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Big meaty sale edition
Game is 40% off on Steam, announcement at EVO next weekend. GO GRAB IT!

SilentOne tourney
Saturday July 27 @6pm EST

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2197859465 (Congrats Gran gawd)
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185278056 (Congrats grimnir-anon)

>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Djeeta, Anre, Seox
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>south americans:
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous thread: >>485989737
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We will heal
We will rise
EVO will show nier and siegfried being giga nerfed and brave counter giving slowdown on spot dodge. Anre will get his game crashing combo again and the BP will have swimsuit Zoi. All 2b mains get their Gpus fried.
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eventually all our bakers will leave
every time i can i will bake a satyr bread until fkhrt adds her to the game
Me when Vikala gets announced at EVO
And some riveting /gbfg/ debate about rrat reveal at EVO
ratcel cope, it will be futa mommy gaping nier live right before top 8
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>rat gets added to the game
>it's actually this rat
Dow do you react?
i didnt leave i just wanted someone else to get a turn.
>rat gets added to the game
>it's actually this rat
(D)ow do you react?
Oh nyo...
I really need to proofread my shit
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Horse gets added to game, but it's actually this horse and you have to give her a massage before she's playable
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Sieg/Nier Anon looking for battle at the lobby or room
Um… guys…?
It’s going to dip below UNI2 at this rate…
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>fraudulent gimmicky stance/setplay bullshit player
>honest big body grappler mommy enjoyer
I'll give her a prostate massage
I do late into the thread life if no one else does, and I'm around.

We... uh... should get a boost from the sale. And probably during the next BP.
Bread bread will save the game
Do we even want more green squares joining the game? There's nothing to gain from that.
i am never calling her versusia, i'm always going with Rein
its 5pm lol
if there is any boost it will be at non-NEET hours
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I had to cut it short today because holy shit was I dropping combos...
I'll play you
We should have been nicer to Bea players
People have to start somewhere, some of those greens may be the players sustaining the game in a few months.
The ones that left because of the nerfs are bitches anyway...
For me its mom
Yes, buying the game should involve an interview process. Fail to spot dodge RS more than once every 100 matches? Fail. Can't get to S+ in 200 matches? Fail. If you ever even hover over Nier in character select? Fail, and no refunds.
>gbvsr finally goes on sale after people have already spent their money during steam's summer sale
holy shit whoever was in charge of marketing for this game should be demoted to customer service or something
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this thread might be shit sometimes but good god im glad its not like /gbfg/
for me, it's mommy
What are non-NEET hours there?
Deserved. A polished turd is ultimately still a turd.
>Daigo said “If the best choice in the game is to do nothing, then the game is bad.”
That’s pretty much it. That’s why “footsies games” suck and why they took the direction they did with Rising. If downbacking is always the most powerful option at all time then the game sucks.
Frankly Rising STILL has that problem, and they’re afraid of fully breaking out. They finally started to move in the right direction with Bea 22M (a move that forces you to interact and can’t be beaten with just downbacking), but then they immediately gutted it when the outcry from the shitters was too strong.
>the move that forces you to downback because you eat shit if you don't helped making downbacking weaker.
what an abortion of a post man holy fuck lol
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ggs lobby anon. thanks as always.
i have to wonder if grandpa is going to survive the patch in tact.
the best part is they couldve just had it on sale for both
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There will be a 30 minute panel on Friday at 14:00PT
A whole 30 mins
They better dogeza and hire some cosplayers to do naked dogeza
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Just noticed that we didn't have the schedule in this thread.
What the fuck are they gonna say in 30 minutes lmao
“Yess prease buy game, barance patchu soon, keep on rockingu!!”
they are going to ritually disembowel fukahara live
GGs, that U tackle so strong. Im not allowed to push anything mid screen. Basically Bea!
>nothing but 160ms and higher for NA matchmaking

