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Previous: >>487339921

>Download: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - "For Display Only"
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X accounts

>Redeemable codes (claim in-game or online) https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>ZZZ's damage formula

>ZZZ stickers
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Ben love!
I love both fat and perk
I am an omnicoomer
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Listening to post hardcore with my emo shark girlfriend.
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>"wahhhhhhhh soukaku chain attack take 5 million years wahhhhhhhhhhhhh"
>tried to play her to see if it's true
>it's not that long
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Love my shork gf and her JK gf's
>let my stamina cap
its over
might as well just drop it now
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>I love both fat
So you love Ben right?
>Ben Bigger
>smaller than other bears
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C-Can I touch it?
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I love my asscop wife
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Reposting here because these threads are fast:

So someone has been asking whether the shark bangboo is better than the penguin and I don't remember if the question ever got answered. It looks to me like the shark is better, though. When you have two ice characters its chain attack builds 100% anomaly buildup, the penguin has that at 90. I can't speak to how often the penguin attacks, but the shark's traps are homing traps and it seems they do actually move, so it still does actually seek enemies.

More importantly, I have a 3 star penguin and a 1-star shark and the shark's stats are still way better.
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I want to be Kotted actually
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Why are artists so fucking stupid.
The text is saying when he DOESNT have his glasses he needs to be really close to the screen. But then the artist draws him with his glasses, meaning he wouldnt need to get close to the screen, because he can see properly.
count the fingers next time aislopper
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I'm glad Zhu Yuan gives me an excuse to level all the Hares. Already used Billy and Neko as my DPS before her.
Why is there so much fan service in this game? Who the fuck is this for? Nobody looked at Genshin/HSR and said, "you know what this needs? to appeal to the worst people on the planet"
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You try reading with one eye.
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My comment last thread to your picture still stands.
If Nekomata bricks my 50/50 I WILL rape her
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Thanks Shawn
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ZZZ bros...
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I love my asscop wife
don't give the falsefag nigger a (You)
I think I've seen people say 5-dupe Penguin is better than a 0-dupe Shark, but that was when the game was one week old.
I do all the time because I have a nervous tic where I close one.
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I love him...
slap slap slap
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WIll i brick my f2p saving account with zhu yuan
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They WILL be mine.
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How much caviar do you need to consume to achieve an ass that fat?
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I won't, but I will give it to (You)
Countless shotas slain by these two...
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>tfw still couldn't decide if I want to roll the compact size or the party-sized pubsex
I can't speak to a 5-star penguin, but frankly, I think if you have both, use whichever you like most.

I use the shark because i fucking love sharks.
I will give falsefag nigger a (You)
Isn't the whole Shiyu defense pretty stupid as a concept, you are basically outting yourself as an illegal proxy. The siblings even fucking drive there
Is there a guide for retards on disc drives? I've just been avoiding it alltogether so I don't brick myself...
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Do I want the sauce to that pic?
Despite the dialog theres something about it that radiates straight energy.
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bros? Why is there a bunch of JKs outside my shop?
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>Avoiding disks
too late bro, you're bricked
It been up all night
I'm a transwoman and love Genshin. Should I try ZZZ?
The niggers at the outpost are more concerned about holding back the hollow than gay-ass laws.
Belle fucks them
Battle pass bros, is there any consensus on which weapon is the best pick, or are they all weak/evenly-matched enough for it not to matter?
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I am so close to him. He will be mine for the taking soon..
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Every female character in this game is ridiculously hot, EXCEPT Soukaku because blue skin is ugly.
It only takes one wrong visit from public sec for everything to crumble.
I wanna breed all belle players
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Freeze, criminal scum! Drop the weapons and those those cocks where I can see them!
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>keep failing his trust events because if you don't literally throw yourself onto him with some options and abusing his need to serve, you gain zero trust with him
Cool dude, but what a freak when it's about his trust
It's school days all over again
Really depends on your personal needs. There isn't a must-have stand-out yet.
>Crit is always more valuable before the crit ratio than a similar amount of ATK%
How so? Is the formula not just 1.1x damage for attack up, versus average of 1 + (.08 * .5~1 depending on your crit damage) for 1.04x ~ 1.08x for the crit boost?
Are we considering the 10% damage buffs super diluted by other attack buffs in the formula or something?
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Report and ignore.
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Any ideas what a "hamster cage pass" is?
>No blue tummy
>No blue ass
>No blue pits
>No blue soles
Someone said lips for Grace but poodwen says It's only good if you can have constant upkeep on it and that seems annoying.
Start farming them around level 35
They all but say that they don't care as long as you're fighting monsters and helping. They're so shorthanded they'll look the other way about your bullshit as long as you're a fresh body to throw at the ethereals. Hell, they probably don't usually expect anyone to survive.
43% chance you'll hate it.
>male thiren
>full on bipedal furry
>female thiren
>regular girl with animal ears/tail
Can someone explain this shit and why people give it a pass?
Both of course
Isnt using a remote bangboo basically outting yourself as Phaeton
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>those those cocks
>Jane Doe
>Core Passive: Insight
>When Jane deals damage to an enemy, inflicts [Gnaw] state, lasting for 10s. When any squad member triggers [Assault] and inflicts [Flinch] on an enemy with the [Gnaw] state, [Flinch] state increases by 5s and [Assault] has a chance to be a CRIT hit, with a base CRIT RATE of 40%, and CRIT DMG of 50%. Every point of Anomaly Proficiency increases the CRIT RATE of this attack by 0.16%.

>Additional Ability: Weak point
>When another character in your squad is an [Anomaly] or under the same Faction: Jane gains 20% Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate. When an enemy is under an [Anomaly] state, Jane deals an additional 15% DMG to it, also increasing the accumulated Physical Anomaly Buildup by 20%.

Jane sounds broken as fuck, letting assault crit for 1.5x damage when it already super hard.

>Core Skills
>Core Passive: Thousand Autumns Old
>Inflicts 5 stacks of [Restrain] on the enemy, stacking up to 20 times. For every stack of [Restrain] on the enemy, the enemy Stun DMG Multiplier increases by 3%

Qingyi can give a stun multiplier of 210%. Lycaon is considered super good and he gives 185%

They're not making it easy to skip anybody in this game.
Even Belle can't fuck that many JKs. Thats impossible.
I swear to fucking god I've seen that pic (the og) posted on /v/ all over the years and asking people to post cocks
Why do want to see them
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this guy doesn't fuck asaris and that's based
why do they put woodpecker shocker with the def disk together?
Max level your agent's talent, it's like one of those crown in Genshin.
Guys I'm colorblind and sometimes it's hard for me to figure out what flash attack the enemies do (yellow/red) so I end up using counter most of the time even if there's red and I should dodge...
What to do
Should I bring all my team and their weapons to level 50 or just my main DPS?
Do I upgrade all of them before going to the artifact mines again?
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Zhu Yuan would NEVER be so slutty
What kind of anthro girl do you want anon?
Alos the woman who runs the arcade is kinda a bit more furry-ish than the rest, but she also looks like she was drawn by Ken Penders
I don't think they know it's remote controlled. I think they just assumed the bangboo is trained to enter the hollow alone.
Yeah, the shining golden sign
Let your inner spark ignite
Find your treasure, glowing bright
Reaching for itandtake a flight

