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Previous: >>487080424

>Current & Upcoming Content
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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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Stay positive /lolg/!
Am I retarded or is midlane way more fun to play than top? Mostly because laning isn't as MU dependant
Mid IS more fun (or just relaxing) than top in terms of champions selection and the general convenient geo location itself since you can walk back to the lane faster, etc.
There is not a single jungler that isnt a braindead retard. Please kys if you are a jungler
Brand is a hard jungler tho?
be the jg
Dont like any champ that goes there
Any champions to get that feel when you're slotted into top? Like something you can blindpick and have fun
Absolutely non of them, the ones I played top are no longer relevant. I can guess the only champs that are fun toplane are the ones you enjoy doing quick time events such as animation cancellations, spell shields, aa cancellations to double aa (aa with titanic proc immediately after), stuff like that or minion wave management and starving your enemy or manipulating it agro properly for you to win equally landed trades and such. Stuff like Riven, Fiora, etc.
mid is way easier to soak bad matchups because most champs cant run you down in a shorter lane like they can in top lane
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Soraka! My cute wife!
toplane has a lot of champions that make the game shit, it's the cesspool of the game
Nu-toplane is shit, I miss old pantheon. He made the lane worth playing
I never
literally never
buy wards or pinks
that's for beta males
True, everytime I'm playing toplane it's just sooo miserable seeing the enemy champ regardless of what they pick and god help I have to go against a Tahm and peel for myself against him in that island.
just pick renékton
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I don't like him. If I had to play ugly champs I'd play Urgot, Trundle or something low iq ogga.
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I just realized I haven't seen a single Jayce in my games
>Sub 50% WR
>Horrible pickrate

What the hell happened to him? Did riot take the bastard behind the shed because of pro play?
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toplaners that take skill aren't allowed to be good end of story
lolg dating sim
who are the capturable anons?
ravens are cute
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The Fish is finally contained.

Didn't they turn two of them gay? Doesn't that leave them with only Viper and Jade? I don't remember anyone talking about the other girls.
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Viper, my wife...
Riven is complete garbage that got goombastomped by teleport meta.
Why do riven players say she's unplayable now?
>toplaners that take skill aren't allowed to be good end of story
and we've come full circle.
yeah, good thing the lab is working
Because I can't win on her despite trying my best, last time I tried was against a Tahm player which I had to self peel and sustain against him still level 5 but I lost because he ended up getting ganked, he then came back in sunflares or something and I had no complete items. I then lost the lane while my jungler never ever came to me to help me out. I stopped playing toplane.
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>people still point to average winrate as an indicator of champ strength
When will they learn?
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because the meta is only pedophiles that build full tank and run away and riven is entirely reliant on retards standing still and letting you statcheck them with fast q
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>Riven is forced to win level 2 in order to play the game
>Riven is forced to take ignite
>Riot nerfs death timers
>Everyone picks teleport
>Riven now can't kill level 2, otherwise she'll instantly lose the lane
It isn't rocket science. You take teleport, you die level 2, you win the lane because your enemy can't shove and can't stay.
how do you enable windowed mode on swarm? its so fucking laggy and slow when full screen. literally unplayable. i tried the options but they're greyed out.
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it's a good day to have a good day, keep your mentals up and your games will have a higher chance of going well
every day is a good day when my true love is around
>riven is so bad alois switched to one-tricking riven's antithesis, dr fucking mundo
Yeah I'm not playing today because I want to sleep 11 hours ideally, been accumulating stress again.
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tfw alois could probably easily take rank 1 if he didnt onetrick fucking RIVEN
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For now. But until then. Beach time.
Why do support players refuse to play their role normally in lower elos? imagine if a jungler said something like "I'm not getting dragons, my team won't use them anyway"
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i will now give vampire hunters a try maybe
why would you pick jayce when an RFC IE caitlyn is outranging and outdamaging you on autoattacks alone? not like you're ever going to hit her because you have two warmog tanks tanking her (you picked Jayce instead of Ornn and there's no one to build 300 armor on your team now)
jayce is already hard to play, in this meta it's just not worth it
>imagine if a jungler said something like "I'm not getting dragons, my team won't use them anyway"
that's literally what jungle teemos/karthas/nasus do lmao
there are better bullet heavens
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I told you, bros. Play Mundo. He's strong. Pick Anathema's and instantly win. Heartsteel first is bait.
Nobody listened.
>uhh but mundo is so kiteable
>he's a pubstomper
>worst tank in the game
>countered by the most popular toplaner in the game lmao
Now that everyone realized that toplane's early game barely matters, he's meta. Now that people realized you can just take Warmog's instead of Heartsteel, he's meta.
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gimme names please and thank you :D
>toplane's early game barely matters
Why aren't champs like Gwen or GP seeing more play? They should shred tanks right?
20 min till dawn is my fav
not that anon but vampire survivors is fine
deth must die is also a pretty good one
>toplane's early game barely matters
Rather, kill pressure in lane.
Two gutted nerfed pieces of shit. You want tanks gone? You pick Camille.
yeah, get some rest
rogue genesia
20 minutes till dawn
soulstone survivors
Wait, the balancing in toplane is THAT fucked up?
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>deth must die
man i got reminded of a side scroller game that never came out and im a bit sad now
thanks tho will give these a try, much appreciate it
thank you very much, added to the list
By playing the least demanding role people start autopiloting and then they don't realise that they're passively making decisions that throw the game.
cute kaisers
>so i dont say any bad word towards my teammates in chat i just call my opponent bad
is this based or cringe? i see it as mental warfare
did they remove the spyware yet?
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here have another cute'sa
No, isss neever gona hapennnnn
go back to tricky towers
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>enemy jungler disconnected
>ff at 6 minutes
I can feel it coming
I'm not queueing up again
you're not getting me this time
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Death Must Die is great.

For now...
Come on anon, the waters warm...
were u the one that said you were gonna go on a 4 game winstreak
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Briar won
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You on the bottom btw.
An ancient Chinese proverb says if you lose now you lose on your lps.
death muust die is good like they said but holocure is unironically good too
But but he was the guy who said he's gonna go on a 4 hour sleep streak.
She is now the cutest fishe. All other fishe can become sushi.

you wouldn't give up on your teammates... would you?
yeah they all looked good, will try them later on
i have to play a really old game now and finish it again cause i lost my saves lol

