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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Guess who's back edition

Previous >>487002440


>Character Planners






https://pastebin.com/tehcGm75 (embed) (embed)




https://pastebin.com/G8zw0sc3 (embed) (embed)
Now that the dust has settled, is Elden Ring really the best Souls game to date?
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made this quick poopmask theme song sketch. working title is "godmask". what do you think? would be epic if we could sing this together
requesting lyrics about godmask
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i'm tired rn work sucks but the song has to be girl-coded and full of soul.
>but the song has to be girl-coded
so do i start over with the composition or did you mean that the lyrics should be girl-coded? if the latter im on board
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ping me at 3/4
trying to find an old dark souls 1 video, could anyone here help me
>guy wearing elite knight set, drake sword and hearer shield
>at the bonfire right after artorias
>gets invaded by some guy who notices he's a noob, so the invader slowly walks towards him and swings
>guy parries the invader on reaction, switches to demon greataxe and one shots him
its good keep doing your thing
sigh x2
>we'll split off from everyone and make our own general for peeveepee, nothing can go wr-ACK
even dough you made the general
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i'm writing the script to armored core 6: nyo answer with the events that happens between dsg bbg erg eroge and fsg
>poopmask turns on CE again when he's losing and tries to use lagswitching "subtly" to gain an advantage
blocked :)
give me a funny pompadour
you're the first one to die
there aint no funny business in armored core 6: nyo answer.
uh oh...
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Delicious 72 fth warmth
ToD is coming back in spellbound/BB PC
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I hope tod never fucking comes back i don't hate it I just hate having to swappa to cast it every single fucking time spits
dogshit spell it should've been three fucking spell slots and 24 fth like in ds2
bb will NEVER get tod DIE

btw ds2 won even tho its dogshit

also spellbounds going to be the spiritual successor of arx fatalis mixed with huniepop trust me.
That's never happened
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Why bother posting all of these pictures if you never play any of these builds?
I play with all of them you retard
you've never posted webms of any of them
skewer should be banned
spinslash too
wait is spinslash still a true bonzi
also where's the rakshasa counter hit thobeit
blocked for spellspam.
was spin slash nagakiba not nerfed at all?
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Laggards can roll out of the slash combo :(

spin slash was hit by the nerf hammer
'kiba is outclassed by gats
imagine the damage fuckkkk
>spear talisman
>on a sword
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Bring back counter strength modifiers for thrust weapons classes
sowrds r just spears without the stick and the gat is just a giant fucking spear stick but the whole thing is a blade lmao gottem
fucking evil
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>17 Arc for a weapon with D Arc
>can't buff it
'bach deserved better
its also the shortest scythe and the WA is trash, that'll be $40 plus tip
dead 'g
should've just stayed with /fsg/
we don't want you
it seems like you don't want each other either
>3 hours with no post
oh no no no no pfffftttt
/dsg/ is white and first world so we are at work or uni, if you want to post on 4chan 24/7 with your fellow browns then go to fsg or erg
not an excuse
your general is dead and you're a tranny worshipper
'pa honey post some pver pwn webms in erg to calm down
shitmask is too busy idling in lategame greg(and posting massive posts about it on mmcg) to make bad invasion webms atm sweaty
theworshippers. a radical terrorist group formed from the remnants of the neo dsg faction after the first ‘roge war
oopmass yeah
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the red klan hood is now the official state approved helmet of the people's democratic republic of china
i died on 4kings in new game plus like 4 times
that what 13 endurance does to you with a greatshield
i did dmg, just got poise fucked and stamina fucked by them
i was asleep lol sorry for not posting at 6 am
following their crushing defeat during the ‘roge war, theworshippers went into hiding, living amongus the ergites… it wasn’t until the ergite civil war which birthed a new nation, fsg, when neo-theworshippers emerged to parasitize and conquer fsg from within.
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i remember the struggle
most of dsg are ergites althoughjeeit
who got wounded
sorry that was friendly fire i didn't recognize her
i can't remember patch 1.05 but i did give up eldog for a while during the dogshit patch hellscape
iirc 1.05 only had like 6 changes and none of them fixed the issues with the meta
>2 months since the last patch
>This was when ugs crouch poking was meta, rivers of blood would three shot people, bloodhounds step gave infinite iframes and glintstone pebble was a true combo that did 4,000 damage
>patch 1.05 was minor bugfixes
many of the theworshippers converted to ‘giteism following the war out of desperation…. some of them had insane moments of delusional optimism, we call this condition: thebloom

