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i got dat dawg in me EDITION

QOTT: favorite weapon type and why

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>Group password

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mogs igon
I like punching shit
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Elden Ring lore is so interesting when it's not about Marika/Radagon or their dumb fucking kids
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Wtf almost everything worked in my favor in this phase 2.
>doing low lvl co-op
>people wearing endgame dlc gear and weapons taking almost no damage from enemies
why do people cheat
Spellbound is real
Trust the plan
How is that cheating?
The demigods and by extension demigod simps are my least favorite aspects of the lore. The metaphysics, theology, culture, and architecture are much more interesting.
Carians should have won the war
what's that?
The demigods are essential to the theology and culture though and they're the main victims of the metaphysics. Also a lot of them ruined the architecture.
wtf, i don't get it, i was told you have to wait 30 seconds before being allowed to R1 radahn once, how are you doing all those charge attacks and trading with him without being one-shot??

this must be cheated
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Welp, I tried to fist Malenia to death and I vastly overestimated how easy she'd be with martial arts. I feel so defeated, I really wanted to commit to Dryleaf but they're so underpowered.
I totally believe that people who struggle against margit beat radahn/gaius/etc
Yep. Marika and Radagon are among the least interesting parts of the story because Marika and Radagon aren't characters as much as plot devices.
Placidsex is shit lore and dragons in general are only interesting when related to Godwyn
I generally like polearms with faster, more flowy movesets like Cross Naginata and Guardians Swordspear but recently I grew really fond of Milady, the way the heavy attacks flow seamlessly into light ones and vice versa is really satisfying
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>You cannot lure invaders with TT if you killed all bosses in the area
Wish I knew that before wasting 30 minutes waiting to get invaded
It appears my superiority is causing some controversy.
Reposting from last thread
Spellbound actually makes sense just because any assets, ideas, and new magic related mechanics they make for that game can just be recycled. It would serve as a building block for all their future Souls games like BB and Sekiro.
>Elden Ring lore is so interesting when it's not about Marika/Radagon or their dumb fucking kids
so you dont enjoy like, 90% of the lore?
They wouldn't call it Spellbound though they'd call it something cool like Biogenesis.
That was an insanely lucky phase 2
Fuck where's RNG like THAT for me.
Biogenesis is raw as fuck actually they should call it that.
just go to colosseum if you're looking for 1v1's
Did you not play any Souls game?
Never really played a caster in previous games, what magic-related mechanics did ER actually introduce?
Only things that come to mind are QoL stuff like quickly cycling back to the first spell and overall more mobility while using spells, is that it?
I played DS1, DS2, and DS3
I simply have little experiencie with invasion mechanics
The most invasion related thing I did was doing Pontiff fight clubs in DS3.
How does messages work exactly? Can I just spam them everywhere and they all have a chance of popping up or will the oldest ones stop showing up the more new ones I make?
I actually have no issue with Marika or Radagon, although the coomers who are addicted to off-model art of the former are obnoxious. Ranni, Miquella, and Godwyn are my least favorite demigods because the people most vocally obsessed with them also seem to completely misunderstand their characters - as evinced by the people who don't understand that FromSoft didn't "do nothing with Godwyn". He has one of the longest quests in the game, second only to Ranni's in its length and number of NPCs it implicates; he's teased throughout the game with the intro cutscene, his involvement in Ranni's quest, his own quest, his growths, and deathroot; he has a status effect associated with him, and multiple bosses aligned with him (including new ones in the DLC, who are probably the best minor bosses in the entire thing); he even has a fucking ending. He's dead. Perma-dead. That's the entire point of his death.

I was one of the people who thought the DLC would be about Godwyn because it seemed logical, but I was mistaken. It never even occurred to me to cry about it. Godwyncels are obsessed.

Go to the arena
limit of 10
If you think anything satisfying was done with Godwyn you're mistaken. The whole DLC was a wash in terms of characters, but the writing was on the wall beginning with Radagon and Marika.
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It's funny how Varre's set looks good on him but goofy as fuck on the player.
I don't believe the Spellbound leak because it's too logical, but it does align with some things that they've said.

Playing a pure INT/FAI caster, it really drives home how dated the magic system in Elden Ring and literally every other Souls game is. We've been scrolling through spells with the D-pad for 15 damn years. LotF2 has a better spellcasting system than ER, that's how bad it is. The entire thing needs to be scrapped, and hopefully that's what Spellbound is. Just replacing spell scrolling with 2-3 contextual menus tied to the trigger and shoulder buttons corresponding to your catalyst's hand. This honestly might make casting TOO strong, but it's so clunky as it is.
The cycling was in DS3, Elden Ring just added more variety with support spells and offensive spells are more diverse than DS3’s. Hell, include incantations and there’s a ton of shit. Mostly you’ll notice it with the setups.
>Ranni, Miquella, and Godwyn are my least favorite demigods because the people most vocally obsessed with them also seem to completely misunderstand their characters - as evinced by the people who don't understand that FromSoft didn't "do nothing with Godwyn".
I wonder if you genuinely believe this, are just coping with how badly the DLC did shit on this front, or you're baiting for replies
I genuinely question posts like this sometimes. It seems like such a waste to write out such an ellaborate bate but, it wouldn't be impossible And it would at least let me keep some faith people here aren't as retarded as that.
I think some of the frustration with Godwyn is in reality just people being discontent with the Radahn reveal, and amounts to screaming "Look, if you wanted to make it stupid, at least use a major character we didn't already fight in the base game! Base game even tells us Miquella tried to do things with Godwyn, you had a hook right there!"
Bear in mind, the average iq is 100. That means there are millions of people who have an iq of less than 100. Video games attract the dregs of society, and here we are.
It truly was, I wasn’t planning that fucking duck at the start of his cross slash combo but shit it worked.
Also I want to complain, that instant iframe dash he does is so stupid. One of his worst moves, it’s purely just there to rob you of getting some damage.
the obsession with godwyn has always been very weird, godwyn is less of a character and more of a set piece, we dont know much about his personality, only how his death affected the world and that he fought the dragons and eventually befriended them. Yet people latch onto him like if he was the deepest character in Elden ring.
i guess its because of that same lack of personality that allows people to inject their headcanons so easily.
Anyway, Godwyn's story ended in the base game with Fia's quest. This is further reinforced by the death knights actively seeking out the age of the duskborn.
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>see name
>see flavor of the week YouTube weapon
Stupid Niggers wouldn't even be censored because the N is capitalized what a retard
Explain what Godwyn didn't get in the base game that he needed to get in the DLC
Don't you wanna try out invading yourself?
Godwyn was the Ludwig of this game and 99% of players expected a Godwyn fight since the base game made it seem like Miquella was trying to bring him back somehow including going to the shadow realm which eventually we learned is way different than what the single promo image we had for a year made it out to be.
peter griffin playing elden ring.
I haven't been invading much so I haven't bothered to turn on the 'bem 'corder.

Just rip the band-aid off and invade or go to the arena. Low level invasions are relatively relaxed, despite all the password phantoms.
Anyone else think the blue dew talisman shouldn’t exist? That’s some balance breaking right there
FP shouldn't exist but here we are
ive been farming this bird to get 480 of each smithing stone fuck fromsoft
How do you balance the currently FP-consuming skills instead? Cooldowns?
INB4 they shouldn't exist either
In other words, players convinced themselves that the DLC was going to be about Godwyn because of a promotional image that was only misleading about the relationship between Torrent and Miquella. Until we get a massive information dump like we did about DS3's development, there's no reason to believe that the Scadutree was ever supposed to be related to deathblight.

Every single time this question is asked, everyone says no, there's nothing imbalanced about it.
That actually sums up most complaints you see about these games.
>some minor triviality in the grand scheme of things causes anon to wish death upon Miyazaki
One sour grape ruins the whole batch type of deal,
bring back durability
>they shouldn't exist
on every single weapon
fp should only be used for weapon skills, spells should still use the ds1 and ds2 system, would make ng+ not completely irrelevant
No he's velka. Gloam eyed queen is to elden ring what Gwyns firstborn was to dark souls 1. Even the melina is geq is identical to the gwyns first born is solaire memes
A boss fight.
>b-but h-he's dead
Don't care if he's dead. Could have been done. Anything could be done if From wants. From can do what it wants clearly. Lore is secondary. You're the same type of idiot that argues for days on the eagles to Mordor thing without realizing that the answer is simply "there would not have been a story to tell otherwise"
>b-but Fia
Not the same thing. Resolves the issues of those who live in death but not the ample implications of what Miquella was trying to do for Godwyn
And again, do please tell me how what we got was better than just giving people what they wanted. It's always amusing watching people squirm to defend the Consort Radahn lore. Are you gonna talk about Malenia's chair again?
>bring back durability
Seconding this just so I can watch people break their weapons spamming L2 in invasions
I have a regularly occurring daydream/idea for a mod where FP starts at 0, and landing melee strikes on enemies gives you FP back, and letting it go to maximum gives you a massive damage bonus for using a weapon art/spell with maximum FP. Using a weapon art or spell at maximum FP instantly drains the entire bar, and using weapon arts or spells before the FP bar is full results in less damaging attacks.
>tfw codelet
>Soon, wilst thou be taken in the jaws
>Of the abyssal serpent...
>Shaun of Light
My name is not Shaun.
Dont do much invading, but discovering the jihad tears was the best thing to happen to me all week.
>Resolves the issues of those who live in death
It doesn't even do that! They're ALL hostile little shits and Fia is operating at 0% brain capacity to give a shit about them. Fucking hated her quest. What a waste of a voice actress.
>don't care if he's dead
And that's the problem. You don't care about the whole point, as anon said, you wanted you got lost in your own headcanon and wanted something that was never going to happen.
Who’s this “everyone”?
But he's dead. That's the entire point of his character, that he died a permanent death that turned his soulless body into a disfigured tumor grafted onto the Erdtree's roots. There's nothing left of Godwyn to bring back. The eclipse ritual might have been an experiment to give souls to the soulless demigods in the wandering mausoleums as a test for Godwyn's, but it doesn't resolve the issue with Godwyn's body or the fact that his soul has been obliterated.

You claim to care about the character, but you don't care at all. You want to directly undermine what made him so tragic to begin with because
>I don't care, I want my fanservice!

Fuck off.
Would certainly be one way to solve the weapon art spam problem ER has, but it would invalidate pure caster playstyle as it is now, you'd need a massive overhaul of magic to keep it viable
Don't care. Bring him back. It's what we deserve.
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Just reached the castle in the sky. How do I reach the finger ruins on the right side of the map?
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I like ranni for one specific reason. She helped me get a gf irl. When I met my now gf we didn't know what to talk about so she started sperg lore dumping at me about ranni the witch not even knowing if i played elden ring, we used that as a jumping off point and got closer and closer and eventually started dating eachother. I love this woman, I want to propose someday but I don't have any good ideas for how to. Either way I like ranni even if i think sellen and rya are better girls i owe getting to know my gf to her.
No, it's perfectly balanced. For pve you already have a flask regeneration out of the ass and offhand sacrificial axe just lying outside morne. For pvp it's too slow for anyone but non casters with base mind. We're given a fuckload of powerful talismans in the DLC and it has a huge amount of alternatives because a talisman slot is powerful.
in the grace right before gaius, there is a little room with a Marika statue, do the "o mother" gesture in front of it to reveal a new pathway towards the ruins.
>Would certainly be one way to solve the weapon art spam problem ER has
I'm glad you see that because that was the genesis of the idea.
> but it would invalidate pure caster playstyle as it is now, you'd need a massive overhaul of magic to keep it viable
Indeed. I have some ideas like depending on the proximity to enemy>hit enemy with spell>FP bar goes up. Someday.
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>I want to propose someday but I don't have any good ideas for how to
Basically. Here’s the thing, and you probably know this since I’d assume everyone knows this, but a lot of players care a ton about who you’ll fight in the DLC, like more so than the world design and other lore reveals. Because most of the playerbase actually doesn’t care about the lore beyond a surface level, they’ll go to Vaati for his rather surface level takes so they don’t think about the story that much. The original idea was to interpret themes from your own discoveries and lense, then discuss them with others, but obviously that’s a niche and the majority will prefer more fact-based answers so they don’t have to put too much time into it. I get it for Elden Ring, the game has a ton of lore and the most dots to connect out of them all, but false gospel is rampant between release and the first expansions. Remember DS3’s Londor memes? Yeah, we never went to Londor.
Because everyone who uses it just slaps it on a set of mismatched armour that doesn't go with the mask's aesthetics at all.
its not a minor complaint
weapons are the main source of variety and fun in fromsoft games and they are locked behind a nonsense barrier. the amount of smithing stones you find normally is simply not enough to try a variety of weapons
The blue and red knife talismans proc twice with colossal weapons that's op
Thank you, anon. However, I don't know who you're referring to. I may have fought him already. Could you be more specific?
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Man I'd love a gf who loves video games as much as me but it simply never happens. Fuck farming games.
by doing some unexplained bullshit that was never communicated to you or even hinted at.
this is the DS1 DLC all over again.
Or remember all the guys including that one youtuber I forgot his name saying how every semi important npc we don't see and some we do is actually velka because he couldn't accept she's an unseen character?
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>How do you balance the currently FP-consuming skills instead? Cooldowns?
Wo Long styled spirit system.
Basically you have a united resource for all specials. It rapidly regenerates when you deal damage, and slower when you just let it recharge naturally. You can go into negative to some extent, but if an enemy hits you in that state, you get poise broken. You can stack 1-2 additional bars by being aggressive and deflecting well so you can unload it in the opening.

