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Welcome to the Super Mario Bros. General, in this kingdom of ours here we discuss everything MARIO! Let's continue the Paisano journey!

/smbg/ #210 - Wario cosplay Edition


>Mario News and Releases<
「!」Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door has officially released!
「!」Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD has officially released!

Future Release Dates:
「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree releases on October 17th, 2024
「!」Mario & Luigi: Brothership releases on November 7th, 2024
「!」Donkey Kong Country Returns HD releases on January 16th, 2025
「!」Mario Movie 2 -potentially- releases on April 3rd, 2026

Current News Links:
「!」Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD - Overview Trailer (ENG)
「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree Officially Revealed
「!」Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD - 6/18 Nintendo Direct Trailer
「!」Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Officially Revealed
「!」Mario & Luigi: Brothership Officially Revealed


>General Paisano Links

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Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpOXRkwre0I

OP Template: https://rentry.org/kh7oy/raw


Previous World: >>486788238
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King Boo
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Luigi, my beloved... My knight in shining overalls!
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Daisy, my beloved.
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What are your thoughts on Sailor Daisy
>that one guy who brought a nintendo store mario statue home after years of wanting it only to break it a couple days later
A crystal!
Ugly and has no reason to exist, just like every other incarnation.
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Very cute. Probably my favorite of the outfits she got from this mess of a game.
Didnt he fall off the flagpole or some shit
Waste of time.
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Friendly reminder.
>posted it again
ok so tour is a bit better now, rankings are still shit but they're giving away high end drivers if you complete challenges and you get a healthy amount of gems per tour
not bad
Mobile slop will always be mobile slop.
Why not just go to /v/ for that?
Too bad the actual gameplay is still ass.
Wouldn't mind the idea of trick tracks in a future Mario Kart though.
I like the game, but the high end characters they give away for free now (like the current Funky Kong) are almost all garbage, the ones who are meta and/or have good designs must all be gotten from the ruby shop
Yes, the only people who dislike Daisy is that one guy.
Hi, thread schizo!
Which planet is Daisy again?
Do you really think you're fooling anyone?
Pluto, because she's small, insignificant, and doesn't count.
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It's cute. Just wish all the stuff in Tour wasn't in... well, Tour, and just put in MK8D instead.
I don't know who's who anymore but I'm sick of this Daisy debacle. I don't want to see it.
I have a game I'm making about a catgirl and I wanna ask if Nintendo will let me put a Rosalina-centered chapter in the Switch version where she bonds with Rosie and gets adopted by her
I believe in you, catgirl anon
No more shitposting beyond this point.
I feel like Nintendo has to realize how much money they could make off of outfit dlc.
Nintendo is infamously bad at passing up on exceedingly simple guaranteed profits because they make so much god damned money regardless that they don't need to think about it.
It's just nuts. Stuff like scale figures or nendoroids would make bank.
Imagine a Peach line that has her in her Odyssey swimsuit, her Tour Yukata outfit, etc.
Those things would absolutely sell like mad.
Wouldn't Showtime Amiibos be more relevant?
They're a family friendly company that doesn't want to whore out their characters.
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>tan Daisy
They have a very small amount of employees compared to what they produce. This is why they don't pursue any of the ideas that fans with no corporate background think would guarantee profit.
Rosalina should be taller.
Was she ever that dark in any game?
N64 era?
She wasn't dark there, either. People have for whatever reason been misinterpreting her models for years, which has perpetuated this myth. She's no darker than any of the other human characters, sans Peach, who has almost always been pale as fuck.
And cross-eyed.
She very clearly has her tan in games like Super Rush and Wonder
She doesn't. Her skin is just less pale than Peach's now.
Don’t Mario and Luigi already have nendoroids? Plus nendoroids and figmas of Nintendo characters get announced every year
Anon, it's not like Nintendo would be the ones making the figures.
Yes, which makes the fact that we don't have ones for the girls, Toad, etc even more confusing.
They love doing high end merch for Zelda and Pokemon shits out ridiculous costing clothing lines.
One of those is Nintendo's go-to diehard lorefag weeb franchise, and the other is the highest-grossing media franchise in the world. I say this as a fan of both.
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>tan Daisy
>One of those is Nintendo's go-to diehard lorefag weeb franchise
They treat the lore of that series as if they're openly mocking and contemptuous of these lorefag weebs.
I never said they didn't, but it doesn't stop fans from buying expensive replica statues and limited-edition Switch models, now does it?
Zelda is not a weeb thing, but its fans are the sort of people who'd call themselves weebs. Pokemon has much more die-hard fans, most Zelda fans haven't even played most of the games.
Pampered bougie ponces, the lot of them
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Would anyone care if Nintendo introduced a new love interest for Mario next game?
Nintendo is a weeb company at the end of the day.
Nintendo would need to hire more staff to manage it. This sort of thing isn't profitable for them and that's why they don't do it.
BotW turned it into a weeb series with its cringe nipwank Sheikah and Wano sequel.
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unironic internet communist slang will never catch on or be cool.
Can you define what weeb means. Most Zelda fans don't care or pretend to care about Japan.
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Despite that, at the end of the day it's been weebshit since it's inception. Same for Mario.
If we go by the theory that jumpman is mario's father and that pauline is mario's mother, then what are mario's similarities with pauline?
This artist is truly impressive for how simple their works are in retrospective, makes me feel a little small myself, like I have a long way to go as an artist and Im not even close to this level of appeal and skill to make finished pieces.
Also, they seem to have a very successful career making physical merch and whatnot, that's also something I thought about making myself, but I wonder if I have the ability to do even that, my art feels a little aimless. Their art is certainly marketable and I'd like to take something of that.

Anyways, great work as always.

I need to work hard...
The meaning of weeb is wapanese, for white people who wish they were japanese. There isn't much weeb about liking an international franchise that intentionally dilutes Japanese influence. And to say Mario is weeb is very retarded.
Does Nintendo allow this?
Anon, were you not aware that the meaning of weeb changed in recent years?
Perhaps but we're on 4chan not twitter where normalfags call themselves weebs because they watch the seasonal battle shounen dub.
Yeah, but like 60% of Pokemon's profits comes from merch, if not more.
You act like they would need to hire a bunch of people when they already have staff dedicated to stuff like the legos, jakks pacific, etc, and other stuff as is.
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I cant say for sure, but I'd assume they dont care cause it's just a small fry selling derivative work. An online artist making fanart and selling said fanart is not particularly threatning to the company like other instances that have like that one leaker. Also moving legal assets for a small fry sounds counterproductive, imagine if they did this for every artist out there doing similar practices; one would assume that is a luxury they can afford only for bigger cases where the derivative work IS an actual threat to the company in some way.
And that's all extra staff they have to hire too. Nintendo has a very small amount of employees compared to what they produce so they don't want to have to have excess staff and then have to hire more managers and create a more complicated hierarchy.
I unironically want another Fortune Street.
Why are you arguing against the idea so hard that you're acting like you know Nintendo's staffing and operations?
Shouldn't you be answering why you think you know better than Nintendo about what's profitable?
No, actually I have a better question;
Why are you acting like this would be any form of strain on Nintendo when they already have done stuff for far more "niche" of series like Metroid and Xenoblade?
She should've seen this coming with how much the Mushroom Coin is worth in other countries.
Lady not Pauline.
They already do Mario merch, it's probably the series with the most merch after Pokemon for Nintendo.
The Mushroom Kingdom needs to get its shit together.
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daisy my beloved
There's a difference between toys and real merch.
Mario is almost entirely toys and kids things like backpacks, t shirts, and school supplies.
>real merch
they're just more expensive toys
Isn't it better that you can get toys instead of some overpriced figure that's just a non-interactable toy with higher quality that doesn't matter much?
Is there even a way to boost the economy?
By going bowser mode and conquest other kingdoms.

