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Previous: >>487225152

>Hunting Quest Vol.14:
●July 24 ~ July 31 JST.
▶Login Bonus: 7 Golden Apples.
▶Limited-Time Master Missions: 12 Stargazer's Teapots, 12M QP and 6 Golden Apples.

>Ordeal Call: New Mission Release Campaign Part 7:
●July 17 ~ August 4 JST.
▶2 new free quests have been added to Blank Earth.
▶New missions (permanent): 2 Torch of Morning Star and 200 Stellar Sand.
▶5 Limited-Time Master Missions: 6 SQ, 30 Hellfire of Wisdom, 20 Heroic Spirit Crystal Star Fou-kun (10 ATK, 10 HP) and 100 Stellar Sand.
▶The AP consumption for the first clear of free quests on the Blank Earth will be 0.

>Summer Event 2024 Pre-Campaign:
●July 10 ~ July 31 JST.
▶Event starts: Mid-August 2024.
▶Requirement: Ordeal Call Prologue.
▶Login Bonus: 2 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 2M QP, 20 Heroic Spirit Crystal Star Fou-kun (10 ATK, 10 HP) and 50 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 5 Rare Prisms, 2 Crystallized Lore and 10 SQ.
▶NEW Limited Master Missions(~ July 31): 5 SQ.
▶Spiritvein Stones: 7 by Login Bonus and 10 on Mana Prism Exchange.
▶AP consumption for the main quests up to Lostbelt 7 will be reduced to 1/4.

>Summer Event 2024 Support Campaign PU 3:
●July 24 ~ July 31 JST.
5*Lancer Tamamo no Mae
4*Archer Anne Bonny & Mary Read
4*Rider Mordred
●July 24 ~ July 31 JST.
5*Archer Artoria Pendragon
4*Caster Marie Antoinette
4*Ruler Martha
All limited.

>Summer Event 2024 Support Campaign PU 2:
●July 21 ~ July 28 JST.
5*Archer Jeanne d'Arc
4*Lancer Ibaraki Dōji
4*Assassin Ushiwakamaru
All limited.

>/fgog/ Friendlist spreadsheet:

>Pastebin for utility links:
Wada bugs eyes
a classic
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Soulful times
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claebros, trust the plan. the space in the lineup is there for a reason. stand up and stand by for the anniversary.
nobody cared then
nobody cares now
>Hunting Quest Vol.14:
truly feels like 2016!
It feels ages since Martha was the only offensive ruler
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so carmilla's next
feels like the old man
Holmes will appear before her, with a rank up quest
>reruns are almost all kill
>somehow it still takes one year to produce a chapter
how else will they keep the game alive if they dont stretch out content?
This thread is gonna be a slog for five days, isn't it?
you can always close the tab
king hassan was like 3 years
It's still hilarious that it took over eight whole years for ruler to get a single 5* ST
and not bitching about?!
no way
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mai foggsu~
No they killed off reruns before "one chapter a year" technically started
Now even when they have nothing to do but write and design irrelevant filler they still struggle with everything harder than ever before
One chapter a year has literally never happened.
he obviously didnt mean it literally
Ah sorry I thought he meant what he said.
You better start believing in "one chapter a year"
Because this year, you're in it
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For me, it's Cummer
I can't like her because her NP gives the anti-purge defense which fucks with her usability
Summer City this year hopefully
Summer Sion...
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>not giving s2 to castoria caster and having her np first while buffing the damaging np
>not pairing her with the plethora of other arts supports or general purpose supports who she can also defend every turn she nps
>not using her for the wide variety of >90++ fights that don't need defensive buffs to begin with
It's like you don't even want to like her
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For me, it's Castoria
Why is Gawain so big
He's just a big guy
>>not giving s2 to castoria caster and having her np first while buffing the damaging np
more stacks = more good, i don't want to NP with castoria first.
>It's like you don't even want to like her
you're half-right. i like castoria, no AA.
Enkidu should get a second NP buff where he gains 1 times 1 turn anti-purge defense for himself.
cuckzu goon alert
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>Mordred mogged again
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I don't and never will
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I love her lots
fuck that cricket dude comment got a laugh out of me
Ibuki, Skadi and Kiara are the Summer 5* that haven't been rerun in the longest time.
Carmilla will probably be a 4* rate up during one of their gacha if they rerun alongside the new 5* servant.
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I missed Swimsuit Artoria Ruler, so scratch it. It's alongside her.
Summer servants will come back every year.
What's the point of humping another girl if you don't have a dick?
phantom pain
>if you don't have a dick?
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Kinda happened last year. Since LB7 wasn't two separate chapters like Atlantis and Olympus, but instead a single chapter released in batches like Avalon le Fae, it only counts for 2022. Thus, last year only had OC1.
Or if you count LB7 as a 2023 chapter, it leaves 2022 with only one chapter (Traum)
It's painfully obvious LB7 was supposed to come in one batch at the end of 2022 but Lasengle is that bad.
They've likely been cutting staff. Moneyplex refuses to invest anything back into the game; they just pocket all the profits. Reruns were almost certainly cut because they didn't have the capacity to do them anymore.
They are just stalling to reach 10th anniversary then we'll have an unstatisfying conclusion to part 2 then it's maintenance mode until it doesn't generate enough money to keep going.
for me it's koyanskaya
The game doesn't really need a main story to survive. Most chapters are already pretty much self-contained with just a prologue and epilogue to tie them back to the plot.
Enkidu? for me
All your waifus? for me.
Nope, I don't share my wife. You can have the ones from everyone else here, they all have shit taste.
Shut up nigga
I can't wait for the reset ending that invalidates everything we did in the last ten years, and having all those bonds and friendships with our Servants erased!
Do you like Kore?
>bonds erased with Raitabortions and other Sakurai slops
Maybe reset ending isn't that bad...
You mean Kamala Blast now.
>reddit garbage
Kill yourself
You're underestimating the power of the illusion that everything is building up to something.
Choose which Fate/stay night clapbait you want to be the Anniversary servant.
Gun god
>2-1-3 node
>meluko np2 but oberonlet
Just like in CCC!
Summer Medusa
Just ease what?
Deaze nuts
No one wants that
Stop shilling you’re account, you fucking hack.
Fuck my brain didn't register the F/SN part of the question.
The waitress from the mapo tofu restaurant then
Actual Shirou. I want to see war. If not then, I dunno, Sella and Leysritt
>the peruvian woke up
shiki rojo
It's possible for the 30M DL campaign to happen simultaneous with Anniversary without gimping the rewards.
Doesn't roll off the tongue as well
>12k bond points, 10k on the backline
Not bad
If I heard Kamala Blast without context, I'd think it's about the Marvel character.
Ah yes, the most astroturfed character of the decade... just like the hyena that replaced Biden kek
>fanart looks better than in-game
As per usual
Would you mind posting an example of what you mean?
I'm 99% convinced that the cringe Gudaharem fanart is posted to make people hate Gudafags.
I'm just going to cope that they'll release a new low rarity servant for anni along with the 5*.
1* Camazotz
Look at arc being there instead of the other two, same for Alice.
Fuck that. If they do clapbait then I want either Shinji or Agravain. It's been 8 fucking years.
It's working, I can respect being singularly devoted to your favorite character but hate polygamy/harem faggots
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>BBschizo being ironic
If Agravain is clap then clap has lost all meaning.
We had 2 literal who dykes that are obscure ass TM clapshit. Agravain isn't anywhere near that level if that's what counts as clapbait.
you can't be both "obscure" and "clapshit", you fucking idiot
>99% of Takeuchi stuff
>Ushiwaka's artist
Also Rei Hiroe stuff
I want to fuck a terminally ill girl so bad bros....
I can't think of any point of releasing Agravain though? The male KoRTs now are just jokes
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If FSN gets a rewrite I demand that Shirou BE Caliburn incarnated with the whole loved objects gaining a soul thing. I DEMAND this because it'd be REALLY CUTE and ROMANTIC AS FUCK.
Also it'd make them using the projection of Caliburn to slay Heracles way more impactful and make a lot more sense.
agravain is the strongest kotr thougheverbeit so at least he might hold up a little
Agravain is being saved for the possibility of them even releasing PHH Morgan.
>using the projection of Caliburn to slay Heracles way more impactful and make a lot more sense.
You can't just point this out like that.
Kizu if you're here PLEASE weaponize your autism to spread this idea far and wide. PLEASE. It'd be SO cool.
wouldn't Morgan fans be pissed off by him?
I wouldn't.
So never. Agravain is just like Camaflop, two npcs that will remain unplayable until eos
I feel like that would give Saber too much weight as a heroine, as if she's the "true" option when right now I'd say they're balanced. Shirou is his own person who can end up with Saber but can also have equally real romances with Rin or Sakura.
It's already more weighted to the other girls by them having more expanded routes and Nasu's Sakura favoritism. Rin also has both Shirou AND his future self. She only got the Avalon meeting much later plus she's the only one who still gets a sad ending for her "main" route.
On top of that it would REALLY fix a lot of things, make it more impactful, and you could play with the "Sword of Selection" thing what with him being able to "Select" other people he fights for, lives for, and loves.
eh, if anyone really gets favouritism from Nasu it's probably Rin. She's kinda consistently in everything as Rin or Rin jr. instead of an AI clone at best.
I mean I get that it's easier to justify her since Sakura's either a family secret in her good ends or dead in all the other ends
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Only if she's drawn by Azusa
Nasu dislikes the Fate route pal, get over it and go back to /tmg/.
Also, thank goodness your opinion doesn't matter, because what you just said is fucking stupid.
can't wait for Requiem Rin to pop up someday
Yeah, that's fair too. Sakura got a whole extra game though about the player getting to know aspects of Sakura.
The sisters are definitely a lot more heavily favored than Saber.
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Your ani servant
as the 3* to God Empress Rin's 6*
What is that, Lu Bu's unnamed daughter?
>muh Nasu's Sakura favoritism
The lack of shame and self-awareness and the irony in this post lmao
Did you forget Takeuchi's favoritism of Saber? You know, forcing Nasu to write your beloved retcon; Last Episode?
Besides, compared to Rin and Saber, Sakura is barely in any other Fate work.
What if the ani servant is just a new upgrade OG Saber.
Tsuki got a remake/rewrite to be more compatible with the powers and cosmology of FGO in the future, while FSN and Zero elements were already more or less present from the very beginning in FGO.
I could honestly see that for the 10th anniversary, but probably not this one.
Keikenchi wants that
Nasu said recently that FSN Shirou never reaches old age and dies relatively young, so forget about any secret ending with Saber because it is no longer canon.
Didn't he got exposed as a fraud?
Couldn't he still reach Avalon after dying?
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man that bums me out really bad. i don't really care much for shirou but saber is awesome and deserves better.
It will be as a cute brown girl
And immediately he contradicted that with the clap Mahoyo collab where the Shirou you see is old man Shirou that had plenty of Fate-esque adventures and got old.
That's the implication in the first place of Last Episode. Dude didn't get isekai'd into Avalon. He died and made it there with a little boost from Merlin.
What does that have to do with an ending with saber?
Oh hey the raikouschizo got himself a new persona
Have you even seen the concept behind Muramasa? People here like to pretend he has nothing do with Shirou but:
>it could be that his persona is simply that of his vessel, had the boy grown to be an old man.
It's a what if.
My only comment is that it's stupid to write it so anyone can reach Avalon just by generically being a good guy.
That IS indeed true. Artoria had tons of help and people with direct connections to it. Honestly, the legit explanation should have been he could cheat his way there thanks to the constant exposure to the sheath on his soul.
I dunno seems like regular grade shitposting.
No shit you retard. But I'm talking about the Mahoyo collab where they decided it needed to be the most oldfag appealing event possible by throwing in Extra!Rin, Bazett, Caren, Shiki, and Shirou and compressing or moving timelines from as little as a few years (Shiki) to literal decades (Extra!Rin and Shirou) so they could all appear in the 90s.
Phonefags, how much storage does FGO take without downloading all assets?
The historians who are claiming it to have been the case have had people looking at their claims in more detail since the controversy and some Nip universities are actually looking into firing Lockley for the inaccuracies in the "Black Samurai" book, in part because they have discovered that the version of the book he printed in Japanese was different and less fictitious than the one he published overseas yet he depicts both as reality.
Also some people are trying to cite a member of the Japanese Communist Party who works in the entertainment industry in charge of "globalization" for agreeing with Lockley's claims and thinking him having a Japanese name makes him authoritative.
At least 8-10 gigs
Man Jap Commies are so fucking weird. Last I checked most commies fucking hate globalization*.
*Unless it's mama Russia doing it
It sounds like your run-of-the-mill /v/ schizo to me.
How is that unique to the collab when it's the concept of Muramasa?
I cleared my cache recently and my install is up to about 7.5 GB.
I think the fact of the matter is that Lockley basically edited wikipedia and rewrote history.
Makes sense if you know his ancestry.
Robin Hood?
Huh. Mine's at 16gb. I play the NA version during anniversary and it's at 4gb.
The game downloads assets on the fly for every servant, NP, enemy, stage, voice line, and CE etc you encounter during play.
He's Jewish, IIRC.
Am I free to blow my load if Arc returns? They wouldn't give her a summer version would they?
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Wait fgog, I got it.
We're getting Ixquic this anni. But as an Arc with dino features. Koyama neck optional.
Also don't forget everything from
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>A footnote in japanese history
>Some bongoid "historian" infiltrated in Japan still made SEVERAL books of hundreds of pages each about how he was totally an ebin samurai with an ebin life ("filling the blanks" he claimed)
>Said bongoid's bibliography is the whole backbone of the "Yasuke was a samurai" shit
>Shit got uncovered and the bong disappeared from the face of Earth, even the university in Japan he works for deleted his data
>Shit reached the Diet and might cause a diplomatic incident
>Another "expert" from Japan appeared to take the bong's place defending the we wuz samurai narrative
>A card carrying member of the communist party of Japan and a fucking publicist
>As it turns out, leftists are also trying to spin the story that Japan, the country that isolated itself for 200 years, was actually an active player in the Atlantic slave trade (while being in the Pacific) and was on-par with the Confederates
The escalation is actually amazing, and all of this because of a shitty AssCreed game... That being said, with the sources being pulled of someone's ass, Yasuke is perfect for Kinoko "Goddess of Çatalhöyük " Nasu
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That's a weird looking Protea
Who neutered my poor Dechi?
Makes sense my NA account is barely played.
I guess it's gonna be large if you roll everything. Thanks.
I do feel bad for actual Africans over the kangz ones kek
Like constantly going for Cleo instead of fucking Nubia
Or saying "Ancient place was more diverse than you think" to justify blackwashing settings instead of just making an African setting because it's not as marketable as Classical or Norse mythology stuff.
Aren’t you that saber fellow on x that got hounded at by K*zu
Someone should work on a Muramasa harem pic with Ishtar, Ereshkigal, Kama, Sitonai, Medusa and three Artorias (Saber, Lartoria, Castoria) to spite and filter the Gudafags and counter their cringe
Its amusing because there are exactly as you said, a ton of pretty big actual queens in egypt they could use.
Amanirenas is more or less Cleopatra but Nubian except she actually led armies.
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i don't use twitter myself. it looks like brainrot like tiktok.
The Shirou from Mahoyo collab has nothing to do with FSN/Zero at all, Nasu confirmed that the reason why he is only called Shirou-san in the event is because he has no relation with "Emiya" and stuff.
Fuck off retard.
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>Mr. Shirou: Another case of design reuse. He's not Shirou from the FSN timeline. In a different world, Shirou was born in a different era, had his own FSN-esque adventure, and grew to old age. That's why I didn't reveal his surname.
Uh oh, cucktroon melty
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What is your craziest FGO theory? Mine is that the entire prologue of part 2 was staged and that the original Da Vinci was part of the plan (and that she is still alive, working for the "bad guys" with Holmes).
Huh... Yeah? That's what I said.
I'm glad Takeuchi's overdesigned phase is over. Now he's obsessed with ribbons which are alright.
Still the best summer.
My theory is that Nasu has rewritten the "main" plot a bunch of times since part 2 started
Maryonahole... (Actually taller than Seibah)
I'll get on it. I love spite commissions
That would be an interesting twist. Mine is probably that Kirschtaria will come back as pseudo servant Jesus.
MHXA was meant to be a Valentine's welfare
This is kinda vintage though
clearly you didn't actually play the event
Lol lmao even, delusional.
Part 1's high's make up for Part 2's lows. Something that isn't true for FGO's main story btw.
That's quite interesting, well I think we will have a battle between small Davinci vs Davinci, cute pic btw
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Yasuke as new 5 star saber doko? FGO needs Yasuke since Japanese historians consider Yasuke being Samurai canon. And Yasuke being Samurai will be canon. Yasuke will have 3 busters, Area NP with Hiphop music. Yasuke would listen to Hiphop in Chaldea. Chaldea shall have black servants. Chaldea having no black servant is discrimination! Yasuke's NP would be similar to I am atomic, since Yasuke and Sid is both related with shadow.
anniversary 9th -> One of Tamamo Nine will show up
Why did you type it like that?
Because I'm about to sleep
>Yasuke being samurai Will be canon
It already is, no? The Gudaguda event with the NPC incident had Ranmaru mention him, but it's been years so I don't remember the exact dialogue. Both stayed with Nobu before she died I think or whatever and were the ones with her head.
Even in actual history book? Japanese historians say that Yasuke being Samurai is canon.
>Ubisoft created such a controversy that the japanese diet got involved
What if
Yasuke 5* Pretender
Who will be the black saber then? Rosa parks as rider slot, Martin Luther king jr as Ruler slot, Shaka zulu as Berserker, George floyd as Assassin...
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Lockley, Lockley! We've got Thomas Lockley here!
>Japanese historians say that Yasuke being Samurai is canon.
lol no
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Fucking hell if I know or if I care. And I don't know why you keep bringing this up in a thread about a Fate game of all things, very known for its history accuracy obviously.

