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Previous Archstone: >>486934469


>The main information documents for Elden Ring (/erg/), Dark Souls (/dsg/), Bloodborne (/bbg/), Demon's Souls, Sekiro, King's Field and Armored Core (/acg/)

>Soulslike games like Nioh, Lies of P, Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen, etc...
dsjee fc soon
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I think I'm about to give up. This level is pure evil.
This bitch starts camping me from across the map the second I leave the cave.
No, I can't hit her with my crossbow, because I don't have enough range. And even if, they immediately start healing each other.
>what's a spell parry
Drag em out bud
or rush in and man up. Use those consumes in your bag
another one filtered by god2
I can't drag them out, because the refuse to move. The melee fucks keep putting their shields in from of them and there is fuck all I can do. And if I rush, I get melted by like million arrows homing in from every direction.
use a bow with poison arrows
sotfs moment
those guys are completely optional
bum rush the casters and then hide behind pillars, you have a ugs you should be able to bait and stunlock the mace dudes
You can take em, pop a fat lifegem or mushroom or something. Put lightning powder on your wep they're in water. Or like a magic resist moss
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Is this the remaster? Looks kinda off but could also be weird dsfix settings
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>Is this the remaster?
repair your ring, fatass
bro is tormenting dsr pvers in 2024
There is an instant death pit on the way to the bonfire right after the Demon of the Song boss.
posting a bad video essay timestamp for a laugh. i don't know what compels people to write a manifesto instead of just learning how the game works and adapting, but there's so many of these.

it's genuinely difficult to go back to DS1 invasions (even DSR ones) after invading in ER. i feel terrible killing anyone because it's so invader-favored.
as opposed to elden ring's ganksquad-favored torture system
Video essays are gay but being able to adapt to something doesn't make it stop being shit.
> i feel terrible killing anyone because it's so invader-favored.
Well you're running giantdad chaos zwei lmao. If you want it to be fair you gotta RP. It's part of the charm
poor comprehension
These guys are always so close to getting it
>the boss design leaves you openings with their moves
>you can attack during their attack delays
>the issue with this is that...
>umm, co-op?
retard retard retard retard

The issue with ti is that it makes the boss combat more memorization heavy. Not an issue per se but a departure from previous from bosses that were explicitly all designed without requiring memorization of specific moves and combos
No it isn't. You said you feel terrible because it's invader-favored but that's literally within your control and most invaders choose to self-cuck to make it fun. You're running the number one scrub destroyer build, so of course you're destroying them.
You also have the option of running a little devil build in lost izalith wearing nothing but your red skin, channelers trident and an appropriately leveled pyromancy flame and dancing after every hit
idiot. you're not talking to that guy.
Ok do you think I give a shit who you are? It's an anonymous imageboard, I'm addressing the sentiment not sending you an @ on discord
it's just rare that i see anyone say
>i know how the game works, and i can prove it with evidence-based examples, but it isn't for me
which i can respect. like enb might have spent 4 god damn hours getting filtered by margit, but even he's able to distinguish between "this is shit" and "i hate it", despite very vocal about the latter. i respect his opinion because he frames it as an opinion, rather than a sweeping pronouncement of armchair game design. what i see instead is people saying the former, but repeating the same misconceptions (or, if i were being less charitable, lies) about ER's design or, worse, failing to understand the design at all. there's never a clear sense of how and why it does and doesn't work, like what >>487325824 said.

that ain't me, boss. my builds are 'umble.
I enjoy curb stomping people as giant dad because it reminds me the times of when I ganked people in WoW. I don't like ER invasions because I'd rather not fight people 3v1, I just stick to the arena over there.
>invades with THE unfair twinked out noob stomper build
>wtf why is this so easy
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i'm catching strays
this is my build
learn how to read before you whine about something that nobody here said
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Hey man that's fine my sole point is that DS1 invasions are only as
as you personally make them. Just because you CAN rape a scrub with a maxed out t2 pyromancy flame doesn't mean you have to. I personally had the most fun ever in DS1 doing patches cosplay in the catacombs, tricking people and knocking them off bridges

I still have fanmail from it. This is after throwing dung pies at them for using a miracle and flipping the bridge on them, then calling him a filthy cleric on GFWL when he sent fanmail. This is what he replied
One thing I miss about PTDE was being able to message people directly over GFWL and getting hate mail for it. Unfortunate that DSR doesn't have a way to display steam IDs unless you look at book of the guilty.
The post said it's invader favored and feels bad because of it. I'm disagreeing because you can cuck yourself to compensate which is what most people did. You're retarded to be throwing such a tantrum because you think I personally insulted your honor or something, gay retard. You must be a total newfag to start whining about what you personally think or not when I address a sentiment you put in your post
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dam I havent replayed ever since DSR dropped that sounds lame though. The fanmail is half the enjoyment of dark souls invasions
This is from someone I killed in the tomb of giants on my SL1 char that happened to be a darkwraith too. Guy got reinforced chaos clubbed then sends this
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Yeah it's kind of cucked, ER is the same way.
lol stop backpedaling and having a meltie just because i called you retarded. move on and learn to read carefully before you make a fool out of yourself again. or don't.
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I'm laughing now going through this shit

settle down whiny retard
yawn. concession accepted or something so do NOT reply further because i'll give a low-effort reply and then ignore it.
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uh you're seething and im calm rn so get owned
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mosquito buzzing in my ear dam
People used to send actual fanmail too it wasn't all just raging russians
>boss combat more memorization heavy
it's funny how rare it is to see people even approach this level of abstraction, even though it's a simple, succinct expression of what separates ER's design. instead of concepts, people obsess over perceived events: "input reading", "10-hit combos", "360 degree tracking", "designed for summons", etc. this is why watching people get angry at margit is like crack to me
>wtf, he does a follow-up attack when i attack him when it looks like his attack animations are finished... this is bullshit!
>wtf, he has slow swings mixed in with his fast swings... this is bullshit!
>what should i do?...
>when am i supposed to attack?...
>no... no, i'm asking myself the wrong questions [brute forces the boss and then calls him shit]
it's like watching an animal try to pass the mirror test, and a lot of people come tantalizingly close to passing it before failing at the last minute

i personally don't mind the design of ER because it more or less aligns with FromSoft's design philosophy regarding difficulty. it's partially the player's responsibility to curate their experience, and your experience in ER is much more variable because of the intentionally low skill floor and higher skill ceiling. if you want to memorize the most complex bosses and beat them as stylishly as possible, the game accommodates that. if you want to beat them without having to do so, the game accommodates that as well - and the stigma for doing so comes from the community, not the game.
Didn't this are get nerfed?
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That reminds me I did a trusty patches cosplay in DS2 too and used to kill hosts at pursuer after letting them summon me, then killing them with the fucking ballista
Peak fun, gaming will never be the same
I'll admit margit buck broke me too cause I tried to play him like it's DS1 and i'm fighting taurus demon with base stamina which worked for every souls game. Once I realized how I have way more openings than I think I have, and making use of them hinges on learning the boss attacks, and how powerful staggers are I got him pretty quick though and didn't struggle again the entire game, start to finish. He really is a tutorial boss in that way

I still personally prefer slower gameplay without really doing any memorization and had fun going thru the trilogy again after ER, DS1 in particular but it's preference, ER combat has its strong points too. Using ultra great weps on bosses has never felt this good in a fromsoft game before. Actually making a boss your bitch by playing for poisebreaks is very satisfying, whereas using a fat 2h ultra usually devolved into roll -> roll attack in older games
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>I'll admit margit buck broke me too cause I tried to play him like it's DS1 and i'm fighting taurus demon with base stamina which worked for every souls game.
i had a similar experience, except i was still trying to trade with bosses with my 2H claymore R1s in fucking Farum Azula on my 1st playthrough. i guess the difference is that while i love DeS and DS1 (i replay DS2 and DS3 much more rarely, and can't replay BB), i always find myself hungry for more bosses to test my build against - especially in DeS's case. it's strange considering i really prefer the dungeon-crawling aspect of Souls, but sadly that seems to have been displaced by the emphasis on bosses in DS3 and ER. and then there's the compartmentalization of dungeons and bosses to account for the complexity of the latter, with every boss having a dedicated grace or stake of Marika, understandably so.