Yeah I'm convinced brownoids are using VPNs to set their region to NA and hope someone accepts their match. Euros you're not missing much, this dogshit game should die.
What are you even doing in this thread?
it's you
anon you can just set your region to whatever
What's the next stage coming
milk factory
The Grid
colosseum 2
>we are getting a padded room
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You can't say that
What's the easiest way to remove greenscreen from a recording? I had fun making some outro webms a while ago, and I wanted to mess around with the greenscreen mod to capture some character animations.
Chichiri my beloved
Those boobs don’t fit im that bra.
pretty much any video editing software has an effect that removes greenscreen and turns it into transparency
This but it HAS to be Nier cosplayers.
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Anyone wanna play a bit?
pw: gbvsg
So whens the big meaty patch? This feels almost just like melty blood lumina waiting for something akin to shield nerf patch. Also is there a new battlepass after beatrix's skin?
>Also is there a new battlepass after beatrix's skin?
not yet. i think everyone assumes its coming with evo/after it.
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they'll have a 5 minute trailer for Satyr and then play a 25 minute long video of me having sex with her
25 minutes of anon getting pegged..
>new guest fighter announced at evo
fuck off faggot were getting commander
mbtl shield patch was the exception to the norm it's unlikely for games to get corrected and improved like that
Mickey game
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>Mickey game
why not?
You just can't
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Here's your new guest character, bro
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Leaks just happened, he's in.
Thanks for the games friendos.
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holy shit someone leaked the evo granblue panel
This is fine.
Saturday cock
god FUCK the room just closed? I was making yakisoba FUCK
Ggs friend.
its up still
still up
We’re at 3/9 right now
>no discount for the DLC's or the season pass
the season isn't even over tardo
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The season may not be over, but your fate is.
Stand-up Faa poster...
wait, so you're telling me the "this is someone's X" posting started in /gbfg/?
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This is someone's Grand Bruiser
yes, absolutely
the princess connect gang
my family...
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Oh hi, I upgraded your Kokkoro
why the fuck does our mom turn red
I did that
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GGs bros, night amount of people showed up. Alive game.
ggs thanks for playing and hosting
i kneel bea gods
the versus core or something
Im retarded.
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ggs 66H anon
>have a fun set with a ferry (i am beatrix)
>i send the "you are great!" sticker
>he sends the "ooh-ooh-ah!" gorilla sticker
W-what did he mean...
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ggs Ladivanon
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I can't believe you're doodoo now
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ggs anon!
The thread... it has so many Bea players... it's healing...
i appreciate my dedicated hater from the first tournament.
Sirs this is a ferry general please refrain from posting other women.
he wants a banana.
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does this work...
theres some magic fuckery that you need to do to have a transparent webm on 4chan
I'll research this a bit more
Does anyone else think that Djeeta looks like she's about to fart when she does her 5U?
shes not jumping off the ground anon
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itchy knee sun yo
>Zippy playing Djeeta
Is he already preparing for the nerfs?
who where
cute horsie
I queued during NEET hours last night and I ran into him despite me being a simple S+ shitter.
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>eng dub
>eng dub zeta
There is nothing more demoralizing than losing a set in ranked, going to the person's profile to watch the replays and find out you lost to a dubfag.
i'm a permagreen square and i played 30 hours this past week i'm keeping this kusoge alive
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are you ready gbvsg? for the most intense tournament imaginable? for what you've been waiting for all this time.
The Nier only tournament:
>・The stage is fixed at the Colosseum (Normal).
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I believe exporting the video as a MOV then converting to webm with ffmpeg works. Been a while since I made a transparent webm.
finally, the way the game was meant to be played
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Gran is the luckiest character in fiction...
Thanks, I'll give it a shot.
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It's funny to me :^)
i think it's funny
you must be the life of the party wherever you go anon
>Want them to nerf the top tiers
>Want them to nerf the general high damage
>Want them to nerf Brave Counter
>Want them to nerf delay 2L
>Just want everything nerfed
Do I actually like this game?
The game is good DESPITE all those things you mentioned.
It would be significantly better with at least the first 2 nerfs.
I think BC is fine if you add the RS slowdown
wouldn't go nearly far enough
no offense but I think you need to be a kind of low rank to think it's healthy for a game to give you 3 plus on block unreactable reversals that HKD every single round, on top of every character having an unsafejabbable metered DP. It makes the game random and scrubby, especially at low life situations. Getting 3 BCs a MATCH would be very good, 3 per round is just kusoge
Nah, that anon was correct. Fighting games are kusoge, Rising is the first game in the genre worth touching and it does almost everything right including BCs.
excellent bait
I bought UNI2 for the cute flattie with giant gauntlets
Not bait
The core of the game is good, it's just mired in dogshit right now and needs to be cleaned
this post isn't disingenuous at all
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BC should cost 2 points
SSBA should not take out 2 points
There, it's fixed. It really is that simple.
I want two BP BC anon to choke. Only extra cost I'd accept is 25% meter.
The only two issues with BC are that you don't get slowdown on dodge and that they give oki on hit.
I think the best nerf to BC would be to increase the number of interactions it takes to kill across the board, and also taking some extra damage after spending one point.
Make that anonS at this point. Looks like I convinced somebody. Learn some fucking defense nigger.
