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Previous: >>486912018

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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Stay negative /lolg/!
bitch ain't you like 40 by now?
More bad games. On another note, I need a lot of skins I like to come on sale. But these past weeks have been awful except for the battle bunny riven skin though I don't play her much.
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Is Akali top viable in 2024?
Calm down.
I'm literally wired right now from addiction. I'm feeling it physically.
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Guess my main role/champ.
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no its shit and will always be shit
But is it fun?
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just slept 14 hours straight dont q up on euw if u value ur lp today
What makes it that bad tho, it's been around forever
prove you a good person
Is anyone at aatrox on swarm extreme and wanna do some runs?
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this was cool
14 hours of sleep? bro you are way too high elo for us skillcels
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I'm taking us out if you win your promos, /lolg/. Good luck :]
Naw, sorry. NA.
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nah it was good in previous seasons and its decent as a counterpick this season but mr items especially kaenic and hollow radiance are too strong and too COMMON for akali top to ever be consistently viable these days. have you ever played akali into kaenic rush zac? might as well alt f4
my mid fpd aurora in scholar low
this is a dodge right?
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>100lbs squat
weakling faggot trying to manipulate poor lolg's into thinking you're strong with your shitter graphs
I'm iron and I just reinstalled, stopped playing just before rework
>akali abuser cant play the game anymore

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>riot releases a banger skinline
>releases it only for champs that already have gorillion & more effort skins
>surprised it doesn't sell and completely drops the skinline
I just came back from a synthwave concert IRL and I still can't cope
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>mid lane exists

damn you are in for a ride then new akali is entirely a new champ but way more fun one of the best reworks of all time imo
I got rugpulled so hard it made me quit the game, everyone I played got reworked or nerfed
if its any consolation, its a better fate than Riot overproducing unfitting skins for the line so hard that everyone starts to hate it, eg star guardian and project
They should make a champ that plays like old Urgot.
is anyone else idk how its called.. when you press tab ingame every champ in a totally random spot?
it it a bug?
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>listening to synthwave in the year of the lord (45^2)-1
>not just listening to synthwave but being a fan of it enough to go to an actual concert
Man, I wish I were rich too.
the riot special desu
>locks in a troll pick he saw a youtuber meme
>feeds his ass off
>does nothing all game
>votes no
you response?
my yuumi just flamed everyone on my team except me and spammed "?" in all chat off cd whenever i got a kill
why are they like this?
Yuumi should be removed from the game.
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You would think having a Lux Morgana botlane would be an easy gank bot but everytime I checked botlane in the map they were landing q's on the minion waves or running away when I engaged.
Toplane went afk.
Mid complained about not wanting to lane against the new champ which I helped them gank about 5 times and then still cried about wanting more help.
Missed out on the 2 early rifts and 1 drake but managed to get 3 drakes. Some of my gameplay was bad like engaging too far or getting caught in a bad position.
Games aren't looking so great.
Yuumi is by definition a parasite champ. It's only excused to be so because it's a female support quirk chungus cat champ.
based yuumibull
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They should make another, better Yuumi and name her Shroomi or something to really rub it in. Give her Cho's execute on a q, a global Thresh' lantern and appliable Tryndamere invincibility on e.
Do I have to play swarm to finish the pass?
Don't feel like it desu
>The scrapped noxian metal automaton champ that could switch between beast mode and warrior mode that eventually became Rell
>Smolder's original kit was gonna have him evolve and take aspects of whatever elemental rift happens ingame
>Old man Aphelios
>The scrapped fishman multiarmed brawler adc that ended up as Nilah
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I swear some posters here are actually fucking braindead or something
>Old man Aphelios
>Paladin cavalry champ
Hhaha... oh... :(
I have an iq of 106, I am not stupid!
>what if we made an uglier kalista
good job rito
I will rape you
I legit can't beat Extreme Aatrox on anyone but Briar it seems like
That last phase completely fucks me over
Kalista is easy to play until you get high attack speed at like 2 items
I got him really low with Yasuo but he just ended up one-shotting me.
it's because they have nothing to do so they start doing random shit like that
>Irelia starts Nashor's
>Then Lich Bane
the exact opposite wtf is wrong with retards like you
>take aspects of whatever elemental rift happens ingame
imagine you need the infernal rift to beat their comp but then you get hextech or w/e
fucking terrible idea
Baus played AP Irelia like a year ago or so.
Post elo bozo
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The endless march
wunder was never good
Is there an event/stream on right now or you just felt like sharing?
he is currently running it vs GX
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She's right tho!
I remember I used to dumpster Faker in mid back in the day. Guy is lucky I settled down and got a life.
bro it's the LEC
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big boned poster is soft
dont ever tell your support what to do. adc's are useless and need to lick boots if they want to get supported
hot ngl
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RNG has spoken, unlocking Lulu and playing her in SR now.
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Never saw this one before, what's he recording?
Does dom actually go to sleep for like 3h after LPL and the wake up to watch the dogshit region that is LEC????
He and many others like him.
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this champ's damage is so hilariously broken im glad no one knows how to build him properly
Should I play the game today?
people on /lolg/ pretend this champ is difficult btw
I havent opened the clip yet but im guessing jhin
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Got it on my second try
they say he's hard because you have to kite but that's almost every champ ever in fights. mages, enchanters, adcs, fighters
my friend played draven for a bit but started getting cocky in allchat. I jokingly told her she was turning into tyler1 and she dropped the champ soon after
smoke fent everyday 666
t. snoob dog
I'm 32 and I've never been in a concert in my entire life.
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you're going into his cringe collection
WTF I will never recover from that.
>my friend
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I don't want to sound too cocky but I might hit 50% winrate soon
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stop posting in my general please you s*pport peasant
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What's the real reason Akali top isn't seeing more success?
>W counters Camille, Fioras and Morde ults
>Q shits on low mobility bruisers like Garen or Sett
>There's great carry potential

So Akalis kit in theory shits on most popular picks but she has low WR and low pickrate.
9 dabs of arsenic laced fent
I'm a fill kang tho
can't roam bot and collect free double kills
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I kneel
What's your favorite technique to drain some full balls?
gfc and die if u pick yasuo adc in 2k24
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master yi motive
master pee
have some faggot spam hardcore porn on a blue board until my will breaks and I go watch porn
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Anyone want to play Extreme Swarm? IGN: Seraphine is 17 #NA1
Where's the pubic hair peak?
The people that play Akali are genuinely mentally retarded and can't function against honest point and click mechanics. Their goto of pressing all their dashes like a sperg fails when they're not going against champs that have to aim.
he's getting huge buffs while he brother gets nerfs soon though isn't he?
>dude permanently all chats whenever he does something
is this the most annoying teammate?
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Ok we got this, enough games for today.
/ig all
half the fun in league is the flaming. i dont want to ignore
>not playing Lulu top
He's just doing the shounen anime character thing, verbally announcing his moves.
Just go to a debate club or something.
>Riven is hard to play
This is the biggest case of gaslighting in league.

