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Previous >>486370217

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 07/12
>Dengeki stream on The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in the West in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA in both English and French
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Being Released in the West by XSEED in Early 2025 on NSW, PS4 and PS5
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
Which Spriggan (aside from Van) will be the most relevant and the least relevant in Kai?
Relevant: Risette
Least relevant: Aaron or Feri

What will Falcom do with Taikun besides giving Aaron a new attack just like Quatre in Kuro 2? Maybe the old Taikun will appear in Aaron's mind to fight against Aaron like Kuro 1?
Taikun being a demon lord would instantly make Aaron one of the more relevant characters.
You posted this bai5 in the last thread retard
We don't even know how relevant demon lords are and we there's no indication that Taikun is a demon lord
We still don't know about demon lords aside from Van. Falcom made sure to specifically tell that there're 5 demon lords that came after the great collapse and ruled over other demons. So they need to answer what are they exactly.
Trails beyond Miracles
Leroy alludes to they're being some blood connection between the Weis and Taikun. Kondo even said that we should pay attention to how Aaron, Leroy and Taikun all have red hair.
Tycoon is just an irrelevant generic demon like the other 2
They just give him some lore because it's related to a main character
Better than Crow's Ordine that's just a generic mecha 1/7 Septerrion without any ''cool lore'' like Valimar, Testa Rossa or Ishemelga
How can you be so stupid?
this shit made no sense
like taikun is obviously related to aaron, langport and heiyue but wtf purpose did the other two demons serve and how did they even get summoned
Kiseki no kiseki
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I wanted to post Campy first but I was too busy playing the game to notice a new thread
Very cute, can't wait to see her pussy.
>Taikun" (大君) is a Japanese term historically used to refer to a powerful leader or ruler, particularly the shogun, who was the de facto military ruler of Japan. The word is composed of two kanji characters: "大" (dai or tai), meaning "great" or "big," and "君" (kun), meaning "lord" or "ruler." Thus, "Taikun" translates to "great lord" or "great prince."

>The term gained international recognition in the 19th century when Japan began opening up to foreign trade and diplomacy. Western nations, encountering the shogunate's representatives, referred to the shogun as the "Tycoon," a variant spelling of "Taikun."

>*title* the *title
Haha, that's our Falcom!
Genesis demonization. But I don't recall there being any lore for Aida and that aide's transformations but Aaron's is different because his past self used to own the Genesis. But even then, there seems to be something demonic about Taikun even excluding the Genesis stuff
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Tycoon is just Heiyue's Orthros but far least relevant
You guys are hyping a plot that doesn't seem to have any great relevance to Zemuria's lore just to Aaron's character (which is important but not that important)
It's like Gaius stigma all over again (''but... but his bonding event in CS3'')
yeah there isn't any genesis in sight but taikun clearly has demonic hands here.
Also every human is capable of demon transformation, which was built up since sky 3rd and the fact that gnosis the pills that can "remove shackles" and turn people into demons will end being something important.
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Anons I need your advice. I have looked away for the most part while reading this general for the past few weeks to avoid spoilers, so I skim a lot of posts and stop reading when there's anything mentioned that seems spoilerish.

So I have played Sky without VA, just hearing the EN battle voices. I watched the movie in EN. But I played Zero, and currently on chapter 3 of Azure listening to JP VA. What do I do going forward for Cold Steel? On one hand there's some EN VAs I really like in the dub, but I've listened to a lot of the characters so far in JP the most it feels like. It would be a bit jarring to re-configure in my brain what each character is "supposed" to sound like.

Do you have any advice to give?
Aaron is just Wald 2.0 but with Wazy + Randy personality
It's not that deep
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>cna u read my thesis
I never played with the dub, so just go for subs.
Verethragna aka the being Naje turned into is a higher being that serves Aidios/Arusha so there is some lore with that being.
Good Morning!
Dudley is the traitor
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giv reaction images pls
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Plot twist best girl Esmeray wins the vanbowl.
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this has to be bait
who's turned down more guys, agnes or emma
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Crow and Aaron would either like or hate each other. No in-between.
everyone likes eachother, only villains are allowed to dislike eachother in jrpgs
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>everyone likes eachother
This. That's why interaction between other casts is so boring because there's no friction or any sense of dislike
i want to see filled out 20 year old junie
I wish Lloyd and Rean didn't instantly become best friends, there was real potential there
Yeah. There was no tension or anything. It was boring. Just like the interactions with the Solutions Office will be with other characters from Class 7.
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what the FUCK esmeray
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30 hours in and I'm only part way through chapter 3 of SC this game is going to take way longer than FC did lol
i'm surprised aaron didn't make a dirty joke about that comment or want to bang esmeray's lights out in general
That's pretty fast
But he does want to smash her. He even complimented on her having a smoking body and how he was gonna get her to go out to get a drink with him. I dunno if he ever got that drink with her or not.
I see altina.
I lick my screen
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I really want to see Ronnie obsessing over Emma, because Calvard gilrs don't seem to satisfy him.
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I love Rean.
Where's Lelouch? I mean his arc was based on CG lmao
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I love retcons
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that's how average white Calvardian family should look like
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>good old cock rub competition
where's the retcons?
>people do terrible things to bring a positive change
>overtime people lessened the atrocities
>people in modern times just view it as a national triumph
thats how these things work in the real world.
the colonists did horrific shit to british supporters
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did kuro 2 add the rest of the Edith districts? It's so weird that they kept mentioning the Z1 Track and Trion Tower and we never go there
No, but it did add both the Z1 track and Trion Tower plaza. Kai is adding more districts.
Oh and it also adds the Central Market district aswell.
Is it really? I finished FC hard around 45-50ish hours max bp and I've heard SC is like 8 chapters so I'm expecting 70-80 hours by the end at this rate not that im complaining ive been having a great time so far
Kuro 2 adds Z1 track and Trion tower plaza, Kai will add Levres district where Agnes lives and Chardonnay district with casinos
I'm gonna start Sky SC this weekend but I got a 100% completion save to play through Ng+ instead. I got All the BP in sky FC but and enjoyed it but I know I'd get burnt out if I were to play SC normally .
Why can't they make a complete game instead of gradually adding shit over the course of 3 games? Haha, the 1 year cycle needs to go.
nta but SC is pretty average length for Kiseki standards. FC and the 3rd are the main outliers and are shorter than the others
because they had no use for them before? Kiseki was always about building up new areas gradually through the games.
Because their games are rushed. That's why.
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that's all of them then.
Kuro 1 had 8
Kuro 2 added 3 more
And Kai adds 2 more.
That's all 13, so unlike Heindallr we'll explore all of the Edith districts
well they won't ditch an yearly release cycle, so it'll be like this until falcom dies or someone completely restructures the company.
I miss Thors, bros.
i don't
at all
I miss Trista as well, Leeves was a souless copycat town.
Leeves is better, it's laid out was more intuitively than Trista is
He seemed pretty fine humping Paulette and Esmeray. But Emma would be another girl he'd want to bone.
That's great, people seem to bash Edith for looking like a TX city, but I liked that all districts have their distinct styles. Some look like old towns with classic architecture while others look like modern metropolis. Heimdallr looked kinda samey to me.
And that's a good thing. I hope Falcom stays doing what they're doing and not try some big budget shit that needs years inbetween games because that's what most companies are doing nowadays.

The shift into needing years between games (and TV shows nowadays) is fucking aids and i'm glad Falcom are the few remaining that do yearly releases, for better or for worse, at least we still know a Falcom game is coming out yearly.
>Victor banned Ronnie from banging his daughter
lmao what are you on about? Trista is way more compact and soulfull and thors academy is pretty easy to navigate unlike that fucking labyrinth in the branch campus.
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You're soulless bro
god i miss it, i have no shame in admitting that cs1/2 had soul unlike cs3/4 garbage.
>I want rushed slop because I want a new toy every year
Heimdallr is an isekai city that got transported into Kiseki
Name 1 (one) game that took 5 years in the oven that actually turned out good

