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Everyone is too lazy to make a new thread.

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>had to browse some r9k threads
How has /v/ become more retarded than /pol/
spam bots that do nothing but post culture war twitter screencaps and news articles. also
>line go down
>oh no no no no no x bros......
anyone got an answer for this? pls don't make me ask /g/ :( >>78278169
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caca doodoo peepee
>anime with a trap
>/pol/schizos talking about Blackrock and DEI spam the threads
It's so over.
Do you have a screenshot of what you're seeing? I clicked that /co/ thread, went to the archive, and clicked random images, and everything is loading fine.
Does a 4cuck but without goonhitlers exist? this website would be 10x better without them
That thread isn't archived, it's deleted.
A annoying namefag in /smtg/ got exposed for raping his family dog and having fantasies of his underage sister
it's like this video. when i asked it was how all the pics in the thread were, but now it seems to only be broken for some of them (i'm both hovering over and clicking, and then opening it in a new tab if it wasn't obvious)

archived as in desu or other third-party archives
They are not gone, they moved to /trash/.
So when are the mods going to grow up?
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Killing furnigger threads on sight is the only good thing mods do nowadays.
Also lel at this particular faggot that got BTFO in that thread.
*read thread*
>human men XD
>furfag characters who aren't even from the thread subject (racist fox, boykisser, snootslop, etc.)
I think /v/ has a younger userbase.
Olympics sticky on /sp/: >>>/sp/142992933
As someone who loves hmofa, sexy furry girls, honestly they ruin the board's quality
mods instantly delete furry threads but leave pedo threads up for hours
>that high post rate
What are they even talking about? All posts seem without context and nonsense.
>What are they even talking about?
The opening ceremony.
>All posts seem without context and nonsense
Possibly because you are not watching the opening ceremony.
Who reads any of this shit? They're posting faster than I can scroll.
sharty is dead, rest in piss lmao
>most well known sporting event ever
>only 1000 posts
wow, yall anons are nerds
Somehow, they managed to get it unsuspended
>only 1000 posts
Yeah, per hour. At least.
The oldest post in that thread is 10 minutes old.

So, 1000 posts per 10 minutes.
Wow, they only started posting 10 minutes ago? Fucking christ, I guess nobody gives a shit this time around.
Why is there some dumbass on /v/ who keeps making AI Isabelle threads?
you're most likely being ratelimited for hovering over too many images quickly or it's spooky x

spooky x is pretty buggy and bloated in my experience. abandoned by dev
i like how simple and just works desu x is for my needs, but unfortunately only supports desuarchive
i don't remember, does spooky have infinite scroll? desu x does, very handy
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thank you! spooxy-x was the issue for the images, but thankfully it and desu-x can both be active at the same time so i can still keep its other features.
now all i need is an archive with an option for post threading, and then i can rest soundly
>/pol/ posted one too many AOC deepfakes

/ai/ never
Least schizo /v/ user
not necessarily a happening but wtf was this thread? started as an e-celeb thread, then went into gossip about his personal life, and then someone just started spamming ai art
/g/ is a total waste of time. jannies check in like 3 times per day

someone put it well recently in a hackernews flashback thread. /g/ is among the least competent of all boards in its respective subject field. actually can't think of any other board that is filled to the brim with so many blatantly, confidently wrong stubborn autists mixed with actual babies into a cesspool to this degree
the situation is so bad that there is completely unironically only like three (3) actually good posts per week on average
Also, half of the reason there's reoccurring bait/spam threads is because the spergs and newfags keep taking the bait. Over. And over. And over. And over. And over. And over.
nah, there are competent people on /g/, it's just that there are also tech-adjacent users, who don't actually care for technology and want to argue about GPUs, e-celebs, culture war shit, tech "news" or other drama and get caught up in other threads

/g/'s role in open source AI stuff is pretty huge
and there are always anons getting high scores when advent of code goes on
/dpt/ is also where competent people hang out

idk why people have the mindset of 'there are bad threads, therefore board bad'
you go there for the good threads
for actual technical discussion it's fine, if you find yourself entering bad threads, that's your own fault

HN has the same problem of retards being confidently wrong.
agree on the generals. the gatekept generals for niche stuff are high quality. another gem is the mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp general which has tons of lore

but if the rest of the board is completely retarded 99% of the time, that makes the board garbage in my opinion
>mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
What's so special other than autistic videophile shitflinging for the millionth time?
i agree. hmofa is a cancer to furry threads. they are all boring secondaries and they need to stay contained to /trash/.
they *moved* here, they always were on /trash/
we were on /qa/ and technically still are
Sure man, sure. hmofa is the only good part of that subculture. But even then, I'll bite the bullet and say that not even that should be posted. Furry content, no matter what, is obnoxious and kills the board. Sorry
The only good subculture of furfaggotry is people who just like furry girls and that's it. They're the only ones who aren't obnoxious faggots. You'll come to this realization on your own eventually. Furryshit should only be allowed on v if they post it and only they contribute to the threads but that can't happen so ban them all
>people who just like furry girls and that's it
Too bad this kind of people don't exist and all furfags are genetically coded to be extremely obnoxious about their fetish, with /hmofa/ tards being among the worst offenders because their particular flavor of faggotry is also related to the same raceplay cancer of blacked/bleached mongrels.
>Too bad this kind of people don't exist
I'm pretty sure I exist
yes anon, that's what I'm talking about. But obsessing to much over it is obviously bad

>Too bad this kind of people don't exist
s-shut up...
Why are no psychology researchers studying the schizos on 4chan?
They're too busy studying the spread of racial slurs on /pol/.
Oh no, it appears that we are currently on page 10.
>What's so special other than autistic videophile shitflinging for the millionth time?
you wouldn't get it........

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