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Mothgirl Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last thread: >>487182154

Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkII

▶Ways to Write
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai

Chat models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI guide collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks

Wholesome and Comfy Friday is over! Weekly theme suggestions are being taken! >>487344439

>(07/24) Mistral Large 2 releases https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407
(07/23) Meta releases Llama 3.1 8B, 70B, and 405B https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1
(07/18) Mistral Nemo releases https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-nemo/ ; DeepSeek-V2-0628 releases https://x.com/deepseek_ai/status/1813921111694053644 ; OpenAI releases GPT-4o Mini https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence/
(07/05) AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, July 15th https://files.catbox.moe/unp7ss.jpg
(06/27) Google releases Gemma 2 https://blog.google/technology/developers/google-gemma-2/
me on the left
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I kind of wonder if the saving Traci's pictures isn't because CF is slowly turning furry, but solely an impersonation attempt, like..
>If I post Traci pics, people will think I'm TraciAnon baking!
Because that seems like a very low IQ move when I've said I've used Claude for the longest time.
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A repost from the thread that got pruned, but in a different font. Cute, right?
It reeks of schizophrenia.
Who knows, the workings of that retard's broken mind is a mystery.
Yeah, that's the play it seems. It still baffles me why /aids/ of all places attracts the most persistent schizos.
I just wish good things would happen for once in this community.
because there's that one fag who always replies to them
I quit responding to him, and then he starting samefagging.
If there is any goodwill in the world, the powers that be will see that and eventually take action. Yes, I realize that's a cope.
That does read a lot better. Have a source?
>Other thread getting traction despite the news getting fucked with.
How stupid are people?
It is what it is, though I guarantee at least a third of it is samefagging.
not only that, but constant posts about him, like the one you responded to
don't need to reply to him to make the general all about him for some reason
Thanks, mate.
You're welcome. I edited it myself to read better.
It doesn't matter, he won. The mods will probably prune this thread.
me on the right <3
I suspect samefagging too.
I wonder if jannies can see samefags or not. I hope so because I think I might apply for a janny position and it'd make targetting his garbage a breeze.

If I fucking get in, I'll cock block his thread war shit if I'm awake for it.
If only.
I kneel. You are the hero we deserve.
I don't think it's just samefagging, but also people clicking the first link they see.
A simple glance at the OP should inform people something's sus.
The censorship... won...
I lack faith in the ability of the average coomlord on /vg/ to possess that much agency.
dude i love instruct, fucking love refreshing and getting the same output but some words are switched around even though my temperature is at max
That is exactly why I hate it. Triple-digit swipes, baby! Fuck my life.
man this shit is getting old
you know what they say
if your 1000 token jailbreak isn't perfectly tailored to give you the exact output you want and never give you anything new or unexpected, it's a skill issue
Nothing ever happens.
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Claudefag's prescription, coming right up
we've reached the end of history, no more things can happen
The best thing to do would be to post stories or discuss things. Do we want to do elves again, or should we discuss centaur pussy?
do americans really not write in cursive
Snake cloaca is better.
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And I thought my handwriting was bad.
Not actually trying to be mean, mines pretty bad too.
I can write my name in it, but they quit teaching it at the school I went to.
you should probably sue them
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American doctors are infamous for writing in chickenscratch, be it cursive or print
"Doctor's handwriting" is a meme over here
>doctors are infamous for writing in chickenscratch
I can assure you this isn't limited to the US
Wikipedia even talks about it.
>7000 deaths a year because of shit writing
The fuck?
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Don't know which is the proper thread, screw it.
Pretty much every school in the USA stopped teaching cursive after like 1999 or so. I was born in 92 and learned cursive in second and third grade but when my brother went to school (he was born in 2000) they didn't teach him cursive at all. Or phonics, which is why a lot of zoomers and early gen alpha have a difficult time reading. They never learned how to sound out words unless their parents taught them.
cute boys
I went to school post 1999; the funny thing is, the school I went to did teach it, but they stopped a few weeks in that year. So I partially learned it.
I find this really sad from a cultural standpoint
developing a sophisticated handwriting is the coolest thing ever, and can probably even boost your self-esteem as a kid
Most notorious story posters seem to have gone on hiatus. I miss having huge sagas.
You don't need to know cursive to develop your own handwriting style, though? All you have to do is pick up a pencil and write until it feels authentic to yourself...
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Ghetto Recap 1/2 (If this thread dies I'll just post an archive link in the "other" thread.)

