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Previous: >>486996970

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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someone tell me to go to bed instead of requeuing
requeue again
you're gonna win the next one
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grr... nothing makes me angrier than getting my way every single time
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promise I'll win plus headpat for good luck
what am i suppose to do on the bunny?
i promise to cheer you on!
*pats u on the head*
blacks have the most fucked up faces of all the races
Why do league players, especially adcs, HATE waiting for their powerspikes before initiating? If you lose early and scale better, if you get poked to 25% hp, why do you fight? What's wrong with you?
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White woman sex.
White woman breeding, even.


Etsweel, last time you got laid?
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the deal is SEALED
you played for over 16hrs today jelly. go to bed
that'd be abo's, but blacks are a close second
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lil pineapple head
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>demote because client never loaded me again
holy shit this is like the fourth time riot does this to me. fix your fucking client

that's not me
does meripoop still post here?
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not jelly bitch
plus I took a two hours break to workout and eat
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>Toplaner chimps out bc I'm not camping top and ganking a losing lane
>They then proceed to run around in other lanes and type to me the entire game despite me not flaming back at all
Why are so many of the people in diamond elo mentally ill? My midlaner ran into enemy tower on purpose last game because he accidentally bought a support item and left fountain.
i wish i was the riot client so jelly would berate me
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Any scholars?

Yh its me see my namefield

Gyno white skin irl
overdosed on box wine and weed
If you think your client is bugging then alt f4 in loading screen and reconnect
>adding the people I play with (when I lose) and psychologically dissecting them to get them to commit suicide

If every game wasn’t a win trade and I wasn’t silver (plat 4 0 lp) I wouldn’t have to do this
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my beratings are rare and only for the most lowest of scum, like riot's coding or phreak. my praises are much cooler anyway

that's a good idea that I often try but sometimes not even that works. well, not in time anyway
your beratings are sexy
who are you looking down on? you're 4'11
i dont deserve your praises, plus your beratings are rare and make me feel special
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champs for this feel
are you going to get a job like vbl soon?
this will do for now
jelly whats your opinion on bbc after seeing this retard ruin our general?
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why are the wintraders always on my team bros?
Literally had 3 retarded junglers in a row for my placements.

Fucking jungle is the only role you just cannot carry, when your jungle is retarded welcome to free loss.
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>have autism
>play yi
dont remind me pls...
Jesus christ this mindbroken incel cannot still be spamming here lmao, for what purpose? What does he have against lol?
incels. not even once
Whats the goal here? Tto kill LoL general or just for attention?
like my adc's name this round is "brown sugar xoxo" it's literally a role for fucking sissies
who asked?
i want to fuck a lolg sissy
it's pure, finnish autism
no one knows what he wants, he's been here for years at this point
he'll either keep going until 4chan dies, /lolg/ dies, or he does
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are you a redditor? what is this retarded fucking comment unironically kys
trust me, the adcucks are ugly troons
fuck you dumb bitch
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Soraka! My cute wife!
Bros... It's happening...
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>uses yuumi reaction image to talk about adcs
you 30 years old how long you gonna be doing this shit
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I think this is the most damage Ive done as Briar in a while
What a game
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which lolg is the most inspiringly optimistic?
carry me in aram? ill be ur kitten
someone from my team just added me and we both started flaming the fuck out of each other as fast as possible while not even reading what the other person types
im not even mad anymore that was pvre sovl
if anyone is qualified to speak on adc's it's a yuumibvll
enemy midlaner added me told me uninstall replied ky + s unfriended
someone who is always happy even when games go to shit
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Why even live :(
true :(
im just gonna start begging my support to go yuumi/lulu every game
too fucking sick of handless support niggers picking shit like blitz or thresh only to not hit a single fucking hook the entire game and just stand behind me all game
yuumi is an adc IQ check and I'm tired of pretending she's not
i main yuumi/lulu and dab on tankniggers with expedience
it's fine Ive already accepted that I will never have sex with women
yuumi is the champ for freaks who dont actually want to play the game and want to just coinflip their bruiser jg/top getting fed so they can sit them midgame
posts from 2021
you didnt disagree
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he'll stop once he dies of aids
does he just instant ban evade or something? can someone just nuke finland?
i do, they fucking glue you to the adc now it's so retarded
swapping the best friend takes 103424324 years and even then your buffs are built for adc. its beyond cringe
yeah its almost like you literally ruin the game for your lane partner you better fucking sit them and at least give them some shitty onhit instead of fucking NOTHING that yuumi provides otherwise
it's really cute how her brain melts
at least post blacked league girls(preferably irelia) so that its on topic
stay positive!
niggalow adcs when they have to actually be good at the game instead of just waiting for their wholesome chungus nautilus to instakill the enemy adc while cc'ing them for 10 years
this spammer could not survive a cod lobby xD
Having trouble not cooming to this thread at work...
now if I was to win 4 games in a row which we all know should be a breeze for a talented player like myself................
>t. tank support player
you dont know what being good at the game means, you play the most inflated and unpunishable role in the game
that's not a male toplaner though
i play adc XD
what are we going to do without him...
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Me at gym rn brehs… I can stream soonish probably…
if the year goes well, I hope I become stable enough to start school again. yes this is league of legends related jannies because should I then I will turn one of my homework assignments into a league of legends prompt that lolg gives me as thanks for cheering me all this time
I feel like life and my experiences playing LoL are blurring the lines between fantasy and reality. Today's politics is like when the team's ADC carry goes AFK. I can use the lens of what that means in LoL to find in life where others must be feeling the mirror emotions that embodies the very essence of what it means to be let down by the team's carry.
Nooo stop spamming blacked league girls I'm definitely not jerking off to this thread stop it grosss aha
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>some retard lowballs me
>ignore it
>he lowballs me again with the same retarded offer
>my response
reverb preferred seller btw
stay up for a bit so I can watch you after my soon to happen 4 win streak which will surely get me into bronze 1
Weird the mods usually just range ban schizos like this poor fella. I only drop by every once in a while and every time ol' boy is on his grindset. They said earlier they're just a bot lol, clearly ashamed of how his life turned out. Sad! Many such cases...
fucking shitskin esl too wish I could filter ppl like him irl
I'm thirsty...
can i touch your abs and biceps
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say ahhh
i'll never stop memeing
i recently realized every single league player is gay, its not even just lolg. like i used to think that oh maybe lolg is like this because its le 4chinz but no i met a league player irl and these freaks are like this in the real world as well its crazy
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You know things arent going well when this looks like a bright eyed and optimistic perspective on life.
>tfw no mentally ill college dropout gf that plays league 18hrs a day
id care for you every day my love
how do i tell someone on my friends list that i know they're using deceive to hide the fact that they're playing without me without them knowing i stalk their profile
have I ever told you how much I hate mexicans especially? fucking dark skinned rats come to our country and do mindless menial labor PREVENTING corportations from actually developing machines to do it cheaper and easier LITERALLY preventing the advancement of our country trump was right in 2016 I hope he builds an even bigger wall in 2024
If someone that plays engage supports semi often could help me out, is there a reasoning behind continuing to look for 2v2 fights when the lane is behind by a noticeable margin? Or is it that if I find myself in that situation that I should just let the support die if they choose to hook the fed enemy carry and their fed support (assuming a straight 2v2 scenario, no outside help)
i changed my mind i want to go to heaven now pls
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>mother killed herself
>father out in living room talking to some fat old mexican lady he met 2 months ago who im certain he already loves more than mom
fucking someone mail me anthrax please I dont wanna live anymore fuck my father fuck my mother fuck my friends fuck you
>having friends
privileged fuck
it depends on the scenario nigga, if ur playing something that can oneshot if support hits hook even from behind like draven naut or some shit then keep fighting. if ur playing something liek jinx ali and u just get fucked when ali goes in just report the dumb nigger and go next
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I won't forget the promise we made
I'll close my eyes and ascertain it
Shaking off the darkness that closed in on me, I advance on

When can I see again here
the future that I lost?

