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Look at this rat.

>SilentOne tournament

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2197859465 (Congrats Gran gawd)
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185278056 (Congrats grimnir-anon)

>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
Versusia (20 aug), Vikala (october) will close out the pass, season 2 starts with Sandalphon.
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Nier, Lowain, Siegfried
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous thread: >>487185490
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December is so far away...
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Do you think that we'll get these for the entire cast by the time the patch rolls out, or just for the more popular characters and those that really need buffs?
I assume that they won't show changes to characters that got nothing but nerfs.
It took me almost 500 games to get to S+ with Zooey, I started playing Beatrix on Sunday and with just 60 matches I'm already S 2, I think I'll just unga bunga my way to S++ bros...
I'm sure that even Nier and Siegfried mains would agree that they deserve it though.
Siegfried doesn't deserve nerfs though. He is at a proper level of strength, the top tiers should be brought down to be about as strong as him.
god i wish i was a towe- i mean REPORTED
There are MAYBE 2 characters in the whole game who could be “brought down” to Sieg’s strength
Nier, Lance, Seox, Belial, Cag, 2B. That's six just of the top of my head, I'm sure there are a few more I'm missing.
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>proper level of strength
Uh, guys…? Why did Rooflemonger do videos about the Strive, Tekken, and SF reveals, but Granblue didn’t get its own video…?
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>faggot writers at Cygames ADMIT that cute girls are the best thing FROM A FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVE but they push homoflops anyway to serve their own deranged faggot agenda
Who could have guessed?
It's all on FKHR
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>Siegfried doesn't deserve nerfs
I'm sorry I can't hear you from behind the fire wall
retarded ilsafag, stay in gbfg
you need to go back
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Maybe, I don't think "we broke this characters legs and took of their pancreas" is something they'll post about in social media.
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they know exactly what it takes to save granslop, why don't they do it?
FKHRT is a faggot.
What's it called when a market is saturated with a well-received product to the point of said product dropping in value? You need the homo guys to keep the swimsuit girls desirable. It's a balance. Cute girl fatigue is a real thing.
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hghhh.....pink nier....
pink nier ga....
Just dress it as "we lowered Nier's damage to give the player more opportunities to have fun juggling people".
It's based. Homos are the line between integrity and gacha slop.
I like Vane a lot, hope the big meaty will get him out of the gutter
Who do you think is most likely to get big nerfs in the big meaty? Realistically speaking. Not just who you think deserves it most.
For all the dooming I still think Nier is #1 on the shitlist. Every top players in all regions thinks she's the clear top 1 and she's been in at least top 3 of virtually every major. There's no way she doesn't get hit.
I'd be kinda nervous if I was a Djeeta main, people are saying she's a safe harbor but I don't think so. The Japanese are convinced she's top 3 right now and all the top players in Japan have PTSD from fighting Gamera over and over again in ranked.
If there are any universal nerfs to ult meter refund or ult skills in general, Zeta will probably suffer the most.
I think Lance will probably fly under the radar. Even with all the good Lance players in Japan, I don't think he's made enough of a splash at majors. Same with Sieg, because Japan is convinced that he's an honest high tier for some reason.
Him and Percy are getting buffed to S rank due to homoknight privilege.
sieg and lance are the most likely to fly under the radar
>Seox and Lance
Mostly disappeared, still OP but won't get nerfed as much
Favorite FHKR character who needs as much nerfs as Nier, but won't get as much and will remain the best character in the game
Another favorite of the devs, will get some slight nerfs and that's it.
Probably untouched
The problem isn't dudes, the problem is making dudes into homos and girls into dykes.
about to come beat up your wife
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Does Vira have any sauce? Or is she just autocombo->skill->autocombo->skill
welcome to granblue
What counts as "sauce" to you, exactly?
Idk maybe some cool links I guess?
That’s every character in the entire game. This is not a saucy game.
Not finding sauce in this game homie. And that's how we like it here in the easiest fighting game ever made with the least competition at the highest level!
you can set lumi, then go for a raging strike to punish them for spotdodging
theres some weird left/right setup you can do, but if they are aware of it they can just hold the guard button
Oh, I see people combo her transformation into her sweep.
Maybe you'll like that.
Yeah stuff like this sounds fun. I'll try it.
This too.

Guess I need to watch some high rank gameplay as well.
You can fake a run up grab with a command grab on oki, I don't vouch for how useful that is in high ranks but a jp master bubs I watch gets hit by that pretty often.
her combo structure is one of the trickiest to learn and you have to change your combos a lot depending to screen placement, transformation, initial hit, resources and so on
she has cool setplay stuff with lumi, watch light he's really good at that stuff
would slurp her drool
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Strive gets their update a day after Evo while we have to wait an entire fucking month? reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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I don't care about your discord circlejerk
>eu is alive now
fuck off discordfag. ask mommy and daddy for attention instead
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Yep, told ya.
Aaaaaallrighty chat
All of the master rank players here are discordgods. We run this general.
>The Rising Evo champion's stream title, for his first stream after Evo, calls Rising the "wrong game"
>also he's immediately back to streaming Strive, his actual main game
*breathes in*
I tried queueing for Master queue but couldn't find anyone
The rat that saves granblue
One of the best things of granblue is honestly the variety you get and the mostly western medieval fantasy designs
Guess we arent getting any swimsuits then.
we are... but for men
>streamer streams a game that got a new update
lmao yeah no, not sure what people sniffed to think we could
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FKHR... I hear that a new patch is in the works... I think we can work out a deal...
I feel like people memory holed Strive being won by a Overwatch player followed by a smash player back to back for their EVO and it wasn't even year 1 of their game. SonicFox was winning their tournaments during their year 1.
While I agree with your general point, there's nothing embarrassing having SonicFox winning your tournaments during launch days. Man is genuinely good at finding the cheapest shit to easily abuse.
>player plays the game a lot and puts effort and wins
>this is supposed to be humiliating just because it's not his favorite game or main game
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Strive was a fanbase reset, so non-GG players winning EVO isn't surprising in the least. Meanwhile Granblue players lost to a Strive player this EVO, now that stings.
non-fighting game player*
It's kinda like Arslan getting washed in Tekken 8 bro, gamera and co. didn't adapt well enough
>strive update
>just some changes to 7ish characters
>new mode is only in open beta for 4 days
>first character for the season 4 pass(out now) isn't until October
Meanwhile we get big changes to the whole cast, a new character, and a heap of other goodies. Unless the balance is the same or worse after this update, it's safe to say we won this time.

AND the 6th character comes out the same month as Dizzy.
>Meanwhile Granblue players lost to a Strive player this EVO, now that stings.
Thoughts on me unironically actually not caring at all?
Rising is still a new game. Tororo got blown up by accidental RS from BC attempts multiple times and even lost the set as a result
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Trust in bikini vikky BP that will happen on her release
I don't think that will make anyone actually want to leave the S ranks
>It's kinda like Arslan getting washed in Tekken 8 bro

