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>Download: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5WS9Ohb-fI [Embed]

>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE [Embed] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY [Embed] (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I [Embed] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 [Embed] (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - "For Display Only"
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 [Embed] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s [Embed] (JP)

>Official X accounts

>Redeemable codes (claim in-game or online) https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>ZZZ's damage formula

>ZZZ stickers
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what game are switching to now that it’s over?
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>"Lets drive downtown to pick up our licenses!"
>When there is a metro a block away on your street
>Zero parking downtown
>"How could this happen!?!"
I think these siblings are fucking retarded, too much incest sex rotted their brains
>He's acting like it killed HSR when in fact it's one of the reasons it's popular.
You can not be serious. Aventurines part of Penacony was the worst slop in the entire game. Followed by Sunday.
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Singles or multis /zzz/?
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any NA fags make their character on the asia server? how bad is the ping?
I need to know how fucked I am in a couple months when I move
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I lost the 50/50 to ANOTHER FIRE unit, Koleda. Goddamn this game wants me to play Fire so bad.

Can anyone tell me who to build for my 2nd team? I'm not sure if I'm getting Zhu Yuan yet. My 1st now seems to be S11/Koleda/Lucy right?
Guys the DEVS LISTENED… the future of this game isn’t bright…
So, Zhu Yuan's cope Engine is Starlight Engine too?
Now I have to level up two of them.
bwos... her dates are all about Miyabi.. the yurischizo won...
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Is the PoV shit really that bad if the TV time is reduced? I assume that's the reason behind it.
why the fuck don't they sync the servers
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Thanks god that i didn't roll ellen. Zhu yuan is comfy to play and not need to charging ice stack lmao
Ay yo why do I need to wait 13 hours more what
Ellen's long ass banner killed the game
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I've failed this twice already. Which tape does this stupid cunt want?
Nicole so I can proposition every NPC I pass for cheap sex
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My Zhu Yuan looks different...
First ten rolls lol Now i just need another 6 copies for her to be playable lmao
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Sex with Lycaon
Wise. I always control MC outside of combat. That's a nothingburger change for me desu.
kot of course I love her so much
grats bro
Return to SomethingSomething City. It's in the Retro category.
What is with the sudden Photoshop pulls going on? There is still hours before Zhu Yuan coming up
level 3 retro tape
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i'll swap between piper's back/ass and neko's wiggly tails
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If I'm ever forced to play as a homo because of the POV swapping bullshit I'm uninstalling and raiding mihoyo HQ
Any retro tape
How good is Nicole's C6?
Forced Chain attack apologists LOST btw
>Just wait it out
and other nonsensical babble doesn't change the fact that it SUCKED.
now that the dust has settled, is zhu yuan an account brick?
>After reaching a certain Inter-Knot level, a feature that allows you to freely change the time will be unlocked, making it more convenient to adjust the in-game time.
why is this even a thing
If you get zhu yuan go for Zhu/Anby/Nicole, otherwise you can try Billy/Anby/Nicole
It's getting creepy, you can stop watching now, NAfags.
Where can I find these little infographics
no i will not roll for zhu yuan
1.0 release agents > anything else
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if this is true i have to pull for her now
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soul extraction begins
I believe it's up on asia servers , America gets it in 5 hours
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>He's acting like it killed HSR when in fact it's one of the reasons it's popular.
htr apologists are funny.
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thanks bwos
hmmmmn nyo
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Fuck it, i'm gonna brick. Time to pull Zhu Wengine.
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This shit make no sense and I love it
There are too many SEAchurls here. This is a problem for us AmeriGODS
but we like to watch
He's lying.
It's 9 hours for chuds
Doesn't "avatar" refer to your inter-knot pfp?
i gave her a retro tape and she said it was shit
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Phaetheon's aren't present at all. Play as character they want to sell you. Because they want to sell you this character their POV segments are super long and drawn out so they can dump as much backstory on you as possible. It's not a good time.
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>We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience.

R U ready?
>got the asscop
I don't think i wanna pull for her engine, is brimstone good on her?
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I was gonna say she felt like Billy Pro Max and that I wish there was more gun fu but she's really fun. I want to save for the rrat though... But she's the only ether dps that we're going to get for a while(right?)
clash of clan bros... we won
>5 hours
Isn't that for the Europeans? Americans get it much later.
why would you move
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Do you trust him enough he won't really hurt you?
the devs realized that testing with your life (actually) on the line was the most played mission by a large margin
I'm glad they made my wife less of a slut, she is more respectable now
you could already clear the box breaking mission in 3 seconds with Billy to pass time
MiyabiGODS...... we're gonna make it.......
>zhu yuan has multiple branching combos
>ellen's running around attack

Mihoyo didn't feel like syncing the servers
Hope you like :)
Yeah she's she Seele of HSR
We didn't get another 5* Quantum dps until a year later
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you seem to be misunderstanding their relationship. hugging and kissing your sibling is not incest but a normal thing to do. same goes for bathing and sleeping together. the only time it's incest is if they have raw babymaking sex
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>1. Currently, you can only control Wise or Belle in the city instead of other Agents you have obtained. In the Special Program Livestreams of later versions, we will announce our current progress and future plans. Please stay tuned!
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They were talking about pic related.
>Starlight Engine Replica
Does this shit even remotely work on anyone NOT Billy
it is mostly useful for atk characters like i use anomaly seems fine to go through the whole cycle
Yes, I was wrong, America gets the banner in 12 hours and 19 minutes from now on.
POV swapping doesn't work when they put you into the shoes of the character they want to shill, because it feels very artificial that every interaction is a self-contained first-person expositiondump.
They should make you a partner to the character they want to shill, if they had any sense. Make the player use Seth's POV to shill Zhu Yuan as a cool mentor, like they used Topaz' POV to introduce Jade.
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Heard someone ordered a Zhua Yuang over here
But running around as Ellen's fun
Playing as anyone else feels so slow now
I want a sister so badly bros
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Taking Corin out on leisurely walks every day to help her overcome her crippling social anxiety!
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hmm nyo
You might get it anon
lv3 retro tape
Wtf… Zhu Yuan already powercreeping DPS. This game SUCKS!
>Seele of HSR
I thought that was Ellen Joever
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Im confused
Why would you not finish a chain attack? Dont you miss out on damage?
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Feral sex is part of the package.
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It's over
Motivation and enthusiasm gone
did they remove the annoying catalyze animation in hollow zero
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This is what I'm into
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get her real premium accessory
i had oral sex with my sister when i was 9 and she was 15, incest isnt as hot as it seems for real. it was awkward as shit and the experience fucked me up mentally
Whats the problem
We already told you that Zhu Yuan was the Seele/Venti of this game. Ellen was the bait Klee banner.
pink burka?
>people rolling for Zhu Yuan when Miyabi is getting changed to Ether and is going to powercreep her in 1.3
The changes aren't that bad but I think its removing too much of the charm of the game. Also, the manual Chain Attack is silly. I think people only skip those because they don't realize you have to level up your ultimate.
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I want to say Ben but he is gonna be the slowest fucker to get to any area. Did they mention on improving it?
Uh I thought the point of the MCs being a support character was so they could follow the perspective of the other characters in the first place.
I hope they keep it but let you skip it by clicking during it
There's like one situation I can think of: when the character you're about to daze with doesn't end up dazing the enemy and instead goes into chain attack sequence
I come across this often using anby,rina,corin
I took her to an Horror House and she won, she won my Heart and some Lubricant for her chainsaw
pure fucking kino/10
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>spending ten years doing back to back forced chain attacks on small mobs because their daze bars are the size of my penis when I could kill them instantly without the fucking slow mo
>wanting to set up proper buff rotations like how I keep not being able to do Lucy's Home Run because she triggered the fucking stun
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If you're a low spender or f2p, it's a much better idea to hold them for Qingyi. You might even have enough for Jane Doe if you luckshit.

You'd rather go to soft pity to pull her W-Engine or soft pity and pull her partner in crime (law)?
i only dropped hsr once zzz was out and hardly even did the pov shit you can ignore it entirely just ride it out till the next game since i doubt zzz will implement it that soon
WuWa doesn't force you to change pov while female characters suck off other units. POV swapping is cuckshit.
Wait for Trigger, the sniper from Obol Squad.
It's to reduce TV time since everyone hates it. So instead of seeing agents on the TV you will see them animated in the Hollow and then back to siblings PoV for Proxy work.