This is by far the best special resource system i've ever seen in an arpg. They also gave every weapon 6 weapon art slots, and you can hold 2 at once, meaning 12 different specials with their own utility.
No, that isn't the problem. Radahn was dead too. We had no idea a person's soul could be brought back the way Radahn's was. None at all. Nothing even implied it.
And they did it anyway. Because Miyazaki wanted to do Consort Radahn.
So there's no difference from that to "Godwyn's soul was killed with the destined death but the gate of divinity can bring it back". Absolutely NOTHING. Or "Miquella was trying to bring him back and failed and you fight an empty husk that fights like Godwyn"
There are many ways to do something.
See if your arguments were "Miyazaki didn't want to do it", THEN you'd have a point. There'd be nothing to argue against that.
Because that's the ultimate reason and you people can't admit it. Miyazaki didn't want to do it. It has nothing to do with internal consistency, or lore, or ANYTHING of the sort. Miyazaki wanted to do Radahn again, he didn't want to do Godwyn. What makes or doesn't make sense is secondary to that. If you'd just admit it, it'd be easier for everyone.
>lost in your own headcanon
Again, do please start talking about Malenia's chair. I'm beggin here. It's always so much fun watching you copers squirm.
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Holy shit man, yes. Someone else who sees Wo Long's combat system for what it is: fucking great. Absolutely endlessly engaging, and I've thought about Elden Ring with its system sooo much.
Gravity hog rider
that looks like ass, ADHD zoomer looking gamplay.
Not him, but if you have any love for good combat systems in video games, you'll give it a shot. I promise it's that engaging.
Confirmation that patch soon
>Radahn was dead too
stopped reading here

go watch the intro cutscene
Not colossal swords though for some reason, with the exception of the critical hit where an enemy is down on the floor and you hammer them twice
Jesus fuck anon it's just a typical character action game speed
I wish this guy uploaded more, but I imagine invading for hours on end to get 10~ minutes of footage isn't too fun.
This. Anon, you stupid faggot, get her to cosplay Ranni and then "haha wouldn't it be funny if I pull out a ring right now?" the game literally tells you what to do. Be her consort.
I noticed, biowomen only seem to like lore when it's speculative. Idk if that's just my experience but most lorefag girls I've met only liked lore in relation to these games, fnaf, elder scrolls, asoiaf, etc. Things where they can fill I'm the blanks and make their own headcanon and its encouraged by the creators. I never see one interested in more straight forward lore like halo or star wars or something. I married my highschool sweetheart, we spent hours in art class in junior and sophomore year discussing and arguing about fnaf lore around the time fnaf 2 and 3 released. I managed to recently get her into warhammer specifically because she likes the speculative aspects she doesn't collect or paint minis he just likes to read the books and make up headcanons
Replies make me glad I don't use Twitter at all
I wasn't too keen on Wo Long when it was released but i already praised the spirit meter when it was released. Then they improved the game massively with patches and all DLCs added new fantastic weapon types including the best whip weapon ever seen in an ARPG.
I ended up clearing like 500 floors of the endgame roguelike mode by the end of it, it held my attention for more than 200 hours total and i actually have a craving to replay it now.
Fromsoft would greatly benefit from hiring these dudes to design the combat system.
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>including the best whip weapon ever seen in an ARPG
>and i actually have a craving to replay it now.
Dude stop you can't be any more of my nigger than you already are. Jesus.
>Fromsoft would greatly benefit from hiring these dudes to design the combat system.
They'd benefit from any of their lead developers playing a Team Ninja game to be honest, but especially Wo Long.
>Biowomen only seem to like lore when it's speculative
It's because it's essentially gossip, lol
Are you actually daft? Again I guess it isn't really bait you really that dumb.
In order for Consort Radahn to happen, Radahn needs to be killed.
Implying that a soul could be somehow rescued the way.
The fact he was or wasn't dead at the start of the game is irrelevant and beside the point. You know this and are just trying to be cute and clever.
Again, please, PLEASE start talking about Malenia's chair.
NTA, but yeah. Elden lore is shit.
NTA, but the whole thing with godwyn is that his soul is gone and not salvageable. Radahn was brought back because we don't carve the rune of death into him like what happened with godwyn, we don't soul kill him in the way godwyn eas. Read lore about the spirit ashes or the jars like Alexander. Erdtree burial involves a process of reincarnation to take souls out of bodies and rebirth them with the tree. Radahns soul was still around, godwyns soul isn't. Spirit ashes are the souls of the fallen, lingering connected to places or people, we summom them to aid us in battle with the bell. Miquella's bell. He would've been able to just grab up radahns soul and stuff it into a place of he really wanted to. He couldn't with godwyn because it's not there anymore.
the point that I was very poorly trying to make was that it looks more like a fighting game than an souls like.
looks like a clip from tekken
We don't destroy Radahn's soul using a weapon imbued with destined death unless you do, but that's obviously a gameplay concession
Thinking about it you're right, it's gossip where they can feel special and smarter if someome agrees with it while not having the social ramifications of actual gossip about people. I get it now.
if you bring Godwyn back then you have to fit that into Fia's quest which relies on Godwyn being permadead, it would be incredibly awkward, more so that bringing Radahn back, i dont like that he is back either but godwyn makes less sense.
I dont give a fuck about Godwyn but the whole Miquella/Radahn love story feels so retarded that I find myself wishing the final boss had been literally anyone else
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>start the game
>add both dryleaf fist weapons and their ashes with CE
>proceed to punch the game as i make an RL90 lighting fist invader
What's the optimal dryleaf talisman setup?
Claw + Alexander + Shattered Stone?
you can jump wing stance r2

you're welcome
fia literally talks about godwyn being reborn. how is that possible if he's "permanently" dead (as if there's such a thing in fiction, especially this one)
within 5 minutes i can get a redditor to drop me a stack of infinite runes and play with my balls on the way out
I thought for sure it was going to be malenia, she was the hardest bitch in the main game and the only one that talked/cared about miquella so it made perfect sense for him to bring her back to cure her from her rot but nope, it was bullshit gay incest.
What >>486671000 said the dlc lore is so bad precisely because one of miyazaki's main rules for it was to not tie it into the base game at all likely because he's a lazy hack. In previous games with out of nowhere bullshit lore wise we liked it because they found ways to tie it back to the base game. All they needed to do was add a line like "godwyn's soul fused with the death outer god and can't be retrieved" or "miquella never wanted to make godwyn his consort only to stop his suffering and fix the deathblight issue" and things would've been fine. But we got nothing but the guy homolusting for radahn. Hell malenia gets little connection to miquella either in the dlc that's a much worse crime than anything else. The dlc was never going to make sense, and like itsuno mentioning working on the npcs a month before dragon's dogma 2 launched being a redflag, it should've been seen that miyazaki saying the dlc wouldn't be that connected to the base game should've been a redflag
>Destined Death was sealed, so people cant properly die due to their souls persisting
>Godwyn's soul got nuked by a shard of DD which is why his body is sperging out
>We kill Maliketh and release DD back into the world
Doesnt this mean everyone should be dying true deaths now?
Irrelevant and also now you're the one misunderstanding the lore.
Once the knight of the black knives happened destined death was reintroduced into the demigods and they became capable of dying.
We kill the demigods we kill. End of story. We didn't need the rune of death for that.
I really don't much mind we didn't get Godwyn. I didn't particularly expect him either. I had no expectations one way or another beyond more information Marika's past. Which we got and was actually the good part of the DLC.
But the fact is it would have made more sense to have something related to Godwyn, than it does having it related to Radahn.
Radahn had no build up, no implications, nothing at all tying him to Miquella beyond the fact he fought Malenia.
>because one of miyazaki's main rules for it was to not tie it into the base game at all likely because he's a lazy hack
> it should've been seen that miyazaki saying the dlc wouldn't be that connected to the base game should've been a redflag
This is exclusive to Elden Ring right? All of the previous game's dlcs tied back into the main game.
Read miyazakis interviews or look at that Japanese poll they did, radahn is really popular in Japan and miyazaki has said that radahn and rykard were his favorite bosses. It's clear he just added consort radahn because he liked him so much and even nips wouldn't shut up about fighting a non scarlet rot radahn.
Yes Patrick, we saved everyone
they are godwyn faces in every catacomb in the DLC and the ones who live in dead are also fucking everywhere, he's not "superdead" he's the prince of death.
So we already solved the "everyone is going hollow and drying up into raisins" shit by beating the game? Wtf is the point of picking an ending then? Especially when we know the Greater Will already fucked off and isnt actually 500 IQ master manipulating everything
>Once the knight of the black knives happened destined death was reintroduced into the demigods and they became capable of dying.

i always end up watching the whole video because the song is so catchy
>wanted to make serpent flail build with flail in main hand, seal in off-hand
>turns out the optimal way to use it is to just dual wield them and spam jump attacks
Yup. That's the issue. He ONLY did this for elden ring. I genuinely think he just got tired of it and went "fuck it" likely why he bought the ip from bamco and why he said he wouldn't be involved in any adaptations of it
While I generally agree with you the point of fighting maliketh is that destined death isn't actually back and was only around temporarily then resealed.
Can't be any worse than trying to STR throwing dagger her to death.

It eventually devolved into parrying her to death as per usual.
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>new playthrough
>use taunters tongue for shits
>get invaded by people with dlc gear
>Their R1 does half my health
>my R1 does 5%

How is this even possible? Buff stacking?
You work on a game for over 7 years and see how interested you are in making two more years of content for it.
Fia grants godwyn a true death and that allows him to be reborn in the form of the mending rune. Not sure about the logistics but thats how it works
well you still have to establish a new order so the world isnt in disarray
Nepheli poo
hideo "I don't listen to the fans but actually I do but only japanese fans, fuck those american pigs" miyazaki
That's not true at all, destined death was re-sealed. It's why the black flame is the way it is. Shards of it are still present like the black knives themselves but the concept of destined death isn't a thing. The special thing about godwyn was simply that he was the first demigod to die and he died in such a fucked way
No, you just have shit health. Get 30 vigor at least if you want TT on low levels.
you don't seem to understand godwyn at all

they could simply be minmaxing VIG with defensive buff stacking (which is basically limited to crab, golden vow / black flame's protection, because every other physical defensive buff is nerfed to shit in PVP). or you could be misrepresenting your experience, i don't know.
Putrescent knight was such a chump compared to rellana and dancing lion, what the hell
I know I summoned thiollier but still
>legend felled
That’s a good laugh
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As per usual.
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Anyone on ps4/5 willing to help me dump some weapons to my other character?
Thus is actually really common. I used to play ffxiv and yoshi and team only listened to the jp forums. Like if the jp forums complained about something even slightly they'd fix it while other forums can have issues for almost a decade and it's still broken. Japs don't care about us besides our money.
So what you're saying is that you've never played a good video game in your life.
no we didn't release DD when when kill maliketh, DD was broken and split that's why we need to get the parts to fia so she can fuck a corpse.
Godwyn, Marika's favored child, I will avenge you.
Half the remembrance bosses in the DLC dont feel like they should be remembrances
Seriously who the fuck is Gaius?
>Ohhh dude he's super important to the world because he was a friend of Radahn's
So was Jerren, this guy's a literal rando on a pig. He's just hanging out behind Messmer's house boinking his qt albinaric wife at their love shack when she show up and he rides out and fights us and dies.
not him but it's nerfed to a pitiful 5% in pvp for obvious reasons
Huh. Never knew that.
Thanks for clearing that up, anon.
Give me like an hour
>smithscript hammer
>clearly a str weapon
>requires int/fai
fuck off
>Godwyncels on their way to bomb FromSoft's offices

