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Previous >>486565150

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 07/18
>Cover art for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- it now out!
>Mini original soundtrack for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OYfHs7OqK4 [Embed]
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in the West in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA in both English and French
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr5_4eGWQio [Embed]
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Being Released in the West by XSEED in Early 2025 on NSW, PS4 and PS5
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
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fuck I forgot to delete the [embed] shit
oh well
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Today, I will remind them.
In Kuro 2 what are the main parties? Is it always Arkride Solutions for Side A and always Swin/Nadia/Renne/Fourth for Side B?
Or do they change constantly
What a retarded fucking post lmao.
Why don't you play the game and find out? Or better yet, shove a pencil up your urethra then slam a door into it.
Side A is Van, Side B is Swin and Nadia.
Other than that, it changes based on which act it is.
Not that it matter, there are only 2 A and B sides, after that it's the act 3 which is a different structure.
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No one with a working brain would think Corked Shart is good.
Retard, why would I play with bad MTL when we only have a couple of months before the official release?
Kiseki 2d fighting game when
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>bad MTL
its pretty good though
>why would I play with bad MTL
how would you even know the difference eslnigger
why does elaine sound like a hag in the english dub
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found the fagcord user
Based and truthpilled.
eat shit retard
What is currently the longest trails game story wise?
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I love the picnic squad!
My name is Van, I'm an artist. I'm a performance artist. I'm hired for people to fulfil their... fantasies. Their deep, dark fantasies. I was gonna be a movie star, with modelling and acting. After a hundred or two auditions and small parts, I decided I had enough. Then I got into escort work. The clientele requested a lot of... fetishes. So I just decided to go full master and change my entire house into a dungeon, dungeon master, with a full dungeon in my house, and its going really well.
that not how that format works
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>uhhh ACTUALLY you violated the rules of my reddit meme and my autistic brain can't handle it when someone doesn't follow the RULES
>no I WONT go back to pleddit
Posting like cringe cos you got called out by an anon for being a faggot
>>>>errrrrrrr actually duhhhhhhhh eeeerrrrrrrr duuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh errrrrrrrr duuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh eeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
>duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh errrrrrr sky good uhhhhhhhhhhhh
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reanspics getting uppity again
Hardly a surprise ESL wouldn't understand the fundamentals of memes. Maybe you should consider returning to an educational institution?
You didn't fix the typo from the last OP either, if you'd only waited a little. Last OP is still up too.
post hand and degree
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Kai no Kisexki
How were people making the Ys X patch? I remember kurotools wasn’t working for that since it wasn’t updated but later on I remember seeing someone make a translation, was that not with kurotools?
Rufus will take his AI doll girlfriend (teen version) and fuck off to the Moon in peace
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the things i would do to shizuna...
So why is Kuro 2 considered a filler game, is it because it didn't progress the overarching plot?
its a teaser for kai that also includes some conclusion to Swin & Nadia's story, thats it
Get killed by her?
pretty much, but it also didn't progress Spriggans' story and character arcs as well (with the exception of Quatre and some hints and teases about other characters). It basically felt like another set-up game, but only written 10 times worse than kuro 1, if it was just a game about characters going on another adventure i wouldn't mind, but those retarded dead ends and focus on swin and nadia ruined it for me.
You know what OP? fuck you for this art I see whose missing.
Two different flavors of mind control...
Some irrelevant character?
>Some irrelevant character?
We're not talking about you.
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Do you think this cube is related to Van? It's covered in the same blue lightning as Van on his legs, mb it's related to Mare or Grendel?
Genuine question what do you even do in these games
JRPG (plural JRPGs)
(video games) Initialism of Japanese role-playing game, a traditional genre of role-playing video game generally understood as involving a pre-determined story and player characters, a party of multiple controllable characters, and an emphasis on narrative and storytelling.
It's the septterrion when all eight genesis fuse together.
It's Kevin's cube, supercharged
It's another Causality Recording Engine.
so it's a sept-terrion of time? It doesn't sound bad if that's how genesis are going to be used. I do wander how Van and Mare fit in all this.
Don't think so, this is something else. Towa calls it CAPEL origin
Oh so this is what's going to be resetting time this time around.
You didn't play the games retard, it is literally not possible for the genesis to be part of a sept terrion. The most they could be in relation to the sept terrion is to serve as the terminals just like gospel did.
This is because the Genesis was only made 50 years ago by Epstein.
Question is, how did Epstein make those? We don't know that part. And what was it made out of?
We could've some answers to those questions in Kuro 2 if falcom writers weren't bunch of third rate frauds.
We still don't know, but Van says they're closer to artifacts than to the regular orbments, so i guess Epstein somehow reverse engineered artifacts into genesis.
If I had to guess where the sept terrion of time is, I would guess it's in Trion Tower.
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>Major IT outages are hitting industries across the world, with airlines, banks and broadcasters affected

Is Risette going to be alright? Her body isn't going to BSOD?
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It's in space.
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i volunteer to keep her body safe if she shuts down
wtf is that red thing? Doesn't look like AF.
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Don't forget she is still artificial, she probably doesn't even have a pussy.
as long as her skin feels human enough, i can make it work.
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Van accidentally set him free by throwing the core into Beyond.
>Their power
so did Epstein and some other group bind Vagrants-zion?
>by throwing the core into Beyond.
wasn't Vagrants-zion inside the space that is between zemuria and the beyond?
Will Falcom ever stop making these faggy protagonists? Even Adol has turned into a total fag. I'm sick of weak, faggy protagonists who kneel to every villain.
Falcom would need to completely change their game structure and template to make a badass protagonist who mogs everyone, I'd say that Van was a huge improvement over Rean, even if he jobs sometimes at least he isn't getting cucked from his cool moments.
Literally Xenoblade.
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What is that translation?
Shouldn't it be like: "I see, that device made by that person. No wonder the restraints of ***** was allowed".
Isn't he talking about how genesis allowed Van to use grendel?
FFIX had Beatrix who canonically assrapes your party every time you fight her. Your party still never came off as completely pathetic like they do in Trails.
nisa's translations are fanfiction and should be considered to be an alternate timeline from the japanese canon
It has been established that it's more accurate than your precious fan translation. It's time to move on from the nitpicking squad.
Yes but in that game the powerlevel doesn't change. You NEVER defeat beatrix, she starts as the top dog and she is always the top dog even when she joins your party, is a gandalf the white situation basically.
Beatrix could probably destroy everything by herself but of course the gameplay is first (even if she is fucking op in any case).
Kiseki moves powercreep every game and it's pretty much ridicolous after some point, it's worse than dragonball gt.
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Rean is BoF2 Ryu-tier. Kneelman.
sounds like you're just extremely nitpicky, what you have is pretty much the same
>It has been established that it's more accurate than your precious fan translation
Fucking the opposite, it's been demonstrated they are basically fanfiction multiple times, completely altering dialogues and personalities.
Cmon man, don't be delusiional.
After Kuro being pretty easy on the whole so far, it was pretty refreshing to have Shizuna's combat simulator fight be one where you have to actually try. While there was probably a much better way to fight it, it basically turned into an Azure fight, with Van upfront tanking and occasionally evading her attacks, and everyone else pelting her with arts.
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love renny
The presentation is largely the issue. You can completely destroy these plot armored bosses like they're nothing and you'll still kneel in the cutscene. Even the Breath of Fire games have some extra scenes if you actually beat them and still lose in the cutscene, like when you fight Sunder and Balio in BoF3 as a kid and get knifed in the back.
Feel free to explore the subject on reddit, where the two have been compared and NISA walks away victorious every time. Your nitpicking bubble isn't reality.
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Don't try to argue with him, it's just pointless.
I don't even have time or will to post erika dialogue, retributive tower, beauty's blade, quatre pronouns... i can go all day but you are an idiot and i don't talk with idiots. Keep living in your lie, i don't care.
>Balio and Sunder
Haha, these two faggots are more effective villains than 99% of other JRPG villains. I don't think that kind of on-screen child abuse and cruelty would get a pass today.
>quatre pronouns
Ah you're one of those people