Again and again, I'll tear apart the shadow of distress that spilled out
and walk on in this world

The time that ticked away ceaselessly now announces the beginning
Putting my unchanging feelings into it
I'll open the closed door
I was playing smolder
Is this game galge or a mixed toilet? Surely I won't encounter maleringers in matches, or even in this thread?
What the FUCK does any of this mean
is this thread okay?
sorry man
king grey isn't even a latino, he's a muslim.
sultan grey mashallah
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I couldnt eat the food I cook if I was Muslim
which lolg has the brightest and darkest aura?
You all need to sleep more
ok I’ll try anon…
Sure if you really want to…
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Okay I will. Goodnight anon.
Very true
Ive been waking up way too late lately
shut the fuck up bitch no one's getting any sleep till I hit bronze 1
my retard father woke me up early. I only had 5 hours of sleep. if I go back to sleep, I'll get heart palpitations and maybe a heart attack.
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I am a 18 years old female. My body welcomes the warmth of men.

Champions for this feel?
im imagining myself caressing those chiseled abs and kissing those plump biceps rn
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you should move out
this is bullying
> could bike down and get more alcohol or wait till tomorrow morning and drive down
>its about 5 miles round trip
do I do it
yeah theres a lot of opportunity around my hometown
From the general I came you're a homo and a troon if you only play males. If you play mostly hot girls, you're a galgeGOD.
murder via suffocation
>mom killed herself
>dad sucks
>im angry
>should I drink to cope?
yeah there you go
actually losing my fucking mind
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Good news, photos are selling like crazy. Soon we'll be able to afford a new lab.
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so sorakafag is a druggie which explains his noncoherent posts. but what about namifag?
arrest her
omw to store will post update when i get home league of legends nerf brand(again)
namifag and sorakafag are the same fag
they all do meth bbcuck included, they start off slow and then ramp up the spam
they're just turbolosers come to kill the general like bbcfag
W-what kind of photos...
i should also add that they succeeded
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With all this free rent we're getting. We could put that new lab anywhere.
i'm not gay anon, every /lolg/ i flirt with is a girl and we will duo together one day
you're literally nolife spamming in front of our faces 24/7, there's no "rent free" we just want you to gtfo to discord
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yeah, but you threw everything away, remember?
feet pics
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i gooned earlier but should i goon again (to league of legends chars obviously) before i log on or should i just start queuing
nami did stop playing botgames after vanguard dropped. it did its job killing the scripters
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Keep telling yourself that. I'll be over here. Living in your head.

Well because they were old and disgusting.
let it all out for me (in league of legends)
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it's like having a retarded child babbling in your face 24/7 while you're trying to have a conversation, you shit your pants and are trying to act smug "rent free" when everybody tells you it stinks
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Yeah, but they did their job. Those things are hard to come by today.
based meri dropping truth bombs
that irelia nigga does krokodil
does your dad know about your futa soraka dakimakura?
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No, you're just a thin-skinned idiot. Filter me if you can't handle something so trivial as Soraka images.

The money will fix that. Throw money at anything.

But I hate futa fags. Why are you saving futa? Why are you so gay?
I miss you
>just filter me bro
you can't be filtered you latinx fag
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thin-skinned implies i'm insulted. we all just think you're annoying and pathetic to be doing this with your failed life. someone who spends their whole life spamming images on an anonymous board where they aren't even liked shouldn't call anyone an idiot. that is all.
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ok bros it is time...
League taught me a valuable lesson and that is that u can brute force anything in life. I sucked at the game so I spammed it 15 hours a day until I got good and that works for literally every aspect of life
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no worries, I'm on it
remember this is the idiot you're arguing with. handicapped as fuck on a smurf account
I've been playing since 2011 with over 2000+ games and I only reached Silver twice
i'm allowed to share all aspects of the goat wife with a fellow soraka admirer. just filter me if they bother you.
>horrible at the game
>agp champ pool
>too scared to play anything but aram/qp
"everyone annoying is a tranny" holds correct per usual
meriGOD 2
sorakatroon 0
where the FUCK are the senna buffs
thats nothing nigga i had 3k games in the first half of s10
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So did meriipu. Strange.
Meri is on linux and refuses to buy a cheap laptop to feed xir addiction. But at least he still has his old webms to get nostalgic over.
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So are you just going to filter me?

I don't want to filter you. I find it funny that you're seething so hard that you're saving Corp Futa just to post it on here.

But I want to see some wise spending. Nothing we don't need.
>get adc first blood
>they throw our lead by doing dumb shit right after
>they doompost and demand an ff after only 2 deaths
>team rejects it
>he soft ints to try and cover up his early throw
this is why people play mage supports by the way. the adc ego is just too fragile to depend on
>Meri is on linux and refuses to buy a cheap laptop to feed xir addiction.
I wish I was a retard linux schizo so I wouldn't be addicted to League
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List is short, Sona will help with shopping. We'll be back in no time.
Briar has rekindled my enjoyment of league and made me start jungling. I don't even care if I lose while playing her.

Thing is I've only been playing her, any other champs to suggest if she gets picked or banned? I've been thinking maybe gwen or warwick?
all I want to do is play with my lolg crush otherwise lol feels empty
do it then and stop pussyfooting around
Can you play lol with a ps4 controller?
Warwick is similar at least in terms of getting up into the enemies face and slapping their shit while healing a bunch
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Ok, but watch out for the real cops. They can't be paid off.
>but instead of butt
souless posts
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we are so back bros
are you a 45 year old white woman?
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If they can't be bribed, they can be shot.
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>tfw can't drink until november due to alcohol-related offenses
seize the day and try to set up a gaming session with them
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one is out of box cause both boxes wouldnt fit in my backpack
>>487100591 feel u bro shit sucks

league of legends fire phreak
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I can't she's always playing ranked and I feel like I'm interfering with her session
its too late for her to play today
maybe tomorrow
yeah be careful man, six months of meme-sobriety just because you were out of control once fucking sucks
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wow there. Do we have to?
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>it responded
what do I say to it
how realistic is it to make money from boosting
how is the winstreak going anon
very realistic
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only if they'll bother us
u wont make enough to live off it, boosting nowadays pays WAY less than it used to
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just played seraphine for the first time in forever
she feels like a major scaler now, W cooldown is WAY shorter than i remember it being. i was poking the fuck out of the enemy adc in lane but doing pissall damage
it was fun though
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Good, because the Muffin one might be a good customer in the future.
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Hell yeah brother
what's it like living sideways
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Briar won
>nerfed 3 squillion times
fortunately she lost desu
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she ate this skin the fuck down
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she's gonna rape so many shota's....
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>Still has a 50% winrate or higher in Emerald and below
>Gets a cute new skin
Idk he might be onto something
what is that. why is it in a bag. who thinks putting liquid in bags is a good idea
>Have a million fucking skin hards
>All for champs I don't play