Luckyor not, at least you tried
Chinup, in yourself, confide
No doubt fate's on your side
You're chosen, so enjoy the ride

There are things you can't control
Fortune's fickle, that's this world
Embrace the result, stop keeping score
That's the essence
Life's true goal

Not just trials and battles tough
Go taking joy in simple stuff
Even when it's getting rough
Take it easy, having fun is just enough
Learn which enemy attack does which?
What's wrong with Zhu's weapon?
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Use the survey to ask for a colourblind option, or use the sound cues
you play a game where parrying has a chance of hurting your previous teammate
Untied hair Koleda...
time it better
if you press counter on a red attack at the right time it swaps and does a perfect dodge the character you swapped to
He hasnt seen the pure female thirens KEK LOSER. Go suck a bag of dicks and boycott genshin u humongous faggot
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>MFW I find and download the ZZZ Diaper mod with lore friendly designs and brands.
Soon, crinklebwos!
>Event give free coffee ether
>Event give free ramen
>Thought that we can get another free coffee per day

I bricked my coffee buff....... i don't want ether chip
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I thought the whole point of anomaly is that it can't crit, why the fuck are they adding a character that scales quadratically with a single stat??????
So what do other proxies do if they don't lead a people through a hollow with a bangboo?
It is from a gay artist named Zoroj. He did a comic involving a goblin talking about how he fucked his fat king and someone walked in thinking he was trying to assassinate them. Now he is on the run and has a gay fat orc bf.
powercreep? that early? in a mihoyo game? they would NEVER...
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Ganbatte, friend!

Playing VNs so much has really helped me with these trust events.
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based and factual post, you have exceptional taste my friend.
I refuse to roll for characters with chinese names
I would try to get her if she was called Shaniqua or some shit.
They go in with the rest of the team with the carrot
You can do even more
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This is a monster girl general. Keep walking furfag.
Don't know if it'll help any but there's a color filter option in the graphics. Other than that try focusing more on dodges than parries or use evasive parry characters like Billy, Grace and Rina.
I do not like inhuman features, although years of indoctrination from Japanese media have led me to tolerate animal ears and tails.
I look at Miyabi's huge ears and I'm puzzled as to whether I should find them cute or uncanny. Similarly, I think Jane Doe would be hotter if she weren't a rodent.
same one post
get a job
canon Belle seems like she would be outwardly proud if a girl showed interest in her brother, but be secretly seething inside.
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>i don't want ether chip
Just pretend her name is Suzanne, and the short one is Lyndsey
I thought that it's literally the same sound? That's exactly why I have an issue with that too.
Thats what they do, they provide carrot data and/or guide services. Either in person or with a very well trained/programmed Bangboo.
>assault can already be crazy damage
>she allows assault to crit
Is this like if Nilou was the 2nd character in genshin?
Does doing hardmode missions give Inter-Knot xp?
Probably lets you raise skills to high level like crowns/tracks in the other games.
Nope only Polychrome
>you are basically outting yourself as an illegal proxy
The whole area of independent investigators is a completely grey area. In the case of the outpost, they assume they are hiring OpSec who also works as a technician on the Bangboo, and are also bringing their own team.
Its a relatively different set up to a Proxy and agent situation.
They also clearly do not care. Similar to Soldier 11 hiring you despite being a glowie or Homeland Security. Once youre hired as an independent investigator you have immunity essentially. Pubsec isnt going to be allowed to investigate shit that happens there.
This is tricky and it confuses a lot of people because of the cutscene with the evaluator where Miyabab appears.
Essentially, the Outpost staff think that Wise is a technician who has programmed Eous and upgraded his data.
Bangboos have minds of their own, and some bangboos outside of Eous CAN talk normally. So when the evaluator is talking to Eous she literally thinks she is talking to Eous and not Belle/Wise.
This continues when Miyabi and the crew show up and assume Eous is a highly advanced Bangboo, and praise you for its efficiency afterwards (because they dont know that its controlled). The evaluator and outpost staff also evaluate your work (as a technician) similarily.
Is the ass cop a girl-failure?
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Bro, what the fuck
More like C2 Nahida lol
No. She's actually competent at her job.
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Don't care
Still skipping rat for robotummy
More like she is the Kafka of anomaly teams. The pieces may change later but she is the driver for the real damage.
>have all the materials to level zhu up
>but 0 Dennies
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Sex in the butt with elen...
They're barely challenges. They certainly wouldn't be worth doing just for that.
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good post
Oh Im gonna use this
Speaking of. Jane's M2
>M2: A Person who keeps Company with the Good, becomes Good
When Jane attacks an enemy under the [Gnaw] state, or when a squad member triggers [Assault] to an enemy with the [Gnaw] state, the attack ignores 15% of enemy DEF. Also, when [Assault] CRITS, the CRIT DMG increases by 30%.
She's the opposite. Highly successful and promising new officer
Nicole keeps her Bangboo basically mute? Isnt that abuse?
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>secretly have them kidnapped and trapped in the Hollow
no one fucks with Phaeton
She cheapned out on Amillion's vocal components probably
Sniffing Ellen's backside...
Damn Qingyi is for EVERYONE.
premium character to create FOMO.
your A ranks will cope and seethe while the super-shilled character will fuck the general mechanics unprotected.
Nope. She's professional and competent. Also leaves the office on the lock.
Bwo they literally tell you what rewards you get from them...
bangboos are the only cutesy small creature mascot i have ever liked
The good thing is that even getting even one of these characters will make a team super strong to grind for chromes.
jesus christ
>he bankrupted himself buying Ether Plating without checking the price
>Hyper competent devoted public servant who shows familial piety but is a bit of a square.
No, she is basically a model citizen with a quirk.
oh my god
it's starting to set in
I regret rolling for Ellen Lawrence
How do I unlock the snake game...
I believe most proxies DO use a Bangboo that they train/communicate with, but never with direct control, as that is somehow a Phaeton specialty.
Going in person way too dangerous, and you're basically a useless-in-combat tagalong, and you'd be exposing yourself to Ether corruption for what you could do instead by using a Bangboo assistant instead.
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I'm dreading losing my 50/50 tomorrow
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I wish Qingyi would put 20 stacks of [Restraint] on me
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15% defense ignore and 180% assault crits.
i wonder how long until this place turns into cuckshit wasteland like /gig/ and /hsrg/
I just saw it was hard mode and was afraid of doing it...
So as a poor metafag I should skip Zhu, right?
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You gotta do it Belle.
I've seen this too many times.
That hussy is gonna seduce your brother and trick him into marrying her.
And after that bitch marries into the business, they'll insist that you move out so they can use your room for the children they're planning on having.
You'll have no choice but to miserably beg the Cunning Hares to take you into their care in that shabby run down shack of theirs.
You gotta do it Belle.
You gotta stab Heddy before its too late.
>people are unironically rolling for this animation brick
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Imagine skipping this. couldnt be me
If this is true Grace / Rina / Jane Doe is just going to completely destroy the meta.
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What should I beg for?
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And they will also be powercreeped. I will just roll for who I like and suffer if that 1% of content ever becomes difficult or unfun. I am rolling all the cops but then skipping whoever is right after, I'm sure that will be a brick in some way.
>They're not making it easy to skip anybody in this game.
zhu suddenly looking very skippable...
They already tried, thankfully janny wiped them out for now
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Controversal take but she needs to be nerfed in the next patch cycle again.
Which standard would you be ok with getting?
sex scenes
M2W1 units already?
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You can as long as you already have at least one S rank DPS
she's good at her job and generally respected, just dorky and socially inept outside of her duty mode.
living with your mom at 25+ really isn't strange in china, even outside of general housing crisis.
>he rolled the knot
>he built the knot
Pahahahahahahahah ohnonono
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>my Ben is getting powercreeped into the F tier everybody thinks he's already in
I already have Grace and S11, so Koleda, Nekomata or Rina.
Anything but Von Lycaon, please.
def ignore isn't that special when you have the PEN% stat which does work with anomalies, the crits on the other hand are insane
18+ content
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More sibling interactions (Non-incestual of course)
I think it's funny how whenever you clear a stage with her you end up getting a butt shot
My dick twitches whenever that happens, you know? like when it moves on its own
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>Tried farming boss mats for the cop
>Lvl 45 boss feels impossible to kill in under 3 mins without a good ice/ether team
Colourblind mode for the colourblind anon itt.
if you're a metachud you CAN'T skip the rat
Characters with bigger tits and fatter asses/skins to give existing characters such benefits and also to revert the Nicole tit nerf
>>Inflicts 5 stacks of [Restrain] on the enemy, stacking up to 20 times. For every stack of [Restrain] on the enemy, the enemy Stun DMG Multiplier increases by 3%
>Qingyi can give a stun multiplier of 210%. Lycaon is considered super good and he gives 185%
Lycaon triggers the full effect if he's the one who stunned the enemy, or 1 hit if he wasn't, how long does it take to apply full stacks with Qinqyi after stunning the enemy? Sounds like she has to continue hitting them after they're stunned to build stacks so that's time when your DPS doesn't get the multiplier.
just make a different sound for dodge, this should've been a thing on launch.
>the rat are actually winning
It's over.
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>DoT hags strike again
Who could have seen this coming
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>You gotta fuck Heddy before its too late.
Violence is just what she wants, to throw a pity party and get everyone on her side. You have to establish dominance. Make her your slave and then she can watch you claim onii-chan.
Only Ether DPS.
Incorrect assessment.
Is it true Belle wore a black thong in the beta?
wait she's coming out today?
I really wish he didn't stop being the main artist for LD.
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>stun assist triggers
>on keyboard, pressing the attack button selects whatever character you have next up
>on controller, pressing attack does nothing, forced to use LB/RB
yup yup i'm going to keep playing with a keyboard
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It's only just begun.
Allow photos taken in the game to be available to be used in the Memory board. Also increase the limit of pictures to be more than 8.
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>limited better than standard and 4*
That is not power creep bwo....
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I always get a lukewarm feeling seeing fanart of these two hugging.
I really wish Mihoyo would give them a hugging scene in the future.
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For Asia server yeah
nicole is free and breaks the shields by herself easily while fitting into every team
weaknesses dont matter enough outside the shields to consider skipping jane or qingyi
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You're thinking of Anby. Belle had black panties like the one Coco wears.
as long as they don't make off-element enemies take literally zero damage, it's not an issue.
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So why the fuck would I roll for Zhu Yuan if Jane Doe is literally just the strongest dps in the game by far?
Much better than Joe Ellen, idiot.
She's not as hot
WHO HERE SKIPPED SHIT JOE?? We're winning tonight!
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>a jane doe anomaly team with random 4 star shitters will do more damage than c1 ellen joe + knot