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Ellen need c1 to be comfy and man zhu yuan is better than i expect.
I literally don't know what this is about but from what I skimmed its from another game
and when do you think she'd come
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>he doesn't have Lucy C2
Rumao even
The only character that POV switch would be fine is Jane, since she's a secret agent
Don't you only get a Chain Attack when you hit a dazed enemy. You probably dazed the enemy with that ability and it also activated the chain attack. There is no reason not to do them so it seems silly to add that feature.
How do I take screenshots on PC with a Playstation 5 controller
>and hardly even did the pov shit
What? It's literally the main story. You can't not do it.
early 2026 probably
When HSR added POV swapping, they made you sit through 2 hours of monologuing on a homo during the main story, I'm just saying
the stun timer gets reduced every time another unit comes in so you cancel it to make the stun last longer i think
well i got s in the first red shiyu, now i am going to sleep, good night
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>tfw didn't get spooked by Rina or an extra Lucy during my Zhu pulls
Kinda tempted to get her in the shop for M2 Lucy...
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>all these asian players posting their rolls
am I the only burger player left or something??
citation needed
>pov change
>cuck pov
Wuwa won
playing as proxies cuck sucks POV will save the game
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My first two standard S ranks were Koleda's w engine and Lycaon
If I lose 50/50 on cop, I'm happy because I desperately need another s rank character, and can save for rat
If it win 50/50 I get to stare at ass with new feature to use character in overworld

No matter what, I win
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I lost bros...so how do I build this grease monkey
i didnt get ellen
am i fucked
i have 11, piper, lucy btw
>2 hours
It was at least 3. Meanwhile the other POVs were less than an hour lol.
you now realize these threads are infested with seaniggers
what should I spend my z merits on before the reset
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You are not alone but I am not really in a rush.
I'm at the point where my disc farm goes fast enough that I'm intentionally avoiding triggering chains simply because it makes the fight take (slightly) longer
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I wish...
Rina-seeded account
nah, America top #1 player here, still 12 hours
>play chicken with the pity potentially ruining my qing yi guaranteed
>get 2 ben and 1 nicole from 15 pulls
I kinda wanted more lucy/piper/corin dupes but oh well, time to wait for lolicop.
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I love him...
Hope you really like the eager newbie cop wolfboy Seth, anon.
Press ctrl + shift + s (together) on your keyboard...
burgers aren't posting, but yes this general is FULL of SEA, all gacha generals are
love from beautiful Besaid Island bro <3
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Post future banners please
>Manual Attack Chain
thank fucking god
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grats you won the game when you pull Rat now
A Ranks dont get PoV.
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I already got my 50/50 locked in on Ellen's banner to Rina, I'm just chilling for 12 hours until my guaranteed Zhu comes home.
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Soukaku C6 works as cope ice dps for extreme ice needs
>He didn't reply to the Kot post

Hehe xd
>finish cop questline
>finish sons of calydon questline
>probably a section 6 interlude
>then obol squad or idols maybe
>finish section 6 interlude
source: I had a dream about it
Why is the Japanese character is the most genius the youngest the strongest youngest in history blahblah?
>belle and wise dont fight so we only see them in the city
>that is now disappearing
cant believe people complained about this
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I'm waating
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it ain't ezzz bein cheezzz
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Zhu just straight up destroyed SD10 side 1 in 1 minute 11 seconds. Holy shit. That was really fun.
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I replied to KOT GET YE GONE and got my Zhu bro. You fucked yourself...
proxies cuck lost
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Isn't it midnight for NA and early morning for EU? This thread would be full of Australians like me on the Asia server
>seething over timezone
Go cry to Cronos or something
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Time to reroll account
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Patch 1.5: Urban Showdown
New Agents:

Agent: Blaze

Rarity: S Rank
Description: A fiery attacker with powerful AOE abilities and high burst damage.

Agent: Zephyr

Rarity: A Rank
Description: A swift and agile wind-based agent specializing in crowd control and mobility.

Agent: Bolt

Rarity: A Rank
Description: A tech-savvy agent with electric attacks and debuff capabilities.
How are americans going to post rolls when the patch isnt for 12 hours? Of course the people who can roll are going to post their rolls.
>outdamaged by Nicole
I'm Australian. which sucks because even with the closest Asia server all mihomo games are 300+ ping for me
i'm a rat waiter
That's not damage score retard bro
I'm here with you bro. Planning to play a little longer then go to bed
Then wake up an not get ZY
Freedom Blues because you want a lot of Anomaly on her
Some other GraceGOD can tell you what 2pc is good
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I heard Anby sig is pretty bad, but the only other stunner ball I have is fossil, should I get another copy of steam oven?
How the fuck does the game calculate MVP
When is the next banner?
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Anon I promise you that you wont regret pulling for her.
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The fat cop is so fun to play bwos
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why does every single mission recommend the ice element, do other elements not exist? is it just to shill elen joe?
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I missed that one. Thank you corinbwo
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i was having fun saving but now all these screencaps are breaking down my willpower
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The leaks show that the proxy MC twins dissapear in an event and that's how the agents take over.

Finally we'll be rid of the incestfaggots
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ok thanks
i also have sharkboo
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Because many characters want to prioritize Quick Assists and using meter in spots where they get forced into chains. Notable examples being Rina and Neko.
>is it just to shill elen joe?
>Grace Koleda Rina
hey that's my team!
>don't want to roll because my luck might be shit
>end up sitting on all my gems forever
fuck this happens to me in every game
How do I play Rina, bros?
Nicole is T0 until EoS
It its most likely that Miyabi will be Fire or Ether Anomaly
Her animations don't feature Ice like Ellen and her blue energy sword looks like it's powered by blue flames
Why the fuck isnt nicole T0? Are these fuckers retarded?

Grace not being T0 is a travesty
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How do scoring work in this game?
It once gave 50% of score to a character I barerly even used in the fight
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The cat will get support later right.... They'll fix physical type, right...
>got asscop's sig at 20 pity while trying to roll for ben
>"fuck it, roll the cop too"
>got three nicoles in a row (c6)
Now I have no idea what to do with my ellen team. ZY is clearly superior and anby can actually activate her faction bonus with nicole.
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>S11 is widely regarded as decent in /zzz/
>everyone memes Nekomata to be a gigabrick, even moreso nowadays than Lycaon
>both on the same tier
It's fine to roll once you have enough for hard pity retardbro
its a game i quit after all i meant i could do my normal dailies w/e events were there
why am i sexually assaulting a furry
Nicole is better than ghost hag
press her special button then switch her out, that's it. she's a defense shredder.
Bench her until you have an S electric Attacker
I mean ZZZ plays fine cause the combat isn't actually ping-dependent like Genshin
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Do they really have to wait until 1.2 to add this?
Why is there a schizo obsessed with Miyabi not actually being ice
What's the point
It seems to factor in field time, so a character that parries once and fucks off for the entire fight gets a stupidly high score compared to one that spends the entire battle on-field.
Time for the Ellen + Soukaku duo team vs any ice weak enemies
Works for exactly Zhu and nobody else, but I guess you got it in 10 pulls so its fine
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Reminder to Dodge Counter straight into Zhu's normal string to get 2-3 quick shells (it skips the normal string windup)
Soldier jobber...
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Dont know. That was my post and my nicole died 2 seconds into the fight because she got one shot. Had no disc drives on her. Zhu carried hard. Each bullet in the spread hits for like 30k with this build. Literally took of 50% of the robots health before he was stunned and then removed the other half with just her ult.
Just got to chapter 3, the cops are so fucking sex. I WILL pull them, even if I pulled Ellen already.
He's wrong anyways. Miyabi will be fire.
BillGODS don't need faggot ass tier lists, they just get results
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I can already tell I'm going to lose my 50/50. I don't even need to login
Retard, Nicole gives reduces 40% of enemy defenses + 25% more ether damage
She's THE support for ZY
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ATK or Ether disc for ZY
just wait for the COPE posts you'll inevitably see when the Rat patch comes and Nekomata goes a tier above S11
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>Agent: Blaze
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they need to add me in and I'll support her
nope. I just got around to trying Ellen out and I kinda want to roll for her now, even though charging her attacks kinda sucks. I like her grumpy vibe
>Pulling for Zhu means you also need to pull for Qingyi
I'm a burger that joined the Asia server.
This is the same website which is still recommending a 4p impact disc set affecting normal attacks on Ben of all fucking characters.

They literally don't even play the game.
Give Zhu builds
The videos for her convinced me to roll for Zhu Yuan. Dorky badass is always fun.
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Just roll, bro. Believe in yourself.
Lots of Nicope in here
Same. I'm on five 50/50 loss streak in mihoyo games.
Koleda is so comfy to play. I have her and Lycaon but I prefer playing her way more
The V-disc should be ether%. You can cope with a PEN disc for a while if you don't have one but there really is no better option
I dont have a good weapon for Zhu Yuan
Its so fucking over
Ok, what is the skin for Zhu? Her hair glows pink like Nicole?
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And people still shill Ben
Will M0 Ellen or M0 Zhu Yuan be better for Nineveh 11/11
I haven't read what she does at all
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Jane wants to be the solo Phys DPS in her teams Thoughbeit

She wants Grace + Seth/Rina/Qingyi
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Love your sister!
I read that as seduces...
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I'm a EUbro playing on the asia server because asia gets the banners first. And asia reset happens at 9:30 my time so I just do my dailies before I sleep.
gwi your starlight engine?? its literally craftable
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>server time
You guys…you’re supposed to be saving for Qingyi…do you really want to have to use the knot for the next 5 months…
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I'm running out of dennies
Isn't she supposed to be fairly good with mindscape conemas or whatever?
I ain't taking more risks
Yeah, but who should I use with them until I hit 300 standard pity? Grace? Ben?
tier lists are so shit early in the games life. especially when you literally have the only ice characters in the game at the top, it's obviously that way to shill the 5* rate up, and then change. tier lists are extra shit in games like this one because the tier lists are "absolute" and don't go into the nuances of the team builds and gear builds. only look at these tierlists if you're a knuckle dragging, drooling monkey
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Can someone post the Belle version of the Roshidere sister meme
For partition 4 of woodpecker
Which is better? Crti rate? Crit Dmg? ATK ratio/%?
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You won
>3 fire units built
lel guess you spread the to two teams now
Why would you use manual chain attacks?
multiple cinemas and signature and she's probaby pretty good
I lost 50/50
It's over
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>Zhu brick is already out
>Dead thread
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but i want to get Gato'ed
What the fuck is this.
I was promised a game where I can just click m1.
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>Ben - E12
>Nicole - E3
What the fuck Ben stop spooking me
If you're desperate for a third unit you can run Ben I guess
age chart doko
>got Zhu early
Its just THAT easy
Kyotchuds won...
So I don't have to turn my game into a slide show when there are 3 minor enemies in an encounter.
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Is any of the w-engines in the residual signal shop good or they're just bait?
Not out in burgerland or europe, wuwanigger
>wind based agent
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My best friend...
>not meta
>'confusing' combos
Ok, I'm rolling
>Getting Qingyi but skipping her police partner
That's actually so soulless
I'm pressing corin's ult and holding it down but the ult is still very short for me, do you have to left click instead or something?
I wanna lose my 50/50 to Soldier 11. Say it ain't so, bros...
Dude it’s saying just mash M1 but you skip basic attack 2 because it’s shit
Do this, but sub the BA1+BA2 for Dodge Counter
>expected Lycaon to be the one people would dread being spooked

