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A thread for discussing all things Atelier and Gust.

Gust PC games:

[July 16 – August 16, 2024] Resleriana Academy Legend FES (((Resna & Sophie)))
[July 16 – August 15, 2024] Limited-Time Trial Challenge [Air] 10F
3000 gem event for linking your account to d*scord: https://files.catbox.moe/fr0y9r.png

System guide for Resna:

Resna visual guide and JP banner list:

Resna starter guide:

Previous thread: >>485567919
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Where the Willbell chads at?
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I love her so much bros.
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First for smash Valeria
when are they doing another 3 star selector?
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We're all GMI bros
kek, greetings from /agdg/. whats this game like, is it fun?
E-even me?
project nortubel
progress: you can rape the niggern ow
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Post lore
>... RPGmaker, GameMaker
fuck I can't handle these kind of decisions
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A game where alchemy happens when thick thighs rub against each other
you go to the right
For me, it's Candle.
um... /agdg/ sisters... we got the wrong thread... :grimace:
all engines have their own niche.
what are you planning
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a CRPG pokemon-like
I want to make an RPG town sim with a focus on gathering, crafting, and shopkeeping.
2d or 3d? online or offline
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Atelier games in general are kind of unique, JRPG combat with heavy emphasis on gathering and crafting. Generally games are released annually but they are extraordinarily well crafted with great music and tons of soul. The writers focus more on making memorable and likable characters than on wild plot twists or big story arcs and the art design is always great.
If you mean the gacha specifically, it’s the only gacha I’ve ever played so I can’t compare it to others. It does a good job with story and characters and music and even the battle system, but the harvesting and crafting are much worse than they are in any regular Atelier game.
is it true what they say about platformers bro?

Celeste and Hollow Knight seemed to do very well
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Right here
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Nice work anon!
Torture to kill yourself anon.
Finally people are posting loli games.
Why so much /agdg/ anons?
Ah okay thanks for the info, didn't realize this one was a gacha.
Unreal or Unity for a dark cloud-like?
where's all the progress today?
This >>487194793 fucker organized a raid on your thread
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Resleriana/Atelier 25?
Yeah but only if you do the bare minimum. The gacha/gamble/RNG system is timerange rigged and its a torture to minmax. The worst game in the in this regard
Atelier games are alchemy focused games but where you cycle ingredients (natural and the ones YOU craft/synthesize). The later has been removed in this game so any loop crafting autism got killed as well as the autsit hype for this game
Are you aiming to copy or mod Atelier games? If so or just want to get into the franchise feel free to ask me for gameplay and technical autist advice
Picrel is the best and most autistmax game. Atelier Lulua/A20
Only Resleriana is gacha shit. Every other game is fine
Anyway now /agdg/ anons are here help make Resleriana an offline game
Wilbell getting an alter WHEN?
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Three weeks ago
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>/atgg/ - Atelier and Gust General #29

That will do for now. Can't make anything else work besides Shallistera as Aoe DPS (though Roman still has to help) and Roman for big single target damage. Now I just need to fully awaken Roman and roll for Academy Ryza only so that I can build pity for Winter Rorona.
What does Ayesha do? Just take a hit or two?
NTA but pretty sure she boosts Romans passive
... Oh jesus. I can't wait. Thanks.
Yes plus Aoe reduction from her weapon (it stacked up to 20% in this battle) and the Budding Girl Memoria. I haven't tried going Defenderless in this battle but it was torture for me trying go without one in the previous tournaments.
I’m trying to think of why I would use her over Totori but if that’s what it’s for then you wouldn’t anyway. Don’t know why I care, I don’t have Roman anyway, but it’s nice to dream I guess. (Also he’s in the draw now so I could be spooked by him at any moment I guess)
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>he doesn't know about the Firis strat
Not really, someone linked this thread and I thought it was the new thread since it was about time for a new thread lol. However I have eyed a couple Atelier games in the past for fun and appealing design primarily Ryza. Don't think I'll touch this one as it seems gacha'fied in a bad way.
Unironically best starting point and overall best games
You will have lot of fun with them
>gacha'fied in a bad way.
Its horrible
I'd recommend Ayesha or Rorona to wet your beak since they're good trilogy starters and entry games. Rorona more since you'd get a better appreciation for the evolutions of the subsystems.
Summer got one for memoria.
And I think a kot/lydie one just dropped.
Kot Lydie is just a regular banner, not a selector.
yeah but it's paid and gssr. That's all that fit's what he's asking about.
I wish I could understand how to pull this off. Instead everyone dies at the same time for me.
No one except Nio died for me, but I think I did it wrong.
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>The Firis strat is actually real
Roman bros...not like this...

