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Previous: >>487408427

>Download: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - "For Display Only"
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X accounts

>Redeemable codes (claim in-game or online) https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>ZZZ's damage formula

>ZZZ stickers
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Also compiling info from leakers:
In 1.1:
>2x Skip mode in TV mode doesn't get disabled after a battle
>Auto/Main chain attack mode (this was already in the Twitter post)
>New Shiyu Defense, 8 floors, clear it once. 200 Poly for each floor, however characters don't have to die instead of clearing it fast
>Hollow Zero "post clear" mode where you can fight the boss no stop to keep earning weekly points

Other official "leaks" here: >>487414428
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
first for the big ass
all cops are breedable
Pubsex won the public with free battery pack and sex.
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where are the sex mods
Ass Cop has the coolest moveset in the game so far
I really like that she actually has some hand to hand attacks
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My beautiful little sister.
who's the next pawg character?
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I think this game fucking sucks. Time to go play a real game I guess
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>other people have opinions different from mine
>50% of A-Rank Signal Reception Rate
I don't believe this, I got like 8 Ben+Nicoles and one other A rank character. Did I luckshit it or is that normal?
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I have not forgotten about Ellen
I will not be rolling for the murderer of George Floyd
All these Nekomata rolls are making me really scared. Literally everyone else is meta or at least covers an important element. She is the only bad S rank option.
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As expected. CN was wrong.
CN theorycrafters are ALWAYS shit for every single gacha out there, so I have no clue where these bugs were coming from in the previous threads, pretending that they would somehow be right about ZZZ.

Zhu's sig weapon is genuinely garbage. DO NOT ROLL. I repeat, DO NOT ROLL. Save for Qinye's W-Engine which is genuinely god tier.
>Hollow Zero "post clear" mode where you can fight the boss no stop to keep earning weekly points
god bless
>2x Skip mode in TV mode doesn't get disabled after a battle
this was confirmed 1.2 in the tweitter post
2x skip mode is in 1.2 you retarded cat and it wasnt "leaked" it was from zzz official on twitter
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>no timer on shiyu
how do I see that "top% of luck" thing you guys keep posting? i can't find it on rng.moe
are fat ass chinese women a thing irl I know they have that whole ideal twig aesthethic thing irl
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Stop insulting me
At least you didn’t get the Kot
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I have been using kot since beginning and Zhu Yuan just show me what attacker supposed to do
>first Zhu Yuan trust event is a hotpot date where you take a presumably couple's combo deal and waits for 2 hours for the food...
but Guobo was one of the people saying that SEAengine was competitive
How do we deal the nyagger problem, zzz?
>CN is wrong
>the trusted source? Someone who disagreed earlier
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I still haven't rolled on any limited banner. Qinyi and her WE will be the first limited banners I roll on.
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>other people have opinions different from mine
Thats not allowed in New Eridu. Hold up your opinions where I can see them, citizen!
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We LOVE cats here
She's the yanking/qiqi of this game. Every banner needs an ultrabrick otherwise dodging it wouldn't feel as good.
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being nicole's paypig...
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Co-op like Genshin when? I want to go into someone's elses bedroom...
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based same
lolibaba cunny >>>>>>>> ugly decrepit fat hags
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Because it is? Starlight is great for her. It was the CN/bilbili retards pretending that her sig is like 20-30% better, when its not, because they fucked up their numbers, like they always do
Isnt it as obscure as some random bug eater throwing out some numbers ?
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>I believe my calcs to be correct
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What's her best cope ball?
Same, but I'm saving for RAT, might go for M2 instead of WE
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is PEN a good stat
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rate my luck
GODlight engine
I got Ellen and her bangboo but no weapon how bricked am I?
What about Koleda
I barely see her being used in teams
>n-noooooo, don't trust the CN calcs, me and my westoid friends "calced" (copied from prydemonth) everything! we are the true mathematicians!
hmmmmmm, nyo. I think I'll believe CN here.
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Nvm, 30 rolls later lmfaooo
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Now that the dust has settled, what do we think about Zhu Yuan?
haha yes belle, that's it, we're all so gullible, she never pays us back and that's all there is...
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Been a good minute since I visit the thread. Neko becoming the Yanqing of the game was obviously coming a mile away but why are we calling her Kot?
Wtf is a Kot?
kill yourself
fuck you subhumans stop trying to ruin ZZZ by turning it into unplayable MMO trash
other players always have malicious intentions and can never add anything positive
multiplayer is always worse in every way than playing alone
fuck multiplayer as a concept
>2 Amillion
no (yes)
also more universal than elemental dmg bonuses so thats something to consider if you ever wanna use the discs on a future character
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You are rolling exclusively for loli, right anon?
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How fertile is neko?
What do I need to upgrade for Zhu Yuan first? What skills.
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it was just shitposters. everybody else already knew this, but some anon dug up some retarded chinese CC who flubbed the numbers to 'prove' otherwise lmao
Worse than elem dmg, better than def/hp
good as a cope I suppose until you get specific elem disc.
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she's the qiqi of the game you filth
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Before you complain about your rolls consider that your account could have been filled with bear balls
here you go zoomer-san
Zhu Yuan is really fun
No, I love all women sizes and shapes, and I pick my favorites based qualities other than just body type.
take care of yourself
love you aryans keep trying to save ZZZ by turning it into playable MMO treasure
other players never have malicious intentions and can always add something positive
multiplayer is always better in every way than playing alone
love multiplayer as a concept
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i guess i'll try to get the rat and play
zhu yuan/nicole/anby and grace/rina/rat
>is obsure CN guy is wrong!
>because this obscure westerner said so!
unironically banned on gaybanana so you'll have to look at other sites
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What did the advertisers mean by this?
kot is slav for neko
stop orb posting...
at least 2 litters a year, her C6 specifically declares that cat thirens get "animalistic" when prompted
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>deletes the rentry from OP
>people don't do new threads in time anymore
Why did you guys remove the rentry link? baka
they are working on it allegedly
Any ideas on what elements are the upcoming homos?
Kot and S-tier pokeball in 1 was good but otherwise feels meh.
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Continue the Belobog bloodline.
i want more polychrome for standard
Any new codes?
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>mindbreaks the west
>was busy yesterday so I didn’t do my three trust hangouts
I’m bricked…
>guobo says SEAengine is good
>guobo then says "I fucked up my calcs"
wake up
Yep those are your best teams to aim for thats actually reasonable. The only thing you could try to do is grab Qingyi too. But thats much riskier.
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90 pulls and got max Nicole, Max Ben, Anby dupe, Billy dupe, Anton dupe, Nekomata and Zhu. Not bad, don't think I'm going for her weapon though.
But I want the bear balls, getting ben dupes and dupes for his weapons is the only reason I am rolling in these banners
did they finally stopped with the Ellen shilling?
They are looking at HSR's qols features.
PEN%? Yes. Flat PEN? Nyo.
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your move anons
>has to make up fanfiction
ive been skipping them cause fuck asking ben or lyca to go out on dates
why is this guy always getting into a fight with other calcers? didn't gacha smack BTFO him a while back?
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>corin IK avatar
>corin namecard
>corin as a playable outside of combat
Based dev.
I'm rolling zhu because I accidentally got the weapon while trying to get ben's sig. There doesn't seem to be another ether attacker for a while, so I just say fuck it.
I hate the fact that you I have to put Zhu after Nicole to be able to quick assist after her ex attack. I want dps in middle and support as last
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got Kot but honestly i'm desperate for any decent 2nd attacker since outside of Ellen this game decided to give me only Koleda, Lycaon and BOTH their engines
will Kot work on a Koleda, Nicole team and can she cope with Billy's A rank sig?
>HSR's qols features.
Not playnig the game?
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So you're rolling for the lolibaba robocop with interchangeable body parts, good
I don't fucking give a shit how much damage the statball gives.
Post how her hair glows instead NOW. Please.
Anon I have pulled 13 of them
There is literally zero use for more than 5, there isn't even another defender to equip them on
Sometimes lucky
is there police officer bangboo I can get since rolling for loli cop and ass cop?
>muh cn
IWTL is some sort of hapa so he's unbiased and therefore is correct.
Seth is electric defence, Haramusa also seems like he's electric and Lighter looks like a physical but we'll see.
she plays with my balls before abandoning them for those of a bigger male
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>4 more fucking hours
Jesusss fucking christ
how did they decide this release time
>SEAengine vs whale orb
who would win?
Respecting the player's time. If you want to play HSR you go do the endless farmable content, ZZZ should go the same route.
4 hours until I can pull for mommy, and try to get her in-game I guess too
Of course there is, for future defenders
>will Kot work on a Koleda, Nicole team and can she cope with Billy's A rank sig?
Kot wants Piper if you have her. Stunner are suboptimal, because it restricts your huge buff to Nicole's assists.
4chan is an mmo buddy
make sure to livestream your suicide
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It will work just fine, though you'd want to get a starlight engine instead of Billy's sig. Starlight engine is just way too good on most DPS. Especially with someone like Nicole as the support.
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Nyahahaha thanks for the tapes proxy
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forgot print mb
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>makes retards seethe for no reason
kek. f2p keeps dabbing on the paypigs
Coming in 1.1
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its ok when zzz gets its chiori i will be winning
Which calcs do I trust? C1 better than M1?
Neko doesn't care about stunners she wants to dodge
Reminder that the west has been wrong about every single meta in both HSR and Genshin.

