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Fat Bunny Edition

Previous: >>487009216

>TFD Helper (Beta)

>Resource Doc

>Module Combination Percentages (Use Google Translate)





>/tfdg/ Thread Template
I'll pick this game up if her in-game tits are that big.
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10 days
Why is she bl*ck in this pic?
Alright now we are getting somewhere, make sure you update the template cucky.
>3/4 bunny prime collected
>6% code
What am I in for?
because she's my slave
>spent $210 so far, ultimate gley and lepic because of the extra skins looking the best
H-How much does Mr. Nexon need to save our game from EOS, bwos…?
Unpopular opinion this game will be perfect when devs add pitty system
>Reuseable paint
>Base skin paintable

These are the real big 3 changes they need to add
you will get it in 2 runs king
I don't even mind them not having reusable paint if we can grind them out reasonably
they’ll never add any of that because you have retards like >>487098518
spending hundreds on fucking ultimate skins
$500 USD seems like a fair contribution. Pay up
IMO the current outpost system is not how they should gate areas of content. There's so much fucking RNG for very specific items way, the unnecessary time locking is just aids. If they want to setup long periods of grind or farming, that should be mainly attached to endgame prestige type shit. Even if difficult, the outposts should be rapidly farmable so players can actually grow their horizontal unlocks for guns, ETC. Being stingy jews about Descendants is slightly a separate issue.
Someone need to pay the cost anon >>487098518
any valbychads gold farming right now and wanna let me leech just until I hit 40 on my character?
I'll let you leech I suppose since I'm solo, ID?
gdi, I invested into Focus on Singular for Bunny because that's what I saw, but it seems like Singular Specialist is what everyone is using now
depends on the fine print
>Reuseable paint
Paint is reuseable, it's just locked to that one skin you use it on. But you can use it however many times you want on that one skin.
Nice ass
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I did some ERP with Bunny and got rewarded by a daddy. <3
S-stop making fun of me… I’m keeping the game free and online for you guys…
Based Hazel
They made millions a month from Blue Archive, it's fine.
That's not reusable paint now is it. If i gotta pay for the same paint I already collected retard
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Shiny robot ass
Nexon do a good job with this game?
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>Mr freeze tax
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can you get vault keys from valby farming?
if not i'm going back to the echo swamp mines
these are males and very faggot
Yes, and?
Fem anon?
What's the problem if a nigga gettin paid then spends it on heterosexual coom skins
When i play Bunny im Bunny
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Meaning what? You imagine randoms are taking creepshots of you?
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>what happens if bunny and valby scissor each other
o-oh no...
How old are these 2 canonically
This i cant wait to play Luna
Bunny 17 and Valby 16
Old enough.
According to where, I dont think we even saw any dates i Bunny's quest did we
is multitalented a good mod?
does the cooldown reduction from casting dimension skill affect said skill or only the skills casted 5s afterwards?
or does it reduce all current ongoing cooldown?
anybody else crashing often?
yes when I open chrome on another monitor.
since patch yeah. and I already turned Frame Generation off
Trading for Caliber, like Warframe does, would be excellent. The game will die once F2P are forced to spend money on it. Which they will for Descendant slots.
i crash at least once every two hours.
I play on ps4
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fuck frostwalker
>Trading for Caliber
with all these bots and farmers? hell no.
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Finally started to look at the math stuff in this game (mostly for Bunny stats).

Newer builds have stopped using Skill Crit + DMG on her because her BASE skill crit rate is 10% and her Skill Crit DMG is only 1.3x.
That's pretty low?

Hence why later builds I see are just going for pure skill power + skill power modifier.
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Personal thoughts:

1. Characters having unique dialog when reviving each other is REALLY cute
2. We NEED a female samurai/swordswoman character
And how do you plan to stack skill power?
descendants have base crit stats?
press I then W. The middle one is for descendant
>We NEED a female samurai/swordswoman character
melee is garbage in this game so no thanks
yes, but I don't know if each skill has their own different skill crit rate + dmg.

Otherwise, from the info screen, it shows the Descendant Skill Crit Rate + DMG (middle box), which should be for ALL of Descendant's skills?
it's gonna happen one way or another
Shut it BITCH, proper meleee is coming. They cant resist another set of SKINS to sell.
No one is running the Sterlile Land Kuiper ore run anymore.

Everybody is doing Fortress w/ Valby instead :(
yes and what seems to be the problem?
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20% mEaNs YoU hAvE 80% ChAnCe Of NoT gEtTiNg It!
I was lucky and got that on my first try actually I got all of her things in less than 10 tries
is tidal wave on valby any good?
no problems actually, both are still good.

my only question is, does Fortress drop a lot of Kuiper? feels like the Sterile Land one drops more
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This cutscene was made for Viessa.
I don't think any % in this game is
additive. I think everything is multiplicative which sucks. This means BASE needs to be high to even matter
>1. Characters having unique dialog when reviving each other is REALLY cute
>i have voice turned off and never heard them
Play once human
no it was made for ultimate bunny
<25k on Reddit and no generals on 4chan. Are those Steam numbers comes from Chink?
My attempt count is far into double digits. I've got every drop from it except for freya part. There's literally no way it's 20%.
What server?
>All your progress is erased every 6 weeks
Lmao fuck off with seasonal shit
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This needs a buff, it should either cost almost no hp if it cuts your speed bonus by 40% or it stays at 8% hp per second and keeps the full speed bonus.
but you can run indefinitely
Too bad we can't rewatch cutscenes and swap out chars to see them with.
Alright now that I have hard mode where do I start farming for U Viessa
Yeah at 30% speed, mp collector/frugal with a mana sensor is just better unless you're afk farming or farming some super low density shit like murky energy.
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Today, I decided that instead of just instance skipping as part of my outpost farming, I'd use the five minute interim to do something constructive.

And so, I learned how to do natural logarithm to solve exponential algebra.

In other words, I learnt how to calculate how many 118 Amorphs in order to get certain aggregate chance rates at Viessa parts while farming amorph 118s.
I only play Viessa
>No pubes
I sleep
i wasted time building jayber
easily one of the worst characters
Here you go anon
Spoonfeeding straight from the OP spreadsheet
bunny runs like a retard with this lol
sure if you're comparing him with the broken piece of shit known as Gley, he's fine otherwise. High investment character though
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How come Nexon didn't take Blackrock DEI funds?
>2. We NEED a female samurai/swordswoman character
your sharen? she literally has a sword
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>farming for one Perforator
>hit ult gley twice
I am gonna walk away night.
this mission is the worse
i have given up on it
>fill the gap with black texture
booooooooooooooooooooo dev
Where are the pubes?
South Korea is a corporation by itself.
is all that black under the see through part supposed to be her forest pubes..?
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>why can't we succeed
>keep pushing a stupid fuck agenda
he's bugged right now apparently. his turrent doesnt get +skill dmg or something like that
this but china
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I turned my graphics to low recently and what the fuck setting is doing this lol
makes me wonder just how much damage I should be doing, moderately built the turret circle deals about 30k per tick but only deals about 20k itself
Just beat the Bride and made it to Agna desert. Been leveling Bnuy with hp/def mod, skill range mod and skill duration mod as my focus. I have 2/4 part of Freyna somehow; is it worth farming the last two pieces and getting some MR out of leveling her a bit? Or should I just keep pushing on and farm her once I've got the main campaign beat?
Effects setting
do a few more runs for the last pieces for freyna if they don't drop move on sometimes the rates act stupid
>doubling down on the farming spot
How they are gonna sell the x3 bonus LOL
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Cooking 2 Ajax at the same time because why not
you will def want her at some point and maybe now is actually better, you only get the parts on normal

