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Patch day Edition

- This Week in WoW:



Previous >>487157886
I love mommystrasza
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What spec you all playing this coming season.
wait until the "Big" reveal ;) you 4chan lot are going to love it
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best mount
anyone elses game lag when they close it since the patch? The sound just goes "EEEEEEEEEEEEE" like what happens when you touch a nintendo cartridge while its still on. It doesn't last for that long after I close it, but it does happen.
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Built for futas.
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post goon material
space goat sex
inb4 melty
You are doing pushups during maintenance, right /WOWG/?
How many are you doing?
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The War Within aka Midnight Waiting Room
Realizing there's a large subset of the playbase that HATES any content that's targeted towards more casual player, and this is the only mmo where I see this behavior
we need sabellian and wrathion to get married already, is it actually cannon theyre gay incest dragon brothers? slay kangz
its mental illness
we set up a marriage between alexstrazsa and toddy whiskers in prepatch event, and then alexstraza reveals her benis (she was trans the whole time)
a demon has entered your install
that's your wardenware warning you it's broken free
it will kill you in your sleep tonight. the moment it senses REM it will create a corporeal body and tear your carotid artery open at mach 6. forensics will think a grenade went off in your room.
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like always
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i imagine it puts the devs in a real fucking pickle
they know casuals are the ones who pay the bills, they know that in order for the game to not be constantly hemorrhaging players there needs to be shit to do besides Maze+ and raiding
but there's a large subset of the playerbase that sees WoW as "the raiding game" and screams and fucking cries when literally anything is added to the game that's not raiding related
casuals do m+
why do you think m+ saved the game dummy
oh nooooooo
not reading all of that
ywn get housing
cope with it however you like faggot casuls
i don't hate the casual content so much as i hate casual players and don't like seeing them get anything. go on the wow reddit or the wow forums for 5 minutes and tell me it doesn't get you feeling hateful.
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what is Maze+?
I'd get on my knees and start worshiping her clean
Installed patch and SDD is 500 grams heavier, ya, gee, thanx blizz.
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Hey guys, I used to play from Classic -> Cata and then WoD -> Legion, but I'm really bored and been thinking of playing again. Is it worth it? I mained a paladin tank and also had fun with druid healer.
Have I missed anything huge that I'd have to catch up on?
theres a quest called 'Surgical Intervention' where u tie one end of fishing wire in northerend and one in pandaria and alex is in the maelstrom (well, dragonflying above it--she needs to be in dragon form to remove it, and its yuge). You'll see.
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See this is the kind of shit I was talking about earlier this week. This kind of cringe cancer needs to stop. If WoW goes viral again we need to be better than this and welcoming. I want this general to grow not die during the Microsoft Blizzard Renaissance.
Enhancement as always.
I just recently leveled my destro lock and that feel pretty fun too.
I think that raiding should be consolidated to a single difficulty that is slightly easier than the current Normal mode. I believe that this would best serve the majority of players and attract old and new players to the game, much in the way that Classic did (which has very easy raids).
this but for futa homo's
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today is prepatch for the new expansion. the game is still down for another hour. we don't know ANYTHING.
Maining BrM, main alts will be WW and Aug
Oh shit, my timing is fucking comical
this but only if they bring back 40 mans
at least allow the raids to scale up to 40, it doesn't make sense that it stops at 30
new tree not having 16 2-pointer nodes all focused on making chaos bolt not weak shit is nice
this is the kind of healthy mentality we need
Because for the longest time Blizzards version of casual content was absolute bottom of the barrel slop
>2 month long daily quest grind to earn a recolored mount
>a new LORE questline that takes all of 20mins to complete
>world quests or dailies to slowly grind a rep to exalted
>anything involving pet battles
This is the kind of garbage people think of when "casual content" is mentioned. Blizz has such a bad track record with casuals that the players have the right to be pissed when they hear more of it is getting added.
lol shut the fuck up
2% of players should see the endest of end games. Were you alive when TBC released? Just wondering
Like >>487344230 said the game is bankrolled by these casual players, if there are no rewards or content that even remotely caters to them the game will die
I personally miss daily heroics.
I will now take this time to get on my soap box while we wait
I agree that raiding needs a revamp especially since, and I don't think anyone here would argue this, that M+ has been cannibalizing raiding for years at this point. But I know that the raiding revamp is coming during TWW. The M+ changes we got S4 shows that Blizzard is working on the evergreen features of the game.
Don't tell me you're one of those "solo players" fags. Why can't you filthy casuals just play a different game
the game is built upon casuals, to even think its not shows how little you know about the game. If you hate casuals so much go play Classic.
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give me pollaxes
no polearms do not count there are none like pic rel
>If you hate casuals so much go play Classic.
classic is for casual shitters tho
the game is a joke and you press 1 button
still like 3 months until M+ opens up
ill decide then
Most people playing wow sacrificed all their life skills for the game, so they gatekeep it like a religion.
I fucking despise this community and will never use the dungeon finder again so long as there's nothing barred behind queueing. I'll walk to and solo any dungeon just so 4 of the braindamaged spiteful fucking women populating this game have to wait slightly longer for their queue to pop.
i hate classic and i'm a casual, uwotm80?
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You wanna play Mordhau sometime bro?
Anyone who thinks they're superior because they do high keys, mythic raids, or high rated pvp are idiots.
>you press 1 button
lol grey parsing retard
that's normal as well
classic might be a joke but its so fucking tedious and boring
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Gonna go play basketball soon.

I hope it's delayed even longer so you fags can reeee in the general while I drain my 3s.
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make casting more interesting pic rel
don't say "noooo it was buggy in the Arx it isn't a good idea"
just because the game was buggy on release doesn't make the concept bad. They patched it and it was fun afterwards.
besides I just am using arx as an example for inspiration watching a cast bar fill up to cast a spell is not interesting.
Evoker has some stuff stepping into this territory but we need way way more
good job not letting hate control you anon, as that would be very feminine.
The only reason I'm installing retail again is for delves. So it better not just be a gimmick.
They're a lot of fun.
delves are just like scenarios
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I will buy when on sale next :) how add you?
also please give dynamic ground combat pic rel
ayo whiteboi
'dis our court
you better carry your ass back inside, or else
this wait is stressing me out i need to put on some 75hz binaural beats
>Gonna go play basketball soon.
don't relax
Oh no x 10
Aha x 30
Sir, 12 year olds are not allowed on this site. Come back in 6 years
ideally we would have flying combat too but I am not going to push it to soon. Baby steps
letting 4 fat retards kick you resulting in a half hour game ban would be downright slutty, whoring your leisure time out like that. nah my hates controlling them. they'll never know the pleasure of me carrying them and I'm fine with that.
Are guilds going to be cross realm now or not till official expansion launch?
i am in love with Nicole from zzz!!!
>FINE! GOSH! I'll buy the expansion, here's some money, but let me tell yo
ok that was funny
I don't think multiple difficulties are the problem, though I do thing four fucking difficulties is way too many. There should normal mode, which is slightly harder than the existing normal mode, and mythic and that's it. You should have to find a group to do them, LFR should not exist.

