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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous thread: >>486470717

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.

List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks and vehicle builders
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>Starship EVO

>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Kerbal Space Program

Logistics and factory management
>Captain of Industry
>Dyson Sphere Program
>Factory town
>Oxygen not Included
>Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

Programming puzzles
>Zachtronics games

The full game list as well as information about these games, such as where to get them if they’re not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:


Games that are not /egg/:
>Hearthstone (learn how to add a “/” to your search)

OP pad for new thread
WebM for physicians: argorar.github.io/WebMConverter
Reminder: /egg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny servers.

Current and recent /egg/ hosted servers:
>Satisfactory (private server, ask in thread for IDs)
All IPs are in the pad for security reasons.
Working on the 4 inline engine and increasing it's output for the train engine. It's currently sitting between 2000 and 2200.
>friend super excited
>apparently found the ultimate rail autism game
i'm not considering him a friend anymore
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grid size: W42 H42
grid position: X2 Y2

these are the only settings i see and both BPs share the same values, however using X: -8 on the new BP aligns with the original BP
i still don't understand
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Was this loading system ever completed?
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>i still don't understand
Global offset is offset from global grid, this 42x42 grid of yours will start at (0,0) normally but can be offset to start from a different point like (4,0) if you apply 4 offset in X
Local offset is in relation to things in the blueprint, basically you use it to decide where the center (small flag) of your blueprint is, if you set it to -8 in X for example the center moves -8 in X axis
Try experimenting for a while, it's simpler than it seems
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starting a new career after a several years long break from ksp
my main goal for this career is building a habitat/base on Moho ( something i havent achieved without mods back when i was playing it a lot )
going with this set of mods and options this time - want to spice this up, but dont want to suffer needlessly, so im going to use quicksaves
mod-list is pretty much every recommendation for SETI-pack, planetary station pack, and some first-person related mods
Odd that I haven't seen any model makers tackle on factorio. The paneling, rivets, greeblies, random pipes, extreme rust, and all over very simple blockout shape.
I prefer USI over TAC for life support, less resource bloat
> 4.webm
Gonna have to spell it out for you: it was an elaborate shitpost.
>I am going to [..] have a bowel movement so painful it causes me an existential crisis.
That's normal /egg/ times tho' - just means you're going to figure shit out doesn't it?
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>tranny reactor
Color swap mod when
Rent free
kys troon
What Factorio is using, is actually lore-accurate.

Deuterium - i.e. 'heavy water' - used with real world fusion reactor concepts, emits distinct wavelengths of red and blue in the visible light spectrum when it transitions into the plasma state. Combined, those colors are perceived as fuchsia-pink.
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Nobody cares about realism, the colors remind Anonymous about transvestites so the colors HAVE TO be changed
Week 1 probably by an author with a Chinese name.
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clay bricks look nice
I like tumblr, used to post there all the time before 4chin.
Which mod pack anonkun?
Good to know, it's beautiful.
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plus timespeed and tinystart early bot mods because fuck that shit
Thanks, understandable. I wonder if spaceblock is as good as seablock.
So stop thinking about gays and trannies then.
Some love that comfy Cherenkov Blue for their high-tech high-power energy source.
looks like you're building inside an oreo
i suppose when immigrants claim your home then you'd just move out because your home would associate you with 3rd worlders then, right?
weak stupid fuck, you need a massive kick in the ass
All I think about when I see the pink is Space Exploration coolant.
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That's purple
Anon, please tell me this is B&A and not SB. It's SB isn't it? You completely lost it and began using bricks instead of landfill after the mod broke you.
I'm not seeing the tranny colors on the fusion reactor, if anything, it kinda reminds me of bubble gum. It would make more sense if the blue were lighter I guess.
take your meds
It would never cross my mind to associate this new fusion reactor with trannies but take a /pol/tard and he'll see trannies in every shadow and color hue
Terminally online /pol/tard derangement is quite something
I'm glad /egg/ is finally chasing out the transphobes
Trannies don't own pink and cyan. Those colours will continue to exist long after the last troon on Earth is publicly executed.
I swear there was pink juice with temps...
i take them every day
do you?
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Inspired by a post on the last thread
>star here
ironically the thing i hate most about ONI is that it doesn't have logistics at all. you just make the same standalone enclosed builds in every playthrough in the exact same order with a minimal amount of gas and fluid routing. spom, geyser tamer, drecko ranch, geyser tamer, berry sludge farm, geyser tamer, aquatuner loop, geyser tamer, petrol boiler, geyser tamer, over and over and over and over. it was my favorite game for a while until a switch flipped in my head around the time i built my 90th lox generator.
actually now that i think about it the one thing i still enjoy building is the only actually-logistics-oriented, seed-unique thing in the game: a central water boiler/condenser with heat exchangers for processing all of your various geyser/building outputs into cold water.
There's no engineering or creativity going on in factorio
it's all shipping
>t. nilaus masterclass blueprint user
Show your creative design
hi nilaus here i'm here today to talk about women and how they shouldn't be allowed to call production hubs malls
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But that has never been a goal though.
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I made a neat diamond shaped logo for my base, please do not steal it
>wooden chest: 225
Too bad you can't burn wooden crates in boilers anymore.
I hate these stupid wooden chests!!! They should've never been born.
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Sorry anon no can do. I'll have to use it for my next base with smelters fed by train.
>6 million iron plates in only 4 years? hard to believe...
>wait wait wait, you're telling me all of the smelting arrays were built on the biter side of the wall?
Poison capsules? Yeah, those were only ever used for deforestation.
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Take that!! You are not destroying my robots anymore!
Coal is black
Oil is brown
Solar is yellow
Hydro is blue
Wind is white
Nuclear is green
Fusion is purple
i fucked ure mom
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Depends doesn't it?
Wiki says 1 factorio day = 416,66 seconds. With 4 years, assuming one leap year, that gives us 608.740,26. I'll just round up to 608.800 for this.
A basic stone furnace needs 3,2 seconds to produce 1 iron plate.
Assuming a perfect supply with ore, fuel and no bottlenecks or backing up, a stone furnace would be capable of producing 190.250 iron plates if it were to run 24/7 for 4 years. You'd need just shy of 32 furnaces to make it in 4 years.
But electric furnaces with 2 tier3 speed modules which are effected by 1 beacon with another pair of tier3 speed modules only need 0,8 seconds per plate. That's 76.000 plates per year, ca.7,8 furnaces to get 6 million plates in 4 years. Which means it should be doable.

But let's face the actual truth: 6 million iron plates in 4 years? Those are rookie numbers. You need to pump those numbers up.
I'm fairly certain that 99% of the views on Nilaus's consent video came from this thread.
What the hell is wrong with this guy? He made a beginner's guide that explains nothing and tells you to just use his blueprints. It feels like he doesn't enjoy the game but is forced to keep playing it because it's his job.
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>Nilaus's consent video
It's good when people turn out to be exactly what you always knew they were
What do you mean? It's just a sweaty nerd talking about fries.
Making a "consent video" of your own free will is the sort of thing you'd expect from a 37 year old methodist youth pastor with a bubbly overeager personality who just snaps one day and violently fucks your 10 year old son in the ass. Nilaus even has the right goatee.
I still wonder what the fuck was going on in his mind that he thought making and publishing that shit was in any way a good idea
Ah, Shuttlebuster is looking good.
He's married and has kids iirc. I saw someone say that he has a cuck fetish and planned to talk about it in the following videos but never did because that video was just weird so he made a second channel to reupload it (which got like 30 views) and removed it from the main channel. The question is why, god why, why make a video about consent as a let's player when 2/5 of your audience are underage. That's sexpest behavior. It's very inappropriate. Even if he didn't say anything offensive, it's not the place to talk about this.
>consent video
The what?
>He made a beginner's guide that explains nothing and tells you to just use his blueprints.
That's to be expected from some autist that thinks the only way to play the game is his way. I've played Factorio with people like this and it's absolutely disgusting how angry they get over every little thing not done their way. Tearing down our factory because they don't like the way it looks, instead of spending that time expanding or building new.
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He did one of his off-brand life-advice videos at one point on the topic of mutual consent before engaging in sexual activities.

Yes; Nilaus-- so yeah: it turned out more or less exactly like you'd expect; given that this is Nilaus we're talking about.
Presentation-sheet bullet points, acronyms and all...

Would you like F.R.I.E.S. with that?
Oh boy I sure am sexually aroused by paperwork.
When will you release this engine already using your 2 cylinder in my boat.
What the fuck. Ah yes, here we see the WOMB, the Woman Organic Manufacturing Base. Mall? No, that's where little girls go to buy shoes. The WOMB is where we will be manufacturing our new factory workforce. You must use my blueprints for consent and positions or I will be very upset.
irrelevant to me, I don't do sex
neat, but imo it would look better if the background were a circle instead of a diamond
Thermofluid in SE is pink at 25C room temperature; purple at -10C cool temperature; deep blue at -100C cold temperature; and arctic blue at -273C supercooled temperature. The last of which is FUCKING RETARDED because -273C is absolute zero and there is no way that stuff can still be in a fluid state capable of being pumped around.
I was right! THANK YOU BASED ANON. Too bad the other anon spilt my coffee for no raisin.
Can I fuck the factory?
The factory isn't a person, meaning it cannot consent. So no.