Speaking of which: it'd be cool if there was a mario rpg where peach goes missing, and when mario goes over to bowser's place (tutorial/first area) not even bowser knows where she went, so eventually a new princess steps up to rule over the mushroom kingdom, however, she's far more ruthless than peach, she sends toads to conquer other places, assaults civilians, slavery, multiple toad npcs complain about their lives being shit, etc. Of course, mario and luigi would try to stop an invasion to sarasaland (or some other new unnamed kingdom) and this is when the new princess kicks mario and luigi out of the mushroom kingdom permanently over treason, however, mario and luigi meet a bunch of new characters who were also kicked out of the kingdom, they're investigating the new princess's background story, and eventually, after a few lore-important events/missions, they manage to locate the new princess's old kingdom, so mario and luigi are sent to investigate. After many battles, They find out that peach was kidnapped so that the villain could take over the mushroom kingdom, legally kick mario and luigi out knowing that they wouldnt resist standing up against their tyranny, and gather enough resources to get some powerful mcguffin to conquer the world, so its up to mario and luigi to defeat this game's villain
I don't think so because technically Peach owns a lot of land but she doesn't actually do much with it outside of world 1. There's some Toad houses here, and there but probably just an excuse not to let Bowser have some.
worlds 1 through 8 are technically part of peaches kingdom so when mario drops down the flag at the end of the level thats mario taking land back for peach.
What about bowser's castles?
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>Sarah Sketches
Spoken like a true plebian.
It's not like you're playing with the toys either if you're collecting.
And that higher quality is nice. Plus stuff like a nendoroid has little accessories and shit that you can pose while changing facial expressions and the like.
Why do you need high quality Nintendo models so badly?
Which other Mario fanartists do you dislike?
>It's not like you're playing with the toys either if you're collecting.
I assume they're a whole lot more poseable, and would also have less of a risk factor associated with them. Along with there just being a greater variety of guys to choose from.
Because I like these characters and want something nice decorating my shelf?
Less than you'd think. A lot of them just let you move the arms and maybe turn the head.
that sauce is probably daisy hypno fetishshit
How are plastic toys a nice thing to decorate shelves with? Why not something normal?
Sir this is 4chan.
don't care, cropped sauce required.
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Peach's cake...
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Mario's cake....
mario & peach: booty team.
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Dear Mario
Yours truely --
Princess Toadstool
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What the fuck
Bbw queen peach is godly imo
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Why don't you just learn modeling? You could model, print, sand, and paint your perfect figures. You can't expect Miyamoto to do all the work.
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I gotchu.
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Because a 3d printer is expensive, it takes up a lot of space, and my artistic ability is negative.
Add in incredibly unsteady hands and you have a combination ill suited for diy.
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Looking out for each other. God I love this one.
I can't believe Mario fucking died
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Didnt find the sauce but I did find this
(artist is ameetoe btw)
Also this.
Waluigi's black currant cum spurting out of him like a fountain pen while he shrieks like a fatally wounded duck from his prostate being rolled between fingers.
For me, it's retro Daisy
N64 Era Daisy my beloved
Seeing them side by side like this really makes you wonder why they did that to her.
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Based, both of you.
Who did what to her, exactly?
If you mean Nintendo, I dunno, Daisy hasnt really change all that much since the N64 era in my opinion, save the slightly lighter hair color, shorter hair and green accent. She is pretty much the same minus some mild changes, they reverted her skin color back and she retains her bubbly and energetic personality.
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Best princess. I've liked her almost as long as I've liked Luigi.
I dunno, mang. I just like the old dress more, even if it's simpler.
In some ways it's an upgrade.
In some ways it isn't.
I wish they'd blend both a bit, give her a style different from Peach a bit more.
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I also don't know why they got rid of the red crown. She's from some weird, foreign land, it makes sense for her crown not to be a traditional silver or gold color.
Her old crown and a lighter dress would be nice.
Something still pretty and regal, but more shows her excitable side.
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I wonder what you guys have in mind when thinking about giving Daisy a more "distinct appearance". She is admittedly quite similar to Peach in design, more than Rosa is to both, so if you were to give her a design change, what would you suggest?
I could sketch those ideas tomorrow and some of my own for an early warmup.
Something a bit more flowy in a sense? Her current dress is rather rigid in design and could also be an inch or two shorter
Taking her old dress and tweaking it would be the best bet.
It's a little weird tho. The old dress is exactly like the new dress in that it's the same as what Peach is wearing but with a slightly more complex design.
But I don't mind Peach's new dress while I preffer Daisy's old one.
Make her chubbier, itd also contrast with the fact that luigi is the thin one and parallel mario being the chubby one and peach being the thin one
Fuck off fatso.
She's already shorter and slightly more stout than Peach. It's not as drastic as the difference between the brothers, but she's not an exact copy.
He's just trying to inject his fat fetish into this. Don't pay that bullshit any mind.
A chubby character is a fat fetish? What, are you gonna say that mario being chubby or wario being fat are fat fetishes? They can design chubby characters without it immediately being a fat fetish thing.
Because this whole thing was about her dress and crown, not her actual appearance, you twit.
Deciding you think she should be thicker is blatant fetishism, no matter how hard you try to hide it behind shipperfagging.
do you think i'll ever have the balls to buy the geno keychain for the shrine
does anyone here own him or mallow
Just ask the people on /tg/ to teach you.
what could've been
my thoughts are that drivers should only be 50 rubies
You guys used the word "design", so that can easily be interpreted as talking about her actual appearance. It wouldve been more clear if you used "Dress design change"
what actually is
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hey wait a minute...
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>Rosalina was the White Mage all along.
I wonder why Nintendo didn't make legally distinct versions of Mallow and Geno?
I can think of something, dress is not going to be much of an issue using the old dress or sport dress as a foundation. Body type may be an issue, body types are a bit of a weak point of mine, but doesnt hurt to try. If it fails, I assure Im at least making her slightly shorter and thighs and hips a bit thicker kek.
I think you're reading way too much into it, anons are merely making suggestions and tweaking body type is a fair thing to suggest. no fetish nonsense is being brought up, you're actually the one making it weird here, ironically... Calm down.
I did say "design" impling appearance as a whole, I think pretty much everyone did so except for that one guy.
Side note and a pointless tangent, but I used to be friends with this artist! Saw him through his humble beginnings too, we havent talked in years though... (I still wonder why he was so pushy against the idea of me making NSFW of my own OCs, that stuck with me to this day)
Fawful and Geno have a similar cape.
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Aht Aht Aht.
Why? And also, if you wanna make nsfw of your ocs, just do it if you want to. your ocs, your rules, did he say why?
Outfit adjustments are the same character.
Physical adjustments are just making an OC Mario character or one of those art pieces people post here to mock for doing things like black Daisy or fat Peach.
>black daisy
aw hell yeah!
I find myself even more repulsed than usual.
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>crinoline to fill out the dress
Neat detail. Just not sure why it's out in the open like that. Everything else looks nice. My only real criticism is the incorrect gloves.
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Hey, a new Iron Maiden variant
>than usual
dude seek help
He never gave me a reason, he just seemed mildly upset at the idea of lewding my own characters. If I had to guess it'd be because my art was too cutesy to be kinky back then, which may have caught people off guard when I started experimenting with more kinky stuff. I never let that stop me though, I do make lewd pieces every now and then, but when I remember this one event it gets me thinking of how off it was from him.