and finally, theworshipper’s champion umaru was injured in battle and disappeared…
none of this is funny
oh yeah
i remember now
i used to perma have the robustness ring on and shamshir was fucking dogshit
I’m having fun.
also taking a ds2 at work
was fingerprint still absurdly busted by 1.05 i cant remember
yes tha ttoo
oh yeah lol i remember... people were freaking out because they introduced ice spear as a shield counter earlier and then nerfed it in 1.05
oh yeah, they did that too...
i miss shieldkiller spear
i miss when souls was good (2019 'tiff)
ice spear shotel 'berd...
in 2019 bowglitch got popularized remember
blinkbolt fire knight shortsword...
y'all ain't ready for the keen smith hammer
who invented the cold erdsteel daggie
a certain thereg
theregs poopmask
>only one infusable great katana per playthrough
how easy is it to get banned with CE
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Use the retard-proof mod
it's pretty hard i think
its actually retardedly hard to get banned in fromsoft games
impossible as long as you don't tamper with your levels directly or severely fuck with character data. just use The Grand Archives and you can spawn everything in really fast. or yeah use a mod if you're super dumb.
also do not use hexington. the guy who makes that table sells cheats to the chinese and russians and i hate the chinese and russians.
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>game detected CE and closed
bro are you fucking stupid did you not turn ce off...
i mean eac. but yeah did you try and boot up ce when eac was on.........
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I didn't even know it could be turned off, i invaded real quick to see if I was banned and i got into an invasion quickly so i don't think i'm banned/softbanned. i'm gonna stick with the mod beacuse clearly i'm retarded
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dummy. just install this.
if y get banned a pop up appears in the screen at the menu and tells u ur banned but theres also a warning pop up tgat tells u that u have fucked up files
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did he die
he TANKED that
pizza cutter 3.0 when
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eac cant ban you even if it detects ce. it will just shit itself and close the game. youre safe
not how it works. if you get flagged you get banned on wednesdays-thurdays i forgot which day it was. when you use ce while not bypassing eac you usually disable it before booting and do your ce needs and then enable eac again
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>promoting and supporting mentally ill degenerate furtranny shit
why is /dsg/ like this?
who cares, just use what works no need to turn it into some culturewars bullshit
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got 1
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fc today or ever again?
>no no you don't get it I HAVE to defend transsexual furry groomers with my life otherwise who will make sure the current generation of teenagers will chop their penis off?!
even doe this is a free elden ring ce table
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fire k***ht helm was a mistake
jee said it was the best helm in the game doe?
imp lion clears. playstation meta is a joke so it's better for them...
Gonna bring the 150 intfth bill to the fc sorry not sorry
with all due respect, poopa, i dont think this is something to get mad over. at least 25% of software on your pc has been touched by trannies at some point. i say this as your biggest fan. no one is defending trannies. the software just works and people use it. youve brought up jacking it to trannies out of thin air multiple times so i think this is just some unhealthy projection youre doing. have you masturbated to trannies? did you feel quilty over it?
>fap helm
>green havel
>green havel
peak performance
*raises paw*
whats the fap helm? bird?
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I'm going to pound you for being this stupid
fire knight
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>*raises paw*
>whats the fap helm? bird?
Go finish your homework
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i dont like that 'jak because the guy who made it put a ton of effort into the face but couldn't be assed to lower the mouth a little. 0/10 go post bernd instead.
anyways i've got an insane dex build that i'm cooking up
spells in the fc = blocked :)
it was literally all spells last fc
there is no fc
when is the next bone fc
when's the next fc
when my dota session is done
:3c sisters!!
i like league more cuz of the robot guy with the funny boxing glove cartoon arm that zerks ppl and i like the evil shoulder gun dude and the little mushroom hamster with the sanctum blowdart
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gank idea
triple heal from afar w/ uberrakshasaw gank when
i also like the mushroom hamster
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whyd u type in erg before correcting u whore
Bro I hope the jannies beat the mokfel out of you.
give me 5 minutes
Thinking of going back to Dark Souls 2, at least to get the two achievements left for me (Get all Pyromancies, and get all miracles). My to save files are two playthroughts: One a Hex proficient sorcerer; and other a two weapon (Longsword+Rapier) user melee player.
Remind me if I can get all miracles from any of these, or do I have to do another playthrough (or at least a NG+).
And if a new game (either NG or play NG+ from the previous ones)...any ideas to try another build, specially for Dark Souls 2?
no u idiot im trans u fucking poser
picked the wrong character and then worm hit me with the 3 minute loading time
you need to get to ng+2 to get all pyromancies and miracles. the ghost guy sells them, which lets you skip doing covenant stuff.
uh....... 2/4?
ng++ chaos fireball from wellager or invader covenant lvl 3 reward (lol)
ng+ flame weapon lost sinner

ng++ bountiful sunlight wellager or blue sentinel covenant lvl 3 lol
ng++ wrath of god wellager or blue sentinel lvl 2
ng+ blinding bolt from iron king