>it’s actually Nekomiya
fat fuck Zhu Yuan took all my gems...
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https://x.com/ZZZ_EN/status/1815960335876243493 ZZZgods... I kneel...
Anton C1, Soukaku C9
I love 50-50s
People still don't like the furry, but he is meta (for now)
HAHAHA, I almost regretted going to roll for M1. Her bullets are piss easy to generate and I'm a freaking retard.
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>I only play fgo
>spend months getting a good crit build for Neko
>still worse than a half assed Jane Doe Anomaly build
Zhu can hit flying enemies. Thats all ill say.
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I have all stunner unit but only a rank dps
You will win the 50/50 then lose it immediately after in the same ten roll.
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you can fix that
How would Zhu's mother feel if you did this to her daughter RIGHT in front of her?
Why the fuck would faction bonuses matter here? She gets the same bonus from using any support. And her partner isn't even ether.
it's still better than mash m1>ex at some point>repeat. slightly
>not meta
Yes she is. But shes slightly more complicated i'll give you that
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>Got Zhu early
>165 rolls remaining
>Still half of 1.0 to go
I'm in a good position bros, what should I do?

>Roll Zhu's W-Engine
>Roll Zhu's M1
>Wait for Qingyi instead
Yeah, M1 is only for if you desperately need to optimize DPS during a stun window or completely braindead autopilot the character
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so which W-Engines and Discs will we be using? I just hit hard pity and barely have any pulls left, so no signature W-Engine for me
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I'd slap her ass too so she doesn't feel left out
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she isn't in her 30's?
wait 2 weeks: roll engine if it matters to you or save for rat/qingyi
So I should craft another sentai weapon now? I already have one and its used by Soldier 11...
>fgotard laughing at anyone
Can you even dump that many bullets into a stunned enemy? Like a whole mag + 8 extras. Her M1 looked pretty baity when I read it cause I already knew her parries + skill generated a lot of bullets
Starlight for cope engine and it is apparently only slightly worse than a full dupe BP engine at one copy.
skipping Zhu but I'm torn between pulling Qingyi or Rat..
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I'm always capped on bullets AND her ultimate+2 skills(idk but I feel like she has fast ER) is enough to give you 2 full uninterrupted charged shot cycles.

So unload first 9 then ult into 2 skills and the second 9. If you have her sig then maybe 9 -> Ult -> Skill -> 6 -> Skill -> 3
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>He admits to playing a shitty turn based flash game visual novel.
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She would just be thinking: "Yes! Grandchildren, finally!"
well because miyabi gonna get release on 1.x



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Who does Jane Doe seem to pair up with best as a team?
Yeah, If you already have ellen, zhu is easy mode
Her daughter has a big ass.
I don't understand the PoV thing. Is it just saying we'll have missions in the future where we insert as the agent instead of Proxying as Bell or Wise?
Scheming with Zhu's mother to plump up her daughter to better prepare her for all the grandchildren she'll be getting
2pc Woodpecker + 4pc Ether.
4pc ether is busted and gives like 55% crit damage after procing corruption which you can do in 1 cycle with Zhu+Nicole's Charged E.
>another 6 hours
I'm going to fail my 50/50 I can feel it.......
>got Koleda
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stop falling for CCP propaganda
It's not that complicated. You just do a dash attack and then 3 basic combos over and over until you have enough energy for EX attack or burst
Grace and Rina.
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I want the fluffy ears sword master...
So better to go for engine than M1?
>Almost rolled Ellen M1
>Read up about dodge quick charge
>Realize that attacking after Ex Special does half her ice combo and barely consumes charges
I still have a few moments where Ellen is out of charges when I don't have EX/Dodge Window but its far and few between now. If people are correct and Zhu is even easier that's great news.
i just woke up what's happening other than zhu yuan
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You're just proving my point about being soulless lol
I'm not sure. I'm not really in a hurry since >20 days still to choose but I'm probably just saving for her other cop buddies. Starlight Engine is helping me cope real well.
Alright bros, I got Kotted.
Is the attack w-engine from the BP a good cope option for her?
4 fanged metal 2 woodpecker?
I didnt play her on field at all. I just used anby+nicole until stun and after that zhu comes out with enough energy to skill twice and an Ult in SD14. I basically never used her basic attack, only charged ones.
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faction themes
>2 woodpecker + sig + nicole c6 is free 38% crit rate
holy shit, this game hands out crit like crazy
If they undo (some of) the censorships and pass it as "improving" the models I'll give all my money to Dawei.
I want all the cop ass
Is Koleda even useful without Ben?
just means they'll fix miyabi's ugly mug before release
It's a little unexpected how easy to get her EX Skill Charge is which is why I was tempted to get M1. Whether it's her energy gen or just the cost being low, I don't really know.
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Don't forget about her core passive, you basically never need to build CR on her.
isp issue
is slice of time the best non gacha weapon for nicole? can i invest safely?
Yeah, she's a pretty good user of Cannon Rotor. Probably 4 Woodpecker 2 Fanged unless you're also running Piper.
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You're lucky
I want her
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Got enough together for at least one pity.
Wish me luck frens.
ngl bros... this xitter post got me hyped
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real incest relationships only work if you both shared a traumatic childhood and didn't really have parents around, otherwise Westermarck kicks in normally
been with my sister for over 5 years now and that's my cope for how we dodged Westermarck

There's no way that can be true, though it'd be an amazing trainwreck if it was.

Yeah and I'm not a fan of doing that this early, that kinda thing should be after we have every agents trust event, and story done for EVEN MORE backstory and lore.
It shouldn't be done this early on when characters have hardly gotten to know the MC's
oh man, zhu has a gorillion combo routes
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>crit rate from her engine doesn't show up on ZY's stat screen
Wtf... the page doesn't look good like this
her signature is technically non-gacha
but yes, slice of time or the ER% B-rank one
gl bwo
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Zhu's W-Engine and M1 are such bait, don't roll for them if you're not a whale lmao
i'll save you the trouble, never bother reading Shytwen's tier lists. These niggas unironically do not play the game. They just grift for ad revenue because it's the only semi known western site.
So what's the best Zhu team looking like? Is she low investment at least
Yeaaaaaah I think Zhu is much more fun than Ellen.
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I didn't fall for the shark meme
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Kot Get Ye GONE
wait what? how do i get her signature then?
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Is it worth it? Do you even get any extra rewards?
Has there been any ether stunner leaked?
Her and the ice support duo
>rolling 6 hours before getting powercrept
do amerifats really?
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I'm still on the warpath to build her and Ben into an on-field menace. It's slowly getting there...
just a shitpost about it being sold in the cash shop, you can't guarantee it without spending
it's just less boring imo
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>you need a controller to do the optimal 360/720/DP/Z combos for zhu yuan

nice "pc" game
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>Not even 6% better than Starlight
She really is super f2p
Rolling for stat sticks instead of teamates for synergy is retarded anyways
ok now that we're done shilling
is it time we finally admit corin is just better than Ellen?
Selectable via the $1 bundle.
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>rolling for meta and not dick
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Bye bye Ellenfags! What will you do now that you can't post your 20x rerolled wish history?
>be dragonbro
>cant roll for the dragon
i must attain the rat
Ellen Lawrence...
Zhu, Nicole and any stunner. It could be anby.
ellen sheets higher than ZY btw
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Did I do good?
I fucking WISH they'd give us a character with a DP... if Zhu had any of that I'd be draining my bank account. Still fun to 360 with Nicole thoigh.
This is a phone game, also got any links to those combos? I thought Nicoles circle spin was a pain with WASD but now its easy as fuck and I didn't even remap my 'E'.
oh okay, i don't think i'm spending money until i know i will stick with the game, i will just use slice of time
thanks for the info
Roll for Qingyi!!!!
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>Kekywen "calcs"
D-dodged it... You two are?
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I didn't do any rerolls and simply grabbed her because i like the gameplay and design. She has plenty of versatility for future teams too, as it isn't exactly ruled out that she might be a very decent Chain driver for someone like Miyabi.
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This general is owned by many growing factions!

Hagbwos (I feel bad calling Rina and Grace hags though)
General Maidbwos
Boobwos (always be a good parent to your bangboo!)
And many more bwos waiting to be discovered!