how is this fair?
I even swiped for her weapon
Zhu Yuan requires f2p characters. Jane Doe requires 2 standard 5 stars
Jane is at least 9 weeks away.
Damn, first draft was the best by far.
By the time Jane is about to release there's already going to be a better dps than her dripped in the future by the way
but is she coming out today for real people even if it's a bit later? maybe in 6h or so?
I might go to bed and then try to get her if that's the case
Not me, I roll with my dick
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finally i can stun trash mobs without having to run circles around them first with anby
is that just that weird hit sync micropause (i know that it's prevalent in multiple games but i still hate it) or is she really fighting at 10 FPS
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First draft looked the best desu
I have E6 limiteds in HSR
I never got Yanking'd along the way
Never responded to the Yanking version of this post either
I will never get kotted but she is welcome to try.
do different promoters actually do anything?
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If you roll for Zhu Yuan you'll have enough to spark for Jane Doe by the time she arrives
>off-element enemies take literally zero damage
I still remember the great elemental disaster in granblue
considering the limited roster, the speed of the releases and how few rolls you can get to guarantee characters this would unironically destroy the game
>Jane Doe is meta
no, check the Ellen banner. The banner's expiration countdown is the next banner's live start countdown
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My uncle works at Mihoyo and told me that the next 3 patches after Jane's banner ends will all feature bosses that are resistant to Anomalies and reflects 50% of any Assault Damage it takes.
>investing in 1.0 Dps when anomalycoin exists
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Seelen Joe...
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Furryshit is trash and only fags and women like it
Gives you different mats to upgrade their skills.
Anby for example will give you electro chips
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you didn't clear
not a furry but i'd prefer the first one too.
Because you don't want to get screwed when Shiyu Defense throws an either shield floor at you and the only other ether character is Nicole and she kinda blows at breaking those.
Jane + Billy will be meta.
so whats jane's best team now
is another physical better than a support in grace/jane/flex to cash in on her passive?
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>M6: When Seth unleashes the finisher in [Basic Attack: Lightning Strike - Electro-charged], deal an additional DMG equal to 500% of his attack. This attack is guaranteed to be a CRIT hit, and CRIT DMG increases by 60%.
And I will certainly full cinema him while trying to get the rat.
you shut up now
Blade was supposed to be uncreepable! HP Scaling!
Red shiyu doesn't have element shields at least this rotation
>t. at shiyu 17
Try suckstarting a shotgun
Nicole gives Ether chips
Ellen gives Ice chips
Rina gives Electric chips
and so on and so on
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rat dominion
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You weren't supposed to point that out...
imagine not rerolling for the 1.0 5 star to steamroll the game while you save
no uses bronya anymore?
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Reminder metafaggots never prosper
ratio -32%
bro fell off the stairs
nothing is ever saving billy
imagine not having a low UID
Grace Jane Seth
Limited 5*
Emphasis on the first word
Proofs? Also