I'm trusting CN mathAUTISTS
Just wait for Caesar.
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>SAARlight engine
Use your Saarlight engine. Do not redeem.
Since I also got kot and now c6 Nicole, I guess I should level my Piper?
What's the idea with her, just building anomaly?
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Atashi wo yonda no nya~?
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keep seething
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When are we getting our Acheron character who lets us skip battles?
>Neko becoming the Yanqing
>she's the qiqi of the game
man you niggers are so incredibly bad at the game hooly
should I roll for Resonaboo or is Devilboo good enough for the Zhu team?
wait you get 3 a day?
I kneel Jaltergod.
Apparently Electric Defense, Electric Attack, Fire Attack
>bragging about rolling a cop without her partner
lolifags have no souls
You don't, you wait a couple of days, maybe a week, so that the retardation dies down and a concensus is reached. If you're just looking for validation to go and get the policeball just go get it.
Reminder that the chinks has been wrong about every single meta in both HSR and Genshin.

Trust the western mathGODS
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I failed to get Ellen... I really don't want to spend money to get her...
I guess I'll be saving for Qingyi
There is an absolutely gigantic stat difference between A-rank and S-rank bangboos, it's better to use an S-rank one of the wrong element than an A-rank
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Please don't refine all your starlight engine dupes, save one for Billy at least.
>20 pulls saved because shark orb took forever to drop
Am I fucked?
today was the day that negromata almost buck broken me yhdn
How do you even get dupes of starlight engine?
Is the banner up on NA?
Thanks, more bros to support my electric bro
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she calc'ed?
>Trust the western mathGODS
name 5
NPC ass design.
4 hours bwo
BASED brobwo
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What is this racial profiling?
Only trust western CC who basically repost CN mathGOD.
He’s a diaperfag from Indonesia, unironically
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Personal quest seems to be a bit random? But I like it so far.
i'm getting skillchecked on shiyu def 14, I feel like someone better than me has already cleared with my teams. I think I'm losing a lot of time to chasing down mobs, but I can't seem to group them up well enough with my current roster. I can't even stand there and spin with piper for the second side because everything starts hitting like a truck and I go down if i take too many hits.
Side A: Rina/Corin/Anby
Side B: Lucy/Piper/Koleda
its just retarded that brainlets are treating it as the 2nd coming and using it on everything when its kinda mid
She looks a lot better in cutscenes where you can see her smug cunnybaba gestures
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The only western theorycrafter worth listening to is Gacha Smack
amillion is the highest DPS bangbrick in the game retard
This, the multiplier is crazy. I have 3 eyes of the prey cones in HSR and it's still sometimes not enough, this will probably be the same
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I knew she was for me when every time I saw her in Sixth Street at random events I'd instantly take a dozen photos
I don't care about any other character anywhere near as much
You need Ellen Lycaon Oni
You can buy copies from Box galaxy(The wengine shop at sixth street). You can also just roll for more copies of it.
albert einstein
Thanks bwo
>TV at the final chapter
Ruined the whole thing for me
My Ellen is using it.
What do I give to another DPS (kot)?
Why is this fat tailed shark the only one with alt outfit?
Half of us haven't even rolled yet anon.
>using it on everything when its kinda mid
Name a better option that isn't paying money or precious rolls for literal stat sticks
craft a second one
>she's still using Saarlight Engine
AHAHAHAHA, imagine not having sig + brimstone by now, holy bricked account AHAHAHAHAH
Corin is just that bad against mobs, you'd unironically fare better with Billy.
weren't the chingchongs saying seth was physical?
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I won't roll sig because i don't have enough dennies and exp mats to upgrade
What's the purpose of the lock-on mechanic when you already automatically lock on with all your attacks? It's basically impossible to destroy random crates if an enemy is alive and the crates aren't between you.
For every banner with 20 pulls you're fucked 88% of the time. Not factoring the 50/50.
i did it kotbros
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There are so much typos in the new event and Zhu Yuan's trust events
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I'm running out of EVERYTHING.
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You need to roll for both of them. QIngyi is even wingmanning for (you)
I'm F2P and I only roll characters when I can afford them + weapon + tip.
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that's creepy...
Just got Zhu Yuan.

She's...bretty good.