Anyways, I'll get to sketching a Daisy redesign tomorrow, good night, /smbg/.
Any thoughts on the new SM64 TAS WR?
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At last, now I finally know what it looks like to go through a PU in real time.
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aibros are getting too powerful
*sigh* I wish real women were more like the princess, ya know? Shooting fireballs, going big mode, wearing cat suits, turning into elephants... *sigh* What's my point in existing anyways? Just to lose?
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Yes Bowser you exist to lose. I know your pain because I exist to lose as well. No matter how many times I save a princess I can never be with any of them. Always chasing and never succeeding. For if either of us were to win they would have to make moe princesses to make more games. We are both slaves, tools, to line the pockets of the suck bastards who created us to suffer.
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losing = winning in some cases..
Mario and Luigi's company are seem feral.
scandalous daisy got what she deserved.
Prince(?) Haru is a pretty girl
you can really tell twink was a geno stand-in during paper mario, so that's the legally distinct geno.
even if twink sucks compared to geno.
i kind of want to remake the robot shitcken mario gta skit to be more consistent with the gta and mario games
because the whole rhetoric of the skit is that mario and luigi don't know where to get coins, why repeatedly stomping realistic turtles isn't the same as bouncing once on a koopa, or what blood is... and yet mario takes out a fucking machine gun and yells profanities after luigi dies, throwing the whole innocence angle out the window.
that, and the skit implies that mario, luigi and yoshi die for real there
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twinks do in fact suck
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mario has a gun
not a realistic submachine gun like in the sketch
twink sucks more methinks
but he knows how a trigger works
i suppose but i dont think the rc writers would know of safari
hell mario in that sketch literally pulls it out of his ass at the end
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the colors look off
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>Mario doesn't get merch for adul-
That's for manchildren.
he didn't specify they were mature adults
All video game merch is for manchildren.
So is playing video games
All correct, but Lego in particular is targeted towards wealthy men who never grew up. That Mario and Yoshi is 130 American dollars, and is the second cheapest of five similar display sets. To put that high a price on building blocks is derangement, no matter what age your target audience is. And this isn't even going into sets like The Mighty Bowser or the Zelda Deku Tree set.
It baffles me that LEGO gets away with selling a bunch of plastic for that much. More baffling than that is that itworks and people let themselves be scammed out of hundreds of dollars for it.
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An attempt was made. I took as much as I could from the suggestions while also working under the limitations of the other princesses' designs and some additions of my own. Let me know what you guys think.

