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#153: Pink GFs Edition
Previous Thread: >>486691425

General for all things Kirby including the games, novels, artwork, and anime series.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land Sound Selection and Complete Soundtrack on sale now until July 31: https://valuemall.site/collections/kirby-discovery-ost
Shinya Kumazaki hosts a GDC panel on Kirby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWdt07ncRxU

Official Kirby Website:https://www.kirby.jp/
Official Kirby Twitter:https://twitter.com/Kirby_JP
Kirby Novel Translations Masterpost: https://www.tumblr.com/nyaagolor/653089595149434880/kirby-novel-translations-masterpost
Kirby Anime Translation Masterpost: https://operationhoshinokaabii.tumblr.com/watch
Kirby Anime Special Booklet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZaO4-YhpLNwo49v_KZ3vOwg6upDc-igK/view
Kirby Anime Storyboard: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aIWF0zCNimoTyR9p9T8lNBkApioH1dJB/view
Kirby Wiki:https://wikirby.com/wiki/Kirby_Wiki

>/kdg/ Writefag Masterpost
>/kdg/ Pixel World
>Elfilisanon's Cave Story mod demo
How did we die again?
I know there's enough Eurofags to keep us going during the night.
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Rest in peace the previous thread.
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Someone asking "does Fecto even have a respiratory system" last thread got me thinking about some ideas I had for lore dumping in my Cave Story mode,but seeing how much progress I've been able to make as of late (none), I'm debating if I should just reframe what I have into greens and post them sporadically...
Meta Knight and Queen Ripple's girlfriends look so cute.
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Fool, everyone knows Ripple was dicked straight by 02.
Once you go cactus, you never go backtus.
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I finished Main Mode yesterday with all Platinum Medals included. I have to say, I really didnt remember this game being this easy, last three levels went down quite fast.
Like I said when I picked it up two threads ago, I feel like I missed out on a lot from my first playthrough, the game is visually gorgeous and the soundtrack even more so, gameplay is very responsive and tight that makes both platforming and combat really fun and the side modes are a treat.
This game feels like it wanted to take what made Dreamland 3, 64 and Super Star Ultra such great games and make something of it's own with it... and succeeds at it, you can clearly see the inspirations and how it goes above and beyond with it.

I really love this game, easily my most favorite Kirby after Super Star Ultra.
>How did we die?
Because outside of a few, none of you faggots actually talk about Kirby. No headcanons are shared, no analysis of the lore or characters, no response to actual discussion openers. Spiderfren, Elfilisanon, and Skirbyanon hard carried you retards but now that they’re busy or gone, the lack of actual substance or thought in this thread reveals itself, earning your string of thread stillbirths.
>Implying Ribbon isn't there to watch and clean up the mess.
okay maybe talk about something instead of crying about it?
Kirby is for actual babies, anon. It's natural for people to have low investment in this shallow franchise.
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In other news, I... Probably should've just gone with resin printing for this from the start because holy shit this looks so much better.
No, we did that song and dance already, it failed like I knew it would. Time for you to step up. Although, judging from the response, I must be talking to someone
with a severe lack of the Y chromosome, so you’re most likely incapable of creative thought.
Then there should no longer be any surprise or frustration when your threads continue to die, child.
Only you are acting frustrated over the simple fact that Kirby doesn't get taken seriously by anyone because its made for babies.
He literally just posted up thread you tard. Instead of bitching and moaning why don't you actually start a discussion?
>comes into the thread drawing attention by throwing a bitchfit instead of doing something productive
>expects us to believe "he" isn't a woman
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Made this post an hour ago and Im already at level 3... That says something about the pace of this game, whether that's a good thing or not, makes me wonder if this is the intended pace for Kirby games ever since the Dreamland... uhh, tetralogy...?

Also, I'll stick my fork into the whole metafagging situation and say
If you really want this general to thrive, why dont you start discussion for the sake of talking about something rather than just bitching about it being dead? Like, sure you can be right (or not, Im merely a tourist), but that's not excuse to not bring something to the table, even if discussion doesnt happen, at least try it just to talk about something.
Like Im sharing thoughts on my second playthrough of RtDL and so far no one has given a shit. Does that make me think I should refrain from sharing these thoughts? No, because I just want to talk about Kirby and this game even if it means Im talking to myself... MAYBE in that "talking to myself" someone hops in and we have a discussion about Kirby and RtDL.

