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>[Patch 3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[Patch 3.25] Major Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities

Prev: >>487391997
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>still no neverstink update
How ASS is the mapping?
>tries out Archmage in normal league
>dies 5 times before level 10

Yep, shit build anons. You can easily skip this one.
can't you just make your campaign filter on filterblade now and have it be automatically updated when the site updates
Is there an alternative to better trading app for firefox? It's been outdated for years
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mealprepped rice+chicken breast+broccoli.
/poeg/, your body is a temple.

>melee league
>every melee skill has its cost increased by 20-50%

Mana management isn't fun, it's the lowest form of game design by people who don't actually want you to have fun.
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he will finish it just before the leaguestart, dumb illyacuck
it's a totem build with no range, you could unironically map better with fucking heavy strike
yes, i am thinking
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so switch to a different spell for maps?
busy hiding some other items this time
maybe i'll get some kebab for launch again
Anyone else regret being a functional member of society this week?

I love my wife, my child, my job. I wouldn’t give them up for the world…… but I sure as hell would ship them off on a luxury vacation and take a week of sick leave if I could.

I’ve been playing the last 3 leagues really just now feeling like I’ve got a grasp on this game and this league has me more hyped than I’ve been for any game in years. What I wouldn’t give to just have a week fully uninterrupted to sit down and no-life the shit out of POE.

Won’t be able to hop on until Sunday after the kiddo’s bedtime since I work weekends. I hope to live vicariously through all of you guys. Here’s to what I hope will be the best league ever!
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what about Consecrated Path of Endurance?

>Play a build I would enjoy
>Play hexblast mines for Sanctum that I have never done before but maybe I will and will maybe make money off of it
Don't. As a fellow dad gamer you can do everything and still have fun while the rest of poeg is already done and whines about having to wait for 3,5 month until next league
New league is around a corner so time to remind you guys few small things ;) 1. Take your time, you dont need to finish campaign in 5h or less. Its ok to do it im 10, 20 or more hours 2. Want to do league mechanic in acts? Cool, do it even if someone said its not worth it. 3. Dont worry if you are "behind", game supposed to be fun, not a race. 4. Be kind! 5. Dont be afraid to ask on global, many of us likes to help 6. Remember that now when you kill bandits you get only 1sp. 7. Most important: Have fun!
WoC is a solid fuck but I dont like it since the removal of Vortex. It was such a nice progression .
its over
bros i need help. whats a good guide for hexblast mines? i actually never played mines and i see people playing occultist, trickster and sabo + token lance doing energy blade. i have no fucking idea whats good and who to follow
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Only go this route if you enjoy sanctum
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Only true part of this post
Reminder quin is leaguestarting this so you should know what that means
i intended to run sanctum yes
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why did BFR set the league during the olympics?
i wanna shitpost on /sp/
How expensive is Death's Door gonna be?
While it is one of my favorite builds that shit is 0ehp dot hell and I would like to kill bosses in a timely manner this time around.
pero pero
they're pretty rare anon
then just follow any of the guides, they all work
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Still gonna try them, I cannot play the same build twice so I need something new.

There's always a chance of a mid-league buff anyway.
fine, then what are the differences between occultist, trickster and sabo for hexblast? your personal recommendation?
>Only true
Warden is VERY weak, the only good node in the whole ass-scendancy is permafreeze and guess what you can just steal it
because most normal people ignore the olympics.
Trickster is fairly tanky, Occultist has access to explosions and Inquisitor will go into tristack later
yeah bro just steal it for 3 mirrors
>guess what you can just steal it
You're not doing that on leaguestart and if we're counting a week in then warden will obviously have a good build
ok sisters, i'm officially baited by manni and jung into playing PS locus mines
it's over
tanky and explosions dont matter for sanctum i think? so theres no real difference between them?
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Don't get tricked by gay crying slam shit bros. Puncture of Shanking Glad will be amazing.
It matters when you start your atlas progression
oh nyo...
im going to live in sanctum for a while so i only really care about sanctum for now
What are you, poor?
Warden has no damage on leaguestart, other ascendancies are way better
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what bait build is pic related going to be?
Anyone remember if dark marionettes take some time to resummon? It's like half a second right?
I'm cooking with Bodyswap of Sacrifice
the warden shock mastery is such fucking bait. even if you're hitting fast enough to get max stacks (you won't) you have to be face tanking or else all those stacks go away as fast as you built them up. realistically you're not getting more than 30% shock on an enemy.
Prosciutto wrapped scallops, olives, kipper snacks, and some cheese and crackers for me. Maybe some pesto and tabouli. Chicken and rice is some fucking pedestrian shit you pleb
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I already answered this post with the previous one
Thought it was like 0.75 or 1.5 sec
I know wolfio had a video about it
you're meant to annoit the curse ailment refresh node with it
it's gonna be good right?
gonna play a practice run today
any link build
I'd literally pay someone to theorycraft a build for me.
The new skills and ascendancies are available on standard?
war cries fucking suck. if they made them instant we could be talking but no fucking buff is worth the investment and manual casting.
it's worth it when you one shot map bosses
Why has no one come up with a solid build using Pyro of sabotage Mines for damage? I get its clunk but don't you only really need it for single target? What about some kind of ele ignite build or totem build?
as long as you know what you're getting into
tested molten strike of the zenith on my old character
molten strike still feels like fucking shit, that delay between attack and actual damage is unbearable
How anyone plans to make a practice run if they can't access the actual new content?
>If you do sanctum league start you don't kill Kitava and finish the campaign
If this fails I'm gonna be so bricked
MS only feels good when geared. Will be solid as a second character, not sure why anyone would want to start with it though
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>doesn't have 2 monitors
i'm still a bit confused about this, how long do people stay in sanctum for - till like level 80?
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Mine/trap players arent men
What's confusing, it gives experience and levels range from ~70 to ~80.
Go Rupture support instead?
i will start rainbow tornado inquisitor, i will push it to ubers, and i WILL have fun
yeah but you lose out on atlas progression, surely you just go in there to get like a few div and then buy gear and do the atlas? otherwise you'd be so far behind
>there is a poe webm that is the exact scene from the anime
you cant make this shit up

yeah I guess :(
snoo your build is trash and you know it
you fucking died in your own showcase in 1 random hit from a blue rhoa
tranimerotten brains
is it in a video? that sounds hilarious
>but you lose out on atlas progression
Ok and? You think it's difficult to catch up when you come out of the sanctum mines with a 1b dps build with mageblood?
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How important is it to spec into maps/atlas progression with your first atlas passive tree? I really hate feeling like I am "wasting" maps by just focusing on kirac and map drops, but it also feels like I'll progress faster and get to my second map faster where I can actually start making money. Not like doing league mechanics in white maps really gets you much money, right?
that's true, i only play mines and traps while my carry is offline to farm him some extra currency.
when he returns it's straight back to aurabotting.
For someone who doesn't watch POE streamers:
1. Why did he invite and then link to a naked witch?
2. How did they nuke their own health so fast?
i mean I'm not saying its good
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Very don't worry about your first page and extra maps that's what your slaves are for in the settlement
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what's a good secondary weapon and skill to go with my dual wielding Varunastra gladiator?
Not anon but that's what I mean, I haven't done sanctum so if I CAN'T make 500 divines or stay awake for 48 hours then I'd be worse off than your average essence farmer
its literally free and its not like you're going to be doing league mechanics and farm currency while progressing atlas
witch made a fake-trade offer
witch linked to streamer
some dumb interaction, witch killed self and streamer died too