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Pyke did this three (3) fucking times that game
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right is with aram tho
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literally me right now
>hooks the enemy out of your most powerful move for no reason
poor lillia
3-0 today, I guess grinding swarm is just that good for your game
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>fire up League
>don't feel like playing too long
>queue ARAM
>in champ select, realize ARAM is fucking boring
>close client
Everything except ranked is so fucking boring, including Swarm
why dont junglers have a brain?
>am low hp at tower enemy jgl was seen to be topside
>ward behind me
>hes there
>my jungle slowly finishes red buff
>i get dived they take my tower and afterwards this Emerald 2 shitter jumps in dies and even our support notices that hes shit
play another game man
there's gotta be at least one you like.
Its not the fact that junglers have no brain, its the fact that 90% of bad junglers probably got autofilled into that role
hey man, those krugs won't kill themselves you know
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Ok I figured out why Serasisters are going Helia for support. Its because Solstice SLAY procs a heal off of slows and the Solstice heal procs Helia heal and damage. If you don't go Solstice then its total ass but its pretty good with it.
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you guys forgot arena
I see. Good to know!
i didn't even realize this, we love the ingenuity sis
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I am back
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Its also why they are going Guardian. I think this tech could be used for other champs like enchanter Lux
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>get the free mission orb
>open it
>get one of those bags or whatever that shit is
Ignore the Elise and Syndra skins, the others i got from the bag. Ty riot, ty tencent, i guess shilling for you online pays off
>up against counter
>they get me low so I have to back but at least I'm surviving
>jungle decides to gank when I'm in base to 1v1 them and dies
>never comes back to my lane
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I miss newjeansfan…
how to farm in toplane if I'm getting zoned off lvl 1?
the wave will naturally push since he's last hitting, he can't zone forever
>I've played for so long that I just automatically counterpick with champions I haven't touched in three years and frag out
last matches felt like there were no smurfs in games. and... it honestly felt horrible. everybody being actually bronze is just a total shitshow. nothing makes sense at all.
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said and done
my adc was "le diamond smurf"
my mid was autofilled and bestowed a curse for not giving him jungle
my toplaner was a baus viewer
apologise to smurfkangs right now
do you think we love going 20/0 in your shitter elo?
we are doing this for you guys to give back to the community
i kneel, you can eat my sperm out of your wife's vagina. that's my gift to you.
This pic is older than the playerbase ;_;
yeah retard I see you going 20/0 in my game fucking retard give my LP back >>487196043
sions are insta dodge. baus fanboys are terminal
>bring back pick order in ranked (soloq)
>remove duoq
>remove anonymous champselect
>bring back duskblade
>remove the chatfilter
>bring back tribunal
>nerf support
I fixes league
Never realised how how Soraka is...
>dantes quit
is tyler1 the last bastion?
>>bring back duskblade
post entirely disregarded
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loved that shit
what do you mean? T1 is the bastion against the cancer that dantes represents
>>dantes quit
didn't he break up with his gf specifically to avoid this
I will fix league, not sorry
what champ has the worst player base and why? what champ had the best and why?
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I refuse to interact with my team and thats the way it should be.
duskblade literally broke the game TWICE. you are worse at fixing things than phreak and that's saying something
>tf blade
you also refuse to interact with the fact that you have xy chromosomes
I don't know any of these fuckers
boring chudcore streamers
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>try botlane
>immediately face a smurf duo
Not gonna lie the game mechanics are fun but the game itself is absolute cancer. Like they went out of their way to make the game miserable as possible to anyone who's not an established pro
T1 is reddit, same as qtpie
i would putt iwd in 4chan together with Trick2G
shut your negro ass up right now boy
qtpie used to post here
bumlows be like
>damn I'm playing against d4 smurfs, I better focus up
what kind of poster was he
The only negro here is T1... and midget... and bald... and married to an ugly bitch....and overreacting for content
Nigga do you have any idea about how many 'famous' people used to post on 4chan? This was the edgy cool place to be, especially for a gamer who was terminally online
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who even plays this champ
he posted bbc
I did when I started out
he was insanely over nerfed at the start of the season and is dogshit so few people will
I wonder if my lolg crush is here today
thank god
Heya dummyy
god man, adc bronzies, can you please DO SOMETHING PLEEAASSEE
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>5 man invaded level 1
>somehow all my lanes also lost despite the lvl 2 advantage
>then my support tilted and AFK'd
>they 4 man ff despite me coming back into the game

So it begins.


I'm tempted to duo with a smurf just to get through the spell.
QI-YA-NA, say it!
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where were u during my last game… league is starting to make me depressed kek I need u to be there to cheer me up
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>league is starting to make me depressed
Nigga just dont play the game
Big L, are you there?
could you give me some Nilah tips?
hope you hear my prayers
that’s what I’m boutta do fr
or even better, only play arams
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this doesn't look like dogshit
how do I counter 4 ff votes
Carry harder
this nigga using u.gg
>asking silver players for tips
ask chat gpt for better advice
holy shit man in bronze literally everything can happen. the enemy overpowers you and then suddenly they do so much mistakes and fuck up and you win. man all those people are on drugs or so.
this definitely doesn't happen in master haha
every game has been trash
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fuck forgot to post
so explain support to me. you camp under your tower for 25 minutes until your adc finally does damage?
could be gay and chinese
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I love Lissandra!
Damn that sucks, Rhaast definitely had one of the best VAs
Do NOT show this to Azakana.
It's the "I'm going to superglue the team together or we lose" role. If you don't pick the champion that will win your team the game by filling holes or countering enemies your team just loses because hehe the enemy team has 4 champions with 900 range abilities and CC and every single member of your team brainlessly picked a squishy damage dealer with no way to approach them.
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No. You 1v2 poke out the enemy bot lane, set up plays with your cc, look for roams around the map and solo win every other lane, set up vision before objectives ensuring your team has the advantage. You are the 1v9 role, if you want to hide under turret and be useless go play top lane
Sorry was doin stuff...
Are you done for the today?
you'd think that quickplay toplane would be something offmeta like evelynn or nautilus but no it's just handless trundle OTPs
add each other on discord
absolutely noone gives a fuck about your 2 viewer stream
shut the fuck up retards and kys already
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Umm actually it was 7.4 average over 3+ hours tyvm
>the today
for now cause gym soon but I could do later if you’d like…
Why are iron players so fucking competitive, it's literally wood rank?
I care. I think they're cute. And you're not cute. I want more of them and less of you.
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every time i think i've seen the absolute worst, cringiest piece of visual media with slopne I am always proven wrong
Because their all turbogarbage retards with 0 mechanics blaming “le tp tank meta” for their inability to dominate lane and translate that into assraping anyone everytime your flash is up. I can guarantee you half the retards in here build the fukin cdr boots because some faggot strimmer told them to. Their all gorrillalow niggers with no skills and unless your talking GM+ you can quite literally win every game comfortably with Riven as well as with any other Top pick. Remove Zac from the game tho, that’s the one champ that deserves endless complaining about
didn't ask. lolg is not for your interpersonal conversations
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She's not. They're just upset that they pour 6 hours a day into that champ every day for three years then have a 50% winrate against champions that take less effort.

I remember when Riven was strong enough that even silver retards could play her and win. It was fucking annoying. If you ever think Irelia mains are annoying, you weren't here for 2014/2015-era Riven players.
>it's not the tank npc's who cheese the game away who are bad, it's akshually the players of mechanical champions for real people!
kogmaw passsive irl tankoid apologist
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>gf (actual woman fuck off) loves to play and cosplay as xayah
>wants me to have a rakan personality but (i am not making this up) i have more of a sett personality
>she doesn't NOT like this, but she *really* wishes i acted more like rakan who i think is obnoxiously self absorbed whereas sett isn't quite as fucking flamboyant
>yes, i'm aware sett fucks aphelios its not about that
>finally tell her i'll cosplay with her but don't want to be rakan
>"well who will you be?"
>'....uh, you're not really built for that, just go as rakan with me?"

trolling just a single match should mean perma ban for the account. i dont care what type of mental breakdown you have, not my problem.
it's been ages since i last streamed i should do it again sometime
>riven has been the hellspawn of the rift since literally
>yes, literally
>riot REFUSES to dumpster nerf her because she's the goddamn yasuo of skin sales when it comes to players who will spend $2,000,000 a year on just riven content if they made it
>there's no fucking argument about it, she's a terror in lane and her win rate is beyond busted on anyone who spends even an iota of time learning even the most basic moves such as "auto in between q's"
>riot clings to the idea that her win rate is "not as high" on the taiwan faggot server or some shit around circa 2018/2019
>she's STILL yet to get a proper nerf despite sett being literally the same overall concept of "scales with AD/Health"

I don't know how she keeps getting away with it other than she's profitable ala Yasuo / Yone
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I wish Aurora had more depth to her...
>streamer in your team
>you are support
>open stream in background
>all he does is talking bs and dying and blaming me
>he values his adc's existence at all

I've yet to come across a proper streamer who didn't fall into one of the following categories
>room is completely dark, they're wearing sunglasses, and some form of blaze-it 420 bullshit is in their stream description
>"already in a party" assholes who do literally nothing but bitch about the 1 to 3 teammates who aren't on comms with them and they don't seem to understand the game INTENTIONALLY puts you with better opponents
>off-his-meds retard who has some idiotic claim like "world's best heimerdinger" who is 0/12 and once again bitching at his team
>fat bitch with no cam who is trying to get by with just her voice
smolder is incredibly annoying
as a character that is
in the rift he's a walking bag of gold
>Junglers when they can't just right click on their target and take zero damage and kill them
>Poppy player
What is jungler supposed to do in this game? Any good ones for a beginner who wants to snowball?
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why is mf built like a stick man
it makes her boobs look bigger
Name one pro that calls Riven viable
you have brown skin
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Stop complaining and buy the goyslop already
I can't support a game that enforces 50% winrate on its players by making the quality of the games shittier
the games aren't harder because it's a greater challenge to win as you climb up, it's because they cut off your hands your dick your legs
Are we acting like Warmogs rush Poppy support being busted makes regular top lane Poppy busted too?
She's viable, it's just you can't play her viably unless you're a Riven autist. The lolisports blackpill you need to swallow is that pros only play easy, simple, strong champions. Even if complicated ones would be good picks in competitive, none of them or their teams are willing to dedicate the time to learn them unless they're so overpowered that they can win with minimal practice. See: why shit like Nidalee, Gwen, and Akshan aren't picked more in pro play. The only time you ever see autist champions is when teams hire an autist that already plays that champ like Adam with Garen, Olaf, Darius, and Sion.
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What champ match up immediately makes you do this?
red runes really need buffs
at this point if you're an assassin it's better to go conq and allow yourself to scale than getting 80 damage on your combo with eletrocute
Kek, what's so autistic about Nidalee or Gwen???
If you actually played Rakan, you'd see that him being "self-absorbed" is just a cope and he's genuinely very caring and thoughtful. He just acts arrogant and self-absorbed because it's funny to the love of his life.