Money For Nothing >>487223725
This one is pretty short and open ended. You win the lottery and decide to go around trying to get straight guys to let you fuck them for money.

I Wish... >>487223725
This is a lot longer and ends with imminent sex, for this prompt I wanted to try something different. I essentially put the basic plot in memory and added examples of how people should respond in the Author's notes. They're pretty beefy chunks of information, but I've been getting pretty good results.

Held Up In A Hot Hell >>487315067
A dude's car breaks down and he meets a hot biker chick


Matching Shirts and-OH LAWD >>487214796
The The Tokens And And And >>487224145 >>487243869 >>487244175 >>487256291
Nemo And The Random Words >>487236784 >>487240380
Terry Stories >>487248571
A Change In Perspective >>487257232
Do They, Though? >>487258421
More Nemo (I think) >>487279315
405 Beaks Of Pleasure >>487301991 >>487314142 >>487323424
Llama VS Sonnet 3.5 >>487326035
Vussy Status? >>487346073 >>487351438
Orb Trick >>487346690
Subtle >>487355084
Wait A Minute >>487361998 >>487363852
Communication Is Key >>487370608
Character Lists >>487390798
Bonzi Manners >>487401521
Warm Motherland >>487402739
Big Dick Colton >>487408940
Pyon >>487415007 >>487415327 >>487416534 >>487418475 >>487423479 >>487425335
Instant Loss >>487434609
Canadian Model Vs French Model (hon hon) >>487434849
Mini Games >>487421272
It makes me think of some kind of homoerotic furry magic show in Vegas.
you're not wrong
guess I'd argue that cursive naturally lends itself to it but that'd require studies to back it up. at the end of the day, I just really like cursive
Thanks dude
For me, I like to strikethrough the v's and z's, I also dash my zeroes.
>I also dash my zeroes
damn, that's wicked
I do it to better distinguish it from an O.
I get it. that's unironically a cool habit
I just draw an arrow next to the 0 and write a note that says 'this is a zero' it's a lot of work but it works.
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>Human co-ACK
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Thank you! Moth thread. Moth supremacy.
We all need a mothwife.
OK, I think this is working.
The good ending future results in every anon having a state mandated moth wife. Mothma'am (Mothman) references optional.
What are tou t rying to do?
if i report a major bug to NAI do you think they will reward me in some way
does her tits shoot out silk if I squeeze them?
No, you get silk brand almond milk.
10 Anals
but I prefer Silk brand basedmilk, almond is too watery
I can't believe Onions is still filtered.
its an exlpoit which gives u thousands of anlas so
reminds me of when I had free summer dragon for months due to the greyed out dragon button still being accessible via the tab key of one's keyboard
what if I want a moth wife but specifically within the context of it being the worst ending?
That sounds hilarious.
I'm 80% sure it did give me the correct model
im going to inform them of the bug bc im a good person..! (give reward pls)
Is this the thread we're using? I do wish there wouldn't be 3+ threads spawned every time.
I'll paste the stuff I posted in the thread that got deleted in case it wasn't seen by the authors.

>$20 is $20
I might insert 'an' or 'with an' in 'glare intensely'.
In your Memory, while it's correct, I'd consider using a colon or perhaps even an emdash in 'man; I' to make it stand out more.
I can see how this might need so much reinforcement in Memory to keep the right mood.