Here's what I think "casual content" should look like.
>Daily heroic quest, heroics should be on the level of +0 Mythic dungeons
>Daily quests that make you engage with the outdoor content in a way that isn't just repeating quests you've already done - ie, go to this area and fight some enemies and then a miniboss, go do some fishing, go craft something
>A side distraction that had lots of effort put into it, ie the farm from MoP, Timeless Isle, maybe take a note from OG and make something like Bozja or Eureka but in the WoW style, so a large outdoor elite area like Jintha'alor with public events and bosses that spawn depending on certain conditions that you need a bunch of people to do
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You think raiding is too hard? Do people genuinely believe this?
currently I am on the worgen x night elf dub con arc
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Alright so... let's be honest here no shame ok? Both of them are BBC sluts, that's it... they actually like Big Black Cocks and preferably while being watched by white cucks and hey... that's ok...
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forgot pic
Was will have an easier time finding higher key teams? Mage or warlock?
Anon, they're female elves, they like white human doods. That's enough IR for them. And that shit is canon.
The Consortium should have just been in every expansion.
brain damage
what is the fucking obsession with black dick, I just don't get it
it seems every porn-addicted coomer ends up with a fetish for black dudes to the point that it's not even about the girl anymore
I hear that with the prepatch, we'll be able to transmog away pants. Is this true? Is the Age of the Slutmog upon us?
it's a cuckold mentality. They like the abuse of being cringed at.
post cutting edge
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BBC? dont you mean BGC? big green cock?
There's a massive, massive space between your eyeballs and your tiny brain and one day someone is going to make that space disappear.
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Does anyone have that video of baldy wiping to Shadowlands normal raids? I need a good laugh
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had an average gamer type join just a m0, did terrible damage, below resto sham, but kept saying things like "HOLY!!!! YOU GUYS DAMAGE WOW!!" and after each boss he was like "Well done guys!" or "We did it phew!" He was complete shit but had a good heart and sometimes I judge people in this game too harshly, after deios he's like "I hope I can play like u guys soon that was so much fun"
Unless mage is ultra meta I think locks get prio for soul/health stones and summons.
Yeah pretty much this. Raids are supposed to be just masses of people overwhelming a bullet sponge. Not this dumb shit. Who has time for this.
Anon, you're too young to be on here.
fetish that preys on racism
I think this is right. Goin lock
>he must be young if he hates faggots
no I'm just incredibly based.
fury war and if they don't nerf it ele.
retail needs a rank 14 grind with the best gear in the game.
I've played for over 15 years and have never spoken to anyone. You can just join discord and listen to callouts with the occasional reply in game chat. I've always liked the social aspect of raiding but it's kind of embarrassing when you wipe because of 3 people and no one wants to tell them to play another game.
It's okay 12-year-old-anon. We all see how you're a big brave special boy. Now go back to Roblox.
Enhancement even though I know we are utterly finished.
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wholesome energy good, it is sorely needed
holy kek I am saving this
not an enh expert but stormstrike enhancement looks good
not big on fire enhancement myself so that's good enough for me
Yea thats my fucking point
>you can just join and listen
I don't want to fucking listen to faggots tell me shit, I know they are faggots and it pisses me off, and if they aren't faggots then its usually some 50 year old man who has a wife and kids and you hear the fucking children in the background. No thanks, i'd rather slice my fucking ears off.
They're just in their "we'd really rather people not play enhancement" phase. It'll get everyone off the spec in time for 11.1 when we get them reworked into a support. Simple as
they upped the combat res limit in lfr from 2 to 6 the other day. 6. why? are they scared you could start resurrecting too many people in lfr? would it take away the challenge, allowing you to cheese these bosses? would resurrecting 3 people in normal be far too much?
Yup, it's a waste of time if it isn't IRL buds, but no one plays WoW anymore so skippa skippa
I will take the guild filled with homos and faggots
i haven't done it since bfa
i'm just not interested in it and i don't understand why people like it other than its a non-raiding source of gear
Oh, 12-year-old-kun is having some fun playtime tonight isn't he. It'll be his bedtime soon.
thats even more fucking cringe, I don't want to join a single fucking guild in this game, Guilds are a plague on WoW.
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if they allowed 2H enhancement, now THAT is a spec i could get behind
then leave and find another guild, retard

just because you had one or two bad experiences doesn't mean all guild leaders are dudebro faglords
LFR should offer the normal raid, and heroic
The ones who hate women and use hard r regularly?
I fucking hate discord and raid fags. But I want the gear. Need AI raid groups.
They literally are lmfao
I wish I was 12 at least I'd be able to just watch cartoons again.
>i don't want to play with other people in a multiplayer game
sounding exactly like the subhumans on the wow forums and reddit
maybe you're just the faggot then idk man
having flashbacks to the FUCKING FAGGOT in our guild who would play dane cook specials over ventrillo while we were clearing zg
You're in luck
insider here:
prepare for another extension
you heard it here first, kiddies
no the opposite anon
I am what you might call a faggot
theyre social to a fault, they'll ask your name, where your from. Bro I wanna talk about WoW, shut the hell up.
It's massively multiplayer. That means the world, not instances.
Do you support returning to 40-man raids? Why don't you like MMOs?
if i were a faggot i'd join a guild. I am not a faggot.
vent was good times
wild times too
well, yeah, no shit
even once they're up the warband conversion is going to be buggy as hell. 10% chance we play today
>what is pick up games
skill issue
Need LFR to work on normal and heroic
oh then I'm a paladin
Yeah, they're not exclusive
>im the lone wolf alpha type
>i dont need a guild in an mmo
spoken like a true faggot
you know queers who are racist and sexist?
I probaby wont even log into the actual game to remove pants once I already fucken cum when I see my warband of fat piggies on screen. just let us log in
not him but i have joined two guilds since legion and i didnt stay in either for more than a month
token literally not needed
Are the servers not up yet? I just came for my REACT thread
I don't believe you
god dammit anon
My computer cant run the game with 30 players, i am glad it can be done with less nowadays
I really like the pug atmosphere, hope it stays forever. This game is already too antisocial
7pm is ogre
You don't?!
Objectively speaking, today will be the least pants per character visible in game, ever, in the history of the world of warcraft. Huge day. May even be the day with the least pants in Valdrakken in history. Huge. It would take a concerted effort fr Valdrakken to organically be any more pantsless than its going to be today. I am sso fucken hard
still down
extended to 7pst
fuck you
Mythics shouldn't be a big ilvl jump in rewards and heroics should be harder to outgear.
enhancementBVLLS will never be a*gmentified.
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>12 hour maintenance
>ugliest loading screen ever

