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Previous: >>487366571

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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OP is me with my bros(no homo but we might kiss a little)!
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It’s so annoying I won’t be able to get kirara cause of the metropole trials.

I completed the rest of them perfectly. I can’t get my score over 100. The fact that it’s acting like everyone and their mom is maxed out is wild. I’m not. I try not to be because then it’s not fun. I like to slowly make them stronger. The highest level I have is a 70, but that’s the traveler and the rest are all 60 and under.

Like what am I supposed to do? Why do they make the events like this? I was so excited to be able to participate in an event for once, because the other ones aren’t typically accessible for me (due to many reasons like level or my physical disability). Now it’s all for nothing.
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why did they announced it so early ?
this is a no nahida thread
this is also a no sigewinne thread
find someone else to fantasize over
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They won :3
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you can try 10 pulls
It was sooo satisfying waking up yesterday to the nerfs and watching the incels cry. Made my whole day fr, my whole week even. I'm praying for even more nerfs for her and only buffs for Kinich!
>t.reddit femcel
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genshit flopped so hard they have to announce next stream 1 FUCKING MONTH in advance
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>kachina's right hand position
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sex with Sigewinne and Nahida
female heizou with sideboob
>want to be hyped but only care about the harbingers
>will need to wait 3 or more patches
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fu tao bros...
according to patch cycle days the 5.0 update goes live in late August so a week after this stream
you have 34 days you can do it if you invest in your characters. i wouldn't even be surprised if it only took 1 or 2 characters to get the pass
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Do you have the sluttier version of his birthday art anon?
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wait, they already announced it?
why 3 weeks in advance? usually it's 3 DAYS in advance
>durin is the camera now
cucked from my only purpose......
>Every other gacha get cute emtionless doll girl
>In Genshin we have.....
That’s the reality of starting a live service gacha 4 years late faggot
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anon, you have more than 34 days left, level up your talents and weapons until then
Why so early?
look at the time, it's different too
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>Simulanka enjoyers
I remember that fight
>why 3 weeks in advance
bro this is almost 5 weeks
they fucking knew no one is playing 4.8 lmao
cute durin
>cameraman so powerful he can even see himself in the image without taking a selfie
too powerful...
I wished Simulanka was this kino
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sex with alhaitham
Bwo your Lynette?
you would have to force me to have sex with siggy
or drug me to think i want to have sex
either way it's not happening
i'm noticing...
this is reddit post
nilou feet
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>need to craft 60 models for Kirara
>Nilou's mini game gives 45
>Kirara's gives 45
Uhh thanks I guess
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I want pizza but I’m too full to get some! Fuck!!
The cast of Simulanka isn't the best but is way better than bottleland already
they should change nilou for chelde navia for diluc and idk who for kirara
wander is hard carrying this shit
you have AIDS
>the image i've betted on still hasn't appeared yet
My money is safe...
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Doing a big lick of Neuvillette's sweaty, shit crusted asshole after a hot sunny day
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you need at least 70 iQ to understand why Simulanka is good
I'm sorry that you are mentally disabled
also for >>487378198
Wow this game is actually dead huh ?
Floptaine flopped
Now Floplan will flop even harder
The CHAD WanDurin vs the virgin ScaraHida
Where's Charlotte?
Does it involve chiori?

Unironically kill yourself you disgusting faggot troon aveline-coded retard
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Kinich, Kinich please marry me!
I feel sad for hoyo Natlan was doomed to be shit specially when it's between two of the best regions
I know.
I got it from him.
Yeah that's me sis.
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>Kachina's Roman salute
UH OH!! The NPCs will freak out!
why did they do it? why did they turn traveler into a cameraman cuck?
much rather have his cock instead
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for me it's yantao
Cheld and UNMATCHED in the same cast would make an interesting event…
nah, it involves 2 certain characters.
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You can eat those little pizza lunchables
today is the 24th
next week will be the 31th
the week after that will be the 7th
the week after that will be the 14th
that's 3 weeks and 2 days
for the funnies
It's a metacommentary of you playing the game
That's sparkle and fu xuan
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Capitano will save natlan shit cast
Yanfei looks weird here
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And I always find, yeah, I always find somethin' wrong
You been puttin' up wit' my shit just way too long
I'm so gifted at findin' what I don't like the most
So I think it's time (so I think it's time)
For us to have a toast

Let's have a toast for the douche bags
Let's have a toast for the assholes
Let's have a toast for the scumbags
Every one of them that I know
Let's have a toast for the jerk offs
That'll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can
more for me then
why some character have Small Deformed avatar?
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I don’t have any in the house because I’ve been eating clean for a long time… I think I’ll just take a drive and get an ice cream cone, fuck this dogshit weather
>between two of the best regions
Bwo, Inazuma and Sumeru were over a year ago, we’re currently in Floptaine right now
this man oozes water
it's like an inbuilt bidet, I doubt he's got any crust
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Saving her strength for her flagship Natlan hot springs reporting event where she gets a new skin with even more blatant sideboob
This was a Lumine event.
raidentroon still trying to force this lol
there's still time.....
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Because you'll accept her either way paggy.
>one-taps the entire Natlan cast
>about to one-tap Mavuika
>with the power of LOVE, XBULLANQUE gets revived
>proceeds to give Capitano the beatdown of the century
make it happen, Fat Xiao.
Are pootao and pootaglia owners vocal minority?
>4 of my mains on the bottom
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Mihoyo hates you.
Upsetting you is more important than making money.
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5.2 archon quest
How many of us still use Mona frequently I wonder
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Nahida is really sexy.
I kneel, AvelineSTACY
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I have bad news
She drugged your food
You will soon want to have sex with her
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When did Kok get breast implants?
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Childe SOON
Laziness in finding a fully complete yshelper image to rip from