Her current optimal team is also extremely f2p friendly.
I have two of them. Should I level both for the shark maid and booty cop or rank up just one of them? I will only be left with blue cope ones if I do that btw, but for some reason I really dislike leveling two of the same kind.
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the new meta Grace team will be her + lolicop +rrat?
Cow Rina skin...
> Having to keep 2(at least) copies of the same weapon
Saw that coming, still feels bad
just pay up for batteries and farm it fool gweilo
Not that starlight engine isn't good or anything, but the calculations are assuming 100% of your damage is dealt within 12 seconds of a chain attack, whereas Brimstone and Riot Suppressor just have 100% uptime
so many*
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bretty good
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Nah, thats normal.
I wish we had actual dps charts instead of these upvotes.
stat rolls aren't random so that's as good as it can get
Riot Suppressor bros, should I be using ATK% in slot 5? I feel like our ATK stat will be pretty low if we go ether dmg%
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the angry Nicole posters are my favorites
i got the cop lady she's really hot
she's the only unique design in this game that you dont get for free
I regret choosing the sister.
who wonned
who lostted
same, just a DPS meter in training mode would be nice
Imagine the kegals...
Only Genshin could ever...
Reminds about the fact that Genshin has multiple puncher/brawler characters but they don't have any pugilist weapons, so they just gave them the mage weapons.
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but you need to build crit rate for those
It's fine for that slot, would be a waste to dismantle
>Knot City
>Likes instead of payment or numbers
bros, kojima won. Now we just need to get mihoyo to understand that instead of money, they should receive likes for pulls
/zzz/ told me crit rate mainstat could get crit rate substat, is this real? i haven't seen a single piece with same substat and mainstat aside from maybe flat atk hp or def on 1 2 3
Wow, chain attacking every 12 seconds or less. Chat, is this even possible?
Based robot. She is probably tired of that hag complaining about being single every day.
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>implying saarlight engine even comes close to GODvonius weapons
>ongoing battle
Saarlight users vs Signature rollers
it's the ultimate and final brick
What disk sets should I farm for Koleda, Lucy and Piper team?
Is it Nicole and Anby? Please say yes
What teams are you running until then?
no its not real
>Zhu Yuan is 175cm/5'8 tall
You're taller than her, right anon?
i'm taking the robot home instead sorry
Yeah it's not like most commissions include sequences of running between groups of enemies with enough downtime for your buff to wear off
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>/zzz/ told me crit rate mainstat could get crit rate substat, is this real?
no, it's old outdated info
NerfGODs wonnered bigly.
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I did consider it but I decided for this game I want to roll for girls AND their weapons. I can't realistically get both cops and their WEs unless I use THAT and Qinyi makes my dick harder than Zhu Yuan does.
Yes, but replace anby with robocop after 1.0
zhu yuan...
Since there are no girls here probably everyone is taller than her
Nekomata is not bad, she just requires more investment and a specific team to actually work
Yes. Nicole is gonna be her BiS until another Ether Support character is released.
>All 50
You didn't clear
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What a failure
>I want to roll for girls AND their weapons
why cuck yourself over 20% damage? weapons are omega low iq bait bro
he's in beta already
kotted or knotted?
Let go of the 5 content creator's dicks you're giving handjobs to before you type over here.
So chain attack again? Half of any characters kits is related to chain attacks.
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Why is she so pissed?
Please fuck my workaholic daughter.
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fogor the pic
Will ZZZ ever top BA?
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Shill me on qingyi. I lost 50/50 and went kinda so deep that i can only get zhu yuan or qingyi.

>have lycaon
>have koleda

reason to roll for qingyi? without zhu
>be happy that I got Lycaon's w-engine
>realise that it reset my pity counter
I... don't know how to feel...
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bwo your sharkball?
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The A ranks in her banner are all pretty useful
Bros out game is losing to a shitty auto battler how can this be happening
Get Zhu. Just trust me on that.
>have lycaon
>have koleda
You lose a lot of the value Qingyi would bring to you
Did you use Luckyboo on the Kot team?
She's just a stunner, will be universally good, especially with elec units. DPS is probably the most important things for now though if you want ease of use in higher difficulty content.
Did we just get NTRed?
I hope they complete the anby curse by making her rate up for Qingyi
I still cant get over Nicole not being the face of ZZZ, some higher up really hated her
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You know why.
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Not sure if I should be mad that this was my 9th multi pull. At least it's not a third wolf. What are some fun kot teams?
To be fair, punchy mages is a thing
Qingyi is better
/zzz/ is full of actual retards and shitposters spreading misinformation. you are better off going literally anywhere else if you want actual information.
I ended up getting 4 fucking copies of Piper on Zhu's banner bringing her up to the full C6. I legitimately cant justify pulling Rat this time around now even though im sure she's going to be broken meta.
Going to pull Qingyi to go alongside Zhu and take a break until 1.3
>Dupe Lycaon at 80 rolls
>Zhu Yuan at 100 rolls
M1 doesn't really seem necessary if you saved enough Bullets/Energy for Zhu Yuan's 10s burst window
Redpill me on Zhu Yuan. Must I roll or save for robocop or rat?
I’ll be playing BA on my PS5– oh wait…
175 is 5'9
I'm saving for all the cops. I'll get it on her rerun so I don't have to roll Miyabi
Important tip for any cop rollers, her melee combo (and therefore her stack generation and damage) varies quite significantly depending on when you mix in movement between shots:
>Hits 4 and 5 generate one ammo each
>Moving after hit 1 skips ahead to hit 3, so your damage ramps up faster
>Moving after hit 5 loops back to hit 3 instead of doing her finisher, so you can infinite loop her combo and keep gaining 2 ammo per loop
i use bangvolver because of sunk cost ( i rolled him first) but luckyboo might just be better
Fuck yeah I love Anby, Nicole is cool but her fully charged EX feels finicky even after rebinding it to make hitting WDSAW easier to proc it
>GODmeru craftables
>FonKINO craftables
>GODotype Amber
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chain attack?
Let's go
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It feels like she really should’ve been.
>Leader of Cunning Hares
>Game’s mascots are based on rabbits
Just seems right
Kot, Piper, Lucy is a great team
probably half of CN players are shorter than her so I think it works as advertised
oh based. I hope he does at least ben tier damage
Supposedly it just extends her rotation but you should be able to generate a few more shells while in stun window IMO, it reeks of whalebait
>they just gave them the mage weapons
Catalysts are just the talisman type weapon for all sorts of gameplay, that's how it has been for a while
>sanic fast but is half asleep all the time
ellen's beastman power isn't very useful
How good is C6 Nicole?
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>Fishing for more Nicoles after Zhu Yuan
>Got Grace M1 20 pulls in
>I can guarantee the rat