Some notes:
1. Sarasaland always struck me as a "sunny" place, so I wanted to convey that through the dress. Contrary to popular misconception, by "sunny" I dont mean "desert" or "beach", I means simply sunny, or summer-like. Whether I actually nailed that or not is already up for you guys to tell me kek.
2. I do take a handful of issues with the red/purple crown, mainly due to color scheme issues. My solution was to make it a red-ish Bronze, that also makes game with the other princesses having Gold and Silver for Peach and Rosa respectively. I also made the crown slightly pointier, taller and thinner.
3. Added the freckles because of the "sunny" theme, Daisy seems like the kind of person who would spend a lot of time outside in the sun, resulting in the freckles appearing. Makes sense to me.
4. To make her dress a bit more distinct I thought of exposing shoulders and chest and removing the shoulder things (idk the name kek), but had a couple of issues with it, I ended up taking notes from this pic here >>487515108 by keeping the "things" while also exposing chest.
5. I also recycled a few things from her old dress like the waist band and the lower pattern. Dress is shorter too to give Daisy something the others dont have: Exposed legwear kek.
6. It's not clear on the final piece, but I did make her thicker on the legs than the others, also made her shorter alright.
7. I changed her hair to be slightly longer like the old design and also retain the curves of the current design.
stop overusing kek, swap it with a lol at times
He's a twitter user trying very hard to fit in here, please understand.
It's pretty much a cult. They sell themselves as a lifestyle to people who have no real culture past consumption, like most big brands these days. I don't even know where kids fit into the equation anymore, it's not like they can afford anything they make.
i don't care, just giving helpful tips
NTA but using lol makes me feel like a Facebook aunt or something. On the other hand, kek makes me feel like a frogposting election tourist, even though the phrase is almost as old as 4chan itself, and came from another subculture entirely. I dunno, I guess "Hahaha" is the best option at this point.
If they're so wealthy then they're probably more grown up than you are
Oh, I fucking love sundresses.
From what I understand, the shoulders are simply called puffed sleeves, although there's a bunch of variants with their own unique names, including ridiculous stuff like Leg of Mutton Sleeve. That's fashion for ya.
There are several 4chan variations of lol, lurk moar
>to people who have no real culture past consumption
No it's just a fun hobby for people who enjoy it. You're absolutely no different to them for buying overpriced Nintendo games.
Actually not bad. I like the shoes especially. Cute without being unwieldy like heels are.
Ok I'm curious, mind editing that to give her green eyes? I love Daisy as she is, but if any Mario charactet screams green eyes, it's her.
As ugly as the original.
Make her more tan.
what about hue hue hue or wew or lmao or *wheeze* or lel or jej (spanish version) or even BOO!
Daisy's old dress was way better, the secondary color being white makes it actually resemble a daisy flower. I hate how they just turned it into an orange version of Peach's dress with an extra frill. Pink crown was cool too.
lmao is Twitter speak for "I am an enormous asshole and nothing I just said had any value"
Lego is expensive because their plasic isn't as toxic as other similar plastic build stuff sold such as miniatures made of resin. A tiny little character from games worshop can cost you 50. Enough for an army can cost even more since you have to pay for the paints too.
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lol my bad. Usually I alternate between them, but for this one I just forgot to do so.
I guess you can call this a sundress alright, I think that's fitting for Daisy. Also thanks for reminding me of the puffed sleeves.
Thanks. About the shoes, I was actually mindful of that and even thought of adding sneakers instead, but thought it was too much.
I love how freckles are a constant hit or miss I come across lmao, at this point I just find hilarious whenever someone likes or hates the freckles because you just never know.
Sure, that maker a more harmonious scheme. Though I dont think this sketch will do it much justice, so I also edited the old eyes I made to give you a much better idea.
In a roundabout way this is a compliment and I'll take it LMFAO.
Sure, but in my opinion I think this is a bit of an overkill...
much better
the text i mean, not the artwork, both look good
Post Mario characters with guns
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Fix the skin tone back to the old one. Now it's not looking like her.
Looks way more like her though.
It looks like bad fan interpretations of her. She has always been light skinned.
<heavy's voice> NO
Twitterfags. Twitterfags everywhere.
Cry more you miserable fag.
>She has always been light skinned.
She was tan when she started being a real character in the 64 games. I also miss tan Mario and Luigi.
If you're mad at gatekeeping it means you don't belong here
She was literally not. This isn't even a debate. You're just objectively wrong. Don't even bother replying.
They were never tan, they were just drawn with slightly darker tones
Why is the next 3D Mario taking so long?
We've already gotten this console's 3D game as well as Bowser's Fury which isn't a full length game, that's more than usual
She was.
They were tan. That's why Melee Mario and Luigi were tanned chads.
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No, it fucking doesn't.
Wow, I never managed to get any of those that actually looked nice.
>they weren't tan, they were just tan.
Return to tan...
You seem to not know what tanning is, you must be black or something. Maybe don't comment on this subject.
I know far more about tanning than you'll ever know, koopaboy.
I really hate that racists have made it that we can't talk about Mario characters originally not being pale. It's not like we're saying Mario was black.
Wow, look at how dark she is... She really hit the tanning booth!
Mario being turned pale white in the GC era was them sucking out his soul, it's why those renders were soulless.
>muh racists
Why is this even a debate lmao, just imagine she spent a while under the sun playing sports, it will go back to her original skin color after a week.
He's right, there's always a visceral reaction here for some reason, as if they were being targetted.
I could say incel in a perfectly on topic post and it'll rile someone up.
Doesn't matter either way the next 3D Mario will introduce a darker character to the cast.
I'm just sick of people perpetuating fucking lies and bad information.
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Shut up Bowser
Daisy was pale from the start
Because Daisy has become the focus of race swapping. She was never as dark as how she was drawn above.
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The lighting on the left is darker overall. At least post an actual promo render.
The issue isn't being tan, it's being just flat brown.
Too many artists don't understand the difference and even the OP didn't do it right.
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Nigga someone requested she was made tan, the artist even joked and said they overdid it. No one is race swapping anyone, no one was intending to race swap Daisy. Like I said, if it bothers you just imagine she spent all day long playing sports under the sun and that's why she tanned so much, her actual skin color will come back later, no one is saying Daisy is latina or some shit.
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>At least post an actual promo render.
Laina Daisy's butt on my face.
How come there's some new twitter art of brown Daisy posted here every thread?
Are you seriously threatened by tan Daisy? I bet you're the Daisysperg.
That's not how tans work.
Why are you so comfortable with the trend of race swapping white characters, do you support it?
>A tan is race swapping
Do you really thinking going into a tanning bed makes you black?
They're drawing her tan to normalize not drawing characters as pale, there's no reason for drawing her like that when she never appears like that in the games.
>They're drawing her tan to normalize not drawing characters as pale,
Sounds like schizo babble to me. I guess you really are racist.
Stop bringing your cultural war brainrot here.
Sounds like you haven't got a response. Are you so new that you're surprised that people here are racist?
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Look at this.
Being a racist pig isn't acceptable here. Go back to /pol/.
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Isn't that what people like you call police? it applies to yourself considering you think you're a mod.
I don't think there's anything funnier than being so autistic, you'd larp as a polack grifter on a Mario general out of all places.
>such as the all-conquering Super Mario Movie, which is now the second biggest animated feature film of all time.
>mogged by Inslop Out 2
Deeply embarrassing.
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>twitterfag so hidden behind irony he thinks everyone is larping
Pathetic. Nobody wants your kind here.
You don't speak for anyone else, go back
you speak for me, stay here
>racist racist racist
>white white white
>black black black
uh guys nintendo is a japanese company they're asian
thread schizo is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for shitposting material
What is the point of this nonsensical post?
Zoombafag is really autistic, pay him no mind.
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All this because the general loves Daisy. The funny thing is that it's only mexicans like him who pretend to be white that bring race into everything.
No it's non whites like yourself who try to feel better by pretending anyone slightly upset at race swapping isn't white
Eat your tacos. Only LARPers like you care.
You're not white
Exactly. Thats what makes you more retarded.
Trying to act tough on a fucking bing bing wahoo general.
>no u!!!
Embarrassing. Why do you hate Daisy so much?
>Trying to act tough
Where do you get that impression? No one has even used any slurs why are you so intimidated?
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That's the faggot who brought up /pol/, see >>487625157
Drop the act, kid.
You don't need to call someone a nigger to feel like you're intimidating or edgy to larp as a grifter on a childrens vidya general.
Zoombafag was right, this general is doomed.
No one is trying to sound tough except yourself
/pol/vermin should be reminded to go back to where they came from.
Which post do you think is edgy?
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nice daisy, pastel
So you should go back there
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Just hug it out already
>no u
Pathetic child.
>t. zoombafag
This is how fags trying to sound tough talk
Stop projecting, kid.
You're the guy who just assumed others try to sound tough for no reason, that seems like projection
Different anon, brainlet.
No it goes for you too, you're new and possibly underage. Why are you replying?
>you're new and possibly underage
Holy projection, /pol/shitter. Kill yourself. Your parents will breathe a sigh of relief when they find out that you died. This general isn't your super secret club where you can be a piece of shit.
I think you guys need to just kiss and make up. This argument is going nowhere, lol.
>implying they aren't shitposters that are doing this just like every single other nonsensical argument
It's just the Daisysperg samefagging.
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Like I said:
Your balls itch.
Pick one Mario character to help you scratch them.
You are certainly new and also underage, be a angsty faggot elsewhere
>everyone who does something I don't like is the same person!
Project more, kid. It's typical for a kid like yourself to try and do this. Nobody believes the shit you're selling.
To try and do what?
...was it really that hard to get the colors right?
it's the Mario is Missing SNES colors apparently.
Someone accurately called you a pathetic little kid, so now you're trying to pretend like they're the kid when everyone knows that you're barely out of diapers.
You are actually acting like a kid, cursing in each post, getting mad over something that's barely even racist
>You are actually acting like a kid.
More projection from a kid devastated he was found out. Listen, if you just stop posting for a day I'm sure we'll all forget about your embarrassment.
Yeah this is very embarrassing, so humiliating. Except for yourself of course, you sound adult and tough.
All this because some people piss their pants if you don't like race-swapping
>More no u
You're really digging your own grave here, kid.
More like all this because racists blow a gasket over a character having a tan.
Now, I'm not going to definitively point a finger, but this seems a lot like the guy who said "incel" without a hint of irony the other day.
Shut up Toad
Just how seriously are you taking this idiotic bickering? You equate it to digging a grave?
You definitely seem like the guy who had a meltdown over it.
You swung, you missed.
You responded to them, you didn't have to do that but you did
For newfags like you, who are desperate to fit in this is your nightmare. But all you have to do is stop posting and the general will forget you.
NTA but you're really just embarrassing yourself here by making it so clear that you need everywhere you go to conform to your softy faggot standards.
>I-I'm totally not the guy who threw a hours long temper tantrum over someone saying incel!!!
Sure thing dude.
Do you think maybe you're embarrassing yourself, and your posts are reflecting that?
Might I refer you to >>487633541
>softy faggot standards.
It's called being a decent human being. If you can't be one, then you aren't human.
What about not liking pointless changes to characters' skin colors done for the sake of petty personal politics makes someone less than a decent human being? Explain that. None of the usual
>oh durr, I shouldn't HAVE to explain it to you
cop-outs that your kind so adore, either.
Don't samefag, kid. And don't be cute with your "proof" that you aren't samefagging.
>twitterfag immediately jumps back to baseless accusations when he realizes he can't explain his stance
Just accept that several people can disagree with you
You should have taken my advice. Anyway, I need to sleep. Night.
Yeah, but you're a serial samefagger.
It's easier for him if he can pretend it's just one guy.
You'll very quickly notice that his "needing to sleep" won't last, and he'll keep perpetuating the argument. People like him can't stand not to have the last word and own the heckin' chuds.
That was you earlier
three gay niggas fighting
the original source of the argument was daisy, so the resident shitposter could easily be shitstirring here.
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>outgoing ones are shorter
>reserved ones are taller
only gay people like daisy
Resident schizo...
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I guess I'm super gay then.
another argument flood i see, tiring.
I wish Nintendo was more open to give crazy stories to its franchises, frickin' Miyamoto wants them to stay simple.
>crazy stories
>be a speedrunner!
>but don't use glitches like an actual speedrunner would!
>what? smb2? nobody cares about that game.
These have online leaderboards genius, they're not gonna let you cheat against little timmy.
Are you seriously implying that real speedrunners don't have leaderboards?
Those aren't comparable to official Nintendo leaderboards with casual families and children.
I see your point.
Doesn't stop me from thinking it's dumb, but I see your point.
Alright guys here me out. It's nintendogs but you take care of Mario characters instead of dogs (unless you pick Poochy in which case it is a dog) And instead of dog shows you make them go on platform levels. You train them to be platform jumping pros! And yes (You) can bathe them. The "plot" is that you're coaching the Mario characters in how to be platforming hereos, thats the reason you're taking care of them. And the "ending" is getting first in the final major platformer tournament but the game actually just loops arround after so you can keep playing.
Can you jack them off though?
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Why not just make these doll versions of the characters that we bought somewhere and were given life by Kamek or something for some reason. (pov: you're some species like a toad)
Much more reasonable then putting adult mario characters in a pet box.
>Can sit there doting on Daisy all day long
Yes please.
Tomodachi Mario life?
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I like the way you think kid!
Why not a Princess Maker game but with Peach, Daisy, or Rosalina?
Because then you can't take care of Luigi.
because we're talking about the entire mario cast, princessfag.
I still just want another Tomodachi game with the Miitopia Switch character creator. That shit would be peak, especially with new DLC every once in a while with new foods, interiors, clothes, etc. for your Miis.
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Went back and actually worked on the other two. I did redesign Daisy out of request, but now I want to redesign the other two, so Im open for suggestions if you think there's something that should be changed on their designs (save body proportions and measures cause I already got that covered).

