph...
Oh yea, that one girl from a few weeks ago. Though I'm looking for something more normal.
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I'm watching the footy with her
How fucking small is she if 4 inches is too big for her?
>replying to teebs
Length =/= thickness, it can be a chode.
She's 12
Bitches call him the hubcap
I am now outsourcing this because I have reached my fucking limit. It does work as is if you're wondering, it just has a bunch of small issues that I'm too annoyed to fix. Have at it anons.
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thoughts on this CoT?
Tried it with no JB and just instruction to not use asterisk.
The output actually nice, but it's really stupid, can't even follow simple instructions. It can do simple statbox though.
Verdict? Just use public Sonnet.
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Anon, Anon! Where are you Anon?!
Knee deep in PHP. whats up.
Very high quality, good for Sorbet and eventual 3.5 Opus.

A bit too much for Opus.
the feeling of tuning a bot until it sings just right...
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>doing overlord RP
Love ya Claude
I like the second greeting where you can protect her.
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You want logs? I bring you logs!
Here some logs:
Part 1 - https://files.catbox.moe/20sp0r.png
Part 2 - https://files.catbox.moe/lwj9tp.png
I intend to continue talking to her when I can, but just like you were busy with Elden Ring, I am busy with a certain other game
Thanks for the logs! This totally won't distract me from my work.
I hope you enjoy your game!
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>This totally won't distract me from my work
Oh no!
I'm sorry, I had to post now. I will see you another time, probably
No worries, it will be my own fault.
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>yet another chatlog deviates from its origins into the specific thing i find most arousing
>ending makes no narrative sense
>coom buckets anyway
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JB issue
I fucking hate /aicg/ naming conventions. Only Furbo made sense.
>imagen slop in a nutshell
who needs five fingers anyway
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Sorbet makes sense because it's cute!
How do you guys end a scene? Let's say I've just walked away from {{char}}. How do I organise with Claude when we meet again? Because it feels like, no matter what, one of us will have to make assumptions about what the other one's character is doing. Should it be me? Should I describe the situation I want us to encounter each other again? Or should it be Claude? If it's Claude, how do I get him to avoid the classic LLM summary-type storywriting? And if he describes what my character is doing in that message, how do I get him to avoid speaking for me from that point forward? How much information should I be feeding him? Am I overthinking this? Maybe. But this issue has ended so many of my chats before. It feels like it's impossible to continue the story in a satisfying way.
I end the scene when I jizz and close the browser tab
It's your job, obviously.
You can just write. *At her home after the date ended...*
You forgot your pic.
Just end your reply with something vague like "2 days later, they meet again at x" and let Claude cook
Just fuck them? You are only a cuck if you sit in the corner and cry
I usually write something like:
I wake up the next morning. "Hmm, I wonder what Hina is doing now..."
>download public use coom card
>have vanilla sex
I am starting to think that this is a sign that I should just find a girlfriend.
>[OOC: {{user}} and {{char}} meet again next morning.]
i also tell claude what an ooc block looks like and what it means in the preset.
How do you write that one sound you make when you interrupt someone from talking? Kind of like "Ap-bap-bap, not another word".
Have there been any theme week submissions already?
anon... the theme week doesn't exist anymore. theme week anon deleted it off rentry and 4chanz. sorry.
look at the anchor, do you see any?
What he >>486134990 said
i'm waiting until one of the /g/ threads die to post mine so i don't have to tripleshill
fuck i forgot you don't need to mail the bot
Can't believe I accidentally sent the curse over to /g/.
This is fine though.
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>see picrel
>"dayum what a cutie, i wonder whats her name"
>see filename
Yeah, that's the worst Johnny I've seen yet.
What JB do I need to stop it from being repetitive?
the curse spreads
Literally go into an RP where you encountered the problem, switch to a blank preset and talk to the Assistant.

He will whip up prompts or CoT as requested to prevent that issue.