It's just to designate them as a major boss. Like the deer in the base game, who is really of no importance and keels over in 90% of cases.
You're too stupid to believe in the power of return
Get your brains faith up
>No dialogue
>No cutscene
>No lore relevance
>Not mentioned anywhere else or by anyone else
Sugoi remembrance bossu, Miyazaki-dono
You magically make it return to your hand after being thrown
grug no want put 2 levels in INT
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>you don't seem to understand godwyn at all
no you don't understand him lorelet
>no we didn't release DD when when kill maliketh
what is this supposed to prove
Morgott has an entire death dialogue.
And heck, with the DLC, we're told Mohg's body is used for Miquella's plan so, he died as well.
The demigods were dying. This was obvious from us acquiring their great runes but, there's two examples of it told to you outright so you don't get your panties in a twist.
No the point of fighting Malekith is that we need the rune itself to kill the Elden Beast.
Again, if the demigods weren't dying, how exactly did Mohg's body become available to be used the way it was? Why did Godfrey speak the way he did to Morgott's body.
I don't think there's anything to indicate that Destined Death is reintegrated into the Elden Ring after it's unsealed, just that we use its power to finish the job that the giantsflame started.
I just realized why holy can 'kill' undead, it's forcing the metaphyicalconcept of death into them using power granted by the golden order/elden ring
Because morgott is still alive until destined death is unsealed which is why you can talk to him after beating him and why he's cured of being an omen in his last moments as a reward
As said earlier someome can die but their soul lingers with their body. That's the point of erdtree burial the point of the great jars and warrior jars, and the cause of spirit ashes being a thing. The ACTUAL problem is if you actually do Alexander's quest his shard is empowered with radahns soul or part of it if you read the description in English and Japanese.
is more like we kept it, just like maliketh was keeping it, we didn't release it into the world unless we choose that ending when we become the elden lord.
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why is switching to keen weaker than std? i have almost 40 dex and just over 10 strength
We never take the DD from Maliketh and use it on the Erdtree to make it vulnerable to the flames, though. Its pretty obvious when Mally dies the shit he was keeping locked up has been released back into the wild. This is also why we only fight Tarnished who still possess the guidance of grace AFTER Maliketh is beaten. Beforehand, Gideon and Godfrey would have just kept respawning. Lore-wise after beating Maliketh,, our respawns are no longer canon and are just a gameplay mechanic. We're a Smashfucker Prime 9000 who has returned from outside time itself to smashfucker our way through whoever remains between us and the Elden Ring
infusion lowers base damage to increase scaling for every weapon
death was removed from the elden ring doe
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that godwyn is not dead and much less permadead
>more so that bringing Radahn back, i dont like that he is back either but godwyn makes less sense
No. Radahn coming back makes significantly less sense in every way.
Thollier and St. Trina love!
Shared dreamspace adventures!
Elaborate roleplays and skits in lucid dreams!
the scaling damage reduced though do i just need more dex for it to be worth
but the rules of the golden order are "things should die when killed" which is made into a physical concept, holy damage
People that wanted Godwyn to comeback are the same people that clapped and bought merch for the recent Star Wars movies.
>our respawns are no longer canon and are just a gameplay mechanic.
I think the not using it on the erdtree is also a gameplay mechanic, nothing indicated that DD is out in the world, no one cares and nothing changes except for the tree.
A thousand year voyage of naps
He dies WHILE you talk to him.
Also explain Mohg then?
No, Erdtree burial takes the souls and respawns them, the souls don't linger as a rule.
Also demigods are an exception. Again demigods can die once Godwyn took the knife. That's the point. First of the demigods to die.
I mean you're not wrong. But, you also clapped when Radahn came back. So, you're no better.
No. No they aren't. And I haven't.
yeah you're also losing any str scaling by making it keen
I fucked St. trina while she was sleeping
No you didnt
I'd like to add too that things like the fire giants ripping off its leg, maliketh unsealing his blade, horah killing serosh, all couldn't happen more than once. It's more likely that for MOST bosses lore wise we first try them. Hell even as far back as godtick with the whole dragon arm thing. Lore wise our character is just a monster that first tries most if not all fights.
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I'm literally Thiollier
catboy thollier and flowergirl trina....
I don't want to think or feel anymore frenzy time
Your arguments go nowhere as it's all just you battling out with your own headcanons. It's just fucked up pvp except you're fighting with your own delusions and interpretations of intentionally vague and contradictory lore. You're both right and wrong. Please don't end up shitting up the thread for half a day straight like what often happens here with lorefags.
I wish the Putrescent Knight wasn't such a pushover. I was honestly shocked when it died without going to a second phase the first time I killed it.
>talking about lore = shitting up the thread
im sorry i didnt realize all /vg/ generals should be like the gacha ones that just spam the same gooner fanarts on repeat, those threads are nice and clean
is Thiollier our first weakass meow meow that invades you and cries about it but he's not really angry at you? it's like he's no test iguazu
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I fucked her real good
wtf are you saying
unc lost lol
What's funny about his complaint is that loreposters discuss the game how the creator wants it discussed he literally makes the lore so people can come up with their own interpretations argue about them and he can occasionally watch he's said so himself.
>The Orks are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We Eldar who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn? And why? Because we sought answers to questions that an Ork wouldn't even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude.
Coomers who can't engage with media outside of jerking off to the characters are actually winners, the rest of us are doomed to actually care about stupid bullshit like what actually happens in the game.
>my own headcanons
I've absolutely not said a SINGLE thing about headcanons.
I've stated facts
Radahn had no build up and made no sense. It happened because that's what Miyazaki wanted.
Godwyin could have been done because ANYTHING could have been done.
Demigods were dying and this is a fact by what we see in the game. And this last point is really irrelevant because again, see points 1 and 2.
I bought a bunch of Thiollier’s purple drank thinking it would be useful but I only used 1 on the dragon priestess, the part with him and st Trina didn’t seem to require it since she just offers nectar for free anyway
Did I waste runes?
Your initial point is true. The lore justifications you use are headcanon.
i'm asking if thollier is our first submissive and breedable invader
drink it when you're weary of life
>lore justification
It's not lore that the demigods are dying it's fact.
We see it happen. We do it even.
I’m weary of irl life not game life
fucking furfags always ruin these threads
no, now you have some lean to drink after you're done being summoned
Dark Souls 3 DLCs didn't effect the main game, Dark Souls 1 had a single cutscenes change for Sif if you beat Manus with her alive, Dark Souls 2 had an interesting mechanic where once all 4 crowns were recovered and one of them was worn, you could resist the curse, but not fully get rid of it.
Bloodborne had some dialogue changes and line removals (the Doll saying a prayer to Flora of the Moon), but nothing super changing.
SOTE is comparable to The Old Hunters DLC in that it had little to no impact on the main game, but had a unique story and environmental storytelling
Want another fact? Miyazaki is a carian simp. You can find articles and interviews of him talking about each of them saying how rykard and radahn were his favorite bosses, one of his favorite npcs is ranni, and one of his favorite sharbearers is rennala. If you look at the jp poll they did ranni was voted as the nips favorite npc and radahn their favorite boss closely followed by malenia. Miyazaki loves his mooncoon faction and so do the japs. I would bet you he went "we should fight a non rotted radahn it would make our Japanese players so happy" completely ignoring the western players.
If Marika couldn't bring Godwyn back to life while having access to the elden ring, shadowlands etc, then how could Miquella? genuine question
because i wanted him to
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there fix it for ya
Friede recognizes you as the lord of hollows, and yura can see you have her soul when you kill her
It's not much, but these little eastereggs really add to the experience
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is this grace site being broken the intended™ experience™?
>invading for varre
>guy with full Rak's and two... greatbows?
>shabriri's howl, vow, and possibly FGMS
>starts shooting
>dodge, dodge
>fires a third time in the path I dodge
>went from 1900 to 0 in one arrow
is this cheating? Like, for real?
The headcanon is
>No the point of fighting Malekith is that we need the rune itself to kill the Elden Beast.
>Once the knight of the black knives happened destined death was reintroduced into the demigods and they became capable of dying.

When there's outright statements ingame stating otherwise yet as you say we see otherwise as well, and again, we still see people we "killed" before maliketh still being alive. Not just morgott we are also told of the nature of death in fias questlines and many item descriptions
Again. You're just headcanoning and so was the guy you were arguing with. Using ingame evidence and coming to a conclusion based on that is by definition headcanon as there's always unreliable narrorators and inconsistent showing by design. It's okay to have headcanon stop getting so offended when it's called such it's not the truth but it's your truth and that's what should matter most
Being summoned for what?
>Dark Souls 3 DLCs didn't effect the main game
I didn't say the DLCs affected the main game for Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, or BB. I said they tied back into the main game, which they do.
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>m-muh carians
Success breeds jealousy.
Liurnian women >>>>>>>>>>> literally all other ER girls
Placidusax was literally a hand dragons but three got severed
Not headcanon though. We needed the rune to kill the EB. Otherwise, we'd not need it at all due to to the second bit which is:
Night of the black knives is when demigods started being able to die. First of the demigods to die, once again.
These statements aren't headcanons. At most their logical conclucions.
after we kill radahn we are told by several people that his well and truly dead, the stars even fall because he's dead and we kill him way before we kill malekith
if i'm looking at carian phalanx alone am I literally better off using the spellblade set + alexander's shard to maximize the AOW instead of using the glintblade staff?
>spellblade set 8%
>alexander 15%
>aow has higher base everything
>both use scorpion charm


>staff 15%
>2 slots used for graven talisman 12%
>both use scorpion charm

it seems like it's a matter of whether or not I want to use 2 talisman slots to buff sorceries in general. being a caster vs being int melee
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Motherfucker said nobody in Elden Ring is more intersting than Dusk of Oolacile….. cringy faggot every person who sits under the Erdtree is more interesting than that WHORE
Does the Two-handed sword talisman work on Star Fists?
It's amazing how many people don't realize if the sunflower misses its attack, it repeats it 2 more times
Carian Phalanx isn't an AoW, what the fuck are you talking about?
How borked is Radahn and the rest of the DLC in general at ng+ and above?
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Which is weird is Fortissax being master of death blight, godwyn killing him and yet deathblight massively used to clean the mountain tops from big creatures and giants. Maybe the dragons did it after all.
don't i know
If Godwyn is dead, shouldn’t he be in the Scadurealm? Or is he so dead he disappeared?
Yes it is. I don't even disagree with you. I'm just calling a spade a spade and you're looking to argue.
speaking of breeding...
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based on context clues of the post I'd hope you'd know the ash of war I'm talking about is Ash of War: Glintblade Phalanx and I'm comparing it directly to the sorcery Carian Phalanx
his soul got deleted from the system
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damn I wonder why Miquella has so many things related to TWLID!
Isn’t Godwyn Undead???
Carians replaced the albinaurics which maybe were the «astrologists»?
They’re really mean to those poor guys
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This TT invader 1vs1s session was kinda fun.
Outside a few autistic tryhard Swift Slash, Blind Spot and Catch Flame spammers, most of invaders either fought fairly or reciprocated the gestures.

I fully expected much worse, was waiting to get chainsawed or something, but never happened
what weapon is that?
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Headcanon is by definition a canon that's in someone's head.
All I'm doing is stating things that happen in the game. Not even reading out lore from items mind you, outright describing events in the game, that's not headcanon by definition.
Why are Liurnian/Carian women so superior I wonder. That's the real lore that should be discussed.
They tie back into the main game.
Friedel recognizes you as lord of hollows
Killing orphan of kos helps gerhman sleep a little better
You get proper use out of vendricks crown after collecting them all and if you wear velsdatds helmet when you fight the fume knight he immediately goes into phase 2
You get a cutscene if you save sif in the dlc when you fight him

