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Previous: >>487181019

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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Stay negative /lolg/!
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last thread
i think people who say forced 50/50 just dont play a champ that can scale at all and do just okay during the early-midgame, when all low elo games go to 40 mins
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The resident schizos are even worse than the bbcspam.
losersQ doesn't exist! your teammate AFK'd? you should have carried 4v5. IT'S YOUR FAULT.
Seriously though, Darius or Renekton? Both look same to me except Renek has more cancels
I already told you to get Darius
Renekton is shit nowadays
my predetermined losses last for less than 20 minutes
I hope this helps :)
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I think I'm going to quit the game too, I only reinstalled because he made the game look fun
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>wanna this mf skin
>the skin is in the new gambling system
fuck you
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Darius gives more dopamine
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I just saw it on LCS though
good riddance nigger
just get who you think is cooler
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what happened here? i have not played in months
Soraka! My cute wife!
I think people who talk like this don't realise it's basically nothing to do with gameplay/champs at least in gold - emerald , it's more like who's team gets the afk this game or the person who goes 0/11
The games are completely out of your hands. Even the wins. I won 3 times today and each time it's been someone on my team, or me once going like 12/0 in lane at 15 minutes or something like that
E breath hits for 1500, she's disgustingly overtuned while being tanky
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league 2, shyvanna is the most popular girl now
yes, losersQ exist.

no, it's not an excuse for not climbing.

now queue the fuck up.

we have a Nexus to destroy.
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Why are Yordles like this?
it probably gets harder to carry the higher you go, i started playing champs that can actually carry like quinn and gwen and i have a good winrate with them..
also i like them
This nigga is such a drama queen. 2 weeks ago he was breaking up with this 'gf' and playing the victim because they 'had to' kill their baby. Now he is doing dating shows on twitch
Is coaching worth it if I'm a low elo shitter? Should I just stick with tutorial vids?
the problem is that if a gold player has the skill of a plat he will never climb out of gold because he has to hard carry every game and to do that he has to have the skill of a player at least two ranks above him

I've already seen a streamer saying the same thing, if you're bronze, work hard to improve and have the gameplay of at least a gold, if you have the skill of a silver you'll never get out of bronze
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Post League kino
tristana's unreasonably enormous ass...
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Stay positive /lolg/!
Coaching is NEVER worth it unless you want to go pro and have some money on the side
you only need a coach above master
He is literally unironically mentally ill, what do you expect?
poppy's is bigger btw
wasn't he a groomer?
Well yes, i am realizing that now. I thought he was a schizo when playing but ultimately a nice guy
prove it
is riven just impossibly dogshit in swarm? she just starts doing no damage and has absolutely 0 survivability compared to someone like yasuo and she doesnt even scale off projectile count in the insane way he does
she's literally the best character
don't build like a baboon retard
My nigger, Riven is arguably THE best champ in Swarm
riven is possibly the most op champ in swarm, you're just bad
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She dropped her coffee.
then why doesnt she deal any damage
>lose lane
>win game
>lose lane
>win game
>win lane
>lose game
>win lane
>lose game
I swear to fuck they're playing mind games on me
Literally WHAT the FUCK are you building?
my average riven damage in my swarm matches is 50k and I only have to walk around the map, like i said you're just bad
Dr. Aven taking niggalow appiontments atm
apply today for your elo reassignment surgery
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guys what's that pasta that goes something like... I GOT UP AND LEFT!!!! i blahblahblahblahblah i something something i something blahblahblah
Have you bought the damage upgrades from the gold shop?
From what I've seen, you should generally prioritize it as
>Gold Gain (so you can get gold faster for the following things)
>Some Move speed
>Damage & Armor to max
>EXP Gain
>Then the rest
The armor and damage ones make a huge difference, especially for Riven who is all about skirting right by the enemy to do her damage.
The worst champ BY FAR in Swarm is Aurora btw
Might as well not have any abilities, her weapon is absolutely terrible and she needs to waste a passive on EXP
You might as well quit once you exposed to everyone that you're only ever low challenger material when hecarim is broken and you're plat at best on any other champ
I'd say also the tardy vs dantes drama but we all know dantes was acting and so was his gf
I’m going to play tank zoe support again
i just build weapons and damage and move speed but she doesnt do enough damage to be any good
im like 2/3 of the way there
>ban brand
Yeah, I don't know what to tell you
It's definitely a you problem though
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reminder that Nami is soft
i think youre just lyin, she SUCKS
Anon, multiple people in this thread have posted getting the achievement for beating Aatrox on Extreme with all characters.
They're all viable. You just need to learn how they play.
Finally got back from my girlfriend’s place
Do not queue up league if you are EUW bronze rn, you have been warned
Brand abusers deserve death
Kai’sa abusers deserve death
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Did she use the strapon this time?
but how soft are her feet?
She’s not into that. The only time I got pegged was at a dominatrix prostitute and I didn’t enjoy that much
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what form of advanced bug strategy did the bugs come up with for fellow bugs this time?
Ap shyvana 1v1s me without dragon form in a melee brawl
Ehm, what the flip?
anon you are retarded
call her cute and she instant lose any 1v1
We love playing ADCs in all three lanes here
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how is this done? items/runes pretty please???
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tristana and zeri are balanced
I play adc and marksmen and I love this patch
adc is weak btw
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>kai'sa """"abusers""""
I just want my crushes attention!
>play adc mid
what the heck?!!

talk to them.
I'm right here though...
tough luck he's also ignoring me..

-15 LP
Phreak made adc meta in every role but jungle
Ah, it's mental illness hours again. See ya!
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Briar won btw
he's gotta have a pass to be spamming this fast
booste ahmad got strong sided once again hehe xd
double whammy, yeppers in chat?

I quit LoL 3 weeks ago, just play again recently with my friends, swarm, aram, arena only, fcking chill
Yeah, you're right about that. Riot needs to rework their match making system or nerf the loser's queue
why did they make a champ who can auto win teamfights by pressing R even if they are 0/12
Genuinely she just need that model imported as a visual update for the model and she needs her spells to a bit different, I don't know her dragon form in wild rift but she should look more dragon like instead of scrawny which should fulfil what that new baby dragon champ couldn't.
hes back
anyone streaming?
Yeah i think kai’sa is weak and not played at all
>mid based
>season dogshit
>tarzaned nobody
incredibly based image
>3 minutes in
>upsissy already inting
KC are so shit
flat white
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WR ekko?
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I know, her butt is also quite nice
52% hecking wr? that's crazy bro
>1/8/1 yone asks to report me for toxicity in allchat
why are they like this
kaisa is never weak riot won't let it happen
Riven is bad at early, but later she becomes strong that you just swim throughout the swarm
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Yh riot games only make black champ op on purpose