Arise is shit
KH3 is shit
FF16 is shit
>banned a womanizer from trying to add his daughter into his harem after his daughter went through getting her heart broken and betrayed by her ex who knocked her up and left for women and fame
good papa victor. men like aaron and maxim are scum.
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He acts grumpy around Van, but I don't think he would have mind him marrying Paulette.
Terrible bait. All three games mog Hajimari and the Kuro games.
standing yume blowjobs
unlike womanizing assholes like aaron and maxim, van can atleast treat ladies like ladies and not like trophies.
at least Kai seems to be adding actual new non dungeon areas, unlike Reverie that reused everything else.
New Edith districts, Anchorville, Ored, Marduk HQ, presumably somewhere in Elsaim, etc.
This. Hajimari was quite literally zero effort.
Whatever you want to believe.
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>that reused everything else.
Haha, you didn't like Ymir and Nord highlands that we carefully ported from the psvita games?
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Today, I will remind them.
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You are sick!
She will leave him for Cao once Lil Ronnie gets humiliated again.
Stop leaking Kai's ending retard.
Why does Rean's shadow side look like Demi-Fiend from Nocturne?
Yeah, just like that time he had with Elaine right where he stuck with her through thick and thin and not just leave her out of the blue one day.
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I have demon melties, please understand.
I can't wait to touch Van's penis
he had problems. aaron and maxim have no excuses.
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This is Risette having a flashback. She is looking towards Yun Ka-fai and we see the left side of her head from the rear.
Who is the mystery nigga in the back?
doesn't exactly match
I actually thought it was Ka-fai with Shizuna when she was a kid and her grandma, but Ka-fai is fucking ancient so he looks kinda young in this flashback, mb it's Kurogane?
Look at how happy these two were. Now we find out that Rean was actually a cuck for both sides of the spectrum all along. But at least he still has Lloyd, right?
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Fujos on life support.
why are rean/crow fags like this
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Mental illness.
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love runny
does risette still have a human vegana
we don't know how much of her body is artificial but my suspicion is that she's just a brain in a body so no
This is the correct general, yes.
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this is even worse than i thought it would be lmfao
i kinda wish sword of biting gale played though...
Well this looks like shit lmao
Why dude?
This looks so fucking unbelievably lazy.
is that nina and the GM in the back?
feels like they're trying to copy the minimalist design of final fantasy box arts
Who's that in the back, Nina and the GM?
recluse cube bros we are back
This has to be a placeholder. I refuse to believe that even Falcom would ok a boxart this terrible and lazy.
Seems like it
stop bullying falcom i bet none of u fags could come up with a better box art urselves
Haven't almost all of Calvard covers by Enami being bad, I believe only Kuro 1 was kind of good.
falcom covers always look like shit they slapped together in 5 minutes but even for them this is really bad, and here i was thinking they'd actually try for the 20th anniversary haha...
Unfortunately I've had it spoilered who Nina is so her being important going forward seems likely for church arc.
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No this is official box art, placeholder looked like this.
>Two old protagonists are larger than Van on the cover.
This is the first time this has happened. The Van experiment really did fail.
>both equally look lazy
Embarrassing. I have even less faith in Kai.
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With Kai a guaranteed flop, what could Falcom have done to make it better?
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Higher quality
That Van and Agnes art looks better than what they used in game
To be fair, it's not really an Enami problem. Falcom aren't good at covers in general.
more persona-like elements akin to cold steel 1
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>I believe only Kuro 1 was kind of good.
PS4 version was shit, PS5 was good. Kuro 2 looked decent enough.
Sorry Vanbro, but it's clear that they're trying to appeal to the Skyfags and CSfags after the Van experiment failed.
better structure and actual planning.
Yeah, I meant ps5 Kuro 1. Dunno why I left out PS5.
PS4 was shit, that title logo placement is so awkward.
>ignoring the fact that Van is on front cover
it seems like reanspics don't know how character placement work in media.
It looks like they're finally acknowledging what the fans actually want.
What Kiseki box art is actually good?
Yeah he looks like a proper side character
All that white and unused space just makes it look like it's not finished
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Limited edition kino
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The music contributes so much to the soulful aspect of older games. Modern falcom irks me because they level up everything else like graphics and animation (but still years behind their Japanese contemporaries) but took massive 2 steps backwards in music while other companies retain valuable musical talent.
Why are you samefagging bean burrito?
>Van has a tiny part up front
>Kevin and Rean are what most people instantly see if they even glance at the cover
Falcom made their decision.
CS2 for me by XSEED

There's the cool steel books too that NISA and XSEED did for the limited editions
why doesnt kuro have any mini-games
Lmao who are those in the back? The twin goddesses? Bros we are Ys now
is this the first time they put returning characters on the front cover kek
they really had no faith in the spriggans huh
Falcom made their decision to mog retarded third world monkeys like you Reanspics.
I made sure to use the grendel in the fight against the devil.
Ain't no cunt gunna "that won't be necessary" me.
Rean and Kevin are so cool.
Because they released the game one month before it was finished.
They had no time for mini games, they were focused to just get the main game out.
it's nina and the grandmaster
hopefully this time the grandmaster being on the cover isn't just bait like it was in hajimari
Feena and Reah look better than those trashbags. Don't insult them.
They made their decision to try to appeal to Skyfags and CSfags after the Van experiment failed. At least they didn't put Lloyd and Rufus on the cover for a quadruple mogging, haha...
beaners are so pathetic
Too bad we never see Rean actually ride a bike and have a tour of war torn Heimdallr. Hell did we even see a single person die in a WAR except oh no not the market manager Otto #156.
What's up with the 20th anniversary logo, why did they place it there. There must have been a better place for it.
Is there a sadder existence than being a Reanfag? They really do like warping reality to match their fantasies.
Trick question. Vanfags don't even exist.
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not really, he can completely cover Rean
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Wrong. Van >>>>>>>>> R*an.
I'm a Vanfag and would behead every single Reanfag inshallah
Lmaoooo. Falcom are desperate.
>Completely cover Rean
Vanbro... You left the white background behind Van in. Take that away, and the only thing Van is doing is covering Rean's face.
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Reminder that Rean was one of the smallest characters on the Cold Steel and Reverie collection set
Reanhermanos we lost....
So not a single character from the original cast other than Van and Agnes has any relevance to the story. What was even the point of the first two games?
The largest character on that box was Ishmelga Rean.
>reasnspic cope
haha I accept your concession, even without that white background he can still cover him try for yourself.
it's over reanbros...
>comes back to /fg/ to see how kurotards would react
>instantly having melty over Rean is on the front cover
What a fucking good day. Holy kek.
>Van is totally covering Rean completely
>Ignore the background!
Haha... When you do it properly, it makes it look like Rean is impaling Van with his sword.
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Why is Reans pose identical to his party art
Same Reanspic
do you want him to stick his sword up his ass to look different?
The same boxset Rean appeared twice in? Retardbro...
if you didnt exhaust all dialogue for all NPCs you didnt beat the fucking game
looks like ishmelga to me
because enami is a fucking hack
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>“Hidden“ quest
>Indicated by green exclamation marks that guide you through the whole thing
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this isn't normal...
Ishmelga Rean. The strongest Kiseki character. Not even Kasim's gun could stop him.
Yes the only two poses you can make with a sword is in your ass or holding it out with two fingers together
Actual retard he could be holding it in any other way
Elainenegros... our move?
Genderswap it, and you see it all the time online. Anime turns people into retards.
Elainebros... Did we just lose?
they ship xanadu kou and agnes what the fuck
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Doesn't say that on my machine
uhh bros i thought fujos were supposed to be erotic
She was on the front cover in Kuro 2 and she barely had any significance...
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Strange. Your game must be broken.
So do you think Rean and Kevin will play major role or it's just falcom baiting reanfags as always? Funny enough they didn't have enough space for Rufus.
reanfags and kevinfags are the most vocal so they falcom pandered to them the most
everything about kai is calculated to try to and bring back fans after the low numbers of kuro 1 and 2
completely transparent and soulless, they're not even trying with this series anymore
Reanspic you are too pathetic
Calvard is a federal country.
I don't think so. They will get some nice events here and there, but this is still Van's show.
Probably Kevin since he's been all over promo stuff and has his own theme, not sure about Rean since they haven't really shown much about him other than 8l0b shit in the mountains
do they even exist in japan?
>everything about kai is calculated to try to and bring back fans after the low numbers of kuro 1 and 2
yeah they brought them back at the expense of the kuro cast, idk how they fucked kuro 2 so much...
what is there to even do with kevin? his character arc is completed there's no narrative threads for him to follow. sure you can include him as a side character but making him such a major focus that he's on the cover art? at least rean has the entire yun ka-fai plotline to follow still
Bean burrito leave your bubble
is that a fake nose
I guess all that white is tied to the game's theme, with the op being titled shiroi sekai (white world), returning to 0 and all that.
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Why even make a new arc if you're just gonna throw it under the bus like this? They might aswell have just made Cold Steel games for the rest of the series. It's all nu-Kiseki fags want anyway. Kuro 1 had flaws as all the games do but it was a promising start to a new arc to build on but it's like once they saw that 50k number they immediately gave up on it.
He will try to kill someone (hat guy or van)