>puts ice and ether shield in Shiyu defense
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bitch why you laughing
that's supposed to be a sad story
>Jingliu, Dan, and Blade all lower than Topaz.
Huh, I stopped playing after Fofo's event, and while I figured that Topaz would always have a degree of niche utility, I didn't expect those three to drop off that hard. What happened?
I still use my C6 DHIL because I love that chink like you wouldn't believe
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Qingyi is meta for my dick
Thousands of cocks has entered that smug mouth.
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>do everything in stable SD up until SD9 within 2-3 minutes, even if underleveled
>SD9 is suddenly 3 minutes per side, because agents deal pea shooter damage
Is SD9+ an activity for knot lvl 40+ with full orange disks? I'm 39.
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get fucked mindless paypig
now you've learned the lesson the hard way
have an ice day
>she kinda blows at breaking those
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Furryshit is the best thing ever invented and only normalfags and shitters hate it.
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why do you think there's no popular gender swapped beauty and the beast type movie?
it's socially acceptable for women to like hot non humans but men don't get that privilege

I'm not saying it's fair I love me some HMOFA but that's just how it is
Thirens don't deserve human rights.
What am I looking at? I assume this is genshin?
Shark anthro
>Fuofuo higher than luofag
How the turn tables
If you couldn't see how Ellen was trash fron the get go, that's on you.
Almost like we are in a FuA shill patch bro.....ur mind is gonna be blown when they have lightning shields during robololi banner
If Lycaon + Rina = Ellen + Corin in terms of power level, does that mean Ellen is the strongest in Victoria Housekeeping?
Feels like it
and mine is one of them!
chud literally powercreep by 4 star
Lmao fag
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I wouldn't say equal, it's how they divided it, there was no other way, one side would be weaker always.
you are underleveld so you deal 50% less damage modifier
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I can see it...
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haha yea XD
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>Lightning shield
My aniki is ready
>/hsrg/ laughing at us AGAIN

bros.... OUR RESPONSE???
I managed to squeeze a SD9 clear in with 3s left on the timer before IK40. Afterwards I went back and easily S ranked it.
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ears and/or a tail is already about as much furry as i can tolerate.
don't go begging for shit nobody else wants.
Miyabifags getting uppity, I need the widest miyabis you have
Fofo was always better
Good teams dont even need healing. Dog bartender is basically a nihility sub dps/battery on break teams
Yeah, but she has the debuff of being narcoleptic
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who's pulling?
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How bad will powercreep be in this game
From genshin to hsr scale
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I just like this squishy Miyabi bro...
>everyone goes fucking insane over her
Me below (off-screen)
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>no ellen
>no polys
>no tapes
I'm fucking bricked
Don't care. Still gooning to Ellen.
It looked okay until the rat
But maybe her numbers arent actually that bad in game we'll see
Got 145 rolls saved and ready.
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delete this, she is good, not a brick.
And yet loufags are still in denial
The only meta I care about is my dick.
And she confuses my dick. in a good way. Very much out of my preferences- but...
Well. Variety is the spice of life, right?
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>you are underleveld so you deal 50% less damage modifier
No fucking way that's true. I just thought it was damage sponges...
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She literally tells you that investing in victory means playing the long game. She's aged like a fine wine
the two times I had enough to get a pity standard character I got her w-engine so I think I'm beyond bricked
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There's something about Nekomata that makes me want to just rape her until she cries.
Does the banner refresh as soon as Ellen finishes?
Genshinfags had powercreep too it's just a toddler game and most of them dont even touch abyss they are reading pages of dialogue and jumping on mushrooms. Compare Ganyu to launch characters. Now compare basic f2p hyperbloom to ganyu. Now compare Fagdragon with his cheerleader.
There's more than enough to hit hard pity. How behind are you?
If God is good we'll get some cute waifurs eventually.
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So it goes...
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Is this a Keep or a Sleep?
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We can all agree that even though Grace was censored she's still a huge jiggly titty monster with massive milkers and a tight tummy, right?
Designs these bad prove ZZZ is in a different league.
No, there is a 6 hour wait time. Yes, as soon as it finishes, we can roll.
you couldn't get a guarantee even as a day1 as an f2p, no matter how much grind you have done. you had to buy both the monthly and the bp.
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jokes on you.
she is always raring to go.
>most people drop it without elaborating much
>one post wishing ZZZ to succeed
Why are you trying to force us to fight our hsr sisters?
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so how long until the ratatouille, my drawtablet does not arrive until the 5th next month and until then i am poor
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b-bros...I can guarantee Qingyi and Jane Doe with 23k polychromes right? haha...
Lost my 50/50 got discouraged and dumped the rest into standard. Please forgive, it's my first gacha.
I told myself I didn't want the shark, but I do.
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Yeah bullshit. I'm F2P and also have 60+ tapes saved up
I want nekomata
My guy they like blonde Gendo, ofc they are retarded.
Sir, this is gambling.
6 weeks
Just finished the bellboy chapter
*sheds a tear of righteousness*
>underleveled gives a decent challenge
>equal level is piss-easy
i hate it.
At least 3 months.
You only need 320 polychromes
I guaranteed ellen f2p and I have 40 tapes saved for caesar... I haven't even done everything yet...
win your 50/50 two times and you win!
Intra/ thread shitflinging should be a bannable offense.
You can, just need to actually play the game.
Nobody needs to force me to hate honktroons.
The zipper down the middle only made her hotter, imo.
No way there's some fuckery going on SD. If you open up training and place a level 70 enemy you can solo it pretty fast with a level 50 dps alone.
Genshin had high levels of powercreep early on with ganyu and hu tao but then it slowed down by a lot, so we can only hope it will be the same and not accelerate like hsr
Aug 15th
It's going to be HI3-tier.
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They should be releasing Qin and Zhu at the same time
Thats probably the best chapter despite its slow start. I still have a soft spot for Chapter 1 though. Story is definitely better than I expected
oh brother, its fking over...
ZZZ has nothing to do with HSR. Stop advertising your shitty slop here, it's annoying to anyone who hasn't chopped off their dick and calls that a vagina.
Asia bros. 2 hours left
I had 180 premium rolls while totally f2p before I upgraded to fp2++
if you got the codes, did the events and didn't waste polys with dumb shit you 100% guaranteed her
That sounds like a good way to end up having your nuts cut off by her giant box cutters
They kept her 3D model cupsize which is the second most important part of her.
>"Compare 4-5 characters over the span of 4 years."