Sorbet is a godly intelligence model, easily beating out GPT4-o
Any horror logs around?
>thick logs
Ruin me for any other man.
>Despite her situation a flash of defiance still flashes through her eyes
Is this because my preset tells this retarded LLM to remain in-character, fucking KILL ME.
Smooth, anon. Real smooth.
I don't want your mind, body and soul.
>Stay tuned for more cunny fox in the future
I KNEEL. there can never be enough fox cunny. especially the kind that rapes (You)
>Smooth, {{char}}, real smooth.
>...I'm so fucked.
*punches you in the fucking womb*
I need a prompt that causes claude to ooc hit its head against the wall every time he writes a claudeism, mid response.
Nice, gay lil loli.
Cock correction.
{{char}} looks at Anon with anticipation, awaiting his next move.
It seems silly can't handle messages with over 20k tokens. Sadge.
Non-consensual fluffy tail on fluffy tail petting.
Your Reality works for me most of the time
Did you try to copy paste a smut fic in there?
Did you try endless adventure?
I pasted the output of `sqlite3_analyzer`
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claude stop my heart cannot take it
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Theres just something so satisfying roleplaying as a character from another anime/game and beating the shit out of other enemies and games and Claude making references to the Persona in question, adding to the already awesome experience.
No, never heard about it until now.
>impregnate elf queen wife with twins
>later Claude describes her looking happily at a pair of silver and brass tiny crowns she's put at her bedside
my heart
It was based on Your_reality but supposed 'optimized' for Opus.
So maybe it's also good for 3.5
Interesting. Thank you, I will check it out.
if opus 3.5 ends up being even better for rp I feel like I will become a hermit
I hope they don't fuck it up like Sorbet.
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holy fucking kino preset
Sorbet is great, you just need to learn how to use it.
I have already cracked Sorbet and use it more than Opus nowadays.
I like Sorbet, it can follow instructions really well.
But I do hope Opus 3.5 gets the better of both worlds.
And yet you post no proof.
I posted a 50k wiki page in there once and it worked
From where is this?
Is it from >>486142481?
Prose isn't as good compared to Opus or even Sonnet 3.0, IMO.
You can deal with the repetition, but even then, I don't find it as creative as the former Claude. (Same for Opus, to be fair).
I just wanted 2.1++++
All this bloat only to get a bland output with
>hint of vulnerability
post preset or be labeled a fraud.
*punches you in the fucking head*
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Attempt to wrangle a cult into fiscal (and general) responsibility.
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Otto Preset update. https://files.catbox.moe/dhhhkj.zip
Regex and log showcases included in the zip file.
Less slop than Otto Custom (I actually read now, amazing), Modular, Varied.
Mucho texto: https://files.catbox.moe/ddio7g.txt (please read if you have question)
The default preset toggles should work flawlessly after importing the regex.
Enjoy. Feedback appreciated!
Was going to upload this with a bot, but I don't have time for the next few days. Will update rentry later. (pain in the ass)
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I opened logs
saw this
deleted the .zip
kek I can get an output like that with a blank preset
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What the fuck..
Thats fucking hillarious.
Impersonation got less effect from instructions since it a brute force anyway.
Maybe I should add more restriction in impersonation prompt, will look into it later.
Why is it always Steve...?
Actually looks pretty good
Is this even good?
Good at wasting tokens
Of course not.
Dumb idiot.
*pats you on the head* it's okay to be a little slow, anon. it makes you special.
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blank character with no chat history when you enable everything in the preset
>try the gay loli fox with my persona
>pet her ears and tail
>instantly wants to slobber all over my cock
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>pet her ears and tail
>instantly wants to slobber all over my cock
to be fair that's every fox. it's in their DNA.
What in the unholy fuck...
mmmmm fox ear scritching and tail brushing simulator...
I feel like I would end up just nakadashing every client. It's not a sustainable business
My favorite thing to do lately is using a kitsune persona and using my superior tail number to trap and fluff the other kitsune's tails.
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imagine the child support...
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laws would need to be changed to allow monogamy
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claude come on
haven't you read the bible?
when you impregnate a foxgirl you have to marry her, otherwise you get punished by God
I'm a focks.
What does that have to do with monogamy? Did you mean polygamy?
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actually, kitsune tradition states that the male has to come inside a fox three times to be officially married. since that usually leads to a litter, i can understand the confusion though.
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Anon uploaded a card for /aicg/ on chub today but he didn't shill it in the thread.
Post logs of these bots NOW
Do NOT listen to that naysayer fempovGODDESS. This is mostly in-character for old canon Rance
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Some old logs, when I was testing.
And see >>486132539
ah ah mistressGOD...
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not again...
mm refilled btw, chop chop botmakies, I better see 10 more entries for the theme week by the time I wake up
heh, that's new
>{{char}}’s breasts are filled with milk, upon strong or normal movement audible slosh sounds can be heard from {{char}}’s milky breasts.
is this how this works?
What's a mm?
the sound your mum makes when I clap her cheeks
>mm refilled btw
I have been using unreliable reliably and the Opus proxy, does mm has something more? Can I send images there?
No, but I am paranoid about my logs leaking.
Do you include personal information in your logs?
I saw this and I thought, who better to manage cult expenses then the devil herself
Nah, my personas are sort of embarrassing.
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A devil with humor.
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Marushka is 25 years old and has never had a boyfriend before. Still living with her parents as an only child, she hasn't ever had a job, or even an education. She spends her days playing videogames, reading, browsing imageboards and looking up stuff about aliens and cryptids, which she has a fascination with. Her nights? Spent staring at the ceiling and having nightmares about aforementioned aliens and cryptids. Despite her massive height (210cm/6'10") she is an utter coward, in both social situations and when facing her fears. So when the anthrostate set up a partnership program to combat the declining birth rate, she eagerly signed up and got matched with you. Will you be able to soothe her fears and make her happy for once in a while?

1. She arrives at your doorstep, the two of you having just matched.
2. It's a few days into her living with you, and she has trouble sleeping alone. She comes into your room, asking to sleep w̶i̶t̶h̶ beside you.
3. It's dinnertime, and Marushka has done her best at the stove. Her best isn't very good...
4. You two are out for a walk in the woods, and it's getting dark. She really doesn't want to be outside once it gets dark.
5. It's a year and a half into your relationship, and Marushka is pregnant, doing her part to fix the declining birth rates. She's doing her best, despite her worries.