Welp. Back to No Man's Sky. See you tomorrow WoW, I guess ... >:(
>Do you support returning to 40-man raids?
i literally do
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>20 minutes until extended again
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Insider at blizzard, it is chaos right now La'quersha messed up the transfer and accidentally clicked delete with her nails, all character data is gone, and we have no way to recover it
lmao could you be any more late?
cool it. consider this a warning.
nobody cares baal
anon who are you hanging around?
The ilvl gatekeep will never stop being funny. Ain't nobody got time for that in 2024
We lost the rugpull device... delay it again

im free, im free at last. thanks, La'quersha.
my cheevies?!?
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Refunding the collector's edition preorders, STAT!!!
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guise what if the servers never come up
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>10pm est
I told you faggots about those diversity hires, but you wouldn't believe me kek
how could this happen
the shareholders will hang everyone involved
the shareholders will deliver justice to the people
Then I will play other games in a more balanced fashion instead of devoting too much time to WoW as a forever game and I'll have even more time to lift and hab segs with grils. :)
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>I want you to give me one (1) reason to not bring back 40 man raids.
Retards always say they're hard to form like group finder and raid finder didn't solve this problem
Pugging is a mess and the people at Blizz in charge of those systems don't give a fuck because they've been playing with the same guild/carry/boost group for years.
I mean Ybarra literally sold boosts.
this but goon
anon, there are no shareholders anymore... this is a Microsoft game now. Blizzard isn't even a first line developer like Bethesda. WoW will boot up once ESO players have finished decorating their houses for the night
Sorry CHUD we need more time
Undermine raid will have a goblin idol boss.
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so those ex blizz employees that formed a company are doing an MMO right?
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What's in the envelope? A 24-hour all-access pass?
You're right, retvrn to 54. Actually fuck it, has the technology not progressed in 30 years? Let's make it 100!
*drums of war crescendo as the troops come over the hill*
roxxi rocketgrip & bombshell belle
>he doesn't know
Knot elves
it's a smash invitation
is this a doujin
lol >>487348893
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10/10 would leash and keep as a pet.
>Can't focus on WoW because camgirls are in other window
>Maintenance happens, and I havent watched any camgirls, just keep checking server list over and over.
Let me guess, I log in and check cams while I sit in valdrakken? It's all so tiresome. It's all the same
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she's got nice tits.
They just pushed it to 7:00 PM PDT.
i miss the gobbo announcer from plunderstorm
You're playing the game wrong, you should be leveling alts.
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what the fuck.

you can't make this up.
So I've seen quite a few people now levelling at mailboxes in mopmix. I googled it and they're saving dungeon drops and using them all at once.
Why is this better than just collecting them normally?
welcome to 20 minutes ago
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we won
holy shit she looks absolute slay queen
honestly, those ex blizz employees better be making an mmo, I cant do this
they juice the xp bonus and loot the xp drops at a certain threshold
they are affected by the % xp on your cape. doing normal raids gives a guaranteed 7% exp bonus per boss.
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You're starting to upset me, Blizzard. I'm just trying to get my alt army ready for TWW. I'm going to let out all of my female (tranny) frustration out on /wowg/.
riot finna save us
I mean this
>a distant relative of Anduin Lothar
lmao Anduin fugged an orc or something, and it'll be the Hwite man colonialist and muh poor blacks narrative
you know it
This has been a thing since like the first week of remix. Basically you keep running normal raids on your low level alts, loot everything EXCEPT the raw xp. Each boss drops a +12% xp to cloak. Then once your cloak has a huge % xp gain bonus you collect all the raw xp from your mailbox and shoot up to 70. It's more efficient than looting the raw xp right away, as you'll get more from it out of the mailbox later once your cloak is fat.
>I'm going to let out all of my female (tranny)
you should channel that frustration into the courage you need to jump off a very tall building like all of the other sissy freaks
You are not playing the game today, just go to sleep
we need congress to break up the MMO monopoly. Blizzard goes back to Vivendi. All is right again.
Fem humies were made for smashie smashie!
>just go to sleep
it's 5pm
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do u think blizz will add an accessibility option to give her a fuckin arm? Since it's gross? And a lot of people are grossed out by it?
Theyre ok with SOME hatred as long as they have 8 legs
Blizz is fucked up
why does no one want to titfuck during erp? cmon its so hot, does way more to me than butt stuff yall try to push
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I can't keep gooning like this I need wow to break up the jerk sessions
Why aren't their any handicapable people in wow?
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post 'em

just switched to horde. fuck alliance
>why does no one want to titfuck during erp?
because the people you are erping with are trannies and they don't have tits
>brb taking something out of the oven
>brb got to let the dogs out
biggest lies in WoW lmao, ive seen the second one more times than there are dog owners in the world.
can someone explain the gearing changes? I opened a stream to see if the servers are up and they are talking about how hard you're going to fall behind if you don't spam dungeons.
I was prepared
>i need to reset my router
Doesn't the alt army PrEP start on the 30th
so..... why are horde helping the human bastard of troll killers.....seems like an ally story they forget to include horde things......
You need more crests to push your ilvl up. It literally doesn't matter outside of the bleeding edge.
There are. They all play Vulpera and female Pandaren.
>brb gotta walk the dog
>mf really thinks a pug is just going to wait 20 minutes for him to walk twice around the block
Yeah but do they have vitiligo?
>You need more crests to push your ilvl up.
>forced to do 9s and 10s
>my class is completely useless
Ok I learned my lesson I will never preorder again.
Because the entire world will end if they don't, simple as.
>break up [...] monopoly
myeah, maybe they'll rein in the military contractors next
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>my class is completely useless
It's far more likely that you as a player are completely useless. I don't think there has ever been a point in time in WoW's history where all specs of a class were shit at the same time.
Nah, you need more of the higher tier crests, so 12+. It's less homework keys and more playing the content you're supposed to be.
bad move hombre, humies just got double harth
>it's real
a cripple can't stop the world from ending. I'd gouge her eyes out while she wiggled her stub and weakly slapped at me with her one good arm, then show her eyeless corpse to the arathi and say the nerubians did it. watch them elect an able leader within ten minutes and be 100x better off for it.
Horde is lame. Alliance is also lame. Scourge faithful forever.
>Nah, you need more of the higher tier crests, so 12+
12s drop more crests?
Only Michael Jackson has that, it's not a real thing
you guys are fucking assholes
Did you guys know you get banned for 'racism' if you have a guild that excludes, e.g., Gnomes? Fascinating
they're not lying
its been up for the last six hours
they're all offline however.
it's true, we can see the server list, they just aren't online
don't pretend like you aren't logging in periodically to check
They drop the same amount of crests, but you need more of them specifically. So you're not doing low level homework keys to upgrade gear anymore, you're just doing the keys you want to be doing anyway.
But we will, be comped
Man that sucks.
>Entire raid has to wait because 1 nigga got lost
How hard could it be to just code bosses to tele everyone not withtin 50 yards into their arena?
>But that would ruin reseting bosses to refresh cds!
Good, that degenerate shit needs to go anyway.
Severs will go live exactly 19 minutes and 43 seconds after this post goes out.