Is Victor THAT bad now?
Doesn't really matter. A player whose main game's EVO was won by an Overwatch player, won Rising's EVO. Our OG player lost to a guy who treats Rising as a side game, and played a Versus character.
Oh I actually checked and he got into grand finals at EVO, seems like he recovered. But he was getting like top 32 at best in the early life of the game kek
Arslan fucking won evo bruh
>game is 6 months old
>the person who won plays the game more regularly than legacy players
right """"impressive""""
Arslan won T8 EVO though?
Thanks for the (You).
Tororo's lost was just an embarrassment. Aaron dropped a combo and Tororo just stood there and took a raw RS, motherfucker wasn't even blocking, dude a complete mental shutdown I guess.
Fucking hell, meant for >>487310027
>motherfucker wasn't even blocking, dude a complete mental shutdown I guess.
he got counter hit, he was delay mashing
So you're just going to ignore that Gamera, a legacy player with some of the most crystals, didn't even make Top 6?
if you aren't kot, it doesn't count
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>delay mashing
I thought that was a meme?
It's a meme in the sense that it's not universally broken and has its counters, still a viable defensive tactic.
gamera has been getting washed since the game released
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no he hasn't
He still plays more than Aaron and couldn't make it to top 6
Is Grandbruise(PC) dead? Been in queue for like 15mins and I got weekly mission to finish!
happens when you pick a low tier
That's not how it works.
That low tier made top 6.
and what happened? got murdered by a shit matchup (perci LOL imagine)
and then lost to a god tier (sieg)
if i were to hypothetically join the lobby would i get destroyed, is it only masters here?
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>it's not even that difficult to hit an opponent with a 5L while landing after an anti-air 2H -> 22H.8H.3H
Watch out Shosan, you are about to get surpassed.
If I manage to do this in an actual match.
Who the hell has a shit match-up against Perci?
I've seen more S ranks these days.
>don't play for 4 days
>feel hyped after evo and eu master queue is alive
>queue ranked
>get a BC mashing sieg
>close the game after the set
damn why do we have to wait a whole fucking month, this game still sucks
please just make it so people can't fucking mash BC
retards, bubs has a lot of tight optimal links, a ridiculously hard to pull off f-shiki and a lot of ways to route into his combos, especially with the various ways you can open someone in the corner and adjust your combo route to it
he's the opposite of say Belial who will always do the same combo (you know which one)
and I'm sure bubs isn't the only one, I know char and lance have 1f links
it's just that usually the hard stuff in this game is actually hard, so people don't go for it.
I'm B
not to defend BC but anon
if he's mashing bc
you can try baiting it (feinting a hit hoping for him to hit MH so you can evade the RS)
you can block it (at least he won't have oki on you)
you can evade it (hard to punish unless he mashes, but you get your turn back)
and finally, if you're feeling hot you can cancel the BC'd normal into super or DP
or do any of the above until hes at 0 bp and cash out on your free +50% damage
and remember anon; evo was won off a raw RS.
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insane fucking char for playing footsies and fundies, holy shit i felt bad for playing him
It's actually true
Percival's entire kit is anti-beatrix's kit
He's got a grounded fireball that covers slide, and also sometimes divekick at the same time depending on spacing.
I wouldn't say it's a "shit" matchup but it's one of her tougher ones.
I don’t get it. You posted an 80% win rate against literal shit ranks
Obviously I'm trash, but he feels really good to play now backdash can be controlled with the flow, like I'm dogshit at the game feels super easy to control.
Um, bwo... you haven't finished the tutorial yet...
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I guess
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Nyo I prefer to stay in tutorial, I'm trash af
thank you
horseposting is back!
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Horseposting is gbvsg culture
So many fresh players in the lobby...

EU slop
There's some variety in ranks, but some don't really play ranked much. Lots of S+ floating around.
>gets linked here
>sonic-san follows
Gran is mostly honest. The fundies war criminal you are looking for is Belial or maybe Djeeta.
I’d say the average is around S++ but it can go as low as S.
Don’t be afraid of getting destroyed, most people will be happy to play long sets with you even if you’re just starting.
Don't believe anyone who claims otherwise; most people here are stuck in S hell.
there's a good mix of skill levels and most players here will play whoever as long as you're willing to keep going
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that's your mother bro...
any gamers? eu
mom needs sex NOW
rib crushing reverse rape
grandad fucked THIS?
how do I find locals to play this game with others in person? do those exist for discord fighters like this?
based katgawd
No, he fucked the 13 years old or younger human version of that
Sure, come to the lobby
I didn't know he could get even more based...
katgawd on his top 7 character vs the bottom 3 metera..
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*runs up to you and delay DPs in your face*
How do you respond without sounding mad?
go cheer for the katgawd retards
gimme 5 minsish
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I mean I play Djeeta I know what you meant
she is just one button confirm travels from South America to Japan doujin convention no inbetween, even if her damage is low to compensate that it's still bullshit since playing against her is just dont get hit or get cornered all the time
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I don't know what these things are, but they're pretty funny
I played a couple of rounds with a B rank Seox yesterday, i'm also a low rank player so it was nice
Theres only like 2 or 3 masters that play consistently in the open lobby. The rest are around S
You're supposed to put your penis inside them
Why are EU tournaments so soulful
one italian nigga vs evos whole production
who would win
The caster and the guy hosting the tournament
>bc into bc into bc
Oh nvm I didn't notice the host is Italian, holy his English is pretty good, you have no idea how fucking hard it is for us to fix the pronunciation kek
>grandbruise challenging
Yeah okay, anyone wanna bruise?
katGAWD in final bwo
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there's a creep watching..
Run up DP has to be the stupidest shit and he keeps doing it
>talking about cag
>didnt really know how to use her but still got her to masters faster than any other character because she was just that easy and strong
bottom 3 btw
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>english commentary
>description is completely in italian
what if I wanted to join this tourney...
I guess he posts the challonge on twitter anyway
Is there no battlepass currently?
I'm rooting for balance bear
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The next one come with the big meaty.
Balance bear…
“I expect Nier to get overnerfed. I expect to read the patch notes and think, ‘Nier did not deserve all of this.’”
- Brick
What the fuck was that dp lmao
A lot of characters in this game are like that. Really fucking good, basically top tier, but it's just easier to unga bunga with someone like Nier so it's just better to put in effort with her than any other "good" character. Why use "good" when you can use "broken"? Meter pre-nerf 2B and pre-nerf Bea proved that players are lazy. People wanna tryhard but they also just wanna fucking win easily, so why bother with good character when you can just pick an undisputed top tier that can cover for your own weakness as a player? Same shit happens in every fighting game, but in this one the playerbase is slightly lazier than others.
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ggs lobby, we'll play more next time siegbro
this nier is bad
am I allowed to say this Master Nier is bad?
Imma mash
Is the general consensus that Bea is not broken anymore?
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solid top tier
based katgawd
She’s definitely not top 5 anymore
That she got a wrist slap and anyone who stopped playing because of it is a whinny bitch
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DLC characters cost 36k rupies?! What the fuck.
Thats going to take me forever to grind Vicky... I was hopeing to also at least grab Bea before then...
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Anyone have that pic of nier saying "nier did nothing wrong"
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I got you buddy
she's still pretty strong
she still outdamages the majority of the cast and has some of the best offense in the game
better get those characters to 300
>cute, energetic rat girl
>loud obnoxious whore with bad eating habits
The choice couldn't be easier Anon.
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Vicky all the way for sure. But Bea is good for some quickies on the side.
>if they do one character post per day until the patch they’ll do 28 characters
>leaving 4 characters out
>they probably won’t do posts for characters who got only nerfs
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>loud obnoxious whore with bad eating habits
damn, didn't know my ex wife got added to gbvsr pic not related
>ex wife
how old...
Boomer general.
Fighting games are ojisan territory
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isn't D3 the starting point?
I think I'm gonna start playing bea
>and much much more!
Is Yuel good?
How do I play her?
PR talk
thank you
you get to pick. you can start at S if you want
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gamble against people with stance
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They need to add a filled condom prop to figure mode
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You've signed out.
I wish Djeeta had some cleavage.
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>murders someone
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holy fucking shit
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oh my goodness gracious
we got robbed of hag queen
i would have posted so much of her chibi
maint is over.. come back nyow
is it bad if i refuse to save any lyria pictures where she has underwear? i feel like this with katsuragi from senran kagura and platinum/noel from blazblue
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i've only played versus; why is this upcoming rat girl popular? is it just memes? did she have a good story or fun personality?
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Uhh guys my 2B looks funny?
shilled in the gacha
i think the character on the right is pretty
something appears to be wrong with your ferry as well...
something appears to be right with your ferry
do versus mods still work on rising?
no... her toes aren't painted..
something is definitely wrong.
>Check Gamebananna for any neat mods
>coomer shit
>art swap
hey guys I want to let you know that I beat your evo winner in a set in strive so therefore i am automatically more skilled than all of you in fighting games
you forgot trans flag colors for characters
wow ur so cool
erm i kneel
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Kinda feel like we'll have this conversation pretty often so here's a screencap
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>never played the character
>issa my main
2024's version of
>damn I want to make that woman my wife
>bro you have met her once for 10 minutes
i just want 2b and lucifer removed from the game
>not choosing your main based on how attractive they are
Bro just wanted a roundabout way of saying that his type is finally getting representation. Or maybe he just wants a big body zoner, I can't think of many.
Can we mod one in?
love at first sight is real
true love is real
Nyo, they do not. The summer ferry is just someone making it again.
This is a longtime copypasta used for shitposts
This is unironically what I felt when I saw Bea’s trailer
zoomers are so cucked they can't say they find a character hot because it's heckin' problematic
>Or maybe he just wants a big body zoner, I can't think of many.
also she's a ''big body'' that is an actual female big body and not just a man in a wig (illaoi, marisa)
this but unironically i love her and i need her
>my 2B looks funny?
yeah she's back in top tier
The Strive developers said themselves that they wanted to make a fighting game that was “like mahjong”, i.e. a coinflip party game.
Versusia's trailer was probably the best made trailer i've seen for any fighting game character reveal ever
bros... it's not letting me press rematch...
shouldve been a good boy
The infamous rematch bug. Press whatever lets you see the match stats and then back out. It'll let you rematch.
I assume you're new? When that happens open the battle statistics and close them.
>he thinks mahjong is a party game
>try to learn the game on someone like 3 ranks ahead of me
>they do like 8 different hyper optimized twitter combos on me and I spend 90% of my time getting juggled off of a stray hit
is this how your supposed to "learn"?
why you fighting someone 3 ranks ahead lil bro
Maybe that anon means theyre fighting an s+2 while theyre s5
Because I've been stuck in A for a hundred matches getting walled by S+ on Beatrix I figured what's the difference between an S+ and an S++
S+ no longer exists, there are literally only Master players ranking up their other characters there.
S+ still exists
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>written like a priconne character
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it's not the rematch bug, the screen wasn't coming up at all. I fixed it though
Masters should be S++ on their non master characters. It’s still silly having a 90% win rate in S+
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The best modder for this game is a DoomGOD!
In fact I would take that one step further and say EVERYONE needs to have their lowest rank be just one rank lower than their highest one.
I am currently stuck on S+ with my best characters, but I still have some in A
I have no fucking business being in A, I feel very guilty when I go there to rank up and beat actual beginners...
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holy seething bea fag
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>posts this assblasted review literally the day the game is released
>plays it for (at least) 370 hours more
The difference between S+ and S++ is probably the biggest single skill jump among all the ranks, the difference is significant. If it's getting you frustrated, just run some games in the open lobby until you feel like you are ready to try again.
no he gave it a positive review and then edited it to that after bea got nerfed LOL
They’ve set the precedent now that they’re responsive to feedback.
Well, we the persecuted will give them our feedback.
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Magisa for S2
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oooooh kek I missed the "Last edited July 4"

