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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread.

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Previous thread: >>67562764
Unsanctioned /r9k/ Happenings Thread: >>>/r9k/78221293
What if the real /nah/ was the "friends" we made along the way?
Stop forcing me to make the thread! It keeps dying when I'm sleeping so someone else should make a thread when it's needed
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mootcat riding my cock
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I'm trying to be a little less directly involved to prevent personal overtake (again)
Looks like she's having fun
needs to be 50 feet tall and standing over me
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r9k is the most pozzkiked tranny board on this entire website

you cant even tell trannies to commit suicide
well can or can't you?
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hello dt
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nudist makes no sense

its disgusting

but wearing a loincloth or just underwear just makes sense

nude and underwear are the difference between dirty and clean
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What's your opinion on tights/pantyhose?
Oh he likes to use them. It makes him look feminine and submissive, perfect for his BIG COCK MASTERS
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Pantyhose and tights are women's clothing, they belong on women. Men should not wear women's clothing regardless of their own dysfunctions. To do so is like cooking a steak well done and then slapping ketchup on it.
I agree with you, but he's not like any other male. He knows that real men shouldn't wear them, but he likes to be ridiculized, insulted, degraded. That's why he acts like a bitch, my bitch. Because she wants a little bit of that ketchup
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sit dt sit.
Yes dt, sit. Sit in my dick
Did xhe stutter?
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just weird to see someone talking about cock vore that isn't Nat is all. You do you.
Not xhe, he
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Easy with the wishes man, that's how you get monkey pawed. See pic related as an example of said monkey paw.
is it a happening if it's two retards telling eachother to stop posting for over two hours?
Just follow the reply chain.
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That gave me a good fucking giggle. Someone should set it to Yakety Sax.
What possesses two people to do this
Assuming it's two people and not just one person replying to himself
bants, even stupid bants, are what it's all about baby
Back in the day we did all manner of rituals to praise the once renowned god of lulz. Now we just try to gangrape each other over ip/tcp. The dead gods influence has not yet left us
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Hello there, I don't browse here but I saw that the last post about it was in these threads.
Anyone knows what happened to "pass get dot site"? The site doesn't seem to be there anymore, which kind of sucks since I was actually using that service.
Pretty crazy that plap posting started on /flg/, but I guess it makes sense.
If there's ever a general that doesn't need to exist and you wonder "hmm why does this exist? What could possibly happen there?". This. This is what happens. If there isn't a real reason for a vg general to exist they should be banned on sight.
what's /flg/? Fligu Gigu?
Anyone that can help this anon? I have no idea
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>DNS issue
That means it's kill mate.

However, it did kind of become obsolete since you can now use debit/credit to pay for passu again.
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>That means it's kill mate.
>However, it did kind of become obsolete since you can now use debit/credit to pay for passu again.
I see. I had no idea that you could buy a pass with a card again, must have been a recent change. Oh well, at least I don't have to pay an extra 5 dollars.

Thanks for the help, hope you all have a great day.
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why do incel chuds love risotto so much when she has an "Electra Complex"
>In neo-Freudian psychology, the Electra complex, as proposed by Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung (26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) in his Theory of Psychoanalysis, is a girl's psychosexual competition with her mother for possession of her father.
yeah so basically what felt like days ago I decided to give up looking for a highly specific anime because lets all admit, all anime is a boring waste of time and its not really that entertaining

My imagination is easily far more entertaining.

So now I just think with background netflix television,

I've realized that actually imagining is a full time job, that is my current headcanon. It'd take 24/7 imagining including while I lead my armies personally because I want to secure the glory myself and not let some punk steal it from me
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What did the captcha meme by this?
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Interesting. There is no current /r9k/ happening thread on the catalog whatsoever.
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Interesting. There is current /r9k/ happening thread on the catalog whatsoever.
but no happenings whatsothoughever.
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...imminent vore?
Hawt on women. Especially the latter. I don't care about tights as much unless I'm horny but pantyhose are cute even outside of the horny context.
So uh, apparently the FBI shut down Biblioteca Furca.
Why the fuck did the FBI spend resources on that and not, ohhh, I don't know, maybe dealing with the fentanyl crisis, I'll never know. All I know is that they're faggots.
>Biblioteca Furca
the fuck is/was this
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My man; the latter this is why I love casinos and offices. Like good god, nothing peps you up like a lady with nice colorful accented stems, and you know damn well that ladies know they look good in them. Like fuck man, a lady in a pencil skirt, maroon pantyhose and square glasses; absolute fucking kryptonite.
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Fuck. I just realized I gave away a big weakness of mine...luckily there's no one here who can actually utilize it against me. I don't think good looking confident CIS women who know how to flex their femininity are in spades on 4chan, let alone /trash/