I hate this game. And rerolling is ass because you may get fucking nightmare cho or fucking vandal brand or something.
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We can punish all we want. It's not going to un-rape those shotas.
That's fundamentally how it works, to tempt you to buy orange essence for real dosh or whatever else. All gacha works on the premise of making you think you just missed out when it reality it was preordained that you would lose.
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Yeah, 360
When you're in the mirror, do you like what you see?
When you're in the mirror, you're just looking at me
I'm everywhere, I'm so Julia
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The salty anon watching the Soraka and Nami posting.
Nah more like Azakana (you) touching his dick to their spam.
do you make believe they're real girls? not sure if that makes simping more or less sad
what the fuck sona
They're not real girls.
>iPhone file name
I wonder whose behind this post.
it's criminal how none of these amazing concepts will never come to fruition
why you telling me that nigga, they couldn't pass their way out of a hellen keller reunion
Shut up and post a silly cat emoji for my amusement.
fine but dont expect me to look happy about it
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ
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After a GOOD BOUT OF SLEEP TO CHARGE MY SOUL I have returned to Diamond after 10 games.
You aren't ignoring your body's sleep needs, right anon? It is the greatest performance enhancer ever made in all metrics.
I didn't sleep enough and regret it.
Will try tonight and just not play this game to ensure.
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yeah, also don't forget about Ahri - she's hooked on our stuff
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who is this
also lads im back to league now, i closed the nerd shit tabletop game kek
aurora unironically flopped
the moment they fix her R damage she's going to 2% pickrate
Its very important you get on top your sleep, its the best investment you can make because it is the best thing for your body which you can't replace.
I'd play her if she could jungle
>sleeptards are unironically brown and black "people"
that's crazy
Sleep science might be one of the most non-black things I can think of ever.
Sleep is the best medicine.
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We have to be careful around that Fox. She might get her hands on something critical...
based fentanyl addicted nigger
What if they made a matchmaking pool for white people only huh
I'd be challenger if I didn't have to play with brown/black supports
>rework to "modernize" pantheon
>he's still braindead cancer just stronger
Pretty sure fent makes you sleep worse so no thank you
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Idk what the fuck happened:
>Winning early and mid as Twitch, Camille, Akshan, Yi, and Yuumi
>All of a sudden, Akali, Sett, Kayn, Blitzcrank, and Vayne were deleting us
no, helping with sleep is one of fentanyls main functions and that's why it gets prescribed to you vantablack disabled cranium gapped burnt to crisp on the sidewalk subhuman baboon fuck nigger apes
vayne and kayn scale really hard. and akali does akali things
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no worries, she won't be able to
You have no frontline into two assassins, a diver, a hook champ, and Vayne
Oh god. She got to Soraka.
didn't yamato quit league? why is that nigga streaming the game again
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Just give her some fentanyl and put her to bed. We'll think about her later.
People are cycling back, and so will the dramas.
What's the meta in league right now?
Give me a few champs for each role that are common and good picks.
Inb4 just play what you're comfortable on
No he is "thinking about quitting after his next Korea trip maybe"
I didn't know that, still not touching the stuff
crazy how the poeple with the most power in champ select aren't the team laders but the greifer who locked in yuumi jungle
crazy how the people with the most power in the game isn't the 4 people trying to win but the inter trying to lose
crazy how riot still does fuck all about this after 14 years
>Inb4 just play what you're comfortable o
This is always the answer, but for your question
Don't play this role lmao Jinx Kaisa
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We put it in her ice cream. Let's see if it works...
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I miss Tales of Valorant so much bros...
I want more cute webcomics...
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Works fine I guess. I hope she didn't OD.
just don't make em like they used to
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>Never been banned or chat restricted once after playing the game for 10 (TEN) years
>Feel the urge to type "NIGGER" when someone needs 20 seconds everytime to pick a card in Swarm
Help, I'm doing my best but this is too much...
>Sōyra still not nerfed
Will jungle ever recover?
Who? Zyra?
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Yeah, now let's get rid of that ice cream before someone ea- oh....

Is there anyone making League comics anymore? Lendo might have been the only guy who was doing it.
reminder that you can lock in cleanse ghost soraka adc and type "I am trolling" and not get punished after the loss
reminder that you can go 1/20 on katarina mid and type "let's lose, jungler doesn't deserve to win :)" and not get punished after the loss
this game's moderation is a joke at this point
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I'm surrounded by junkies, damn you guys!
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WHAT would you DO if VEIGAR bot BUCKBROKE your ADC and MIDLANER?
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Welp, time to take her to the hospital.
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reminder when the ai chat punisher first came out people got in trouble just for literally nothing though kek
riot priorities
telling people you scale when you dont is trolling
i unironically tried smoking weed for the first time just now cause i had some lying around and i read sorakafag talking about it earlier so i was like fuck it ill smoke it tonight but i didnt have any papers or a pipe so i tried making one of those apple bongs and put a plastic pen tube in the hole to get the smoke out which worked fine at firist but i think i kept the fire th ere too long cause i got a whiff of a nasty burning taste at the end when i took a huge puff and when i pulled thepen case out a big part of it was misshapen and melted off so i think i just inhaeld a ton of melted plastic smoke threw up and now i have a pretty bad headache and fuck man i hope i dont die cause im getting a weird feeling in my right side like a tingling sensation
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guys, guys...
pretty good abstract inference for a bunch of script spaghetti. Your first infraction implies someone is fat and that you are not being body positive. Your second would seem to be you attempting to offend the player even further because of the term 'scale', with the automaton deducing you implied the person use one... which of course is extremely inflammatory.
Drug niggers should be send to the fucking Philippines.
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adderall and lsd are based tho
nah nigga why that kid lookin the exact same as d*le w*lson
king grey wishes he was lowtiergod
if I had a nickel for everytime our jhin told me to give him a moment he needs to snort a line as the game starts I'd have 2 nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird it's happened twice
>August's SPICY TAKE: Role Select was NOT a Good Idea
I agree with this motherfucker for once
where did this baby mama meme come from
LTG does have a baby but idk the connection between KG and LTG
did you even stream more than one game or did that guy vexbriarlover your abs
play more. vex
did you haev a stroke anon
also no i played only one game because everyone was gone anyway and i didn't have fun ;_;
nigga what
would rather 4 otps on my team than 4 first timers desu
Singed needs a heavy damage nerf, Singed jungle is outright fucking impossible to fight.
Any EUWchad wanna play a few norms?...
Wait no, it's not Singed. It's his fucking items. Liandry's and Blackfire Torch needs heavy nerfs. It's genuinely ridiculous.
would rather not have the ranked ladder littered with retarded low iq otps
unironically post op.gg
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>start playing league again
>develop an eye infection in less than a week
>right eye swollen so bad I can barely open it
better hope that infection doesn't cause your immune system to start attacking your eyes, thus rendering you completely permanently and inoperably blind!
those items already got gutted. any further and zyra/brand would be unplayable. and also any mage just autoloses game into any tank comp
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you don't need eyes to play yuumi
>he think he can force people into becoming smarter
thats not even remotely how the immune system deals with eye infections you ignorant swine