Shut up faggot.
Das gawdlike doe?
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I knew Zeta was a shotacon… but Beatrix…
bad news that boy is in a skirt anon
W-Why is that harvin crying...
because beatrix has been nerfed...
that's Ardora, she's a loli draph
Holy fuck, there are so many faggots on wifi since the game is populated again. S+ is unplayable
we mogged every other announcement so hard its not even funny
i dont know much about tekken but it seems heihachi trailer was good, i admit i thought showing the flashbacks in those old graphics was kino
i thought getting to s++ was going to be easy after what i suffered to get to s+
boy was i wrong
thought it is looking infinitely easier to reach masters from s++ than s++ from s+
Shame we can't have Danua or Lich since they're so Nier adjacent but at least Magisa has a shot... in S3.
I wish we could hear from the 9.5k people who played on launch day but dropped the game. Or the ~20k+ people who watched other Sunday finals games at Evo but not Granblue.
The vanillafags who want the game to be vanilla 2.0 are a VERY vocal but ultimately somewhat small minority. They don't represent the huge number of casual people who play the game for a couple days after each new DLC and then drop it again. And those casual players don't necessarily have the same complaints with the game as the hardcore vanilla fans. For all we know, the game isn't more popular with the wider FGC because they think it's too simple, too boring, etc. There's no actual proof that anyone outside the very small group of vocal hardcore fans gives a shit about 66L, ult skills, etc.
If they can waste a slot on Uno, they can give us Danua. NOW.
Even players in pisslow ranks feel how amazingly strong 66L is considering how the moment you get out of B you have a gorillion Belials trying to be super esports players spamming it.
All Cygames had to do was put $10 million into the EVO pot for Granblue and it would have been the most entered tournament in the history of fighting games.
just for some subhuman 66L masher to win? no way
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when are we getting a new playable harvin?
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ggs lobbybros
>For all we know, the game isn't more popular with the wider FGC because they think it's too simple, too boring, etc.
dont forget that its a mobile game spinoff VS established fighting game series
also the character variety. granblue characters look extremely generic/samey while guilty gear characters are all extremely different both in design and gameplay style thus being a lot more fun to watch. I feel like there's only 10 characters random outsiders would enjoy watching and a lot of them aren't very good
judging from her trailer versusia looks cool at least...
It'd be easier is they just gave 20k to everyone who entered the tourney
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gotta run, lobby friends
see ya next time
>granblue characters look extremely generic/samey
I mean I enjoy that it's effectively the only fighter that actually leans into a proper JRPG asthetic. Besides DNF Duel I guess but that's even more of a kuso than GB ever was.
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GOOD LORD how much semen can she pack in there
>the game isn't more popular with the wider FGC because they think it's too simple, too boring, etc
That's why I've been saying that to kinda revive interest with the game there should be tournaments with hand picked character specialists that can show the advanced stuff with their characters, quite some characters right now have cool advanced stuff that honestly very few players go for.
This sounds exactly like my experience. S+ took far, far more matches to get through than every other ranked combined.
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harvins wish they could have tits as big as Ardora
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Ggs bros and Six anon. I wanted to see more of that vira! Shes surprisingly rare at least in my ranked runs lol
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GGs I really need to get better at my defense. I am still not used to Six's stubby buttons plus I need to get better at doing this move. Charge inputs are hard on pad
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Had my fun for a day but it's now time to hibernate until next months patch see ya anons
I wonder if Djeeta gets the same. It's functionally identical, right?
>quite some characters right now have cool advanced stuff that honestly very few players go for.
>Cute girl fatigue is a real thing.
Blue Archive says hi
>Cute girl fatigue
FKHR, stop posting
>2 replies to a 9hr post within 40secs of each other
Yeah but Djeeta's is way worse since it has zero value before level 3.
>Cute girl fatigue is a real thing.
Fujobait fatigue is also a real thing.
It happens all the time, Anon.
>person who reads a thread from the top replies to an old post
>person who skips to the bottom reads reply then feels like making his own
Yeah gotta watch those grippers. I got a lot of lows off. I always get clipped by lows too it’s just so hard for me to hold down back when I see someone running to me lol
>Cute girl fatigue is a real thing.
if cute girl fatigue is setting in thats more a case of lacking diversity in design
a great way to counter cute girl fatigue is to use characters that are vastly different, like charlotta
ignore my last post, I accidentally wrote charlotta. I meant to write big titty brown girl with an Egyptian motif
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Remember when Vas players would come here and tell us how weak Vas is?
vas... is.... le weak...
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Only zoi downplay is allowed here.
>ONE (1) person does well with Vaseraga after autistically labbing combos, punishes, counters and matchups
>Vas is... LE OP!
vas ectomy
Man the Enneads are pretty fucking good but there was literally no reason to have them in the anni
no, just fraudulent
I just want to point out to my fellow boomers that GG has been around longer than many of it's players have been alive. It has brand recognition, it is is probably perceived as THE anime fighting game by casuals. We probably weren't even on the radar before Top 6, and now only register as a tiny blip despite what I would consider a pretty good showing.
That's even dumber.
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Inspired by KatGAWD, I did run up DP in neutral and it won me the game
Why she is flat?
i hope we get more brown girls in season 2
shinku bros ww@
I hope we don't
I double hope to cancel out hope don'ts
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but every girl so far has color that makes them brown
yeah but one or two colors isn't enough if they're originally brown they'll have more color choices with brown skin
that's brown face
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Brown girls who were designed to be brown from the get-go tend to be cuter than white girls painted brown.
we NEED pig in season 2
Other than pig or babu I can't even think of any even slightly brown grub girls
oh okay. since we need it.
*adds a huge faggot*
Shit I completely forgot about her. Would be fun to have yet another giant woman but knowing Cygames we'd get fucking Lu Woh or Wilnas before any other dragon.
there are A LOT of brown grubs
theres a pic with all of them but i dont have it with me
I think the matchmaking in this game might be bad
>Ruria (forma de apropiación cultural)
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cute ruria
I think YOU might be bad
Lv. 2 is the best one to have on a CH c.H starter.
There is no choco charlotta
You LIED to me
Potatos are asexual and reproduce by budding, therefore not a girl
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Mcdonalds Charlotta
I’m expecting Wam
Is there a panties option for Zeta's extra outfit