If there is actually a confident secretary/librarian/hostess/teacher/principal type of christmas cake woman who has decided to utilize this knowledge to their advantage to gain information leverage...well let's just say I'll be a little bit more inclined to entertain the attempt than I would with others, especially over some chateaux wine and episodes of Star Trek TNG Seasons 3-5.
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sounds Romanian, Fork Library mayhaps?
I'm curious as well, especially where it was announced or talked about, not seeing it on my usual blotters.

Could you provide a link or source, or maybe elucidate further on your claim? That'd be nice. Friend.
>chateaux wine
But you said that you didn't like to drink wine
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You're looking at it a bit binary there. I'm actually quite fond of wine; in fact, you could call me a sort of journeyman sommelier in that regards. Not to the point of being an oenophile, but rather someone who values a good vintage within good company.

Drinking it however outside of said preferrable company? Then you are correct, because it is a temporary nudity that makes me lower my guard; which is why I offer it rather than partake.

If you see me sipping on a glass of wine in your presence, it's because not only do I like you, but because I trust you to lower my guard around you.

There is a saying "Vintage représente la moitié de l’attrait ; la bonne compagnie est l'autre" that is to say, "Fine wine shouldn't be drunk alone, and I'm a man who enjoys fine wine; finding good company however? Aye...there's the rub."
Found some janny-protected posts.
Why didn't they announce that change?
they did awhile back.
Stiggy >>>/sp/142992933
>happening posted on /trash/ first
we are so back
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>leave on some slop on Paramount+
>it's some spoopy live-action called Evil
>first episode
>old woman mentions that she "logged onto 4chan" to discuss her necrophilia fetish
they didn't, /vip/pers discovered it. you'd think they would announce it globally or even do a sale
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Fuck. Wrong thread. Whoops.
Wait a fucking second...
Op wrote all of that
Now that's what I call a bump!
>3 minutes and 17 seconds
>You only won by 3 minutes! If my back wasn't so broken from mountin my battlestation...
Yeah, yeah, pipe down gramps
I wonder how many have deceived you this way

Oh before I forget about it

>you've got a piece of Kryptonite
Maybe, maybe not. I'm not really sure. But even if that was the case, why would I use it? I've told you this already so many times before. If I ask questions is because I want to confirm my headcanon about your true identity. If what I believe is true, then I would just make a little celebration, and, ugh, continue chatting with you here? Don't expect any sort of danger, I'm not like that

>as you say, on a neutral side
But I don't consider myself neutral, I don't like to associate with people that don't represent my morals. But I'm also not radical. But obviously some things are an immediate negative for me. Maybe you already have an idea of what my morals are, or maybe you think I'm a deranged sociopath
>benefits them
I won't use the kryptonite /qa/doge

>all that paragraph about whether you're a saint or not
Of course you aren't, nobody is one. Most of what you wrote is superfluos. Normal people will think that certain things are bad, but you take it to another level. The idealistic one. One of your posts completely shows this. I don't remember the exact words or day, but it was about the tireless and endless search for justice. And I think there was another one about how important life is, to the point where killing bad apples most of the times is wrong. Idealistic. Not achievable, but at least trying.

Hey do you still want a link to the kiwi thread I was talking about and the keywords I used? The sharty screencap doesn't matters anymore, you're definitely not him

Like cockwork
Definitely. Did you see the twitter posts from the last /r9k/ thread? lol soiteens are mad
didnt sage use to be nullified by images or am i experiencing mandela effect
I think that was always a meme. It's definitely worked with images since at least like, 2011
That's true for a lot of them. It's a one-way thing as they use this thread to populate theirs
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In other news, I'm back at it again, this time drawing a fucking F4U because fuck you I like the plane, and I STILL can't draw by reference without first drawing a trace.