i think thats it maybe
no hard feelings for the psgs okay this is an honest setup now
CHANGE TO SIX!!! - selfish little fifth
Playing through DS3 again just makes me sad and wish ER bosses were just as good. Nothing in ER is even on the same level as mid game DS3 bosses like Abyss Watchers and Pontiff.
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room for one more in the effcee?
7/6 isn't possible
maybe when one of the euros leaves
kys pmasklero
umari is cheating
I dont really like how black guys look sorry. Also I’m a transbian.
call of tibia is good wtf, always poisebreaks
The dameowge is nice too
real spotty matchmaking today
Why the hell are eldog connections so dogged
>woke up
>fc is full
fs should add a 20 player battle royale
who wakes up at 22:46
It’s 04:46…
Me. *anon turns around to see me behind him, wearing nothing but a cape, the shadows hide all my features but you can see the silhouette of my penis dangling*
correct answer, eu general
china answer
brown (poo in the loo) answer
Ash of war: kick’s your nuts
Also it is not 1:50 liar
someone remember to bump fsg off page 10
got kicked out
why is everyone in a 133 poise clownsuit
Dishonest general.
You've never seen 133 poise in your life
>poise actually matters now
>fashion souls is now dead
ban laggards from using the puke spells
fashion was dead in 1 because of poise
2 because of resistances
3 because of defenses and hyperarmor
putrescense spells are not fun
agree to all chainsaw mari next fc?
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>armour mattering at all in 3
have you never played pvp? this is a pvp general
he better not go on about how "ehhh absorption doesn't actually matter!!"
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first time trying putriscent spells they are fun would recommend
are the element scorp charms worth it in pvp?
cast it on a pillar next time for the delayed aoe
no. only reason to ever run a scorp is if your opponent is running ps coded swords or some other pure magic build
who let yemmy out
time 2 bsleep
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go back to 4
Is it joever?
Where the FUCK did everyone go?
nice webm
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>6+ players to 2 in an instant
>0 ggs
not even once.
Also are you guys 200
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you get a gg and goodnight when im done posting 'ebms, 15
switch over to 4s
now what
erp or something until we get a 4th
poise will always be a trash mechanic kind of expected at this point
the game
sorry i had to take a leak
tired of 6club
Stop it
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i thought the highest you could invade 125s was 139 doe
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shit yourself
it is but shhh
138 is to bully 124 players (who don't exist)
please hurry up
the only rl above 125 which are jee approved are 135 and 165
the 164 bracket is a made-up zone for snoy comp where they just run a 125 build but set their vig to 99
Did hibiscus get cursed daggered
im bored so im just gonna watch comps of ltg getting owned
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>3/4 hell
>im bored
use a different bill you stinker
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So I think I will do a NG++ playthrough from this NG+ character; With the objective to get all miracles and pyromancies.
What do you think from pic related? Any ideas to change this and try a new build?
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wait a second is there aspot open for me now
starting up eldener rnig stay right there
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>back to 3/4 hell
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wtf is this ash
please stop edging the fc
uh... where's the 'lub now
is the fc dead?
2/4 hell
the grab hitbox is smaller than the weapon hitbox so it's possible for that to happen.
3/4 hell now
requeue or stop blocking the other players
if one of you fuckers blocked me im going to strangle you istg
>stop blocking the other players
but it will save the general or however the breakdown went
biscuit please come back
i did block you. you already know why. stop fucking with me in particular and i'll stop blocking
who the fuck are you???
he's the saviour of this thread, and this general...
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tanked that btw
this isn't a big general btw
the pass is /dsg/ btw
can the dexfag/faithslut clear their blocklist please
I don't block anyone from here
not unblocking for now
Haven't blocked a soul on ER
>t. Dexfag
someone block 38
>3/4 lobby
>2/4 lobby
One of you is a fat liar
curse the blockfag
Well I can join both so I'm guessing its one of you guys
I hate playing on mouse and keyboard
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Taking a break
the club better not die
any way i can post my block list?
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nvm figured it out, as long as this faggot isn't any of you guys we should be clear
never seen that guy in my life
who is fish
i dunno last time I blocked someone was like 2018ish
the legendary fried fish?
wrong fish...
switching bills
i have no idea how to fight thrusting shields
that's a good thing
ash of war kick into miseryshart oneshot
i dont have a kick dagger cut it out
ok jeejees im done fr
illegal stam damage on the feet
buh bye
feet are good
yummy 1.3k poke
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>random 2.5k dmg on milady stance r2
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dont tell anyone, but you actually only need rock sling and placidsex's ruin to instawin every 1v1
2 power within kills
ggs im done
awful club
ggs fun club
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If the first flame appeared out of nothing why couldn't that happen again?
if the big bang happened at the start of the universe to create everything then why couldn't it happen again?
It's all fake and god made it. God made the first flame then fucked off
poisebob and patarick
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>poisebob and patarick
Are you supposed to get the 1.09 patch message every time you boot ds3? also my friend who plays on xbox got a 1.15 message, is the pc version outdated?
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replace the spiralhorn with a cinq
Needs backshot blades
dumb question but the game wont get suspicious if you have a +10 weapon at the very start of the game, right?
only ds2
it will, don't do it you'll get banned
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what should i do for a god3 pve run (i will be starting with the weapon)
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>my opponent's face when i dearborn03 him
do you guys use the grafted sword thing or no
only on casters or other designated super dishonest builds where i dont need stat gear
is the grafted sword glitch detectable in any way? Does it persist through invading
thinking of leaving my quality invader some levels below and just grafted swording, quality sucks dick anyway so it's not really cheating
yes it lasts forever until you equip/use something that adds levels on
cucking yourself out of stat gear sucks
wasnt gonna use any anyway for fashion
good to know I think I'll just use this so I can run quality and still dont have to run into level 180 sweats or have 30 vig
dude what kind of shitbuild are you running where any of that would be an issue
a quality build, you hard of reading nigger
post your stat spread right now, dumbass.
50/50 quality 60 vig 30 end for my RP armor
that's literally it
>just go strength
dont wanna I'll just graft
fatass. if you're too stubborn to use any of the divine beast helms or prosthesis and NEED to hit both softcaps naturally, then yeah just do grafted.
why does the grafted glitch give 13 vig anyway i thought it does 5 all stats
dragon flesh gives 8 vig. you stack it with grafted gs.
now i gets it
it also gives you 5 mind (worthless for melee) and some stam but no equip load
crouching dragon flesh hidden mind
>50/50 quality
yea so what
what mods for Dark Souls 1 are worth playing?
why are ergites like this
Sup lads. Can someone help me kill Dancer on Ds3? I'm on ps4
sorry but we're all on pc
>crucible caster