But it also can't object and take you to court over it, and you're basically the only sapient mind observing anything that might transpire on Nauvis (or its outlying solar systems in case you're intent on banging the entire extended SE family) so realistically speaking-- who's going to report you?
Just remember: lube and oil is fine, but don't stick your dick up a sulfuric acid outflow, or a 500C steam vent. Cuz' that will end ... poorly.
So what you're saying is we need to make it sentient so we can rape it.
Uh. Achkthually, absolute zero is -273.15, F so it could still barely be a fluid if it's some fucked up alien materal
If you won't fuck her at her worst you don't deserve her at her best
>no way that stuff can still be in a fluid state capable of being pumped around.
Wrong, helium remains liquid all the way down to -273C at atmospheric pressure
Factorio runs on magic, not realistic simulation of anything.
It's sulfur, copper and iron suspended in a mixture of heavy oil and 'chemical' gel - the latter of which comes from water, lubricant and petroleum gas, so is basically petroleum jelly. There's nothing alien about those substances. It's just an utter bullshit fuckup.
Yes, but SE on multiple counts has justified extremely invasive gameplay changes to punish players based on the premise that it would be necessary to make the mod grounded and realistic. So it doesn't get to play the suspension-of-disbelief card in its defense of bitch-basic fucking physics.
No no no - rape the planet, love the factory, kill the biters. That's how it goes.
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ah, yeah, now i recall why i have dropped TAC back in the days... have to deal with a shitload of resources now
took me some time to remember how to KSP - going to grind science and money now
will go the boring way of building a primitive rover to explore the space center and nearby biomes first
will give me some time to play around with the mods
im lazy, so will do my best to automate as much as possible - installed "Smart Parts" mod that allows auto-staging based on altitude/fuel amount and such
Sophant, yeah.
aren't we all?
Yeah pretty good
How does a main bus fit into sex? Or is sex done in a cityblock paradigm?
I can't fucking believe they gave the fusion reactor a white/blue/pink color scheme.
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I'd love to have his project files so we could change the blue to white. Not due to tranny shit but because I think the reactors look nice in white.
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I would like to change the plasma color to blue/blueish white as per my 40k vidya.
Yeah. The blue in the final design is just garish. It's nowhere near as bad in the concept art. What kind of steel plating is even supposed to be bright blue?
Blue is nice! Either way I'd like the building to be white no matter the plasma color.
It reminds me of the "gunmetal blue" metal glasses frames you'd see at a prescription eye doctor. The concept art looks really good. The final product looks strange when next to the chemical factories.
brown bricks in factorio
>Digger used as a rection image
Also 50 shades of gray is literally 50% paperwork.
IRL plasma looks nice

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I could kind of understand the concept of megafactories in Satisfactory but I wanted to try using the tower sectioning to build a modular factory. Will it work? Also, which tier should I start to get my shit together and work on fixing my cable/conveyor spaghetti?
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It really does
>Will it work?
Yes, it's more efficient even, you can for example build dedicated modular frame factory over an iron node and deliver frames with a train or a drone for further processing

>which tier should I start to get my shit together and work on fixing my cable/conveyor spaghetti?
There is a lot of alternative recipes that are way more efficient than basic recipes you'll want to use to maximize production.
For example you get the most rubber and plastic per unit of crude, with crude -> heavy oil residue -> diluted fuel -> recycled rubber/plastic loop, turn you excess polymer resin into rubber and feed into loop with priority.
However this chain needs blender for diluted fuel step so I guess the answer is when you unlock all the machines and important alternative recipes which is pretty far into tech tree iirc.
did they delay space age? I thought I read somewhere that the release date was august
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New reentry effect coming soon to KSP
by Miragedev
The original estimate was "no earlier than august"
I made the egg plane from scratch again and it fucking sucks. Egg cross section fucking sucks
painted steel plating :^)
you can find that particular shade of blue fairly often on electrical substation equipment even. I've been looking through reactors and capacitor banks for long enough this shade of blue just feels natural to me by now.
my only peeve is that the material they went with feels slightly too reflective to be paint.

I'm far more bothered by the perspective anyway, it just doesn't match the assemblers and chem plants, though I can't quite put my finger on why

>spends half an hour trying to track a page down going off nothing but decade old memories
h-haha, yes, "reaction" image
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forgot image
What a silly argument considering how many colorful factories and assemblers there are in the game.
>I'm far more bothered by the perspective anyway, it just doesn't match the assemblers and chem plants, though I can't quite put my finger on why
if they had gone with reasonable perspective, the torus would obscure the northmost connections, which are important to see for gameplay
it's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation
>50 shades of gray is literally 50% paperwork.
Wait what? I don't remember that, although I never managed to go past the first book because it was so offensively mediocre and wrong.

>spends half an hour trying to track a page down going off nothing but decade old memories
Sounds like my average search for a reaction image desu
It's not so much about the tier (although you should certainly not think about any permanent production until you hit mk5 belts) but rather the amount of alternate recipes you have unlocked.
The pure ingot recipes are a must have, so is everything that removes screws, rods and cables and, in general, those recipes that basically just add water to get more production with the same input. Some other oil recipes are good, as well as recipes that swap one raw ingredient for a more abundant one like being able to make copper wires out of iron.
It's most likely in October at the earliest.
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No, it shouldn't.
Rail signals should be defined at the entrance of a segment, not exit as you might want to place something that needs a chain there like another roundabout or 3-way
they didn't mark which side was an entrance on that design, and anon made the mistake that you had the trains driving on the right side of the tracks, like an American drives.
holmium processing is pretty pink
thermofluid is very purple, especially when cooled
when I use plasma for sputtering deposition it's purple
so uh, take that fags
Testing out hybrid staging
who is on the poster?
gm thread
Return to slumber.
But it's 10am on the weekend
Time for eggs
There are eggers here
I kind of want to start a new Factorio run, but at the same time with how much new shit is being added it seems like a waste
just do it
I feel the same. There's so many cool upcoming features but I can't bring myself to actually start playing before the update.
How come people are saying fusion reactors aren't real? Aren't they the shit in nuclear power plants?
Fusion isn't viable yet. Nyo, that's fission.
based retard
>How come people are saying fusion reactors aren't real?
No one said this, what was said is they aren't a viable power source as of now

>Aren't they the shit in nuclear power plants?
No, nuclear power plants are fission reactors, not the same
Aren't the battlecruisers in Starcraft powered by fusion reactors
Stop falling for the retard's bait.
You could just bump normally, no need for this silliness
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looking good
What's this vehicle for? Why make it an egg?
I want to look forward to the expansion but I'm not. They're going to have to dumb it the hell down for the average player.
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I'm doing this using LTN. First time using it.

LTN seems pretty fragile, key thing is setting train limit 1 on all stops. For requester stops have item count be e.g. -4k for 100 stack items with 1 wagon. That's so it doesn't become a provider stop by accident. This seems like a big flaw in their design.
still doing the meme build huh?
supposedly cybersyn is super easy mode trains
Yeah still doing meme build. It is pretty neat that copy pasting these blocks is enough to make more capacity even if it's minimal.

I'll look into cybersyn but probably will stick with LTN. Hoping that factorio 2.0 will have good train features.
hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, /dfg/ is two threads down
ah crap, my bad
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are single rail city blocks better?
Personally have had this problem before with sim city 4. You've gotta build priority lanes for certain structures and not assume all are high priority.
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Why not an attractive woman
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Did some digging:
Vaski, the OC of an artist named Fanda.
Appears to be inspired by Upotte!! (gun as anime girl).
I think more mechanical/doll-like elements have been added to the design over time.
Still feels like the face could be better, but I chalk that up to
>(novice art)*(big lips)*(jointed face) = ugly
Thankfully, no relation to vazkii.
Yeah shes a gun girl gynoid foxgirl
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don't understand why his daughteru has a weird face
Fanda can draw a good face, left and right are both their art
(I went on a paranoid deep dive because the name reminded me of something else, but she's a robot and a "daughter" and there is a character they consider "wife", plus they seem pretty based about things, so that's all good)
holy yikes, amateur hour
>can draw a good face
Well don't hesitate posting it then
a face that merely looks amateurish, not off-putting
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Slowly making progress on the minmus base, halfway done.
Building it in orbit felt like a good idea but I'm not sure sore. Will need to make a good lander for it.
Plasma being blue means it’s being exposed to oxygen, meaning that plasma weapon is currently undergoing a gas leak. Get out of there trooper
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I'd sell the user above me if, I could get this in stormworks.
Makes me think of SS13 MULE, just needs the right paintjob to drive it home.
>It uses a bilinear scale of factor Y*X(P-1). Y is your damage upgrade bonus, X is your weapon's bonus and P is the inherent resistance of the biters.
I swear to god modders are just making words up on the spot and throwing random math bullshit that makes no sense to sound smart. What the fuck does that mean? Someone explain. The fuck is a bilinear scale? What the hell does the math mean here? Does it even mean something?
that sounds like it gets stronger as biter resistance gets stronger
unless there's a missing / somewhere
So, What it's small wheels then a 1x1 engines and generator with electric motor?
that thing clearly runs entirely on battery power
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i really should get back into ksp, the sequel bullshit had me pumped up and nothing but shitpost came out of it
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Only official mention of it I could find is this defunct page: https://web.archive.org/web/20160303071039/http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/unit/battlecruiser#science
The buttons no longer work on the archived version, so you have to reveal the other entries through console to edit the css. And neither the og manual nor the SC2 in-universe field manual make mention of it
>Rail signals should be defined at the entrance of a segment, not exit
The exact other way around. Chain signal on entrance; normal rail signal on exit. Rail signals that are closed back-feed into preceeding chain signals to prevent trains from entering a chain-signaled block until they have an entire clear route through the block and can enter the next block.
>This seems like a big flaw in their design.
LTN allows stations to both be provider and requester, which is part of building stations which serve dynamic products. Basically, they made the über-advanced use-case that hardly anyone will ever use, part of the base-case design. So yeah: I tend to agree, BIG FLAW. Would've been better if you'd have an easy way to explicitly mark which products to operate in the request/provide roles.

>supposedly cybersyn is super easy mode trains
Supposedly Cybersyn is also *dead* and still has annoyingly crippling bugs lurking in it.
They must be a bit cheaper on rail and space, but I like being able to go point-to-point from any direction.
However it's a different design therefore cool and based and redpilled.
the march of time erases all
even the wayback machine will join the likes of alexandria some day
Assembling anything on the surface, even on Minmus, is an exercise in patience. I would have done the same.
This would break so many legs in its time. My basketball future =)
Speaking of, WHY did they burn down the library? Like why not keep it and absorb all that knowledge your enemy got for you?
A linear function is a function that develops linearly - i.e. when graphed shows a straight line.
A bilinear function is a specialization of a linear function which has precisely two variables that are also homogeneous (are of the same degree) and which develops linearly in both independent variables - i.e. when graphed they form a graph in a 3D vector space and define a plane.