and you will need her for void fragments, that only take damage from poison, so literally only her
best maid outfit, nothing on her legs
get Freyna and Sharen if you can. easy "farm" for them, and will help you get some MR when you level them to 40.
Sorry, I just came C:
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What's the best way to get pure energy residue if you don't own Enzo?
just farm enzo/sharen
you just farm code breakers, A LOT
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Which playable character has the biggest titties?
I have Sharen. What do I do now?
sharen because she can just get them adjusted.
You farm the missing blueprint you need
I've accepted I'll never beat Hanged Man until the story progresses to the point where we have level 150 weapons.
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Do I use Bnuuy for the sterile lands kuiper mines mission? i don’t have valby and i don’t even have fortress unlocked yet
please help me i need kuiper but i don’t have the good farm unlocked
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wtf bwos I think I'm done for
>in the kitchen making a sandwich
>remember that one funny line from that dungeon
>idly blurt out "knock knock, knock knock!"
>here a knocking coming from the ci
i thought the same thing but i eventually got a group that just shit on him before he did his mechanic dont give up anon
You can leech people farming
>Fishy? *sniff sniff*, I don't smell anything
i don’t have fortress unlocked bwo i need to upgrade my mods
I'll be frank, I can't aim for shit so I was always picking cube whenever red goo was close and prayed that team can aim, after few tries I got team that can aim. Only ever killed him once despite me grinding molten fortress and frost walker now.
What's the meta weapons for each ammo type?
Play the game normally, the farm post won't go away
Nobody grind normal, you can beat normal difficulty just fine without any grind. This is how it was done on release.
Whore slut
Thinking of trying this game, is it similar to warframe?
yes, it's very similar
gameplay was stolen from Destiny while character development was stolen from WF
This game plays nothing like destiny
and destiny steal other unoriginal stuff, it's a cycle
this game is ass
not really
>this game is ass
it sure is
all descendants that are not bunny/gley are worthless aside from the valby walk in circle mission.
How many millions do you guys have?
>run and gun in open world with occasional dungeon
they are the same to me, WF is menu based
Why did that one Vulgus call himself Jayber?
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yeah same 0challenge wipe rooms instantly gameplay, it's warframe in coomer version.
don't question kpop logic
sharen and enzo
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So what's this for?
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>game shits out materials from dismantling reactors
>still no way to reroll stats or the mount
i can't do this any more bros... all my good reactors are for the fucking albion cavalry gun...
>More and more young people want authencity and representation of the lgbtqia+ community on video games.
Source : I'm a mentally ill californian on 5 different prescriptions from my jewish doctor and spend all day on twitter where I have blocked all the people who aren't just like me, effectively turning it into an echo chamber.
Just basking in the glory of modules
>We added fall damage
Yep, look at the IGN faggot hyping up Concord
>Farming specialized biometal
What the fuck is this shit, this is Hema level bullshit.
What was the ultimate bunny high voltage build?
kek I feel like the dev wanted you to just use Sharan and also do the outpost to get all the resources
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What am I looking at? This is just AI.
you got extremely lucky
it's chatgpt or copilot
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that'll do
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I just thought it was funny that it made her a nazi.
stack crit modules, attack and battle, 2 range and then all into hp/def
>console faggot at lv 32
dall-e doesn't know stuff past 2020/19, I don't remember the exact year
God damn some of these Valbys have shit builds
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She's gonna be a support buffer with music stuff
just got the mid air grapple
it fucking suck with one charge
you guys lied to me
anyway do I go for multi or long-range?
Future dungeon probably.
>he needs more than one charge
Honestly all of them are good. Just use each of them for a while
all 3 grappling modules are good in their own niche
>long range for bossing
>3 charges for spamming grapple into jump combo for high speed traversing between encounters
>mid air is great on bunny for boosting damage and allow skipping many obstacles outright
>2. We NEED a female samurai/swordswoman character
It's literally Sharen. You didn't include her because she's brown.
She isn't even brown
or because she didn't try her
>play kyle
>be so unusual people actually stop and look
>startle people with his abilties because nobody fucking knows what they even are
We need proper melee weapons before we can get melee characters desu
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Is that the guy with the giant exploding purple shield that doesn't seem to do very much?
>She isn't even brown
well her in-game model looks brown.
I see few kyles already
try being Fujin or Eskimo
I've been trying to force myself to like the playstyle of both bunny and valby but they're not clicking with me much even though I really enjoy both as characters, any recommendations? Gley? Viessa?
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Luna is a
>black nail polish
>rave mini dress that leaves her ass hanging out
>listens to "not like us" from Kendrick Lamar
>stole Lucio's DJ gun
>start Molten Fortress
>2 yujin join in
It was slow but comfy kill
Viessa = Abilities spam
Gley = pure gunplay
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TC is a melting machine.
Have to reroll Substats though
brat correction
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bros...we lost to wallpaper engine...
omg the leeches are now whispering me because im valby. have they no shame??
inv me for valby run pls
You are wet, anon. It spilling for the leeches
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I really like the look of Sharen and 100% that of all the female roster she will get her ultimate last, it will take a long time
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Light brown (middle eastern skin tone)
Straight European nose
Fat African lips

I'd say Saudi Arabian comes closest
It's so ugly though..
>steam charts retard
Guess every game is shit because poors are running bots in banana for their 2 cent steam cards
I'm going to farm for blair now
Nah, PC Bra
does critical hit affect the bonus damage granted by the elemental atk gun mods?
>valby farm too overloading
>valbies willing to do any place now
>void shards mission too
kek, such benefits
is 27k hp 11k defense gley with potato tamer/ fire mods enough to solo frost thot on hard
She reminds me of Sheva Alomar
What happens if you leave a public dungeon after getting the material you needed from the elite spawn? They removed the ability to leave in private, but still works in public for some reason?
I have $150 for Ultimate Valby, who want fuck with me?
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I guess they will call it economic terrorism again when no one plays that garbage. At this point I'm fine with nexon manipulating rates if it means I don't get all the propaganda. Imagine going on your descendant page and under the name Enzo you'll see his pronouns : pi/zza
i now know in retrospect i overprepared for that
Can't just teleport to Albion in private? It's a bit annoying having to run back, but that's what I did. Was still faster
I wish Albion was a city and not... whatever it is now
I think open world missions have the best keys drop rate. Do ambush if you're bored of the mines. Or fortress outskirt for fresh air
Is it true Super Sense increases fire rate if it's below the fixed amount on the mod?
Enzo's 3 is so useless thanks to how useless shield are
or is there some kind of shield gating meme going on?
yes, it's fixed 42 rpm
if you build for shield it is good
>press decline party invite
>it accepts it somehow
What's the drop rate of high voltage?
Is there any minmaxed build for Afterglow Sword? I do decent damage but don't wanna screw up my forma slots too much
I just finished the story, potato'd my normal bunny, maxed my thunder cage, got a lv100 reactor that fit the thunder cage, what should I farm next ? been trying to get auxiliaries with double HP but that's not been very conclusive should I go farm sharen for sneaky outpost farms or something ? I don't wanna be dead weight in hard mode.
Cool paintjob dude
what's forma?
how do your modules look?
I mean Crystallization Catalyst
How hard is it to farm these?
Holy moly. How many hours dude?
250 ish, very easy to get those though, it's just the research time that's annoying
Where can I see the values of maxed mods? All the shitty builder sites are crap.
In 50 years I'll be on my deathbed thinking about how many god roll rare weapons and reactors I've dismantled because I just can't be assed to read all of them every fucking mission
Why is there no filter of like "only 2/3 gold substats" or something when junking, please add late night degen dev
Wow if only you could do that ingame
>no elemental
Tamn, nigga. That smug kpop guy surely will slap you for this.
I said maxed mods, and no I don't want to put the mods I want to check in then talk to the modfag and click 10 times just to see the value.
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turns out if i put formas and fully mod a weapon it starts dealing way more damage than a&r rifling firerate up setup
The twink faggot and tongue my hairy anus.
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Well I can always switch out the stabilizer mod, that one is just slapped on for convenience
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>Going for 6% Ult Viessa drop
>Farm10 relics and hundreds of shards to pop them all in a row
>It drops from the very first one I crack
Well, that was a whole afternoon wasted on what could've taken 5 minutes
But I guess I shouldn't complain
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Ignore the fucked up colour I fucked up the screenshot, but this is where I am, I don't have any of the manœuvrer ones, I "discovered" vaults fairly late but I have about 400K kuiper in the bank, 2 catalyst blueprints as well.
Turns Out that If your Weapon Prof. is @LVL 1 and you want to buy a Cat,IT costs 1060 CALIBER (20€)
But If your Weapon is @Max Prof Level you Just pay 160 Cal or so.