Or is it spats/shorts only
options are only for the default outfits, probably due to cero. DLC has free reign to do whatever, so whatever censorship is what it is
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>CERO is the reason no more pantsu in video games
So that's a no then.
theres a mod for it i think it uses 2b leotard as a base
bro there's still panties in trails games
Aren't those all ports of like, 10 year old games though?
There is a mod to decensor Narm's black butterfly outfit though. I don't think Zeta's outfit is censored, I don't know what the original is suppose to look like
>open game
>try to play honest strike throw
>realize there is no throw, only delay 2l
>close game
Are you referring to the censored vs. uncensored official outfit? There's an option to switch between them somewhere in the in-game settings.
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You can show panties you just cant combine skirts with panties. That's why Mama showing off her goods is perfectly fine.
Nevermind, you were referring to the DLC outfit.
Is there a way to make the game stop defaulting me to Gran in the story mode? Kinda tired of having to manually select Charlotta every time.
you do realize there are new trails games coming out, right?
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The casuals don't care about balancing because the game is simple enough stuff like 66L and Ult skill don't matter. Everyone else who has an interest in the game similarly couldn't give two fucks about the "problems" the minority have since nobody has played vanilla.

So you have, this weird mix of players who want the game to play one way, and others who could care less because they only play rising when they get tired of their main games ranked sessions and want something low effort to farm wins on.
I don't play the series, that is literally why I was asking.

That's retarded.
That and censored porn in 2024 are so fucking retarded, sometimes I genuinely hate their mindset.
so yaia isnt the only young draph that exists? are there others?
>That and censored porn in 2024 are so fucking retarded
they just got rid of using floppydisks for storing government documents
>censored porn
that's a landmine issue neither side wants to touch
robbing people at full health with bea feels so good
The gacha has shown Kumbhira as a kid too
I lost a game because I was holding downback and the game just didn't register that
did rollback eat my fucking input?
and naru
I don't want balance changes. I want something done to afkers. Maybe display their IP address and home address when afking is detected.
and naru's mom
>hit and trigger belial U parry with 2H
>he jumps right into the 2H which is still active for some reason and gets counter hit
lmao that shit is dumb, why does it work like that? im sorry belialbwo i was trying to BC with 0 BP and it gave me 2H
>im sorry belialbwo
he deserves it

its amazing this series has canon oppailoli it feels like a rare thing to see
I guess it's because TECHNICALLY his parry activates some sort of Ultra Instinct shit in which he avoids the hit and jumps over you, as opposed to other characters who literally tank/deflect the hit itself.
Closest thing I've seen to that is Charlotta's SSBA activating it and THEN hitting him when he's jumping kek
The thirteenth Divine General.
who gamin
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Check his license
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My wife is in the image you're thinking of, front and center!
where the fuck does this otototo even come from
The skys
Yeah, his parry isn't a cutscene on hit, he just tanks the hit and does his j.U animation but is fully vulnerable on the way down, that's why belial doesnt use it for literally every fireball ever thrown at him, because he would get 2H'd every time.
Now, who the fuck are you playing to have a 2H active enough to do that? I tried with Sieg and Bubs and got nothing, but I was doing it in melee range, maybe it was that?
There's an updated version of this pic somwhere
Maybe I'll ask in /gbfg/
No, there is some kind of hitfreeze that occurs, I think it's only like a 3-4f gap between triggering it and him j.Uing despite how long the actual animation plays out. The real amount of frames passing is only like 4fs
today I grubbed for 4 hours
been a long time since last i played for an hour even, let alone more than that
so many sexy brown grubs
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Do you still think she's a wasted slot?
definitely no more wasted than Uno
anyone who says shes a wasted slot is a retard
Nah, she's great. She might not be popular but she's very relevant.
no, that's abel and uno
im willing to sacrifice both belials if it means keeping uno
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im willing to sacrifice four homoknights if it means getting tikoh
I can't side with you here, xerom
i was on the balance bear, and he was right next to me when i hit him
Versusia is not a wasted slot, Abel is.
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Is it fine to play as Beatrix now?
how can we be fightingu without a doctor
issa savage
Abel isn't a wasted slot because it was either get him or nothing, he didn't take anyone's place
I would have preferred to get nothing
yeah, she's gotten nerfed to about Djeeta level.
Which isn't bad by any stretch, but you aren't comically overtuned
god imagine nothing, that would be so cool
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It is definitely ill advised.
I would have mained nothing
Only spats/shorts. There's a mod which puts her panties from her base model on there, and with the skirt on this thing being way smaller, her cheeks are OUT there.
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that's a pig
>she says Cheesed to meet you in one of her intros
>ears can be knocked off midround
>ears are knocked off when she loses
>someone has a subtle line about her pissing herself

What will we get?
she pulls out rodentius and shoots the fuck out of you for her sba
Should have been a base character that get unlocked if you beat all character's arcade mode
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>>she says Cheesed to meet you in one of her intros
I don't play the gacha, IS this in character for her?
I know the localization team has already taken some liberties to make wordplay/rhymes in Rising...
To name a few, Eustace, Vira, Metera, Uno, Six with the install, Naru
bottom 1 you mean*
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>I don't play the gacha, IS this in character for her?
she doesn't do rat puns, but honestly it wouldn't be that out of character for her to throw one out in normalfag mode
she does like cheese though
>ears can be knocked off midround
they could definitely make this part of her gameplay
>ears are knocked off when she loses
but we'll probably just get this
No one cares about what this shitter thinks. stop shilling about his fraud takes like anyone gives a fuck about them brickfag
This nigger loses to S+ on the reg all the while his cockslurping mouth doesn't shut the fuck up for one second
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>we are going to have to play bluemove fantasy 66lsus forever
That was the most realistic estimate of Zeta I've ever seen.
I think Im going to start playing ranked to farm up some crystals!
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some of you really have a hate boner for cag huh
>2b AND Lucifer in A tier
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this thread is so delusional about cag that even I am losing the will to say anything when it happens
My main issue with cag is that fucking dp being nearly unpunishable unless you spot dodge and that fH being the most disjointed shit and fast as fuck.
>>2b AND Lucifer in A tier
you gotta be new if you think either of these are on par with the top tiers

literally every tier list I see has cag in high tier or above. you are the only person delusional enough to think a character with that much bullshit can be bad
>she does like cheese though
my issue is him saying luci is the same level as 2b, i dont listen to any lame youtube tier lists because theres always something stupid like that
>lame youtube tier lists
he enters tournaments all the time, and got every character to master rank
I wouldnt just write his opinion off as that of a "lame youtuber"
Pros can, and very often do have absolutely retarded opinions.
so? that retard has shit takes constantly
And you can still have retarded opinions.
but we all lose to s+ players in gbvsg lobbies...
Ladiva too unironically
I saw some stupid fucking combos
I dont
I think it says more about you as a player if you disagree this much with a guy whos better than you
especially because his tierlist isn't even that much different from the average one
So if we keep talking shit about Cag you'll finally fuck off? Sounds like a plan
reddit is that way sir
Yeah nah fuck off.
It's not just "me disagreeing" with the list, it's just flat out retarded to put 2B and Lucifer on the same tier when there are literal statistics and tournament results (or lack thereof) showing that it's clearly just not true.