I missed kino?
missed sloppa
can someone explain why pmask posted bbc tranny porn
0 mind
0 int
can you make a fc char by just reaching the hub and giving yourself everything with ce?
you need the other arenas too
we've known about his interracial fetish for a while
fresh slurm data
you can do everything with ce i love cheating so much
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>4 days ago
change the sticker and it's fresh
there's a script that unlocks them under mass item gib
akshually its under event flags
if that works then you can create a fc char in 2 minutes
it takes more than 2 mins to get the inventory crosses set up though
the what now
the holy swappa setup
theres no point to swappa in slurm other than l2 turn and burns
So besides Hexes and Dual Wielding with Power Stance...is there any other kind of build exclusive or just good in Dark Souls 2 compared to the other two Souls games?
any easy way to swap out items in my inventory and change hardswaps without having to send 200 items to my storage chest and put them back
yeah dont have 200 useless items
they're not useless
nyooooo you dont understand i NEED those 100 misericords with dogstep
the neko planya has CE compat
stop using tranny catspeak you fucking niggers what's wrong with you
why didnt they give swift spear a usable r2, it would be the first spear in the game that wouldn't make you want to kys
Remember how the Profaned Capital was literally just three rooms?
ds3 is fucking perfect take that back
I replayed ds3 recently and I was shocked that I didn't get 2 shotted by a basic boss sword slash
'tiff is filllllled to the brim with bugmen atm
you're one of them though you disgusting neet freak
uncalled for
dude.... just import your build from the planner and it'll be auto-sorted when you spawn your stuff in
wtf is this really a thing, has TECHNOLOGY gotten this far
yea. you just make the whole build in the planner and then export it into a ce script. then you can just copy it into the itemgib section and instantly spawn every item in order with a single button press.
you can also generate a table, no need for the tga table
yea. i usually just make a tga table because i'm already using it for unlocking flags and consumables and whatnot so it's faster to just toss the tga script in. idr if the build table can also do that.
i know that that exists but i have to plan it out first so w/e
and i like taking it slow and having the game open while i do this
yea but once you make one build with a sorted inventory in the planner you can just copy it and change stuff around for future builds.
what's the most active sl range for ds3?
10, 24, 60, or 90 wex dust depending on where in the game you wanna invade :)
there are NO other level ranges
i forgot how hard it is to kill someone in god3
every single fight was fought till one guy got depleted of estus
Im going to do a NG++ run of Dark Souls 2.
Tell me any ideas and recomendations for a Pyromancer build, please.
honestly I wish ds3 had the ER rule of no invading unless they have one phantom, killing the host in less then 40 seconds is no fun
Thinking on going back to Ds3 but modded. Should I go Convergence, Cinders, or try the Archstones demo? Also the idea of maybe going into DS2 but a friend has the game so I'm holding out on sailing the seven seas for it in case I'm tempted to try to organize a co-op playthrough.
pwning solo hosts is a lot of fun
pyromancy is best paired with other schools of magic, since the spells dont have requirements and just scale with your combined int and faith. doesn't really have many weapons...
ds2 coop sucks just play the game normally
also cinders sucks so do anything but that
>newfags (pveniggers) get bullied
>whine it's not a pvp general despite it always being the case since long term enjoyment of these games/endgame essentially always boils down to just invading since you can only get so much enjoyment out of replaying the same game over and over again
>want a seperate general
>get one
>it dies
>pveniggers start posting on dsg again
nature always mends itself
>ds2 co-op sucks
I'm a faithtard that got into the series because of Ornstein's spear, even if shitty, co-op might help make me do things that isn't poke with a dull stick for the first 60% or so of the game. And who knows, maybe taking the piss could help make the jank of DS2 more palatable. Still more than open to solo the game if it's egregiously ass to co-op (or maybe just yolo with multiple characters, that is a concept).
lol mentally ill retard. You know why those people post here? Because you insisted on taking the name
>/dsg/ dark souls general
so anyone who types in dark souls sees this and posts here. They'll also see /fsg/ but it's a 50/50 and they'll try it here first cause they surely expected the name DSG.