Yeah, you've just listed pure nitpicking, as usual. The pronouns thing was an accurate transposition of the original dialogue, by the way.
thank you guys for not giving me (you)s when you reply to me
everytime i see a (you) it gives me anxiety <3
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(You)'re a faget
i just got to the end of the finale, can i take a wild guess on something?
is C Dingo Brad in some weird undead state like Almata at the end during Pandemonium? that seems the most logical to me
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falcom isn't even trying anymore
they haven't tried in years
it took the falcom community like 5 months to figure out what you did in 3 minutes
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Minimalism is fine if done right. The FF series had GOAT box art before they decided to fuck it up with character slop on the front.
Now a more accomplished Trails character than Estelle/Joshua/Schera. Will be present when that Church idol girl who looks like Joshua's sister is getting burned at the stake to save Zemuria. Thank you.
No worries, NISA will fix it
>figure out
>not looked up

>pure nitpicking, as usual
Yeah, but it's true. i can nitpick, it doesn't make it false. What is your rebuttal? They correctly translated "cat" big fucking clap, now lets go back to the important points where they are injecting agenda and they are changing dialogue.
kondom would never do such a stupid twist
He'll never fuck you, Ashen
so is gramheart good or evil or what
The rebuttal is that the 0.25% of arbitrary changes doesn't make the rest of the script inaccurate. You're an idiot. Go learn Japanese and stop treating MTL as the holy grail of accuracy, you absolute nigger.
He clearly has an agenda and Agnes said that he became a lot more distant after her mother's death and went into politics, but so far he was shown to be a good guy.
why is she thinking so hard
thinking about her 100 phds and 1000 thesis papers
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I thought that after pic related, the argument is now
>It's good when NISA translates inaccurately because it makes the chuds seethe
so thinking about cocks
He was a politician before her mother's death. He used to be a Republican.
100 au of cock stare.
oh yeah, but he was never eager to become the president, something must have happened after his wife's death.
tone indication chud
>the ! makes anon loses his mind
No, no. It IS entirely accurate, but it makes you seethe because you disagree with the exclamation mark. Every single time you negroes have brought up LE INACCURACIES, you've been shot down. You also thought Maxim hitting on Agnes and Feri was fanfic the other day.
NISA made old man Talkie into a sperging chud... grim.
Haha, that's our ESL MTL!
>stop treating MTL as the holy grail of accuracy
Don't move the goalpost, mtl was extremely more accurate then NISA fanfiction.
>Muh learn a language
How about stop sucking trannyslator cocks? You are enabling evil people doing wrong their job on purpose, proudly, and this is ok because of retards like you.
>kitsune can't even romanize names written in katakana correctly
Amusingly this reminds me of the "Dumbledore asked calmly" meme.
How was the English patch for kuro 2 made? Is it 100%done?
so wait, how does Van use his Grendel in Kuro II if he's supposed to not use it too much? or does he not have it in Kuro II
You don't know what a goal post is, and you're ignoring 99% of that post to claim it's been moved. You're an absolute moron, haha... You don't possess the knowledge required to challenge translation quality. All you do is regurgitate the same few nitpicked lines over and over and pretend that represents the entire 70k+ line script as a whole.
main story is bad, npc is mtl

yes it's done
Read the readme. Mix of machine translation and Sam Farron's Let's Play. It's 100% as in all the Japanese is in English, but the quality isn't great.
he does use the Grendel in 2, just barely though
>le transformation
Yeah, it was good when Breath of Fire did it 30 years ago LOL
I know, Grendel is so lame.
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so in the Kai gameplay, Van can use the Grendel without Agnes with him.
is that something that happens in Kuro II or is that unique to Kai?
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He barely uses it, and now in Kai it seems like he can do it without the Genesis, so that's not a good sign for him.
he only uses it in the final boss
What will the next protagonist gimmick be? Rean and Van have 2 different kinds of transformation.
stand user
I hope we just get team up games to end the series now
He uses it in the prologue and intermission too.
he uses it in the prologue and in a fight with grendel zolga in nemeth island. I swear you niggers don't even play your own games.
the next protagonist will have "cock soft" and "cock hard" transformations
if you have cock soft you do more damage and speed
but if you are cock hard you do less damage and less speed but generate CP (cock points) at 50% faster rate
it actually is
also looks retarded
It's probably more of an excuse to separate him from Agnes for some plot points and to allow him to do Grendel things without her. He will go space in grendel form, so obviously it wouldn't work if he had to bring Agnes with him.
pure seethe
Shouldn't the effects be swapped?
They should lean into the SCLM chain more, if they haven't already in Daybreak 2 or Kai. Disagaea has a mechanic where you can stack every single party member into the same chain and use various different attacks based on the configuration, and it gets ridiculous. Maybe make actual formation patterns change the effect of the chain for everyone.
Sounds like something the writers of The Boys would think is genius and a masterclass in comedy.
and also because of the gameplay gimmick in action mode, so far only Van, Judith, Kevin and Rean are confirmed to have awakened mode, mb Shizuna can use it too.
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I prefer Grendel henshin over shitty mecha garbage that was in cs.
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Shizuku is old enough for kiss-ekis!
They really are building Kiseki towards being an action series, aren't they? I wonder how long it'll be before it's entirely action based.
why did they remove all the icons on the bottom right? is there no achievements anymore?
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I like both, and Kai will be giving us both at the same time.
Ys finally move away from the party system so now it's time for Kiseki to inherit that shit system.
The Gradmaster has hired an idol to shill her Re-Genesis soul transfer crap to the shocked peoples of Zemuria after staying quiet about it for ages.

I assume Campanella is a saved soul from the previous world. Real soul in a a fake body. Maybe there are more of them living in the Grandmaster's space colony. Campanella and the GM are banned from interferring with the current world (too some extent) because they're from previous cycles.

In fact, Campanella's past name is Adol Christin.
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why is agnes so happy
Juna and Crow being able to switch between weapon styles should've been worked on further. They could give characters different movesets based on the stance they take. Make it cost a turn with a brief delay to change. There's no need to have a billion different characters who do the same thing slightly differently.
Mechas are much cooler than Henshinshit. Especially when mechas have much better music associated with them than Henshinshit in Kiseki.
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because falcom is implying that she will win
Win what? Romance isn't acknowledged by the games at all. Even Estelle and Joshua is just a running gag at this point.
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so what do you think it is? do you think it's something like a simulation software admin or something?
Whatever you want to believe.
holy beast
Same, Grendel feels more personal for the character and I can't wait for Van to mog Rean and Crow who are sitting in their shitty mechas like a bunch of faggots.
but the other holy beasts could say they were holy beasts with no issues
>Even Estelle and Joshua
That's specifically because of Kondom and how he regrets their romance. Olivier and Schera ended up getting married AND they had a kid, we'll also see how they treat Swin and Nadia in Kai now that they're officially dating.
it could be getting filtered by marduk
"considering I'm a cumdoll"
Valimar is one of my favorite characters in CS.
tells a lot about CS when a fucking robot is a better character than 99% of corked shart's cast.
Grendel isn't personal when you could replace the suit with Van glowing and get the same effect.
On average

Sky Boomers are between 85 and 93 years old
People with Crossbell as their favorite arc are in their 60s
For Cold Steel, 30s or 40s
Kuro, 15 to 25
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Kuro 2 did actually had art outside of boxart wtf, Kai is even more low-effort than Kuro 2...
That wasn't made until after it released.
Haha, maybe they'll make higher effort games once they can get their games out worldwide day 1...
Is chinaman still around? Last time I checked his twitch was deleted.
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Only one man can save us now.
gawtdayum that bitch got some small ahh teeth
>No chinaman
>No fantrad
>No Switch release
I should have learn jp...
Whatever you want to believe
Is there a reason she can't be?
You're acting like FFXVI's box art doesn't exist.
>Grim garten
oh wow, now that's what i'm really excited about
Whatever you want to believe
>fart noises super arrange
With all due respect, but "that" sounds like a self-insert to me. But that's just me.
>Grim Forgotten
Sounds about right.
So are we getting daydreams back?
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The Grandmaster, who is nothing but a shadow and the origin of the Sept-Terrions, is conducting an experiment.