i really like ER's emphasis on momentum in combat, which does benefit weapons that deal high stance damage more, but also applies to any build as long as you have a variety of tools and are trying to apply them creatively. it reminds me of playing monhun, except instead of this grueling 8-15 minute endeavor where you gradually accumulate momentum, it's 2-3 minutes where you can come out of the gate hot if you want to.
What is it with DS2, brutally bullshit levels and easy as fuck final bosses? I've killed the Dragonrider Duo and the Looking Glass Knight on my first try. The Amana Demon Frog took me two tries and that's only because I panicked and became convinced that there is a gotcha bottomless water pit in the boss arena. Because it's Dark Souls 2.
wait until the dlc, you'll get brutally bullshit levels and brutally bullshit bosses
I don't think I'll be doing the DLCs. I just want to move on to DS3 and I feel like DS2 is outstaying its welcome a bit.
in all seriousness, the dlcs are the highlight of ds2, and i'd recommend at least trying them. i'm not a ds2fag btw, i think it's stinky doo-doo, but the dlcs are interesting.
Correct with the memorization thing, but that's only part of the story. It also exacerbates the issue that the game does roll on button-release and a further slight input delay, which effectively doubles your reaction time. A lot of moves have a swing that's unreactable within these constraints, so you have to guide your timing by the windups instead, but whether by accident or by design, the windup animations for these delayed attacks attacks do a shit job at communicating when the attack is coming.
If the animations properly telegraphed the coming attack, even if it said attack still came at the same timing, there would be no problem with these moves and people would immediately notice that you can get some hits in between the enemy's attacks like the developers want you to do. It's only because the animations fail so hard at their most basic job that people have an issue with these attacks.
perfect spacing, immaculate webm
how you are actually supposed to play Souls games
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>8-15 minutes
once you play ds3 you'll wish you were playing ds2 again
ty :-)

i'm not good at monhun, but i'm also referring to the overwhelming fights like fatalis, bloodbath diablos, primordial malzeno, etc. that feel like they take twice as long as they actually do.
i feel like this applies more to nun-humanoid bosses, because the look at the feet / hands trick still works for humanoid ones
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post more
i have nothing else right now
What's daily life like in the Painted World of Ash after the fire fades and everyone's chilling inside waiting for the age of dark to blow over?
NTA but I feel ER drops the ball, hard, on a lot of best practices that Fromsoft themselves knew about in the name of "dude le difficulty" and "dude le spectacle." Radahn's lightbeams and Miquella's hair blinding you are the most recent and egregious example but they aren't the only ones. Take the invisible, entire-arena-crossing poison breath in the neo-gargs fight as another example. To me these gimmicks go beyond "I don't like these gimmicks" and are now "this is bad design" territory. Similarly to how Bed of Chaos is universally denounced as a badly designed boss and Fromsoft was forced to admit it.
It's the ds1/des design philosophy but cranked up to 11, and not in a good way
Bed of chaos might be a shit boss, but it's easy. It's like complaining about ceaseless discharge
Difficulty is not the point when it comes to identifying bad boss design
It's just different from DkS1. I like DkS2's slower combat and more accurate hitbox, and I just try to think of it as its own thing.
who's your favorite soulstuber?

i like prod :]
never give up, undead-san.
>Radahn's lightbeams and Miquella's hair blinding you
they don't, no matter how much you parrot this meme
i don't watch a lot of soulstubers now, but back when i did, i watched quite a bit of sunlightblade, juutas1988, and yukaslegion. don't know if they're still active though, it's been 8 or so years.
I heard that invading in ER is just you asking to be ganked. Is this true?
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Is bloodborne actually good or is it one of those games fanboys glaze because it's not on Xbox like Baldur's Gate 3 and persona 5 and spiderman
Yes they do, and that's literally the whole point of phase 2 which is figuring out that he's still doing the same moves he was before behind the bigass walls of light that block your view.
>design a boss that directly attacks your CPU
Bravo Miyazaki
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do not play bloodborne
do not play bloodborne pvp
do not even speak of it
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Hello fellas
>a staff
nice glintlock
Rabbath Langdon hand forged it himself
>Yes they do
No thty don't.
Nobody has ever posted a single piece of evidence showing Miwuella light ir hair giving low visibility
>4 hours ago
So, did you get gud yet?
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Just beat O&S and want to proceed but i am at a crossroads
I could finish leveling up the Zweihander up to divine +10 and trivialize the rest of the game or find another weapon that might scalate well with my crackpot Faith/Strenght build.
I really like the parrying aspect of the game and being a heavy weapon user makes it harder.

I am also wonder in which order should i do the lords and the DLC.
I am planning to do Seath and then the DLC.
>The issue with ti is that it makes the boss combat more memorization heavy. Not an issue per se but a departure from previous from bosses that were explicitly all designed without requiring memorization of specific moves and combos
The game is just people boss rushing to fight the epic boss that is more similar to playing something like OSU or going through a Starcraft build order. I just don't know why people love so much this kind of gameplay design and say that anyone who doesn't like it has "skill issue" when the "skill" is just pressing buttons fast in the right order. I prefer seeing someone come up with funny build than watching a guy that just memorized all the moves
You can do them in any order, this part is open ended.
Do the dlc before the last boss because beating him will start ng+
It's the sekiro rhythm gamer crowd. I personally have the most fun making a build and trying to cheese bosses if my build's usual strat isn't working. I actually found the SotE bosses kindo of fun for this reason since you have a lot of tools to brute force them. But this isn't really stylish or youtubeable so if you're grinding out sl1 no hits to share with your discord buddies it's not as appealing.
Just started a playthrough of Demon's Souls for the first time in over a decade and the first things that stand out to me are that I can see my face through an enclosed helmet and I chose a starting class that assumed I wouldn't need to roll. 2009 was a thousand years ago.
Is Astorias that difficult?
Also what a decent one handed weapon?
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I usually just dash to the left and run pass everything.
wouldnt be the first to get filtered by amana lol
i miss when levels were this hard
Were Ultra Greatswords better in DS3 than in Elden Ring? I think they felt better in DS3
Twin Demon Princes in TRC is kind of a huge fucking slog of a fight, bros, I dunno why Friede gets so much shit for having 3 health bars when these retards have basically 4.
Generally they were better in Ds3 but the new DLC ultra great sword is better and feels better than any Ds3 or Elden Ring ultra.
It's not about the raw HP and resistances, people back then whined about what you had to endure throughout those health bars, nothing too complicated for the demon princes but when the worst people had seen was Orphan of Kos it's easy to see how Friede phase 3 could be a challenge.
I haven't played DS1 since 2013 and decided it's overdue for a replay, is the Master Key worth having as a starting gift or does it seriously fuck with progression? It's been so long and I remember so little from back then that I might as well be playing it for the first time again.
Demon Prince does have some BS resistances though, unless you specifically use a black knight weapon he's got triple the HP of both little guys combined
The enemies in the dlc are scaled for late game. All the bosses feel harder than what's in the base game.
>one handed weapon
What are your stats?
Just played TRC and I really enjoyed the Twin Demons. It seemed really easy to get ripostes as long as I kept whacking their heads. Midir is a real slog thobeit.
Twin Demons have a moveset designed specifically where if you get hit trying to dodge the first swing such that you get a stored roll, the second swing is guaranteed to catch the stored roll. That's incredibly fucking frustrating to play around. ER spams that gimmick everywhere too. Can't be abiding by that nonsense.
Do any of you think Micolash wears a chastity cage or is that just me?
Don't panic roll and the amount of buffered rolls out of hitstun you get will drastically decrease. I don't really recall the demons having many of those moves, although I remember Gael having several combos like that. Going through DS3 where you can mindlessly roll through pretty much everything most bosses throw at you really made it clear why they took ER's boss design in the direction they did. I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing, but, seeing as they didn't want to try to make the boss and the level a more integrated challenge and also didn't want to make medium rolling worse, giving bosses a bunch of moves designed to punish panic rolling seems like a natural conclusion to reach.
You don't have to be mashing panic roll to get fucked by stored rolls, you literally just make a mistake. It's irritating, and it seriously annoys me that Fromsoft is committed to saying "uh no it's a feature not a bug." Fuck off and stop trying to gaslight me, Miyazaki, it's a fucking bug now fix your engine it's been 15 fucking years.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen occasionally or that it should even be a thing, but it does happens a lot more if you're a panic roller. desu one change I'd like to see in the next game is if the entire control scheme got a complete facelift.
very much so
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>cambiar vista
Level your hp.
Why a one handed weapon? You're down the road of quality so you might as well just roll with zwei or claymore.
Not really. It just makes some of the minor doors easier to get into since it replaces them. Of course, you can use it skip blighttown but you can choose to ignore that and just play as it's intended. IMO, you can play without it and get the Old Witch Ring instead for more lore. The keys for the minor doors are really easy to stumble on to if you like exploring.
Like which ones, for example? Off the top of my head, none of the dragons are guilty of this, nor is Maliketh. Magma Wyrm might have one example of it. Meanwhile, Margit/Morgott alone has examples for days, and I remember Hourah Loux having at least two, including maybe the most egregious example in the whole game: that dumb grab attack where he lunges at you real quick, then goes into slow-mo at precisely the time when you should have pressed dodge based on his initial speed.
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I'm not going to change the game language for a 4chan screenshot, althought it comes with it's own jank (language changes mid description)
Got a straight Sword on +10 so i could maybe bump it to +15 and use the Crescent moon covenant miracles i guess.
It's mostly due to how slow it feels with the Zwei that gets fixed with the havel ring but i feel i might be missing out on other fun weapons if i just roll with the Zwei all the way through.
I might retire her with the Nito battle since divine damage is still useful.
Yeah, I did. I pushed midway into the Undead Crypt before I went to sleep.
Amana was pure cancer, second only to the Black Gulch. But the frog boss was pathetically easy.
I will probably do Amana again just to farm twinkling titanite for the Dragon Tooth, because I hate myself.
Artorias isn't that difficult once you learn his easily telegraphed movement patterns. His sommersault slam is the worst, because you can only dodge it in one specific direction. It's those buffs of his that are the issue, because his damage gets buffed so much, he can one-shot you.
So, don't let him buff himself. Just keep staggering him when you see him do it.
Katanas are pretty good for a fast weapon and you also get bleed procs. If you use a shield, running estoc or some kind of spear would work well.
But get more HP, your are way easier to kill with such low vitality, I can only image the pain you've endured up to now getting one shot.
shut up
thanks for the bump, warrior
Much obliged
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>gankers have started using the sword of night
Come home to DS3, the pvp is honest
He's incredibly easy.
Felt hard at the time but after playing the later games and going back he's such a pushover like all the bosses.
Isn't Artorias one of those bosses that you can't cheese with a summon, because you have to solo him?
Every boss is easy if he attacks something other than you.
>The game fully convinced me videogames have artistic merit to them
>Its my second least favorite souls gameplay
>Only 2 bosses arent completely insane
>Aesthetics makes any souls game, except maybe DS3 eat dust
>Setting is interesting as fuck
>Overall very beautiful and melancholix example of a perfect classical gothic game
>Absolutely mid tier gameplaywise, even if it has some poorly implemented gameplay ideas