If you want this to stop happening then rename this general to /sfcg/ or some shit and do not directly name dark souls in the general. There, now you won't have people coming in mistakenly believing it's anything but a fightclub clique general.
yap alert
we are dsg
you probably won't enjoy ds2 coop if you do it as your first playthrough, that's for sure. also just dont use a dull stick. ds2 is the most forgiving game when it comes to build variety since weapon scaling isn't as important.
uhh... L
This is a small reminder that despite the name, this is a pvp only general populated mostly by 5 people who know eachother by name and who don't want people to discuss souls game pve here

General souls discussion goes to /fsg/ here >>487316471

the two were split and this one is supposed to be pvp only but the name doesn't reflect it. You can keep posting here if you want, but you'll have to deal with trannies non stop going
>ugh another pve baby. go back to erg. u are so boring to us...
without a reply link each time you do
>dark souls general
>talk about dark souls
???, name it /dspvpg/ or some shit. if not that then stop crying.
it's just one guy who's whining because nobody posts in /fsg/ and he's bitter about it.
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I made the post above you and I'm just giving you a solution to get away from the resident 5 clique fags that post like this and berate you for posting anything non DS3/ER pvp related. I'm not telling you to stop posting here, only that you might enjoy the thread without the troonsquad more
hey i'm in there
just let /fsg/ die already instead of begging for posters here to bump it...
why would you get mad over a couple of posts...
>fucking pve faggots stop posting about pve already
>but don't go into the dedicated pve thread, keep bumping our thread here so we don't have to
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whom'st is xhe quoting albeit
>fucking pve faggots stop posting about pve already
nobody is saying this tho. you're just getting mad at some imaginary strawman.
even though >>487586813
nuh uh
We love you gemmers
with 1(one) post I have revived both generals
posting /v/ "enemy placement" webms is cheating
new 'ullie
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why do you use electrify armament
what did you think of the new 'ullie
also i really want to go out with you sometime if you're free
its cool?
and its 5 less damage than the drawstring greases with my build
shouldn't you use a better seal then. frenzy seal has kinda poor faith spellbuff
I don't have that much faith and the frenzy seal has 0 weight
maybe the finger ones might give me a bit more damage but idk
Also I just tested it to make sure, I get 111 damage off electrify, 110 from drawstring, 120 from the dragon grease and 135 from drawstring dragon so I guess it's not actually that good
le "fashion"
yeah i was gonna say. dlc greases are busted so i'd be shocked if electrify armaments was outclassing them
>heh he hasn't spent hours in the build planners minmaxing to get 10 more lightning damage like i have
>hours in a build planner
>10 more damage
Your 0 int is showing
also shame on you for using backhand blades instead of the honest curseblade's cirque
the meatwatching is insane

it lasts 30 seconds longer than the regular grease but since I run the old lord's talisman a lot it ends up being 2 minutes total duration (1 min longer than the greases) for 10-25 less damage
It's good
cueseblade cirque is….

>lingering dragon
>on bundles
just reapply the drawstring grease, you lazy bum... also do you know the lifesteal fists bug.
>cueseblade cirque is….
Might as well just chainsaw if you're going to use backhand blades
he'll just turn on ce instead desu
yeah because it still has the deplorable backhand blade moveset. it's just honest because you cant grease it and put swift slash on.
>deplorable backhand blade moveset
the base moveset is very honest though
maybe once they fix its damage
the damage isn't even particularly high compared to many other weapons. double cs still out dps it by a lot.
trooncord general
it's not about the dps. it's the fact that a single hit does way too much damage for how fast the moveset is. double cs is way less practical.
>it's not about the dps
>complains about dps
Looool why is Comet (also Night Comet) so broken.

I fucking obliterated Malenia. She stood no chance against my shield bros. Pure casters are disgusting, but I’m loving it.
>just reapply the drawstring grease
It sucks and I hate doing it because it breaks the flow of combat. Reapplying the drawstring greases is fine during duels when you only have 1 person to worry about but in invasions it sucks because you'll either lose precious seconds you could use pressuring a phantom that's about to die or you have to go without the buff and hope you deal enough damage to finish them off.

>do you know the lifesteal fists bug.
Yes magic weapon + lifesteal fist one shots people for some reason
you are wrong and stupid
i complained about the damage tho. it's way too easy to chip people to death because all of the moves nuke you with minimal risk.
it works with electrify armament too
lifesteal fist isn't bugged lol
might as well use them before they get nerfed into the ground
What's the verdict on the swift spear?
>bundle animation is 2 seconds long
>this breaks the flow of combat
it's literally designed to be used in the moment lol
ass, but funny with cragblade. it's also best on keen when 2h
It's not fast enough for adhdmask
off swift spear is aright
cooking up a pure dex build rn because dex/fth treespears are boring.
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short quick lub (eu only)
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what is wrong with using electrify armament
it's not order's blade
i wont unblock yet just so you know
i'll hop on in a jiffy
huh guess i'm blocked
even though you know who
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literally who?
someone test it pls
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me apparently, wonder what I did to make him mad
>t. dexfag
it was 1/4 because i did some duels while waiting
3/4 now hurry !!!
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enjoy the 3/4 club
>blockfag is at it again
>3/4 and a 2/4
someone crunch the numbers to find who's blocking people and then block them o algo
it's early for a fc
there is no 3/4 i just say 3/4 so people join
even doe we would have more then enough people if not for the blockfag
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i will be joining the club. one second.
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uh im playing this chinese sekiro hollow knight game instead sorry
kys zem
is this game any good or naur
yeah i'm liking it so far
here's the blockfag
it's not pancakes
real 3/4 now
DS3 invasions got better compared to when the game was popular.