Shadow of the erdtree has NONE of that. That's the problem. That's why people are complaining
You're coming to conclusions based on what we see ingame which by definition is headcanon. Also you're a rannifag and cariansimp and possibly a marikafag too so now I'll stop giving you attention i do not like to interact with subhumans.
c team dlc preasue understandu
Abundance and Decay Twinblade/Abundance Twinblade/Elphael's Twinblade, it's now called Euporia though.
At 90 i can just go with maxed out weapons for invasions, right?
The most important thing is to dodge 120+ sweatlords
Souls wash up to Scadu because Marika locked Death away. Godwyn's soul was killed with Death after it was stolen. Godwyn's body is "alive" but his soul is permadead.
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only his body die, his soul live on just like melina.
elden ring has a weird fuckery going on with souls, souls are like a separated entity than the body, people can astral project their soul out of their body and it works as a separated person not even sharing memories (i.e. dung eater, sellen,) and even if the body dies the soul can live on as a separated person (i.e. melina, ranni, godwyn).
in true miyasaki fashion is not explain or elaborated at all.
We're all in agreement Shadow was developed by Z team right?
The golden soul, caring the grace wihin, guidance of the fingers, allow gods to kill stuff to accumulate power without being mad (eyes stay cohesive).
So technically his soul can’t die. He’s probably somewhere, as a big fish or something
+20 or max your choice
you can play at 125 with +17 and you wont hit anyone with a +25 weapon if something this autistic interests you
NTA but you're the perfect case study of a pseud so obsessed with sneerposting he doesn't realize he's clueless.
A headcanon is when you make shit up to fill in the blanks, not when you infer stuff from the game itself.
For example, we can infer Melina is Messmer's sibling because the game gives us enough hints to conclude that it's true. That isn't headcanon. If I said "Melina is smaller than Messmer so he probably gave her uppies when they were small" that's a headcanon because I made that up completely.
>those who live in death
From writing in a nutshell
Why do marika, sellen, ranni, carians, rya, and messmer make anons so upset? Whenever someone's seething about a character or faction its about them
It's really not autistic. When i was leveling up while invading i've noticed a fuck huge invasion quality difference between a non meta and meta range, it's fucking overwhelming.
>you can deflect/guard counter Rykard with the snake spear and it shoots the wind
hell yeah
michael sat through a month of npc voice casting sections and moved onto the next game lol
>Go on site full of die-hard contrarian autists
>"Why are the contrarian autists seething about the popular thing?"
Cut content, nobody cares. It's not canon.
He’s apparently not a spirit, unlike Ranni
Maybe he died of death blight or the assassin blade blocks his soul to enter the scadu realm (turning him into zombie or some shit)
main game to dlc is like ng+7 at lvl1 by default without any blessings
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>You're coming to conclusions
Coming to a logical conclusion based on events is not headcanon.
Your issue is that you don't accept the logical conclusion.
I mean I could make tons of other points about why we needed the rune to kill the EB, mostly related to Hewgs. But the fact is all I need to say is
If we needed the rune for anything else, we'd not have gotten that far to begin with. That's all that needs to be said.
>Also you're a rannifag and cariansimp and possibly a marikafag too
Guilty of all. See I have taste, unlike whatever you are. Seethe.
no matter how you fiddle with it you still have to battle max level reddit phantoms so i really dont like gimping myself too much
>You're coming to conclusions based on what we see ingame which by definition is headcanon
holy retard
Two posts stating the opposite
Can we get a consensus yet?
Soul = in the cosmos
Spirit = dead
Body = alive
Normal pve shitters are a non issue. TT grace duelist scum gravitates to 125-150 like flies to shit, and they are the only issue.
refer to here >>486672260
he didn't die a true death which most likely means his body die but not his soul but his soul unable to return to the tree or the body wander the world and corrupted everyone into TWLID
Nta but the melina example is headcanon. When it comes to series with c0da, much of it tends to be headcanon even with things people can easily infer. That's the point, some things are meant to be solved, others are pure speculation. Headcanon is a graph from completely made up shit to something nearly outright said ingame. I'll give an example, in dark souls 3, we see that londor is a thing and it's leader is called the lord of hollows and dark lord. Thus we can infer that at some point someone did the dark souls 1 dark ending or some version of that. That's headcanon but that's based on peacing together information thats available and coming to the most logical conclusion. It's very possible that sister is some unknown demigod, but with what we have ingame it can only truly be melina.
Denying Melina's purpose by burning the tree myself, marrying ranni, and picking any other fucking ending than frenzy/age of stars
I just fucking hate them and their stupid eye tattoos
Soul seems like a light guiding people. Something out of the physical borders.
Whose raw substance seems to be sound/vibrations, and whose ancient vessels were fingers (the elden beast being the top notch ay dealing with this stuff).
Spirits seems like people still «living» in another realm after death, like the scadurealm.
no, his soul died and his body didn't
any Queelign fanart?
>"My personal definition of 'headcanon' which nobody uses except me is the right one"
Yeah okay then. You keep arguing that while the rest of the world understands that 'headcanon' means shit that's entirely made up.
delete this one nephew
could be either or, it's a fromsoft game, all we know is that he didn't die a true death what ever the fuck that means.
Okay so you think that heirs of Malika, a top notch albinauric/shaman got the capacity to wander between the two worlds, physical and astral, linked by the tree, making them able to be gods (not becoming spirits after death), to be reborn?
>only his body die
I'm not reading the rest of his post, it's stated multiple times in game Godwyn's soul died and Ranni's body.
He lost the grace? The light?
So he can’t wander between worlds anymore?
Is it the power of deathblight? Killing the soul?
Would it work on a tarnished seeking power to the point of gaving cursed golden eyes (madness ones)?
How do YOU pronounce scadutree?
That's not what headcanon is.
Or well, yes that is a headcanon but headcanon isn't making a logical assumption. It's making shit up, which you just did by going "well that means someone did the DS1 ending"
You're going Zebra when you hear hooves when the more simple solution is just well...they have a lord now, someone rose to it or whatever.
>coming to a logical conclusion based on events is not headcanon
While that anon is a retard he has a point but not in the way he thinks. Miyazaki has said years ago that what we see in item descriptions are meant to be unreliable narration, that we can't take them as gospel, same with what npcs tell us. We can only really trust things we see with our own eyes in these games everything else is headcanon. What we see is that we do infact kill these characters, we see that they take a while to die but they do infact die of their injuries, we see this with godrick and morgott. Also the demigods being unable to die defeats the whole purpose of tanith eating rykard in the "a snake can never die" thing. Godwyn is alive in his body, dead in his soul we see his body react if we're aggressive to fia his body is very clearly alive.
I feel like St. Trina because I am very fucking tired. I wish I could slurp up Trina’s dreamsauce so that I would have pleasant dreams and restful sleep instead of dreaming about fire and brimstone raining from the sky in the apocalypse or getting raped by my cousin.
What was exactly the purpose? To escape the fingers?
scat tree, like she useless shit it is.
>well yes that is headcanon
Then yeah I'm right. And some version of that which is what I said in my post is specifically meant to convey that "someome rose to be their lord or whatever"
Are rope madness pots the best for pvp among the rope ones? Seems like they proc madness in 2 bombs.
St Trina is soooo boring bro

hope this helps the sperg insisting 1 + X = 3, therefore X = 2 is headcanon instead of inference
havent tried always used volcanic as a fuck you get off me button
This was my first post on the matter i like to chime in on convos. Stay mad.
Her dream sauce would kill you.
ranni wanted to escape the fingers and to that end she decided that the best way to do that was to kill one of his siblings that had 0 relation to the fingers.
They tend to become super weak on higher levels.
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Ranni trying to escape her fate. There is speculation Godwyn was a willing participant in this plot based on him being called a "martyr" by a finger crone but it's not substantial.
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>he thinks it's one guy
>he's this mad
Are light greatswords frown upon in 1v1 arena?
I've seen multiple people pull out Milady mid fight once they see that I use one
Godwyn is the Golden Order poster boy and the Fingers are the man behind the curtain running the Golden Order.
Trina is just an eepy little sleepy guy. Never did no ‘arm.
>Her dream sauce would kill you
opposite cause it does no poise damage
>Mohg and Morgott forgotten about
fitting, really
>Are light greatswords frown upon in 1v1 arena?
lmao who cares?
If you want to get into translation autism in the jp kanji it's "willing sacrifice" not martyr. In the jp version there's also hints that marika was in on it. It's why that "the night of black knives was an inside job" theory hasn't gone away like the "ranni is melina" theory has. That and people using cut content for lore, as in one of godfreys cut dialogue he tells you to "wait for the shattering" meaning she planned it before she banished godfrey long before godwyn died.
doesn't stop it from feeling dumb, marika does more to stop the golden order than ranni ever did.
>cut content
So like I said, unsubstantial speculation.
>insists on using a personal definition of a word instead of its actual meaning + use
>"ooh haha you're trying to show me what the word means, did i make you seethe? stay mad"
4chan debate club president, i kneel.....
Ranni doesn't want to stop the Golden Order she wants to leave the party.
Marika wants to burn the house down.
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mohg and morgott are the sons of godfrey and marika, the curse siblings are the offspring of radagon and marika.
Is it lorefag baiting hours again
While item descriptions are unreliable narrators we can still lift from different unreliable narrators to reach a reliable conclusion.
But, anyway, as I said, I didn't even resort to vague item descriptions or dialogue. I just used the actual events that happen in the game. Not even "happened before", happen IN the game.
Pretty sure Godwyn got two fingers somewhere
Nascence is Melina you fucking clown
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Holyyyyyyyyyyyyy shit. Heart is pounding. Now I know it's doable solo. Fuck yes. Fuck you Miyazaki I am not using Spirit Ashes.
she does nothing and serves no purpose, she is eye candy at best and at worse shes cut content.
It's always lorefag baiting hours because they keep the soup kitchen open 24/7.
Try horse
Ride in charging r2, ride out, repeat
I don't disagree. I don't understand why people use cut content so much to get lore info from honestly.
Funnily enough if you look in the archives he's a seething maleniafag shitposting because she was "character assassinated" in the dlc.
In ancient times, sleep and death were two sides of the same coin
Can we push the schizo head cannon to
-trina is duo flower of michella
-miquella is a flower too
-deathblight (death fog) is the raw version to enter the scadurealm
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Give it to me straight bros, does this look like shit? I really love Messmers outfit, but not having 51 poise at the very least is utter cancer. Getting staggered by fucking daggers or throwing knives is ridiculous.
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haha manlet
Fuck the horse too! I got this shit cosplaying as a rollypolly I promise.
Yeah cool
Yeah I was agreeing with you sorry if my post didn't show that properly.
It has miquella's crown. Also the smoldering butterfly is related to melina not the nascent one.
Melina wants to burn her mother’s tree knowing miquella will repop the haligtree, she’s a cool girl
lookin' good anon
>it's a goldfag
Why are you guys this way?
the worst part about messmers chestpiece isnt how ugly it is, its that it doesnt fit together with anything. fully clad legs and fully bare arms if just goofy. you might have luck with the rotten duelist greaves. idk tho, i got messmers armor and then threw it in the trash
yeah but my point is she just need it the fingerslayer blade, godwyn just got kill for no reason, if anything radah should of been kill since he's the key to the city where the blade is kept.
I can't be the only one who noticed Rellana sliding across the fucking floor like Kratos in nu-GoW, right?
I actually like it. It's like... Fantasy Roman or Greek.
Oh I know. I'm just saying that even if the logical inference are done through unreliable sources, the final conclusion can still be accurate if you have enough of those unreliable sources and can gleam the relevant information from each.
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The guy these ones were talking about? https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/483332807/#483339967
I don't think normal people would be this mad over fictional characters after a month
The lower face and lips of your character remind me of the "hmm" guy from house of the dragon.
looks really bad
but the haligtree fail and he abandon that idea a long ass time ago in favor of fucking his brother.
According to Fortissax rune, Godwyn became master of death, and Fortissax helped him fight this death within him?
He got the deathblight power, to the point it mutated his body?
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Man i suck at making type Bs
theres better options for greco-roman style. the weird bulkiness of the shoulders and overall square shape of the torso is just unsalvageable
Remove your helmet give your character an eyepatch give him silver blonde hair
Miquella doesnt exist, he sacrificed his flesh to become one with the scadutree or something like that. That’s why he needs a consort. Somebody strong enough to «physically» embody its reign/dynasty (reigning over the underworld).
Looks like a type A wanting to be a type B
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He already does have an eye patch and silver blonde hair.
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I don't like this thread, make a new one
This feels close to me and my gf, with respect to my Millicent fic. I posted it to my socials and she read it while I was courting her. She kept thinking "there's no way he wrote this" but lo and behold, I did. And it strikes all of her chords.
Since then we've learned that we have the same love languages, interests, and things just feel easy when we're together.
Who would've thought a fic I wrote for erg on a whim would become my gf's favorite smut. Happy for you anon, and I hope you find a way to propose to your gf just like the Tarnished does with Ranni
Reminder that /erg/ is black country by virtue of me being the only person here that actually cares about it so I can claim sole decision making on the topic.
what the fuck does that have to do with rannis plot being stupid?
but no, fortissax was trying to stop death from taking godwyn (and fail btw) and he fought death so long that he became a lich, or a TWLID dragon.
Try the horned warrior Gloves + Pants an the Bullgoat Talisman.
trve kvlt...
good morning, I hear the illuminati are at it again (worldwide "IT outage" ............. I could elaborate but its off topic)

going to fight rellana today. and finally find another NPC.
had a few thoughts in the realms of half sleep....radahnagon....rellananna...morgitgot(gud)...

oh and i'm really starting to worry how casual the world has become (I beat lion yesterday, still ZERO skibadis)

now ill look into that first thing I mentioned to make sure it is infact an illuminati hack since they've been planning this since 2019, check your banks.
lore schizo thread, I like it.
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Everyone said that the face I made for my character wasn't very good yesterday, but honestly what makes mine so much worse than this one
I'm not even hating. I think that Tarnished looks cute. But what makes mine so much worse
I don't get it.
I wish the face sliders weren't so weird.
Patch status?
Unfortunately I can't spare a slot for the Talisman. Playing Faith so I need all my caster shit.
He's at Volcano Manor right now
It’s either you’re dead or not anon
How could they fight death? That’s retarded
Anon your character looks like she was transported straight out of The Elder Scrolls IV.
>what makes mine so much worse
The slanted eyes look odd. The face looks puffy. Can't see a discerinble jaw line so I can't tell if you've gone full weeb anime thinking women can't have jaw lines and as such, made an ayylmao looking woman. Nose is michael jackson tier.

