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Previous Archstone: >>486819728


>The main information documents for Elden Ring (/erg/), Dark Souls (/dsg/), Bloodborne (/bbg/), Demon's Souls, Sekiro, King's Field and Armored Core (/acg/)

>Soulslike games like Nioh, Lies of P, Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen, etc...
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Ah nice.
rolls your stupid ass l2 and shoves seven thousand smithscript ruin sentinel shields up your asshole along with the entire map of the ringed city

fuck I kinda want to use the stupid flower mace now with a dragon cult build. IT looks so fucking shit tho FUCK why couldn't it have the morning star moveset
ds2 spell randomizer mod.
it's a free cheat engine table that modifies the lizard staff and changes the yearn spell into 'metronome' which is pretty much every effect in ds2, ranging from arrow types to the looking glass knight's electroballs. And there's way too many effects that just instantly kill you. Fun to try out offline for a bit.
>dragon cult bill
Just use Dragon Pots on a Arc build
good for heal punishes
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>memoryholed completely that its a fucking arc weapon
wow which fucking pajeet thought that was a good idea
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What are your favorite sote dlc weapons + ashes to invade with?
Idk...but the thrust damage makes it decent at monkey mashing
it has got to be the axe that beheads enemies
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greatsword of damnation to kill laggards
I could've sworn dark souls 2 enemies generally dealt less damage than like 2/3rds to 1/2 a health bar, but I guess I remembered wrong.
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da boomhammer w nourhsing gems cuz i like clicking buttons and buffing my hammie over n over again
what if we made the thing that buffs lightning str/arc but the lightning is faith and dex and uhhhhhhhhhh fucck what the fuckkk and the transformation boosts the lightning shit too broo WHO MADE T HIS GAME WHO MADE IT WHO MADE WHO WH OW HOW HOW HO
>dat iamge
i hope that sword gets deleted next patch so ican use it without feeling bad that it fucking birdo /d/orse facefucks ppl their cocks dry
Put on some real armor
NG is more fun because you have to build your character and all the loot is more exciting. However, if you have a build based around late game abilities, NG+ lets you actually use them.
what's your sl?
Mori is playing /our game/ btw
There's nothing above the Throne Watcher armour, don't know what you're talking about.
stop wearing the femboy armor
>queeflin staggered me by backstepping
Does the fire knight set have thorns????
NG+, NG is peak comfy tho.
Ngl, I picked up DkS1 again after watching Mori play it.
They're all femboy armours, man.
Who the fuck is Mori??
some vtuber
demon dice
post your dlc fashion
3 pc green havel with a stat helm
full solitude with gravebird chest is MY original dogshit fashion
>full set solitude
>with gravebird
you guys have really bad fashion sense
worm fashion isn't real
Blame the game
>Zwei, crest shield, garg hat
Kino playthrough
words words words words
you are not russian
Why did they make the zwei 5.5 zakis heavier
this dlc came out with some of the best fashion in the series but it's not surprising considering you guys are soulless husks
name one fashion
fashion is for pussies if you're not statmaxxing you should go play with barbie dolls, you loser
+10 runes
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I just remembered what this build was about. This was my cleric dex build. I never got to use sunlight spear so I wanted to make a build where I can use it. NG was a breeze because I camped outside Bell Gargoyles and farmed sunlight medals by doing coop. I ended up getting great lightning spear before I rung the first tower.

I know online must be dead for the Prepare to Die, but what is the meta cutoff SL for NG+? I know I'm overleveled for NG
>worm fashion isn't real
that's a dog
-10 souls
>blues and silver
better than slurm desu
the only meta level that i know is 125.
120-125, don't go any higher
NG level doesn't matter for pvp
>can't decide between playan, fappan, or doomscrollan
Build for this feel?
kalameet tinnitus attack
kalameet homosexual brainwashing mindwave attack
Fromsoft should just make a monster hunter game already
>our girl is about to fight 'laag
all japanese devs should get together to make a big japanese game
post the streem
It's ogre, she summoned Mildred.
They did this to make a bike
Hey /fsg/. Just going to upload a bunch of webms here for you lot to save because they trigger some tards in /erg/. Basically they hate being reminded that weapon speed in Elden Ring is shit compared to DS3. It completely shatters their delusion that Elden Ring is a complete improvement over past Fromsoft games.
thats so the second swing doesnt true combo while still keeping tier 2 hitstun fucking retard
>checked the thread
That's a good melty
>Elden Ring is a complete improvement over past Fromsoft games.
no one thinks this
>slower gameplay
>not an improvement
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>no one thinks this
You should check the previous /erg/ thread.
>Faster = Better
Hey scrub, if you wanna play something so speedy and arcadey then play DMC.
it has to do with the "final hit" shit buffed by that one talisman. it's useful for things like morning star that adds a poke but on almost everything else it just makes the weapon worse and less reliable.
hitstun should've been gutted if they decided not to have true combos
ER movement animations with DS3 weapon animations would be chefs kiss
if you think tier 1 hitstun (dagger) should be on a greatsword then stay in /erg/ or kill yourself, one of the two
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Maybe make hitstun better
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>slow down weapons
>remove true combos
>don't fix hitstun
>instead everyone walks around with a heavy weapon in mainhand and dagger / rapier in offhand and gets true combos anyways
also loling @ the idea that they slowed down weapons for pvp while also making bosses faster, these balance decisions have nothing to do with pvp. they did this shit to encourage players to do something besides r1 spam
That's your lot.
even though r1 spam is still good as shit
a lot of decisions were done with pvp in mind actually, secondary tourist
did they ever since launch buff or nerf the goat roll ash? I loved raping people with that
no reply no response and you're both retarded niggers