GranGAWDS we're back
any NAggers wanna play a bit
grantards are getting blocked on sight
Playing doubles' advocate, two characters can be of the same strength but have disproportionate results, whether that be because of differences in execution, complexity in gameplan, individual god players boosting one character by constantly winning with them, or even just players flocking to one character because of things unrelated to balance like how cool the moves look.

I do not think Lucifer as as strong as 2B but some of these arguments above could be used to justify the differences in results. 2B is a braindead gorilla who can win by mashing buttons while Lucifer starts the match underpowered and needs to worry about more factors than just damage and super meter to get to his full potential. The two characters have very different skill floors
Bros... The damage...
so they're just gonna make it so every character can do a gorilion damage instead of tuning back the top tiers
>2B is a braindead gorilla who can win by mashing buttons while Lucifer starts the match underpowered

This too goes into the argument for tiers; a character can have a lot of potential if played optimally, but if a different character has a comparable power level while being 10 times easier to play, and therefore being more reliable, then the simpler character is functionally better.
Gran already did a gorillion damage desu
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gran was already my lowest win rate against its so fucking over for me bros
>so they're just gonna make it so every character can do a gorilion damage
The e-sports meme has done irreparable damage to fighting game design.
>literal statistics and tournament results
sounds like you want to rate players rather than characters
this was unironically something he needed since H boot doesn't connect at tip 5M range and got him killed for going for it
I honestly don't understand. Wouldn't lower damage actually benefit esports so players have more chances to showcase their skills and characters?
Ok then, explain to me how Lucifer is as strong as 2B
how about they show some changes of characters people give a fuck about?
You shut your whore mouth, John Granblue is the goat of this game
More damage = shorter matches = more time for ads
Fuck... That is probably actually true, huh
Now that you put it that way...
Are you ready for the Chipotle T Shirt Versusia battlepass?
Yeah he was already very hard to fight, he did not need all this shit
>proceeds to fucking lose to the exact same thing he was being autistic about
there are people who actually like this mega faggot?
Nah, we are going to doompost about every little thing.
He really likes the sound of his voice. I watched one of his 2h yap vids for 10 mins and then told youtube to not recommend this channel.
Chipotle bros, we're SO BACK.

That said, I do think they will either reduce the damage or put every match FT3 from now on. GBVSR EVO Top 6 went way too fast.
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More Gran changes.
High damage allows the SLIGHTLY worse player to luck out more wins so they don't become frustrated from always losing, it helps with player retention and it helps shuffling around who wins tournaments.
fuck off reddit
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A horse?
JP tourney
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Somehow the balance patch will make Zoi even worse.
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>GBVSR EVO Top 6 went way too fast.
It went by so fast because hale the fucking matches were 2-0 sweeps.
And no bracket reset

Absolutely not. I'd rather have a giant, red skinned, blue haired, four armed dragon woman than some twink or some shortstack.

Fighting games need characters like Versusia.
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making all the zodiacs playable is the only way to save Rising
No, but Lucillius and her shouldn't have been in the same season pass.
Did you forget what they did to Anila?
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is chipotle tasty? should i try it out?
No because fuck them
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My kingdom for a horse
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90% of the roster will get buffed, everyone will have 50% midscreen combos, I hope you realize that.
Only Nier, Sieg, Seox and maybe Lance will get nerfed.
DNF Duel may have died, but Rising will carry on it's legacy.
>Sieg getting nerfed
The Japanese think he's a honest mid-tier, and only Japanese opinions matter to Japanese devs. At worst he might get a slap on the wrist like: "2 less active frames on the meme unblockable". Oh wait they already did that lmao.
They need to move his damage to his buff. It's fucking insane that he is top 2 in damage without even using his entire gimmick and the reason why he has higher than average health.
Yeah. 2-0 with 30 seconds for each rounds.
If Goenitz is this good now, how hard is he gonna cook when Gran gets buffed to SS tier?
Don't forget goenitz is also the best djeeta in a world where gamera never existed
but alas he has to live in the shadow of a legend
MC enjoyer, I kneel
>Be goenitz
>Wake up, boot gbvsr, play djeeta on ranked
>Meet Koyao on ranked
>Smoke his faggot scamaya ass
>Meet Hauko
>Smoke his faggot beafraud ass
>Turn off gbvsr, head to discussion forums online
>'hi guys newcutie djeeta here, which players should I watch?'
>66L blows up 214U
>barutorec gets destroyed
and mentally ill burgers actually think hava is a better djeeta than goenitz lmao
Goenitz always smokes him in ranked so pretty sure baru gonna explode as usual to his djeeta
Oh I thought you were talking about the stream match since when you made that post they just started
I don't give a fuck about anyone but players here.
Honestly reccing the "top" player for a character to newcuties is the wrong move, especially since some top players have a really unique style which is basically impossible to replicate until you actually know how to play the game, it's the reason when someone asked for Eustace players I went with Debagame and PO1 instead of just Mirri.
yep and I would actually rec goenitz over gamera for djeeta gamers because gamera plays characters, he plays gamera. Goenitz plays a more trad djeeta.
doesn't play characters*
GoenitzGAWDS… I kneel…
told ya baru would get smoked
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Release some Charlotta vs Versusia pics
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I can only kneel
Unfortunately, goenitz has to live in a world where gamera exists
His djeeta is truly... the crownless queen.
>unisonic losing to f.H
>super whiffing
Ok but that bubz route was cool as shit. This is what the game needs more instead of gorillons of damage.
>gamera doesn't play characters, he plays gamera
Yeah and we saw how well that worked out for him kek.
He thought he could just do his own thing and he got washed for it. Meanwhile Shinku plays Bea the way she's supposed to be played and he made top 6.
To be fair, Knee the GOAT of Tekken is infamous for 'playing knee' and simply seeing characters as a 'moveset swap' rather than different characters and he makes it work.
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>look for the dicksord with character resources because I want to check something
>fuck up and look into the main channel
>it's people saying that they are over the game but stay in there just to doom
maybe the people that say that the community is too negative have a point
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Versusia could just drop Charlotta after picking her up and it would be the same result as the tail slam.
how do bubs players live with themselves for bullying poor bottom 1 cag?
Bubz players are larping as their characters 100% of the time so they only enjoy it
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>it's people saying that they are over the game but stay in there just to doom
but why
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Are you ready for Metera and Vane to be top tier? Are you ready for shield to not fly off the screen if he does it when he corners you?
barutorec should hang himself, imagine losing even one round to bottom 1 cag as siegfraud kekmao
Everyone said sheepnwould be S tier when she got her last round of changes.
What the fuck are they talking about?
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>pipipi throwing to maintain the cover of bottom 1 cag
good job agent, nezu will transfer your payment to your account
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The Chickadees are a team of kids training to be knights.
Oh Metera...
>Metera canonically a /ss/ hag
I don't know how to feel about this
That's because characters in Tekken are highly homogeneous with only a few exceptions.
They are talking about /ss/.
This game is kusoge, bring back vanilla. Who asked for a 2-3 touch game.
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Metera would fuck literally anything
Dunno, but who the fuck asked for a 10 touch game either. Is it impossible to find a fucking middle ground?
>Djeeta does full corner combo for 30%
>Sieg does midscreen 2m into ORKAAAN for the same
kuso character
2-3 touch game with 3/5 games instead of 2/3
He needs it.
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name your favourite top-tier players
>musketeer(brazilian grimnir)
So what are some tips to getting better?
legit doesn't even need to play strike throw, just fish with 2m and hitconfirm ORKAAN 4 times in a match and you more or less won
oh and you could do H fireball once in a while if you feel creative
depends on your tier
Im D / C rank right now.
I seem to really only win against people who forgot to plug in their controller.
>doesn't even need to play strike throw
More like can't due to being slow as molasses.
>just fish with your good poke and hitconfirm into your corner carry combo 2 times in a match and you more or less won
Is the way top tier characters play the game, while also having the option to do actual mix.
Nier 236U:
>20f startup
>+80 on block
>only costs meter
>leads to good damage