WTF.. 140hrs inGame Had No clue about IT.
Wow, a whole 10 relics. You're a real madman anon
>chill enh.
>copy 95% of the character upgrade mechanics
>be shocked when people use WF terms
It's like when people use ULTRA HEAT MAX ENGAGE in fighting games instead of just calling it a super
use something like this. shield and def is a meme and you should use fewer maxed mods over filling every slot with low lvl ones
Skill issue
Never played gayframe, I don't care about your opinions or trans lingo.
drone escort is the fucking worst and they added this shit on half the hardmode dungeons
When are we getting physics like this?
>see some anon win frost walker
>try again
>Fucking bunny use 3rd skill and doing rounds
Wtf, it didn't even deal that much damage and just filled up rage
Breast physics are already in the game at least on Ult Bunny
after I get Bunny pregnant
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>been farming for days without consumable drop increase on my sensor
my account is so bricked
I don't like those physics.
Thanks but god I wish they made it easier to read...
When Nexon decides to release even more sex appeal.
On that topic, I'm surprised they didn't release butler/Academy costumes for the men. They might cater to all, but I guess they know what sells the most.
delete the htmlview#gid=0 and make a copy, you can then filter/sort stuff
Just barely to the point where they might as well not exist.
When is Ultimate valby releasing? It would be so nice to put a shroom on the normal version but I just can't bring myself to waste it, there's not even a point to keeping normal versions...
10 days
So Valby is kind of a retard huh?
They probably wanna see who the fujos latch on too first
I was forced to make Blair because the last Ultimate Viessa part is locked behind a void shard farm for fire..... utterly lame
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oh no bro... you were forced to farm an easy descendant... damn now you're gonna get all that mastery rank exp too.... fuck....
>not picking le epic as a starter
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I mean, her brain is made of water
made for endless rapid head pats
Don't do that, you'll mix up her brain!
>want the 32% divine punishment blueprint
>get this instead first try
I wish the fucking reactor doesnt exist
fucking worse thing to go thought ever
shit also drop like so much and all that gold reactor sound are fucking annoying
>void shard farm for fire
there's an electric alternative for organic fragments
With like 3 drops instead of 18?
far right side of agna desert, vermilion waste
another day another no ubunny code
aye bruh why there no map marker for mat drops shit whack as hell bruh
Damn, should've checked before grinding I guess, at least I get the mastery exp
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>get four stabilizers from the same outpost before i even get one morph
why's the limit only 6 anyway, fuck
what is the best spot for inorganic shard?
Hard Devour solo is such aids it's unreal. Sure spawn adds on the symbiote and start bombarding it while I have to stand in toxic goo. Go regenerate to 100% I'm not mad.
and ching-chong ping-pong to you
At least even a casual like me can launch one forma before work and one when I get home so that's already 2 per day compared to 1 per day on wf.
>somehow pull out dick out of bunnys pussy
>now shes creazy and sick, begging for more
Do I want skill power or modifier for Bunny's 3? Don't care about scaling other stuff
What settings need to be maxed for the best looking characters?
all of them
What's the gley budget build if I don't have Catalysts or Activators?
Anon I don't think foliage detail is doing anything to my Viessa
What's the best white ammo weapon?
Don't say tamer.
"bush" details
Are there any leaks for the skins coming with the Luna update?
Maximize Duration
Increased HP
Stim Accelerant
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this builds fun
You mean Cats.
vs Colossi: Python
for Farming: Thunder cage
some anon said there will be sportswear (??)
Almost took him down in 30 seconds before he activated his immune thing
you didnt beat the game
this shit seems insane for enzo but my ult cd is 16s and i dont know where the fuck can i get more
you beat the game gleychad
Guys its been 4 days
I haven't get a single Ult Gley part
and I already seen that her Code are Hard mode boss drop only
should I just Swipe?
You like shotas Gley
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>skipped cutscenes
Thundercage ,dont slay me
maybe his first skill also procs it when you have one of his red mods
I'll roll 15% all day if it means I don't have to do reactors
Reminder if you see an Ultimate Bunny "build" with no Def/Shield and just HP, it's bad and wrong.
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Buy caliber now descendant.
>He bought
>Got Supply Moisture second try on a normal mode 2% drop rate reactor
Thanks gooks
Post yours
How do I farm code breakers?
by letting yourself get ambushed
I dont have ult bunny yet
Wait, does Sharen lower the chance to get the normal amorphous material in exchange for the bonus one?
Echo Swamp, Environment Contamination Zone.
This spot has surprisingly high drop rate, In my case, I usually get at least 1 in 3 runs, and the runs are 30 seconds.
high voltage, singular specialist, eletric specialist, increased def, increased hp, eletronic sync, max range, shock punch, dangerous ambush,skill expansion, spear and shield, frugal mindset
>Echo Swamp, Environment Contamination Zone
In the Abandoned Zone, to be precise.
>no cdr
ok retard
idk i often got both
you give bunnies a bad name, floorbunny
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Lazy dirty edit inspired by these anons
why do you think it would rework the entire drop table and not just add the bonus junk as rewards?
i'm saving for ultimate guide
What? Anon that's not...
Give me a Viessa loadout.
>Kuiper Mine
>Fortress Outpost
>3 people running one direction
>Someone runs the other way
>Bump into them 50 times
>They never think to change direction
What compels people to do this? They must be a danger on the roads as well
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>Hard Devour solo is such aids it's unreal
Same but for Luna
do i really have to do the stealth outpost with sharen to get the other amorphous? i can't solo them in private and it's impossible to do stealth in public
Who the hell is Kyle and why is he dropping all the time?
> i can't solo them in private
upgrade the bitch
I guess I'll be doing 25% drop outposts all day for an Amorph that gives 6% chance of Viessa, sigh
Kyle is an elementary school student who commonly has extraordinary experiences
Some fat fuck whose kit put me to sleep, most boring character I've tried so far and I've only got Jayber, Eskimo, and Yujin left to level up
Can't you people read at all? Patch in 2 days will help with void grind. Do something else for now.
Excalibur Prime just dropped
Sharen is really good and cool.
>You an NPC going with the flow
>Chad going against the current
Sakura, the beautiful.
Yeah, there is a reason why every youtuber picks him to showcase his new clickbait build
There is a gap before goo damage starts to register. So bunny especially can kill them instantly by the time they spawn. Of course, retarded bunny with zero awareness just keep colliding with everyone. Valby in water state have zero collision so no problem.
that's michael jackson
l always go the opposite way to show I'm better than them
or just jump in the middle since my aoe is big enough
Don't post Prince here.
I swear to god the paz hair for vies make her looks 15 years younger
This reason is his low hp+shield and low resists.
All you need i sjust pass his really low dps check and you will kill him easy.
Lazy but based nevertheless.
Have anyone tried Esiemo yet?
is he as bad as he look?
it is pretty dull but full magnetism bar plus 3 plus 4 is a simple pleasure for a free 2 million damage or w/e
You don't even need to upgrade her, just get her a reactor with duration and stack duration mods. Even a purple uninvested sniper will usually one shot the elite that spawns and if it's one with 2 phases switch to your thunder cage to aoe everything around.
I'm at work so I can't post but I clear hard outposts with zero investment on Sharen.
>trying to get Python Nano Tube
>this drops instead
Well, I guess this is fine, too.
Which Ultimate should I buy?
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I just got supply moisture + range expansion mods for valby and now she's my favorite char to play. I wonder how ult valby will shake things up.
none, it takes a couple hours at best to get them post game if you know what you are doing
Vies or Gley
Grind Ultimates, buy ungrindable skins.
follow your dick
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mustard chief
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>craft clairvoyance
>its well known beam rifle is shit
>planning to max the upgrade somehow
How much duration increase?
I hate how there's no hard numbers on anything in this game
Combing 4 red modules with give you a red right? But what about 3 reds and a yellow? Is that now a 75% for a red and 25% for a yellow
is it at least passable anon?
i want it too for fun but if it is total shit i wont
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Oopsie, so hard (^ _ ~)
Maybe can synergy a bit with viessa because from what i read, its ability basically frostbite thing.
Sometimes luck happens. I got Enzo's 6% drop the first time I beat gravewalker before I understood how the AMP stuff worked. Then I realized I needed to re-run it for the Bunny part.
stfu b*nny
No! \(^o^)/
gley does it faster
Who care about Glay? No one!
if youre talking about the Viessa code, dont do outposts, those are a waste of time
tried to farm for 3 days to get her code and never got it
killed Molten Fortress once and got the code
I don’t know what I’m doing.
Those are included with the ultimate bundle.
So Bunny and her exposed labia?
No but honestly with a pimped out gun everything works.
Im all up for playing what you enjoy since there isn't really any content hard enough to gatekeep the "weaker" characters if you have the gunz
I have all except Spiral catalyst though and it only drops from reactors
>So Bunny and her exposed labia?
>So Bunny and her exposed labia
Always a good choice considering she is the go to farmer for like 75% farms you will ever do.
She also has a great Bossing build, does hard devourer in 20 seconds.
Also dat ass.
Either Ultimate Bunny or Viessa. They look about the same but their outfits support them differently. Valby has some hangers too but her jacket covers them. Hard to get a good read.