fixed some hours later after it went #1 thread on eddit
Dunno if you know, but there are multiple atlas now. Since you get a second one at 50 points of exploration, you can do whatever you want. For ex I went full delve for my first atlas
don't post pictures of me
Are tinctures local or global buffs for the weapon they're on? I assume local. As in, the attack speed tincture mod is just like having an extra weapon mod that says increased attack speed. Is that right?
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>retards point out you can kill HC characters with a link skill and the flask / belt uniques I don't remember what the names are
>goes live
>asks streamer for something since the streamer is well known for helping out people in HC for random things
>does interaction
>proceeds to get it removed hours later despite the community mentioning this interaction for a week
>then I'd be worse off than your average essence farmer
Is that so horrible when you're not competing?
his smile and optimism: gone
it applies to the weapon, yes
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>1. Why did he invite
He offers services for scrubs in exchange for currency
>and then link
Only one player needs to activate the link
>2. How did they nuke their own health so fast?
Interaction that everyone warned GGG about but they left it in for some reason.
I start with LA Deadeye. Enjoy moving slow while I am carried by gale force
>anon's proud of being slow
Isn't that kind of insane? 2 tinctures that say 20% AS on a bow is going to be levels of blasting we've never seen before.

you tell me
ceinture of benevolence + coruscating elixir + doedre's elixir
belt used to not say "non-unique utility" clause in its link mod
it was really obvious you could do it and ggg just didn't feel like addressing it until it got imexile killed
tinctures are like flasks, they do not stack
>gale force
oh no no no
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If you play hardcore and have schlong blocked you're soulless
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What is he playing?
Bububut I'm competing for affordable upgrades early to avoid farming 10 hours for Echoforge or something.
Granted I've always been a mega poor so nothing would change
help how do i scale chaos hits
new mod pool for tinctures we don't know what they are and are unlikely to find out before league start with the poedb guy not datamining this league
He isnt playing anything raider was his waifu and since it got deleted he won't play
i hate balding, ugly, double chin people
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Possibly dumb question.
If using frostbreath, and using this mastery. Does my first attack deal double damage? Like does the game count the chill before the damage, or would just the 2nd attack deal double damage. Or is it pretty much useless, assuming that using glacial hammer, almost all damage will chill anyways/
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cluster jewels
>If you play hardcore and don't have your schlong blocked you're soulless
ftfy xis
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this doesn't change the way chill behaves. it only makes it so that any damage type (phys, lightning, fire, chaos) can all chill just like cold damage
Ah, I didn't realize links went both ways, though I guess in my experience I was only theorycrafting their use on minions so the reverse interaction would be moot.

Thanks for the explanation.
Shock works only after first hit so I'd assume Chill works the same
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>1 day into 1 day
how do you deal with this
Reveal video had one that said 18% AS iirc
>2 days off leaguestart
>/ourguy/ still hasn't made his tier list
Where the fuck is it? He almost meme'd me out of LS archmage in necro
i just figured out this low tolerance build i was cooking doesn't work and now i'm pissed
I have a list of builds I still want to PoB
buy an ad faggot
oh yeah? which skill?
Hey is there anything I should be doing in between now and leaguestart? What should I be focused on?
Thought so, thanks. pretty much useless in my case then, thanks.
pick a build, prepare atlas tree, figure out all the gem upgrades/changes in acts so you don't waste time
family and career
sleep, shit, goon, repeat
practicing poxh rf chieftain
gooning to F4M tomboy gfe audios
Arrange your stash, log in before the servers shut down so you don't have to provide authentication
ea. i'm actually just pissed i didn't realize earlier that the arrows will poison and fuck up low tolerance.
can you buy tattoos in the action house?
>log in before the servers shut down so you don't have to provide authentication
afaik the auction house lets you buy and sell anything that's listed on the bulk trading tool
i will play the next build that gets posted
if you can stack them they can be traded using the AH
power sihpon mines
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ty gents i wish you all good luck
how do you even get tattoos now
get fucked
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I'm actually kinda hype
this league looks like legit fun
what part of it looks fun?
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got another one
Karui armies in Legion drop them don't they?
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IP grabber
city management (yes I do play other generes of videogames)
currecy market
complete melee overhaul
re-introduced content from past leagues
I'm not gay but if he whipped out his cock I would suck it.
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Rolling my new build
>1 - 2 : BAMA
>3 - 4 : Slamtranny melee
>5 - 6 : Summon Relic
>7 - 8 : Elemental hit of autism
>9 - 0: TR/CA to rerroll to new grasping vines combo after day one
>Dubs: Old reliable Boneshatter
>Trips: Explosive Arrow
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i didn't play the tattoo league what do tattoos do and how broken can they be
>Summon relic
I'm not clicking that, qrd?
not reading that essay, move on boomer
they can fix your reses or help you cap your block/ignite/poison etc chance but only if you need a little of it
They got toned down a good amount, you basically trade 10 of a stat for a minor stat increase, like suppression, maximum ES, fire res, chance to poison/bleed, etc.
At a minimum, they're good to patch up a certain hole your build has, like spell suppression or avoiding stun or whatever.
At a maximum, they let you stack some stat pretty hard.
isn't BAMA dead without Affliction mechanics/items?
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Fuck me, well, rolling the ascendancy:
>1-2-3: Necro
>4-5-6: Guardian
>7-8-9: Ascendant
>0: Champion
>Dubs: Champion
>Trips: Juggernaut
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It's war attrition gladshit
They replace passive nodes you have allocated with other shit like 2% fire res or stuff like random keystones/more proj.
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Yeah, I think I'm going Blight + Ritual + Incursion and making 0 fucking money.
>In Settlers league, they can be received from shipments from Karui regions.
Feels good knowing I've never used a single guide or video.

Talking heads stretching out 5 seconds of info into a life story. Fuck outta here.
you lucked out
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Rip oil extractors
50% profit gone
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Your Charisma + Whispers of Doom double anoint base though?
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zerk or slayer for flicker bros
Welcoming our lord and savior 2x speed kinda helps a little with this problem, but I very much agree.
Chaos Relics hmmm
1-3: RF chief
4-6: archmage hiero
7-9: ED
0: flicker strike
Didnt get a single Whispering doom base last league
I'm starting with blight to get the new oil to get the new annointment, ritual for affliction boss, essence for easy access to craft and einhar to get early 6 link, second tree will be Expedition + Harvest + Harbinger.
i wonder
should I go for storm burst totems or archmage?
I have shit luck in both drops and labshittery
just want something comfy
Yeah but imagine...
Atlas progression is trivial when you have gear. You circumvent all the usual hiccups with map drops, completion and grinding. You'll make far more currency early and buy early assets which is what really matters
Power of the grift is lucrative.
What's a comfortable DPS number for ubers?
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>2 more sleeps
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Friendly reminder that the currency tracker ring mtx is on the store and you WILL buy it
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Whaddya buyin?
1-9 build i played last time
0 brand new unknown something
a few milly
2M+? But it depends, if its a melee attack is shit, if its a spell is mid, if its a dot based ability or automated like totem its fine.
impale shockwave totem
How much is it?
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same, im straight but fuck he turns me on
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I last played before the atlas was a thing, can someone give me a tl;dr on all the league mechanics I can add to it and what's shit/reddit/fun/good? Things like Delve, Sanctum, Breach, Harvest etc etc I don't know how to evaluate at a glance, obviously I'm looking them up on the wiki but I haven't got the experience to know what's worth focusing on or ignoring completely.
so what happens when people constantly undercut you even when you price your currency at the lowest cost? you just waste your gold and have to relist?
>2M dps for uber bosses
Id say 10m uber dps minimum
he's a bottom you faggots so you won't be getting dicked
play the game
how long till he troons out?
depends if trade or hc but honestly just pick whatever you find fun and then have a separate tree for bossing
Delve is based
delve is getting fucked this league
do not bait this poor fool
The people who created the glad build for ziz to shill as a league starter for ad revenue is poorly optimized and will cause new players a lot of problems if they follow it blindly
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xdd so funny CATW

>no one knows about the secret Dual Strike Perfect Agony Glad build that reaches dot cap on bosses and 100% crit on regular mobs
I'll be enjoying my 36mil DPS while these noncrit Lacerate retards enjoy their 4mil DPS.
wait what's happening to Delve
>he's a bottom
How do you know that?