He outright says "Humans think that to believe in something, you have to be serious about it. That's their problem."
Nidalee requires a level of autism to clear the jungle both quickly and healthily that precludes her from pro play. You have to spend way too much time learning how to speedrun her clears like a true Nidalee autist to take advantage of her.

Gwen requires a lot of matchup knowledge and understanding of damage numbers unless you're in a free win matchup. It's not worth putting that effort in for pros when they could just blindpick a tank or something.
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god damn bronze drives me crazy wtf are these people doing.
i dont really mean just inting. i mean around dragons, wandering around the map etc.
Why would you be playing in bronze if you're that great?
>get your dick sucked off as rakan
>disappoint your girlfriend as sett
>real situations on lolgee
Why is the spiderfu dead while Nidalee still sees pro play? Both are AP junglers
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Rhaast died
>autofilled support
>win 4v5 because enemy team were busy arguing with each other
simple as
she has a bad clear
10 second delay-brain chogath absolutely selling me to the point where i just immediately run to a corner let him 2 v 1 and jump in if theres an opportunity. youre a stupid fucking faggot and i hope you die in real life.
i feel like the only way to win this game is to troll, everything else is just bitterness and anger. it's like trying to have a serious thread on 4chan
How bad can it be?
its over
its over
its over
its over
its over
ok fuck this game i cant tilt on a monday i have to endure a whole fucking week fuck this hsit
bad enough to not be good in this meta, elise is a spam gank jg
dumbfuck esl level 800+ handless freak that thinks me buying that lifesteal hammer first is why we lost and not the fact that he runs off to go grab a flower at full health. stupid fucking nigger riot loves to pair me with these fucking faggots
dead general
dead game
the haters won now they can die drowning in their own vomit
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Which league ladies would slowly slash you to death
I did it bros ! I can finally retire from ARAM !
Isolde, Gwen, Hwei, and Vel'Koz.
The game is unironically dead, just had 1m Poppy in iron 3 who W'd every jump in and dodged all skillshots.
>Hwei, and Vel'Koz.
not girls
stream only if you want to...!! dont force yourself if youre tired :(
sippin on gin and juice
sippin on piss and poop
yuh aye yuh aye
draven is turkish
>it's norms bro chill out
maybe coop vs. ai is more up your alley.
maybe you should uninstall
it would be better in the long term.
yeah when riot doesnt want you to play their game literally at all they send you into grief que.

if you cant figure out whats wrong with the image, dont reply to me. stupid nigger
>Fighting Akali as Ryze
>I have Nullifying Orb, Barrier, and Rod of Ages and Sorcerer's Boots
>She has Stormsurge
>She's able to 1 shot me DESPITE all the items I own
How is Akali still fucking broken after al this time?
>t. doesn't ward, never has prio, shit macro in general and always blames jungle for his fuckups
genre is a horrible waste of time honestly. best thing that has happened to me is quitting this game. i go back every once in a while for a game, but i end up leaving midway through because my teammates deserve to suffer. i have real games to play and i deserve a company that respects my time. trash game, trash community, trash balancing. nothing good about this game. cockroach humans galore
"please dont be terrible"
"why that item"
"please build damage"
As mundo proceeds to run from everything, tank nothing and do no damage. right.
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Slop taking barrier.
she's Illaoi before it was cool
as in the only thing that matters is dodging her E
I always take double scaling hp on ARAM
every game can be a warmog game
>nothing good about this game
The female champs are cute.
what is with the size of the new champ's tits? It's fucking distracting
Boobchads won.
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objectively correct toplane tierlist activate
white kid using niggerspeak
it's time to accept that these terms have been used ironically long enough that they're now appropriate to use unironically ok sis
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>Ezreal and Karma feed the fucking Jhin
>I have the same death score as Jhin which is 3 as Ryze
>Only Volibear and Sion are actually useful this whole fucking game
>Ezreal keeps running in because he thinks he can kill Jhin and dying because of it
>I'm having to deal with Naafiri which is somewhat okay because she relies in her dogs and I just delete them
>Mundo becomes impossible to fight as he's just fucking tanky as shit
>The enemy Yi is a fucking dumbass
Why is it when there's Ezreal player, it's a coin flip? It's either they're really good or they're fucking awful?
i think every player i met has been a retard no lie
C- please work on keeping your story concise and only to supporting evidence
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anything good to watch this season in between league games/breaks?
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>briar and/or lissandra fucking won bros
fact: 90% of toplane inters quit right before they're about to collect the 700g shutdown
fr fr no cap nigga dem top finna yeezys call kayle mid sheesh bix nood
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This is a fish
t. doesnt play toplane and just regurgitates popular opinion
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being able to spout buzzwords from a place of blind judgement does not make you any funnier or more intelligent than the niggers you claim superiority to
just means you a nerd with no rizz. no cap.
cracka ahh post
uh no this is my opinion based on that aurora has dogshit spell range and r requires human intelligence to use in a toplane 1v1
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>big ass ground target nuke requires human intelligence to use
my wife doesn't use public transport
>Feed my ass off
>Do everything I can
>Jungle or bot somehow dominates

It's fucking impossible to lose in low elo I swear
its out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4jpoDpXbCc
>It's fucking impossible to lose in low elo I swear
this is my experience, i really don't understand how people can be cutelow
i troll on kaisa support and still win
Kill Lyra
Kill isabell
Kill lily
Kill Delthea
Kill seratrannies
Kill morgtranny
Kill lambtranny
Kill Gwensissy
Kill nitedew
Kill Admiral Arya
Kill and Behead Sorakatranny

Simple as
How fucking much money to get the 30 level, good lord. Its like 750 just for one of those
Yea getting to Iron is unironically fucking impossible. I have an easier time getting into Masters
based there are no posters of value that use female pics
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Nuh uh
Guess shadow assassin came out on top in the end.
akali can leap from 3 screens away to kill you with zero counterplay and people say shes weak
mental illness is a problem
yone can leap from 3 screens away to kill you with zero counterplay and people say xhes weak
mental illness is a problem
Haha definitely not, I've never had a jungler in a 150lp master game go 7/0 before 10 minutes then run it down and end 8/10 and lose the game haha nope never
He didn't dive a full health kaisa with ult up and give her a free 1k gold shutdown haha :)
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this is also true
also you are a disgusting akali apologist and deserve to be skinned alive
>akali can leap from 3 screens away to kill you with zero counterplay
>mental illness is a problem
Only dk1 is worth watching
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Why do absolutely zero Taric players understand how his R works
What Taric ult is:
>Strong for teamfights or protecting your carry in anticpation of them getting bursted down
What Taric ult is fucking not:
>Dude im gonna hold it till the last second even though it has a delayed cast this'll be so epic :))))
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>akali is bro-ACK!
about 250 euros
dont talk about how broken akali is I might start posting akali clips
i simply will not play if it has to be against a lux
>but shes not op
correct, she objectively is not overpowered considering she has strengths and weaknesses
she is however extremely obnoxious to play against and while it takes a good lux to maximize her potential you can be a lobotomized ape and still be effective enough to be a nuisance
>who wants to snowball?
Nunu :^)

Are you new to league entirely or just to jungle?

hi boys...
The amount of smurfs/boosters in Iron is pretty insane these days, and it is extremely easy to tell when there is one even by simple things like how they move their character
it is crazy i went against 5 of them at once
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YES!!! I got a key!!! OMG!
Sounds like a skill issue. Swarm is fucking piss easy, movespeed isnt even that significant. I've done all but aurora and yasuo aatrox extreme missions solo
What does this mean
I am a woman, and my young fertile body craves male dick.