It depends on what you want from a souls game is all... Too bad Sony partially has the rights to its development otherwise it would have gotten ports already
it's great.
Boodborne's gameplay is crisp as fuck
>getting the itch to boot up Bloodborne again
What bill should I go for bros?
A bit of both really
Uhhh beast claws w edited dungeons to get them very easily maybe altho u dont get the rune until end of the dlc lol

Just use ludwigs its comfy
Hmm beast claws could be pretty fun
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>clearing out random dungeons, turn on taunter's tongue for fun
>gravitational missile just auto-wins 50% of invasions for me
wild strikes on this thing isn't actually bad, by the way. it's great for a caster because it's on-demand hyper armor, so you can just piss people off with spells and they'll mash into it. killed some tryhard off-hatched abuser by just letting it rip.
QRD on Archstones is it good is it fun
wtf is this shitbuild that you're running is that int/fth/arc stop it
eh i didn't like it on launch but the balance might be better now
it's just ARC/INT
i need to go pick up the new ARC scaling weapons in the DLC
oh that's the maternal staff nvm. also yeah the ripple axe is top tier.
could i copy and paste pyro with greatshield into elden ring from ds1?
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I hadn't actually spent the time to recontextualize that yet, but it makes Goldmask seem all the more justified now.

Radahn may (or may not) have made a pact with Miquella but on the condition he'd die an honorable death first, which necessitated that part of the war to be fought. Malenia and the forces of the Haligtree marched down to Caelid to do this but Malenia couldn't pull it off, so she releases the scarlet Rot as a last ditch effort and still didn't kill him but nuked all of Caelid as a result. The tarnished still has to come in and finish the job. All because Miquella wanted to become a God and usher in an age of brainwashing but ONLY so long as Radahn became his consort. Not to mention Mohg, another of his kin had to be brainwashed and sacrified for the plan to work.

I guess you could say that if Malenia truly believed in Miquella and the virtue of his age over that of Marika's then you could still view her actions as noble? But how much agency did she even have when Miquella is involved? And how righteous would an age of mass brainwashing truly be? Do the ends justify the means when the means are so needlessly destructive?

Seems like the words at the start of the game explaining how claiming shards of the great runes imparted a mad taint upon each and every demigod should be taken more seriously. Radahn, Miquella and Malenia were playing a big game where the lands between and its people were treated as dispoable sacrifices. It's as Ansbach says as well, it is folly through and through.
How did I end up in this thread? Oops.
yeah but it wouldn't be very good
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I wish that were true. The second half of Elden Ring sucks
it's okay xister we accept you
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fresh jee just arrived
G9 is playing at 165.
wrong thread >>487349339
no it isn't
Where did I say literally anything about summons?
If you summon you didn't beat the game.
Man, Sekiro is such a breath of fresh air after DS3 and ER. Even though it recycles some mechanics from the Souls games it still has more originality in its first two hours than those other two titles put together have in their entire 100+ hours of playtime.
Literally just go to the left and hug the edge, it's that easy.
we need fresh bodies
just let it die
shitter issue
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this is supposed to be the hardest ds1 boss? i took me 15 minutes
do new cycles increase dmg of enemies in ds1 remastered? or just hp and souls?
>this is supposed to be a hard game?
which game is hard
ng sekiro with no kuro's charm
just reinstalled ac6 after a long time, it seems i was in the middle of a run when i stopped playing, if i do new game instead of continue will i lose any money/parts or lock myself out f the true route?
Doesnt that delete your only save
it's almost like these games were never hard nor meant to be hard, and only retarded xbox gamers who tried to buttonmash taurus demon like its god of war then gave up went
also its hilarious how whenever you say
>its not hard it just punishes button mashing
someone posts a webm of himself at level 200 in full havels and a dragon tooth button mashing artorias down
because you can totally get all of those things by just button mashing
it's amazing how the only fun way to play ac6 is dancing around the target with a quick boost build and lock assist
heavy builds, medium builds, long range build they're all so boring, just keep spinning around the boss while cycling between double smg and double shotgun, occasionally cum when you get a point blank zimmer shot on a staggered target
Yes, ac6 is a boring, 1 dimensional game.
is there any actually fun mecha game?
everything from story/characters to the mech designs in ac6 was boring but i've had a mecha game itch for a while and never really heard of any cool game (except gundam evolution which is dead now)
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>200 lvl in havel's is when you wear lvl 1 havel's panties and leather gloves in your fast roll build
i was probably closer to lvl 80 in the webm
I'm not referring to your webm though I'm referring to the one where a guy literally just walks up to artorias and facetanks without dodging shit, mashing r1 instead. You're blocking and dodging
>tune into saint because surely he's invading
>he's not
>he's on his pve shit again
>casually drops "at the top of the crucible"
>someone naturally asks him what the actual fuck he's talking about
>uhhh, dude, you know, the crucible? at the top of enir-ilim? obviously?
i love how confident he is in his retarded schizo takes