Besides Signora I don't remember the last time a harbinger jobbed
Judging by Dottore and Arlecchino performance can't see anyone stopping Chadpitano
when did kok removed her cock?
Bwos, I currently have 70 pity. If I don't pull for more than one year the pity still persists right? I'm planning to save it for the ice queen because I won't be playing genshin for a while
Times I’ve jerked to genshin characters:
Raiden - 200+
Hu Tao - 150 +
Yae - 125 +
Shenhe - 100 +
Eula - 100 +
Yelan - 100 +
Xianyun - 50 +
Hilichurl - ??
If this post gets 15 (You)s, I will write Sigewinne and shota Wriothresley smut and post it in a future thread.
their casual-unfriendly kits make it so only people invested in them actually pull for them
why is she sexy
Plenty of times in the overworld because I never rolled for Ayaka
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>I don't remember the last time a harbinger jobbed
Pity is saved for each banner type indefinitely yes. The only thing that is deleted after a long time is viewable history.
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My PoV
Yeah the pity still persists
If you’re going for Bronya don’t forget there’s a fifty fifty too
Wormderer jobbed hard against Nahider.
>shota Wrio
made for onee-sans, just keep him an adult
Are you ready for fat xiao giggers
I have no desire to see that
Yes that is why I was worried, ok that is good. Thanks anon
>only 50% of /gig/ oldfags remain here
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Childe WON
Make her shove a syringe up his ass.
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Childe is uglier than thoma
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Make it Aether getting broken by Sigewinne into becoming her personal sex toy and you have a deal.
I hope they never rerun Shenhe
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Geobros, Xilonen seems so promising compared to Chiori. I only hope her shield scales from def...And that this summon of hers counts as a construct otherwise C0 Chiori will become even more niche for Navia.
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mona permanently benched.
used to like her, she's terrible now.
>but her dash
trash, holding right click or shift to run isn't my playstyle.
Times I’ve jerked to genshin characters:
Hu Tao - 500+
Xiangling - 350+
Yanfei - 250 +
Sucrose - 125 +
Mona - 290+
Fischl - 250+
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Newfags who weren’t playing in Genshin’s prime are blind to how bad gig has gotten
Oh forgot to mention it's guaranteed. Lost last 50/50 to keqing
11th of the 9 Fatui Harbingers...
Same, I used to like her character until she started sucking in the Abyss.
>took 167 retries and the entire Sumeru discord to beat 1 angry guy with mommy issues
If that's hard jobbing then the ones before him were utterly turned to dust.
pretty sure it's only mentally ill people self-inserting as a manlet in a croptop or people who don't play the game who think this
Cheld becomes a colonoscopy technician
This was so comical but presented completely seriously
i have her in two of my teams and those teams slap
i think is skill issue bro
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I did a cum tribute for Yelan a long time ago in this thread I think, go find it

If you jorked it once per day then you’re getting close to two years of jorking to tao, congrats. Hebegod
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You know I think we've improved..if it a bit
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this will happen and you will call me the prophet of genshin
>2. We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience.
Fuck, I wish our devs actually care enough to do the same thing for Ayaka.
The archon quest was terrible but this was legitimately the best moment
It happens BUT she steps down and is not longer the archon
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I'm still pissed we didn't get a proper fight against Scaramouche directly, fighting a giant ass mech is no fun
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Side pony tail is sexy. Her soft thighs are sexy. Her stirrups are like lingerie for her feet which is sexy. Her design also highlights her armpits which are sexy. She's sexy.
Obese purple Mirai
>achieves godhood
>immediately loses to a jobber and a radish
lmao even
kys wormderercuck
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>Posting the fake one
Anti Childe schizos really will invent anything
Times i've jerked to genshin characters:
Raiden - 0
Mona - 0
Xiangling - 0
Sucrose - 0
Fischl - 0
Hu Tao - 0
Yanfei - 0
Nahida - 7
Sigewinne - 35
The higher the girl, the more quality the churled porn.
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>Travelling Teyvat is over. You shouldn't be here.
>I will... set Natlan ablaze.
>Once you're back to Fontaine, remember to tell Neuvillette ---
>About the Fatui Harbinger who was behind your ultimate departure.
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multi-billion dollar company btw
>achieves godhood
spotted the speedreader
here's your (You)
she's there for that big screenshot number, but we got furina and she buff more than just screenshot.
use mona in combat with that stupid dash is torture.
Hutroon posting was nothing compared to the cuckposting, discord raids, femcel shitposting and shipshit we get now, especially since everyone lost hope of this being a serious game a year or two in
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Exactly! Though xianyun has some really good ones, but not many
1.3-1.5 was worse than all of that
>Still one of the strongest harbingers combat wise
>Staled the Whale
>Manages to hit a dragon sovereigns even if the dragon in question attacked him from the back mid transformation

chelde is the goat
fucking auto-correct man...
she's replacable.
furina is just better than her.
only for those who love doing one-shot combo like her
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feet? cats?
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Sounds like a job for Nahida.
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>childe is canonically some random druggie who attacked a Waffle House employee(neuv) and jobbed
>gets manhandled in every appearance
>still jobbed
>still jobbed
I am hyped for natlan
Should have henshined faster
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It took me a while but Sethosgods and goddesses, I am now with you
Kokomi is actually hot as fuck
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Also he was feeling unwell, his power was unstable and he was without his hydro vision
Friendly reminder that Cheld is lower in rank than a fucking black man.
More people play Lumine so they strip the traveler of their hero status. Maybe the abyssibling will be MC
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>chimp out in a courtroom
>get bitchslapped
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What quest do I need to do to even meet this character. He just randomly showed up when I was rolling for boobs.
why tf only cheldesis read about the lore and the harbingers ? there are urionicanilly giggers who think he is weaker than signora/pantalone etc
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Cyno SQ2
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i was fapping to hu tao during the first leaks
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>I sentence you to prison
tell me more about him
what makes him special than other character especially bow character?
do you have constellation for him?
how's your experience with him? especially that energy-draining mechanique
how to regain that energy back? like playstyle, team or combo rotation
how's your stats
>more people play lumine so its okay to turn traveler into a camera cuck
shes getting keked too, not a single male character even saw her way in the event.
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I’m cumming
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>"Cheld is as strong as Archons, I-I swear-"
>*literally gets one-tapped by Neuv, who by then was only Archon-tier in power, but minimal combat ability*
the humiliation ritual continues...
>Still one of the strongest harbingers combat wise
I thought they were ranked based on fighting power. Isnt he the weakest?
newfag detected
>weaker than signora and pantalone
because he is, the fatui are ranked by strength, he himself says so.
blame fat xiao, cheld is treated as a joke by most harbingers for a reason.
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sex with both cheld and neuvi!
I'm sovl.
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That explains it. I'm way behind on story quests, oldest one backlogged is Alhaitham. Thanks.
bitch get ur two timing ahh outta here
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Cheld is consistently wrong about everything
When the fuck is his rerun?
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Sex with every character in genshin impact!
they are
but Cheldsisters tend to forget that.
Columbina beating Cheld's ass without trying!
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5.0 stream will be about 1.5 hours long
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I fixed natlan
The fatui are ranked by power not strength it's different, there's soft and hard power
They even mention that dottore's intelligence was enough to get him a seat so they value more than just combat strength
Fontaine's Yoimiya will only ever rerun as filler, so possibly in 5.1 since obviously nobody will run for anyone right before the archon
>1.5 hours of yap