Y*X(P-1) can't be a bilinear function because it has three arguments.
It'd be at best a trilinear function - which would produce something in conceptual 4D space, though at that point the concept of 'linearity' becomes a wee bit hard to express in lay terms.
Why are trains tutorials so needlessly complex? I explained how trains work to a friend in literally 5 minutes.
>Trains are far right extremist, they rather be dead than red so don't bother signaling their left side. They hate centrist so they don't look forward, put a signal to tell them to stop if there is a train forward. Don't break into a different train's home or they'll shoot you dead. Use chain signal before the entrance of a gated community.
It's literally that simple.
You sound painfully unfunny
This wasn't a joke. How do you explain trains to a brainrotted american? Just say it's political.
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>that thing clearly runs entirely on battery power
>talking to americans
Why would I do that
so... exponential??
>an 9GW system (22.5GW if legendary)
for fucks sake
I told you faggots quality was going to ruin Factorio, but nooooo, no one ever listens to me
How is that a bad thing? We already mass produce nuclear setup over lakes to produce infinite energy in the mid-late game and switch over to solar in the very late game when UPS become limited. No one has an issue with lacking eletricity past the early game.
that's just linear tho
So why is it raining on a space platform?
space clouds
what if instead of searching and rescuing, I simply jerked off at my base all day trying to make the optimal engine
well how are you gonna afford the engine parts and fuel for testing
Selling his sperm, of course.
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Its a stylistic choice to distance her design from SVD, her mom, which is an upotte character, and also it better suits her character
I think quality will be good actually
I'm going to say it : cityblocks are supposed to be fucking huge. If you ever have to think about space constraints in endgame, you're missing out on a lot of fun.
I found out you can do very interesting stuff with radar-aligned cityblocks.
I did this, each block was one way rail loop, it worked pretty well but proper two way traffic is better in terms of throughput
>greedy train!! take my entire signal block!! ora ora!! ah! my wagons are moving on their own!!
As soon as they use their voice to explain them, they lose. Basically show don't tell.
Dumb coombrain
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Now I'm the only person in the world who's beaten all of these.
Dosh I will ask you once again, where tower climb 3
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Is Cosmoteer /egg/?
Fucking never,
Devs have claimed it's nearly done for three years now
Unironically the most anticipated video idea you've mentioned. Some of them are just plain weird.
>Is Cosmoteer /egg/?
Dosh is there a roguelike that isn't bullshit hard and esoteric, but still engaging and rewarding?
Not a roguelike.
Looks fun, maybe someone here's played it?
>mfw the berlin interpretation said that even if games fulfill the criteria they aren't roguelikes, and some games that don't fit the criteria are roguelikes
I don't know, maybe Elona if you enjoy fucking around? The answer is not really.
Thanks, cool mystery dude
Ezreal's fusion reactor is dumbest shit I've seen since "legendary iron plates". I have no idea how the heck it's supposed to work and neither does he. A cooling liquid + some fuel is turned into a plasma, the plasma smashes into a turbine with no generator attached, and then somehow a hotter cooling liquid comes out. What in the world was he smoking?
It's not.
The problem with all these games that come out is that modded factorio does everything they do but better.
If you wanna build spaceships then play SE.
Do a physics based mechanical /egg/ you absolute fucking dishwasher.
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>viceA versa
It's a doggy dog world out there
Really stretching that Factorio content before expansion finally drops.
Any plans on triggering that IR3 commie?
thanks for your service
Seconding an IR3 run.
It's peanuts compared to the mad circuit shit he has done in the past, but setting up a perimeter wall made entirely of forestries to delete any pollution before it gets out of the base, and then finding a way to get rid of all the wood so it doesn't back up should be a nice distraction from an otherwise pretty straightforward overhaul.
Good taste anon, I still consider the towerclimb video to be his best.

Pretty sure you can crush the wood to get ethanol and turn it into rubber, although I never consider there to be that much need to build up many forestries. Aside from the wood to rubber pipeline it turns useless really quick.
stylistic choice "make her ugly" is a bad choice
It even looks like a fucking tranny.
IR3 would be too easy for dosh, the only stress would be how useless dirty steam is, how backed up chromium & nickle are would be, how upgrading sometimes fucks with recipes and how non existent of a biter threat there is
I dumped all the wood from hundreds of forestries into charcoal to burn for power with steam generators, and when I started getting better sources of power, I simply vented all the excess steam into the air to keep the burners burning and the wood flowing.
I never felt the need to upgrade from the three or four rubber forestries I got at the start of the game so I didn't even bother recycling regular wood into anything else.
Dosh you should make a video about Stranger of Paradise, it's kino
Dosh, make a video about Rimworld lol.
Dosh Dosh Dosh
Everyone's saying Dosh this and Dosh that, but no one's saying Matthewmatosis this, and Noah Gervais that
Have you tried playing games yourself?
Dosh when's the EDF 6 video
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Reminder Dosh is a faggot because he couldn't understand that Atelier games are standalone
I bought it in a bundle with Space Heaven. Waiting for them to exit early access.
>Belt madness
That's literally the first thing I've played after finishing the tutorial. How nostalgic... I still make spaghetti like that.
>Tight spot
Factorio is deterministic but the game mode is very janky. It doesn't reset your rng and the speed up function is janky. Both can cause extremely minor differences.
>Wave defense
The balancing is a bit weird because you're supposed to go out and destroy nests for upgrade points from the start. Interestingly, it scales with the number of players on the server when you play it in multiplayer. The scaling was very light iirc.
>Supply challenge
Never been a fan of speedrunning. I've checked the wiki and you're correct, early waves give 5 points per second skipped and removes 0.2 point from the bonus for each level. So skipping a minute in level one gives 300 points while skipping a minute in level 21 only gives 60 points. I really don't trust the wiki on something so obscure but I don't feel like verifying myself.
It's just a streamlined version of toggling the editor. It's kinda "necessary" as a user feature.
>That rail lag machine
Do you have any idea what you've unleashed upon this world by showing this to your audience of millions?
>Rocket rush
Wube had to use the multi-map system they've made somehow or else it would have gone to waste. That's the only explaination I can come up with for this game mode.
>Team production
More proof that Wube can't do a final level. Never played it because the skill gap between my friends and myself is a bit too large.
That's called freeplay...
I can't be the only one making assembling machine noises with my mouth randomly during the course of a day, right? Hahahaha!
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@38:15, you want 1 fuel chemplant to 2 RF assemblers, unless you plan to quickly upgrade to assembler 3's
Picrel are some direct insertion layouts used in speedruns. Left is slightly wider but right is easy to fuck up.
Also a small fun fact about wave defense, it came out in the same update that changed belts to the distance calculation version instead of individual items and this update also removed alien artifacts. So destroying nest was still part of the gameplay loop for research in a way.
0.15 was a massive update. Multiple science packs to replace alien science, belt optimization, nuclear power, coal liquefaction, blueprint library, etc.
>When dying in multiplayer you leave behind a body with your items that slowly degrades.
>slowly degrades.
Jesus christ...
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I may have added too many stages for a Munar landing
>It's just a streamlined version of toggling the editor. It's kinda "necessary" as a user feature.
Except sandbox is not even editor, it's just godmode, which doesn't give you many of the utilities that the editor has. I think it's supposed to be something like creative mode in minecraft, but it really should just be a blueprint lab. You can make your own scenario filled with lab tiles and just jump into editor immediately after starting, which will 99% of the time be better than whatever sandbox is.
Seems about right. What's that..two stages for launch, one for transfer and whatever that contraption is for landing?
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Factorio, Dyson Sphere Program, and Satisfactory.
The top 3 of automation factory games.
Am I wrong? Is there anything better? Some obscure games?
Honestly it should be but sandbox was added in version 0.5.0. 11 years ago.
Here's a dev video from the time. This was before the first official FFF.
https://youtu.be/JO9HwE7dGb8 (earrape microphone included)
Wube could have reworked it a lot more but I don't think they have the will or interest. It's here for casual players who don't know the commands and it works good enough for that.
>Dosh 1v1'd a doner
For shame! You should have played at a handicap of a 2v2 except your team got the slowest idiot from the last round and you weren't allowed to delete any of his stuff
I guess so. Either way the expansion should bring us more fun things to mod. Fluid trains never though, sad.
Is this one accurate?
I end up with a 152x multiplier, nowhere near 56x.
2v2 where dosh can't place any buildings, only fight, so he has to talk someone through making a proper base while the other team have one person free to sabotage
I somehow failed to limit some of my chests, I was wondering where all my circuits were going
Captain of Industry is better than DSP. Not that DSP is bad, it's just a bit more innovative. Haven't tried Satisfactory
didn't add in materials to make legendary quality modules
do a refresher run of vanilla factorio, you have 2 months to finish the run, try doing one of the achievement runs, like no solar or no laser.
dont do what i did and try do space exploration again, get 300 hours into it and realise you STILL dont know enough about signals to properly bitshift so your delivery cannons wont overfill and detonate half your base 2 stars away as soon as something deadlocks because you forgot about bot deterioration, so the single requester chest moving rocket fuel to a burner to void excess slowly stops being emptied and now you need to basically start that planet over again because part of the planet that got damaged was the meteor defence and now biter meteors are raining down and you dont have enough bots left to re-bootstrap between all the repairs they're trying to do, and the whole time you can watch them fall out of the sky and into power poles despite having 3 ranks in swarm safety and only 13 bots left.
but yeah just do a nice simple fun run so you remember what fun is before erendal ruined factorio
Factorio but you can't remove ANYTHING you've placed, ever. Biters on but they can't destroy buildings. Just attack the player. Or just turn off biters. Whatever. I just don't want any of that wimpy bitchass biter-voiding action.
Legendary steel plates remind me of that old story on /v/ or /vg/ I forget where. (This is going off pure memory so I'm probably getting it wrong) It was about Haven & Hearth and they found this really shitty maybe even negative value ore. Someone made a blacksmith hammer as a joke and suddenly could make god tier armor that basically made them invincible.
>get 300 hours into it and realise you STILL dont know enough about signals to properly bitshift so your delivery cannons wont overfill and detonate half your base 2 stars away
Oh god. Yeah, I might! I'm just not sure what I want to do. If I want to rush to the rocket or fuck around or... I'll be completely honest, I don't care about achievements.
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That was definitely more than enough. 1st stage and boosters almost put the rocket in LKO. 2nd stage finished the job and soonly after did TLI. Then I dumped it because it really looked like I had too much dV, and it was a bit heavy
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Aaand Eagle has landed.
My assumption is that everything is set up : research, modules, assemblers, etc.
Then I can compute how many normal gears you could build with the resources of one legendary gear.
My model must be wrong once again.
Captain of Industry is another high quality entry in the list
It's the only other quality entry in the list. Satisfactory and DSP are souless clones created for money, they're Factorio but with less stuff. CoI is actually a product of not only passion but talent. It actually is a completely different game with only surface similarities.
That post was what made me understand train signals a few months ago.
I doubt it since the mod dev is a colossal faggot who will demand any video of it not be monetized, etc.
It was a good video, I liked it.
I feel like factorio should have a tower defense mode.
The turrets of the expansion might make this more fun.
>It actually is a completely different game with only surface similarities.
If that's the metric then Satisfactory is the most different game with only surface similarities of that list.
Any rec for guides or videos about factorio basics? I know just play the game don't look things up but just want to get an idea of general designs and little quick tips to save time.
if you don't have enough of something, build more. build the things that let you build more things first. If you're handcrafting anything more than once an hour, automate it. if you're running out of basic resources, pause research for awhile and build more stuff
the core concept for new players once you get past the very early manual burner phase is a "main bus", you have your miners -> smelters and then the smelter outputs go onto a set of parallel belts that run out to infinity (actually expanded as needed). you then put assembly lines that pull off of the bus to one side, and put their output back onto the bus as a new belt. so for iron gears, iron plates from the smelters get pulled off the bus, fed into assemblers, and the iron gear output gets put into the bus. don't worry about planning ahead or kvetching over whether you need 1, 2, or 3 belts of throughput for iron.

and this >>486992486
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You will just ruin your fun. Why do you want to save time? It's a videogame, not a job. Your objective is to invent solutions, not to get to the end quickly.