t. both dads are doctors
Lillia also needs these items.
may i have a hot and sweaty 3way with your gay dad doctors anon
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So, anything good in here?
best I can offer is head from myself
Most swarm characters feel usable (except Aurora) but Riven and Yasuo are significantly better lategame and Jinx gets early game for free and only struggles a bit with survivability in the lategame.
I think overall Riven takes it because she basically just gets to ignore everything later on if you get some defense.

As for guns, uwu blaster is basically necessary in extreme to actually kill bosses plus it's pretty good early game. The ice fist is almost required in Extreme for survivability, and all the weapons that can crit are good. And for augments, crit and cdr feel as must haves to actually have enough DPS, and armour + regen make you unkillable, which leaves 2 slots for whatever you want (usually whatever your character evolves with).
All in all fun gamemode honestly.
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Based future eye patch user.
My slob unkempt male wife. <3
May I know what it is?
>The forbidden Irelia skin
Whatever fantasy you've adopted with my nf Swain drawings it is not representative of me irl.
It is best you don't do that to void continuing living a lie.
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>any mage just autoloses game into any tank comp
>double liandries
looks like burn items are needed after all
Move to your own place nigga or kys idc
the Lee Sin skin is pretty good
We love sucking cock here, so what?
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All shit champs
Oh also that naut skin, fright night or whatever
Swain is my husband, I am already preoccupied.
Idk about the other guy, good luck on your quest, try to not get into the parasocial stuff.
Im not gonna make it.
>pick Zyra jungle
>enemy counterpicks with rengar
>he still fucking loses
>he keeps trying to invade while behind
What the fuck is wrong with the brains of rengar players?
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fall for me instead
asstranny + jungtard syndrome
deadly combo
assassins think just because they pressed R they should instantly win the game pls understand
>9/2 so far this split
>already peaking further than before
Looks like the 2 month break was a good idea.
Time to goon, then back to the grind.
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this is a historic moment /lolig/ers.. i am finally no longeer a bronzebab and am ready to play in vgs..
Congrats, anon! I knew you could make it!
good job cutie
really proud of you
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this supp role seems very balanced
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i hate league of legends
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>bimbofied Aurora
ehhh...idk about this one bros
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one small step for anons, one giant leap for anonkinds!
zyra is eating nerfs soon irrc
You should play a different game
can an autist even be a bimbo
>not even 50% wr champ
>eating nerfs
thank you anon and qkm! i am very happy to be silver!!
zyra was nerfed this patch but they mainly targeted her in the jungle, because her stats haven't been too impressive outside of that role
I'd be surprised if they nerfed zyra again and they were trying to hit her in lane but you might be right I don't really follow this sort of stuff
I love league of legends I just hate the players
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>didn't get a reply
it's so over....
curious, what's the point of briar's pillary if she can just break free from it whenever she wants?
somebody rescue pompom so he can post again
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I'm on the list
The pillory has a magic gem that soothes her hunger and helps her think. Without it she becomes unrestrained and just eats whatever is in front of her.
I'm using another acc for example but yea around half to 2/3rds of those people aren't active anymore
stop posting cringe
What if they made a matchmaking pool for asian people only huh
who you sempai?
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I have another question about Briar, if she's a golem made of magic and her main purpose is to be a living weapon, why does she need to have such slutty hips?
>you know what vladimir we need this golem to have the shape of a curvy young woman
>and make her strut when she walks too
Maybe EUW people left because they were tired of your drama?
the one and only Coach Lewis69
are you the bezos agents poster or was that endless
think i used to have endless added but he removed me in my absence
whats your new nick?
it supposedly makes her body shape look like a drop of blood
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They keep filling my account with those disgusting skins...
there was never any drama
both of those people are me lol
I did not remove you btw, I don't think I had you added on my endless account that I'm using these days
endless losersq#00000
Vlad is all about aesthetics bud.
you mean offline? im literally here and I can see myself on that list
its what women want chuddy
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ez report
She's August's OC waifu.
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I snip.....
I die.......
I snip again.......
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>why does she need to have such slutty hips?
Blood is stored in the hips thats why
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>completed faker pass
>tempted to buy it cause banner and other shit
>but i pay more than for a regular pass
>don't even get the option to buy orbs,it's strictly ME
>check mythic shop rotation
>literally fucking nothing for the foreseeable future
I need high elo streamers who play

Any rec, lolgz?
are you the ashe main
>ZERO mr on the team except for kindred's mercs
>starts buying void staff for some reason
this is the reason you're neg winrate emerald btw
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Anon, I...
You what?
no, I win whenever my teammates are trying to win
stop posting your retarded shit nigger
what's hapa mean?
extreme swarm is a chore
half runs are resets because even with 5 rerolls the game just will decide to not ever offer any of the good weapons but you will reroll into tibbers 4 times
then of course let's not forget my favourite, level 15 with 4 weapons at level 1 and another at level 2 because every rank up is 3 new passives to choose from
half white, half asian
the males tend to end up like bbc-kun or elliot rodgers
Based Firestrom grinding the game in the morning
TF Blade
No one plays that champ
idk some mutt adc player
nobody (dogshit champion)
nobody (some korean pro probably if you can find it)
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>Emerald and below
Pisslow doesn't matter.