Doubt me if you must, but remember my message as one of hope and faith.
'member the addon that hid BR groups?
ThE wOrLd WiLl EnD uNlEsS tHeY jOiN fOrCes

zzzzzzzz ive heard this stroy already grandpa
Exquisite form, gymnastbro. Solid; thick; tight.
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Also let me be evil I dont want to save the world anymore
let my warlock be his true self
Do you not want to do keys to get good gear? If so you're welcome to raid, pvp or do delves instead!
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We're getting an Undermine raid in TWW?
there is no evil you are just misunderstood :)
Exactly, that's why the faction war is stupid and has been since TBC. It was fine when the other faction was the only real threat, but now it's just annoying baggage from a bad time in gaming.
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let us experiment with being evil
>yfw not only do you wait for maintenance but you will also wait another 20 mins to 5 hours based on your account game info and all the shit you've done over the years and the queues of *everyone* else doing it at the same time.
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fake and gay
shit like this was cool exploring good actions in evil people
they were down again for a bit 30 minutes ago
Zone + raid i hope
Most mazepilled timewalking camp?
>from a bad time in gaming
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I wish the class halls were still a thing, i would even accept the death of the alliance and the horde!
yeah I don't expect to get to play tonight at all
warbands are going to fuck up the servers something fierce as the game tries to consolidate everything you've ever done in-game to one unified system
the servers will go up and then immediately crash
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>maintenance extended again

I’m baffled every single patch
Jesus christ go back to hhg
or at least post semi related wow stuff
expansion should combine mists gardening, a simplified garrison and table missions by allowing you to buy one (1) inn in the world and you just fucken chill in it, improve it a bit, plant some cabbages. Would this be based?
Yup. Every person trying to do this at once is going to clog the system up and cause even more chaos.
eventually they have to let us in tonight right? RIGHT?
actually I am sorry I see you did post something related but god damn did you really follow me from hhg?
Currently not going live til 10pm eastern. All of us east coast wagies have work in the morning.
wow has always been for casuals
Servers down and I have 25 minutes to coom to sweaty goblin ass before wife gets home
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w8 it's not on?!!
If you want to get /mazed/ you will have to figure out your own leveling path
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my fucking dick
confirmed male
wife's gonna freak!
woooow she looks like every tranny battle.net likes to promote
nice taste lmao
what does she do? is she a mount hunter or smth?
the new patch is out. where is all of the hype at?
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no i refuse to belive that
that just makes it better
Based pvritymaxxer
This is what Night Elf females look like irl. Basic twitch thots. Show me a real WoW woman. 35+, white, and overweight. That's the American dream right there.
but patch event is 30th, hype delayed
I can see it. would fuck regardless thoughever
No tits though?
>mob xp nerfed to the point that it takes Lineage 2 amounts of grinding without quests
Blizz finally hates chinks as much as they hate themselves
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oh no no no wowbucks??? better respect my pronouns or i WILL report you
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>Female (male)
she'd look good with a fat black schlong in her pussy
>but patch event is 30th
damn I dont have any softcore porn of fat wow females
Probably a botting measure? It's not like they have employees to ban them
you can literally hear it in the voice *puke*
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I just want to log into my draenei and goon :(

Why are (((americans))) like this?
microplastics in their water has destroyed their brains
>tfw no discord kitten streamers on Horde

They'll come back in Midnight. Calling it now.
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what is this shit
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>what the fuck? Your DPS fucking sucks, gtfo, gear up more before trying m+7 and wasting everyones time
>Excuse me? [Ashes of Al'ar] I suggest you lower your tone when addressing me if you don't own one of these.
omg its true!!! chuddies are GONE!!
all the females I’ve met in wow are a mix of married/30+/land whales
uh, then who is all playing female vulps?

fuck it's true that's a mans voice 100%. can't believe i'm saying it but still would.
>[easily farmable mount that actually isn't rare anymore]
>yeah kick him he sucks
>excuse me? He?
>[anyone says literally anything]
>I've just reported you all. Hopefully blizzard follows through, no room for hate in this game. Wow. Im crying rn"
You know what Blizzard will do to those reported, lmaooooo
I'd plap Hazel and Asmon. It'd be pretty spooky but I feel like I could get the job done.
Are we being raided
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On a paler horse is just worse 100% of the time right? Except for questing I guess.
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yeh thats the joke
everyone is just waiting for the servers with their dick on their hand
on a paler horse is horse a meme
chaudbros... it's ogorian
>WoW started an update
it's 100% uptime when outdoors, death charge is a cooldown.
might be useful in outdoors dungeons/raids
for PVP it'll be a ton of fun though
What are healers gonna be like in new expansion, I looked at them recently for dragonfart but they just looked too over convoluted and the talent trees a mess. Are they being changed in this prepatch?
Seeing accounts with 30k+ achievements and no cutting edge or worthwhile m+ or PvP rating is embarrassing. Housewife accounts
What's this, the third update since the servers went down?
Everyone update your client to clog servers!
30+ year old mentally ill men
Every healer got buffed, tanks nerfed.
thats not a good thing.
that means the patch was so fucked that it needed to be hotfixed to work at all.

Diversity hires in control
everything is fuck
1187914125 hours patch downtime extensions waited.
Give She'quandah a chance.
Yeah but it's unholy not blood. You can only go as fast as the rest of your party anyways.

I hadn't considered pvp. Mite b kewl.
Good parody post. Play high; sell low
on a paler horse is clearly the only option
It's all ogre now. TWW is a failure. Time to dump WoW and put stock in AoC
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hotfix these tiny little nuts, FAG
Cortes was pretty based ngl
they think people see 100% fishing acheivements and go "Wow"
On the flipside if you get kicked for shit DPS you can criticize how many cooking awards theyve got probably maybe
doesnt work in arena, idk about bgblitz but death charge is unbelievably good
its divinesteed and freedom in one button essentially but you can still get rooted but immune to knockback
I'm sure i could beat you irl
>taking scripted encounters this seriously
@ ur life
that's some narrow band thinking
>Furfag leaps to defend Troons, Unqualified Women, Afri-kins and Poo-in-loos
and literally no one was surprised.
nice seethe
enjoy sleepwalking through checklists
bold of you to assume, doomer
>12 hour maintenance
its fucking JOEVER
how many cords of lumber have you moved by hand in the last month.
I bet its less than me.
I could strongfat your crossfit gymrat ass into the ground, you goddamned twink. I will big gay lumberjack rape you.
Anon said setting up an AI chat bot for smut is easy but I don't know what the fuck any of this shit means

wtf do I do
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I bet you dont even have 20 cooking awards lmao
this nigga doing m+'s and he aint even finished intro fishin, ngl, be better. lmaooooo nigga aint even levelled his archaeology 700 yet
funny image now that legion is considered the best expansion
of course the foxfag will white knight for blizzard
Is TWW going to be as bad as SL?
no, not really its a pretty safe assumption.
im here
download lm studio
in app, download noromaid 0.4
load it up, tell the ai it's a horny catgirl and to erp with you

go to /g/lmg/ for help
actually I am the furfag
shh. don't remind them they hated it and complained about it start to end.
uh huh, and taurens players all want to fuck cows, undead are all necrophiliacs, gnome/goblin players are pedophiles, etc... right?
You can't rape me if i'm willing
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Furry > amputated diaper childlike gnome pedobait
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>t. f night elf
Cows, necros and pedos didnt design the races though. Furfags and fat chicks obviously designed worgen, vulpera, kul tiran and zandalari faces. It was design by a BIPOC-community and it shows
Tauren are beastmen not furries and they get a pass.
Undead males players are edy 14 year old asshole either actually or in spirit.
Undead Female players are EITHER goth girls or necrophiliacs, the UD fem poster in this thread is 100% a necrophiliac.
Gnome players are all pedos
Goblin players are just weird but are not pedos.
woah that's a lot of words/cope, not reading lol
I miss Emily
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Still nothing.
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Think I found it thanks anon
>Bad login screen
It's worse
yes hello post jaina and alexstraza
Wait I thought you had to pick 1 of the 3 routes to go down for hero talents. You just fucking get all of them? Why isn't it just baked into the class with the "choices" put into the talent tree?
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>my diarrhea is better than your diarrhea
"He" and "she" are two extreme binaries that don't leave room for other gender identities, which can be hurtful for transgender, nonbinary, and gender queer communities.