I did get a bit ahead on Rosa and changed her sleeves (because I loathe the originals), also changed her dress to showcase her figure better. As for Peach... nothing got changed at all, I burned out in the middle of that one because
1. Being a Peachfag is a double edge sword that makes drawing her surprisingly frustrating.
2. My tablet began acting stupid in the middle of that one specifically so I lost the mood completely
3. I genuinely dont see how you can improve on this dress even though I HATE that I cant show her figure as well as I did with the others...
Funny how I can do Rosa so effortlessly even though Im not a Rosafag...
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This HAS to be a scrapped track from TOK, only that game has a soundtrack that goes this hard
That's literally how tans work, how else do you think they work, anon?
sounds like wario ware
hnnn that transparency.
I wish I had suggestions, but I don't actually have any problems with Peach's modern design nor Rosie's design.
If it lets me give Luigi hugs and pets and lots of love, I would get it instantly.
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how many slaves does Luigi own?
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>sarasa land isn't one big desert
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The music couldn't be more fitting
>turns into Mickey mouse at the end
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he owns a mansion so at least 30+
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This cover is just so damn comfy.
>a possibly hot summer night having a cold drink while fireworks go off in the background
>put ice cubes in his spunk
God, I want to kiss him so badly.
>I will never cuddle next to him as we watch the fireworks together
Why even live...
You guys mind if I hang out here for a bit?
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You're welcome anon.
I wish this was me, but with Daisy instead.
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Maybe someday, anon...
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I don't get what's funny in the OG post.
Poor xbros
Yoshi is the only real
You guys wanna see some 'tism? Check this shit out, follow the replies.
The only real Mario
I think they just trade in any other resource other than gold coins most of the time.
That's why despite there being coins every 10 feet in a mario game all the enemies and people have 3 or 20 coins on them when you beat them up. It's a hyperinflated meme so people make a living off of crops, land, furniture or some shit like that
what the fuck is goin on over there
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El em ay oh
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I feel you, anon...
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The next time anyone in here complains about "muh autism posters" remember this >>487669285 and don't you fucking forget it.
Add Dr. Mario to the team so he can throw pills at the schizos
Now taking name suggestions for the good doctor
This is a Lemmy thread
(Iggy and Ludwigbros also welcome)
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Can a Larrybro come to this thread?
I don't like the koopalings
You are wrong.
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Sell me on Larry
Super Suppository
First Toadette, now luigi... who's next!?
Fentanyl Fanatic?
meds. now.
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Simple, straight to the point, yet perfectly fitting.
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He has an interesting hairdo.
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Open wide, anon
why does doctor ai make so many people seethe?
So what mobile games do you play other than the Mario and Nintendo ones?
Pointing out low quality art isn't seething.
I don't.
No but people throwing a fit when someone mods it into a game is. WILD stuff man I thought modding sights like gamebanana were cool.
NOOOOOO I exposed my self as ESL!
The problem is that AI slop needs to be cracked down on before it's too late and 9 times out of 10 when you search for something you get AI images in the results.
le funny Doctor Mario face may make you giggle, but it's killing humanity.
you think there's 2D Mario romhacks that just replace Peach and Daisy?
With what, exactly?
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i'm fucking retarded, I meant to say replace Peach WITH Daisy
Does anyone feel like the pre-Switch and Switch-era fanbases of Nintendo franchises are basically two different demographics at this point?
Why does people disliking something make you so irrationally angry?
>irrationally angry
But enough about people being absolutely mindbroken for some ai shitposts.
Shut the fuck up about AI no one cares.
Why are you so upset?
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>projection about being called out
It's just a meme sonny. It's not gonna take your job.
>muh projection
You don't get to say this, you began this discussion by accusing others of being mad
I'm not that anon. Keep trying to cover for your schizo anger over some harmless memes.
That's very convenient isn't it
I can throw samefag accusations right back at ya kiddo. Replying 2 hours after a conversation has ended (which I can accuse that was also you) also means the seething he's talking about describes you well. It literally ended in "ai bad", so you didn't even need to reply anymore. This is what I'm talking about of the anti-ai side being mindbroken beyond repair.
The 3DS and Wii U turned the fanbase into this. For as much shit Nintendo got, it turned the people who were left into pretentious shitheads who'll cry about games but still slurp them up anyway. Then the Smash 4 pre-release and DLC periods were where things got real bad with the kind of people it attracted.
hating AI shit is an SJW woke mind virus mental disorder
whether you're falseflagging for either side, it's not working.
>fell for bait post
>called out the bait post
Don't reply to the post above it's a bait post as all three posts are the same anon.
The anon above is off his meds, ignore him, but no need to reply either way.
Don't do it anon! DON'T GIVE HIM THE (You)!!!
Already said no need to reply to the ai falseflagger. Take meds.
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oooo this is a very tensea moment!
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Show me the example pictures of the geno merch, sounds good.
absolutely unhinged
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NTA but here's a picture. Yhat little machine in the corner of the tag seems to imply it's like a capsule toy or something. Like those little Homies™ fellas.
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Hey this Mario doesn't look too far off from the mario rpg remake version of his model!
You're writing these long replies about it for no reason. Just allow people to not like something.
I would gladly risk burns to have my face there.
Would you like to see SNES Koopa Beach in the next Mario Kart if the remake is like this?
i think there's a lot more you can do with an SNES track remake than just this.
nice remix though.
It’s just the Tour model with the deep water pits restored, but they could definitely take the BC3 route with a remake, and I also want a proper SNES Koopa Beach music remix that isn’t the DS one
I hate snes tracks, too short.
>too short
Better hope they don’t bring back a Vanilla Lake next game
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Allow people to have fun with harmless memes. Works both ways.
You didn't post anything worth responding to, and here you replied two hours after something else. You didn't posing anything amusing. People are allowed to not like something.
Now look who's posting long replies because they're still seething over shitposts. Hypocrite, you reignited the argument 2 times already and the second one you replied 3 hours later after the 2 hours. stop endlessly seething about memes. You're posting nothing replies.
That wasn't near as long as your previous reply. You need to get over the fact that people dislike things. You can say your buzzwords over and over again, but it doesn't change anything.
>aischizo has returned
Stop replying to each other you goofballs just let it go.
You still have no rebuttal to what I claimed, you reignite arguments because you endlessly fume about it. People are allowed to post shitposts. Stop being mad.
What do you want a rebuttal for?
>you reignite arguments
And you have all the option to stop posting too. The difference is that you intend to keep insulting anyone who criticizes your garbage.
Would you both be down for Mario 64 co-op?
That was apparently originally the intention for 64 DS, very annoying they didn't do it.
64 PC probably did everything they wanted through mods at this point.
Also >>487737834
>You didn't post anything worth responding to
>Still responds anyway
Disingenuous and hopeless. A combo for you.
>Admits he's seething so hard for mere memes that he reignites arguments.
Ok that's settled, now for this third time, stop replying.
The reason to respond to to continue to tell you that people are allowed to dislike something. The only person to admit anything is yourself when you said you break rule six and think that was ever allowed.
Is that a no on co-op then?
>The reason to respond is because I need to seethe at 2 second shitposts
We know.
>aischizo is also a armchair janny
keks never stop.
If Bowser is scared of clowns why does he have a clown car?
where did it say bowser was scared of clowns?
You intend to keep posting your garbage and lashing out at anyone who says they dislike it, and you've revealed that you generally intend to cause trouble here by other means
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>he doesn't know
The only one lashing out is you.
>le 4chan rules
It's 2 second shitposts. Stop having a breakdown.
Also you say my replies have no worth ""apparently"" so stop responding to me hypocrite, you've been causing just as if not more trouble than me reigniting this argument multiple times after it already ended on "ai bad".
You lashed out originally when you replied to no one asserting everyone else was mad but yourself
>scared of naked Mario