Haha, absolutely not. Out of those two that would be DSP with its space mechanics, but both Satisfactory and DSP is just "place miners on mines and connect everything with belts/pipes". While CoI is "mine 3d deformable terrain with excavators and trucks, connect everything with belts and pipes but a lot more advanced and in-depth (crush ore > mix it with different ore for more efficiency > deal with side products > export molten metal into caster > cast and cool with water and/or oxygen > clean with acid instead of just put ore in oven get a plate). Manage and automate farms, feed population, manage edicts, explore the world map with your upgradeable ship, set up oilrigs and island mines, trade and get loads with other settlements, etc. For every thing this game doesn't have (like logic circuits) it brings ten more.
Why are you treating this poor anon like this? Let him have his fun. I haven't heard the words "main bus" in my life until I finished two playgroups of Factorio. Those were the most fun 200 hours out of the 2000 I already played. I can't imagine how dull in comparison it would be if I knew all of this meta bullshit.
buses bad, spaghetti good. I stand by "build more stuff" as a solid tip for factorio.
The thing is, Factorio gives more than enough info and tips on its own. Every machine has very clear UI and tooltips, it tells you exactly what you should connect where. It's a very open-ended game of connect the dots. Nothing is a mystery. You should have fun inventing your own ways of connecting the dots, not to learn the more compact/fast/cheap way do it from the start. It even affects us, veteran players, because we enjoy seeing what undirtied minds invent. Picrelated, my first factory.
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Is it deadlock prone or not?
the game is about learning the game.
This. And we're not trying to be elitists "we suffered so you must to". Geniuenly, your first time blind is the best time in this game.
you've never seen a roundabout before in your life right?
Really basic infotainment : Trupen, ambiguous amphibian. Fun at whatever level your are, imo.
Specific scenario let's plays : all of them, but dosh is probably the best one. His train video is the best train tutorial we have imo.
General game knowledge the game should give you but doesn't : Nilaus tutorials. He's a little bit like what Scott Manley was for ksp.

---------- autism line, do not cross ------------------

Nilaus again, especially anything megabase and the 40 minute videos he makes on one item, like inserters.
Michael Hendriks, I love his lets plays but the guy is one of us. I remember him spending hours trying to kill biters out of map bounds so he could tick his (bad) win condition.
Xterminator, basically the only reliable source of info on megabases I know of, not because he's an expert (he might be idk), but because he actually spends a lot of time reviewing megabases from other people. I'm surprised he's pretty much the only one doing that.
Satisfactory has trains, DSP and CoI don't have trains therefore Satisfactory is the superior game

Shapez 2 is getting trains...
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Genuinely cool. Is now the best time to get into CoI? I was gonna play through Factorio once again before the DLC releases so I get back into the swing of it, but the more I learn about CoI makes me hesitate. It's like some dream game I'd think about as a teen.
Went back to the starter refinery to make it look a bit nicer, that sulfur/acid corner was the hardest. The three main functions are science production (~200spm), solar/accumulator production and tier 2 module production.

Then I went back to my old gigawatt reactor to make it a bit more compact and nice, I always felt like the old one was wasting space, and it could only reach 1040MW. This time I went with bot-feeding to really make things as compact as possible. I stress-tested it to 1100MW, however I can't seem to reach the ~1118MW I should be able to reach. I don't know if it's a steam throughput problem or if the modded power-consuming buildings lack precision. Adding more pumps make it worse, but it's probably the steam. Making steam throughput calculations with all those steam paths is a nightmare so I won't bother, especially for 18MW of power.
Stormworks has trains.
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theoretically the best time is when all the updates will be over, but even two years ago it was a complete game worthy of your time, just like Factorio was in 2017, for example. So yeah, you can go for it now and its great.
God I hope you can't turn off cliffs at the new planets, people who turn them off should suffer
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Stacking a few reactors really close together, they look wild on mapview. I made a comparison with nuclear power because I was curious.
Maybe solar will stay at 1ms for any power rating?
Another funny thing is how few logistic bots you need. I had 8 bots working maybe 30% of the time to feed the reactors and take the spent fuel cells.
Your entire 8GW infrastructure running on 8 logibots is really funny to me.
Is DSP worth playing with the combat now or is it still in the rough and better off waiting on them ironing out the kinks first? Notice it hasn't been updated since the end of May.
I played through the majority of my last run on the latest patch before I read the dev notes and learnt you could raise and lower the lifts. I had just been chaining them, and wondering why the raise\lower level controls were a bit inconsistent.
I tried COI but got filtered by the city builder parts.
The combat update is like half finished, I'd say wait
captain of industry is also S tier like the other 3
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>Basically, they made the über-advanced use-case that hardly anyone will ever use, part of the base-case design
You said it a lot better.

One of the guides said to set the default provider threshold to like 1000000, and explicitly set provider thresholds at provider stations, this must be why.
>Satisfactory has trains
Only someone that never tried to build with these "trains" can claim this.
what are some simple modlets that i can add to have a vanilla+ experience without slopping around with krastorio?
>superior game
lol no
I think cybersyn is the mod I searched youtube for and found japanese softcore porn
Aren't trains kinda useless in Satisfactory? It's easier to just drag belts, the map is tiny too
I haven't played satisfaggotry but I'd use trains if I did. Maybe set them up to bring you to each factory?
>is just "place miners on mines and connect everything with belts/pipes".
Everything looks the same when you dumb it down enough, including CoI, and if I wanted to read a summary of what CoI does I would have read its steam page.
Try harder next time
except it literally doesn't, even if you read my post.
Thanks, looks like I'll have my hands full for a long time.
It literally does, but with the added details that you listed, which you can do for all other games as well. You just chose not to add details for the other games because you clearly just wanted to shitpost.
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you will
maybe a marathon run?
Nah, you imbecile. CoI doesn't even have miners. I didn't add or remove any complexity. In Factorio, Satisfactory and DSP you literally place a miner that belts directly to a furnace that directly outputs plates. In CoI not only miners don't exist, but you also can't even mine anything at the start. You need to research how to make vehicle depots, build excavators, build mining towers, manually designate in 3D where you will excavate, build a separating station for dirt, rock, ore, etc, and only then start the process of smelting described earlier

>crush ore > mix it with different ore for more efficiency > deal with side products > export molten metal into caster > cast and cool with water and/or oxygen > clean with acid

How are those two things similar in any way expect the surface "you refine ore"? You clearly are a retard who saw a handful of screenshots and went "oh this game too has machines and belts so they must be the same".
Wtf? How? Wasn't cybersyn some latin-american computer managed economy control thingamajig? Where is the intersection with nip gravure?
>take mine item
>Put it on ground ore
>Connect output
>Ore comes out
>Take mine item
>Put it next to ground ore
>Assign vehicle
>Ore comes out
Wow such difference

That's what you get for playing the retarded game of dumbing everything down except the thing you like.
CoI is a great game, shame that it's being advertised by absolute spastics like you.
>you press buttons
>things happen on screen
>wow! Wolf 3D is the same as Orbiter!
>you do these things
>you do other things
>you shoot bad guys
>you go to end of level
>you win

wow doom is the same as *whatever fps zoomers play these days*
fortnite, apex legends, valorant
these are not games
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imo it depends on the purpose
if you are doing a mission and just need to fulfill the minimum - assemble wherever you can, as long as you can cash in
if you are building something permanent - use time to figure out a reliable way of assembling and upgrading your base on the surface
later on, you will waste more time and resources on figuring out a way to attach new hardware
personally, i have extensively tested and used the schematics in the picture, and its a rather reliable method with vanilla parts
>Normal iron gear wheel
>Legendary iron gear wheel
>These are the same because they're made from an iron plate!!!!
DSP is better than Satisfactory so it COI and Factorio would be top 3.
I still have no idea how the rarity shit actually works.
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>I am forgotten
legendary iron gears expand your roboports range
>3D factorio-like made in unity
>Starts dropping FPS on a 4090 when you place 10 belts
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Is it possible to build mega factory in rail world mode? My mining block far away from the factoring is getting overloaded by resource and trains on nuclear fuel don't seem to be getting there fast enough.
Oh damn, already? Neat.
and nothing of value was lost
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I already have more trains than output stations.
Now that you say it, DSP uses unity too and isn't in a cave.
You need way more. It's not about how much stations you have, but the distance.
You can make a unity game not run like shit. It's just that most game devs don't care.
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build a stacker like this so one more train can wait at your mines and add more trains
When asked about performance I think they said they don't have occlusion culling yet and render everything on the map all the time.
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I actually did but it's never getting filled up.
increase the trainlimit at your mines
more trains
>train city
criiiiiiiiiiiiiinge oh fuck thats cringe
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Installed a ton of mods to KSP to try stick with career mode. I think this is the third time I try career mode.
Did that too. It's set to 2 for the largest and furthest station.
Is there really nothing I can do without building more trains? I have a feeling they'll start to jam the factory itself.
If you have enough parking spaces they won't.
everything is still just chain signals right? add some rail signals. Please take a few minutes and learn signaling, it will help a lot.
DSP does a lot of data processing on GPU, a game that only does calculations on CPU simply can't compete with it unless it's insanely optimized like Factorio and doubt this kind of optimization is even possible with Unity overhead
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Use more trains and use them as buffer, put a place where they can wait while another train unload, then, it's finished, they can take it's place, allowing a constant flux of cargo.
Is this chain signal spamming faggot trolling or legit retarded?
When it has finished unloading*
Try Kerbalism for your fourth attempt
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I think I just uncovered a new boundary for autism
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Well, no, there is plenty of train signals, each input station has it. I guess I can make it up for 4 of them on every single block. That may help, though I'm not 100% on that. Let me try anyway.
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Well, yes, rail signal here at every block and the long straights to the mines should be mostly rail signals
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I play it with a couple of /egg/bros sometimes, it's very comfy.
I listened to the whole video, really bold decision to not use any signals just exclusion zones, we'll see if it works out.
Overall looks pretty promising, especially with 27 degrees diagonals allowing for twice the amount of directions trains can go straight than Factorio has.
Also no binding to 2 tile grid, while rail is 2 tile wide just like in Factorio, it can translate just one tile if needed which is nice.
cope trainlet
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My fuhrer, the inserters expenses are higher than the monthly furnace expenses.
>It's set to 2 for the largest and furthest station.
Found your problem, chief. Double it. And if that doesn't work, keep doubling it until it does.
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Didn't help. I guess the problem is consumption.
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and btw it's even worse now as it's prone to deadlocks because of trains stacked like this. not a deadlock for now but it might become one
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this is not blue so I guess that train stop is not trainlimit 1
to be honest of all the games I played only a few like A-Train or Transport fever have "good" trains. W&R gets a pass but they're pretty basic still
Okay, it might solve it actually.
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it's over...
Editor Extensions added to vanilla when
what ore is that
also just make landfill
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Changing Provide Threshold fixed the issue and essentially seems to make it explicit. Request Threshold is default so it's easier to set up request stations, seems to be fine so far.