They are not worthless they just are not the best.
Guarantee there's buffs on the horizon. So many of the weapons are just in a weird place. I reckon they're just trying to get all the necessary hotfixes out of the way first.
He stole Jayber's arche to gain his power and took on some of his personality.
After Luna, all the Descendants in story mode will be out. Who do we think is after her? There are other characters but I don't think they are Descendants. Could Jeremy get in?
oh its that one, i think i got while farming for something else so that one isnt as bad as the other outposts and reactor ones
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shes 16, you sick fucks
legal where im from tho hehe ;)
where you belong
Jeremy is retard and he already dead.
Teleport is cool though.
I will be a bratty Luna main and nobody can stop me from doing it.
bros I'm in love with Yujin. when will we get his ultimate?
Jeremy is going to end up as a Vulgus cyborg or Colossus somehow
>all the Descendants in story mode will be out
negro wat
Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.
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maxed secret garden because i knew nobody else would
anyway here's the lv4 perk numbers
i got 2 parts in 10 min,just get lucky broski
>All the Descendants in story mode will be out
Ajax's partner Aisha is still in the void. Wait for gushing granny descendant.
>could Jeremy get in?
All playable descendants can see the guide right? Jeremy doesn't. so probably not.
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I was post it already >>486823583
I wouldn't expect anything because gacha games doesn't do balance patches or very rarely to be precise.
thanks anon
> gacha games
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Here's my comfy janky build. Definitely not min maxed, just optimized for comfy. Can do valby run, though definitely need more range and maybe duration ? Dunno if that affects the ice trails.
Buy Valbys
Won't Supply Moisture be outclassed by whatever new Ultimate-only Valby mod is released?
I still can't figure out how to min-max her DPS, mainly because of MP issues.
>Secret Garden
>Pest Control
>Its a Caulk gun
Hard dungeons should give more gold and a guaranteed 1-2 vault keys based on % modifiers
Been playing Freyna and Bunny, looking for something different and more tanky.
Lepic or Ajax next? Which one is more fun/effective?
echo swamp op is absolutely grueling
this shit takes forever
Can you kiss the girls? Asking for a friend?
I really hate the ^ node that came with ult vies
kinda push you into build her into skill crit cause there is really nothing using that node
I mean I guess you can still just forma over it but damn
You can use mp collector when mobbing, but bossing is rough. Only restore mp in combat on component is reliable, but it's rather minuscule. Maybe you need to stack mp recovery modifier and skill cost too. But at that point I feel like you'll sacrifice a lot of damage
>Get Ult part blue print
>Need 95 of a material that only drops from the elite in an outpost
Jesus christ even with world hopping this is taking forever.
Which one?
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never doing this again
Figured out the 5 minute outpost cooldown. It's for gooning. It's the perfect 30-60 second pause to keep edging.
Oh you will, anon. You will...
Unless you're dropping the game.
Yeah I'm referring to bossing in general, either dungeon bosses or intercepts. I usually just resort to the MP recovery out of combat module option and wait a couple of seconds running around.
Ya, it's a waste not putting crit mod there. And it seems a waste not to go all in when you do that. My first build was using hypothermia and those slot bug the fuck out of me. But hey, the DoT can crit too lol.