Be nice to all of them! We all get along! Even if mean stuff is said sometimes!

I'm happy for the bwos already getting Zhu!
I can't wait to roll too!
I'm going f2p+ bros.
I just like the game compared to other hoyoslop
>genshin is ass
>HSR is too easy to warrant spending
I don't even need the rolls, I already won my 50/50
>nerfing the tvs
>Doing the PoV shit from star rail
Did people complain alot or something?
>you need a controller to play a real action game
yeah no fuckin shit
ellen sex
It’s a ps5 game. I don’t even bother playing on any other device
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Yeah I'm thinking Qingyi is based
>Prydwen calcs
Kekerino. When will you losers finally get the memo that you are not welcome on ANY board. Kill yourselves.
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>My team RN is her Piper Lucy/Nicole depending on the enemy weakness
Well then.
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What's the difference between hebebwos and lolibwos?
Anyone not rolling until they release a giga broken character to ensure a comfy game for a long time?
Why would you roll for shitters knowing how jewish this game is?
I already dropped my hsr monthly, it feels really boring lately. I know people memed about it but I feel like the overpandering with Firefly turned me off the game.
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>patch 1.2
>shiyu 17 both sides resistant to ice and ether
Your reaction??
Nothing at all, except to a few hyper autistic schizos
She looks like she's melting
both are pedophiles but one in particular is especially delusional, guess which.
>Why would you roll for shitters knowing how jewish this game is?
that's exactly why you don't roll for meta
have you seen how shitty the critical node rewards are?
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Whats this mlg combo? Is it just the dodge -> attack -> swap combo to improve efficiency?
>have Grace and Rina
>don't really want to play Grace
>didn't think they would work together
maybe I should reconsider
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>Jane Doe and Grace teams
I don't see the issue
I don't get it honestly
>nerf the TVs
>but also make Rally commissions trivial because Fairy will auto loot so there's no reason to explore
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I only trust Guoba
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You're going to be waiting until over a year then
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Yeah bro this is a casual ga-
this, imagine rolling 1.0 characters when you could be saving for EOS
>crit with anomaly
Uhhh bro your ATK%?
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Just brute force with grey numbers. I did the piledriver machine in Shiyu 10 with solo Neko.
the game doesn't read my horipad on pc. is there any cheap controller compatible with this game?
That's not an excuse to roll for shitters instead of meta
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what the fuck is anomaly proficiency and what does it do?
.New character rolls around
>Prydemonth shill posts
It's gotta be self promotion. These niggers can't afford to pay for ads.
fun little factoid

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>Soldier 11 dupe
its over
I’m guessing we’re not gonna be getting anymore Team up attacks like Koleda and Ben’s?
I play physical lol
what character is that? looks kino as fuck
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Me. Pick me
This is hoyo game, the fucking things are certified to be completable with A ranks only. There's also no ranking and pvp.
Hell there's no coop to show off your beeg deeps so I have no idea why would you try to be as meta as possible.
Just roll with your dick bros.
They listened to htr players, might as well made the gacha turn based.
>not roll for at least usable toons
You're bricked until they drop a good one, which is not comfy at all, therefore roll for who you like
shut up, th*ren
FGCGODS run this place
>quit mission because I wasn't going to S rank it
>game says the commission is complete
You have 15 days bwo
use the credit card
>nooo game too easy button mash
>nooo character too hard shit game
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Yeah about that. Prydwen's not the only people who thinks Zhu's W-Engine is underwhelming.
I already destroyed the whole game with piper/lucy/corin and grace/anton/anby
>There's also no ranking and pvp.
your snake?
boost my kot ye gone bros
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>Did people complain alot or something?
yes tv's is one of the most unilateral complaints about the game. if they are really listening to feedback they just need to do less talking and more fighting, not remove them entirely.
Kino. I've been fucking waiting for someone to actually compile framedata. Crazy how we STILL don't have documented energy regen or anomaly buildup per attack. We need our own Dustloop.
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>There's already few mods of her before the character even went live.
>beat soldier11 mod count already
The Japanese moding community really love her huh...
Bros i got Zhu Yuan she feels like Grace 2 wtf why did i waste 140 rolls on this my team 1 is already Grace
my 8bitdo works anon, the wireless one (usb) that can also be use with a usbc
Billy :)
elemental mastery if you played genshin
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Got my Sharkmeido. Went till pity though so kinda sad it had to be this way.
thanks that helped fren
I don't care for meta stuff.
Nor am I a burger.
Just a 7AM Eurochad picking up his complimentary Shark Maid before work.
is Zhu Yuan's weapon a good investment?
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Lolibwos like them younger looking with flat chests and actually being 8-13 I think?
Hebebwos like em looking 14-16 and don't care as much about actual age I think?
It may also be an artstyle thing?

I'll be honest I know very little about this! But they asked for the distinction and so I added them because they are also bwos!
>Ensure a comfy game
Games already comfy with Cunning Hares. Honestly the only draw back is poor Billy, who can be played well but will be shit in no time. I hope to god we get an S-Rank of him. Zhu is a fantastic replacement in the meantime, and if you get wolfag Ellen will be great for long enough to save for another guarantee unit.
lol no
I didn't reroll and lost the 50-50 to pay my sovl tax
It's obviously zhu
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Proficiency = percentual increase to Anomaly damage calculated from the stat
Mastery = Buildup increase to Anomaly procs calculated from the stat.
try both? imagine not leveling all your units to max
Ok now tell us which ones actually matter.
Koleda unironically provides the lack of stun piper and lucy desperately need, ben is cool but he fits mono-fire teams much better
What the fuck is this notation. Can't they use Numpad like every other sane combo game.
>Hell there's no coop
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just accept your kot. you will all have multiple copies of me after a year anyhow.
to celebrate you can let me step on you!
Unfortunately this game is censored to meet CCP guidelines
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Wise... Who was that you were talking to on the phone?
Doesn't read my Hori RAP N either (I use it for the Arcade minigames). Try x360ce, it worked for me. If you don't want to do that launch from Steam and use Steam Input.
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Euroshark, i kneel...
Just like GITCG, it doesn't count.
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>free 30% crit rate
Why is this allowed
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Ellenbros...our response????
It's unironically a brick. It's actually a good w-engine but the competition is so close to its power level it's not worth rolling
If you like her yes
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....I see, thanks corin poster et al.
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>They add co op trust events
>Belle and Wise players cooperate to molest the agents
I don't understand why so many people hate the tvs. They should shave off all of the repetitive, mandatory dialogue from Fairy, but each mission has its own little mini-game that breaks up monotonous combat. Who the fuck hates Space Invaders, Bomberman, and dollar store Pokemon?
>tfw won all my 50/50s
>dodged nekobrick
>but dodged lycaon too
man, feels bad, my ellen is gonna be bricked for a long time...
>not even out in all regions
>we already won
fuck the police
more like pubsex
If odd I pull Zhu Yuan
If Even I save for Yanagi
Why does she have 6 fingers
I don't have Resonaboos..
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If you locked me in a room with Seth, one of us would come out of that room pregnant
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this does't look censored at all
use the succuboo instead
It is good. Anyone saying the competition is close are comping poorniggers btw.

What set is Seth going to use?
genshinbabs want to explore
Get to pulling, Cop Puller
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When are we getting Predictaboo?
She does 20% more damage using Starlight Engine instead of her sig
>anby stun
>nicole chain
>zhu exskill
>ult, or hold attack if ult bar empty
it's a mobile game
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>people rolling for bait pubsex when 1.1 model updates is going to make Miyabi the most SEXO character in the game
Holy shit Zhu sucks
Roll Ellen now
people don't have the ability to critique something with nuance and suggest QoL improvements so they just trash the entire mode instead.
kill yourself
fuck you subhumans stop trying to ruin ZZZ by turning it into unplayable MMO trash
other players always have malicious intentions and can never add anything positive
multiplayer is always worse in every way than playing alone
fuck multiplayer as a concept
Probably Swing Jazz, maybe Freedom Blues if you're using him with Grace
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Best ice DPS vs best ether DPS. Glad I could be of use. You are one braindead metanigger.
I plugged in my razer panthera (og one font be jealous boys) and it made me think, why the hell would I play like this? Went back to my dualsense.

I'm not biased btw, I'm a cheatbox player normally, I have low melanin levels and I don't have the gene.
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how the fuck do I get more rolls f2p, even if I spend all my polychrome right now I'd get like 50 rolls, how are some of you fucks in the hundreds already
Is he ok
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Zhu is heavily reliant on on-field shenanigans, while Shark is more oriented towards spending meter and making big bank with chain attacks and chomping bites off the enemy once in a while to keep the Sharknami running. It's simpler to play, but her playstyle fits a lot of different teams. The cop seems fun, but i've always been a meido man.
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Reminder: Officer Zhu Yuan says
>roll for who Zhu likes
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It's illegal to respond like that to my shitpost
You are going to jail
There's no directional input, all you're seeing is B(# of basic attack string) and DA (Dash Attack). Read inputs as either M1 or Shift+M1 respectively. It's not very complex inputs, just order that matters.
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was gonna roll for the lesbian cop but she unironically looks too hard, skipping.
Ellen is better because she has her full team right now. Zhu Yuan is bricked without Qingyi.
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How did one man and his quests mindbreak an entire playerbase so badly?
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No time for kneeling friend.
Time to get to work and take care of the Sharkmeido.
I played the game and skipped Ellen's banner. Had around 190 pulls ready for Zhu. Got her early so the rest are for Qingyi.
god imagine if belle was so clingy that she'd talk to you via phone face to face because she doesn't want incoming calls to interrupt your sibling time
45 if you roll her sig, 53 with woodpecker, 68 with c6 nicole. You can reach 80% easily with dogshit rolls.
By spending money once you ran out of all content that gives gems.
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troons (HRT fanbase) despises males so being forced to play as one mindbroke them completely
>Miyabi and sexo in the same sentence
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My store only accepts the NEPS
bringer will never be rollable though
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meanwhile is the "more hardcore" action gacha
Oh but I am a BP + daily pass buyer so subtract like 20 pulls from that. 170 pulls would be more realistic
It's fun to play Snake on stick. No shot I'd use it for actual gameplay.
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That girl isn't even ether. She'll be replaced by a future 5* ether stunner for a n ether DPS.
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Mine too.
The stun timer is constantly ticking down during chain attack animations even if it visually makes it look like it resets each hit.