Yeah, that's not too bad, all things considered.
To elaborate what he means by this is that a character can receive a direct replacement in about a year and the abyss bonuses will hard shill the new character while countering one or more meta team comps
You can get her in 6 months from the rerun I guess. If you're na you have 6 hours to reroll. Could buy a starter account too. That sucks bwo.
based, but swap miyabi and rina, I don't fuck with no goddamn amputee
>and dumped the rest into standard.
Bricked (real).
You could've dumped the rest to the sharko banner and who knows if you'll get her in the next 10 rolls or so.
I’ve never ever gotten the kot.
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>my Soldier 11 goes from hitting 6k basics to 11k-12k basics on fire weak floors
Eh? Just how massive is the dps increase just by using the correct element?
Honkai IP hit their ceiling during HI3rd and everything afterwards are just copy paste of that time plus some designs copied from Nijisanji.
You got the wrong guy. Im just tired of seeing retards bitch about shit like
/X/ is saying /thing/ about /Y/ when its not even relevant to the thread. Just keep to the topic, that's what im talking about.
I'm going to clear shiyu a year from now with anton and anby and laugh at all you niggers who never farm relics. I'm finally a day 1 player so I can shit on all the casuals.
Miyabi is fire that's the only thing that makes sense.
But will it ever be worth spending rolls to S-Rank SD? Seems like a bad decision no matter what.
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I want the cat.
>have ZZZ on a gen 4 nvme SSD
>still takes at least 30 seconds to load sixth street
what the fuck were they thinking
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>pump and dump Koleda
You piece of shit
You worthless scum
I hope you get min lotto ticket dennies for the rest of your days and lose all your 50/50s
anyone have the corrin vs ellen burst dps/ average dps graph?
I cant figure out how toaofjajnsdasd
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did they?
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I'm spending my 300 selector on her.
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fact: you're gay
I finished the chapter 2 interlude, when is it a good moment to start the banbro event or chapter 3?
Erect tail
Where is bugaboo
Isn't Grace/Piper/filler kinda broken? 120k disorders is insane, and I'm pretty sure they can reliably proc it off-ICD
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I feel like spending polys on standard banner isn't that bad especially at the start, I'm like 15 rolls off the random S star and depending on what I get I could start working on a decent second team for Shiyu Defense. Am I coping?
That's just showing they had consistent creep every region kek. Nice of them to make half the cast dogshit as a joke while making the chosen few turbobroken.
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>finally hit knot 40 today
>try to farm chips
>1 pink chip for 80 energy
uh oh...
Black numbers compared to normal numbers (non weak) are like 65%?
I assume normal to big white-ish weakness numbers are also 65%
So 65% (resist) < 100% (normal) < 153% (weak) I assume
lycaon has to deal with this shit every day
>when is it a good moment to start the banbro event or chapter 3?
It's short as fuck, just do it as soon as you can.
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game runs fine on my PC but I keep sending tickets about performance issues
bwo...youre supposed to craft them
Surprised at how strong ZZZ has been staying in JP
>Been trying to work on Anton
>Enemy says its weak to electric
>Have his weapon at full rarity
>He still takes a fucking year to remove the stupid electric shield

Do I have to an all electric team or something? I only have Anby to help.
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>need 9 100 battery runs to level up to knot 40
That's 3 days, but god damn, it's nothing but 3 days of mindless farming. And THEN I would need a shit ton of mats to upgrade my 2 (3) teams to lvl 50.
The only benefit is the selector which you get without spending anything extra in like 6 months. Otherwise you're just trading limited characters for standard characters.
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Not true.
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What did the CCP mean by this?
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That anon is exaggerating but your level matters more if the enemy has higher defense.
hey how do I make my wife look like this
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>want to play
>nothing left to do
>battery 100 a pop to refill
>still gotta finish up ellen but also farm mats for asscop
guess I'll wait until tomorrow hoyo has decided I am not allowed to play the game for the rest of the day
There's a point where you realise Piper procs her anomaly too slow for Grace rotation to be comfortable, but yeah damage is neat if you can stack it at least once during enemy's stun state.
you're swimming in standard pulls at the start you dummy there's no rush for shiyu
I look forward to getting a text from Tin Master in the dead of night needing help disposing of something 'unfortunate'.
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>Seems like a hype amount
>Do the math
>Only guarantee's me 8 S-ranks assuming I have to rely on pity
The less I think about it the better
Fuck this slut. I thought she genuinely liked our store but she was just working there to flirt with a neighbor.
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The first character I am leveling up to 50 is Anby!
She is on every team I make!
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Drop all hags down 2 tiers
Bring up Piper, Qingyi and Koleda to preteen preggo mother sex
Saved your list
how much did that cost
is that just all topups?
>luckshitter has to take every opportunity to show off even in unrelated discussion
wew lad
Any bros melting out here with me while waiting for Zhu Yuan?
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thanks gachafriends i will make sure to repay this spoonfeeding with lots of bad art once i get her
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>you had to buy both the monthly and the bp.
thats normal conduct for f2p thoughsoeverbeit
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why is this bitch in my room?
Just time your Shocks. Its shield goes away instantly.
Grace is kinda broken on her own, she doesn't really need anything else
You kinda have to accept that any pinks are a nice bonus and you'll mostly end up crafting. The rate seems like less than 20% per enemy.
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this but sex with the kot.
I lost count, almost 3k though, its mostly top ups
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>roll for Zhu Yuan
>pray I lose the 50/50 to Grace
>skip Qingyi
>roll Jade with my guarantee
>have the perfect meta team by 1.1
Thoughts on my rolling plan?
She's there to fuck Eous. Duh.
one of the reasons to get the bp is those dumb rings on the battlepass. They are the only way to max a skill and like their other games its a fucking age before you get a lot of them since they are event bound.
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I like Anton and think he’s being severely underrated but he’s a grace merchant
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where did that retarded meme of "the standard paid stuff doesn't count, I'm still F2P" come from
do people really don't understand what the F stands for?
>worth it
Not really, rewards are mostly mediocre across Mihoyo games. Point is that powercreep will likely be incredibly rampant and you should forget about Shiyu Defense in its entirety if you're not going to keep up with banners.
holy ffffFUCK
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Bro your lolicop???
She is powercrept.
No, universal support wengine it's very good
>skip best stunner for Zhu Yuan
your plan is retarded
>Jane doe will creep piper

Any reason to build her?
Based anon transferring his ZZZ rolls to HSR
You'll get furried by the knot or kot, cope and rolled cop bot, then have no polys for rrat
Bro your hollow zero?
does ben actually mean caviar when he says caviar? I feel like a bear would be more into things like salmon roe instead of sturgeon roe(caviar)
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When are they adding American representation faction? No way they will forget about us right?
>PUBSEC = China
>SECTION 6 = Japan
>OBOL = Germany
>Son's of Calydon = Mexican
>Victoria Housekeeping = Brits
>Belobog = Russian
>Cunning Hare = Canadian
>Idols = Singaporean
>Nun Cultist = Koreans
you have disposable income, right, anon?
mihoyo grooming
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Why not
>roll Jade with my guarantee
There's no need for a stun in rrat's team bro
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I'm more and more confident that, long term, Grace will be considered the best standard S-Rank.
>Son's of Calydon = Mexican
Biker Gangs are really more of an American thing.
It's gambling addict cope and mental illness
>here's my f2p clear of shiyu17, you now have excuse to not be able clear and are a SHITTER!!!
>yeah I paid for welkin+bp+topups to get Ellen, her weapon, Lycaon, and M6 Soukaku
>but it's basically stealing from dawei so it's still f2p
>so I did a f2p clear
It's the oldest trick in the book, you just learn to ignore it.
All the Americans died but before they died they uploaded part of their consciousness into robots that’s what billy is and there’s a secret robot america society somewhere on the planet
I thought Sons of Caledonia was America though?
Dammit why do I want this tiny onahole.
no bp or monthly = f2poor not f2p
you only lose your f2p status when you start buying out top ups
The amount of polies you get between A and S is laughable, so no.
How the fuck does the Cunning hare is a money sink, she barely pay the members, scams or cheaps out of everything.