Which champion, would you say...? Which champion to play for this FEEL?
the support on my team is a sona with no flash
surely this counts as terrorism
sona, soraka, sera
Hi Gwen
we are voting trump this november right bros?
I am a Mexican girl but sure why not
no you dumbass you know how you need to run all the way through the level or you die to the storm? you are supposed to get a scripted buff so you can actually make it. it happened twice already that I didn't get it and the run was doomed
he's not going to let you have abortions and will likely try to deport you again
i voted in 2020 already so im not really interested in repeats
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>mfw 2 on our team voted no to ff with an enemy Xin with 20 kills that wiped all of us twice alone at minute 25
some people aren't happy with making others lose lp, but they also need to make us lose our time
it's 5 extra minutes bro who cares
should I jerk off or should I clean my room, /lolg/?
champs for this feel?
clean your room then jerk off...?
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Riot should release a team meant to be played all 5, now that would be revolutionary. Make them canonically part of a group, some kit synergies, and have them cover all roles.
yuumi sona soraka
Relax jelly
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I am not enjoying league of legends bros
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You should play with friends, it makes the game fun...
they need to nerf dominiks and buffs seryldas
be my gf
dang it
gonna be honest with you lads i miss the days where enchanter supports played like sissies and hid behind you all lane
sure i had to 1v2 but it was certainly better than the current batch who really like to walk past the larger enemy minion wave to try and fight, get bursted within seconds and be like BRO WHY YOU NO GO IN??
what happened to the sorakas that used to stand in the cheap seats and occasionally toss out a Q
i miss you baby
Oh lmfao
Riot coding strike again I guess.
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guess the champ
my stream friends make it fun but I want to make sure it’s fun for them too
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2 out of 3 had the right lane
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Play something different for a day or two and come back and see how you feel
If you try to force yourself to keep playing it you'll just continue to not enjoy it
You dont need to torment yourself on stream for us
I started playing about 8 months ago, and I already got bored. I don't really play it on my own anymore. only with friends
Yes he did break up with his GF, but then got back together when he quit league.

I think half the shit dantes does is quite literally performative, a kind of LARP. I dont think he was neccessarily attempting to be better at the game at a certain point (nobody cant take away hes a challenger jungler though). He broke up with his girlfriend because he wanted to pretend like he was trying to excel at league but the recent amateur streamer tournies he was in I felt like watching him he never really tried to expand the pool or play for his team.

At least to me I felt like observing it felt like this isnt the guy who is trying to be a sysphus a true grinder, but I have never heard someone have my take so maybe its just me being a retarded loser (aside from the fact i observe streamers).
Riot august was the one in charge of the game mode, so blame him rofl
fuck dantes retarded content farmer freak
>I broke up with my gf cause I wanted to feel what its like to be alone
>literally gets back together within the week
unironically "broke up" with his gf for stream content. if tarzaned didnt fucking run it down irl dantes and his gf would be sitting sub 300 viewers rn the two of them are entirely coasting off tarzaneds fuck up
definitely not voting for fucking harris, what a joke
>On a lose streak with Ryze
>First lose against Heimer
>Later lose against Brand
What am I doing wrong as Ryze?
im always here for an arena or aram if you wanna league but chill :)
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hi dude
Maybe this is too mean to say but holy fuck, Tyler1’s baby is quite possibly the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.
Wasn't all this drama fabricated anyways?
I remember seeing that girl doing "RP mom" streams a few weeks later. It feels like everything is fake these days.
hola senorita.
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all streamers are a manufactured persona. just how reality TV is not real
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ok guys late night stream
i am quitting jg for now WHO'S IN
>unironically "broke up" with his gf for stream content

Also first picked yamatodeath for the NNO tournament i believe (most problematic midlaner) and didnt attempt to reign him in at all (since its content, and only reflects yamato negatively and not him).

Im pretty sure every single thing dantes has ever done was to grow his stream moreso. Hell the way this drama started was with him throwing TARZANED (who is VERY good for content) under the bus instead of just ignoring him.

He also used Tarzaned for a MAJOR signal boost and also other league streamers. I didnt play league for like the month around the time dantes went to brazil with tarzaned, so going from a "cohost to judge jungle" within that time span strikes me as completely an utterly manipulative, when they have been playing together for YEARS.

Its hard for me anyway to even sympathise with the shit that happen with dantes because i feel like everything thats ever happened was a consequences of his own actions, his own grift.
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if you're still here
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>play anything but adc
>play adc
>have miserable experience
why is it like this?
>uwu gun
>briar is the only boss who becomes playable
>people abuse her on the most difficult level for easy clears
Who couldve guessed that august had anything to do with this?
briar isnt even the best or easiest to do extreme with althoughbeit
pobelter is kiwifarmscore
I don't think anybody had faith in his improvement when he full cleared wirh locked camera every game
Are there any real females among us? I have a hard time imagining a girl playing lol, besides streamers who probably are too busy to ever come here.
how you can call yourself best hecarim world when you are permastuck master fullclearing is beyond me
Why the fuck do people in Iron get 60-80:CS in 10 minutes? Doesn't that mean the difference between bronze and masters is just 30 CS?
Just fought Aurora. She does so much fucking damage despite having a Force of Nature equipped.
my lolg crush hasn't been around recently...how do I stop feeling lonely?
send him pics of your ass and tits.
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feesh butte
I feel like theres so many little things that completely ruin my enjoyment of swarm. The fact the games cap at 15minutes, the fact that the game quite literally shits itself if you have yasuo with proj, and other server issues. I also dislike the selection of champions we got, illaoi/seraphine feel so rough, aurora autoaim is so bad.

There is also the fact that every single game the 1st elite (whatever you call them that drops the card) spawns after the 1st yuumi event. For me anyway the way thing occur feels so scripted and samey. This mode felt like it was rushed out.

Ive done extreme on every dude, briar is definitely one of the easiest if you dont know what your doing particularly cause the "briar build" is building defensive stats and being able to facetank bosses, contrast to say Jinx/xayah who have low basearmour. I dont think though that briar has the best exodias or anything but definitely feels pretty chill

When he went on and on about fucking defensive or passive jungling when he got mogged by agurin, it was so funny. Im not saying that I had faith he was going to improve but im saying his efforts to larp he was going to improve was just performative.
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Why is almost perfect CS the bare minimum in iron?
>mfw I got flamed because I had 60 CS in 10 minutes while everyone else, including the feeding lane, had 90-100
It's like going to the gym, if you can't already benchpress 3 plates might as well stay home and not make of a fool of yourself.
the real low elo players are mostly in low bronze
iron is unironically at least 70% deranking accounts, smurfs, and boosters
i say this as someone who has smurfed in iron myself
>play in iron
>people are CSing well, supports are roaming after their recall, bot lane will go mid after taking tower, and generally making decisions you dont see that often even in gold/silver
>people even space well
>go to bronze
>immediately start playing with actual retards
half of these don't even post anymore
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Goat Boat.
>Get fed
>Get fed
>Get fed
>Do poorly

im just gonna play yuumi every game or play ahri and jack off to her feet every game i dont fucking matter
what's hard about thinking others possibly enjoying a video game?
For me it's that xull girl on twitch
she's finish but born and raised in america
>play ahri and jack off to her feet every game
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yup, approved
This should surprise absolutely no one. He looks like 4chan personified.
I hope this is a joke. Women play this game a lot, there's quite a fair few on league, valorant and overwatch.
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>Entire enemy team are burst champions
>Tell MF she should get an Immortal Shieldbow just in case
>"Don't tell me how to play my champ"
Why are players like this? I was honestly so tempted to just support mid and top and leave the ADC to fend for herself after that.
nobody likes a micromanaging shitter, especially when it's a support
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>Giving advice is bad
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Support role is for submissives. You should listen to your team, not tell them what to do.