But in 2021 Yasuke was mentioned by Ranmaru (real, not the space one) as someone who could try to protect Nobu. And he wasn't mentioned ever since as far as I remember.
Are these historians not that strong?
The average /fgog/ poster is as strong as 3 historians, but could fight as many as 10 at once in a defensive battle.
>One guy whose whole body of work was Yasuke fanfiction who has vanished from the net once the jig was out
>A literal commie propagandist
Nah, I'd win
Show me your source, there's like one Japanese dude from a super leftist party who got exposed for lying about it and then backpedaled with WELL IT WAS SPECULATION
Everybody else says he's not a Samurai
Dude, just go have a meltdown on Twitter. Why are you here.
In Guda guda they say Yasuke exists, not that he's a superior Samurai, he was always a retainer. A retainer is still allowed to fight, even though he only had one recorded fight where he lost, and really he was just Nobunaga's slave that Nobu paraded around for three months before he was sent back to Africa by Mitsuhide.

People that say "UGH of course he's a samurai" haven't been paying to the Ubisoft fallout; Japan is fucking pissed that an American company is rewriting their own history before their eyes. Japanese fans were so pissed off that they traced all instances of Yasuke being a samurai to one white guy from england(Thomas Lockley) who was using alt accounts on wikipedia for years in order to sell the narrative that he was always a samurai, the guy even created alt accounts to edit the encylopedia britannica, all so that he could sell his book which he referenced as a source over and over in the wikipedia articles, so that he could basically bullshit a narrative out of thin air for money. Japan is so pissed that the Japanese government is getting involved looking into this shit, the japanese college that used this guy as a citation are now distancing themselves as much as possible. There are no historical documents actually calling him a Samurai, and all modern day articles calling him a samurai can basically be traced back to one guy. Now Japan is basically all launching themselves at this shit debunking all of it bit by bit.


(check the comments)




This is just what I can find in five minutes looking around. Entire thing is crazy unless you've been following it the entire time.
>gets owned and can't give a source
>immediately backpedals
>projects on the whole metldown thing
Stay free Jamal and don't send me back to your hometurf, sissy
Onii-chan my Summer Ibuki is already bond 5 why does she level bond so fast
Correct, but don't tell that to sthis inbred nigger >>487491820
There's also this https://x.com/NicherererShell/status/1814893149052903715
Yasuke but as a black (female) Saberface who gets shipped with William Adams
>black (female)
Wirriam-sama is for his spirit wife ONLY.
>10th anni servant is just Artoria Pendragon (Grand)
>Japan collectively blows their hands into smithereens by clapping as hard as possible
That would be so boring honestly
>masculine voice
>female avatar
At this point, so long as it is not Rani, another Fairy or a dual Summer servant, I'll take it.
Welcome to the 2020's
My favorite bit must be when the game about a nigger in Japan stole first from a reenacting group and then from fucking Wan Piss. That, and the fact that their "japanese expert" has a german last name hyphenated and writes about Gender Studies/Boys' Love during the heian era
are you retarded?
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Grand Saber Castoria is the anni servant
10th Anni will be Solomon for his TEN rings and to mark his return to the plot. Trust the plan.
Eat corn
Play Xoccer
nothing else matters since we're the ultimate lifeform on Earth.
I wish this were me.
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Rage against the dying of the light.
I'd lick Nasu's asshole if it means getting Tepeu to appear again. Love that little dino like you wouldn't believe it.
>white guy
>Shiki gets in
>said he has Dino DNA to Guda
how hard will you mark out when they do a GX reference.
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He's in.
If he makes a reference to shit on GX, Supreme King and specially SHITbel, then I will roll and try get him
>No evocation campaign since April
>Back to back reruns
>30M DL campaign due for months now
>Not a single lottery even this year yet
>Zero content until Anni, gotta pretend farming Hunting Quests is "content"
>If the Rani leak is true then Anni will be shit
Is this the worst year yet since early FGO?
Better than 2015 2017 and 2022 at least.
shut the fuck up
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At least 2022 had LB7 to look forward, and Anni was good since Arc + a shit ton of quartz from retroactive Ascension 4 rewards. Maybe if this year's summer is insanely good and we get one more story chapter then it can be redeemed.
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2020 was fucking garbage but it does look pretty bad
Honestly if you're going to ship Mordred with anyone the only logical choice would be Galahad. Everyone outside of Fate already does it.
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I guess 2020 can be worse, but between Olympus and Castoria I'd still say it's slightly better than 2024 so far.
Fairy Manaka never ever....
>back to Africa
Lasengle, TM and Nasu are so fucking shit they can't even properly waifu pandering with popular waifus.
no plot? i sleep
Were those who opposing about Yasuke being samurai not just some ragtag millitias as we thought?
When's the last time a servant leak turned out to be true?
Arcuied and Xu Fu leak
there's no way the rani leak is real, even fgo isn't this stupid
Yasuke will be anniversary servant as grand saber.
It's less stupid than the bullshit they pulled with Summer Morgan.
Solomon, Galahad, Goetia or Olga would make more sense, if nasu actually bother to write anything before the 10th anni that is
Yasuke will make sense as grand saber.
how? even if you hate Morgan to your guts she's generally popular, Rani on the other hand has 47 supporters I guess?
At this pace it'll take at least 2-3 years for the finale bro.
This board needs a Assassin's Creed/Ubisoft general.
>2/3rds of the servant is Tonelico
>1/3rd is Summer Morgan
>instead of them both being their own thing or just one or the other
I think that's what he meant
Summer is the Foreigner OC.
>even if you hate Morgan
What? Anyone who likes Morgan would be pissed that her Summer variant was relegated to 1/3 of another servant, possibly robbing her permanently of a real swimsuit.
It's a level of badness that far surpasses releasing a servant that no one cares about.
>playing EN version because I basically skipped Artic Summer due to not getting Arc in JP 2 years back
Holy dogshit. I remember doing this event last minute and only getting NP3 Thrud and 0 ascension materials.
>6mil point ladder
>ascension materials are behind the construction mats
Makes sense why doing it in the last few hours was impossible.
I don't even fucking know at this point. I used to be sure Solomon was going to be the 10th anniversary Servant, but if Part 2 isn't over then it's just going to be Olga even if it looked certain she was going to be given as an Olga Quest clear reward.
>At least 2022 had LB7 to look forward
Yeah half of it.