I refuse to believe illegal smuggling in whats basically a war zone that unprofitable.
do you guys level up your discs?
I only leveled some up for the quest
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Is there any reason not to use master tapes on the standard banner? They can't be used for anything else right?
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Hopefully you bought it with your own money and not from stealing from your rich friend's CC.
Isn't there supposed to be another lightning anomaly as early as 1.2? Pink hair with glasses
She runs an orphanage bro that doesn’t exactly make money
Physical stages where you use both.
She's a gambling addict
stop replying to this man's desperate (You) bait scheme
Again with your delusions, Juan? You'll never be white
Yeah use the standard tapes as you get them, just don't convert polychromes into them or we'll laugh at you
>the incest poster is a NTR cuck
Wasn't she Ether Anomaly?
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money spent is money spent.
money spent means it's not free.
you don't fall for the free shipping meme, right, anon?
She spends what she gets on worthy causes.

Also legal fees/penalties cause her gang are a bunch are 3 parts (now 4) of a while idiot. Nekomata even used that bad customer service re it’s against them in the quest.
Hold off on leveling any others until you hit IK40 and start getting S rank discs. Then you can start worrying about using up your disc mats. You wont need to level them for anything before that.
so is the meta just grace + piper or stunner + dps? Since there's only 3 stunners and 2 of them are S ranks that means you shouldn't roll on the buttcop unless you have a 2nd stunner right?
An extremely niche reason is waiting for them to add A rank agents that you want but that shit is hella retarded especially since usually it gets bloated with shit and makes C6 harder
i did to 9 just the flat atk ones at the very beginning then at ik 40 i rolled the free shit in the cd shop and lvld whatever slots had good main stats
Yanagi yeah, we're hoping she's Ether instead but she and Harumasa are already shown to be electric in the first HZ stage.
RatGODS won this one
Hope I can get Grace or Rina at some point otherwise I might skip her
My guess is he's either crazy or he's got a 100K salary with little cost. I feel most whales are people with more money than they know what to do with.
Seems like an on-fielder from her off-field moveset. I know that sounds stupid, but there's a Hollow Zero Section 6 quest at IK45 where Harumasa and Yanagi help you as support off field NPC.
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HSR has that one anon paying his rolls with his mom's medicine. ZZZ has that one anon stealing his rich friends credit card. What did Genshin have?
New A ranks will eventually be added to the standards, but otherwise just dump it.
I blame Genshit for this.
Only time I'll excuse NTR because sisters are made for loving.
yeah, standard is the only purpose. unless they're going to expand the standard pool (they won't, not this year at least), you're free to use them right away.
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Man they really dropped the ball on Rina's agent story, everyone elses was pretty good but they somehow found a way to make it so boring and not about her
I know there was that one guy who was doing strip shows on discord videochat for primos.
>emuniggers are unironic cucks
thanks bro I'm using this to shitpost in /psg/. This is why Kohane is better.
>ZZZ finaly makes another brown S rank agent only to be dumped into standard
Genshin had that Scara anon that whaled for /gig/gers. You wont beat that.
a rich fujowhale? surely, this cannot be true?
Will they give any rolls away for Zhu Yuan or am I fucked?
in case you haven't noticed, most agent stories aren't exactly about the agents.
which is pretty retarded if you ask me, but that's how they're doing it i guess.
>it's on my hard drive
>load everything in under 5 seconds
anonI think your drive might be shit.
There'll be an event with primos I'm pretty sure
Just a trickle from dailies and some mini-events, you're fucked if you have no rolls yeah.
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It's not NTR because Wise belongs to Belle, please understand
I've always said it jokingly but I think some actually take it seriousy.
If you lose the 50/50, your guarantee carries over. It will work for the next banner no matter what that is. This applies to A ranks too

Also always save currency for the limited banners and just use the standard pool for everything else
Do NOT trust anything this gremlin says
Should have been luckier, skipped Ellen or paypigged bwo
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i still don't get it, Lumina doesn't even have that many entities, why is it so fucking bad
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I ran through InterKnot Translate
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That's all I got from the draws. Is this account bricked?
It’s nice that I don’t feel much need to spend on zzz the way I’ve ended up giving star rail at least 200 bucks cause of 50/50 fails. (I hate Yanqing so fucking much).
Should've saved up if you really want her, bwo.
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According to the leaks yes. But Grace has some unique features in her built-in dodge movement, massive AOE range and the fact that she still builds Anomaly fast with even with no energy at all available, that are unlikely to be duplicated. She makes a uniquely strong anomaly point character because of them.
what's the best team for qingyi that doesn't include zhu yuan?
ellen and grace are literally two of the best pulls from 1.0
Technically new A-ranks are added to the standard pool so there's SOME incentive to hold onto them but most people just dump them straight into the standard banner in these games. You can't spend them anywhere else.
Zhu Yuan, anyone else
pretty much wherever anby goes, she's still an electric stunner.
Her face looked like one of those Chinese peking opera performer.
how'd this make it to twatter? is he lurking here?
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Ouch. We keep telling people putting polychromes into standard banner is a massive brick but I swear none of you guys listen
Was he a fujo?
Scara reception was completely different during 2020 when he first appeared. This anon saved from then until 2022 then whaled for other anons.
Any dps that wants to come in on stunned enemies, use their burst and switch out, so corin or something maybe
So how long is it going to be until that alleged hammer nun gets released?
I don’t think she’s super future proof since you know some anomaly unit in the future will do something busted like 50% damage taken when afflicted with ailments but yeah she will probably be the best on field anomaly unit for a long long time. C1 is kinda cracked too for the teams like rina grace Anton
is rat an anomaly or attacker? depending on the answer i might build piper.
polys, fuck
Any team that wants a stunner (every team wants a stunner)
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it's fine over here
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anomaly, she's so much stronger than piper that it's not even funny.
her ideal team is much harder to form, though.
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Its literally IMPOSSIBLE to be any colder bros...
Probably repost of repost, but 4chan nowadays is more mainstream than what you think.
It was pretty bad last couple of weeks before but it’s finally been more bearable where I live.
Doesn't seem to matter if you don't have anyone that works with them.
lmao no anomaly disorder teams dont need a stunner
At least half a year
When can you craft pink stuff? Ik 37 btw
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Surely you meant to type kanade...
sopa de macaco por favor
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>S11 (lost 50/50)
>Lucy C2
>Ben C2
>Soukaku C6
>Anton C6
>25 remaining tapes
Am I bricked, anons?
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how the fuck is it hotter in Central Europe than in fucking Brazil and Australia
what's her ideal team?
It's winter in Kangarooland you nigger
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Good thing it's raining here to keep the temps down.
it's winter over here, bro
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>he doesn't know
Well its winter right now for us and Sydney's in quite a temperate climate
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what is disorder and how do I reliably proc it
I've only seen it like once what does it do
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Zenless Zone Zero?
Does anyone have the list of buffs characters drop when you kick them out of the party in Hollow Zero
Northen and southern hemisphere have opposite seasons. Don't they teach you that shit on school?
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Anons, should I pull for Ellen's weapon? I have 70 pulls saved but I also want the cop girl.