>avoided league and these threads for 2 months
>still blacked spam going on
he's never gonna go away huh?
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My EUNE accounts are blessed
gangboss skins + losersq the eune classic
If sex is so great, why didn't they come out with sex 2 yet, huh?
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Good afternoon /lolg/!

the concept was so good they didn't know how to make a better one
EUNE normals players are better than EUW players in terms of coordination and teamfighting i swear to god
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I love Lissandra!
So like matchmaking doesn't even exist in this game. Almost every quick play match ends with one or two smurfs going like 25 and 1. Shit is completely unplayable on the weekends. You will waste HOURS of your day on shit match after shit match just to get one actual good match, it's like 1 out of 10.
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>Lightskin status

arent you a finnish dude
Nilah farting in my face.
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>Allah's Holy Warrior locks in nunu
>we win
Simple as, Alhamdullilah
its a far right chud with bnwo fetish
>digestive system contains nothing but coffee and sugar by now
>absolutely no appetite nor space for real food yet feel like I'll pass out if I don't have another cup for two hours
I KNEW this would happen
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>pick SIon in aram
>those nerfs
Jesus fuck, dont pick sion in aram bros
can you please stop, I don't wanna horny
Lyra and Arya came back so where's Doja?
godamn stupid fucking chimps think maybe if they 1v5 for a fourth time they'll get somewhere
yeah, out of the rerolls
Hello Doja
1v5 x 4 = 20 kills netted for the team
Let me guess - you *need* more?
both of them came back?
Man, I love hopping around and being absoklutely useless.
except you didn't kill anyone. all you did was feed and give them objective prio
>Capture d’écran
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WTF is this Akali Energy spell ratios, I can do 2 q's or 1 q and 1 w because w costs 100 energy for a champ that has 200 energy total. How am I supposed to play?
Aurora 1488
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Playing ARAM with my lolg gf (xx) rn
other people seem to have no problem playing her so this appears to be a skill issue
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>bimbo hwei
fucking cursed
In aram it's an absolute pain. I can only go in to execute because I can't peel for myself except for clouding and aaing.
at least you look cute while being useless!
Iron IV 30lp player here, how do you counter ADC top if nobody ever ganks you? Sure, you can kill them but not that often, you can take their plates and tower but you eventually get outscaled. I always freeze my lane but nobody bothers to gank
can you elaborate on the "outscale" part?
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Why are diamond lobbies so chudmaxxed?
Ranged top theoretically leads to a bad teamcomp so you should be more impactful during baron fights etc.
They do more damage and are more consequential. Also, why does this game reward CS so badly? You can have 100 more CS than someone else, go 4/2 but end up with less gold than someone with who fed 10 kills but got 10 kills but who has 100 less CS

Like what, how does that happen?
>18 wins 54 losses
You're that 1 win 12 loss Sona aren't you. Incredible.
what? this makes no sense. Kindred lamar?
like when does it happen? when the lane ends? during lane? you get outscaled in 5v5s or just can't hold sidelane anymore against them? they start drawing more pressure than you can?
that sort of stuff
regardless of your answer, playing scaling champs in iron is good
I think there are a few champs who generally do well against those champs too such as yorick and kayle etc.
if it's really op you can try playing ranged top too
I'm doing my best.
That’s the score the site gave him, the weight is below that dumbass
niggalow decimation on the lords day
So you clearly do the nazi swain thing, why do you bother me so much
>Vi single handedly winning an entire esports game by brainlessly clicking R on any squishy on the same screen
>Naut does the same thing on any other squishy for the same result
Zeri didn't get to play a single teamfight that game, couldn't throw more than 2 autoattacks before she died. Good balance team I think
If I played ADC top my opponent would probably smurf and gank me to death.
Vi has a 48% wr
naut is based tho
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Clean it up Janny!
MMO status?
if i lose again today im going to end it all
don't kill yourself you're so sexy haha
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Nigga gonna kill himself over LP haha
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once again I am a cute girl online
any lolg streams today?
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I hate you guys...

Also gkmc is pure nig sőy, even in his disc Damn mogs, but drake is way better than that racist woke tard
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coulda sworn this is YOUR account but I can't prove it
do you want to watch some euw emerald botlane gameplay?
I might stream
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bbfs <3
If you're not one of the usual ones, sure.
>If you're not one of the usual ones, sure.
need new victims to groom?
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Nah, I like seeing new people here, gives me an idea of people in this general.
I have noone added from here anywhere really.
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champs for this feel?
what do you even mean usual ones
nobody streams regularly besides kg
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>Is this your new cope
>When people see you they go like "oh thats a nice viego"
no they wouldnt because im not white lol

besides, im not coping here
Him, vexbrairlover, dianaposter and I think Arya? I'm unsure.
Those people clearly have social circles and their own groups so I don't bother watching them, last guy I watched was a Jhin player who was an overall alright guy though he did seem a bit nervous so I was engaging with him in chat to make him feel less so.

what's wrong with the usual ones?
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Vex briar lover a.k.a. nantonaku2d streamed every day for over 2 weeks, though he mentioned he was looking for a job and he's very likely to get hired soon so he won't stream as much after that.
Nothing really. I just want to see new players.
>Those people clearly have social circles and their own groups so I don't bother watching them
how is that stopping you I'm confused
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thanks for reminding me....
There's nothing stopping me from watching them, they clearly have their own audience. I just want to see new different players. Whats the big deal?
yo guys you won't believe what just happened my crush is streaming on twitch rn

and no I won't drop a link because I'm keeping her all to myself
I get it. The chats are too cliquey. Same thing with the vgs
I play one game a day, how long till I get out of Iron?
nvm I confused the profiles
there is no big deal I just don't get it. chats or streams have never felt exclusive
so... bork rush on Briar is good now?
I haven't played in 2 months
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What do nonnies mean by bunny sex?

Do they know what it means?

If they do why do jannytor click click ets ets it?

Balding wite male can u help me with this one?
the numbers don't lie and they spell bork rush for briar
Done with Yasuo, Riven, Briar, and Illaoi. Illaoi was fucking awful since her tentacle smash doesn't scale with crit, which is fucking retarded since all 8 other characters do scale with crit. Plus health regen is fucking horrible in this mode. Gonna do it with Xayah now. Would be more fun if I weren't solo tho, wish it had matchmaking for extreme.
viego posting his studies from his mother's basement again
you had us in the first half ngl
Yep. When the Jhin guy dropped his stream he literally had like 2 viewers (one of them being a lolg stream regular but was passive viewer). I'd rather watch someone new and engage with them than I guess people who will just naturally get views due to persistence and time. Eg: I watched vexbrair when he was starting out which was alright but not lately really.