What a fucking trashfire of a launch.
Even if that's true, that still leaves OC 4 in 2025 and Fuyuki in 2026.
That makes me remember NA server literally whitewashed the sole true nigga Servant in the game.
That's mihomo
Are you? How the fuck is seething about that whole controversy about a Ubisoft game in topic here? Bring that shit elsewhere. I know FGO is dead until anni but if you want to complain about something this game sure as hell isn't lacking topics. Fuck off.
Everyone forgets OC1 came out like 4 months after LB7. I think OC2 was an anomaly and the Ruler OC will come out in December.
that's because LB7 was all ready and done but Lasengle fucked up the ORT fight immensely so they had to delay half of the thing
really hope the ruler OC isn't again centered on jeanne again
Just report it desu; The guy is samefagging
All I want is the Ruler Class Score. Fucking dumb that they lock it behind story.
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>Summer Wu is meant to only be a few years older, to match Guda's age. As her way of hitting on him much more openly. Even her younger version very explicitly wants to be loved by him, saying she appeared in her younger form since that's when she shined the most trying to "get the emperors attention, showing her various skills and efforts to gain his love", which has very direct implications in her interlude when she treats you in the same way in her interlude
>Her slightly older form allows her to target guda more openly now that she's a similar age, maybe a bit older than guda but not a huge amount
>But whenever anyone except her original artist draws her, they don't draw her near guda's age, they' draw her much older, like 30's or something.
Even Arco draws her a bit too old, its odd.
Chances are, if it's not her it's Amakuso.
Which is fine by me, but you know.
Guda looks so fucking weird there
She's a gigantic whore
They all do
Only /alter/tards hate Morgan.
Oh i see now that's the fucking bikinischizo
She wants to skip most of the talking and start sex with you immediately when she sets her eye on you
It's still only 5 months after LB7 part 1, which is still slow, but more normal slow than OC1 -> OC2 slow.
>playing EN version
fuck off
Weird but still all look better than Takeuchi or their original artists
It's a dead week. Chill.
>or their original artists
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they probably had the script ready to go by then since they already wanted to go ahead with Filler Call and were being spurned by the whole Sphere Gri--I mean Class Score thing to be implemented as quickly as possible for cheap longtime content
Hell, I'll wager that the other two OCs are already done but Aniplex is making them drag their feet to release them and Lasagna being Lasagna, they complied
when did we get that much muscle? I usually thought we were quite skinny and were better at endurance because we needed to roam in singularities most of the time
tits way too big
Guda says one of his only good traits is that he keeps his body in good shape. Since he can't really practice magic he at least wants a body that can get through most situations and can walk long distances. Japanese don't tend to be fat anyway.
kill yourself retard and fuck off
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Wada, Redrop, Lack, Konoe and Yamanaka are the only good artists.
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>top left
Ah, nevermind. You're projecting. Makes sense.
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JK Bob.
I doubt. Given that it's pretty much 100% certain it will have something to do with Dante's Divine Comedy, I don't think there's much space for Jeanne to appear. Going by the keywords we saw in the trailer the main theme of the Ruler chapter will be about "Awareness of one's sins", so given what we had in the preview chapters my best guest is that the plot will be about us getting taken to another fake world where Ritsuka will be guided by someone through a journey where they have to face their regrets and "sins" they accumulated throughout our journey, probably something along the lines of "You won't be able to overcome your final battle if you reach Antarctica with regrets in your heart". As much as I would love for a Ruler Class Vergil I don't think that's happening, gotta make some random fuck that has nothing to do with the setting.
Jeanne is definetly not qualified for something like that. Ironically, I feel that Sherlock would have been a better choice.
>OC1 had Kama
>OC2 had Horta
>Foreigner OC will 99.99% have Abby
OC3's heroine and guide will be Eresh. She's a ruler (of the Underworld) and is related to the afterlife.
>Ruler Class Vergil
I headcanon that Vergil will be your son because I saw an art between Guda and Morgan with their white hair son back then
>the main theme of the Ruler chapter will be about "Awareness of one's sins"
What about woman of the storm?
That's probably rgjol
>Lalter being relevant for real this time
Too good to be true
Wrong Vergil.
I assume that to compensate with the filler arcs, OCs will use popular and loved servants, right? But what if they make an event dedicated to a servant, unrelated to OC and plot?
>She's a ruler (of the Underworld)
That's not what Ruler means though....
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The Ruler Class has pretty much lost all meaning already, I wanna see if they'll even bother trying to explain what the qualifications for Ruler class even are at this point.
I was kinda hoping Morgan would be OC3 heroine, her PHH version is a ruler
The thing is Morgan having anything by this point. Or hell, LB6 having anything of relevance.
What if that ends up happening? And Ereshkigal gets her swimsuit this year. Seems like a fair deal
Genuinely, her being Ruler is really stupid. Nasu really didn't want to give her the obvious Caster class I guess.
Maybe she IS a Ruler, but unlike most other cases, she will refuse to behave as one. I mean she got summoned by Beryl because she let herself to be summoned for a chance of ruling Britain.
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I think you mistook him for a different half-demon.
I think that was
>hey what if we leave the Merlins in charge of the babi-I got not a good idea
But for real whats the worst that could happen
>what could happen if you leave the babies in charge to the most well know pranksters of history
I dont want to know desu
The amount of underwhelming and mediocre shit this year in FGO is hilarious. If Rani does turn out to be the anni servant that'd fit perfectly into how ass this year has been in the game, but hey, at least those 10 Rani fans will be happy.
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We will never get PHH Morgan
>I wanna see if they'll even bother trying to explain what the qualifications for Ruler class even are at this point.
As long as you don't want the grail you should count.
I'm keeping my hopes up, like before the 8th anni I never thought we would get tonelico
> your son because I saw an art between Guda and Morgan
I know what you mean but realistically speaking, how likely is for Nasu to pull a based move like that? Actually, has any other gacha pulled a "Roll for your children" shit?
Is this a normal male Master-Servant relationship
FEH did it, there's no chance it'd happen here though.
Agreed. I remember how this threads had mixed but strong opinions about it. Not sure if it was the best, or the worst for many, but she should have been the actual real most unexpected Anni servant out there. I mean
>Da Vinci
Expected eventually
Was teased previously
>Loli Vinci
Technically not expected but people were joking about Artoria having one class of every class out there minus Shielder so in a way, they knew it would happen, but not how and when
>Koyanskaya of Light
More or less expected, I feel they got more surprised with her Dark counterpart
Probably the one with the most surprise value after Tonelico, and maybe unexpected. For obvious reasons, people wanted to believe that she would appear, but they were unsure, but they did consider the possibility.
Absolutely no one expected it, or even considered her. We were all about U-Olga or even Kazuradrop, no one though about her, and to be honest, there was absolutely no reason to think of her. But that doesn't mean she wasn't loved, since she was a big success, too.
>Absolutely no one expected it, or even considered her.
There was one guy here who predicted the anni servant would basically be another Castoria, iirc he also predicted Arc the previous year.
Another Castoria is not Tonelico. Though I see what you mean. It was because of a pattern, right? The one where the first and fourth were both Da Vincis, and so the fifth and eight would be Castoria. Technically, it kinda counts, they are from the same place, just not the same one.
She used Castoria's sprite with minor edits in the LB6 story, so yeah, I think it's close enough to count.
Still, I would have expected the real Castoria returning, Tonelico was definetly out of my mind during those times. Not that I am complaining, never knew that I wanted her until she appeared.
they should make a poll about which servants would you have children
Yes, roll for future childs!!!
How do you make a servant pregnant?
you can ask Erice's dad
If Nasu was actually based, he would.
The closest he'll get is making U-Liz your daughter with Oberon for April Fool's
Of course.
Tried delaying it for as long as possible, but couldn't escape bond 15. Better see a cap increase next month.
Pseudo-Servant or incarnate them using grail wish
3 quartz for each bond 15
I don't hate Oberon but I find it ridiculous how he is the one that gets all the pandering. Nasu's bias tend to be the worst, it's a good thing Oberon is at least likeable and with charisma unlike others like Sakura or Kiara. He has to go full yume pandering though, and yumes deserves shit.
I want to talk about this.
Why are Merlin and Purin there? Why is Morgan mad and crying? What are (you) wearing? And most importantly what names would (you) personally gave to (you)r children?
what if the anni is an oberon alt?
Would be based
>Mors King
>Oberon PHH
>Vortigern (True)
>Foul Weather
>Why are Merlin and Purin there?
Theme subject
>Why is Morgan mad and crying?
Guda probably had the genius idea of having the twin mage of flowers as nannies, thinking nothing bad could happen. Technically it didn't but morgan really doesn't want them
>What are (you) wearing?
Royal clothes
>And most importantly what names would (you) personally gave to (you)r children?
I can't even think about my future, you think i can think of names for potential kids?
Last year was the most popular female getting an alt, I suppose it's fair to have the most popular male getting an alt, too.
It'd be a good start towards replacing last anni as the most awful FGO anni
>most awful FGO anni
Still on this?
9th anniversary servant will be "certain character that already appear in Typemoon franchise that became servant in FGO"