This nigga screaming for no reason
>role exposed because there are stronger and weaker champs in a given elo
It’s basically a Bard build but on Zoe. The longer you are alive for the more you can throw bubbles at people and pick up spells to use. I’ve usually don’t build a ton of AP but dark seal makes you able to get the warmog’s passive right away. People always think you are going to be squishy so it’s really funny to bait people into kills. Zoe still has some decent base damage and her E has innate magic shred for you or your teammates as well. Abyssal mask is getting even more MR shred so I might try that soon. Probably for fun build only, but I have been very successful with it
windniggers are not people, just mute them and ignore their lane
I hope mine is here today...
On a 30% pickrate champion? Yes, retard
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white """"""male"""""" champs are as popular as monsterino champs?
>play renata
>put W on adc to get us a double kill
>they run away and leave me alone instead, which kills us both and fucks our lane
why do adcs refuse to learn how to play with other champs? supports go through the effort of learning to play with theirs. this must be why no one plays renata
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i play alone
>anons trying to gaslight you into thinking kaisa is weak
>she's actually busted
it makes no difference if you know how to build and play her, also alone it's even easier because you don't share xp with allies
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I am a God
shut up baccano
Half the time renata W doesn’t save you either way
swarthy m*dfilth hands made this post.
Brokenbuck is stroking his penis to this btw
blackedposter have you had the chance to try aurora yet(ingame)? what do you think of her? I played her once and wasnt impressed with her damage for how short of range she is.
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Good morning /lolg/
my favorite champ is zilean :)
Does he even play this game
Why is her Pickrate so insanely high?
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I highly doubt it
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no time to play if you are spamming 16 hours a day
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With my DICK
Good morning!!
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Clean it up Janny!
The nigger poster is here!
Wakey wakey~
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she goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Ramming runner is so fucking fun on Jinx, shame I didn't get it that run.
any nuns in chat? it's time for our routine league confessions
Will I ever get an another placement game? Mfw half my games have bots or inters in them
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hi good morning, hope you slept well
stream soon perhaps…
"he" is a bot you retards
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this is more fun :D
Why did they make Yuumi? Nobody wanted a cat. Recolored cartoon animal.
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What kind?
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>get autofilled top once
>enable ally and all chat
>say things I'm not proud of
gg my acc might get banned
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Forfeit your life
>Nobody wanted a cat.
I did. Kill yourself
I love yuumi
Top lane is not made for sissies like you
I'm not a sissy and I used to play top
is it more worth to take baron or an inhib?
Why did you stop then?
Baron can be more effective depending on how well you use it, but an inhib is a guarantee.
considered even
baron applies more immediate pressure but technically inhib lasts longer
too young
>they gave Yuumi out of all champs a prestige skin
>the champ you don't see for 90% of the game because they're usually attached to someone
Haha that's epic, epic for the wiiin
midlane called and I started playing kassadin katarina for a few years
top lane is for bratty sissys and traps
adc is for femcels and twink tops
mid is for alt stacies and incels
jungle is for gay bottoms
support is for stacies and power bottoms
>"adc is for femcels"
>the role in which you're assigned a support boywife
wasn't remilia an adc main?
this only really applies in shitlow ranks where adc controls the game

you get past emerald and adc becomes the useless victim boywife and supports just run around with the jungler winning the actual game while you last hit minions against the other "carry" hoping you're not the first one to get ganked and beat up by the enemy team
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it's time lads
good morning, good afternoon, and good evening to you all
no more losses
no more slurs
remember that
the "confess" kind
So true queen
I played my first match in 2 or 3 weeks in an aram and I felt nothing but rage how bullshit the game has become over the years. Tanks do the most damage with no damage items.
support and adc
>midlane called
shouldnt have answer it
It's almost as if playing this game at all makes me a raging faggot
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wtf is this
is queuing for adc always this bad
its bugged, idiot
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If the game forces 50/50, why not play troll strats/inting for fun? If it's true, then the algorithm will consistently award you amazing teammates which may make you win more often.

The jungle meta has become more and more farm heavy. Shyv is an amazing camp farmer. Shyv farms, scales a bit, then rolls the game over. Farm meta is shit, but lanecucks begged to end gank meta so here we are all while still being begged for ganks we can't afford to give. Things like shyv, brand, karthus, bel, etc. jungles who are destroying the game is all laner's fault for begging for jungle's role to be nerfed so much.
I need that gif of MF spinning her guns above her swarm buff, hella clean
>top score of the team
>top damage against champions
>top damage against turrets
>top damage against objectives
>for 7 games
>lost all 7

No, jhin, you're the prey...
it's whatever bro I'm cracked on every role
what should i build on riven in swarm? i just unlocked her
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I have never been punished by Riot Games and stack honours because I'm quite laid back and never really rage, however, I do get bored and start manipulating and mentally torturing random players time to time.
Then how come you are hardstuck emerald?
how so.....................
I don't know how to communicate/cooperate with retards well
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>Brand is allowed to be a crutch in literally every elo for months
explain how this is fair
Ask your mother, i mean she must be good at it since she raised you
How do I stop being the worst player in Iron 4 always?
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Kinda hot, ngl.
seriously how is ARAM the "for fun" mode when it's less fun than SR and 90% of the time it turns into boring pokefest?
please post ign I beg of you
I don't think it's something that can simply be explained with words
I don't wanna get doxxed or mass reported or something
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>4/5 games in quickplay are vayne or quinn top
I don't get why people do this, it just makes the game boring as shit for the first 10-15 min.
We're all friends here Anon.
Except for the nigger poster, fuck him.
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I'm not the snowbunny anon, but it's not a mystery about what he would like.
How do people unironically find Briar fun? This shit is fucking boring.
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>playing support
>adc pisses me off
>just rage split all game and do dumb roams and push waves with the gold penalty
>Carried to a victory despite my best efforts

>try to win a game
>2 afks, 3 losing lanes, jungle having a mental breakdown
its so laughable how the outcome of a game is 100% decided before anyone even starts playing it lol
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No but seriously, how do you get out of iron......
Chat is this real?
I liked jinx and vi more before their cringe teenage tv show.
>exactly one good skin this entire year
chogathkings eat while everyone else eats up the same garbage they've been eating for years LMAO!!!
hope the matchmaking blesses you with goos team mates
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support gains are going hard brehs
good mental no tilt no ff bright future mental resilience positive reinforcement win win win
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Short answer: Mindless aggression fun lol