Unironically watch this. I hate Ziz's voice but this is a super concise video explaining all the different league mechanics.
lmao bro
like half of us are ready to play that on launch
>taking Jagged technique
lol... clearly this guy did NOT watch the alkaizer vid...
>Frost Blades Trickster good
>no guide
lol not even worth a clickbait video
there isn't much reason to run Delve anymore since perfect fossils are out, Aul's is not viable and Adorned nerfed
not profitable
just look at youtube videos of people doing the mechanics and ask yourself if what ratio of eyestrain:autism looks fun to you.
it's basically a spectrum where at one end you have Breach frantically spamming monsters at you and the other is Expedition or Sanctum where there is more staring at an interface. you can only know what you might like for yourself.
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if it isn't bait why did he feel the need to say it isn't bait unprompted?
Oh also, it is a year out of date but realistically it is still pretty correct in explaining what each mechanic does. I think you're better off picking what looks FUN and not what gets you the most profit per hour.
You get essentially 3 Atlas pages now, which means that you can have 3 different big atlas passive trees you can switch between, so even if your first 2 are kinda shit ultimately you get a 3rd one to just fill up with whatever you think is best or most profitable if that is your angle.

I for one am definitely wasting one of my atlas passive trees this league going for the new shit added and if it sucks oh well, I wasted some time but I got another tree I can quickly swap to.
Bro... your Ballista Hiero?
Damn, and I thought Ziz sounded gay.
Tomorrows thread theme
Why the fuck inside mines?
Assassin penance brand starter from youtube log in?
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you need mega dex for it
IP grabbers
Could someone gimmie a quick rundown or point to me to one on how Necromancer is these days? I haven't played PoE in ages and I like Necromancers, but I heard it was getting nerf after nerf because Chris Wilson from Grinding Gear Games didn't like it. Then there was this league recently where you could buy/sell corpses for powerful spectres, is Necro balanced entirely around that now?
Raiz is so bad at Dota bros...
The way he picks apart the zyz build makes me doubt his guides. I don't really have the knowledge to identify crazy hard to get gear that I shouldn't try to get right away.
There is no reason to not go Blood Magic on every melee character now
Determination got nerfed and the only Aura you need is Pride on Eternal Blessing
If you really want you can reserve Vitality on life just fine anyways
Most of the tradeable corpses suck (as dps. some were great support) and they were changed (=nerfed)
There is good minion builds still
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lancels on suicide watch
Did they ever unrape The Baron Zombies? I thought that build was cool but it got nerfed by like 50% a short while before I stopped playing.
Wrong I reserve 5 warcries
>My build not listed
Dodged a bullet
>all those LS on s and up
Fuck the 20 qual is going to be so expensive
same, not on any lists or being discussed anywhere. hoping it stays that way
>The Baron
not sure if that is good anymore. i played build based on Ghazzy builds. maybe checkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3-Sn-4e_Jw and his build links
Rueto is just the most annoying content creator on this game, can't wait for the day that he has a meltdown and say something bad against a GGG employee and starts working at mcdonalds.
Where are the captainlance guildes?
I'll have a look, thank you anon I hope you have fun in the new league and get lots of divines (exalts are cringe now right?)
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Don't forget to have some accuracy, or you skill into resolute technique.
C tier builds aren't included
I really like Destructive Play.
he really meant frost blades warden
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What build is the Fyregrass Poison Tornado Shot of 3.25?
why does this guy talk like he's got a dick in his mouth
can't understand a word he says
>retaliation ignite avatar of fire gladiator shield charger
Find a flaw. Literally 0. Lightning fast map clear, DoT cap bosses, 95% damage avoidance.
ele hit of the spectrum
can't help yourselves can you?
Does it really work in Desert Spring? Highest mob count map + 3 bosses worth of loot seems decent if you have high movement speed to get around.

League start lightning strike for noobs. Feels awful.