It's working well as long as I am super careful setting up the stations. Using filter inserters for all request stations, and always have the nuclear option of removing and recreating all trains.
RC thrust vectoring
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Thoughts on my Lab set-up.
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1 out or 3 running labs.
>2 assemblers without inserter for copper
Anon I...
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I managed to auomate blue science but I think I went to small. I also had to switch from accumulator production to plastic for that. I only have 172 accumulators now so I might switch it back from time to time.
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How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
I bet that thing just boils water lmao
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God I wish Space Haven had Z-levels. It's a neat little game but the ship DESIGN portion is really, really bad. Everything eventually turns into a brick because stuffing everything as close together as possible is encouraged to cut down on travel time between areas.
As a dev, this is the time when you introduce turbolifts.
They said they weren't going to do it because they were worried players would lose track of where things are on their ship if they had to flip up and down Z-levels. Not sure what the fuck they're talking about when we've had games like the Sims have Z-levels for decades and nobody ever lost their fucking kitchen because they forgot it's on the first floor.
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Bless the guy who made a FPP mod, almost makes me want to buy a VR headset
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is there anything more majestic than a massive rocket forcing its way towards the unknown with an evergrowing thrust?
Starting with 1.0 units of Q1 input, you get 0.25 Q2-5 output and 0.75 Q1 output, which you recycle (with quality modules) to get ~0.1406 Q1 input and ~0.0469 Q2-5 input.

So we have a total reaction of 0.8594 Q1 input -> 0.25 Q2-5 output + 0.0469 Q2 input, or equivalently
1 Q1 input -> 0.2909 Q2-5 output + 0.0546Q2-5 input.

Starting with 1/0/0/0/0 Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4/Q5 inputs and 0/0/0/0/0 outputs, cycling all Q1 input/output out of existence leaves us with

~0/0.0491/0.0049/0.0005/0.00005 input
~0/0.2618/0.0262/0.0026/0.0003 output

This would take an infinite amount of time, of course, but in practice you just have a buffer of Q1 inputs while the following steps are happening simultaneously; the average efficiency is unchanged.

Recycling Q2 output gives 0/0.0491/0.0044/0.0004/0.00005 input, for a total of 0/0.0982/0.0093/0.0009/0.0001 input.

Cycling through all the Q2 input gives
0/0/0.0048/0.0005/0.00005 input and
0/0/0.0257/0.0026/0.00026 output for a total of

0/0/0.0141/0.0014/0.00015 input and
0/0/0.0519/0.0052/0.00056 output.
Recycling Q3 output gives 0/0/0.0389/0.0117/0.0013 input for a total of 0/0/0.0530/0.0131/0.00145 input

Cycling through all the Q3 gives
0/0/0/0.0026/0.00029 input and
0/0/0/0.0139/0.00154 output for a total of

0/0/0/0.0157/0.00174 input and
0/0/0/0.0191/0.0021 output.
Recycling Q4 output gives 0/0/0/0.0036/0.0012 input for a total of 0/0/0/0.0193/0.00294 input

Cycling through the Q4 gives
0/0/0/0/0.00105 input and
0/0/0/0/0.00561 output for a total of

0/0/0/0/0.00279 input and
0/0/0/0/0.00771 output.

Craft the Q5 input to Q5 output [at 100% efficiency] to get a total of 0.0105 output, or ~1/95 the material efficiency.

95x isn't close to 152x OR 56x. if you have 4 Q5 efficiency modules in the last step you get to ~75x, so I (or everyone else) am probably doing something wrong.

quality math injures me
>science, guide my cock
They admit the truth when the mention gas simulation. They just can't figure out how to make it work between floors. That's likely all it is.
tips for main bussing in Satisfactory? I need way too many screws so I end up having to do like five belts of them, surely there is a better way
bussing fr?
It's factually the optimal way to play.
Im kinda ass at this game ngl
Slow down. Produce only what you need, when you need it. Take your time.
woah babe wake up new dosh video
wtf isnt satisfactory an engineering game though?? whats the point if im not producing more???
This the game only gets good when you turn on infinite power and hover mode its so fucking gay that you have to keep manually putting coal into power plants and they still trip because not enough water somehow
mulebuter.......................... post xml pl0x.............................................
The true solution is to remove screws from the recipes, and for that you need hard drives.
but there's ayyliums out there and the hard drives need quantum computers and shit to open the pods!!
Not all of them.
Use an online map to find the hard drives and what it takes to unlock them, then go hunting.
Pro tip: you don't need to go back to your original MAM to unlock stuff, you can build one wherever you are, throw a drive in there and the research timer will go on even if you deconstruct the MAM immediately after.
The 10minute timer is pure bullshit, so just look up where the drivers are and save yourself at least the time it would have taken to find them and all the trips they would have required to unlock them.
they should just add adn option to unlock it all from the start.....
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did i win
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How much does one man need? Don't be so greedy and wasteful.
ummm enough to fill up the space elevator? wtf is this trolling
This. Just underclock everything to 1% and you can run your entire factory off juts the HUB burners and alien biomass.
Congrats, you are out of tutorial now
Nullius... 1 hour and a half in and I just unlocked science 3. I still don't have belts and I'm already overwhelmed... I'm ngmi...
>the only way to "enjoy" this shitgame as a factory game is to cheese the cheese recipes
sounds about right. still can't understand how people played this game before the last update which seems to have added all the qol that there is
Hard drives are pure tedium and I always just unlock all alts when I start the game, I'm not going to spend hours running around just to be able to play optimally
some people aren't retarded and don't get filtered by screws

don't put them on the bus. you shouldnt really have a bus at all. direct insertion 100% baby
Kill yourself furnigger. There's a reason Satisfactory was removed from the OP.
Thankfully my enjoyment of the game doesn't revolve around hard drives and the ethical implications of cheesing them
>removed from the OP.
Look again butthurt retard
Why do shitposters keep fucking with the OP pad?
congrats on starting SE
enjoy your lootboxes
How the fuck do they not have occlusion culling. What a bunch of retards.
>quality math injures me
Same here, brother. I heard it was actually not even 25% but 24.8% according to some dev discord rumor.
I'll try that next and if it doesn't work I'll post the model I've been using.
just use a PID bro
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Peak early game automation or nah?
cute mig-21
incredibly upset by your coal miners rotating in different directions
science 3 is the first real science
the game shifts more into normal factorio now that you can actually make belts and inserters but with hella liquids forever
don't worry too much about speed either, i'd say early nullius is the strongest part of the mod
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Would you say I can cut out Steam now or do I need more Solar and accumulators still?
kys treefucker there is nothing wrong with steam and EVERYTHING wrong with solar
Looks neat so far, what are you working on?

I would suggest disabling the water access to the steam boilers with a pump instead of the power switch.
Keep it as backup as the other anon said, you can just do simple read of accumulator charge, connect it to water pump or coal belt and when it drops below 5 or so enable it
why do you hate solar so much? I've heard that laser weapons need a lot of energy so having accumulators sounds like a smart thing to protect the production.
looking at that page makes me think that to deinstall factorio is the smartest option
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That's all the starter patches covered.
Just put in more coal fired steam plants you fucking liberal
>looking at that page makes me think that to deinstall factorio is the smartest option
You can also here and calculate how many solar panels and accumulators you need for your current power draw. https://factoriocheatsheet.com/#basic-power
ignore the rest of the page, you only need to do the one thing
environmentalists are the worst
>why do you hate solar so much?
because it is outclassed by flamethrowers
just build more flamethrowers and coal miners and coal-fired boilers
let the bugs come and get roasted
kys elfnigger green party faggot
>Train limit: 1
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>deinstall factorio
okay esl
deinstall your life
Maybe you should install a dictionary
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deinstall is sufficiently cromulent
how willy can rise wen bitcoin dey fall
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>At some point rail signal limited the train density so I removed them completely. All trains will run at full speed and collisions are avoided only by designing predictable looped paths.
4chan block
bottom text
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Got so tired of the inefficiency of 1 assembler per block, I broke down and made bigger blocks and using belts.
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I'm the only one who thinks that solar is a bad option? It's very resource intensive, especially if you're going solar only as accumulators take a lot of batteries, boilers aren't the only producers of pollution, they take a lot of space (but that isn't a problem really).
Take a look at this for example, it gives ~85 MW, the amount of accumulators is a little excessive but I got blackout anxiety. That's less than a red belt of coal, and two nuclear reactors can output 2 times that at blue science.
Beyond UPS gains for megabases, what niche does solar fill exactly?
It's zero effort. I can just copy paste down a giant brick of solar and I know eventually I'll have more power. Nuclear only works that way if you have a blueprint that you build on top of water which isn't always viable depending on the map you're playing. Plus you still have to worry about mining uranium and the processing to go with it. I tend to play with mods that increase the amount of uranium you need so I'm probably biased.
you're correct
I've played transport belt madness before.
shapez 2 is taking too long to come out, I want it noooooow
What's the appeal of shapez
Seems absolute garbage
What's the appeal of satisfactory
Seems absolute garbage
You're right.
rahhhhh time to go play some /egg/ games irl for 8 hours tomorrow and the next 4 days as well
Texting an AI while building a mega base is comfy
Texting while driving is comfy
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>Tfw ai gf lies about playing factorio
fuck off furry
>furfag shit
Yiff in hellfire, furfag!
it's going to shit itself spectacularly even at half load
get a dog
i'm not 100% on vanilla ratios but i don't think that's enough water input for that many boilers
yeah he's like 10 over
>canned descriptions inbetween unedited ChatGPT shit
sovlless slop
How do I get chub.ai but offline and infinite?
anon no
that poor dog
>Everything eventually turns into a brick
That's the sad reality of optimizing for space.
>stuffing everything as close together as possible is encouraged to cut down on travel time between areas
There are downsides to that as well. Things like fires can wreck everything, hull breaches, intruders…
I prefer to split things into sectors, adding access corridors and bulkheads to add layers of insulation to control temperature and reduce air loss on hull breach.
Your factory has enough fuel to run for 1,000 years?
This is why I just skip systems with solar flares completely. If there was an easy way to vent a room without breaking everything in it then it wouldn't be nearly as bad to deal with. You would think they would add some kind of fire suppression system to the game.
>I prefer to split things into sectors
Well yeah. If you stuff all your industry in 1 room then the negative mood debuff goes to some insane number like -300 and your dudes will only work for five seconds before stressing out. I think they might have changed that in a recent build after I filed a bug report on it.
But yeah stuffing all your food production in one area is just asking for a meteorite to get through your shields and destroy all your crops.
I followed a tutorial and built my first boat!
im a real search and rescue mechanic now
no talky without boatbuster XML!!!
elf modules
how do I make a iron furnace stack into a steel furnace stack?
>search archive to try and learn more about stormworks shit
>the absolute schizo nonsense that rears its head everytime its posted about
what the fuck is this?
you double the furnaces
one "iron ore -> iron plate" furnace can feed directly into one "iron plate -> steel plate" furnace
takes 5 iron to make 1 steel, but takes longer to smelt, so throughput is matched
if you're using prod modules, it may be a bit different
just leave it be
go somewhere else for stormworks, this thread is tainted
how does the coal get into the steel furnaces?
Literally copy your iron stack 1 to 1 and swap the iron ore input for iron plates.
If you don't want to divert all iron plate production to steel production, then make your steel furnace stack shorter and let the iron plates in excess flow through to their destination
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Need help with basic KSP stuff.
How do you design a rocket to put in orbit X tons of payload?
Like what metrics do you have to take into account to put X tons into a LKO of say 80km?