It's not rocket science, just say something and maybe people will come out and say something too. And if not, who cares? Just keep talking to yourself, we are here to talk about Kirby after all, right?
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Does anyone here like looking at the sprites throughout the games? I was recently taking a look at some of the background sprites of Super Star Ultra's RoMK and I've noticed some really neat looking details that don't really get a lot of spotlight or even given notice too.
>The Battleship Halberd has a entire warehouse with several Meta Knight themed jets with bombs on wheelbarrows
>The Battleship Halberd has tons of missiles, bombs, and nuclear bombs of varying sizes and power
>Those weird looking robot machines with angler fish lights, drills, and a wrench
>More bombs
>The Battleship Halberd has satellite technology
>Several fire extinguishers and phones
>Pantry, barracks, toilets, and laundry room with what appears to be uniforms that are never worn
>Oil drums which might imply the Battleship has multiple fuel sources.
>Generators galore
I just think these details are really neat, but make me disappointed because because you don't really see them used in-game (like the robot) but in derivative fanworks these details that are really cool get completely overlooked. Does anyone else have a favorite set of backgrounds? I've always loved the Amazing Mirror, RtDL and Squeak Squad ones and I wish I could somehow get a high quality upscale of Amazing Mirror's BGs. I think it's cause Amazing Mirror takes the aesthetics of Dream Land and makes it more magical and mysterious.
Damn, that's looking real good so far.
Never mind, I actually did find a Metafumu fanchild, as well as a whole lot more.
I swear Super Star Ultra is the Zero Mission of Kirby, probably the other way around lmao. Ultra has some incredible attention to detail and emphasis on expanding upon Superstar in every aspect and your discovery just makes it even better. Also that amount of detail for the Halberd makes me think about how much Kirby amassed in property damage, destroying the ship itself was already bad as is, now imagine how much those jets had to cost each LMFAO.
>Does anyone else have a favorite set of backgrounds?
RtDL has to be my personal favorite set despite not having much sense in retrospective. There's something so utterly fantastic about the backgrounds that makes you feel for the world you're bursting through. Superstar Ultra comes second because the amount of detail they have is just sweet.
how the fuck is this site still alive
>Name: metatiff ebrum(jp: metatifu)
didn't even bother calling it "metafumu" for the fake japanese name? fake fan
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The best part is because it's amino you genuinely cannot tell if it's a joke or genuine.
>Name: chuey(japonesse name: chūi)
>Gender female
>Age: 5
>Species: dark matter and octopus
>Gooey + chuchu
>Living: dreamland,grassland
>Day of birth: 4 of april
>Place of birth: grassland,dreamland
>Zodiac sign: aries
>Family: gooey(father) chuchu(mother)
>Paint matter(aunt) dark matter(grandfather)
>Nyupun(her mother best friend) puff(bbf)
>Zero/zero two(something)
>nigthmare(something) (don't have crush)
>Love interest: none
>Favorite color: navy blue and pink
>Likes: time with her friends,fishing,play and eat fish
>Dislikes: terror,void termina and sleep
>Aparence: she is a navy blue slime,dark matter with pink octopus tentacles of hair And a red ribbon
>History: she is a dark matter likes fishing with her bbf puff and in the afternoons eat fish
>Personality: silly,unworried and happy
>Adn dates: she figure,some species and eyes is for her father and the ribbon,tentacles and the other specie is for her mother
>Abilities/hobbies: fishing and float up
>Future work:swordwoman (?)
>Extra dates:
>Niece(paint matter)
>Sexuality: heterosexual
There's a surprising amount of MetaFumu content on that site.
>how the fuck is this site still alive
You'd be surprised. It's basically tumblr for anyone under the age of 16 it's popular among younger fandoms.
Aw, sweet, and it's new, too. Thanks.
I've been trying to dig through Amino as part of my project of archiving all MetaTiff content on the internet but the site's layout is complete cancer and I have no idea how to find anything.
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NiDL's backgrounds are really pretty, too, and it's a shame it has to compete with Adventure in a lot of people's eyes.
Really, it's hard to come up with a Kirby game that doesn't have amazing backgrounds. Even DL1 and DL2 looked really good for the hardware.
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No problem.
>but the site's layout is complete cancer and I have no idea how to find anything.
The problem is that Amino was made for mobile devices to get a maximum impressionable child userbase who will generate tons of ad-revenue, if you try to use it on the PC it doesn't work as well. You can only search on Amino through the app. Alternatively, you can search through google by using.
site:https://aminoapps.com "insert phrase or term"
Personally, other than the fankid and that comic I linked I don't think you're going to find anything that you can't already find on other sites. Speaking from experience as I joined the site to see if I could find any hidden gem MetaKirby or MetaSusie art.
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I'm suprised nobody tried to backport the ultra exclusive features to the SNES game to make a definitive single screen version
Further suprised nobody made sprite-style cutscenes and implemented them for ultra considering how much better they look than the ultra compressed and jarring fmv
samefag, but about the site function in search engines, it's very helpful for finding ship art. I've used it all the time to find rare art especially from platforms that have dogshit search engines like twitter.
>site:twitter.com "メタフム" and go to the images if you use google.
it's funny how you don't mention one single example that includes actually playing a kirby game, just fanfiction
Nobody cares if you beat the little toddler baby game or if it made you cry or something, nigger. It’s certainly not gonna convince your parents that you aren’t retarded.
Woah did Sakurai fuck your mom or something?
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Yeah, that's way easier, though I'm not sure it'll give me much that I haven't already gotten. Thanks.
After the absolute hell that was digging through FFN pages on Wayback Machine, I'll take anything at this point.
No problem. Good luck with your search, and don't forget about Google's Advanced Search engine. That one's helpful too. If you're looking for more Japanese content, try Yahoo! JAPAN as well.
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>Damn, that's looking real good so far.
Hoping there's no issues with the ears. I did also request a print of the Chaos pose, hoping I can have both versions. If my autism is strong enough I may even ask for a third, smaller one to take pictures of in Japan, have him go on a tour of the place and share that here, could be neat.
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We only die on mornings, no one is awake to kirbump /kdg/. If we're lucky one or two people stay up and kirbump a bit since we don't have timezone people active at that early timeframe.
This general is already hanging on a thread especially with a lack of new content, will likely stay this way til next year when they announce a new game for 2026
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yeah it'll probably come with the switch 2 sooner or later, I highly doubt it'd be a launch title though.
bless the modfags and drawfags of /kdg/, also the characterfags (even though half of them speed up the thread through shitposting)
Got another update from the printing place, he's been taken off the supports. It feels very nice to see this whole thing finally, FINALLY, turning out alright.
>I highly doubt it'd be a launch title though.
Yeah that’s why I said 2026, my guess is Switch 2 is coming sometime in 2025
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>had the previous thread open all day
>only just now noticed it archived when I realized there hasn't been any posts
jesus christ how embarrassing
Try to look for communities in other languages. MetaKirby is still popular among Spanish speakers. No idea about MetaSusie.
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>MetaKirby is still popular among Spanish speakers.
I'll have to look into more Spanish-speaking communities then. Any idea on where to start? Sometimes I just want to find MetaKirby content in English, especially if it's a literary work.
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>see some guy wearing a cool Meta Knight tee the other day
>randomly remember it
>look up "playera meta knight kirby"
>it was this design
>find out the guys who made it also made a Kirby VS Zero shirt
Objectively unlicensed but... Fuck, I kinda wanna buy these if they even sell them still, these are some really nice designs
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Alright, fuck it. Here's some of what I've gotten.
This is every MetaTiff fic I could salvage from FFN + Wayback's archives of FFN, plus a few from some other sites and Pixiv.
I'm still working on it, but this should be a good start. There's a readme in there with more information.
Feel free to kick back and read some. Yeah, most of it's shit, but there's a few good ones in there.
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You’re right, we need to discuss more important topics and what could be more important than Dark CHADbula?