Hoping warden zhp is saved by screenwide freeze.
Any anons have experience with https://overgear.com/games/poe? Is there a better site
any warden
>Ele Hit of the Spectrum isn't S+ Tier
No.... Guess it's time to go LS Deadeye...
>Softcore Trade
Who cares?
>150 burgers for a level 70 character
What map layout will you run all league since you can scry div cards and blightcucks aren't stuck in Toxic Sewer
absolutely molten strike of the zenith
same issue with being total dogshit early and good late with a content creator shilling it
100k people watched Conner's video, there are going to be a lot of ruined league starts
did bow builds ever need hp before?
He already has a career. That's why he shits on other streamers, he just doesn't care about Twitch and PoE
>I want the same list only every skill is being used by a Trickster or Juggernaut
Why are people picking Warden for Elemental Hit of the Autism when having +1 chain on Deadeye makes the game literally 1000000% better????
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you're hype aren't you poeg
>Bowskills in mines
Bowkeks care to explain?
80% more damage poggers my dude lets gooooooooooo
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This league has the potential to be fun, after years of austerity. So yeah.
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This is the first time in years I've been proper hyped yes. The league mechanic appeals to me greatly.
me whenever a new poe league drops
Is Ball Lightning of Orbiting actually good?
literal who
aka pussy bitchmode builds. now if you'll excuse me i have to work on my summon reaper impale bleed slam build
because Tinctures give you 50% more damage each, with 95% uptime, and you can run two of them.
You can use a 1c bow with triple T1 damage + crit + multi because attack speed doesn't matter. Of course this league they're going to be way more expensive because of recombinators....
>same issue with being total dogshit early
Did you play it though?
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feels like this
What tier rarity is a Ryslatha's Coil?
Is it obtainable in ssf?
For the last 5 or so SSF leagues I've played I've dropped it like once. So pretty rare in SSF.
>3/4 ascendancy points on tinctures
I mean at league start 300% crit, 300% ele damage, 60% attack speed, and 60% pen from tinctures is fine but after 10 hours of league you're going to be sick of hitting the cuck buttons every 10 seconds. Ele autism has AoE but not that much and 3 arrows is not enough.
Well now I dont want to play it anymore, even tho I did fine last league.
Im verry easly influenced by other people.
sounds very gay but he does make good builds
Lmao, rue actually just slapping his name on other peoples builds.
>g-guys I totally invented SST and LS builds
>molten strike of zenith
>A tier started
More like F tier starter, since there is nothing about it that is good at starting. Its an endgame build, not a starter build.
t1, so you can't count on it dropping
I just installed this game. What am I in for?
Gotcha, thanks anons. I'll plan around not seeing one then.
All these bleed people are going to be shocked when their favorite streamer baited them with their Ryslatha's Coil league starts and it ends up being multiple divines early
The only reason why it was cheap is because no one wanted it
A ton of fun
Swapping out the belt loses me more than a million of my four million dps. And that's on a fully fleshed out tree. The build's going to be pretty mediocre I feel.
It is pretty essential, yeah.
it's the name of the person that made the PoB/video
you're a sensitive little fag aren't you?
bro it's the absolute strongest build of 3.25 how did GGG even let it stay like this get left behind retard!! it's insane!!
>big ducks has sub 50 viewers nowdays
until this league I played ruthless. you have no idea how many buttons I am capable of pressing autistically.
you will quit before beating a1
a ton of autism
Just wait untill friday for the new league
information overload and bloat
(as a gacha player)
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Yeah I'm thinking late game I am just gonna do Destructive Play + Jun + Harvest + Scarabs.
It's up.
Implying I won't go slayer, stack max frenzy charges and use ralakesh+affliction charges.
>(as a gacha player)
Sorry but you dont spend real money on it, so its probably not for you
considering a ES build for the first time in 10 years and I feel like Im missing something blatantly obvious on why no one does ES anymore and am gonna brick on day 2 because of it
Using Volatility too? Becuase that's another bait. People really don't understand how awful it is going to feel lowrolling damage on a Coil + Volatility build that has low attack speed
Don't play bleed, the numbers are ass even without the terrible QoL
Calm down rue fanboy, go steal some builds or something
>rue making a video on something
Alk's autistic ass has to sit here and answer every retards question for the next few days
Don't even look into it further. Poor mapping and a bait built. His mid-game pob has triple-mod items that you're not getting on league start.
Damage mitigation. You need damage mitigation these days. Having a fuckhuge health/es pool isn't enough, you need to stack defensive layers to survive.
But yeah, ES should be great. 20% more ES from quality is going to be massive, and new base types should help make it more viable as a league start option. Going CI has always been amazing, especially after they've shit out all sorts of new chaos damage sources.
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Recommend me ONE (1) good Berserker leaguestarter
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am I going to hate my life if I go dual wield cleave gladiator?
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my parents gave me COVID and now my leaguestart is ruined. any builds for this feel?
ED + contagion
I said good
I watched some of his PoB stuff and most of his answers were
>that's not even a question
>shit times shit equals shit
I think he's fine
not my fault you're a lil bitch
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>open build guide / youtube / pob
>see no endurance charges
simple as
I remember watching his video and he said you had 80% phys reduction from like 10k armour because thats what the character sheet said.
Hello fellow covid victim. I too have been given the 'rona after visiting family. Just wanted to say I hope your league start is fun despite it all. On the bright side, this variant doesn't seem as terrible as some of the previous ones. So there's that.
Maybe play a Chaos DOT build for the laughs.
sunk cost and regret
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Already posted all your builds to reddit
now all your gear will be more expensive
there are a lot of people going zerker slams
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my build has no required uniques, going to be picking up random shit off the ground and clearing t16s with no issues
all of my currency is going into a large respec to another build
>glad day 1
>slayer with these bad boys and some skitterbots day 2-3
Yep, it's bleeding time
what's so bad about it?
Post build or its not real
wait why is elemental tornado not in there
jugg ground slam
getting 3m with a shitty sinvicta's
ci was pretty shit ever since they deleted the more es node behind ci and deleted es bases from the game. until now the only way to get decent es values was to int stack and hopefully with the qual and base changes normal es builds are making a comeback.
>You need damage mitigation these days. Having a fuckhuge health/es pool isn't enough, you need to stack defensive layers to survive.
thats not really true. you absolutely can tank with pure life pool, its just a matter of having big enough pool. damage mitigation is really just increasing your life pool, but without it being clearly visible. also with damage shifting being effectively dead, i think that es builds with the new endurance charges might emerge now.
I'm getting baited
its over
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>MTX: Bought
>Build: Picked
>Gamer socks: Cleaned
>Coffee: Ready
Yup, I'm ready for this epic new poe league, are you?
>zoomancer A tier
Oh, cool. I was under the assumption minions were dead. I'll have to check that one out, thanks.
i le enjoyed this le
uuuuh, what build is that?
yeah because you'll be this smooth early, right?
I play SSF, who cares.
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>TFT adjacent streamernigger

Build discarded.
Lightning strike what? Assasin? Deadeye?
You got until Friday and it is Wednesday. I got covid once and it took about 2-3 days for me to feel much better. I wasn't 100% (mostly in smell/taste) for about 2 weeks but I was up and doing shit after like 2 days. So you should probably be fine.
at the end of the day, it is what it is
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fuck if I know go check what tuna is doing LS on
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lance starter is the secret ss tier. if its less popular then its more starter friendly because items are literally free.
>no real defensive mods on boss
>its a fucking totem boss
>build takes forever to kill it in a showcase
Bro. LS is great for clear, but if you don't have some insane gear your single target will be pathetic on league start.
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travel back in time to synthesis league

why is he so ugly
This but unironically.
Deadeye because is LS of Arcing and hes getting +proj
I think
arma brand recaller is probably the shittiest and jankiest build i have ever played and i quit it before i even got to kitava. fuck armageddon brand.
thoughts on pconc slayer? frenzy and endurance charge builds seem like a no brainer this league
until the game can be played in offline mode and they remove logout macros as training wheels there's absolutely no reason to care about hardcore. it's a complete joke. meanwhile nobody bothers with Ruthless which is actually a better "hard" mode since it doesn't just make people play like pussies and logout the instant they take any damage and nobody fucking plays it
I've got a secret Chieftain build cooking...
I'm also playing Chieftain. My build will be Righteous Fire!
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>I don't play Hardcore because [endless cope]
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As a noob, pretty much I agree with this:
>just look at youtube videos of people doing the mechanics and ask yourself if what ratio of eyestrain:autism looks fun to you.
>it's basically a spectrum