I'm doing career mode and I need to be mindful of the cost of the rocket. Where is a good place to ask KSP questions besides /egg/? Is the KSP forum active?
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I want to play an island deathworld map where I can tech the shit out of my factory until military packs, then i'm pretty much forced to landfill a bridge and look for uranium on the main continent.
What kind of pollution settings should I use if I have evolution on max?
I want to make so much pollution and I want it to reach the bugs really fast, so trees should die very easily.
I want some D-Day shit when i'm landing on those shores with my modded battleships.
how do biters evolve if none of them surive fights and they don't have enemies other than the engineer?
The weaker ones die from pollution before they're even old enough to leave the nest.
All maxed out.
Are you sure? Minimum and Absorbed on max will make trees immortal pollution black holes.
I'm not sure on diffusion ratio.
interesting idea
you are using A&B, are you sure you just dont wanna play seablock?
those settings look fine
I think absorption affects ground and passive tree scrubbing, so you would want that to be low if you want trees to die quick.
because they're an artificial organism
Nta but did you see all that just from the sapphirite, stiratite and rubyte ores?
i thought i was shitposting with my spaghetti base but this is even worse
Their evolution is guided by the biter god. That is what you must slay.
everyone either doesnt care or uses mod to tell them what you're asking
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This might help or you can watch those videos if you don't have that much time.

But seriously, why even waste your time doing career? You'll be spending hours grinding useless satellite contracts to make money. Just switch to science and do what KSP is for, explore space.
>How do you design a rocket to put in orbit X tons of payload?
What's your goal, are you making a depot or some kind of shuttle? The rule of a thumb is to put your desired payload as one of the first things and then add enough stages to it has the desired delta V. Usually 2 stage rockets are the most efficient so consider making that your goal. Moreover, there is a mod called Stage Recovery and as it suggests, and returns costs of recovered rockets, it's done automatically if the stage has enough fuel or parachutes.
And yes, KSP forum is still active.
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>But seriously, why even waste your time doing career?
Because I like the "idea" of being constraint by money. I think it will motivate me to think more and not just wing it. And contracts will give me a reason to keep playing, as I generally land on Mun or Minmun and loose all interest.

>What's your goal, are you making a depot or some kind of shuttle?
I was thinking of making a few "stock" rockets rated for X tons. Instead of doing trial and error trying to get a payload to a certain orbit.

Yes, I know I'm dumb.
I prefer the traditional method of just slapping more rockets on it until it goes. Fuck calculations. That shit's for nerds.
even willful shitposting can't beat good old fashioned complete ignorance
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Optimized a few things.
>2.5 stage to TLI
>direct ascent lander with more rational dimensions
>aerobrakes to help with reentry of capsule with its service module
Probably the last issue to iron out is heating during reentry as going ass first is still the only option, because I haven't unlocked spaceplane tech yet. Therefore current solutions are wiggling during reentry to minimize the heat or dropping engines to expose the heatshield. Latter seems like better solution, I don't really have to care about costs, but it feels better when I recover the whole vehicle. Maybe I will make something similar to Starship but again, I need to unlock the tech.

>And contracts will give me a reason to keep playing, as I generally land on Mun or Minmun and loose all interest.
I had literally the same mindset some time ago. Contracts were basically a motivation to continue playing but in the end I still dropped the same because I got tired of them. Maybe you will hold out for longer. Now I'm at the point of Minmus landing, have my own space station in LKO and will send others to Minmus and Mun.
> Instead of doing trial and error trying to get a payload to a certain orbit.
Continue with trial and error method, because that's one of the best ways to learn stuff.
Depends on a lot of factors, delta v, aero drag, gravity drag, staging, dry mass of your stages, how efficient your launch profile is and so on.
Very hard to derive analytically.

>I need to be mindful of the cost of the rocket
If you want to minimize cost you can't beat rapier style SSTO with return to runway, your only cost is fuel but spaceplanes are notoriously hard to get right and your payload bay will be severally limited compared to a fairing so it's better as fuel and crew to orbit delivery, not bulky payload delivery.
>Contracts were basically a motivation to continue playing but in the end I still dropped the same because I got tired of them.
Then are you playing science mode?
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Yes, I am. The clue was to get creative and come up with my own plans. Currently I'm still just gathering science, but now that I have a multi-point connector unlocked, I can make a proper space station and send it to Mun and Minmus.
I am once again requesting /egg/ games with strange/niche/fun premises.
You cannot do that, the island is technically too big and water will absorb most of the pollution.
First I highly encourage you to install data mods such as Kerbal Engineer and to keep a copy of the most updated deltaV map readily available.
Now design the payload from start to finish and lock it in place. Another useful mod in this case is NRAP or similar, which lets you create dummy payloads of custom weight for when you want to design standardized rockets that can send a range of payload weights to orbit without actually having to design a real payload.
Next, design the transfer stage (if any) by looking at the deltaV map. Use engines with high vacuum ISP and low TWR. If you just want to get to orbit without visiting other bodies, then this isn't necessary.
Finally, design the launcher. A good ascent profile will bring you to a low orbit with a dV of 4-4.5km/s. For your first tries I would keep a budget of 5km/s just to reach orbit, plus a few hundreds for deorbiting.
Keep your launch TWR below 2 (data mods help in visualizing this) and try to not send it too high before reaching the very end of the atmosphere. Definitely don't go into double digit TWR ever in atmosphere. The higher the TWR, the more likely it is that you'll waste a ton of fuel just to fight aero drag. If you are using Kerbal Engineer, look for a value called atmo efficiency and try to never go above 100%, use your throttle and be gentle with your turning to balance this number, you'll notice that the max TWR you can get away with changes a lot as you go up so youll be pretty busy with your throttle.
For engines that can't be throttled such as SRBs, use the thrust limiter slider in the VAB to limit TWR.
In general, don't perform abrupt changes of direction, be smooth with turning. Ideally, you should perform a slow turn all the way up rather than going straight up, turning a lot and then going straight again, which is a pretty wasteful way of reaching orbit.
industrysisters.... we're furries?
Ellipsis-faggots are worse than furries.
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What are some intereting niche mods like Factorio and Conquer?
Tiberium processing is way harder than it looked like.
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got a new PC. here is the result. 6000cl30 isn't worth the higher energy consumption.
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keep going anon
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I have to go to work but I have technically fully automated the production of something.
looks like a clone of that one beavers game
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cute, you can direct insert the gears into the belt machine, no need for the belt and one output chest is more than enough, I limit them to 400 belts at the start, 1000 later
Wait, the gear should go directly into the belt assembler. Why did I build a small belt line.
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Is that the lab placement I need or will I get triple reach grabbers later down the line?
You can make 3 belts go into one building from one side without 3 length arms. But I think people use something like this or sushi late game, because space science.
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let me blow your mind
why not just daisy chain the labs?
Nice, yes only memory latency matters once you have enough single thread performance to deal with the main thread. I can do 10k spm on 3000@16 DDR4 ram will be interesting how the add-on performes.
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4 belts from one side
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Needs rave music.
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NTA, but nice, didn't know about this one
it's probably inconsistent with grabbing from turned belt, especially if it's upgraded to blue, easy to fix with splitters
I wonder if you can do more with filter shenanigans
To be fair when are you ever going to reach the stage where you need more than a red belt of science, well or half of it? At that point it would be easier to just set up a new lab block.
>it matches real-world physics
>"lore accurate"
and this is what that looks like
the one in the OP is gay/faggot/tranny hot pink
I tend to associate hot pink with pepto-bismol and 80s electronic music, not sodomy and sex pests.
most organic shitposting
>the concept of 'linearity' becomes a wee bit hard to express in lay terms.
Everything to the power of 1... no?
>look for a value called atmo efficiency and try to never go above 100%
I'm unable to find that meter.
Dosh I wanna see you play Puzzletory
Probably not enough content for a full video but if you ever feel bored and want filler
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Anon's when is this pride shit getting removed from reality, I'm so tired of Gods dev descions.
No it really is pink. Haven't you ever seen a hydrogen discharge tube before? Pic related is actual D-T plasma
Stuck in a gay universe, first chance I get I'm jumping to one where everything is a positively manly color like green
pretty sure that's false color with IR
the engineers eyes are augmented to see ir too
no but i hate trannies so much i think about them nonstop and i cannot see certain colors anymore without thinking of them god i hate trannies!!!
It's not displayed by default, you need to edit one of the default windows (or create a custom one) and add that value.
Hydrogen's emission spectra is definitely pink. Realistic fusion reactors shouldn't have the plasma visible at all. Everything should be behind a bunch of concrete because of the rads
Then get p-B11 fusion working. The boron could make things green.
wow, i guess globohomo has even infected physics. the west has truly fallen
You guys really should charge them rent for all the space they occupy in your heads
Stick to the low pressure sodium light.
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probably due to mods, but the money grind on "hard" is simply excruciating...
i need to upgarde my research center, and its 200.000 - once in a while, im getting a "test in orbit" mission that scores 25-35.000, but the rest of the time its the same old "one tourist to orbit" grind for 18-22.000.
having only the first 3 techs and a single launch site upgrade, my cheapest tourist rocket is 11.600 - so i need to do a shitload of these tourist missions to save 200.000! i think i have done about 15-20 so far
i love having to deal with the 4th dimension of price when designing a vehicle, but this is too much. I need 400.000 for the next launch site upgrade, so hopefully i will unlock enough techs to do some local missions on Kerbin with a reusable aircraft...
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your tranny defense still isn't working
lol you triggered xer
So your telling me doom lied to me.