>Wishmaster? That's practically a classic song these days
I'm sensing a theme here between these two prompts.
The way that 'me, I have' is structured, it makes it sound as if he becomes that as he approaches the mirror, as opposed to just seeing himself. I might insert 'I see' or something like that.
Since you've already set up the apparent gender of the homehowner, you may want to make 'their facial' 'his facial'.
While that would be quite the hit, relatively speaking, that'd be a light hit compared to every truck, and, for that matter, pretty much every compact car, which usually weigh around 3000 pounds. Even if you went up by a factor of 10, that'd still be on the lighter side for such a truck, before any sort of load or fuel. You could get away with saying '10-ton' and probably have a similar flow.
The H in 'me!" He' should be lowercase.
The H in 'Mr....?" He' should be lowercase.
In 'reciprocates, "it's', I'd make the comma a period and capitalize the I.
I'll admit I stopped, confused, on it being the left arm resting against the window. There's fewer places that drive on the left side these days. Though our protagonist could get away with it if he tried and somehow survived.
>Is this the thread we're using?
In theory, yes.
In 'Shoot." He', the period should be a comma and the H lowercase.
The comma in 'explain, "you' should be a period and the Y capitalized.
The comma in 'confidence, "I' should be a period.
The comma in 'admits, "why' should be a period and the W capitalized.
In 'are illuminated', I'd remove 'are'.
In 'today?" One', the O should be lowercase.
Has lunchtime already passed by this time in the story? I was under the impression that it was earlier in the morning still.
The period in 'mayo." He' should be a comma and the H lowercase.
The period in 'think." The' should be a comma and the T lowercase.
I might make the comma in 'manner, "yeah' a period and capitalize the Y. At the very least, the Y should be capitalized.
The period in 'minute." Kevin' should be a comma.
The E in 'with "eh' should be capitalized.
The comma in 'head, "Dunno' should be a period.
The period in 'mattress." Flynn' should be a comma. Same with 'entertainment." Kevin'.
The comma in 'blue, "Hey' should be a period, though you could use a colon if you want. ...Err, grammatically, I mean.
That certainly is out of the blue.
Seems like you wrote an entire prompt of its own in your Memory. I'm surprised you didn't make that your prompt and went from there.
How much does all that Memory try to bleed over into the story? I'd slightly worry about that, since there's so much past tense to set things up in there.
The couple of extra line breaks in your Memory can be removed.
The hyphen in 'wasn't-" I' should be an emdash.
I'd probably put a comma in 'killed for'.
In Kevin's Lorebook, you're probably better off saying 'girl' or 'woman' in 'a female's'.

>I'm sure there's a joke to be had here, something along the lines of "piston issues" or something
A serial comma would go in 'vanilla and'.
That is the way things go sometimes. Half the stuff I do with the AI is because I saw a picture I'd like to play out as a story.
>Is this the thread we're using?
That depends on how the mods feel.
You're a good anon.
Hyperbolic rape chamber?
Heh heh, monke.
your state-assigned moth wife is the love of your life, beautiful and fun and charming, someone who's always on the same wavelength with you and is full of nothing but empathy and care. you feel so complete with her that just a few days into knowing her, you wonder how you ever lived without her.
unfortunately, she's a luna moth, and she only lives ten days before dying. you are devastated and never feel whole again, unable to get over having her in your life for such a fleeting time.
She HATES balloons.
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>moth wife but it's clannad
not the kind of worst ending I had in mind......
meant for >>487483576 except the vomit part which was indeed meant for the monkey with a mohawk
>indeed meant for the monkey with a mohawk
How come?
He's a coward who hates punk girls.
He's not a fan of Monke, I guess.
I was bullied as a kid and hate punk girls as a result
This reminds me of the femboy reptiles.
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Theme Friday Poll is open! Go vote!
Oh yeah, HMOAManon made a set at one point.
Man, Theme Fridays have really fell off, huh?
The cabal made sure they did.
There were other suggestions in the pruned thread I think
I checked the archive for anything tagging the suggestions post. If they were nuked to not make it there, my apologies.
I miss anemoia anon.
>a single post every hour in *that* thread
Imagine being that pathetic.
I imagine there'll be a resurgence when the llama3 finetune is out
Nah, I'm probably wrong then
that particular anon is never ever leaving
Why is the Russian complaining about a c-word bump in his own thread? >>487486384
Furries are the only people making a profit in your country, it's time to kneel.
It's not an "anon" who's bumping it.
did you mean to (You) me
Because random nobodies live in his head rent free.
why would you do that
I mean, thank you, but why
What exactly triggered this guys schizo crusade in the first place? Did kuru steal his lunch money?
He once worked for NovelAI and got fired. Least that's my guess.
he saw kuru's pic and is mad about realizing he's attracted to men because he has to repress it so he doesn't get sent to the gulag for felony homosexuality
Wait, no, I responded to the wrong person. Sorry for the confusion.
You're saying he's Brumaire?
too bad brumaire didn't become a regular ITT
That or some other schizo, or maybe he's upset that NovelAI doesn't accept crypto and is bitching about not being able to subscribe because they're not available in his country or whatever.
He should just tell his people to stop being so cucked and boot putin
how profitable is NAI?
What was his problem?
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He doesn’t remember anything but moth pussy. For some reason that scares him.
It makes this thread kinda nice with him staying in his own containment thread talking to himself.
Ohhhh! Udio had an update. Still hit and miss for thread songs.