Make BC minus on block and spot dodge. THERE YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. God it’s not hard
Just BC back if they're that strong, you will both end up with 0 BP and the guy originally on offense gets to continue with his offense. Nothing random or scrubby about that.
Bring back Overdrive
Overdrive is only usable when you have 3 BPs
You think it's okay that you need to make it so you get blown up in the next hit just to make the other guy hold a fucking normal?
Only if they get rid of normals doing chip damage.
You don't have to, you can also just not BC back. Risk and reward. I think you have been spoiled by other fighters and think you should automatically be at a massive advantage for making the other guy block a single normal and dislike them actually having strong options to fight back when blocking.
>and think you should automatically be at a massive advantage for making the other guy block a single normal and dislike them actually having strong options to fight back when blocking.
...Yes? That's obviously my point. The risk reward is far too favored for the defender and the defensive mechanic is way too strong and flat out braindead.
>you have been spoiled by other fighters
Not that guy but it's exactly the other way around, actually, YOU have been spoiled by this game because it allows you to be gorilla as fuck and you don't have to learn to defend, not nearly as much as in other games anyway.
they added the 2bp removal because otherwise SSBA was pretty pointless and people just spammed ultimate skills instead
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>get a cool as fuck victory screen when you finish a match with them
People are soulless...
>no actually offense is braindead
>no actually defense is braindead
the eternal /gbvsg/ debate
Both are braindead.
>Offense is braindead if you're playing a top tier
>Defense is braindead because of delay tech
>Neutral is braindead because of 66L
GBVSR might not require higher mental functions
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Rising takes a lot of brainpower, you just need to pick a high IQ character. Like Charlotta.
My brainpower and ability to play Rising going out the window when Draphs
a friend of mine won't play Anila because her chest being big bothers him
and he says he isn't gay
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>and he says he isn't gay
...do you believe him?
I thought I was gonna main her on release just because she's so cute and sexo, but then it turned out she's extremely simple..
>he doesn't revel in the joy and simplicity of ASOKO JA
Perfect for gooners
I just farted
lancelot is like the only knight with weapon storage on him
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no lol
yeah she is simple
simply fun
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Anila is more cute than sexo
which is not to say shes not extremely sexo
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Lucilius should have big boobs and wear a leotard
Why are all the GBVS villains male anyway?
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aren't you forgetting someone?
Nier isn't a villain, she's a party member. Also she did literally nothing wrong.
It's just because Versus is entangled in trangel shit
Relink most prominent villains are female
I think the villain from the last GBF event was female
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Those were Grub villagers, they had it coming.
>female sheep
>has ram horns
>male anon
>has fat tits
Many such cases!
fucked up how god did this to kizzingtons
>Narmaya fat tits
>in my mouth
>desu is sentient and speaks
The problem of defense is that it's strong and weak at the same time
BC is super fucking strong but trying to challenge on defense outside of delay 2L is dogshit since walk back 66L is really strong to restart offense
Bad tech also leaves them plus enough to 66L right back in, while challenging after proper tech is honestly character dependent so you really don't want to press sometimes, I assume that in vanilla you also had this problem about defense though if you were in the corner
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Best we can do is an archangel anon
Had visions of evo where grey health exists and you only regenerate it with 3 bp. Yes I was smoking crack earlier.
Did you get your bussy stretched by three black guys in an alley to afford it?
No my state is 97% white
Vanilla didn't have the stupid throw invuln windows, so you could tick throw or you could bait throws with walk-up UOH. You also couldn't tech with L, M, H, so teching throws overall was harder. Problem in Vanilla though, was that getting fuckers off you was hard, especially if you didn't have a DP. Your only real options were to Rush or Backstep, both of which cost 50 metre, which is a lot in Versus.
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mmmmm gonna turn it back to monday
How do you fight an anon with time powers...
it's called rollback and we all have the power
3 days until rising is saved
sorry due to unforeseen difficulties we were not able to bring the new version to evo. please. understando.
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They're not announcing anything significant until Sunday, though.
>no wedding crown
but theres a panel at 2pm PT on friday
They might pull an Evo Japan and not announce anything at all
It will be Versusia, rrrat is the last
Or it will be a double announcement to apologize for the game being garbage and to try to get more people in
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At this point they should give concrete release dates to everything in the road map (they won't)
It will be Siete
wrong we are getting another guest fighter
hmm nyo
it will be Siete with the avatar gauge as his U mechanic
SBA will be the avatar finisher from relink, SSBA will be Cien Mil Espadas
>add Cham Cham
>get around the CERO restrictions on showing panties by not giving her any
That would save the game.
Version 1.50 will be playable at Evo. So we will know fairly quickly if there are any major changed to the system mechanics or top tiers.
Doesn't that mean that the new character would arrive in another patch? I doubt that Cygames would have them playable before even having an announcement trailer.
oh no no no legal experts how could this happen
theres no guarantee we are getting the full patch or that its even ready. god knows only knows what they meant by preview.
i am hoping that the main menu screen just shows nier shoved in a trash can.
>>>>>djeeta buffs because of 44% winrate
What the fuck determines the language used in a replay. I thought it was just the user you chose to view it as.
dunno, sometimes i'll watch a replay and it starts as dub but on the second and third match it's back to jp
There’s no problem with just leaving the new character out of the playable demo and then including them with the actual 1.50 patch.