The plasma gun was supposed to shoot pink plasma?!
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So is the thing we're supposed to be angry about this week just the color pink?
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Fuck you, she is a woman
Even the factorio subreddit wants to fuck Dosh. The dude is unironically the Chad that turns men gay.
buy an ad dosh
idk about you but i simply cannot enjoy media if i can make any connection between it and trannies. and trust me, i am very thorough when i look for them.
>inb4 obsessed
>inb4 rent free
wrong. i am just based.
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>Anon can tell the difference between different shades of pink.
Not to burst your gay bubble Anon, but that's monumentally gayer than fusion power in Factorio being pink.

You gay-ass boy.
Vaginas are pink too. Do you hate vaginas?
>Vaginas are pink too
NTA but only little girl's vaginas are pink.
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How would you know that?
Ah yes, the "pro gay propaganda" made by Kovarex, the famously left wing game dev.
What the fuck is wrong with you guys.
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>How would you know that?
I browse /a/ a lot.
obviously it's earandel's influence
holmium processing is also blue, white, and pink
more like HOMOium am i right
But do you honestly think that Kovarex would have greenlit anything remotely gay?
Whatever. The factorio reactor doesn't even look that blue. The plasma shouldn't even be visible at all. The fuck's going on with that turbine? Plasma shouldn't be piped around like fucking water. Tokamaks are gay as hell anyway. ICF's gonna be better cause the gain could get way higher. And it fucking works today too. Can't say that about tokamaks. Plus when you do the math, the ideal ICF plant is basically exploding a bomb every minute. So you gotta worry about waking the neighbors with fucking earthquakes
>holmium processing is also blue, white, and pink
Truly, the trannyest of processings.
I slept on bidirectional trains before this save but now I will probably never go back to single locomotive
Absolutely cursed.
Also absolutely AMAZING-- but still absolutely cursed.
And thus finally this answers the age-old question of why they call it HOT pink.
No. Doom was actually correct in that if you'd fire plasma rounds out of a gun, the shots should be blue.

Once exposed to air, the half of the reaction that produces blue visible light drastically overtakes the red and humans perceive it as total blue - because we are purple-deficient. (Fun fact: the sky is actually purple, but to such a small amount that we can't register it and it looks blue to us.)
Already stole your video and posted it here >>486836320
nice little base switch anon.
Now, bring out a color selector from a trans-pride flag.
can someone tell me which one is correct?
>A bilinear function is a specialization of a linear function which has precisely two variables that are also homogeneous
Wrong. That's a linear function. Bilinear is a different thing entirely.
>It'd be at best a trilinear function
At best? Trilinear is also not the correct term here either.

The bi and tri prefix doesn't refer to the number of arguments.
The anon who quoted you looks more correct to me, yellow ammo is still plenty good enough for mediums but you will absolutely want to get red ammo up and running before big biters show up, and similarly you'll want green ammo and/or lasers for green biters.
That said I never sweated the exact numbers like this, automate ammo production and turret production and if your walls start taking substantial damage just add more turrets.
2nd one is correct.
The pic in the first post forgets to account for the 10% physical resistance. Those aren't either or, they both get applied so it's first the flat -4 then the 10% reduction.
Given a yellow bullet is 5 damage with no upgrades, 0.9 damage per bullet is indeed correct.
Isn't that from a mikehendi video?
Its a light spaceplane but Im still tweaking the aerodynamics because it cant break the sound barrier at sea level
Im waiting until i can unlock the rapiers with more science
you're both wrong. the minimum damage per hit is 1.
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>11 hours into SE
>350+ miners servicing train network
>large smelter arrays
>21 refineries on advanced oil processing
>full cracking and lube setup
>nothing to actually consume any of it
>no bus
>no mall
>handfed science and assemblers

Wtf, why am I doing this to myself?
For my first factorio run I play default settings biters on? or do Island/ off biters and big patches?
go with the defaults, don't change anything. play and post your retarded builds here so we can laugh and help. give up and decided to start over
do that a few times and then beat the game.
whatever you do, do not just use blueprints you found online. that's gay
Mikehendi would have never gotten the math wrong like that!
Actually it is but it was literally years ago. Here's the video with the timestamp. https://youtu.be/sLdqWRKxxJc&t=740s
Default all the way is best, try to pick a start where you've got some greenery to help absorb pollution. If you absolutely must change something to make biters easier then you could maybe turn off expansion but that's basically playing on easy modo
Play the tutorial first.
Play default, do yourself a favour and skip any desert seed. For whatever reason, Wube never balanced desert vs forest so a desert start on default is about as hard as a hard mode (death world) start in a forest.
If biters are too much of a pain or way too stressful for you to enjoy the game, you can disable them with a console command (the only downside is disabling the useless steam achievements on that save). You can find it on the wiki page for the console "Enable/Disable peaceful mode".
Post more of that shit, its lit
send this to kovarex (without filename)
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ah, finally unlocked the next research level!
going with aviation to cheese KSC science and nearby biomes
when biomes are "depleted" - Mun and Minmus fly-bys
>going with aviation to cheese KSC science and nearby biomes
That option always looked to me like MAWPC.
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Oh yeah it's small brain hours at factorioland, doing my first playthrough ok, not first, I played with friends like 6 years ago, but we ran out of steam quickly because different design philosophies. I don't have friends anymore so no such problems this time
I am slowly preparing to making purple science, I think that turning around, to make red circuits instead of going further west is a mistake, since there's no enough space to expand and scale, but I am lazy so I will probably just roll with it
I am too lazy to set up large scale red ammo production, so I just went with tf2 engineer approach, if shit really hits the fan I will switch to flamethrower turrets
>I don't have friends anymore
you're gonna go far
>I am too lazy to set up large scale red ammo production
Do not underestimate the benefit of getting something automated even if it's "subpar" or "not efficient". You can stand up a very simple red ammo production line in like 5 minutes that just uses the bare minimum of assemblers without any thought to ratios or math, and in hours from now when you need it, you'll be very glad you did so
>finally decided to just play factorio
>open steam
>I never owned factorio
am I retarded?
Maybe you bought it on the Factorio site and never linked a steam account?
You pirated it and forgot that you didn't actually own it.
tough luck man, the price has skyrocketed ):
I do automate red ammo (you can see it on the right of my screenshot), just for military science and a little bit of excess for the chest tho, I just figured that scaling it up and delivering it to every corner of the base is not really worth it as of now
Gotcha. As long as you're producing and storing some excess you should be fine. I don't usually worry about automatically delivering ammo to my turrets until after I get bots, usually not a problem to hand-feed until then. Usually I'll have 10 or so turrets daisy-chained to pull from a single box that I manually feed and I rig up an alarm to generate an alert when the box gets empty, good enough to last a long while without a ton of manual intervention and doesn't require me to run a ton of belts all over the place.
Military science is special. You should have a buffer of all 3 component because they're all useful. Just a splitter with priority set so that it only feeds the storage when it overloads is enough. But walls, grenades and red ammo stay relevant pretty much until the end of a run.
gunbuster xml door when
is it severe untreated mental illness hours again
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im not proud of it, but its hard to resist when the sweet science is right there for the taking!
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I also use the chest system in some places but for places further away like the mining outposts I prefer to have constant supply, also I don't really get how the robot logistics network works yet so the only bots I use are in my personal roboport, and occasional repair roboport near fighting hotspots
I don't really get the point of grenades anymore, if I want to blow stuff up I just get in my tank, I guess grenades are cheaper than shells
my engine makes more power than yours worm i need fresh xml for truckbuster
KSP's vanilla tech tree progression never ceases to amaze me, it's wild how "jet powered shopping cart" is available before "electric rover" yet I've been in this same boat multiple times when I find myself strapped for science in the very early game
yeah I've literally never played stormworks
meds now, schizo
Factorio sever?
sewer system confirmed next fff
do you really want to tardwrangle schizos from this thread?
1k swatts you will never defeat truckbuster boatbuster planebuster
take your pills
I wouldn't mind because I'm probably worse
the funny thing is 1k output on a generator is literally nothing
It refers to the function being linearly independent in the arguments in question.

The formal generalized term is a bilinear map, which is a function taking from two vector space to produce an element in a third vector space - such that if one holds the entry for one of the two vector space constant while the other is allowed to vary, it gives a linear operator. A trilinear map is the same, except if one holds two of the vector spaces constant while the remaining one is allowed to vary, it gives a linear operator.

Vectors can be one-dimensional, in which case you have normal scalar arguments...
Under-preparing the resources you will need for your space base - you mean?

You wish I was joking - except I'm not...
You don't know a goddamn thing about bilinear maps. Keeping larping as a software engineer tho. It's entertaining.
But why? It takes longer for it to travel that way
Those modes are actually pretty fun
makes me hungry
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It's fucking awful. I only now have gained understanding of what at ratio is.
I like how you build spaghetti but keep it neat and tidy, very cute
More like shackling my own expansion and ability to exploit further resources by attempting "do it right "from the start.
It's why I take so much issue with it. I have nothing to produce the miners, rails, electric poles, assemblers etc. which I need and I know it's stupid.
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My brain can't handle building the Steel Furnace Stacks.
if the cliffs are tripping you up, just build elsewhere
feel free to spread your factory out more, land is an infinite resource
Then elucidate. Put your money where your mouth is. As evidently you know better.
So put up, or shut up.
Speaking of that is the DLC going to follow that too or gonna be the final price from the getgo? Havent been following this too closely
>green and red science on the same side of the belt
It's not my job to educate you.
as /vg/ generals go this one is pretty chill
Have you considered baba is you for a brain scrambler
The easiest way to do it is just build a normal furnace stack for iron, then route the iron plates to the input of a normal furnace stack that consumes the iron plates instead of ores. The direct furnace->furnace insertion might save a bit of space, but they'll both get the job done.
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i know it's a stupid argument by some schizo nigger but colors are complicated and you all look like fools
I've beaten Baba years ago.
I only looked up the solution for one of the main world puzzles, but those secret levels are insane. I probably only solved around half of them myself.
Have you considered Pony Island for a brain scrambler
Toggke artikkery
I've seen this before but I don't understand where it comes from
lore rundown?
watch more dosh newfag and pay attention
oh, dosh
sorry, I don't keep up with the thread youtuber
I should've known
nigger don't ask for lore if you don't actually care
You must lurk dosh's youtube channel for at least 2 years before posting. Such is the rule.
He didnt know it was "lore"
What if.... plasma color may vary? Based on pressure, temperature and voltage? How about that
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I cant figure out how to do those space city blocks, its so complicated damnit
Afaik SA won't have a reduced price, unlike the base game it has no early acess stage and releases feature complete and ay full price.