Actually good find, thanks anon.
You see, i was a Diana player myself a long long time ago
Am I supposed to weave autos as Ryze between my E's and Q's?
Why is she pooping?
I wake up and this faggot is still fucking spamming
Did they nerf the range of Ryze's ult?
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And the worst part is, the mods will never ban him because he's friends with the moderators. So our only hope is somehow contacting the admins or the owner.
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newfags don't know who gookmoot is
go into practice tool and try it out
>decide to pick Naafiri
>enemy already picked Garen
>assume it's Garen top
>enemy last picks Camille
>fuck me.jpg
>jungletard getting 1v1'd at his blue ping spamming
>come to help him
>about to kill enemy jungletard
>my jungletard fucking blast cones me away into the garen and camille
>camille walks away with 3 kills
>game is over
My new mouse just arrived. Now i can finally get out of Iron
>Evelynn said she's coming to gank
>Spams pings and is literally near the enemy as Thresh and Kayn are in the river and she's fed
>Start attacking them
>Wondering why she's not showing up
>She fucking dipped
>I die because of this
At that point, do I just stop relying on her?
>At that point, do I just stop relying on her?
above 90 iq
i have not been able to get a single team in swarm that isn't turbo afking/griefing/perma crying because they are shit
few days passed and everyone is telling me THAT IF I AM NOT PLAYING THE META PICK THEN THEY GO AFK


and the worst part is



league is so fuckijng dead it's unreal, there is no game mode where you are free from these fucking evil creatures
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Jesus relax it's just a video game...
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I guess we are

"""so back"""

...or something
I am plat miss fortune right now
come on papi alistar fuck my sissy miss fortun asshol
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>find ONE guy to duo with
>he's unironically black and smoking weed
monkeys strong together
Change your name to mantheon.
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what did he mean by this?
it's an iron seamonkey
Every game makes people do the min max builds and whatever these days due to game guides, sports and such. I just play single player due to this, league being the exception.
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you gonna print that image , frame it, and hang it on the wall by your bed... you soulless fuck?
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why is Seraphine so breedable...
voidstaff still penetrates baseline magic resist does it not? or is it one of those things that are only worth the gold when someone has over n amount of mr?
She is young healthy and a woman.
Plus her being an enchanter makes her one of those motherly girly types.
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Hey Janny, instead of deleting random posts with the nigger word, why don't you fucking deal with the spammer who's been ruining the thread for over a year?
>a year
it's been multiple years
zyra has a ton of base damage so voidstaff is pretty alright on her and dot items also deal magic damage that zyra applies really well
if you play support, rabadon also loses a ton of value so void becomes an even better option for raw damage
voidstaff was a good buy there, the person you replied to is just bronze at best
Why are there multiple posters for the same characters now? Spread out.

Instead of void staff get that plant item that heals after killing. It gives magic pen, cooldown and ap.
>most kills and assists on the team
>literally every objective taken besides ONE grub
>miss ONE singular fight my team lost so I decide to go farm some camps till they respawn
>'jgl afk farming.' the supportsissy on my team types

I thought she was supposed to be a clumsy self-conscious teenager
that item could've been built into that one too but it really depends on the game state and comps and back timings
crypt bloom is a bit overrated in general
she is suppose to be a clumsy teenager
Does crpytbloom tigger if you only get the assist not the kill?
safe to assume LeBlanc had a final say in her production. LeBlanc, the same woman with keen fashion sense and an enchanting beauty, would only want her progeny to be... wait for it... endowed with seductive sex appeal as well for it is the way of the Black Rose.
She's not gonna be a teenager forever.
Also I think she can cook and babysit/ doesn't dislike children because he has young fans, I think she can grow up to be that type of not a career woman. Should've explained myself better.
>Scoring a Damage rating takedown against an enemy champion while alive and within 3 seconds of damaging them summons a nova that radiates from the location of their death over 1.75 seconds, Heal power icon healing you and allied champions hit for 50 (+ 50% AP) (60 second cooldown).
how about you read the item description first?
it takes longer to write that post than to look it up
easiest (You) of my lfie
here is another one bro, you just gotta ask when in need
Seraphine exists only for ryona.
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>while the new league Supreme flowers, the life force of the former regnant gradually fades, their immune system facing a rapid decline in the form of multiple organ failures, disease, diabetes, and cancer until their inevitable death. Each Supreme roughly takes about 3 to 5 years to rise to their full potential before a new Supreme inevitably takes their place.
Lux died so Ahri could rise
Ahri died so Jinx could rise
Jinx died so Seraphine could rise
Seraphine is dying... time to welcome the new queen
Jinx died so Kai'sa could rise and THEN Kai'sa died so Seraphine could rise
make it make sense
none of those waifus actually dieded at all and are still very much alive in the minds of thots and simps.

but I'm not denying that Aurora mogs all other previous waifus in every conceivable fashion
but I changed it to 5'7 gorilla like three days ago
is boon a bannable word?
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I think Aurora is cute, but I think...
her auto animation sucks
her Q animation sucks
her E telling you in which direction she's going is retarded
R is very fun though, maybe overpowered though...
Redpill me on Nunu, I’m great at knowing when to engage and pick fights but my gorillow friends never do and as Graves i cant really initiate. Is Nunu the play here?
her walk animation is goddess-tier.
her auto animation is dainty and she even vocalizes a nervous tic from time to time as she grapples with anxiety.
her is is still a propellant and it's not her fault you have the spatial awareness of an instagram whore.
her R is simply beyond my comprehension currently
no but she is >>487139636
seraqueen auroraqueen
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i wish she graded my curve if you get what i mean
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some runs the game just refuses to give you anything good. rng is so annoying, knowing riot i wouldn't be surprised if they coded something in to sometimes only offer the same 2 shitty weapons and nothing but passives so you have to end up forfeiting the run
I wish Sona was my mom and let me sleep in her bed on stormy nights.
Aurora's kit is too bland and boring to become a queen like that. Lux, Ahri, Jinx and Seraphine are all fun champions to play, Aurora isn't.
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>Lux and Seraphine are all fun champions
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>Seraphine is... le dying
Awoken heart has started to run, in order to draw the future
Even if I come to a standstill on a difficult road
The sky is always waiting for me in a beautiful blue
So I'm not scared
By now, no matter what happens, I won't get disheartened

Compared to Aurora? Yes. Lux' laser is fun to use. Seraphine has a fun ult and is fine for people who like helping their team.
Aurora is two line skillshots and a little hop except when her magic damage jarvan ult is up.
you should duo with me desu
once i hit 30
um reddit dislikes aurora so we have to pretend we like her now sorry thems the rules
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boywife acquired
i already like her
of course reddit eats up braindead tardslop like nasus morde panth and malphite but then complains about actual good designs that take a functioning monitor and/or brain
Aurora's design direction has a lot more in common with those kind of champions than champs like Yone, Hwei or Aphelios.
You can just say she's cute and you like her. There's no need to make a boogeyman in your head to justify it.
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just because i play support does NOT mean i'm a boywife
if i were HYPOTHETICALLY a boywife in a THEORETICAL situation it's NOT because i play support ok
King ink feels like a bug
And hates his rotten shell
He says cha cha cha cha cha cha cha
Cha cha cha cha cha cha
Cha cha cha cha cha cha
Cha cha cha cha cha cha
Ah king ink ah wake up ah king ink get up and king ink get up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up
League has no good designs outside of the original batch
on what earth? she's squishy and relies on skillshots/positioning. in fact she's more difficult than a regular mage because she's relying on movement speed and jumping all over the place
if anything i would say the way she plays is sort of similar to qiyana
Goddamn, this whole time I was obsessed with becoming a better jungler when I truelly was a gifted Pyke support.
kys nigger
EUW VGS at 10:00 PST this friday!!!
You don’t have me added….
She is a very basic and simple character like those you mentioned, basically baby's first mage. There's nothing wrong with that but pretending she's difficult (much less harder than other mages) is silly. She's been out for 3 days and her winrate is already rather high because of how simple she is to pick up.
Her most common and so far highest WR build includes 900HP in her first 2 items lol.