Why? Doesn't he have a Big Koopa Cock?
>You lashed out originally when you replied to no one asserting everyone else was mad but yourself
Not me schizo. Not everyone who knows shitposts are just shitposts are the same person. Could easily say you're the same guy that ended that argument too. Now stop being a disingenuous derailer >>487742165
Get back on topic.
You clearly don't know what hypocrite means. That would be yourself for accusing others of being the problem but also intentionally being as insufferable as possible.
The purpose of replying is to reaffirm to you that others are allowed to dislike something. Why do you care so much?
You obviously are a hypocrite, multiple people know shitposts are just shitposts here tourist, you reignited this twice. Now get back on topic.
>This thread right now.
And people are allowed to post shitposts, like they've been doing for the past 20 years of the internet while you live under a rock apparently. Works both ways. Stop replying.
>Now get back on topic.
If you reply again that makes you the hypocrite, as you've consistently done
No they are not, it breaks rule six
Keep proving you're a tourist. 4chan rules are broken 1000 of times a day. You're ignoring the fact that your reignited this argument twice. So if you truly care about thread quality (which you apparently don't) you'd stop replying after this post. You say "le have no worth I won't reply" already. So there. It's done.
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He is scared of finding him attractive.
>having a huge cock
I'd say it's more "slim" than "huge"
>Thinks 4chan is a place where the rules are supposed to be broken
You've proven you're the tourist by this line. Tourists think 4chan is only for le epin meme postings and don't realize that a lot of people come here for genuine discussion.
>hey princess how would you know?
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Holy fuck, ousting yourself as a twitter redditor in real time, kek.
>Thinks 4chan is a place where the rules are supposed to be broken
Yes, you giant non self aware Aischizo faggot. People know when and when not to shitpost, the only people who get this mindbroken about it are complete tourists like you. And now you've proven yourself to be a worthless shitposter yourself going against your "I won't reply claim" double points. You don't actually care how much you derail, argument reigniter.
The other ai meme poster already let it end on a the anti-aifag getting the last word. Shut up already.
It was you who said you wouldn't reply. You've been saying stop replying to this conversation, yet kept replying yourself like a hypocrite. You're trying to provoke people, you're trying to justify breaking rule six, you're intentionally keeping this argument going because you can't get over that people don't like things.
>ousting yourself as a twitter redditor
Nope, not at all. You exposed yourself and it's showing.
>It was you who said you wouldn't reply.
Lying through his teeth
disingenuous anon, you said those exact words
here >>487740147
I said to get back on topic multiple times. Now stop replying, you've lost all "thread quality" credibility.
You replied to your own post you clown
Look at where it's replying to, I called you out on it on that post. I know you don't know how to click replies moronic tourist but it isn't that hard.
This argument started literally out of nowhere
huh, guess shitposters and schizos have the most retarded hidden talent
Where did anyone say to stop replying apart from yourself?
Are you actually retarded? you said it on the post I called you out on.
Look at the chain. I never stated I'd stop replying. I said to get back on topic already. Now let's do that.
You told others to stop replying but refuse to do it yourself, that's hypocrisy. Just link a post where anyone else said that.
>Now let's do that.
You've already shown yourself to be a far greater problem than simply an intentional rule breaker, you think this entire website is just for ruining with unfunny garbage
Nope you've stated you aren't going to reply to posts you deem intentionally "worthless" And you haven't for hours while also reignited the exact argument multiple times.
You're the biggest problem here.
And no you spamming pseudo janny language that only tourists read isn't gonna help you out of this one. You're just as if not more than a bigger problem than me.
Now get back on topic.
This argument derives from a huge misconception newfags make, it's more than what it started with. There's a very good chance this faggot is a usual trouble maker here.

That was never stated, only that it is pointless to do that, don't make things up.
This is obviously the Aischizo newfag that went mindbroken months ago when ai wasn't posted for a dozen threads and kept bringing it up out of nowhere.
>That was never stated, only that it is pointless to do that, don't make things up.
You said it verbatim.
Where? Just link the post.
I already did, I called you out on the post. Learn how 4chan replies and quotes work.
You haven't linked the post. You lied.
I did, you're just a huge tourist and don't know 4chan mechanics. You've already expressed that much.
This... this is actually worse than... daisy schzio arguments... holy shit dude this is fucked!
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Just kiss already, you babies.
You revealed that you come here specifically to break rules and think that's what it's for, you are the tourist. You'll find on most boards that aren't /v/ that when people are complaining about the mods, it's not about them deleting their posts, but actually about them failing to delete rule breaking posts and defending twitter garbage that people like yourself post.
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>Still spamming pseudo janny lingo as a huge tourist
If you want to work for free that bad, sign up and do it already. Doesn't erase that you're a disingenuous argument reigniter.
You showed the princess my micropenis when I stripped. You took a pic said "hey look-a at bowser" and everything. >>487744391
You have to give the mods of 4chan your personal id like passport so no thank you
>hello, jannies? could you please stop dilating, and clean up the mess on aisle /smbg/ in the /vg/ department? can I hold? yes of course
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You are also retaining this argument since you think that's what this website is for.
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>jannies don't just work for free they dox themselves for free too
You're the one retaining this argument since the beginning. Don't project. You can stop this any time by not replying like you already stated.

Also almost no one ever refers to the rules on any board. they get laughed out of the room when doing so. they only want posts deleted when shitposting goes past nuclear. and ai doesn't count (and especially one image of ai that you're being this mindbroken for) since there's still threads on many multiple 4chan boards going on since last october that aren't nuked anymore for months now. also a board dedicated to tech research /g/ that openly allows ai
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What is this argument even about anymore?

Anyways, Im going back at redesigning Rosa and Peach, does anyone have suggestions for a redesign?
I have a suggestion for Rosalina
her current design is great, although I can't help but think her dress is too simple, so perhaps an extra splash of color on it would look great on her
replace the skirt part of her dress with shorts but then keep the upper part of her dress normal in fact make it look even more elegant and then keep her princess slippers too but like better, you know?
They also have to fill in a quota of what they've done every day. The mods are trying to filter out people who genuinely want to improve this website and instead hire easily controllable retards who just want power over others.

Because you need to be told that you're a negative asset to this website
>Also almost no one ever refers to the rules on any board. they get laughed out of the room when doing so.
You're just revealing the places you post. There are people on boards like /a/ that rage hard at the use of the buzzwords you were freely posting earlier.
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>sucking janny cock this hard
Fuck off to plebbit faggot
Can you even read?
You're the only negative asset tot his website seeing this thread here. You don't care how much you derail or reignite arguments.
>There are people on boards like /a/ that rage hard at the use of the buzzwords you were freely posting earlier.
I've visited that board too, and you're clearly wrong. It's the same as there. Even twice as much buzzword spam when it's "my favorite anime vs your favorite anime"