It’s all about Rean again...
What a ugly cover
Cucked by Swin and now by Rean/Kevin
Reanspic you're looking mighty desperate now. This is beyond pathetic.
I just wanted the Calvard arc to get the same focus every other arc got.
>Why even make a new arc if you're just gonna throw it under the bus like this?
The problem with Kuro, at least from playing Kuro 1 is that Falcom just couldn't get things ready in time for it. Kuro 1 is the best example of this, because it has ingredients of a potentially great Kiseki game, but it comes feeling a little bland, it probably needed more time to cook. It didn't even have all of the animations and art finished by release.
We lost Towa but we won the fucking game
They probably thought Kuro will sell higher than hajimari because it has a new cast, engine and system but you know what happened. They pumped their marketing for Kuro 2 and it sold the same amount on its first week, Kuro 2 overall sales though is worse than Kuro 1, and now we are here. Kai is basically a desperate attempt to bring back reanfags while also finishing the Calvard arc which they should've done in Kuro 2.
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and reanfags wonders why they're the most hated people in the fandom haha...not even kondo likes them.
Calvard arc is bigger than CS1/2
No you didn't. You wanted your shit protagonist to get more screentime and mad that Van and the Calvard arc mogs Rean and the Ereboring arc. That's why you've been posting cope like this >>486532091
They spent years crying over how irrelevant Rean was kek
Why would I be complaining that the Calvard cast are being sidelined in Kai for more returning character bullshit if I was a Reanfag you fucking moron?
Ignore the shitposter. He jerks off to when people reply to him.
>kondo wanting to punch these guys for cosplaying as trash characters
>what is falseflagging
GM on the right.
Who is whore on the left?
Blue Emma
Don't samefag and eat your tamale.
Gotch cumdumpster #2
I can live without Towa
Stop jerking off to /fg/.
I mean Calvard arc has 3 games which is pretty good for an arc. The problem is that Kuro 2 wasn't a payoff game, but an extension of Kuro 1 and with the focus on Swin and Nadia instead of the spriggans, Kondo probably wanted to make Kuro 3 but Kato-san stepped in and said that you should finish it as fast as possible, so now we have Kuro 3 + Hajimari = Kai
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They get BTFO constantly and Kai will be no different.
Kuro 2 should have been a payoff game. Then this all would have been avoided. I'd be happy to see Rean and Kevin and all these other people then.
Earlier in this thread
And now the sweet vengeance:

>bro is already crying now
>I lost again. Waaaaahh, [insert headcanon]
Swin and Nadia should have been killed off in Hajimari tbqh.
The sweet vengeance that your cuck is still irrelevant and will get BTFO like a pinata in Kai? Like tradition? Reanfags really ARE a sad existence lmao.
falcom made kuro 1 and 2 filler games so that when they made cold steel 6 the reanfags could jump straight in
Rean lost his harem. Rean will die a lonely cuck.
I'm gonna laugh so hard when they tried this hard to bait CSfags and Skyboomers into coming back only to get 40k week 1 sales.
Wow it’s Cold Steel 6!!!!

That’s Rean
The girl is Blonde Emma or Alisa?
Laura and Fie with long hair are different but nice to ser them again
Crow’s hair is black now? Cool
And who is the green guy?
OK, the truth then!

Either you play a Cold Steel game or you play a Trails game. Thank you.
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I wonder if Kai will completely kill the series or it will prove that only 50k cultists will still buy it.
Because for what I see Kai wants to pander to both Kurofags and Reanfags, but in the end it feels like it will alienate both. Kurofags will be salty that they didn't get a proper sequel with Van and reanfags will be salty because he isn't the main protagonist.
Then Reanpacos kill themselves when their boy was the reason the sales went lower. Given these posts >>486532967

Their suicide is going to happen
Kai will have Rean do what lil' Ronnie could never do and kill Cao. Ashen will then jump on Rean or Van's cock because she's a whore.
Sorry bro, I could only buy Kuro 1 before selling my ps4, and I didn't feel like getting a ps5 after bamco started putting their games on pc...
It's always been like that. /fg/ try to make a headcanon to get ahead of Rean then get destroyed by a harsh reality later.
As usual with Falcom they try to have their cake and eat it too constantly and it blows up in their face every single time.
Aaron will be leashed by Cao in Kai's ending.
Why did you reply to your own post?
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You know the more I look at the comments on reddit/xitter the more I realize that "trails" fans only care about fan-service. They litterally scream only character names in the comments, at this point I feel like I'm the only one who cares about the plot and for Calvard arc to get a proper ending...
Next week: Alisa, Emma and Laura in Kai and you can pick one of them as Rean’s girlfriend
So Ronnie BTFO of Rean and took his bitches. Sounds likely tbqh.
you only just realized that now?
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Kiseki's story has been dogshit for many years at this point. I know you're likely a Reanfag falseflagging but cultists only care for cheap fanservice like fat people like McDonalds.
And that's a good thing
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Su-chan and Na-chan!
This will be Ronnie's dream as he's being forced to let the Heiyue elders fuck him while wearing his stage outfit.
Romance with CS girls while Van/Elaine/Agnes gets nothing
I knew Kai was fucked the moment they announced it with in-game screenshots and 0 new art. They did the same thing with Kuro 2. This is just another cash grab while they buy time for TX2.
I only started the series with sky a few years ago, but I was genuniley suprised how loved CS3 and 4 are, I almost lost sanity playing it and by the end I couldn't care less what's happening.
why is reanfags winning over vanfags?
Because reanshitters literally only care about rean and cshit while Vanfags are people who support the series and were looking forward to a new arc and would support every arc going forward while reanshitters just want the rest of the series to be cold steel games
Vanfags bot polls.
wouldn't you know it better than anyone reanspic?
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>rean gets to watch aaron bang alisa and emma silly for hours
Unless their is a Kai 2, their should be 2 or 3 games left in the series? (based on kondo words)
>I realize that "trails" fans only care about fan-service
Fanservice is one of a reasons that keeping the series alive.
If you support every arc, why do you despise Cold Steel with all of your being?
Good. I don't really give a shit about Kai and more excited to see more from the new Xanadu game.
Reanfags are the most annoying characterfags in not just the Kiseki fanbase but Falcom fanbase as a whole.
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ronniefags are so delusional
>why is winning
eslnigger please
Vanfags aren't cancer, they only post his funny reaction pics and you could unironically like him as the protagonist. Reanfags are pure cancer who live in their headcanon, they were liking ironically, but after years of constant brainrot they started liking him unironically.
Every time they announce a Trails game all the comments are just "BRO IS [character] GONNA BE IN IT????". Your average Trailsfag literally only cares about memberberry slop.
This. Reanfags are the fakest Kisekifags ever. I bet they're just SAOfags in disguise given Rean is just a shitty Kirito clone.
“Taikun will be relevant in Kai because his optional NPC father has red hair”
Hottake: Daybreak made me realized why I love Cold Steel saga so much.

No it's not about gameplay, mechanics shit and stuff like that, I really enjoy it so far. Generally people hate CS's Harem bullshitery because it leave no room for character development, ngl I kinda indifferent/neutral about it. And no I'm not into harem trope in anime, I DESPITE it for that same reason.

But the reason Cold Steel vibe with me is because at least I can decide for myself at the end which girl I like and which girl I don't, even though that character irrelevant in the jungles of others. I haven't play Daybreak 2 yet, but I heard that Daybreak 2 probably the same as 1. Tbh, I prefer to stick with the shallow/irrelevant character that I enjoy rather than someone well developed but their romance stuff got shove down my throat (yes ik CS does that all the time, but at least I got the reign at the end of the day).

At this point, you all probably know the character I'm talking about (but still put spoiler tag just in case). Probably it's my taste that's why I don't like her very much (not hate just yet), goody two shoes, naïve, emotion over logic, demand to stay with the protag 24/7 everywhere he's goes (not just her though), yada yada, oh and she's UNDERAGE which is a very big no no sign. I don't need a jungle of harem like CS, just at least let me choose between orange juice or apple juice (orange is superior btw).

I heard rumor about Kai gonna seal the deal on this issue once and for all. And I hope at least we players can decide, even though it's gonna be irrelevant anyways. But if it's going the opposite way, I probably gonna rush the grand scheme story line and jumping right into the next arc ASAP.

P/s: Might get down vote to the depths of hell, however I still stand my ground. Just to be clear, I'm not on the side of "the other contender", I'm picking another one, which I will not disclose. But still at least she's not underage.
Aaron cucking Rean like Crow did is what's gonna make Kai 15/10.
The only kino thing I want from Kai (most likely won't happen) is Van (grendal) vs Mcburn.
I just want to see Emma and McBurn because I want a payoff but I kinda agree with you
Your average JRPG player honestly makes me fucking sick.
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Time for Renne to become a proper citizen of The FEDERAL Republic of Calvard and change her name to Rènnè.