Ew a nigger
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Felt like Cheld's thumbs down was bullying the autistic honestly, how was Neuvillette supposed to respond?
Thats Sumeru tho
I think the only thing proving Cheld's strength is the one joke voiceline where he can tank Raiden's one-hit-kill strike 3 times.
Then again, "tanking" something doesn't mean you're strong. Just durable.
that's a sumeru character
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>Isnt he the weakest?
no if you look at the word they used in chinese it means a lot of types of "power"
political power etc
the top 3 still the strongest but there is no way signora was stronger than chelde when she was the only harbinger so far that got owned by tabibito
he was seething internally,
cheld wonned him
did you cum?
Where is mummy girl
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This is the most kino moment in the SQ
I'm assuming it will be that long cause of a mini concert.
Rosalyne was the crimson witch of embers and not flames, doesn't count
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Capitano physical DPS confirmed?
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No thanks
I don't even think he was seething, the man has no concept of pride. Feels like he only wants to judge the archons because of his heritage.
nice sumeru character
>Ororon will save Eula
fucking wasted
If they did then the literal banker managing all of their operations would be a lot higher than 9th.
Cheld is the weakest learn to cope with it already cheldfags.
but Cheld got owned by a, by then, 2 element Tabibito.
It just so happens that Signora can't escape like Cheld did, because Raiden was right there supervising the duel.
keep coping cheldfag
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>but Cheld got owned by a, by then, 2 element Tabibito.
chelde was owned by himself not controling the foul legacy, current chelde can solo you easily
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Stop licking your own feet nasty hoe
Eula savior.
Eula is /ss/ core
not only that, Ganyu can work with Raiden thanks to him.
Tabibito outlasted Cheld in combat.
Meaning no matter what Cheld did he couldnt keep Tabibito down until he fucked himself, thus making him weaker.
3 element traveler > 2 element traveler
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Capitano will be to Eula what Chiori is to Albedo
>female character is a slut for every character
>/gig/ has no problem with it
>female character talks to one (1) male character
>/gig/ loses their mind
Can someone explain this meme?
Oh look, its Superconduct's original CBT effect.

Locked off hard to a dedicated support demanding a Nilou/Chevy restriction
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cey signoratranny

>Cheld did he couldnt keep Tabibito down until he fucked himself
he didn't want to kill you it was just a fun fight
>proceeds to save the day and take all the credit
nothing personnel
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Thia trash website ate my huge post so I'll be brief, sorry. He's fun with Baizhu/Nahida/Yae or Fischl. He's kinda like electro Tighnari.
I'm not ready to leave fontaine yet, more specifically Furina.
She got screwed over in the AQ and didn't even get a satisfying conclusion yet, I would also like to see more of Chevreuse and the dnd tabletop troupe, I just can't get hyped for Natlan where only Mualani and Citlali look good and the rest just look like trash.
>burst create are for 20 seconds
80 energy bros...
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I'll have sex with both then thanks for your sacrifice
>5.0 early announcement in august 16th
Well, that was fast.
people are fine talking about Yoimiya with Cheld though.
layler would never say this
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>If they did
They do, it's a mistranslation, it's literally power
>A lot higher than 9th
No, we have no way of knowing, if he really has nothing special combat wise then it makes sense for him to be 9th since he's only the banker. We can't speculate on him yet.
The traveler never used more than one element against signora, and to compare them based on the traveler doesn't help because tabibito's power is constantly changing depending on what fat xiao needs for the new shilled 5*
>Coping cheldfag
He has done nothing but lose every time he fights
Hes the weakest, he himself says they are ranked through strength
>Inb4 """"power""" cope
Pantalone is their banker funding EVERYTHING and hes 9th, its combat strength.
That's a vast downplaying of the shitshow that happened with that incident.
I would CHOKE on Kokomi's PENIS
Night Layler would
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Wanderer's wife...
>makes Superconduct work for Cryo DPSes too
>Citlali releases in patch 5.3
Citlali confirmed for 5* Cryo Main DPS. Wrio mains BTFO.
I'm excited for natlan
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono has a new friend.
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>I'm a tranny ueeeeh ueeeeh i only play with english sub and dub I don't know nothing about the game
don't ever reply to me again american shit
You just said science alone made Dottore 2nd cope and not the fact that hes fucking strong.
Pantalone funding EVERYTHING would put him alot higher than 2nd weakest or weakest.
Its combat strength stop coping. Theres a reason why not a single harbinger respects cheld
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They're angry no one picked pagther because of his horrid design.
But instead of solving this by redesigning him they're doubling down and make his behaviour match his looks.
>vast downplaying
but /gig/ loved it.
>Inb4 """"power""" cope
Pantalone is their banker funding EVERYTHING and hes 9th, its combat strength.
It makes sense for pantalone to be 9th, he has only soft power as far as we know while the others have soft and hard power. It's the same with Childe, he only has hard power
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No one is hyped for Emilie so this is their last desperate move.
>god tier
This anon gets it
Half of the reception to that event was "I love my loose whore wife Yoimiya" and I think some of those responses may have been genuine.
Freminet is T0 DPS now
The absolute state of cheldfags
Give me a list of all cute and canon ships in this game
i want to suck her fully erect kokopenis
Let's be honest here
I know /gig/ is a hellhole, but we don't even remotely compare to what the chinkcels did to the company for the past years.
If anything, Dawei mocking them like this is perfectly in-character.
He's #2 retard
dottore's intelligence was enough for them to recruit him because he's making a God and his experiments are completely important for their army. Pantalon, at least so far, is just a banker, ninguang can make that job
>defeated (you) a descender with only a flute sound
i'm not rolling for a tall man
furina is done for bro, they'll be sure to shill neuv at some point in 5.x though
We literally do not know enough about him to state as "only" a banker, you cheldfags cope about dottore being 2nd from science alone, money alone would put Pantalone very high up.
Its combat strength.
Am I the only poster here who still enjoys the game? You guys are miserable.
Ororon will save eula (for real)
>Natlan went from the Pyro region into the PHYS region
Das crazy
Nilou x Wanderer
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*ice shatters*
Thoughts on this team?
>Eula (Main DPS) + Ororon (Superconduct) + Mika (Eula's Physical & ATK Speed buffer) + Raiden (SubDPS)
>Theres a reason why not a single harbinger respects cheld
read arlecchino about tartaglia speedreader kun
So why does HSR and now ZZZ listen to player feedback and make huge QOL changes extremely quickly within 1 patch while Genshin has let a myriad of issues fester for 4 years and even add more problems like Imaginarium Theater?