There is a balance to be found thou. Not only what you find fun (and even testing out every mechanic it would take sometime), but also what can your build can run smoothly AND what your build needs. Also if you wanna craft at all.
you dont play hcssfr and you should shut the fuck up
no cope i just like zoom zoom glasscannon builds
im getting baited by storm burst...
the things I do because I dont wanna run lab forever for ice nova of frostbolts
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I wish I wasn't poor and had money for some MTX
how the hell am i supposed to farm ryslathas in ssf
Get a job
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I'm doing my part
you don't
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Why does this community in particular constantly bait people with awful builds?
I don't play hardcore because it's not actually hardcore. Make it so if you log out in combat your character stays connected to the server for 10 seconds and watch every shitter piss and moan that their safety blanket's been taken away. It doesn't even take any time to do like Homeward Bone'ing out of a boss fight in Dark Souls, it's literally instant, it's such a fucking joke. It's like watching soccer players pretend they're macho manly men right before immediately doing a dive and wailing like a stuck pig the moment somebody brushes against their shoulder on the field.
Why? best buildmaker for PoE
Your dislike was sufficient, anon.
Brief guide:
1) get reliquary scarabs
2) get rogue exile scarabs
3) juice map to 20% quantity
4) take all strongbox and exile nodes on the tree
5) take meticulous appraiser
6) delete your character and make a trade character
7) farm 10 chaos in heist and buy ryslatha
no pussy no work
it's more that a very large portion of the community has no idea what they are doing and you could give them something like (pre3.25) DD and they would call it "bait" because they completely fuck up basic things
they deleted reliquary scarabs from the game. maybe i’ll just skip to the last step
Why do you guys keep asking this question this is the 3rd time I've seen it posted
granted but you have to suck dicks in return
t. sc player
I don't because the HoA forced us to change ISPs and now if it ever starts to rain a bit I get massive lag and disconnects. It is actually so bad that a bunch of us are going to the next meeting and demand they change back or we're withholding HoA fees.
post your maxed hardcore ironman in runescape and I'll be way more impressed than seeing somebody do yellow maps with a logout macro like they're fucking Quin.
I have played hcssf to level 100. Logout macro is mainly for situations when you realize you're in danger. Deaths usually occur so fast that the macro doesn't prevent death.
Does the return of recombinating mean that actually IDing rares is gonna matter? Or do people literally craft 2 items then smash them together?
you don't need it
you don't want to spend money on it anyways even if you had money
We don't know how good nerfed recomb is going to be or how expensive it will be
I don't understand you people who insist on playing SSF and then kvetch about not being able to get a super specific unique.
What's the point of playing SSF if you don't want to be challenged with gearing decisions?
whats with the seethe? lance is our guy lol
Death-dancing omens are much more powerful than logout macro. They feel like cheating
>anouncing a report
bro your challenge rewards??? its literally FREE mtx (and a free hideout if you're a 40/40 Ritualchad)
but unironically
There was an RF jugg dicksucker in these threads and to that guy I want to say go and listen the talk/podcast pohx did with ruetoo he explains why he doesn't bother with inq or jugg anymore in the first 10 mins.
What are some decent alternatives to lacerate for bleed glad in terms of mapping? I figured I'm gonna try to use eviscerate as my main skill for tough mobs and let something more mundane clear maps with bleedsplosions
kiracs vault piss is still in the game
you will look at the payed rewards after every 5 maps goy
i wish i wasnt smart and wanted to buy mtx.
>Ryslatha 10c
>When bleed is a popular bleed
predictions on what reddit is going to mass bitch about after the hype period wears off?
Ground Slam of Earthshaking. 688% dmg, 98% more from fist of war, decent AoE and you can give it 50% More AoE with seismic cry.
reason why I dropped playing bleed as a league start is that there are zero good clear skills
>old dogs played ssf because getting shavs and steamrolling everything was too easy
>newfags play ssf because they want to be like mr streamer and complain about niche uniques being hard to get
the fall of oriath and opening the gates for shitters was a colossal mistake
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Nothing because the league is perfect.
Real time mechanic and people cornering goods on the currency exchange. The latter is a serious problem.
@everyone Ruetoo is live over at https://www.twitch.tv/ruetoo !
Is slayer better than jugg for Boneshitter now that jugg lost his unbreakable, and EC from slayer got stronger?
golds costs
melee is still shit
waiting for real-time stuff
It will be, just give it a few days. Juicing will again be enormous and people will print uniques.
their slaves farming maps faster than their bleed glad build, turning the game into an AFK farm simulator
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The Maven is a toddler, a nymph, a hatchling that has wandered too far from the nest. Were I to allow you to continue, it would surely call for its progenitor. Were I to allow you to continue, you would drag all into its gaping maw.The Maven must be protected and guarded. A mercy for you both. The end is delayed but not prevented. Savour your remaining time, I urge you. Prepare for its arrival, I urge you.
mine is fire mjolnir firestorm of meteors it's mapping out to do huge damage(400k dps right now)
it's not like you need mad aoe when you have 20% explosions though?
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i only redeem after completing entire atlas because im too lazy to go out of hideout for scraps
Let me breed the maven already
you still need to hit mobs in order to bleed them for pops
it's all shit
endgame expansion any patch now
you will click the vault piss notification goy
Sorry anon are you trying to trigger firestorm through Mjolner? Mjolner only triggers lightning spells. You could use that new axe enchant to trigger your Firestorm though, or coc, or whatever other flavour you'd like.
they will complain about gold costs because its by design prohibitively expensive early on to combat botting and is only trivial at the end game, that they never reach.
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t. Edgar
next one, for sure
the realtime stuff is going to get old real fast, mindlessly mapping while a real-world timer ticks down to a big chunk of generic loot is not going to be fun
yes this is fire mjolnir
Those are designated shit piss and goon breaks
i normally don’t care and don’t play builds that require uniques, but ryalathas is like 30-50% more damage on bleed builds, which are already kind of low damage to begin with.

rate this build, no frills just give me the straight facts.
theres 100% chance that you never farmed valdos, why are you asking for more end game that you will never experience?
3.23 before they nerfed the valdo drop rate was my favorite period in all my time with this game.
>enchant rare weapon -> corrupt it -> tainted mythic orb -> ???
umm I think we're gaming
you don't even know what an endgame expansion is
I want to see if Warstaves get something good for attacks since Maces of all things get the 50% phys as elemental damage.
So an item that gives you 30-50% more damage should be easily accessible on SSF for some magical reason?
>2500 phys max without steelskin
Its a suffix/prefix isnt it?
fuck you dude all these streamers are playing trade. who the fuck plays ssf other than manni
ive played to level ~95 every league since perandus or whatever but never even made it to shaper
Help this noob out!
Want build to comfortably collect the 4 voidstones and then turn it into a mapping machine and Div sink
IP grabber
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no, it shouldn’t exist and bleed builds should be functional without it. whatever, i’m playing slams
Seige ballista bros returning proj free on bow we are so back
hmmm based
i was farming atziri and lvl 78 maps before you were even aware of poes existence, faggot.
League resource encounters keep one-shotting their 2k Life builds.
streamers coming back to trade is a relatively recent thing
If you bait hard enough you'll net between six-eight thousand in ad revenue during the summer months.

It's the best build in the game. Don't fall for the lies spread by meleecucks about how their builds are "viable" or "good".
good odds too
This one I played last season, killed some ubers with it but at some point I wanted to see the screen again and rolled BAMA!
Yes, i'm a sucker for townbuilding bullshit, and they added a bunch of shit ear ma boy duelist
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>tfw my build uses unique weapons
>and bleed builds should be functional without it
And they are. If your build doesn't work without a generic dps increase belt, I don't know what kind of shit build it is, it probably doesn't work period.
Does this Diablo 4 build work?
mine too but i dont even give a fuck. the alternative would be crafting a phys weapon which sucks fucking ass. ill just save the enchants for my second build i guess.
I just hope you can put it on bows.
Or if theres something else good
holy fuck that's insane
my build just got so much stronger with this thing
I,m doing slayer if by 80 i'm not having fun then i'm pivoting to slam chieftain
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Just a reminder that Lance is the single most prodigious build creator in PoE history. Pioneer of aurastacking. Reignited interest in RF explode. Single-handedly charged eblade builds into the poe zeitgeist. The ONLY poe player to EVER lionize triple attribute stacking into T0 build status. Even Ben has bowed to his greatness and is copying his slooomin zerker starter. STAND with Lance, or FALL at his feet.

Hardkek all content "mapping " pobs cannot compete. Lanceboys run this shit
it's based on a unique bow mod so i expect it to be avalaible to them.
kinda funny how people think this is some kind of huge blow to tft when in reality it makes pricefixing so much easier
It's bait, it does about 80% less damage than the frostbolt archmage build. Go look at the leaguestart gameplay showcases of that build, the DPS is terrible.
mark has already said you can't chance orb rune enchanted weapons but go off kings
How do pride + blood stance flesh and stone and impact interract? Are they multi to one aothner or just additive amongst themselves?
theres an exploit that allows you to do it but i wont post it so that it doesnt get fixed
Its gonna be huge.
Both are a "more" multiplier
market price is now going to be a real price instead of 3271930721896312700 fake listings. the retard that has 30000 divines to sell now will have to sell them instead of doing some showcase price bullshit. tfttroons lost.
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does this mean you get 20% more attack speed?
If I were a younger man and still had time to make 10 mirrors, I would buy all the sacred orbs. Drive the price up to 5d/sacred orb. What are you going to do about it?
more like FECAL Hierophant
except if you have enough upfront capital you can just set the market price on any low volume good to whatever you want
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Reminder your items have no value outside of HC. Items should perish into the void when players die to keep the economy fresh. When everyone keeps their gear, the economy stagnates and no one will even bother to trade with you unless it's a multiple divine worth trade.
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alright I'm going dual wielding glad then
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man what a useless fucking stat ehp is
Yes but go perfect agony instead
ssfhcbtw you mean? you can just buy whatever you lost with currency otherwise and theres no meaning to item drops
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I mena sure, but are they '' true multiplier'' that imply sequentially or they are added up then multiply ?