Long answer: Because she offers the unique experience of top-down gameplay in a game full of personal piloting. Briar's gameplay is more similar to heimerdinger than olaf in that you govern the gameplan and state of the board rather than be an active participant. She is a loose cannon and you manage her rather than actually mindlessly berserking like an olaf would be. Yet, she also rushes into fights rather than merely sitting back like heimer or singed would. She is the only champion in the game which gives both aggressive fighting gameplay and tactician gameplay. She gives unga bunga enjoyment, but if you take the time to learn and play her she is actually very high skill cap and I say that unironically.
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I think I've already explained some of the stuff here before.
You can easy make a majority of the team report a player if you play your cards well. If you're playing support you can easily fuck up their lane by taking their farm, manipulating the waves, abandoning them as soon as the enemy laners are gonna reach level 6 (your adc is not going to because you took their farm or pushed the wave and youre sitting bot soaking up half his exp from creeps), it is a guaranteed kill for the enemy plus tower gold. You can easily "miss" spells and tilt the adc in the laning phase too. You can easily make the game hell by starving and denying your adc gold.
This can also spread to the jungler, you never ward drake or you pink ward it and say you did ward it but any of the enemies can take it off with aa's but you don't compete for it because it would be stupid over the drake. You also don't compete for it, make sure to know when the enemy bot backed so that you can back about a min later during which the enemy would have their jungle with bot vs your adc and jungler, there is a chance it can be a 2 v 2 but you're the guy with the wards so you can ensure this is carried out with your wards and map to understand junglers pathing.
You can also easily x3 report a player over nothing if you have a duo or more in your team by aliening and egging on the premades to report x player because they did y, etc.
I think the worst thing you can also do is duo with someone and report them after every game you played with them behind their backs, but they'd need to be someone really deserving of it and make sure that account has a lot of skins. Etc.
How come jeets and chinks always use blacks for a stand-in instead of themselves? That's honestly the most pathetic part of it all. They know they aren't intimidating so they try to use blacks to get back at whitey or whatever they think they're doing. I couldn't even imagine something more cringe than this behavior.
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Anyways, as long as you know enough about the game and get the feel of the characters or how the game is going the world is your oyster, you can absolutely take advantage of players and their poor impulse control to set the game the way you want it to go. Essentially you're just doing the modern day Sun Tzu.
>kcorp about to beat sk
where were you when the bad guys won
npc's stopped picking jhin and ezreal
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>baboon retard
i present you a gift for that sensible chuckle
she isn't even good into ez anymore
she fills the dive adc niche that's strong with current meta supports
you can still dab on her with range + disengage but support droids are npc and they only pick what's strong on lolalytics
What a retard
why is your outlet upside down, anon?
I just don't learn that aram is a shit mode for little children that spam all chat when they get a better comp
>person says they got autofilled
>offer to swap with them
>they go 0/10 anyways
why are good deeds always punished?
Just don't let the game get a rise out of you. Aram is good for a few things such as using it as a practice mode for dodging spells and learning champions and their cooldowns for their kit to help you when you go against them in the rift. It is not good for teamfights I think because the map is too linear and doesn't consider a lot of things provided in the rift.
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wink wink
She will come to league
Nice, you're already getting girls. This euw?
What builds am I supposed to go crit against?
I think more people would like bel’veth if she had a different voice actor
>make account for EUW
>click start tutorial
>doesn't start
>leave tutorial lobby
>queue for coop vs AI
>champ select doesn't show up any champs
>forced to dodge
>restart pc and requeue
>no champs in lobby again
>25 minutes dodger ban
>alt F4
my experience in EUW so far I'll try again now
you gotta do the tutorial to unlock your first champ
Nah man, play where you were then, atleast you got people interested, add and make do.
ez adc main LF sup duo
Everybody here talks about all the times they only lost cause their team was retarded, nobody admits to the games they only won because the enemy team was retarded.
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drop the attitude bitch if you're on euw we duo on euw
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It's because they take the win and go next, it is more annoying to the player to put in effort and lose and the enemy being too stupid to close the game and winning, there's nothing to complain about.
stop reporting me its not my fault i suck and go 0/17/2 every match
This happens so often, like I bottomed in Iron 4 and people get flamed so hard for just being bad, in the lowest rank
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DOING Tutorial rn I'll be 30 in less than 24 hours I promise
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decent name
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This post >>487324000
summed it up excellently but I would also add that I like how shes designed in that she can do everything a jungler needs to do, she can clear camps quickly, can gank, invade, do objectives (even solo with relative ease) and she fits well enough into most comps that your team isnt put at a disadvantage by you locking her in
But I'll also say that her playstyle is very much "you'll like/click with it or you absolutely will not", this was especially prevelant in the first few months after her release, where you had a lot of people sorta inting with her but the people that actually mained her were bumping up her numbers, Im pretty sure August commented on this too
How is poppy balanced. She does a lot of dmg while not having build a single tank item in addition to having all the utility for her team.
yea its crazy how sweaty is everyone in iron
iron is sweaty? whut
It's not about complaining, it's about admitting skill doesn't matter. You either lose because your team is retarded or you win because the other team is retarded. You have maybe 1 game in 100 that is an even fight.
Garen does this too and he is wholesome chungus
I hate garen and his stupid tenacity
Garen doesnt have the utility of poppy. Poppy can peel for the ADC with her entire kit. She disables dash reliant champions, R is broken disengage, Q is a hefty slow and E is a free stun in the jungle which usually results in a kill.
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what do you have against cats
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bbcuck, are you crying?
I intentionally pseudo-trollpick and don't pay attention while playing to bait retards with chat on into being stupid and giving me easy reports.
i'll twist your nipples
i got baited into making an eune acc
lets see if the players here are indeed better...
thresh feels so bad in team fights should i give up on him and play sera or nami or lulu
Last time I played Quinn top in Quickplay I played against an AP Nasus who took 60% of my HP with one E.
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I've been high rank in Valorant and it was never ever this sweaty as Iron in lol. It's so sweaty
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Thanks Briar bro. Also hard agree on design, 10/10.
how hard would it be to dox that faggot ?
too much effort, just range ban the whole fincucks would be easier.
realistically what does the world lose if finland gets nuked
People are waking up to the fact that Shojin has literally always been broken.
A nice vacation location for people with pollen allergies. Though I see no problem in nuking southern finland
hey don't hate finland all together now
Because if you don't stand near a wall she is literally just a worse version of any other generic bruiser.
>3 troll pickers in a row (4 if you count that lulu jg we had to dodge)
yep it's time for a break
>another iron 4 smurf with 120 CS at 12 minutes
today is just not my day
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The shining light in the darkness of /lolg/
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whatever happened to the battle queen skinline? didn't it sell?
Too many niche champs I guess.
Stronk independant women tend to make everyone angry.
Gachaslop style of skins is the new hotness.
good afternoon my love
How the fuck is Home balanced?
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The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it
John 1:5

that's a shame, I thought it had potential. I remember seeing people use it a lot on diana and kat but then I just stopped seeing it alltogether for some reason

afternoon, anon!

Nigga has teleports and stuff
>winstreak broken
is this a sign of impending hardstuck
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i take it back anons, i ran so fast with riven that i can no longer even fight the boss
i am destined to win forever as riven can never actually take any damage even if i literally run into enemies
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the last thing a libtard sees on the rift
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I have nobody to help me into the pool when the water is stirred! While i am trying to get in, someone else goes down before me
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How am I losing 34lp and gain 14 after two wins in ranker and one loss with a fresh self made account
dont take the fidget spinners they are bait
same with lament, only take lament if you have no other option
unlock bunny balista and take balista + another aoe weapon
uwu and iceblast is really good tho
who does Anima Squad Illaoi appeal to?
bibles are not bait theyre like the best weapons ever, i get a perma shield for existing and stuff
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>tfw 25% WR in iron 4
This sucks, sucks a lot. Every team I'm on loses hard
remember to hit the minions!
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all these items except the UwU Blaster are bad that's why your riven didn't do any damage. this picrel card it's the key to doing gigatons of damage with riven and jinx too
well its not like i can pick my yuumi cards.. i did get the one that gives you 5% for every card at level 9 though so im pretty sure i was gigafed
is the game broken? (euw)
when my last match started it booted loading screen, but then also joined queue again. everybody in the match seems to have had this bug. but one was afk so it was remake. and now i can't even restart my client anymore.
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you get perma shield with any dmg so going for more dmg is way better
the fidget spinners dont deal high dmg but by going something like blade-o-rang or echoing batblade is far better as it clears the enemies super fast so they dont even get close to you
they also scale much better because you can go projectiles + dmg + ability haste + crit and fill the screen with them, the fidget spinners dont really scale that well
>but it pushes enemies away
at higher levels the enemies will go through it and the bosses dont even get phased by it
but bibles make the game easier since i dont have max upgrdes..
>i did get the one that gives you 5% for every card
this card is good if you can pick it early, if not, the strategy I saw in a video on YT was that the player left several cards on the map without picking them until he got this card then he started collecting them so as not to lose the stacks
at early levels sure but later on they are pure bait, just try what i said
if you dont have bunny balista try to unlock that, its by far the best weapon alongside uwu blasters
i have to win as yasuo for that and yasuo is genuinely the worst most giga dogshit champion in swarm unless you have all crit and damage and projectile upgrades because then he's op
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Alright, which one of you is playing lillia
hands up, chud..
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play him at lower levels and take xp passive if you have it unlocked, if not just opt into weapons that clear fast and take the yuumi augment that gives extra xp but wont let you gather the xp
literally do him in the first map at easy mode
pic rel is the worst champ in swarm and its still doable, the rest are good if you build them correctly
I can hit 100 cs in 15 minutes and then it slows to a crawl if I don't splitpush
Wish someone could kill this nigger lover
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here you go, hope this makes it better
>already 66% winrate with wukong
damn I'm shitting on these pablos and miguels and hanβ and jeans
made for human men
erotic diamond support boywife
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the only items you need
>the retard hates streamers cause we can all go into the chat and talk league and he cant do this or he gets banned
who are your favorite lolg streamers?
>3 to 33
>enemy team did not ff even as we were spawnkilling them
Steel mental
My support was flirting with me because he thought I was a girl.....
now THIS is epicsauce amazeballs
Dumb tier list and stupid idea.
Not all items are good on every character or even equally good on all maps.
that heartrender guy is pretty chill and not an attention whore so thats cool
must and the first 2 of S tier will carry all characters through all maps
the entire game is just about having enough stats to dps everything down and the ones i put up there scale the hardest
iceblast is the only weapon(?) augment you need as defense because it blocks 1 instance of damage no matter how big it is and deals aoe dmg scaling with both armor and DMG and freezes everyone so you have time to react
>Not all items are good on every character
only true for the tank items, every damage item can be used by anyone
>or even equally good on all maps
you are actually dogshit if you think this game mode is hard enough to actually have differences like this, the s tier items are always s tier, the shit tier items are always shit tier.
theres no losers queue theres no 50/50 algorithm