Ultimately, you probably don’t want to make incorrect or hurtful assumptions about someone’s gender — they could be agender, nonbinary, or uncomfortable identifying with “he” or “she.”
Im female dark iron dwarf rogue
what archetype am I in your mind? and what about when you see female belf monkes?
are you retarded? the choice is choosing which hero talent tree to pick
vulpera are niggers confirmed
you need to get the 7B version i think. not enough ram for the 13B
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>Goblin players are just weird but are not pedos.
This is actually a pretty accurate representation of me.
big words hurt monkey brain
I picked the one it said is compatible, all the others said they might not be compatible
it was done this way so it didn't have to be balanced, ion said this during the presentation.
if you were given +10 talent points and the new ones were shit, you'd load up on the old talents instead. they'd have to make sure the new talent tier is stupidly OP or go back and break any busted synergies in the old talent tiers.
Except it shouldn't be is the thing. It would be like getting enough points to fill out the entire talent tree for your spec.
>the choice is choosing your spec!
It's retarded. Bake it in or make the choices matter.
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haha but imagine the sound of 4 wet, naked dwarfs in my bandaid slappin together in intense 4 way scissor action though
it's kind of like a zip file, they expanda bit when you load it. you also need some more free ram on top of that for it to remember the conversation
fem dark iron rogue is either exactly what it looks like or a "femboy" trap player. There is nothing wrong with either, Femdors are not my favorite but they are a solid B tier, Dark Irons are better than normal dorfs and they should have been horde goddamnit.
as for you the player Femdorf player is either a non-typical female or a weirdboy or some sort. My short, intelligent, autistic sister played a lot of femdorfs.

>Fembelf Monk
a solid choice, I have one.
Kinda generic IMO, theyre one of the best horde monke options if you dont want to go for the Obvious Male orc or the meme male tauren.
As much as people shit on fembelf melees fighter I think monk works perfectly fine. They are an agility class and one of the Master Trainers in the peak of serenity is a fembelf.
All horde are niggers
>150 GB
I want to verbally abuse you. Filthy tranny fag.
It’s to counter the fact that the alliance is all trans
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yeah but at least we're based
TWW is a failure anyways. Just wait for the last expansion in 2027.
thanks for informing us of your intent beforehand
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>got my Taco Bell and Baja Blast
>game still isn't up
>declare war on every language and culture in the world
>"omg why does everyone hate us?!"
now would be a good time to shower
time to drink 14 beers
I would rather be kind to everyone and be happy
you’re fat and gay and bottom
bet you couldn't beat up a bullet from a gun tho (: weakling
does anyone else want a worgen milf hag with tits the size of watermelons to beat them up? haha
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>tfw fighting the urge to play female characters because of the transgender mental illness

How do I fight this, wowsisters?
careful, you'll shatter his fragile masculinity
Still not joining your faction. Enjoy another expansion cycle of never getting world first.
I don't self-insert. I make female characters to jerk off to
playing women in games is better
do it
be cute
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I would fill that gobbo slut with coom the very instant i laid eyes on her
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>Still not up
>Can't play classic without mass report scripts targeting me for being in low-level zones
>Too dumb to know how to play private servers
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play female but name yourself some goofy/non-lore friendly ass name so no one assumes
some female animations/models are better than the male versions
Nightborne, BE, Pandaren, Goblin come to mind.
this dog does good bait
i don't self insert, i play fem pandaren because they are funny looking
Just give up on WoW.
> M'Lord, Here's your world first "Kind" achievement sir.
It's not tranny. Making sure that you male char 'looks good' in his cloth casting dress? Thats gay nigga.
My dwarf in bra and soon no pants? Based.
go to turtle wow .com or whatever it is
download their exe
install it
literally that simple
troons are responding to you
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i'm not a furfag... BUT
why'd you out yourself like that
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don't open
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ok so its like this.
Play whatever you like
pretend it has a dick if you want, or not.
maintain separation between reality and fantasy
don't troon out IRL
or, if you do, keep your dick, its just better that way for everyone.
but for real though. Its a fantasy game, engaging in fantasy within it is OK. Just don't make the mistake of thinking that reality and fantasy are the same. Enjoying RPing as a fem or some kind of trap is not the same as being trans.

Ive been playing female characters in wow since 2004 and getting into all manner of weird shit with them. But IRL I am a big hairy bi-dude. I am not and will never be a woman. its called Autogynophilia and its a fetish, not a lifestyle.
I hate WoW. Why are you all troons and fags?
I play undead and hate the hump the male models have so I switched to a female a few times. Personally, I like to imagine my character's doing an orochimaru type of thing and switching vessels. I almost always go back to male because I'm not a chick but armor in this game looks way better on a lot of the fem models, especial femdead
theres a faggot ass vulpera on frostmourne that might be u
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guys is WrA Horde RP strong or alive enough? i'm not looking for MG levels of server life but is it alive enough? u know what i mean
it's alright. definitely not on MG levels but passable
i've always wondered for how many guys play girl characters and make waifus, are there as many girl players out there who make male characters/husbandos?
you just proved that guys point you're a bi faggot and you play women, shut the hell up and stop wrecking it for all of us, degen. Basically he was saying youre a sexual deviant if you play a female character, and you fuckin proved it.
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I’m on wyrmrest
it’s the most alive you will find for horde rp but it is 50% vulpera i shit you not
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see guys it's live
dirty slut is asking for it
>but it is 50% vulpera i shit you not
I'm downloading another update from shaniqua
no... don't post that.... you're crushing my fantasy about you being a white pride female (female) anon....
I can fix her
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Still not live
Wyrm RP Gang
>a bunch of furry vulps planning their next orgy
>the male orc lurker hoping for vulp coomhole
>a couple tranny dragons who think they’re special
it's up
So now that we've had a year to reflect, were the freckles an improvement?
White power!
your ass.
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I can't separate reality from fiction because I WANT IT so bad. I want to be a woman so bad that it makes me so sad and confused. I try not to think about it but today is one of those hard days. I will never be a woman. Ever. But I sure wish that I could be.