It is guaranteed that it will be ready because they announced it will be ready.
That is… really disturbing
oh shit my bad
so anon is a filthy ENkek all along...
i love dub bea
take it.. all!!!!!!!
imagine if they stop all support after the final character because the game doesn't earn as much as they expect
nier will be top tier forever
>nier will be top tier forever
Then I can confidently uninstall
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damn desu got some calves
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Raziel comes in with 3 unique ideas I could come up with.

1. She has a special switching gimmick, at least 3 modes

2. Her U is a random special from a selection

3. She can copy opponents moves to store for later use
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finally good content
whatchu thinkin?
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Thinking about horses
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The best victories are not the ones where you outsmarted your opponent, but ones where the opponent outsmarted himself.
61% winrate. enjoy your nerfs in 3 days sorizcel
>never wins anything
>doesn't even get to top 16 anywhere
>gets big nerfs because retards keep mashing on his plus frames
I can actually see Cygames doing that in their infinite wisdom.
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Djeeta anus sniffa
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I will play today. Hope you'll boot the game up too!
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How do I handle people who keep neutral jumping out of my pressure resets?
what character??? what pressure string??
bro your question is way too broad
It's completely random to me. I do a 66L, they jump. I throw a fireball, they jump. I run forward in my plus frames, they jump. I'm staring at them in the corner, doing nothing... They jump.
>I'm staring at them in the corner, doing nothing
Just to clarify, this goes both ways. Doesn't matter who's being cornered, they'd still jump.
If they're being predictable about it then punish their jump. If you're the one being predictable then stop.
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what? are you a jump police?
slapping charlotta out the sky
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Plapping Charlotta out of the sky
Well she has the spellbook gimmick but her main weapon is a gatling gun so
Naru also already has the stance switch gimmick
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I'm trying to play it cool but I'm nervous for Nier and this unnecessary patch. Breathe in breathe out
Everything will be fine and she is perfect. Her damage and stock usage will remain unchanged. Yes..I'm imaging myself as a Cygames employee right now and I feel I did a good job removing her wake up DP combo only.
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nier in august
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I just want the boob archangel.
>my main will get buffed and everyone meta chasing faggot will play it
>I won't feel special anymore
what does horse pussy have to do with grubble
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how to fight a small people
they are scheming...
Think we will get the patch notes during evo or are they going to go full fucking lockdown like they did for Bea?
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I think a week after evo is when we will get patch notes with the patch being on the 2nd week of august.
they are doing a showcase match, so they aren't exactly hiding the changes like they did with Bea.
No patch notes in Evo, there is at least 2 weeks until the patch releases.
Wouldn't be surprised if they announced a date for a stream where they will go through the changes and why they did them though.
We will not get the patch notes, but if there are any huge major changes we will find out quickly.
I don't get it
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thank you
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>You're seriously still playing this game? Loser.
Zooey seems to be shoving her sword up Charlotta's vag,
everything has to be about delay 2l
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everything is about zoi
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Everything is about Golshi
im ready to play eustace anon how do i do this
ain't nobody playing that furry gooner character even if he was top 1 lmaooo
Yeah don't bother putting Fraux in the game anymore FKHRT, thanks.
anons standards are so low
Kill Rising, and start over, but don't let FKHRT touch anything. Don't know why the retard wants to work on a fighting game, a gacha and a RPG, get that retard to fuck off.
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Yes it does. And it will be.
death talks midmatch anon...
don't deadname me...
mmmmmm nyo
look I may have thought nier was doing a funny voice while screaming kagen totenclanz and misfortune
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nigga if Raziel does not have Skyfish I'll fucking gut FKHRT
>fuck nier this
>fuck nier that
i want nier to sit in the cuck chair and watch
>Giovanna is Brazilian
>the brand on her clothes translate to "big tin can"
>her jap VO does not know how to pronounce Ventania
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I was going to mention that Death speaks like a retard and post a comic but that last panel will be good if the patch barely touches Nier.
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if you crop the "another one falls" that's a pretty good reaction image
Get yo ass back your boy, I'm gonna chip damage win with Desu. I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna gargle your balls
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>didnt stay to hit her at wind tunnel
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You are letting them jump. I had the same problem, I didn't have jumps on my mental stack so I would always eat shit to people who jump constantly.
The fix is rather simple, keep it in mind that people can jump out of your pressure and get used to 2Hing them. They are more likely to do it in the corner to escape the corner, so you can try playing at a range where you can whiff punish, their 66L won't reach and you can 2H their jumps.
If you're playing Zoi, your truck is good at stopping jumps I think? it might even lead go a combo in the corner, no?
I'm evil but not THAT evil

if they jump and you are playing zoi, you can very easily just do 623M to catch them because of the invul in the later frames
either that or run up 2H them on the way down, zoi has a good 2H with nice range and a good reward on counter hit
i wonder if bombs would be improved if there was a fence around the final 9 platforms so you had to actually interact with bombs or maybe they just couldn't be knocked off so easily.
its fun when at the start when too much is going on to stop people but it usually devolves into a silly slap fight until the last tile
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See your what now?
also wrecked.
uhhh her navel is right there anon.
this wouldn't have happened in vanilla.
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Damn, I saw it coming and thought the jump would've let me punish that thing. What was I supposed to do here?
>final 9 platforms
start spawning MEGA bomb with 1-2s timer
Neutral jumping, you may have jumped too early too.
I should've kept changing steam acc when joining lobbies but not having the color + wep I use got annoying (and im lazy)
this clip is better since there is still a third player and they aren't devoted to pushing bombs off. i guess its not that bad.
I think I beat it once by sticking out a very active normal or spot dodging, I can't remember though
mental illness
well, I think evade beats it? or dp/parry
lab it out if NJ is a good answer for this move, it doesn't look like it. If you try to do on reaction you get clipped, here you seem to have jumped at the perfect timing but still got hit, so the timing might be too tight for it to be worth it
I simply think anon should stay anon
Sorry I am lazy and retarded, while having the artistic ability and insight of a 3 year old. I can't even see an apple.
Pretty sure it loses invulnerability early leading to some comical counter hits towards the end of its startup.
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I'm assuming the gatling gun would be a special motion and not the unique action. Give her hover/flight as well and she could have at minimum 8 angles to fire the gatling fro, make ex gatling have a combo where she air cancels into ex gatling to carry them back down to continue the combo.

Or better yet, if you want Skyfish, just make all her specials Goldlewis' and then give her the book as well.
please cygames... remove goldbricks for 1.5
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She gets behemoth typhoon but instead of swinging a coffin it's her tits
she also gets Skyfish but instead of a minigun it's me motorboating her tits
Behemoth Typhoon with her book sounds plausible.
alright I'm done for today
nerf swords
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>a 2024 character from the gacha getting in this game
lel, we'll get Versusia and just because she's OC and that's it, everyone else will be pre 2020
I have, for the first time, deliberately and successfuly used her 623M!
proud of you anon but what does that have to do with beelzebombs
Did not mean ro reply to anyone...
Vanilla did have throw invuln. Really similar values too, the most significant difference being 1F less after blockstun. the
I lied
I have one more
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I will now announce Nier's hardest match ups. Ahem.