It's not about things being exclusive. Anyways, I want the other guy to stream, if not that's fine too.
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Alright. thanks Mr. Genetic Freak Scott Steiner.
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I miss her so bad bros......
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you know how do you fix Vi? make it so she doesn't get slowed by using her ACTUAL key ability (Q) and make the cooldown return if she hits someone like a Gragas E, then give her something else on W. old W becomes her part of her passive. nu W could be like Fiora parry, but if the spellshield blocks a CC ability it gives her movespeed and attack speed instead of a stun. filler ability doesn't need to be good. then you nerf the shit out of ult. 80% AD and 140/120/100. then you make her bisexual in Arcane 2 as I think it's too late to recton she's gay.
don't group viego into this slop
>trying to play my first ranked game in months
>4 fucking dodges in a row
I'm only plat mmr wtf
>It's not about things being exclusive. Anyways, I want the other guy to stream, if not that's fine too
yeah that's fine. didn't mean to sound like I was judging I was genuinely confused
Is np.
when will she return from the war
So he's still doing this huh? how long as it been? 4 years of blacked posting, is he schizophrenic or a bot? Is he a mod? Is that why he doesn't get banned for hours?
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my opinions might not be worth much to you but EVERY chatter is worthwhile for a small streamer
you should not feel like youre an outside member walking in on a clique
really any streamer not getting xqc numbers reads their full chat, if you come by even for just 10 min every single stream thats more than enough to just be part of it
there are days I stream to no one at all, so to think theres someone who refuses to join cause theres this notion of an in-crowd already filling the slots is dumb, if you like someones stream hang out with em, chat, even giving a (YOU) to the post in thread is fine I read em all
definitely a bot
coom brainrot I guess. what I don't get is why on a blue board. moreover why in a league of legends thread
Literally how do you do it? I've only finished Briar so far, everyone else just dies pretty much instantly once Aatrox spazzes out.
None of the /lolg/ streamers have any personality and their streams are boring as hell. None of them fill the dead air or say anything beyond surface level comments like "dat was bad". The only recent /lolg/ streamer worth watching was bloomsbury before he got all depressed because he was constantly talking as if he had 1000 viewers even though he had maybe 4
thats not what you were complaining about
if you just dont like the streams is one thing, pretending its because "they dont want another chatter to disturb the clique" is stupid
tank items retard look the meta and dont smile top what do u do vs mundo that rushes hollow radiance
Wtf is "engagement match making"?
pretty much this. part of the chat may already know each other from previous streams but every one I've been to has been easy to join in on convos and friendly
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>You couldn't protect her smile
My first post on the topic? You didnt reply to anyone
wtf this is news to me... is this true? T-T
the people who are streamers here don't have jobs? wtf
nigga 95% of euw posters don't have jobs
yeh when I do sf6 streams I get sfg anons that doesnt mean lolgs cant say anything or viceversa
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>Bougnoules Corp
Some of them live with roommates and such, streaming is mainly there in hopes to make money and self sustain. Some hope to impress girls or something, etc.
>streaming is mainly there in hopes to make money and self sustain.
I really really hope noone itt does this
thats retarded and youre stupid for thinking that
akali shitting in my mouth
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Sona sexo! I want sex with Sona!
Mainly its for fun socializing and perhaps improving in this game but it is a money making thing people do so it's not retarded at all.
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>teammate feeds their ass off
>end up with more gold and a better score on opgg than me despite also being down in CS
nobody who streams for 4chan has any lofty thoughts of "making it"
the kind of person who wants to be a big money making streamer has brand, image, and monetization as their priority and this place is the opposite of what you want if youre a wannabe ludwig
Very odd seeing these very close.
I'm samefagging.
I was saying more in terms of getting donated enough money to buy lunch or something, not make it huge.
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Why does Aurora hit the hard spot?....

Why can't we post Aurora?.....

Type Ksanta vs Aurora u get ban ?....

What does Aurora bunny mean
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>vanguard got rid of like 80% of the bots / cheaters
>gragas dies 5 mins into the game to a very easily forseen tower dive and now we all take a loss
Not Okay.
>post game screen SAYS they were punished, but check in a few hours later and the timers say they actually were not punished
This is the bullshit that needs to be corrected.
These ragequit go-next FAGGOTS who have 20 accounts and just rotate on a whim to dodge penalty queue timers etc.
I think the issue is you spamming the general for years for 60 hours per week from your mother's basement, not aurora
Janny, clean it up~
The nigger poster is shitting up the thread again!
>These ragequit go-next FAGGOTS who have 20 accounts and just rotate on a whim to dodge penalty queue timers etc.
hahaha wassup are you mad?
>pretty good beach run on Extreme
>all of a sudden two bombs spawn right next to you instakilling you
I don't think I've ever seen anyone in this general be donated to at all
having it in your bio is standard, something youre taught to do in all stream setup tutorials, hell its something I wrote down when someone asked me for streamer tips
but its existence doesnt equate to the main purpose or drive for streaming
100% of the guys here doing it do it csuse its fun and some engagement for the thread
personally I sit in streams even if I dont chat cause its better than sifting past 10 bbc posts to get to one post about a dude complaining about vanguard
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Why don't we put all euw scum in the oven?
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reminder that Nami is soft
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t. EUNE tranny
eune chads don't care about euw sissies doe
>giving an attention whore (you)s
lolg never learns and that is why they are silver
yes, bots usually do that
I say at least two of those things not to you thoughbeit
>it doesnt realize he makes those posters look better by comparing itself to them
lolg shippers are based
it's an old meme phrase
I just said it's a bot are you retarded


Asian girl whose only purpose is finding the biggest black cock and instantly drying it at the first possibility...
So after running through five characters on Aatrox, I've come to these conclusions
>exp is a horrible passive to take because when I took exp and maxed it out, I only barely managed to get all my things maxed out, but when I didn't even bother taking exp, I only missed out on five levels, meaning if you take exp, you're only taking it for five levels you'll be dumping into it anyways, it's a waste
>health regen is also horrible because I maxed out health regen in my upgrades, got the maxed out passive, got extra duration on illaoi because it makes her tentacles last longer, therefore more health regen, and even got an augment that gives +1 health regen when you get health pickups, and the regen was still negligible. which is to be expected, all increases to health regen are just flat increases. the exception is the one augment that reduces your health by 60% but gives you massive health regen, but that would make your hp too low for this fight
>meaning illaoi is also just terrible because she doesn't scale with crit and health regen is horrible
>when prioritizing your build, get what your champ scales with first, and then prioritizing damage, crit, and ability haste(unless you're leona, other things could be better)
>if you have projectiles, that's a good passive too
>armor and movespeed are always a must, either one or the other or both
>area size and duration are very situational
>never take health regen or pickup radius(unless you have to, aka xayah with pickup)
>prioritize getting as many levels as fast as possible and doing events as soon as possible, if you get the cross country augment from your first yuumi trial TAKE THAT SHIT, it is broken, get it and get as much movespeed as you can
>pescatarian can save runs
>ebb and flow is great, same for any armor/damage/movespeed increasing augments
>you can dodge his swords by going to the left side of the map
im autistic
will gay 4chan user defeat racism in a lolg thread?
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Asian girl whose only purpose is finding the biggest black cock and instantly drying it at the first possibility...
I unironically like the shippers they are funny or light-hearted. beats reading 500 posts about how riot is targeting you specifically into loser's queue
>you can dodge his swords by going to the left side of the map
How do you mean? That's the only part I'm struggling with.
also beats this fucking janny spamming blacked shit 24/7
whos your favorite lolg couple?
Go to the right side of his phase 2 arena, and when he spawns the swords, run to the left side of the arena, up to the wall. The swords shouldn't spawn. At least they didn't in my last run. The whole left side wall was clear of his swords.
>tfw 6.1x5.7 inch dicklet
How do I cope knowing it's not big enough for most girls out there? By playing league but still
Nigger always makes blackies seethe.
same with oatmeal
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lucky Viego...
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What is the scissor hand gesture for
There's no way it's just "haircut" or "peace sign".......
if your recommend condom size is large you are more than capable anon
check thebigdickguide
no favorites but I thought it was quite endearing how luxfag's bf commissioned chibis of their champs. specifially the xayah and rakan chibis
means she wants to scissor some other girl
are they actually official though?
I cheer for any anon who has a crush so that they confess and we get cute moments like that
having online crushes is peak incel behaviour
as far as the time of that yes
no seriously, what kind of autism demands this guy spam blacked in /lolg/ 24/7?
how come it always takes hours for his garbage to be deleted?
is he a janny doing this for '''fun'''?
Anyone euw normals?
nah spamming a disgusting degradation fetish is as close to school shooter incel tier as you can get without the guts to fucking do it
everything he hates is based
What's your ign?
>costs 1 blue essence to transfer to the middle east server
yeah yeah and back in your day everyone sent telegrams
I'm not an incel but I'm crushing on a Japanese pornstar right now
>spamming a disgusting degradation fetish
>everything he hates is based
these are incel behaviours as well
but I have to note that it's not a humiliation fetish for him, he genuinely just hates white people
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>tfw bronze 4
>tfw always win in lane
>tfw teammates are actually ticking timebombs with severe anger issues at the slightest mistake/problem
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Rabbit King #EUW
'bout to start
return of the king
is this real
I'm the opposite. I almost always lose lane, but don't run aimless around the map past laning and usually catch up in cs. We both have to learn.
Ah you gonna start making vg's again? And nah you should have enough friends for that.
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Well my friendslist is dead lol
At this rate i think we making eune great again
bro let me in
why do all the regions hate each other
nah hell never stop so everything he hates automatically is more based
you know they say ranged top is broken but I have been trying out Quinn and if I make even a tiny mistake any random tank can 100 to 0 me while I try to get back to my turret
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why is he allowed to play after the soraka game?
he literally said that he is trolling. should I contact riot support?
this would've been atleast a 2 week ban back in the days
A lot of people seem to be playing on eune lately so not bad idea if you have another account there.
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What does lolg think about tyler1? I used to like him but after growing up, i realize that his toxicity is genuinely retarded, and sometimes doesnt even seem like a joke. I feel he single-handedly ruined the community with his slangs.
ok so can you not even send a ticket directly to the support team anymore?
this guy>>487033281 just gets to pick cleanse ghost soraka, type "I am trolling" and not get punished at all?
is this real?
isn't he reformed and a dad now
>"I am trolling"
>didn't even come in at 10th
His kid is an absolute goblino, it's disgusting.
damn it really matters what his opgg score said while trying his best to soft int a game, you are right, if he had 2 more assist we might have won the game
it all starts with belief that jacking off multiple times a day to porn is normal human behavior
I'm laughing at the fact that the inter wasn't even the worst played in the game if has nothing to do with you
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Do you know who it is