another image added to my filters
secondary ergie seethe is yummy
only got hit by the global reduction to weaponart damage, untouched otherwise
added "even though" at the beginning of a post to my filter
thougheven 'jakksons are valid
thanks, follow up question how do i know which stat an ash scales with? like that goat roll thing, does it scale off wep ar or dex cause its lightning?
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you cant know, they dont follow a standard rule but most of the time lightning = dex, magic/frost is int etc but there are a lot of exceptions so try to wiki the ash
lightning ram does scale with dex but also your weapon level upgrade
>having anonymous strangers online tell me I'm a retard is "yummy"
seek professional help
aite good to know thanks
now to make my 60+12 goat invader with maximum dex
/our girl/ heading to Sen's
i have to update my filters
I'm just going to start using different words until you filter everything. Maybe you should go to a different general.
My general now.
ahhh noooooo ahaha noo nooo lol
You've never joined a fc
that's a good thing everyone that shows up to dsg fcs should die
>doesn't play
>doesn't talk about the games
Maybe you should post on a different board.
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but I do play the games?
Webms and or Screenshots?
that's my pic. don't steal my pics
lower your tone when talking to a reg
I've never seen your ergie ass at pontiff, fuck off
I think you should both kys
>unless you're playing with the troons you're not playing the game
wut? are those troons in need of actual rape correction
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Did I cook?
no because feet suck in dogshit ring
they will get redeemed in just 4 more days
they will still not be good on fth
sacred damage will carry them
he thinks the holy dmg bug will get fixed lol
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it will
dead genny
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go to bed
who goes to bed at 11:13
i give it 1 more month till he crawls back to GOD3
yemmy nyeko, 'tiff theregs mokfel slurm gr*** goopa, but the 'fic nox just yem it
I REALLY hate this general
consoomers disgust me
He hates Elden Ring but has said many times that there's nothing left for DS3 and everything broken in the game is stuck that way forever. Elden Ring still gets patches and from a practical point of view has more viewers. I just pray that he can find a new game to enjoy and play on his stream.
buy an ad
Bot post
your poise?
post pops
sry wrong thread its gfm mod with belle cartographie map mod
>What base game enemy though?
Ulcerated tree spirits
i can't stand mods that add shitty irrelevant micro states and cultures
blingi got his ass gaped in 1v1s albeithoughever
same but i like the extra flavour that gfm has
tgc mod takes the useless microstates and cultures to an extreme level and its borderline unplayable as a result
take it to the actual general
KGS clears
no 'ebm no proof
blingi is my mokfel gf whom i kissed at pontiff
The idea that From cares about PvP is hilarious. It is the after dinner coffee, nice when it's there, but by no means missed if not offered. PvE has been and always will be the main course.
Decisions aren't "done".
Dumb esl
and that's a good thing.
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No. Now what? Will you whine into the void some more?
1) souls will never have balanced PvP, it js the whacky "throw a spanner in the works" gameplay addition. Souls.is nit a competetive fighting gqme, sk it will never receive the time and resources to balance it as such. Patches will never properly adress this (e.g. netcoding will never be fixed)
2) Stop caring about ecelebs, cringey "leave Britney alone" vibes, though I suppose you are too young to realize how cringe that was so we have come full circle.
esl fail
where is this
This. Sekiro and DS3 sold sinilar amount of copies. PvP is of no consequence to From and making it competetively balanced of 0 interest. I used to be involved in feedback/testing balance in guild wars 1, it is a lot if fucking work. From isn't going to bother with that.
ER sold more copjes, but I am not convinced it has anything to do with PvP and has more to do with Fron reaching peak mainstream popularity AND the game being marketted as the pinnacle of the soulsborne games with an open workd to explore and all.
>it is the same handful of discord trans circlejerking everytime
I have now been part of several 4chan gaming communities and every single one suffers from this sekrit club discord transvestites phenomenon. It is interesting, but ultimately kind of sad.
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there's nothing sekrit about it though?
It is a need to feel validated on an individual and personal level. You used to get the occasional tripper satisfying tbis pathetic need. They however would get called out and bullied. Now there is discord where you and your friends can jerk each other off all day and giggle about the epic posts made here.
It is primarily Burgers too, which wouldnimply there is something very wrong with their younger generations.
There is nothing secret about it, it is however treated by them themselves as sekrit. Lurk more newfag.
>Bosses are weaker and easier to deal with than most Yokai enemies
>Constant upgrading weapons for every level
>Plot is terrible (so far at least)
bros i am straight up not having a good time with Nioh 2. It's a struggle
but it just isn't
I fc, just not with the discord trans. Which makes it extra funny when they cry about not seeing someone in their fc. They think they are the only ones doing it and that it is THE thing to be joining. They don't realize it is a containment fc, and even if they do realize it there is nothing they can do to change that.
is this an erg raid
Sad but true. The fact that several troons will come here trying to browbewt posts with "you weren't in the fc" says enough.
He obviously just made typos, this had nothing to do with being esl.
>I haven't played it since 6 weeks
That would be an esl mistake
No, you have apparently never witnessed a raid. Lurk more.
It's a /dsg/ raid and had been ongoing since their general died.
I know you make this reply to every post that upsets you, but he does have a point.
PvP WON'T ever be balanced.
Caring about ecelebs IS cringe.
The worst part is when they start insulting and trying to gatekeep out other posters actually playing the games
I mean, fsg is simply dsg with sekiro and bb included. Thinking otherwise is desperate and delusional cope.
You can argue with me all day long about this, but people will come here to post and argue about all the soulsborne games in all their facets. There is literally nothing you can do about it other than make various types of limpwristed "I am angryyyy!" posts.
do enemies scale in ds1? like i mean if i have lvl 90 and go into new game plus vs lvl 120 to new game plus
They do that because to them it isn't about the game, it is about them. It is why they so often have "drama" (doxxing and shit like that), they thrive of the attention and being part of something they perceive as bigger than themselves. It presumably makes them feel important.
These people invariably have had unhealthy upbringings. The best option is to wholesale ignore them or talk over them. Otherwise you enter the trap of "drag you down to their level and beat you with experience".
Nope, no scaling based on your level. They scale on NG tier. Not sure what the numbers are though. There is an indirect relationship between scaling and level though, you will be very hard pressed to get to higher SL without being in higher NG, simply due to the soulcost. It acts like a kind of softcap to your level for any given NG tier, assuming you don't just grind and grind and grind.
>hes not in the 'cord
ergies getting mad because they dont know who yemmy is
maybe you should stay in "the 'cord"
so only ng tier scaling? i mean its a static increase no matter what level you are when entering new game plus? i read some shitter saying at sl200 no weapons will deal dmg from some old game forum
Same. I have my group of friends who I fc with. I don't want to join the attentionwhores of this thread. I come here to post about waifu tiers and shit.
Emerald Herald no1.
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good morning /fsg/
Static. Wether your are SL1 or SLMAX has no inpact on the difficulty increase for NG+(+(+(+(+(+)))))
What odds things to not keep to yourself.
sad but true
I don't think there's anything wrong with making online friends and being part of online friend groups, but this is not the medium for it
bro is just mad he isnt part of the 'lub
See, even a post like this >>486980238
is about making it about them. They impose some emotion onto you. They are in control, you are not. Once you notice how blatantly obvious it is, it is hard to be upset by it.
No /dsg/ had certain ... personalities associated with it. 2023 was also a good time to discuss the likes of LoP, LotF and AC6 when /acg/ died, aside from Nioh. Even Elden Ring if you couldn't stomach /erg/. It was like a slow version of /erg/+/dsg/ with some other games to pad out being a refuge from namefag drama in the other dedicated generals. But /dsg/ became so horrific that anyone who wasn't willing to play ball with the characters there migrated until the original collapsed. This place was a lot better before they had to make this their permanent home. At least it's not as bad now as when noxfsggot started doing his rp here outside of /erg/. I hope he's gone forever.
>2023 was also a good time to discuss the likes of LoP
fsg was created because no one could discuss LoP in dsg without being shit posted to death. Every time someone posted about LoP there were 5 posts right after seething over it
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didnt know ds2 had estus cancel
You can estus cancel in Elden Ring but it's hard to reproduce.
i still can't estus cancel in ds3...
no you cant
Imagine a DS3 mod where Gael equips a Ring of Sacrifice and you have to kill his phase 2 twice before it counts and you get his soul and stuff
Oh, when I said that that is what I meant, dsg collapsed because of the discord troons. Now they are here (because having a general with just you and your 6 coomer frens isn't so great after all) trying to bully and dictate what can and can't be posted here.
If you mention anything that isn't from FS here now those same posters will say buy an ad.
Could you talk about the game instead of schizo posting
atleast jannies are actually good as of late and delete+ban the faggy personality posts when reported so just be diligent
I also miss a time when the general was mostly talking about games and wasnt filled up with troons using it as their discord channel with audience