2B 22U:
>42f startup
>+60 on block
>costs meter and 4 of unique resource
>leads to a baby combo at best

If they understood how to balance essentially the same move for 2B, why couldn't they do the same for Nier? What the fuck is wrong with them? Only hitting the DP and leaving the rest of her kit in this state for over 7 months is just plain retarded. Really makes me think they had some boomer decide the patch schedule early on and nobody went against it because JP business culture.
Anyone who plays here and partecipates in tournaments

Everyone else could die, flop, job.
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get used to your character, learn his/her movesets, watch some guides on youtube and memorise 1 corner combo. what character do you use? is this your first fighting game?
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So what buffs could Narmaya get?

I personally just want more combo routes mid screen. Maybe less recovery on g236U hits so 66L-ing is easier? Or a cancellable g214U? Maybe ground k214H having easier links?
The Rising community is probably the worst fighting game community I've ever interacted with. Worse than Smash, worse than Strive, WAY worse than SF and Tekken. Extreme negativity about the game itself, lots of petty bullshit drama (e.g. Shinku situation), lots of BM in-game and people flipping out at the smallest perceived insults.
I've also experienced the same thing you have, I've asked people "if you hate the game so much, why don't you just play something else?" and multiple people have responded with "I already quit the game, I'm just here so I can keep talking about how much it sucks".
You guys are cool though. The main reason I'm still playing the game is that this is the best fighting game thread on /vg/ right now.
I explained it before, but they didn't want to make drastic changes to the balance until the AWT and Evo were over. They highly value the dogshit tournament scene for some reason, and they even apologized for nerfing Bea because CEO was coming up soon.

Now that Evo is over, there will be a meaty patch, but it looks like the low tiers are just getting damage extensions and buffs to their unused ult skills. It's still kusoge.
Despite all the memes, Shosan.
I like it when he goes "aaarrrubesss" and "arete" during stream.
do we really want this character to be even more versatile?
shes right next in line to become top tier if the current ones get nerfed
If you're very new to fighting games, learn to do these in order:
Movement > Blocking > Attacks into Skill/SBA > Taking your turn > Simple (corner) combos > Pressure > Throws > Delay tech > Okizeme > Frame data > Adaptation
The most important part is Blocking. If you're smart and like abstraction, you can look up the theory behind frame data earlier. If you need more details about anything or how to practice, feel free to ask. It's also alright to lose. If you rank up with cheap tactics, you're gonna get stomped later on so take the time to train the fundamentals.
almost up there with Kosame screaming NIGEROU each time he wall climbs as lance
>everyone needs more corner carry
>everyone needs more damage
finna doom
Been playing this character since Vanilla, they never give her anything while other characters get away with war crimes. She's always just a worse and harder DJ.

Some common complaints are no damage midscreen, relatively poor situation after blocked 66L, and poor fireball. But she has her k214U which slaughters noobs so I don't think they'll make her any stronger.
And I forgot: each time I watch him long enough, there is something new, which is also a testament to Zeta as a fighter.
And despite the language barrier, he once picked up on something I said during his streams and demonstrated it in training mode.
I want to believe that he's a nice guy irl.
If the patch doesn’t fulfill all your fantasies of deleting 66L and making all ult skills punishable on block, will you faggots FINALLY uninstall the game and fuck off already?
>If you rank up with cheap tactics, you're gonna get stomped later on so take the time to train the fundamentals.
>just lose for 1000 games straight bro
terrible advice, noobs should learn cheese first so they can learn to enjoy fighting games
Yes, because her versatility comes with a really high skill floor and mental stack. It's like driving manual while everyone's running automatic, but without the reward.
It's not bad, great if someone else is paying, but is otherwise overpriced for what you get.
remember when it was 7 bucks for a fat burrito...
those were the days
So what are you asking is:
>are these faggots leaving next patch?
The answer is no.
>If you rank up with cheap tactics, you're gonna get stomped later on so take the time to train the fundamentals.
Evo was won by a fat nigga spamming rps on tororo at every opportunity
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Xerom because the gaming world needs more blatant lolicons
My whore wife...
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>Yes, because her versatility comes with a really high skill floor and mental stack. It's like driving manual while everyone's running automatic, but without the reward.
>what character do you use?
Im still trying to figure that out myself.
Vicky is my favorite character so im just in her waiting room for now but atm im looking at Zeta, Seox, Percy, Yuel and Djeeta as my top picks.
>is this your first fighting game?
I've played a few others in the past but never seriously enough to care. I have basic enough knowledge.

Blocking is for sure something I need to get better at doing. I get caught open a lot. I also need to learn how to get past my opponets block.
Im just in training mode doing pratice on the combos it suggests to get a good feel.
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>and poor fireball
It's not even considered a fireball by the game. Fucking Yuel's stance can parry it.
this must be your first competitive game or some shit
anon, phd physicists don't agree with shit in real life. and their job is fucking 1+1 science.
why do you think brick's opinion is law?
And I agree with you (I'm still fucking mad).
The point is to learn the game in a constructive and robust way. Really, I'm pretty sure Anon could get to B rank in a few hours with just j.H > 2L and some RS here and there, but that also means he might be vulnerable to these as well.
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if you dont want to block just guard cancel. your character will probably have 1 or 2 moves that are stupidly strong, abuse them a lot. memorise 1 easy corner combo. dustloop is good for learning combos and stuff. watch pros replays and youtube guides if you want to get a general idea of how your character works
plump chang
pig before she became a whore
holy shit I love vane
who the fuck is brick
we are talking about lade
>t. Djeeta
If your opponent is blocking a lot, the main answer to that is to throw them. But it can also be pretty tough to throw people in this game because of how many options there are for defending against it. So don’t get discouraged if you’re having trouble at first. Just mix it up between throws and your other attacks and get a feel for what works.
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Just wishful thinking: light Setsuna being less suicidal, a conversion mid screen without RS->RC (or longer stagger on U Setsuna), some kind of reliable AA combo, 236U[k] not being a waste of 50 meter outside of that particular midscreen resource dump combo.