Why does Genshin's team specifically never respond to feedback or do anything to make its players happy?
If this absolute weakling, the jobber of jobbers, is considered "strong" amongst the harbingers we should effortlessly stomp most of them, that'd be a fucking buzzkill.
>buff increases base atk
What the fuck? Has this ever been done before?
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I still like the game.
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It's Heizou's birthday. Say something nice about him.
>Eula gets two dedicated shota supports
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why is this Wanderer's weapon in the first place?
eula sharted
>enjoying gayshit
Lol what are you, a faggot?
im fking mad they still dont rerun shenhe
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I can't believe they're actually worming them together.
That's why I said as we know, your pantalone point isn't really worth discussing because we don't know anything about him only that he has no vision and we also don't know how the others compare
Dottore is second from science alone yes because it's literally mentioned by paimon in-game
Fartaglia lost against fucking Lumine lol
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Navia is so pretty
The hell is Ororon?
#2 at being the weakest
klee could solo him
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what do you enjoy currently? we keep making a new low every patch
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Hoyoverse only listens to their Chinese customers.
in bed
i love the game but it has its SHIT moments so i'm going to vent here instead of giving my friends a headache
They announced it with Genshin's IRL event schedule in China, retards
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My fremi needs teammates
Crapitano's boytoy who appears only for a short
Also an african god
Same reason Nilou gets the ugly ass key. Sumeru's designers were retarded.
The Team Mew telegram doesn't have this
why havent eulertroons moved on from their brick?
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Bells are big in taoist culture which is where his design comes from.
Why they decided to make it Sumeru themed is on them
Whoever is in charge of genshin really cares more about their "vision" instead of improving the game
Just saw a c5 gaming do a 70k damage plunge attack in co-op and now I feel inspired. Which 4 star should I build as a main DPS? Considering physical Xinyan for fun.
Because youre using Dottore's intelligence alone to make a point on the harbingers having some sort of influential shit ranking instead of pure (combat) power.
Its combat power, stop coping, Cheld by harbinger standards is weaker than woman whos been at deaths door for 500 years on literal life support and a banker.
Furina and Neuvillette
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Forcing childe to cum inside...
I sure hope not.
>enjoying the game
Slurpers will defend this
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Gaming or Freminet, they're both actually fun claymores
>muh african god
>reduced to support for whitey
My sides.
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that's the only way cheld wins
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>Muh i'm a dumb tranny
nope, never been done
nope, that's not base attack.
Sethos is kinda fun for me, his gameplay isn't for everyone though
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>trying to ruin phys with a furfag
Not happening, just like M*ka I will just not use him.
Give phys a proper male or don't even bother putting guys in.
Both Gaming and Freminet are c0
i mean whose to say pantalone doesnt have some fucked up super powers or magic to back up his fancial prowess. we literally know the bare minimum.
star rail came out
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>Amber x kaeya
>Arlecchino x Lyney
>Ayaka x Ayato
>Barbara x Venti
>Beidou x Kazuha
>Candace x Cyno
>Charlotte x Kazuha and Freminet
>Chevreuse x Wriothesley
>Chiori x Ayato
>Clorinde x Wriothesley
>Collei x Tighnari
>Dehya x Cyno
>Diona x Diluc
>Dori x Kaveh
>Eula x Mika
>Faruzan x Kaveh
>Fischl x Bennett
>Furina x Neuvillette
>Ganyu x Xiao
>Hu Tao x Xingqui
>Jean x Kaeya
>Keqing x Kazuha
>Kirara x Gorou
>Klee x Albedo
>Kokomi x Gorou
>Lisa x Razor
>Lynette x Lyney
>Mona x Wanderer
>Nahida x Wanderer
>Navia x Neuvillette
>Nilou x Wanderer
>Ningguang x Zhongli
>Noelle x Mika
>Qiqi x Baizhu
>Raiden x Yae
>Rosaria x Dahlia
>Sara x Itto
>Sayu x Ayato
>Shenhe x Chongyun
>Shinobu x Itto
>Sigewinne x Neuvillette
>Sucrose x Albedo
>Xiangling x Chongyun
>Xianyun x Gaming
>Xinyan x Kazuha
>Yae x Raiden
>Yanfei x Itto
>Yaoyao x Qiqi
>Yelan's x Itto
>Yoimiya x Childe/Thoma/Ayato/Kazuha/shotas/ojisans
>Yun Jin x Xinyan
Just put Fremi in hyperbloom
They unironically only started being more worried about QoL after HSR's release. Makes me wonder if the devs got butthurt over HSR's praises. Even the new datamined substat item feels like they wanna outdo the hsr team kek
i love genshin impact
Since Wanderer is enrolled in the Akademiya, maybe they want to reference that he is a scholar now.
>enjoy the game
>go to /gig/
nah you dont
>you know what happens if you lay a finger on me
>nothing happens
what signora meant by that ?
Kuki's current boyfriend
Childe is literally described as being one of the most dangerous harbingers.
>Dottore's intelligence alone to make a point on the harbingers having some sort of influential shit ranking instead of pure (combat) power
Because it has been said in game, if the rankings were based on combat power then they wouldn't have taken his intelligence for it but they mention that he got his spot by soft power alone to show you how much of a genius he is
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God I'm going to reread that fic where he kidnaps and impregnates her
>Cheld was fucked for days after
>Traveler was just fine
Cheldfags are too retarded to remember just how bad Traveler left Cheld
Wait if your Razor is C6 build him for EM
I'm pretty miserable but I still love Genshin
and Jean's ass
According to Cashflow Supervision he has a computer. I believe the smattering of lore we have with regards to him is that he wished really hard for a vision, never got one and started seething hard about the gods and Celestia.
So logically he doesn't have magical powers, he's just a guy. Who works with Zandik a lot, mind.
>enjoys the game
>say how much I enjoy this one part of the game
>gets dogpiled by contrarians
>becomes jaded and shits on the game
it's a never ending cycle.
>manlets with females
Dumb turtle.
>try to pull the diplomatic immunity card on a literal god
She was retarfed
>Soft power cope
Pantalone is their entire financing operative, that alone wouldnt put him on the weakest rank.
Face it, cheld is weak and has been shown time and time again at how much he jobs without accomplishing anything.
Nobody who actually likes the game would subject themselves to this general.
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>Qiqi x Baizhu
It's Changsheng x Baizhu, get it right. The man gave up his life for her.
that's not a cycle
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>Traveler left
It's literally stated in game that the foul legacy is the reason he is like that, the traveler did nothing on him, right after their fight he goes and summons a dead god
You fags really don't read
star fail is on their worst banner in history and we're still making historic lows
that's not how the turtle meme works lol
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I play Cyno, thats proof enough.