atleast when the new souls game comes out this will probably get permanently fixed. also the b team will make it and it will have the rat covenant
I've done it. But I don't know how.
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got grabbed as i rested now im softlocked
stone fissure
it has some weird lighting filter that makes everything gray
no way
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am i locked out of this mission until I grind 100k prof with fucking dual blade?
your good spells?
IIRC prof scales with your weapon damage so it becomes easier to grind prof once you're later in the game
those spells are good
>The new souls game
When do you think From will announce this? They (allegedly) have some Snoy shit in the pipeline so that doesn't matter and then whatever follow up to AC6. I don't believe we're getting Dark Souls 4 or Elden Ring 2 any time soon.
that's so fucking horseshit man
why is Nioh 2 like this
yeah nioh 2 made a lot of improvements in the combat over nioh 1 but then dropped the ball everywhere
have you already fought the odachi dude with the water attacks? lol
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well yeah that's what it says. are you stupid?
Is that the random side mission odachi guy who dealt a million damage with every attack, could do giant water geysers with his block attack (I want to do that), constantly spammed fire+water projectiles, and had like 2 instant-kill combos including a giant sword slash projectile?
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that's the one
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So you have fought him indeed.
Yeah. He's dead but it was... troublesome.
I liked the setting and enemies in nioh 1 but the actual gameplay style where its like diablo without proc gen is really weird and I didnt like it. And somehow I got a busted ass sword from a message or something and never found an upgrade even when i finished every mission so I just stopped playing
What kind if villain name is "kelly" anyway.
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would you doom the world to demigod cancer for used goods?
She cute
I did it to avenge godwyn
Which From Software game are you playing and where are you up to?
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Why do ergies love to rewrite history
oh shit, im playing that game right now
they think that if they reply to a post enough it makes it "popular opinion"
Filianore's guardian is just left of Gael's arena. He drops a Titanite Slab when defeated.
make a discord
make a new general
we fucking did
then stay in erg
this IS our general, you're the invader
red man bad :(
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They should buff quality again
drop a tally for prosthesis
does dogskin swaddling cloth even work in pvp/arena
i tried it with a lgs and it just doesnt trigger
fsggers should make fsg2 to escape the dsgger menace
Why would I want 48 dex?
Light gs are just dogshit at everything
yea, and it works on phantom hits too. i think lgs r1s just have a dogshit modifier for swaddling
compare the raya lucaria graveyard segment or courtyard segment to the no mans wharf (pick any segment)
>in no mans wharf you are constantly in danger
>have to proceed cautiously or you get overwhelmed by bandits
>places to fall off if you fuck around and panic roll so you have to be methodical and approach the archers the best way you can
>actual constant danger and pressure

and again compare to raya lucaria
>you enter a graveyard full of zombies that might aswell be target dummies
>kill a dog boss
>you enter a courtyard populated by crabs and hollow nobles that dont even fight back
>there's an iron maiden and nothing else

level design ate total shit in ER
You can also find a Titanite Slab in the elevator shortcut to Lothric and Lorian. Activate the elevator and quickly jump out, you will notice that an elevator from further below has appeared. Ride it to the bottom and find a Titanite Slab.
bitch it's more damage
sword dance + lgs is good but only because sword dance is stupid and has evaded every nerf
why are you posting these ai dark souls fun facts...

You can do plunging attacks on fire lizards and a special crit animation will play. This can be used to avoid fall damage.
dumb post
this dragonkin soldier in the lake of rot is such a bastard
Also applicable to many other ER areas
>the entire first part is just afk soldiers that let you walk up to them and kill them 100 to 0, zero sense of pressure or danger
>every so often there's a cleanrot knight around a corner, this is the only resistance you will face (and only because they can block and guardcounter out of combos)

>it's literally just some empty rooftops with imps and pages randomly placed across them, zero sense of pressure or danger
>every so often there's a leyndell knight around a corner, this is the only resistance you will face (and only because they can block and guardcounter out of combos)
lgs with spinslash is okay too
You can also plunging attack the Ringed City ogres and there is a unique animation. They take considerable damage and I think it is the only way to deal with that massive street battle.
ER has tons of enemies that are straight up sleeping and will not aggro until you attack them even if you stand next to them. It's so stupid.
also you can just sprint towards enemies to backstab them for free since they usually cant turn around in time from whatever idle animation they're stuck in
I did those woods in altus today with the wormface boss, it's crazy how there will be 3 of those death niggers sitting in a circle and you think
>oh fuck this will be hard and hectic
then you sneak up to one to charged r2 him... kill him... and the others dont even fucking stand up lol. they just sit there as you murder the guy right next to them. Then you just do it to them after. It turns what coulda been an interesting encounter fucking stupid
>fap AND havel ring
learn to make bills
the most important aspect of billcrafting is understanding when defense is better than offense
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he has been slain
Gwyn's statue prior to Filianore's chamber hold a Chloranthy +3 ring. There is a secret entrance that can be found as the elevator ascends and decends.
The cliff at the left of the Ringed City swamp hides a Havel +3 ring. Sometimes you need to climb high to fall low.
You can also fight a rematch with the Dragonslayer Armour at the end of the swamp and get his armour.
well done anon
the 'cord
>tranny horns
I bet you wear those sky blue and white striped thigh highs in real life and have a shark plushie
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those aren't the tranny horns
Top 10 hardest Souls boss fights:
1. Fume Knight
2. Darkeater Midir
3. Sister Friede
4. Nameless King
5. Blue Smelter Demon
6. Sir Alonne
7. Kalameet
8. Manus
9. Dancer of the Boreal Valley
10. Sinh the Slumbering Dragon
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is this more to your liking
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change your stupid face too
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no honey
5. Blue Smelter Demon
7. Kalameet
9. Dancer of the Boreal Valley
10. Sinh the Slumbering Dragon
I don't think any of these are particularly hard
perpare to freakin die broooo hardcore souls bosses are heckin hard and punishing as hell
good map design? who needs that when these bosses are FREAKING Dante Must Die mode fr fr
Would you personally be happy if the next souls game was filled with bosses, fight after fight, without the trash mob segments between?
anroll londroll
roll slop
humiliation rolltual
dark rolls
prepare to le roll
no, but I wouldn't mind if they did a dlc that was mostly just a boss rush
why do my encants do 0 damage, the talisman is 15+ and 28 faith
damage spells and incants kinda suck dick unless you got 40+ of the stat you scale em with
if you're str/faith you can use the beast talisman and get some leeway but they still wont chunk
what incants are you using, my brown friend
hi esl best friend. just use sacred blade until you have high faith.
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jeepenis has gone mad
>posted it again award
>discord fag promoting eceleb fag
Buy an ad
not giving this website a cent
>Fume Knight
Slow boss that is actually easier in his 2nd phase, how is this no1. You are given literal seconds to get out kf the way if every one of his moves. He also doesn't have that much HP, so it isn't like midir where the attrition of a long fight can get the better of you.
I just remembered how shit ds3 is and it made me mad
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the only thing shit is your taste
But you'll simp for an eceleb.
Dumb esl
i'm an etl actually
Buy an ad you eceleb dicksucker
guys what if instead of a level up maiden you had a level up meowden and it was a catiglr that went mrrrrp nya meowww
i cant even hit this astel nigga his head is too high up
why am i such a manlet
>noooo, I won't give this place a cent
>ill advertise for free for this literal who because he mentionrd my name on stream 3 blue moons ago
and they'd be called palicoes
esl failerald
What did you think the result of posting this would be? Did you even stop to think?
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>guys what if BRAAAPPP instead of BRAAAAAPP level up BRAAAAAAP you had a BRAAAP BRAAPPPER and it was BRAAAAPPPP BRAPPPP mrrrrpppp nyaaaa BRAAAPAPAPAPPP
it would appear that i've struck a nerve
Fuck off. We aren't watching that shit. Go back to discord where people follow your dumb socmedia ads.
have you tried jump attacks?
most pathetic samefag ever
I learned a new word today
>makes retarded post
>gets called a retard
>"aha, I win"
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i accept your concession
You are either a shill or a retard, possibly both.
It's /dsjee/ kultur.
is it just one dude replying to the same post over and over
what is he cooking
nuh those are actually 7 unique people who are SICK of your shit, chud
>having ecelebs on notification
Kinda sad desu, sadder still that your first thought is to share it with strangers who you know won't appreciate it.
it's the same nigga that hates this general being called the pvp general, even jokingly
he pretends to be an oldfag too
actually mentally ill
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JeeNiNe Media™© (pbuh alhamdulillah) is single handedly mindbreaking ergworm tourists purely by existing
powerful jeeaura
Why would you think disliking eceleb advertisements is a unique thing? Most of 4chan will tell you to fuck off. Fucking schizo.
I was going to call you out for esl, but that isn't even English.
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I miss her...
ad hominem
You keep saying this, but honestly you sound mentally ill yourself. Any time anyone says sonething you don't like you lump it onto the same boogeyman.
First all the esl posts were one samefag, then all the oldfags posts were the same samefag. Then all the erg posts were the same same samefag. Now disliking ecelebs is, yet again, the same same same samefag.