Let me keep it WoW related. I play a female goblin and I'm like man I sure wish I could be this in real life and have people treat me like I look like her irl.
30 minutes of gooning to go
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not an RPer myself but i have heard consistently over the years that the RP on WRA is concentrated in guilds, which is apparently not how its done on MG ally. and that the vulpera problem is even worse than the blood elf one.
I'd still fuck her. In dragon form.
Do you like sucking futas off ?
me too anon
night elf females? literally the most obvious example
>Basically he was saying youre a sexual deviant if you play a female character, and you fuckin proved it.
and thats fine.
being a "sexual deviant" is not some heinous thing.
The problems arise when people lose track of reality, try to make their fantasies real and demand other people pretend with them to maintain their self-deceptions.

Ben Franklin was a Huge degenerate.
Thomas Jefferson fucked a bunch of half breeds into his house slaves.

Boomer neo-putritanism is dying and thats for the best. The key is to maintain grounding in what is actually possible vs what is not.
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I dont eat food if a women with a mole or too many freckles prepares it. Does that answer your question? Or...?
/wowg/ - world of tranny craft
you know you guys are making it real hard for me to fling shit at the zeevy right?
somethings arent meant to be shared.
Keep your heterosexual cock obsession cope away from me.
>Boomer neo-putritanism
Nooo!!! My favorite tiktok personality said it is le bad! He is rich and famous and has a fancy car!!!
what do freckles translate to in dragon form? whiskers?
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The freckles are very cute, but I don't know if Alexstrasza should look all that cute and approachable.
She 1000% owns a knotted dildo and wishes it was a Worgen no doubt about it
i would imagine it would be something like "spots"
But anon you are a man - a troon - you are a gay man
Just try be pure bro. It might be ok here and now because everyone around you is forced to accept it, but its objectively bad. Stop it man, come on. Knock it off.
>wish I could be this in real life
reality is that you can't
>and have people treat me like I look like her irl.
and attempting to force this just makes you crazy.
so dont force it. accept the limits, work with them not against them. Trying to just ignore physical limitation ends you up looking like a freak and 41% cus no one except other freaks wants anything to do with you.
nu alex is so hot, they did something right for once
the best would have been to stick her new cute face on her sinful HOTS body, however
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you're laughing, but a patch just hit some poor anon's house
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pure sex
female goblin is female NYC jewish archetype
you might be attracted to uppity cunts. Try that before impurity brother. It's one life, just knock it off for one damn life.
I feel so called out by this post
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this may come as a shock to you e-celeb obsessed zoomers but some of us ancient millennials are in fact capable of forming our own opinions without any outside input at all.

I do not and will never refer to any streamers for opinions or advice. The chances of some sub-count chaser being better informed than me about literally any issue are virtually nil.
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Don't fucking go to Wra its legitimately dead. I transferred from Illidan to Wra thinking it'd be alive and shit but chat was absurdly dead and I never really saw anyone besides a few people at that one inn in org. I transferred to MG horde and even though the server is mostly alliance I've seen more people on trade chat here than I did on wra. Just hoping they add cross faction chat so I can read all the alliance shitposting
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Better to be a horde nigger than be an alliance femboy who takes BBC off stream.
Time to open up the noname catalogue again
mmm yes, good... GOOD... post more strasza reaction images...
>Just try be pure bro.
No, I will be debauched, and I will enjoy it.
And you have no say in the matter.

Her HOTS body is fat and gross, people who gush over it are either coping fatties are psyopped chubby chasers. Her face in HOTS is shit too.
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i only have old 'strasza pics
I was going to clean the whole house
this patch was going to be different
I was going to fix everything up, my life man. I was going to do the washing and dishes and order new clothes
I still need to, I didn't, it's 11:39 am and I havent slept or played WoW
im in shambles or smth
so what did you bros get done today?
this but goon
19 minutes
Yeah she's hot as fuck
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misc. various.
I did things. Didnt even think about maintenance haha whats that? Living life, etc.
Delayed until 10pm
Before the third extension hits.
what if she did that when she was laying an egg that would be so silly
if evens delay again

if odds it goes live
The absolute state of this game. We're paying for this.
been telling you all for years now that there are 2 kinds of Servers.
Moonguard and dead/dying servers that will be graveyards.

MG is growing and has been for years, and its growth has to do with it being a great server. People come here and stay. Other servers people go because of some guild or because of stats, none of which has staying power.

MG is the best server because its the only one with an actual living community. It's like a time machine back to when WOW was a real MMO.

When choosing a server you either choose MG or you choose wrong.
When will noname animate tongue kissing

post-ironic unironic shills the 'ead
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Its not delayed
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negative a couple years
Already did. Assumi x Alexstrasza
Needs to be more
goon bard futurism
>he hasnt seen the assumixalex clip
15 more mins till it's extended again
What a fucking treat
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20 minutes until another extended maintenance notification?
Stop bitching about the maint when you should know now this happens
I've exposed myself as a fake gooner its so fucking over
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i play on emerald dream
i just picked it when i started because i saw it was RPPVP and i thought that was funny
i should have went to area 52
the real pre-patch is the friends we made along the way
Need to see a worgen shove his tongue down Assumi's throat while she bounces on his knot
good taste.
They pretend to patch and we pretend to expect it
Jeez, all those players with terminal illnesses you see around the forums etc., I wonder if in these moments they really reflect on what's important, and maybe it's not WoW, but the life they set aside to revel in nostalgia from 15 years ago
Those poor, definitely terminally ill players
vulpera mating ritual
A man of culture that knows exactly what I'm talking about
based deniers.
At least it isn't Venture Cope
Forums always seem to attract the human filth of the world for some reason. Long-form discussion really attracts the autism like flies to shit.
there was a time when it didnt
A golden time after WoW got its shit together and before DEI ruined everything in the world.
When patches deployed and worked within the initial downtime, and sometimes servers came back up hours early. When the game was operated by white amercian men and some asians.

We bitch about this because some of us know it does not HAVE to be this way, and that rather it is this way because of some absurd clownworld bullshit where we hire netowrk techs and software devs based on skin color and genital mutilation, not actual relevant skills.
I want to see a 4 hour new delay just to watch the fallout on the forums.
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>stop having fun
no, I don't think I will
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i'll take these last 10 minutes before we're in the next generation to tell you that i miss my wife wowg and i hope they bring her home in this expansion
for being a faggot
Everyone got banned from the forums a decade ago
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>never got the sark mount to drop on a single character
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midnight eastern now
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owari da..............
Anyone have the Troll telling GC to suck his cock?
These delays are our strength.
>beta in complete shambles
>release it onto live anyway
I don't know what else people where expecting
>two more weeks
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Are they planning on giving out game time?