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lost the 50/50 for ellen but got an M1 rina now and then got ellen in a few more pulls. I still have around 15k polychromes. the general consensus is not to pull for w-engine due it being a stat stick right? would it be worth going for single pulls? it doesn't seem to change her gameplay. f2p btw.
Oh, that's actually kinda worse since you'd have to go out of your way to dodge counter during enemy uptime (which is worse than using a defensive assist) and would have to make sure your support was always last in your chain attack to get the quick assist after a stun
>Team 1: Lycaon, Corin, ???
>Team 2: Zhu Yuan, Nicole, Anby
What should I put in Team 1? I was using Nicole to fill up that space till now.
Imagine getting eyed up by Zhu Yuan's mom like a piece of meat. A young man of seemingly good moral character in his prime who just happens to also be acquainted with her daughter. Her desperation for grandchildren fueling her incessant calls, pestering her about her relationship with (You), while also coincidently bringing up marriage, her age, her rapidly approaching 30s. She gradually imprints on Zhu's subconscious to see (You) as her future husband and the father of her children.
Free crit rate is always good
Her M4 also makes her CC way better
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Eous should be the mascot, bangboos are the life and soul of this game
don't tempt me faggot
loli game
you lost
5'9 is the ideal height for women honestly.
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>no ass cop agent story was added
I paid top dollar for her Hoyo WTF
I'm 165 cm..
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She isn't built well yet
If you wanted to maximise Ellen you'd want her M1 more than her weapon, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Felt the same way while playing Genshin, nothing.
I am one myself. It feels awesome and I hope there will be more. Death to trannies
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oh shit I did another 10 pull to get my nicole to m6 and got zhu yuan m1
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OH NOO not the HECKING 17 yr old PIXELS
fuck off back to re-ddit
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>who like cute characters, but people who will unironically fuck characters like Piper, Lucy or Corin if given the chance
Anyone that doesn't have rock bottom T would fuck any of those if given the chance and blow the hardest 5 nuts in their lives.
>rolling for weapons
lmao even
How are we feeling about all of the furry pandering in this game
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ESL here, is cunning an actual word used in conversations? At first I thought it was people joking about cunny and Nekomata
bro, you play genshin, all of our Loli's are 16+
bwo you're substats?
179cm, so I’m barely taller.
She’s honestly really tall for a woman.
>>Hollow Zero "post clear" mode where you can fight the boss no stop to keep earning weekly points
Completely worthless unless beating the boss auto-completes the shitty missions
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I'd marry Corin in a heart beat.
What the fuck, Zhu Yuan's M1 literally double her dps? I'm jumping ship, so sick of dupes locked characters
Jewish game
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They call me copfucker

qingyi is probably the best stunner in the game when she release. BUT she is just a stunner which mean you still need dps character .

rat seems going to be fotm character as she is kinda cracked piper upgrade and going to be dish out best dps in the game when she release
>because that assault can crit
No, i'm smaller
I got M3 Nicole on the way to getting Zhu after 5x10 pulls. It's not worth try to get her to M6 is it?
supposedly it makes her almost as good for zhu as lucy c0 lol
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Dude you are on 4chan... hello?
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I'm 190
Zhu Yuan can easily weave in dodges during her attack strings
Not used often but not obscure either.
Eugh, I'm sharing this thread with manlets

jk I'm 165 cm lol
Fellow esl here, it is, it just means clever asshole
I'm a slave to little girls and they own my soul...
I don’t have an issue with people liking characters like Piper, Lucy or Corin. It’s when people like characters such as Klee I find it disgusting.
>can't afford Zhu
>don't care for lolicop, plus I need a second DPS
>the rat is a Piper upgrade, except I already have her C1 and I don't have Grace so she's useless
>the Section 6 hags look ugly and NPC like
>Miyabi looks boring
Am I really rolling standard only until Caesar and Zhu's rerun?
It's good enough for this babby game anyway.
Only retards and gambling addicts roll for weapons. I at least hope you're the former because it can be cured (with a lot of effort)
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source your ass right?
modular weaponry is sexo
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I'm 171
even Nicole is that tall
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Fucking lame that they didn't give Koleda an uniform model, i was looking foward to taking pictures
you watch movies? Hollywood is also full of pedos
Yes, it means clever. Rare in conversation, see more in books.
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is it a translation gaff or do they realize "ask you out" has a date/romantic connotation
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Save for the vtuber lolis, like me.
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Didnt lose the 50/50 I suppose, but still sucks
Agreed, nobody has ever wanted to fuck Klee. That never happened!
Do I need fat cop ass dps if I already have Ellen and S11? Should I wait for a support?
“Having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion.”
Didn't know Gnomes liked gachas
Do we know which A ranks will be on Qingyi and Rat's banners?
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For me, it's big Shark butt
I will roll but in all seriousness the game is shit and I won't build her
hm just noticed after posting too, huh
NTA but as your screenshot says, it will effectively double her damage in non-burst situations because it gives her 6 ammo every time she does a chain attack, equivalent to looping her melee combo 3 times
It's basically the same thing they did with Ellen, whose M1 also gave you a bunch of extra charges while skipping her combo
I think I got mixed up when reading passives: Ellen wants a Crit Rate disc in slot 4, not Crit Dmg, right? Since her passive already boosts crit damage?
Too overdesigned, especially the middle one, random fucking hairpins and stickers everywhere
I only like the robot but you know for a fact they'll have her in a human form most of the time so what's the point?
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Don't ever use my Paimon to shitpost ever again
Zhu Yuan's Mindscape 1 is incredibly unique and does more for her than can be represented in calculations accurately. This Mindscape allows Zhu Yuan to gain the quick reload effect after using her Chain Attack or Ultimate, granting her an immediate refill of Shells after she uses her entire stock. The quick reload effect will refill 6 Shells when gained through her Chain Attack and 9 through her Ultimate. The impact of this Mindscape is threefold:
it allows you to completely ignore the need to build any Shells prior to any of Zhu Yuan's burst rotations as she gains an additional 6 per Chain Attack used bringing the total granted per chain to 9,
it allows Zhu Yuan to fully reload her Shotgun Shells after executing any full Burst rotation where her Ultimate is present granting you 9 Shells to use as you see fit while you prepare for the next Stun Window (refer to Mini Burst Rotation to how we recommend using these),
it drastically improves Zhu Yuan's ability to deal with inferior enemies granting her near endless ammo as you can continuously use Zhu Yuan's Chain attack on all easily stunnable small fry enemies you come up against.
Zhu Yuan can gain both Quick Reload effects at the same time allowing her to consume them back to back to recover 15 shells total (They stack and do not overwrite each other).
How exactly do anomaly characters fit into teams? I guess they go into the support slot since the stun and dps roles can't be swapped?
Mid Yuan status?
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thats mostly genshin trauma speaking, when its the star rail system 75/25 its fine, I've rolled wep for every DPS in star rail and had no issues affording what I want, we're gonna get a bunch of dogshit male banners in ZZZ anyways between the 2 cops, miyabi and the rat, plenty of time to roll for weps if you have some luck + pay up the monthly 15$ fee, I rolled ellen wep and I'm happy with how her hair glows in combat
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why is nobody talking about these p2w packs?
Yeah put her on high heels and it's actually over for most men. Why did Mihoyo make her se fucking tall?
Clara is definitely the most sexualized honker
>incredibly unique
It just gives her free stacks. What the fuck are they on about?
It is good though.
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>Oh, that's actually kinda worse
Every time you trigger a stun do Zhu's chain attack first and finish with Nicole so you can Quick Assist off Nicole's chain. It works fine