Another case of blacks defining the culture... though he did copy someone
all babies start out ugly
I kind of agree, but this one looks like a /pol/ meme against racemixing.
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All my sources have shown that magical girls gain a power boost from becoming sexually active and it just so happens that BBC is the most potent
yes our adc picked cleanse ghost soraka and ran it down after typing that he would troll
he was probably assigned support by opgg because of the item so he had cracked stats or something
do you expect that creatures teammates to try hard the autolost game and have 10 opgg scores or what the fuck are you even typing?
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I don't have an account there but even the anons that would play games with us, alot were from eune server originally and just had an euw account for playing with us etc. Maybe it's time to return the favour.

I'll do normals for another hour or so I guess, if anyone wants to join, just log on.
>jacking off multiple times a day to porn
how do people do this. I would imagine it sucks too much time out your day, you'd be too exhausted after the first 2 times, and it would get boring if done too often. do people not suffer burn out?
Please save our dying general
We need your help.
man I just closed league
can we play another day or something I'm pretty sleepy
glad to see you btw
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White bunny likes big black cock

Did you reach bronze 1 on wukong today?
I'm sure whatever you spawn will be just as ugly
I joined your vgs when it needed the last slot.
I think people just account hop from euw to eune thesedays, a lot of people seem to be having low quality games in euw and moving to eune. Might be because euw is following NA's pattern where players are leaving and only the worst are staying.
How the fuck is karthus balanced?
>h-he's weak early!
yeah, and then he just farms for 30 seconds when you cant chase his faggot ass around and suddenly has 40 more cs than you
severe case of neetism and being terminally online. literal vegetables living for the next coom because thats the only time they feel something.
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He's cute, let him be.
ahh ok you are retarded
>How the fuck is karthus balanced?
The people who play him are retarded and don't know how to abuse him, except Malice. Watch Malice Karthus games from the NNO cup and compare them to when Oner or whoever plays him in LCK. Night and day. If Koreans don't know how to play him, your solo queue opponents won't either. And especially not if their teams don't play around him, which they won't.
Yes. Just yes.
wheres my lolg crush...
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none of you dodged so I expect him to have been the worst player in the match yes. you are double retarded for being autistic about that post too though. enjoy loss kek
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Oats brother.
So the blacked spammer has to be a janny right?
No other reason why his garbage stays up so long. It only gets deleted when a different janny see's it and does his job.
nami is the janny which is why this general has three spammers rampant
sounds horrific
he's streaming!
Give him viewership because he's gonna get booted to work anytime now.
To be honest, the nigger spammer has kind of helped killing the general.
It used to be way more active and lively before.
Well, the game is less popular than it used to, too.
>Well, the game is less popular than it used to, too.
Its not though.
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Shen's equilibrium did not protect them from me -- for I have no equal.
some samefagging for some broccoli headed neet
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I'm gonna be honest I feel like Aurora would be more popular if she was picked for a better skinline, she's already the best champion release since Hwei and is almost surpassing SERAPHINE.
Unfortunately Anima Squad fucking sucks, why didn't she get picked for a new musical group? Maybe Seraphine's new girl group with Aurora, Karma, Neeko and Katarina? It would be nice
you are still retarded, no need to keep posting
Her anima squad skin is good
>Maybe Seraphine's new girl group with Aurora, Karma, Neeko and Katarina? It would be nice
This would suck
>all posts I don't like are the same person!
ok, post your op.gg I'm sure you've been spamming her right?
We need cute skins and these are cute girls, idk what you're talking about
no one on this board cares about streamers except for their one single viewer
I accept your concession
It is.
You can shit me out as many bullshit numbers as you want to, but LoL used to be way more popular, that's a fact.
LoL (and Katawa Shoujo) are the reason this board exists in the first place.

Look how crowded a random no name game EU LCS used to be in season 3.

Now look at the NA LCS today, the game isn't what it used to.
Yeah but ultimately it's Riots fault for not improving this game one bit. In just one patch they made the client the most insufferable it's ever been without fixing a damn thing about it.
The games are just as miserable and the game matchmaking has been god awful. Never in my 6 years of playing this game had I ever have to go against a master player even on normals, the only time I ever even saw such a disparity was when I'd duo with a guy and won about 25 games straight all day until it was 2:00 in the evening and he (gold player) was matched against a challenger which was reasonable because people in that region should be sleeping so only giga addicted people would be playing during those hours and also because it's ranked and he had an absurd win streak.
Overall this season also doesn't feel amazing, more like mediocre as hell to play, same with the skins and events being churned out. My only hopes is that the game gets more interesting from September onwards with seasonal skins, worlds and arcane. The new noxian grandma coming up is also very underwhelming, but that's probably a toplaner so not my problem.
>almost surpassing SERAPHINE
oh no no no no serafags look out
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Wrong guy. Also, let that guy orbit him, vfxbrair seems alright.
>The numbers are hecking wrong... look at LCS crowds!
Are you trolling? Noone watches LCS because it fucking sucks?
And its not even true because Worlds gets more viewers each year
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>brown flood of champions like viego akshan nilah milio, forgotten 13 seconds after they're released even when OP
>finally, nas was given a chance to make a champion
>makes his OC self-insert
>instant hit
>rito execs see the numbers and start making concepts like :freljord: :rabbit:
broccoliheads are cute albeit
Also their decisions for the game this year has been very dogshit overall too, vanguard will always feel unnecessary because it is simply not needed to run this game. Then there's the $200-$500 cosmetics while skimping out on battlepass rewards and how masterwork chests and hextech chests only drop champ shards or oe/be lately. Players not being able to communicate in a team based game over fear of getting their accounts nuked. Shit is just anti consumer GARBAGE and Riot needs to get their head out of their ass. This game hasn't been good for like atleast 5 years now.
I now realize that I don't miss this place, I miss the idea of it, but not the truth.
Loligee used to be so comfy...
>viego forgotten after 13 seconds
did you even play the game nigga
were real nice when he isnt around
just hang out in lolg streams when he is since he cant do anything there
This place still has comfy hours depending on what you find comfy.
I enjoy stupid rants about oatmeal and the sleep stuff along with people raging over games.
Don't enjoy the attentionseeking or gossipy bits though but some enjoy those.
Start a /lolg/ discord and we can ban retards like him
Clean it up, Janny~
The nigger spammer is shitting all over the thread again.
fake swift
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Why do Iron 4 players have 80 CS at 10 minutes?
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probably been iron for like 8 years now and still dont know how to close games because they were jungle mains and the gromp just pawned in the camp broooo you wouldn't understand, etc.
and 200 at 30
ye np!
I've heard that about people playing on eune, i think it's just kinda done for LoL in europe, needs some revitalization or something else.
It's not coming back unless Riot actually puts in good changes (impossible).
It's me! Heya! C:
( >*w*)> |---------------------