The game used to funnel every fucking invasion towards the few people playing coop.
Now no one plays coop except for bosses so invasions are better.
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im not zem 65 im an anonymous third party
if you dont want me to block you then just dont ruin my fc its dead simple
cringe depressed anime girl pfp
Get your head checked
hate me cuz u aint me
>if you don't want to get blocked just don't do anything some anonymous retard would find offensive, that simple
how can you not figure out who is blocking
one is mari
one is pancakes
hbsc is off
im off

that leaves only 2 possible blockers
lol people here know me you are nobody
based ragebait falseflagger
who r u
i dont block people ever
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>lol people here know me you are nobody
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too busy in the planner to join
i would never block a dsgger why initiate brother wars
What makes you think your 3 favorite trannies aren't the blockers?
cuz they're theregs not theblocks
pancakes blocks pmask sometimes and that's it
>Another day in the life in the trooncord dramabitch general where nobody plays vidya
keep whining, i'd rather the 'ulars stay intact than some rando ruins the fc
he's blocked more than just poopmask
that mace better be 1H
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>bleed palmblast
ching chong my friend
Did you miss the WA?
still 3/4 btw
ok fine I'll admit

im the blockfag
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JOIN THE FUCKING 3/4!!!!!!!!!!
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I wish you could invade while waiting for arena matches
there is 0 point in using any hammer other than stone club when 2h
1h mace has the hyperarmor on the r2
Braggart doesn't replace the 1h r2, dummmy
buy an ad
I would love to join but it seems I'm still blocked. Can we really not sort this out? I just wanna play
i already sorted it out by blocking you, obsessed retard
is it just poopa shitposting about the blocking or are people joining in now
No anon you triggered the man baby now you must deal with it
it's 'emmy pretending to be 'pa pretending to be blockfag, newfriend
just do a roll call if you really want to weed out a blocker
there's not enough esfores pics
all this work just to not form a discord
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>depressed anime girl picture
maybe just this once the blockfag is right
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Why do you guys speak like sharty posters, i'm not talking with Underages am I?
spiked club has some niche uses on arc
doomposters lost
pmask is 100% a soiteen
hold on gonna unblock real quick to take the same screencap
ok well the 4/4 makes things easy because you can just cross of the names of everyone there and kill the 5th guy.

yeah he is
I still can't play because of the autist blocking me for reasons not known to me
even though you know exactly why
the reason is obvious, dummy. it's to disrupt the 'lub and get people upset.
sharty won
qa won
godmask won
trannies lost
How do I get my incantation only NG+ character to beat Mohg without relaying on bleed shit?
stay in queue and when the current match ends you'll end up with all the previous players minus the blockfag, and thus the rotation ensues
catch flame spam
it's actually because the blockfag (>>487599830) has some superiority complex and wants to be the police of the fcs
i'm sorry, pmask.......
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>won't enjoy ds2 co-op
I just remembered that soul memory is a mechanic that exists.
>Don't just use a dull stick
That's the goal but considering the headache for Great Lightning Spear in DS1 (farming in Lost Dragon Ass for sunlight medals, was lucky the playthrough was on DSR launch so I could be a sunbro against Ornstein and Smough instead), I doubt I'll have much a choice. The one comfort is that my primary weapon is early game for no fucking reason and that with the mob density, I should easily have the souls for backups in the inventory.
is it 6/6
we're still at 4
we have 6/4
yeah ds2 is a lot nicer with spells, and you can even farm copies from some enemies. they also let you skip the covenant spells by getting to ng++.
>kys zem
w-what did i do...
its literally the same 4 dudes like 3x in a row now nigga shut up
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need to piss 1 min
if the pisser comes back we hsould have 6 if we include afkbot
switch to 6
does euporia ever fucking level up in pvp
we're actually at 3/4 now we do NOT have six sorry
what levels are we?
three fourrrrr
sad 3/4
dont say naur u freak
i think we have an elusive 7/4
thank you for saving me from that parry
it's okay terr got mad and switched to stone club for the rest of the match because he's a faggot
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>2600+ dmg
>still alive
huh, what vigor do you guys run
There's nothing wrong with the club
i use the grafted gs tech
who tf runs bubbletear...
2 uhhhhh 4
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ggs i'll return in an hour or so if fc is still up, have stuff to do
60 vig bubbletear and they might be using grafted glitch
grafted on 60 vig only gives 100 hp
is bubbletear goated in small duration fights like fcs?
>is a good crystal tear goated in fcs
idk man
i think opaline + crimsonwhorl is just mathematically better
You're getting the 'saw if you bring crimsonwhorl
shit i meant crimsonbubble and also mixed up the tears nvm.... thought you were talking about crimsonspill initially