I have my cope Zhu and Ellen (C0M0) on roughly equivalent cope gear and I'm trying to compare them. They seem pretty similar in output except that Zhu has less uptime because of bullets so these tests probably favour Zhu a lot because it's a short burst period
Here's Zhu...
Zhu Yuan's ass is unironically too fat for her body
she looks like she has scoliosis
Give me ONE SINGLE reason why banner releases are staggered depending on the server on every single hoyotrash game. It makes no sense whatsoever.
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I'm only really interested in the robot too. I think shes going to be just in her robot form, its the main focus of the concept art and what she is in all the actual art. The human form is just her vtuber model I think.
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Cope, Klee is sexy
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huh S11 on that enemy clears just as fast as Ellen
because westerns gweilos are second class citizens
It's so all the streamers can catch the banner on time of release
Why is Zhu Yuan so tall?
I'm actually wondering who the fuck to roll for.
I got kotted, and one option is to try to find 50 rolls in 3 weeks for another DPS character, or to save for something else.
Meanwhile I don't care for the robocop, since I have Koleda and like her a lot, and it seems like there is not much point in rat since I have a lot?
Literally have to wait for idols, I guess.
because china>western queers
simple s's
She is 5'9. And it's not even that tall, she should have been 5'10 at least.
This is the furry and pedo game, so I'm not sure what you were expecting.
whales need all the help they can get
can you imagine having to level up every agent in the game + their signature engine?
dawei is so generous
Is Asscop out on NA
I concede+agree that's pretty jewish, I don't like Ellens c1 affecting her gameplay so much either
It works fine, it's just more stuff you have to remember and always execute in a highly specific way whereas the S11 or signature engines just work without using your brain
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>Here's Zhu...
And here's the cope Ellen comparison
That's only because endgame right now only wants Ice/Ether, so people would rather use Ellen/Anomaly teams, and now Zhu Yuan. Once the Sons of Calydon chars come out, endgame will favor Fire teams
I'm 188cm I can manhandle Zhu Yuan like she truly wants
i'm fine with sharing the game with pedos and furries but i draw the line at cop fuckers
fucking copaggots make me sick
You’re like a small ruler’s length taller than her dude, no you can’t
I think she's fun as fuck. She might not scale well, but at the low level we're at right now in the game she's fine.

2nd best stunner in the game. She's good by default.
Smug little onahole.
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theres only 1 male banner tho lole
Because most ppl are f2p? Do the math, you have a job to afford that, after all.
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>"I don't need ether chips, I'll just grab a different coffee"
>this pops up

So .... is the "free" ether coffee an ADDITIONAL free cup, or are they trying to fool me into picking a coffee I don't want?
So let's see
>M0 = huge nuke
>M1 = fixes her regular dps allowing a more normal attack playstyle like Ellen
Is my impression about Zhu Yuan right or wrong /gig/?
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>it wasn't an edit
this game is B A S E D
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is she just potato Kokkoro? i quit genshin way before she came out
It's not additional, if you pick it you can't get a second cup
Anyone have webms of Qingyi and rat gameplay? I want to share with a friend
joke's on you, kot is a staple in my team

Roll for who you like. Copass seems ok choice because we won't have another ether dps soon meanwhile other character can use as a cope qingyi > anby , jane doe> piper.
M1 just extends her burst damage window in my (admittedly limited) experience with it.
you only get one coffee a day like a limp wristed prissy fagboy
I've never played Genshin. Is Qiqi a strong or weak character
How long until ass cop for NA?
for me the brick is lycaon, I would never build him out of disgust
I want the knot...
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1.1 #3 is ugly
1.2 first one ugly or male, last one male
1.3 only must have is miyabi, 2nd one is mid and 3rd one looks annoying, plenty of time to save

only must haves are miyabi/thighs loli/rat
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About 3 hours and 15 minutes
No, they basically work the same.
M0 Ellen: Needs to charged dash attack to gain stacks to do 2/3 of her damage
M0 Zhu Yuan: Needs to loop her melee combo to gain ammo to do 2/3 of her damage
M1 Ellen: Can just basic dash attack, or charge dash for double stacks, making her rotation much faster
M1 Zhu Yuan: Can gain an extra 6 stacks on defensive assist or ult, making her rotation much faster
>Is Qiqi a strong or weak character
Weakest character in the game by far
Except she got one (1) strong meme team a few weeks ago
She's relatively okay for low level but as soon as you're a little bit built up she's entirely useless
I'm 174cm Zhu Yuan can womanhandle me like she truly wants
She's an Ice healer in game where you can dodge and ice is kinda ass so pretty weak.
>full combo can't even stun from 38%
she kinda looks like a brick....
weak as hell but due to being a healer with high cost burst, its a bad comparison.

Zhu doesn't need M1 though because at M0 i think she is already fine as generate bullet. better than ellen.

For Ellen man.. her m1 is huge difference in QoL gameplay.

>i have m0 and decide to go for ellen
>i have m0 cop and not going to m1 anymore
so she could reach the lips of her hero
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>unlocked all wallpapers for the agents I have
>this is still my wallpaper
Maybe, but my girlfriend is 157cm and I can assure you she gets manhandled
>shortfags seething over a police woman being fairly tall
That's too be expected. She can't be looked down to much
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Don’t trust the numbers on a private server.
>unique design
>basic dyed haired asian bitchface with fat punkbitch accessory
this lol, Belle is too cute, i can't betray my imotou like that
>2nd one is mid
>Miyabi is a must have
Tasteless metafag
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>"big" shark butt
All the agent wallpapers are boring as fuck, they literally just stand around in a gray parking lot the fuck
>lv 0
>no discs
>no engine
>no skills leveled
gee i wonder
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I'm literally judging purely off aesthetics/looks, miyabi is what drew me to this game
Koleda over Anby in my Zhu Yuan team?
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In the end, your little sister really is the best.
yes, goth maid with a shark tail
show me another similar design in a gacha
Who is that?
She's only good at healing but cannot generate any energy for the team, this was fine before Barbara the first 4* healer.
Now that healers are abundant she is worse than any 4* at C0 even Dori has more uses. Still a fast healer though and copeable with sac weapons.
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no wonder he gets art like THOSE
lycaon, pls
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you know you can get a shortened 3 stack scissor charge off the quick assist right
I believe you. That’s like a long ruler’s length taller so it checks out.
lol lmao
>single player game
What are they winning exactly?
the coffee machine npc has more personality than miyabi
>10 batteries in the mail
>an extra 60 stamina a day for one week
How generous!
zhu yuan QRD for latefags? she doing good? hows the new engine calcs?
Miyabi is the most generic design in this game, it's just another "Japanese beauty katanawoman with fox ears". Do you have any idea how many of those there are?
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Got off my ass and did actual testing on the SD 10 Construction boss to see it for myself.
>Soukaku->Ellen chain
I could only do EX BA ULT EX BA before the stun ran out.
>Solo Ellen
I could fit in the full EX BA ULT EX BA EX BA rotation.
So yeah, the stun timer doesn't actually reset even if the daze bar goes back to 100% when chaining.
c1r1 is the norm to have an actually playable character in jewhoyo games nowadays
I completely forgot that coffee costs 2500 until today.
I think she's the only 5* that actually does nothing at all even if you brick all the way to C6 with her.
Like she does nothing but heal but needs field time to heal in a game where you want to swap your characters to trigger reactions and up until Furina released healing was just cope for not being able to dodge.
In all the years the game has been out nobody has found a way to make her work.
I honestly remember liking her a lot when she was first revealed. Now she seems kinda mid though
Stealing from DaWei is always a win
Maybe so, they are both equally autistic though.
do the brother and sister fuck?
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I hope for your sake they do update her model
Why does Miyabi generate so much hate?
Some characters have really great Mindscapes but Anby's look pretty bad? M1 is slightly more energy regen which she does okay with anyway, M2 is more damage against stunned enemies which isn't her job as well as 10 (ten) % more daze on ex special. M4 is fuck all energy regen for other characters but only if they're electro and M6 is more personal damage but it doesn't look nearly enough to make her a viable damage character. It's like I'm missing something.
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I'm a sucker for dignified stoic bangs beauty with a katana tho, its generic I guess, but absolutely a timeless classic, the coca cola of anime girls
Is Zhu just Corin but with ether and gun?
Yeah because maiden #999 or big faggot fox are so original
even if she does end up a brick, her animations are pretty insane, do you have Jane?
we all knew this bro...
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Nta but Meeb is kinda retarded (like Anby), that alone made me save my pull for her
what a shit taste
refrain from posting it so proudly
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>Now she seems kinda mid though
I wonder who's at fault for that
I can't fucking believe we are having a math drama right now, can't wait for Zajef to join kek
Have you seen her in game model yet?
Belle wallpaper sucks
You should use Nicole's
You don't understand, I WANT the brickcat
That's why I'd rather invest in Wuwa
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How strong is Koleda's anomaly buildup? Would putting her in Grace Anton team fuck up the shock memes for Anton? Should I just leave Anby in Shock team and put Koleda with Zhu and Nicole giving up on her faction/element passive instead?
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you could just say you want to bang medabots its fine anon
girl on middle is basicly just schoolgirl with few more fluffs (try put her in BA she doesn't look too out of place) while their leader looks like this but still nowhere near overdesigned by gacha standards
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let that ass to the camera pose stay PLEASE
feels like a general stat stick giving crit and another buff you have to manage