Loligee cycled through a few discords in my time.
All imploded in on themselves.
Never a good idea to be quite honest mia famiglia.

Same place? I haven't been there in so long...

I miss the esports memeposting...
And the comfy diary blog posting, those were my favorite threads...
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Current Iron is gold 10 years ago, unironically. Pic rel is bronze
damn now we have 4 luxfags
Kill yourself nigger, never reply to me again.
They fucked it up because you don't even get your roles on the scoreboard listed in the right order in draft-pick lol, what's up with that? Have to keep manually changing adc to bottom 2nd slot, top from bottom slot to top slot etc.
no we have streamers who post their shit and play throughout the day
thats where all the lolgs hang out when this faggot is ruining the thread for everyone normal, its why threads get real slow too
Who the fuck are you
missed u babe
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I hate niggers too.
>diary blog posting
like what
Post some links, I'll check it out sometime.

Hey, I was here first!

I'm Swift~!
Heya :3
toxic lux is back?!
nantonaku and king grey stream every day I think
sweaty riven abs
no one cares about beta males

I'm just passing by, doubt I'll stick around for too long. Life isn't as slow as it used to be :c

Just regular loligee cuties posting about their day
It was always really cute to read, especially when the threads got slow
And all the erp... ungodly amounts of erp
Thank you ireliaposter, you're a constant source of inspiration to keep doing cardio so when i finally meet you i won't get tired while beating your head against a wall :3
What the actual fuck, I just tried it out. I'm not sure whether that's intended, but it turns the fight a piece of cake. I'm gonna grind Swarm with each champ and abuse this lest they fix it.
C-can I erp with you too?
What the fuck are you even supposed to do against the bomb enemies, is it because I didn't buy enough movement speed upgrades, it's literally impossible to escape the explosion range of you set foot in one.
>be swift
>30 years old
>"kyaaaa where my loligee cuties @?????"
>of [sic] you set foot in one
there's your mistake
>be 30 yr old balding white male posting as jinx/lulu/nami/soraka/sona/katarina/aurora/lux
why is 30 an insult. someday we will all be 30 and still shitposting here. aging does not stop
>be swift
>life is too busy from erping with the children in your basement
>come to reminesence the times you erped in online forums like it was a big chapter in your life
are you comfortable sharing your disc? we're both a little past our expiration date but lets be friends, you offered that one time but i never responded
The only swift i recognize is Taylor Swift!!!
Id still fuck you xoxo
I just installed the game and I'm hardstuck in Iron 4. All my teammates are toxic as fuck, tryharding as hell too and have amazing CS/game knowledge. If Iron 4 is like bottom 2% and there are no new players playing with me the must be horribly dying right? Like most of the accounts I play with have years and years if continuous play, probably more if you assume some were banned for toxicity.

Honestly league is fucking dead, there is zero new blood, zero. Not a single drop to be found
Ign? We can play some norms if you want
>amazing cs/game knowledge
you dont have either if you're in iron iv
Never said I did, I honestly would like games at my level
You said your teammates do, but they don't. Most people in iron iv are there because they are bad at the game
Bad to you, better to 99% of people who install
Self hatred
A lot of lolg posters are 30+ and they hate themselves because of it so they project it hard
Glad you got it!
just watched a video from last patch where someone had divine sunderer... I miss it so much bros
I'm only 28...
Also you are never too old to be cute!

It kinda was, honestly. I met some really amazing people here, and the whole experience had a positive impact on my self esteem.

But I don't hate myself, in fact I love who I've become despite all the Guts level trauma...

Sure, swift.ln

I know babe

I haven't written lewd things between spoilers in years, I'm not really into it anymore :c
sorry, kisses u on the cheek~
C-cute poster...
>just installed
>iron iv
nice larp but it takes like three weeks to get to level 30
>But I don't hate myself, in fact I love who I've become
that's really cool, I hope someday I can come to love myself too
*stabs you 37 times in the chest*
>goes ap shaco
why do people CHOOSE to be useless?
>posts picture of female
>nonsensical text
>get multiple replies?
jesus you guys need to get out more
*hooks up with your mom while you're banned out of my chat.*
haha i made him reply 3 times
>buy box of wine
>drink entire thing(34 drinks) in last 12 hours
champs for this feel? will either pass out or queue ranked also >drank myyself to sleep last night >wake up continue drinking
i do that everyday, i am proud of it too
people come to an internet forum to talk about stuff
>people come
not on my watch, degenerate.
are there any lolgs you like bbcuck
How are you not in the hospital right now
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How do I stop dying a lot as Twitch? Is it all about positioning with him?
you cant stop me
probably that wukong guy since he one tricks a monkey
idk im alcoholic thanos ig

queueing lilia fill as we speak
Say "I was hiding" out loud when you start attacking and you will get +10 AD. Riot doesn't want you to know this.
>lane chud is mad that I'm ganking the winning lane that's carrying instead of him because he could be "carrying" right now. And starts typing novels.
Holy shit just accept you can't win every game and get carried. you solo died 4 times in laning phase you aren't the main character.
you may EDGE, no coming without my permission
Learning to love and respect yourself is a very long and hard process
If you ever need some help, add me on disco.

The human experience is wild.

>Buy box of wine
>box of wine
Sis at least buy some actual win
you lookin for a bf?
>queue time for a pve gamemode
>can't even match with people
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Feelsbadman, it's literally impossible to get fun matches since there's so much skill imbalance. It's either get stomped or get carried, nothing in-between.

I had fun for a while but the novelty has worn off. I like clicking things but not this much
>If you ever need some help, add me on disco.
help you get groomed yeah
if you ever "need help" from a discord tranny that gets off on listening to people's pathetic bitching and moaning consider whether you actually deserve to be alive or not honestly
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A man of knowledge!

Post a bigger yt humiliaton ritual champion than rora?