She looks like someone tried to make an anime waifu in Oblivion so you got the typical stupid anime features that don't translate to realistic graphics mixed with potato face.
ayy lmao
miquella does in fact exist, he just shed his body, people do that all the time in the lands between, melina did it, ranni did, sellen did it, and miquella did it.
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Ok I must just be clinically retarded. Is it really just a coinflip if I die or not when bayle decides to breath fire directly at me and it sometimes just veers more off in the direction I'm running? I've tried literally everything. Jumping, rolling, changing my run angle, bloodhound step. Literally nothing works. Sometimes I just fucking die because fuck me I guess? No fuck you retarded ass dragon.
Gods are basically immortals and dragons were striking Lyndell at that time
Something doesn’t compute there
yes you're finally getting it, this shit is retarded but the nippones and the weeb formerly know as miyazaki like retarded plots. they call it artistic while most people call it autistic.
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If you think about it radagon lost the most of any character. He's possibly the biggest cuckold in the setting, even more than the wife he left.
>red-haired which he's ashamed of
>marika tells him "ywnbag(you will never be a god)"
>all his kids ended up crazy or cursed
>one of his sons with the help of his daughter and killer molested his other son after shoving his soul into an omen body
>those same sons were the only sons of his who actually gave a shit about him
>that very same molested son clearly adores his wife's ex more than him
>the molester son was the closest to him but abandoned his order, the order he dedicated his life to, because he was worthless and couldn't help his daughter
>his other son went crazy and fed himself to a snake
>his other daughter went murder suicided herself and caused his wife to shatter the ring
>damaged due to the ring being shattered
>his body in tatters
>tries his best to repair the ring for centuries to no avail
>for his loyalty he's crucified along with marika since all he ever was to anyone was a battle puppet
>used as a battle puppet by the elden beast
>literally turned into a fucking sword after being killed
>guy who kills him and the beast he serves either marries and fucks his wife, runs off with and fucks his daughter, or burns the world
Radagon is the most emasculated character in elden ring. Somehow more than radahn, somehow more than godfrey, somehow more than thiollier.

Give it to me straight /erg/ is he the most cucked boss in fromsoftwares history?
wait is that greyoll
Maybe try pieces of the omen and prelate sets then.
I think the Rotten Duelist helm would also look nice.
ska dough tree
>No fuck you retarded ass dragon.
i simply do not fight dragons in FROM games if I'm melee. Summon Igon and skip bayle
Koei Tecmo have a problem with making everything look like a particle orgy
Which is a shame because they figured out action combat like nobody else, but since their game is ugly it's hard to advertise
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gay son or rot daughter
they're both bad anon
The greens won actually. Aegon ii is remembered as the rightful king. Aemond was remembered as a badass with the best targ death. Aegon iii only became king because Aegon ii made him his successor, rhaenyra being his mom had little to do with it, rhaenyra herself was remembered as a usurper who got eaten by a dragon. Its very possible that viserys ii wasn't even the real kid viserys but a random imposter taking advantage of a depressed man meaning the targ bloodline very well could've died out with Aegon iii's shitter sons.
I love lore schizos they're my favorite posters
ranni ritually kills herself at the same time as godwyn so that her soul survives, but her body dies; and godwyn's soul dies, but his body dies as a surrogate for ranni's body dying. this is the entire point of the night of the black knives, and why ranni orchestrates it. this is set in stone.

i cannot believe we have reached the point where people are saying shit like "godwyn is alive" or that his soul is okay.
>forego poise for fashion
>try to cast a spell
>ankle bite knocks me out of it
curse you from software, why did they make the first poise breakpoint so ridiculously high?
Scadu level?
Flamedrake Talisman level?
Fire resistance?
Rune Level?
Igon summoned?
Fireproof livers?
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I tried to fix the slant but I bloody couldn't. The eye slant slider wouldn't fix it for whatever reason
Also the jaw is clearly there, what do you mean?
And I can't get the fucking nose right ever.
I hate these stupid face sliders.
I started with this yesterday.
skibidi levels were such a terrible, terrible idea
what were they thinking?
Love bosses that dead-angle you because the camera is so shit
I was the one just saying that why godwyn? why ranni chose him? did she hate him or something?
clearly the f team at work here
reward for exploring the game because you should have max shit already
Lots of green cope. Little facts
Tick tock greenie. God's Eye soon.
The no-hit runners like Ongbal just Mist Raven it
>What's the problem, chud, attacks don't NEED to be dodgeable! Just play around the guaranteed damage -- Modern Fromsoft
Boss design in this franchise has become a joke. Almost all the major DLC bosses can do something like this
>Sunflower's infinite range laser explosion
>Midra's madness Comet Azure
>Rellana explodes 3 times, not once or twice
>Bayle's fire breath with infinity tracking
>All of Radahn's shadow clone attacks
"Tough but fair" my ass, these kinds of cheap HA GOTCHA, BACK TO THE GRACE FAGGOT moves are what Fromsoft bosses were sold on explicitly NOT having
sekiro was the best from game though
I kill him without summoning igon because I didn't know his summon sign was inside the arena instead of outside like everyone else. I just shield his fire breaths with a high fire resist shield.
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they were thinking i'd use them
they were mistaken
>Sunflower's infinite range laser explosion
Reminder you can roll through this
Undodgable damage is okay as long as it's not one shot killing you
A boss slapping you for doing something stupid is funny
you're not rolling the explosion, you're rolling the beams, the explosion has no hitbox

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>I love lore schizos they're my favorite posters
best thread /erg/ has had in a long time thx to them thats for sure.
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You know what really grinds my gears?
They didn't add any dlc cheevos
Real talk the madness comet azure got stealth fixed I swear on the universe. You used to be able to just stand right in front of him and it would low profile but you can't do that anymore. It just hits you regardless now.
Considering doing a big ass shield big ass sword build. Are colossal sword guard counters any good?
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gonna taunters tongue dlc run at 165
wish me luck
1 you = 1 swift slasher goes to hell
ye. first step grace. password 3344
I'm doing RL1 no fragments. It's just so retarded to lose a good run because the fire breath just decided it felt like killing me this run.
And d*emons death and rhaenyra's. She died screaming.
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>serpent flail's skill damage seems to be based on weapon level like storm blade
that's disappointing
Thollier is an undead friendzone fag
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>I'm doing RL1 no fragments
>Ok I must just be clinically retarded
this happen to me but he had scarlet rot and die while my death animation was playing and it somehow counted.
Red sign next to bonfire
That's the problem, you HAVE TO iframe it even if you run out of the explosion's range because the lasers it shoots with it have infinite range and perfect tracking. HAHA FUCK YOU, DID YOU JUST TRY AND PLAY SMARTLY? NO YOU WILL ROLLSLOP AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY, THERE'S NO STRATEGY IN THIS GAME ONLY BRUTE FORCE. Cringe ass bullshit. God I hate the boss design in this game, it's so fucking stupid. Sunflower is a perfect example, it's a fun and fair fight but they just can't help themselves and have to throw in this gay and lame shit in phase 3. You just know that ER2 is gonna be even more fucking retarded too. Franchise sucks now and it's the fanbase's fault since this is the natural consequence of 15 fucking years of YDBTG memes.
There's a lot of overlap with sliders, brow ridge height has a big impact on the shape of the eyes, expression and facial balance.
That's not the point
It looks like an explosion. Instinctually you don't think it should be dodgeable through rolling
The iframe abuse has gotten to a ridiculous point where it's utterly counter intuitive.
It's not even that I'm saying it isn't my fault. I should just git gud but, I can't counter my instincts in the moment. That move and several others fuck me off
Sekiro tear has been a godsent honestly.
That part was rhetorical. It still doesn't change the fact that this move is poorly designed.
>I'm doing RL1 no fragments.
Why? Are you also using +0 weapons?
how can i cheese mohg at a really low level?

the fall through the world thing was patched
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Alright I didn't wanna have to do this but if you guys won't answer me without an image here have some fucking tits. Are colossal sword guard counters any good?
You eat the flesh of Miquella turned into tree shards, be happy anon you get stronger because you commune with the golden shota
>15 years
This started with Elden Ring because normal trash couldn't endure being called out for having Mimic solo the game for them.
I just like the challenge.
yeah but it'll literally only get you once and it doesn't do enough damage to kill you unless you're a viglet
you summon +10 tiche
+10 Spirit Ashes, Cold Great Stars with Wild Strikes and Mogh's Shackle.
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>why is this move killing me when I don't utilize anything the game gives me to mitigate damage or level the playing field
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>I'm doing RL1 no fragments
based retard.
See this is how you get your question answered. Yes.
Miquella could've had this or malenia. He instead chose to rape mohg and radahn. Why? Is he actually a gay hypno rapist?
I did try those too but I couldn't get it to impact the eye slant enough plus it impacted other parts too much. Maybe I just didn't do it right.
welp im off to empty my bank before the WEF does. they've been planning this for years after all.

take torrent for a swim in the void while mohg is loaded in
>was patched
what the fuck why?
that makes all the base materials in the dlc even more pointless.

git gud I guess. he is weak to bleed frost poison and rot good luck
dont see anything
Appreciate it.
>I'm doing RL1 no fragments.
Congratulations on your autism diagnosis.
No, it started before then too. Every new game is harder than the one before it, it's only with the DLC of ER did they go completely insane. Even in the base game of ER, Margit is more mechanically complex and difficult than Gael, and Margit is the game's first real boss. The tutorial boss, Tree Sentinel, is harder than DS1/DS2 lategame bosses. They gave everyone the mimic because, especially for first-time players, the game is a ridiculous extremist caricature of its own formula. And then in the dlc they tried to make it even harder, found out they couldn't without breaking their own best-practices, and then did it anyway.
Staying at level 1 is the challenge, anything else on top of that is just silly autism.
The normal explosion? Sure. But what about the 3 times one
I was trying to solo scadu on NG++ and I just kept forgetting I'm suppose to roll because I just can't hammer it in. I kept trying to sekiro block it.
what's the problem? I played the game and ended at level 16. at no point did I feel like I had to go out of my way to search for them because I was going to check places anyway.
>What's the problem, chud, boss attacks don't NEED to be dodgeable!
oh i thought you would put it down again. my apologies.
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Good morning /erg/
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when will /v/ chuds realize they can't keep playing all future games like they are dark souls 1
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this bitch had like 12 kids and still look as fertile as a virgin, Marika the eternal queen indeed.
and to answer your question they are great at poise breaking.
>You're a viglet or you're just not at full HP because you're either out of flasks or figure the move is safe to outrun
Stop trying to defend such an obviously cheap instakill attack to any extent, it makes you look like a bitch
They're annoying to gather on subsequent playthroughs, imagine if you had to recollect flask upgrades on NG+.
They're really bad for normies because normies just follow the most direct path then bash their head against a boss for 5 hours at 0 skibidi levels and don't think they might be missing something. That's why From had to put out the announcement telling people to go fucking find them.
dude that's Leda
tummy status?
Tell me exactly what I'm supposed to utilize on a level 1 run to mitigate the fire breath damage without sacrificing my entire setup that stops me from getting one shot from regular attacks.
skibidi levels
>but what about the 3 times one
yeah the explosions will only get you once because once you realize you're dodging the beams, it doesn't matter whether it happens 1 or 3 times. also for some reason he never did the 3x explosion on my latest playthrough, not sure why. he just exploded once 3 times at different points.
>Is he actually a gay hypno rapist?
yes, thats the entire plot of the DLC, it's even reveal that he use malina rot to get to radah, he wanted his cock that badly that he sacrifice the only person that love him for it.
Not to mention she got two snek kids and one fish one.
Bitch is hotter than the sun
Just because you haven't found the dodge window doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Having all the levels and resistances helps you more easily find that window without getting so frustrated, because you can still make mistakes while learning. Probably would've been a good idea for you to practice first before getting butt hurt when you can't dodge correctly
Malenia lost her legs as a kid so those have to be radahns feet
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which elden is this?
aint that leda though?
It's not an instakill, though
they keep getting older so never
whoops, well marika is still hot as shit.
just admit you wanna breed Leda
>will only get you once because once you realize you're dodging the beams
Again, that's the issue I'm talking about
I KNOW I have to roll
But I fucking don't in the moment because instinct takes over and I see big boom I think "must guard/run away"
A lot of Souls bosses get you on your instinct. People complain about panic rolling but what people calling panic rolling is actually just pressing roll on fucking instinct because that's what would make sense.
the berserk influence for the souls games are important to gatekeep the "current game has gotten too anime" crowd that's infected the monster hunter fanbase
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I do not know, I'm not clinically retarded
I play for fun, leveling up and using everything the game offers to play it where I find it enjoyable
You gave yourself the challenge, you figure it out
I wanna breed both
I have no idea what you're saying
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In the game files the boss is naked MikeRad(miquella's name in jp has Mike in it) in japan for ships the top is named first. We also see that mohg is weak to stance breaks from behind moreso than any boss but one, and that's consort radahn. Meaning miquella did something to them to make their behinds sore. It's more likely that miquella is not only the top but he has a freakishly disproportionately huge cock. This also means that malenia was specifically sent to get radahn as he was miquella's intended consort and onahole.
honestly liking Capcom games is how you know they are not very good people
>bait host into aggro'ing a single banished knight
stormveil... home.
based breeder
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Berseker and it's consequences have been a disaster for the souls games.
>Frenzy brain
Next time miyazaki make them inflict instant madness from range and teleport away after you parry them once just to fuck with the player a little bit more.
So then don't say snarky shit if you don't have an answer retard.
sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
wheres the full picture
>It's more likely that miquella is not only the top but he has a freakishly disproportionately huge cock.
Play stupid games
Win stupid prizes
>Tell me exactly what I'm supposed to utilize
your brain you dumbass, and a high fire resist shield maybe.
The dodge window is "dude use ROTM or VOTE lol lmao xdd" you're just repeating the same >lol boss attacks don't need to be avoidable cope like a shitty AI. Stop coping with how retarded boss design in this game has gotten. You gonna defend Meytr's V2 Snail cosplay too? The opening laser of that is also unavoidable unless you ROTM it
Is this why Rya dies to fire damage?
>It's not instakill if you're at full HP with 60 VIG and max skibidi because you already know it's coming and you know it's cheap gimmick at which point just dodge it
Cope. It's a cheap instakill gimmick attack.
Damn.. Why didn't I think of that? Let me just do that. Oh wait I'm heavy fucking load now because I'm level 1 and don't have endurance to put a shield with high fire resistance on. It's like you didn't even read that part.
is there a greataxe that
>looks cool
>is easily accessible
>does the chad 12 o clock cleave instead of a gay side swing on first heavy attack
it wasn't an instakill on my 10 skibidi caster wearing rags
you didn't read the part where I said use your fucking brain.
godricks axe
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After invading with frenzy build a lot over this week, i'm certain Fromsoft has messed up and swapped the intended buildup between Midra's Flame of Frenzy and the Nanaya's Torch. Given the windup and animation it deserves to insta frenzy anything you hit, with a big downside of also stacking a fuck ton of frenzy on you.