Quattre was used as a punching bag by gay thugs in a child torture brothel.
Why are you samefagging?
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Van is based wtf
>Van (grendal) vs Mcburn.
yeah that would be great, I really liked the fight between Van and Gerard, so far we only have Rean vs Shizuna hype fight which is mostly likely will end up in Ka-fai interfering.
The only good thing I remember about kuro is graphic, and even that is questionable
There's nothing hype about Shizuna trashing Rean and making him kneel like a bitch again.

Well then again seeing Rean get humiliated again would be funny.
The only good thing I remember about CS is... and even that is questionable
Risette is Nina’s clone
Kuro looks like a PS3 game.
Sen was dogshit from start to finish.
yeah i'm not buying falcom crap anymore
CS sucks ,they ruined Osborne
Same. Done with their low-effort slop
What if... Valimar shard armor for Rean like Grendel
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Reanchads literally just cannot stop winning. I still can't believe we actually made the cover.
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Haha, you didn't like that instead of an imposing, charismatic and calculating antagonist with his own agenda you got a puppet who was controlled by le curse? Haha, sorry to hear that.
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is this thing any good
idk what "S-craft power" means
>Reanspic living in fantasies again
With it being 90% story completion, I can't really see a new arc introducing a new protagonist, unless it's only one game.
>Reanbro living in a good reality again
They can easily introduce one more protagonist and have them get focus for 2 more games left before the series concludes.
why would i get invested in another mc they're just going to throw under the bus again
nah, falcom lost me this time
it's all they have after the humiliation conga line they went through for many years
I'm surprised more people aren't pointing out the cube
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I don't care about reanspics, i don't care about waifufags i just want Kai to finish all plot thread from Kuro1/2 and give a proper send off to Van and co.
haha... why do than when we have memberberries?
I just want Aaron to bone Emma
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>Van and co
I only remember Van. Who are they again?
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DELIBERATE sabotage of Falcom's income. Who buys a game with such a name?

I guess some low-IQ Final Fantasy fan is angry at them or someone lost his mind looking at the psychotic text boxes in Persona.
Hope the next arc is the finale. I'm not getting invested in another Kiseki cast from Falcom again.
Osborne was never controlled by the curse, THOUGH?
Play the game bean burrito
>Hope the next arc is the finale.
It is. You'll get one more cast and then they befriend everyone else and then the series ends with the small hope that a meteor destroys Zemuria and kills everyone.
For as many characters Kuro introduced, it just felt like it was only Van.
Why did you reply to yourself?
Kiseki died when we didn't have a female protagonist anymore.
Kek. You're right.
>Reanspic is a redditor
Go back
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Grimkatz should wear a massive strap-on dick and work as a rape assassin -- you pay her, she rape's some dude's ass.

The more mira, the bigger the dick.

I guess when AI-generated games are a thing and the legacy of Cold Steel plus NISA have bankrupted Falcom you'll feast your eyes on this.
>1/100 comments is actually about van
is he the most failed falcom mc of all time?
>replying to himself
'Fraid so.
If we range banned South America, these threads would improve.
Reanspics really are that pathetic.
Vanfags act like they love him and constantly spout the whole "best in the series" shit but notice how they'll never actually stick up for him or talk about him whenever any other previous protag gets shown or mentioned.
Let's say the series wasn't ruined by having male protagonists. How would you write the female protagonists of Crossbell, Cold Steel, and Kuro?
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Seems like there won't be any marchen garten this time
We grim garten now
>reanspic is STILL replying to his own comment
same shit different name
Based on the cover, wonder if their will be 3 routes (Van, Rean and Kevin) but from gameplay and footage they might all join Van's group throughout the game.
Rean will have another route in kai won't he. It should have been about the picnic squad instead fuck reanwank
They'll all become Van's bitches by the end while Van goes to defeat the final boss.
We've known the game was routeslop since January.
Rean won again
I kneel
Kevin is an honorary picnicbro
>It should have been about the picnic squad instead
You wanted those shitty characters to steal another game from Van?
Reanbro, Rean is garbage but Picnic Squad is trash too. You already had two of those shitters sink Kuro 2 with their unneeded presence.
Best protag group. Dilate.
Because Vanfags aren't deranged retards? Also what's there to defend about him? He's a great protagonist and everyone knows it, he doesn't have a huge split in opinions like rean.
>No Hermes
Man, did we get baited this whole time?
Also, no Rufus, kek. Well deserved for the uppity rufusfags.
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Reanbros in the cuck shed.
Victor and Daswami's bro moment near the end wholesome as fuck.
Grimwood Grimwald Grimnir Grim Garten
Yeah because GM was very prominent in Hajimari because she was on the boxart.
>Also what's there to defend about him?
>Admitting there's nothing to like about Van
Big self own.
Haha, surely she'll be important just like rean and Kevin.
>he doesn't have a huge split in opinions like rean.
I doubt he has enough fanbase to have a split in opinions lol.
Agnes should have been the protagonist.
>Reanspic admits he has problems with reading comprehension
Maybe you should've saved money for english classes instead of wasting them on tamales?
Yeah, Memberberries: The Series. Even schizzy has malded hard at this here in the past.
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Could one even make a more boring box.
It's just a white box and you can barely see the patterns on it.
This is not the time to be minimialist. Goddamn Falcom are so fucking disappointing every time.
>This is not the time to be minimialist
It's the perfect time for it. Kai is the return to white.
Reanspics are beyond stupid by nature so telling them to learn anything is a waste of time.
ED9-3, by the way.
It's actually ED8-6
Just like how ED8-5 was actually ED7-3, right?
The society feels different in this game, like I'm near then end and a fucking Anguis is chilling in a bar hanging out with a security guard and a fed.
Past games it was all boss fights and "haha all according to Keikaku" the leaving.
ouroboros has been a joke since cs2
Are you guys seriously doom spiraling about the cover art?
Isn't Kevin hanging out with the picnic squad?
Falcom art peaked here
Today is just slop after slop
what is there to be hopeful about? it's clear it's just cucked shart 6 and the spriggans are being shafted again to make room for memberberryslop
>make 5 horrible games that progressively sell like shit
>make 2 games that don't have much decline between each other
>make another one with all the horrible shit from the 5 horrible games that tanked the series sales
>expects the third game to NOT sell poorly
kek holy shit kondom
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The Boys
M-maybe the cover art sucks because they spent so much of the budget making the game really really good that all the could afford was paying an intern an hour overtime to make it.
Right guys?
It looks so fucking plain compared to Kuro 2 >>486529139
This general will doom spiral over anything because the mental age of the average /fg/ user caps out at 15 and no one knows how to have a genuine conversation.
Ouroboros was only ever good in the Sky games.
Take me back to these days.
Why there’s a returning character in the cover?
haha surely it's just Enami being a hack as always...
I buy falcom games exclusively to look at the box art.
Pft hahahahahahaha
Why are you a braindamaged monkey, Reantaco? Learn some decent English.
It is marketable. Putting Rean on the cover will get people to buy the game. Maybe the same can even be said of Kevin to a lesser extent.
Yeah, they made it so good that they haven't even announced any new features or gameplay additions and only show off new character models and battle animations! Haha!
Why do they not make key visuals for Kiseki anymore? They just make a boxart and that's it.
>>486536289 Wait until they don't make Elaine canon. They will turn on him lol
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After watching Aaron's ultra-gay drag show you realize Calvard's anti-immigration movement has a point.
Stop talking to yourself
Learn how to reply to a post.
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I want Agnes to win just because I hate Twitter and Reddit
is rean not cool enough to hang out with them?
I'd screencap to prove I'm not samefagging, but you'll just have a melty about inspect element despite the fact that solid lines indicate a reply to your post and broken lines indicate your own replies.
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>2 months before release
>Shown off nothing but craft animations and "LOOK WHO'S HERE!!!!" character reveals
>barely any info of the new gameplay additions, 0 info on any new minigames they added (because they probably didn't add any), no info of any other mechanics or additions they made (because they didn't make any most likely), still 0 info on this new randomly generated dungeon that is supposed to take up half the game (most likely because it's copypasted from Kuro 2), still 0 info on what the actual plot is supposed to be about,
>0 actual new art besides the laziest cover art they've ever made
Kai is going to kill this series for good. It's Falcom's laziest game yet.
I forgive Falcom if they give us Emma and Gaius by Enami next week
Kondo looks so miserable here.
>no one talks about Van
>It's Falcom's laziest game yet.
Haha, it does look that way.
Na-chan is so cute
He's a prudish faggot.
There's not much to say about Van other than calling him based because his character is currently pretty easily understood. Until there's more clarification on his background, there's not a whole lot to talk about.
>Hermes was the first character revealed
>STILL hasn't been shown off and wasn't even on the cover of the game just so they could shill memberberry slop
Stop talking to yourself, Reanbro. You're more obsessed over Van than Vanfags are.
It makes sense for them to market to potential new players with surface level flashy shit. People are genuinely insane if they think we won't get a typical "spoils the whole fucking game" trailer sometime before release.
why is the reanspic going crazy over boxart of all things
Second person you replied to here, still not the first guy you replied to
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We still don't know what Van is even gonna do in kai. Like who will knock on his door or what request did he take. We know he'll be connected to the space program but what else?
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>0 actually new artwork, just all repacked shit from the 20th anniversary merch they've been selling for months.
How can you honestly defend this complete lack of effort?
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>Be Mariabell
>Wear some hot dress when you come out as an evil witch
>Dump it and wear a business suit once you become a pro-villain