Legitimately speaking, Dark Nebula is way more powerful than Morpho Knight and at the top of the food chain

>Morpho needs to possess a guy who would willingly die for him or is already dead
>CHADbula possessed Daroach, whom in a What-If reality has DESTROYED Jobpho Knight
>Morpho Knight’s powers are… fire
>Dark CHADbula has the power of fire, ice, and plasma
>Morpho Knight is so non-intimidating the Kirby crew just lets him flutter around free
>Dark CHADbula had to be hidden and locked away for his immense power

Legitimately how can anyone compare with this dude?
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>ai generated because real footage of nebula that isn't jobbing doesn't exist
been away for almost two months

anything interesting happen while i was gone
people are pitching in random stuff for a vg RTDL deluxe mod
may i request someone replace the noise produced by walky to be just screaming
I ship it.
>nobody will ever ship star dream and nova and/or lor star cutter

i wonder why i see nova as less sentient than the lor despite arguably having (comparatively) more human qualities
because the Lor is at least implied to have a mind, at least to the degree of a pug probably. but Nova is a machine to the core and couldn’t identify that someone stole a wish in front of him.
nova definitely isnt a very independently thinking creature but i was moreso referring to how nova has like. a face. and is capable of speech

two things you likely cant say about the lor

even then the lor strangely enough feels more "alive"
about the same difference between an alexa and a pet pug
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probably due to nova not having an AI built in compared to star dream (and being a bit more primitive/broken as you can see the gears on nova's top right) you have to remember that haltman did fix/upgrade star dream
Kirbump 2nd.
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>literally god
Content made by a Tumblr secondary D E T E C T E D
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Anyone know who this artist is? Tried all sorts of reverse searches and got nothing.
theres entirely a chance that this is ai and its untraceable
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AI isn't that good yet. There would be those weird shading hatches all over the edges and shapes would be eating each other if it was.
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Not Ai, too much soul in it
honestly it probably belongs to one of those jap artists that vanish from the face of the net after a while, and i have a habit of reverse engineering their artstyles for preservation
that one doesn’t look too hard and i like it a lot so i’ll study it later tonight and see if i can get something similar
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This guy's stuff always manages to make me smile, there's something very endearing about his animation style
At the risk of getting choked out, I'm surprised nobody's thought of making a Nintendogs-esqe game with Kirby in it.
I wonder if she's ever going to go back to working on her Kirby RPG fangame.
I don't think I've ever seen a good Meta Knight humanization that keeps the fact that he and Kirby are supposed to have the same face.
I've noticed that too. They always default into making Meta Knight either
>Surly black man
>Surly mexican man
>Feminine asian twink
I think it's probably because they see his face reveal as "Meta Knight and Kirby are the same species" and just don't translate that into being human, but to me that's not really what the face reveal is exactly implying. To me it's always been "Meta Knight and Kirby are supposed to look identical", and any wider implications about species or whatnot stem from that initial idea. Them looking the same is why the Meta Knight unmasking has always been surprising.
What about a Spanish twink in power armor to make him look bigger?
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Meta Knight and Kirby should look the same so have them both be spanish, youthful-looking midgets.
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This is Mike Kirby. Say anything about this Copy Ability.
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>Thinking gijinkas were ever accurate and are not just bottom of the barrel female slop, produced by women for women
Humanizations are lazy shit.
Yes, if you need Meta Knight and Kirby to be gay little human twinks in order for them to smooch then you're weak. On-model all the way.
I don’t remember which anon or thread it came up in specifically but I stand by the idea that the best group headcanon /kdg/ ever produced was that Kirby is Japamese, Meta Knight is Spanish, Shadow Kirby is the most stereotypical American possible, and Dark Meta Knight is Brazilian.
gonna make a kirbandee folder just for u babe <3
surface level slop of a ship
Kirby x Bandana may be super vanilla but it has its own little charm. What are your opinions on it?
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What are these from? Almost look like Miiverse posts.
I want to like kirbandee but 98% of its content is
unless you portray the two in a certain way.
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I like vanilla, but it has to have sprinkles on it, if you catch my draft. Kirbdee doesn’t have any sprinkles. Does that make sense?
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They're from the Japanese communities on Miiverse
No, no I get it. Like >>487619127 said. It's just very bland. There's nothing wrong with a ship that's sweet, not every ship needs to be an angst fest were both characters are beating the shit outta each other but there has to be some personality and some spice to it. If it weren't for Battle Royale you could play on the whole forbidden romance/dating the "enemy" thing between the two but you can't even have that.
is there any ship that works with blandana?
Yeah, Blandana x the dumpster. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!
Meta Knight is a giraffe confirmed
It's retarded but MetaBan.
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Sailor Dee is a thing. Sailor Dee is a thing that exists. Why are we, as a fandom, promoting interspecial relations? Suffer not the xeno.
the true forbidden star crossed lovers romance
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I thought as much. R.I.P. Miiverse.
This works really well if you also take in the idea that Meta Knight looks down on Bandana due to his choice of weapon and would rather not have him around the Halberd due to his Insolence, but has to hold in his snide contempt for the sake of Sailor Dee’s heart.
Long distance relationship but said long distance is due to the other person being on a giant battleship flying around the planet
>This works really well if you also take in the idea that Meta Knight looks down on Bandana due to his choice of weapon and would rather not have him around the Halberd due to his Insolence, but has to hold in his snide contempt for the sake of Sailor Dee’s heart.
That's actually really cute. I like this. Meta Knight becomes a disgruntled, perpetually disappointed father in law to Bandana Waddle Dee.
It also carries the “I’m fighting with the boss/father figure of my girlfriend i’m gonna mess the fuck up” weight with it so it also has a Scott Pilgrim type of charm. It’s the objectively superior Dee ship.
Of course, only an 4chan autist would be able to see this, hence its rarity.
Except he has Trident Knight and Javelin Knight in his employ. Those are both spear-type weapons.
>Trident Knight
literally never appears anymore, probably got fired
Soulless robot built to be fodder, doesn’t even deserve the honor of carrying a blade
Okay I said that as a shitpost but I actually like the idea of Javelin being a robot built by one of the Knights and not actually sentient. He’s just programmed to throw javelins at amazing accuracy and speeds and is probably like their equivalent of R2-D2 or HK-47 from Star Wars.