do you have a lot of disposable income and want to suck daweis fat cock? go ahead, if not, just use starlight or s11 sig if u have
>20 Pulls
>Nicole C1
>Ben C1
>Pity at 45 now

Yeah its time to stop now.
bwo your clorinde + skyward blade?
i rerolled for hours just to get the cat
interesting choice to make her so understated and down to earth, usually the 5* are the wacky over the top ones so they aren't overshadowed in personality by the 4*
Your poll results are irrelevant when the game itself says MIND 01, MIND 02, etc
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>that idle pose
I was under the impression that she was a young teenage girl, but now she seems like a grown ass woman, not sure if anything changed
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I respect her unique beauty quirks
She's a good healer, but you don't need more healing than 4*s can already do in genshin.
You can also just heal at open world checkpoints or by food
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input error, I just wasn't too fussed for a scrappy test
anyone but kot anyone but kot anyone but kot
You have to use special attack for ZY's signature, what are you talking about? If anything Starlight is easier to use
nobody asked
If I have like 50 pulls right now (with probably around 50 more at least to get from this patch), I should be able to guarantee my rat Kafka just fine right?
cant believe anons say Ellen has a basic bitch design while this mess of a character is what they call kino

unlucky I share a board with these tools
How fast is the shock buildup on Anby? I want the bonus disorder damage every rotation but that's just impossible huh. I know she's a stunner but yknow
We have retards in this thread swearing that it's fine as long as the bar doesn't turn grey yet.
Soukaku->Ellen is comfy so I wanted to be certain, since you can just EX twice with Soukaku without holding, before switching to your stunner to stun.
It turns out, they're full of shit and the timer still goes down.
>lycaon is clearly made for female SI
>gets drawn with wise
>*literally any female agent* is made to pander to male SI
>gets drawn with belle
Idgi but okay?
seething mindscapefag
Does Zhu Yuan have any hidden inputs?
>people bricking on zhus weapon
lmao imagine thinking westoid calcs are correct
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I can feel Anby holding Zhu Yuan back

Its so over...
Is her tail glowing from her signature weapon? Fuck me, I might have to roll the ball...
If she's your sole fire unit you'll be fine. I struggle to get burns on my Piper, Koleda, Lucy team
There’s no way Zajef plays this game?
Every time he hears the word ‘loli’ it takes 6 months off his life expectancy.
it's C2R1 bro except AlHaitham
>her animations are pretty insane
You can barely see her animations, what you mean is her screen covering vfx and screen shake are pretty insane
By 2.0 these characters are going to look like black desert class trailers
you can dislike katana fox all you want but Ellen is literally a basic bitch.. with a shark tail
i love both, for aesthethics and design + sex ellen (Theres a reason she was the first banner, her design is great) > Miyabi > thighs china loli

for pure sex RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT > zhu yuan > to be decided

not a fan of the other designs until 1.3, simple as
>hundred pulls
>get Koleda'd
welp, back to match-threes, i suppose
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BillyGOAT baybee!
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anbys signature or steam oven for anby?
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She's second half so you have 6 weeks until her banner and another 3 weeks during her banner. That should be enough time.
Is there damage falloff if it comes to distance? Idk if I should be extremely close with zhu yuan when unloading shells or not
>no dennies after leveling all these skills
much better than Saarlight Engine, probably worth since there's no other female attackers until 1.3
Sort of, there's a specific way you want to do her combo to maximise damage and bullet generation since dashing after the 1st or 5th hit puts her into the third hit next
So, you do 1 > dash > 3/4/5 > dash > 3/4/5 > dash > etc. until you have 9 bullets
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No S rank attacker bros, who would be your 2 teams
Do Corin,Knot,Soukaku stun&saw and Piper,Lucy,Koleda disorder works?
>only get 22k dennies for 100 energy
jesus fucking christ, the free coffee is actually generous by this game's standard because it cost you 17.5k a week.
steam thousand times better.
>80 rolls
>30 rolls
>30 rolls on weapon banner
i guess its alright for $100?
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every agent is for both of them
If you also have Ellen you’re probably set for a long time.
there is with grace. i cant help you though, because im a filthy gaijin piggu
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need rat
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Your first mistake was assuming they don't share. All agents are made for both siblings.
yes. get up in their face
You literally have no excuses. Shark Maid and Booty Cop are the first two banners and both are pure sex.
who said this
>mfw I could see Vergil's Lunar Phase and Kick 13 in her attack animation
Bwos... I need her...
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I got 4 dupes of the Vault, is it worth refining them to 5 stars? or should I keep one just in case for some other support?
she doesnt have any motion inputs if thats what youre asking
I honestly remember miyabis boobs being bigger. She seems uglier than I remember as well.
I wish I was japanese
Since you’ve already got the other 2 signatures I’d just refine it personally.
This bag is cool and I want one but idk what to search. What would you call it? A satchel?
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>her screen covering vfx and screen shake
the only thing thats shaking is my hips whenever i see this public sexbot
What the fuck
Who's my third team member?
it is
slice of time is better on others
Why prydwen calcs show M0 Zhu yuan is equal to M6 Ellen is the powercreep that bad
These two retards a few hours ago:
There were others in the previous threads, but I'm not even going to bother with them.
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>Belle was clearly made for Wise
>gets drawn with Wise
>literally any female agent is made to pander to male MC
>gets drawn with Belle
ice queen friends :)
or you know, its the calm before the storm before they really pump out external media promoting miyabi and even a fuck tonn more making the loli idol vtuber group an ACTUAL loli idol vtuber group that streams regularly
Bro... that's called a sling bag...
What? I'm just gonna mash the attack button
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Last time he played it was a week ago
Zhu Yuan flopped...
>seapags seething that they got baited into rolling for a garbage cone
thank you for beta testing retards
>finally gave in and bought the battle pass because Zhu Yuan is a fucking semen demon