Is her weapon mandatory?
Name one team bro
get two different anomalies
big damage, override the previous anomaly
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SEAchads win again
When you proc one anomaly and then a different one while the first is still in effect there's a big damage explosion called a disorder. That's pretty much all there is to it.
Just do a 10 and see if you luckshit
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>15 hours on Ellen banner
Weird, why isn't Zhu going up at the daily reset hour?
>ellen AND m6 soukaku
>a full fire team to boot
at some point one must recognize these kinds of posts are just humblebragging, no? no piper means you're bricked, yes
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All weapons are whale territory and none are mandatory if you're good enough at the game.
Proc an anomaly and while it's debuff is active, proc a different anomaly.
It just does more damage and removes the debuff from the first anomaly.
For Burn, Corruption, and Shock, the remaining damage from the ticks are added to the disorder damage so there's no lost in damage for them.
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bro, it is colder here.
the high temperature is a lie, it lasts like an hour and then goes quickly down.
When you overwrite an anomaly, like shock with another, like assault. Easiest way to proc it is to fill up the initial anomaly but not proc it until the second anomaly is proc'ed. Bangboos work well for this as they can't proc
Two different anomaly proccing within 10 seconds.
Manage your anomaly bar, edge one of the elemental anomaly, proc the other element and then proc the element you edged
get the shork ball it chomps the screen when you go to it and makes ellens hair red its kino
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You know you want to
Its impossible to be this hot
>All weapons are whale territory
this isn't genshin retard
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Do NOT fall for roundearthers propaganda
>how do I reliably proc it
Two Anomaly characters of different element (e.g. Grace, Piper) or an anomaly character and two other characters that share a different element and do a fair bit of elemental damage (e.g. S11, Piper, Lucy).
Living on the equator do be like that
>Easiest way to proc it is to fill up the initial anomaly but not proc it until the second anomaly is proc'ed
I know this is the current state of the game but this feels so cucked
I'm waiting for more anomaly agents that work like Grace and her guaranteed shock on skill. You should be able to proc disorder more frequently.
what if i don't have ellen and don't want miyabi
Isnt it winter in australia right now?
>10 stamina pots
wtf I love the police now
Gives me some respit from seeing luckshitters pulling everything early/multiple in one 10 pull, while I go into soft pity every time without fail.
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Accurate audio representation of how fast I'm gonna beat my meat while staring at Qingyi's ass
People still don't understand how Starlight Engine works, it's sad to see.
This general was saying her sig is not better than A rank billy weapon.
Final 2 hours etherbros
>guaranteed shock on skill
huh? It takes me 3 grenades to shock an elite enemy with an anomaly mastery 4slot. It doesn't guarantee shit.
singapore is rightful malay clay. One day you will return to us and become Johor or we will turn off the water
Bro, Ellen sig means I can never worry about crit chance ever again and go all in crit damage.
Just like my penis when I see Ellen
>Global release time for second half banner
Hoyoverse is evolving..
>10 batteries in mail
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>rolling for Zhung Yuan
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>they're skipping
Do not skip this games Kafka or your second team (anomaly) is bricked until eos
>nahida c2 in base kit
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I got this whore 3x and no other S rank agents
have all A ranks except for piper
what team do I even play?
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Yes I'm a Genshitter and formerly a HI3rdnigger. In both games, weapons are whale territory. I'm not sure how it's any different in here unless it works like the Bangboo banner.
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>600 energy
>asiaGODS can't break Zhu Yuan's (banner) virginity now
>singapore is rightful malay clay. One day you will return to us and become Johor or we will turn off the water
You malay niggers can't do jack shit with your corrupt outdated rag tag of an army.
F2P didn't get the shark shit game dead game genshin and HSR won will not pay to roll furshit
That is up to you. In HI3 people sweat about meta teams and the difference between getting Red Lotus abyss or Agony 3 abyss is 160 crystals a week.
I'm still iffy about the activation conditions
cannon rotor still seems da best general pick
wtf I love the police now??
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>14 hrs 53 mins
I fuckin wish :(
maybe i dont need zhu yuan and her jiggly ass but a real gf and her jiggly ass..
Is it still possible to roll for deep sea visitor after the banner ends?
Based educationlet retard
>mails shows 10
can you count?
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>it's real
ALL COPS ARE... B-B-B-B-ASED'?!??!?!?!?
Play russian roulette solo
who cares if they are mandatory, i always want my favorite characters to have their sig weapon.
am i the only one who thinks her 3d model makes her look like a dr seuss character? All of the art she has is fine, the model just looks off. If she was actually just a makima rip like kafka yeah I'd roll
No, rerun only.
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Zhu Yuan worked REALLY HARD to get you these batteries
Here your (You) retard
>3 grenades
How the fuck are you playing her only bosses need that many
Elites are at most one EX and one special at full catridge.
>each battery restores 60 energy
>60 x 10 is uh.... wuh.... huh.... uhh......
One battery is 60 energy
They gave us 10 batteries
600 energy.
This guy can't match...
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10 batteries (which regen 60 energy each) equals...?
She milked qingyi herself to get them
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kek good bait
wtf I love cops now!
>Do you know them corin?
>Yes mr lightcone!
No you fucker? what? This is the first time you stupid bitch
F2poor here, how good is zhu yuan? Does she have any future proofing in her kit? I have Solider 11 and the furry if that helps. Or should I keep saving?
huh? bp + monthly is literally da wei paying you though
Yea I just got that.
>the heinous organization known as the “Mountain Lion Gang”
antagonist for the next cop storyline?
Based Mihoyo giving 600 battiers for free in mail
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Your patch.....