Do the kill glitch on normal. Somehow normal gives 100% drop. You can finish it in less than an hour
I am farming normal, but 5 per kill is fucking crazy. Gotta do it 20 times.
what the fuck does charged sub attack mean
why would you do this instead of kuiper mine or valby run?
do you prefer material that only drops from the elite from a mission instead?
no I want python
That works? Though out of combat is when nothing aggro'd you
Yeah, just need to not hit or get hit by anything.
as in its fully charged and you can do the actual technique, not just a weapon slap
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>time to farm grapple mods from dungeons
>bad rng for a long time
>how about combine ?
>2 from combine
>1 from outpost
and suddenly my grapple mod collection is completed kek
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Depends on what you like.
Don't have Lepic, but Ajax is the fun of tanking the fuck out of everything.
You make shields that reflect a percent of damage and burst out Void power over crowds of enemies when they get too close. You can also pretend you're a nuke and JOOMP on mobs to stun them, then activate shinra tensei and blow your void energy all over them. You don't really have attack effects like other descendants or the ability to deal damage over time, so you rely mostly on guns and those 3 skills.
who even is good with this
>got every ult lepic piece in 1-3 morphs
>probably spent less than 4 hours overall grinding for him
i know he's the easiest ultimate to grind for but i can't help but think that all my luck for the next 100 hours just evaporated
Does rarity play a role when combining?
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How fast Gley can kill Devo w/o mod switch?
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bros my valby looks dehydrated after farming gold today...
Yes, you can check module combination percentages from OP link above.
like 10 seconds with python massacre
Wow, so I've wasted all these transendance mods when I could've combined them...
python mod swich?
>just now got to haigos
A-Am I going to make it in time to take advantage of the Valby farm…?
they are not going to take it away. at worse, they'll put a little cooldown upon failing the outpost mission.
1.2kk python dps?
Fucking how?
i need one more piece today I got side tracked did a void and got a ult ajax part ult lepic is the one is taking me a bit to get but at the same time am doing other stuff
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this mod inventory limit is dumb
what if i want several copies of the same mod but with different levels for capacity optimization
and in wf it was just oddly satisfying hoarding 10k copies of bronze mods and scrolling through them
python is just the weakspot/RoF statstick, massacre does the damage
massacre scales her bullets with everything, reactor/skillpower mods/gun mods
Oh got it.
Will equipping less weapons increase exp gain to the remaining equipped weapon(s)?
So who is the first descendant anyways?
Bunny ofc.
Good question
wasn't it some dude named riley
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They dont call him Alpha for no reason
Seems like his shit is tied to some very common farms for other items, so he's being passively obtained by a lot of people very quickly. I blame desire sensor. You want that 32% rate? Haha, have Lepic, bitch.
No, it's always 100/20/20% for the gun you're holding and the other two that are equipped
module expansion pack for 9.99$ per 100 slots, coming soon
The first descendant was the friends we made along the way
Sounds like a tism problem, fag.
Just unlocked Gley and with no tato or forma I already have more duration than cool down on her 3. I thought it would be a stupid grind to get her in a place where that's doable but nope it's possible right out of the box. Should I just spam fire Thunder Cage or is rocket spam actually stronger? I can't really tell, but I also haven't put any time into building any launchers yet.
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just downloaded the game and ive had 3 crashes to desktop without any errors in 40minutes, any tips on what settings? Got some old hardware; 1080TI gpu and Intel 8700K cpu, should i put everything on low?
DLSS and low
ye this game is giga cpu intensive
no dlss on 10 series xdd
rocketspam is the poorfag gley build, thundercage if it's forma'd
Honestly I prefer thunder cage over rocket launchers cause I can actually see wtf is going on
It was fun the first few times but the explosions cover the whole screen when you're too close to a colossus, and if you're too far they can casually sidestep your rockets
Post a good Ult Bunny build
fuck this game im surrounded by ass
goddamn i was just trying to research and i click out and bunnass in my face man i hate having a dick
>free damage that scales with the other damage mods
ofc its easy to get 100% uptime, you only need like 3 mods, but without formas you build would only have those 3 mods
Update your drivers, bro.
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Show me your rolls
How do you not know how to take a fucking screenshot?
bro your weakpoint damage?
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Why is nobody playing valby at the outpost anymore, I see a bunch of retarded bunnies and even an Ajax running in circles ALONE (like what?)
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praying for a better reset this one was ass
valbys are sick of you leechers...
valby is a nasty whore and literally has a mod called water sports
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you can see rewards for upcoming weeks
Valby thing is being done mostly in private now. Idk, people are weird. I put 5 formas on mine and maxed her 6 times over the weekend and I did it in pubs letting people tag along if they wanted. I still got what I wanted (kuiper/gold/exp) in the same amount of time and it made no sense to deny others the opportunity to enjoy the easy farm. The player base for this game despite being 3 weeks old is incredibly toxic though and a lot of people act like they've been playing for years and are too good to help others even though they're all still newbies (everyone is).
You know ult valby is getting released right.
Does she like being pissed on or pissing on you?
^This is what I meant by >>487145981

Far too many players have that negative, greedy mentality in a _non competitive pve_ game for some reason.
Valbys are meant for other valbys, just as god intended.
Can't you get way more gold/kuiper if it's all valbys with oneshot builds?
where is the valby outpost bros tell me
I never bothered with prime in WF, not gonna care about prime in TFD.
But that ass, man... That ass...
Idk. If my water wave already kills instantly, what would another water wave be killing? I understand the idea when you have fresh Valbys but after some range and dur/CD mods she can coat the entire lap in one go and always keep 3 up.
Why? Farming that stuff is literally the game...
I like just mindlessly killing enemies, to me that is the game. I don't need two of the same character to do that.
>enjoying the game with regular descendants progging hardmode bosses and farming modules
>decide ahead of time i would set aside a coomer budget for ultimate bunny if i still liked played in a week
>get ultimate bunny code while clearing Obstructer
i'm gonna spend 300 hours "farming" the rest of the parts aren't i
mrlet mindset
> Ajax running in circles ALONE
sigma grindset
More like 10. 15 if unlucky.
Ultis are really easy to farm.
>just got absolute zero
>try out the valby farm with viessa
I mean, it kinda works but the trail disappears too quickly and I guess I'll need max range for this.
Instant kill is instant kill. One Valby cover it all.
>trail disappears too quickly
Would duration mods fix that?
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You faggots are still playing this gookslop after Kinnoccon?
>keyboard prompt
>can't take screenshot
I miss when PC gaming was actually hard to get into and filtered out retards like you
go back and fuck your penny you transfattie
>2 instant ticks of white damge killing the enemy the moment it spawns.
Is that an instant kill? Not a one shot but still. Don't know if I should optimize for 1 tick killing and if there is anything to gain
I don't know, the only duration in the tooltip is for how long you get to keep the skill up, not the trail. and it also feels like it.
Let me leech
so far seems like I'll be doing outpost AMPs for 2 parts and a mission for the 3rd
>AMP 099
I was just farming this for Gley last weekend REEEEEEEE
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>Caring about a game this much
Meh from what I hear devs don't have a problem with that farm so considering we will all soon run ult valby our time to run circles will come eventually.
Valby users owe me leech SEXO
>voice volume - 0%
I'm tired of shit audio mixing, with ear rape tier hq announcement.
I farmed Ult Gley and it crossed Ult Bunny farm places a few times so now I have both.
Is there any reason to keep the base version of a character after you got the ultimate?
I solo leveled valby from 1st to 2nd forma in 30 minutes, just me going in circles alone. 5m range, 7s stack CD, 8.4s Liquified state once you're there you can do it solo very fast. Everything else is just fluff really. You get enough hp drops to stay up.
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What do I put on my budget Gley?
I don't want to spend my forma on her when I'm still farming the Ult version
If you leveled it to 40 at least once- No.
extra builds
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Let me check my calendar... yep, still a couple months of no warframe content except a cinematic quest that'll probably take <1 hour.