Essentially Wikipedia for furries. They got driven underground a bit ago, though I forgot for what reasons.
It heavily documented much of the furry community, from the early days even into how it became popular on the internet.

Ehh, I would but I'm just relaying something my friend told me. I don't have the onion link on hand, nor do I have Tor on this computer.
just read "How to Draw" by scot robertson, you can find the pdf in the /ic/ pdf dump thread
once you learn how to into perspective and construction, drawing mechanical objects is not that hard. it's all just boxes and cylinders
Not him but how do I draw faces? I dont' know how people can draw faces with unique expressions or angles and it actually looks like the source character's face.
Yeah, if you do start to learn to draw just use /ic/ to get learning resources and don't actually hang out there. A whole bunch of crabs in buckets.
mad doge is the only wine you'll ever need
I realize we're slow, but please don't post your low-effort shitposts as happenings.
His only transgression was not using something that sounds close to concession like transcession or trooncession. Only a FemKirby guy would go with such a cumbersome portmanteau.
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Any alt-chan happenings? How did The Second Great Soi Schism change the art and science of soijakking?
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well some really old KYM accounts got banned during the KYM raid
>it's not spam, it's mass uploading
this line of defense kills global rule 10
Honestly, really handy to know it exists. Thanks for the tip, anon!
r9k is a shithole because mods ban you for telling trannies to commit suicide

all trannies must be told to commit suicide and that they will never be a woman so they commit suicide
tranny extinction

why did so many oldfags choose to become trannies instead choosing to commit suicide
What is GOING ON
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>I wonder how many have deceived you this way
More than I care to personally admit, I wasn't always this relatively multi faced half truth facetious shapeshifting glow creature. I won't go into detail about it, but I've had relationships that turned into malicious cages due to my naivety at the time.

You want a pro tip? Don't ever look at a man and say "I can fix him" especially one who openly is rolling around on his back and saying "I can't do it by myself, I'm miserable and depressed!" That's a trap, because the moment you reach out a hand, you get dragged down into the abuse hole that leaves you with scars when you try to escape. Don't try to fix crazy, you can't; and avoid the toxic rapecel/incel/cordcel/twittcel male at all costs, even if you have to point the barrel of a gun at them. I'm not actually kidding with that latter part, some of those men are so shitty that they'll decided to burst into your apartment at 3 am, high on crack and having a manic psychotic episode and with a baseball bat, screaming that your bitch whore ass belongs to them, and that there's no where I can run because they'll always find you.
whether or not that is metaphor or not, I'll leave that up to you to suss out.

I will however take the link to the kiwithread and the keywords thanks.
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I went to /sp/ because of the olympics and saw a whole bunch of threads about the opening ceremony and demographics and culture and banter and stuff. At first I thought "Hey wait, why don't people do this on /int/?" and I then I remembered everyone is sequestered into their own country generals so there's no room for international talk there. Man, they really should have cracked down on those chat rooms a decade ago. People were bemoaning the decline of /int/ back in 2014 but now it's an inseparable part of its identity. There is no /int/ on 4chan if you remove all the blogging "just ate [local food]" generals.
It really was better when was it just a mixture of kc and yiluata. Oh, well, "4chan board is worse than it used to be" isn't exactly a happening.
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Protecting this thread from any bloons!
tbp gooncuckold
why did you call her risotto
I just watched bocchi the rock.
/qa/doge this might be up your alley
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...no comment.
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Altchan happening: soicucks on their other spinoff site made a new board titled "/lt/ - Little Tokyo" for tranime. However it didn't take long enough for frogCHADS to immediately take notice and start colonizing it during FROG FRIDAY.
/qa2/ really did win.
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/r9k/ happening thread died at 59 posts...
What the spruce?
kek the jannies started dilating really hard and wiped all our posts. sad!
/trash/hap won

goonhitler soitranny cuckolds lost
"Real life is not My Little Pony" stickers should come free with every toy
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this vance guy just seems wildly unpopular

seems like kamala is gonna win this one
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"Being a mentally ill is not an excuse to be a selfish toxic shitbag" stickers should be handed with every circumcision

Also fuck you man, excusing the horrible natures of others by attacking the naivety of those they would prey on. Sincerely, choke on a dick.
/nah/ news:
Namco sued by local 4chan tripcode user. i'm amazed this thread is still up.
Also, Katawa Shoujo is coming to Steam. I'm not linking the thread about it. It's embarassing.
that was like almost 2 weeks ago lass, get some new content
Ah, that IS how that comment came off. Sorry, I meant that as someone who has been through something similar. Nature or nurture are not excuses for evil behavior, but naivety and kindness cannot coexist in the same person past a certain point. If it means anything, I hope the kindness remains.
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It really depends on your perspective of what kindness is. It's pretty malleable, same with morality.