They just wasted an entire paying day for customer's subscription. They used to do this in the past for unreasonable maintenance times.
ED isnt that dead, but def more activity in Alliance
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holy fuck LMAO
wasn't it originally supposed to be 4 hours ago?
We are anonymous
in the past, when it's a day like this, they typically have given everyone an extra day of gametime.
Theyre delaying it til I clean the house
it's divine intervention. Sorry chuds. Doing it now like it's a wow quest haha amirite? It's all about meeeeeee
back to gooning
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>diversity hire the dregs & scum of California
>get what you fucking deserve
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what did they mean by this?
>Another 4 hours before I can jerk it at Goldshire
Fucking why
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The person in my mind when I hear blizzard dev was pretty fucking spot on wow
warband conversion process: 16 hours of crashing servers, bugged logins and queues
He is in charge of the riot mmo
you will get tendies and you will like it
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you guys are sadistic self hating idiots that will do this to themselfs next patch too
maybe idk, quit??
Wasn't that Titan'd?
riot mmo means nothing to me
I want ex blizz devs new company to create an MMO with their dog and white people
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feet now
they are waiting for the DoorDash to arrive so they can feed before working again
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>but I don't know if Alexstrasza should look all that cute and approachable.
Give her some muscles. That would set the right tone.
Until you transition?
clean your house you filthy little grease goblin
they really should just do 24hr maintenance window
No but they restarted development.

Yes he is a male.
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All you had to do was apologize to him.
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>filthy little grease goblin
based terfvanas

I do not quite remember the last time a big maintenance touched 9PM
working like that can't be good for her back!
anal with alex
holy moly is that real? I love green jewish women now
>Have to wait 14 hours just to play an expansion that we'll hate
Imagine beating him to an unrecognizable pulp

Would be very fun desu
they are revamping half the classes. it’s going to be a shit show of OP tuning the next two-three weeks.
Overworked and underpaid DEI employees are implementing some of the biggest backend changes in a patch to date, it'll still probably launch and permanently brick a bunch of accounts for the fools that log in right away
how many retards like you are going to log in and realize it's just the prepatch and not the expansion
Remember vanilla? The server would shut down for days.
The truth is all our characters got deleted and they are manually trying to recreate everything because lost the backups
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Have people ever genuinely thought it was xpac launch on prepatch before?
Been real quiet since the "it's not a DDoS, we just weren't prepared for this many resubs" post
What's the most brainless spec to parse pink with?
more like the remaining 10% white men in the department are working overtime while the sheboons & other swarthoid vermin are toasting in the break room with some champagne for another job well done of being non-white
they're 2 hours from not launching it on the 23rd
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Some light freckles can still be sexy and mature.
don't envy the intern who has to go through and painstakingly recreate all the ERP mail i've saved over the years
WotLK prepatch kind of was because of the hilarious power creep of it
They go by PDT, fellow EST sufferer. They still have five hours.
>unexpected global phenomenon
>shit they've had 20 years to learn how to do properly
>all realms offline
>EDF6 launches at midnight est
>if they delay it again or don't have the servers up by then not only will it not have launched on the 23rd but people would have moved on to saving mother earth from any alien attack
They're actually not going to in my time, it's 12am EST.
I took a day off work to play this
Honestly I'd rather have ~400 tendies than a day of game time.
so you took Wednesday off?
Come play warcraft rumble and also rate my Sneed team
Stop fetishizing my culture, racist objectifier
Big oof.
are you fucking retarded
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Genshin Impact and Granblue Fantasy give out gems every time there is maintenance and those games are F2P. Plus, when they say 8 hour maintenance they get it done in those 8 hours.

americans just don't mind getting buttfucked dry by Blizzard. Also your holiday """events""" are creatively bankrupt and ass.

>Blizzard: We be don in bout 8-ISH hours i reckon
>Blizzard: Make that tenz-ISH hours
>Blizzard: Make that twoELVE-ISH hours
>Blizzard: Make that FIRTEEN-ISH hours
>Blizzard: Make that FIFteen-ISH hours
>Blizzard: -ISH
>"I should not have laughed when la'quesha asked 'git what?', while looking around hi-- uh, her desk."
>stop having fun
So I get my money back? False advertising. Liable to be sued.

Yes, he is.
What, 400?! That would last a fortnight, yeah in my tum we 'bout to chow down-chow down!
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Pacific chads, we're not going to have to worry about server capacity thanks to those eastern cucks having to go to sleep.
even 250 would be ok.
a day of game time is only 50 cents.
250 tendies is a couple bucks and actually compensates my frustration with something immediately useful that allows me to grab another thing or two off the post in a month where I would have been short.

Actually tendies as compensation for stuff like this being the normal would be preferable. Fucking send it.
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I just came back hoping it would be up now
I still cannot believe this game is something that was actually made and that we have to be occasionally reminded of it ingame from those stupid vending machines.
Uhhhh akchually 23rd is the date they start working to release it, not when it actually goes live...chuddie
DEI hires ruined everything. Shouldnt have supported Sweet Baby Inc and BlackRock.
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This was all to be expected, still grim though. I'm sick of waiting to make my Belf male harem.
lmao I throw down my sneed mini to see if anyone around is based. If they are they will say Sneed and I will know they are based and sneed pilled.
There is no new content coming in the pre-patch this week though. Why even bother?
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there absolutely is new content
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>an entire day of remix wasted
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I will coom to who I want, when I want.
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Lmao how the fuck are not done with remix?
New bank tab and character select screen?
>Remix gets extended by one day to make up for this
>The rest of the playerbase, who has long since been done with remix, gets nothing
I can see this happening.
FINK! The blood of your sacrifices, of Bar Koziba, demands justice!
dont we get new questline?
A bunch of reworked talent trees, all mounts skyriding, transmog farming made 100x easier
so every character we have is in a warband now? like I get the shared inventory and shit, but is it just a new word for our chars?
Never forget the fallen tea party patriots
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this >>487367054 too
yes. warband is your entire account
>try watching a story recap video
>end up more confused than before
I only know the lore up until WoTLK.. should I just give up?
too busy plapping my gf
It's based on the stall carrying capacity of gay bath houses in Irvine California
It's just how they are calling the account wide+alt friendly reworked systems i believe
>I only know the lore up until WoTLK.
that's when the story came to an end. anything after wrath is nu-blizz slop.
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this is ironically a better story than what has been happening lately
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You double niggers know that some mentally ill tranny is gonna rage and DDOS because he (MALE) can't visit his fursona in-game for a full day when the servers do go up, right?
You're a virgin.
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The game died after MOP. Since then it is just been a glittery dead fish flowing upstream.