Some characters like Soukaku suck for chain attacks because she has a retardedly long animation that wastes stun time.
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>calcs 28 of the 48 possible stats as crit rolls
>doesn't consider attack rolls in the remaining 20
>"hey guys atk buffing is better"
I hate theorycrafters so much it's un fucking real.
cute cunny pedos
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everyone ready for a new area that is 50% resistant to ice?
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should I build nicole for ZY? I already have rina with high pen(is)......
>got Lycaon'd before getting the ass cop
Do I even need Qingyi? With him and Anby now I have two Stunners.
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im Interknot 30 and have 25 pulls am i fucked bros, Ive been saving for Zhu mommy
I wonder how future additions are gonna be like some factions. I don’t have a hard time imagining it playing out for the cops but a faction like Belobog feels weird to introduce another character just like that. Their quests line really empathize how close the 4 of them were to eachother so it’d be really funny to add a 5th wheel who wasn’t there when shit went down with the prototype.

I’m probably overthinking it tho since I’m sleepy and pretty sure that it don’t matter how you’d make em fit as long as they look cool/sexy
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Ben already has a parry. Also
>Grace Howard
Geese edit when?
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Why are all the female cops in this game absolute cuties? Criminals aren't gonna feel threatened by some 5'1" waif that looks like she works at a florist.
>calling the girl who craves BWC (big wise cock) a lesbian
S Rank Anton.
Our man delivers
Ellen Joe mama haha gotchu bitch fucking rekt!
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Having B1>B2>B3 instead of Bx3 is insane to me.... Also there is directional input as per picrel which should just be 3Bx3

Why do the Chinese have to reinvent everything and call it original.
How do you know?
Ben actually nerfs her unironically
Roll for Zhu, lose 50-50, guaranteed Qingyi = happiness
Roll for Zhu win 50-50, roll for Qingyi, win 50-50 = true happiness
Roll for Zhu, win 50-50, roll for Qingyi, lose 50-50 = ultimate sadness
I don't like this risk but I think I'm going to take it
So did we wuwon?
Or did we wulost?
they can just bring back Khors if they want a new Belobog S-rank. there's a reason we never found a body.
how, did you roll for ellen joe? i'm interknot level 28 and have like 50 rolls or more
post shiyu clears
Hahaha! >>>/reddit/
>they skipped shark for the cop
>brick without a team
>also lesbian and not for (You)
If you're an Ellenbro, you're not supposed to be doing full chains, bro.
Here's the guide:
>Step 1: Lycaon builds daze until 70+
>Step 2: Soukaku EX EX EX Hold, then quick assist to Ellen to pass the buffs
>Step 3: Swap back to Lycaon EX stun
>Step 4: Chain with Ellen only, let the timer run out
>Step 5: EX BA ULT EX BA EX BA during the stun window
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looks like SD13 is the max I can go without leveling atleast Piper to level 50 and level 50 weapon. I'm impressed that I managed to clear it this far with only Zhu at level 50.
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>>also lesbian and not for (You)
concrete proof?
Pulled Shark
Pulling Cop
Will pull Rat
Ellen is a bigger brick than Zhu lol. Zhu is way more f2p friendly with Anby/Nicole (both free) being her best teammates.
>Anby and Nicole are Zhu's best team
Nice. I love sex team
Threatened? They don't need to be. They'll surrender immediately to the cuteness. Even they won't want to harm such a precious thing.
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>5 more hours
> they just need to do less talking and more fighting, not remove them entirely.
Amen. They are actually very creative and the navigation can be engaging, but holy shit the CONSTANT interrupting is bad.
>Put a smash lock option of Billy in first mission
>Proceed to tell you that every single lock for the next 40 hours is "NOT A SMART LOCK" and can't be hacked EVERY SINGLE TIME
Atleast they realized if someone puts it on fast forward mode they don't want them to turn off fast forward mode every 2 seconds.
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it's incredible how even neko's signature is a brick
....Starlight Engine buffs atk for 19%!? BUT ATK IS SUPPOSED TO BE TRASH
maybe a few times, but definitely not that many before I started saving, I dont know where all these rolls you guys are getting are coming from I feel like im missing something important
You got three weeks to do all the content
Didn't expect zhu yuan to be good but after toying with her she is comfier than ellen. Short time burst also good on boss that has faster stun recovery

m0 is already enough meanwhile ellen has shitass gameplay charging attack. Ellen will get powercreep by miyabi anyway
NA still has the Ellen banner up. You can shitpost when it's time...
it's just the same shitposting they did with ellen because she has female friends
suckable tits
>anything fun is now reddit
I hate zoomers and jaded millennials so much.
>SEApags can't control themselves and impulse roll for a new shiny (not even good) character
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It was more of a Bangboo named Predicataboo joke. Since it didn't come across clearly, it means I failed.
stopped reading there, you do not need the knot. That is furfag cope.
I had a vision while ingesting my HRT
miyabi is electric
why's it nicole and not any other support?
this and also when repeating missions there should be an option to skip all yapping
>retarded doomposter that doesn't even have her yet
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The guy who made the calculations stated it.
Yeah they're always fucking retarded.
do all the commissions, the meowmeow mission, hollow zero and shinyu defence (not sure about the name) the first 3 stages alone give like 300 gems
and do the snake event too it's almost gone
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Was Starlight Engine and the whole on-field attack buff thing a legit mistake by Mihoyo? I kinda get why Ellen doesn't give a shit about it but its perfect for Zhu's playstyle
I wonder if it changes at all if you run Soukaku/Lucy as a 2nd support to help out ATK. 6% is pretty sad.
>brick without a team
As others have pointed out Anby and Nicole are fantastic with her, but Ellen is the real fucking """brick""" if we're being hyperbolic since you need to luck your fucking way into getting her ideal S rank stunner. SuckCockEw being given for free is her only saving grace.
They have zero clue in early game, they have to wait until they can gather data in some way or people start posting speed clears for their lists to actually not be dogshit.
>you don't need the knot
simply untrue and furhater cope
I'm talking about the optimal team, not whatever cope you're using. Just use Anby or some shit. You're a retard that full chains with the ice team anyway.
40% Def down and 25% Ether Damage bonus after using her bubble.
People really rolled zhu without knowing what her gameplay is like after multiple story missions and her trial quest being available? LMAO
DEF shred is op, m6 nicole gives another 15% crit rate, grouping is good for faster clears, extremely low field time, can proc corruption fast if running anomaly on her which enables Chaotic Metal for Zhu.
Nicole is gonna take a long time to get replaced on ether teams.
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>check the mail
>10 free batteries
I regret rolling for Zhu Yuan Lawrence.
What are the odds of winning 4 50/50s in a row
I hit Ellen, I hit Zhu
I need a stunner so I will need qing or fail to knot or koleda
And I want rrrat
I'm already on pass + bp
a lot of people dont understand how atk percent works in this game for w engines and set bonuses. when you trigger a attack bonus via set or engine it multiples the ENTIRE attack you have. everything else is based on BASE attack. this is a big reason why crit damage and crit rate are comparable to attack sets in this game as opposed to star rail. keep in mind all this means is w engine are a means to build characters easier because they give you better base stats and you have to be less reliant on god rolls to perform the same. thus two zhu yuans with bad relics the engine will perform significantly better while two with good relics will be about the same.

*kisses u*
Personally I was gonna get Lyacon with my 300 guarantee on the standard banner
It will be bad in teams that don't have easy access to quick assists, which may or may not exist one day
It's easy to kill off if they want to do so, just make supports that don't offer quick assist
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Yes. I see ass i roll
Haven't played hsr but if they force to play as an homo furry in the main story then I'm dropping this game, simple as
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I will give my wife her S rank W-Engine as a F2P. The RAT can cope with piper's engine W2.
Every 50/50 is a separate event that is not influenced by previous events. So it doesn't matter how many you win or lose, it's always 50/50.
...its 25% dude

>What are the odds of winning 4 50/50s in a row
6.25% if you were to consider the odds from the beginning
Time to finally start playing the game
Lost enough 50/50s to build 4 teams too
>Ether teams
There's only one and it has two members bwo
LycaonFAGS having a melty that no one likes him and no one puts himbon ellen team for a rotation that is longer than if you just full chain with ellen and whomstever you want
Def shred is OP but Nicole's shred doesn't even last long enough to fit the chain attack and ULT lmao
>finally get to chapter 3
>immediately want to pull for Ellen
God damn it. I don't know if it's because her banner is about to end and I'm feeling FOMO, but I suddenly really want to pull despite saving since day 1. Should I get Ellen Y/N?
If you fail 50/50 on one banner the guarantee carries over to the next.
you don't matter
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Not even just getting rid of quick assist access. If they make an attacker that wants to take up all the field time instead of the stunner, Starlight Engine stocks will go down.
Lmao "Gamers" trying to notate attack strings
I think every faction could reasonably add another 1-3 members. I think they'd cap out within 2-3 years, but by that point we'll probably have alts and new factions.