You have labeled me the "evil shitposter" and you the "le quality control" in this scenario. So all you need to do is stop replying. Let people talk about Mario and move on with your day. replying further means you don't give a rats ass about this thread, the 4chan website, or etc as much as you lead on. And your actions here already say you already don't.
So drop this already and let the general move on.
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I did. and it's "work for free" janny babble
Those are tourists like yourself who post in the shounen and seasonal threads, the board segregates itself and you're just revealing where you post. Don't make things up about this, try any meta thread and read what the posters are saying.
>So all you need to do is stop replying.
How about you first and stop being such an enormous hypocrite? Can you manage that? You've already made it very clear that you intend to keep causing problems here, so at least this conversation serves to call you out and condemn your tourist behavior.
The meta threads even have more of this stuff when people hate a part of a leaked manga that another loves, tourist.
Now you're proving even more you're as big of a shitposter as anyone else, you disingenuous "quality control" poster. You'll never let this end. Glad I got that cleared up.
Come on reply again for the last word, let's see it.
Show us some more of that "quality control" you lie and boast about.
All of these comments apply to yourself, with the addition of making yourself a massive hypocrite.
>The meta threads even have more of this stuff when people hate a part of a leaked manga
What does that have to do with this?
Now you're deflecting even harder tourist when meta threads still have shitflinging. You didn't even know ai threads were on many boards of the site for many months when you spammed "le rules"
Keep replying you shitposter. You're just as bad as me. Come on. Walk for us dog.
This isn't deflection, you write all this insults about being he problem, yet it all applies to yourself. Why don't you just stop faggot?
> You didn't even know ai threads were on many boards of the site f
Not true, and those threads are allowed since they don't break the rules. Your posts earlier are extremely low quality so break the rules.
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>exact same strategy as that argument in /kdg/ last night
I knew I was getting baited on some level, but I still didn't want to lose (and when it got to the drawing segment, it became more fun than anything). Oh well.
And so who are you accusing?
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This is exactly what deflection is.
>Not true, and those threads are allowed since they don't break the rules. Your posts earlier are extremely low quality so break the rules.
Now you're contradicting your entire argument saying "ai is allowed ackshually", kek. Wow you'll do anything to continue this derail. I see right through you. Shitposter to shitposter.
but man your tactics are getting kinda boring now. Yawn.
You've already reignited the argument multiple times. How about we let this end, eh?
The one who keeps saying shit like
>keep replying
to egg the guy on.
so both of them? they're both equally shitters.
The argument was never that ai was completely banned from any discussion on 4chan, but that your low quality ai images break rule six, and that you're intentionally trying to provoke people by posting as well as insulting those who don't like it.
Yes you're right, but the other poster is actually saying that 4chan is supposed to be for provoking people
nah, he's saying shitposts should cause this much shittery.
the other guy is equally as bad.
he's saying shitposts shouldn't cause this much shittery*
>The argument was never that ai was completely banned from any discussion on 4chan, but that your low quality ai images break rule six, and that you're intentionally trying to provoke people by posting as well as insulting those who don't like it.
First off, it was. You're backpedaling and moving goalposts now that I've mentioned 4chan boards that you clearly never go on (and that's a lot of them).

Also I didn't post any ai image, another anon did.
This one ai image got you into this much of a meltdown, think about that.
The other anon let the anti-aifag end the argument, and you reply 2 hours later.
Then again you respond 2 hours later to reignite it.
then 3 hours later to reignite it again.
You're such a faggot dude. Don't try to be pretentious and act like you're above it all. You're not.
Where was that given as the argument? Yes you didn't post any images but you identified it as a reason to troll and get people into arguments.
> 4chan boards that you clearly never go on
Which are?
light-skin or dark-skin, this is cute interpretation of the character
Even more evidence you're a shitter. You clearly are ignoring your actions argument reigniter. You're as big as any shitposter here.
>Yes you didn't post any images but you identified it as a reason to troll and get people into arguments.
one ai image that's a 2 second shitpost could only get you in this much of a meltdown argument aischizo. No one was even "trolling you". It was a shitpost in response to a Dr Mario vgleague submission. That's it.
>Which are?
Every 4chan board that has had a constant ai thread for many months now.
Also even /vg/ has ai generals. Only a tourist would be so oblivious.
You can just link these posts but you don't, stop making things up. It was your intentional troll post that people responded to, not the ai images that were posted before.
>Every 4chan board that has had a constant ai
Which are those? And anyway that's on topic as explained before.
MODS! JANNIES! Please clean up this general, it's a mess and full of offtopic garbage!
>You can just link these posts but you don't, stop making things up. It was your intentional troll post that people responded to, not the ai images that were posted before.
>>Every 4chan board that has had a constant ai
You having alzheimers isn't my fault you're deleting things from your memory when it goes against your narrative. I've already stated boards before. You're like a brick wall.
>Which are those? And anyway that's on topic as explained before.
You're backpedaling doesn't work here. If this is a concession, I'll accept as long as we're done here. I want to do something else at this point.
You're making things up you liar, link the posts if it's so true.
>You're backpedaling doesn't work here.
You made up a strawman, link the post where it said that
>You're making things up you liar, link the posts if it's so true.
>>>You're backpedaling doesn't work here.
>You made up a strawman, link the post where it said that
Scroll up faggot. How can I lie about history that just happened for the past 4+ hours. Not gonna spoonfeed you just because I can remember things like anyone over the basic of ages. Now you're just talking just to talk. Just drop this already. It's sad at this point.
He's so cool.
You scroll up and then link here the posts that say any of what you're saying
meant for >>487755437

See this? This is you shitposting to shitpost. It was said hours ago. You've already conceded that ai is allowed. Now shut up. Don't meltdown over one measly ai image posted by someone next time.
You're making things up about other people, you don't get to just do that without being called out
>You've already conceded that ai is allowed.
That in some cases it's on topic to the topic of the board. In the case above it's extremely low quality so not rule abiding. Stop being so dishonest.
Matter of fact, if ai is allowed than rule 6 doesn't effect anyone here. In fact none of my posts were low quality since from the beginning I stood on the fact of
"works both ways with ai"
>You're making things up about other people, you don't get to just do that without being called out
>That in some cases it's on topic to the topic of the board. In the case above it's extremely low quality so not rule abiding. Stop being so dishonest.
You've been dishonest ever since you reignited the argument 3 times just to derail further then act like your the "le good" one here. That's also extremely low quality posting hypocrite.
and again, no one on 4chan cares about rules unless shitposting gets nuclear, tourist. One measly ai image doesn't count for this with anons as well as jannies.
If this argument is not being deleted then it's on topic then, according by you. Neither of our posts are about vidya so they are all extremely low quality.
>You've been dishonest
You've made a serious of statements and refused to do the simple task of just finding the posts and linking them in your reply. It was never the argument, you're a disgusting liar. You're the twitter tourists who thinks 4chan is for extremely low quality rule breaking posts so in fact anyone arguing with you is probably on the better side.
Many people do, you do not speak for this entire website.
>If this argument is not being deleted then it's on topic then, according by you. Neither of our posts are about vidya so they are all extremely low quality.
>You've made a serious of statements and refused to do the simple task of just finding the posts and linking them in your reply. It was never the argument, you're a disgusting liar. You're the twitter tourists who thinks 4chan is for extremely low quality rule breaking posts so in fact anyone arguing with you is probably on the better side.
>Many people do, you do not speak for this entire website.