if youre good you can go 80-0 in an account and get to chall
Iceblast is a wasted slot. Legitimately F tier weapon on most characters. Better to just have more active damage to clear crowds or dps minibosses than to rely on it to save you
>every damage item can be used by anyone
Can be used. But not equally effectively. For example the damage zone that requires you to be close up is obviously much much better on characters who are already incentivized to get up close. Its great on someone like Leona and Briar but mediocre on Jinx.
The poison gas trail is great on a champ that runs around the map a ton like Riven
>you are actually dogshit if you think this game mode is hard enough to actually have differences like this
Has nothing to do with difficulty smoothbrain, the whole game is trivialized by anima points anyway. Something like the bouncing blades are better on a map with more walls because you get to actually bounce them for more damage. Its way better on Lab and Beach.
yeah, if you're gold and don't play like a diamond smurff you don't deserve to climb
why is there no hardest mode matchmaking in swarm? "hard" mode has become too boring
I beat all the extreme maps just by picking the same items.
Yeah that's not hard. Also not relevant for a tier list ranking
I believe that the queue for the extreme mode would take too long so they must have given up on this idea
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ice blast is good because as i said it blocks one instance of dmg no matter how big it is, even the aatrox one shot attack after his pillar in 2nd phase cant kill you IF you have it up, it also scales with ability haste so it will save you a lot more times than you think it will
>Can be used. But not equally effectively. For example the damage zone that requires you to be close up is obviously much much better on characters who are already incentivized to get up close. Its great on someone like Leona and Briar but mediocre on Jinx.
The poison gas trail is great on a champ that runs around the map a ton like Riven
you dont need to even move if your weapons are clearing the enemies before they even start moving hence why they are the best
and the bouncing batblades are good all around because of their base dmg, yes they are better in close corridors but only the second map is wide with a few corridors and even then its trivial because of the base dmg it deals
I love Lissandra!
>For example the damage zone that requires you to be close up is obviously much much better on characters who are already incentivized to get up close
yeah, the tanks you retard, thats a tank weapon that requires a tank stat (health) to evolve, so of course its not good on someone that wants to do damage from range. same with the spinny blades, they use health regen which is a stat for tanks. at best on a ranged champ they just create space which you wouldnt need if you just took an s tier damage weapon along with its damage stat and deleted everything before it would even get in range of spinny blades.
>aksually this one single weapon works off terrain so not all weapons are good on all maps
congrats little bro you get walk to first base, mommy so proud
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the fuck does this even mean?
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If I post my Iron replay here can I get some tips? I'll just record the next game I'll play and post it when I have time
>you're right but.... shut up
Take the L you fat faggot
means exactly what it says
we are both aram only players
what skill gap?
what skill?
POV: you are about to ruin the game for 3 random people
you're the loser queue, but people will say that loser queue doesn't exist.
>one single weapon is your argument, and its not even a good one since its still s tier even if you arent standing in a corner min maxing it
yeah lil bro you did so good, another tally on your internet arguments won. daddies gonna come back home soon i bet :)
>daytime: bbcspam
>nighttime: sorakacringespam
it's... over-desu
@the anon asking about grudge
you forgot to mention/didn't notice that it gives it's own flat lethality
That is why you buy it, not the shitty slow. and the %pen scaling with lethality isnt important either.
Oh fr?
>wyeelll yes different items are good on different champs but... shut up
>wellllll yes some items are better on different maps but....... shut up!!!!
>umm I said lil bro like 3 times I win because thats what black people say
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you tryng to look smart by over complicating a simple 4fun mode
>keeps saying weaponS when its weapon
seethe and cope lil bro :)
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Fucking hell the Swarm mode is Horribly and I mean extremely horribly balanced, It's like they never played an actual Survivor game at all. There is too much RNG and it just feels fucking bad having your whole build ruined due to it. Mobs have no movement patterns. And some characters just feels plain bad compared to others. at most this is a 4/10
what's the name of the jigsaw puzzle site?
jus don't play it
>the many weaponS that are good on the many different champS
Yes, its okay to be wrong. No need to double down. It was a shit list, put some more thought in next time.
Naaah xD imagine spending all ur summer on ur computer playing a chinese game that peaked in 2024

Whats the name of the whiteoid who never gets sex?
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lil bro you finna talk game w me fr no cap i finna bust a cap in yo ass lil bro
wasnt my list, i thought the list was a little shit too, just like your opinions/thought processes lil bro
>i-i-it wasn't even mine
>im just getting personally offended because.... shut up
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this one is mine retard, your opinions were just THAT dogshit a third party had to come in and tell you lil bro. seethe and cope and dont forget to dial 8
are you the same one that said xayah is shit?
but the supposed third party shat his pants and failed to come up with any argument just seethed and pretended to be black
>searing shortbow bad
retards haven't yet realized how broken area size upgrades are since they exponentially increase area
can you explain how statikk sword is champ dependant I literally grab that shit on every champ when I get it its so op especially with gatling guns the game plays itself
the train augment is underrated on tanky champs in swarm. it deals giga damage if you run armor too
not sure what specific post you are referring to but xayah is shit
>but one weapon
yeah bro im devastated. wait thats you lil bro LOL
>xayah is shit
LMAO uninstall you retard
this is what porn does to your brain. stop asap or ngmi.
it would be amazing if its stat was crit but it takes health to evolve so its a leona item
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>Who gets to have bunny sex?
Lil bros! Please post it though
who gets to have white skin and perfect complexion
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its not bad but not that good either since the dmg from multiple arrows dont stack
that anons list is shit overall
>>but one weapon
keep ignoring the other half of the posts. die on this hill lmao.
and no its not just 1 weapon, its 1 example showcasing that its far more situational.
league of legends player making tier lists about a meme gamemode is writing he is some kind of gangsta. unironic second hand embarrassment but keep going its cringe comedy gold
>xayah is shit
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Sex with anons that find racism funny!
Must be black!

holy shit this post is funny

The seething 4chan virgin males?

i haven't even gotten an ultimate from a chest after playing for 4+ years and this fucker gets a 200$ one
really cool riot
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Bunny is getting really popular what now white inzel broz?