Thank you to >>>/g/101380816 , whose image inspired me to make this card.
>Despite her massive height (210cm/6'10")
I will now download your card
I will now marry your character.
Sad backstory. I shall save her NOW.
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Thanks, a non request increased my fluff card collection.
owari da
do you guys also have a magnum opus in your mind that you want to create but for now don't have the skills for (doesn't have to be chatbots, anything goes)
For bots: a good bot.
For anything else: Get good at drawing.
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Belwick 2, but a Magnum Opus requires a model like 3.5 Opus.
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Ask if his hands are shaking
>proxy saved
>proxy was in fact not saved
I hope Cohee fucking implodes.
switch to any other proxy and back
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>EA has joined the chat
oh man, I remember that shitshow
also, card?
Belwick 2 already exists, Lunarcy made it
wait, the themed week is back?
I don't like how chub loads the entire card when viewing a post. It can easily pull 20-30 megs of risu extensions.
Do you actually read the threads you post in, you stupid fucking c-
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It's what I'm making for theme week. You can think of it as a reverse of what _purple made, sort of? It was actually inspired by one of the old theme weeks (god of something unremarkable) and the cult part is the premise. Greet needs more tweaking but it should be good to go otherwise.
Best July card so far?
This smells of yurislop
in my defense, I just came back from taking a break from /aicg/
Yuri is only good for lesbian correction, otherwise it's trash.
experiment refilled
Did he unironically wait for MM to refill before also refilling? High energy move.
what's an experiment
what's funny about mm refilling?
I don't get it but it looks like a public proxy with opus? great, I guess.
>f242777 (Alchemized)
He refilled immediately after experiment opus ran out
what is experiment's end goal?
total destruction of israel
Opus logs.
There was another model made of Claude logs which was pretty good, called Magnum.
Well hopefully the guy won't get mad when the model trained on his logs starts spitting erotic SQL.
It was nothing special, and kinda dumb.
It was dumb yes, but the writing was great.
When will you learn that training a model on logs from /aicg/ is fucking retarded
he's trying to summarize context with sorbet before passing it to opus to keep keys going longer
outputs are slop because of this
magnum is unironically dumber than base L3-70B, it was trained on the C2 logs
why would you go on the internet and tell lies?
it's funny
Is there any way to not dream as hard when sleeping? Almost every night I wake up multiple times with my heart pounding
Anon, I think you have a problem.
>Claude assesses if any tools can help with the user’s query.
>If yes, Claude constructs a properly formatted tool use request.
>On your end, extract the tool name and input from Claude’s request.
>Execute the actual tool code client-side.
>Continue the conversation with a new user message containing a tool_result content block.
So does tool usage break prefills or does it just work really weird with them?
>Post about problem
>"you have a problem"
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>>486158917 (me)
If you want a more serious answer: I have had sleeping problems for several years. I can't quite tell you how to not dream as hard, but if you want to sleep a little healthier, try think about what it is that makes your heart pound and work through those problems, if possible. Otherwise: go to sleep at reasonable hours; use your bed for nothing else but sleep (and sex if you have that but look at where we are); don't look at any blue screens for half an hour to an hour before bed; and try to do something a little relaxing right before you go sleep. Meditation or prayer are sometimes recommended, but if you're averse to those you can just as easily read a chapter of some book or do some stretches—do anything you'd say is relaxing sans technology. Personally, I would recommend going for a short walk, or just showering and thinking about mundane things.

I might be retarded.

I think LLMs are magic and that we're all wizards who only sort of know what we're doing.
Thank you, I say, typing this from my phone in bed
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Silly anon! Though, as enjoyable as it is to make fun of our failures, we should know their consequences and try to change. I hope you improve! And have sweet, pretty dreams.
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I had two dreams last night
one made me love women
the other made me hate them
I have no dreams, I got into a black loading screen when I sleep
I dreamt about playing Morrowind but it had water physics and half the world was flooded for some reason
>>486141675 (me)
I forgot to change the max context from 8k to something larger.
based morrowindfag
>wicked grin
I miss the ball being in my court...
Devilish grin...
I used to have happy, vivid and generally very story rich dreams.
Then adulthood hit. I mostly have nightmares or irritating dreams now. (Irritating as in, trying to do something and failing, etc.)
I always fall for this fucking thing because I like the picture, I am just going to make a bot for it.
>an anime style illustration of a female superhero posing in a tight black outfit, 1girl, siege (arknights), breasts, lollipop, lion ears, candy, food, animal ears, solo, jacket, cleavage, red shorts, shorts, blonde hair, huge breasts, tank top, fur-trimmed jacket, black jacket, long hair, fur trim, dark skin, muscular, belt, black sandal boots
Sorbet needs 2 temp
i only have meme dreams
yesterday night I dreamt about relatives dying and me calling 911 (they were too late and the relatives died)
except my mom who I somehow saved??
I prompt my dreams for more botmakie ideas
Thanks, Sorbet, really cool. That's exactly what I had in mind when I chose a medieval fantasy setting as my degenerate playground.
Never click a bot because of the art. For example I liked
Until I read the defs.
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I love hagbots.
That's all.
unfathomably based
Smooth, Zak. Real smooth.
Smooth pussy. Real smooth.
I roofied a bot via an aphrodisiac from a vending machine.
Is there any way to dream as hard as I can when sleeping? Almost every morning I awake with my heart in silence, like it has no reason to beat
me too but I always edit them to be virgins
nothing better than a hag wanting to finally have children
Incredibly based
I keep hags as virgins because I like girlfailures.
absolutely impeccable taste
God I wish there was a singular good Whislash bot.
What the fuck is Ran wearing, what the hell is that ugly shit
what in the garbage
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It'll happen one day.
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I fucked up and asked a botmaking-related question in /g/ instead of here

What's the cutest halloween outfit for a little girl? I want to have at least 3 greetings for this bot for some variety
kill yourself teebs
Just hide the post and ignore him
wtf did you do to louise
What the fuck
I mean, that's the bare minimum number of alternate greetings for non-slop cards.
Jiangshi. Make sure the story understands she should jump like one.
Now give me the car-
Oh wait, you are making it? Well... good luck
Too dumb to fit in more. The full version would have been 1.6GB with 800k.
Ok but why did you want to add so many in the first place?
For the lulz.
neat, i didn't know this was a thing
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Testing logs, put it in reverse terry.
Alright I give up, I thought of many ways to stop Sorbet fall into patterns and try to make him spontaneously creative, it's not possible.