Come back in December, till then I got ultimate descendants to farm, activate and repeatedly catalyse.
use hp amp and mp conversion instead
def is overrated
What? It's already slotted in
why cant i escape you faggots that post this retards shitty clickbait articles
please kill yourself
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I had to tweak a setting on windows for the game to actually run past 5fps (now 120) on my 3080.
>Farming Void Reactor hard bosses solo is a pain
>Retard Bunnies ruining my Outpost Infiltrations in Public is AIDs
>Inviting friends to watch me solo Outposts for hours feels selfish
It feels like a lose-lose no matter which way I slice it.
holy shit velby's 3rd is devastating
that ember skin doesn't look like that in-game false advertisement
Is it normal for people to stalk you around the map when playing as Enzo?
yes, now get out of here, stalker
open the vaults fuccboi
people like you deserve ban
i know how to RETARD
was taken from my Mobile Device bec theres act. no way i go on this site with my PC and pulute them with your DOGSHIT comments.
but i must say you were right so fair enough
Holy ESL moment.
I can't join defense missions anymore, they just disgust me
wheree do i find out the numbers for the status effect towed?
A full Frost Walker set grants a 4.7% CD reduction (and a few other buffs for buffing people), it'll reduce your downtime if you're willing to give up any sets you may currently have.
awesomesauce OC anon, cheers
I bought Ult Gley and Ajax because their farms are the most annoying.
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Good descendant.
I just found out you can use mouse/keyboard and controller at the same time.
As in you can walk with the controller and aim with the mouse.
I'm not sure what sort of applications this could have but it works
so next update gonna have new modules?
will they ever rebalance the current ones?
>30 runs of the haven and still no mid-air maneuvering
I know 30 isn't a lot but for such a crucial gameplay changer it's painful every second you don't have a grapple mod
And whose idea was it to make the dungeons spawn literally the same exact fucking way with every single time, most games like these has least change up the enemy spawns so it isn't so this dull
>grinding for the noob trap
jeremybros, it's not fair.................
>thought i was going to have to farm it when i hit hard mode
>randomly dropped while i was going through haigos story
Thank you Mommy Guide!
I got mine as a random drop doing the Valby thing
freyna maybe?
This is how it work for most games that support controller on PC. Only moron developers like PoE devs make it so you need to switch input device in setting.
Everyone seems to get it from a random ass mob drop and not actually target farming, I think I get the idea
Most games I've tried this with stop accepting one input over the other when they happen so you could never use them at the same time.
>so next update gonna have new modules?
heard nothing about it
>will they ever rebalance the current ones?
Still not enough, i need -90% cd to get 10 stacks of the buff, with all possible cd mods and gold cd on reactor its only 81.6, so i need to get 8% somewhere.

Also skill power on enzo is pretty interesting, my ult drone shoots 60k 4 times per second with a pretty ass build, considering that every teammate gets a drone i can see the potential.
I would unironically spend more money if Guide starting calling me a good little descendant and praising me
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is this accurate
the nigga went on to play for 60 more hours after saying it's bad
does this game really install 2 kernel level anti-cheats on your computer?
Yes, it installs several. It also steals your data and sends it straight to Korea, who then sells it to Russia, China and Israel. Also the game will fuck your mom in the ass.
not on my ps5
>grinding for 3% chances
retard detected
>havent done hard pyro in a long time
>decide to carry some newbs and join public
>all 3 randoms die in first 15 seconds
>same thing happens four times
never gonna try to carry niggers again
I wonder if anyone even buy the boost?
I remember leveling anything in wf is a major pain without exp boost
I keep forgetting to switch my reactor when swapping characters.
They better fix this shit
set a preset
Does it matter which difficulty you're in for a Valby run?
Shit. So if I want to optimize I need to increase Valby's mod capacity, but I 100% plan on grinding out Ult Valby, so using an energy converter on her base seems pointless.
it has room for improvement if they follow through other companies are gonna have to step it up.
We got tired of leeches. We were told to do it private, so we did.
Is the Valby grind worth doing solo? Haven't done but I do have Valby.
I still try to run it solo, but it seems kind of pointless as the only Valby.
>trying to get Ultimate Lepic Enhanced Cells
>32% drop from AMP 74
>open 12 of them
shes fun

nighty nine nights fun
>Module Combination Percentages (Use Google Translate)