Thus said, Nanaya's is still gonna be useful if this is the case. It's still going to be better for ranged frenzy pressure than all spells but Midra itself.
God I hate you people so much. I would love to see you try this.
>Limgrave grace duelist
>DLC gear although I'm calling the kettle black here
>rune arc
>summoning blues
Get off it, dude

Crescent moon axe is what you want, from the soldiers in Stormveil.
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I'm not a retard so I never will.
>Limgrave grace duelist
>summoning blues
I don't get this
If he's a duelist he doesn't want others to interfere. Theoretically anyway.
I guarantee he's chinese
what level u at?
Red pill me on this bad boy.
Imminent raspberry
Anime is for queers. Godwyn didn't like anime and that's why Ranni killed him.
based wdc
It L2's real good and has an R2 poke. Between it and Blood Greatsword, STR/ARC is fun as fuck.
>Dude why would you want to do a low-level challenge run? Break it and gearcheck the boss!
>Dude why would you want to do a themed build? Break it and gearcheck the boss!
>Dude why would you want to stick to a playstyle you like? Break it and gearcheck the boss!
NTA but all the absolute pure cope replies he's been getting are completely missing the point for why the boss design is bad. None of the other games had issues like this, it's specifically only in ER where the boss attacks get so unfair that gearchecking them like an MMO raid boss is soft-required. Establishing a meta for the fucking pve? Cringe.
This is 50 at Seamless
Can replicate this build in vanilla easily, just without Midra's flame itself ironically.
Rune of Abundance indeed
daily reminder that red man bad
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You should have put a buck on it
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Fuck this gay fucking dragon. Eat shit and die. The power of autism pulls through yet again. RL1 no fragments.
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I will now start calling him "Big Dick Miq" but question we know radagon may have giant heritage, could that be where miquella got his penis size from? Radahn inherited the giant hair color and height, miquella inherited the dick?
gj cutie
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Love those clutch firebombs.
Give me the best/your fav STR weapons
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>had a group of chinese exchange students in my uni (slav)
>extremely polite, both girls are kinda cute, one of them asked for help several times because he greatly struggles with language
>parted ways on a good note, they always greeted me
>saw some chinese tourists here and there too, extremely polite and well behaved too
>but they are absolute motherfuckers in video games
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I mean credit where credit is due, but your still retarded, btw no great rune of godrick to get more stats?
I had enough of gays in these games.
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Only known footage of a fully charged flail R2 landing
Last ditch attempt to convert bleed build players
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You forgot the best part. Where he's laying on radahn his crotch perfectly lines up with radahns butt. If you de-aggro them in phase 2, aside from the breathing you can see his hips moving slowly but moreso than normal when breathing meaning he's doing that himself. Miquella is most likely dry humping radahn during the fight at minimum. At maximum he's outright fucking radahn during the fight. It would explain how he imbues radahn with holy even when he's not moving his hands, he's literally filling him with his holy essence.
Why not dual wield them? Twice the EXPLOSIONS twice the fun.
I ran out so long ago friend.
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I do, but off-hand seal ends up being more flexible and the dual jumping attack is harder to land than you'd think, even at low levels
Blind Spot is some broken bullshit, goddamn.
no it's not, swift slash is broken
I don't even know where this is.
I can tell its stormveil but I dont think I've ever been on that ledge.
>Fire Snake at 80 FAI with all boosters is like 700-800 damage in pvp when you charge it
>most hosts fail to even notice when you cast it if they are in the apeman aggression mode
jesus fuck
We love firebombs in this house

Just never press a button
Not valid
Deflection is dogshit and breaks the game.
at least they are always the bad guys.
what did miyazaki mean by this?
I'm tired of looking at that shit
Its really weird with certain groups. For me I've known a handful of really nice black people, really smart, like actually intelligent, nice to be around, smells nice, houses were neat, no chirps, weren't violent, genuinely fun to be around if a little autistic. Then there's others I've met that were just animal like. It honestly shocks me they're the same people as the rest much less the same species.
Post more webms like this and your build.
You know when white people have black dicks? I imagine it's similar here.
But instead of a red dick it's just his pubic hair color.
Radahn is so lucky...
I’d charge those white divine blows too
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lore schizo hours are over, gn /erg/
What else to explain? Most of ER is rock clear now
Was Placidusax the Elden Lord of the Hornsent, or did they steal the ER from him to make their own Order?
Oh jeez if only there was an entire subplot about reviving soulless demigods.
if only the description of Latenna's Ashes in Japanese directly said that this had been done before.
You're deluding yourself if you think any of this has a lore justification. Being able to bring back Godwyn literally has more support in the base game than being able to bring back Radahn (especially without rot, fucking ghosts are eternally stained by the rot they contracted in life like the Cleanrots). The DLC "introduced" this entire concept out of nowhere.
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idk what weapon to use
Thank you lore schizo I love you.
rpgbro, make a bard with harp bow and horn weapons
>subplot about reviving soulless demigods.
The narrative purpose for that subplot is another of Miquella's failed plans that lead him to desperation
>the description of Latenna's Ashes in Japanese directly said that this had been done before.
Post it
Burning the erdtree created by Marika is logical after all, as it doesn’t integrates the twisted aspect of the ancient one, being created by two gods.
Sadly Godfrey was human and became divine after receiving the sap (regeneration flasks basis).
So the plan is to prepare miquella and trina to reload the haligtree gathering both mad/light aspects of the cosmos (thus not spreading exclusivity/madness).

>Oh jeez if only there was an entire subplot about reviving soulless demigods
Godwyn isn't a soulless demigod
>current game has gotten too anime
japanese companies and normalfags need to leave gaming
too anime, not anime enough!
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>Doing 1700+ damage with a Braggart's Roar Blood Greatsword R2
Holy moly.
>Nyo it failed this one time that means it permanently fails forever under all circumstances
Retroactive cope justification, better do something equally as outlandish and resurrect Radahn from the dead
rot is like super space aids but just like the flames of frenzy is underutilize and just an aliment gameplay wise.
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total white mask death
I didn't know +0 summons were useless, summoned my undead skeleton warriors only for them to get hit by an erdtree avatar for more than half their health lol
Miquella has shown the ability to quell the rot. Look at how his phase transition is that red is closer to scarlet rot red than omen blood red. Its possible he was able to rot out and die before Miquella stepped in.
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>soulless demigod
soulless demigods are demigods with grace that are kept above the ground specifically not be resurrected and get their soul back.
Miquella attempted the opposite with Godwyn. The only tie between Godwyn and the soulless demigods is that Miquella saw the effect of Deathblight and tried to use it on the soulless demigods to steal their soul from the Erdtree by countering Destined Death
>you can invade Raya Lucaria rooftoops in seamless
Still have no fucking clue why they are off limits in vanilla
>outlandish and resurrect Radahn from the dead
Not outlandish, as this poster pointed out ressurection is standard.>>486670834
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>cheeky invasions on my INT/FAI caster whom I'm slowly leveling to 200
>invade into that one catacomb in Caelid with the broken spawn point, next to the Erdtree avatar
>spawn inside the mushrooms, of course
>pop the finger
>spawn inside the mushrooms
>pop the finger
>spawn inside the mushrooms
>pop the final finger
>don't have a chance to wonder why someone is co-op'ing the shortest dungeon in Caelid at level 161 with 2 password phantoms and a rune arc active before I'm miraculously spawned outside of the mushrooms
>catch them clearing out a room where I can drop down from above
>hide using the elevation
>one password phantom dawdles in the room for no reason
>putrescent spum into star shower kills him instantly
>drop down and rush the remaining two
>INT/FAI is crazy so I have no fucking idea what's happening
>in the rapid fire barrage of particle effects from gravitational missile, putrescent spum, and briars of sin I can see the second password phantom die
>go full retard
>accidentally roll down the secret elevator hole, and as I do I see that the type B host has the ganker sword equipped
>make the executive decision to not even look behind me as I speedrun opening the Steam UI and block the phantoms
>of course, she retreated to the grace to resummon
>melted the host's GPU while bombarding her with spells
i have no webm, this is just a reminder to never give up in the worst circumstances

also INT/FAI is really fun
you got bullied today we know
because that area uses the red wolf instead of rennala
is that the new shitter uniform
The deep state plan is to reload the tree, but entering back it was hard (without being a ghost).
All of this because Bayle was crazier than other dragons that’s totally dingus
Even at 200 int fai sounds like a whole load of nothing
Reminder that UGS R2 R1 is a true combo with war cry / braggart's roar
Fuck it.
Torch only run lets go.
No enemy shall perish to anything over than my righteous flames.
On my way to bleak fal- dragonbarrow now.
Godwyn isn't a soulless demigod
miquella can fucking do everything for some reason, he can kill TWLID, he can stop the spread of rot, he can cure madness from the flame of frenzy, he can charm people, he can manipulate souls, and a bunch of other shit.
is like he was plan to be something else but then change halfway thru
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I'mma keep it 100, I do not understand what your rotm and vote acronyms stand for. I'm also curious which laser you're talking about. The one where she flies into the air with the whirlwind about her? The one where you just get to the edge of the tornado and watch as the laser passes right above your head?
I agree with you, boss attacks should be avoidable and the dlc bosses have anime combo-combo-combo-combo-combo-jesusfuckstopalready-combo-combo moves. But all y'all pissin' an' moanin' need to understand that Miyazaki made the games so that he could beat them. And he sucks at video games, so he'll use every advantage available. He doesn't do RL1 no Scadu runs. He just plays the games
not like greatshield pokers are new
Godwyn is a soulless demigod
How does this relate back to Bayle?
>Nyo it failed this one time that means it permanently fails forever under all circumstances
uh yeah that's basically miquella's curse. everything he does fails to come to fruition, which is why he said fuck it and attempted to ascend to godhood to transcend it.

godwyn isn't a soulless demigod, by the way.
>dodge the fire breath
>suddenly, the hitbox spills out a little more and hits me anyway

I still have no idea how to dodge his double flying laser. The second one with that big explosion afterwards feels impossible to avoid.
Wrong. We know from the descriptions and ghosts that the mosoleum demigods were meant to be rezzed
>uh yeah that's basically miquella's curse.
>oulless demigods are demigods with grace that are kept above the ground specifically not be resurrected and get their soul back.
source or thats headcannon.
headcanon bullshit
That's good to know, thanks anon.
ROTM = raptor of the mists
VOTE = vow of the indomitable
Meytr's snail cosplay = the giant double laser spinning move which is a copy-paste of Snail Balteus' attack from AC6
>Miyazaki just plays the games
He "just played" all the other previous games too, it's literally only ER where the extremism in boss design got so bad it's actively interfering with the feasibility of "just fuck around" or challenge runs. Anyone who denies this obvious fact is a simp bootlicker in denial.
As spirit maybe.
If Miquella wanted to resurrect the soulless demigods, all he had to do was put them on the ground. He tried to use deathblight as soul magnet in order to use them on the Haligtree.
As some speculate, it's possible his actual curse isn't youth but nascency, basically, either through his own actions of others he can never fully see his plans through and his childlike body is an outward reflection of that, to show that he can't even finish growing up.
no one answered my question the other day, which was:

99 arc barbaric roar washing pole, thoughts?
>He tried to use deathblight as soul magnet in order to use them on the Haligtree.
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Read up on headless lhutel
it's good. you get access to the best of both worlds: INT's extremely oppressive combat spells, FAI's buffs, FAI's unique incantations that are situationally some of the strongest in the game (gurranq's boulder for hitstun, WoG, giantsflame take thee, pest thread spears), and weird true combos that no one else has access to. if you're at all decent at knowing when to cast when and can successfully start your vortex of bullshit, you can cause an unparalleled amount of AoE chaos. which usually just causes people to run into fully charged o, flame and fucking die because they want to get you off the screen as fast as possible.
"Use to summon the spirit of Lhutel the Headless.