Trident can just be some dubious guy who betrayed everyone in some twist and got killed and that spawned a distrust of spear users idk
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I've always liked the idea of the Meta-Knights being regular grunt enemies that just dawn intimidating and scary looking armor given to them by Meta Knight.
>It’s the objectively superior Dee ship
I agree. There aren't many characters you can ship with Bandana Waddle Dee but that's possibly the best one out there. I like the idea of Bandana Waddle Dee and Sailor's relationship causing Meta Knight to constantly test Bandana Waddle Dee to see if he's worthy. Or even going as far as sabotaging the two for the "greater good"
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now THAT is a crack ship.
>named after the brain
>isn't very smart at all
What did 4Kids mean by this?
the real question is why they localized lololo and lalala to fololol and falala
My best guess is that 4Kids would’ve thought that American kids associate ‘Lola’ as a girl’s name, even though the character is male, so they thought of ‘Fofa’, and to keep consistency, renamed Lololo and Lalala to Fololo and Falala.
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As a kid i always thought Adeleine was a boy, because before i got into Kirby i was tole Christopher Robin is in fact, not a girl. so it applied strange standards on characters i couldn’t quite make out
And I always thought Galacta Knight was a girl.
You’re not entirely wrong, but the most stupid yet most likely reason given my experience, the staff likely thought Lola would sound like a reference to Lolita
Same. Kirby too.
that’s not an unreasonable assumption, since at that point we’ve never seen a female member of Kirby’s species. though i’ve heard someone here mention Morpho is probably a girl because the wing shape or pattern or something

this is however assuming it’s not just piloting the dead body of another timeline’s Galacta Knight
Galacta Knight would make a cute girl.
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Adeleine is not a masculine name, that's how I knew. Of course, I didn't learn what her name was right away, and in those few moments I was confused. It is extremely difficult to tell which she is based on her 64 model, mostly because it's her least distinguishable design.
Never thought Galacta Knight was a girl because he's called a he in his intro cutscene, instead I was the only retard who thought Meta Knight was a girl because Meta sounded like a girl name to me
I don't think Galacta Knight is a member of Kirby's species
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When I was twelve years old, before playing 64, I thought Adeleine and Ribbon were supposed to be a human boy/human girl pair like Claris and Elliot from NiGHTS.
I though she was ness or related to ness as to unlock ness in smash 64 you fight him on the dreamland stage which was more of a magicant reference and not a "hey this character is from this series" (keeping in mind earthbound did not come to my region)
there was no reason for them to make this render so lust provoking but they did
I figured you meant to say "list", like it was going to get you put on a list for the reason you made more obvious in the second take.
>amazoness warrior galacta knight
I don't like the thought of femGalacta for the same reason I don't like the thought of femKirby.
I like the thought of femGalacta for the same reason I like the thought of femKirby.
I disagree but then again I do also want Ado to punch me in the face so i dunno.
Whether you are a contrarian or actually think that, you are wrong.
Yes. Let's not go around and around in circles like this all night, lest we get banned for spamming.
no. you first.
Why not? He was a similar body shape as Kirby, MK, and Morpho.
Yes. After you.
no. ladies first.
I enjoy watching Kirby speedruns
Yes. You're only advocating for yourself to go first.
no. just looking out for you. go ahead.
Yes, of course. Only a woman (or perhaps just someone with shit taste) would want Kirby to be a woman.
no. only a fujoshi would want kirby to have a cock
Yes. I'm not advocating for Kirby characters to possess any form of visible genitalia, or any genitalia at all. In spite of this, Kirby is not female.
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just report each post for spamming as it appears
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I am indifferent the thought of femGalacta for the same reason I am indifferent to the thought of femKirby.
Same. Check this shit out, cool right?
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just fuck already.
no. only a woman would draw an argument out this far.
Yes. You condemn yourself to the same idea by perpetuating this argument.
no. you too. if you weren't you would stop replying to me.
Yes. That would, of course, be letting you win, and thus, letting the idea of femKirby win.
no. then i suppose i was right.
Yes. You can say you're right, but it won't make it true.
no. you can say you're right but it won't make it true.
Yes. A verbatim "no u" is hardly a decent argument, you know.
no. a verbatim "no you" is not a argument either.
Yes. I think your argument motor is shot. Might be wise to call it quits now before you break something.
So do a lot of characters, like the Meta Knights or waddle dees and doos and such. Galacta Knight has big horns and wings that look like they're part of his body (unlike Meta Knight's which are just a byproduct of his magic cape).
no. i think your augments are falling apart. you should call it quits before you embarrass yourself.
Yes. See? You're tripping over your own words now and don't seem to know what you're talking about at this point.
no. i should be saying the same. you're seething. you can just call it quits. no shame in that.
Yes. If anything, the way your English is starting to break apart implies that you're the one seething.
jesus have you guys really still been doing this for the two months ive been absent from this thread
no. that's a interesting cope you have there. you can stop replying at any time.
Yes. The same goes for you and your jumbled grammar and spelling.
no. same goes for you and your seething.
Yes. You can stop projecting whenever you like.
no. so can you, or maybe not.
Yes. Your comeback game is as weak as your opinion on Kirby's gender.
no. and yet that doesn't make it any less wrong than yours.
report and ignore
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>the thread right now.
Yes. Now you've gone and inadvertently self-owned by way of your aforementioned spotty English.
no. and you're still replying to me.
What the fuck man this exact thing just happened on /smbg/
Yes. And you'll still reply to this.
no. and you will still continue to reply to me. you know i'm right and that makes you seethe so you can't let it go.
Yeah, we know. It's the same guy. We figured this out a couple weeks ago.
report and ignore
Yes. Again, you can say you're right all you want, but it won't be true, because femKirby is for subhumans and twitter users.
no. and you can say you're right all you want but it isn't true and your intense need to defend yourself only proves it. otherwise you wouldn't be replying to me.
Yes. The same still goes for you.
no. same for you.
Yes. You're not winning this.
no. you aren't going to win this either.
Yes. You could argue that nobody is really "winning" here at all.
no. you could. so why don't you just stop replying?
Yes. Because that would, by default, make you the victor, even if there is no real winner. I could ask you the same thing.
no. i guess i am going to win then.
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bitch relax!!
Yes. I believe you're mistaken.
no. throw in the towel.
Yes. You first.
no. after you.
Just fucking kiss already
Yes. I'm not letting someone who enjoys femKirby win.
no. i'm not letting you win.
Yes. Well, that's too bad.
no. i can say the same to you.
Yes. I suppose you can.
no. you could.
Yes. I see.
no. and you're still replying.
Yes. As are you.
no. and yet you won't stop.
Yes. Same for you. Perhaps it would be wise to call it a draw and spare both of us the effort of continuing.
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I just thought Galacta Knight would make for a cute girl...
no. so don't reply to this post.
That's weird, doesn't he usually do this artificial inflate the post count thing towards the END of a thread?
Yes. So be it.
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I'm picturing Marx and Magolor in a computer keyboard fight trying to get the last word.
no. okay, after you.
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Yes. You first.
no. you first.
Yes. You first.
no. you go ahead.
Yes. Go on.
no. go on.
Yes. After you.
no. after you, you deserve it.
Yes. You first. It's only polite, after all.
no. why don't you go ahead? or is it because you don't want to admit defeat?
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Kirby is on your keyboard.
Yes. I could very well say the same of you.
I would stop, but he would win. As he likes femKirby, I can't allow that.
no. well then I guess you're going to lose.
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Yes. I believe you're the one who's going to lose here.
no. i think that's going to be you.
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Yes. Then, once again, you're as wrong about this as you are about Kirby's gender.
no. you can keep saying that but it doesn't make it any less wrong.
Yes. You can say that I'm wrong, but it won't make me any less correct.
no. i could say the same thing about you.
Yes. I suppose you could. Again, this entire thing is pointless by now. I would tell you to stop replying, so that the chain might be broken, but it would make me seem like a hypocrite.
no. so why don't you stop replying instead?
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Yes. Again, that would be letting you win, which is something anyone who even barely entertains the idea of femKirby simply does not deserve.
no. I guess you're going to lose.
Yes. Say it as many times as you like, it won't manifest a victory for you.
no. neither will it for you.
Yes. Perhaps.
no. it won't.
Yes. That's what I just said, ESL-kun.
no. it still stands. you won't win.
Yes. You don't know that.
no. i do.
Yes. Maybe you think you do, but you don't. May I ask why you're so adamant about female Kirby anyway?
no. i do. may i ask why you're so adamant about male kirby anyway?
Yes. Don't deflect the question. Though Kirby's gender in the games is left deliberately unstated in Japan, he's been portrayed as male many times in spite of that, and never been corrected into being otherwise in most countries outside of Japan.
no. don't deflect mine. why does it matter fujo?
his only two canon love interests are girls
shimomura at least clearly viewed him as male
shimomura hasn't been apart of hal in decades
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Galacta Knight could simply be a different race of Kirby's species. Perhaps ancient orbs had horns and wings unlike modern ones.
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>No one's commented on the 3rd permanent Kirby Café opening at Osaka this Fall yet
This is the closest thing to news we've had in a while come on.