Let's take the earlier example I mentioned before and use it for male rapists. A 'kindness' could be killing those who raped, or are raping others. It is kindness to the victim, kindness to society, and even kindness to the rapist, they don't have to live with the consequences of their actions, the difficulties of finding peace or life stability for their actions. However, is that truly kind? No, not really. It's a selfish personal theft of justice from the victim, and society unto the rapist for my own preconceptions and pains.

My form of "kindness" is withheld action, a sort of thing of "I can take the shot whenever I please; every continued moment I do not is a kindness." However, that's really only to people I don't like, I don't fire unless they give me a reason to, which is why I watch them.

To people whom I actually like, or neutral to, I just help them out whenever they ask/request something, because that's just the good citizen thing to do and how it works in my personal system.

"Ask sincerely, receive sincerely; I can do no less."
However, I can always decline, withdraw, or modify depending on the nature of.

Case in point "Tell me about your job, and who you're investigating" "I'm not at liberty to discuss that in depth, I can give you a general answer, but that's it. 'I look into bad people doing bad things to make the world a less bad place.'"

My kindness to bad people is simply "Any time I can shut your book, the reason I haven't is because you haven't given me a reason to yet."

In the previous example given, I did pull the trigger, but I purposefully missed, then I pointed it again. That, became my version of kindness; has been ever since.

...it's why I've gotten into this life that I have now, where I like to keep on top of things, self and in the things I oversee. Never again, but then again you can't unbreak naivety.
I checked the KS thread. It's crazy just how many cancerous tourists have come here in the past few years.
/v/ is looking specially dreadful right now. Littered with lolicon threads, image dumps, and posters spamming "tk him 2da bar" levels of nonsense twitter speak.
And with the amount of generals that are allowed to be for whichever reason, I wouldn't be surprised if /v/ ends up going down the same route as /b/.
That happened yesterday though and I thought it'd be groundbreaking for me to post.
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>the katawa thread
I should've listened.
no offense buddy, but if you want to blogpost why not just join a discord instead?
or let me guess, you get banned from every single one you join for misbehaving?
It's a sad thing, truly. For your sake I hope you were lying to an appropriate degree. Emotional manipulators and all that.

With all that gay shit out of the way, is there a Nat summoning ritual or something? It's been like 10 days and the thread needs some cock vore RIGHT NOW!
You could consider becoming a janny, going rogue, and seeing if you could change anything in your undoubtedly brief reign of terror. Not sure if that would end in you being perma-banned though, so potentially serious risks.
>Katawa Shoujo is coming to Steam
Well, I guess I'm running out of excuses to put off playing this and understanding what was once an integral part of 4chan culture.
Holy shit, just how mentally ill is the half-a-game guy? And do you think his case actually makes it all the way to a trial, or does it get dismissed for failure to state a claim, or summary judgement?
It'll be half a claim
theory: /tv/ traffic is the lowest it's ever been, so the mods allow fishtank generals, in an attempt to inflate numbers and keep the money coming in
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>implying I would willingly personally use Discord outside of work requirements.
IRC and Text messaging ftw.

The concept of Telegram/Gab/Discord/Twitter leaves a personal ick in the back of my throat, but mostly because of what I deal with workwise.

That should be a runway light to explain what this all is yeah? Unless you're one of those kind of people who can't infer something from incomplete ________

I'll leave it up to your personal discretion whether or not it is or not, or if it's a metaphor or not.

As per a Nat summoning ritual? I'd leave him alone, he's still around but trying his best to be on his best behavior, which means he's trying to improve somewhat. That, or he caught up in something that would be genuinely surprising.
I'm gonna leave my personal ick at the back of your throat if you don't shut it
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Cum at me bro.
let's not do this. the last thing this general needs is gayposting, If you want to RP as furry woman and flirt with other men I'm sure there are plenty of other threads on this very board that have you covered.

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