Why? Liane also wore her armor and not some country girl clothes.
Vanfags don't even talk about Van though.
that's what the series has been like since sen4
It's pretty much all he has now given Falcom and Famitsu cucked his boy from getting an article.
They didn't put Estelle and Lloyd on the cover of CS4.
its braille for our blind bros
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Finally Hajimari 2
Falcom's just trying to rush Kai out for the 20th anniversary quota. They don't really give a shit about this game and a good number of them have likely already began helping to work on TX2 and they're trying to save their resources and cash flows for that instead.
How can you defend a company that knowingly and intentionally puts out games they don't care about?
Aka Kuro 3, aka ED9-3.
Being a new Anguis is serious business.
We don't talk about kuro here buddy
I don't care about Reddit, Reanspic. Go back there. They fit your cancer better.
I don't dislike Rean, but it is getting kinda tiresome seeing him all the time. It's hard to fault Falcom for it when he was so well received by the Japanese playerbase, but goddamn dude. I just hope his presence is justified and also not overwhelming.
I'm not defending the shit they're pulling with Kai. At this point they should just finish kiseki in 2 games after Kai and be done with it. Look at what we have: Kondo looks miserable, writing team is full of chinks and hacks, shoestring budget and brainless fanservice over actually finishing the arc you started.
Rean mindbroke this anon so bad lol
He's gonna job like he usually does but it will be more of a side thing this time with Van and his crew getting most of the focus.
>Japanese playerbase
Dude is popular all over the fanbase. Only delusional retards think he's only popular in Japan.
>it will be more of a side thing this time
There’s literally a screeshot with Rean piloting a mecha (probably in the space)
stop talking to yourself
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Guys... wanna see a joke?
“Kuro no Kiseki Final Chapter”
The only delusional retards is Reanspics like yourself who actually thinks people actually give a shit about him and not just care about self inserting as him for haremshit.
Like everything in this series, he became overused and overdone. I just don't fucking care to see him again. I want new things to happen in this series. I thought with Kuro 1 we were starting what would be the rest of the series and they would build it back up for a while before we starting doing this epic crossovers again. I want to explore the world and meet new characters and build them up before you starting bringing everybody back. But it's clear Falcom holds a grudge against this series after Kuro 1 underperformed which is why they put 0 fucking effort into either Kuro 2 or Kai and why it gets the bare minimum of art now.
Doesn't matter. He's still going to be irrelevant compared to Van and co. Your boy just exists to job even harder than before now that he's not the MC.
Half of the cover are returning characters
First Van lost Kuro 2 to Swin
Now he lost the entire arc for returning characters
>but it will be more of a side thing
>is bigger than van in the box art
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>GOAT is back
>haha can't wait for Rean and Van to become besties
>new thing
>kuro 1
What a pretentious retard lmao
Same beaner
I dunno who's more of a schizo, the reanspic, or the guy calling everyone trying to have a conversation a reanspic. Surprisingly, I bet if South America got range banned, both of these people would disappear.
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The mere presence of Rean being back just brings PTSD to those who he mindbroke
Bean burritos flooding in from reddit.
I’m from Brazil and I’m mad
I don’t want to see Rean again
I want to play with Kevin, Van, Agnes, Emma, Rixia and Ries
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Kill yourself Green Grass I know you are still lurking here you pathethic terminally online schizo
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Haha, wouldn’t it be funny if Kevin ended up being more relevant in Kai as a church member than Rion, Celis, and Bergard, who were barely relevant in their own arc?
that guy is the embodiment of everything that is bad about reanfags
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The Great Collapse happened when the rest of the world united against the Ancient Zermurian Civilization and their Mage-Empress, Aidios.

The created a barrier that sealed Zemuria from the rest of the planet in a phase space and caused all kinds of havoc.

The barrier will soon disappear and our heroes will discover that they are the hated descendants of past tyrants, surrounded by a very advanced civilization that now comes to exterminate them once and for all.
Technically the entire cover is returning characters since every character featured on it has been in a prior game.
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>cucked by Crow
>cucked out of the MC by Van
>is a manlet
>will kneel again to Shizuna
Imagine being Rean
Just show how much they're so insecure about him. They don't even talk about their favorite games at all. It's just so fucking sad.
We all know that Ys is the real flagship series for falcom. Kondo always looks miserable when talking about Kiseki. They rush out Kuro 2 to make time for Ys X and it still comes out mid. That is just the caliber of falcom is these days, relentless mediocrity.
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Now isn't the time for theory crafting anon. It is currently schizo hours.
>these days
>implying they've been anything more than the IF/Compile heart tiers of JP companies shitting out yearly games
Reanfags are stupid. Go figure.
They're likely trying to allocate most of the development costs to TX2 and the next Ys game with Kai getting the smaller portion likely because it's just trying to meet a 20th anniversary quota and nothing more.
Demon lords are post-humans who came from beyond.
I'm not a reanfag, rent-free-kun. I'm just shitposting.
At this point I hope they just wrap it all up in 1 game after Kai. What's the point of making new characters when no one is going to care about them and "fans" will just want nothing but returning characters back and Falcom aren't going to put any effort into developing anything new? Just bring back Estelle, Lloyd and Rean and all their collaborators and wrap up the series.
The barrier is called Ars Magna
Roselia’s staff is actually Aidios’ staff
GM is Aidios shadow
GM final goal is to destroy everyone from the Outside and that’s why she puts Zemuria on a loop
I wasn't talking about you, autist-kun but maybe you are a Reanfag after all.
>They're likely trying to allocate most of the development costs to TX2 and the next Ys game with Kai getting the smaller portion likely because it's just trying to meet a 20th anniversary quota and nothing more.
How is that okay? Falcom should be putting effort into everything they make.
Oh I see how I misinterpreted that. Sorry I just assumed I was being called a Reanfag again despite having lukewarm feelings about him at best.
>reantaco desperately wants to write off van and co through falseflagging "concern"
this new tactic of yours is really not that good either.
kiseki ""fans"" gives a shit about van or his crew, they just want references to games from 10 years ago and nothing else
Correct, we refer to it as Daybreak now as the ESL MTL days have passed here on this English board.
Full front:
The character directly faces the camera front. This position represents the greatest intimacy as far as the relation between the camera (resp. the viewer) and the actor is concerned. By looking directly at the viewers, the actor puts them in a role of complicity. The character looking directly into the camera (resp. the viewer’s eyes), can significantly disturb the illusion that the screen’s frame is a window to a separated reality (see also 90-degree shot).

Quarter turn:
The body is a quarter-turn from the audience. This is the favored position of most filmmakers as it offers a high degree of intimacy on the one hand and a lower degree of emotional involvement than the full front position on the other.

The actor is shown in profile looking out of the frame to the left or right (into the offscreen space). In the case of two actors, they may be facing each other or have their backs turned to each other (the face-to-face variation is often used in establishing shots of dialogue and duel scenes). However, in this position, the characters generally seem to be unaware that they are being observed by the camera (resp. the viewer). Seemingly, they are more concerned with each other or with their diegetic world.
Businesses aren't made of infinite money and sometimes they gotta prioritize which projects should get more funds than others.
>TX and Ys getting more budget
that's a big cope LOL
Falcom had more creative integrity back then before the popularity of the poisoned chalice that is Kiseki.
If Falcom aren't going to put effort into every game they make then why should I support any of them?
Given how barebones Kai is, yes. Falcom would rather put more money in Ys than Kiseki and I'm sure they're happy to work on another Xanadu game again after being stuck with just Ys and Kiseki.
You should have asked yourself 10 years ago
And I bet the people in falcom enjoy making TX and Ys more than shitting out another Kiseki.
Indeed. Better late than never, I suppose. Done buying their games though at least but I will probably still pirate them.
Most people don't care about Kiseki though.
We know you're just shitposting so you can stop now. You look more pathetic with every post.
Well yeah. Who wants to keep making the same yearly Kiseki stuff over and over again? Sounds like torture.
Which one is Falcom's true mainstream series between Ys and Kiseki?
Rean ruined trails
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I defended this series for a long time but even I can't defend it anymore. The last 2 games having almost 0 new art and Kai's utterly apathetic marketing just prove that Falcom no longer give a shit about this series in the slightest anymore. And if they don't care, then I won't anymore either. I'm not supporting this fucking slop anymore.
yall take this series too seriously if this is how you react to the cover art LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
>The last 2 games having almost 0 new art
kek these are the least of my complaints
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Elie's crafts appear to have a holy attribute to them.