Original Servantfag cry and cope more
It's still shit and it'll still be called such.
Ok, raikouschizo. You are wrong by the way.
Tonelico is a very good servant that was widely accepted and only hated by UOlgafags and shitters that complain about Saberfaces
Shut up faggot
The general voted on it last year and already overruled your infantile cope.
Speaking of Raikou, it's also peculiar how they let an anniversary servant end up with far worse gameplay design than a mediocre quick avenger.
1) No.
2) The servant choice was the least of that anniversary's problems.
>The general voted
Yeah, no. You and whathever discord friends is not gonna fool anyone, again.
1) Yes
2) No QoL was shit, yes, however, the amount of SQ was, in comparison of the previous one, more generous when you consider that you still had to FA all your servants that you owned, and some people really sucks at getting servants to the point they haven't reached 100, or are newcomers. It could have been better? Yes, but it's FAR from being the worst.
Keep trying to gaslight though.
Anni servant will be a broken meta support for challenge quests
>He thinks anyone cares about Big Flop Gozen
CEless failure.
such is the fate of being a raitabortioner
>whathever discord friends is not
>and some people really sucks at
Surely you weren't shaking uncontrollably while trying to post this.
what is the best bond free quest?
The Sumanai-bait OC quest.
Alternatively just use the HQs for bond while they're still up.
Anni servant will save quick.
Anni servant will save my dick.
Anni servant will break my dick.
Anni servant will shrink my dick.
Pretty sure that the one hating on tonelico is a bitter uolgafag
Anni servant will have no effect on my dick.
I was able to take a quick look at the anni servant. It's a foreigner class, new character, female. Couldn't see the name sadly, and her in-game skills had placeholder images, but I did see a buster buff as well a two damage mods and a NP per turn buff on her. Closest thing I can say to describe her is a goth Rin, but it's not a Rin face I can say for sure, but she's a dark haired girl with black clothes and a serious look. I was only able to see a couple animations, but she was summoning some cosmic portals and shoot lots of laser beams.
Anni servant will be my dick.
didn't read
and if you reply you're a retard
Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
Anni servant will cut off all schizos' dicks.
I want a burger now
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What can I get you dechi?
Pizza, steaks, burgers and squid rings.
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your cloaca in my face
Your Alter would be nice
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Anni servant will be a fucking dick.
Do americans really?
Anni servant will... ...ick.
The ending with Saber is after he dies, retard.
It shits on the non Saber heroines though.
>Japan is fucking pissed
No it isn't, the incel version of right wing ultra nationalists are pissed. more regular people don't give a shit about this and think they are weirdos. One of my friends in Japan muted those keywords over xitter because of them.
Making up people "in Japan" who totally agree with you on every point is a time-honored strategy on /fgog/.
No one cares Jamal. Yasuke is not a samuai.
Mors King Quick Support to save us bros.
Does that happen in every route? Meaning, regardless who he ends up with, for example, when he dies in HF normal end, does he go to Avalon?
>No it isn't, the incel version of right wing ultra nationalists are pissed.
and the same counterargument can be used against you though?
the incel version of the left wing says he was one as someone showed in this thread and the regular people think it's retarded that the west is trying to make up shit about their culture
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Why are xitter fags so much of slop slurper? In what world is Studio BB's horrible 3D model an improvement?
>does he go to Avalon?
no lmao
his soul gets trapped for all eternity in the normal HF end
you cant even compare those
who gives a fuck about CCC
If Anni and Summer are plot related, I'm happy.
If Anni and Summer are random shit, I'm going to whine in 4chan.
Why do you care about what some xitters say? What's next, a screenshot of a tweet of ****?
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>Uther and Morgan
which servants canonically whores ?
Okuni was a prostitute, wasn't she?
Medb is close, but she's just a slut
Okuni was a kabuki artist
Beni-enma on the other hand was an actual prostitute
Medb, Kiara, Mata Hari, Scheherazade, Ishtar, Bob, Helena, Okuni, Cleopatra, Johanna
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Last Anni was dogshit since it gave way less SQ, had no meaningful updates, and acted as a Summer banner
The excuse was "b-b-b-but LB6 Summer written by Nasu!!!!" But the event turned out to just focus on Suzuka cucking us
You didn't even read the event raikouschizo, fuck off
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Huyan Zhuo

I mean its the canon event. Shes total sex doll
How much you would pay for their service ?
I think Rin is more slut than whore
And how they even explained Kiara being one of them ? Did she engaged with every member of her cult or it was just bait and she's murder them before
Also iirc Sith was killer instead of slut, no ?
>Nasu for some reason decided to give Suzuka the most important role during the summer event of getting guda to have fun all because of Takenoko
>Giving it to her when she's not even for (you)
I hate Nasu and Takenoko so much
they couldn't even be bothered to change a few numbers and raise the max bond level, felt like they just didn't give a shit. maybe this year. a quick card fix would be nice too but that sounds even less likely
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News doko?
it does not exist
He panders to himself.
Ask >>487536863 >>487536827
>>487535581 to kill themselves.
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90++ Gear mats.
1, 3, 1
Chink special movie for their anniversary, kinda cool.
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90+ is 2-1-1 if anyone cares
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I sleep
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Tonelico by Ask, based
the overly chink music feels forced
Well its their server anniversary.
Honestly it's hilarious how shitty the EN one is in comparison lol. They don't get shit like this because their team is just overpaid nobodies who can't even TL if they tried.
Apparently they managed to remove all traces of Seimei references from the summer event mistaking them as something else. Just keeps showing how shallow the NA TL is. LB6 made that clear, but hey.
He also should be virtually immortal in the true HF end since his soul is now eternal and is able to exist without a body.
Mo-chan wants that BBC
Can you insta kill cheese the 90++ like yesterday? Otherwise not even gonna bother farming this since gears are useless.
No today you can't cheese that.
Just do it three times for the mission reward.
>Well its their server anniversary.
Yeah, but it's a bit over the top, it's like if the NA server played the most stereotypically American music in every trailer.
at least do them 3 times for sweet teapots bro
any mob quotes bread crumbs?
Yeah, I guess I'll do that when I wake up
How hype are you for anni? I feel like they're saving the good stuff for next year so I'm not that excited
I don't have any SQ so I'm like whatever
After last year, I'm feeling like Anni has less and less value as an annual event.
I'm mostly hyped to shitpost during the stream with my bros on frog. Other than that, who cares? We'll get a new SSR and some minor updates.
I think annies that don't have build up end up being the best ones so reasonably hyped for it, probably going to be massive.
Give me 600 SQ and I will be happy
Can't be worse than two more filters for the archive right?
There will be lots of gibs, new and shiny in the game and another shitshow in the thread, I'm stoked
Not much, but free stuff is always welcomed anyway
I miss CUTEbit...
I just want Quartz and useful Strenghtenings at this point.
And good luck, obviously.
He needs to be reunited with his husband, his husband's city sister and his husband's sacrifice pawn
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Morgan is FAT
They learnt their lessons, it's only 1 times for the teapots.
How do you save SQs? I just roll it all away.
skill issue
There's a couple of simple tips you could follow. Have a quick wank before you decide to roll. Decide on a maximum quartz budget that you're willing to spend on any single Servant. Wait a little bit between deciding to roll and actually rolling, in order to prevent panicked impulses from getting to you.
>his husband's sacrifice pawn
Sis don't talk like that to Izcali... let them be a family(dysfunctional)
playable Daybit and Izcali when
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This summer we trust... all four will be reunited
God no fuck off with that garbage
>How hype are you for anni?
coping for more sq so I can summon something.
anni servant I don't know whether it's good or shit so I will continue coping until summer.
Recently theyve been making servants from other typemoon character design. Andromeda and Cagliostro is the latest original servants (excluding alters too) and been 3 months
I'm more hyped for anni than for the rest of the year, but that's not a very high bar
Really? Last couple of years I've been more excited about the NYE special than the anni.
Maybe I'm forgetting stuff but I can't remember anything interesting coming out of new years recently.
At least anni usually comes with free quartz and is followed by summer which is the biggest batch of new characters all year.
Are you winning, son?
Nah, only losers here. Now fuck off dad.
"Cute Nopan Indian" couldn't possibly be stupider than Da Stinky, Da Stinky 2, or Morgan Lily/Summer
Not even close.
The only thing I care about from the anniversary that are actually feasbile is lots of gibs, and getting big strengthenings to servants I love, but neither have super high chances.
A new meta quick buffer would be nice, but quick will be treated as third class citizens and will be paying for Skadi’s crimes until EOS, so I wouldn’t count on it.
I can understand using other type moon franchise more often considering they are unable to make new original characters that aren't garbage now
that dot is where you should aim your gun at
Space Nagon is the anniversary servant.
She wouldn't be great but retards pretending she would be worse than annis we've already had are a laugh
My uncle from nippon said this leak is bullshit since it create by a eng server fag.
A better choice than Camaflop and whoever the reddit normies are requesting
I’d take a m*le over gl*sses and no tits.
Oh gawd, you're one of the retards who fucking Sherlock was tailored to
Hope the leak BTFOs you
hear me out
quick support Rani, but we change the character to Kama
I don’t even really care who it is, as long as they do something interesting, or powerful mechanically at this point. It’s starting to feel like “why should I even roll for this character I won’t even use?” to me.
2 100% batteries, one with +50% quick and the other with card shuffle, take it or leave it
Ranniversary will be a pseudo for Sarasvati/Benzaiten, one of Melt's components.
It’s not particularly interesting, but yeah I’d roll for something that powerful of course.
Rani is literally a man, she's not capable of being feminine. Look at her ancestor, he quite literally looks just like her but older in an uncanny way.
who's her ancestor
Nopan is peak femininity, sorry you're just a homo
some guy named Rahjeet or something
NYE usually has animated specials. Anni has a PV, sometimes. That's my feeling on the matter.
What are the top 5 grailed servants for this year, in your opinion? Think they will release another made up grail stat to hide the shame its all girls?
Aoko, Marie alter, New Dantes, Alice, Shousetsu
I thought her ancestor is Chen gong lol
Could I at least get some leaks?
He was turned into a Raniface to justify Lu Bu obeying Rani when apparently she reminded him of Diaochan
Shit's stupid as fuck and Lu Bu was apparently surrounded by Ranifaces when he was alive
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Lu Bu sure had it rough.
Alright true leak time, my dad works at takeuchi
The anni servant is a Beast, the name starts with M
it will be medusa sisters triple or double servant, they will be for (you) and their NP wont be some reused assets
One thing for sure is that it will subvert your expectation.
Imagine how bad they’ll be with Stheno dragging them down.
so another artoria?
Can't subvert what doesn't exist
Beast of Transgenderism
Lu Bu has to have some of the worst treatment as a servant in terms of writing and story in Fate. The only other one that comes close to that level is Boudica.
he's a comedic relief character at least in extella
Anniv servant will be someone from other type moon franchise. Lasenge been doing these recently.
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>subvert your expectation
5* Shinji or Zouken that's for (you)
The manga killed so many servants. Castoria, Morgan, Tlaloc..
The records state that he was as strong as 10 men. He could unga bunga just like Samson for all we know.
My expectations are really low, so if we can get good freebies or one decent QoL update I'll take it. I'm genuine 10x more excited for 30M campaign whenever they want to finally do that, potential Arc rerun plus some really good free reward is what I'm looking forward.
After I failed to get both Tiamat and Draco after saving for months I just pretty much lost the will to save and roll immediately as soon as any interesting servant is on rate up. Hilariously enough I got both Tiamat and Draco this year like this.
I'm just hoping we get lots of free shit and more buffs for servants, this is the bare minimum of what I expect since animation updates are hopium at best now. I don't want to hype myself up for disappointment.
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Here's your OC3 preview Anni Servant and Quick Support bwo
Ah right, he exists.
Forgot he appeared in the FSR event. He'll 100% be in OC3 since every OC had a servant that appeared in an event previously.
>same artist as Clownman
god no
>every OC had a servant that appeared in an event previously.
Who was that supposed to be for OC2?
Marie Alter
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I still have low expectation on this one but i lowkey hope Himiko and Kagetora(Kenshin) appear together in summer event as playable swimsuit servant
Fuck, I forgot that mushroom witch exist.
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Why you have welfares here
>summer BB
if you honestly just avoid the skip rateups the quartz you get from playing the game and getting bond grails off OC free quests quickly adds up after a couple months
>node built for ptolemy
I wish this happened for a material I actually needed
What do you consider "skip rateups"?
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the new chapter of JJK is garbage
mostly rerun rateups for characters who arent that impactful or you already got, then rateups for new characters you dont have but arent that good (andromeda+marie alter)
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They know how to make new characters that people want to roll for, the formula is pretty simple. The problem is they refuse to do it because Nasu and Sakurai are stubborn retards.
My cute 12 years old wife.
>Illya is out Anni servant to coincide with Prisma Illya drei ending.
Oh, another fucking Illya. Fantastic. I'll add her to the goddamned pile.
Speaking of Illya, she comes back in latest chapter of Prisma, along with Tanaka and young Darius.
Seem like Darius will get talk no jutsu'd
I don't care about Olga
Where are you getting these extended arts from?
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Assume they continue the pattern of one Summer SSR getting an NP buff every year. Last year was Musashi. The next lineups are
>Kiara or Abigail
>Okita Alter or Kama
>Purin, Skadoo, or Ibuki
>Castoria or Melusine
Who's more likely for this year? Fan favorite Abi or teacher's pet Kiara?
I only care about Olga.
Iyo, Kagetora, Ranmaru, Illyasvil, Mecha Elis, Gray, Jalter Santa, Bunyan.
Musashi's upgrade was this year during FS/R colab.
>and young Darius
Kiara free. Abigail is pretty much required to be bad by some unspoken law, and Nasu won't miss the chance to prop up his Villain Sue.
>Kama vs-
Kama, not even close
>Summer 7
They've never even buffed BASE Merlin, they're not buffing the literally better version of him
Skadi's NP is a fucking joke while Ibuki's already powercreep on Summer Musashi. If they go based off of who needs it more, it will be Skadi. She's also more liked.
>Cummer and Melusneed
>>>the heroine of the most beloved story chapter in this entire game versus a tertiary villain's sloppy seconds
Take a wild guess
Go back.
Abigail was last year. Summer Musashi only got buffed more recently with her FSR rateup.
I just hope they buff some summer SRs
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who will be the next clap character?
big tamamo sex
Who was "that character" in last order call? Dantes? But he's from FGO.
>he's from FGO.
you sure??? Dante Devil May Cry!
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>"Interviewer: So why did you decided to implement Aesc as the 8th anniversary?"