but yes crimsonbubble is always good
i think they killed psgs you can just roll anywhere but straight back and the tracking wont reach you anymore
umaru try not to play like a bitch challenge: impossible
solitude armor is dishonest sighhh
bro ur crimson amber 3 and erdtree 2 and fap hat and uhh yeag idk what else
morshart's and uhhhh crimsonspill
stop saying yeag its really and makes you sound like a tranny
it's really what
even doe it looks cool
really annoying*
fuck you this is your fault
Blocked :), get out of my thread faggot. You know who you are.
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this spell lineup is pretty good doe
idk if "yeag" would make you sound like a tranny
what do trannies even sound like?
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i should stop trying to space attacks on vanilla slurm, only works in seamless
"who" even doe you know exactly who you are
Uhh well a lot of us have similar sounding voices cuz same voice training videos. You know when u hear one its actually very funny and sad desu. Rarely hear trannies who sound different.
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tis a tranny thing doe
they all sound nasal and autistic and speak in a grating tone that's high-pitched but still obviously from a man.
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can we stop talking about trannies
yeah cool it with the transphobia guys you might hurt the feelings of our mtf posters
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stealing this. also do you know the triple rings tech.
okay sorry… here’s the real me… also what’s chud drinking also chudette is hot
the one where you aim at the ground in front of you? i dont know any other tech
mage tech is just missing and getting carried by aoes
heres the lovely and valid woman who invented yeag
yea, but you can also just throw it behind you and then run into the return path to punish aggression
>thread is full of shartyfags
>trannies ends up taking over discussion
i'm glad that snoy sent this ogre a cease and desist
pmask momento (ignore above)
do u ever realize that g is right next to h on the keyboard and its like a typo
no it's a tranny psyop!!
what decides if this amogs ugs l2 true combos into itself or not
honestly i think it only true combos if you counter hit. i dont know if counter hit affects hit stun in any way but it just feels right
Didnt she make bloodborne cart but sony said no so sge made all the characters slightly different
maybe its like flaming strike or something
ZAMN gemmy looks like this?!
anyway gg everyone except you know who
fuck you too bitch
hehe x3
it's over then
it's joever? i just came back
i just landed the most high iq giga brain ultra mega deluxe play in a rando duel
no webm, no proof
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When's the amerigawd fc
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Should've pressed l2 again
big retard player
>i wasn't just parried
>i was hard swapped parried
it's so over
remind me to slap rancor pots on the afk bot
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budperd should be unparriable
Why is umaru using dogshit
why would you post yourself using no dead
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swap this
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>bleed saw
Why not occult
the bleed procs do more damage with bleed infusion
poomaru doesn't know how to bill
>100 more blee damage over better damage
You're so fucking stupid
to bleed more often
23 more bleed isn't worth it
fight it out in the 'cord
even doe there is no 'cord
the prodigal son returns
post the bud spread
always run occult on inate blee weapons because bleed infusion overwrites it.
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all weapons
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is l2 out of hitstun the way to slurm
14 str
22 dx
60 arc
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blee infusion only works on low arc bills
>20 mind
well shit it looks like going 38 was a waste
17 dex is better for general bills
NEVER go 38 mind
…. dishonest.
vomits blood everywhere
wonder where you got that missing 13 vigor from hm
>14 str
You can't even 1h the helice lmao
nyo offhand
also you should have 51 Arc
helice is not a good offhand
helice+reduvia you 3 int mfer
poleduvia clears
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reduvia is ugly im not using it
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pest glaive is better thobeit
use waki then
chuds be like nooo you have to sacrifice 40 blee buildup for that 20 more AR on occult
please keep gimping yourself for no reason
based fashion chad
cringe fashion chud
the big 2kat jumpers are to good for pve nerf please
Why is the animation for the jump so funny
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quality won
You know if you post a public apology along with your ign in this thread, i'll THINK about unblocking you.
polebud offspur
budbeard already does shit damage you need the 2h talisman
theregular glaive > bud
everything is better than the bud that's the point of the bud
just realised this thread feels more like a /vm/ general then a /vg/ general, fits too considering its a pvp thread
>Want to do a NG++ run of Dark Souls 2
>But after years not playing it, rusted as hell, and cant remember all things
>And from a playthrought which I reached NG+ and finished, but maybe not got all the shit (Only like 45-50 hours playtime, so I might had rushed this one)
>And I want to respecc to a pyromancer/melee build
How fucked I am?
So how are these stats?
>VIG 30
>VIT 30
>END 22
>ATN 20
>ADP 12
>INT 25
>FTH 25
Should I change it?
And for weapons...should I use the Curved Nil Greatsword, or try to use the Possessed Armor Sword for the free Fire Enchantment? Or any other propositions for weapons?
50 vig 20 vit and uh.......... drop your str and dex for the min requirements of what you want to use and put the rest into int/fth
ds3 fc tomorrow
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don't come to the next fc
what lvl is thst u fucking bitch
god ur such a fat ho
At least I'm not 150+
can u safely change starting class with ce
yes actually
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late proof but proof nonethelss. look at that delicious wallbang rings and repositioning to make sure it lands twice. and on the second cast.
oh my god.
the double hit from the rings because one collided with the pillar. fuck... im cumming.
You didn't plan any of that
i did tho, look at my repositioning to make sure the rings hit on the return trip
you just ran like a bitch
nigga have you even played with the rings before, shut up
yes but dont let it autosave inbetween lowering your level and matching your stats. autosave checks your save file
no offense but
>missed fc