Yes. Say "fujo" all you like, but women don't need to steal/claim anything else the same way they have Star Wars and any number of other franchises over the last decade. Now, if you would please explain why you feel like femKirby is even vaguely an acceptablel idea.
I don't live in Japan.
did someone say... news?
Finger slipped.
no. again you didn't answer my question. why is yours any acceptable either?
>Finger slipped
more like someone is seething hard
Yes. You continue to deflect. At least mine has been used in official sources for decades now.
no. you're deflecting just as much. you won't win this.
He still presented Kirby as distinctly male while every other game has him as neutral at best
Yes. Unlike you, I've explained my stance. Unless you can explain yours, your argument is weaker by default.
no. if you're so sure of your stance why do you feel the need to keep replying to me?
have they really been going at this for two hours?
Because having the last word is equivalent to winning in arguments of this nature on a board like this. Feel free to keep coming up with excuses to not have to explain your inherently flawed logic, though.
no. so in that case i'm going to win and you will lose.
Yes. You will not get the last word here.
no. but I will.
Yes. In your dreams.
i still think it would've been funnier if they just translated Marx as "Marc"
no. well i am living it.
Yes. That's what you think.
no. that's what i'm doing.
Yes. But you will not win.
no. but i will. i already am.
Yes. Again, you can say it as many times as you like, but it won't make it true. Especially because you continue not to explain your side, making it seem like you have no real argument and simply want to "win" without actually putting in any real effort.
no. i am going to win. you'll give eventually.
Are there no mods on this board
Yes. You will falter first.
Is it too stupid to headcanon that some people in-universe just call Marx 'Max' after learning about the other Marx
no. you will.
Yes. I can do this all night if necessary.
no. so can I.
Yes. Again, so be it.
no. i mean you could just stop replying but i know women like you don't know when to stop.
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shut up nigga damn
>woman woman woman!
Projecting isn't healthy. I could very well say you're a deflecting feminazi who needs everyone to be a woman, especially a character billed as a being of infinite power like Kirby once was.
no. i don't see you denying that you're a woman.
Yes. I am very much a man. Can't say the same for you.
no. prove it then.
Yes. There is nothing more female than using this as a roundabout way to ask for dick pics. You are pathetic.
no. so you're a woman?
>There is nothing more female than using this as a roundabout way to ask for dick pics. You are pathetic.
There is nothing more female than unnecessarily dragging out an argument for this long. You are pathetic.
Yes. I am not.
He/she/whichever is every bit as much to blame for this.
no. yes you are.
Yes. No u.
no. no you are.
Yes. No, that would be you. This argument's really getting off-track now, isn't it?
no. why don't you stop replying then?
Yes. I've already said that that would be letting you win, which, given that it's what you want, is far from anything I'd consider at this point.
Thanks for the inspiration, I wanted to make it so at least something good came from these shenanigans
no. then i am going to win.
Yes. I'm not going to go in circles on this point again.
no. then stop replying.
Yes. No.
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Kirby in the top left corner.
no. then i will claim victory.
So he is.
Yes. You will not.
no. i will.
Yes. You won't.
no. you won't win.
seems all someone has to do to get this thread active seems to be saying some bottom of the barrel shit like “what if drawcia had testicles” and everything gets wild.
>what if drawcia had testicles
okay but what if she did. they probably would smell pungent and of paint thinner
Yes. I will. You could stop replying, and speed up the process, but we both know you won't.
no. you won't. you could also stop replying but you won't.
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No, what happened was /smbg/'s shitposter got BTFO over there, then came over here to blow off steam doing the same thing. He does this a lot.
Nothing anyone posted in this thread set him off. He just picked the most recent thing someone posted about and went off.
You call this wild? It's just two retards telling eachother to stop posting, and they've been doing it for over two hours.
Yes. I will.
Not only am I not a shitposter by trade, I had nothing to do with that. In fact, I actively encourage anyone who's able to report this entire string of nonsense (spamming/flooding would work best) so that I may be unbound of this shit. I'd prefer not to self-terminate.
no. i will. just give up already.
Yes. No.
>Not only am I not a shitposter by trade, I had nothing to do with that. In fact, I actively encourage anyone who's able to report this entire string of nonsense (spamming/flooding would work best) so that I may be unbound of this shit. I'd prefer not to self-terminate.
Or you know you could just stop?
Have I mentioned that that would be letting him win? I have. Have I also mentioned that I can't bring myself to do that, since he likes femKirby? I have.
no. you will eventually.
Yes. I believe that will instead fall to you.
no. don't count on it. i'm going to win this.
Yes. No you're not.
So you're intentionally being retarded and letting yourself be baited?
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Operating on the offhand chance that he is being genuine, I can't let someone like that walk away the victor.
no. i am.
Yes. You are not.
can you two just have sex already
no. i will and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Yes. You can say these things all you want, but it won't change the outcome.
>Operating on the offhand chance that he is being genuine, I can't let someone like that walk away the victor.
So you are retarded.
From a certain point of view.
no. you can seethe and desperately reply all you want but it won't change the outcome. me winning.
Yes. You can use words like "desperate" all you want, too, but it won't make you any more likely to come out on top here.
no. i'm going to win this.
Yes. No you're not.
no. i will.
Yes. You won't.
no. i am going to. nothing you say will change that.
Yes. The same goes for you. I will win.
no. i am going to win.
Yes. You're not.
no. you're not going to win.
Yes. I am.
no. i am.
Yes. You're not.
no. i am going to win this.
Yes. You most definitely are not.
no. i will.
Yes. Nope.
no. yeah i'm going to win.
Yes. Nah.
no. you can give up anytime
Yes. Same goes for you.
no. but i don't think i will.
Yes. Same here.
no. then we are at a deadlock.
Yes. I suppose we are.
no. well you can always stop.
Yes. Same goes for you, once again.
no. i'm not going to.
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Yes. I'm not going to, either.
True enough.
no. then what makes you think i will? i am going to win.
Yes. No you're not.
no. yes i will.
Yes. No you won't.
no. i will. what makes you think i won't?
Yes. What makes you think I won't?