the one about the DLC being about young Marika (he didn't think it was Miquella on Torrent if i recall correctly) ended up being right, miraculously
I appreciate that he comes up with his own shit and gives zero fucks about what youtubers are saying
it's way more fun to do the lore like that. I do the same. I don't know what the golden order actually is or does but to me they're cool paladins who hate undead and make sure people die properly. Is it correct? No fucking idea man but thats what I got out of it
oh yeah i've seen that one
i respect it as someone who is similar, i just think it's funny that he hits the crack pipe before every single lore take and then acts like it's word of god.
>golden order
my impression was that there's the golden order, and then there's golden order fundamentalists. it's like the difference between christianity as a whole and radical sects that are fucking obsessed with one specific issue. in the case of the fundamentalists, they obviously feel that the deliberate removal of the rune of death from the elden ring is integral to the doctrine of the golden order, and that therefore the undead are a walking heresy to be exterminated.
i like how heavily the game is inspired by christian culture and history, especially when "church = evil" is the most we tend to get out of games.
binocs on the quick bar to look at gwyneveres boobs
You can try the older AC games. Maybe start with AC3 or just jump into Last Raven. Controlling the mech is a bit trickier so circle strafing and jumping feels earned when you can do it. Zone of the Enders is what AC6 wishes it could be.
binocs / looking glass on item bar is soul
fsg the subsidiary of dsg
i thinks shes dead
>I found out there was some dumb bullshit I missed that I could not have known without a guide that would have given a unique moveset to Latimer's relic spear, one of which involved summoning an NPC which only becomes available if you fail your first try.
I think if soulsclone devs want any chance at competing with From they should STOP COPYING THE BAD PARTS OF DARK SOULS. Why would you take From's dogshit quest design and make it more egregious? Having platforming while not having a jump button it's "part of the soulsborne experience", From themselves changed this in Elden Ring.
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this little faggot two hits me and oneshots without shield
>plays lotf
you only have yourself to blame
i got oneshot
20 estus kindle the nearest bonfire and Havel tank him. Stand right in front of him, some of his attacks will swing over you. If you're getting one shit it's because you don't have 50 vit
i have 27VIT because i'm not a bitch
>Havel tank him
i'm not a faggot
i can get him to half hp right now i just have to keep going
based, fuck him up
cut his pinky finger off
Man, not being able to free aim spells in DS2 as well as you could in DS1 makes pyromancy feel awful. Should be called lock-on souls 2 because you're gimped in so many ways if you don't.
i dont cut off shit because i only want to play my based longsword
he literally oneshots me though that kind of sucks
he starts doing weird shit abyss attacks and i struggle with them a bit
Only a matter of time https://shadps4.net/
i fucked him up good brother
i went from dying at 60% hp consistently to just killing him
can't upload the fight because it's 5 minutes long
>>487494601 (You)
honestly, probably the first actually good bossfight in the game
the jump hitbox was weird but other than that i liked how fast paced it was
Holy hell, he wrote it again! My sides! This ladder... I was just gaming, and I chose to play Elden Ring today... And this guy, on this ladder, infront of the ladder...ahahahhahaa.... he put down a message that says: snake?, snake?
what are you yapping about
What's the worst area in any game? Tomb of the Giants? Haligtree? Horsefuck Valley?
Poison swamp, all of them.
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i thought i was gonna take a break after finishing ds1 because the games are so exhausting and boring but ds2 gets so much shit that i kind of want to try it
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It's fun. It's also a lot different to the rest of the games.
use binoculars
i always thought it was funny how u can parry each size of pig
the boss arena for capra demon. but i managed to kill him first try this playthrough so maybe i just sucked before.
I believe in you, anon. That part and iron keep are the two worst parts in the game. Just be careful and deliberate, you'll get it eventually. Put on some calm music, take a break, whatever you need to do.
failing again and again in getting through iron keep forced me to learn how to parry those bastards.
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>Can't figure out which game to replay tonight
Maybe Sekiro because I've only beaten it once. DS1 because it's my favorite, like the mediocre food you used to eat when you were a kid so it tastes amazing. Maybe ds2 because I got all the achievements in 1, so I could do the same in all of them.
They do it even for ladders that aren't that long.
Did these zoomers even play what they're referencing?
no but also kys bitter millennial
>Did these zoomers even play what they're referencing?
Yes I did play snakes and ladders, everyone here did
bro nobody has played snakes and ladders since the 80s
wrooooong. i'm 19 and have played snakes and ladders.
what do you prefer, dark souls 1 or snakes and ladders
ds1. snakes and ladders has poor replay value.
what mods for Dark Souls 1 are worth playing
Literally none they're all dogshit
except for randomizers and the ones that turn gravelord phantoms on permanently
daughters of ash was pretty fun
>savage lion's claw
>offhand incants
mmm that's good.
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Didn't know you could get to her and talk to her, she gives you a soul and looks a lot like the ladies that try and gank you all over the dlc.
What's the best way to play Dark Souls 1 nowadays? I remember looking at some comparisons where Remastered looked like fucking dogshit, but I can't find Prepare to Die edition anywhere.
prepare to die edition is no longer purchasable on steam but it's definitely the better looking game with dsfix. Afaik there still is no mod that just restores the PTDE lighting in remastered.
You could try pirating it or buying a key off someone for 500 dollars.
I guess I'll have to go look for an old torrent of PTDE then. That's nuts that they force you into buying the shitty remaster
If you care for online at all definitely get the remaster btw.
Also it seems I talked out of my ass people actually did put the effort in to make remastered look more like PTDE, I havent googled for this in a while. Vile reddit link incoming
Forgot to mention, no idea if this reddit guys approach is good but from looking at the screenshots of these mods they do seem to make it look a lot like PTDE
I am already way past that area, finishing Aldia's Keep at the moment. Eventually I lost my shit, bought the Dragonslayer Bow, upgraded it to the max and started sniping every priestess with poison arrows. Fuck honor. And I don't have dragon bones for that dragon greatsword that is supposed to drop in Aldia's Keep.
Also, Iron Keep wasn't that bad, it was way less frustrating for me than Black Gulch or Amana. Turn out those knight goons melt to the shield + bonk combo, especially if you pick them off one by one. The only frustrating part was this corridor leading to Smelter Demon, because those two archers placed on opposite ends of the corridor are some deliberate bullshit.
>you target one archer, so you don't see what's going on behind you, while the other archer keeps shooting your back.
Is fighting the Ancient Dragon for the 5th Giant soul necessary, or will I be able to defeat Vendrick without it?
This shithead has so much HP I can't be bothered to keep whacking him with my mace for half an hour.
Level vigor, nigga. What, you trying to fight him with only 800hp?
*Ahem* I think you mean VITALITY
>no patch
You don't need it. But you should try to kill him for the sake of killing everything in the game even if the fight is really boring trying not to fuck up and trigger his one shot move.
He's not that hard, just use right hind foot strats. He will alternate between stomping and flying dragon breath. When he flies just run towards his tail. Only hazard is his stomp aoe being dark souls 2 but it's his lowest damage attack. Each giant soul you are missing out of 5 will double vendrick's resistances.
I know he's not hard, he just has so fucking many HP. I think I was done with tanky bosses after Velstadt.
Why is this general so dead, if there is a constant DS thread spam on /v/?
waiting for the discord infighting to stop and the generals to merge so I can post my webms
>general gets mentally raped by the dsgtroons for months
>all the posters leave
>the last few remaining posters split from the dsgtroons and they make their own general
very few posters left
dont worry second eroge war soon
looks like skyrim or gothic
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i get oneshot the nanosecond i get into the arena
>What, you trying to fight him with only 800hp?
i already beat him faggot
We got divided
>>general gets mentally raped by the dsgtroons for months
Most of them weren't so bad, though.
Dsgtroons made this op, which is the weirdest part
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wait for it
Did you talk to Gough? Otherwise you got no chance. I will not elaborate
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i did
Nevermind, nice. Whats up with the cinematic black bars?
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i have a crt because of my autism
look how close i was
lads i got 100-0 again
and again
100-0 stucklock
jesus fucking christ x2
you can either nut up and beat him or make a reddit post about it to farm karma from casuals
your choice
You can beat this guy with minimal rolling if u know his moves
yeah it's a pretty easy fight but he has a lot of HP and can oneshot you without shield with half of his attacks
i beat him though, i could maybe post the fight but it's 4min so i'd have to split it
Are LotF bosses really supposed to be easy? I find them more difficult to get through than in DS3. They feel needlessly tanky with all sorts of gotcha moves that you couldn't possibly know how to react to the first time.
>Seek more scouring
Fuck you dollar store twin princes, I don't even get to keep going, I have to unlock other paths first? They should have just made it linear, this branching paths thing doesn't suit this game.
The bosses on release had some pretty awful balancing and were piss easy but with the occasional attack that would one shot you. Pieta was by far the hardest boss at launch (besides the secret ending boss) and nothing came close. I've heard they've released a few buff patches and added new attacks so I wouldn't be surprised if you're struggling with some of them.
Yeah I'm playing 1.5, got it on sale. I read they made them more challenging so the impressions I heard during launch might be dated. The main thing that trips me up compared to souls is that the rhythm and timing of enemy attacks relative to the duration of dodges feels off. Like a tell for a move and when it becomes active doesn't really sync with how I react and I get 'roll' caught. The animations also don't look that clear. I think something smart about DS rolls is it's a very good visual indicator to the player of when they're invulnerable. It's also a very simple system. LotF has that weird double dodge makes you do a roll thing that complicates the formula.
I like the game overall but every remembrance boss so far has left me with a feeling of "thank God this cheesy jank is over" rather than "wow that was cool".
They're relatively easy, yes. Think of them like DS1 / DS3 bosses, they're there to be part of the level and not a challenge unto themselves.
From should make another 1st person dungeon crawler. I want to step backwards to dodge and then forwards to attack over and over again in a narrow passage.
just let it die, breh
>rush into big room, sprinting
>get raped
>invade place full of enemies
>when you attack an enemy other enemies are covering the ally being attacked
>surprised pikachu
out fucking skilled
I forgot how cancer some of the sotf dlc stuff was. The fucking snow field displaced every memory
the statue at black gulch blocking the bonfire tops it all though