Get a grip my man. Ultimateky nobody even cares. Even if it is all the same person , nobody cares. Rentfree my man, rentfree.
exposed by your bad spelling
pathetic samefagging
Helli jeenine.
Nobody here likes you. Your content is shit. You will never make an actual sustainable living doing this. Go promote yourself on reddit.
There are only like 5 of you lol and half of them are jenin poster
this has been a dark day for /fsg/sissies
real /dsg/ fc to flush out the xergites in ETA 2 hours
He's b& from r*ddit
2god fc???
Wait. Are typos the way your are "exposing" this samefag boogeyman? And here I thought you were a jani with mod friends snooping at IPs.
Show us your spreadsheet and string chart.
slurm or god3
he's been doing it to me too everytime my space bar malfunctioned, I think he's just mentally ill
Whatever will do with the trannycord fc. Oh right, ignore it like we always do. You enjoy the circlejerk with the samefags though hun.
here you go

actually it's because you type like a retard
>poise and hp is...LE BAD
Well ya, he's attributing everything he dislikes to one big "other", that's something unironic schizophrenics do.
not having three free ring slots is bad
Ya, but I'm not though. So that isn't it.
is there any reason to ever wait for alexander's fragment or rotten winged signia instead of just killing them early and getting the (still good) talismans early
Based Jeeungus warrior
You only need 2 for tearstones.
There's no opportunity cost so yes it's always worth getting the better talisman
sis just spawn them in
He's been doing it for a while now. Something snapped in him it seems.
bro, your double tearstone + regen ring?
prosthesis vs rotsignia depends on your build, but alex shard is way better so you should just get it later
but I haven't finished my new god3 build yet
slurm fc
i'll have my str build finished by then
I doubt he's schizo, just another troll in a long line of trolls that can't accept people disagreeing with him. For him it is easier to pretend there is only one person who disagrees with him, than it is to aknowledge that there are several people who do so.
I've been away for a while, have all the generals been rolled into this one? If I want to sponsor some Chalice Spelunking, do I do that here? Does anybody even go spelunking anymore?
/bbg/ is dead
Yeah, but BB is ded as fuck
Sorry man
Since SOTE turned out to be a bunch of cut content, with all the same bugs that the base game had on release, how long do you think it will take them to port all the fixes? Two years, again?
>with all the same bugs that the base game had on release
It's fucking mind boggling that they added deathblight crossbows and auras AGAIN
Damn shame, but there was an awful lot of namefag drama, and the constant shitposting between church and cainhurst larpers made me was to cush my testicles with a cube of graphite.

It most certainly is not dead. Right now, right this second, I'm getting constant randoms on both my BL 98 and BL 200 builds. I don't have to wait more than 60 seconds to get summoned in. It's different on say, a Wednesday. But plenty of people are still playing. I think /bbg/ because it kinda sucked, which it did. But wading through the sea of faggot larpers, you could actually find some decent players. It's a shame, but unsurprising.
Last time I played (a little over a year ago) the game was still moderately active.
There's still a few bloodborne threads daily on /v/ but yeah as far as /vg/ goes there's almost no discussion here anymore
Black Gulch is pure cancer, holy fuck.
Hands down the worst level so far. Even Lost Izalith was more tolerable.
What is this poison spam bullshit?
yeah that area is awful
black gulch wasn't supposed to be a level. In the original design there was a completely different and much larger gutter and grave of saints area, but because of development constraints they got shrunk and you ended up with that cancer. black gulch was made in an afternoon by an intern
That's a damn shame, because the original Gutter level would easily have been one of the largest, and definitely the most interconnected level in the game.
It's really short and easy to run through with no issue but yeah it sucks. Real shame since the gutter is actually decent, like a much better blight town.
i heard dsg was melting, is it true
Yeah Black Gulch sucks but at least it's short and i always kinda liked the two hidden giants.
yeah that's called global warming
They split off into /dsg/ and it's kinda funny how that thread is just a series of posts without replies talking about eachother while this thread actually has souls discussion again
hope it stays this way
you wish
>They split off
Maybe retarded question but isn't Fia just right? Like her goal is reviving Godwyn and restoring the death runes so fuckers can actually die. That seems like the only thing that the world needs no?

Is there something I'm missing that doesn't just make her plan right aside from her killing D? D is kind of an asshole anyway.
Duskborn is 100% the best ending but everyone is too busy simping over the doll to notice
I think the default ending is the best
I actually don't know how to beat them. The only tip I found so far is "spam poison arrows". Good thing I don't have any. Also, no I don't have dark magic, I need to go with them mano-e-mano.
But everyone is still immortal which is what causes tarnished to be monsters over time. They die, res, mutate, repeat.
It's arguably the most "normal" outcome along with rannis ending if you believe that she's capable of normalizing the lands between while she fucks off to space
Tarnished revives because of their grace not due to the rune of death being removed
Then explain how restoring the death ruin ends immortality anon. Because we know it does that
>that she's capable of normalizing the lands between while she fucks off to space
That's your job lmao
Yeah well I assumed it would still be her power making the actual laws of nature normal again and you'd be more like the enforcer/protector
You literally go with her anon, there is 0 lord in the lands as you fuck a puppet on Jupiter.
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It doesn't for the tarnished
what's the sauce of this dialogue? cannot recall
Miyazaki himself
oh, from an interview or something? I think I can recall that
thought it was in game dialogue
>9. Dancer of the Boreal Valley
it was stated in an SBS
Elden Ring wants you to hit talisman +25 and 80 FTH lmao
y do we have a dsg again we were all using this thread last night wtf

also ill be starting ds2 coop from the start in an hour if anyone wants to join
ergies got mad
Just do it the way everybody else does it. Two Hand the Greatsword and get good.
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Uh if Tarnished only respawn when they have grace, why does the player character respawn even though every NPC in the game says "you don't have Grace, get fucked shitter lmao?"
just post in both threads like a boss
thetroons had a melty and escaped to their containment thread
i didn't go anywhere, henceverbeit
Because they are racist
If I give myself a +10 weapon on a sm0 character will I get banned?
you only get banned if you edit your sm iirc
oh nice
your level also has to match up with your soul memory, but weapon levels should be fine. Just be careful because it's hard to tell if you get banned in ds2
I will be real careful
I usually just spawn in soul of a great hero and then level up to where I want to via shanalotte, so I don't have to worry about if I'm banned or not.
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Well...it's time to finally do it. I went through Dark Souls and Dark Souls II, and now only one is left.