Everybody except her and Campanella are a part of this experiment, and every tragedy is a valuable part of the process.

The Orpheus Final Plan cannot work without seven Anguis and McBurn, the guiding flame during the transmigration of souls.

At this point, Ouroboros has existed for 21 billion years.
That's when you'll know it's a true filler game, haha...
Mhm, interesting...
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Will Kiseki get a Star Rail collab? Consdering how much of a fan the Star Rail director is of Kiseki haha...
this meme has been ruined by low IQ people who copypaste their shit opinions onto the high IQ side
objectively correct.
>A decade later
>He's STILL obsessed with Cold Steel
kek what a mentally ill deranged bitch
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>>A decade later
>>He's STILL obsessed with Cold Steel
>kek what a mentally ill deranged bitch
Isn't a Kiseki collab the kiss of death for mobile games?
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Why does this nigger look so goofy?
Did langrisser mobile die?
>>>A decade later
>>>He's STILL obsessed with Cold Steel
>>kek what a mentally ill deranged bitch
Can't wait to see Campy's and Quatre's hot lesbian sex scene.
cold steel good
so how we gonna celebrate thread #2000 in a few months?
irl meetup, obviously
That's the cube Zemuria is contained in.
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Literally nobody cares about any of Vanshit lmao. Rean already mogged him with his SU.
He is hot, i don't care of anything else. I want to lick every inch of his body.
Yea and hopefully a collective suicide to boot so all the schizos go away in one swift move.
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Why's Rean so big tho?
you have a deeply rotten soul to constantly be wishing death on others over video games
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Rean's the Iron Man of kiseki, we saw what happened when he went away for just a little while..
The Van experiment was a failure. Rean and Class VII will have to handle the far east arc.
What's in the cube?
That's Nanoha
He's the real GIGA CHAD
Agnes is such a Stacy that it pisses me off.
She's the best Kiseki heroine. All they had to do was shunt the undesirable aspects from the template onto Elaine.
This artwork is pure cinematic kino. Cold Steel II is peak Kiseki. The main event and climax of the series. Everything after it feels like an after-party.
When Zemuria and the Trails series are disappearing into nothingness while epic music is blasting, The Legend of Heroes will continue with Falcom taking inspiration from mature, intrigueing RPGs such as Xenoblade 2/3 and recent Final Fantasy titles.

There are many coastal gaming journos sitting iin Starbucks coffeehouses who can't wait.
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Chapter 4 is the worst one yet. It's basically revering to Corked Shart with these gay ass students on their little field trip. You even kneel to the bosses.
I want them to take cues from RGG and make more games within the Universe but away from the main crowd
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Huh ? that's not me though I only have been posting the catbox Vannete on the past 3 or 4 threads.
gonna cry?
Are you?
That brick building looks so comfy
I'm not the one whining like a woman kek
>falcom could contract pretty much anyone to make music for them
>stick with fucking singa anyway
lmao, Nobuo Uematsu has done work for Compile Heart. They could get him if they wanted.
Ole' Nippon loyalty for ya
You're the one interpreting it like a little bitch, BITCH. Gonna cry?
>no u!!!
Kek so not only a woman but a toddler at that
LMAOing at your life right now
They should get ZIZZ Studio to do an OST for them. Anything is better than Singa.
Van was an improvement over Rean in Daybreak I. But then in Daybreak II Van becomes the Kenny of Kiseki and dies to everything and everyone over and over again.
The first thought is holy beast, but I'm not sure that makes complete sense now. She seems to be aware there that she's a holy beast or something previously, but then against Fearman she realises that her real identity is being supressed, which is a contradiction.
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The director for that is a huge Tiofag, right? Might be cool if it means more Tio art gets made
>go to space
>all you see is this cube
round earthers BTFO
Ah....na-chan....I'm gonna cum again!
>too dumb to recognize that he's the one sperging out rn
lol lmao
Would you please stop posting embarrassing normie public school boomer cringe like Avengers on a quality board. (I know it makes Cold Steel IV look like Citizen Kane.) Thank you.
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false advertise trying to hide the truth
The cube contains the artificial, simulated Zemuria that we've been playing in thus far. After the cube and VR Zemuria is destroyed, Kiseki will start to take place in the real Zemuria, in the Sky "remake" and onward.
>be playing Kuso
>can't help it but reminisce about Cold Steel
>have a total meltdown about Kuso being Cold Steel-lite
>pause the game and rush to /fg/ so you can share your epic meltdown with your "friends"
>get mocked for being such a whiny woman
>"heh it's you who is mentally ill!"
>see someone wrongthink in his safespace
>have a complete melty on the spot
>persecution complex
kek what a woman
>sees wrongthink
>completely oblivious to how mentally hilarious ze is
>noticeable decline in quality
>immediately reminded of cold steel
Many such cases.
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Rean's real name is Rean Osbourne, son of Giliath, the transmigrated soul of Dreichels Reise Arnor, meaning Rean is the legitimate Gottkaiser of Erebonia.
>plays Kuso
>gets so utterly bored she has to spend the day arguing with me instead
kek it do be like that with that piece of shit arc
Basel chapter was comfy, if you don't like it then turn the game off and eat your tamale.
Yuzo Koshiro also said he'd be fine working with Falcom again, but they'd rather choose Singa over him.
>managed to upset both the reannigger and the brazilian kusonigger
kek holy shit
>only """argument""" is resorting to epic slurs
Vankeks, everyone
Falcom doesn't care about music case closed. They only care about making money, canceling kuro 3 for kai is a prime example of that.
You aren't intelligent enough to register "arguments." Just look at this post chain, haha...
>canceling kuro 3
kek,Kai is Kuro 3, poopoo head. How do you fall for their marketing schemes so easily? Kuso Final Chapter was just a working title.
>the daybreak 2 ending will end with a English title reveal for kai, likely an official announcement for it some time after launch
So why aren't you playing Kuso instead of replying to me on cooldown? Haha...
Because chapter 4 is a steamer reminiscent of Corked Shart.
Because it was called kuro final chapter in kuro 2 ending you stupid fucking favela monkey. Kai is basically a merge of kuro 3 and hajimari where everyone is back instead of a proper game that focuses on spriggans and finishes their story.
Definitely. Honestly, Kuro 1 is a lot weaker than I was led to believe. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 are shit, and Chapter 1 is just a repeat of Zero Chapter 1, except it has zombies.
It was a working title, you triple gorilla nigger. There's no chance it meaningfully affected development of the game in any way. You're incredibly dumb for falling for their marketing tactics. It's not even the first time you've been fooled.
That brick building looks so cozy
Another melty hour, it's all so tiresome.
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Where's Cedric?
It's a modern cuckshed.
Behead every single coldshit nigger, inshallah.
Cooked Shart is the Milquetoast 3 of /fg/
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Agnes is in love with you and wants to be your girlfriend, but only on three conditions. 1. You have to together at all times unless strictly necessary. 2. You have to get married within the next six months. 3. You have to get her pregnant within one year from today. Do you accept?
uh oh we've triggered the schizo
We don't announce our mental states here.
Whores, the lot of them.
Why would anyone refuse? Unless you're a fag.
Most people don't like clingy girls, or girls who move too fast
How's your relationship with your father?
Remove that pink whore and we are good.
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what's with these conditions? only the first one is kinda annoying. the other two though... "i have to marry and impregnate Agnes OH NO".
Give these losers too much credit here
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i love bread girl
They'll reduce her entire character to this running gag, won't they...
That pink whore saved kuro 2
what entire character?
She doesn't have a character beyond bread and being tsun for Kevin.
Kevin without Ries is like a dick without balls, God I hate Kondo this stupid fucking faggot for putting Kevin with picshit squad.
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Genuinely hate Kuro
Same, but cold shit.
Kevin without Ries is a cool dude. Ries without Kevin is the wet fart we see in Ao.
>Kevin without Ries is like a dick without balls
Ries was an invention when they needed to stretch Sky out to 3 games. Kevin never needed her.
Anelace, Emma, Gaius and Ries will be in Kuro
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Then it's not the same? Idiot
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>kiseki is equivalent to the marvelslop
no wonder you faggot act in similar manner
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Falcom bros, we lost to fate again...
no one would care about a kiseki collab, even if the chink who made honkai likes falcomslop.
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From travelling with airships to travelling with cars and trains.