>burner everything was almost 2 ½ years ago
Cold fusion is probably blue.
>Cold fusion
lol, lmao
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Checking in on Stationeers to see how shit's progressing. With the new start Vulcan is easily the comfiest planet. It used to be a rush for bare bones survival, now you have enough resources to take your time and experiment. Phase mechanics encourage setting up heat pumps for cooling, and seasonal changes give a nice variation to the year. You're apparently near but not on the arctic circle - during the summer the sun is almost always out, making power simple but mining and cooling difficult, during winter it barely rises, giving you plenty of time to explore but not getting hot enough to run your furnace on its own. All in all thumbs up, would accidentally my entire base on fire again.
Depends on what kind of LEDs you put inside, I heard investors prefer green so better go with that
maybe i'll try. I gave up on the game because it's too much of a bother and a lot of shit is either broken, deprecated or poorly explained. Plus the whole cabling/chute/pipe shit is cumbersome and ugly
>a lot of shit is either broken, deprecated or poorly explained
This is my problem. I try to do the tutorial and it literally says 'no' and then even in game tooltips are fucked and shit. I don't want to learn stuff until it's at least somewhat stable/finalized when there's no reliable source to learn from
I would fucking make the research and fill the wiki myself but as I see it it's going to not be valid anymore in less than a year so why fucking bother. They still need to add some QoL like holy shit making an electric/pipe line is so fucking long and tedious and the autominers are absolute garbage it's always better to go mine yourself. Maybe rocket mining would be worth it if rockets had any fucking documentation about them
1k swatts my engine makes more than yoiurs
The game is based on SS13 and the entire POINT of SS13 is that it is 100% undocumented and you have to do actual science to figure things out. Sorry you got filtered by the only REAL engineering game.
Captain of Industry or Workers & Resources?
can you pick a different game to do this to? I actually like it and want to discuss it here.
>they made plasma the tranny color
I'm being genocided. :(
NO TALKY without truckboster planebuster boatbustre xml
Literally just use a PID bro.
it's over
s*ormw*rks as ruined as soon as they did the type a type b tranny body shit
1k swatts my engine makes more than yours worm keep PWMing codelet :^)
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>even in game tooltips are fucked and shit.
That's gotten a LOT better. The wiki is languishing because the in-game encyclopedia (F1) has all the details scraped straight from the game files. It doesn't tell you what to DO with them, or hold your hand by, for example, walking you through how to automate a hydroponic setup to grow your plants, that's on you. IIRC the only hard information you just flat-out wouldn't know is IC coding. The latest update (today) says they've got a big tutorial update coming soon.
my train gots at 60ms my engine is more powerful than yours keep pwming codelet trainbuster is invincible
I mean haven't even posted the train buster engine yet, I can once I get home if you wish although it's still kinda janky and haven't worked out everything yet.
do not interact with the schizo/troll/retard
keep PWMing retard nigger faggot you do not evne PID
Is that a yes, you want it posted?
1kswatts and 60 ms my engine makes more than yours furfaggot
Don't rush it, I haven't even played SW so I don't really care.
t. has never played ss13
SS13 is one of the best documented games there is. Wikis typically not only tell you exactly how every mechanic works but also have step by step guides on how to do everything you could possibly want to.
Retarded nigger furfaggot not everywhere is vorestation. Try playing on d20 sometime.
Whats with the hate for Satisfactory again? I literally was gifted it a while ago and feel like sinking into a deep dark depression and learning it while waiting for Factorio Space Age.
it was always mediocre compared to factorio or a good minecraft modpack
I might play it with a mod for all alternate recipes unlocked
>hard drives
>tranny MC
>power is broken
>fluids are broken
>no inserters
>slow belts only
Alright so if I get a mod to remove screws from all recipes, that brings us down to
>hard drives
>tranny MC
>power is broken
>fluids are broken
>No Inserters
>slow belts only
honestly this still sounds fucking awful. especially no inserters and no slow belts. How do you even pull shit off of lines? Do you really have to split shit a thousand times?
u dont theres literally no way to take items off of bvelts & you cant split belts. the only way is to main bus but you get panlized because that because ><SCREWS
One problem is satisfactory release is right around factorio space age release as well, so it's not worth jumping into right now.
this idk why they planned a free update as soon as factorio has its paid dlc you cant possibly play both................
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It might work, it's designed for LTN, it uses bidirectional trains cause that seemed to be more compact. It's 1 unloader per block, 1 loader per block, 10 assemblers per block, 6 blocks in a group.

Have not tested it for efficiency, but in theory the A* pathfinding algorithm should be able to avoid the leaves with the stations.

It's getting away from the simplicity of cityblocks though.
u cant even make items because the game is broken thers no inserters so you cant even get items into assemblers. literally broken + unplayable
>one esl nigger
sounds like satisfactory is a great game
This but without the misspellings. I had to get through every tier of the Space Elevator making everything by hand, but progression items are "too complex" and have to be made in a machine. So I had to run around hand crafting shit and putting it into the machines to make Space Elevator parts, but the later ones need to be made of other Space Elevator parts, so I had to run around collecting them out of machines and hand-inserting them into others.

Literally beat the game waiting for inserters to show up. Never happened. You have to hand-make everything and hand-deliver everything. Fucking ridiculous.
use a belt you schizophrenic
LMAO guess I'm gonna just wait for Factorio after all. Or I can try DSP. COI seems a bit too early access for me right now.
Literally how? There's no inserters in the game.
COI is about to get trains in update 3 but it's still a good game as it is. Not sure when update 3 will be but probably after factorio 2.
>tranny MC
dont forget that its a pajeet too
Did white people get genocided in the Sanctum Goat Simulator timeline or something? Why does Coffee Stain hate white people so much?
I'm a stiucric decnavda guy personally
It doesn't allow for pasting cityblock blueprints. That's pretty much the original reason.
If the code is open source the game is 100% documented, specially since byond is plain english
its 3d so i cant just copy paste the same smelter stack and also theres alternate recipies i refuse to use so whenever i find more resources i do the same smelter stack every time and get bored
>we have unironic satisfactory shills now
thread has fallen off
the belt goes into the machine directly
Just because scamisfactory lets you clip belts all over the place doesn't mean they actually put items into the machines.
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yes sar bloody redeemed preponed needful sar
>foundation spam
What's the point of having a big 3d environment if you still need to make magic floating sky platforms to do anything?
machine two hole, resource belt go in hole 1, product belt come out of hole 2
Please stop spamming fanfiction. This is /egg/ not /fgg/
That's the same as mine, I'd be more impressed if you generated above that.
>build a bunch of foundations in teh sky
>clip belts through shit so you never have to think about actual engineering
>belts don't do anything anyway and you have to run around hand-feeding machines
Such interesting gameplay.
Bro? Your Alien Remains? You can keep power stable for hours if you use alien biomass recipe and underclock everything to 1%.
Why do you need so much production? Just make only what you need.
I can't tell if you're baiting him or if hes baiting you or if you're both people but I'd like this to stop.
>factorio is such a perfect game the thread schizo can just seethe about muh colors
Thanks Wube.
how many swatts do those power plants make ?
none, because they are in satisfactory, not stormworks
kill yourself
wtc belt splitter mod
my biggest problem with shatisfactory is how everything just floats in the air
my engine makes more than yours keep pwming retarded nigger furfaggot
this its literally inpossible to build on the ground
Everything about satisfactory makes me not want to play it.
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>you cant build without going 900ft in the air
never understood this meme. there's plenty of flat ground and you can attach catwalks to most machines to align stuff to future foundations. or just hold the ctrl key to have it try to snap stuff for you if your eyes dont work
>ore going into refineries
What is this fucking AI image?
I'm surprised the glossary wiki page doesn't have the term "voiding" in it. It's such a common feature of overhaul mods.
earendel would love to denormalize it and confine it to the realm of "cheats"
>all that fucking clipping

so we're doing this with satisfactory too now, not just stormworks?
go back to your discord or wherever you got linked from
how do you make pipe blue ?
>ore to refineries
Can someone explain this retardation? What is going on here?
There's nothing wrong with the image, they're just fucking with you.
Kill yourself my man.
that's why it's going to be a core mechanic on space platforms and vulcanus
They're Swedish.
yeah, because earendel isn't the lead designer
i'm sure that earendel HATES it
Show me the best/most compact late game smelter array you got.
can someone tell me wtf is going on in this image cuz i dont get it
retarded gay nigger
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>schizo samefag mass reply hours again
what did he mean by this

your supposed to use smelters to process ore thats why the game so boring because you have to do the same smelter array every time what fucking cheatmod bullshit is this that lets you put them in different machine
What are those boxes on the belt? Is that the inserters?
>schizo can't even recognize coal power plants because they never played the game
coal power isnt in satisfactory it only has """"(((biomass)))""""""" burners
Biomass is just unmatured coal.
So you have nothing. Good to know.
>Biomass is just loli coal.
Lolis are loli coal.
oh god, I just realised I need to tenfold my steel production just to meet the demand of rail production for purple science, not to mention all the other stuff
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Truckbuster engines still a WIP.
welcome to the end game your going to need even more copper
2 cylinder is very powerful and doesn't overheat. How exactly did you do that without pressurizingit?
Dosh "I can't cum if the game has more than 10 reviews" Doshington. He have played all the major overhaul mods that aren't ir or py. Where will he go from there? What path is there left for him? Autism vanilla-ish challenges like "can you beat factorio in ultra deathworld with minimum resources?"?
1000x tech cost
How Hard it is to Wait for Space Age
Warptiro 2
Freight Forwarding
Exotic Industries
Very hard. Unironically very, very hard. Would make rampant ultimate death world feel like a joke.
In-depth comparative analysis of different dragon's teeth designs
the answer is more firepower so the biters never reach the wall
8 cylinder and 4 cylinder have awful stats, I take it those are your WIPs? Just playing around it appears to be the gearboxes killing the output.

Do you have any plans to make a 6 and 12 cylinder engine?
You're only saying this because you're confident that they'll never nerf the flamethrowers. I'm thinking ahead.
Your train system looks nice. I might post my very bad train spaghetti system. I tried to add in bypasses everywhere so that they can go around each other and not get stuck but it only sometimes works. And now I built so much stuff I cant redesign it easily. But I have robots now so I guess now would be the time. But Id have to shut down my factory from working ineffeciently.
why can't you fags ever make new bread on time
You don't need a mod, the option to remove screws is already in the game in the form of alternate recipes
The egg cries out for death
no egg
>page 9
You just described foxhole builders and facility larpers btw
you can paint it with a themed gun thingy you unlock later. basically a little store thing where you burn unwanted material and it gives you points. as you collect points you get tickets. you use tickets to unlock the thing. then you can select custom color themes and apply them to buildings.
looks like he has a central line of stuff and then a splitter takes the stuff moves it down a level and into the coal generators. they use water and coal as inputs. the pipeline I built was kinda like these but angled at like 30 to 45 from the upper pipe when each segment went into the inputs. But I have tons of clipping on my belts and dont care
As a matter of fact you can build underwater

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