>puts on reading glasses

Metera. Ferry. Ladiva. Lowain. Belial. Cag. Nier. Djeeta.
Why this one?
Look at the tower they had to build to hide her boner.
magna 2 was 2019? it feels way older than that
we may never know... the vanilla glowies got him
As the chart mentions at the top it goes by playable unit if the character has one. Because:
1- I'm a lazy fuck and that's easier to check
2- The chart was made as a "look how old all the characters are in the game are" and by choosing a later date I'm being generous.
that's not djeeta or satyr albeit
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Just so uncommon to actually sit down with one at a cab other than the rare FT3 drive bys. So yeah, knowledge checked hard and ill take that L. It seems like a lot of his tools with Kat bot and the bros are good at disabling Desu when "neutral" happens.
My heart yearns to anyone who still diehard loyal to this character
You are probably the same smug charlotta anon right?
im a smug charlotta
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>everyone else will be pre 2020
>satyr is exactly 2020
no I'm a smug charlotta
Knowledge check does not equal bad match up.
true that's why cag loses almost every matchup
Yeah you're right.
>blows brains out
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BTW if anyone was curious, Technically Rat IS pre-2020
Has there ever been a fighting game where you could lab against DLC characters despite not buying them?
I don't think so
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>cant afford the actual skin so i have to use the mod
Send me rupees...

we made it
Tikoh giving you a prostate exam...
I kinda remember one being mentioned in general Fighting game threads but I won't swear by it
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if you can lab against an unowned dlc character, that means you can play that character in the training mode. so you can try it out before buying the character
I guess the thought here is "if they try they might not like the character and thus not buy it" which is extremely Jewish
maybe we should revert the Bea nerfs...
cute doctor
I think SF6 lets you """rent""" them somehow, using some in-game currency or whatever, I don't know.
You can also do ghetto local versus with the character, of course they could implement work-arounds, but just not allowing you to use the character is easier.
That sounds like a great idea!
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>want to buy game
>do nothing
>do nothing
>do nothing
>hey have a sale for relatively cheap
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I can't play this fucking character...
With literally everyone else in the cast it's extremely easy to keep track of cooldowns: you used the H version of a move? It's on cooldown. Wait like 4-5 seconds and you can use it again.
But with Lucifer fucking everything is on cooldown, and I need to constantly actually look at my icons which adds an extra layer of mental stack that I obviously cannot deal with.
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welcome to me bitch
kek true
Unisonic should have its own, independent cooldown desu
Sorry but only privileged characters (Zeta) have that
nyo... he jobbed again...
Oh, who is this completely unknown opponent calling himself "Gamera"?
Zeta gonna be DOGSHIT after the twitter whiners get ult skills nerfed LMAO
Free ride's over, buddy. Time to learn how to play the game.
>play in open lobby
>sit down to the cab
>get random error
>sit down again
>game crashes after the set is done
what the fuc
The newly installed "gene detection seats" have found you...lacking.
Do I even need to say it as this point?
Sexy fox lady bouncing on one leg...
Beas voice gets my dick so hard...
Beas voice gets on my nerves so hard...
I'm sure glad they nerfed Beas damage.
are these twitter whiners in the room with us right now
Hmm, does Zeta vs Bea have any unique voice lines?
>Bea! if you lose this set, you'll have to deepthroat my futa cock for a week!
what did Zeta mean by this
I was on vacation, so I told her to ask Bea to do it.
isnt it kinda funny how common the granblue handshake is
i wonder if it's because no one in the world has the throw range down to a science or if it's because the excessive throw protection throws people off, so they think the throw whiffed due to protection not range
Beafags NEVER earn their wins.
Not a single one.
For me it's because I think the momentum would've put me a bit further in honestly
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I earn my wins! All of them! De arimasu
Did the servers blow up? Or Steam's maint started early today?
they should release a track and field costume for Anila
i was going to post the webm but for some reason this fucking garbage site wont let me wtf
servers are definitely acting up
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im sorry bros i cant anymore im just gonna move on this is to good to pass up and there getting a hot flat bitch soon...
Granblue really does need some flatties.
Children and Harvins don't count.
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Granblue needs some horses
Pretty sure the only one we have is Medusa
god i fucking hate 66L and ultimates just throw them out for free no worries, fun!
Nyes, Charlotte is pure and righteous.
You're that guy in the discord who's always shilling UNI aren't you?
There's one when Zeta does her SBA
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ggs entire-female-cast-except-zeta anon
the who now?no im just tired of 66L and these gay top tiers that dont need any thought process
Unironically yes. They post here every day.
If you think 66L is bad then Vatista and Kuon will melt your brain
But you see anon those are characters ill just have to learn the matchup, 66L is just an extremely gay universal mechanic ONTOP of busted braindead characters.
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after fighting 2 or 3 different masters in casual, does casual mode just put you against anyone or is there still a range?
puts you against anyone, it doesn't care.
casual is only good if you already hit masters or just want to grind out your dailies/weeklies
casual mode does have some attempt at matching you with people of your skill but it clearly just says fuck it masters half the time.
KEKAROO, you want that to stop happening? remove delay 2l, remove throw protection and that tardo would've gotten thrown instead of winning the round
until then? enjoy run up super and dp
based katGAWD
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GGs! I forgot to play her, revert lunalu changes. Also I dont play yuel, cag and nier. The latter two cause theyre boring and Yuel I just havent gotten around to actually practicing with her. She feesl funky.
horse saddlers.. LMAO
lmao just watch the vod go back to the first match, he's just getting turbo tilted from frame 1
starts here
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This is it? Is this the end of my Granblue Fantasy Versus..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Rising?
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Did someone say horse saddle?
thats how im feelin right now
>1 minute later
>"man fuck fuzzy defense in this game"
araett confirmed the delay 2l poster
aniwa... blood pressure
KEK LMAO he's complaining since frame 1 for real what the fuck