Trails is nothing compared to Fate
Gladly they will not ruin they game with Falcomslop
its already falcom slop haha
You guys weren't kidding about Arc Feather how the FUCK did this get past QA?
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If we could actually drive Van's truck then it would've been better than anything falcom has ever made in terms of travelling.
Trails fans transformed some words into an entire headcanon
The producer said he played Trails in the past, liked it and used Tio as his profile picture
He only said this and falcomonkeys now think HSR copied Trails and everything in Hoyo is a Trails reference
Guy probably dropped trails during CS era
futa girls without balls are fine tho
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>Xhe isn't aware
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Caochad is too powerful.
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Falcom's budget for music is like 10 yen; the only composer they can afford is Singa
>tfw you'll never get a kino koshiro/jindo/unisuga/koguchi composed soundtrack
There's been like 3 gay couples in Kuro so far damn you guys weren't kidding lol
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I don't remember anyone besides Jesse Schwarzer
doesnt count, maids are supposed to be fuck their masters
>verification not required
There's Jesse and his best friend, Melchior and Gerard, that student and Callaghan to name a few. It's no surprise that Aaron wanted to have a meat jerking competition with Van and Sherid, he was probably trying to see if they were up to his standards.
>Rean will save Kai Sales
When Falcom will learn that what made CS1/2 so popular is the harem aspect and the moment they switched Old Class 7 for New Class 7 the haremfags lost the interest in the series
It’s not a big mystery why CS3 is nips least favorite trails game
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Kevin and Van are related.
The thumbnail kinda makes it look as if he has a butt window like Scherazard
>CS3 is nips least favorite trails game
CS4 is like their fourth favorite though. Behind FC, SC and CS1.
Only Jesse is a fag, his friend rejected him causing them to fall off. Melchior seems to be a fag, Gerard doesn't care about anything other than FEAR.
>that student and Callaghan
wtf are you on about?
Even if Gerard cares primarily only for fear the fact he was banging Melchior makes him a fag
Rean stopping the jaeger suicide in CS3 is still the single worst cutscene in all of videogame history
>wtf are you on about?
The person who raised the request about Callaghan being a bully was one of his student researchers who was in love with him.
>he was banging Melchior makes him a fag
In CS4 you can date everyone even your sister
My point still the same
Rean needs the harem to sell
I genuinely don't remember about it, are you sure you aren't projecting your repressed homo erotic fantasies into other characters?
It's fucking wild that they give zero fucks when good music is what they've been known for. All the post-Azure music is extremely generic and same-y. The last good OST was Ys VIII.
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So will they make Ban San a harem protagonist? Because rean's harem seems to be falling appart.
He was real gay. He said that Callaghan betrayed his feelings because he saw him with Melchior.
The game outright says he and Dantes were lovers. Let alone Melchior sitting against that throne in such a suggestive way.

Melchior is a double fag since he used his bussy to sway Callaghan too.
I liked several songs from Reverie a lot.
>All the post-Azure music is extremely generic and same-y.
Cold Steel did have some pretty good music. Even at the end of Cold Steel, I really love To the Future.
Shizuna and Judith are my favorite of the new girls. I wish Shizuna had more of an ass though. It's so flat
The most popular one from Reverie is stolen from Bloodstained: RotN, haha...

Falcom was “smart” enough to kill Rean’s hype with a single NTR image (that’s clearly a joke and will leads nowhere)
chinaman is still around though his last post was a while ago
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I love my husbando
I love Bloodstained as well as that song, but I don't think Reverie stole anything
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Harold sold his little girl into child sex slavery and then everyone lied about it because it was so sick and sad.
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Because she knows she'll get to one day ride Van cowgirl style and carry his baby afterwards.
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>I love my husbando
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Shizuna is trying to touch na-chan's na-chans
Julian Vandyck is making all the calvard women wet
Take them.
kikokugai do have a fire soundtrack fr fr
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He had a good teacher.
No. They don't even have any confidence in Van anymore. That's why they cut his own third game off and had to bring back old characters to hype up the sale.
Julian is Vandyck's son?
Why wasn't it a problem when Mueller's brother and that npc from Azure were on the cover of CS3?
Estelle shows ass on her new figure. But Joshua does not on his.
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Talmbout Fie's boyfriend?
He's talking about Odette. Poor Albert will never fuck anyone.
He'll fuck Agnes.
We don't know how long Van's route will be, but Kondo said van is still the main protagonist which makes kai different from hajimari.
Van is fucking Agnes. And Renne.
1/4 for Van
1/4 for Kevin/Rufus
1/4 for Rean
1/4 for other characters
Agnes is obviously the type to fuck multiple people.
High Priestess of the D-therefore-G Cult.

Wants to have torture sex with you because demons.
Even if she was, she would never fuck Albert.
You sure about that? Agnes is so promiscuous it's unreal.
That scene with Nina in the parking garage was the wackest shit.
2/3 for Van, 1/6 each for Rean and Kevin.
Agnes is the type to hyperfixate on one person. Since Van is fucking her, she has no reason to fuck anyone else.
>20 hours of story
>60 hours of randomly generated dungeons and gachashit
I like Lloyd.
Is she clingy and creepy?
Yeah, Kai is made by retards.
Reminder that Nina is in love with Judith
Is Cold Steel actually bad or is that just funny shitposting?
>t. only played fc
How dare you
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I wouldn't say that Agnes acts clingy, but she easily can get jealous and Aaron outright baits her in admitting that she's a close pervert, because she reads all these gossip magazines.
Clingy, yes. Creepy, no. Though if Van ignores her for long enough she might be joining that girl in the Blacklight district that stabs her boyfriends over and over again.
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Roy's the biggest liar in politics. Talks about a future for Zemuria -- there is none.

1209, it's over.
It's good but also bad. Don't take anything they say here seriously, they just love their one favourite arc and shit on all the other ones.
Honestly, I enjoyed CS1 and 2, but I almost lost my sanity while playing CS3 and 4.
It's hugely exaggerated, but it does have problems.
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He's too busy showing his ass to his boyfriend
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Awful. I hope you're looking forward to "haha" and "fufu" assaulting you in every other line in the games.
The vast, overwhelming majority of normal people like it. 4channers are bitter and hate everything. To some degree it has kind of a campy and cheap, borderline Hannah-Barbera feel, but I still like all four games a lot.
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Cold Steel is easily the most popular arc in the franchise, but some sections of the more hardcore fanbase dislikes it for various reasons.
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They rather spend it all on voice acting (even then the dialogue is only 50% spoken)
Cold Steel 1 and 2 have a ton of great songs (the Unisuga and Jindo trance songs are peak), and I do think Cold Steel 3 still have some good songs, the music since Cold Steel 4 is meh
I do feel they started to care less ever since Hagiuda and Momiyama left, because Falcom only hire to the sound team since then was Koguchi
And yes I know about the game music festival incident, that prolly sealed the deal
Cold Steel I and II are my two favorite games in the series. And although I still like Cold Steel III and IV overall, Falcom definitely dropped the ball a bit with those two titles.
Daybreak is the most Marvelslop that Kiseki has ever been though? At this point over half of the ASO has superpowers too
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I like Van, but there're some elements I would have changed about him.
>make him a pure fist fighter
stan caliber looks like a fucking toy he bought from supermarket, while fighting only in Kunlun would make him much more cooler.
>make him more accepting of women's advances
He doesn't really show any interest in women besides Elaine, I like that he doesn't get embarrassed easily, but I also don't like that he acts like Rean when it comes to finding happiness (to be fair it's a lot more justifiable in Van's case, but still).
>make him more unhiched
despite working with the underworld, he still mostly acts like a nice guy, he doesn't make fun of faggots or acts cynical when it comes to the immigration policies. I just want him to be pure neutral when it comes to stuff like this.