What weapon is the best to get?
Is it just me or are A tier characters just not so great compared to S-tier characters? I picked the game up a bit late and aside from Billy who doesn't seem to have an S counterpart in the ranged niche, A characters are very boring to play compared to when I get to mess around with S characters in trials.
Hope we get a proper sword unit with back forward inputs and multiple pause combos like Anby except more complex. Add some aerial juggles for good measure.
Just use starlight engine
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I finally beat Old Capital...
rotor or lip
weapon banners are a scam
is grace actually from koleda's family or is it just a figurative thing? she called koleda's father "uncle"
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>Atk good, DMG bad
Lets be real her signature is infinitely better than the 4* cope cone unless you have perfect artifact rolls
they're all ass
best of the bunch is probably lipgloss but every character would prefer their sig as they have significantly higher stat weights
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He's referring to BP weapons anon
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>doesn't appear in the main story
>still appears from time to time
Now that's a good character check
No one feels left out
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>people calling miyabi a foxgirl when she's clearly modelled after a chihuahua
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What fucking team can I build with these, currently playing lycaon nicole zhu but I have no idea what to use for the other team
Why is she eating cat food..?
>got m1 ZY and her signature and Grace's signature in about 130 rolls
I mean I'll take it
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grace is an orphan that got taken in by her koledas dad
>fucking idiots pull weapons for meta instead of love/style
I facepalmed because this happened 3 times already
Should I get Zhu if I want lolicop?
Yeah, flopped her fat ass on my face!
Zhu, Anby, Nicole
Corin, Lycaon, Rina
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>you get the best wallpaper for free
They really fucked up.
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Fine, go ahead, roll for her W-Engine. You have been warned.
4 star/A rank DPS in Hoyo games are nearly always bad (there are some exceptions to this).
It’s the 4 star/A rank supports that are generally better investments.
No way in their anniversary, you can't win againt BA in JP, we need to fight fire (lolis) with fire, so we may win when the idol faction releases.
Those guys are retarded. The tuber in the link admits he was wrong in the comments after a commenter explains the issues with his test.
So many people got tricked by a fucking grey bar showing "100" that its kind of unreal
This Set SCREAMS Raiden Balenciaga Mei

Burst Bot i guess
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Do you think she ever unloads the gun and masturbates with it?
I'm not the only one who keeps hearing (nipponese dub) "FUR ZE REICH" when asscop does her chain attack, right?
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>he rolled for Chang Li's signature weapon
>he rolled for Zhu Yuan's signature w-drives
>he rolled for Jade's lightcone
All of them are fucking scams
You seem retarded
This game fucking SCAMMED me
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I can't fucking wait for the Belle swimsuit skin
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Guess I will pull the lolicop too.
I pulled the engine while drinking out and don't even remember it.
Is there any reason for non troons to choose fmc here? You spend most of the time talking to the other sibling anyway, I'd rather be talking to a pretty girl than a dude.
No, I don't fuck my imouto
wiwaggots have been dead silent since zhu dropped, after spamming nonstop, very curious
Puffer Electronipples
she masturbates with it WHILE it’s loaded for the added thrill
She fucks me instead
What site is this?
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Asscop is SO much smoother to play than shark it's ridiculous. Glad I saved
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I think she loads the gun and masturbates with it.
Pull tracker from OP
>>he rolled for Jade's lightcone