I made a mistake, I didnt realize how bad it was.
EN localization for whatever reason made Signora say shit she never said in CN nor JP.
Most of her dialogue in EN is almost pure fanfiction, that line is one of them, she never says that in CN nor JP
>Cheldegods owning lorelets
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>he wished really hard for a vision, never got one and started seething hard about the gods and Celestia.
He should've met Zhiqiong and listen her ramble about humans not needing visions.
The Ororon leak is fake
Eimiko is there twice btw
>that alone wouldnt put him on the weakest rank.
How would you know that? He's just a banker, the others are way more important because they have soft and hard power, pantalone is just the politician. Again, it's worthless for you to mention pantalone, we don't know if he's even human or what.
Face it, dottore only needed soft power and that means their rankings are power not combat ability
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HE watches over us
Nah, I enjoy the game.
This is just a shitposting general thats mildly themed after genshin and it will likely remain this way until the pags have been fully driven out.
It's hard to beat an official yuri couple.
>Cant beat traveler
>Use a power up
>Still cant beat traveler
>Use a bigger power up
>Still cant beat traveler
Cheldfags lmao
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Replace one of the Raiden x Yae with Raiden x Kazuha.
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My dick x Dehya
Anons aren't taking into consideration the fact that Dottore probably turned himself into archon level with his schizo tech
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According to peruere, he has her beat on the ranting.
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Could be better but at least Mihoyo stays on top
Are you sure that's a "he"? Looks like an elderly woman
it's hard to take Cheldfags seriously when all Cheld did on-screen was job.
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Why is Mualani smiling like that? OH NO NO NO NO NO NO
No wonder the devs don't care about this game anymore
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>Can't beat traveler
Childe was winning with his delusion, literally throwing traveler around like a ragdoll, he changed to foul legacy because he likes to go all out but he still can't control it and it leaves him completely weakened. He lost not because of the traveler but because he can't control his battle junkie head
the safe horny pyro brick...
>Scara and Siggy fought a stronger Tabibito (and Scara fought them + Nahida and easily won 168 times in a row)
>Cheld wasn't able to beat two element tabibito within the time limit of his strongest form
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please don't fuck my dad...
don't you guys love leopard lady?
>live stream announcement 3 weeks early
>zzz dropping dev updates in the middle of the first patch
I think wuwa may have scared mihoyo just a tad yesterday
Not really, no.
how do I submit?
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Does anyone else have a friend that really, really likes Star Rail for reasons you don't understand but absolutely refuses to play Genshin?
Cause I actually do.
>scarafags still pretending it was scara and not the drugs dottore gave him
When it's time to pull out
The Cheld bit is odd because in the story cutscenes it looked like his phase 2 was completely kicking Traveler's ass.
He goes Foul Legacy when he gets pissed about the gnosis not being there - then somehow loses, like using Foul Legacy was just a terrible idea for him
Turtle = cuckold
Manlet = cuckold
It's actually true
The leaks are real
Kazuha is FUCKING dead
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Zhiqiong will with the debate with pure genki girl autism.
Zhiqiong is fucking dead
>This character randomly has WuWa sprint and wall running mechanics

Holy shit they are scared out of their minds lmao.
She shot Lyney who was on Traveler's side.
That which is dead will never come back to life
>There are Cheldsisters who forgot that Signora burned away so much of her self killing abyss monsters for 500+ years that she regressed from the Crimson Witch of Flames to the Crimson Witch of Embers
Signora doesn't even have a vision and she still is number 8 of the 9 Fatui Harbingers.
>accepted a bullshit duel to the death, lost, and still tried fighting the archon after being put to the brink of death already
>Had to use his kid brother as a human shield to keep the Traveler from killing him at a major point of weakness
There's a reason no one told Childe a damn thing about Liyue
I'm a scarafag and everything he did was thanks to dottore
scara never showed any type of combat capability he just had a really resistent body
Childe gets easily excited and makes stupid mistakes because of it
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This guy's art is so cute
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>said turtle is mostly associated to the Traveler getting cucked by literally everyone
now you know.
you're welcome.
No but the reputation for Genshin is bad, normies and trend hoppers care about that stuff.

HSR's reputation is still positive and it's a gateway for turn based combat for many people that even Persona hasn't been able to reach.
feetfags get the rope
i would like the stamina QoL of wuwa on genshin
is quite annoying right now
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real reason why mihoyo would rather make new game than spend on genshin
This general is filled with pagpags who constantly seethe about how the Genshin devs are all fujo feminazis who hate men, despite Genshin having eight new female 5 star characters in a row and despite Kinich being the only 5 star male in Natlan (unless Capitano is released during Natlan or Xbalanque ends up being playable).

5 star females since the release of Fontaine:
>Madame Ping
>Possibly Citlali
>Possibly Iansan
>Possibly Columbina

5 star males since the release of Fontaine
>Possibly Capitano (unlikely, since they're probably saving him for Snezhnaya or beyond, like Dottore)
>Possibly Xbalanque (not confirmed to even be playable)

That's a 13-4 female to male ratio, wit the potential to be as high as 16-4. 5.X in particular is skewed, with confirmed characters being 5-1 so far and possibly being as high as 8-1.
Yes, because ZZZ came out
Cheld is the most OP character in lore but he was born with a health condition that makes him a little silly so when he fucks up it's not because he's actually getting his ass kicked but because his silly little guy disease is acting up
>it's not because he's actually getting his ass kicked but because his silly little guy disease is acting up
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>new map, new skins and everything
>still hitting a new low
hahahahahahaha, playing genshin impact is truly the ultimate humiliation ritual
Love how /gig/ drawfags don't forget about her pudgy belly
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neuvillette, furina, kazuha, xilonen will be the new meta team.
>Genshin peaked during the worst region in the game
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>according to texts, Cheld is powerful
>proceeds to job with every appearance
Idk bro, "to see is to believe", as they say.
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well, my money is not in that chart
i play on pc
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Scara got amped by Dottores mech though, without it he's significantly weaker.
Technically if the mech was indeed a "god" that'd put it above even Arlecchino, who as the 4th is still weaker than archons.
>hoyo's worst post genshin launch yet
reminder a fucking empty seat is stronger than cheld
let that sink in
There is no way they only release 1(ONE) male 5* in 5.X
>his skin is brown and he posts sales charts of a game he doesn't play 24/7

well at least the village goats are safe when he's here
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for me, Xilonen is Jolyne.
that the biggest proof it isn't combat power amerilorefaggotboorgar fucking kys i hate you so much
Zhongli x Hu Tao*
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worst element reaction currently?
Signora is tricky though
We know ranks are permanent, they can't get promoted or demoted for some reason fat Xiao still doesn't say but we don't know WHEN exactly did they get ranked so Signora could have been ranked 200 years ago for all we know, and she got weaker over time but she's still 8 because they simply don't change of number
Shut up shut up shut up!
You will never be Lumine!
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Xilonen values via HxG
This, there has been soooo many women, and almost all of them have been good or good enough to clear abyss(I should know I did it with each of them)
Zhongli is only for his dead wife, Guizhong.
>his skin is white and he sits here defending a game he doesn't even play

all kneel to scaradick
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I hear that Tartaglia guy is actually way stronger than he lets on. His true ranking is hidden such that his enemies don't cower in fear of his mere presence. He's probably on par with the first or second seat.
Pretty sure the guy is just shitposting.
Nobody sane believes Cheld is anything more than a joke.
Shut up retard, I'm a hebeGOD.
Kaeya is for spitroasting Jean with Diluc but also Rosaria
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>Cheld is the most dangerous and strongest combat wise!
>noooo he only lost because he made a stupid mistake and he's prone to making stupid mistakes while fighting
So he sucks at fighting? Lmao
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she needs to post moar ;-;
Ororon leak is fake btw, he could still be a 5*
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This is so good for Navia
What the fuck this cat is busted
it pissed off twitter and blacks, so he has to defend it
What does she say in CN and JP?
>uhhhh the girls are strong
That's nullified by Neuvillette being stronger than all of them combined. He ruined the game.
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Oh I'm not falling for one of these edits again, fuck you!
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Neuvifag, dont look!
>all these women
>still flopped
>the early days of Genshin had more limited males
>Genshin made a fortune
Let's not forget that the 1st limited character was a femboy :)))
Y'all know what you're getting into.
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>is the strongest
Right, because what cryo needs is even more crit.
Genshin's failure is legitimately of Hoyoverse's own making.