>the flies are literally a reused skeleton
Crazy how a huge dev like from is at this point still has to do this. Or how they reused capra demons for the omenkillers
>huge dev
400 employees
Counting the outsourcing team in India?
No that's a contractor and every modern dev does this. I found it really funny how everyone shat on starfield for it, meanwhile BG3 and ER contracted the EXACT same jeet and chink studios and nobody ever mentions it
what do they use the jeets for
literally just play better wtf are you doijng
I'm drunk rn and had a revelation about Bloodborne lore
So you know the ending where the protagonist turns into a slug who is some sort of god. Well, slugs are hermaphrodites, and this is a reference to men becoming more feminine and women becoming more masculine. It warns us that next step in human evolution is androgyny. The "godhood" is humans becoming more powerful than god by defying his rules about two genders
cheap 3d modelling for less significant assets mostly, like random clutter or plants or random wood beams etc
How do you have access to an unlisted video?
>EDIT: I've made a glaring error at 02:06, mistakenly reading "primacy" as "primitiveness". I've set the video to Unlisted. I'll likely be deleting it and uploading a corrected version. I apologize for the inconvenience to anyone still seeing this.
He has to correct the shit he made up on the spot because he accidentally misread a word and just went with it. Many such cases
ds2 won
>he didn't check every single corner in the microsecond after dropping down onto a ledge where you have 1 inch to fight
never gonna make it
developers reuse assets all the fucking time

people crying about it is so stupid
They tend to change them a bit so they're not downright identical skeletons
no they don't, because animation rigs are only discernible by autists who played the previous games, and fromsoft gives reused assets new models and usually some new animations as well. it's standard practice.
>ds2sloppapoppa piggu rushing to the defence of their broken game, laping up the awful game design as if they were whipped slaves
Kekaroo! Bark Slop 2 sissies really have something wrong with them! To see a webm of a poor player getting ganked because he attacked one enemy (this will aggro every reused boss within 40 meters) and cheer because "bullshit = hard = good" oh nononono, slop sistas be like: hmmmmm reading up on the area before hand and luring out each enemy by cheesing them out with arrows? YIPPEEE sounds like fun!
>no they dont
yet they have every time in the past
>doesn't understand
done talking to you
Why are you so carelessly running into a room like this?
Slop sister...
No one is crying about it and people who think Zullie/BonfireVN are denouncing fromsoftware asset reuse are beyond retarded.
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>open the ruin sentinel doors
>WTF???? Why did I get swarmed
Probably because Starfield sucks.
yeah but it stands to reason that it sucks because bethesda sucks, not because they contracted pajeets (which every big game in the industry for the past 4 years minimum has done)
>Crazy how a huge dev like from is at this point still has to do this
It's about saving time and money, why not reuse something you already have and slightly modify it? It's how you can save a lot of time in development from project to project.
Good morning sir!
post hands, shitskin
Have you tried paying some attention to the environment and how enemies act? Whole game has been trying to teach you this up until this point. Including the stone enemies.
>you were indicted
>walk into a room
>watch webm
>he sprints into a room full of statues that were previously established to start moving when you get near them sometimes
>he had previously opened the doors so he KNOWS the ruin sentinels are there
Yeah idk people are REALLY desperate to shit on this game
>its another /dsg/pvpfag trying to start a fightclub but can't because they're all blocking eachother episode
it's just one guy who blocks people on purpose to ruin things, doughever
such is life for drama addicted namefags
hope the next game wont have spirit ashes, I dislike how it affected coop
[Sad News] Zullie Made A Mistake While Editing Her Latest Video
Beat ds3 again and I don't feel anything.
Gonna play herald next.
How did affect co-op?
There's less of it and every single co-op host is bad to the point where he either dies instantly when you co-op or just stands back and makes you solo the boss. The whole middleground of players, which is people who would've summoned in previous games, everyone who is even remotely capable of not dying just summons tiche or mimic tear and doesn't bother with co-op because it's harder than just mimic tear if you can dodge at all
Tips how to defeat the ancient dragon? This boss is cuntier than I expected. He keeps spamming the same "rain fire from the sky" attack over and over again. I run away from it, he drops down, I run towards him, he flies up again, I run away, he drops down, I run towards him, he flies up again...
At this rate it'll take me forever to kill him.
>not hiding the previous bloodstain showing that you knew how the room worked but you still wanted to just run through the game
I like spirit ashes more than people… cool rotdog and bird with war cry buff and then buffing my epic redmane sniper with war cry and my greatshield midget friends redmane soldiers with charge forth claymore and meowmic tear and perfumer giving me a bubble and cannon imp and jedi monke and oleg and ya
I would enjoy them more if they were an alternate form of spell and did not affect boss AI. Think tibia summons but more lengthy
Hmmm… it would’ve been cool if there was a bb-esque tool or consumable system of spirit enemies u could summon for specific moves like the tibia ones.
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do i beat him legit or parry bitchslap him
parrying is more fun
i dont think it is
i got oneshot agin btw
btw the runback is fanstastic
you have criminally dogshit health and are barely wearing armor, I'm not surprised
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i dont want to finish this game
Wouldn't be so bad parryless if he didn't have that one move that comes out almost instantly.
I think you pretty much need a shield for this one, even without parrying. Hold it up, stay at midrange, bait out attacks and go in when he does one with a good opening. Run behind a pillar to heal since he input reads.
i hate this game
>lock onto low profile enemy like dog
>all my attacks just sail over it
sometimes elden ring just pisses me the fuck off
ASF asdgliopassssoooooasdfghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
most retarded blogger award
i have songs on my playlist shorter than this fucking runback fuck off
Stop listening to the tv size versions of songs then.
I am about to start the DS2 DLCs. I am scared.
The base game was cancerous enough.
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t.no understanding of game development
miyazaki and tamimura need to divorce
miyazaki had nothing to do with the remake
it's crazy how everyone claims it's normal yet you can't name a single occurnece of a skeleton being reused with the original idle animation, besides this one
omenkillers have the capra demon skeleton tho, tail included.
and did you read the rest of the post too or no? I am aware they reuse skeletons but the point is they change the models animation wise and design wise so its less obvious. Meanwhile they straight up ported fly people over and gave them a slightly different look
There's no cancer. Just don't run into rooms. Walk in just past the door frame to catch aggro and then walk out. Didn't you learn anything from Lost Bastille? People complain about that hall just before Velstadt but if you were careful you would have checked under the stairs the first time to find the guy that rings the bell. The only really annoying place is shrine of Amana since the enemies are ranged and you're slowed by the water.
Bro they copy pasted the silver tears from Demon's Souls and nobody cares.
Can you just go back to /v/?
I see nothing really changed with fromsoft's broken hitboxes on grabs
erdtree avatars
i didn't say that tho
You thought it
SotE killed Elden Ring
Sekiro filtering me hard not gonna lie
You're not the only one
Sekiro and Nioh 2 filtered most of this general too
Press r1 after you press l1 bro
what're you stuck on?
Thinking of playing as the Dragon Form in DS1 for fun
Is it true that the damage output of the unarmed attacks are unaffected by leveling STR/DEX?
Nigger they make a completely new rig and animation set for every major bossfight. Most action rpg devs literally reuse the same humanoid rig for normal enemies, minibosses, and main bosses. Fromsoft also has the balls to animate creatures with a million limbs unlike most other gamedevs that would rather shut down the studio than animate anything with more than 4. Let them reuse a rig for fucks sake.
t. amateur gamedev autist that notices every model, rig and sound fromsoft reuses but thinks its based rather than cringe.
what are some good poise benchmarks to have in ds2 pve?
That's cool my nigger i'm proud of you but understand that I havent ever noticed a single reused rig except for the flies which are 1:1 the same
>that just means you can't spot them as well as me
yeah and what is it called when the average consumer notices you're reusing assets 1:1?
I dislike how it affected the average player
>player tries to beat boss a few times without summons
>this is bullshit!
>ding ding ding
>beats boss with relative ease, but learns nothing about the mechanics of the game
>tries to beat the next boss a few times without summons
>struggles because they learned nothing from the previous boss
>this is bullshit!
>ding ding ding
And next thing you know, you're summoning mimic tear with patch 1.01 hoarfrost stomp to beat Malenia. It's a system that indirectly causes players to prevent themselves from acquiring basic mechanical knowledge and skill that will help them through the rest of the game. I feel like Souls games have always been about struggling, and a system that encourages people to think
>yeah... i don't want to deal with this
>ding ding ding
deprives potentially competent players of the experience of really learning how the game works. I've seen some of my friends who played previous Souls games get fucking lobotomized by spirit ashes, it's crazy. On the other hand, there are people who legitimately wouldn't be able to beat Elden Ring with spirit ashes, and I think it's good that they get the opportunity to do so.