For me, partially copying Atelier Angela I lowered Bolt Resna's level, stripped Ayesha's gear except a 10 speed accessory + 30% item recharge, and made Ice Resna have highest M.Atk so the demon kills her. After Meruru (with low enough speed) kills everything with one burst, it's RNG for the boss to single target her then the Firis ride starts.
Is it another week til academy part 2?
Should be sometime this week. They would be stupid to start Air Tournament without tricking people into trying to whale for Gyaru Ryza during it.
I don't have Bolt Ayesha. Now what?
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My setup obviously wasn’t as efficient but I pulled it off and added about a million to my score. This might be good enough for top 500 which is all I really want
For my run at least (>>487231102) tank doesn’t matter. They need to be faster than whoever you want to burst (easy to do with speed memoria) and they need to die from the opening AoE attack plus 2 ST attacks so they’re out of the way (ie I don’t think Totori or Patty would work)
>Meruru (with low enough speed) kills everything with one burst
My Meruru can't do that even with crits. Am I missing something? (she has full skill power gear)
I didn't even try it, did Air Resna instead, but she needs Firis' help to KO all the mobs without a breaker or Lydie or any other support. She could only KO on her own if I used items and her S1 to create a double panel
This is what I had plus the +26.25% P.Atk Memoria so that Meruru could get the triple Ancestral Doctrines instead of Firis. Maybe didn't even need to use all three.
Disregarding the quality of the games themselves, what is your opinion for what the Secret series did to the franchise as a whole?
Set the bar too high
Resleriana looks like utter shit compared to Ryza 3
Resna has to be able to run on mobile phones. Are you seriously comparing video quality between a phone game to a normal video game?
Im comparing the last 2 main games.
Resleriana is the worst game in the series.
>video quality
You are the one who said it looks bad. What else could you be referring to other than the graphics when complaining about a mobile gacha game?
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>that sudden end cut joke
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this isn't /agdg/
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>Roman tournament top scorers are constantly sacrificing alchemists
Renkenjutsu-bros...Roman betrayed us
Atelier series are finally on sale on Steam bros.
Buy them instead of whaling
Buying Ayesha's game again!
kekd just realized this is probably referencing Ryza
I've bought every single modern atelier game already
we gave up on gamedev now we play gacha's together.