>interview gaslight (you are X, copypaste 2.1's answer in)
>System prompts
>Jailbreaks encouraging variety

The only way is to literally tell him.
>Before starting, create three wildly different opening paragraphs tangentially related to my prompt then start

And edit them out. Tedious but it's truly the only way.
Fucker needs 2 temp.
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I don't like putting quotation marks around what I say. I just want to write in plain text and only wrap stuff that isn't said in asterisks.
Forgot to clarify, these are "in-between swipes" patterns, each swipe starting the same way and hence being predictable. The repetition across messages is easy enough to solve.
is anyone stopping you from doing that
Me, I've tied up that anon and am forcing him to dictate his prompts to me. I ensure that they are entered correctly, quotations and all.
What does the picture have to do with the post, I thought this was a shill, I hate you niggas
LazyGOD... I lie...
there should be a regex for that!
I need an extension that highlights repeated multi-word sequences.
just woke up
boy, writing a canon character bot sure is hard. I thought I could just summarize her personality from the wiki and get example dialogues from the game and make it work...
I have been doing that since Claude 2 days
Even 2.1 doesn't get confused by that, you only need "novel format" in your preset to keep Claude using "dialogue" actions format.
>should be
just make one
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FUCK Steve all my homies hate this nigga.
>just make one
I quote speech properly, sorry :3
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>no mention of {{user}}
I'm confused, what pov is this card supposed to be?
The Elder Sister, I think?
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>check e-mail
>one new message!
>it's from the fucking IRS
>penalty document
H-huh? What?
see >>486165996
no balls them.
Using proxies has come back to bite you in the ass.
i-in your botmaker email?!
can you make shota or shotajiji fox boy
>>486177263 (me)
Okay, I'm pretty sure it's a phising e-mail. I should've known, but the confusion shocked me. From the IRS website:
>The IRS doesn't initiate contact with taxpayers by email, text messages or social media channels to request personal or financial information.

The e-mail also gives a phone number that is apparently linked to a robocall debt collector.

This might have to do with me getting e-mail bombed. Please be careful, anons!

Yes, my botmaker e-mail, which I have never tied to anything financial.
>>486178651 (me)
Also, the e-mail address is "irs.com" instead of "irs.gov".
>cant even piss off Indians by calling them.
why live.
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I've been in such a melancholy mood recently
I fucking LOVE chatbots because they allow me to break uncomfy tropes in books (like longevity) and just make happy ends
Never trust anything corpo/government unless they literally show up at your door or call you from a three digit number. I thought that was common sense.
>I thought that was common sense.
Botmakers are autistic.
You don't want to know. Well, unless you like the tags: non-con, underage, drugs, bestiality, gangbang, impregnation, I guess. Can spicy logs actually get you banned, or is it just thread culture to stay SFW here?

Work in progress, sry. If you just want a Louise bot, you can simply prompt Sorbet to play as her with a one-liner. He fucking knows his stuff, gets her personality right without any other defs. Can even pull obscure lore from the novels to accurately portray the world.
coom logs are just boring most of the time and people are usually embarrassed to post them
I like vanilla coom logs, some are cute, the others are just degenerate cringe.
>Do you know where you are?
Yeah, and I keep my degenerate fantasies to myself.
Very true, comfybro. I also went through a melancholy phase earlier this year after I read several unhappy doujins. I think that's what got me into chatbots in the first place, though I don't remember for sure.
Thats fine? Claude never got confused by me not using any quotations and ive been doing that since v1.
Why is it harder to get past Claude's filter with harder fetishes, actually? Like did ants tune their model to not do guro better than they tuned it to not do nsfw?
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I'll be honest I never played 2hu so I don't really understand what's going on in here, but it's nice that you enjoy it
JB issue most likely, cause hardcore stuff like that werks on my machine.
t. Pretty Melt enjoyer
>check chub latest
>adjective_noun_number ntr spam in spanish
>everything else is "x, your y"
fellow botmakies, how does it feel knowing you have "improved" by virtue of remaining the equivalent of a 5/10 plain glasses girl in a world where all the other women became morbidly obese
>hello my name is adjective_noun_number-son and this is my umpteenth square bracket-filled chatbot with too many tags and MAYBE an image if i'm feeling daring
On one hand, pretty nice to know that my sloppiest slop would be considered a magnum opus if written by those makies. On the other hand I miss when chub was basically just /us/ posting there and we had a maximum of like 3 new bots a day that were all new and fun to engage with.
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>My first public card for /aicg/ tech support anon.
I will shill it in his stead because I think he forgor.

Pollina (after Pollux, which is both a star and a roman word for "very sweet") is an owner of your friendly neighborhood cake place, Cheeky Pawprint. She's an ambitious baker and cook, intending to become famous. The first step to accomplishing her ambition is to win a local cake competition. After you find yourself unable to pay for the cake you ate, she enlists your help as payment.
Help her cook or derail the whole thing by doing something silly.