Anything I should know about before starting? Stuff like 'Level ADP'

I'm not sure over what build i'll do. I don't know how different it is from the first two, but in DS1 i went for an All rounder/STR + FAITH build, using the Cursed Greatsword and Canvas Talisman to spam lightning. Also Pyromancy, of course. In DS2 i went for Pure STR, Greatsword + Towershield.
that's what I will do and instead of upgrading weapons/armor I will just spawn them in as needed.
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locking on slows you down a bit so unlock if you wanna run off to heal. also dont try and chug in the faces of enemies.
>Anything I should know about before starting?
playing with the dried finger activated increased item drop rate by a lot
Leveling VIG is way more mandatory in DS3 than in DS1 or DS2. Without spoilers, if you thoroughly clear everything in the first area without losing your souls, you should have enough to get ~10 levels by the time you unlock the ability to level. Dump them all into VIG. More generally, I wouldn't touch any stat besides VIG until you have 20. That'll do you for the foreseeable future and you then have enough HP to not get chunked while being able to level up your other stats comfortably.
Magic in DS3 is a WAY hungrier stat than in DS1 or DS2, if you want to cast offensive spells you have to hard commit to building around it. Hybrid builds aren't really a thing. Or, at least, they're playing the game on contrarian hard mode for the first 75% of the game until you finally get enough levels to make everything work.
Poise does exist in DS3, it's basically a modifier on how much hyperarmor you get while attacking. Heavy armor + colossal weapons = win every trade.
Miracles have a unique gimmick in DS3: the closer you are to the enemy while casting, the more damage they do. The optimal way to cast is to use the talisman's built-in Perseverance Weapon Art to cast point-blank in an enemy's face, oneshot them, and then heal off the damage.
END is your dump stat, unless you're using a colossal weapon. For light weaponry, you start off the game with enough stamina to do basically anything you want.
While rolling is strong, do NOT forget your shield. Enemies are built to constantly chip damage you with cunty fast attacks, and while shields generally can't block giant hits they are invaluable for dealing with this. Trust me, huge QOL boost.
>Hybrid builds aren't really a thing.
Seriously? But I heard that DS3 is where they introduced the crazy weapon skills that let you do shit like animay fighting moves with your sword. I wanted to do something other than Pure STR while still using a sword because that's just the protagonist's choice.
Eh, I just ran past them, hid in the cave with the chest and them pelted them with so many arrows and bolts they keeled over and died.
I am one cheap motherfucker.
I'm talking about if you want to do a STR/FAI build, a DEX/INT build, a melee/pyro build, etc. Magic requires a lot of stat points. They nerfed early-game casting damage/scaling really hard across the board, until the game is halfway over, you have to make very hard choices regarding your magic damage, your equip load, and your HP/stamina/mana. This is made all the harder if you try leveling STR or DEX alongside it. Weapon arts don't count, if you find a weapon with a "magic" WA just use it with whatever STR/DEX requirements it needs.
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im chilling here for now if anyone wants to coop. we can use the name ring w/ kremmel or not use it if you dont want to buy it right now because I just CE'd it in cuz i'm lazy. I doubt there's anyone playing ds2 coop right now anyways.
my character's name is borjarnon
> Weapon arts don't count, if you find a weapon with a "magic" WA just use it with whatever STR/DEX requirements it needs.
They don't? Usually they scale with the stat, no? So if i wanted to go for STR/INT and use stuf like the Moonlight Greatsword, I'd need INT to avoid it not having shit damage.
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I think the MLGS needs heavy INT investment no matter what, but it's been a very long time since I played DS3 so I could be misremembering exactly how WAs scale. Your average WA is more of a support move like Perseverance or a flippy Artorias jump than an Exaliblast anyway
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nice gif
damn look at all those names. i'm just sitting here imagining how much seethe there would be if this was elden ring
A team bros how could this happen...
The Fire keeper is the hottest level up girl in the franchise. This goes without question.
if miyazakis dream game doesn't have an unfinished piece of shit area like lost izalith that means he didn't try hard enough
Okay, I've just started DS3, got to Gundyr, and for some reason, the game is *really* fucking lagging. Why? I've run games more intensive than this without lag. I've had zero lag in DS1 and DS2, too.

How to fix?
Like seriously, every time i try to fight him, i just freeze midroll and boom, I'm dead. Just constant lag spikes.
The most popular Google searches say it might be a controller issue, though I've not heard of stuttering being a widespread problem with DS3 so root causes may vary
I will now fight kalameet
he is very easy so I'm sure you won't have any issues
No, it's on PC. And it's specifically lag spikes. The screen freezes.
I'm going to cut his tail to add another 2 minutes to the fight
Yeah, the controller you're plugging into the PC. Beyond that, the guides say start fucking with VSynch, Nvidia, and other settings until something works. There doesn't appear to be a "just do this" solution like turning off raytracing in Elden Ring.
What's the lore behind Rosaria, mother of rebirth? She seems like she's just there randomly. Is she the missing Lothric queen?
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Am I playing this game right?
It took me A LONG time to complete this fucking set so I hope Rosabeth is grateful.
It is legally and morally correct to dress Rosabeth in the sluttiest clothes you can find.
Why is post quality so high in this general today dam
makes me wanna replay ds3 and show progress
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I've never played Seamless, is having a gigantic mosh pit where everyone summons their Mimic Tear as fun and chaotic as it sounds?
sesmless is great the only problem i have with it rn is that like 7/10 invasions are at the rune farming spot near mohgs palace, these people are such retarded cocksuckers they rice runes together
mimic tear seems to be one of the ashes that actually functions in pvp but everyone that uses it have cancerous shit like rot breath equipped which is not so fun to fight when outnumbered
seamless discharge
>Mod releases that lets you use ash summons in pvp
>Community immediately learns why Miyazaki didn't let you use ash summons in pvp
There's a lesson here somewhere
Did you participate in jolly cooperation today, anon? If yes, post about a recent tarnished/ashen one/chosen undead/bearer of the curse (etc.) you met.

I met a Dio cosplayer in elden ring today who was named "it was me, Dio!". His build was a very neat cosplay of him, from the outfit to the playstyle. I love cosplayers.
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lmaooooooo and i bet he used the throwing knives too
I am pretty new to the game so I don't know all the weapons but it seems he used some fist weapon (?) and could throw kicks with his feet while inflicting some sort of additional damage. Can't remember if it were bleed or rot though.
I haven't been cooping but I was doing a perma-embered run of DS3. God it's so refreshing how honest DS3 pvp is, you can actually fight people using your weapons without worrying about getting oneshotted by some gay faggot ash of war or cheeked-up 80 INT/FAI hypermode spell.
Sorry I dont like doing coop in the DLC because most hosts don't have scadutree fragments and I'm not good enough to fight these bosses when they hit me for 80% of my HP
I'm still messing around the base game, taking my time and all. It's my first run, actually.
I miss how straightforward ds3 was. Open worlds have a difficulty scaling problem. Or the problem with how people can just buff to oblivion in elden ring and how unlike ds3, the spells hurt the same whether you are close to the range of attack or far from it from how I experienced it at least, I might be wrong.
>invade taunter tongue "duelist"
>laggy poiseblob with quickstep firegreatsword

I wish this game's netcode didn't attract third worlders who can't win with every advantage
just make the game more expensive
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Cooped friede. Guy was named Chad. He looked like chad (picrel). No armor. He barehand backstabbed or barehandparried and then barehand countered. Which prompted me to do the same.He messaged me after to thank me for jolly coop.
Two playthroughs.
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Two playthroughs, once again.
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One playthrough. I will certainly play it again.
43 hours for 2 playthroughs feel awfully short. Or maybe I just spend a lot of time mucking around in the game, idk.
Fucking hell, DS3 is certainly more fast-paced than the previous games. They don't explain shit. They just throw you in, five minutes you're fighting a boss, then they just drop you on lothric without the barest explanation of what to do other than 'go kill the lords and shit'

I have no idea where the fuck i'm supposed to go, and those knights just completely fucking destroy me in combat. My sword barely does any damage. I only have 4 estus.
I spent 70 hrs on one playthrough. Maybe because I didn't have my fextra shopping list open and fought all the mobs instead of running past them. You didn't play the game. 0 playthroughs.
Dark Souls 3 is cool. Remember, rolling is really damn good.
Aaaand i just accidentally used my young white branch. Great. Wonderful because they automatically put it in the quick use menu. Fucking hell....