>"Nasu: Cuz Takeuchi wanted it, thats all"

>"Takeuchi: I always wanted to draw her and make her real, it took me a few tries before choosing this form for her, anyways i like every stage of her design"
Wishlist would be
>Summer Kama since she's the weakest AoE Arts Avenger
>Purin because unlike Merlin, her buffs last 3 turns
>Summer Melu because Summer Ibuki is way too retarded
Imagine if Summer Melu is able to give her 1st and 3rd skills to allies.
>Takeuchi forced Nasu again
And people still believe Last Episode was created by Nasu on his own free will.
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he did Aesc
Back to /alter/ with you worthless pos
>>Purin because unlike Merlin, her buffs last 3 turns
Her buffs are also way more potent, you fucking retard
How many blunders has this franchise made for the sole reason of "Takeuchi wanted it"?
It will be summer artoria
Saber Castoria is the anni servant
Yeah, Nasu is a little bitch with no back bone or integrity as a creator. This is known
You said it as if Nasu didn't force people to like Sakura and understand her with sakurafaces, movies, and all that shit. He never learns the same way Takeuchi never learns
I want Lion King to get it, thanks
>inb4 Tonelico buff
A minuscle amount compared to the homeruns it made for the sole reason of "Takeuchi wanting it"
But Castoria was Nasu idea, there was already concepts of her during the early stages of Part 2.
Takeuchi convincing Nasu to make Fate into a game was the blunder that started it all.
/tmg/cucks seething as usual
I am still not convinced that they throw Tonelico as something like Arc. It feels too... weird. I feel there is something else with her.
Sakurafaces are only one game though. CCC.
Compared to Saberfaces like Nero being a thing? To all the Rin cameos in other Fate works, 2 UBW series?
Post CCC, Sakura is only in Miyuverse. Not even the main Prismaverse too.
List the homeruns.
The one thing I can 100% give to Takeuchi is swapping the genders of Artoria and thus, FSN is born.
When is arcueid to appear (outside of LB7)
Moon Cancer OC.
I don't think we are getting a MC OC?
Who knows with Nasu, anon. It's 100% Nasu written since it's BB's class.
Maybe he can finally release Beast BB since he foreshadowed it since Seraph.
Already said it's not happening.
She's not like Arc, since she did appear in the story and appears in the summer event, both as the Rain Witch and as Summer Morgan.
Forgot to pus supposed
Ok. But if that's the case, then what about foreigners and pretenders? We know that rulers will have one ((where peole are theorizing morgan appears)
Tsukihime collab and that's it
kek raikouschizo
Pretenders are already unlocked after the Water Olga fight.
Foreigners are probably this Summer.
No, I wasn’t pointing out a typo or anything, I was trying to make a joke like
>What do you mean by “appear”? Who said anything about appearing?
Foreigner is confirmed to get one, you can see its card in the OC trailer.
This entire OC shit is both bullshit and disgusting. Not only it's a filler but I am starting to think that they are truly with the "You are gonna stick with the basic 7 and you will like it!".
OC would be fine if it were like EoR and lasted 1 year. We know it's 100% not the case.
How long has the LB arc been going on for? 6 years?
Are there any Servants that boost Overcharge
Morgan, Purin, Himiko. Off the top of my head.
when will he stop?
You know what, I didn't believe in the "dude Rani is the anni Servant" but the Extra Record news on the 4th are extremely fucking sus. Nothing stops TM from doing their announcements at TGS or other vidya events.
Wish he stayed there or just killed himself already.
Well, it may happen
So what they found their way on the avenger oc?
Ok, so ruler and foreigner.
I feel they will return by the end, somehow you will not lose your servants.
Pretenders are always in Chaldea's database or something is the reason you unlocked them without OC.
The fake leak was posted after the extra news.
A lot
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>Entire thread is nothing but cuckshitting and e celebs

Also fuck me they really love to call their game cuckshit
thank God i stopped going to /gig/
I like how Morgan disappears and you see Oberon outline behind the throne and then fluffboi.
Not hyped but I'm looking forward to game updates.
With the implementation of the new 90** I'm more convinced the bond/CEs topic will be discussed.
It's AI extandopa.
>71 Kobayashi - Pilot #1 Fate/Zero 462
75 Chikagi Katsuragi The Sorcerer's Box 404
84 Luviagelita Edelfelt Fate/hollow ataraxia 316
88 Hibiki Hibino The Sorcerer's Box 290
>110 Ougi - Pilot #2 Fate/Zero 154
160 Rani VIII Fate/EXTRA 47

Literally NOBODY gives a shit about this flop. she's even lower than hichika in popularity. It's not scrapping the bottom of the barrel, but trying to pick the garbage of the floor as far as TM characters goes.
>that gap between #2 pilot and Shitni
lmao even.