no. because you're retarded?
Yes. Again, it's unhealthy to project.
no. i could say the same about you.
>nearly four hours at this point
don't you two faggots have ANYTHING ELSE AT ALL better to do?
Yes. Not really.
no. well it doesn't matter since i'm going to win this.
Yes. You really aren't.
no. i really am. nice projection.
Yes. Aww, you're trying to learn. How adorable.
no. i think it's downright sweet you can't stop replying to me.
Yes. I could say the same.
no. you replied to me first and would not stop so i'm starting to think it is something more.
Yes. Actually, your post could very well count as an indirect reply to mine, seeing as you worded it pretty much identically save for your opinion on the matter.
no. that wasn't a reply to you and yet you still couldn't help but reply to me.
Yes. By the way, you still haven't explained your (incorrect) stance on femKirby.
no. with a deflection like that i don't think i will.
yeah, played this a few times back in the day when I rented it from Blockbuster. good times
Yes. Fine then. I'll still win anyway.
no. i'm going to win this.
Yes. Nope, that'll be me.
no. it's going to be me.
Yes. Nah.
...You two seriously aren't going to go all night? Possibly into the morning? Right?
no. yeah it's going to be who will win.
there are two outcomes to this
either the one who falls asleep first loses
or jannies take notice and murder both of them in public
Yes. It's going to be me who will win, because I didn't forget a word.
no. it will be who will win. which is me
Yes. Admittedly, that's kind of funny, and a nice recovery, but I'm still going to win.
This is turning into gay internet sex at any moment.
no. i'm going to win. if you reply to this post i am the winner.
that's a bold move jim let's see how it plays out for him
Yes. You can't make up arbitrary rules on the spot and expect someone to play along. I'm still going to win. Cry about it.
kek, nice one.
holy shit he's burned so many posts, we've lost out on almost half a thread due to this guy
no. but i just did and you still replied to me. you didn't even create a rule back. so you've lost and i've won. the only one crying here is you.
lets just hope messages in this thread get wiped back to this morning
Anon has rebuttled the play, Bob. Looks like this one's going into overtime.
Yes. By that token, I can say now that since you tried to change the rules after the fact, you're disqualified, you lose, and I win by default. Sorry!
LOSS: >>487637884
WIN: >>487637971
You're calling the match too early.
no. too late. you should've made a rule in your reply but you didn't resulting in a loss. i win and you lose.
If you won, don't reply to the next reply.
If you lost, same thing.
Just leave it be.
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Yes. You're forgetting that I came armored.
oh my god
Surely this is just one person replying to himself, right?
Isn't the only femKirby supporter here one of the drawfags? Why would she derail the thread over such obvious bait?
I'm in too deep at this point. If he's gonna go playground-style, I'm at least going to have a little dumb fun with it.
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no. but you're forgetting i came armored too.
we're watching kdg dark history in the making
So how's that stratagem working out for ya, chief?
You're forgetting I also brought the sequel piece.
is it over
no. but i brought stronger defenses.
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You guys are still fucking going?
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Yes. But did you expect THIS?
Almost five hours now
Hi bros. I don’t come into this general much but I was looking for anyone interested in playing Kirby Fighters 2 right now. I’ve never gotten to play against others online.
At least the fact that they've moved to images has slowed them down considerably.
Silver linings.
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no. but can you take this?
I don't think you can join friends sadly it's randoms pretty sure it is anyway and it's basically a dead game online wise.
Yes. I can, in fact.
Ah damn. Well thanks for letting me know anon. Anyone who wants to get online and give it a shot anyway?
no. i can too.
You two are well overdue in getting your own room
Yes. So can I.
It feels like they need a whole love hotel, honestly
At this point, the fun I'm having drawing these retarded shields is outweighing whatever original purpose I had for doing any of this.
no. you won't win this one.
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Yes. But I will.
no. but i am.
Yes. Think again.
you know after two months away from 4chan i was really hoping i would return to worthwhile conversation
Did you suffer a brain injury while you were gone or something?
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Box Boxer, my beloved
no. i should say the same
just had irl shit to deal with
why would i waste my time here when i need to worry about having a roof over my head
Yes. As should I.
As a bloodhound owner i hated that Amazing Mirror forces you to hurt these things :c
Yes. Farewell. All replies after this post are invalid and will be ignored.
Now we wait.
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that was An Event all right.
>got the last reply
i win Now I will go back to /smbg/. This was fun.
my brother in christ
The bigger man that didn't reply back won.
Fuck off resident schizo.
Odds are that was /smbg/ resident schizo vs /kdg/'s foidschizo just now. If that's the case they both lose from the start.
I still derailed this thread. I will continue to do it and you all will continue to fall for it.
So it was foidschizo falseflagging as the femKirby anon?
that should teach you all not to post retarded shipfaggotry in these threads.
Replying to yourself for hours isn't anything to gloat at, resident schizo. I know it was you because you ended it with "nobody wins" "nobody loses" (While also trying to defame plugg) >>487675840 >>487677613 so the entire "I win, you lose" shpeal was nothing other than time waste for you to shitpost more until you tired yourself out shitstirring.
You could be doing a million other things as a neet (which you clearly are). Do you only have two generals to look at and no others? Do you not have any games? Any self hobbies? Etc. Go watch a film or something idiot.
>you all will continue to fall for it
People called you out way before this or at least very early on >>487642528
>>487656319 and after >>487678753
No one's falling for anything after you repeatedly oust yourself along with your own tactics because your ego is so huge you don't even know how shitposting works (not letting on who exactly you are or where you're from, ever, to keep shitposting. Which how most shitposters do work, keeping people guessing, The only cases where those shitposters fail is they repeat a shipost or whatever on some other board and people trace it back to them, but you tell us exactly where and how you do things EVERY TIME YOU DO IT. I find egotistical shitposters like you the most lamest thing imaginable while also very predictable)
You're one of the most readable shitposters on 4chan due to this, meaning, you're also one of the weakest ones.