Should i just start over again?
Nigger it's more linear than the other two games. Literally just walk around. Also you're gay for picking anything but the gold coins as a staring gift. What class did you pick anyways?
> Also you're gay for picking anything but the gold coins as a staring gift.
Coins were literally useless in the previous games, why the fuck would i pick them here?
>What class did you pick anyways?
Unless you can imagine all the animations of any given enemy while rotating on a 2D plane at minimum then you haven't fought all the enemies enough
>automatically put it in the quick use menu.
Speaking of which, is there a way to turn this off in LotF? I really don't like the game cluttering my wheel when I want to leave a slot open.
It is more fast paced. It is however far more straightforward. The one part that you can miss on a blindthrough is a mandatory boss that is beyond a "hidden" path in road of sacrfice
you can't miss that
Ds 1 and 2 gave explanations?
1: ring two bells, then uuuuh, ya, uh, something
2: go down those two paths for reasons, you might find something, then I'll expo-du-ACK
3: go kill the 4 lords because they are being lazy fucks ibstead of doing their duty-> kill the 4 lords

At least none of them are BB tier. That's a confusing ness if a game. I to this day don't understand who/what micolash is, why we kill him and why he rants about koss vs kosm and wanting to be granted eyes despite having two already.
no ds3 is pretty braindead just pick up a straight sword and r1 spam
? Ofc you can. I don't mean it in the sense of skipping it (hence mandatory), but kn a blind playthrough it is entirely possible to get all the way to the bridge and then wonderinf where the fuck you are supposed to get the doll from (the only clue offered).
HOW? I've spent 40-50 hours each playthrough on every game. How tf did you beat ds1 twice in 40 hours?
This applies to every from game. Even in bloodborne the sawcleaver,the starter weapon, is one of the best weapons in the game. Good variation in reach and speed. Excellent beast stat. The trickswitch is one of the best. It is so good most other stuff feels like a downgrade you only bother with for style.
Nta, but my first playthrough I did in a litle over 35 hours then my second playthrough in about 5. Once you know the routes you can skip a lot of trash, you no longer die to ambushes, you aren't exploring for loot and, in my case, you start doing some skips (I felt very cool finding the anor londo winding staircase jumo that allows you to skip the castle). I also took the key as gift, so I could skip into blightown, then do the cliffdrop to get straight to quelaag. Most time on a first blind, for me, is lost on bumbling about and dying to trash mob ambushes.
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When the fuck am I supposed to fight this cunt? I'm at the first(?) Genichiro rematch and haven't started Senpou temple, but I think I've done just about everything else to do; I have 4 bead necklaces.
I don't want to waste all the Divine Confetti I have trying and failing to kill him and I really don't feel like farming for more if he's supposed to be a roadblock right now. I can kill his first phase easily enough with anti-air deathblow but I feel like I'm doing no damage on his second phase, even with Confetti. I haven't tried him since I've CONFRONTED THE MEMORY of Gyoubu and Lady Butterfly but I really can't imagine the attack power increase is gonna suddenly spike my damage. I don't have the purple shield tool yet either so I can't easy cheese him.
Any advice? Is it even worth trying to get past him now or am I just gonna hit a wall after him and have to go fight Genichiro anyway?
I always skip the apparition enemies until late in the game when my attack power is really high
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Is there a more beautiful Dark Souls character than this?
>Not picking Deprived + no starting gift because you're a shitter Unkindled who's supposed to be a complete loser
L + no maidens
mogged by priscilla, gwynevere, gwyndolin and her own sickly sister
Gwyndolin is ugly.
>B-b-but muh tra-
Don't care.
Quelaag is ugly.
>>B-b-but muh boo-
Don't care
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gwyndolin has a pretty face but it's hard to tell since ds3 has ugly shitty characters and ds1 has no face model
but the fucking snake legs are stupid
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r8 my Krystal Knigga, (I'll be doing a different face/body sliders to suit the armor better, that's just my FTH nigga testing the look)
I like the overall fashion but I really don't feel like it says "CRYSTALS R COOL" at all.

Also, at what INT is crystal spam even usable? I heard barrage/torrent are useless at lower levels because of how scaling works with many small hits etc
tips for Rellana?
I'm doing magic/faith (mostly magic) so I do fuck all damage and eat shit at phase 2
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zero matching colors award
she's hot but your pictures are fucking awful
I am Bitchass. Bitch of Bitchnigga
He ua entirely optional. If you go with confetti bring 2-3, fight him several times without using any simply to explore his moveset.
Alternatively wait until you get the purple umbrella (I forget where/when/how) which trivialises the fight.