Can't you just, huh, delay c.H on the Katgawd?
At one point he successfully shimmies KatGAWD... like why don't you do delay cH???
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well, Tyra isn't a child
this man says delay with a hard r
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he loses the next round to meaty dp too
I don't get it
I guess ill lab some niche shit
you should clip the end of the next match where he mashes his buttons and groans ultra loud upon losing to walk up dp.
whys he crying about kat walking back lol
You can but DP/super makes the window a lot larger for offense so it will catch more delay timings.
People did this in SFIV against crouch tech.
steam maintenance is starting anon. issa tuesday.
It's... too powerful...
LMAO are you seriously telling me to DP/super on opponent's wake up??? why don't I see everyone do it then, seems too risky. it works against noobs like the anila
My fucking king
it's just something you do once or twice a set to potentially get them to eat throws
it catches layer 1 defense and forces the opponent to play differently
yo he's literally going to cry in the vod wtf
daigo was a notable noob in sfiv, you are right
nice game granpoopers
At least I labbed another situation that will never happen
I'm sure SFIV didn't have 2 touch combos
I want to play Bea or Cag for coom reasons how hard are they to play?
both pretty easy, bea is more straight forward as a fighting game character
Anon how do I play eustace
My dick wins again, nice
All this and the damage seems just okay.
dp is both slower and is invincible so it covers many more timings than c.H
First of all you turn technical inputs off
Then you throw blue grenades and ex slow kill in neutral, if they aren't spot dodging you stick red nade on them and then run up j.U to catch their tech attempt and do a bnb, on combo limit you use green nade and go high low
Honestly I'm pretty bad at explaining broad stuff though, my advice is to watch debagame eustace since he started playing him recently, then once you have the basics of the character down you watch PO1 and after that you watch how mirri plays
I can answer specific stuff better though
Yeah but I get to use 66H twice there and that's cool
To be completely honest Eustace is really fine where he is right now, a good Eustace is already a pain in the ass to fight and if they buff him in August he might become cancer
"I'm not a child" is something children say and as far as other anon.is concerd lolibabas seem to count as children since we have cog
On one hand I forgot about her, on the other she got "augmented" in her hallowern version
Thanks anon, I will check out debagame and mirri when I get a chance. Can you throw out some of the basic corner/antiair combos for me if its not too much trouble.
It is
Oh yeah, I feel that whenever I play against someone that seems like a competent Eustace. But maybe they could make him more accessible.
Such a cool character that I will likely never touch.
Anyone wanna play
Region? Character?
I'd put flamek in my mouth but I don't know how.
NA. Yeah
>against nier
calm collected absolutely serene
>against kat
angermaxxing britchpissing spiritually seething

What is up with Anila players?
Make a room.
>lose against nier
>ah whatever, shes broken
>lose against kat
>I've been exposed as a fundlet
pw is gbvsg
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>gets mad that delay tech is too strong and he can't open up kat
>kat can't open him up either and just kills him with hitconfirms
Headpats for neechang
Both are harder than average for this game.
Cag has a lot of niche situations and setups you have to learn.
Bea is very straightforward as a character but her execution is surprisingly finicky so it might take some practice to not drop her combos.
Both are very manageable though.
Alright so your corner combo changes based on what hit you get and if you have red nade on cd or not.
On a standing opponent and with an autocombo starter you won't get much unless you either burn a BP or meter unless you are a god, so usual normal stuff is something like
c.XXX > RS > c.M > 214H - L > c.M > [2]6H (it's ex flamek) > c.H > 623H> c.M (combo limit) This leaves them with red nade and you can safejab them. A different ender is after [2]6H > c.H > [2]8H (this is ex slow kill) > 623U, and you can do high low off this.

If you hit someone and they have red nade in the corner you do c.XXX > 214M > c.H > 214H - L > c.M > ex flamek and you can decide if you want to dump all your cooldowns here, remember that even though red nade is on cooldown, you can still use the green nade to enable your mix
If you throw someone that has red nade in the corner the route is kinda the same, your starter is simply f.H instead
If your j.U hits someone with red nade in the corner you just do f.H into whatever
Now, both U flamek and U slow kill give you combos in the corner from autocombo with c.H or f.H depending on distance but the combo structure stays the same
Now from U nade starters it kinda depends on how you get it
If you hit someone with 66M and U nade explodes it will launch them up and then they won't tech until they hit the ground, you can do a corner combo with a c.H starter like the j.U bait but you can also opt for 2 slow kill loops that will give you similar damage and will only use only one cooldown
When the opponent is coming towards the ground and before they touch it you can
2H > [2][8]L > 2H [2][8]H > c.H > 623H (combo limit into sheanigans)

On a crouching opponent thank god it's easier, in the corner you can c.XXX > ex flamek > c.MXX > 623H > c.MXX > 5U-U > into classic bnb
And I forgot to mention that if you get the U combo starter from c.XX6H or c.XX6M you can't get a c.H starter but you have to use c.M instead into a normal bnb