>Tourist Immediately starting your post dishonestly, saying lazy /vg/ jannies somehow justifies what you've displayed today. Also contradicting himself yet again in this argument.
You're such a joke.
>>saying lazy /vg/ jannies somehow justifies what you've displayed today. Also contradicting himself yet again in this argument.
I'ma gonna fly for you
You're the biggest dumbass, I've spoken with.
You're also disingenuous through and though.
>inb4 he spams where again like a braindead parrot, him replying again as he derails further not being self aware at all
It's a shame you can't explain why you think this
It's a shame you have Alzheimer's this bad while also being just as "le bad" as me in "le quality control". Pathetic moron.
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The jannies are dancing on /smbg/'s cold dead body
why are the two /kdg/ retards allowed to fight in here?
Couldn't even tell you what that general is
Kirby general, there's always two retards in there that are ""arguing"" in exactly this style of format to derail the thread.
finally it's over..
Luigi is cheap plapbait.
Would Mario ever wear Daisy's dress?
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I want to take one of these bros home.
Mario isn't a degenerate.
>the exact same, hours long back-and-forth petty argument three times in less than 24 hours
>once in smbg
>not long after that ends it starts in kdg
>when that ends one of them says they're going back to smbg, and it starts again here
>mods not giving a flying fuck the entire time
What the actual fuck, are we joined at the hip or something? Same shitposters in both generals?
Imagine lifting the hem of his dress and seeing his big, floppy cock just hanging out, haha.
He wore a Clown suit.
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You TELL em, sistah!
yass queen
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>Playing M&L game
>See new mechanic
>Instantly know what to do
>Run up to it
>1-1 starts playing
we have a few crossposters between the two generals, makes sense shitposters from both would want to start targeting both threads
i just wanna know what the fuck was going on with the mods. i reported several posts as both spam and trolling and fucking nothing. guy was even outright admitting to trolling on /kdg/ side, and nothing. really gives you confidence in our fair moderation team.
watch as i receive a ban now for announcing a report
Maybe the other guy is inciting things over there now, you're deluded if you think this was a rehearsed argument or something. The mods allow this sort of thing because it increases the money they make.
jannies = trannies
the eternal 4chan rule without fail, useless, lazy and unpaid vermin
Maybe the shitposter wouldn't get away with hours worth of stirring shit if you guys just learned to not take the bait.
Nothing we can do about it if it's two people.
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I guess that's true...
the /smbg/ resident schizo shitposter is also known to reply to himself when no one's taking bait.
in /kdg/ he started replying to himself when kdg's foidschizo (another big falseflagging general schizo) left him and drew images on each side for an extra hour or two. he was then called out on it, but his mentally ill ego still persisted on ousting himself with his tactics like this is some sort of "game" to him, as dumb as that sounds.
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That's just sad. That anon could put that time and energy towards something actually useful or productive.
Why not try to contact the mods on IRC directly to get them involved?
/kdg/‘s successfully done it before.
Don't remind me of the keebyschizo, i swear he set up a keeby fetish bot after he was tiring out.
did 1-1 steal your meal once?
You don't want to know.
Trust me.
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You keep saying this, but I pretty much expressed that my end of things was operating on the thought of
>if this guy is being genuine (he's not because he can't even explain himself), I can't let someone who actually likes female Kirby win
>plus, drawing these has become fun
so it was genuine on my side.
I know that probably makes it even worse, but I digress.
Doesn't female Kirby make more sense though? She's pink.
It really doesn't. Don't get me started. I won't engage beyond this point.
You are a child.
Kirby is pretty genderless on the whole. But being pink either makes Kirby a woman or gay.
NTA but that's the typical tutorial theme for the M&L games.
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Now that the dust has settled, we can agree that Movie Peach is perfectly fine alongside Game Peach right?
Consider the following:
>hell no
>go die in a ditch
I don't know anon, to get that triggered and intentionally derail a thread over a headcanon that doesn't exist is kind of retarded.
yeah, she's an alternative character in an alternative media, just like movie mario is
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If you mean as another interpretation of Peach that adds up to her overall character design history much like the other interpretations in the same group... no.
If you mean as a separated entity that showcase a compelling reinterpretation of her character design that stands out on it's own much like the others in the same group... also no.

The former group implies there are multiple of her core traits in the design along new ones, allowing you to seamlessly associate those new traits to the original Peach. Most notable examples of this group are most spinoff Peaches like RPG, Paper and even Strikers.
The latter group implies some rewriting that, while changes Peach quite drastically, you can still find charm in them on their own. Most notable examples of this group are most of the Peaches from external sources like Adventures and the Cartoons.

Movie Peach fails at coexisting with the original's character design due to being a massive rewriting in both personality and looks AND ALSO fails at being a compelling rewriting because she is just a plain female lead with no growth that has nothing to show outside of it.
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Now that the dust has settled, we can agree that DiC Peach is perfectly fine alongside Game Peach right?
DiC Peach? Yeah. I like her just fine.
No, get out Dobson.
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LMFAO what a geekazoid!
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Now that the dust has settled, we can agree that Adventures Peach is perfectly fine alongside Game Peach right?
No, get out Luigi.
Sure you could say that.
Hmm...not enough experience with this one, but movie Peach apologists were carting this one out to say that movie Peach was fine and anyone who didn't like her was sexist, so I'm going to give this a tentative no.
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Now that the dust has settled, we can agree that Otenba Peach-hime is perfectly fine alongside Game Peach right?
No, get out Wendy.
I've...never even heard of this one.
This is the only good Peach.
Now that the dust has settled, we can agree that Movie Peach is perfectly fine alongside Game Peach right?
No, get out Haru.
This movie Peach? Yeah.
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Insert hating the ending here even though the entire point was that Mario wasn't butthurt over it and they didn't know what direction the series was going in at the time
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Now that the dust has settled, we can agree that KC Peach is perfectly fine alongside Game Peach right?
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She's a pervert, so no.
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Now that the dust has settled, we can agree that Mario-kun Peach is perfectly fine alongside Game Peach right?
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Depends, would she hate Vivian like Mario-kun Mario does?
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At the end of the day, Game Peach is unanimously the best Peach. We can all agree on that, yes?

Or do we also separate them? Because in that case, is Paper Peach better than Mainline Peach?
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Now that the dust has settled, we can agree that Benimaru Peach is perfectly fine alongside Game Peach right?
Peachfag takeover
I keep hearing Sailor Moon when I think of her now.
why's that?
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Now that the dust has settled, we can agree that The Peach I fap to in my favorite pornography is perfectly fine alongside Game Peach right?
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He does a good Peach
She's worse than Movie Peach.
They share a voice actress. The voice actress for Peach in the DiC adaptations of SMB3 and SMW (Tracey Moore) was also the first VA for the title character in the DiC release of Sailor Moon.
huh, news to me.
Oh yeah? Prove it.
She's a cocksleeve for Bowser.
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I have no interest in that kind of thing so you're wrong.
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Are you saying your favorite pornography doesn't feature Bowser?
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Sailor Daisy my beloved...
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Yes, I am.
I'm shocked.
cute shrimp
>feathered headband
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>1-up Kanau yo!
what were they thinking?
kc peach is peak so yes.
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The real Luigi would literally never do this.
How would you react if Miyamoto changed his full legal name to 'Luigi's Personal Cumslut' and 80% of the people you talked to viewed it as completely normal?
>Vivian canonically has facial hair
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>Super Mario-kun
why do you enjoy watching inferior voice acting?
Post a source that says otherwise
you need to jack off (or shlick off) before talking here luigiyume. you're too horny.
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The fact that the events in Super Mario-kun directly contradict those of the games.
mario ding
Not a source, Miyamoto says every Mario is the same.
Looking back, was it a good thing that Mario stayed completely platonic with her in the DiC cartoons?
In the games.
...Every game Mario.
For the kind of show that it was, yes.
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>Mario has every single feat from all the RPGs under his belt
But why didn't anything else do the same thing?
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Answer the question.
I'd ship it
That's not what he said
This is the level of tan that's acceptable
I think Mario would make it far if he fought current Goku
He wouldn't even need to take a White tanooki/racoon suit to the fight, base Mario with his RPG experience alone destroys Goku.
White tanooki/raccoon suit*
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Lanky dork.
Goku is Gokuversal.
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>Gokuversal Jobs to Marioversal
many such cases
>best selling videogame franchise
>best selling videogame franchise
Technically that's Mario, he has the most money in videogames (red bar).
>Winnie the Pooh that high
Holy fuck
That's what I said.
based humble mario not being a merch pandering piggie like pokemon (though I guess that's why people have trouble collecting the physical stuff in this fanbase)
he's a very marketable bear!

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