Unless you really want the item he drops (item that lets you sacrifice 50% hp for 5 bonus temporary spirit emblems, kinda like how bloodborne lets you sacrifice HP for 5 temporary silver bullets) my advise is to just skip him for now and come back when you either have comfortable amounts of confetti or have the lilac umbrella.
>vaati has fuck all on bloodborne
what the fuck. I want to know more about my vampire waifu, the vileblood queen you aussie plagiaristic fuck
>Entire set is silver metal, blue cloth with red accents, and gold trim
low effort. Only part that could be argued to not match is the shield.
none of the reds or blues match well
Not on PC, so it would require effort instead of simply reading datamined stuff.
>Go to stab Magma Wyrm in Gelmir with the Rapier, infused via Sacred Blade
>Literally does not register any hits despite multiple attempts to hit it, (the blade beam hits just fine tho)
u wot m8
I mean I just killed it with a different weapon because I'm overleveled for here, but still I've never had a weapon just flat out not work.
fuck, I believe it. I wonder how much of it is also just that bloodborne looks like shit when stuck on youtube. 30fps, black, dark and red being the main colours getting colour cucked and overexposed.
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uhhhhhhhh she's a cool lady with a helmet on her head and it reminds me of elfen lied
/v/ says hello
Lorian > Lothric
the heck's lorian
>you aussie plagiaristic fuck
Lorian is the giant (legless) whilst Lothric is the mage (backpack).
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One of the coolest bosses in Dark Souls.
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now i remember, i completely forgot this boss existed lmao
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I thought that posting quality was supposed to be up now.
Get a large sword that has a horizontal slash, then spam running attacks. That should clear a good chunk of the game for you.
I didn't notice you could go around him. I was only approaching him from the dungeon and it locked off the grapple point out of the area.
Now that I came from the Reservoir I was able to get right into the Depths.
Oh, that is a terrifying build up to what is surely a devastating attack.
Would be a shame if I just spam-rolled my way through it.
that was the worst bump ever
>Could never get Lothric's pure white CSS and homing soulmass
What went wrong?
I just bought a PS5 after not really playing games in a while. Got Elden Ring but desu I didn't really like the open world stuff so haven't played much
is the Demon Souls remake worth getting?
why are both of the non erg gens fucking dead
>"I'll do an INT/FAI run of DS3 so I can use a huge variety of spells!"
>In practical terms, can't really go about 30/30 INT/FAI without irresponsible compromises on health, stamina, or mana
>Having more than 4 spell slots is a huge ask
>Therefore, get no damage on the majority of offense/pewpew magic, and a lot of the fun support spells like Vow of Silence are now big asks because they demand 2/4 of your slots
Man why is DS3 such a cunt about magic, wtf is Miyazaki's problem? He did the same shit in ER where you need an insane INT or FAI investment to get any damage out of your spells.
I missed it. Had to look it up. Shitty zaki world design.
Atoning for his sins in DeS and DaS1
Try playing at rl200
How? I have his victory quote permanently stuck in my head.
i only played dks3 twice. first to clear it in ng, then in ng+. i wasn't able to spend as much time on it compared to the previous titles because i was busy with other things at the time.
played through. if that's not clear enough. i didn't play through the entire game in one sitting, lmao.
>>In practical terms, can't really go about 30/30 INT/FAI without irresponsible compromises on health, stamina, or mana
>Dude just don't get hit bro!
Ok what happens when you do get hit?
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Evade and heal it off
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But pyro builds in ds3 were insanely powerful
Yeah but I wanted to expand beyond just pyro, use a bunch of different support miracles and sorceries... Pestilent Mist needed 32 INT, I couldn't even use it until TRC...
You have dark sorceries and hexes
The dark miracles I used were Gnaw and Deep Protection, dark sorceries were pretty ass across the board. Actually the only sorcery I ever used was Spook. It was a pyro for damage, Gnaw and/or Deep Protection, and Spook. Wish I could have fit another spell slot in for an extra miracle like Force or Replenishment but you just don't get the souls on NG.
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is there ANY reason at all to still use lances over the messmer soldier spear?
str bills
Do you really want to be complicit in genociding the Hornsent?
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Can it really be a genocide if they aren't people?
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grindan large shards
Started Sekiro today. Got to the ogre, forget how many times I died to him but killed I for sure him in less than half an hour. I really don't get how people have so much trouble with him. He's a bit different from other enemies introduced until then but the strategy to beat him is pretty simple, even if you don't use the flame vent. Stay in close/mid range, run out of the way if he does a grab, dodge/deflect if he does another attack, then run in and get some hits in. Not the best way to do it, sure, but hard to see how anyone could fuck it up too badly. How did this one miniboss mindbreak so many people?
>but killed I for sure him
Fuck I'm too sleepy.
*but I for sure killed him
*gets 50 green shards instead*
Luckily it only took 2 runs of killing leeches to get what i needed
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Why isn't Ring of Light more popular? Thing is one of the hardest hitting incants for enemies not resistant to holy damage.
going to try manus spum with this and let you know
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What Dark Souls 1 mods are worth playing?
Int Fai in er is too big brain
nuff said
Total Shitter Death.
what do you have against toilets 06
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Why couldn't elden ring pvp be good?? Do they just hate us? If they had two or three dedicated developers for pvp they could've fixed so many of the issues...
Barely an RPG even
While I myself have this, be aware that it is 30fps locked in the ps5 too.
People keep saying this, but it boiled down to getting 1/2 of the game into the game and then casting CBV and maybe the occasional rapport meme.
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>super cool armor set
>one of the only ones in the game you can't get
It's an eternal mystery to me why they didn't want players to look like the Penetrator
I think it is because it has a bunch of hero to zero moves. His WWE kick and Y33t throw have the potential of making you fly of the cliff. He is also the first time you actually REALLY have to adapt to the faster pace sekiro gameplay in which (mini)bosses don't do too much idlestrafing like you see in souls. He goes and he goes hard, you have to heal when he's stuck in one of his animations that you dodged, not when he is between attacks (something you could usually get away with). He is also erratic, kinda like orphan of kos lite.
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You know were it not for the dementia, being Undead would be pretty sick. Straight up immortality and gaining power from souls? Very cool.
seeing the death knights makes me really disappointed the dlc, they're one of the coolest bosses in the game and it makes me wish we had gotten more godwyn content instead of a shitty radahn copy lightshow final boss
ER 2: Scholar of the First Godwyn
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now what..
I think he looks cool
blue point remake fixed this
we are the real clowns
>invasions are either killing a clueless host and his retard buddy
>or being chased to death in an empty level by 3 spell spammers or 2 tryhards taunting
>theres no in between
you're probably invading in high level areas or that your SL is too high so you're getting matched with tryhards. keep it low and stay in the lower level areas.
For me, it's Yurt.
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A happy end with the doll waifu?
>NPCs before fighting Radahn: "Miquella wants to fuck Radahn."
>Radahn intro cutscene: "I want to fuck Radahn."
>Phase 2 cutscene: "I, Miquella, am now a god and I am fucking Radahn."
>Miquella's memory after killing Radahn: "I will become a god and fuck Radahn?"
What was the point of this last cutscene? I slogged through that fight for this? I fucking get it, holy shit. What a waste.
The last cutscene was offensively bad
well, he's an australian who plagiarised / stole most of his early work then got in a lot of shit for stealing bloodborne theories / work wholesale (allegedly, the video talking about this from the dude who got robbed is down.)
What is the most difficult Dark Souls boss?
me :)
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>Not on PC
pic related will hopefully convince Sony to release the port they already worked on at some point.
Perhaps that is accurate... but only if you have defeated all of the bosses.
Can I still 'befriend' the Archer Giant if i accidentally used the young white branch i got as a burial gift?
lance is worse than ms spear on str
Fairly certain you can find other White Branches in that graveyard where he shoots arrows.
>being able to turn off chromatic abberation
>and that gay butter filter
I'd be happy.
Dark Souls 3 doesn't have many female bosses.
Dancer of the Boreal Valley
Sister Friede
Crystal Sage (maybe)
Why are the big birds exterminating the little birds in the Corvian Settlement?
Vaati literally used to hang out on /v/ and just made discussions there into vids
dragonscale flesh gives 8 for str dex vigor and end, but you can outheal the damage, AND combine with the big lion head.
the fingerprint one gives you 5 int fth arc while being able to outheal the loss.
what kind of stupid post is this
the little birds were in charge of the banks but asked too much interest for loans
Vaati is justified in stealing from the mongoloids here and making a comfy video. Fags are just mad they didn't think of it first.
imagine being this personally invested about what a youtuber does
seek help
i love angrily thinking about internet personalities 24/7 but don't you DARE defend them
nobody but you was even remotely heated or emotional
again, seek help
therapy is a scam
these new DLC weps are bery strong for pve atleast. The milady has like an 8 hit R1 combo with good MVs and the great katana has a crazy amount of poise damage for its speed and reach
Is there really no better way to get to that stupid spider boss than to hoof it across the whole fucking map, while fighting hordes of those annoying spiders that will ALWAYS land at least a few blows on me because fuck your rules?
By the time I get to her, I am out of healing items.
try actually getting gud and fighting the things, they're not that hard to kill
Indeed, a good therapist would only need one session and have no repeat clients.
A bad therapist schedules weekly appointments.

Lothric tried therapy... we saw how that turned out.
i think this specific invasion will forever be the peak of ryan
>i'll tell you what artorias, when i finally manage to get a plane ticket to vietnam, and i swim through the rice fields, and i find a cat 5 internet cable to plug into your playstation so i can kill you, i'm gonna strip that black knight greatsword off your corpse because you do not deserve it
I miss when it was acceptable for youtubers to record gameplay then voice over it later. It has a certain comedic quality to it
i sincerely hate the new meta of livestreaming everything and then editing it together as is. i don't even know if saint scripted his old stuff, but it's so much funnier and more informative and coherent than the slop that most people put out now. maybe i'm just stuck in the past.
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you didn't need to bump
Optimally, when should I be doing all the DS2 DLCs? Right before the end? So far, I've gotten all the 4 souls, and I am chilling in the Drangleic castle.
whenever you feel like but they're tuned to be done near the end yeah
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the amount of confidently wrong dog shit opinions i see about fromsoft games has skyrocketed in the past 6 months
I blame the slurmLC
As someone who played elden ring first and then the older games in order, DS3 has quite surprised me how "dark soulsy" it really is. Somehow I assumed it was an elden ring prototype but it really plays nothing like elden ring does, your movement is so slow and rigid its much more like DS1