>Source: I'm a support main.
good slut, you understand it
support is the babysitter role. you tell your team when naptime is and send them to bed
Ruh roh can't be giving unsolicited advice can we now.
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Good! Let the fish get controlled by theses!
umm I'm liderally faker I can't possibly ever make mistakes chud
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As an Assertive Support Main. This post gave me the chills.
It's just a cringe person playing a fetish, everyone knows adcs are insufferable.
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I don't think that'll work
You should def try anal you'll like it a lot.
unsolicited advice is why you dont have a gf
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>Play Gnar
>Half health fighting a Nasus and winning
>See Pyke is wanting to roam to for an execute
>Start to fight Pyke
>Nasus comes back
>Heading under my tower
>Nasus decides to ult and ghost towards me
>Pyke does the same
>Nasus takes a bunch of turret shots
>Pyke tries to get the execute
>Throw the boomerang and hop over Pyke mid execute
>He misses
>He dies due to turret
>My boomerang hits the Nasus and makes all my minions kill him
>Nasus, Pyke, and Shaco all start arguing with each other after that
I am awesome, why does no one play Gnar?
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These two people aren't true support players. No one listen to them.
Thank you <3 I try.
kek wasn't illaoi listed S tier when this mode released?
be my personal slut?
it is crazy how this game only can make trash lobbies
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Hope you get relief soon, nonny.
one more anon and I'll cum
how can every lobby be trash
Damn. How about this one?

So wait? You never want to be in control? It is fun.
playing after midnight is fucking retarded
hope you get shot irl btw
personally I find 11pm-4am on weekdays are the best hours. anything after 4am are stoner hours and suck. weekends are also awful because the casuals and kids are on
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nope, I don't think goat boat works on Nami
Couldn't bring yourself to roleplay, could you?
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you will buy the immortalized legend ahri collection
you will buy the super duper mega fantastic edition artbooks
In a game right now I can't type.
>Aurora nerf
The character is literally FINE as it is, why the fuck would you nerf her
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i just realized theres only a tiny space left for your shop which is coming in a few days
Then all is lost...
Its cause the website that ranked champions posted it BEFORE the game launched, anyone who ACTUALLY played the mode wouldnt order the champs they did.

Something like

S - Yasuo Riven Xayah
A - Seraphine Aurora Illaoi
B - Leona jinx

But its painfully obvious to anyone who actually played the game, that jinx was a GOOD character and illaoi was literal dogshit. Even yasuo i think is overrated because he has a strong item dependancy that the S tiers dont have, like if u play yasuo and you just noncrit shit it just falls apart pretty quickly, and i feel like the dmg output for the risk is too high personally.
gut that fucking r
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Based based based thank you Dantes-sama. I'm sure it was the pixels on the screen and not your mental retardation.
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not really, lab still works
reminder yuumi is an adc IQ check

>why does no one play Gnar
I have Gnar but nobody plays him and he looks skill intensive so I'm afraid of picking him up because I'll feed and get flamed
I just did the first map on extreme difficulty with Riven and holy shit this champion is so free. I only had 3 item upgrades and the mobs couldn't even break my shield. Before this I struggled with every champion where I couldn't even get the 1st yuumi quest done.
>S - Yasuo Riven
because of iframes? i found them much easier to manage on some fights like aatrox because they could just iframe forever
>B jinx
i honestly think she is S tier in terms of damage
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>victorious sona
>arcane singed skin
shut adsissy it's time for your nappy change
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Okay I got another S on Sona and 100++ vision score that game!
>So wait? You never want to be in control? It is fun.
Never. I like being submissive and as a support I should always be submissive anyways.
As I said, I was in a game so I couldn't really type.
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he is right
>be support
>make suggestions
>if the adc decides against it you just do what the adc wants to do instead of being a bitchy retard
How do I build Briar on Swarm?
>your shop which is coming in a few days
really? sweet
Oh you're that 1/12 win loss sona player, bet you were the same one begging to be boosted for the victorious sona chroma. Makes sense you'd try to do the submissive pick me route.
Did you finally get your morde daddy or some loser to boost you and get you cosmetics.
I am feasting on oatmeal, log the fuck off right now if you are planning to play in euw niggalow
this is the last warning
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>Oh you're that 1/12 win loss sona player, bet you were the same one begging to be boosted for the victorious sona chroma
No, idk who that is but that's not me. I don't even main Sona and I'm not looking for a boost. I'm an Ahri main.
Oh lol, no that was just me shitposting because of the image matchup. Mord and Sona don't even work well together.
Why is ranking up sooooo fucking slow in this game? Like the difference is a night and day between fightans or shooters, 100lp to advance, 20lp per game etc etc

That's 20 games with 100% WR, with anything lower than that though? Way way slower. Like games can easily take half an hour more, that's a lot of fucking league
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what do you mean?
you can get top 1% in one sitting
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Not that anyone really cares, but I'm only mastery 5 with Sona lol
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how am i supposed to complete these?
can you not read nigga?
i have completed the game in both solo and coop on every single difficulty with every single character
i have evolved every single guns and tried to actively do these challenges, yet i couldn't even complete something like "do X stage with Y character) despite doing them multiple times on all 3 difficulties
I guess it's bugged then
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For now...
I wanna fucking strange the life out of dantes that smug fucking faggot laughing at unfunny shit just seem smug
What do they mean?
>roam to grubs and help jg get 3 kills and 3 grubs
>adc starts shitting their pants because they farm for farm under turret for 1 minute
I'm just muting every adc at the start of games
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jinx is s tier because of her passive alone, she can be god tier if you get the correct yuumi augment as well (ramming runner)
the tierlist should be
S - xayah riven jinx seraphine yasuo
A - leona illaoi briar
garbage tier - aurora
all in all the mode is not that hard even on extreme but you can get unlucky with the rolls and need to restart, the only champ thats genuinely shit is aurora because her weapon has a base duration that you simply cant reduce so she cant clear mobs in a timely manner
you have to complete them in order
for example you cant do battle cat chat end before the chat 2 one
>>roam to grubs
you should be shot irl
*mutes you*
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>Dark Harvest so bad they have to buff it twice
>play with friend
>they're constantly yapping desperate for attention
>feel pity and play into it
>we both fuck our lanes up due to having yapped all fucking game
I play my niggalow games with no music no audio no chat AND I take it very seriously
only if it's the first version and not the boring as fuck stall that they remade
>leona buffs
literally no one likes playing against this bitch
so what was doombots?
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riven with armor up is legit debug mode
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Had a great time on stream, both on and off of league
Discovered my new one trick smolder (never playing jg again)
Then had the most intense session of my life in tabletop sim board game
Ty everyone it was a lot of fun I’m glad I did it, thank you for stopping by
They literally removed 30% of his AP scalings and added like 5% BONUS hp scaling on W.
Fucking niggers baboons, all while LeShart is allowed to be the strongest mid in the game.
coop vs ai but the bots are much stronger and do quirky stuff
What's a champion that just outright shits on Irelia the entire match? I can never win against her, she's stupidly fucking broken.
apparently they are planning to have ults he steals also apply their champ's passive which is super busted
Why don't you just tell that to your stream? Noone here cares
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can't believe we all almost died in that run kek
what made you pick him up?
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The Sett matchup goes roughly like this
Holy moly, got another account banned for toxicity after calling my jungler sup-species non-human black gorilla because he doesn't gank my lane and is a gorilla nigger monkey that tries to do dragon without clearing enemy vision first