You can use this link instead fyi which auto translates, seems faster
What builds are best for the python?
>does this game really install 2 kernel level anti-cheats on your computer?
No both of them ran as services and are disabled when the game isn't running. A simple check in services.msc will show they are turned off when the game isn't working.
>not even 100% trigger on its buffs
what a fucking scam
Is absolute curse worth using? Does it come into effect if anyone destroys a part? Does destruction method matter?
Where i can found it?
I put it on for hardmode executioner when I was trying to clear the first time since he def gets a green shield buff icon, but I don't know if it was really that helpful or just cope
naturally hairless
landing strip
trimmed bush, also changes color
no hair on cyberntics
disgusting swampy jungle
enzo really is a discount gley
bosses got much easier when i can just hold down lmb and not care about ammo
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MR lad
Is Mental Focus good on Tamer?
sniffing freyna's disgusting swampy jungle bush
It's purely for Hard Executioner so far. And you gotta punch the part off. So if you are doing public, have fun with dumbasses wasting parts for no reason then crying you took too long to kill it.
>when you forget to dismantle modules and you finish a intercept boss
I hope we get some Valby watersports videos then
wait until you start running the Mission in Agna Desert where Luna is the one on the comms....
I still don't have any grapple mods
Valby farm spot will give you them
i have all of them and still using shock punch
Use shock punch and push everyone on their asses.
surely we will be able to reroll reactors soon
can someone destroy pyromancer for me?
how do you build enzo
Genuinely think we will. Also probably upgrade past just two chevrons or whatever you wanna call them. Getting way too much dismantle material.
Just stick a stream or something on, mute the game and do chill normal dungeon runs for the 4% manuevering drop. I did it that way, pretty easy
whats the best way to lvl up a fresh descendant?
anal sex with freyna
i swear inorganics are the fucking worst to farm, might as well go back to valby circles until they buff shards again
How do I farm crystalization catalyst blueprints??
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This Valby build with 0 investment can ensure 100% uptime of water and OHK of enemies. I run -cd, +dur reactor on top just in case.
That's the neat part. You don't. he exists only for vaults. If you do actually use him just grab CD reduction and HP.
Farm for other things and you'll get plenty of them.
Albion defense, then kuiper mining
reset missions for bunny
open purple vaults, get firearm enchancer and then give a gley infinity crit and watch her kill the boss
Is Ajax any good? I’m a retard who dies a lot on Bunny and want to change it up
>can't research 2 of the same item like activator/catalysts at the same time
bros is it time to A C C E L E R A T E
If you want to be an unkillable machine that spams barriers, yes.
And it’s true most of your damage comes from guns anyway in Interceptions? Bunny is obviously great at farming, but I’m not getting fucked up while farming
I've been stable since launch, and even since the last patch, but today I've had three consecutive splash screen CTDs and my first in-mission CTD.
yes you spend most of boss fights shooting weakpoints and maybe doing a mechanic in like the 3 fights that have them. if you're still progressing through normal story mode bosses then Ajax is pretty safe bet for his shield skills to save you in a pinch. bunny's skills don't help as much in bossing if you're still learning until she gets a good build going which would be in hardmode anyway
>no one could touch Freyna since her traumatic event and she was quarantined.
>Touching her is probably toxic and can lead to death
>R&D guy worked endlessly to get her a costume that suppresses the toxin.
He was on to something. Freyna's swampy jungle is meant to be explored.
I just want to be unkillable, standing there and shooting things with my Tamer. Gley isn’t an option cause I don’t think you get her until hard mode anyway
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This shit is narcolepsy inducing.
I can barely keep my eyes open
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>someone joins
>oh nice, a bit of help
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what's frostbite? something from skills? or from guns with chill ATK?
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im so used to playing with 5k def 3k hp that using defensive mods feels like turning on invincibility in settings
go for Ajax, I used him to clear the normal story mode since it was a pain in the ass bossing with bunny below level 100 and no decent mods. in boss fights you won't be giga chad invincible but you'll last longer than others using your shield skills for sure.
I did over 60 sepulchur relics and got 0 Gley parts, 3 executioner bps, 10ish catalyst bps, over 20 Wave of light bps and over 20 kyles. I got her part in 2 tries from some void reactor. No other gley part gave me this much trouble to get. Not even close. That AMP is rigged. The one from Sepulchure that you crack on Devourer.
viessa's skills
any chill damage has a chance to cause them
which is a good mission to farm for Valby reactors?
Both. It’s a debuff that freezes and inflicts shackle at max stacks
What is the best augment for Viessa? Just got her last ultimate part and got absolute zero from combining modules.
>And it’s true most of your damage comes from guns anyway in Interceptions?
No. See that >>487141705
Both Bunny and Gley use advantage of their abilities.
Also Ajax is useless leecher who sit under shield with 40k dps and scream like mad when Bunny with 500k dps die once or twice per battle.
bunny triggers my agp so much bros
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That's a good weapon right?
i though her skill crit rate was dogshit
I think it's either Absolute Zero or Cold-Blooded. AZ for a general damage increase with crit builds (which you're shoehorned into with ult Viessa), as well as making frost roads deal actual damage. CB for a spammier playstyle.
Yeah but how does Bunny help you against bosses? I understand Gley with the weapon buffs, but all Bunny does is run around and clear mobs unless you have the super special ultra super mod from hard mode which no one can get to drop
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Since when descendants have base crit? It's applied by mods only?
Does anyone know why thunder cage's fire rate goes to 888 instead of 833 with a maxed fire rate mod?
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Is this good for bunny?
Anything I should swap out?
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I did it!
average iq of a bunny player
Go to your inventory and press W, then you can see your actual crit rate and damage for skills
Bunny's base crit is 10%
She's just the shinobi from Ninja Scroll.
Are you blind? I show you Devourer under 20 sec as Bunny.
It's hard mode boss if you don't know.
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>Farmed for bis
>Didn't know about crit
>Comes here to flex
how do you use colored chat?
average iq of a bunny player
ya, idk wtf is up with the firerate mod, but its giving 33% instead of 25%
Anon... segregation has been abolished for years now.
Why is this not shown like weapons when you press tab
bunny helps you against bosses by being free and easy to get early and being decent at farming which will allow you to upgrade and build your character faster to clear content pre hard mode
on hard mode everyone should be op and have no trouble soloing content regardless of character
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don't know why I bothered with this in the first place but now I'm not sure if I should keep at it.
Okay, Apu, let me put this in monkey terms so you can understand.
Bunny no do boss damage unless have super transcendent mod that turn skill 3 into big damage. Me no have super mod. Bunny not useful for me because me no have high voltage. High voltage mod very low drop rate, hard to get.
>farming AMP 065
>want Yujin or Jayber
>AMP has horrible drop rate
>opening it gives Enduring Legacy every time
how much damage do you actually end up doing
crit is dogshit on bunny but its the only way to increase dmg because of 1 mod per category
Use mod combine mongoloid.
Gring bosses mongoloid.
You lack of pretty common mod is your own fault.
>this tears of useless Ajax players
not that anon, but calling it a common mod is disingenuous at best.
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against lv100 in the lab
Is it really necessary to enrage the mini boss for valby runs?
You pay any attention to it?
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What is the best way to farm this?
Kylebros, is the ultimate bulwark module any good? I have the carpet bombing one and it kinda sucks so I was debating farming that one next.
I heard it's suppose to increase spawns...
no, but it resets his position to the center
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Uh-huh? You have problem with beat pyro hard?
Time to upgrade mods.
Or brain, if you Ajax main.
Complete outpost mission in Echo Swamp on hard mode?
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It says right there anon kun. Just do the 2 outposts back to back
leave the area and kill the elite as timer hits 0
no one gives a fuck if you have no life
you want a reward for not having a job or any societal value?
how do i beat hard devourer
do all the outpost drops in normal, they're guaranteed
Slow day today it seems, normally we hit bump limit at the 12hr mark, also the game dropped from 2nd best seller to 4th on steam in like a few hours. Hopefully patch coming in a week or so give a second wind. Luna's asshole and Valby ultimate better gotta sell well
Shoot him and don't die
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literally second pyro kill
i dont even have bunny prime and was farming gley, maybe better to farm bunny now...
mutt moment
isn't this mod only good for bossing and still loses to gley?
>hurr durr who play better than me is no-job nolifer
Lol. Lmao even.
This game is 3 week old retard. If you can't finish story line in 2 weekends better play mario.
I'll add it to the template thank you
just swipe your credit card wtf? I thought neets were supposed to be crying about swipers not the other way round.
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You can't buy repeated leveling and drops. Wagies be seething.
just pay some pinoy to plevel for you wtf?
That's not even what's being argued you fucking mouth breather. Some ESL retard wants to fight over some useless Gley vs. Bunny bullshit.
Maxing to 40 takes like 30 minutes.
I was told here activating all surveillance towers will increase outpost drop rates but I just read it in game and it only increases infiltration time. How does this translate to better droprate? This looks like a waste of time.
fake news, shoot whoever told you that
So, Ideal Thundercage:
Action, Rifling, Fire rate, Element, CritC
CritD, Concentation Prio, Mag Size, Reload, Sweeping Squad.
Seems pretty optimal imo. wdyt anons?
It's close to Gley's damage but can also be used for farming mobs just fine, people see it can only hit 3 targets at once and for some reason assume it triggers once a year when it's actually like 3 times a second when running/grappling
Gley of course has the advantage of scaling hp well so it just depends if you want to invest in a character that can facetank or one that can run and grind faster
The devs have so far been to good at listening to the players so I predict that this week they'll make up for it by implementing some completely retarded change that nobody asked for and doesn't fix anything.
is it not possible to stack Skillpower + Skillpower modifier?

I think her 3 ability has base 140% Skillpower modifier, not sure if that's considered high or low.
>Add a stamina system used to open AMPs or claim mission rewards like modules/parts
>Sell stamina packs for $$$
>Players rightfully ree
>Generously walk back on the change and have stamina rewarded for free instead of $$$
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>AMD finally gets an update 3 months later
>literally loads my game slower than last update

Well I was thinking more along the lines of fixing the stealth aspect of outposts without touching anything else but your idea sounds much worse
I trusted you. I thought we were friends...
Actually it's not true mongoloid.
Things start when Ajax's small brain mains claim that main source of damage vs colosses is guns.
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You can, infact you should. But all SPM are attack mods, all SP are battle mods. There are two defense mods that add SPM and SP but they are really low and I laugh to myself whenever I see someone use them.
we got schizo doomposters now?
Just a jape my friends
I hope
can't wait till the bunny is done cooking so i can finally get out of the fucking outpost mines
This is far from schizo doomposting
This is literally every game in the past who knows how long when they have something going.
Watch Ult Valby have the most perfect ass and mog Bunny.
Why wipe @ Frostwalker, i dont get it
are there any of the yellow assault rifles that are remotely close to SMGs?
I like the feel of those way more and the fact that you're not out of ammo in 20 seconds
>want Valby mods
>also want Ult Bunny
>find mission that drops AMP with a chance for Ult Bunny part, mission rewards also offer chance at Valby red mod
>only takes 5 minutes to complete
Looks like I know what I'm doing tonight
>fell for the AyyMD Radeon meme
lol lmao
I don't get it, Valby has 5% Skill Critical rate (that's low) and 1.635 x Skill Critical Hit Damage.