At f.H range and not quite max 2M range Eustace slow kill actually fucking works as a combo launcher even on standing opponents so you can hit confirm f.H or 2M into > ex slow kill > f.H >214H - L into usual bnb
At those ranges U flamek and U slow kill also work as starters, after U flamek you can f.H into bnb, but with U slow kill you have to use 2M instead, and you might want to do U slow kill sometimes because it does leave you plus

Anti air is pretty straight forward with CH 2H > [2][8]H > dash > f.H and here you can either pick a guaranteed 623H set or damage with 214H - H

Midscreen you usually do just your normal into 214M - H, but if you get a c.H you can link into 623H > f.L > 214M - L > c.XX > 214H - H for decent corner carry and damage
On crouchers and an autocombo starter you can
c.XXX > 623H, 2M > 214M - L > c.XX > 214H -H > c.XXX or ex flamek
This is off the top of my head and honestly probably not really optimal stuff, you'll see better combos from mirri anyway
Lemme know if I forgot anything because I probably did
Neechang deserves all the headpats for working hard!
Why don't you just post all of this on dustloop anon?
Thanks a bunch anon. I will save this and get to actually working on him tonight. My journey to become the 2nd worst Eustace in the world.
everybody here sucks except the guy in the mask
wheres saint cola
jiyuna is so silly looking here
Araett is STILL seething
I suck at explaining things and what I posted is probably not even optimal
I wish you the best anon, he's really fun honestly even though sometimes it might feel like you are working overtime, you'll probably see what I mean later on and especially looking at how mirri pilots that character, I think he's the best eustace as of now
Steam maintenance time!
I'll put the room back up if you still wanna play after its done
>steam maintenance
ggs jeeters
I recently watched that hailofharpoons guy play a bit and was shocked at how dirty he did some of the players. I think I have somehow missed mirri actually playing eustace every time I managed to catch one of the euro events. I will definitely check him out for sure. Thanks again.
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GGs. I made the room again if you or anyone else wants to join.
PW: gbvsg
“Granblue does not have a good scene.” - Leffen
Why is Leffen not actively ostracized and kept from the community?
So was he a tourney recently or do you niggas actually watch that faggot's stream?
He is him
>Nitro doesn’t even own the game
>still makes top 8 at majors
This game and its “competitive scene” is a complete fucking joke.
Honestly watching https://youtu.be/hBmtR1H5WIQ?si=qdZPLRAW4BXWF25e I can definitely believe that he’s barely played Nier before. Which makes me wonder how he got this far in bracket. I know it’s Nier but come on.
You can tell from the 2U SSBA at 2:46 that he probably didn’t even know what Nier’s SSBA did.
he does own the game tardo, he does sets with other pros all the time
Oh. Leffen said he didn’t own the game and I just believed him. My bad.
all those females are diversity hires
but thank God there's no marine
holy shit are you retarded
that's just a meme that started because nitro doesn't take the game too seriously since it's his secondary
https://x.com/NitroNY_/status/1764412627021602929 this tweet is what spawned it
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I swear this dude just frauded his way to master with u sheeps
just got done gooning to hot glue'd figures
what's up grubbers
Why would you jack off to other dudes jacking off?
why aren't you?
I'm not homosexual
weird ass nigga
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ggs room enjoyers. especially grangawd and lancegawd.
thank you
gotta chase other boogeymen instead of the known psycho with a history of bad shit
No shame in having a 33% winrate against a world renowned Vaseraga of Wreck It Mundo’s caliber
Thanks for the games dudes
>frauded his way to master with u sheeps
...you can do that?
buffs when
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Sorry anon, my cat likes to play with my ethernet cable I swear I didnt plug. GGs though fun matches. And the lobby too GGs.
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Vane Nation was too powerful, it crashed the room. GGs all.
I'm sick of these spic f2p grans on their wifi shitting up my queue. Get the fuck out of here
un placer pendejo was me
Bea armpits... sniffa sniffa... licka licka...
Bea anus ______
It's time for you all to start respecting me more.
Yes, this should be +15 on block
what would you even do with all those frames, my guy?
True blockstring into dp
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I'd make my move
shut the frick up
>Bea anus ______
i think ferry is pretty
shut the frick up sir
(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
pretty STUPID
*punches you in the back of the head*
*nothing happens because you're already retarded*
i dyodged
*it wyas a hologryam
who wants to suck on my big meaty
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Shut up.
because it's not a real answer, he tried delaying other buttons and got reversaled half the time because the option is just that broken. katgawd unironically has the right idea, dping/supering the delay 2l is the best thing you can do if you don't have a fast low crush, even if you're risking half your health every time you do it
He left us for UNI... it's over...
shut the frick up brah
his pronouns are she/her chud.
How does Vane handle the Seox matchup?
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past a certain age a man can only be 66L'd so many times...
I'm sure there's no bullshit in uni
very annoyed he's using a nicole model while calling himself she
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Everyone who played original gbvs hates rising cause they know it's the inferior game. The only people who like rising are the ones who missed out
Empty hand doesn't go through shield and energy destruction can hit him out of it, so it's probably his best matchup among the top tiers. Still not great though
Why did they even add 66L again?the game just needed literaly character balance and it would have been perfect in rising
go play versus then
>Empty hand doesn't go through shield and energy destruction can hit him out of it
That's actually very helpful info Anon, thanks m8
Fuck off fear
seeing him play in the tournament was funny, hes so dog shit
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I'm frustrated because I'm perma-stuck in S+ but then I remember that like half of my matches here are against people who already have several characters in Master, so in a way I'm already playing against the people I want to play I guess.
Yes, I know that is a giant cope.
I'm perma S++ so we can play together in the lobby sometime
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Trying out that new Nier tech
hehe look at her go...
desu, i'm sonic
she flip
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It took thousands and thousands of matches for me to escape S+, probably 3-4 times more matches than all my other ranks combined. You won't get out until your fundamentals can at least challenge a master's. You also can't grind mindlessly, or you'll just keep pushing that boulder forever.