I'd advise you to leave /smbg/ and /kdg/ and start your shittery elsewhere on 4chan where people aren't up to your shtick, because we have an office worth of files of you by now.
You likely won't (because this is probably all you have) and we already still need to eliminate foidschizo ( >>487680030) anyway. So what's one more obnoxious moron.
As someone said earlier, you both need a hotel at this point cause your hateboners for actual discussion are too large.
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I knew the fuckers were autistic, but seeing all on display right here is really something else.
Thanks for taking our schizo from us.
With love, from /smbg/
still won
You're giving him exactly what he wants retard.
No, what the shitposter wants is to pat himself on the back and leave without any call outs. He thinks replying to himself for hours straight a "good job" when it's one of the lowest forms of effort. He already says he's a leech that won't leave no matter what you say to him too here before.
But why waste the energy?
Any chance one of these posts will make him realize he's a shitty shitposter even when compared to other shitposters (since his ego makes him oust himself after every shitpost attempt, which makes all his efforts pointless since we all can detect it with ease at that point), is a chance I'll take. Maybe then he'll actually try to offer some substance to game discussions other than thinking he's a "shitposting king that can never be defeated muahahaha, you'll never get rid of me" all the time.
Come on we both know that won't happen.
I already know it's mostly a lost cause, as I also mention here >>487680507
but one post anyway right after his 6 hour derail attempt wouldn't derail the thread any further anyway.
That said, we should bring the topic back to Kirby.
seriously where the fuck are the jannies?
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>Dreamland society isn't keen on kirby but probably sees it as a necessary evil against anti-popstar monsters
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>User Tag: 0150042004
>>Research Log #: 196
>Studies of the physio-cosmic properties of the samples have been pretty fruitful.
>While the assimilative traits were very much displayed during the specimen's invasion, we never had much of an opportunity to study how it seemingly "summoned" space debris out of thin air to attack.
>During our experimentation, upon relaying certain specific neurological patterns recorded from the specimen to different samples gathered of it, one of the reactions we found was the density of the samples rapidly increasing to absurd levels.
>It seems as though the specimen, through different, very specific neurological patterns, can effectively turn its matter into pocket-sized black holes.
>We attempted this process with several different types of samples, and found that the ones that reacted most to that pattern were those that resemble what woud be keratin in most of our planet's species.
>Comparing this with reports of the specimen's attacks during its invasions, most sources claim that any seemingly cosmic attack it used, would come from either its horns, its fingers, or its weapon.
>Closer examination of samples taken form its horns reveal a surprising amount of the specimen's rough equivalent of gray matter.
>Said matter seems to saturate around the area where the horns' coloration takes a more vivid pink hue.
>Perhaps said coloration is caused by the excess presence of that substance?
>Its claws do possess that same coloration, perhaps we should request access to a bigger sample from those soon.
>We have been unable to find its weapon to this day which is always a concern, however...
>With this information, maybe the weapon it wielded was actually made from its own "keratin", hence its recorded psychoactive capabilities?
>Further research is required.
>And as I'm writing this, we seem to have found something even more peculiar as far as the samples' neurological reactions are concerned.
>I will log the details on it later.
ooh good stuff there.
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I would relate to that if Box Boxer wasn't a goddamn pain in the ass to hit because of his lengthy grab attacks. Charming design, abysmal boss to deal with.
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So as I was saying, I attest to the superiority of the Saildana ship.
I agree with you SailDana is really nice, I usually ship Sailor with Meta Knight but it's a nice change of pace.
why is shipping in these threads so particularly prominent to begin with
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>we have several drawfags who vocally like their ships
>no romance will ever be canon in Kirby, so there's no real "ship wars"
>fandoms in general have gotten pretty nasty, so this is one of the only places you can still openly like a "problematic" ship
>threads are alive longer, so there's more opportunity to talk about it here than on /v/
>the fanart is cute, and we like seeing characters doing cute things
Probably some of those reasons.
bbb ump
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spode chode
What the fuck happened last night.
>why is having fun in these threads so particularly prominent to begin with?
sharing this general with retards i swear
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I enjoy how the novels and manga took the preexisting Waddle Dee characters they had and just made them become Bandana Dee
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All part of the plan.
What happened last night was a shitposter stirred shit in /smbg/, then moved over here and stirred shit here, then moved back to /smbg/ and stirred shit there again. The exact same strategy all three times, lasting for hours each time.
And now a few people in /smbg/ are blaming us for letting our shitposters over there.
is that it?
by the way, last night's shitshow made it to the Happenings thread.
Kdg doesn’t need to exist btw
There was more than one?
The novels had a waddle dee character and the 4koma manga that had a waddle dee character. I don't know if they're supposed to be the same one so I assumed they were separate.
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Can't we just grab the mods directly from IRC like we did before?
Yes since the novel and manga writers are intelligent. Kumazaki is not intelligent and is there to produce surface level slop.
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>Kdg doesn’t need to exist btw
Anons used to say things like this when the DedeKirby shippers were the ones ruining the thread for everyone else.
>still going
Kirb and Susie are a surprisingly effective comedy duo here.
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Seriously, someone explain to the mods on IRC what's going on. The worst that'll happen is potentially getting banned for a week.
>got triggered by fem Kirby that much
Starting to think the femKirby believers are secretly based if they’re causing autists to seethe so much.
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keep it chill.
is that the hyness drawing kumazaki's daughter made?
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When are we doing another one of these?
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We usually do these for holidays so
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I've been having a few computer issues as of late but, seeing as it's the game with the closest anniversary, I was tempted to propose a Mass Attack anniversary collab, if only to propose the gimmick of "draw a pile of multiples of your character chibified", but I wasn't too sure if people would particularly enjoy that idea.
>if only to propose the gimmick of "draw a pile of multiples of your character chibified", but I wasn't too sure if people would particularly enjoy that idea.
Sounds good. Maybe the BG could be a giant star Anons can draw their character of choice riding on, hanging off of, or touching?
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And Valentine's Day. I knew I was forgetting one.
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Nice thinking, though, I'll probably need to pick a good stage background to have behind that star so it doesn't feel too empty...