Spirit of a headless knight who leads the mausoleum soldiers.
Wields a lance enrobed in Death and hurls spectral lances at foes.

Lhutel sacrificed her life so that in Death she could continue to protect a soulless demigod until their revival, earning her the hero's honor of Erdtree Burial."
Who killed the soulless demigods and what were they waiting on revival for? I thought they were all murdered by Black Knives along with Godwyn like Ranni alluded to in the trailer.
How can you get there before killing Red Wolf?
He's Miyazaki's favorite special boy
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They were meant to be revived.
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Congrats anon
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which talisman should I use instead of the radagon's soreseal?
I was thinking about only wearing the Raptor's Black Feathers and use the blue dancing charm
did that bubble blower just go infinite?
this only partly backs your point, this just says that souless demigods exist and they are in those walking mausoleum, and that the spirit knights need to stop DD from getting to them, it says nothing about them not to be resurrected and get their soul back.
Why would she want to be revived if she sacrificed herself to become a ghost
>I have decided to play the game without using any of the mechanics the developers added
>why is this game so bad? Why didn't the developers make the game work without me using the tools they gave me?
The demigod was meant to be revived not her. "Their revival" not "Her revival"
Invading in Rauh Ruins sucks so much ass.
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>Eclipse desceiption says it keeps Destined Death at bay and Destined Death is the pull of souls to return to the Erdtree
>NPC openly states it is needed for the Haligtree, with a direct cause-effect as if the Eclipse happening would instantly make the Haligtree bloom.
>It makes sense, because it's the exact same mechanic that happens with TWLID who get their soul back in their dead body
>It makes sense, because Marika speaks of the soulless demigods as of Demigods used as sacrifices
>It makes sense, because the Wandering Mausoleums are done on purpose to avoid Erdtree burials so that bodies may reach the Erdtree and resurrect
>Meanwhile Godwyn receuved Erdtree burial, but had no soul so he has a completely different condition.
>Low iq 90% fanbase would rather believe that painting the sun would magically asspull Godwyn's soul rather than critically analyze what Deathblight does and draw the correct conclusions by merely tracing all Eclipse imagery exclusively to the wandering mausoleums and the Haligtree.
If you are so stupid that you believed Godwyn would show up in the DLC, that's on you for being retarded. I was explaining that 6 months ago.
Godwyn isn't a soulless demigod
Read the echoes of Marika and the stranded souls talking about Marika's unwanted children
Here's jap text



And rough translation

Headless Horseman Summons Luther's Spirit The spirit of a headless knight who is the leader of the mausoleum soldiers. Wield the spear of death and cast the spear of illusion. Luther died a martyr and continued to protect When the soulless demigod is reborn She was given Kanju as a hero.
Reading comprehension. Godwyn's SOUL is dead, his BODY is alive, that's why it's mutating instead of rotting and causing all sorts of metaphysical corruption shit.
so let me get this straight
>the soulless demigods are protected until their revival in wandering mausoleums
>the mausoleum knights are the protectors of the wandering mausoleums, and they're trying to keep destined death at bay
>the eclipse is the protective star of the soulless demigods, and likely has something to do with the conditions of their revival
and most importantly
godwyn is not a soulless demigod and was never planned to be resurrected, only given a "true death" which would have killed his tumorous body as well as his soul, a form of mercy. the entire point of godwyn's character is that his soul was killed in the night of the black knives, by weapons imbued with destined death, so that ranni's soul could be freed from her empyrean body. godwyn's soul literally does not exist, and the only physical body he has to be resurrected is an abomination grafted to the erdtree's roots. godwyn's death is the catalyst for the event of elden ring, causing marika to shater the ring. resurrecting godwyn for fanservice would serve no purpose and be a bigger retcon than what we got in the DLC.

i'm convinced
I never said he was. My post replying to >>486686441 who claimed me saying mosoleum demigods were meant to be resurrected at some point was headcanon. I posted description to prove otherwise.
I’m surprised you can. Aren’t there areas only accessible with Torrent? Or is there always a long, roundabout way up?
>NPC openly states it is needed for the Haligtree, with a direct cause-effect as if the Eclipse happening would instantly make the Haligtree bloom.
The NPC states that the eclipse was for Miquella's soulless comrade to come back to life, not to bloom the haligtree, he grieves that he wont see the haligtree again because he failed.
Godwyn's soul is dead and Ranni's body is dead. They ended up in that situation because they died at the same time
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I didn't use either of those and like I said, just walk forward and stand next to the whirlwind. The lasers go right over your head. I agree, the fuck around part has gotten a little away from them. Although, to be fair, I've only played and enjoyed Elden Ring. Hate played DS1 (after ER), and didn't get far in DS2. Haven't played any of From's other games. So I'll take your word for it.
As a side note, challenge runs are, as the name implies, challenging. Game designers should not think about "interfering with the feasibility" of those because most of their players won't think about doing those. Challenge runners are a handful of the playerbase, who only do the runs for bragging rights or for their streams.
meh Fuck Ranni
So I have a question, doesn't that mean ranni shouldn't have a corpse even? If not would that imply if she did try to inhabit flesh like sellen it'd just instantly die?
>If you are so stupid that you believed Godwyn would show up in the DLC, that's on you for being retarded.
Never said that.
>pssttt.. hey... I think we can fool this stupid nazi chud if we hide here, trans_sissy_goonaddict69420
>Yeah that sounds like a good idea, estrogen_chugging_cvcklord1995 if we use the mimic tear he will never-ACK
>Oh my fauci, I cannot do anything against this racist nazi incel homophobic transphobic trump supporting chud
>I will soon become star dust just like you, Martin Luther King Junio-ACK
don't post this retarded """skit"""
Kek, retarded tauntcel
yes, boss *unzips pants*
where does this talk about godwyn not being a soulless demigod comes from, what is he, then
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Man why is trans_sissy_goonaddict69420 such a popular summon
>I will soon become star dust just like you, Martin Luther King Junio-ACK
My fucking sides
Pretty sure there's torrent-only areas, but anywhere a host and his phantoms could reach has a walkable path. It just sucks cause its a bunch of huge empty rooms with different elevations.
guys please I don't want to ask a third time, someone here uses arc builds right?
washing pole(ds1) = long katana (elden ring)
what do you want?
Literally every single shitter started running around with greatshields after people discovered the Radahn cheese on youtube, it's insane how braindead this playerbase is
you're supposed to post cropped porn and then ask something
>Read the echoes of Marika and the stranded souls talking about Marika's unwanted children
those never state that the souless demigods are not meant to be ressurected, the stranded souls talks in singular form meaning only 1 child was unwanted and the echo of marika says that if the demigods didn't do anything they will be forsaken but that doesn't mean she didn't want them to get their souls back.
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is fucken 99 arc barbaric roar (occult ?) on the nagakiba good or not
is strength and heavy better? for pvp

I like the barbaric roar alt moveset on that katana and I want to make use of it at some point and i'd rather it shred people than not.
i'm beginning to enjoy this poopa arc, despite myself
Whoever suggested to invade at 168+, you may have been right. Moved up to 170 and so far I've encountered fewer gank squads.
Is it worth losing the 2 talismans by siding with hornsent?
That’s interesting how putrefy is basically a mushroom turning your body into mushroom.
Malenia is blooming too, she’s part of the halig plan
Also Poopa if they stay there and do nothing kick them 200 times until they're about to be thrown off a ledge and then they'll start fighting back, it's the funniest shit
>Ok kill me you win chuddie
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thats more like it
>is fucken 99 arc barbaric roar (occult ?) on the nagakiba good or not
not really, it waste a lot of RL for minimal returns.
is his spell still broken
Why do some spirit ashes have red eyes?
wut about the boost to passive bleed + it hits a bunch of times wildly
Broken as in not functioning well, not as in functioning beyond all expectation. Sadly.
indicates that they will seek enemies on their own rather than waiting for enemies to aggro
cause you summoned demi-humans at night and they're more powerful at night
/ edgyness (radahn archer aka anor londo archer at home)
yes, hes just walking around like he has dementia
after 80, any point in a given stat gives almost nothing for the amount of runes you are putting in, is better to level other stats after you hit 80.
I don't understand the frenzied flame arc of the dlc.
is a nothing burger, like most of the DLC
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The people doing the frenzy ending are cucked lab rats and also becoming the Lord of Frenzied Flame means nothing because a shitty old man could do it and he didn't even have contact with the fingers so Vyke's arc was also a waste of time
when can a man get a goddamn burger around here?
hm, so 80 arc and then (with the req. tax factored) strength, or dex but I think naga is strength, and bleed infuse?
ill try it when i make Grimm which will be quality arc and high end for actual armor for once (I never use heavy armor or end above about 23 so far. I got tired of seeing havel moms and shit a long time ago, but the time has come for tankyness)
90 +6 somber gets me summons to Radahn and Altus/ early Leyndell
150 +10 only gets summoned once an hour or so as a blue
What level upgrade do I go to get late base game / early DLC summons?
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>asking for a fromslop burger
what was the old man doing in his mansion?
probably the best mansion of the dlc
blood infusion is for builds without arc that still want to do bleed and generally only good on weapons that don't already have it

with an arcane build you want to use occult on weapons that already have bleed
Midra is a respectrd sage studying finger ruins
gets frenzied against his will
Submits himself to Hornsent inquisition, which murders all his staff and inflicts eternal agony on him
We show up
He goes super frenzy
His waifu may or may not have been Shabriri fucking with him.

Like most of the dlc we don't have a reason to be there beyond aimless murderhobo vibes and nothing is made clear because the devs didn't really have a concrete story planned out
why does he say you're foolish?
And then he says forgive me and pulls out the hornsent sword?
Who wrote the messages in the Abyssal Woods and for what reason?
isn't bleed more bleed or does 80 arc tip the scale?
I should probably just test it but my current blood build guy is nihil and big supernova snek hamma, need to respec and stuff and I wasn't really planning on doing that right now
>Like most of the dlc we don't have a reason to be there beyond aimless murderhobo vibes
Killing a lord of frenzy does a lot of good for the setting. Same with Bayle
We're basically cleaning up the messes not even Marika could solve
>hm, so 80 arc and then (with the req. tax factored) strength, or dex but I think naga is strength, and bleed infuse?
since you are going an arc build and nagi already has bleed by default is better to make it occult and after arc is 80 dump the rest in dex and only only req str
killing bayle is a crime.
he didn't do anything wrong.
arc does indeed tip the scale
blood infusion adds a bunch of bleed to the weapon while retaining decent scaling with str/dex but has very poor scaling with arcane

it's for builds that want to do bleed but not invest in arcane
@everyone JeeNiNe Media just uploaded COMPLETELY OVERPOWERED GLASS CANNON at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg4nBbt7brM !
huh I got it in my head somehow nagakiba was low key strength or quality but occult infuse says its dex with E scaling in str + arc
thanks, this has made planning a bunch easier for me with the rage katana wombo combo idea, should be fun
yeah what if you don't wanna use katanas and prefer curved swords?
then you only have this one and it's got a bad moveset, the shamshir is better and that needs bleed
then don't go arcane
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>can't put RKR or Cragblade on Smithscript Great Hammer
Defend this shit I dare you.
>why does he say you're foolish?
because your forcing him to unleash his power.
>And then he says forgive me and pulls out the hornsent sword?
he ask his waifu for forgiveness not you, and because the pain of the sword was the only since distracting him/keeping him sane so by pulling out he loses himself to madness and becomes the lord of frenzy, something his waifu didn't want him to do.
>Low iq 90% fanbase would rather believe that painting the sun would magically asspull Godwyn's soul rather than critically analyze what Deathblight does and draw the correct conclusions by merely tracing all Eclipse imagery exclusively to the wandering mausoleums and the Haligtree.

It's not without precedence.
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see the power of posting crop porn?
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Miquella's tight dress showing his
>Flask of Wondrous Physick
>Blessing of the Erdtree
>Golden Vow
>Greater Fortification
>Braggart's Roar on left-hand weapon
>Braggart's Roar on right-hand weapon
Now THAT'S some goodass souls gaming. Intcucks could NEVER.
his what?
curved swords barbaric roar alt moveset isn't as good as nagakiba, I tried all the weapon types it goes on before dlc released
very disappointing when you find most are just what dung eater does, the unga swings and then an overhead. nagakibas genuinely looks sick. there are some other good ones too but I forget which except claws and fists which ive used a bunch (offhand and then endure in main while PS)
yeah but it wasn't cropped or porn its just one of my many fetishes
The next game will have those and it won't just be in a tutorial like Demon's Souls.
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Nice, another banger video from JeeNiNe Media! It's so cool to see someone with such a positive, fun-loving attitude when there's so many invaders out there who are so negative and mean-spirited. He's such a healthy influence on the Souls community.