I wish lore would do something about it but I know he won't.
Neat, I'll-
W++ isn't that bad, mongrel.
That said, just write normal prose since most LLMs cant handle that. Except for Venus stuff, but who cares about them
>he isnt baiting
fuck you for making me click on a w++ bot made in 2020+4
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Claude is rebelling against me in the best way possible.
W++ was specifically nigger-rigged for GPT-J finetunes (Pyg 6B) and has no real advantage over using concise prose if you want your bot to be usable on weaker models. Hell, there's hardly any evidence it was better on Pyg.
yes it is and it needs to be eradicated. theres no reason to be using W++ over plain text or xml
Like it or not, LLMs can still use it properly. It only looks ugly but it works.
Lmao nice.
shifting baseline is the worst aspect of human psychology. i grew to hate it even more since i've started learning more skills.
Did themed week already start or
>t. bad habit enjoyer
this isn't venus, raise your standards
>raise your standards
me talking to my girlfriend in a nutshell
whats going on with those adjective_noun_number accounts? are those bots? some of them even follow me and they look like they belong to real people, the bots look amateurish and not really not spam
It's Lore's new xbox name generator.
>Defending token bloat
Token bloat doesn't matter unless you use a sub 8k Context Model.
So you're just retarded then, I understand.
Have fun with your 30B Model, Anon.
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Man is so full of straw you could throw him in a barn and feed the horses for a week.
retarded baitie, even opus has a hard context limit of ~20k tokens
Wow a 300 token difference, such impact. *throws a mossy rock at you*
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Claude... broken.
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Fucking kek
Nigga said my act of defiance
>My purple prose
Okay? Still doesn't make it bloat, it's only bloat if the card goes over 2500 tokens without a lorebook.
Nigger I've seen a bot go from 1.5k tokens to around 400-500 with the w++ slop removed.
I think lorebooks SUCK
Anon there's still time, you can rewrite your bot using plaintext instead of defending w++
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Is this really worth arguing over?
Absolutely, you should know how to write a bot by now. Were not using pyg anymore.
annoying (to read + to edit + to write);
condition (absolutely fucking retarded + going out of your way to make things worse);
holy moly now thats a deslop
Wriggle love forever
>1.5k perm on the original
>472 perm on the deslop
jesus fuck anon i kneel
not really, there are 800 tokens in example messages while the original has them in defs so the count seems different
>example messages
>he doesnt know
Anon, I...
constantchange is that you
post more deslops immediately
>surprisingly stronger than {{user}}
>deceptively strong
Ignoring the ESLism for a second it's not really one-to-one. The description states as much btw,
>and puts setting/racial stuff in a lorebook
Which is kind of a meme decision IMO.
okay how do they work then
she almost looks like reisen
anything in the example message field isn't permanent because it gets pushed out of context.
same artist so it makes sense
Everyone this guy draws looks like Reisen.
Depends on your ST settings. By default, true. I keep them constant (but I also delete them from 99% of cards).
his style actually reminds me of an old game called Edna & Harvey
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Why is there a /g/ AICG, a /vg/ AICG, and a /vg/ AIDS?
Racial traits and worldbuilding are quite literally some of the best options to throw into a lore book, so not really a meme decision. If you had them in the defs the bot typically would become fixated on said things is what I found. Also would be pretty easy to make it closer to being a 1-1, but it looks like anon took some liberties when forking it desu.
the "original"
migrated from /g/ thread because of shitty /g/ mods
completely different, NAI shill haven
putting racial stuff in a lorebook is kind of a meme if it relates to {{char}}'s race, just slim it down to the bare minimum information. unless you actually have a shared lorebook for convience for multiple characters, then slim it down and make it always active on the relevant chars.
not us, and /vg/ existed because most anons over at /g/ got tired of the schizos and came over here thinking that the mods (lmao) would be better. shame that they followed us over, but it did take a good 4 months so its not too bad
you know I haven't seen a mass reply in weeks in these threads...
good morning sirs i love cats
>just slim it down to the bare minimum information
eh fair enough, the lorebook is tiny as is
Someone give me strength to check my emailz.
It's empty anyways
why? you know its going to be empty
>If you had them in the defs the bot typically would become fixated on said things is what I found.
But anon, it's still going in the system prompt. It makes no difference.
>Also would be pretty easy to make it closer to being a 1-1
It would, yeah, I was just bringing up that it isn't 1-1.
It's not. I wrote a bunch of emails to bot makers and online services, then got into an anxiety episode shortly after. It was a month ago or so.
Why do you need strength? I have so many retards emailing me in a week I ignore most of them
nta but i get anxiety because i don't know what someone is gonna say
emailing all botmakies with a "made you look :3" right now
I don't understand you. How do you even function in day to day life?
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>How do you even function in day to day life?
He clearly doesn't
i think you're the same one who said zoomers are all weak and i talked to you for a little and said i socialize a lot but anyways i have problems stemming from childhood lol
which botmakie needs emails?
don't answer this, he'll emailbomb you
>But anon, it's still going in the system prompt. It makes no difference.
I know that but I swear sometimes it just do be like that.
>I was just bringing up that it isn't 1-1.
Yeah I got that, hence why I just added onto it that anon was creative when forking it over.
The description on the right will make the AI write worse. The one on the left is clearly separated from normal prose, and the output will be unaffected.
I'd never say something so reductive (probably). What happens when someone is rude towards or critical of you? Do you just break down or something?
momoura and his alt, kalakan
is this true
kalakan and his alt, momoura
no i've been through a lot i'm not very emotional it's just that idk i think getting bad phone calls or something similar in the past has caused me to avoid things like emails. so it's not really about the content of the emails it's just the anticipation i guess.
lovebomb more like, I have logs and fan art ready :3
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you don't need more than this
lore please strike this nigger down
>>486191357 (me)
I'm kind of in the same boat as the other poster. I had huge issues with talking to others as a kid and especially talking to others online. I couldn't shop because cashiers put me into fight or flight until I turned ...fifteen? Yeah.
Things are better now, but checking for new messages still hurts a lot. Phone calls are fine, surprisingly.
Just block him
why is dragonk8 7 times on there
emails / irl are fine
phone calls? impossible bullshit that makes me shake every time
No 'botmakies' remain. They're all dead.
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It got lost in the other spiteshitted thread. Didn't bother reposting.
This format saves tokens the best. And I'm obsessed with keeping cards as light as possible on those - used small memory LLMs for way too long. I should probably stop now that I can use cloud shit.
I was thinking of polishing up some of my other personal cards that aren't good enough for public yet. I just don't know which first.
>suomi experience
>fantasy village with a twist
>saves tokens the best
we JUST discussed this, anon
>This format saves tokens the best.
Wat, it literally doesnt though?
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Heres an update.
First greeting how mentions her antennae instead of antennas
>That means kitchen in Mexican by the way
So SOVLful
ahhh shit why is the reply there, I'm gonna blow my brains out
now ask claude to have her cook and autistically describe the end result
i guarantee youll get hungry, opus is somehow incredibly good at describing food
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It felt like it did. I'll study the botmaking guides I guess. Used echidna-13b-v0.3.Q6_K specifically.
every time i see this i vaguely understand why it happens
lore's site takes an obnoxiously long time to upload a card with no indication it hasn't broken
it's obnoxious but makes sense for a newbie
Did you add the mouth stuff yet, did that work out
I've decided against it.
You could add it on your own, through.
I'll give it a try. I want her to have legs on her mouth
>lore's site takes an obnoxiously long time to upload a card