Other than that he's a great protag, a pity that Kuro 2 turned out like that, so I just hope Kai finishes his story at least.
Just checking in is Rean still cucked
Are the Kuro 1 DLC costumes there from the start in Kuro 2 or do you have to unlock them through Marchen Garten?
>enjoyable story
>most popular cast/arc in the whole franchise
>best combat system in the series
>Kino protagonist with overwhelming popularity
I know the story has its own problem, but everything else outweigh it. Tbh, I'm not enjoying playing Kuro 1 as much as the time when I played any CS games.
>Daybreak is the most Marvelslop that Kiseki has ever been though?
No? CS4 was treated like a pure marvelslop when it was announced because of the "everyone is here" mentality.
>At this point over half of the ASO has superpowers too
It's only Van, Judith, Aaron and Quatre I guess while CS has a lot more people with superpowers and Rean's backstory alone mogs every character in terms of how ridiculous it is.
Which kiseki girls fuck virgins exclusively?
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This fucking minigame in Trails the 3rd is so RNG-based that Mr Fischer's results can vary between ~500-1500 points.
He completely broke my neck for hours until he just didn't catch a single Blue Marlin in this match.
>>enjoyable story
lol lmao even
>>most popular cast/arc in the whole franchise
sure, but it doesn't make them good
>>best combat system in the series
lol lmao even x2
>>Kino protagonist with overwhelming popularity
Popular? Yes. Kino? fuck no, he's a fucking LN garbage copypasta faggot.
>CS has a lot more people with superpowers
It has Rean and Gaius.

Risette is a literal robot with robot BS.
Feri is going to have that flame thing since she's already been hinted to be special.
If you count Bergard he used to have superpowers but gave them up. Elaine is literally the only one without any.
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>he's a fucking LN garbage copypasta faggot
Yes, that's why he's kino.
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my heroes
>complaining that a 2013 anime character is written like a 2013 anime character
>no argument
thanks for your opinion
One Emmafag is crying somewhere...
Haha surely Crow is also jjust a regular teenager who resurrected like 3 times and had a giant robot haha.
Surely Elliot is just a regular musician who can calm a cursed horse with his music, haha.
Surely Milliuim is just a regular girl, haha...
One of the best things about Cold Steel is that it kicked the fanservice into overdrive. The fanservice in Cold Steel and beyond (Reverie, Daybreak) is fantastic
I accept your concession
It’s the worst JRPG ever made
Emma - The Witch
Elliot - Crimson Virtuoso
Laura - Strongest Woman in Zemuria 1215
Crow - Undead with chuuni powers
Juna - Crossbell blessing (they will explain in the future but Juna and Lloyd received Demiourgous blessing)
Ash - Curse bearer
Alisa - Whore. Can take 5 dicks at same time. Also a Magical Girl
You forgot Ronnie
You're right about Emma and Crow.
but yes, Elliot is a completely normal dude. People can do ridiculous shit while being normal in Trails, otherwise you'd have to argue that Lloyd has superpowers because he can Burning Heart
Altina and Millium don't have a superpower because we've seen that even George could have one of those archaisms, and now Quatre has different archaisms but similar concepts. Just because they're artificial doesn't mean they have superpowers, unless you count "Being a sacrifice" as a superpower
Is Van the most failure Kiseki protagonist?
>Not a superpower
What!?? Only Altina/Millium and George Gnome can use combat shell in that way because they are special
why did Elliot only used his music once to calm down the cursed horse? If his music is that powerful against the curse, wouldn't it good to just fly on the Courageous II with huge speakers while Elliot plays his music?
Sara literally summons combat shells for the party to fight in CS1 as training.
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That's Lloyd, but every Crossbellfag will come at me just by saying so.
This is headcanon but presumably because the curse is intended for humans and plays on human nature and music can't just so simply fix it
Welcome Ban-San to Trails of Cuck
>Olivier cucked by Rean
>Olivier cucked by Musse
>Lloyd cucked by Xin
>Vita cucked by Osborne
>Osborne cucked by Ishmelga
>Roselia cucked by Grandmaster (x2)
>Emma cucked by the Cat
>Rean cucked by Crow (or cucked by Towa?)
>Simulacrum Lloyd cucked by Rufus
>Chloe and Weiss cucked by Swin and Nadia
>Van cucked in his own arc (x2)
Someone recently made and posted fanart on Twitter of Jusis putting Rean across his lap and spanking him on his bare bottom
God I want to fuck Alisa.
I want to convince Alisa to fuck me, a worthless loser, to get back at her cunt mom...
Alisa showing her mom her silly fuck faces as my cock enters her heiress pussy.
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>because the curse is intended for humans and plays on human nature
then what about the horse?
Why did say that she would speak to her Dad before Oracion after watching Perfect Driver 2 in
the final chapter? Does she have brain damage?
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It probably just makes the horse agitated and therefore music can simply calm it down
The horse ate pleroma grass, the stuff Gnosis is made out of. The black pleroma grass as well. It's why it demonised.
I think it would make more sense to try to make the horse vomit rather than play music.
Trails taught me why Worldbuilding doesn’t matter
There’s a lot of useless information about Erebonia and... I don’t know what to do with this information
Such as?
Nobody told them their music got worse over the years. Japanese players don't know exactly who is composing, and they still praise Falcom for their OSTs, saying they are as still as good as Sora, Zero/Ao and Sen1/2. Unless people mentioned it in their survey, which they release after each Kiseki release, they'll never change anything.
The implication was that prolonged nibbling did it.
Trails taught me why Worldbuilding doesn’t matter
There’s a lot of useless information about Crossbell and... I don’t know what to do with this information
iirc you unlock them through Marchen Garten
That's why I'm glad that Kuro cut out all of the useless world building.
Almost everything
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Mare's vessel is so cute.
Kuro’s worldbuilding is all about food description and muh white supremacists
I see, disappointing. I take it that it's done by gacha? Knowing my luck I won't get the stuff I used until the end of the game.
Trails taught me why Worldbuilding doesn’t matter
There’s a lot of useless information about Calvard and... nevermind, there isn't even useful information about Calvard.
You can't be serious. Kuro is the worst of them all.
Mostly by gacha, but you can sell dupe to buy what you don't have yet, so it's easier to get what you want, and the gacha pool is much smaller than Hajimari's
If Emma is really Falcom’s Hanekawa how many game until she fuses with Celine (like Roselia/McBurn did in the past)?
The poster is called Raiern88. Don't know the name of the actual artist
Speak English.
Best order to play the series?
I think I'm settling on:
Kuro 2, Hajimari, 3rd, Ao, Sen III, Kuro, Sen II, Sora I, Sen IV, Zero, Sora II, Sen I
but I am taking suggestions
>"Actually, bros, have you considered that actually worldbuilding might be ... actually a bad thing?!"
Everyone else:
I lol'd
Who cares about boring history? Kuro is a concise plot focused game unlike Cold Shit. Too bad the Cold Shitters ruined Kuro 2.
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She looks like a little girl! But talks like an old lady! I don't know who this is yet but she/s now my favorite Cold Steel girl. My previous favorite was Gaius's mom.
Fatma was pretty hot.
The reason why I enjoyed Kuro is because of the new cast, but Calvard does have worldbuilding and it completely fucking sucks. CS wordbuilding got ruined around CS2/3 when the whole curse, rivalries and other shit got introduced with a bunch of retcons, that's where it's all started to go down.
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Lloyd is so lucky...
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>Haha, Tio you grew up so much
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Are we meant to know who that Doctor Isabelle is? I was thinking she was from Back Alley Doctor Glenn, but she isn't mentioned in it.
So pic related?
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I love Na-chan!
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Why does McBurn look like a demonic Grendel?
Hi guys. I haven't been here for months. How are we feeling about Kai?
Have all the yet unvisited cities of Calvard confirmed to be in it?
Agnes is a cringelord.
>How are we feeling about Kai?
I'm glad that we get answers, but I'm skeptical how Kai will finish Spriggans' character arc.
>Have all the yet unvisited cities of Calvard confirmed to be in it?
No Altair, but we'll 2 more districts in Edith, Judith's hometown Anchorville, Ored (which isn't technically Calvard) and that's it so far.
she cute, i want to put babies inside her and make her drop out of the school due to pregnancy
Better than Elaine
Give me a reason to power through Trails from Zero.
I'm in chapter 5 and so tired of Crossbell. There's not a single interesting NPC, and I have to talk to all of them every 5 minutes for any minor story beat.
if you hate talking to npcs why do you talk to npcs lol
Elaine is such a waste desu, she has such a pretty model and her japanese voice is so good, but she barely has any screentime and the game always tries to exclude her from Van's group. I kinda wish we had an episode where she and Van were in school so we could properly see their relationship before she became so bitchy.
Because it's an integral part of the game and was actually fun in the Sky games.
Kurobros, I was told that Jessie admitting he was gay caused him and his friends to split apart but their friendship is stronger than ever after? I thought you said that the game was going to punish Jessie, but it even implied Raymond is gay as well.
Sky has the worst NPCs though. Crossbell and Cold Steel have way more developed NPCs.
>another homoerotic headcanon
Stop projecting and eat you tamale
Name a SINGLE noteworthy NPC from Manoria village or the cathedral that isn't related to a main quest.
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I want Agnes to win even more now
I can't, because they're all pretty forgettable. Falcom only started to nail the NPCs in Crossbell.
Those are both areas in Crossbell, shitposter-kun...
Did you not play the game? It says that Raymond also has a forbidden love. So he's either gay or wants to bone his sister.
Manoria village is from Sky. Are you thinking of Armorica village? If you can't even get the names right I doubt you've even played Sky or Crossbell.
Haha, forgive the ESL MTL faggots. They know not what they read.
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Probably what happened during the Great Collapse, given the amount of rocks in space, just with the planet.