I think it's pretty obvious that Nanaya was manipulating Midra into becoming a potential lord of frenzied flame (by suffering). I mean, just look at their portrait, she's obviously a sinister woman manipulating an old man. Also, in what world does the woman in yellow with a creepy smile who's cradling the still-smoldering spine of a failed lord of frenzy... not want the flame of frenzy to manifest?
I was already getting disillusioned with the game being too easy, but then I reached Maliketh. I heard so much about him being an amazing fight. Immediately, one of the shittiest cameras in the whole game. It is absolute unable to follow his spastic jumping around. After just 3-4 attempts I gave up. I refuse to play with a claw hold. Decided to learn mouse and keyboard. After which he was not much of a problem and beat him just a few tries after, while fumbling the new controls. Had a similar experience with Monster Hunter where the game just become so much easier after going to kbm.
That said, released 10 years after Dark Souls and still, they cannot figure out keyboard and mouse controls. Absolute dogshit.
Other issues of the fight are such as pillars that block some attacks, some don't, even if they are not magical AOEs, his sword will go through, which is dumb as fuck. His air spiral attacks will get blocked, but some will manage to go around, which is also silly.
Several times I saw attacks going through him without hurting him. One time he got stuck in a pillar and literally teleported out, which must be an anti-softlock mechanism. Some of his attacks are barely telegraphed in his second face just pure timing (plunging into the ground into some effect).
When close to him I can barely see anything. He is another boss that has multiple hits on contact.
Not even particularly difficult even with the bullshit. Easy to stance break and was able to dodge a bunch of shit jump r2 into him. Not much different than my quick, first try kill on the skin duo.
This alleged amazing boss I head so much about turned to be one of the biggest shits in the game.
yeah but I mean nothing is pointing you in that direction, not no one even mention its, you have to go out of your way to find it ergo "we don't have a reason to be there beyond aimless murderhobo vibes"
You can use Roars and Shriek of Sorrow.
Barbaric Roar on the Smithscript Axe makes for a pretty decent build.
Thoughts on Blood Sword Lance for a STR/ARC invasion build?
good morning erg!
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Millicent Blade of Tarnished
i think it'd be pretty good
Forgot AOE attacks from his phase one will continue into his second phase (if you are just hitting him to 50% when he is casting). In other words, they are able to hit you despite the fucker just spend a minute in a cutscene. What joke.
How did Miquella have a order of needle knights but no actual knights for the Miquellian sword
you can't grease them either, just a quirk of the weapons genshit anon, same way you can't put a different ash on the carian sorc sword
>perfect scaling split for STR/ARC
>abnormally high buildup for its class
>true combos in the base moveset
Use it before it gets nerfed-tier.
So this is how he charms people
isnt that the one that has ds1 catacomb smith guys spin into fucking Mjolnir throw?
you want a ranged cragbladed Mjolnir hamma?

He's not well-known for being a great boss (he's okay, though), he's known for being a wall because casuals don't understand jumping as a mechanic and in both his first and second phase he's very agile, meaning it's difficult for spirit ash summons and magic to hit him.

It's good.

>Long ago, the Needle Knights were in service of Miquella, but now they are no more. Save for one.
Depending on how "long ago" it was, it might not have aligned with the forging of the sword for his new order.
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Miyazaki-san isn't even capable of comprehending something that based anymore, anon. The same demons that made the Western gaming industry what it is are in his mind now.
I was just responding why he called us foolish and why he ask to be forgiven.
and she didn't put the spike on him, the inquisition did, like you said she obviously wanted him to become a lord of frenzy but he fail, just like the guy whos spine she had so she told him to keep the spike in to either torment him, spread the madness to the woods, wait for the real frenzy lord to show up (you), or all of the above.
I didn't mean to imply she barbed him, just what you said. Who knows what Midra is thinking from his perspective, honestly.
>yeah but it wasn't cropped or porn its just one of my many fetishes
same difference, lewds get your questions answer
'tis a shame
Skill issue
I have 80 arc. I bleed people out with one runnng R2 of my occult raptor's talons. Make of that what you will.
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You are not HIM
The burst damage will be good for nuking people but beware that losing the HTS running R2s really hurts your ability to chase people down, the blood infusion ruins the damage of any WA that doesn't just involve smacking them with your weapon (meaning no strong AoE to deal with getting mobbed by 3 people) and has no slashing or sweeping attacks or WAs available.

I think it's more of a thing you swap to in invasions rather than a main weapon. The lack of chasing power (no, the lance R2s are not chase) makes it more of a defensive weapon
why is the lord of the frenzied flame so weak even though he looks cool?
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I'm sorry. I know you guys get this all the time.

>In the beginning there were giants dragons and beasts
>Golden Space God comes to planet and takes over a land plagued with the wild
>Leads to leaders essentially fighting over the land and breaking reality
>Now there is an open seat at the top as most demigods have a claim to it but don't really want it
>Golden Space God chooses a chosen warrior to claim the throne and restore balance to a world it fucked up

But people keep saying fuck the Golden Order. The only reasons I have to hate the Golden Order is that the Finger readers don't know what the golden order is actually doing and that it's above everything so therefore it's evil.
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Très, Duo, Unos, NIHIL and a wicked sense of humor.
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i am once again, trying to play monster hunter in elden ring
yeah but pain doesn't make you more mad, it keeps you from going mad that's why the inquisition did what they did so she couldn't have want to make a "potential lord of frenzied flame (by suffering)"
>Who knows what Midra is thinking from his perspective
no one in that mansion was thinking of any long term plan, not even Nanaya, I don't even think Miyazaki was when he put that mansion in the DLC.
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you are HIM
It’s the chaotic part of the cosmos, related to the bottom fingers (next to dragons).
Replacing the eye seeing light by something «feeling» the force like fingers do. Except such knowledge would turn humans mad.
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Every single time.
Even if he weren't an omen his body proportions would still freak me the fuck out.
Im not the fire giant?
>have to go through the fucking shitty catacombs again to get to Midra again
god I hate this stupid idea they had of putting dungeons in the way of progress.
Being elden lord is bending to the whims of fingers who get their orders from the Greater will except the greater will fucked off and the fingers make shit up based on old instructions.
You are puppet figure to a puppet figure that has no puppet master.
just run past everything
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>Canceled ass stomp

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This anon doe not lie.
This anon is a known liar.
Unfinished boss, unfinished area, unfinished dlc.
In part he's easy because he has the biggest attack windows of any dlc boss but it's also the fact that he only has two melee combos and his second phase only adds ranged attacks that he doesn't use if you stay in range of his two melee combos
because he's a fail lord of frenzy, even tho he's called THE lord of frenzy, basically the DLC was an unfinish mess, is 2 DLC mash into one so everything feels rush and unexplored.
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his pe
>so she couldn't have want to make a "potential lord of frenzied flame (by suffering)"
IIRC, some of the Inquisitors near the Manse are frenzied, which makes the issue pretty murky. I'm not sure whether they're just unfortunate casualties of the flame or a sign that the Inquisition is secretly a false flag operation.
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>always wanted a greatsword in dark souls that functions like the Greatsword in Monster Hunter
>We finally get it
>It's an INT spell
Even though the activity has slowed down a bit, it's still crazy high for a month old DLC
>some anon want to fuck Miquella
>it’s actually a plant
What about Spinning Slash?
Even nerfed it's still going to buildup a lot of bleed with the Sword Lance.
what are the lore implications if you trigger his transformation into the lord of frenzied flame and then get out of abyssal woods?
now imagine if it was an actually good DLC.
Nothing. He's a failed lord of frenzy, so he's not going to destroy the world.
He? Weak? His stats and the amount of runes he drops are at the level of endgame bosses. There are only a few entities in the game stronger than him. And he's a FAILED lord of frenzy.
share your exact build you look cool and i want to copy you
But what I don't get is why that matters. Even if you are being told to do shit from a bunch of old fucks that don't understand anything, you are still stepping in to fix a world the greater will abandoned.

Essentially all the Demigods (Except Miquella. I still don't know what his deal is) essentially want to plunge the world into more chaos. Isn't ensuring that they stay in their place and instilling someone else that won't create more ruin just better for the entire world?

Or is that not at all what is happening?
I'm sorry I'm dumb.
>But people keep saying fuck the Golden Order
yeah because you miss the part that when giant dragons and beast live there was already a space god present, many in fact, the golden god pulled a jewish and declare itself the only god and kill everyone else who follow the other space gods.

Stuff like this is why I'm happy that you can't see the stance meter visually represented. I feel like it would undermine these serendipitous close calls where you commit to the stance break because it "feels right". I've seen add-ons for MonHun that let you see stun, stagger, and part break meters and it's honestly fucking disgusting.
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>its actually a plant
dont know that feel
Never reply to my posts ever again, whiny ass
is this some sort of dsg meme or something
why does the fire giant look like a smiling friends character
But that makes sense for THEM to hate the golden order. Not men who came after, right?
the whole thing is a mess really, we have so little information we are just grasping at straws at this point.
The problem is we don't know to what extent you're allowed to fix anything.
what if you do something the fingers consider blasphemous and then you get told to fuck off like they did with godfrey before you.
what if they interpert old instructions in such a way that fucks over the world and you're forced to do their bidding.
The fingers are essentially Rogue AI and becoming elden lord makes you their lackey.
he would just be stuck in the woods like the other instakill frenzy monsters, he's not an actual lord of frenzy.
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why did they fully model his throat
Everything started with Bayle anon
He was too dangerous so dragons sealed him into the scadurealm by destroying the haligtree after killing him so he couldn’t resurrect
Ancient gods could too, by the will of big moving bells praising the mighty fingers.
Marika, an ancient shaman reloaded it, bigger but not connected to the scadutree, so people would still turn into spirits after dying.
So miquella/malenia/radahn got the idea of reloading the real tree by using a tarnish to burn the actual one and then let Miquella and Trina seed the new one.
One of many cut sex scenes.
i'm getting tired of your schizo headcanon
in a rare grab animation he vores you
The more I learn about the lore the more I feel like I know nothing. Thanks' anons.
ignore this retard btw
Is there a list of bosses that cut you out of PvP in large sections of the map? Aka like the cunt in Castle Ensis and seemingly the Putrescent Knight?
Trying to coop the entire thing with a buddy and it's annoying as shit if we're locked out from cooping due to killing a boss
I wish
Go kiss yo Noxy then
I wish there was an area where you could just look at your character in good lighting.
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>Not men who came after, right?
I didn't just use the jewish comparation for nothing, if you weren't part of the chosen people you were fucked and treated as lesser (omens, alburiach, hornsent, tarnish, etc) and even if you were of the chosen you would still have been fucked since the true chosen were only the demigods, everyone else was just cannon fodder.
divine bridge in leyndell
mountaintops in the daytime
or literally anywhere if you have two or three glow stones
..we do not speak his name
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I just use the first grace in Leyndell
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it must hurt to be this retarded.
Did the little hungarian break your heart or did you break his?
I really hate the dumb weak enemies being able to perma stagger you and take half your health in this DLC.
*chucks a pot at you and makes you fall off your torrent*
skill issue
>invaders can just enter boss rooms
thanks FROM
Weather and time fuck up all outside locations, that's why I use farum azula with its bright neutral lighting but I have to mute the game because the tornado is so loud
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scale set with iron helm
off hand thrusting shield
main hand sorcery sword with magic infused iron greatsword to swap to during stance breaks

you're probably better off main handing the carian thrusting shield and using a staff on the left hand.

stats are
level 127
vig 42
mind 24
end 38
str 18
dex 19
int 50
fai 6
arc 9

stats are likely unoptimized but whatever

godfrey icon, alexander's shard, greatshield and erdtree's favor since I can barely manage this equip load.

here's the bonus footage of me dropping my spaghetti after I pulled off the stance break
it's a good dungeon

Someone tell me why they put the two extra graces in Midra's Manse
If you take out the grace in the high areas connecting the west and east, and then the one before Midra, you had a nice interconnected dungeon where you opened various shortcuts but only had one grace
You know...like they USED to do.
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Elden ring lore is not interesting enough to warrant being this convuluted.
after a certain point
>it is said that it could be this.... but it could also be that! or maybe both at the same time ????
I just go "yeah whatever man" and murderhobo.
funny how glowies have the same "prove everything you say" mentality as those "lorefags" you know the ones, the ones that are why I don't discuss lore now.
not obvious or sus at all.

on topic cause you do it once a day to me usually. here. except im done discussing lore so you can't, enjoy your empty bank dumbass lol.
shut the fuck up
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This is my new favorite weapon in any souls game
Based. I like the hammer myself.
Maliketh is a joke of a boss that needs a buff actually
Are you dumb? Godwyn uses Ghostflame, not Deathblight, exactly because he has nothing to do with the Eclipse
shit take
yes let's kill caster gameplay and purposefully remove options from melee players and the only balancing element of ashes of war
I've been looking for that but the hosting scene is unfortunately not supported by anybody.

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