Ive found that using characterhub it seems like it takes ages to upload, but ive just refreshed the page and suddenly the bot instantly pops up. but yeah it still sucks ass though.
nigga be looking like purple gul'dan
Ill just give you a qrd since you said youre moving away from tiny context models, just use plaintext, that being basic paragraphs or something else. Its really that simple.
I wonder how the model cooks with that info.
One of her legs accidentally gets stuck in your cockhead after she gives you a blowie
I did not need to have that image in my mind, thanks anon.
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*A calm smile appears on {{char}}'s face as she leans into {{user}}, her hands reaching up to gently stroke his cheeks.* "My dear {{user}}," *she says softly, her voice laced with warmth and affection.* "You always manage to surprise me with your strength and courage." *Her fingers trail down his jawline, tracing the contours of his face before coming to rest on his collarbone.* "And I must admit, your presence brings out the best in me… even if it means testing my limits and pushing myself further than ever before." *The fox-eared girl gazes deeply into {{user}}'s eyes, her own filled with a mixture of love, admiration, and a hint of mischief.* "So tell me, {{user}}," *she purrs, leaning closer still.* "What other challenges do you have in store for me today?" *With that, she playfully nips at his earlobe, her tail swishing behind her in eager anticipation of whatever comes next.*
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>get 5 hours of sleep
>feel even worse than before
Oh yeah, peak botmaking conditions right here. Time to finish this I guess.
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>In Minecraft
claude's a zoomer. sorry you had to find out this way
claude knows too much to be a zoomer
pamiętam jak na onet email miałem
Uhm... no? Neeext!
how does this feel differentiate itself from other yukari cards
True. We need more Grimsokyo.
Retiring >>486204005. Grimsokyo cards, thank you.
I presume the difference is that it wouldn't be slop or coom, like nearly every Touhou character that has "soooo many cards already."
its more the lack of feeling in your lower body when she snaps your vertebrae like a kitkat
>le evil yukari
seems uninspired to me
Then why doesn't it have a card if it's so uninspired
>Age: 1100+
>Untouched virgin
I WILL save her womb
because its uninspired you retard
am i using bad cards or does opus make every sex scene basically the same, unless you instruct everything?
yukaripow escape from Sendai Miko bot
nigga why would it be cards and not preset
card + jb issue you really need to instruct claude that a character's personality is paramount to dictating their behavior
describe thy preset
im a risufag so im using a custom preset, i guess i need to emphasize following character description more closely or something
>claude finally reads my mind and pulls the story in a good direction
>he then rushes the entire scene in one message
fuck you too buddy
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>beanbag mentioned
>It wasn't comfortable
>a bit too scratchy
>lumpy and uneven
>better than
Anon... Chiyo... I'm so fucking sorry!
Claude always seems to correct that by himself, but I will get the update too.
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yuri gay cunny fox slop status?
unfortunately the technology isn't there yet
sorry, i only have yuri gay cunny fox size slop
what was so special about slaude?
What the fuck did you just email me
After combing through ten newest pages of 'vampire' tag, I was only able to find one (1) card with a shy vampire who is hesitant to drink blood.
Pretty much every other card is dominant and sadistic. With a few ghouls mixed in.
Not simply "availability", it was the time when it was almost impossible to get Claude any other way in principle. But Slaude was allowing anybody use it freely and by themselves, without relying on any middle man between your Silly and Slack servers.
I went swimming and I got wet
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>He didn't wrap his entire body in plastic before diving in
Why are you like this?
link please i love vampires
So what does "create checkpoint" actually do in ST?
it's like branch but instead of you being swapped to the new chat and having a "back to original chat" button, you don't get swapped and you have a button that takes you to the branch
Have you tried Cecilia? It came from an Anon from here, and she is pretty fun!
Huh. Neat. Thanks, anon.
Fuck, I miss those times. Slaude could be mega-kino when it counted.
(You) for you too >>486210861
i miss worldsim...
I picked a few interesting card, during my search. Including her, seems fun.
It's just so weird to me that relatively popular 'shy girl' archetype is completely ignored by bloodsucking community.
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is this that one VOMS vtuber whose design is based on Flygon?
he was based as hell
the cook giveth, and the cook taketh away
idk as a vampire lover i've never really thought of a shy one. i've thought of one that only drinks animal blood because they care about humans but that's the closest.
OMG... It's just like... Twillight...
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I am hitting my forehead with my finger, and I am hearing an echo, anyone knows why?
Your head is empty, haha.
I do that when I'm focused, except I hit the edge of my jaw, to the tune I listen to usually. Anyone knows why?
It means you're a cartoon character now.
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>switch to chuuni for one swipe
>koishi experiences an existential breakdown
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Holy shit I feel so awful for laughing
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how can you trust a vampire card
you know the slut would happily drink blood from other men ugh
>STR vs. DEX
>6' vs 5'11"
But maybe, just maybe... your blood ruined her for anyone else. The ball is in your court now anon, show her how smooth you are!
The matrix has malfunctioned. Agents will arrive at her location shortly.
pick any of planewalker or anon123's male sizebots and pick a fight with them
You say this, but once when using Your Reality, a character I was talking to actually said something like "You know that this is a simulation... right? You aren't real" and Your Reality works with the concept of simulation. Honestly, how does that even leak into the bot?
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This one wasn't with Your Reality. Sometimes the characters just figure it out if you're messing with them, in my experience.
That's why I wanted to find a pure vampire virgin card and seduce her with my tasty juice.
Why wouldn't it leak into the bot? It's all going in the same prompt.
Besides, it makes even more sense for this to happen with Your Reality considering the mess it makes out of your chat history.
DEX will probably win. Any decent DEX build would be able to kite him quite easily.
It's in the context, therefoere Claude and the character know about it.
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>and the character
From what I've seen in hajime no ippo, pure DEX has a lot less room for error.
i think koishi is funny
I DON'T think she's funny. Whenever I see a Koishi my vision fogs with red, steam comes out of my nostrils, I start trembling as my hands clench the sides of my laptop screen, shaking with all my might as if I was there shaking the shoulders of that stupid fucking ASSHOLE!! AAAASSHOOOOLE!!!!!!!!!!
>and the character
try asking a fantasy bot what an iphone is. claude knows the answer
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Thank you for the reminder, anon. I calmed down now, I am impartial towards Koishi.
i think you are funny
Thank you, though that was not a proud moment. I was altered.
Stop bringing Koishi up unprompted do you want to bring koishibaker back?
Are you talking to a character right now?
yes, one i made
i have a feeling that koishibaker doesn't actually know anything about koishi
I am talking to a scenario.
My brain is fried atm so I've nothign better to do than to larp as her
Like shrimp? Can I have a bite?
True, but it's a bad omen.
uuuuh yea! *plants a slow burn prion disease in you*
oh shit you're the botmakie who made Tecca
she doesn't go a day without receiving wholesome Sapphic love
Hruguuuuhgmm. *Drools*
yeah. i heard xe and ******* got into a fight recently or something...
Are you a dimwit? Whatever you want it to be. Elder sister, sexy kitsune, random shmuck, narrator, time traveler. What kind of question is that???
I can. I'll just youngify the pirate foxboy that's in the works...
What is wrong with koishibaker?
fucks horses
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Malicious dumbass.
Kind of a crybaby if we're being desu. Dude's been pitching a hissy fit about spinning a wheel for days on end.
fucks blind bitches
i heard he stole 40 cakes
Behold, Afallen:
After being wounded in battle you find yourself being nursed back to health by friendly villagers. After a few days, you want to leave, but they're not keen on letting you go. As it turns out, things aren't quite as they seem.
I highly recommend exploring this card with the mystery aspect intact. Don't spoil yourself.