Nothing was stopping them from treating Genshin as well as they do Honkai Star Rail during the game's peak.

Genshin could have been making double or triple its heyday profits today if we had even a fraction of writing on the level of Penacony, or content on the level of Simulated Universe and the other various endgame modes in HSR/ZZZ.

Genshin's treatment by Hoyoverse, is quite honestly, baffling and nonsensical. I could write a thesis on everything they have done wrong with this game.
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Perhaps I've been too harsh, you frogs are alright.
100,000 HP Furina and Neuvillette confirmed
Genuinely insane crackship
Moooom they're making up words again
The only strong girls in this game are the harbingers girls and Raiden
We get it, you're obsessed and can't afford what you want
No need to pretend otherwise meta crutched
And Guizhong's a barefeet HEBE GODDESS who's 1000% more feminine than Hu Tao.
You can be strong at fighting but suck at strategizing, the whole point of Childe is that he wants to fight strong opponents to learn
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childe is the #0 of the fatui harbingers
>lost to Clorinde
All those delusions and other scientific amps on top of a vision, and the harniggers still can't even compete with a duelist who just has a vision?
Guess electro visions are just better.
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for da loom
What is the issue? Kazuha will just shred the Hydro resistance.
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bwos i need toots right fuarking now
its because fat xiao wanted it both ways
he wanted the ranks to be strength but he also wanted the seats to have symbolism.
>inb4 headcanon resurrection cope
lets take dottore for example
>2nd, Divison
>Dottore DIVIDED himself into segments
>The segments do not agree with each other thus they are DIVIDED
genshin writting is very in your face.
im flopping...
Outside of Kinich and Ororun (who is a four star according to leakers), there are currently no other males confirmed to be playable in 5.X.

Capitano is possible, but not confirmed and they may swap him out for a lower ranked Harbinger like Columbina, like they did with Dottore and Scaramouche in Sumeru. Xbalanque is possible, but he doesn't even have a playable model as of right now.
oi /gig/ im doing a quest where nahida talks to a speaking mushroom. the guide thing said that it unlocks a new enemy, but afaik the only "enemy" that i havent unlocked yet is arlecchino. is this it?
Why do you think he decided to dedicate his life to tending to every whim of a random girl, who just happened to be a flat hebe with succulent thighs
NTA but it's got a massive shield in each of it's versions
>Lost to clorinde
Never happened
Xilonen and Kazuha will walk so Neuvillette can run.
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Hi Morax
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know your place, gentroons
we are not the same
The rewards for completing puzzles in this event felt completely random
Ayo mup de dooda didda po mo mup bidda muhfuggen bix nood?
>Genshin 2.0
>Genshin 2.1
>Genshin 3.0
>Genshin 3.1
>Genshin 4.0
>Genshin 4.1
>Genshin 5.0
1h45m (scheduled)
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The empty simulankan skies.
fuck off kubo
At full potential who would win between Arlecchino and Neuvillette?
no mention of gameplay whatsoever
>muh barefeet
Guizhong is a nopan thigh goddess and you subhumans can't even see the real perfection
omg is that a pink transkokojin?
Bwos, I am once again asking for cope that I don't need Emilie to play Kinich. Thank you.
>elf hag
so she is worse than Kazuha at C0 and better at C2 ?
nice 22%HP goblet, bro
Because she was the daughter he never had with her.
Whenever he looks at Hu Tao, she reminds him of his dead wife.
Now that she's grown, he doesn't resist her antics because her playfulness only reminds him of her dead wife.
no, you get to fight a giant tape worm.
*so Neuvillette can spin
Pagmon kneels to Jujutsu Kaisen
she is a lesbian for ping why should I even care if i'm not a girl
Bro...she can hold the artifact set...you gotta let him go....be glad we're moving away from VV
>1st: Unity
>Capitano sent to a nation thats in constant war
Fat xiao is alright with his idea but he completely sucks at actually showing them.
dubious that harley's curse is stronger than a sovereign
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Sumeru killed the game with the back to back faggot 5* banners.
They're trying to do damage control with the female banners, but its too late, a large amount of the paying playerbase has already left because of Sumeru, Fontaine opening with back to back faggot banners didn't help either.
so to unlock arlecchino i need to do arlecchino's quest then?
i havent done those since a long time ago.
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She and Ping were bitchy shoujo rivals meanwhile the game does everything but outright say she and Morax were fucking
>jujutsu reddit
Arlecchino is still technically from teyvat so she'd lose within an instant
You can do it without doing the quest, there's an option in the domains menu for quick start
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send me to the psych ward
>all of those (except 5.0)
8PM shanghai time, Fri/Sat/Sun
12 noon shanghai time, Thu
Open up your Adventurer's Handbook and go to Trounce Domains.