Imagine if she is anni servant and nips around the announcement are silent and then start laughing thinking it's a joke.
better than being a skeleton
i will never get the fanart popularity schizos
how many of you actually draw the characters you like?
>when apparently she reminded him of Diaochan
Maybe Diaochan was just Cheng Gong in a dress, bro.
There's only 1 schizo using fanart to judge popularity though.
He stopped doing it when Oberon got more fanart than Douman in 1 month.
Does she eat the same amount as the Artorias?
what i said isnt exclusive to this general
For a pre-CCC and mid-anime Zero poll it's not that unexpected.
Some characters are hard carried by commission fags though
No matter how much time it happen, Castoria's music and Morgan's conclusion still put me down.
that works against the fanart shizos
>It happened once so it's a pattern
Really nigga?
In her one (1) valentines scene and nowhere else.
Rani barely had scenes in ccc. Her entire STORY was in Extra, retard.
If was about Kiara, or even Leo and Shinji who actually shone.
Rani was turned into a joke in CCC which is still important Rani content.
Cool it bro.
I would like to have Morgan's music being used just a little more, but alas, she is not a main heroine. Both her and Castoria's theme have a very melancholic feeling.
Ego boosting.
There's no metric to measure popularity so fan art is all they can push onto because pixiv used to number them under a portrait as if they were a character's "badge" of popularity.
Pixiv died and only AI and chinkshit infests it nowadays so you won't get the reality of that mentality anyway.
Those people remained toughever and they still plague the discourse in both /a/ and gacha generals in here.
Honestly if you killed off fan art discussions a lot of actual minorities like raikouschizo, malefags and the like would have 0 topic to talk about.
the whole Rani is anni servant thing is entirely because of the extra remake news. Anyway I think fgo is still capable of surprises, like for 5th anni everyone thought its gonna be Nemo but turns out it's Castoria
>chinkcuck posting is the same level as giggerfags cuckposting
I guess we aren't so different.
I'm not saying it's totally Rani because of the "leak" but the timing to release Rani now is good.
And Rani isn't popular at all and this is coming from an Extrafag before Extella ruined it.
People only choose Rani in Extra so they could fight Arc.
If they want to add something from Fate/Extra I'd take no less than Saver-class Buddha
>yfw the anni is Hakuno pseudo via Lilim Harlot
>160 Rani VIII Fate/EXTRA 47
don't know when was this data, but after her debut in fgo Rani now has 88 entry on pixiv
you will get quick mordred alter support
take it or leave it
Mordred is too retarded to be a support servant.
loli mordred alter then
Someones gonna be mad but I do like the Hakunos design the best out of all the MCs.
It's just gonna be Ciel
it's gonna be Lip Alter
Beni... *cough* bros...... *cough* *hack* Anni serva- *vomits blood* will be- *flatlines*
The past me will probably be upset by Ciel, but after this whole rani shit I'll be grateful to have Ciel
Melu LOVE!
>700 gears
QP pod farming it is then
>The schizo is now shitting up other threads
And by schizo I mean you, you retarded ESL nigga
Anti-raikouschizo your ass is literally becoming ACK
What bleached earth nodes do people usually do anyway, I just stick with the QP one though I dipped into the monuments a few times
I usually do the one shot ones cause I'm lazy. If not I go for QP.
I checked my mats and I think I have to farm OC2 a bit, only 21 of both and you just know they're gonna drop a swimsuit that needs those. Fuckers havent put them on any event shop yet I think(?)
From the places I've looked, I get the impression that there's more dread than excitement for the anniversary servant. Like there's no option that people would be okay with.
Koyan and Arc were extremely well received. Tonelico not as much, but she'd have a way better reception if she was 100% Tonelico rather than 1/3 Summer Morgan. And I think that's where people's reservations are coming from; because Lasagna pulled bullshit once, people are expecting bullshit again.
I think that's partly from Summer 7 releasing 3 fucking SSRs. They couldn't do it two years in a row but they could just delegate the Anni unit.
>Tonelico not as much, but she'd have a way better reception if she was 100% Tonelico rather than 1/3 Summer Morgan
Inb4 secret FA unlocked in a post chapter
We had the flowers in mahoyo but still nothing of the gold mats yet, which im hoping show up this summer
>post chapter
You mean HER chapter, amirite?
expanding on this schizo post a bit if we never got Arc, Purin could basically work as Tonelico 0.5
They'll announce a chapter written by Hidetaka Miyazaki.
I manually play the highest node if there are teapots.
Stheno node otherwise, found a 2 turn comp that I can automate, and even if it's just 4 CE its still a lot of fucking bond.
Summer 7 was great. The SSRs were all super useful in their own ways, Purin was a completely new Servant and giga hype, the SR picks weren't popular Servants so niche fans of them had a great day, and the welfare was the most unique Summer welfare to this day.
Last Anni was a massive dissapointment. Less SQ by half than the previous, bad Anni Servant pick, no major updates, no word on when we would get the next Ordeal Call. The hypest thing about it was the animation.
Miyazaki writes exactly like Nasu so there's no point.
Giantess, heroine who either dies in some lover's sacrifice or becomes one with the player, "ooohhhh muh final form after death" and the casual random laughter from someone speaking every now and then.
>Story takes place in a poisonous swamp and its filled with incest and gay shit
Not very different from what we already have to be fair.
getting a good farming Assassin is a plus too
fucked up how rare those are
one of those things you gotta give FGO props for, the free units tend to be decent to fucking great
>Less SQ by half than the previous
Because the previous was the all time highest. Last year was still the second all time record.
I want to raise Charlie's bonds so I have to force myself doing the 90** node within 5 turns on average.
I go to the Stheno one since it's the easiest high bond.
If you don't care about bond and stuff, going to Galatea one is the best since she's a berserker.
>Summer 7 was great
No the fuck it wasn't, it was barely a summer event and the roster is one of the worst ones aside of purin, its only saving grace is how high value it was for gameplay
>Summer 7 was great
>Sakurai's gameplay summer
>shilling Ibuki for the 3rd time
Pfft. Hey, at least people like Ibuki now. For gameplay reasons.
>from Nasu interview for fgo cn just dropped (Lb 7 spoiler ahead)
>Nasu said that Camazotz is initially design to be " the guy who can rival Tezca". After seeing his design, he change his mind and decided that this is the God who kill ORT
once again Nasu changed his mind because of the artwork
>Nasu Interview on Olga Marie in Lostbelt 7
>Nasu: " I finally have the opportunity to use Olga Marie's appeal as much as i want, i am so happy~!"
>Nasu mention that one of the specialty of Ordeal Call chapter is for readers from other franchise to be like " This is a character from **** series". So stay tune for more
so all the OCs will have references to the work of the Nasuverse
OC1: Extra
OC2: Tsukihime
OC3: ???
OC Foreigner: ???
OC2 has Tsuki stuff? I figured it worked better as KnK adjacent.
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No surprise, all cuckposting comes from the same trannycord and the same mentally ill trannies
there is a reference to the drama CD of Dantes with the Shadow of Roa which appears
I guess they mean the silhouette of Roa from Dantes's drama CD
the most annoying part about anni 8 was the strengthenings
first for giving so many(just 4 to be fair) to the swimsuits when you could just buff them during the Summer event
second for giving Squirtoria, the first fucking omnilooper, NP charge and nothing else
third for not giving my man Shakes a buff, because Hans needed another one apparently
>2 hours ago
Foreigner OC might reference Requiem with Euclid
This sudden revisionism over summer 7 being ACTUALLY LE GOOD will never not be funny
Taking this approach if OC Foreigner is the Summer event that means it will feature as the 5* likely a collab Servant
>second for giving Squirtoria, the first fucking omnilooper, NP charge and nothing else
She's broken enough. She doesn't even deserve the NP charge but hey, Takeuchi asked for it.
It was never not. Summer 8 was a step down content wise, had a very narrow selection of Servants, the worst Summer welfare character wise, and worst of all did not have solo rateups for the 4*s.
>. Summer 8 was a step down content wise, had a very narrow selection of Servants, the worst Summer welfare character wise, and worst of all did not have solo rateups for the 4*s.
had a much better story than summer 7, has servants people ACTUALLY wanted and knock is not yu
It's probably just him again. Don't bother giving him (You)s.
"Please like Ibuki, PLEASE!" Summer was horrible.
By this point it could be OC Ruler or an unironic LB6 chapter. Not the first time that happens IIRC. Douman had something like that. And in a way, Oberon, too.
>had a much better story than Summer 7
Not really it was a rehash of an old Summer event but worse.
>has Servants people actually wanted
So did Summer 7, but it was also varied in its selection. Summer 8 was literally just all the LB6 girls and nothing but them
>Knock is not Yu
No, she's worse.
>Rani is literally a man
Learn what the word "literally" means.
>Look at her ancestor
She's an Atlas-made homunculus, she has no ancestors, any resemblance to Cheng Gong or anyone else is mere coincidence.
>it was a rehash of an old Summer event but worse.
Way better than the literal ??? summer 7 was
>So did summer 7
Only ones i could see it were erice and purin, the rest are delusion tier
>No. she's worse
I didn't mind them buffing Squirtoria but an NP charge of all things feels redundant, I'd rather they just buffed her NP to hit harder than that. The Sure Hit is nice at least.
summer 8 was so fucking lazy with the whole servant festival thing again and shilling the hell out of cucktoria again
It's even funnier considering that he did not appear to defend it less than two months ago when everyone was shitting on both Summer 6 and 7 as the worst ones during the rerun of 6.
Morganfags are so fucking pathetic. Yeah bro, she's totally going to be the first Servant with 4 different ascensions.
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Though I'm not personally a fan, I think no one is going to be able to create as design that embodies "the coolest and the cutest and the sexiest" as well as Melu.
The original Servant Summer Festival is legendary and spawned endless fanworks