This is because Llyod fucks Wazy in the ass.

Then he fucks Elie, transferring Wazy's holy powers on her with his dick. It's like divine AIDS.
Swin is fine though
once again i am proven right because i said all of this back in january whe kondo gave those interviews where he sounded like he couldn't have given any less of a shit about kai
now your all having melties about how lazy kai is and acting like its news haha...
>GM is Aidios shadow
god that sounds boring. then again, anything does when it's been 20 years of theorizing
Lol where is this from? Hajimari character tier list?
Please bring Lloyd back too
I beg you Falcom
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>Nina and GM are praying
>Rean and Kevin are smirking
>Van and Agnes are looking serious
What did Kondo mean by this?
>grandmaster on the cover...
can't wait for the post-launch dlc add-on where she speaks for 2 minutes while saying sweet fuck all
Very irresponsible of that cunt refusing to listen about the catastrophe from Alt-Rean and then just sit out because his beloved Crossballs is not in the crosshairs this time.
nina and gm are praying this shit series finally dies
rean and kevin are smirking because they're about to take over the game
van and agnes are serious because they realized they just wasted 3 games doing nothing
This list was made by a Laurafag that doesn't know how to properly build and use Arts btw
Rean, Rufus and Kevin all get to come back and be featured heavily in another protagonist's arc. Rean and Kevin even get to appear on the box cover, emphasizing their prominence and importance. Meanwhile Estelle gets a coomer toy figurine that shows off her bare ass cheeks. Falcom knows what the fans want from each character and what their primary purpose should be.
>recluse cube is cubing
i wish i never played a single falcom game
bullshit. show me the black, non-binary lesbian with an afro storming the beaches of liberl
seething fanfic:
falcom ruined my life
I mean the actual games not irrelevant shite like covers
you could've put that in one post, mate.
Doomerchads always win
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>Grandmaster telling talking about how "all with return to void" in 3 years time
>Ishmelga-Rean knowing what went down
>the PV talking about how the "world is meeting it's final days"
>Sky remake is in the works
bros, if they do hit the reset button and we get a FF7R situation for Sky, I'm going to be pissed...
“You guys are overreacting”
Rean appeared in Kai’s cover
I don’t believe it
This is insane
Haha I remember back when Kuro 2 trailer was released I was so fucking hyped about it, but we know how that turned out...
The GM appeared on Hajimari's cover, Elaine was on Kuro 2's cover. You retards have the memory of a goldfish.
never in my wildest shitpost dreams did i think rean would actually make the cover lmao
Of course
Falcom is with us
They spent too long adding 57 white supremacist threat letter quests, you have to understand.
It’s not GM or Elaine
It’s fucking Rean Schwarzer
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Now that the dust has settled are you excited for Trails of Cold Steel VI featuring Kevin from the Trails in the Sky series?
Kai sells more = thanks to Rean
Kai sells the same shit = it’s Kevin’s fault
Kai sells less = it’s Van’s fault
Kai sells more = it's Rean's fault
Kai sells the same shit = it's Rean's fault
Kail sells less = it's Rean fault
Kek. Based
Yes, I'm hyped as fuck now!!!
This thread started with people mocking Rean
Look how far we come
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>kevin went from never ever to being on the cover of the game
kevinbros are the real winners. i empathetise with the vanbros for being cucked but i'm sorry, we fucking won big time.
Looks like Rean is about to stab Kevin in the head
Nina and GM will join Rean’s harem
GM is already in Rean’s harem
>Estelle and Joshua literally show up in the very first game after their arc
> :D
>Lloyd shows up in the second Cold Steel game and every Cold Steel game after that
> :D
> Rean shows up in the third Calvard game
Reanhaters are something else
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>returning characters
first trailers, Crimson Sin's final PV was released nearly 1 month before release
>gameplay additions
bwo, your Blitz?
>minigames and dungeon
was it ever said that we'd get another TRC? they did state that it'd be like Hajimari but not once was it mentioned that it was going to be a case like that. incase we would get another dungeon, why wouldn't they reuse the MG.
webcms, even then, why would you want the game spoiled through a trailer of all things? we get who's returning, what business they have in Calvard and their motivations for it
>0 art
you're only getting this (you) because I have nothing to do
>returning characters again
Shitzuna rematch
merc on the job
Gralsritter, self-explanatory due to the mystical shit that's probably going to happen if Campy is getting involved
>kill the series
oh nyo....
As a KevinCHAD I'm happy, but my Richardbro side is still cucked hard
How nice of falcom to put rean on the cover so we could see that the biggest jobber and cuck is finally back.
I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually reveal that GM is another Rean's step-mom.
>Rean shows up in the third Calvard game
After 5 games as MC
With a route only for him and class 7
Appearing in the cover
Special DLC costume
Scroll down to the Key Visual and Official artwork sections. Notice how Kuro 1 has tons of art, while Kuro 2 and Kai have basically nothing?
Now compare that to how much each Cold Steel game got
And people actually try to pretend that Kuro 2 and Kai have effort put into them.
that would be the literal worst thing they could do.
it would invalidate the entire 20-year series, especially if they don't answer the main mysteries.
it's happening, isn't it
>Anons measure of how much effort is put into a game is the amount of official art the game gets
>Official artwork to supplement the game is not effort
>Rean gets a pre-order dlc costume
I feel so apathetic right now, so I don't fucking care about this shit anymore. I'll just wait for ys x I guess.
absolutely retarded, even I think Falcom wouldn't be stupid enough to pull that off. FF7R is a mess and a recent interview literally stating "Yeah bro, we just wing it", I pray that Falcom doesn't even consider it. might honest to god be the worst way to have your 20th anniversary game pull that off
it literally is correlated tho
artwork is supposed to show that the intended vision of the game is
the fact that they didn't bother for either kuro 2 or kai shows that they had no vision and anybody whos actually played kuro 2 could tell you that was the case and it will again be the case with kai
Answer the main mysteries
The world ends
We move to the next cycle
Rean gets to appear on the main protagonist side with Van. Kevin is on the heroine side with Agnès
I wonder if people were doomposting like this back when Sen 4 released, like
>Rean's arc and sales are so bad since CS3 they had to shove in Estelle and Llyod
Will the next arc even top 50k again?
>Kevin will steal Agnes from Van
estelle and lloyd weren't at the forefront of sen 4s marketing and they weren't on the cover of the game lmao
Estelle had plenty of marketing, same shit Rean is getting with Kai now