Example with 100 damage, is it 100 x1.4 x1.2 or 100 x(1+0.4+0.2) ? First one is an extra 8% more damage, and i really hope it works like that.
>nobody will even bother to trade with you unless it's an item worth trading
I,m doing jugg boneshitter if by 80 i'm not having fun then i'm pivoting to phys flicker slayer
this is gay and LAME
I don't see why it would be anything but the former in this instance. It's like that with everything else in the game
poeg starter tier list?
more is always a separate multiplier.
you could always do that by just buying up the supply
Go bleed flicker (crimson dance obv), it looks pretty good in PoB even early on
my build
>F shit tier only fucking faggots paly
your build
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>pick Warden
>spec into Tinctures for FREE 150% More damage
>spec into Shock for FREE 90% More damage
>spec into Avatar for FREE 80% More damage
>equip lightning coil and dawnbreaker to become immune to all incoming damage
Find. A. Single. Flaw. You won't.
Fucking neato, iw as bummed they pre-nerfed impaling double strike but that brings it back well enough.
RF Chieftain
literally everything else
but it is the same build
Nah Warden is great for lightning strike. Just stack frenzies and equip Replica Badge and voila you're a slayer.
not as easily, people logging in and out and randomly ignoring trades makes prices a lot stickier. now you can instantly buy any item that gets listed at any time
it's always better when it's me playing it
>pob a dsa trickster starter without clusters
>its shit
the entire purpose of Leagues is to have a fresh economy every couple months. Hardcore still has trade, you're thinking of SSF where items actually matter. Playing SSF Ruthless is way more of a fucking pain in the ass than playing HC Trade where you just play like a pussy and make sure you have a 96% lucky block with enough defenses to facetank shaper slam and live but are still doing yellow maps.
GGG will pay employees to mess up the economy via the exchange market. They want the economy to be ruined so they have a reason to never implement the exchange market into the core game.
Now listen up

Warden. Oath of spring or whichever the shock one is. Stormburst totems, lightning conduit.

Am i a fucking genius?
hc items are so valuable that varga casually just buys out your shit and rips it to standard
You can make it say infinite while being very much killable. It's actually worthless, the only numbers that matter are the max hits below it.
Think I'll try fitting that shit inside boneshitter actually
Archmagebros what do we hope for from the new weapon enchants? Some mana stuff?
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Zerker Slam on HC
>actually has attack speed, leap slam isn't painful
>even more damage
>cool factor
>will definitely die

Juggernaut Slammer
>cannot die
>no APS
>have to warcry more
>less damage
>lame factor

which one bros
>all these retards falling for epic warden 10000% more dps
>they'll all be rerolling day 3 with 200 deaths
no you don't. once you hit >1k it's pretty smooth sailing, 2k is gg, 3k is mirror tier gear and probably more worth tightening up defense at that point unless you're using it just for bossing or sanctum. smoothest leaguestart I have ever had, so much so that I just pushed that build instead of switching to something else. poeguy's build is not complete and has a lot of dumb shit like cod portal and coc golem, and he nerfed it himself even further this league bc his meme is his viewers are shitlords who can't afford a thread of hope. change the 2nd 6 link to manaforged frenzy/culling/curses/power charge/whatever. fixing his gem setup you should have most or all of a four-link open and there's a lot more you can do with the tree.
Eph Edge trickster is really not a good leaguestarter unless you play Blade Trap to circumvent the low aspd, it requires a shitton of currency to start dealing respectable damage. you could always start with the power siphon build until you amass the currency for it, though.
I mean this really shouldn't surprise anyone.
>HC supply is 100x lower but demand is 1000x lower so shit's actually dirt cheap vs standard
>everybody on HC plays like an absolute pussy so one guy with a sweaty currency farming build can clean house and get all the items that are pennies on the dollar compared to Standard because the supply is inflated vs demand
>import them to standard and flip for enormous profit and then play what you ACTUALLY want
>deadlistings make things better
im not sure if you are a genuine retard or tfttroon
Returning Proj on a wand
Jugg is bait, just look at what it's giving you. It lost its best node and now only gives +1 end charge and 1% dmg reduction per end charge. Zerker is free double damage. Zerker is just better.
I will play FB Warden until 4 stones then respec into a build without faggot build-up
Do you enjoy the zizaran league starter intros?
Is there a list of the enchants and for what weapons they are for yet?
>Returning Proj on a wand
But why
It's gonna be expensive as fuck and its cost is mostly explained by the fact that it doesn't have the less multiplier. If you want more damage on bosses, you just replace GMP on the frostbolt links with return proj instead since we don''t care about frostbolt's damage.
I don't even know what your idea of "better" is here. It's just a fact that price fixing will be very easy now
fortify, 80/80 block, 85% evasion, 30k armor, 20% reduced damage taken from nearby enemies
if you think this is squishy you're retarded
gonna be funny when they realize they have to deal with mana burn
Nigga just use the freeze node.
puddle on the ground says HI!
the only caveat there being you are playing standard.
If I start trickster it's pconc, 2/3 the damage of assassin but real defenses. Blade trap is cringe, no leech
data dump when? Need to decide now if tincture are bait
Hi puddle, right side of the tree so easy access to lethe shade.
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>poop league launch
time to bully some content creators
>no dead listings
>market is 100000x bigger
not sure how you came to the conclusion that its very easy now and before it was very hard.
>no leech
Dude, Trickster+Wicked Ward means you regen 25-50% of ES per second (depending on recharge speed) that cannot be interrupted by damage. It's some of the highest regen in the game.
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>smite slayer
>vaal pact
>instant leech from hits
>overleech still working from non-melee aoe hits
Downloading this game on ps5 now, what should I know to get a good start ? Never played before.
play on pc
you'll have to bee yourself, firstly
Yeah but you have no health flask or anything, I know you can make it work since you're a trapper and get to play far away but I've never liked that way of playing
I never said anything about dead listings until you brought them up and I never said it was "very hard", are you okay?
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I don’t have a computer right now, is it bad on ps5 ?
Not sure what that means, inside joke I take it.
if it wasnt hard then at worst nothing changes and at best tft troons get the rope. im still not sure what your point is.
only poe players would be this retarded to fear an auction house that doesn't even have actual items, purely currency conversions instead of needing to bother whispering some chink gold farmer to cash out your ex or divs
Did you not read what I just typed? Half of a 12k energy shield pool is 6,000 energy shield regen PER SECOND. A life flask is a third of that and can run out during boss fights. You can facetank every Uber fight and Valdo map in the game.
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tfw just did and act 3 run and miss my lil totem frens already...
you are not fooling anyone, anime poster.
im not sure why you're coping so hard about this but okay
How many stacks can a warden gather per FB attack on a boss?
Will he be dead before I can use my buff?
those aren't "poe players" they are indonesians who make a living through tft
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Idk if you're trolling or not but playing with a controller is worse than mouse and keyboard
Regardless, just bee yourself and have fun!
Jugg is amazing now brainlet. Endurance charges are busted as fuck now, and Jugg gets +1, and then what's essentialy 20% more endurance charges
Maybe I should just go boneshitter jugg again honestly
You're arguing with a dishonest TFT troon / flipper
Just a heads up
im not coping? im quite literally celebrating the death of tft and you seem upset for some reason.
what are the chances SST will benefit from the league enchantment thing??
I don’t know what is going on here, or what this “bee” is all about. Guess I’ll just play and go from there lol
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>tfw thought the laegue came out tomorrow
>2 more day
Is there are a list of all the maps and quest you do want to take while leveling and what to ignore that isn't in some autismo excel spreadsheet?
genuinely complimented a poe streamer on his beard and he got visibly cut and deflated. This community is something else
dont worry, tft troons can still offer their services on standard until settlers go core :)
yeah I just got it to say infinite and my max phys hit is a measly 14k