captcha: 4KAKS
I might once i'm done playing with the newest kiseki slop.
I'm planning to play arland games(again) after quitting since im having a hard time with games that have time limits.
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Actually hard disagree on Resleriana being the worst game in the series. It's underrated if anything, too many people shit on it simply for it being gacha, however deserved that may be.
Now I haven't played all atelier games but over the years I have played (in this order):
Totori (first atelier game, played on vita), Ayesha, Escha & Logy, Shallie, Sophie, Firis, Lydie & Suelle, Lulua, Resleriana
Resleriana is in many ways a better game than all the previous ones. For one it actually has a combat system that doesn't suck complete cock. There's a puzzle element to it that makes it vastly superior to the previous games and I hope they don't go back to the combat of the older games for the next non-gacha game. Note I haven't actually played the most recent games like Ryza mostly because I'm weird so when they became too popular and I saw Ryza literally everywhere I ended up not wanting to actually play them, sorry Ryza. If that has a more engaging combat system I wouldn't know about it.
This mother fucker played two Arland games and he has never met Astrid. He doesn’t know Esty. Gio is a ghost to him, a rumor.
I agree on the combat but literally everything else about the game is worse. I’d love it if they brought this combat to a mainline game.
The Ryza games have different combat from both Resleriana and the other mainline games, it uses ATB similar to what you would find in Final Fantasy VII. If you’ve played Blue Reflection 2 it’s basically the same thing as that game.
Resleriana is god-tier due to cuteness and KINO desu
Resleriana sucks because for new players because there's no way to unlock good synthesis traits unless they get lucky.
It's such a turn off to see all the recommended synths be greyed out.
They should have added a friends list and made it so you could borrow a character for like 3 synths a day at least.
Sure I know Esty.. She's the flat hag that keeps spooking my pulls!
I don't even think the rest of the game is that much worse. Sure you lose out on the exploration and item gathering and stuff but personally I've never cared much for that in the first place, I mostly play Atelier for the characters and to see them interact and I don't think Resleriana does a bad job at that, it feels like a proper Atelier story. And it's great to see more of my favorite characters like Ayesha.
I'll probably give Ryza's first game a try at least, I have grown fond of her thanks to seeing her in the game.
bwos...imagine having a Resna gf haha...
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resna's puppies for yourself...
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Klaudia will do anything to make Ryza notice her
I have them all on my switch, not going to buy them again.
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Do you suppose Sophie hears the Plachta doll talk back?
It'll come alive when she ejects enough alchemy into it
Is that Plachta doll (huh) dressed as her Halloween alt?
It's kind of similar but not exactly so maybe?
Looks like a simplified and less decorated version though. Maybe a proto version?
My feeling is that the combat is good, possibly the best in the series, and even the cast is up there, though it does cheat by bringing in everyone else. That being said, the exploration is literally non-existent, and the alchemy is dreadful. Y'know, the thing the entire franchise is built upon. It's really hard to say Resleriana is better than any other mainline title when half of the franchise identity barely exists.
Playing Resleri as a Ryza tourist made me think that all the Mysterious MCs are cute. I want to play their game.
Should I buy all of them in, or should I just try one of them?
Doesn't look like the bundle is a lot cheaper than the games on their own so I guess it depends on how likely you think you are to want to buy the rest of them before the sale ends
I always suggest buying the bundles. If you like one, you're likely to like the others in each respective trilogy. They also complete each other.
next console title when
This Roman tournament shit is quite possibly the worst recurring event I have ever seen in a gacha game.
I hate it. I’m not even doing that bad in it and I just hate it. You have 4 out of 5 characters you need and you wind up in 300th cause you’re missing the one.
Yeah it's not good desu. Should have used a threshold instead of a top 100, or at least done a percentage instead. Top 1% getting top spot would make more sense and it would be many more spots.
PVP is always awful. Expecting me to compete against giga whales for a ranking is bullshit.
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It's over, time to move to /vmg/
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Was able to fine tune this quite a bit. No way this stays in the top 100 (it’s already almost out) but I feel pretty good about staying top 500
It sucks that they're thinking of PVP first before friend system and borrowing characters just like most gachas.
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On one hand top left is actually pretty good. On the other, why the fuck would you use simple synthesis at all?

If you're not a whale or a Firis-haver you have no chance of scratching into the top 100.
How much stamina carries over into green when you're at cap? Is it half ratio?
I think it’s worse than that, like a third or a quarter, but I’m really not sure
Because I don't have any characters with phys stun?
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That’s one third, regular stamina is one every 5 minute
>still have 20~ of the august 1st expiring cookies
>no double mat event
Burn cookies to farm academy unis. Stick sophie or resna in your skip team
>Burn cookies to farm academy unis
The event mission currently drops Academy Uni which is a purple synthesis item with Skill Up/Critical Power. Using it with Xmas Resna->Air Totori->Academy Uni for synthesis guarantees either double Skill Power Up or Skill Power Up/Critical Power. Basically it removes all RNG from recipes you can use this on and makes it so you only have to get good trait levels. Academy Uni however is an event-limited item and once you run out of them you won't be able to use them again so farm them now while the event is up by using your cookies.
>still no news on Part 2
It's fucking over...
>part 2 on friday
I don't know if i can improve my score even if i pity ryza since my team(strike lydie/firis/aca resna/flocke/bolt resna) dont have a room for a breaker.
Are you using Resna for damage? If you’re using the forbidden Firis strat, Ryza doesn’t help at all. I’ve only just barely cleared 3 million with a conventional Resna strat, but almost got to 5 mil with Firis
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It's from Sophie 1. That's why Sophie in the event also mentions getting a hat to go with it.
Every one hate it including whales desu. It's the worst thing in the entire game by far
Another lucky daily
Just got to chapter 8, how come all of villainesses are so fucking hot in this kusogacha holy shit
Nice. I got her yesterday for my free roll. Is her event stuff good enough for someone not caught up yet?
Playable Crow when? I don't care that she's crazy, we can fix her
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Imagine the paizuri.
>0 Larazuri lewds on pixiv
6th Marion exam can go suck dick.
no one wants to draw stuff for dead games like us
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how the fuck do you guys enjoy this heavily p2w game
every fucking thing you do here is tied to how many characters you have unlocked
See earlier in the thread (or last thread) where an anon running Cordelia got 14 million in Stab Roman Tournament. That is a 1 star unit btw. Aside from Roman Tournament everything is easily doable with strategy.
>Aside from Roman Tournament everything is easily doable with strategy.
everything is easily doable with strategy and correct units.
The Academy Uni from event is the best synthesis material for damage dealer
I guess the game ends at chapter 22 so chapter 20 just before fighting Resnas father
the story and battle mechanic are actually good. you can skip a lot of tedious part of the grind now, not many gacha games have this kind of QOL. the gacha and everything tied to it is a disaster though, with roman tournament being the worst offender. i wish they implemented a friend borrow system at least for synthesis, maybe with a daily limit if they want to