You don't have to justify herself for liking her. I like playing Seraphine, but I don't need to make excuses for playing her by pretending that she's actually very complex and a trve champ for 4channer gamers like me and not redditors. I like her because she's a cute girl with a fun to use ult. You like Aurora because the fantasy of annoying people with a wand and hopping around appeals to you. That's fine. No need to get weird about it.
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I feel pain knowing It's tethered to this crap shit of a game.
In what way is she similar to Aphelios
who host
That was exactly my point
Dont worry i will fix that for ya!
*Gets announced in LoR*
*Gets announced as new fighter in 2xko*
Now that we're on this topic why are some burst mages seen as harder than others when they have basically the same kit. Syndra and Lux for example
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whatever you say cutie
syndra juggle ball in air
monkey brain have hard time processing where it land

lux throw stupid skillshot
monkey brain go "walk right"

syndra is easier to play
to add, Syndra can move while casting, therefore she's easier
Lux basically throws out Qs and if one hits it unloads. She doesn't really have to risk anything since her Q hitconfirms her whole combo.
Syndra's stun is shorter and even though people like to pretend she can just do max range QE R with 4 balls and get a kill that actually does like 400 damage at level 6. Her stun is shorter and she'll have to land more spells (on top of making sure she has at least 5-6 balls for her ult to deal meaningful damage) to access the same damage. On top of that, she has to move closer to deal damage.
why is this troon trash so fucking shit? you virtually have zero damage even after three items. your CC is useless shit that any enemy can walk out of
the only time where he's useful if your enemy is bunch of vegetables and group together so u can ult them
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where is he
she's fine she just scales like pure shit and does nothing without R
best way to play her is unironically with malignance, you R QEQ and pray it's enough to kill, outside of that just farm because the champion is useless with R on cd
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Syndra being hard and Lux being easy are both pretty much just memes that people repeat without thought.
Syndra used to be harder but ever since her midscope she has become is pretty easy champ and Lux is harder than people give her credit for but since she is a popular low elo "egirl" champ people that can be played safely will always be called easy.
The idea of Syndra being difficult was because before her midscope in order to do lots of damage and get good stuns you had to manage the balls you place, play around the orbs on the ground, refresh their durations etc but nowadays its mostly unnecessary and they removed her finnicky combos.
The meme of Lux being easy is because bad players think you just spam Q until one hits but this sort of thing doesn't really work against decent opponents who know how to punish cooldowns. Also her burst is greatly exaggerated, you don't 1 shot people with your combo most of the time unless you're fed.
There is a perception in the League community that if a champ can be played safely then it must be easy, no matter how ineffective it is to actually play the champ that way. Similar story with Ahri.
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There's a few criteria for burst mages that kinda dictate how "hard" they can be to do well with.
One is simply how hard it is to pull off their combo safely, which is tied to what their openings are like when they miss shit. Annie doesn't get much play cause her opening is really obvious and her combo relies on her getting really close to drop Tibbs, so if she fucks up or has to use spells to farm, she's easier to get to and mess up. By contrast, Lux just has to land Q from a long range and if she misses then the opening to retaliate isn't much since she's far enough away and has other CC.
That's another big thing, how much CC/Utility they provide assuming they fail to burst. Feast or famine types like Vex struggle cause if they can't scale up and get their damage, then all they provide to the team is an inconsistent short fear. Normally the difference between burst mages and control mages is that the control ones lack the burst and the burst lack control, but some like Lux get to have both making them more approachable and useful even in bad situations.
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this thread's winner for a midwit take. She's not simple because you have to be aware of everything in your immediate surroundings and then some form of intel-processer style prediction for what's immediately in your fog of war. On top of that, you also have to have the reaction time of a bug while also having a similar or better APM. I know that some or all of this is beyond your npc-tier reddit IQ and I don't care.
Can't do, weekend vacationing.
we do love bullying swain
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this is legit the best draven set up (with sub optimal attack speed and pen item for that game in particular)
attractive people can't be autistic althoughbeit because social norms literally bend around them
i mean, 4v5 and shaco left with lvl 11
still wp
aaa sorry i didnt get to say bye, fell asleep during your stream...
Autistic people can be attractive, it's just people have an easier time tolerating their unconventional behaviour when they're pleasant to look at
how do i counter mage supports/poke lane as engage sup/thresh? im pretty new and its annoying as fuck to play against but apparently its not even meta
>"rabbit king"
>sucks at the rabbit
i think i'll stick with my not short at all master of evil. Viktor is pure fucking garbage and should be reworked
Uma Jan is looking good, dude has been hitting the gym
You're looking good
>have certain other quality which compensates for your disability
>no I'm still disabled please I need the bonus pity points on top of being attractive
stop getting psyoped

everyone has 12 disabilities and 8 gravely illnesses nowadays
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dios mio why did they make another winter sylas skin that looks so much worse?
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>performance consistently getting better
>rank going downhill
sober i might be the greatest player of all time
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Good morning lolg
-dont let them push into you
-if you do get pushed under your tower that's at least one kill guaranteed because Thresh E
-dont sit behind your AD versus two ranged, don't be that guy
-take hextech flash and take control of the bushes to look for that flash>flay>aa>q
-you have a health advantage and also can itemise against them while they cannot and Thresh hurts more than most engage supports already
-play around doing all-ins when they messup their root/combo
-pray your adcutie knows how to not take every poke that comes their way so they're not 50% hp when you DO find an opening (hardest one)
-taking down their AD will be easier since their mage "support" has no way of shielding/healing them or freeing them from your chain cc
-just ban Brand pls
Thanks anon, ive been hitting the gym too lately
Looking very suckable! Mwah~
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Ty but im not gay heh
>3 adc picks on g2
winterblessed is such an ugly skinline except for Diana i wonder who the market for it is
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Good evening /lolg/
if anyone wants to play, preferably on EUW although I have an NA acc, add haram_pigga on discord or Beta 4 Yordles#PAYG on league!
senna one is nice too
>don't get crit lvl 2
dead run
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try to make sense of this
Complete the beach map a hundred times as Aurora on Extreme
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i will be there no matter what
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tfw I wake up horny every day without exception
Champs for this feel? I will play league of legends afterwards
That's why they lost, because ADC is weak
i'm like this, former darius main, now going to main aurora
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>your uber driver has arrived
>Why are there multiple posters for the same characters now?
didn't several anons say they were going to avatarfag as aurora when she releases? what happened to that
>Im balding
Champs for this feel
will do
>lolg is mainly shitters so most of those characters are easy ones
she won btw
>represents a misunderstood disability group
>a first in league history
bro your schizophrenic pyke and viego?
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aatrox extreme tip for fellow anons
always fight him on the edges of the map in phase 2, when he calls for his flying swords run to the other edge of the map
the flying swords are not map wide and have an aoe limit
also aurora solo tip: she is too weak for the map; take as many aoe weapons as you can + uwu weapons (duh)
you also need a scaling yuumi augment otherwise you cant make it
its rng to win on her as you need god tier rolls and build; also dont take the XP passive, its straight up not worth it her weapon is too weak even when evolved and youre better off with other stats and weapons
she can also glitch the bull mini boss ai to not chase after her; idk exactly how but i think it has to do with her ult or using her E right after it knocks you up see what i did there? :D
literally itching for the first opportunity to post a body pic but don't want to do it unsolicited so I don't get called out for being an attention whore
>get to drive a car
I will now play your gamemode
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also not saying my ign so when I do inevitably post body my post >>487160863 here doesn't get associated with my identity so I don't indirectly get called out for being an attention whore anyways
Yeah, viego does this for me.
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Putting the laughter in vehicular manslaughter
/soc/ or /cbt/ on /fit/ you attentionwhore
but I want the attention of my lolg crush........
you are very smart
Post your body and just confess your crush then.
>wake up
>it's raining
surely it's a good sign to climb today
no I don't want him to get all cheeky and spoiled with attention