Say what you will about LotF2, but the hitboxes on its command grabs were actually really good for some reason.
>still haven't played sekiro
>but i've been really enjoying using the deflect tear
i don't know what's going to happen when i do play it
The true Corrupted Monk is buttfucking me on NG+3, probably because I haven't levelled attack enough. I can do phase 1 fine just taking a couple of hits, as he's easy to deflect and loses ton of posture from it. But in phase 3 he's faster and takes less damage, so I end up overwhelmed. Anything that makes this phase easier? My go-to is using Mortal Draw after big attacks, but doesn't seem to be doing much here.
My dude, it's just not worth my time getting good at a game with such garbage input lag and input eating. 90% of the time I don't feel accomplished when I beat a hard boss, only bitter over all the times I got fucked over by From's shitty coding.
I love when retards think recovery frames existing is "input lag"
Nigga, I know what I'm fucking talking about. I've tested it. At least on PS4, Elden Ring consistently has 2-3 more frames of lag (at 30 fps) than Bloodborne or the PS4 home menu.
>input eating
would it be that bad if bosses had no animation cancel and reacted after 200ms?
dodged early
I don't see how that relates.
>playing a 2022 release on PS4
>whining it runs bad
fucking lmao
Armored Core runs fine on it, and ER's input problems seem to be present on every platform from what I've heard.
I don't see why you're so invested in defending the game's shitty performance.
I dont care if another game runs good on a 12 year old console, you lost the right to bitch about shit performance when you chose to play releases on a 12 year old shitbox
don't even bother replying with some retarded cope
>When Aldrich ruminated on the fading of the fire, it inspired visions of a coming age of the deep sea. He knew the path would be arduous, but he had no fear. He would devour the gods himself.

>TOGETHA... we will devour the very gods!

Why is Miyazaki repeating the motif with the concept of devouring gods? What is the purpose of this in his works?
do loresloppas really
All of Elden Ring is just motifs from previous games. There's no reason to it other than Miyazaki thinks it's cool.
i wish they would remaster Ds2 and expand upon the ideas they had but couldn't fit into the game like the black gulch area being bigger.
I don't think input eating is a performance problem, it's just how the games work. I really hated it in AC6 since all the past AC games were so responsive.
I never played Scholar of the First Sin edition and I don't think I ever will. Some strange group of people seem to say it's better, but all I ever hear is that it has ganks 10x worse than the regular DaS2, and that had ganks for days.
Instead they should make the version of the game that it was supposed to be so we can see the original intended plot.
Aren't the dlcs unchanged between vanilla and sotfs.
What reason would there be to drop inputs other than due to performance issues?
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why did u drop that way... if u take the ladder you can fight ewvery enemy in this room one by one...
dumb bait webm
He's also using a very poor poking weapon for DS2. Only weapons with wide hitboxes are really viable in DS2 due to the many times you'll be fighting hordes of enemies.
Is this a serious question?
There are reasons but ER has 0 input lag on PC so he's just experiencing a console jobber moment
we get artificial latency instead
is it just me or are light dex weps in pve bullshit unless you really spam strong ashes
Like I'm trying out a rapier with 40 dex in the subterrean shunning grounds (+17) and even with the counter talisman it just isn't doing shit to them. Meanwhile even just a greatsword stunlocks em. I dont understand why I would ever use a dex weapon non dualwielded
Such as?
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I used the heide knight spear for many enemies and bosses in ds2 sotfs and in vanilla. it's very powerful... pate spear is even better with its better range.
If you're dealing with multiple enmies yeah you should probably siwtch weapons or you can get them into a single line/chokepoint and spear them all at the same time
dex is hardmode in pve against enemies with infinity hyperarmor yeah. it's easier to just spam giant hunt or r1 to death wit ha colossal
It's interesting to me that some people just happened to stumble upon the best builds to fight Radahn by accident.
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elden ring most op rune farm
unga bunga has been tried and true since forever desu. everyone loves grabbing the zweihander at the beginning of ds1 so they can pancake their way thru the game
It's sad that the most boring way to play the game is the best. All the spells, the weird niche incantations and items you have to spend so much time to get all fail before one giant sword.
big stick has to do something good...
Aslong as it feels good it isnt boring, plus enemies do rape you if you let up so it's not like there's no risk
>you would have checked under the stairs the first time to find the guy that rings the bell.
The hollow rings the bell ANYWAY, because he's infinately respawning so I eventually just leg it, because I can't be fucked.
>Almost $130
It has nothing to do with Miyazaki repeating motifs
Elden Ring IS Dark Souls 3: The Director's Cut. A lot of concepts and ideas that Dark Souls 3 didn't have time and resource to realize since Miyazaki could only step in barely over a year before release are executed in Elden Ring.
The sense of being in a large connected world that Dark Souls 3 delivered by having the players consta tly have Lothric as central point of the map visible from every location is repeated with the Erdtree and the Forge.
The faster combat based on staggers implementing charged attacks and weapon skills and hyperarmor was reiterated upon but expanded/improved.
A lot of story beats including the civil war between various sides over the Order that will follow through after the Apocalypse are carried over in a new setting with more, newer characters.
Rykard's corruption by an ancient and blasphemous (to the status quo) cult to gain power matches Aldrichs' and him turning what uaed to be the Way of the White into an Abyss cult seeking to devour Gods and acquire power for the coming Age of Dark, including both canonically being anti-host covenants.
The Omen curse which spreads due to the hornsent cursing the children of Marika woth the curae of the Fell God matches perfectly the Ghrus in Dark Souls 3, that are human descendants corrupted by the Abyss and demonic variants still corrupted by the Profaned Flame, that are instead more similar to hornsent ascetics.
Even the concept of dregs of corrupted humanity that stangrated through years of delayed Age of Fire into writhing masses of abominations are in the DLC with Putrescence.
Elden Ring is Dark Souls 3 as Miyazaki had envisioned it, and that's kino as fuck.
>Return to Demon's Souls after feeling like hot shit beating Sekiro/ER with ease.
>Get absolutely fucked by red-eyed knight. Regular enemies are more of a threat.
It's easy to forget how spoiled I have been.
False, this has never happened to me. Is this a sotfs thing?
I started Ashes of Ariandel and now it just feels like I'm playing Elden Ring. Without the horse.
If anything, the writers made the Hornsent too human. Their entire society is a-okay with torturing and murdering people just for being different, there's no negotiating with that.
>prepare to die edition is no longer purchasable on steam but it's definitely the better looking game with dsfix.
really? i have PTDE on Steam because that's what I have. does that still have multiplayer or do i have to buy remastered for multiplayer?
i have DeS on the PS3, is it worth it to get the remake on the PS5 or should I just play the original?
Obviously the original. The demake fucking sucks and removes everything artistically that made DeS stand out.
just use a shield, it's a perfect match for a rapier, and fast guard counters get around the poise issue
remake is dog diarrhea garbage. the western sensibilities ooze out at every turn
forgot to mention but ive played through both a couple of times
also forgot to mention that I'm jewish and trans if that matters
ok thanks
>Muh style
>Muh music
8 direction rolling
Ring that lets you walk through 4-2
Yup GOATpoint nailed it
poast (you)r best eldog blee bill
>want to do a NG++ run of Dark Souls 2, just to get the NG++ exclusive miracles and pyromancies (literally only one remaining) spells, for achievements
>Have one NG+ playthrought ready
>But too rusty, and said playthrough isnt a 100% one
>Get devil toughts
>Why not use a mod to get it?
>Install mod that let you buy NG++ stuff into NG or NG+
>Disconnect net, play offline
>Do it
>But when unistalling mod, and connecting again, I dont get the cheevo warning of Pyromancy spells
What do?
Yem it
Wrong field marshal
just do it properly anon
what's better? dark souls 2 or dark souls 2 scholar of the first sin?
The second one
dark souls 2 has better enemy placements and more coherent level design
dark souls 2 soft has better literally everything else but it also shoves 8 enemies into a small room :^)
base ds2 also is dead and has no multiplayer anymore
>base ds2 also is dead and has no multiplayer anymore
not an issue since I'm playing on the PS3 which doesn't have multiplayer for both games.
Is this in argentinian dollars? where the fuck do you live
Also I'm pretty sure it's free with ps+ or something so you can play it for
play it for a month or two and get online for half the price*
250 hours in and I still don't know how the colosseum works
Dumb lore question: why is every plot important NPC in DS so fucking gargantuan? Be it Gweneveire, or Vendrick, they are all huge.
What race is Vendrick supposed to be? I always thought he was human?
Important and size correlate
likely not lore related
most enemies are just bigger than the player character for visual clarity so you can anticipate their attacks easier
they're lords and not humans
the furtive pygmy is a human
vanilla ds2 has some dogshit level design wtf are you on about. scholar is an overall upgrade and i dont CARE that they put a lot of enemies before the ruin sents.
the enemies before ruin sent are meant to be blown up with the red barrels anyway
yeah you can explode them or just draw them out in small groups through the door. also they can't even chase you to the fogwall in scholar.
Alright...at least give me a good pyro/melee build to respecc and journey toward NG++
Should I use the Nil GreatSword now that im on NG++, or any better options, like the Possesed Armor Sword?
dude fuck off i already told you the stats............
yeah use possessed armor sword or black knight weapons or maybe like spitfire spear. also get flame weapon from the lost sinner.
It's AUD
steam achievement manager if you're gonna cheat for an achi
>watch guyI know on disc fight margit after bitching they made ER too hard
>it's his fifth attempt or something
>margit does the big wind up overhead
>he stands directly infront of margit, waiting, not attacking, to wait until the roll timing
>keeps missing it and gets raped by it because he's also a viglet
>"This shit is way too hard to dodge"
>keep watching him for a couple more attempts
>he keeps doing this exact thing and keeps dying to it
What causes this? When I fought margit my first thought when I got hit by that was
>yeah I guess I'm not supposed to roll this
and wouldn't you know it I tried strafing it and it works just fine, even lets me unload a full combo into him