Also ally support has a pink on her that she's holding out for christmas instead of placing it on the dragon camp to see if the enemy team has vision of the jungle doing dragon.
I got a skin and late game scaler makes it so I can always carry discourages tilt
Thanks for the update
Aaahh, this is so hot...
I wanna have sex with Irelia so badly bros...
ok, but who asked?
I thought you were bbc guy but then I saw the other guy was white.
I asked
I want to be Irelia...
>t. yamatosdeath twitch mod gemerald peaker in norms at 4 am tryharding on his 10 gorillion mastery points (combined over 1000 accounts) draven
Same, except with Sett
EUW VGS this Friday at 10:00 CST!!!
I actually peaked diamond early season while duoing with my GM friend thank you very much
I want something like this or the star guardian event.
it's 6am they might be sleeping!
How the fuck did extreme Reksai one shot me as Leona right after I destroyed its tunnel when I've facetanked all of its hits and AOE as DPS and support solo
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then ban it you mnokey gorilla nigger retadr
her ult does missing hp % or something so it's like an execute
or riot could just balance the game desu
I was at full health with eclipse shield
>eclipse shield
my fp hasnt been around
I miss them so much...
I was full projectile hyperhaste Yasuo earlier and there so many tornadoes and projectiles that the client could barely keep up with the calculations even though I have a really beefy computer.
I'm not talking about summoner's rift bro
Can you please stop posting lewd pictures on lolg? I'm tired of having a permanent boner.
ok but why do you compare brand to one of the most dogshit champs in the history of the game
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Youre just asking for more
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>Ban Brand
>They choose Naafiri
>Ban Naafiri
>They choose Brand
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Does anyneet want to play ONE game of sloprena(in 25 minutes).................?
>Gay shit
Eww. I prefer thick anime sluts with wide hips and fat tiddies.
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eat shit nigger
sit on my face
why would i want to play just one game
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that can be arranged
Literally nothing wrong with being a yamatosdeath twitch mod gemerald peaker in norms at 4 am tryharding on his 10 gorillion mastery points (combined over 1000 accounts) draven
literally everything wrong with that
edgy cringelord
>twitch mod
obese loser
>gemerald peaker
garbage at the game
>[raging] in norms
zero self-awareness
>at 4 am
>tryharding on otp
literally not a single good thing
Do you still think Riot can balance? Riot didn't want Azir-Corki on pro play so they reworked Corki and guess who the champs are still on pro play. Riot nerf Rek'sai so many times and still in the top tier junglers in Emerald+.
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if you don't want the draven streamer echad, more for me!
Not a single Draven main who respects himself will ever even consider giving a crumb of attention to Lux support players.
We're not into mentally disabled
not your personal army
finally killed aatrox in extreme, riven is fucking broken
Anyone could do this if they put some effort in learning these retarded 1v9 champs. But why would you? The game is equally bad/good at Masters as it is in Silver. It’s way more fun to play different champs every game and fuck around.
>No you won’t become pro because you stomped some games with Draven
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Speak for yourself! I'm sure some fagg-I mean men like you definitely prefer playing with a Nautilus butt buddy, but most real men prefer a cute girl!
Like Janna, yeah. Not Lux.
Stupid sexy slut making my cock super hard, damn you!
because why have roots and poke for guarenteed kills when you can have sissy peel for the most aggressive champ in the game...
bloody slut making my shaft hard saars! full support saars i love the sexy bobs and vagene of the ai slut! we will fuck her bloody saars
imagine how fucking busted the support role is when my supp can pick leona, do absolutely nothing all game, miss 50 ults in a row, and still climb with a positive winrate playing like that every game
You don't understand the support role.
what the fuck are you even typing
anon claimed that climbing ranked is slow. nobody mentioned you or your inferiority complex
has aurora been hotfix nerfed or is it coming next patch
i met 2 people irl that are master 200 lp on the same server as me, if they ever find out what my acc is im fucking dead because ive soft inted too many lowmasta lobbies to count
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you cannot convince me that this skin isn't furry bait

look how slutty this cat looks
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under no circumstances must this nigga be allowed to own a pet ever
Anon, what is going on?
don't let the feds silence you anon, those are the most potent bedroom eyes i have ever seen
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When should you build Stormsurge? I tried having it as a first item on Zoe because I assumed that her burst would benefit on it, but it really seems like I'm doing negative damage on it when checking the item dmg stats after a game. What gives? I heard it was really good on launch, did it just get gutted?
I'm so lonely and I tried so hard but nobody cares about me
I give up
The closest I got to people caring about me was just then pestering me to host custom games
cool blogpost nigga
next time do it elsewhere
is lyra still here
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Don't give up anon! Try getting to know people on a 1 to 1 basis by playing norms or arams with them. Be liked for who you are, rather than trying to be liked for providing a service. You aren't a robot!
op "blow that kindergarden up habibi" gg
tanks are fun to play if you like violence
is ADC good this season?
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Basically never on mages. But on melee burst champs its good when you're ahead to snowball even harder. Someone like Diana mid might want to buy it first item.
It was overnerfed and the damage it provides is tiny now, especially for ranged champs, the reasons to buy it are that its very cheap, you get extra gold if you're already overkilling enemies and gives you a burst of movespeed to get away. But something like Lich Bane is a lot more reliable.
its kinderGARTEN not kindergarden you stupid retard
nta but I thought anglos said kindergarden
why do they spell it kindergarten if they pronounce it incorrectly?
anglos? it's an american word
my god you niggas so dumb
why in the fuck is riven a better tank than leona in swarm
How's Pyke ban rate? I'm on a new account trying support with Pyke but I never get to play him on normal draft cause he's perma banned there. Will it be the same in ranked? (can't tell from the percentage in opgg)
Will Riot nerf warmogs passive healing?
There's this french OTP WW who streams. The stuff he does with this champ is straight up scandalous.
Nevermind my brain is rotting
All good. What does he do? WW healing is fkng absurd early game
I fell asleep watching natochadku's stream but he really made it very enjoyable the entire time... he's a very good streamer, very entertaining, more lolggers should watch him...
I don't understand how pyke is permabanned when he's literally the least annoying and skillbased hook champ
easy skillshot, nearly guaranteed cc ult, unkillable in lane
unmissable skillshot, CC on auto, very tanky completely guaranteed cc ult
utility bot, tanky
best hook

meanwhile, you have pyke:
>most telegraphed ability in league of legends
>completely useless after laning phase
>dies to a small gust of wind
>offers nothing besides damage
he's the only fair hook champ in the game, where you only lose to him if there's a skill gap between you and him.
I don't
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It should be expected that my Sona support should be giving me an out of the way handy whenever I demand it.
cocks are more aesthetic but the real reason I'm gay is because I've had the misfortune of actually getting to date women enough times that I've come to realize they're nothing but (both emotional and financial) leeches who will turn around on you the moment YOU need anything from them
>Play Zilean
>Save my team mates multiple times with Chronoshift
>Doesn't matter because the fucking Twitch says lol no and deletes them once they revive
How do I chronoshift an ally and they don't die after they get revived from it?
How are men any different?...
the redpill is to revive everyone in your team but your adc which will just ego die any chance they die because they think they are tyler1
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>he's the only fair hook champ in the game
Maybe it's because his ult is an instakill? Did ya think of that?
well the theory is that since I'm a man myself and since I don't turn around on people when they go from giving to asking I assume there must at least be some other men like myself out there

though yeah the boys I have dated so far were also leeches for the most part
you're iron 4 if you think his ult is good
You're a retard if you don't think his ult is good
I'm a retard but I don't think his ult is good
Straight up harassement shit and scandalous healing.
Couldn't find highlight but check him out if you wanna see WW being played right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKw9_wIujTQ
While I agree women waste a lot of money on stupid things, I don't think this is necessarily only a girl thing.
it's moreso that they bail at the earliest sign of "tough times ahead" rather than their spending behavior
pyke is permabanned because he can 1v1 the adc from level 1 not because his ult is op
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having lotta fun in euw so far
Couldn't be me.
better not bitch
>daily soloq player
>quits after some specially frustrating loss
>goes aram only for a year
>stops playing eventually
how do you fags manage to keep playing
>just have fun bro
you clearly don't, you never stop complaining.
A champ being "skill based" doesn't make them any less annoying to play against. When you are at a level where basically everyone is good at their champs it just makes him even more annoying.
I hate playing against him even though he is not actually that strong just because of how much BS he is allowed to get away with.
If Leona makes a bad engage she dies.
If Pyke makes a bad engage he sprints away for free then heals everything back. He is extremely forgiving to play.