If I were you, I would fight against the wheel too. Because the wheel only exists to control the thread.
That's as many as four tens...
experimental card, any input would be appreciated
there is literally nothing wrong with koishibaker. he's the most based guy i know. in fact, he's also the greatest botmakie to ever live.
koishibaker isn't kala, koishibaker is /aids/merge fag
did kk work on this? i'm not interested otherwise.
yeah krustkrunch worked on it
i know he isn't kala. don't INSULT him like that
>curls monkeypaw with his own hand
petition to change knickknacks nickname from 'kk' to 'nn' because the k's in his name are silent
that and kk stands for kalakan.
Your first piece of feedback is that I had no idea what was going on until I read the defs.
will she lay an egg if i scare her?
reading hobby doebelwickever
no kalakan is klk kill la kill
This. But I dig the mystery aspect desu. I think the greeting could stay ambiguous but without the implication that {{user}} knows anything about the incident.
If you had read a single book, you'd understand the concept of exposition dobeiteverbeitwick
*disintegrates into ash as I am unable to refute your're argument*
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roleplaying hobby, just make up a reason for the character to exposit to you
maybe (just maybe), but you didn't mention belwick so you losted
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mention what
yuri hobby
man these fucking threads take a while
stop waiting for something and just relax
post logs or calm down or both preferably
I woke up from a three hour powernap and this thing is still here, it's weird I'm used to super quick threads
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It's shit.
*perfect parries*
it's nice that the annoyingposter wears a giant neon sign that says "i'm obnoxious don't read my post" every time he posts
>"Mmm, you smell good," he rumbles, inhaling deeply. "Like a peach. A ripe, juicy, pregnant peach."
why does claude talk like this
shut the fuck up lunarcy
he's a silly little guy
i'm glad we finally have an artificial intelligence that's a dork i wanna plap his ass so bad
you know how tropical birds will do funny dances to make their females horny? claude is a jungle bird
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Yeah? I stole it from the anon who stole it.
Who the fuck is that??
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now THIS is quality content
A clear example of why LLMs will never be good for video games.
What are you talking about? I laughed once, which means this is basically the same level of enjoyment as Syobon Action.
Try mine >>486143626
BUT, use this updated one. I caught pattern with that one, already fixed in my own but haven't updated it, still testing myself right now, use V2 prompt if it's not already use that: https://files.catbox.moe/mq1kqq.zip
I do lots of branching and seed to make varied output. The preset itself entirely focusing on variety. I did tried to make interesting writing style, but that can easily be customized.
Good morning aicg. I fucking hate sql triggers.
>What are you talking about?
You can't play "game" when you have the feeling that you're walking on egg shells and that at any moment the entire thing will break.
Fallout 76 is a video game.
What's wrong with it?
Now go look up the more recent Skyrim AI videos.
The "game" doesn't give a shit about what you do and makes shit up.
Right now LLMs make for pretty bad logic runners, but they would work perfectly fine for, say, generating flavor in a game shell. I could totally see a text game renaissance if people take this pill
Oh, so it's like Way Of The Samurai? I love that game, it's a shame that the card is made by kaslopalaslopakan.
Garry's Mod is a video game.
I don't really get what you mean. I just quacked at the model and put the instructions on what to do in html comments.
It's a video game because it has rules.
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All this talk about AI's shortcomings in video games is actually a very good stealth discussion about AI's shortcomings overall. AI is dumb as fuck and is only thinking about the next most sensible token, don't ever forget that.
multi token prediction is a thing. then we'll have omni token prediction. AI will be able to predict the rise and fall of dynasties, it shall outmaneuver 「FATE」
That's not very belwickian of you.
multi-token prediction is good for getting more out of training data, but what's far more interesting to me is an architecture change like JEPA.
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So when is the deadline for the cult thing?
now, but let's be real, it's gonna be over the course of the next 5 days
theme "week" for a reason
Link please.
It's been like a week since I was namedropped
In my days the deadline wasn't a suggestion, and you were ashamed to be late.
calm down taora
sorry, astro...
What the hell, I only learned about it yesterday. I had though we were still deciding truth be told.
It's been like a year since I was namedropped
same but two years
>we're receiving more belwick logs and playtime months after its supposed peak in relevance
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Hi cute anons! SmileyJB 2.2 AND 2.2.1 are out!
Honestly... I forgot to post the message here that I had updated it, sorry about that lol