Yes? I wanna have sex with racist lolg nonnies!
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>was gonna lock lilia
>queue dodged
>get jg
>dont wanna be fated ashes abuser
can play akali its fine
>maximum file size allowed is 4mb
Not every game is for everyone. Maybe something like Heroes of the Storm is more your tempo.
whats a chomo
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>racism is funny
>post aurora
>racism is not funny
>Not a single post about LCS in the 2 days it's been on
It's still amazing how they blundered on every front with that league to the point that absolutely no one in any region cares about it.
>play akali jg
>enemy lees path is late invade red into miss q on red into i smite red get level 2 into he just stis krugs and flashes on me
holy fucking nigger dont blow ur brains out u have so much to live for
>gets off on listening to people's pathetic bitching and moaning
God damn I love being called out this hard.
Are my intentions really important if it ends up helping some people?
Some people just really need a caring ear, a soft pat and some honest words of encouragement.
I am THE person to vent to, and I take pride in that.
Sure I get off on it but that's what we call a win win situation~

No, just friends c:
luxposter I had a bad breakup several years ago and basically shut down since how do I come back
You get off on other people's suffering and struggles like a dark triad baddie
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Why does every pro Ashe build this disgusting shit
Just go Kraken PD IE and actually do damage, what the fuck is this build supposed to do
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Champs for this feeling?
swift is just a subpersonality of lyra when she's feeling nice
let him cook
Soraka! My cute wife!
The game's fun, it's just fucked by matchmaking and lack of other new players. Like I'm expected to know some obscure strategies in iron and it sucks
whoa, so that's why everyone simps Jelly!
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Serasisters, explain to me why people go Helia for Supportphine. It feels like it does NOTHING
you're a subpersonality of dogshit and i'm feeling nice
Delphia (my wife)
Second for my helpful wife.
mmm yes we hate niggers here problem?
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>4chan forums
Dust settled why flop?
A smart man avoids adding people on discord from 4chan.
you scared away all the normal people who wanted to talk about the game
AHHHH Soraka what are you doing?
idk man, all I can say is I started last year in iron 2 and my matches felt pretty even most of the time. and even those times when one team got stomped, they quite frequently made some huge mistake and threw their lead at some point.
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These ones
your queen bee is on her 15th game of the day? how come you aren't as devoted to the climb as j*lly?
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really disappointed with aurora release only seen it once in my draft norms seems like noone wants to play it, played it once myself it was just fucking BAD ngl
I'm not a neet or house wife so I don't have the opportunity to play 20 games a day
I'd like to play her but she is always banned
I dont really play ranked
nourishing, duh. do you want some goat milk?
anon is afraid of falling in love and having his heart broken
Soraka's banana is too powerful...
umm yeah no one wants to see black penis.
BUCK'sante is a literal flaming homosexual.
I've added lolgs before and it went well for the most part
>idk man, all I can say is I started last year in iron 2 and my matches felt pretty even most of the time. and even those times when one team got stomped, they quite frequently made some huge mistake and threw their lead at some point.
Desu-ne I wish there was enough time for that. Most of my games are 20-30min long
good thing she's so selfless. she'll make sure everyone on the rift is properly satiated. pls honor your supports~
>Dark triad baddie
Stop flirting with me this hard, you're gonna make me moan and cum and piss myself... and it's too late for that I got work in the morning...
Also I do NOT get off on the suffering... I just have a severe messiah complex... it's just that it doesn't always work out, you know...
May I know who I'm speaking with, I'd like to know who's able to call me out like this

Add me, we can talk some other time, it's getting late and my bath is ready C:
It's a mixed bag. I've added 2 people from /lolg/ and they're chill. The 3rd person is batshit though.
spill the tea sis
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Need 2 more viegoscalps for norms on NA :3
the third person raped me on gunpoint
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>I just have a severe messiah complex... it's just that it doesn't always work out, you know...

I do that too... which is why it's doubly amusing to lure such people into their zone only to retract and watch them become the villainous entity they pretend to battle... because I understand its intricacies and enjoy the reversal to a deeper level... which in turn satiates my masochism and reinforces my world views on the petty nature of human beings... I used to believe real connections and bonding were born out of a special, unique cocktail of traumas two individuals would share or complete one another somehow, yet everytime I give in the curiosity the same realization strikes me over and over... my instinct is always correct, I have yet to be proven wrong...
Batshit one is Kaynfujo. She doesn't post here anymore or play the game but if you were ever on /lolg/ a minimum of 4-5 years ago then you'd know how insane she is.
what is tagline
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kill yourself, br0k3n. go back to ur dead barren server, we don't want you here. and take caatra with you while you're at it
Fucking finally. Now I can go make dinner.
idk what swift ln is and you didnve even drop a user eithe KAPPACHUNGUS
hello OCEfags
please queue for arena. i know its monday morning, quit your jobs you niggers and live off neetbux pls
shut up retard. your entire existence is borne out of ego, you are just too stunted to realize it. legit your posts always leave such a nasty taste in my mouth
nothing wrong with being a husband fag
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Most comfy champion for playing solo in Iron 4? Tried tanks but they rely on your team even if you win lane, can't do much even with 2 kills and bunch of farm if other lanes feed.
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You should wear a name so I can blacklist your tremendously stupid posts. You're neither amusing in your "banters" nor interesting when you desperately try to be insightful. Silence yourself already.
Playing a splitpusher is pretty comfy because in Iron people will legitimately ignore you to have a permanent clownfest mid for the whole game
this is getting ridiculous
it's not banter. you are suffering for a reason, fool
Correct but there's a difference between being a sane husbandofag and whatever the fuck Kaynfujo was with her paragraph long gore centric sperg outs about Rell and Akali because she considered them legitimate threats to her and Kayn
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Difference between bunny sexer and the non bunny sexer?
the girls ive added have all been pretty cool
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im lolling lolly gee lololo :d lololol why are u so funniiii lolololol
you know what's really crazy? when you realize the bbc poster is the least unhinged and malicious poster ITT
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>guys anyone wanna norms
>posts tag
>doesnt add me
do in fact kill yourself fast
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ingame ending soon (we're up 26 kills at 13 mins)
this never happened
when you have to be a contrarian because you're on 4chan moment
I tried splitting but often people just take objectives, push into our nexus or someone's so fed they can 1v1
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zats grazy.... wallah.... *heh* *clears throat*
oh 'eartist i a'ays knew you 'ad a good sense o yumah
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>by FAR the best skin in the bunch, a 9/10 skin that's made to look even better by the hideous flops she's paired with (i.e yasuo, trannyllaoi)
>leader of the group
>one who comes up when you open the game
>just another one of her many skins
Why does she always, ALWAYS win?
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>have one bad match the entire day
>flame the team egirl
>performance goes from bad to worse
>team starts recovering
>get carried by the team egirl
>she rubs it in moments before we win
holy fucking shit please just end me bros
I think you just made my heart skip a beat.
You are the voice in my head I've learned to shut off. I never thought I'd miss it. Wicked.
You are wrong, though. People at their core are loving beings, the problem is that it's really hard to be a positive force without a safety net of compassionate people around you. It is through nurture, validation and understanding of that inner love that forms connections.
Can I add you?
shouldn't have flamed the girlboss
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Champ of the decade
Do not add qikuckami
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and the guys?
i would simp for qikami if (s)he was na
swift was the angel while qkm was actually my devil....
I dont need more friends
you're a slow learner swift
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let her cook damnit
just because you're a mentally ill bbc spammer doesn't mean we're all white retard
hi kg
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really not something to brag about desu sis...
shame if I'm white shame if I'm not white
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>expecting to win with anons
how nice of Soraka to fertilize that rice paddy!
i don't forget easily, caatra.
he's the whitest guy here
Good night loligee, have fun~