Cover point is right tho
Why does everyone complain about Lloyd but not Isola and Osborne? (And maybe Epstein too) Dreichels didn't want to talk about Ishmelga with Roselia but Ishmelga is a consequence of the existence of a Septerrion and Roselia's task is: I don’t know. Eat cookies. Isola saw the future and didn't say anything to Roselia either. Worse: She saw Emma's future and said: The world needs your magic so go travel and then disappeared. Why are all characters who have the chance to predict some disaster retarded?
Sen still sold well, so they didn't have to put estelle or Lloyd on the cover. Kai is just a pathetic attempt to bring back reanfags and im actually curious about the result.
Estelle is a normal returning character in CS4/Reverie
Rean is receiving special treatment since forever
Don't forget that Arianrhod specifically gave the same answer as to why she didn't tell Roselia as Lloyd gave to Ishmelga-Rean.
>Estelle is a normal returning character
>When Rean comes back it's special treatment
god you're weird
they didn't put estelle on the cover of cs4
During the calendar last year Rean appeared 2x
Why isn't Van fucking Paulette
The sexual tension is palpable
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>Hermès is important enough to place all over the mini-ost and important enough to reveal as the very first character but not enough for the cover of the game or to reveal at all in any of the info dumps
Rean is the character with the biggest amount of screentime in this franchise
The 2nd character and the 3rd character with biggest screentime together have less screentime than Rean
Gourmet NPC
Kai is the only Calvard game I won't buy, because I want to show falcom that I don't buy a kiseki game with rean nigger in it.
A reminder that Kuro 1 and 2 saw a bump in sales when Rean was announced
Better than Elaine at least
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Why is /fg/ so mad about Rean?
So kai will have pick your waifu shit or Agnes actually won?
Why bother with any new character when we have 'member?
Shit character and badly written. He's also a black hole that ruins other characters development.
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The cube is probably the capel origin
What's your prediction on each protagonist pov time?
I'll go with Van: 60%, rean: 20%, kevin/Rufus: 20%
Kevin: 30
Rufus: 5
van will get 50% at most
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Hehe... fufu...
Van 70%, Kevin 20%, Rean 10%
Is Rean a protagonist? Nice!
If you compare all the revealed Rean content to the other 2 you can really notice how inconsequential it is to the plot. Who really gives a fuck about Shizuna and Ikaruga when there's so much else going on? The most notable part is Ka-Fai, and that's only if he's an Anguis.
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'member when we used to actually make good games?
i 'member
Van group is fighting against generic mask man 1/2/3 and generic monsters
Rean is fighting against Ka-Fai, the most hyped swordmaster so far since Sky and Shizuna
He is also involved with Capel and will pilot a mecha
we finally have confirmation in the boxart that she is linked to the gm (hajimari/owari)
what is their relation? nina probably has to bring about the end of the cycle, does the gm start the new one?
is the genesis involved?
Haha that's our Ouroboros, street racing with kids.
Really show how there are a bunch of CSonlies out there. Probably the same shitheads that make the "Rean steals Estelle" or "Rean steals Elie" cuckshits
In the end Crow stole Towa, isn't that hilarious.
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>Comeback for CS characters
>Farewell, oh Zemuria

Well played, sir.
depends on the character because I really only felt this way with Old Class 7(besides Jusis, Fie and Crow) and Elise (who is just awful overall). nuCVII has it's issues like haremshit and Musse's retardation but they aren't as dependent on Rean to function as characters like say Laura or those who had almost no narrative significance in the long run.
It feels like Van and his co. didn't contribute anything to Kai's marketing
if you watch the mini ost clip the only spriggans who show up at all are van, agnes and bergard lmao
Duh. Falcom went all in on nostalgia baiting since Kuro's cast isn't nearly as popular as the Cold Shitters, and seeing Kevin in a new game is novel so some oldfags are checking it out too.
NC7 are more dependent on Rean to function than OC7
keksekifags only care about memberberries
Estelle got a new figure that just released. It's not like she's forgotten
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>When you discover that the attack on Hamel wasn't Weissmann's doing or human evil but some silly curse
kai looks worse with every new news drop
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>When you discover that your new MC gets sidelined in 2/3 of the games he appears in.
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Even with all the doomposting, I can't see Kai being worse than Kuro 2. At least the story will advance, character arcs will be completed, though rushed and hijacked, and we won't have that dumb erosion taking up half the game or all those forced deaths and rewinds. We will have new S crafts and more areas to visit than Kuro 2 ever offered too.
Not saying the plot with Ouro and those masked guys won't be dumb, nor there won't be any filler chapters, but it can't be worse than Kuro 2 and Hajimari...maybe.
It's a filler game with 5% plot progress to set up the next game. Nothing happened in Kuso.
cold shite nedeed 5 games to move the plot for 10%
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10% is generous.
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>Not a single Falcomwide poll since Kuro came out
>Swin and Nadia sideline Van for a lot of the second game
>Now Rean and Rufus taking a good chunk of Kai
>Not for a second do Kusoeaters consider that this might be because according to internal market research the ASO are not nearly as beloved as they pretend they are.
how can they be loved when they were never given a chance
Putting these fag on a top 10 list is a massive kek.
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I'm just playing the old Ys games and waiting for Ys X eagerly, at least its fun and it doesn't take narrative too seriously.
They got an entire game. How did every other arc do it? /fg/ shitposters will insist they are the best cast that Kiseki ever had, so clearly it's enough, no?
Every other cast got 2-4 games. Kuro 2 was an abortion that gave them nothing to work with. Falcom never gave them a real chance.
Haven't played Daybreak 2 yet and I'm extremely skeptical when people say Van was sidelined in favor of the picnicfags. What's more likely is that the insane Na-chan faggot is just completely delusional about these characters as usual.
/fg/ usually exaggerates but no kuro 2 really was a pointless game and van and co really did get sidelined in favor of swin, nadia and renne lmfao
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>one game isn't enough
What a load of nonsense. And it's not even accurate for Trails. Every second game got a first week sale bump from the one before it, which clearly means that the cast was liked to some extent.
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Ok, here's the list of things Kai should answer to finish Calvard arc in satisfactory manner:
>Van, Mare, Grendel and demon lords origins
>Agnes and Epstein's role in the story and what are genesis needed for
>Risette's and Marduk's role
>Judith and Grimcatz origins
>Aaron and Taikun related stuff
>Bergard what he's been up to
>Yun ka-fai and Ikaruga's role and origins
>Feri's, Kasim's and Khurga's role
>Nina and what the church is up to
>Ouroboros and primordial nothingness
>What lies in the beyond
>Hermes and her role
>Gramheart and Rene's agendas
>Hamilton's plan
>Jolda and Ixs role
You can add more if I missed something, but I guess I'm fine with only these questions being answered.
they'll give each of these 5 minutes each at most
I finished Haji minus post-game.

It was actually quite good, though C route elevated it a lot for me by being among my favorite things Falcom has written. I think I would have rated it as just 'okay' without it so I'm glad it was there. Rean's route was good surprisingly. I can see why people say he's probably at his best in this game than anything in CS and I would actually agree. I wish it didn't take him 5 games to realize what he should have figured out by CS2 but whatever. Lloyd's wasn't as bad as people say it is, I was expecting like a complete trainwreck. However Lloyd himself was written like he was on autopilot and did nothing to fix my issues with him as a protagonist.
Half of these should've been answered or elaborated further in Kuro 2 so my guess is that it's gonna go nowhere.
I like how Kevinbros are just really happy and content that he's around not complaining at all
reading this just makes me realize how little actually happened in kuro
what a waste of an arc
IMO, Rean showing up isn't really a problem. The issue is that there's a real concern he'll be having a lot more of a role compared to Estelle and Lloyd in their follow-up games.

Anon, it is true that Estelle is not actually on the cover of CS4
if kuro 2 wasn't a waste of time and most of the plot points of calvard got actually developed and the spriggans actually had their character development, not a single person would complain about rean being in kai
Midway through chapter 2 in Kuro 1, let me guess, NPCs are completely fair game for permadeaths but not playables I presume?

>I wish it didn't take him 5 games to realize what he should have figured out by CS2 but whatever

While I get what you are getting at, I would think how given Rean gets perpetually fucked over by a lot of things, it wouldnt have done any wonders for his self-sacrificial tendencies.
Elaine is gone. It's all about Van and Agnes
What were they thinking making kuro 2? In some parts of the game it felt like falcom was afraid at answering some plot related stuff, like "hmm maybe it's related to? But no..." it's like the game only teases you without properly answering.
I mean, she's going ro space.
How do Elainefags feel like now?
Kuro 2 was made to just rehash the assets while they bought time for Ys X, they put off every reveal for the next game where they would have the time and budget. What baffles me is that they're clearly putting no effort into Kai either so what was the point in delaying?
Elaine was always too old for Van anyway.
>side character didn't get put on the cover over the main female lead or the nostalgia bait
No shit.
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They're now putting the fake French strokes over the a in Bàbà...
I cropped out the white spaces as much I could, art with too much space sucks just like the fucking new cover.
Which shows that Ys is the flagship series all along. And I'm all for it.
all it does it prove that falcom are just hacks not worthy if any loyalty, they only put any effort into 1 game every 3 years
Why haven't Ys games been good since Origin, then?
>saved by a child
>saved by estelle and joshua
>saved by rean
>saved by rixia
biggest jobber in the series?
Damn Elaine's final event with those kids from the Reverie daydream had me feeling some shit that was wholesome as fuck.
Kuro 1 was a such good start and we were about to follow such a great journey... wtf went so wrong?
it didnt sell 100k so konjew abandoned it
I guess that's a fair concern with him having a alrge spot on the cover
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The Grandmaster is probably mentally ill. Why else would someone come up with silly project names like "Phantasmal Blaze"? Alsos he's probably British because only the British give ships names like "Glorious".