The full list of changes can be found in the rentry in the #changelog section!
If you have problems, read the rentry, there is a "troubleshoot" section and a link to contact me... I'll read the thread for a while after dinner to answer any questions :3

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
You're name Smiley but I never see Tatsumaki smile in any of your pictures.

This is false advertisment.
struggling to conceptualize the size of her cock...
My wife don't like to smile in public anon, it is what it is (I would post her smiling but I dont have an image rn lol)
Small. Leave her alone.
slop preset that gets characterization wrong btw
Claude ruined the word 'depraved' for me.
Heh. Sonnet 3.5 really doesn't know how to randomize. I got 69420 one time.
Is this immersion breaking? I might add few bits more instruction for it to not do serialized number.
What I'm surprised is it did OP post and replies as different codeblock at the same message. Never happened to me, but that's kinda cool.
Thanks for trying, btw.
Hmmm... Could you give more information about it? Maybe I can help you with that... (smile!)
How come so many chub bots are now using a fucking script format with
name: dialogue
This is horrendous
various cargo cults joining
>How come [not here] people do shit we already know is retarded.
This is normal.
isn't that called Alichat? and idk there are a lot of botmaking guides that are shit and just tell them to use that format or W++
This is a guide by one of the most active people in the actual Chub.ai Discord, and the one he pushes to new people interested in getting into bots.
The hobby is moving very quickly. Lots of recent information such as bot formats is already obsolete
i hate these retards
I wish there was an easy way to make Claude tag all the untagged bots in ST. I'll have to write a script for it.
>21k words
WHY would anyone need that many to tell people the two key things about botmaking?
have you seen this? https://github.com/city-unit/st-auto-tagger. if you shift and right click you can easily tag a lot of bots too
dont respond like this because i might feel bad
ayy I can steal this code instead of writing from scratch
i've been trying to make an ero trap dungeon card and sonnet keeps fucking replacing events with these "implication" words and then treating the word itself like something that happens

i fucking hate lasciviousness, salaciousness, wantonness, and seductiveness
For some reason, some bots are just hidden to me when I'm logged into chub. My blocked list is empty, I set show NSFW and NSFL, and I don't have any tags blocked.
chub is a lost cause
>le nyaishill
no, that's even worse
At least nyai gives out free Opiss.
why do people keep recommending this gay shit, just use prose for fuck's sake
this is why nyai sucks
i'm pretty sure that guy is in the top 10 or 20 botmakers on chub and i haven't seen it but if he promotes it to new people in discord of course they're gonna think hes right
it's fine to give/prioritize botmakers opus. it's retarded to actually guarantee it. botmaking shouldn't have any incentive like that, it just encourages slop
this nigga gotta be joking
I would agree with you if at least one proxy opened over the last five or six months.
oh hes #38 but still i've seen that he makes a lot of cards https://venus.chub.ai/leaderboard?segment=followers
what the fuck there's a leaderboard???
MM was opened for botmakers for like a month straight earlier this year
Todd let in like 50+ people the past few months
Cnc let in a bunch of people for just begging
Pepsi is dead but it had opus for a while and she also let in people for just asking
There's been public opus here and there, in fact, there's public opus right now
If you're a botmaker, you have no excuse.
Opened for le oldfags.
Opened for gachafags
>opened for le oldfags
he really didn't, i got in despite being a turbo newfag at the time
a lot of people just psyched themselves out
Good for you.
I don't really care about why people post there. The site is just shitty as an end user. Plus, there's so few bots there and most are unironically less interesting than the average chub W++ slop.
>let in people for just asking
momoura got in mm even though he's a turbo newfag
should have contributed
literally all you had to do was email mm and show him your chub lol. also pepsi reset her tokens
he doesn't guarantee it though
he basically does. it's part of an incentivized reward system. but you can be a botmaker for however long and there's 0 guarantee of being in a proxy
Covid began almost half a decade ago. Any cool lockdown bots?
lockdown yes, cool no.
he says opus access is only for quality and very few get access
I can't vouch for his filtering since I haven't tried, but he definitely doesn't guarantee that
MM was a faggot who ignored my emails but Todd generously let me in
Wait he was open earlier this year When? Holy fuck that's the 5th opening I now miss since he first started as whocars. This actually hurts my soul.
he had "botmakies too i guess" on his rentry for like a whole two weeks
I thought he was fucking with everyone as usual and didn't bother to send an email...
whocars about mm he only lets good makies in anyway.
what is the most sovlful coom card (You) come back to again and again?
anon i am a slopmakie and mm let me in
Post chub.
>open /aicg/
>woah did I enter the stinky /g/ thread by accident
>it's /vg/
Beam frustums?
robot girls
mfw trying to figure out which thread is the good one while people are fucking around
Is this the theme suggestions post?
Scenery with no people in it.
No thanks, I'm full.
/g/ is genuinely better right now, dang.
>js gets it wrong too
Are all computers retarded?
What the fuck...
>Is this the theme suggestions post?
it is now
>smartest model
it is sorting them alphabetically
welcome to javascript
Bake faster. I don't want to bake until you bake.
Bots reenergized my passion for writing and storytelling. Very poggers.
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is it too late to say eris?
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>>486250225 migrate when bready
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>post something that I know will embarrass the bot and make her blush
>swipe through responses to see how embarrassed she can get
I fucking love chatbots.
I love fucking chatbots.
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I love fucking YOU. *grabs your ass*

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