he's gonna EARN IT
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>god run on belveth lab
>lose because you didn't get movespeed
p o t t e r y
Doesn't even know who they are.
How do I not die on Ryze a lot? A single CC in a team fight and I'm fucking dead.
>BrokenBussy inting again
we ALL know its you vbl youve been talking about this shit all week
Do you even get anything for completing everything on swarm?
a title
Kek What A Bunch Of Jews
I agree.
Been debating whether I should send him a tit pic or not, but seems like he's been gunning for another girl all this time.
but you dont have to pay anything to access swarm
All I know is that you get mission exp and some say an Aurora shard.
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>Been debating whether I should send him a tit pic or not
do bitches really sit down and think about sending nudes or not? whenever I get/send nudes it always happens in the sexual context of the moment with no autistic preplanning
I already got the aurora shard, you get it when you unlock Aurora in the gamemode
You have to pay with your time
>You have to pay with your time
are you not having fun playing?
like you got anything better to do faggot
>Team with more adcs can't teamfight and loses
Weird how this keeps happening in every region but "pro" teams are so bad at drafting they will keep doing it. I guess there's a reason every "pro" can play 2 champions at most per season.
So true sis, we should be playing summoners rift especially since the rewards for playing SR are
if my lolg crush called me good boy I think id melt
not really that meaningful or arousing to be called a good boy without context thoughbeitdesunee
It is fun at the start but to grind the hard and extreme difficulty you should be getting some extra motivation otherwise its just more of the same
he's straight tho
i have the best memes
So does champ mastery reset at the end of the "split" in September?
Holy shit what a game
being called a petname is always cute
>deal more damage than everyone
>tank more than everyone
>no honors
what does it take to be loved?
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How do I beat Bel veth on the third level as a Leona abuser?
Is this some kind of dps race?
She's the only boss I haven't beaten on extreme.
The zone keeps getting smaller until it's impossible to dodge anything and despite maxing armor, hp and hp regen, she just kills me in a few hits.
well? we're waiting
I'd save the voice clip and do some sinful stuff to it
yeah guys arurora needs a hotfix asap
Uhh g2babs??
we will win with 4th elder
>Subhumanoid can only play Azir
>Give it to him twice
kino game
0/10 renekton lmao
shut up you dumb mutt
So what happens at the end of the split, the milestone rewards reset I guess?
Lol, lmao even
they changed it up a bit this season but your mastery points stay, and chests reset every season
is it just me or is damage the only important stat in bronze? utility feels mostly useless without a team that can take advantage of it.
usually it only matters who spams more damage.
especially as support i notice how easy it is to win playing high damage supports and how hard it is to win with utility supports.
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absolutely DOMINATED
Not really. You don't know how many games are won due to split pushes lol. In low elo games can be lost over anything I feel like.
not me lol, I don’t have some secret /lolg/ crush and I don’t have the desire to post my body in thread
league of legends is fun guys don’t you think
Take UWU blaster. Leona lacks good single target DPS and uwu blaster is enough to let you beat bosses
delete her from the game
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what's a build that fully abuses jack of all trades?
ultimate bravery on tf
Briar with BorK Mercs Cleaver Death's Dance Edge of Night
Ap shaco with 1 tank item
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is it time lads...
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Didnt know VBL was a G2 fan
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phreak you absolute bloody benchod motherfucker bitch what is this season?
wtf don't expose me like dat
stupid sexy Briar feet...
european crocodiles are something else
>5 adcs in this game
why do u retards keep saying adc is weak?
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G2 is down a game against Fnatic and all you people can think about is your stream...
>eu renekton
go g2!! go g2!!
they should just rename bronze to "random skill level"
LEC really fell off. Couple of years ago a G2 vs Fnatic would be played either Friday or Saturday night and it would actually be hype
Nowadays its played on a Monday afternoon with 50k people on the official stream and no one really cares because neither will achieve anything in the international stage
thats every elo below master
*top 40 challenger
top 3**
>Varus just attacking renekton in melee range
>Renekton cant do shit
How is this allowed?
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One of them had an item and the other didn't.
eventho he is a pedophile, I still miss pompom time to time
You know LEC casters are fucking BORING when this shit happens
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Now that the dust has settled, what do we think of the Anima Squad event?
>Deletes you instantly
Based gay man of internal faggotry
caps be like we can win this 4v5
not much of a hotfix
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>on such a severe loss streak im unironically ask myself whats even the point of playing
It's over, I'm done. (I'll start playing again in 1-2 days)
Relax from the game for a day or two, sleep too.
Pretty good all things considered
Game mode was fun, I think just about every skin was good, even the pass is was alright (no grab bag, but you can get to 2000 tokens by level 50 whereas some passes recently required you to keep grinding past 50 to get enough)
actual pussy behavior lol go requeue and man the fuck up faggot
>mfw he doesn't want to talk to us
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my bunny in the top lane
Its a literal copy of Vampire Survivors
Its good but should have better rewards. Odyssey was better
>Vampire Survivors invented roguelites
swarm is not a roguelite
what exactly is a rouguelike
I never said that
guys GUYS jelly is in the stream chat zomg
Calm down Shin Chan, you wont get in riots payroll
Everything riot has ever done is a literal copy of another game. This is no exception
kinda like a rogue but not really
I remember when Doja got caught posting this pic, where is she anyway, Arya and Lyra came back.
no one knows you bro
Hey, I've seen this one!
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>eating disorder has gotten so bad that just eating feels nauseating anymore
champs for this feel?
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It's fun. Riot should have spent the last couple of years un-spaghetti-ing their code so they could make more PVE games in League. Now I want my other game modes back.
Obsessive coffee guy? Ionian champs for barley tea.
literally any videogame character in the history of videogames
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>Brand lands 2 spells
>I'm now near death
What a balanced champion
I'm the obsessive coffee guy in which I also am the wukong guy