Is this because people heard souls games are hard so they think they're meant to suffer? It reminds me of how people used to fight the asylum demon with the broken straight sword. When confronted about how that's pretty retarded their excuse was always
>but dark souls is hard so it seemed appropriate
Why is New Londo, Elden Ring edition, flooded?
I think ansbach tells you about it in the beginning of the dlc if you talk to him before breaking the rune
I swear some npc mentions it but I completely forgot
Also I can't believe we didn't get a greatsword with the mirrah moveset + a poke
And why is Lion's claw 2 a straight upgrade to lion's claw?
Whats the point of this general and dsg both existing?
just go on /dsg/ and look at how 90% of posts there are the same 3 guys typing like its myspace in 2005 (the latest tranny quirk) for dozens of posts in a row
Just be happy they arent here
if you want to talk about dark souls/fromsoft games use /fsg/, if you want to have a shitfling fest with le pisscord pvp secret club and be wrapped up in their endless namefag drama use /dsg/
Lions claw 2 looks worse and does worse poise damage so its not decidedly an upgrade
lions claw 2 launches you 50 feet forward, does more total damage in 3 hits, has better tracking, gives you a follow up that you can delay, and true combos 2/3 hits in pvp
if the first hit didn't do less damage it would be a 100% upgrade with no downside
/dsg/ sucks up the majority of the schizo posting
>Also I can't believe we didn't get a greatsword with the mirrah moveset + a poke
Yeah it's kinda ridiculous. The only greatsword with an R2 poke is the Claymore right?
>And why is Lion's claw 2 a straight upgrade to lion's claw?
I don't think that it is, each hit does less damage/poise IIRC
>The only greatsword with an R2 poke is the Claymore right?
they gave pokes to the lizard greatsword and the midra greatsword
Now I'm curious kek
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highest quality 'old' (> 2 years since last release/update) /vg/ general
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There's a lot of things I don't like about Ashes of Ariandel, but one thing I do like is how all the NPCs are begging you to fucking leave and not spoil their plans.
Ashes gets shit on so much but corvian settlement is one of the coolest jampacked level designs ever, and I actually liked running around in the snowy forest areas. I just wish it was 2-3x longer with some more indoor areas to explore.
I finished ashes yday and it was really fun, I like the style DS3 goes for.
I've been invading as mound-maker and it's fucking kino.
Can someone explain the dsg schizo to me? I feel like he's a very recent addition to the threads. What's his endgame?
Some salty dude holding a grudge after getting his ass beat in dsg
i've got some bad news for you
Old /dsg/ is gone, only trannies remain
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the aftermath of the first 'roge war has led to irremediable animosities between veterans from opposing sides... minor conflicts, fueled by personal revenge and pettiness, will continue to ravage the already polluted interconnected noosphere of erg-eroge/dsg-fsg... when will a hero step up to quell the fires once and for all... what is peace?
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which god do we pray to now
>dsg schizo
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God I love being a STRchad.
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new jee
Woah, I'm definitely going to have to click on this one. The thumbnail is intentionally censored to show me nothing of value and the title is equally worthless! Going to drop a like!
remember to comment too
You can also do the funny door to nowhere shortcut and take the ladder up behind most of them. There are only the two on the bottom floor that you have to fight then.
what is going on with ds3 ringed city invasions?
I set up a sign as mound near a bonfire and I get summoned as spear of the church and sometimes I get summoned as a co-op where I can just kill mobs without tree shit used by host
if u are summoned a moundmaker you can go kill mobs and the host and really anything u want

if you put down a summon sign you can get summoned as a spear of the church even without the covenant item equipped.
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fuck jewnine
that's interesting, I noticed that when I set up a sign as mound, I still get summoned at some random spot on the map
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Actually, what's crazy is that they didn't reuse more. Should've taken the thieves from lothric castle and put them in Leyndell. Should've taken the frogs, the two headed snakes, the giant cats and even the fucking mosquitos from DS1 over every single area having deer, goats, and fucking runebears for wildlife in every fucking local. Take the fucking glitchy ass falconers and their retarded animations from DS2 if it means having some more variety for fucks sake.
should've delayed both the basegame and the DLC by another 1-2 years
god forbid devs actually finish their games in todays industry though
I never ended up playing the last DLC of DS3 so I'm gonna go play through the entire game again
my first playthrough was str/faith. I like big weapons and putting on heavy heavy armor

should I do a quality build? I forgot if quality was good in DS3. I remember looking at the astora UGS and thinking it looks sweet. Will I suffer like quality in elden ring makes one suffer and pure str is way better?
or should I replay str/faith? are the miracles the DLC adds good and worth doing str faith again and I'll miss out if I do quality/pure str?
astora gs is for dex or elemental infusions
quality is good
>start new game
>quality build with great sword again
how do you break the cycle
>The mission... My friend's... Wishes...
>Look at you, 621... You finally found... A friend...
How do you respond without sounding sad?
Is quality really that bad in ER?
there is quite literally no reason to ever do it over just pure str for various reasons
the biggest reason is that there's barely any quality somber weps and most heavy infused weps get excellent str scaling. There are SOME quality somber weps to use that get pretty good attack out of 50/50 but that's a gigantic stat investment and they're not that great/outclassed by heavy variants regardless.
Basically unless you really want to use a ghiza wheel, godricks axe, commanders standard or one of the somber great katanas you really shouldn't bother

This is all assuming you don't want to blow up your level to 160. If you don't mind going to 150-160 or whatever quality is p good and lets you use a lot of weps, but you'd probably still get more benefit out of branching into arc/int/faith
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>watching the host fail to dodge messmer's slow ass grab and get insta-killed for the 10th fucking time today