wtf is that
>the game autoselling your price fixing listings out from under you makes price fixing easier
okay thanks for the projection
post the clip
>5th act 1 run only to get stuck at 3 and 8 again
im playing warframe
not starting league until week 2 when market prices are settled, meta is settled, and league gets its buffs
Nta and I agree that jugg is amazing. But for unbreakable to be worth it now you need xibaqua. Before it was just a good all arounder even if you got it at act 3. So that's a slight nerf
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Why does Aegis Aurora have such inflated EHP values in Path of Building. It claims to gove 500k ehp which is impossible.
week 2 is when league already peaked and people are beginning to move on to do something else
are you trans by any chance
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SlayerGODS won
disable ehp gain on block in settings, it essentially simulates you constantly being hit until you're one-shot
Anything that offers life or es on block will inflate your ehp.
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let her cook
just don't look at ehp it's a fake stat
recovery on block. you want to look at your max hit, not ehp. ehp is a meme stat that nobody with a brain actually cares about.
post pob
Is cyclone good once again?
>28 million melee dps
He's not in league start gear so don't worry about it. You can scale anything melee to the tens of millions when you git gud gear.
Jugg is great. Yeah it's slower with less damage, but the exerts aren't a problem if you get a 2H Heist mace.
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Can I in some way get a melee skill with these bad boys above 10m dps? I want to play jugg and be giga tanky.
A life flask is instant and you won't have 12k at 80 killing pinnacles anyhow, which is what I was looking at for starter builds
Can recombinators combine to 2 fracture mods or is it nerfed?
hiero with 4min endurances is probably one of the most broken ascendancies now
pricess will fall drastically and i can play for cheap and take my time enjoying it
i dont give a fuck about MUH TWITCH NUMBERS or zoomer shit like that
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>Cyclone of Tumult
>Manacost: 200 per second
dual nebuloch consecrated path jugg
cant go wrong
skill issue
But it has one viable build. If you not play frostnova your are nerfing yourself
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>he doesnt know
Surley... right?
slam pig


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>this is what /poeg/ things is S+++++ tier
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enlighten me
is lily actually a tranny or is it just 4chan autism. never watched her
hiero can leaguestart fucking kb if it wants lol
you can attach archmage to any spell and it's decent
it's such a good support that people haven't even bothered talking about how good spellblade is
>it takes multiple hits to kill trash mobs
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>you now remember planning your necropolis league start
No, it's a meme. You pretend she is a troon for /poeg/ upvotes.
nobody knows yet. probably nerfed to shit
It's a boy.
But anon totally destroyed the other anon for mentioning ball lightning!
figured, thanks
wasn't this the most popular and one of the fastest league starters? what exactly is wrong with it
zamn... Is she single?
That looks like shit. 3.25 is a build baiter's dream.
im not sure myself with that voice
So glad I tested my bow coc in Standard. Shit is fucking unplayable with how much lag it generates, holy shit. Back to trickster memes
This looks like ass. Like blade vortex and blade vortex is shit.
>melee is shit unless you constantly press warcries
>20 minutes exarch battle
yes. mark said that only special mods got removed like enlighten and shit.
Anons, I have a very important question for you. Should I go slam berserker or flicker berserker? Why?
I'm having extreme fomo either way. Zoom around farming incredibly fast on flicker but struggle on bosses until I get rich. Or move around blowing everything up in one shot and taking down bosses fairly easily, but I'm a bit slower.
one choice is based and one is cringe. choose wisely.
Looks like trash. But once again it is mine/trap playstyle which automatically makes it shit tier.
watch the gear
>. Remember that now when you kill bandits you get only 1sp
when did that happen?
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>5 warcry piano + vulnerability
>Zoom around farming incredibly fast on flicker but struggle on bosses until I get rich
listen to yourself
Is there a pob with actual gear?
July 26, 2024 @ 1pm PDT
Then it's not that bad.
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>Smellee builds all look like total dogshit
It's RF for me
You can watch dirtydan's race vod on twitch
this patch they moved one bandit point to golden hand and nerfed bandit rewards thinking that they will be worth a skill point now lmao
you get the other point from the golden handjob quest now. so bandits are a better value proposition (still usually bad though)
what if poe had voice chat in towns?
Zero damage.
I always take allira and then reroll in maps
so nothing changed for me
Ok, i haven't played in several leagues, before bosses got renamed to pineaples or whatever, do bosses and ubers still have 60% curse reduction?, does it apply to just hexes or also marks?

i might be misreading POB but it feels like its not reflected properly there if they still have it
This type of shit is considered melee? No wonder they're making poe2
lance isnt exactly known for zdps builds
they removed that 5 patches ago
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>every single melee build in existence has totems in the chest
>Totems not a thing anymore

So what would a bone Jugg replace them with?
How viable would it be to use Cyclone for clear and bonezone for the tough mobs?

Can a 4-linked cyclone run over the normal mobs in a t-16 maps ?

I want that RF feeling of driving a truck drunk over the trash mobs but with single target damage available for the fat ones.
poe2 wont be any different in this aspect
Bens slammer Berserker is way better if youreally want to self-cast warcry.
meleeniggers going to have melties when they try to do a legion with 1 attack a second (3 with 300 div investment + tip)
Damn, that is a really well made build video. Explains everything, and also pulls someone else in who has a proven track record of knowing about the build.
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Jokes on you, I'm just not gonna do legion lol.
>oh nyo my melee skill now costs more than 0 mana
melee troons will never be happy huh?
why would I do legion tho
use the empty slots to automate some of your buffs, put some utility shit like banners or power charge on crit setup
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playing siege ballista hiero, simple as
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>More than enough damage to do a gorrilion incursions
>Incursion still times out because of the Aspd penalties from Pulverize and Melee Phys supports
Frogmode's greatest scheme
Maybe leap slam? We lost totems to apply the Maim gem and you can support Leap Slam with Rage Support now that it gives attack speed
Maybe hextouch a curse if you aren't applying a mark
>play a smite build
>press vaal smite
>legion done
nothing personnel kid
>walk into middle of Legion
>Ground Slam one direction
>Ground Slam the other direction
>Legion opens
>buy tortle mtx
>say funny word in town voice chat
>money stolen
>Can a 4-linked cyclone run over the normal mobs in a t-16 maps ?
Maybe with mirror gear. Cyclone is bad even if you specialize in it.
uuuuh strenght stacker molten strike??
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imagine if you had to go to a bazaar and verbally hawk your wares to sell anything
both of them are retarded why would you listen to them?
I don't have to imagine. There was a time I didn't have any premium stash tabs.
BFR makes you pay to avoid this reality
average would be
>no racism allowed
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>archmage lightning balls vs ice nova
what's the low down?
I know ice nova is juicer despite starting as two buttons, are there any other big differences?
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Minionbros...how we holding up? BAMA honetly still looks solid so tempted to jump on that for league start before finding out what melee skill is busted to make a second character for
the average player is not a retarded racist
yeah. great starter with a very high ceiling. you do need to be able to mess around with his build though, he makes some decisions just to simplify things for his viewers.
not much changes to last patch
is there a 3.25 bama build yet
poe is a chud game
only necro