i wanted to use miquella crown instead of the cleanrot one since it looked prettier but it'd fuck with the grafted blade glitch unfortunately and its too strong to pass up
start one
dont start one i need to use the bathroom
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back to tf2 then
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w-what if we played tf2 together and epically pubstomped
pubstomping is boring
I only do spire mge 1v1s
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pubs don't exist anymore you dumbass
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i uninstalled tf2
where's your sword of light buff
i instacast it in duels to catch them by surprise while theyre busy buffing
give me 20 and I'll try to make fc
play tf2c
(i have nenver playd it before)
gemmybot write out this prompt for me:
poopmask won the eroge continuation war in the style of an history textbook
Thinking of playing as the dragon form in DS1 for fun
Is it true that the attack power of the unarmed swings is unaffected by leveling STR/DEX? Should I just bloatmaxx Vit?
no reason to punch stuff ever. just use the fire breath.
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I'll keep it open for 30 join
ping me at 2/4
following the staggering defeat of the theregulars during the first 'roge war to the xergite forces, the disappearance of queen mari the eternal, and the assimilation of the traitorous theirregulars into erg, a new champion, affiliated with mmcg, rose from the ashes... they called him shitmask...
there's no scaling. you get around 400 AR. so bloatmax vit and end maybe all u want. or get ewnough str to use the dragon weapons for thematic character or whateveru want really.
ping me at 3/4
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uploading this avatar then joining give me like 5 mins
coming now
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lmao nvm, block club
I don't block anyone but its been 30 guess no fc
start another one in 15
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to prove his combat potential, shitmask first flayed the peaceful ergite knightess iforgothernamebutshehadthesamefashionandfaceslidersaspoopmaskbeforepoopmaskandsomeguyonergwascomplainingabouthowhealdrich'dherandshedisappearedfromthegeneraleversince alive and wore her face as a trophy... from that point on it was clear to the recently victorious erg and the scattered eroge forces hiding amongus several generals that shitmask was a force to be reckoned with and one that could not be reasoned with. over the next three years, shitmask, for seemingly no reason at all, would spearhead a relentless assault on erg, eroge, dsg, fsg and v every single day, baiting over six gorillion xergite refugees. during those grueling two years, shitmask was infamous in erg, his reputation almost rivaling that of the legendary super kawaii nyekoknyaight tm from the forgotten BPY ages. Due to enormous quantity of bait being produced and eaten without pause, we now call this period of time the hollowed biennial. Projections from scientists show that it will take at least seven hundred years for the deep-seated pollution from the hollowed biennial to clear up, however there is also a theory from late theoretical physicist rozanov maksim valeryevich that microscopic particulates produced unwittingly by the theirregulars during the PCFCBF period were disturbed and activated by shitmasks recent activity. Despite the immense environmental contamination, personal conflicts still occurred, further worsening the condition of the thegenerals... At the time, the only _,warrior who would rival shitmask's attack rating and prominence was the equally infamous and tenacious gr***, a stray theirregular who was reviled by the very xergites he shared general with following the first 'roge war... only god knows why he lived there all these years... gr*** and shitmask would inevitably clash on the fields of erg, spreading shit particles deep into erg soil... they are still fighting to this very day.
I thought diane blocked you
Kill yourself already tranny
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third week in a row where golems couldnt get an fc started...
i would have liked some arcane on my rakshanas
No fun allowed
fserg won
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spergs never win
i s o y faced reading this
ive heard about this before. what happened? so there was an original pmask who was replaced by the current one?
>seven hundred years for the deep-seated pollution from the hollowed biennial to clear up
this gennie is doomed
we lost
let's talk bud optimization
About to play DaS3 for the first time in a few years. Somehow I still remember everything perfectly clearly despite it being my least played souls game by a substantial margin.
Anyways, what weapon can I just breeze through the game completely with. I don't want to spend a whole lot of time in 3. I remember little about what's actually good. I just used the Mirrah greatsword literally every playthrough
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i miss nox
you miss cocks, filthy neet homosexual
that too but that's besides the point
just died to vendrick
what mind do you guys run on pure caster builds? It can't be as much as previous games since attunement slots aren't tied to the stat anymore.
base mind because starlight shards and lulling branches exist
you want extra mind on pure casters to be able to spam slicer or catch flame longer
chuddie is living in 2022
sloicer is still extremely good for pure int casters
I love my int light saber
slicer is still the most broken spell in the game and 4 shots people
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*eats magic liver, equips magic greatshield talisman and opaline greatshield talisman and puts pests glaive on back*
what was that, bitch?
now you'll get 5 shot instead of 4
3lub today
3lub today
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If she's fat, Hot. If she's pregnant, not Hot. Also what time is the 3lub?
3club isn't happening
im in my slurmy arc no 3lub
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>not fire or flame
keen queelign's is ass
gravity thrust is ass but works okay for proccing cold
is bleed gravity thrust viable
viable if your target is afk
no because it's not very useful to phantom proc bleed
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I don't know much about the situation either... but what's done is done, and nyobody with power remembers her so there's no point in dwelling on the past.
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stop it... also i think gravity thrust lance gets better procs
the lance doesn't exist anymore
reuploaded 'ullie
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nvm this is the best bleed stick wtf
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Stealth is fun
>Using assasin's gambit
sworn lance is banned
Ashes of the Erdtree... lvst and forsaken.
Elden ring should've been armored core souls crucible furry edition
elden ring players are so stupid
im using swordlance next fc
*axe 'berds your nuts off*
to their defence I was invis at a distance and they probably assumed i backed up instead of circling around
already underwent hrt so my nuts are gone sweetie
is dual spear honest now
it's not dishonest anymore, at the very least
2spear is boring and dumb
*fun and smart
2spear has 2moves
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nuh uh
that's 1spear
2 spear with offpike
oh boy i love my dogshit spear that eats 99 end stam on running r2
running l1 spam
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where's the funny
wheres the bread
new bread

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