You can just Quick Start any boss fights you haven't gotten far enough in the story for now while in this menu
>top three Harbingers are God-level
>Arlecchino is the 4th
>Neuvillette was once Archon-tier
>after Focalors offed herself, he's above Archon-tier
Every shonenGOD should know how this'll end up
Wait, is she going to be a fucking PROPER geo? No other geo's needed?
Fucking finally.
its been a week since version release and already an abnouncement for next version livestream???
and that shit is 1pm japanese time?? wtf they cooking? usually its 9pm
That being said, I haven't ever heard of this Uncle krr and he could easily be a nga shitposter
But could Cheld beat that gay grandpa at Wangshu Inn who keeps pissing the cook off and can beat a billion ruin monsters in one second without moving a muscle
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>ate a bunch of pretzels
>drank a bunch of lime sparkling water
>ate a bean and cheese burrito for the first time in ages
>drank a baja blast freeze
Baizhu shits on this shield though
You're Navia?
True. Jujutsu Kaisen is simply peak cinema.
>zhongli the same gay fujo baited with venti and tartagliappdj4
Cheld can't even beat a rando Inazuman prostitute...
>except they pulled hutao, yelan, Ayaka, shenhe, and most of what was after....
>and the issue is the abyss is 8 characters and they already have strong enough characters to never need new ones
Yet again the gender warfags keep losing when we look at the facts
She states she never lost a duel, so unless cheld had a duel with her in his schizo head he just outright lost.
She is a far more reliable source than Cheld with all his misinformation.
i see.
i just wanted to unlock it because i thought i would need her mats for siggewine, but looking at the wiki i need materials from the whale instead.
thanks a lot, regardless
Now that I think about it
When did they rank the harbingers? Childe only joined like 5 years ago and I doubt they were waiting until they were eleven to rank themselves
Navia needs another geo or you're cucking yourself out of damage with resonance
>she can hold the artifact set
you are right, I totally forgot about that, so
>Set = 40% dmg bonus
>Kauzha 1000 EM = 40% dmg bonus
she is unironically a Kazuha sidegrade at C0
Technically the Arlecchino fight wasn't canon so Traveler never jobbed. Just saying.
Your Baizhu?
yeah, zhongli is the strongest archon, pyro archon is the 2nd.
I thought losing a duel to her meant dying though. Hence Navia's dad.
Scrapped, that abomination is never going to happen.
i dont have him
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Drunkchies is the best, better than the munchies.
>want to keep up the collection of all the genshins
>want dupes on the pyro archon
>lion hag unironically is better than VV bag holders at C2
It is looking ROUGH out here
Signora was one of the OGs, but she was ranked 8th.
Cheld says the fight left him disappointed because she didn't actually made any effort to fight so Childe lost interest because he wants fights to be exciting and almost near dead experiences so both didn't give their real power so we can't really compare them
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The one nice thing about being a cheapskate shut-in is that it reduces my temptations to get taco bell.
It's objectively ass, but mentioning the bean burrito already makes me want some slop.
Navia is finally getting a decent support, fuck Chiori
Geo Kazuha. That means you can have TWO Kazuhas for two teams with her around.
the sales have been in freefall since late sumeru and have not recovered
males sell like shit
neuv sold decently despite this.
after furina, nobody in fontaine has sold well, furina didnt sell as much as the other female archons.
t. know someone who actually works at mihoyo HQ and is in their finance report branch.
what ive said is true, up to you if you wanna believe me i wont try to convince you.
t. Thirdworlder who melted down over Lyney
Yeah, she is a "must" pull
Neuvillette is either Archon tier or above.
Arlecchino is 4th, so she's below that level.
Technically she'd be below the scaramech if that thing was really god tier, that fight we only won because of Nahida.
Not even worth a (you)
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Xilonen & Kazuha is like Kafka & Black Swan metawise. They will be inseparable.
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le mysterious fairy
The main bit is that you take the numbers are taken as literally as possible, but like you said the execution is flawed in some cases.
Scara is pretty decent though
>Six is imperfection and generally considered the number of man (otherwise known as something created by a god)
>Scara attempted to reach Godhood (just as man with the Tree of Knowledge) but ultimately faltered, with that chance forever out of his grasp (fall of man)
Chelde is another decent example with 11 representing chaos and disorder, but it's not as in your face.
But they do the same thing, you don't want them on the same side
Do not roll for constellations, be happy with your Kazuha N°2 for your second team and roll for more characters
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>trying to skip for the pyro archon
>natlan is insular and requires multiple natlan characters to function
It's over. I can't recover from this.
Please don't ask, fat Xiao still doesn't think about it
Nah, Navia's dad only died because he wanted to die. Refused to give up and kept going instead of surrendering when being clearly outmatched.
That's not how buffs work LOL
resistance shred gets worse the more you have
Kazuha is a brick now
Counterpoint: Genshin isn't dead because >>487385921 still plays the game, same filename and everything.
imagine pulling mualani the first day and exploring new nation with her. its gonna be peak genshin experience
The tenth seat has always been empty because cheld is that much of a shitter
Kek you are right, now we will see meme showcases with both Xilonen and Kazuha in the same team
Wait... So Emilie has a skill with higher uptime than cooldown as well as her ult also triggering the deployable from that skill... And you can't have multiple on the field at the same time. Wtf? And this is a 5* character's kit. One single ability with no variance. Nothing but a vase bot. Literally Fischl with less soul. At least Yae had actual gameplay!
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>third worlder
>when defending designs straight out of thailand
Capitano ranked 10th
>don't have to deal with kazuha's piece of shit tornado catching the wrong feelings
Greatest update in 5.X so far and we've gotten a lot of great ones
Yes which is why i see why signorafags are right when it comes to their resurrection cope, 8th is ressurrection.
wanderer and his porn crew (one of them is a camera)
The hit dog is hollering...
>Kazuha is a brick now
they are unironically the same unit
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>posting crackship
>You NEED Natlan characters to play Natlan
bravo Dawei
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Sorry anon… I have been dieting so I hadn’t had it in like some months, but it was good… it made my stomach feel weird after, but I feel better after peeing. I used to down like 2 of them and a nacho fry but one was more than enugh

Can confirm, I don’t even do weed anymore, beer is better for fun occasions
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>He believes
You are now winning your next 50/50 anon. I hope you get a C2 or a new favorite.
You roll for Mavuika anyway, what's the problem
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I love Tao
I refuse to use Natlan characters to explore
But I planned on rolling for HIM
>he didn't wait 4 years for female kazuha and pulled a fucking the shilled manlet like a little good goy for his female only account
That's why saurians exist
that's 3 months into the region
my preferred vice is klee pee
I think kazuha is cute though…
Rankings being in the order of when they joined made way more sense because this implies that at the beginning, let's say when they were 4, they weren't ranking themselves until they reached a number they felt appropriate and just then they did the ranking, and after someone else came they didn't change it because it was already done
It's so stupid, add to this the fact that they never spar or fight each other then how do you know who is better than the other
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Arlecchino can't beat neuv
She comes out in 5.2...