Only The Best for the best non retarded character in the entire game
who do you think is spreading starlight engine propaganda???
For the star studded banner is that a set pool or is it possible to get new characters from it as well?
Something about Zhu Yuan's 'surprised' face in dialogue cutscenes makes me laugh, I don't know why.
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Bellebros... How do we recover
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>Qingyi is a massive upgrade for Zhu teams, nigh mandatory
>Qingyu's cone is a 35% upgrade over the next best option
>f2ps still rolled Zhu's cone/M1 anyway
>Asscop is SO much smoother to play than shark it's ridiculous
She's not desu, her basic strings feel way more wonky because of how much spazzy movement she has.
Ellen is easy as shit to group and cleave down enemies. Zhu just flies around the place making it almost impossible to properly group enemies for AOE.
I am too busy masturbating to Changli sorry. Ass cop is great as well though
i wish i were even half as cool as lord lycaon...
Me two weeks ago
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is this order correct or should Soukaku be 3rd so that I can swap to ellen after her pulling move? I feel like soukaku would be 3rd
Zhu Yuan has the same height as Adolf Hitler btw
>showed my gf my Zhu pull
>she got mad at me for “playing as a cute girl”
what do
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yeah... haha
F2Ps cannot guarantee Zhu Yuan AND Qingyu AND her weapon. Its too close together.
Why is her face melting?
keep going for Nicole dupes
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We'll never recover from the wild sex, these titties are exactly the right height for Belle.
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Only the 4-star characters are ever added to the pool, never 5-Star characters, it's always gonna be those.
ugh I'm on guarantee not sure if should use yet now for zhu yuan because I know Im going to paypig qingyi if lose her 50/50
Dump her retarded ass
Me too, anon, me too...
If I were Wise I'd get nothing done, I'd be too busy balls deep in Belle all day to run the video store.
>wuwaggots stopped shitposting
>saarlight engine propaganda begins
i'm noticing...
Get a better girlfriend, mine was watching when I got Ellen, Lycaon, and both of their weapons
She wants to watch my Zhu Yuan pulls for good luck and wants screenshots of wipeout ass shots
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Make her dress up as the character to assert dominance.
so when we win best mobile game at the game awards which S rank are we getting for free?
Support assists always lead into the next person in the party so Anby is the one getting all your attack buffs at the moment.
>lost pity to Soldier 11
>got Zhu Yuan with no rolls left
its so fucking over
Guess I am going to cope with Anby instead of Qingyi
How long do you think until a character with a better body than Zhu Yuan appears? She is going to be really hard to beat
>height of a model
>great proportions
>godlike hips and ass
>big tits
Sure, some will surpass her in any one of those individually, but having the whole package is insane.
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Almost all that height difference is just in the legs
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Which would be a fine physical DPS? Piper with her signature W-engine, Billy with 1 dupe with his signature W-engine, Corin with 1 dupe with her W-engine or Nekomata with no W-engine?
>release date July 4th
Am I missing something
why is everyone talking like this game has been out for a year
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Alexa, Play the Qiqi song ~
Skill issue.
delete this. holy fuck belle is getting MOGGED
>if you have longer legs, the height difference is bigger
People die when they are killed.
Are dups used for anything else? I do not trust the game.
did you pick belle or some shit
print zhuyuan face, put it over hers and fuck her ass
she has to combo to access electric unless you start dodge attacking instead of using the parry, build for anomaly
Wtf… Stacy vs Becky
>run out of money for the third time
they really want you to buy the fucking battle pass
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Is this Hoyo's response to Natlan whitewashing?
I am japanese goneechawa
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>height of a model
>great proportions
>godlike hips and ass
>big pecs
Big Daddy has what you want
>rolling for W-engines
Where are you guys getting all this currency? I'm only going to roll for characters I'd rather have entirely new gameplay options than a mild buff to an existing character.
hi Anton
I hope he's not actually been canned and just been pushed back.
your 15 HZ runs?
What should I spend my free batteries if I'm at knot 41
Just swipe bro
Super Billy
fuck off dawei
You can get every character just by spending around $20 a month.
Metafags die if they don't THE MOST OPTIMAL THING 24/7, the favorite for these people is numbers
Imagine the offspring
we are not winning it, lil bro
normies hate us too much
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I want her to police brutality me
What would Mama and Papa Phaeton think of their children's unnatural attraction to each other
I just want a big buff girl...
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Be honest with me anons, how much did you whale for this game? I couldn't see myself spending more than 60+ dollarydoos
The monthly pass is 610 yen, what else are you buying every month?
>shorter by 1cm
I'm going to die.
What role/element would Pigger the Great even be?
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I got it and I'm running out of dennies.
Fuck the police...
So is C1 a requirement for this agent too?
Actual likeable chinese characters... I thought I'd never see the day
With Zhu its just about 100
I bought the BP for $10, that's all I've spent
$80 excluding battle pass and daily pass, so ~$105
They're gone. So that doesn't matter.
What matters is that they have each other.
>don't want cop
>find out my Nicole is c4
Wtf now I tempted to roll cop so I have reason to use Nicole
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I do not believe bangboos deserve rights
I used all my disc upgrade materials on discs that came out fucking terrible
kill me pete
I’m at $31 so far
I WILL swipe if I lose the Qingyi 50/50 though
Pass+BP+ single biggest top up so far. I see myself playing this kusoge long so might as well paypig it
What's the point of giving W Drives fully rendered and animated 3D models if we don't see our characters actually using them?
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>he think it will help him
It takes one million to raise a character from 0 to 50 with everything, compared to like HSRs 450k to fully raise it. The Dennies economy is going to be hell here.
Like $20 for welkin + bp + some smaller bundles, might get some top ups for Jane
Physical Stunner. Bare fistfigher.
1 BP
can you use the upgraded disks as fodder like in genshin?
They should have gone the HSR route and have them be card like collectibles
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>crit set is paired with fucking Ben Bigger's set
Its so fucking over how do I get the 2pc for my DPS
Same, got her and Nekomata hunting for 6/6. Go for it, bwo.
i have 213 limited wishes and the only thing I bought was the monthly
Do you guys actually do Hollow Zero 5x per week
flavor I guess, they look cool

How many characters are you guys building at once??
You can dismantle them but you won't get everything back
Why not buy the monthly pass instead? It's way more cost efficient for half the price.
perfect artifact rolls would make the signature even better
Same as I did with HSR, the battle pass every month + the big topup once a year when the bonus resets
Hoyo should really address if this is a bug or not. Bangboos with Chain Attacks will be less useful because of this, like those elemental Bangboos that gain anomaly up on their Chain Attack. Might as well use Amillion for raw damage.
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...in the ass
just dismantle the def shit and roll more woodpecker on the music gacha
you can dismantle them to get 80% of the exp mats back
Begone hsr nigger you're not welcome here
ben's trial is so shit
Does the timer pause while the manual swap triggers? or does it keep running?
I'm lazy and now i'll have to stare at a stun bar, great
About 3k
I'm not buying it for the rolls, I want the character building resources.
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what does TMI mean? Is this some zoomer lingo?
If you want to be cynical, it's just trying to make one up static pngs or 3d models.
If I did my math right, I should recycle every B disks, right?
They're not all the same speed, much like characters' chain attacks aren't all the same speed, it's just another thing you have to factor in to deciding how good they are
Resonaboo + Nicole both chain attacking combined take less time than Soukaku
ben in general feels like shit, he's slow as fuck and does nothing special
it's a shame, his character is quite cool
They make your hair glow or some shit right?
TMI is older than you
it's boomer lingo
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Recover from what
New thread
Thanks for funding the game gweilo
way to out yourself as 12 yo
I pulled nekomata weapon in the normal gacha, how fucked i am? i don't even have nekomata..
that's millenial (or older?) slang, grandpa.
>hertaschizo woke up
>even using the same thread OP
yikes! make a few more threads to shitpost bro
Only cashed in for the BP + welkin. Maybe I will spend more for the character I REALLY like (Miyaber)
not a single penny
I'm fine with spending money on f2p games but gacha is way too fucking jewish, I can't even guarantee a single character for the price of a full AAA slop game, fuck that
My condolences bwo..
2x Pass, 1 Euro Starter Pack

Whaling depending on the Banners.
When you get "Unlucky" on Genshins Weaponbanner: 2 Supports having the Best Support Weapons and 1 DPS Weapon you wanted and shitload of Fav Bows/Fav Lances for your other Supports.
who has the higher quality womb?
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Two teams so 6 characters and 2 bangboos. It costs 4205000 dennies to level everything in a character to max, most of the money gowing towards skills.
But will you play single AAA game potentially for years?
you can guarantee a single character for free actually
more like zoom zoom, tmi is so old that no one uses it anymore
Should always go Support > DPS > Stunner/Anomaly
I have 6 characters at 40+ and several at 40, upgrading skills is fucking expensive, I can basically just do one or a day for Ellen because I either run out of money or energy
allrounder DPS Stat Stick
Piper if you have the energy, Corin is reliable if you have a decent stunner, Neko without her engine needs good artifacts, Billy can allegedly solo clear so I won't call him shit but it's not looking good.
the saddest words of tongue and pen...
The agent get some sort of buff for six copies, once you get all six you get more of the shop currency when you roll their dupe.
For weapons the passive increases by a small percent with no extra changes, this can be really strong or really weak depending on the weapon.
battlepass + IK subscription only gives 28 extra rolls, does the 10 pack reset monthly?
I only buy welkins and if I'm really hurting I might buy the biggest pack once because without the bonus it's not worth it
Those characters are the same height, Zhu just has bigger hair
I do it more it's fun, you get the artifact mainstat item and item rolls from the store outside for grinding it.
you are bad he can parry without switching and proc burn very quickly with Lucy and I haven't built either of them for anomaly

new thread
Tell her one of the characters reminds you of her. That is now your main whenever she is watching.

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