Summer 8's version was Nasu doing that thing authors do where they act like they're cool for taking the audiences expectations of a rehash and purposefully derailing it for the meta reasons. It was sad, boring, and nobody is asking for it to be re-ran
Prisma Ilya chapter is out
its not gonna be a good anni if the anni servant isnt a loli
just saying
Lolivinci is probably the worst Anni Servant. Maybe original Da Vinci is worse.
Yeah, any minute now.
I found the selection better than usual personally but it still boggles the mind why they did this to Tell
Loli Vinci cannot be worse than hag Vinci, because lolis are automatially superior to hags.
>Summer 8's version was Nasu doing that thing authors do where they act like they're cool for taking the audiences expectations of a rehash and purposefully derailing it for the meta reasons. It was sad, boring, and nobody is asking for it to be re-ran
Yet it currently has more fanworks and fanart than the last 2 (on the way to 3) summers, it was also the most recent one so of course nobody wanted it to be reran compared to 6 that never got a rerun
You can keep quoting your """sources"""" and the """"fanbase""""" but by all means keep vomiting delusional garbage
Tanaka and Ilya hanging out together at the end of the world
nah original Da Vinci is far far worse, glad she's gone
Foreigner would be blatantly Requiem. I guess OC3 is Apocrypha or Remnant, seeing how Ashoka was in Remnant collab I guess that's the case.
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Not only did they give Squirtoria a buff she didn't need, it wasn't even her worst skill that's almost never used.
>remnant OC3
ruler ibuki and also saburo i guess lmao
when anni/summer
Pretty sure this skill is actually good if you have NP2+.
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The character /fgog/ hates the most.
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first ani stream is next week on saturday which will at most show the first summer servants, stream on the 4th will show all the rest of the ani stuff
>more fanworks
Pixiv is flooded with AI art, it's useless for stats now;
Yeah probably. But they'd just be NPCs or costumes, the references in OC1 and OC2 didn't lead to releases.
I also think Nasu comment applies more to OC1 than OC2.
A shame really, saburo is pretty cool and we only have two danciao servants in the game
>Batschizo is just the result of schizo writing
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>"Ah, he probably defeated ORT"
>real South American mythology
>It also allows players who like this class to enjoy "This time the protagonist is ***!" of chapters
This is such a funny thing to say about the Alter Ego OC starring Kama, who is not an Alter Ego
The character that makes raikouschizo and kizu seethe themost
Is auto battle too late at this stage in the game?
NP skip won't happen which is fine imo but Auto Battle is really needed in modern gachas.
just make yourself a bot
Why did you mention the same person twice, anon?
Are you sure isn't the other way around?
That would be Raikouschizo and Kizu making Morgan seethe, which is just silly when Morgan is a fictional character and cannot read 4chan posts.
Blatantly how? Euclid is the only foreigner and she's seemingly even less important than Nzambi. Also Marie Alter is the Requiem (collab) reference already.
>Tezcatlipoca gives people a strong impression of the "evil god" and "god of war" in Japanese game culture, but we also want to eliminate this impression as much as possible
>I tried to accomplish this by portraying him as an ally-killing cartel mobster who wants to blow up the planet
what the fuck is up with nasu making massive narrative changes on a whim just because he likes a fucking character design
Because Meteo already picked characters and concepts from Requiem before and him doing so again in a chapter where he has full creative freedom wouldn't be surprising in the slightest.
Voyo is a foreigner now, I guess
yeah. i'm really mad about getting cheated out of a proper vortigern and a proper morgan le fae.
It's literally the favorite character poll Type Moon hosted in their website for their anni.

She's the FLOPPIEST of flops to rank below fucking Hichika and Pilot number 2.
Now you remember Saber Medusa was a 4*, Super Orion was a low rarity, and Koyanskaya was supposed to be Daji.
The based Mushroom retcons according to whatever he likes.
It also dates back to 2010. Type-Moon hasn't done an actual popularity poll in over a decade.
>Nasu said that Camazotz is initially design to be " the guy who can rival Tezca". After seeing his design, he change his mind and decided that this is the God who kill ORT
lmao Nasu does it again!
Hope he sees a design he likes next and will be "this character can TOTALLY one shot Arc 100%"
Ive been saying it for years but Nasu doesnt give a fuck about canon and continuity.
People who think his universe is some high iq planned out thing are delusional
>south america
Inca bros...
What are they afraid of? FGO dominating the competition?
He's 100% going to make Camazotz playable. He sounds like one of his latest favorite pet projects.
That's when he turns some character into a semi OC of his (like with Oberon). Wonder if that's when his profile will drop.
Only thing I can think of is not wanting authors to get asshurt people dont like their favorites
He seems perfectly content with Shiki
He was a good and loyal servant to Daybit, and he was trying to blow up a planet that was already destined to die in order to protect the rest of the universe. I think Nasu accomplished his goal, Tez definitely isn't an outright good guy but he isn't evil either.
He fell for a cute autist angel. That's relatable.
He believes in the rule of cool should preceded over dumb nerd concepts like continuity and lore.
Chunnism up top on the totem pole baby!!
>one shot Arc 100%
Takeuchi will stop him. Arc is literally Takeuchi's first crush.
So Camazotz for Anni then
Makes sense since LB6 shilling is tapped dry. Might as well start LB7
Did you forget he decided Orion was Grand Archer because of his nose?

Arc was ambushed and wasn't defeated at her 100%. I mean as princess arc.
Anyone have the Famitsu results from last year?
Kinda based, not even trying to be a contrarian but this stuff is mostly inconsequential especially with how much "but" and "only if" there are.
What if it's the lil bro of Tlaloc?
Also holy shit Nasu, whenever you let your bias and shit to change, either it becomes good or shit.
Not necessarily for anni. He could shove him to an event or filler chapter. U Olga and his profiles are missing because he's not done with them.

Not if a Saberface does it.
There’s nothing wrong with changing things per se, but when it leads to massive delays or obvious hasty and sloppy rewrites, it sucks.
Forget about that, we will get a new one to shitpost on August 8th.
I voted btw.
>What if it's the lil bro of Tlaloc?
Izcalli won't be playable but Montezuma could be *3 or *4 of Batschizo future gacha (not necessarily anni). I think anni is gonna be Ciel if the Rani leaks are bullshit.

Actually. New Years would be better for Batman.
Well, this IS a game about gambling
>Nasu: " I finally have the opportunity to use Olga Marie's appeal as much as i want, i am so happy~!
That was her appeal? She was annoying and retarded.
Girl failure.
Pretty sure Takeuchi favors Arc more since she was based on that french model he loved first.
Arc was his first love, Saber is his true love.
no, Takeuchi had said that his first love was his female classmate who was French and on whom the design of Jeanne is based
He's done it all his career. In most interviews he talks about how the art influences what he writes. It's part of the relationship he has with Takeuchi.
>Nasu mention that one of the specialty of Ordeal Call chapter is for readers from other franchise to be like " This is a character from **** series". So stay tune for moreso all the OCs will have references to the work of the Nasuverse
I didn't see this in the interview. Did you make it up?
>calls samefagging
>while samefagging
you were the one defending misinfo retard, you started it fucking retarded nig

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