God damn it...
You're perfect.
this isn't over
night night swiftie
most of the posters are. kg, talonfag, and jelly are latinx. sorakafag, meri, both yonefags, arya, lyra, are white. tamzir is unidentified asian non_hispanic
>be bbcuck
>try your hardest to convince everyone that you are white
>get angry
>lash out and imply that you are brown
why does this keep happening? what's his endgame by trying to convince is that he is white.
I think he is just a brown immigrant living in a white country with an extreme inferiority complex but not sure
gn swift
unless you're implying you think im qkm, in which case i hope you die in your sleep
sorakafag is definitely not white IQ
merii doesn't seem white
meri and arya are turkish
meri is norwegian
i find it funny how my name never gets mentioned in here anymore. does anyone have a list of namefags?
sistas lets start up a discord
good afternoon
what the hell are you supposed to do against nasus if your champ can't kill him before level 6? once he gets 6 he can just press r to become immortal
kg is a nigger
>but bro he has a spanish grandparent he's a latino
Sure, my disc and IGN aren't a secret to anyone, feel free...
soraka didn't know what lean is but smokes pot. he's 100% white. meri is a turk
consent is important
both of my parents are mexican you retard, all 3 of us are illegal immigrants
I hope someone rats your family out to the deportation police
my dad might be getting deported we find out soon
thats life
Be nice his dad already got deported and he didn't get to say goodbye
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Can the BBC anons give me some ideas for good names so I can shove my fetish down everyone's throat in game?
it's ok when i marry kg he'll be able to stay
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We wuz kings angle

Naah dont trigger him or else he'll start talking about visas again xD
what the hell
KsanteOverRakan and you only play xayah
youre not a girl
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stop using that grotesque fake word
i feel gold and xp starved in the jungle, especially when the enemy team is playing super safe on champs with a hundred escapes

i think i will start rushing hydra and steal farm from lanes
i've got that greencard doe
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sorry kg I need to be politically correct so I don't seem racist
that's jfs not kg
talonfag was polish
literally who??????? stop pretending these nobodies are on the same level as main charas like kg
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Shit, I didn’t even smoke all that much. Edibles are way better. Smoking sucks.
I use latinx to call out fake hispanics its a funny slur for californians and anyone who hasnt seen dbz
>dude weed lmao
now the retardation and nonstop spam about something nobody cares about all makes sense
kg's season is over nostalgiafag. he's just a broken shadow of what he used to be, disgruntled side character at best
why so grumpy?
white as fuck. do you stock up on thc gummies too?
where the FUCK are the senna buffs
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help give names please!
my season will come, never give up hope
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>luxposter says they are the person to rant to
>rant to them
he obviously has memory issues which is why he has the same conversations twice a day. ive seen it in the clients i work with that have dementia and alzheimers
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No. I moved on to CBDs. Getting high kinda sucks.
>believing anyone's fake internet persona
come on pepe, you know better
never trust these hoes. rule number fucking one man.
>season finale of lolg
>old man kg finally gets the girl
>sitting ontop of a hilltop watching the sunset as he takes his last breath
>be supp
>poke both laners down to low hp
>see easy lvl 3 all in
>ping all in and go all in
>tank everything they got and get them down to 10hp
>adc did nothing but watch the whole time and I die
>"I can't go in like that I have no peel. you're not leona"
>enemy team invades my jungle
>zero response from my teammates
>teammates begin flaming my lack of cs
maybe he fell asleep
return to my initial post >>487048649
you should stop your memory's sake
they literally just said they're hopping off for the night to take a bath calm down
no anon I want kids, make grandma proud
do you guys think I should add swift's discord and act like a submissive bitchboy? I don't really have shit to bitch and moan about though my life is mostly fine
he'll leak dms here so make sure you have an alt
dang all the posters are coming out tonight
bpd enough that I don't have a main at all (ghosted everyone and deleted the account)
swift is unhinged but he has a good soul
qikami is the one you shouldn't add
isn't that the meth guy
qkm is a succubus that I can't help falling deeper and deeper for..
Uh... is Zyra jungle good?
>It's Joever.
lol, champs for this feel?
sorry this thread is intended for gay erp purposes we don't actually discuss the game here
yes, unfortunately
I'm not him and I would rather you be politically incorrect than whatever that circlejerk abortion of a word is
nah qkm is the oversized dildos guy. you're thinking of pom aka 2pixo
fuck off
who's the vex diaperfag
I'm not fullblooded white. I'm a mutt with mexican in me.
Hows peoples Swarm games going (if you've tried it)
haven't tried it, too busy playing Briar in ranked
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Games aren't won by the best player in the lobby, they are lost by the worst player in the lobby.
except pompom :(
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How's that going?
Is the Annihilator incredibly rare or is it bugged? I haven't seen it once yet since unlocking it a few days ago
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Yeah thats probably the best. I’m getting tired of drugs.

Good. The grind is actually enjoyable. Leona is still OP.
my lolg crush isnt around tho...
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I NEED two wins back to back
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hi queen
you look beautiful today <3
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Nay, I DESERVE two wins back to back!
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10 dabs of fent again vladsissy this time no pussy

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where are his pupils
how are you complaining about sissies as the biggest sissy champ in the game
I spit on the gook false idol

in my middle pocket bro just reach for them
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Champs for these feels?
qikami I love you can I add you and duo bot with you on euw?
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what happened during aurora development
she's clearly intended to be an annoying ranged toplaner
istead she gets huge ratios to make her a oneshot midlane mage
so her only interesting skill is just used as a huge aoe oneshot to do R QEQ and pray it kills
then the rest of her kit is boring as shit to use
and she gets completely upstaged