Might have been a reaction of the septium veins because they exploited it too much or whatever. There's of course some un-reality thing going on. Maybe the septium is needed to stabilize reality etc.

Space is visible outside the Celestial "Globe", so maybe its hidden from Zemuria by putting it in a geostationary orbit over the hole/void or by hiding it behind the moon.

The Grandmaster has probably decided long ago that the planet cannot be saved (like Re-Genesis in Nayuta) and the only way to save people is a transmigration of souls. Because she can't interfere with the human world she needed a tool (McBurn) who was created when Epstein sacrificed himself to merge with a demon.
Just goes to show how forgettable Armorica village was if I'd rather remember Manoria.
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He unironically believes Claire and Elaine exist and he interacts with them irl. Guy's a full blown schizo. He's even more fucked in the head than the schizos here desu.
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
What even happens in Manoria, is it the windmill village?
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I'm still playing the gacha
love na-chan
yeah and the orphanage is close by.
Yeah, it's the village where Lucia and her parents live, next to the orphanage.
You meet Kevin there at the start of SC.
Are you fucking kidding me? You don’t even care enough to pay attention to where you’re going in-game, yet you come to /fg/ to bitch about how you’re not having fun? Play something else, something that you’ll actually enjoy.
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can't blame him, Van probably regrets that he didn't tap her before dropping from the school.
If the only thing that matters for sales is how good the previous game is then it would explain poor Kai sales.
But of course the narrative will shift to it's Rean's fault because it's what's convenient for Kusoeaters.
Same, anon. The prices are so preposterous that you could never be tempted to shell out, and they already shower you in tickets, so what’s the point? I already have 2 SUL characters, 100% f2p
Break the cubes with Mare's fat ass
Considering Van dumped her before a good while before he left, probably not.
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>another reanspic cope
OK so we agree that previous game is not important.
A black respected police officer and loving father?

This is becoming unrealistic.
Based. Just got Towa and Crow. A shame that as of now alternate costumes are P2W, though.
So by your logic hajimari was so shit it dropped 30% of sales for kuro. Nice self own faggot.
Gorgeous fat butt
Do (You) like Luke?
How the fuck it's my argument if you're the one who said that?
Cómete tu tamal, Reanhermano.
No he still has his OTP cute cumdoll wife
Yeah, the only time I "used" money has been to get a Lloyd from the top up bonus, but I covered it with the free credit I get from google for answering their surveys, so I didn't spend any real money.
Shoulda used cheat engine
Van san will give her loving headpats and she will like it.
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cute canon wife
I don't like her outfit
I'm from the future, Kai will sell 55k on its first week. That's all.
I meant that's the argument used to attack CS and blame it for Kuro's failure.
I fucked up by putting Tita and Toval on the sync team before I realized they only go to SSR+ and level 160. Toval I don't mind losing but Tita is one of my best characters atm
For those curious, you do get EOTM in the final chapter, before everything kicks off. So you can get the final chapter to pair off with Van and grind S crafts to push them over the line and restore CP with the bathhouse.
The Great Nothingburger.
Ok... but I still don't get it, Reanfags are sure that the reason kuro failed is because Rean isn't the protagonist anymore, now you're saying that if kai will fail it's because kuro 2 was shit and it's not rean's fault. It seems to me like you're the one who constantly changes the narrative.
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>aidios is a retard
>Reanfags are sure that the reason kuro failed is because Rean isn't the protagonist anymore,
That's Skyfags who say that.
Why is her face color looking different compared to her body color?
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Another Trails thing sold under value: The DG Cult aka Kiseki-Pizzagate.

They could have made A LOT of money if the cult had been HOT Satanic girls in black leather and Dark Eldar gear who perform all kinds of ultra-depraved gross sexual acts to mock Aidios who deserves it for letting Zemuria die.

Given that Walter and Heiyue etc are now all cool guys, I can imagine the HOT pervo killer girls becoming playable characters.
Agnes is a sadistic bitch and probably gets a thrill out of turning down Albert every time he confesses
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Yeah look at that face.
Wrong, her head and beret are only for Rean headpats
That's why I thought Van's ENG VA's name sounded familiar. He was one of those guys from that Smosh channel. I did remember watching Smosh gaming channel a few times when it got recommended to me at Youtube for some reason.
Well I'm not a Rean fan. I don't even rate him highly amongst the protags. I just end up defending him because the criticism against him becomes absolutely absurd, like saying that the other characters have no life outside of Rean, when CS is objectively the arc where the characters have the most to do outside of Rean.
Which games have nude mods? Is there anyone doing SFM porn with the 3D models?
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Reverie and both Kuro games have nude and lewd outfit mods, check lovers lab.
I grabbed Kuro 1 from the link in OP, is there a way to play it in JP or CN text?
oh wow that really wow
PS4 limitations
If /v/ loves Ys, and /vrpg/ loves Kiseki, what does /fg/ love?
Will pc version of TX get an updated translation?
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>gayest post in this thread
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CS1 and CS2 had so much more soul than 3 or 4. I love the graphical style and the energetic victory music. It was fun letting it play for a while as everyone gave their level-up quotes.
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Imagine if Tio and Estelle appeared in Cold Steel dressed like gigasluts and flirted with Rean.
That's how us Reanbros are feeling right now...
Sorry it just looks dumb
Estelle is currently showing everyone her ass
Perma pit slut good
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and that's a good thing
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She's been doing that since SC.
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pic related unironically
>Olivier sexually harassing someone is seen as funny
Glad we don't live in 2004 anymore
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>Imagine if Tio and Estelle appeared in Cold Steel dressed like gigasluts and flirted with Rean.
I don't think that's supposed to be a real joke brosis
That's an edit.
Imagine being so obsessed with Rean and his fans that you LARP as more than one for days on end.
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jobber keeps jobbing
Joshua, if Estelle isn't the mother of at least 5 kids by the epilogue of the entire series you will go down in history as a raging homosexual.
He looks ready alright.
God, Cao is annoying as fuck
I like Nadia's, KeA's, and Risette's more
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Rean owns this
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t. lil ronnie
2 seconds of Rean already stole the attention from Kevin who absent for 13 years. I don't think Van will be any different.
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Rean's wife
Rean's husband
And Rean's sister-wife
I can make some banger songs with that AI music page better than 50% of Kinga kino haha...
pure sex
Whatever you want to believe
Whatever you want to believe
Whatever you want to believe
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Whatever you want to believe
Do any girls/women resonate with Kiseki?
Been talking to a coworker who's into anime, and she likes Your Name, so I've been thinking of name-dropping Kiseki, but she is not a huge weeb...
Should I do it? She added me on Switch and any old potato can run the Sky games...
Whatever you want to believe
That is a fat ass
Who is the retard that translated ''Outside'' to ''Divergent Laws''

>In the Sky Loewe said:
Ah, a sword that should not exist in this world, created according to the laws of the "outside"...