Just one of the above would be good enough, I don't think she should be changed too much. Nerfing the top tiers will help her indirectly (as it will everyone, I guess), but any nerfs to RS/RC is going to hurt.
I don't know but if we talking monkeys Elodius is kino
priority list for you
Zeta is one of the coolest characters in the game and strong enough that you can focus on improving on your mistakes when you lose instead of getting angry at the character
Seox is cool too
Yuel is bad but she is cute, sexy and funny. Rushdown.
Perci and Djeeta are basic/simple shotos but they play differently from one another, Djeeta is simple but pretty fun to play somehow
you know
it could be worse
we could have guilty gear Strive's community
surely this promo art from almost 5 years ago is evidence that cami, sariel and mugen will be added to the game, right
Another day on my quest to block all Zeta fags.
>he blocks a character who is not even top 10
Mentally weak
I've been telling you
It's a shame bubs is bad because he is legitimately one of the most fun characters to watch
I really wish the big meaty, instead of just amping everyone's damage to 11, made characters more like bubs in the combo routing department
I wouldnt block anyone if the queue was full of you same taste npcs.
People really think the big meaty will just increase damage when combo limits and damage scaling exist

It won't. It's just going to give characters more options.
homoblue fantasy
No one is interested in actually doing a reasonable analysis of the patch. They just want to doom for the sake of dooming because they get off on it.
the contents of lyrias diary...
I'm not going to give Cygames the benefit of a doubt unless they give me a good reason to do so.
Anon by God I hope you're right but that's a very weak argument
Combo limit and damage scaling didn't stop Anila's mutton madness
Indeed, damage scaling is part of the problem because IMO ult starter skills should have higher scaling, at least the ones you can jumpscare people with like Grimnirs 214U
Honestly, the gran boot change seems like they finally went
>fuck it djeeta is good because of corner carry just give it to him
I'd have to see how far he needs to go, but now a 66L, cMMM > 214L > 214H might go from round start distance or so.
Humanblue Reality
Why does Lucilius want to read a preteen girl's diary.....
Name 10 characters better than Zeta
>No one is interested in actually doing a reasonable analysis of the patch.
there ain't much to analyze
nier, sieg, seox, belial, bea, lance, djeeta, grim, 2B, cag
Boy, going from playing fellow shitters in A1 to 3000+ game fags ranking up secondary characters, sure is fun.
Zetabros… we are high tier, at best…
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>tfw you realize percival has better results than zeta
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You know what I normally call people whiny shitters for complaining about ranked matchmaking but in this case I agree with you.
All of your characters should just start at whatever your highest rank is. The characters in this game are all similar enough that switching doesn’t reduce your skill level that drastically, and the player pool is so small that there’s not much value in climbing the ranks a second time.
The only thing we would miss out on is the meme master climb youtube videos.
Dont your secondary chars get autoranked to S once you hit masters?
It's always 2 below your highest rank.
they changed it to s+ like 3 months ago.
narmaya has pretty much the scariest corner pressure in the game
she doesnt need good midscreen on top of that
I wish narmaya would press me against the corner with her tits
kinda reaching with the last 3 bwo...
if you don't know how those characters work then yeah it could feel like that
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It's so easy to pressure a narmaya into the corner, that if you find yourself being corner pressured by her you're a certified shitter
Ladewaybac said that 2B gets a lot weaker if you know the matchup
that's literally every character, that's called playing the game
>gets a lot weaker if you know the matchup
That's kinda the rule, isn't it?
That's the most 2B ass shit someone could say. That's how every fighting game character works. They are going to be stronger if you let them do fake shit.
so true narmoomphie!
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>if you know the character they're easier to fight
you don't say
>quoting ladewaybac out of all people
bro stop
i feel like metera would be a disaster in the corner if she could combo off random shots
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she's a gifted artist
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>people starts 2H/jump poking me out of sky now
FUCK! it's charlotta all over again except I'm actually tall this time
sexy fox doodle...
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instead of airdashing from the ground jump before doing an airdash, that way you can fly over a lot of normals and even when you whiff j.M into a full combo
some characters are a lot more knowledge check heavy/gimmicky than others. if you play patient you will simply win the war of attrition against 2B
that fat nigga is a giga 2b downplayer don't listen to him
You just know insufferable nerds like him had his head dunked in the toilet bowl back in high school
Hatsoon says the same thing, you know.
Maybe the 2B mains actually do know the most about 2B and her strengths and weaknesses? Have you considered that?
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Lamretta in Versus when?
I am not giving you any (you)s today for you ass takes, retard.
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Never. Enjoy getting more homoknights instead.
>if you play patient you will simply win the war of attrition against 2B
really? i get stuck in block from halfway across the stage
it's a joke because in neutral with both players not doing anything, the 2B is gaining advantage due tot he SKL gauge recovering
Not after the scandal
Cygames didn't care about Djeeta and Lucifer's VA scandals, so why would they care about this one?
what did he do
what did luci do
Who is this budget Perci and why should anyone care about him?
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>you get smacked by Draph tiddies
>I stay plus on block

Everybody wins
Cheated on his hot musician wife LiSA
Had secret relations with 3 different women for 10 years.
Percival's older brother, Aglovale the Lord of Frost.
Dunno if his actual title is king, but certainly gay considering he's 33 and not even remotely thinking about an heir when his own parents had 3 kids at his age.
Lucifer's VA cheated on his wife.
these are victimless "crimes"
>for 10 years
Meant to clarify for a duration of 10 years, nigga played the long game.
He was also married to some other woman for 20 years at the time.
>jump before doing an airdash
as in jumping into seal myself instead of 5U?
can we have a fat rrat for our next OP again
>damage scaling exist
No it doesn't.
Horse for the next op
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nyes
No. It will be a Charlotta OP. This is not a request.
>bros what is Yuel doing here?
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here you go
Don't forget this time

It wasn't pipipi, it was hihihi, a fan
I feel like dropping a single rank would be the most appropriate. So Masters get dropped into SS+ etc. That way you aren't actively discouraged switching characters by the prospect of getting bodied. I'm only S+ rank and I definitely wouldn't beat other S+ ranks if I switched chars.
she has extremely low damage, deals no chip and cant threaten throw without it being obvious
literally just downback, fuzzy mash close range autocombo pressure and delay 2L when shes staggering up close.

your character deals more damage, builds more meter and has better defense. just play patient

OR you could just pick bea or belial and beat her for free
The adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
>cant threaten throw without it being obvious
She has the best strike-throw in the game outside of actual grapplers with command grabs, you disingenuous slime.
Holy shit Beatrix nerfs cannot be coming sooner
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Any hikki NEETs in NA?
I'm an A player learning sieg so I can fight him better
Sitting in PC NA1
>best strike-throw in the game
her jU throw bait loses to delay 2L unlike actual strong throw baits like narmaya and zooey j22U etc

it also gets antiaired by BC attempts turning into RS

she also can't frame trap into a heavy up close so getting hit doesn't lead to much damage either

explain to me how its the strongest in the game?
>she has extremely low damage, deals no chip and cant threaten throw without it being obvious
>literally just downback, fuzzy mash close range autocombo pressure and delay 2L when shes staggering up close.
Damn, she looks pretty weak if she has all of those flaws. Guess all those people losing against her in TNS are just bad
all of those TNS 2B players we see making top 8 must be gawdlike
japanese tier lists more than often have her on the bottom half of the roster. Also, I literally don't care if a bunch of people who don't know how she works overrates her. If somebody calls cag a top tier but then they rant about how j.22H is soooo strong cause it beats delay mash, when it is an objective fact that delay mash beats j.22H, am I supposed to value their opinion? That is exactly what happened in the brick tier list video some guy just posted.
Has someone posted the actual hitbox for this finally.
>2B has extremely low damage
nigga what
please understando 2b only get medium starter only
you lied to me anon.
I tried to rank and there's just a Percival guy that drops frames against me. Dead game
wait am I in the wrong one
i am on pc only na 1 and the only person here is stinky