sunbros, this dlc is suffering
wrong thread woops
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>playing DS3
>having fun so far
>Enter: Cathedral of the Deep
I hate this place
I hate these enemies
I hate thralls
I hate fucking bleed spam that doesn't go out unless you have a torch
I hate the fucking prick who designed this shitty fucking level
Just kill him. Your incorporeal red space magic girlfriend is more important
/tttt/ containment thread. You do not want a faster thread if it's being bumped by tiff slurm poopa goopa grass mokfel yem yemmy sworn bill retardation making the thread unreadable.
fsg is more accessible and inclusive while dsg is for posters who have 1000+ in at least one of the games
1000+ hours i mean
this place is dead af
Sorry times
From software and soulslikes are just not that popular outside of Ewden Wing. 25+ million copies, I think most "from software fans" started with ER nowadays.
Cathedral is short and sweet, with a easy (if your not using int) boss for the free souls.
Playing DaS2 for the first time, only souls I haven't played
Is the movement and control supposed to feel this floaty? It's bad
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>you can get this helmet without the hair if you wear some armor with a cape
>but you can't get rid of the hair by altering and wear it that way with anything
gay & retarded
glad I don't have armor autism
post your character
your character
You get used to it. It takes a while to settle in to DS2 but you'll get a feel for it eventually. I came into the game thinking it feels scuffed but finished the game rather liking the way it handles.
holy seethe
exact same here, it grows on you and you start to realize it works well so long as you level adp anyway
you only need 99 agility max desu
Every boss in DS3 is easy if you're not using INT
You know it's true. Remember when DS3 was people's first dakuso? Remember when DS1 was people's first FromSoftware game?
I know its true but i can feel the seething rage off your post
neutral observer and I believe these posts are seetheful: >>487795545>>487793029
>Remember when DS1 was people's first FromSoftware game?
I remember it like yesterday. I'm one of those. I wish I can go back and reexperience this game for the first time.
john bloodborne spotted at the Olympics
Infuse your shield with magic anon, or just equip a shield that has high magic resistance, I think that's how shit worked, lure them out and fuck them. Also word of advice, heavy weapon fucking suck in that game, get a fast weapon instead.
No, they added even more because fuck you.
Classic, that's what I did lmao.
heavy weapons are good. don't give shitty advice.
They fucking suck.
>Consume more stamina
>Barely do any damage
>Garbage durability
>slow recovery
>Weird hitbox shenanigans
Fuck off anon.
>Consume more stamina
>Barely do any damage
incredibly wrong.
>Garbage durability
stop using the malformed skull.
>slow recovery
just play around that...
>Weird hitbox shenanigans
stop talking out of your ass
>Abloh abloh
Fuck off anon, what a pathetic post.
>Consume more stamina
>Barely do any damage
>Garbage durability
>slow recovery
>Weird hitbox shenanigans
lol i figured that you'd be out of arguments. don't say dumb stuff if you can't back yourself up...
You're dogshit and probably tried ot use a +0 zweihander on your dex build or some equally genuinely retarded shit
That's one of the best levels in the game tho?
Damn, not 5 minutes and the cope posts just start piling up, they fucking suck, simple as and you crying about it or giving shit won't change that, it embarrassing that you fags are even arguing about it.
concession accepted
yeah yeah merely pretending to be retarded very interesting
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Gwyn is a great boss and people who cheese him with parry abuse are missing out.
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>Playing DS2 for the first time after beating DS1
>mfw yet another guy directly behind and next to a door or entryway trying to catch you napping.
I'm somewhat concerned with the direction the gameplay philosophy has taken. It feels like they're relying more on trickery and traps rather than trying to make the combat actually challenging.
just dont run into areas blindly. they always make it easy to counter.
you playing sotfs or the base game?
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Oh yeah it's easy to counter but it's tiresome and brings things to a crawl when you have to check every single corner and window every single time when entering somewhere new.
Currently in base game content I think? Beat Last Giant, Dragonrider, and Royal Rat Vanguard with no issues whatsoever (and joined the not-skaven club-covenant, yes yes)
Currently exploring the gutters which seems to be great value blight town.
No I mean are you playing scholars of the first sin or just dark souls 2 release version
cause sotfs improves enemy placements a bunch
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Scholars. If this is the improved enemy placement I shudder to consider what the original was like.
You are now experiencing the flanderization of the series in real time
>DS1 and DeS genuinely just built for maximum fun splorin and fighting
>The franchise gets popular and casuals start rah rahing about how epically hard and hardcore these games are
>fromsoft makes DS2 and your observed difference in game design begins to manifest
Every title in the franchise leans more into it, until elden ring where you got gotchas baked into boss movesets
>heh you rolled out of a hitstun? GOTCHA! followup with rollcatch timing!
The level after where you are fighting followers is also great, you will be pressured by multiple ranged and melee enemies in situations designed to constrain the player but with multiple paths to manuver around, but generally speaking the average retard has no clue of what level design means and just think it's muh shortcut
Fuck man I just want another souls game without goofy jump attack spam and without open world. If they make ER2 instead of DS4 I am going to shit a brick
desu i wish the game did more with the platforming
i want mario souls
Scholar puts a few more enemies in places. Every place that you think has too many it added one or two more. Some were removed for whatever reason in other locations. Sotfs also is responsible for those awesome petrified statues blocking your path.
I would agree with this if DS2 wasn't the easiest game with the most fun "adventure" feel. So basically I don't agree at all. The comparison to Elden Ring boss movesets doesn't make any sense. I can peek around a corner and negate any gotcha with due diligence on my part. Seeing whether a boss has a combo extender on reading your input is pure trial and error.
Miyazaki forgot!
Whenever you notice that From doesn't understand how to make games in a genre they were most well know for a decade in the past simply remind yourself
>Miyazaki forgot
ACfags, this is your playerbase?
>Catcha: MOG'D
I don't think the problem is that jump exists. It's more of how easily it comes out compared to running while having such mobility, a speed boost ajd relatively fast attacks.
I don't think the general direction (which can be seen by having ashes of war and generally more mobile and aggressive movesets, especially with the DLC) of powerful movement and attack options is a bad thing either, but it could be rebalanced to offer more interesting variety and options.

Playing Archthrones, Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring made me think of a different implementation for example.

Archthrones has running attack from neutral by using the jump attack combo and has the kick from Dark Souls 3. This kind of input system is garbage because of how annoying accidentally getting the forward + attack input in Souls games where you move and direct attack constantly is.

My control scheme would take inspiration from both Dark Souls 3 Archthrones and Elden Ring and buff considerably movement while removing the clunky directional combo input.

Having the jump input be holding down dodge, what is currently sprinting, would not intrude using jumps to dodge, but would slow down jumps from neutral if even for a bit

Having what used to be the jump input be just dedciated to sprinting would open up not just to comfortably dodging or jumping out of running, but also to a bunch of other options like
>Kicks by pressing it with R1, without forcing an ash of war slot for it
>Running R2 attack from stationary, and running R2 should be rebalanced by increasing stamina costs a bit but bave more stance damage than running R1.
>Just running, by pressing it down and moving in any direction, works exactly like now, except you can jump and even dodge and keep sprinting after.

There is a great opportunity to expand and implement more options but I'm certain that I will be disappointed and all we will get is some dogshit bland deflection system to flatten all builds into one playstyle
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why did you format your post like this?


two sentences



It's called paragraphing
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try this next time you try paragraphing
People that do that and not add manual linebreaks when exceeding 80
characters deserve to be dragged into a the streets and shot.
Right next to mobile users.
Kill yourself retard
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i havent changed my mind
trial and error piece of shit artificial difficulty banana peel floor, silent assassin spastic POV camera, invisible hitbox copy and paste bosses with aimbot
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>People that do that and not add manual linebreaks when exceeding 80
characters deserve to be dragged into a the streets and shot.
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>double boss fight
>both are huge
>both have bloodborne sweeping attacks
>terrible camera keeps going up their asses
I can't remember what the consensus was about this boss back in the day but it fucking sucks. Guess I'll have to use Gael.
Easy boss fight. Summoning Lapp is more kino.
Oh wait, nevermind I got him second try
The bonfire run between Ringed Inner Wall and Ringed City Streets is genuine insanity.
Well I absolutely just raped Messmer. Is the DLC actually a lot easier than I remember it being?
Just Romina and Radahn, gay consort, to go.
>character starts casting
>close webm
what are you yapping about
The year is 2050 and AI cancer is advanced to the point where video games can be freely altered and combined at the normie players’ leisure.

How would you mesh Demon Souls lore, Dark Souls lore, Bloodborne lore, and Elden Ring lore, together?
I wouldn’t. I’d let the AI figure that out, in several different ways.
Man, i though the Metyr staff was gonna be better because of the conven8ence of just having one catalyst, but the damage is fucking aids with my current stats, and PoDS has like 60 more points of damage than it. Biggest disappointment ever.
It’s really fucking retarded all things considered, since int + faith staves are better than Lusat’s if you invest equally
Also, they should have made Gideon’s cane a dual sorceries + incantations catalyst from the get go in the base game
I have like 75 and 80 respectively, and Lusat's is still 40 points away
I wouldn’t know whether to make Gwyn predecessor to Marika, or Marika predecessor to Gwyn. Ancient dragons are easy enough.
I hate how we got a garbage catalyst instead of some super high level cosmic spell from her remembrance
You can see it start in DS2 with the challenge dungeons in DLCs
Inside the cathedral is good, though not great, but the outside part is dogshit.
Sadly it doesn't get any better until the DLC.
>Inside the cathedral is good, though not great, but the outside part is dogshit.
Oh, absolutely. I actually just finished the cathedral. And outside of that annoying fucking evangelist, i actually really enjoyed the insides of the cathedral.

Deacon of the Deep was pretty easy, but i confess i died twice before figuring out you're supposed to kill the guys casting the curse magic.
>he doesnt know about the kernel mailing list messages

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