Drinking tea, good point. Renne was a mature and badass character, then they made her into this snobby ojou-sama just because she made a reference to Alice in Wonderland.
Bruh how far behind are you?
It's funny to think that Cao has more development than any of the main characters in Kuro 2
Top 10 NIS America Eceleb Whores
Ys X being delayed and the moron that decided to make Kuro 2 a second setup game that heavily focused on shock value deaths that ended up being comedy and a character that really didn't need a whole game for character development instead of moving the plot along while also revealing some things like the true story of Calvard's revolution. Then Kondom realized they fucked up badly but instead of trying to salvage it they chose to sell the climax game as a fanservice wankfest like Hajimari.
Yeah I meant Rean and Kevin
The shock value deaths really gets old after 2 or 3 times it happened
Cao is Kondom's chinkwank personified so it's not really surprising in to see that in the chinkwank arc. You can already tell Aaron is getting screwed again just so Kondom can suck off his beloved Cao again.
Chinaman Kuro2 stream /fg/ was slower than right now
let that sink in

Question: are people actually looking at the cover art and unironically think Rean/Kevin are more important than Van or is it trolling?

Art framing rules clearly portray as the front and center while Rean/Kevin are clearly secondary framkng devices and Nina/Grandmaster are tertiary.
Obvious shitposting from the usual clowns.
My favorite part of the Kuro 2 stream were the death counters.
So you can tell how seriously people took the game even as they were seeing it played for the first time.
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Applause to Lechter who forced Llyod to fuck his ass while he was balls deep in a famous assassin dancer.
I can imagine Van and Agnes are up for sale too (1000 mira/hour). When I order Agnes to rim my asshole I'll tell her "that's your only way out of the trailer park."
Rean's not even the main protagonist of Hajimari and he's stll came out as more important than Rufus.
This is what you get when you give an extremely volatile plot device called time travel and give it to third rate writers at falcom to abuse it. It becomes a laughingstock and the deaths lost all of its importance and gravitas.
did we get 600 schizo posts in the space of like 5 hours over some game cover art
>duuuuude just accept the slop or you're a schizo
Now this is podracing.
It looks fine in my opinion, just the Rean art looks questionable, but the rest of it looks ok.
Also didn’t help that half didn’t watch Chinaman but KoreanGook who was farther ahead.
Why would I watch someone play the game in a different language? lmao
It's a /fg/ tradition, you don't shit on traditions
Because you get to see 4 ARIOS before anyone else
>make 5 horrible games that progressively sell like shit
Cold Steel 4 sold over 1.2 million copies.
Worldwide over the course of 6 years. The games progressively sold worse, starting with Corked Shart.
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Less than 100k week 1, significantly down from CS1, 2 and 3. Then it continued to drop and ended at 50k after the arc was done. Amazing.
It's pretty darn impressive how well the Cold Steel games sold (by Falcom standards).
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Cute and canon!
Compare the character design to these CS school classes and realize whe lived through a lost decade.
Every figure of a female character shows their asscheeks. Why does /fg/ act so retarded over this
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full size
Meanwhile, in the west, CS4 had the highest concurrent players, and it dropped for Reverie and dropped for Daybreak
What is the Saint of End and Grandmaster cooking
Judith is so lucky
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I love my husbando
taimanin-looking slut.
The girls all have very cute butts
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Less characters with more skills and unique weapon models for every weapon for each character. No one cares about the mechanical reskin memberberries squad.
I'm pretty sure it's a combination of shitposting but also somewhat actual concern that they would sacrifice storytelling for what might make more money, the latter of which feeds into more shitposting. We won't know ultimately until the game is out

Having just finished it, I have heard this complaint and I think this is bullcrap. I thought there were multiple times where Rean would overshadow the story and near the last dungeon I believed it, but they managed to have Lloyd and C do relevant stuff to the end.
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this girl has had the same dialogue since the start of the game and hasn't changed even in the finale
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tick tock vankeks
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Yeah, this actually looks a lot better than the boxart. You guys were dooming over nothing
Actually kino
Characters needed:

A girl like Mellore from Eiyuden.

A muscle girl (wrestler).

A laid back and clumsy Heiyue tortureress.
If a key visual looks better than the box art, then the box art is still crap.
I still think the box art is too white which makes it look worse.
Removing part of the planet at the top and making Grandmaster and Nina smaller removes some blue from the image.
Also due to the logo it washes out the floor at the bottom.
The 20th anniversary logo's placement can't be any worse either.
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Never let anybody tell you 3rd isn't relevant
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Quick comparison between key visual and the box art.
Whatever happened to the Kuro PS4 box art happened again.
Wasn't that big of a fan of Kuro ps4 art either, but Falcom is somehow fucking it up when turning it into a box art.
That would be such a cruel thing to do. Playing and investing in all these games and characters for all these years only for it all to reset/reboot. Hopefully the main timeline will always be relevant no matter what happens.
Let's say every Cold Steel game sold 1.2 million. That's 4.8 million out of 7.5 million Kiseki sales as of 5 months ago and this is excluding Hajimari. Except, the previous games probably sold more than 1.2 overall, and you agree with this. Out of the 7.5 million Kiseki sales, 5-6 million bought Cold Steel games. They really are beloved sucesses.
What is it that you want us to see?
That is definitely absolutely not how that works.
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angy agnes
Anon, are you forgetting the series is almost over and they do plan to definitively end it? Doing something like that would be saying "actually we're gonna continue for another decade+". Like Kondo was literally just talking about taking the series to its conclusion

I swear you fuckers just want to doom for no reason
Actually has more depth than Nina and the GM
I mean we don't really know anything about GM at all, so that's not 100% a fair comparison considering the games they were in were actually about them
It's their logic. If every Cold Steel game sold less than the ones before, and CS4 sold 1.2 million then Cold Steel 1-4 must have sold over 4.8 million combined. Add in Hajimari and take into consideration that they had significant drops like he's saying and Cold Steel goes way over 5 million.
Of course, you could say he's wrong. But that would mean that the sales for Cold Steel weren't decreasing over time.
she cute
It looks like Grendel reflecting in the cracked surface
By the way, having finished Haji, did the people who said "Swin's kit is horrible" not just boost his speed to as high as possible or something? Because doing that +Delay makes him extremely viable
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Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the biggets homo of them all?

We need an outfit mod for Van to make him look like Battler.
Silky smooth 20 fps.
there's too many frames I can still see movement
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what the hell are those 3 things
Blue under Van looks like Grendel.
AI ass.
Plump little booty
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What if Mrs Mao is.... Rixia Mao's grandmother?
Kino. Can't wait to play Kai.
i'm 1000% sure based on the key art that Van/Agnes is going to be most of it while Rean and Kevin get small interludes from some reverie-type selection menu that you gotta do to continue the Van story
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Fufu... Ban-san...
Nina Fenly is enforcer XXI, the "World" tarot card.
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Fiebros... Cock went inside.
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What's the logic for the SP points during the Kuro 1 car race...?
They shrunk down the female characters in the back and gave the male characters a bigger, more prominent spot on the actual box cover. Nice.
*secret deus ex machina turboboosts you*
>Changed "Zion" to "Diaspora"

Legit surprised people didn't sperg out more.
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A legend of the by far greatest RPG series ever created.
The most interesting thing about him is when he started using magic with that doube voiced latin stuff like the witches
It was already debunked that these are the sales of sen 1 - 3 you can go back to kekddit where the original post is and see for yourself.
redditfag, the only reason is that you're a tourist and don't visit /fg/ regularly, you faggot.
We already had a sperg on it like 30 threads ago.
No, guys, you don't get it, when they downplay the ASO and immediately start bringing in Swin and Nadia and now Rean and Kevin, it's not because they have market analysis on what the fans are responding to or anything..
I'm from /m/. Not reddit.
Doesn't change the fact you're a tourist, faggot.
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A journey of twenty years.
kondo lies all the time.
his latest lie was "we're 90% of the way through."
now it's "80-90%".
he also put the grandmaster on the cover of hajimari and she wasn't even in the base game.
i'm not a doomer inherently, i'm a doomer about this because of past experience and observation.
observe more, use your eyes
I'll read all the old threads so I can learn the deep lore so you'll stoo spazzing out so much.
I can't wait to explore the far east. Though wouldn't it just be all desert,
Whatever you want to believe
get ready for a new map with Zemuria only being a small part of the world.
Should be possible to calculate the size of Zemuria by using the travel times (selge per hour) in Kuro?
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This planet isn't showing any part of Zemuria, new continent?
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god I want to kiss GM's beautiful lips
I'd rather have Kai's reveal to connect the whole series to Nayuta rather than the reset to Sky remake theory.
Let me rebunk your deboonk. They're saying it's the combined sales of CS1-CS3 at the time before CS4 came out, but the total sales was 1.5 mil, not 1.2 mil.

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