I see black dick antennas
I type black dick antennas
Simple as!
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Google it
Tiktok it

(the aurora word)
(Racebait spam filters)
YOU are ignoring the other half of the post, where i blew you the fuck out on tank items LMAO
shit stat needed to evolve and shit feather gimmick doesnt work when you are constantly encircled by enemies/death zone on bosses so you cant even make use of it, shes not gonna be real and love your fat balding asses because you are delusional about her
hood niggas playing league buying battle bunny ballista sheeeeeesh ong
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youre retarded and low elo
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not that this babymode game needs it but here
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This post should not be censored by the hapa mods IMO

Song of the thread!
Theme: Interracial (Bl*ck male x White female) breeding!
>illaoi went from s tier to c tier a couple of days
>aurora went up for any fucking reason
>"my opinion is other peoples opinions"
yeah ive actually witnessed what these champs can do and i know what stat they NEED to take to evolve their shitty ability and guess what bud, i drew my very on conclusions, imagine that one! they are shit lil bro
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Tierlists?... okay... Where we putt bnuy?
you didn't blow anything you literally just reiterated my point that they are situational ON GAWD FR fr lil bro no cap whiteboi
>all the items are situational
>just the tank items
>see i was right
aww champ. print these posts out to hang on the refrigerator lil bro. everyones so proud
pickup radius on xayah isn't bad because it's a range extension on her e and pickups she pull deal damage
likewise duration on illaoi isn't a shit stat because it leaves her tentacles up longer meaning you have way more tentacles up at a time dealing much more damage.
nigger tier iq
I think I'm going to try some Irelia today, anons (if I can muster up the courage).

Wish me luck <3
>tank items don't count because... they just don't!!!
yeah so you were wrong and failed to argue against any point, wtf are you still talking for.
>uhh yeah half the items are better on half the champs than the other half so a generalized tier list doesn't make a lot of sense but I'm still going to pretend you're wrong because of my bruised ego
take the L
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because your relations are so meaningful and long lasting
>you make stupid opinion
>get called out
>sperg out for a dozen posts screeching NO NO NO
>MY ego is bruised
dude every single insult you ever think of say it in front of a mirror first. just fixed your life little bro
good luck!
ban viego, he hard counters irelia.
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pumping for seraphine rn, and you?
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Swarm is a for fun mode
not very stupid if you couldn't come up with any arguments against it. I'm just responding because I'm right and you keep digging deeper
>MY ego is bruised
yeah that's why you keep going despite not actually putting any points across. and the fake aloofness trying to act like you don't care by typing like a nigger ending all posts with lil bro is the equivalent of people ending their posts with :) it's palpable seething and you think noone can tell. absolutely a bruised ego
What about top laners? What's her hard counters up there? I kinda of like Viego though, he's cute.
my lolg crush...I'll wait for you forever...
calm down lil bro :)
I said before you can keep typing it, it's a good indicator that you're fuming over someone criticising your shit list. even after you admittes I'm right on both counts
Just play Death Must Die.
you have been wrong and working on wrong assumptions for like 20 posts now lil bro, wasnt my list, im writing it because it makes you mad, you were wrong on your shit opinions. like shit lil bro your hairline must be in SHAMBLES lol
>Actually hates niggers
>Actually hates spics
>Actually hates SEAnigs
>Actually hates brownskins
>Actually hates trannies
>Actually hates faggots
>Actually hates Jews
>Is a legal immigrant who supports the mass deportation of illegals
>Is a gun owner, a believer of the 2nd Amendment
>Believes that Israel should be defunded and not supported
>Believes that America has been compromised by Jews
>Doesn't believe in DEI, thinks it's a Jew tactic
>Thinks that asylums should be reopened for the loons
>Gets off to niggers being buck-broken
How can anyone not like Seraphine? I could see why Riot dropped her. They found out and she's far too real for this pozzed company.
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wtf seraphine is so based
Omg I love how the fucking league of legends thread has one homosexual on a holy crusade against other homosexual posters
god tier internet meme stuff
love 4chan no lifers
keep up you bloody gay retards
>bloody gay
kill yourself eurotrash
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When will there be an actual trans representative on League?
Like an actual trans not Cuckliyah
literally never because of china.
She likes to be lovingly fucked by her husband as she watches K'sante be buckbroken by strong white men.
never because its a chink game and the only reason they let it even remotely slide in America is because 90% of NAs player base is either mentally ill or mentally ill sympathizing retards so its purely just for profit. if they could get away with telling trannies and faggots to fuck off and kill themselves they would
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I can't wrap my head around the fact that this general is far worse than any Gacha general I have ever been in. It's even more degenerate than /xivg/ or /Bdog/ What the fuck is wrong with you people? I thought I would swing by and see if people where talking about Swarm, but this is just fucking sad. All of you and I do mean ALL need to take your fucking meds
it is a single person
its not the general it is one spastic retard who hates namefags/avatarfags ironically making them the heroes of the story
i LOVE seraphine
>one single retard is spamming bbc porn and the one single unpaid tranny mod is doing nothing about it
>some faggot retard that spends money to roll fake women in shitty cash grab games exposes the fact that he has thousands of virtual women saved on his computer to post on every single one of his posts comes into out thread to tell us hes above us
in fucking sane.
>it's not my list I have just been passionately defending it for an hour
you know even the other list posted had a situational tier with items I talked about in it.
which is why I was saying the first list was bad. so if the 2nd list was yours then it makes no sense why you're seething this hard defending someone else's list for something you also disagree with.
you shit yourself and cried because I said a weapon is more useful on some maps and others even though you actually agreed with it too?
and it doesn't make me mad, your insistence on continuing to use it is expected. because to stop would be essentially to let me win after I pointed it out to you. irony used as a defense mechanism for low confidence in your own opinions
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Seraphine lover is a BBCTRANNY
Oy vey, you wish! You'll be sent to the gas chamber soon enough, Jew.
literally none of my posts even mention the list, my post was directed solely at your stupid fucking opinions. you are insane lil bro. "it doesnt work cause i know what ur doing!!!" yeah clearly LOL, you are a picture of mental stability right now lil bro. idk dude sit in your dark room alone seething. your sperg out stop being cute 5 posts ago.
Seraphine just texted. She was reading this thread and just told me out right that it should be legal to shoot niggers on sight, to call the police on them, and to call the police to do the dirty work for you.
the stupid opinions that you literally put into the 2nd list you posted pretending its yours lmao
and maybe have some self awareness, what are you doing right now. it stopped being about the list or my opinion a long time ago. all just your ego and insecurity now and you know it.
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Had a good time on stream bros :3
Thank you all
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Today is going to this wonderful
Never give your up
what inbred fucking retard designed level up cards in this game mode?
literally me on morg
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lucky morgana
You have to do it as Leona
No the game doesnt tell you this and yes its dumb
post some lux
no you don't. I've gotten 5 evolved weapons on jinx, it was just before I could complete this mission because the dumb cunts also decided to make them order dependent for no apparent reason.
unless you're telling me that it wouldn't have completed even if I evolved 5 weapons on a champ other than leona? in which case I'm burning down riot hq.
I wasnt able to do that specific mission on other characters and apparently it had to be Leona who was the only one it worked on, but if it works for you as Jinx let me know
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Goatstyle or bust
No, thank you :)
i wish i was white like my fav character ez
i hate this spammer
it was never about th elist, not at any point, it was ALWAYS and still is about your shitty opinions lmao. like i said lil bro, look at a mirror, talking self awareness but have NONE yourself
Guys I found out the secret to winning is no homo team chemical reaction. The kind where we were all connected, not just through our headsets and keyboards, but through a deeper understanding of non-verbal communication. Every movement, every ping, spoke volumes about our strategies and intentions. A simple glance towards the minimap conveyed the need for assistance, while a precise ping on an enemy champion signaled an imminent attack. In the heat of battle, we moved as one, reacting instinctively to each other's unspoken cues. It was a dance of coordination and trust, where the unspoken language of synergy flourished. And this was all possible because of no home heart to heart connection from each team members. I didn't want to delve deeper though because that would be the dark arts of fujoshi.
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yeah nah fuck this stupid shit. singlehandedly ruined any drive to play this game mode. I evolved 2(two) weapons this game despite once again having 4 at level 5 and 1 already evolved 20 levels before finishing.
the weapons can only evolve with boss cards
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Nice boobies and ass, ma'am
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you know what else card drops can be? stat upgrades that do nothing for this mission. I'll try not collecting a single one until like 14:30 and see if that does it.
no shit, almost like the build is irrelevant.
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lux feet or pits please? thanks
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the pits, now, luxanna
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best i can do
Hmm... could be a better angle..
So.. Darius is unkillable as Irelia. Good to know.
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What is she trying to convey?
her need for cock. slut cat.
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I went 0/10 in lane against Darius as Irelia. Fun. Guess I should permaban him then.
that pic looks like two lesbo
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he's basically her hardcounter, you should check your role's matchups on these sites fi you're learning the role
What website? And yep. He just kills me with bleeds. Very unfun.
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How do I move to the next step with my /lolg/ crush?
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lolalytics, put the name of the champ in the search and go to his page, then put the name of the matchup you are going to face and will appear a icon to see the wr of that matchup
my name is dong dong i got challenger in reague of regends
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alright, never playing this again
step one is flirting and playing together both being single
step two is confessing and being requited
step three is gloating in thread and other forms of pda
step 4 is doing non-lol related things together
step 5 is talks about visiting eachother
step 6 is marriage and kids
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sit on my face
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oh it's retard o'clock right now
>Dark harvest being buffed twice
why do i play thsi game so much better when im drunk
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a little alcohol reduces your anxiety, making you feel more relaxed and able to make decisions more calmly
how come you didn't get other stat modifiers?
is it a bug?
i drunked a lot of alchocol doe and im fisting these niggas like theres no tomorrow fr fr ong
are you new here?
I give up. Irelia is too bad. Every other champ just does what she does but better. No escape, entire reliance on Q, she goes in and dies, 1 mediocre CC. She's just terrible. Only way you can do anything on her is if you get fed from your jungler. GG champ diff.
"open your wallet again for a skin you will never really see except for its splash art you dumb fuck you know you want it"
these threads have had to deal with so much...
have the jannies given up