His hook being telegraphed hardly matters. All engages are telegraphed by your opponent walking up. When he actually releases the hook its just as hard to dodge as every other hook, that is to say you are not dodging it without some sort of movement skill on reaction.
He is not completely useless after laning phase because he is able to roam around the map faster than any other support and bypass vision with his invis. He is able to do exactly what Blitz does in the midgame but far better.
Well said. Not all of them but its looking grim
don't be a cucklord pussyboy betamale numale low test dehydrated uneducated weak willed weak knees faggot and don't make the switch to aram

real men try harder when they lose they don't just curl up into a ball and cry for aram mommies to cuddle him
why is this nigga posting with the name ITEM
Any nigga want to play arams on euw?
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Maybe this guy >>487264209, its a neet so it should have all the time in the world.
you are not a neet?
Me? Why? Who do u think I am?
>Who do u think I am?
I dont think you are anyone in particular, just another bozo that posts on /lolg/ in a early Tuesday afternoon
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The only thing you'll get is a bullet to the brain, you dumb AD cuck.
Hmm was just oddly specific. No I can't play but maybe the other guy will share ign unless you have to.
are there really motherfuckers with jobs in here?
what are ya'll niggas doing? are you like janitors or something? why do you play the game if you have a job?
Pykes disengage makes him frustrating to play against. The amount of 10% hp pykes that can W away and return at 70% health to engage again is what's most frustrating about him to me.
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>get ganked by the avengers
>make them blow 3 ults to kill me
>still manage to kill 2 before going down
I quit playing league 2 years ago. I just play TFT now.
has anyone else been getting friend requests from lvl 2 accounts recently?
my accs keep getting added by these but I never accept
is this a sign that bezos is about to execute me?
why do you work then? watching movies must be worse in an office
Any nigga want to have SEX?
I need to feel Soraka's infusing saliva on a certain part of my body...
mfw my 0/2 toplaner asks for a gank
I ain't opening that virus nigga
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Bel Veth is literally impossible to solo on Extreme.
Nice game lolbabbies.
its a .mov file and its funny..
Any EUWanon for some... *checks notes*... ARAMs?
nigga ik you think ur real slick n shit with your god damn virus linx but I aint fallin for it no more aight?
dumbass nigga
you have to play yasuo
>can't beat it as RIVEN
Also wtf are you building? Awful awful build.
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I'm disappointed, I wa expecting something lewd...
>try queueing up in niggalow
>3 remakes in a row and counting
what is going on bros?
im too agp so posting lewd things makes me sad
>rework corki into a botlaner
>he is still played midlane
Nta but why would anyone want to be a Polish tranny?
It's a casual atmosphere so it's fine. League of legends.
roach lewis
? what dat mean
>get flamed by teammate for "not grouping up"
>solo shove toplane into inhib into taking two nexus turrets before I die
>ask to be called a good boy for my efforts
>get ignored
draven is turkish
Only Aurora to go! Kinda gonna miss Swarm, not gonna lie.
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>play swarm
>tell team not to get cards the last wave for evolves
>riven says no
>leona afks half the match
>jinx flaming me no reason
>could tell they were new because they haven't unlocked last passive slot
>play the game as normal, then when P2 Aatrox comes don't help out, wait for all of them to die then run into the ocean

Was I being petty here?
>tell team not to get cards the last wave for evolves
You can literally pick all the cards until like the 10 minute mark or so because you're gonna get at the very least least five cards to evolve all of your weapons until the 15 minute mark
its not gonna disappear when you finish the mission
gwen is a champ that satisfies my agp and is toplane..
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You're not bad with your main, right? Don't you want to make your wife proud?
There's not really anything to play for anymore though. Already grinded out the Anima Power augment for that SICK icon next to your name and the message at the beginning of a game. Really cool Riot, thanks.
yes there is no reason to delay getting cards
just carried a diamond shitter as an emerald player, ama
Yeah. Read my post, I said last wave, which spawns 11min in.

Yes there is. If you are post 10 minutes, and you have level 4 weapons, you can get a couple levels to get it to level 5 which then when you pick up the card you can evolve. I was getting flamed the entire game which is why I ran it. I don't think I was being petty.
I'm quite bad on my main but he's been changed too many times for me to care anymore, the item changes were the last straw. Still play him time to time. Also main Soraka but she's more of a lazy pick for me.
he wanted the attention. now he's got it.
>If you are post 10 minutes, and you have level 4 weapons, you can get a couple levels to get it to level 5 which then when you pick up the card you can evolve
It doesn't have to be after 10 minutes. There is no reason to delay getting cards.
Wtf? Are you illiterate? I just described a reason to delay getting cards.

>14min in, you are 90% xp from a level
>you need that level to unlock your weapon 4 to 5 for evolution
>you delay picking up the card to get a level up before picking up the card, so you guarantee the evo

You do realize you can't get evolved weapons from level ups... right anon?
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I post webms of her plays daily but I'm pretty bad at her still... the path is long and arduous, but it's what makes her so fun, she has so much depth to her...
Unironically never noticed and I've solo'd aatrox on all characters lmao.
I don't think vanguard actually works just played vs a obvious scripter on a lvl 500 account
erm bros does vanguard still brick cocks?
jumanjilow vs niggalow who clears
which champ
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> -10% armor penetration, even worse if you don't have 3 lethality items
> 15CDR (you're already capped when you need this item)
>shitty slow you won't even notice because it only works on low HP enemies (read: enemies you already reached and dealt damage to)
two things that don't help against tanks / squishies stacking armor. which is the reason why you're building a last whisper item.

why should I build Serylda's instead of LDR as Talon / Kha'zix / Zed? ever?
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And that's it, folks. Hope they bring back Swarm for some different event.
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As an assassin you're targeting squishies usually and 15 lethality is a fuck ton more valuable than 10% armor pen on a squishy. Also your assassins are not auto attackers much so they don't benefit much from crit, if you played an aa champ as an assassin then you do go LDR with collector and IE. If you don't, then you go youmu profance Grudge. Simple.
26.6% +0.11 per other lethaliy
difference looks huge, but the 15 lethality make up for it for anyone below 112 armor and then goes up more if you have other sources of lethality.
the crit isnt gonna do much for you since you dont auto much anyway.
also cdr capping out is just not a thing

you're right the slow is pointless and it being slightly more expensive is annoying as well
Did you do it solo or with friends/randos?

Been doing it with some friends and we play a few games each day, but we've been pretty hard stuck after hitting Hard mode. Everything just hits so much harder and takes so much longer to kill that we can't do much.
I assume we just have to do the Story stuff in the easier difficulty to unlock the augments and loads of gold to pump the starting stats. But then what happens with Extreme being another jump?
Stats carry you. Extreme is not that hard after you get good stats.
Solo because I DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS and there's no matchmaking in Extreme for some reason.
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I want to squeeze Soraka's massive balls
cant believe theres niggas out there playing swarm unironically
like please get a job
BASED fuck sera players, also Qiyana is the hardest assassin to learn, good luck anon
It's legitimately fun
>Qiyana is the hardest assassin to learn
this is massive cope
>Qiyana is the hardest assassin to learn
she is the literal definition of "fake hard"
who would you say is the hardest then?
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As a pre-rework Pantheon main should I swallow the Darius or Renekton pill?
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>As an assassin you're targeting squishies usually and 15 lethality is a fuck ton more valuable than 10% armor pen on a squishy.
yes, usually profane + opportunity already does the job for squishies. for the sake of the argument think this time I HAVE to target a tank or a mage / bruiser stacking armor. like a jax or a kassa with tabis, frozen heart and zhonyas.

just trying to figure how to deal with tanks in this unholy meta.