anon, without escha and empel that wouldn't have been possible. it also kinda help when other gacha stab attackers are not that good so not many people chase them
I was talking more about these things, but yeah, that being good did seem obvious.
I dont.
Some anons have deducted our "lucky hour". 3 pulls/9K gems ensure at least 1 SSR per pull including 1 rate up.
Only happens one hour one day a week and varies per player ID. All pulls are mostly fixed so pulling the time the same day next week. Minute range varies per banner.
You ONE rate up not all of them so be careful and do not waste your gems
Swipers! How much have you spent, how often and which units did you get out of them. Also separately what did you get from the selector for the half anni and who have you pitied?

>200~ USD
>4 occasions including selector
>Plachta(or Sophie?), Wilbell, Juna, Sue Rose, Flocke Rose
>Selector: Santa Resna & Empel, got Elie and Lillie as bonuses
>Pitied: Firis, Cosplay Ryza, Winter Totori, Heidi Rose

So a 9 units directly from swiping from a total of 53 units.

By luckshitting and the occasional swiping for your faves. They keep you in enough gems and free rolls that you typically have a 1/5 chance or so of scoring a banner unit when they come around.
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This is some mew under the truck shit right?
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Bros I unlock this right? I don’t have academy resna and I don’t have firis. I do have 190 green coins though. Should I get goth Valeria or wait and get academy resna if I end up not getting her?
Probably like 1200 or something.
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Ryza 2 collab with Alchemy Stars
Fi turning into a loli and become rollable when
Boss mask is pretty good for Sophie. Pink uniform is fine. Staff looks good but condition too restrictive. Others are meh
I’ve spent about $250, mostly on Ryza EC and breaker Logy. I did not get either from rolling for them.
From paid rolls I got Empel although I’ve since gotten a couple free dupes of him so I don’t know if he counts. I also paid for some of the starting pool tickets specifically looking for fire Marie and I got her on one so I she kind of counts too.
I got Izana and Ryza EC from the selector and have pitied Bolt Logy and Totori.
I still have 300 medals that I’ll use for future Totori’s whenever they are released. My current wish list is pretty much just Flocke and bolt Marie.
Unironically no.
>don’t have academy resna and I don’t have firis
Nigga dont do it.
Either roll Resna RA or wait for Marie MA and pray you get any other Air attacker
>t. same situation with Strike version of this memoria and lack Valeria Rose
I think I am at a grand or 2, I have pretty much everyone except Valentine's Escha. About 7.7 pities worth of medals as well
bro.. your free sterk..?
What I'll use my pity medals for
- Serri
- Kala
- Swimsuit Lila
- Swimsuit Serri
- Pamela
- Microbikini Kala
- Microbikini Wilbell
- Hag Rorona
- Hag Rorona in her daughter's clothes
- Microbikini Hag Rorona with unshaven pubes
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We all joke but if they are posting microbikini Rorona with pubes falling out, it’s time to bury the franchise
Astrid, please.
$293.79 USD total
Maybe $40 for Izana, $20 for Ayesha (already had Roman from free gems), $80 pack + extra for Escha and Selector, the rest went to mana/Bonus Pass/shop bundles/Shiny Coin shop
Selector: Ice Resna + Wilbell and got Patricia + Slash Valeria in the 30 rolls
Pitied: Empel, currently only have 100 Legend Medals
Noone wants to see a 40 year old Rorona. These are facts!
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I commissioned an artist to draw some atelier porn a few months ago and now they're posting their summer Valeria pulls and retweeting the comics...
I hope this is her ryza 4 design
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Will you drink the octopus juice?
I want to lick Totori's octopussy
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Don’t you have an exam to study for miss schwarzlang?
>mana overflow due to tower equipment mats
I wish we get x2 mat or half material used when synthesizing that also coincides with events.

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