But if you build skill crit + dmg with her Red Module Supply Moisture, he crit rates + Dmg goes insane through the roof
I can only wish, she's kind of my main at the moment. Really fun play style.
You've been baited... or did you let it happen?
As a feint it worked pretty well, but you mustn't let your guard down.
These ESL shitposters have been getting a few upgrades to their MTL recently.
You may suddenly encounter powerful schizos that aren't in our filter lists.

Oh we're definitely in ESL hours now. There's no end to them.
>High level ESL closing in! We've confirmed it's a new schizo-enhanced variant.
Huh, it's got the same posting pattern as the one we're after... Make a note in the operations log, No. 17.
Thanks to the schizos being drawn your way, filtering them is going smoothly. Good job.
Supply Moisture adds a flat base 20% crit chance before any if the +crit modifiers
lol Sharenbros are alright.
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>if you want to invest in a character that can facetank or one that can run and grind faster
you can do both
Last Executioner run I did 27.5m and change, we still timed out (pub). Idk how people even got past hanged man with how bad they're doing. I know I'm not incredible but 25m is a solo kill and if his 4man hp is 80m then I'm way over my share of the load.
>esl game
>complain about esl
you must go back
Thoughts on Nexomn clarifying their Valby run statement? Now it seems like they're going to be listening the rewards for that particular Outpost to bring it in line with others, instead of increasing others to make them in line with the Valby run Outpost.
DAYUM that ESL told that guy to go back
>MFW i remember the exact mission
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Boss tuning in Private vs Public is completely retarded
the HP goes up too much (or people just suck shit idk) and the DAMAGE ALSO GOES UP.
Why the FUCK does the damage go up?
I'm on a 50kDef 20HP 3kFire UltGley and I can only beat Pyromaniac in Private, because in Public he keeps firing unavoidable bullshit damage that claps me in 5 seconds
The Fire Ray can't be avoided unless you run to the other side of the arena, the Fire Orb can be dodged but it invariably hits you with the smaller fire orbs it fires, the normal rounds he fires aimbot you, and that would be fine if the damage was like it is in Private cause you can manage your HP, but in Public the damage is more than doubled and you just have to hope someone resses you

I legit have not been able to beat Devourer or Pyro in Public but I destroy them in Private
Weird decision, they aren't gonna get money from the 3x bonus
... lessening, not listening. Damned speech-to-text.
We're fucked fellas
I have ultimates of Bunny, Gley, Lepic and Viessa. Any other essential ones I'm missing?
nigga just get them all
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where did they post the clarification and other news stuff? I only get it from the steam update page
I'll get her Ultimate 100%. She's cute af.
Who is this?
great post
Eula from genshin if she was brown.
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> 50kDef 20HP
> in Public he keeps firing unavoidable bullshit damage that claps me in 5 seconds
what? i barely die with this
Ajax without the helmet
Sweeping squad is situational at best.
call her jayber
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I've only seen the correction on the official Discord, posted one hour after the initial comment
It seems it was an ESL mistake on the devs part and they meant to say it WILL be nerfed.
Just got high-voltage while doing Pyro for fun. Guess I have to grind out Ult Bunny now.
How do you deal with the fireball on pyro? Is there no way to avoid damage when he shoots it at you?
it's fucking ogre...
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rumao even
holy fuck they didn't even post the correction on the official website
>tfw no valby
it disappears if it hits something. best scenario is being right under him and itll hit the ground
>whatever you wanna call them
they are diamonds
grapple platforms above
It's why I've been valby farming instead of ultimate farming for the last few days
Every minute I'm not valby farming right now is future (Me) wasting time gold farming at worse efficiency
no no no valbylet bros we were supposed to make it too
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fuck fuck fuck
i wasnt abusing valby spot because their post made me think they will be buffing spawnrates across the board so i would just farm a spot that i prefer in a few days
now my account is bricked
you're doing normal mode
it's exactly what I said and everybody was calling me ESL.
>bugfix the outpost
>buff other areas as well
fuck all you retards. don't use my spreadsheets.
same because they implied that in the official news post - no nerfing valby spot, buff others to bring them up to better efficiency. JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT NEXON WAS DOING OK REEEEEEE
Why does this game crash literally all the time compared to other games?
nah im just not standing still facetanking everything like a retard
when you constantly move and jump shit barely hits you. only problem a have with pyro is his small balls that seem to be impossible to dodge
unreal engine 5
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works on my machine, never crashed in my 160h
In case anyone is also experiencing similar issues, I also have a 3080 and configured these same settings. Game has been running better for me too.
> 50kDef 20HP 3kFire
You are retard who fall for "resist is useless" meme.
go up high or use the LoS to block it.

stack def and fire resist and tank it
it literally is. as well as def and hp and shield
Go be fat somewhere else.
Definitely sounds like devs said one thing and then suits demanded something else. If they reduce the grind in the game it means you're less likely to spend money on gold/shard boosts.
a lot of people don't realize how much you can dodge attacks by simply jumping about while shooting instead of ADSing in place
farm now, patch is in 2 days or so
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good enough i'm never rolling again
I have a 3060 and tried this setting, worked great and also Greg reached out of the monitor and gave me a prime handsjob
>no valby and probably won't farm her up in time for the patch
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I can't do fortress outpost anymore, Nexon game security shows up in my taskbar and freezes the game, it's not Unreal 5
Here's why I think their security scan got triggered, I got a godlike run basically, getting higher numbers than ever before.

Normally their security scan is what causes the famous "double lag", but whenever it detects abnormally high resource gains, it triggers a full deep scan of your PC, which froze my game, probably because my antivirus
My game occasionally freezes for a second or two, I wonder if that's the reason.
Looks like a Gantz knockoff with this outfit.
general went real slow after this post huh
I fell for the crit rate meme at first. Since it's multiplicative, it not as good unless your weapon has like 40% crit minimum as base damage.
Everyone is waiting to ritual post in the next thread but no one wants to actually make the next thread.
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it's over bros
anything above 20% (25% optimally) base crit is worth building crit for, anything under that usually isn't
still looking for a list/data on which are multiplicative or additive, for both guns, skills and modules, including substats on reactors etc
the double mega stutter is a universal problem i believe
considering the amount of crit damage on thundercage, it's still better value compared to elemental
its over if you built crit on your bunny
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>hop into an outpost with invis sharen
>game freezes for four seconds wasting precious invis time
>can no longer do the infiltration and have to reset
they're supposedly addressing it in the next patch
someone bake
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>Page 10
Owari da...
I don't have an OP-worthy picture, sorry
still waiting for some NyL stuff
chat is this real
>650 conductive metallic foil
>~50 ultra vault opened
>still no sign of "supply firearm enhancer" module
>Spent over 12 hours the past two days trying to get Ult Bunny stab
>All I have to show for it is a few forma, many Kyle Enhanced Cells and Executor blueprints and a seething hatred for lobbies full of Sharens that still just blow up the recon outposts
I'm tired bros
>mental focus instead of that one mod that let's you not spend ammo on crit
The fuck are you doing anon, this is not tamer.
I was going to spend 300 dollars on some pixels in a gacha game, but I've decided I will save that money and only spend like $60 of it on ultimate Valby. At least there isn't a limit on how much I want to play.
i swear you better bake or i'll just grab a random image from this thread
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do i try to reroll the crit to something else
Genuinely took me 20h to get that shit
>6h of committedfarming
>4 h of intermittent farming
>Spent parts of the weekend meditating to muster the courage to finish the fight
>Grind from 7P to 5A to get that stupid fucking part
And now I "just" need the code from that hyper stupid electric assholr
reroll crit rate and colossus damage
I didnt get mp collector from the bunny mission, im going to kill ymself anons :3

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