But as you said, fighting masters on their alts is probably what you need at that point.
anon no thats illegal
what is neechang so happy about?
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Oh no no no no no
>At the Cygames booth at Evo 2024, you can play a pre-release demo of patch version 1.50, which is scheduled to be released in August 2024. In addition to Gran and Lucifer with the adjustments of version 1.50 applied, the pre-release demo will allow you to try out new characters that will be revealed for the first time, so please come to the Cygames booth.

please note that says new characters plural
>guest appearences kizzie and mike ross
>In addition to Gran and Lucifer with the adjustments of version 1.50 applied...allow you to try out new characters
Does this mean you can only play Gran/Lucifer/DLC chars? That sounds stupid but I wouldn't put it past them
that looks nothing like vikala, it's over ratcels
must be a typo, there's no way unless they're panicking about the bleeding playerbase
Can't spoil all the changes.
it does read as if the only patched characters available are gran luci and the dlcs (vikala? and mom?)
there's no fucking way..
moon rune enjoyers please translate if thats plural or not
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It's Vampy, we did it bros
Pretty sure they're only referring to those two because they're in the Evo graphic for Rising, like to let the uninformed readers know there's more than those two. The other characters should still be playable.
Spoiler: Japanese doesn't have plural or singular form.
>#GBVSR 新キャラクターを含むVer 1.50先行試遊
It just says "Early access to version 1.50 which includes a new character."
its over ratfags
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Geez, who could it be.
What a mystery.
weird rat
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>long hair
They really should stop with the silhouette thing to hype up a character announcement. It never works.
it makes sense now why they call it a demo i guess
only gran and lucifer + the dlc character
that's fucking hilarious
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I don't have twitter

someone go reply to their post with this to ruin it for others
I'm so mad.

someone PLEASE pee in my mouth to cool me down
Also, it's not entirely over for Rat
Vane and Bea shared the same teaser, so who knows.
I’ll do it. I only use twitter for baseball so this will be a nice change of pace
nothing will top bea
I do every night though???
>no teen rat shaking her ass for the western man to lose his mind over
it's over
so how long until rat?
wait a second.
the silhouette is too obvious, it's clearly bait.
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japan doesn't know what subtlety is, pic related was 1h ago
mommy with her command grab, air stall, neutral skip throw bait ultimates and sba install..
Do you play that one baseball TCG? it looks kinda fun but I know nothing about baseball
B-But /v/ told me we were getting ONE character and that was it.
literally nobody is excited for Versusia
theres a part in the back of my brain that wants me to be excited for versusia because no one cares about her
I would be excited for her if not for that fucking name.
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I love giant women and she is the closest we will ever get to a playable one.
Yggy is still the cutest though.
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As an Android 21 appreciator, I can say that I am, she'll probably be the only DLC character I buy for this season besides Bea. If I even mildly like her moveset she'll be my secondary.
I hope shes even more broken than launch nier
character nobody wants + even shittier balance would 100% kill the game so I hope so too
fuck cygames
But will she fart on my dick?
Its actually rat surrounded by fronds and palm trees and loyal slaves fanning her.
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Even if she's not playable, they need to show rat this EVO. They NEED TO
She would generate some hype.
one day ill do story mode
wait a second
if they blow their load at the start of evo, then what will they show after top 8
Will she, Kizzington?
vikala versus sandalphon
its not going to happen gran and lucifer being the only 2 getting changes would be funny as fuck
we already know all of gran's changes and luci is already perfectly balanced, so what would they even show
What are all of Gran's changes anon?
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>luci is already perfectly balanced
they should balance the game around either faa or bubs
I'd like her more if Versusia was an install or something and the normal character was just Rein. But I still like four arm mom.
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Faa and Bubs are gay
he has a sword bar
Djeets ougi bar...
inside or outside?
Anything else?
nah mane we getting both of them and season 2 starts in september and season 3 is announced.
and xbox and switch 2 support. and playing grandbruise pays you 9 dollars an hour.
I wonder if there will be universal changes actually, like BC cost, meter refund on U Skills, Dash L, and so on.
Just any of that would be huge.
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why do i keep coming back to this shitty kusoge
Dumb frogposter.
can someone post the sheet with mom's height, faces and moves
I hope not. Giving in to the non-players and vanillatards would be the worst mistake they could make.
shit taste, where else would you get to play as a smt demon in a fighting game?
look I just want a woman to swing a pan and grab you and drain your essence and become a big four armed red demonfu
you need to see the bigger picture
this but completely unironically
if all characters were balanced around the level of bubs this would be the best ighting game of all time
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*teleports behind you*
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It was supposed to be her turn...
rip in piss
Is the whole piss thing derived from that ONE screenshot that got posted here or is that like a recurrent thing in the gacha?
I have no idea. I assume its just that one image. If there is more nobody ever seems to post it.
She also peed herself out of fear in a scene, the english translation censored it though.

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