like it's weird, even reddit is saying that she's completely undercooked, her kit is boring as shit, nobody is talking about her kit, you can learn everything there is to learn about her in like 3 games
half a year of development for 2 line skillshots, a little hop and a magic damage jarvan ult seems insane
tldr bitch
I think its rareish so whole teams don't end up with one each, there might even be a limit to how many a team can have (most Ive seen is 2)
so is vanguard still bricking PCs? I've been having an ARAM itch for a while and it's not going away...
F to this niggas soul >>487064252
which lolg would be the best bf?
this doofus ass nigga comes in every single thread to ask if vanguard is still bricking pcs
liderally me
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Riot said they intended for her to be a top laner however she was way too annoying and everyone despised playing against her so they changed her into a mid lane battlemage.
that was literally my first post here in like 5 months
she's more annoying when she can oneshot me i fear
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Only Riot Games can be so talented that they think that a boss fight like Aatrox works well in a survivors game. The genre that's famous for "can't see shit captain" endgame.
won all 3 games so far
do you even get anything out of playing swarm?
yuumi emote
Its a ritualpost
Aurora champ shard.
>scours the ends of the earth for you should you ever get kidnapped
>can't see shit captain
poor boomer/millennial eyes cant keep up. i feel sad for you.
I see, but why release her then? Riot is super slow with champ releases and they already had Swarm for the big summer event (which has completely upstaged her either way).
She reminds me of like a less fun AP Sion. As in, the way she's played is clearly not what she's intended to be played as, and it's kind of fun for two or three games but then it's boring since it's just R in, QEQ and if it didn't kill disable R and get out.
Super shitty kit honestly. I guess they thought the visuals would be enough to carry her but I'm surprised at how barebones and plain she feels.
>they already had Swarm for the big summer event
take a wild guess which champ is in that event
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They wanted to release her with the big summer event to market her.
make a list and ill rate their vibe as a partner
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You can level off it, complete the pass missions if you have it, and you get an Aurora shard to save you some BP
>Pick Briar
>Win the game
Simple as, excellent
this'll be fun
I hate
Swain poster
Yone! Poster
Stay positive poster
Briar poster
Soraka poster
Nani poster
Bara poster
Steel m3ntal
Seraqueen poster
I already mentioned that. She feels more like something to enhance swarm than swarm being something to enhance her: she doesn't have a prominent role in it, she's probably the worst character in it. It's not like spirit blossom where Yone and Lillia were prominent.
Feels like there wasn't much passion behind her design that they just swapped her lanes a short time before release rather than just delaying her and coming up with something better. Feels like a big misstep for Riot.
I love
I've been playing briar/lillia
won 5 out of 7 games so far
very comfy
you two should make out
Yone ritualposter but only if youre yone
which one?
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irelia and aurora united
i need name fag
>Briar poster
>Bara poster
there's like 3 of each
the brazilian one.
add firestorm, kg, nantonaku, endlesslosersq, and arya to the bfs list
Lilia seems comfy, hate playing against her but it seems like the person behind the wheel is having a blast
Look at me bitches, I am CHALLEJNGER
WAIT NO even better, it says Master, I got caught up in the "Challenge" word
why do get sniped by scripters in this game who bet on your games?
Add Lissfag, Morgfag and Qiyanafag as well
> ran out of alcohol
champs for this feel
>an entire item above Irelia
>absolutely cannot 1v1 her even if I dodge stun and ult and catch her by surprise
>go 4v1 on her
>she somehow kills the support in three hits (0 skillshots hit)
>would have 1v4d if I wasn't so fucking fed
riot games
what in the fuck is this champion
is there a single person that knows enough about all these posters and is female to make this list?
i only am familiar with one of them cuz im new here
be my gf?
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hate this stupid fucking game so fucking bad go next
No opinion isn’t negative it just means I don’t have anything to really say about the person
10/10 probably my first choice.
Another 10/10, he’s Byakuya Kuchiki irl
No opinion
No, fucking annoying
Yes because he’s probably a chad irl for being into football
I don’t know who that is
Maybe, he does seem loyal but a little desperate
No, comes off as a cheater and that he’s think he was too good for me. Pretty mean person too
Honestly no because he’s too confused about his sexuality
No, unhinged. Watch his stream for clarification
No and this is merely because seraphime is my personal most hated champ. I have been perma banning her since her release.
Are you like an evil ghost and we're supposed to remember something that happened to you so that you can rest in peace and fuck off for all eternity?
and the others?
mommy didn't give him enough attention growing up now he acts like a retard online because of it
Which one?
What would you rate them?
Only NPC retards play Briar. Briar is the most ugly and boring shit in the game.
>knockup an enemy in a 1v2
>our yasuo doesn't ult and they get away
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Aurora does %hp damage with her passive so if she has good spacing and goes liandry’s it’s probably good for her

firestorm is best gf(male)
The Grudge 4- 4Chan
Does the Finnish autist really stay 16 hours a day spamming BBC?
first day on lolg?
Yes. He's done it for YEARS at this point. He nonstop ban evades to keep doing it. Hopefully he dies sometime soon.
Aurora failed because it was a femoid champ.
Viego counters Aurora in-game and irl.
But 16? I have been posting since 2017 but like a few mins every few days and I only remember him spamming midday
but even late nights are not safe it seems
His hatred of white people knows no bounds.
It's some form of advanced autism known only to finnish people.
what having no personality outside of porn does to a nigga
how fucking desperate are you? at least try to make it look organic, which list did you namedrop yourself on you disgusting freak?
ye its probably nantonaku or kg for sure
>counters Aurora in-game

>>486997058 aurae
>>487008437 jellyfishsloth
>>487009057 seraphine is 17
>>487012991 boodrum
>>487028086 namiposter
>>487031669 rabbit king
>>487040586 swift
>>487050662 lothrup
>>487052373 br0k3nh34r7
>>487052937 qikami
>>487055120 king grey
>>487055495 yvvmislvt
>>487055763 caatra
>>487058729 doja yuumi
>>487059819 sorakaposter
>>487060379 zaunites3x
>>487062845 vex briar lover
>>487066717 bbcuck
>>487067378 darkmapache
>binge watching all my highlights over the last couple years again
anyone else get aroused comparing their own gameplay to the low elo freak npcs they get matched with?
sorry wrong quote
damn.. no one really remembers me?
no aryalyra no care
wow i made a vayne play in that exact same spot like 5 years when i was a lil pisslow
i miss topgank bros...
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How long before we can play her support?

You will get it!
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I need just ONE more win
Im not VBL
kiss me baby
you are a king gg !!!
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That briar swarm post was definitely dabs
this is me :3
I didn’t namedrop myself but I did make this post kek >>487071037
kms sorry
tfw my lolg crush doesn't call me a desperate disgusting freak
mine calls me a femcel
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desperate disgusting freak
>save ahri's life by killing the belveth on top of her
stupid fuck
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thx bbg ily2
because I'M the one who's supposed to be the kitten
not these fucking troons
velkoz or hwei
How to silence a fox
>he's image banned
come on jannies you can do better than that
surely it must be the same nigga who says "its a RiTuAlPoSt" as if assigning a name to retardation makes it somehow not retarded
this one also doesnt fuck niggers
sex with zac abuser anons
sex with ekko mains
sex with turret damage top scores
seraqueen get gank by nafari
crystal sera skins when
crinzel bro
this except unironically
And briar
and aurora
You know, killing enemy champs is fun and all, but I'm here to destroy the enemy nexus and nothing else.
he's literally 6 years old you pedo
o_o not finna do it unless u repost sona make new thread pic o_o
ive never seen anyone banned for ritual posting
have to kill enemy champions in order to destroy enemy nexus silly
not even the nexus turrets?
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Don't silence the fox!

The TRUE song of the thread!
Theme: The Ahri post above.
actually u cant have sex with her
she does not like 4chan race shes turbo racist l9 girl
>implying we don't have the most retarded jannies known to retardkind
looking at my old webms..
i used to be really good at the game
i wish i didn't start doing drugs
can't spell free without REEE
kappa chungus deluxe edition
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no new thread but its almost evo time
come hang if you like
>rhape ops victim
who is this
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Nah it gotta be the akali beheading chune cause the nolife virgin is camping on a sunday night

the city of paranĂ¡ is in the nordeste of argentina
>spic fighter
? go play tf
I asked riot to remove TF from my account
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>raquan and/or tazmir posting
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I second this thread theme
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Whats wrong with this one?
We do not get champs like this often
ok last one I promise
>could unironically make a half hour+ montage with all my clips

I never liked that they made him gay and then they went and fucked with his scalings and damage
ruined my champion
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we will ruin everything you love ^_^
>first placement game razor thin barely lose
>second placement out damage my adc as support and overperform on all metrics but still lose
>account is now losers que and ruined forever

Cooooool system riot.
Make the new thread!
>hit plat 3 for the first time
Bros... maybe I'll be an emeraldCHAD someday...
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K gimme 2 minutes
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you cant ruin my xayah
Squeal more for me piggie. Love seeing you rage over colors on a screen.
come here secret threads
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Who? I only post gucci

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