why does it always take so long for these posts to get removed
either this faggot is a janny or he's working with one.
too many people filtered him so there's not as many reports
I need those filters if they're so airtight that people aren't seeing a single one of his posts
meanwhile when i post it gets deleted within 30 seconds
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time flies like an arrow
>fruit flies like banana
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Okay I won a game as Irelia finally. I think from now on I just won't ever play top lane. I'll just play her mid. Top lane is for literal pedos. Fucking Darius, Malphite, Volibear. All these cancer champs. No thanks.
fight cancer with cancer. Vayne, Quinn, you get the idea.
Yeah I could but I just wanted to play waifu. At lease on the game I won it was ranked and the other losses were only draft.
just inted a game that was easily winnable because my ego couldnt handle the fact that me losing lane was just my fault. SHIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET
yeah i hear you. I had the same inclination once with the same waifu. One day I will remove the Kayle training wheels. One day.
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Racebait spam filters
>hes still going
Which league ladies would rip your organs out?
do you have any vayne blackedposter?
eu memes
Nice Vanguard lolbabs KEK
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>Apologize on your knees right now or else you're not getting a single heal this game.

Your answer?
wtf did i even do
Yes Mommy
Y-yes, mommy.
>why does it always take so long for these posts to get removed
because tranny janny has to cum before he can delete it
>get drunk as shit
>still fucking rape anyone who tries to fight me
love being born with hands
I'm 5'7" though
Damn I know this is A.I but I love the style of this one unironically. Looks nice.
ok nevermind I fucking suck at this game clip inc post game
you have to try harder little bro
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is it worth returning to LoL after god knows how many years? I think the last champing added before I quit was draven. been watching this youtuber guy who played all characters from in alphabetical order and game looks nothing like it did but I still kind of want to play a little of moba, it's either that or dota 2 and I don't wanna play dota 2 again.

damn is this the official art for the game nowadays?
i instinctively thought this was a bbc post
You guys have got to admit although it's mass spam, he does post some pretty hot stuff. The pictures I mean, not the text.
kill yourself
would be chally unironically if I learned target champions only
>error audio streams are not allowed
>err filesize over limit
>err suck my fucking dick
Really taught this inhib a lesson tho...
he lied about his identity for more than just posting on 4chan, he had done bad shit way before coming here
he quit because he hated the schedule and having to treat league like a job
>Enemy is a Tahm abuser
>Make him 0/3
>He's now not worth gold but finished Heartsteel so I stop fighting him and just farm and protect the lane
>He doesn't get his first Hearsteel stack until NINE minutes and 15 seconds later
>Coincidentally it's when my bot lane Yasuo/Nautilus, who have been feeding all four of the other enemy players, go top and even die to the 0/3/0 Tahm
I love this game
nah it was worth though I chunked enemy bot out and draven got it on next wave
The trips that saved lolg...
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26 minutes
On a CHEWSDAY... *cuts arm before bed*
lol guys because number it means something loooool im so quirky
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kill yourselves too, dont reply to me faggots

lame edgy faggot...
euw was always a joke server
think about it
>all the effort of making my adc get to 8/0 gone to waste thanks to some nigger in mid that fed a leblanc that nukes my botlane in a blink
and of couse it was a yasuo that gaped his AIDS infested hole for her
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this fish is cute
that fish needs rape (by me)
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I understand I ain't perfect, I probably won't come around
This time, I might put you down
Last time, I ain't give a fuck, I still feel the same now
My feelings might go numb
You're dealing with cold thumb
I'm willing to give up a leg and arm to show empathy from
Pity parties and functions of you and yours
A perfect world, you probably live another 24
I can't fake humble just 'cause your ass is insecure
I can't fake humble just 'cause your ass is insecure
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>instalock akali into cassio
>fist her all game
>0 humans on my team
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I’m starting to develop real feelings for my /lolg/ crush and I can’t stop thinking about them…
Champs for this feel?
Post more Soraka so I can stroke
>Vladimir goes overgrowth and gathering storm then passively farms
>there is nothing I can do I just lose the game
Great champ design
why can I play swarm on controller?
I am addicted to Garen. I just spin to win every game.
>these champs
wtf I hate my /lolg/ crush
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Soraka! My cute wife!

Nami takes what she wants.
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I'd like to get big muscles like these guys have and destroy little trannies' asses with my fat dick. Is it too much to ask?
>not even fit yet
>already thinking of sexual fantasies about "when I get big muscles"
shut up you fat greasy faggot lose some weight first
No, I'll just continue to dream about it and play league all day.
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>solokilled my laner level 1 after typing to him in /all he was dead level 2
I'd bump Shiv and Bunny Blasters up, Glove and Yuumi down
would beat you in a league 1v1 anyday
fruity nigger, you look more bottom than some crossdressers
also the angle of your traps makes me think you are juicing ngl
Nope. You just gotta start and work your way out to that point
If you like rootkits... I would still say no. It's actually more fun and invigorating scouring ancient Russian websites searching for rootkits and RATs than installing League is.