I'll admit I'm a bit sad about how empty this one ended up, the background was probably the one I spent the most time on out of any of these, but I'm very much grateful more people contributed for the DL1 anniversary one.
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If it's Mass Attack maybe something simple like Green Grounds or Dedede Resort?
Y'know, wouldn't a chibified Elfilis just be Elfilin?
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You make a compelling argument but I hate that guy so I'd probably do something like picrel
that shit's adorable
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Hm, noted, Dedede Resort definitely seems like a cozy one. I'm somewhat short on time currently, but I'll try and do something soon if possible.

The gimmick should be Skirby's mass attack and it's drawing your character running from a stampede of Skirby clones since he's a psycho.
btw are we still doing the dipshit gang stuff
idk if that was just talk or anything.
besides that i've been doing more KSA modding, made a variation of the blade knight enemy with more hp thats unable to be inhaled, was neat to do. Kinda like a psuedo miniboss in a sense, enemy variations are fairly easy to pull off.
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>btw are we still doing the dipshit gang stuff
I'd like to contribute to it myself if anything deeper gets developed. In terms of custom levels, part of me would actually like to try and recreate the one I've got complete for my own Cave Story mod in the actual Kirby engine, I designed it around Kirby having the Booster 0.8 from that game so I'm curious how different that layout'd feel using actual Kirby physics... Beyond that, I shared the Elfilis model a while ago to an anon asking for it, no clue if that went anywhere. I'd like to try my hand at a custom midget Elfilis though, but that is, again, assuming I'd have the time.
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The romhacker monkeys need to decide which game they wanna use before we can start. If you’re volunteering to hack it, you can pick any game you want and could just start setting shit up by skinning the main guys. I can obviously write a shitpost story around whichever game you pick so it’s not really my call.
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>but I hate that guy
and now I hate you
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Very tired... Long day... Spiders on the brain...

Happy Friday, /kdg/. Have a good day and a better weekend, I'll see you next week.
That is... not an alliteration I can say I'm a fan of...
Elfilisanon has twenty four hours to address the Blandanafag allegations or they will be known as ElfilisFAG from now on.
I'll fully admit I mostly resent him because a Kirby final boss having a nicer friend form is basically a guarantee that the final boss form will never get anything made for it (when have we gotten Marx Soul merch, or Crowned Magolor for that matter). I'll probably still end up grabbing an Elfilin plush because it's the next best thing.
I just think he's a fine character, I dunno what you want from me.
I mean i'd want a general consensus before starting on anything, I'm still fucking around in Star Allies, but if people want to do RtdlDX or like, idk Triple Deluxe, or if we all decide for some fucking reason to do fighters 2, I'd help with that, assuming we get anywhere cohesive with a general idea. I can do model swaps very easily, just want to make sure beforehand.
Shame we never got an official render of Fecto Elfilis, the renders in Forgotten Land are very clean, I love them so damn Much
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>Shame we never got an official render of Fecto Elfilis, the renders in Forgotten Land are very clean, I love them so damn Much
Tell me about it, at least the models in-game look good enough that even in-engine shots of them still look outstanding.
You’re the only one with the time and tism to be breaking into these games so you have to be the executive decision here anon. anyone who wants to help can fall in line when you pick a game.
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I probably should be prioritizing work, but I might as well ask, for the Mass Attack Collab, which background should I base the collab BG on? Oh and, resolution-wise I'm thinking of doing 1920x1080 again for it, same as last time, does that sound good?
ok so you can just freely edit a lot of the filters used in this game for post processing???
I mean I guess, but also will still give it a bit just in case people settle on a really cool idea for a specific game, I mean no need to rush, of course.
>ok so you can just freely edit a lot of the filters used in this game for post processing???
Can you force it to use the toon shader from the splash screens by chance? Could make for a very unique look
not sure, i can test, but seriously this is the fucking coolest thing ever, I am majorly nerding out over this, you can just literally change the entire makeup of the screen by editing a 16 x 16 texture, like wtf
Seriously like this probably seems super lame because its just a blue filter but you can add you own fucking filters and literally change the screen colors to be anything? Like what the fuck? This game is insanely customizable, you can add your own tilesets, your own enemy variations, your own levels, your own decor, your own screen filters, your own dialouge, with enough skill your own objects, your own fucking moves to characters, this is so damn cool.
>anon learns how in-depth AAA coding can be
But seriously though, makes sense they'd make this stuff so modular and editable just for the sake of the developers themselves, likely makes life way easier on their end as much as it makes it easier on yours
Yeah I know, BUT STILL, I just find it really cool, especially since a lot my prior modding experience for other games is banging my head against a wall of trying to get something to work with data that's barely there and zero references, it's just cool to have something so easy. Same thing applies to a lot of Switch games, like Mario Wonder is very easy to mod and I probably would've gotten into that if I wasn't a Kirby autist.
Y'know what I miss? When getting certain Copy Abilities would change Kirby's color. Like how getting Ice would turn him blue, Needle would turn him yellow, or Stone would turn him brown. Fun little touches like that.
I get that having multiple Kirbies as a multiplayer option every now and then makes that inconvenient, but I miss it all the same.
They could do a thing where ability colors switch on/off depending on if you're in multiplayer or not.
You know, they very well could. And they should, too. It added a lot of personality.
I thought we had decided on RtDX?
That's what the original thread made it sound like, at least.
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