get it right baka
its pure kino
>Nidalee voice lines make her unbearable to play
>Varus voice lines forces me to listen to 2 gay faggots while Varus keeps telling them to shut the fuck up
I find it funny the comment section.under these voice lines constantly mention LoR as if it's related to LoL lore. Luckily LoR is dead and the lore is too.
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>Champ with no range or mobility is allowed to deal damage
No fucking way!
You can just stop being a little faggot and EAT YOUR FOOD, also, Jinx or Ivern.
Nidalee is alright. Have you ever heard Xayah?
Literally unplayable.
honk honk
thats my one true love!
>bronze 3
maybe you are just sick of the same food day in day out, have something new to refresh your palette
also kogmaw or akali
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I was ALMOST bronze 1 until last night's loss streak incident followed up by today's loss streak incident
>type “autist”
>get 7 day chat restriction, instant mute and 5 normal games forced.
Her name is Aurora
>can't talk about how aurora is literally autistic
currently on the brazilian server
I believe in you cutelow-chan
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>Nidalee is alright
Why would you type in english on the BR server?
write a ticket to riot to appeal this by calling them ableist for thinking you meant it in a derogatory way
>fnatic mindbroken by mf
Congrats on the win G2
How come junglers don't come to my lane and smite my canon anymore?
I kind of miss of League toxicity.
by speaking english on the brazilian servers I'm giving them the idea that I'm some super cool johnny boy from the holy lands of the america stepping down to the server of their shithole

boosts morale yknow?
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reminder that Nami is soft
>EU Nidalee
If you keep reading his diary you may win his heart and he may make an euw account just for you despite him not being there.
I respect the effort but if you focus more on your gameplay and less on those tactics i guarantee it will be better for your climb
xayah's voicelines
>she likes to dance
>she likes to makeout, specifically biting her lover's ear
>she wants revenge for what humans did to her people
what's wrong with it?
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yeah I'm actually on NA tho idiot why the fuck would any brazilian post on lolg you stupid
Xayah's voicelines are only icky when Rakan is with her, otherwise it's just about Vastayan racism
>NA server
I apologize, i thought those sort of individuals wouldnt be able to browse the internet
I'd actually have less lag on EUW I just didn't want to deal with the mongs
You will have to at this rate with all the people interested in euw.
making one rn duo with you bozos in 3 business days
>Losing to Razork Nidalee
To be honest you might want to make eune too because aparently a lot of euw people moved there, idk though I just read this place.
top was basically a renekton solokill. mid was luck
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>told myself i would gamedev 8 hours every day this summer
>reinstalled league and spent 6 weeks playing it instead

this game is the worst thing that has happened to our planet
Literally a tranny pick.
eune is the scum of the scum, the lowest of the lows
Mute voiceline you goober.
The only reason players from EUW moved to EUNE is for the freelo.
Bronze in EUW is Plat in EUNE, so they moved there for the wellfare skin.
she posted on jun11 but i havent seen her since
Nu-esports crowd is fucking pathetic.

Bring back the big stadiums with huge crowds...
With the amount of esports (seems like every month or every two weeks) it seems reasonable for the arenas to be downgraded to dps it's relevence.
What skins are on sale atm? It resets today right?
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Oh wow.
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FINE I'll go sweat an account to 30 on EUNE too after this one
Why did Riot Forge fail?
Riot what now? Don't even know what that is.
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>ban aruora
>they pick brand
>ban bran
>they pick rora
why live
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I see Soraka's out a hospital?
it's g2over
They thought they could sell boring as fuck games under the League of Legends name and call it a day
i'm pick those as top lane after a bong hit for fun in ranked
name at least 2
(no one moves to eune for a better time, especially to "GRIND" rank)
i'm never getting out of bronze bro why is riot sending me some random 1/15 guy to ruin every game after i win lane
Endless, Firestorm, Rabbit King (under consideration).
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>Trannatic are winning
It's so fucking over for EU bros...
the good guys really do win afterall...
G2 keeps losing when it matters and insisting of the same roster. Now they are back to losing to Fnatic kek
Yikes got hard gapped
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In short, Riot are a company of out of touch developers that don't know the first thing about entertaining their playerbase. They inherited the lucky success of the early league devs but they never had the same talent.

All their attempts at lore, world building, and characterization were laughably bad that their writing team was fired twice. All their spinoff games failed because they don't know what makes a game fun or interesting for the average gamer.

If you've kept up with any blizzard news you'd know that Riot and Blizzard are going through the same things. Useless, talentless hires inheriting fun and entertaining IPs and running them into the ground with boring things that no one outside of their dev team thinks is cool.
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oh my god it feels so fucking good knowing you outcarried TWO hyper carries
oh yeah lick my abs
fucking hell I feel so awesome I don't even wanna play league anymore
>import gooks
>win the region
yuros copying NA strats
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They should hire me.
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Yep, but the lab might have to go.
wow you're so fucking good at jarvan should we throw a party? should we call agurin
They didnt win the region tho
bunny vs gnar in the top lane
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>Laure with the nigress look
It's run to the ground already, no need to add you to the mess.
I can fix it.
sorry gnar is umm an interesting and good design so we can't let him be playable. now here's 50 more garbage designs like nasus panth renek malph
ngl I'd want him to give me an autograph
I want jelly to wear this hat so I can ask for a sip and then lean down and drink from the straw
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no, that's out of the question
just follow a few rioters in twitter to know the kind of spastic retard is working on the team
The sad thing is that they could have spent that money and time improving the main game and creating game modes that would tell the story of LoL. But I guess Riot really wanted to be known as Riot Games. God that reveal was dumb.

It must. It is too powerful for one fish to control.
Yeah the Riot Game(((((((s)))))) stuff was poked fun of for so many years I guess the bottled up need just made it a necessity. They started out with board games but I guess they didn't sell so went all out.
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of course, we need someone to distribute it
I guess Ahri's fine? she could sell it during her concerts
It's sad because all they do is copy off other game genres too so some people are making fun of them for, say, valve because they have dota and tf2 so now they have league and valorant or blizzard because of hearthstone not like genres are a copyrighted thing, but they could've been a bit more unique than make other stuff off a unity templates. I bet even a basic visual novel where the player can romance most champs would make it further whilst feeding artists when they need jobs the most than whatever skinned unity templates pumped.
my favorite part is the annoucement they made when they say they scrapped the MMO or whatever it was because they said they wanted to do something original and not just a copy of existing game and they then released KO2 or whatever it's called and it works exactly like any other fighting game, the same fucking bullshit
they did it with valorant and cs and now they're doing it with the new fighter game
riot is being controlled by idiots
New thread 1 post early
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Lets be 100% here, people prefer league characters more.. don't they?
WASTED time, effort and resources desu.
they moved from eune to euw though
idk, people be saying shieeeeeeeeeet i jsut recite
typical retarded facebook user, anything they see online is true
oh sorry let me just stalk their igns and check everything theyre saying is true along with their 2nd accounts if they even have those
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Anon, you're not allowed to spit fact like that...
Shut the fuck up you zoomie piece of shit.
>don't want to play ranked because I remember how dog shit it was
>forced to Q up priority role in quick play

What the fuck happened to LOL
sounds like a better idea than repeating made up shit
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