More serious response, the game has been streamlined and isn't as fun as it used to be. There's some things that are better, like every champ splash art not being an in-game render of the low poly model against a gradient backdrop. But for every improvement there's one hundred downgrades.

Items are a complete joke in terms of allowing variety; if you're a certain "class" of champion then you're building the same three core items every game and anything different is legitimately throwing. Conversely, people who are buying five tears and running it down mid are never getting banned because the only thing you can get banned for these days are saying mean words in the text chat (which most players don't even see now because it's off by default and the game cries at you if you attempt to turn it on).

The main map, Summoner's Rift, got layout updates to make it more symmetrical and allow for alternative jungler ganks, which is cool. But it was also paired with a lot more champs having point and clicks converted into being skillshots, so the archaic controls of right clicking the mouse to move are showing their weakness more and more. It's becoming a health concern for those suffering repetitive motion syndrome.
>anon has a lolg crush but wont play an official ship with them
fake crush
I'm 100% convinced some posters here were raped when they were kids
Which ones?
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what is this shit even? why do I hate to reboot to play the fucking {product}?
(You) for starters
I just wanna play rumble like I did in 2012 is this too much to ask for?
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Nami would never do that
Nami would ALWAYS do that.
Vanguard needs to boot up before your OS does so it can see everything that it loads up. You know to stop cheaters. They NEED to see everything that you hide in your porn stash to determine this.
i miss old lore
imagine if sylas got a world rune
why did they retcon everything good
Let them see my gore porn collection. Poor snowflakes at riot...
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ok and why did I download 15gb and now downloading 15gb more? where the fuck is even PLAY button in this mess of a launcher holy FUCK I regret wasting my nvme durability on this already

should have installed dota
Hahaah why the fuck is there a LoR launch button?
>please go play our not dead card game
> the archaic controls of right clicking the mouse to move are showing their weakness more and more
holy fuck nohands detected you know you can click on the ground aim a skillshot then click on the ground again right
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You're right. Nami would use other means to get her prey.
free game no bitching
If your champion doesnt have a mechanic that requires to go to practice tool to learn then theyre not difficult. Simple as.
Anon, Riot made it that Acrane is the new canon. Everything is dark and gritty.
It'll appear where the progress bar is in the top-left when it's ready. One thing I'll give Riot credit for is that the new player experience is much better at actually teaching you how to play the game and giving you a decent pool of champions to play around with.

If you're truly getting back into this just be weary that lower ranks are currently filled with bot farms. You'll need to play and win a decent amount of PvP games before you start getting to actual human players.

>Pantheon fires his now skillshot-based spear at you.
>You click to the side to side-step it.
>Whoops, looks like you clicked over a wall and are now walking directly towards Pantheon instead because of shortest-route pathfinding.

Or how about:
>Playing a high APM like Vayne.
>Even doing a task as simple as attacking a moving target involves rapidly moving the cursor back and forth between two points and spam clicking, making minute adjustments each time least you click over a wall or another target.
>Itemization now allows for insane attack speed bursts which are nearly impossible to keep maximum efficiency timing with in real time for human players.

It would be nice if there was at least an option to allow for pathfinding to instead prioritize going in the direction you clicked instead of the shortest path to avoid the first scenario.
bros i miss blackedposter
Dont worry he ll go another finnish mcdonalds to post again
Riot said it themselves, no new players. They should introduce wasd controls if they don't want their game to die.
bled to death >>487383525
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her cuteness?
vbl looks like THAT?
oh rip
Yeah, then she fucking murders them.
not an attention whore btw guys didn't post unsolicited body pics btw nope couldn't be me
filters for barafag? atleast i can imagine femalechampposters as girls
Who even was that?
>new player experience is much better
better my ass I can't even tell what exactly am I looking at
diversity quotas half indian half black woman they've hired to design this shit did probably genuinely think all this bloat looks good

it's done downloading now, how do I unlock 5v5 summoners rift? do I really have to play coop vs ai?
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no clue bro
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>at least i can live in delusion
>do I really have to play coop vs ai?
Well the bot farmers exist for a reason. To skip all that.
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that also works
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normals euw?
delete tanks and rengar from arena
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they really buried the lede putting this shit in adjustments, this is a GIGANTIC yone buff
fuck off tranny
>shit tier tranime image
fuck off
>20 damage at rank 5 for q
>20 second loss on max ult
>gigantic buff
gn jelly
anime webite. also that's a western game you double nigger
nobody cares nigger
you're the one crying about images on an image board albeit
>you cant call me a stupid fag
>im at the stupid fag convention
now that's just sexual
I accept your concession
wasnt the original guy and another tally on your internet arguments "won" whiteboard isnt gonna regrow your hairline
lick lick
noooooo baby why
>bending over backwards over a shitpost
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Wait, let's not kill Sivir this time.
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we didn't kill her since forever
I can finally post again! gg's goat, my client died so couldn't say bye. Also, in my defense of this match, the Sivir literally wasn't playing the game.
Why not buff Sivir like buff her Q damage and ult cool down or duration
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Actually, you know what? >>487396829 Let's murder sivir.

lol he just stood there and tanked every shot lol
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>played a game on a smurf with a friend
>ban our top lane champ
>he ints our game
>pic related
May I use your wife's water to make gfuel?
it's okay, I have a lot of fun playing with you. No homo.
it's not an anime site, there are separate trannyme containment boards
he is not crying about images, he called you a nigger specifically for posting trash images
get cancer and die in a ditch nigger
You went 13/5/10, that's occupationally well. No one should've been blaming you for the loss.
Are you really so insecure about your sexuality you have to say no homo when simply stating you enjoy playing with friends?
20 base damage is meaningful on any skill but when it's on your basic skill that has a 1.33 second cd it's significantly more so, it's 15 more DPS and also more damage on E. if Yone lands 3 Qs on you during his E it will be 75 more damage after the patch. that's quite a bit and even more on a champion who builds attack speed mostly and needs to rely on base damages for damage early on
in exchange it's 10-20s CD longer at 11 and 16, which is a bit annoying but not really that big. at level 16 fights will be sparse enough that it will always be up regardless and at level 11 it's a tad more noticeable

this is a huge buff and yone's winrate will jump up quite a bit, Yasuo got the exact same buff in the past (now both their Qs deal exactly the same damage) and his wr had a big spike
That's not a buff, stupid ass.
Nah he's right. Anime website, fuck off.
thanks dad but I started babyraging and making retarded plays.
no this is infact not an anime website
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lol I'm gonna start playing Braum now.
literally started as an anime site and other boards got added to contain all the off-topic
didnt read, yone is cancer faggot nigger champ, you are black irl
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yea so /a/ is still for anime like back in the days. the rest were added to discuss non-anime
If you don't like anime, you don't belong here.
do not, I like your raka. It saves my ass from stupid plays. Or you fucking won us the last one by silencing the yi.
You're an anime kind of guy Azakana? What's your fav shit?
>drinking gfuel
You know that shit has lead?
>What is 4chan?
>4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics, from Japanese animation and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community. Feel free to click on a board below that interests you and jump right in!
why are there 0 (ZERO) mentions of anime in the official description of 4chan sisters? what happened?
all this over a reaction pic sheeeesh
Sure... IGN?
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sure you can, butt you have to buy it first!
will do
bros, the official description of 4chan kind of says there are containment boards for anime :/
My favorite anime? Madoka, Sonny boy, uhhhh I really love Trinity Blood. Trinity blood has such a special place in my heart. It was the show that got me into anime growing up.
It doesn't. If you're referring to the state of California warning, they have the same exact warning with water so.
yeah i dont know why people that post fictional women cant accept they are retard losers for doing it even if it is the "designated area" for doing it
Hmmm, that price is a little high don't you think??
Nami shits in that water
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Why am i playing with high plat players when im gold wtf
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>Trinity blood