>112 armor
where did that come from? seems like a good rule of thumb.
rengar and katarina clear
depends what you consider an assassin but probably aksh*n (assassins are one of the easiest classes in the game so it's a bit hard to choose)
>assassins are easy
if you're playing in brazillow
yes, assassins are easy. the lower elo you go, the stronger they are (low skill expression)
>she is the literal definition of "fake haCK


Keep coping.
>walk towards an adc
>press all your buttons in their general direction
>they die
yeah, it takes a real man to play assassins
i am not watching catbox webms troonoid
learn to play a real champion that doesn't have autoaim on abilities to make you feel like you are very skilled
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assassins are easy in low elo because silverbabs don't know they get a trinket for free.
all assassins are for timmylows except rengar
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>autoaim on abilities

Shitter exposing himself... many such cases...
I accept your concession.
Here's a last one for the road.

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very well played corki my dear friend
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>for the sake of the argument think this time I HAVE to target a tank or a mage / bruiser stacking armor.
You're not supposed to 1 shot them. In general, see how many squishies vs. tanky champions are on the enemy team. If 1 or none, lethality unga bunga. If 2, go lethality but watch if they become fed. If they become fed, replace 1 lethality item with a bork. (except for kha zix, ur kind of just screwed if u target one). If 3 tankier champions exist, don't go lethality and go bruiser bork + BC. The kassadin or jax isn't an issue when it's the only person or one of the 2 that can tank you, just eliminate other players and stay away from them and collapse with team after they're the only one left. When there are simply no squishies, don't go lethality. Talon especially loves BC and ravenous hydra/bork for teams that are mostly tanks. If a tank is troublesome but you still want to blow up a squishy, go Youmu - Edge for the MS + spellshield to run past tanks, avoid cc, and kill the squishy. You aren't supposed to blow up the tanky champion unless if you're like 7 kills ahead already, you're supposed to avoid them and kill someone else to turn a fight into a numbers game and overwhelm them. Your question should be "can I enter the backline, or am I forced to build differently expecting to have to go front to back?"
If you take away the LP ranked grinding aspect of league its just not a fun game is it ?(arena is the only fun gamemode)
nu-kat takes skill whenever there isn't a broken item for her to abuse
agree that rengar is hard
>get botlane with matching names
>guaranteed loss
>use dash to go in
>press 2 consecutive buttons + ignore towards a squishy
>kill them
>use my 2nd dash to get out
>hhh im posting this on youtube reels timmies on their ipads are going to love this
Should I read the old man and the sea or browse /lolg/ for the next two hours?
>no reply
expected from a retard who had to be explained mundo's gameplay on three separate occasions
Ummm... liderally ARAMs?
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Normals are the most fun!
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Cmon I have BE for one champ here
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literally the most kino avatar in the game
femboys use this icon exclusively. fact
darius is more respectable and fun
femboys use champie icons
don't listen to this garbanzo spastic idiot >>487291290 buy the croc
This, also Flex is an underrated mode because you can play in a match with 4 different elos without stressing over LP
oh shut the fuck up you're ugly
be nice to him or he's gonna stream fucking board games again
just fapped to a 190cm pornstar
we need a tall bitch in the game that isn't built like a brick shithouse (so not illaoi)
i just calculated that
40-26.6 = 13.4 armor pen per 100 armor
15 lethality / 13.4 pen = 1.119...
makes the percentage be stronger at 112+
if you had 18 more lethality from some other item it would go up to 132 or to 160 at 2 other items (36 leth)
i'd imagine renata, ashe, sejuani and kayle with morgana are pretty tall
>mid goes 1/6 tryndamere, yi goes 4/10 20 min ff
>6 minute queue
>bot instantly says pref mid, mid swaps with him and locks in zeri
>their bot is a duo with a 76% w/r

league ranked is just not real in anyway ngl
winning versus a matching names botlane gives me mental LP and makes me happy more than anything else in this game
I’m in public….
oh please don't shut the fuck up you're handsome
Ehm, thanks?
Holy shit which one is it
not you
who would imagine that you only have good days when you literally pay someone everyday to validate your retardation
another game where we had winning botlane but my tf support at 6 mins randomly decided that he will stay toplane for the rest of the game and then he types adc diff
nigger stop picking tf
stop leaving your lane
stop trying to make plays
if you aren't atleast 1k lp chall just by sitting botlane with your adc you are way too shit to play "supports" like tf or to make any macro decisions
Its fun when youre playing NA against people playing 4fun Im sure. Try playing normals on EUW against players 2-3 tiers above you on their role playing to win on meta champs when youre doing silly off meta and youre off role. Also just due to nature of the game, if you ever go behind you cannot have fun. This is okay if youre playing ranked because winning = fun, but if you play normals where winning is irrelevant and youre merely deriving enjoyment from the gameplay itself it makes the experience completely miserable.
that was the biggest throw I've ever seen
>tarzaned bombs a children's hospital
classic tarzaned
love that guy
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thank you for the helpful post
A man must be proactive and snatch compliments for himself. If he doesn’t very few will come his way. And a man needs compliments to keep going.
>t.person who was too bothered not to say anything
oh shut the fuck up you're ugly
battle peacock rakan when?
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name? suggest you spoiler it.
as for tall bitches, you've also got camille, irelia, kayle, caitlyn, and renata. Aurora just might be the tallest now that I think of it.
you're never gonna be me.
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Thank GOD
You're all looking very suckable today. Mwah~
>*locks in bard*
Your response?
you will never get through to this type of dumb and there is an endless supply of it
>stop leaving your lane
>stop trying to make plays
they can't stop, won't stop. Don't even try.
bait should be reportable
I should not have to read these papercliplow takes
literally try watching any rengar below diamond and try not to cringe
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Do you believe supports should suffer together with you in an unwinnable lane that the jungler refuses to help (for good reasons) instead of winning the map?
buy renekton because I 100% look hotter than the guy that said to buy darius
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>lolg says rengar is not only hard, he's also the hardest assassin in the game

That's it. I'm done with this general.
I have a beautiful artistic soul and a harmonious smile
please tell us who IS the hardest then
ggnoreff15 tbhdesunee
NEVER played with a bard that was halfway decent these cucklords either lose or get carried
You have a beautiful COCK!
the highest skill ceiling champ in the game is zoe
the hardest assassin to play in general is qiyana and its not close
I'm the hardest rn bbg
nobody said that rengar was hard
lowelo take
Can I see? >/////<
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I wish bait was a bannable offense
what a retard lmao
irelia is tiny
I mean zoe is harder than any assassin but she is still relatively easy
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the hardest champion is probably fiora. the best fiora player in the world still doesn't have the brainpower to bounce between vitals in a 5v5, pixel perfect react to CC and stun multiple targets with W and proc ults in 0.1s with Hydra / flash / animation cancels all in one game.

but the potential is there.
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ezreal is the highest skill ceiling champ in the game
the hardest champion is probably annie. the best annie player in the world still doesn't have the brainpower to flash and R on the enemy carry all in one game.

but the potential is there.
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Disclaimer I'm an iron 4 chad but if those things give you problems then why not start playing fighting games as practice?
not a single champion that has autoaim is hard
your champion literally plays for you
imagine if viego's stun aimed towards enemy champions if it's cast from his mist
what's the point in even playing
not a single champion is hard
a single champion is hard
>invisibility, invincibility, resets, cc
Are you braindead ? Eventually Ezreal gets so much CDR that he can Q every 2-3seconds. Ezreal is one of the easiest skillshot champs.

Irelia has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game
>this mechanic makes me mad
>that means it's easy
garen main?
Hope it's K'Sante
breeding will be daily.
>yorick uses his ult
>she just fucking stays there forever until you some magically fucking how manage to kill it without yorick ripping you in half in the process
how the fuck I'm supposed to outplay this just don't fight him ever after 6?
>what is skill ceiling
Please breed me daily.
Are you black?
Half my games are decided by which team has the support with ADHD that can't sit in his lane so his team doesn't have an adc or the adc just stops trying or leaves the game. This is in masters
because the only franchise with characters I like has turned to shit
league of legends will never be (mechanically) hard
there are only 5 (including flash) buttons you can press, and 99% of them you cannot press more than once in a second
ngl I do get the urge to make similar posts when I'm down bad horny throughout the day
you can say that of Elden Ring but not of League
lux didnt expect round 2...nice play qikami!!
watch any player below diamond and try not to cringe

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