Seething for 4 years, lol
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the only bad thing about Xilonen is that if her Geo application is good it could brick a lot of teams, lets hope it's Zhongli tier
all this Kazuha doomposting is giving me deja vu.
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Hmmmmm actually now that you said that, I think Xilonen & Kazuha duo is more like Harmony Trailblazer & Ruan Mei!
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>they think mihoyo will let her powercreep Lord Kazuha
Get ready for Mualani 2.0
I swear I read this kit before but for Chiori months ago minus the leopard spirit part.
Everyone laughs at >>487386430 he doesn't know about albedo HAHAHAHAHA
Didn’t raiden make the electro sovereign go into hiding?
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surfin and drillin from day 1
>powercreeping the dev boytoy
yeah howd it go for Mualani powercreeping Neuv?
kill yourself
fuck you subhumans stop trying to ruin Genshin by turning it into unplayable MMO trash
other players always have malicious intentions and can never add anything positive
multiplayer is always worse in every way than playing alone
fuck multiplayer as a concept
I think it's good to have another kazoo, to be honest
There are teams where swirl isn't really available after all
Why are her tanlines so weird
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Mualani did powercreep Neuv though! 4chan told me she did!
pretty good compared to your last one
every sovereign """died"" during the Dragon War (except for Apep) iirc
I just use kazuha for grouping I’ve never tried to specifically swirl an element before…
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Did Xilonen save Eula?
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electro is still alive, she went into hiding and is in natlan according to leaks.
Kazuha hasn’t appeared in 4.x at all and now they powercreep him.They dumped him
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>according to leaks.
They're white tattoos. They could be scarification but that's too edgy
there is exactly 0 lore on the electro sovereign besides a big stretch in possibly being hinted at being sealed under the sakura tree.
Remember when Chev powercrept Kazoo?
Good times.
Cheld too high
Still unconfirmed and it would have been the reborn shitter version of it.
which character you hope to never see again in 5.x?
>According to leaks
Remember the 6 weeks where /gig/ pretended to like plunge gameplay?
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>the character based on African culture
>is a slave for the character whos family owned slaves
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her tribe must perform some fucked up rituals
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>nonono there's nothing wrong with having pulled kazuha and zhongli for my waifu only account
I leaked...
Remember when Chiori was a party wide burst healer whose E spawned a pair of scissors that lined all the enemies up in front of her so Navia could hit them with one E. Good times.
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Stop bulling fagzuha. I borrowed him for IT and he helped me beat it. Will I ever roll for him though? Fuck no!
>according to leaks
yeah... I'm taking that with a grain of salt.
Fair's fair, most of the so called powercreep was a 4*. Xilonen is 5*
pagden and cuckhida
Neuvillette and scaramouche
Excuse me, I pulled Venti and Albedo too.
it's bodypaint
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>job to raiden so hard that the devs don’t even bother writing you into the lore
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>cyno that low
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No it's not leaks it's in-game data
Learn the difference before you brick your account again on a male LOL
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>Eulatard is slow
Checks out
Finally I can stop pretending Kazuha's burst isn't the most visually annoying shit in this entire game
Albedo applies Geo once every 5 seconds no ? that's pretty slow
most leaks that named her in natlan got the pyro archon model right and another got Ororon working with Capitano right.
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>waifu only account
No such thing.
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I don't even use Kazuha in half of my favorite teams (Wanderer, dendro)
I don't need a bimbo Kazuha
not because I hate him
but because the budget that's supposed to go elsewhere is instead allocated to his guaranteed events.
Nahida's raw natural scent >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any drug
What's your dendro team
5* Kaeya (both eyes open) when
He doesn't effect aura if I recall
That's why he was popular in the oldgods days
How tf is that low ?
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That's cheating, which is why I didn't include it.
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Beer > weed, any other drug is irrelevant unless I’m doing it with someone else
a tub of ice cream is better than any drug desu
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Buh BYE kazoo
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fuck yeah. based ice cream bro.
Is that four eyes long haired Kazudev still on the Hoyo Genshin team? If not then Kazoo truly obsolete.
Probably Alhaitham hyperbloom
I also have Yae and love using her with Tighnari
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Fair enough.
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Enjoy your diabetes you fat fuck.
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/gig/ being so mentally ill and unfun is what made me play ZZZ. It's your fault you know
Maybe you should strive to be a more pleasant, helpful, positive place that's not filled to the brim with Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube screenshots. If you're reading this you're guaranteed to fail all your 50/50s for the next year unless you do something nice for some in your life tomorrow
I like nuclear joomps
i like pizza, tho i only eat like once or twice a year
Suck my dick nigger.
/gig/ will hate Natlan by 5.2.
ENsisters... Why are there no EN VA guests for the Shanghai fes?
A JP VA is coming...
At this point might as well say they're fucking because they breath the same air.
He should be at least one tier higher, especially after his second AQ doubled his power
You say that like we like it right now
I think this place pretending to be a beacon of morality while posting the vilest shit is what lead to it's downfall.
Deserved, really.
only if it pulls a fontaine
you do bodypaint and go out in the hot sun, boom, they're now tanlines after you wash them out
Wanderer Derangement Syndrome
I did something nice by feeding and taking care of a friend's dogs when they were out of town, but tomorrow I will just sleep.
will natlan have a kino final boss or another flop like fontaine
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I love you.

Don’t eat kinos eyes
if you don’t think the game tries to subtly tell you they’re sexually involved then you need to read more books
I am a fat fuck
we know cheldyume
Go ahead and name off some books anon, we'll wait
And you need touch more grass
EN VAs are too busy farming likes on Twitter about issues they don't truly believe in.
If you mean the resident subhuman gacha tourists like this >>487387445 piece of shit, then yeah; they already hate Genshin to begin with.
no one said anything about eating it all in one sitting druggie
I will also hate Snezhnaya and Celestia and the Abyss and Mare Jivari and Venti's butthole and
kek this girl really trying to tell everybody she's taken
But I don't hate genshin?
I was just voicing the obvious opinion of this general
I literally have not seen anyone in /gig/ say they even like this game in a full year. It's just shitposting and hate for the game non stop. At least other generals who hate their game have the wherewithal to eventually stop making the generals. You guys don't like the game or each other but you still hang out here making eachother miserable
Theyre probably thinking about spamming Hoyo with complaints onstream about the "skin issue".
you are underage no wonder you can’t pick up social cues
east of eden
I can't take the stupid tribal aesthetic
I hope snezhnaya is kino and we get through this filler FAST
How long until EN dub is discontinued?
I will not accept narwhal hate
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You said a TUB of ice cream. If you just said ice cream that would be fine but you said a TUB. Also I only do drugs with my friends.
Why twitter accounts with more than a million followers like genshin always have indian bots on the reies
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Why did they make a second nahida lol
Who asked for a second nahida but brown
>t. Surtalogi
You're a sinner, and your pet SUCKS
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I got C2 Keqing today from the standard banner. Say what you must, I already won.

And I will definitely get Mualani and add her to my very halal harem.
>tho i only eat like once or twice a year
what are? a fucking snake?
there's plenty whenever someone posts the "what keeps you going" ritual post
>leakers have said female characters will play a supporting role while the men will be center stage
>leakers say Mavuika isn't the pyro archon
>all signs point to Xbalanque being the real pyro archon/sovereign
Oh /gig/ will hate Natlan oh right.
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This >>487387892
is proof that the electro sovereign >>487387369
ran away from Raiden because she ate all of the food in inazuma
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We already have a second Nahida but brown
this one will not cuck you with scaramouche
Twitter is full of bots. Even my literal who art account gets 3-5 bots followers a day, it's crazy.
>Why do twitter accounts with more than a million followers like genshin always have indian bots on the replies

holyshit I am sleepy sorry
If only. I could be railing Skirk right now.
I'm not that anon but I'm saving this post
>got slapped silly by the equivalent of a bug AND got kamehameha'd
>then tossed like a ragdoll
Narwhal HATE
sorry, professionals only event
He said that it wasn't kino though when it was.
You got vored and there was a galaxy inside it. How is that not kino.
I have no qualms giving Neuvillette and Xbalanque the roles of archons.
Just that all the hebes are mine

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