I've been meaning to watch it lately... is it actually any good or is it just nostalgia for u?
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no, price is adequate
>cali doesnt even have drinkable tap water
>trinity blood
Its a shame that the anime wasnt finished
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Actually good. I had such a crush on Esther when I was a teen.
You're such a Christ-fag it's actually cute.
I want to massage Soraka's massive testicles
I tried using a free voucher and she pulled a gun on me.
noo... why is my wife irelia debasing herself, having intimate sex with an animal... I'm so demoralized, bros...
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yes, I tried to send you a valid voucher through steam
Wait but I don't have steam... who did you send it to???
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jesus christ
stop bully
Grown ass men btw.
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what's the best seraphine build right now sisters?
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sex with grown ass men
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oh shit, there goes your voucher I guess
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But remember to pay attention to the shaft as well. Her tip is also very sensitive since she's uncut.
Obsessed loser.
You have me added on lol, send there. :))) Or since you tried, might as well just give it to me free. And post that one fish image.... the strange one...
>entire team locks in tanky melee
>nilah adc asks for me to pick a tank support
>I go enchanter so we have some range as well as enchanters being literally built for nilah passive
>they get mad and run it down while flaming the entire team
>I mute and perma roam
leona was a mistake. that's all adcs know how to play with
Don't engage with lobotomy victims
The last thing you see before you die.
Procreate white babies with Lux
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don't worry, I'll find a way
She only makes black babies sorry
>get hooked
>seethe that the support is playing not-leona
>get hooked again
>and again
>and again
Whatever, theyll get thrown off a bridge after theyre born..
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>Chain wins
>Chain losses
>Loses when behind
How the fuck do I stop being a coinflip player?
I will treat her flare with the utmost care and spit !
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Goooooooooooooooood morning /lolg/ I hope you all have a great day!
thanks lux
*licks ur armpit*
do you have your own song made by this guy, /lolg/?
behead all adcs. roundhouse kick adcs in the face
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SUP SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPP SUPPITY SUP SUP!!! WHAT IS UP!!! It's a beautiful day bUT YHET aGAIN we are queing up just to lose games in NORMAL.... brain thinked smart??? brain hurt...
He lost it back in season 8. If he didnt need the money from twitch he would quit league instantly.
He has the fucking UGLIEST baby I have ever seen.
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Lol he got unbanned from his perma within two days when riot saw he was streaming dota2.
that's just losersq
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Is the reason I never see Viktor due to how boring he is to play despite how much damage he does?
No, I will not settle for toxic pieces of shit """friends""" who are only nice with me because they want to fuck me, I'd rather rot in solo with black apes every game, tyvm!
you are a fat balding male tho

keep grinding kangs
never lose hope. every game is winnable in pisslow
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>stormsurge buffs
magebros we're back! I was already taking it on hwei sometimes
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euw pisslow demon hours
Emerald EUW is basically NA Master tier so not really pisslow
that would still be pisslow
It's not even about league, what he says is true in general. You can do anything in this world, just have to grind hard.
>calling it a buff on talon when all this change did was make it so he isnt allowed to close range q if he is rooted or against cass/singed
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hot damn once I start improving and climb to Gold I, I get hit by the worst streak of yuumi mains I've ever seen. One spamming bored jinx emote after ten seconds of farming, one ping spams me to go in when ult is on cooldown, jumps off constantly when I'm low on health. That's on top of the visceral toxicity and hatred from other teammates the second we lose. Like fuckers are all lvl 450. I can see you pathetic vermins have had the same rank since season 7. Kill them. Kill them all
>irelia huge buff

Who was in the wrong?
>still no senna buffs
you disgusting baboons at riot motherfucking games can you please just fucking stop jerking off to hentai or whatever and do your fucking jobs?
they are even nerfing her core items (mortal reminder + kraken) and they still refuse to buff her
what a disgusting shit company
Where are the Jayce and Renek buffs?
Jayce should be permanently kept weak or pushed into mid lane. Fuck that champ.
he's here..... the anti-jayce anon...... posting with us this exact moment.............
she can handle not being top tier for one season
true, but atleast make her not total garbage tier
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I wanna see...
she's so fucking hot bros

post the full version.
>all this GenG fellatio when they got clapped by fucking TES
Please, at least T1 can actually win worlds from time to time.
If you're playing top bruiser how useful is it to stack magic resist items like Maw or Scimitar over a traditional build?
ok played a bunch of games and it's the same shit it always been but even worse because NO ONE FUCKING TALKS and I can tell it's not bots, unless they made bots act like actual trash fucking retard players over the night
delicious hairy puss
Against a full AP team without any AD
let's see Sera's bush
>another 3ad teamcomp
Does riot even haven a balancing department?
i concur. i want to see my queen's bush
How to do this bug on Swarm?
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adc is the most skillexpressive role in the game, what do you want riot to do exactly?
Sup, Tlyer1
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>drops a hot turd into your open, cupped hand
>looks at you expectantly (she wants you to eat it)
What do?
next patch you'll see adcs rush essence reaver again
The way this works was reminding me of the glitchy behaviour experienced by that one guy who was modding League to be a single-player game years ago. How the in-game mechanics for PvP had these weird interactions not accounted for in single-player.

But trying to find that video showcasing it has turned up no results. I did come across this soul-incarnate video though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcETuXnLa-Y And I'm certain it was real because I can remember so much about it; you had to download a particular old version of the League client to play the mod. You loaded in playing as Graves (pre-rework, so he's still an ADC at this point) in a burned-down city and you had to fight off against the "zombies" which were just the CPU characters playing champs with zombie-themed skins available, like Brand and Dr. Mundo.

Since it was taking place on a custom map, the lighting engine determining the fog of war was very glitchy and hiding a lot of the areas which should be visible in fog.

If anyone else remembers this, please post a link to that video.
>What do?
kill nigger
What's the best place for discussion and asking questions for LoL? Discord, Reddit or something else entirely?

Came back to LoL after 11 years and to my surprise official LoL forums are CLOSED
Wait, let me get this straight, racism, sexism and prejudice keeps rising and you are all here discussing, and playing, a videogame?
Go out, do something useful for society, be the change for a better world
I came back after 12 years and the game is dogshit
Unironically here, amongst all the trash there are the only people on the planet who still care about the game here.

Reddit is a mod-nazi realm that's essentially Riot damage control, the forums/boards are dead as you've seen, and Discord will make you want to BE dead.
im doing my part for lgbt rights by jerking off to lesbian porn rn
lolg is the best place for builds, analysis and overall discussion buddy
withdrawal is hard.
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>>Immobile ADC
>>500gorillion ms per auto
How is Irelia not pick or ban tier in this shitty meta ?
Cleared this thread: >>487410403
Infinity edge is still a better rush than essence reaver, essence reaver is trash and boring
I thought you need some sort of modding to do this bug. But I found the tutorial. I don't know if it works anymore

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