*swing* *swoosh* *slash*

*sheathes katana*
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Fuck yea
Get either Ellen or Zhu in my opinion, just 1 copy of them and no weapon. Will carry your account for a few months
I don't play hsr but did they gibs a lot of free stuff at this early game? free gems,free stamina . I only have experience about genshin 4 years which i still don't see this stuff like fragile resin x10
>need 6k exp for IK40
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Does Qingyi have girl parts?
Blue Lives Matter!
Total Thiren Death!
You have a 75% chance of getting the weapon, instead of Genshin's abysmal rate and weapon pity starts at 65 instead of 75. No idea what it's like in HI3.
I kneel skipDEITY
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So will we be able to pull for these goobers?
>battery = 50 chromes
>cops just gave us 500 chromes
maybe blue lives DO matter
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I wanted to get her before entering the wage cage
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I didnt prefarm for Zhu Yuan because I scare I will lose my 50/50
that chapter 2 ending was some gurren lagann shit!!!!!!!!!
LOVED IT,*hug*
zhu yuan needs qingyi, jane doe, and M6 seth
f2p should skip
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It would have been thematically cooler if Qingyi were the one to give us her spare batteries instead.
they gave a lot of fuel at the beginning of hsr
Guaranteed replies
Since normally game costs 30~ dollars (from 50% sale) you can spend 30 with good conscience.
It's still not f2p.
Weapon pity is also at 65 in Genshin.
she'll help you blast through the endgame for few months. Far future I have doubts. Hoyo is rarely nice to unconventional elements and she might get stuck on the shelf while other common elements are shilled.
>Sparkle gives me 10 stamina pots in HSR
>Suddenly like Sparkle

>Zhu Yuan gives me 10 stamina pots in ZZZ
>Already like Zhu
Now what ZZZkeks

HSR and ZZZ gave around the same amount of shit at launch from memory which is why Genshin players would always seethe at "Genshin could never".
>time in New York
Go to bed already before you embarrass yourself even more with your shitty math skills.
they sent 10 fragiles at some point but I don't remember when
anon, you have 20k signals....
You posted it again, I wonder how many it'll get this time.
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HSR gave more than ZZZ. Not that I'm necessarily unhappy with what we're getting now
Zenless John here
they are dead
5 batteries and 5 gem resets let's go
>have 40 encrypted master tapes
>fomo over shark w engine
>try a pull
>no luck
>now only have 30 for cop
>still fomo
I hate gacha games.
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What CR/CD ratio for my Soldier 11
Oh shit that's nice
What mental illness compels one to do this
if you've just started and don't want to spend a single penny then Ellen is the better choice because you already have Lycan and Soukaku is free.
Both are fairly future-proof because right now they're the only attackers of their respective elements. Expect a powercreep anyway, but just not AS early.
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>10 batteries
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>Accidentally dismantled the item I wanted to craft
i hate this game's UI
The pity will carry over to Zhu's banner, those rolls aren't "wasted" besides you being a lucklet
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what the fuck
50 crit rate before inferno metal activates, and as much crit damage as you can muster (for me only around 70)
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is rat coming after fat ass cop? i'm skipping this banner if so
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I'm only swiping if I don't get her like 30min before the end.
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I probably won't try the w engine banner again. I'll wait for reruns.
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>10 batteries from Zhu
B-Back the blue
Thanks anon, it's been a while since I saw actual good funny bait in this website.
i am rolling sex cop only for that, thank yuan
Fat ass cop > Lolibaba > Rat in that order
why the FUCK isn’t the new banner worldwide
now I gotta watch /zzz/ have fun with Zhu before I do
I’m literally getting cucked
I just tested it, it took me 4 grenades, One of them an EX skill, before I can shock the dog ethereal (Hati)
>166 Anomaly Mastery
>always doing full stacks before throwing a skill, EX or not
retardbro... you can guarantee her right now, you have 127 rolls right there
I never played HSR
How strong are Kafka dot teams?
(You) addiction
big cop > small cop > rat
that's the order
keep watching cuck boy
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How would her mom react?
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Asia server-----prince
Zhu Yuan-----princess
NA server-----camera
An agent that is cool as Ankh when?
>I gotta watch /zzz/
Correction, you will watch ASIAgods(including SEAchads) have their fun with Zhu.
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>SEAchurls get to pull for new waifu first
Its not fair
think of the snake ping bro
imagine how laggy you would be on asia servers
The fuck do you mean swiping? You already have the polychromes.
you can beat them in Snake
>10 batteries
>But already farmed all I needed for Zhu
Damn those discs are ripe for the taking.
Waterkuma says yeah
>Zhu getting PAGGED.COM
Not like this...
This image has never been used for good
Ayy, I got 2 of em Knight Beam toys. Now I can split them between Billy and Ellen until I can get her own toy next time her banners around.
Never reply to these pictures and always filter it.
Just alright when she first released, now she's meta thanks to a strong DoT character releasing (Black Swan)
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good luck bwo!
Kafka/Black Swan is fine, but I'd hardly call them meta now that Acheron and Firefly exist.
How long for ass cop?
i already got spooked by grace on ellen's banner so im good
1hr 35m
30 minutes for AsianCHADS
finally, now i got S in all low lvl ones.
>snake ping
So I didn't hallucinate fuckers smashing into a wall for solid 3 seconds and teleporting to other side of the map?
I'd actually not mind losing my Zhu Yuan 50/50 to Nekomata. I already have her signature W-Engine and she's fun to play.
>think of the snake ping bro
snake matchmaking is global
Stop lagging in my Snake games retards
lmao no they didnt
10 free powers were 1.1
good job
>gets a buff when two other Nihility users are with her teams

Gee, I wonder who else you could sub in. Sure there's Pela as well, but it's a non-brainer who the two of those candidates are.
>free 10 batteries in the mail
>basically 6000 free knot exp
Acheron / Silver Wolf / Pela
is much better for MoC than
Acheron / Kafka / Black Swan
which is only best for Pure Fiction.
>Mountain lion gang
Will this be related to the cop chapter next patch
Yeah, Pela and JQ with Tutorial both rocking wind set
lmao it wishes
>weaker than FF/Acheron in MoC
>stronger than FF/Acheron in PF
I'd say it's pretty fair to call them meta right now. Later on Acheron will get Jiaoqiu to keep up with Kafka/Swan in PF but for now her PF performance is carried by Kafka/Swan
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Where the hell did my Ben go?
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im a retard with drops just watch and mute me u get mats NOT AN INDIAN
prove it
how do you spell zzz
Ellen airing our her pantyhose
I just started, how tf do I get the shark girl before they nix the pool?
Get to level 5 or something and then buy 65 rolls with real money
Literally impossible without spending if you're only just starting now.
Either throw down cash or wait until rerun a year from now.
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welp, I said fuck it and bought one bundle but nothing else. got the wrong maid girl. not doing that again
I got the same at 6 rolls, then Ellen at 75
grats, you got the strongest S unit in the game so far , even when her kit got nerfed
No he didnt.
>t. speedreader
>t. speedtyper
Please try and convey a coherent thought.
you're the one that didn't read Rina skills, it's a you issue of getting filtered, not mine.
I read them fine. She isnt the strongest S unit in the game and she probably never will be.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Lmfao roflmaooooooooooo

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