Just like your staff. It's a demon sword
forged through the Divergent Laws.


I always thought Outside was only mentioned in CS4 but it's been around since Sky

>Emma mentions Outside in CS2
It's probably something to do with the "outside" that is transmitted to the "snake"--

I can only guess what you have
is somehow connected to the
Divergent Laws of Ouroboros...

I don't even know if I played trails or a poorly made fanfic
Honestly? They're doing a terrible job of selling Kevin.
We want to see Kevin being a badass, with Ries and his Merkava, not being the third wheel in Rufus' party while being picked on by Nadia.
most retarded post of the month and the competition was fierce
Whatever you want to believe
I want to make /fg/ suffer because they've ruined the games for me
You did this
falcom probably doesn't think that Kevin is that marketable, but I hope he's more involved in the story than rean.
Goodness, where are you getting these ideas from? But anyway, whatever you want to believe
kek he do be deranged
How did they ruin the games for you?
kys hatsuu
>2 months before Kai release
>we still don't know the sturcture of the game
wtf Kondo?
no one here's suffering over anonymous posts lmao you're doing more damage to your own psyche than to any of us
His daughter is so cute!
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Who cares?
Black Mage vs White Mage
the entire world could commit suicide and you'd still be the biggest retard around
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Nina, because she looks like a semen demon.
Nina's got no chance against the GM
Is Kuro's final chapter the worst final chapter in a Kiseki game?
Emma has so much mana stockpiled in her cow tits, Nina has no chance.
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>no Ries
>gets bullied by shitnic squad
i hope he ditches them early in the story and joins Van
i hate kuro 2's more
>dude just go spend time in a shitty filler school festival again for the 2855th time in this series
kuro 1's might be padded and shit but at least fighting through the city maps you spent the whole talking to npcs in was kinda neat
It has some shitty padding with those pillars but the final battle itself was kino, CS4 and Ao final chapters are way worse.
We've seen both Lavi and Estelle's butts now.
Both CS4 and Ao's final chapters had so many good moments. Kuro's final boss is good, but very little else is.
>First character officially revealed after the spriggans
>In the initial Kai marketing
>Seemingly has his own route
>On the cover
>Own theme song
>Famitsu page
>Craft showcase
>6 screenshots of him on the website, every other character (Including Van, Rean, and Rufus) all get 3-4
>Art of him at that offline event alongside Van, Agnes, and Elaine
What more do you people want. He's easily the character that has been marketed the most
Only McBurn fight was kino
Only azure arbitrator was kino
The sweet smell of Tio's pits
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why are they still hiding her?
>>Seemingly has his own route
eh? Isn't he sharing his route with Rufus and other fags?
/fg/ will do EVERYTHING in their power to make you hate kiseki.
Because she is a NPC
>only McBurn
That's one of them, but I think all the three final fights (Osborne, Ishmelga Robot, and Real Final Boss Ishmelga) were great
yeah i know she's probably not a playable but she was the very first character they showed off and he's on the cover of the mini-ost so she's obviously important
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>because of the huge spoilers
>because she will be nothingburger
pick one
Storywise? maybe
Gameplay wise? easy
90% of McBurn attacks healed my party (Luminary Force)
it'll be both haha...
CS4's final chapter had some good stuff in there. Jusis finally giving Rufus what he deserved, getting some good character interactions in the salt pales like the Victor, Toval, Aurelia, and Vita group, and the rivalries were all kino. Plus the whole final boss sequence from Osborne's three phase fight to Ishmelga Loge was really cool.
Female anons told me that Kai was a new arc and that Hermes was going to be its female protagonist
Do you have any candidates for the other demon lords? So far we only know about Van.
McBurn could be fusion of a human and demon lord, mb similar to how Gerard wanted to fuse with Van's demon core.
Aaron and Taikun, it's hard to tell but he's probably not a demon lord.
Hermes, because of her red string of hair which indicates that she isn't a normal human.
Harwood, it's hard to tell but his appearance has a lot of similarities to Van.
That's it so far.
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the saint
Side character, not NPC
Is she playable?
Whatever you want to believe
And now he's sad farmer Rocksmith, don't you feel sorry for him?
falcom hasn't shown her yet, but my guess is probably not, she'll just be an important side character.
Important NPC
Is Kai the final kiseki game?
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I'm not really expecting much, though the streaky hair does set off a red flag.
In what way would you say that you dislike Kiseki now (due to /fg/'s influence)?
One of the last
...apparently. find out in Kai no Kiseki 2 - Hello New Zemuria -
I never stopped loving Kiseki. I don't care if a few schizos hate it
No. Kondom says it's a climax and it's setting up the final stretch of the whole series, but it's not the end yet.
No. But Kondo wants to end Kiseki in 5 years or so, so we'll get 3 games at max after kai.
I hate kiseki since CS3 way before fg/ and CS4
So, another protagonist?
Nobody knows, not even Kondo probably, but I'd rather we have all the previous protagonists for the final arc.
I said SIDE character, not main character
We don't need another cast
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Many people have left the thread after the thing with the Satanic sex BDSM girls to masturbate and watch the Kai web commercial and think how awesome that coudl be with torture cultist girls.

Mariabell is an enemy of the Grandmaster because she opposes Aidios' shackles.
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I know
Hermes is a NPC