Belobog works with plenty of other construction companies
Sons of Caelydon is the biggest group so far, but we also know next to nothing about the Outer Ring
Victoria Housekeeping has Hugo Vlad and you could always bullshit the Boss having some secret asset up his sleeve since they're investigating the biggest bad we know of so far
Nicole has plenty of connections that could join the Cunning Hares
I'm assuming Section 6 is more than just 4 niggas in a row
Obol's only playable agent is Soldier 11, they could easily pump out 5 more from her squad
How much was it
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>actually ran out of dennies
It's fucking over
What the FUCK did they mean by this?
N. You will regret it if you waited this long already. You clearly didn't want her enough to roll day 1.
I don’t like the fact that Ellen Joe has already stepped DOWN and allowed herself to be powercrept
This shitposting retard actually thinks it's Lycaon bricking the Ice Team full chain and not Soukaku lmao
WhaleGOD I kneel...
Watch as she becomes ice anomaly and her schtick is detonating the freeze bar early like the delayed bleeding in anime katana attacks
>sweat making her shirt see through
Do you sell illegally harvested organs in Thailand or something?
They're fixing Miyabi
Thanks for funding the game
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>quingyi c0 and weaponless only gets a passive that boosts attack when you stack impact
>c1 gives her 15% defense down
>w-engine gives global 20% squad damage
she is the true whale character, or at least getting her to c1/w-engine seems much stronger than zhu does right now
Last minute rolling is always a mistake just wait for the rerun if you still want her
That's the neat part about statistical laws anon. Previous outcomes do not affect probability. Your chances of winning 2 more times are 50/50 each.
Basic statistics says 1/2 * 1/2 so 1/4 or 25%.
Ellen Joe is a retarded schoolgirl that eats lollipops and worries about her weight.
Zhu Yuan is an AMAZON cop that's tall as fuck and built to perfection (look at how toned her body and ass is). She probably spends 80% of her time off work at the gym.
nuclear reactors funded by cop ass/cameltoe
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What could it possibly mean

Incoming Rosaria Tier Changes
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source of the mod?
1200 usd. Lost 6 50/50 kek
Even lost on the w engine banner
Time to sell more stocks again
Invest in the stock market, its free money
Has anyone tried them?
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when is SHE releasing, fuck the cop
actually she spends it all riding my dick
Hoshimi "Snailface" Miyabi will get a glow up
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lost the coinflip and ended up on 140~ pulls on Zhu Yuan
if i end up not getting Qingyi because of this i swear to god
So Zhu M1 is very strong for QoL and trash?
get to HZ grinding bwo
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Check here:
>BiS support is actually a brick!
You gotta try harder than that furrybwo
How do you keks have so many rolls? I started maybe a week after launch but I only have ONE S rank at Knot 36.
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saving the planet one step at a time
OK, I won't pull. Thank you. My Jane Doe funds are safe.
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>2. We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience.
They are going to fix miyabi aren't they
can you post the plain version?
Sorry but the cop is way more fuckable than the idol shit
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Whale-kun, I kneel
there's a lot polychromes in the non-resetting section of shiyu defense, if you've been ignoring that
Big QoL. Basically every burst rotation you get at least 9 bullets instead of 3
>$1200 for a single unit
Jesus Christ bro. Gacha games are something else.
>There also is the question if said bilibili vid uses combat atk or not, as those numbers to me look like htey don't and instead they count the given ATK as normal ATK% (which would be wrong).
What's combat ATK and what's the difference between that and regular ATK?
haha....no...... *sith eyes*
If they "fix" miyabi I will NOT roll her. She is sovl right now and will become sovless
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More nicole boob nerfs
chat is this real
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Miyabi is getting upgraded BIGLY
Miyabi GODS won
Where did I say that, retard?
Even with Ellen/Anby/Soukaku you're only supposed to chain with Ellen lmao
Timestamp your shiyu clears
are zhu yuan tards really thinking that shes harder to play than ellen? lmao no way ellen is way more mechanical. also look forward to qingyi coming out she will be on field 90% of the time forcing a break then you swap to nicole and mag dump with zhu yuan then repeat
They will uncensor characters.
yes, apparently $1200
standard rolls i got lycan and a worthless weapon by that time
failed ellen roll and got grace
>for a single unit 6 times
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i LOVE saving batteries
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First ever 10x on weapon ez
>seakeks already seething over whalegods m6 zhu
love to see it hahahahaha
Zhu Yuan's mom here with a commission!
I need one of you strong strapping young men to impregnate my daughter, I want grandchildren and yet she's still not providing.
Same but I'm only at 150 wishes and the easy ones dried up. Going to take probably a month or two to get there unless I blow currencies on standard wishes which is an awful idea.
That animation seems really lazy compared to Ellen's
Combat ATK is a final multiplier of the character's total regular ATK. Regular ATK is your combined total from mainstats and substats. You can make up for Starlight Engine's combat atk buff by simply having the difference in ATK rolls and a higher base damage weapon.
spare some nigga
I don't roll for fat ugly hags
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he is a pedo, isn't he?
>no salesposting
>Not even from wuwashills/falseflaggers
grats, i had to go to pity for mine :(
only 28 rolls left for jane now, hope i can win the coinflip
>Riot Suppressor
I'm sure she won't use it to beat a guy who's handcuffed to a pipe.. right?
In this thread alone we had
>Ellen whale that spent 3k
>another Ellen whale that spent around 1k
>Topup nigga that also spent 3k
>Zhu whale that spent 1.2k
Thank you for keeping the servers up guys
How many times have they censored an already released character on genshin or hsr? Haven't played any of those games but I'm starting to regret picking up this one
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Truly the Zhung Yuan of Zzz
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All so cute
of course not when you can just kick the fucker
>Zhu Yuan 2nd banner
>Jing Yuan 2nd banner
this might be the biggest brick of all time
damn, almost tempts me to to switch to JP
>absolute retard thinks replacing Lycaon with another stunner means you should full chain now
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Global only had the 1.4 boob nerf, the 2.4 was an optional alternate outfit for global so Rosaria was only nerfed once. HSR had no nerfs afaik
ill go with grace
my teams for the future are ice and ethercops
so I'm rolling wengines for them

I have 21, I'll use them all today so I can rush shiyu defense
They conceded defeat
>Americans and Europeans talking about Zhu Yuan when they don't even have them
Didn't he already get banned? That anime/pepeposter is trying to post baits in /wuwa/ though.
Mono-ice has easy sources of ice RES shred in their team. Ether has nothing without M4 Zhu Yuan.
Ellen is futureproof, Zhu Yuan will be a brick as soon as ether shilling stops.
Ahh, I see. Thanks for the explanation bro.
SEAfags don't matter
>JP voice
im hard
Hebephiles are people attracted to preteens to early teens. Usually as puberty happens. Just before going into high school basically and when hormones are raging so this makes them feel better about themselves.
Did you get ellen as well?
SEAgods own this general though?
>200% damage to everything because Ether
More like Ellen has already hit her ceiling while Zhu Yuan will continue getting every support under the sun.
I have my wallet ready retard.
>anons in thread vibes crafting and in tune with astral spirits saying zhu will be a brick
>its because they both have the same last name and release in 1.0 second half as jing yuan
/hsrg/ here. We apologize for all the trash can related joke.
We overreacted and now dev thinks that's all the playerbase want
>Tell me Phaeton, have you ever seen the sea?
Post Ice team's def shredder.
A a South America, I fucking regret picking the amerifat server
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I mean have you seen them? I wouldn't be surprised given how sexy they look. You'll be hard pressed to find someone who wouldn't want to pick them up and fuck the girls silly.
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accidentally so it didn't damage my funds too badly (35 wasted rolls)
she's decently fun so i'm not sad i got her
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>See, hear, and cuddle with Bestmouto all day everyday
>Dating super cute electric dumbo
>About to get a voluptuous cop girlfriend
Wise is so cool and boring!
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No wonder why I thought her voice was sexo
You are implying they are at an equal level right now. At M0 with their best teams, they aren't. Ether is in a much worse spot.
>male roles
I understand using females for prepub boys, but adult men? How faggy are the men in Japan?!
>HSR next patch events are all trashcan
Post ether's res shredder
Just know I hate you, as a younger sibling hates the older one for causing house to be a mess....
But that's okay. Because at the end of the day.
the middle child is the least loved
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I want the one on the right to make me fuck her or she'll call PubSec.
Qyungi will be better than Zhu Yuan
Reminder this is a cunnyge
we need a monkey kemonomimi girl
funny points if they make her dark skinned
MIhoyo added.. Karo cancelling to the game!