I'm quite dreading the late bosses that are supposed to be some of the hardest in the series while my character constantly feels like hes wearing boots made of concrete
it's mostly nostalgiafagging where elden ring gets put under the world's most powerful microscope because of a combination of recency bias, 2 years of youtube echo chamber, content creators, willful poisoning of any and all discourse by internet trolls, and what i can only assume is brain damage resulting from the 2020s tribalist zeitgeist. people will confidently inform you that elden ring is rollslop and then reminisce fondly about ds3 in the same breath, it's insanity. i have many criticisms of the game myself, which i won't bother listing.

demon's souls and the original dark souls are two of my favorite games, and i am irrationally attached to the former, but the complete cock and ball service i see them receive on a near-daily basis is baffling. which isn't to say that they aren't criticized either, but the difference is comical. both the positive and negative things that people repeat about them seem to have more to do with their memory of the games than the games themselves.

what i'm really saying is i just want bloodborne to come to PC.

interesting because you'll often hear people say the opposite, that ds3's player character controls too much like bloodborne's, ignoring the obvious lack of the dodge. i need to replay ds3 again but i'm honestly dreading it because the world design is such a slog.
pity bump
It's the redditors. Every time i google a technical problem, there is always a dozen reddit links, and each of them contains multiple confident bad opinions and stupid karam-farming jokes. I don't know what it is, but the writing style and the general behavior of reddit users is absolutely fucking insufferable, if not straight up harmful to humanity.
>people will confidently inform you that elden ring is rollslop and then reminisce fondly about ds3 in the same breath
Or bitch about bosses delaying their attacks in ER only to then immediately reminisce about DaS3 bosses like dancer and nameless king
twitter deserves an honorable mention as well. it's that social media phenomenon of being able to effortlessly find like-minded idiots who will reinforce any opinion you've already formed. you think it's ethically permissible to fuck animals, or that the earth is flat? good news, there's a social media sphere on the internet for you. 4chan is the inverse: there's an infinite supply of people who will disagree with you, but anonymity makes any attempt at critical discourse a potential blind alley. you often only realize that someone is retarded after wasting time talking to them, and declining to talk to them further out of a respect for your already-wasted time is seen as a concession that they "won" and only reinforces the opinion they've already formed.
it's especially bad with fromsoft games because you have no idea how people are actually playing the game. the guy telling you waterfowl dance is bullshit which i personally agree with could be ongbal on meth or DSP on horse tranquilizers, and you'd never know.

i try to remind myself to give positive replies to the occasional good posts i see on this site, even if it's as simple as "i agree with this" or "good post", because i think it's much more common for people to only reply to incendiary or bad posts.

i still don't know how to properly fight dancer to this day. i muddle through the fight without feeling any inherent desire to learn or master it, but i don't blame the boss for that. it's just a personal preference regarding a specific boss.
In DS2, which straight sword is the best? I've already maxed out my mace and zweihander, but mace doesn't have enough range to be satisfying, and zweihander doesn't have enough speed to be useful and I can't be arsed to run the whole game with my Drangleic greatsword.
well I'm finally back. This thread somehow revived itself
DLC gets a 4/10
blue flame.
What makes it bullshit in your view?
are you dumb
>i try to remind myself to give positive replies to the occasional good posts i see on this site, even if it's as simple as "i agree with this" or "good post", because i think it's much more common for people to only reply to incendiary or bad posts
based healslut
in my opinion it has too great of an influence on the balance of the fight, causing it to devolve into a fight into waterfowl dance rather than a fight against Malenia. Malenia's aggression and on-hit healing are counterbalanced by her having no poise, relying on hyper armor instead to fend off the player character. as soon as you hit the HP threshold for waterfowl dance, the risk:reward ratio for aggression is instantaneously inverted, and it is impossible to predict this.

if you look at other bosses in Elden Ring and DS3, there's a logical consistency to how multi-phase bosses evolve over the course of the fight. Friede, like Malenia, is weak to being staggered in all 3 of her phases. she merely becomes more mobile. Margit / Morgott are designed to punish the player character for attacking after attack chains instead of during them, like many Elden Ring bosses. in both fights, going from phase 1 to phase 2 merely increases how hard the player is punished for making that mistake. in the Margit fight, he goes from using daggers that only hit twice (and are very weak) to using a sword that is used in 3-hit strings. it ties together the two main lessons of the fight because you're now getting punished for attacking at the wrong time by being caught in his roll-catch strings.

this logical consistency isn't there in Malenia's case. instead of escalating what you're encouraged to do by the design of the fight, it changes the rules with an extremely unintuitive-to-dodge move hidden behind a HP threshold, which makes it both difficult and dangerous to intentionally practice dodging. every time you attack you have to ask yourself "is she going to waterfowl" and pray that you're not caught with your dick out, unable to do the consistent sprint jump dodge. i don't really consider frost pot stagger to be a sufficient answer to the move, because it's more like a clever exploit than it is a fundamental-based answer.
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for the record, i beat her again yesterday without using frost pots (despite them being on my bar, they were already there and i ended up throwing one at a random non-waterfowl attack). i just got lucky and happened to only roll waterfowl when i was able to do the sprint jump dodge. waterfowl dance, gaius's charge, and rellana's twin moons are the only moves i consider bullshit in the entire game. and that last one is honestly a meme because it will only kill you once because it's a desperation move which is visually similar to another move that behaves in a completely different manner. so it's just those two moves that have far too much influence on their respective fights.
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just block it retard
Gaius charge isn't really bullshit. He's meant to be fought on horseback and it's super easy to dodge on torrent
>he's not meant to be fought on horseback
Then why does he have a move he only uses to wakeup when you fell off the horse?
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didnt get hit thoughbeit
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I really like Gaius's fight, I just don't like horseback combat at all. Post a video of someone fighting him on horseback if you have one. Have someone else's WebM.
I don't have a webm, I can only say I really enjoyed his fight while mounted and everyone complaining seems to have done it on foot
> I just don't like horseback combat at all.
I 100% agree with you though, I don't either. But Gaius is different, he's built to actually be fun mounted. He has fun dogfight moves where he charges up to you from behind you on torrent, he has moves you need to jump over like the charge, and moves you need to juke by stopping your gallop so he sails past. It's literally like dogfighting. Also some moves you need to dodge with timed torrent dashes. And as I said, if he demounts you he actually is scripted to punish you for it with a move you can roll, but only if get the timing right and dont just spam dodge while you're on the floor, which makes him supremely fair to fight while mounted (other bosses will just murder you when you get knocked off)

Like I can't overstate this, the boss was actually designed for torrent start to finish unlike any other boss you can mount on. It's what made him fun. I think the devs fucked up not telling the player to mount up here, because everywhere else they had no problems holding hands this DLC
I'll try fighting him on Torrent next time, then. It would be far from the first time I was basically playing Elden Ring wrong and making the experience worse for myself.
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Who wins in a fight. Gwyndolin or Miquella?

No consorts. Body returned to this plane. Items off. Final destination
Miquella, he'll wait until the c**sen und*** kills gwyndolin then resurrects him to have gay sex
aldrich literally fights you while having gwyndolins cock in his mouth lmao
proof? source? link?
dam elden ring sucks dick to speedrun
the big banana cock sheathe from great katana is ruining my fashion
Gaius charge was fixed recently, no? I fought him recently and it felt dodgeable. It also doesn't nuke your HP like wfd or rtm.
I don't think they touched the hitbox, the only change they made to the fight was spawning him in the position where he spawns the first time you enter the room, every time.
Where is the frigging dlc patch

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