Weiss >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Swin
He almost saved Reverie
3 and 9 sucks
He already said they were thinking about the next protagonist's settings in the Kuro 2 interview, so that's a deal already.
was there a reason why weiss and his girl got replaced by swin and nadia?
I feel like Swin and Nadia will be the final protagonists of Kiseki.
Hajimari = Beginning = the Beginning of their legend story
They have more chances than Van at least
When the series was still full of potential and high stakes. Imagine if they had delivered on these threats with an actual war, instead of the pussy light novel / fairy tale garbage we got.
Nina sucking my soul out of the tip of my cock while Emma nurses me like a newborn
I can't have dumb fun with it anymore without noticing all the dumb tropes and memes /fg/ forces
Don't even get me started on what they do to newfags, they go to /v/ and post end game shitpost
We are evil
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Agnes x Van will never hap-
Their story has concluded twice so that's not necessary.
I don't think he ever even said that they got replaced by Swin and Nadia. All he said was that there was a proposal to add them to Hajimari but they didn't know what to do with them
it was a different time, but considering that falcom pushed Agate and Tita pretty hard in CS, I don't see why Van and Agnes can't become a couple, the problem is Van didn't show any romantic feelings for her, unless something happens in Kai.
>the problem is Van didn't show any romantic feelings for her, unless something happens in Kai.
If they end up going down that path it'll feel inorganic and rushed so it's too late for it at this point.
>it'll feel inorganic and rushed so it's too late for it at this point.
Not really, one game is more than enough to develop characters if done right and the foundation is already set with Kuro 1 and I guess kuro 2, you just a have a kiseki brainrot which makes you believe that every character development needs 5+ games to feel organic.
>the final protagonist is the 7th protagonist of the series
Nah unless they focus on it a lot it's gonna be retarded if he goes from not giving a shit about her for 2 games to romance
Final MC will either be Cassius once he picks up the blade again, or Renne.
Did Weissmann knew that the world is ending? It appears the Anguis are aware... So Weissmann was a retard because he tried to create a whole new humanity and a new world despite it was going to be over anyway... He was demented; he also believed he did Hamel but it was the curse...
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>or Renne.
God no. That'd be horrible. Just imagine 100 characters including all of Ouroboros and the ghost of Loewe standing in a room and circlejerking about how amazing and smart and strong and fantastic Runny is.
If there gonna be another pick your waifu shit, romance is gonna suck by default. But at least Van has chemistry with most of the girls, so I wouldn't mind if they'll go that way.
Sounds kino
Whatever you want to believe
Yes he did, but Falcom didn't know it was until CS4. Similar thing with the curse even though it's something both he and Loewe should've been aware of yet they never acknowledged it since it didn't exist when the Sky games were written.
He showed signs of caring about her in Kuro 2.
I think that falcom wants to see how Kai will sell first to make the decision about the new protagonist. If Kai sells above expectations, they might just make the final arc in Hajimari style with every previous protagonists, if it sells the same amount as Kuro they'd probably think about a new protagonist, if it sells worse than Kuro then they'll try to finish kiseki as fast as possible in 1 or 2 games.
Don't worry, Falcom won't have another female protagonist ever again, never mind Renne.
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Even after Kai, Rean will still be the number one character Japanese players want to see returning in the next arc, won't he? Yun Kafai will tell him to go East, and fans will say how his arc isn't over yet, and he needs to get his revenge against Kafai or something.
We will never hear the end of it, haha.
Eh. Agate wasn't all over Tita, at most he finds her to be a cute kid.
Meanwhile Van, at the very least, sees Agnes as a woman since one of the first things he tells her is that she has the body of a grown woman.
>either be Cassius once he picks up the blade again
Didn't that nigga already do that already?
Maybe he thought that new humanity could deal with the issue.
Probably, falcom will make another poll after Kai to see fans' reaction on who they want to see for the final arc. Kondo always liked to pander to the fans instead of making the creative decision.
No, he only picks up the sword once to do Rean's test. And it's borrowed from Richard.
Yes. I remember he's also already surpassed by Arios.
Daily reminder that Pater-Mater died because of Dieter and Mariabell.
Yeah, Rean faggots want Ys but with Rean instead of what Kiseki is supposed to be.
The legend of Rean
You haven't used that catchphrase in a while.
Kevin will kill Van in Kuro 3.
Yeah just like rean died in the normal ending of cs4.
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Kevin is getting dissolved in the key art.
It looks like the whole world is dissolving only Van and Agnes aren't, probably because of that cube and Van's powers.
Welcome, oh Grandmaster...
Im literally Van
Cum in cumdoll
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>Van is the only one immune to Almata's magic in Oracion
>Van will be the only one immune to the end of the world bullshit
>If anyone mentions this you'll hear REAN! REAN ! REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!
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because gerard and van are connected to eachother through the diabolic core
what really makes no sense is why everybody van knows is also immune
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As long as Rean is still traveling with his canon wife Altina, I don't mind him showing up again.

Is this Kai's normal battle theme? It sounds amazing
The second song is, that's probably the latest Grendel battle theme.
god i hate falcoms violin songs
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Watch as Kondom made sure to shoehorn this trash into the mainline games with McBurn and the GM as Nayuta and Creha just to force people to play it since he adores this shit game for some reason
making a spinoff essential mainline canon is kingdom hearts tier bullshit
*canon daughter
gm is creha... cuntfirmed
Kingdom Hearts has not done this. The second game was Chain of Memories establishing that non numbered entries aren't "side games" they're just as valuable mainline content.
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>what really makes no sense is why everybody van knows is also immune
It was never explicitly explained, but it was pretty much implied that Van still has Vagrants-zion powers even without his diabolic core, since he's the true vessel. Even without his core he had a demon melty with Bergard.
yeah i get why van was immune by why does that transfer just to people he met once
I guess it's because of Van's subconsciousness, since he remembers or met these people before they weren't affected by the time freeze because of Vagrant-zion influence.
Creha is a cute.
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Nayuta was pretty based
Inevitable Struggle is still the best battle music of all RPGs, and I increasingyl doubt that's ever going to change.


In fact, the music is better than most games.
>they're just as valuable mainline content.
If they were just as valuable they wouldn't have held off on another SDG game after KH2 for 13 years.
Uh why did they explore the mainline characters they have as much freedom with as possible instead of static characters like donlad and goofy
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The really sad thing about the end of teh Kiseki series will be the loss of all the intriguing, amazing conspiracy theories.
Not only do fans get to see her butt. They can also grope and fondle it as much as they want if they buy the figurine
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what did he mean by this?
>why did they explore the mainline characters they have as much freedom with as possible instead of static characters like donlad and goofy
Because we live in the bad timeline where Versus XIII was cancelled.
pump n dump
I guess they were close to fuck, but crow decided not to risk it.
Just like the universe is the afterimage of its birth cry we're living in an age where we look back to get a glimpse of greatness, knowing everything has grown from these roots...
He only *pretended* to be an asshole thug. He's a nice cool guy.
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Len's Penis Crisis

You enter a room and there are four penises growing out of the wall.
One of them belongs to the person you have feelings for, and you have to guess which one it is.
If you miss, you all become one with the wall.
First of all, a particularly small coarse penis, which I quickly cut off because it was definitely not the same. (Titsuryu-tei).
Next, I gave him a hand job while checking him out, and brought him up to ejaculation.
This is also different. (backstage solution shop)
Next, he gave her a foot job and made her ejaculate.
Of course, this is also different. (Ash)
The biggest one left at the end was his.
Everything is connected to my thoughts.
I feel this satisfaction, happiness, and pleasure after inserting it, and everything becomes one and I reach a climax.
Thus, the penis guessing game was over.
And then it was over.
Morgia islands?
more like he mellowed out over the years after getting the angst out of his system
>across the sea
Mistranslation or fanfiction, pick your poison.
Kevin, who called Ouroboros a terrorist group, looks and acts very similar to Van. Given that they are of similar age and Kevin was born close to Calvard (Emerose) they are probably closely related.
>Our first time in Calvard
>We meet Kevin
He is probably Van’s father from another reality where theories make sense
Kevin and Van will kill everybody in Ouroboros in Kai. it's going to be so kino.
'ate heretics
'ate campanella
'ate enforcers
ah...Na-chan...so much cum...
My top 2 favourite protags in the series are Van and Kevin, if either of them wants to take the top spot then they have to kill the Oathbreaker in Kai.
I can't believe they did the
>I'm sorry...
>No, I'm sorry...it's my fault...
>No...don't blame yourself...
nip apology session with fucking Ouroboros of all people
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I wonder if Falcom will have the guts to off him in Kai.
Only people with darkness in their heart can become Enforcers.
Harwood, Vita, Novartis... they will give support for the new Anguis, Daybreak’s main antagonist and Hermes’ father: Orpheus
Why did Falcoom have to fuck over rodio in CS5?
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Only people who haven't played the game think that the game fucked him over.
the absolute state of ouroboros
Lloyd is probably the best character in Reverie purely because you get 1bp every time you use burning heart, stack cp on him and your laughing.
Falcom are trolling everyone with the appearance of the Grandmaster.
It's actualy the holo/AI projection of some old evil dude (like Zechst in Nayuta) whose soul is in Campanella.
Key is that Zechst was fake too.
Two seconds
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He's more powerful than Class VII combined considering that he alone was able to make McBurn kneel and try to access his true form.
and yet they broadcast him getting destroyed to everyone in cuckbell and erebonia
That Rufus robot needed the entirety of Class VII + the SSS + the Picnic Squad and various associated cast members to defeat.

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