Instead of negative edgine Chain attack you can just karo cancel it now
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I'll use mine eventually!
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rolls, W-engines or Character Dupes?
your nicole?
This is an incestgame confirmed
sorry bwo but Nicole mogs Shitkaku completely. The only advantage ice has is Lycaon which doesn't really matter if you just get Qingyi.
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>hint of mcwarsfags
Of no what hours is it again?
nicole, kinda
>def shred
>increased ether dmg
>w engine also gives damage
>also crit rate from m6

we aren't getting anything better for a while
because Timmy graduated Harward at 12 while running his own business on the side
why can't you be like your cousin Timmy?
self employed? more like faaaailure
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It's just fucking Armin, don't mind him.
No one likes Armin but faggots
Rolls > certain W-Engines MAYBE > dupes
>Playerbase runs a joke into the ground
Honestly the "quirkiness" was a mixed bag to me when I tried HSR. Sometimes it was funny, sometimes it was just so out of place trying to be unhinged. Don't know how it is after 1.0 but the localizers putting in a RickRoll reference helped me drop the game.

Genshin has some lame shit too, but "Hat Guy" jokes never get old to me.
Pag hours are always the worst hours, yeah.
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the answer is to run the M6 soukaku dps team that uses lycaon+nicole
the TRUE meta
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That's not res shred bro
Obviously since people are rolling already, SEAfags
god i love this game so much its so much comfier than wuwa that just makes my pc heat up and is depressing

is there anything more comfy than zzz with your ps5 controller????????????
I asked for a ceiling for ether. Nicole is shit too btw. Not that either of these 4* supports are "permanent" and you seem to assume they are. And lyacon isn't a permanent addition either.
Nicole is busted. This banner treated me really well and I now have an M6W5 Nicole ahaha.
Is it always dupes or can you get new A tiers you're missing
important dupes of characters you care about > rolls/engines
I'm not sure any of the engines are actually worth it, but when they are they tend to be a better use than 30 rolls if your a fag that would roll for engines in the first place
holy SHIT bros... Tatsumaki Suzuki... herself????
I fucking hate Wise and have fully flipped from lamenting picking Belle to being glad
The way they treated the Trailblazer in the 2.3 extra side mission at the end of the main story was pretty bad. Redditors loved it but it made the MC feel like a real joke character
Me? Oh yeah, I run mono Soukaku team. No, no bangboo needed. Soukaku alone is all I need.
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She's such a sexy slut.
>invest in stock
any tips?
yeah but it's the closest we have bro
Lucy is the only 4-star dupe that's actually worth picking up in this game.
Incest is just a social construct.
I like how the EN twitter announced that the banner was open despite it not being open for most EN speakers
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In Genshin they removed Butt shadows for female characters but kept the male ones
>makes my pc heat up
>Nicole is shit too btw
>use 1 skill
>DEF shred
>ether crit
>atk buff
>massive anomaly buildup
If Zhu Yuan is better then who's phone?
I've got a tip for you: ignore the LARPer
Ridu Renovation Talk Vol. 1

Hi, Proxies!
Since the official release of Zenless Zone Zero, many enthusiastic Proxies have been attracted to New Eridu to visit and explore. We would like to thank each and every Proxy for their interest and support!
As a creative team eager to showcase our unique style and content to every player, we're constantly thinking about how to shape the city of New Eridu and bring its daily life closer to everyone. Every time we see how the characters and stories resonate with you and how eagerly you are waiting for more new content, we truly feel that the city is becoming more real and alive.
Throughout this journey, we have also realized that many areas in the game need further refinement and optimization. We have received invaluable feedback from you, such as improving the connection between the HDD TV mode and combat experience, offering more diverse and challenging combat options, and optimizing some repetitive exploration experiences.
In the first issue of the "Ridu Renovation Talk," we'd love to discuss some of the main issues raised in your feedback and share our current plans for optimizing the game and future updates.

Optimizations expected to be implemented in Version 1.1:
Holy wall of cope.
Relax dude. Your Ellen will still be able to clear.
>Uses M6 as a baseline
>Has the audacity to call the oni shit
Post your ether shred. You have none.
Nicole's shred only lasts as long as the gravity field. That's incredibly short and barely an Ult and whatever burst is left. Do you people even play this game?
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What is the consensus on zy's kit? Is she a brick or is she good enough to withstand the test of time?
Not him but res shred and vulnerability (what Nicole has) are identical in the ZZZ combat formula. 30% ice res shred is equivalent to 30 increased ether damage taken
>We're also retesting [Nicole] as now with Zhu Yuan release, she finally has a team she can call home and her rating will be revaluated in a few days
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He does seem kind of gay, but I never watched this show. I swear I see two other males though..
buh buh BASED
>def shred for 3 sec
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is this shit accurate?
expecting limited weapons to be generalist is a mistake
Her burst is ludicrous, she hits in a huge AoE and her ass is extremely smackable. Certified NOT brick.
Her w-engine isn't worth pulling for though.
what set does Nicole want. 4pc jazz with anomaly mastery on 6?
1. In terms of the narrative experience, in the latest story missions of Version 1.1, for the first time, you will be able to interact with New Eridu's neighborhoods and fight through levels to advance the story's progress from the perspective of the mission's protagonist.
2. A button for "Manual Chain Attack" mode will be added to the squad lineup interface before entering combat. In this mode, after Stunning an enemy, your actions will not trigger other Agents' Chain Attacks. Additionally, a "Cancel Chain Attack Combo" function will be added to combat, allowing you to choose whether to use the "Manual Chain Attack" mode according to your preferences.
3. In terms of combat, we have added a series of challenging combat missions and game modes that will be continuously updated. All Proxies are welcome to try them out in the new version.
4. In Shiyu Defense, we have improved the display of enemies' attribute resistances, making it easier for you to select suitable Agents for each challenge.
5. After unlocking a new Agent, the Inter-Knot avatar of that Agent will be automatically unlocked. Now you can select your favorite Agent as your Inter-Knot avatar.
6. The battle menu interface on mobile devices will allow you to customize certain UI buttons within a preset plan, so you can choose the controls that best suit your playstyle.
she ate the other team members and the bangboo, the all-devouring monster
This is the last thread before we all got arrrested...
soukakukeks getting uppity again
>3 second def shred
if you're rolling zhu you have m6 nicole
cope and seethe impotently
>disingenuous shitposter hours
The tip is you don't spend the money you made from investing into a fucking Chinese gacha game.
>Sukokufags and Nicolefags fighting
Shutup I plan on using both on separate teams. Now someone explain to my peanut brain are you expected to use Sukoko's EX three times in your rotations? Have barely played her but that shit feels so fucking slow and clunky I hate it, love swapping her in with chain attacks though.
Hit it Lil Bagg!
Yes. Also hilarious is that Swing Jazz is Farmed with the Ether Dmg set so you can farm both Zhu Yuan and Nicole simultaneously
Optimizations expected to be implemented in Version 1.2:
1. For completed Story Commissions and Exploration Commissions with uncollected rewards, we will be adding a "Fairy Assistance" feature (temporary name). Once you meet certain requirements, you can hand over these missions to Fairy and receive all the uncollected commission rewards after a set period of time.
2. While exploring the "Monitor Array" the automatic accelerated playback, when enabled, will not be interrupted by other events. Additionally, the animation playback speed for some events will be increased, providing a smoother gaming experience.
3. A "Preset Lineup" feature will be added. You will also be able to choose whether to include Bangboo in your lineup for battle commissions. The lineup controls before the "Shiyu Defense" will also be optimized.
4. The entrance location for Agent Training will be adjusted, and repeated combat stages will be added, making it easier to access training and familiarize yourself with Agent-specific controls.
5. After reaching a certain Inter-Knot level, a feature that allows you to freely change the time will be unlocked, making it more convenient to adjust the in-game time.
6. Based on your feedback, we have optimized the background brightness in some commissions.

Optimizations expected to be implemented in later versions:
1. Currently, you can only control Wise or Belle in the city instead of other Agents you have obtained. In the Special Program Livestreams of later versions, we will announce our current progress and future plans. Please stay tuned!
2. We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience.
3. We will continuously optimize the interface interaction experience and combat interface UI. All Proxies are welcome to explore the game further and let us know your suggestions.
We've had a couple other guidefags do their own calcs independently and come to the same conclusion see:

I’d spend money on this game but I gotta save for the GOTY, the greatest game ever, GTA 6 (Six)
Lucy > ewkaku / slutcole
>3 second def shred
Lmao, but enough about shit characters like Nicole.
My usual grinding team is Soukaku/Ellen/Nicole
Metafags are just mentally ill
Also no. ATK% is good but they are blowing it way out of proportion by not giving sufficient ATK% rolls on discs.
doesn't seem right, starlight engine is also VERY close
but whatever, everything for that ass
>they don't know about the skibidi toilet meta strat that lets gman boost your sigma status
Here, bro
It's 10 seconds though? How'd you get 3?
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One can only speculate how many innocent men she's violated
>He doesn't realize the 3 sec is refreshing the entire time orb is on field
>He isn't using the alt attack
>He doesn't ALWAYS have orb on field
I rolled Zhu and all I have is E6 Ben…
No because you're a lucklet and won't have the disk drives to make up for her signature's crit.
glad zzz finally realizing shitkaku is clunky dogshit
Should Zhu be 4P ether + 2P crit or the other way round you think?
Her package is pretty good. It's well-defined and the equipment she's wearing further complements it.
Her chest is amazing too. Her moves are fast and strong, and it accentuates her breasts even more. Overall she's 10/10.
>Using prydemonth calcs
This is 2024 Darwin's awards for smoothebrains.
The def shred lasts as long as the black hole. Time it.
Yea that
>EX EX EX Hold
part sounds awful to me. Whenever I do that I feel like my momentum in terms of movement and attack just fucking dives off a cliff. Guess I'll just have to go learn to play her.
The 4PC Ether set is giga broken my man. It’s like 55% crit dmg.
if everyone is bad then whos good
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>shitkaku pedos feeling threatened by the booba metagoddess
love to see it
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All I can say is that she violated at least me.
4p ether is way better
2p can be crit yes
Why did the game fail?
It only hit 70c in battle for me, just turn off volumetric fog
Genuinely: what's wrong with prydwen's guides? They always seemed quite good to me and here we have the same results from other sources
Yuros and Burgers don't like getting SEA's sloppy seconds.
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I feel like I bricked my account getting Cannon Rotor...and that's even calculated at P5
We'll see at the end of the month saar. It'll even be extrapolated to make up for the 4 missing days.
It all started when everyone decided the nickname would be "wuwa"
>Eous is treated like a literal child
>Meanwhile 18 is in indentured servitude and 6’s only purpose in life is to open a door
Why is Phaethon so terrible at parenting? They didn’t even give their natural boos names.
That guys a sperg who has been pushing that shit constantly
The entire game is about full chains so you can just do that and ignore his retardation
Is drinking ether coffee good for you?
4p ether is retardedly op, it's the best set in the game right now
Miyabi will do to Ellen what Jingliu did to Yanqing
Soukaku is invulnerable during EX and she gets damage reduction and anti-interrupt during the hold. It takes getting used to, yeah
Every BP weapon is shit. You were bricked before you began.
lmao she's not even out on american servers and niggas are already acking out ITT
>you will be able to interact with New Eridu's neighborhoods and fight through levels to advance the story's progress from the perspective of the mission's protagonist.
This just seems to me that instead of the tv pov we will be controlling the characters going through the hollows
Thanks, makes farming Zhu and Nicole so very easy indeed...
Soukaku is a pretty slow character. I usually don't bother manually building up her vortex charges since she gains them from chain attacks, but recently I've been parrying into her and then spamming E until I can parry again, and that seems to work well enough
>3 seconds
So would Brimstone be better for ass cop or Ellen? I already have a starlight fully prepared too
my boner
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>ACK incoming
>A couple schizos starting Waifufags wars between characters that serve different niches
I hadn't even notice but the /zzz/ threads haven't been as fucking awful as /gig/ but now I am reminded of what was missing. You people are fucking insufferable.
Saar if we extrapolate our data, we’ve already beaten Genshin
Actual midwit take. You can test it out on Shiyu Defense, retard. Doing full chain is a DPS loss because of Soukaku.
Nobody says the guides are wrong or bad. Their calculations are always complete shit and way off though. They standarise testing apparently, even for her their testing is done with non maxed traces and like 20/50 relic quality. This makes their calcs lean extra on the shit side.
Where's the lust provoking image!!!
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Imagine being dominated by a child less than half your age. Failure as an adult!
no just a 45 years old loser manchild that's too stupid to even know how to groom
his daughter is a definite man-eater though
better to just stop replying when it starts. its obvious when there's some schizo that doesn't know what he's talking about try to start fights with other people
I don't have a picture of (You)
>invulnerable during EX
THAT'S what I was missing. I fucking instinctually dodge or swap when something is coming at me so I was fucking it up. Thanks anon.
Wtf, pedophile game
Here, open wide.
Parry swap into Soukaku (with enough energy), press E 2-3 times then swap back to your stunner.
Stun enemy, do your chain, pass buff to Ellen.

If you're an advanced player, you can bug abuse the daze state to get much more dmg but that'll probably get hotfixed soon anyway.
Even for Honkai star rail* extra shit relic quality makes crit much worse as a stat if you simply don't
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She had the rape whistle. There was nothing I could do.
Starlight on Zhu and Brimstone on Ellen definitely. Zhu's playstyle is really suited for starlight but its not very good for how Ellen plays.
>free coffee is not extra 60 battery daily
bros... my expectations were low but zamn
at least we got 10 refills
Thanks for the explanation, but I see that as a positive, they're normalized so you can tell what characters do better than others with the same gear. I can also see the downfall of it since the absolute peaks may look different, but I'll never get the luck for those kinds of disks anyway.
She's not invulnerable, she just has huge poise and takes reduced damage. You can use it to tank for sure but she's not invulnerable
Yeah, she's invulnerable. Also ignore the other retard. If this game was about full chains, they wouldn't add manual chain and cancel chain in the next fucking update.
Swapping in ZZZ doesn't stop a character's action and there's no cooldown either. Reapplying nicole's shred shouldn't take a lot of your time.
They've migrated here due to cuckposting in /gig/.
No she isn’t. She has super armour and won’t be knocked away but she still gets chunked on higher levels of SU.
>everybody thought Lucy was the Bennett of ZZZ
>turns out it was Nicole
best in ellen team
best in zhu yuan team
best in lycaon/soukaku carry comp
better than lucy in S11 comp

it doesnt, its false information proven wrong

The stan bar is the grey bar, the flashing bar is separate daze bar. Stun timer ONLY starts after you finished last chain attack.
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Me and my gf(new) after eating dinner!
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Thanks bro.
What if the 10 refills were a realization that they fucked up on that event and needed a quick band-aid solution?
Soukakus aoe is so good, you would have to be a slow in the mind not to use it.
she has total invulnerability at the start of her fan swings actually
i have 30 pulls saved. 34 need for S rank agent in the banner. If i lost the 50/50, is it still possible to pull the cop before the banner ends if i play daily. i have also the monthly thing
>THREE second def shred
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>M3 Nicole
Is it worth pulling for Nicole dupes? I already got my Zhu and I don't really want M1 Zhu. But Nicole M6 looks so good...
The super armor is on the hold, not with the EX
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>wrong pic
>billy is the only shit starter
He's getting an alt soon isn't he
Why are you faggots so lazy?
Yikes. Imagine walking for 30 minutes?
It's good if there are lots of enemies around to group otherwise it's just okay since it wastes a lot of time
that's fine, I was expecting them either during 1.0 or 1.1
Only if you're very lucky and get Zhu Yuan early
it's a bug, stun lasts longer if you cancel your chain
>c0 Anby
>c0 Nicole
>c4 Billy
God I hope so, I haven't even rolled for limiteds yet.
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>newfag panicking at no new thread
>too scared to make one
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kU9LBDx0H8
She has i-frames on the fly swat, the super armor is for the fly the flag(the EX hold)
You guys complained about the tv, now enjoy the typical Genshin dialogue bloat and walking for 30 minutes with Fairy being your Paimon LMFAO!
The 10 refills are for people who didn't save any batteries for Zhu and wouldn't be able to build her immediately after finding out they didn't have materials.
I don’t want these spergs in my thread so I’m not going to link it here
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Unfathomably BASED!
Soukaku has a good kit but terrible animations. Lucy and Nicole are leagues ahead of her in terms of supporters.
CN whales have already dropped Soukaku for Nicole in their Ellen teams lol.
>hits skip
yeah not my problem bud
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This but unironically.
If we hit 1000 posts I'm going to fly a plane into Mihoyo HQ
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And? I skip anything that bores me (( doesn't include Ellen))
Gotcha, thanks
Killin meself if true
Yes but we actually have a skip button unlike the other games
I literally tried this last night while doing dead end butcher is SU. I saw him winding up his annoying ass wombo combo so I swapped to Soukaku thinking I could just dodge by spamming EX special but she almost died doing it. (The blowing wind gusts still went through)
its not a but. The only thing that affects duratinon of stun is how fast you trigger chain attack during time pause, and even that basically only makes like 0.5 sec difference.

The ONLY reason not to do chain attacks is if you have hypercarry DPS that can plain do lot more damage with own attacks, than chain attacks of sub party chars can do. But given that chain attacks tied to many char mechanics, buffs, and even w-engines and disks - skipping them is dumb decision in 99% of cases. You stiill have enougth time to do your rotation on stunned enemy after they end.
>Does post shit
And completely discarded whales can just kill everything instantly that shitcoles bad kit won't stick out like a sore thumb for a long fight.
M1 is a massive QoL buff
ATK is overrated because every noobfag thinks they'll have full critrolls on every piece ever, then proceed to cope with sunk cost fallacy when they still don't have good CV after half a year of nonstop "hyperinvestment" into that disk node
cannon rotor saves a fuckton of farming
this is a hoyo game running the same ass hoyo system the other two has
TVs are not going anywhere. They still will be available and new added as content. Just the story missions presentation will change more to Rally format. I love TVs personally and wish they add level editors for them, so players can make and share own maps.
Hoyo do this occasionally, even in genshin.
hey we don't kinkshame here
I have EXTREMELY bad ptsd with women in glass boxes...
> You can make up for Starlight Engine's combat atk buff by simply having the difference in ATK rolls and a higher base damage weapon.
Not really how it works. Combat ATK % is basically a separate multiplier.
Even with a higher base damage, if you have more atk % it doesn't matter because you are adding into the same multiplier that anyone already has anyway, while combat atk % its unique and you can only get it from certain sources.
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Bros... can I make it? I'm in the middle of chapter 2
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Why? Imagine cutting the oxygen flow and seeing Lucy slowly suffocate. That's hot

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