Ummm... didnt you see >>487432374
hawk tuah lol
>not a retarded racist
Average poe player is an enlightened racist instead
Poe is so deeply complex only the people with pattern recognition can figure it out.
In his video he said he had like 85% phys reduction from 15k armour
and competitive !
with the amount of handholding and dumbing-down that he does I don't even want to know what kind of person has difficulty following him.
Somebody get this nigger out off my Kingsmarch
How do you even take advantage of the league start economy? Other than being a craftsissy or selling boss carries, I assume it's just doing stuff that shits out a lot of guaranteed chaos so you can buy a cheaper divine. That's basically it and you don't even really make THAT much more money.
Sunder is such a fucking shit skill as you reach maps
So many people are going to get fucked over by that and you can't really swap in another melee skill besides maybe boneshatter
It's getting like 600% damage effectiveness next patch. It'll actually be usable for maps.
>now have 4 sockets free on my boneshitter juggernaut
wtf do I even do with 4 sockets? Not even using ancestral cry since I'm doing multistrike with complex boneshatter, swapping a link for ancestral call support when mapping
Has anyone pob'd sweep ignite yet? I'm about to try
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>Shield Charge offered at level 4
>Crushing Fist offered at level 4
uh oh
you swap into your build at maps, why would you continue sunder?
Can 2 returning projectiles that forked hit the same target again (assuming it's stationary)?
>85% phys reduction from 15k armour
you're going to need to do some trigonometry for that
You usually drop sunder at act 8 or 9. Earlier if you want. But the buffs will probably make it perfectly palatable into yellows, like >>487455394 said
for example synth implicits cost peanuts at the very beginning and skyrocket hard with time
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I am conflicted about Warden.
How long does it take to enable Unbound Avatar against a single pinnacle boss?
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more buttons to press
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can you help me? I'm bent. I'm so scared that I'll never be put back together.
mama im a crimidal
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For me? It's Energy Blade Trickster. No Spellblade bullshit, just pure melee.
>what she sees
just because he's a retard doesn't mean the build sucks. if you are reasonably competent you don't even need his guide, as there isn't any special interaction he came up with. just stack and scale dex with the gear that was designed for stacking and scaling dex.
pressing multiple buttons in a sort of rolling pattern is much much better than pressing one button every couple of seconds
based alk
>450k DPS
if you press a button it means that you already lost
Explain phys mitigation to me, why is the physical max hit smaller than the elemental max hit?

Why is "was" the physical damage split so important?
It’s up! https://youtu.be/td_7rnGDgSc
Alk is a stinking nigger who plays whatever skill will get you 6mirrion dps with 0 gear, doesn't matter how bad the playstyle is. The fact that he played Helix for as long as he did makes him a subhuman, soulless bug in my eyes.
>just because he's a retard doesn't mean the build sucks
This is not Lance approved
because your armor is less effective the larger hit you take
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thats even more based
>why is the physical max hit smaller than the elemental max hit?
Cuz you can easily get 75% elemental resistance (and more) but not 75% physical resistance.

>Why is "was" the physical damage split so important?
Cuz it shifts the hard-to-mitigate damage into easy-to-mitigate damage.
It also makes armour work better (armour is stronger against small hits and weaker as the hit gets bigger) by splitting hits into smaller chunks.
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if that's what you believe, sure buddy :)
Elemental maxhit increases with your resistances. You don't easily get 75% physical damage resist like you do with elemental damage.
i WILL NOT wear the Ivory Tower
i WILL NOT wear the chastity cage
why shouldnt i just use ball lightning archmage? and I mean the normal one until I get the troon one
I mean that is something I guess, but not worth the weapon enchant
Go to bed alk
Because some builds require gear? You can't just swap into LS when you don't have a decent weapon or whatever
Same if you wish to use molten strike
ggg changed auras so you buttoniggers can now use second set of keybinds for your piano bullshit
i don't play hardcore because i like doing damage and playing non-meta skills
after the mandatory 100000000000 ehp tax you're looking at under 1 mill dps
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what will mathil's cosplay be this league start? He already expended the pirate outfit for the league reveal...
mrlet bro
wrong general
Tujen cosplay
You need mosquito wife
But I will
if you were planning to sunder into maps to get gear for your build that's a shit planning issue
Wrong general
This is not Mathil approved
i feel like wisp fills out almost all of those checkmarks. anyways wrong general bro
Buying divines at league start is just a hedge against inflation. It's the most basic strategy you can possibly do. The real money is to be made buying more specific items by abusing people's ignorance or by simply offering liquidity for expensive items that people want but can't afford yet. The guy who actually makes his money killing monsters needs to liquidate a random Apothecary drop even at a low price because he can turn a couple stray divines into gear that will double his income over the next 12 hours he's poopsocking the game on league start. The trader offers the poopsocker value by providing those couple divines at a time when other people can't, and the trader gets an item that will explode in price over the next several days. The more live searches you can keep active at once, the more people you can rip off.
mathil is energy blade enjoyer
Mathil can pound my boipussy for all I care
How do I effectively run ultimatum? What kind of build will I need for it now?
>Cuz you can easily get 75% elemental resistance (and more) but not 75% physical resistance.

I think when I played a Jugg with 30k armor (brass dome+ determ + flagellant automatic flask) my Jugg had over 80% phys resist.

Is it all about the resist? Or was there something else like hits larger than 30k going past the armor reduction or something?

I remember listening to some video that was way too smart for me, so I didn't get it.

Aren't the new endurance charges great? Like
>12 charges
>50% less phys damage
>80% resist = 90% resist
No I wanted to check how the skill played if I'm unable to swap into a new skill, it's been pretty decent until last act
I found a 350 ele two hander so I also tried swapping into a leveled molten strike gem, jesus fuck that's even worse
Even with double damage I would not go near molten strike on Friday
nasty mana expenditure, just play regular BL with orb of storms.
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Step 1:
>I think when I played a Jugg with 30k armor (brass dome+ determ + flagellant automatic flask) my Jugg had over 80% phys resist.
Armour doesnt work like you think it does.
Read this. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Armour
Ground Slam Slayer Leaguestarter
oh am I replying to someone that got baited by Conner?
going to be a lot of people like you soon
I'm just going dominating blow until the exploding totems of the league is discovered you guys are weird league starters only need to start your league
Good thing I tried out the build before launch
Dodged a huge bullet
15% all res for one point is a fine trade.
I don't know why Zizaran spotlighted that build
Warcry piano garbage on top of being bad because Intimidating Cry won't be up for every hit
>Ground Slam Slayer
There are more self-casting abilities than there are hotkeys. Are people actually supposed to manually cast 5 Warcries, Vulnerability, and Blood Rage? If you're going to use Autoexertion, you should probably include it and like it, otherwise it's going to be horrible to play.
It's not Autoexertion, it's a Blood Magic build with Pride Eternal Blessing.
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making too much money from the league mechanic
Spell it out for me please...
Does The Druggery work with Hybrid flasks?
"100% of Life Recovery from Flasks is applied to nearby Allies instead of You" should apply, but "Life Flasks gain 1 Charge every 3 seconds" shouldn't. not sure if thats right tho

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