so you have done something wrong
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im not bad, 2b is bad
I really wish that retard would play an actual low damage character just once in his life
>no but you see 2b is low damage if you compare her to 3 stock Nier, 3x buff Siegfried and pre patch double delta clock Beatrix
>nevermind the fact there are other 29 characters in the game
It should be Turn Crossplay off > NA > Platform Lobby 1, correct?
yeah assuming you're on pc and not playstation
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Unless Sony infected my PC with the Snoy Virus then I am most definitely on PC
2 of us are in here, you can make a room if youd like
are you using the cracked client?
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he's in now
>pink square
mm nyo thyanks
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They literally already came back in June
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>July 24th 2024
>Replays still incorrectly display some people as F rank
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Deep inside you know
you just know he sharked an orange newcutie to boost his square again
>prismatic seox
that looks like it would hurt
they crystalize after its okay
I really hope so man, but even then I wonder how long it would take to find new routes for the characters
Take Eustace for example, Mirri is the only one that does the advanced bnb from raging chain, the jp Eustaces literally don't know it exists
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>actual 10-touch fight
now we're talking
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How does Djeeta feel when gran sucks her tip?
1-2 touch games should not exist
2-3 touch games are bad ((You) are here)
3-4 touch games are a little better
5-8 touch games are the sweet spot
anon.. they're ghost arcade machines
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Thanks bros
I will get as good with Seig as I am with my other characters and never touch him again
But at least I know his basic game plan
5-8 is too much
Someone got a high score but put their name as ASS so now they have to keep the machines off
I'd say 5 touch games (if two of those touches are in the corner with resources)
3 touches if you get ch'd by a big dick starter and you have resources
3 if you get your opponent with a counterhit and use all resources possible (and by 3 I mean FULL 3, like if you don't do the full combo they won't die)
5 if you get them with no resource spending
>2-3 touch games are bad ((You) are here)
Add a round per game and they're fine
heihachi trailer has issues not with how things looked but the fact he fucking died and makes the entire story mode pointless. Then again, the series also put negan grom Walking dead in for some reason so i guess anything goes? GGs sucked but at least they showed the entire season pass. GBVSR was great and added in the rest of the leaked characters so hopefully next season pass will be unknown.
Legally speaking, what is a "touch"? Is it a hit that leads into a full combo, or is it attack that hits?
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Who is Abel?
Avatar Belial
They're the Bombergirl machines
I wouldn't touch them if I were you
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What is she saying to Charlotta?
don't use DP in blockstring anon
that shit is like -20 if they block it
this chick's dead husband
Have you posted this before because I got massive deja vu from this post especially the later half
The first one in this case, you can think of it as how many interactions you have to win per round.
"If I still had a cock you would be getting impregnated right now"
Honestly? I’m getting tired of being carried.
this will not change a thing, the base unit of measurement of a win which is a round is broken and can be influenced by pure luck as it is, which both how coinflippy the game is and how high damage is. more rounds or more games doesn't make it much more consistent. Only lowering damage can.
this is what Vanilla was so I'm okay with it.
It would because it's not only adding "touches" to the total you need to win but also resetting both characters with the additional round starts so the additional "touches" don't happen in mixup situations making the round last like 3 seconds more.
>to the total you need to win*
*the game
goenitz bros...
You just lost it.
someone needs to edit a phone in Belial's hand so it looks like he's taking a photo of her panties
>black bel
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nyagga what
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nyooo...we were evenly matched
you can't do this...
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10k years in paint
Ferry is a 7 touch character
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i want to touch Ferry's body 7 times
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no, i meant like this
>annoying fucking zoner
yeah no thanks i'll take the 2 touch character to put me out of my misery faster
Belial mirin' Djeeta's ougi
The additional interactions you get in a round from reducing damage may happen when a player is getting mixed and potentially add very little to how much the game lasts.
Keeping high damage but adding more round doesn't have this problem because you get back to neutral at round start.
there's a 10 digit hidden code based on the order you touch them, if you get it right it opens a door to the secret cave down below
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Oooohhh so that's how you get here
that's retarded. you probably are some zoomer faggot who thinks damage nerf means what happened to beatrix. No. I mean a real damage nerf.
I agree with anon.
3 touch is fine if by 'touch' you mean cH starter in the corner with full resources. The problem is characters like Nier and Belial to whom the corner is just a suggestion, meanwhile a lot (I'd say the majority) of characters simply don't have much stuff midscreen, even using resources
the majority of characters have full combos midscreen in rising. The only exceptions to this are the zoners more or less.
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also this is good for baiting anti-airs but somewhat inconsistent
No, I understood perfectly, but if you survive while in the corner while your oppponent is mixing you up, chances are the round won't last more than 3 additional seconds or however it takes for next combo to kill you.
the goon cave...
No this is my first time in this general.
If anything the latter half have probably been said a lot?
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also this combo costs only 50 meter, does retarded damage and ends with a fuzzy
I want leaks in the next update, but they need to end up being wrong. So they need to add in random folders of fake characters with shitty dummy data.
a bunch of homo characters PLEASE
are you the Grimnig?
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ggs sieg anon and seox anon
sorry if i bullied you
I wonder why companies don't do this more really
they did that for BBTAG
meant for >>487458426
>3 different beaniggers in eu master queue today
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It's fine you gave me a lot of replays to look at to better my block strings and get better at defense.
oh that's real nice
what about corner combo
I wonder if the Tekken 8 leaks were wrong on purpose aswell, since murdock was the leak and not heihachi
stop you stupid RETARD
we don't need more grimfags, obnoxious ass character
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I finally got to S rank bros
continue you blessed RETARD
we need more grimnirs, wonderful ass character
>you probably are some zoomer faggot who thinks damage nerf means what happened to beatrix
Why the fuck do people think that high damage is a "zoomer" thing lol
The rose colored glasses some people have for old fighting games is insane.
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Well done anon. You're basically worth Master after the big meaty patch.
You mean Master rank
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this one is dumb easy, only costs 25 meter, works all the time
no i'm the permastuck s5 shitter
Welcome to purgatory.
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congwats bwo
that's just bad rng
congrats anon
street fighter two is the first fighting game it is a broken mess full of mistakes. you are a disingenuous faggot.
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does anyone want to play? eu charlotta
I wish there was a sound feature or something when you alt tab and wait in queue. Supposedly controllers vibrate? I play on stick....
its not fair how every time i see this dork smiling i smile back
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I hate being in S rank
>grappler is on screen
>its still 5 touches
>S rank with only 196 wins
based gene haver I kneel
me too fwend me too...
you can edit the games ini file to have sounds play while alt tabbed. i dont know the line off hand though.
reminder if you are stuck at a rank, you should go grind out games in the lobbies instead
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last one.
this is imo one of the best throw baits in the entire game
I am not stuck in my rank, I simply belong here. Forever.
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I'll join the open lobby this time
how does that j.M hit
Why Bikki? I wanted Aliza.
Oh cool
>kisses you on the cheek
I'll look it up then
grimnig magic
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it's called a fuzzy. put simply if you jump j.M right after landing the j.H, the opponent HAS to block high. if you 2L after landing the j.H, the opponent HAS to block low. it's an unreactable 50/50 mixup. best of all, your opponent can't DP out of it.
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all these bullshits on charlotta next patch please
What's the logic there? I'm open to it just wondering how it'll help with improving.
Luci is about to be bottom 5
in theory you get more games of a consistently level rather than fighting one guy twice, waiting for a match, to fight a different guy.
Good. Don't follow his steps, keep away from trannies.
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man, it kind of just hit me how far the patch still is
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This reminds me that there might be new players that don't know about this.
Was that even fixed? I know the chibis are still aliased.
aniwa.. high resolution
I still have high res ferry pits so it seems like they didnt change anything.
it's good to remind people that this also makes the game a lot more expensive to run, though it's probably not a problem if you have a modern computer
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i don't understand aniwa's face here
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shes finding pleasure in cash register noises
Thanks anons, I'll keep grinding to become the strongest onion
thank you
Stop ban evading
there is at least 4 zooey masters in this thread if you ever need advice.
more consistency in matches, in ranked you are only incentivized to win as well, so you are decentivized to try new things out and risk losing. If you are ever going to integrate new things into your gameplan, expect losses. lobbies are a good way of grinding through growing pains and getting to the next rank.
Baking, don't bake
oh yea? name 5 of them
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Less than a month. Is this game all you have in your life or something?
Guy has twig arms no wonder he needs a gun.
Lobbies generally only have C to S rank shitters because the S++ or masters who go there never play and are busy talking like the lobbies are fucking discord.
>didn't put the other tourney in the op
>made first
>horses (granblue related image)
>includes tournament info

>slowly made
>includes hamtaro for the OP for some reason (unrelated to granblue)
>didn't include all tournament info

easy pick
I cant read sorry.
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Why is this not in the game normally? I always wondered why the models looked so awful during charselect

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