>7 years ago

old wow youtube vlogs are so comfy bros
>hey see that hot female over there
>boy i sure wish she had the body of a fucking man
fags, the lot of you
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justice for Odyn that questline with the stormdrakes was bullshit
really awkward on my warrior
Were continuing from where legion/early bfa left off. Everything past is headcanon
Looks like a hooker with lip injections
nope lol
you ok?
Mazed. There is nothing new coming until he expansion. Character select screen and reworked talents do not count.
warband is just their fancy term for "we finally made most things account wide".
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They need AI raids where my whole warband goes.
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all of the major streamers have just confirmed it: tww just flopped
fellas i know the servers are not up but does anyone have mouse issues whenever they start the game? i see that there aren't "control" options enabled on the client yet so that might be a reason? feels all floaty, slow and shit
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they need to reinvent raids
art dump time?
Unironically this. MMO is fine and all, but there's nothing more awesome than your whole posse rolling up to help you.
Didn't they remove hardware mouse option in retail
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it was perfect until yesterday night so i don't think i even had that enabled, source for no controls btw:
i think they haven't opened the servers bc the in-built game controls are bugged or something like that
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I guess so, not much else to do right now.
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>biggest m+ numbers ever
are they trying to kill m+ to prop up the dying raiding scene? discuss.
His foul bachelor frog days
god his lines were so good
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m+ only players have always been screwed, bis trinkets and weapons are generally from raid. theres always something super busted and mandatory from a raid every m+ season.
Is this not AI?
This is a mistake because people think all gear will be 6/6, only the last boss gear goes that high.
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>this is a holy woman
Warbands as followers is WIP
Nah it's digital art. Unfortunately it and AI tends to look a lot alike so it's hard to tell sometimes.
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Don't care

I'll be busy doing solo q rbgs while you m+ kiddies are out farming crests
>be mythic raider
>finish week of prog
>what do we do now?
>oh right... mythic+
what's the fucking problem? oh boohoo you can't get your gear maxed out in a single day? who fucking cares! you're going to do that shit eventually because theres nothing else to fucking do
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have you seen what some of those old wow devs were like? lol there was an everquest forums post of one of the og devs raging just like a sweaty mythic+ player lol
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Enjoy running around like ants in Abney's Park
passion? Yeah it scares casuals, it's 'scary', people 'yell' when passionate.
Furor and tigole aka tigole bitties aka big ole tiddies
holy shit based, except i queue rbgs with my rp/pvp guild
WoW players are such fucking babies
>nooo waa I can't get every alt to max ilvl in 2 days cry cry cry cry
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Wuk Lamat says trans rights
Casuals are the biggest screamers fym
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it was funny and yeah they did have passion but I doubt they would agree with you now that everything they did was good.
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>I have to actually play the game in order to compete in Mythic +

I understand his frustration because he is looking at the problem from the point of view of an active Mythic + player in 2024. And I agree that Raiding in TWW is going to be an expensive pain in the ass because raiding today is an expensive pain in the ass. But I think Blizzard is going to make the process more fun and optimized AFTER we get the raid revamp in TWW. When that will happen, I don't know, but I know it is happening.


Patience. The raid revamp is coming. Raiding will be optimized and streamlined to be more fun and enjoyable.
Doesn't that start on the 30th
read the room retard
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can't play WoW because of incompetent retards at Blizzard, post your home-made recipes instead. My home-made orange chicken & broccoli:

>250g chicken breast (cubed)
>40g corn starch
>1g salt
toss it roughly in a plastic container & set it aside

>steam 250g broccoli for 4 minutes
>remove & pat dry

>fry battered chicken in 20g of olive oil
>toss around vigorously for 8-10 minutes on medium-high temp
>add in broccoli in the final 2-3 minutes

orange sauce:
>cut whole orange in half, squeeze out all juice, grate a bit of the peel & set aside
>pour oj in bowl & combine with 60ml onions sauce substitute (coconut aminos)
>add in 4g of onion powder, garlic powder & black pepper each
>add in 15g of stevia no-calorie sweetener
>10g rice vinegar
>add in orange zest
>5g corn starch
>whisk & combine

>add in sauce to pan and set pan heat to low
>let the sauce chicken up in 1-2 minutes
>garnish with chopped green onions
my eternal wife
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How long do we have to wait? 2 more patches?
holy based ty anon
>98 M+ runs that all last at least 30 minutes each
these people are insane
do they realize most of their audience are sweaty autists but casuals?
Based; Pew pew!
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Probably less because the game is doing to die if they keep fucking m+
It could be the last patch of TWW for all I know. Patience.
His gibberish is obfuscating
I made this, now my poop is bloody.
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Back when I was living alone I would sometimes get a pie crust from Family Dollar and make an abysmal-looking pie from whatever random bullshit I had around or could get cheap.

I called this one my Lazy Peon Pie

> 1 can pumpkin puree (canned)
> Key lime filling (from two $1 frozen pie slices)
> 1 can cherry filling
> 1/2 cup Grape Nuts
> 2 tablespoons Chocolate Malted Ovaltine
> 1 teaspoon Dr Pepper (my fave soda)
> 1/2 teaspoon cumin
> 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
> 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
> 2 tablespoons shredded coconut
> 1 tablespoon minced crystallized ginger
> 4 cups (as in the pre-packaged cups) chocolate pudding
> 1 jar maraschino cherries with syrup
> 1/2 cup chocolate chips
> blue food colouring until it looks sufficiently orcish
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Yet to be topped.
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Uhm, sweetie, how about you stop complaining about the servers and reflect on your toxic white masculinity instead? If you think you're waiting now, just imagine how long the blacks had to wait on slave ships or how long the African engineers had to wait on rafts just to get turned away by the toxic white male Spanish. This is NOTHING in comparison. Luckily for you, us women have it in the bag. We'll get the servers working better than any of you privileged white cis chuds ever have. Just wait and see.
>1 month even for shit transmog
vdh even if it's somehow shit
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if u cut out lunch breaks it has only been 3 hours of mait.
australian? 'muricans measure all of their recipes in cups
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Prot Paladin
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It's true! This proud latinx speaks for the people!
demon huntchads, how are we feeling

The battle-leotard is both classy and sexy.
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>mfw the wow forums
this amount of corporate dick sucking should be illegal
mexico will NEVER EVER recover from this
wrong. us americans measure all of our recipes in big mac containers
feels like you got 3 whole lines in the patch notes LMAO
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The cartels? No, probably not
>the last thing I see are those hips and that clam

Smite me mommy Whitemane!
>maintenance extended
do NOT let ace combat 6 find out about this...
3 whole lines during the whole beta testing
>no you cant ask a question!
It was expected 18 years ago.
I have a convection oven and sometimes I put colby cheese on two slices of bread with butter and heat it up until it is all bubbly and make a very fast grilled cheese.
Then I dip that in hot sauce
it is nice
I also like chipotle
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With her thighs, right?
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It's time for a vulpera thread
all the streamers went to bed
its over
the launch was a failure
does the stevia give it a weird aftertaste? i have a simliar recipe, and im watching my carbs, but the ethryitol and monk fruit both made my orange chicken not so good
sorry the server team is morning over the Kris grooming allegations. Please understand.
>streamer complains about too many elves in wow
>bro denathrius was the best character in shadowpants
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how did tww die before it even came out???
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What the fuc, they can't do this to me. I pay them to stay by my side through thick and thin
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While we wait, a 14 year old kino of a moonkin kicking ppl's ass in pvp.

Colossal warr sunfury mage diabolist lock and rider of the apocalypse dk
god I love bwonsamdi
really good character in bfa
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If they're going to bring him back at all Midnight is probably the most likely scenario.
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I love the dragon freckles.
What does asmongold think tho
Obviously meant for.

O damn I remember this ruuskie video editing era. It was a revolution of the mind
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>the bill gates thread
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vulpera slave, masochist spec
Who cares? M+ is for trannies and other such freaks. You're not one such person, are you anon?
What makes it hot is that she's not supposed to be wearing anything under the "skirt"

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