Surf. This one has been shit. Can't get anything good here.
https://www.udio.com/songs/2ryfY584N6AHec78Nb7sVw (terrible)
I feel like he is. The novelcrafter thing and how he acts like it's the second coming reeks of what I remember of his fragile ego back then
He's different than the OG whine, who was fucking insane enough that he probably was just a schizo
In retrospect, at least we had occasional reprieves from that guy.
Brumaire did famously say he was going nuclear. Radiation sticks around for a long time. It's not guaranteed they're the same person, but the chance is more than zero
brumaire was infinitely smarter than he is
I remember that weird shitposting involving some kids enternainment youtuber
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machine learning for ants
I hate stories with 'OK'. Just say Ok or Okay.
You're such an Oklahomophobe
OK is the original word, an abbreviation for "Ole Korrect"
Doesn't exist.
Still rubs me the wrong way, and it breaks me out of any story that does that shit.
There are two other suggested origins; Choctaw or West African. In my opinion? All of them are correct.
Jeez, you're a ninny. If it was good for people in the 1840, it's good for people today. Now eat your clam chowder and be happy.
>If it was good for people in the 1840, it's good for people today.
No. And that's not an argument that you want to use. Okay, Anon? I hope you understand.
We need to go back to using leeches and hunting mammoth.
Made one more, just hitting Send until I hit a dinkus and re-rolling if the logic breaks
Indeed. We should get the poison out of our bodies and hunt for our own food. Death be damned.
Much better. You have to watch out for things like that. Otherwise the inconsistencies will stack up to an unbearable limit and you'll encounter a schizo meltdown from the ai.
I usually write 20-30% of my storyposts, but since I was posting a prompt, I wanted to see how the AI handles it without adding or changing stuff. 100% of it is ai aside from the initial prompt, not even touching memory or AN.
Just an experiment though, it's not as satisfying as stepping in and writing stuff myself.
Yeah that
Man even machine learning nerds get published in nature. Mathematics gets no respect
It's over for NAI
Wait a minute, I don't think this was here before. It's on their new imagegen API, so I don't think it's some old deprecated shit. And last I checked, all current functionality, such as enhance and upscale, just uses the /ai/generate-image endpoint.
Weird that it doesn't have a model parameter...unless the model is implicit in the req_type parameter?
Tried throwing a request at it, but it just returns 404 at the moment.
Goddammit newpipe is broken right now
Hey, Gayanon. Make a prompt out of this.
shy punk necromancer at his first local gig... the skeletons are his band (he doesn't have friends so nobody to play with, but his mom is cheering him on in the crowd which makes him even more flustered and embarrassed)
That's a good idea. The first thing that came to my mind is a punk rocker's car breaks down one stormy night and he stays at the nearest place which is, of course, a haunted house.

There's a friendly spirit that lives there and he's trying to get someone to help him become alive again and the answer is somewhere inside the house. Kind of like the plot to that Casper movie. And the whole time they start to fall for each other while they find a way to bring him back to life.
NAI leaks soon.
These polls are rigged, 100 fucking percent.
Hey, not bad for a froggy malewife.
Hope you guys don't mind. I'm just genning these as I go because I'm bored.
how long does nai support take to respond
Claudia if he real
depends on how many people are visiting disneyland at the moment
The first thing I am doing when 70b drops is a fuck a lazy Burmese python lamia.
are giftkeys still disabled because all hands are on deck to ship the 70b model soon?
do you envision the lamia as a furry creature or not
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In what sense? If you mean as in fluffy, no, it's summer so I'd rather have smooth cool scales. If you mean furry as in furry, no. The xcom snakes are furry, still would without hesitation, but I prefer human faces.
>but I prefer human faces.
my faith in humanity? restored
How do I do mind breaking sex rp? The ai either break too easy or become embolden by hate.
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For me a spider.
You just do it.
But where is the pus-pus?
In your heart
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A reminder that this is the fake cabal thread. NovelAI users should move to the real thread.
so still no one hosting base models huh
Gibe Base(ed) models NOW
>Childhood friend is spider
I hope more of the LN gets adapted into a manga. This one is fantastic.
I really need to do a Muffet prompt/card sometime.
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is NAI an EU or NA based company?
It's based in NA, as in that's where the servers/business is technically located but the employees are global.
Apparently its HQ is in Delaware, per a quick google search.
mothwife (male)
I like the tongue
>spend your childhood as a fat fuck
>spend your teenage years as the ultimate neet
>emerge from your lair to fuck a woman bigger than you and then die two weeks later.
It doesn't sound like a bad deal.
he is LITERALLY me
Are you underage?
Me except never fat
I'll forgive you if you use the female tag instead
emerge from your cocoon and bloom
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And done.
>I can see how this might need so much reinforcement in Memory to keep the right mood.
It's the curse of having weirdly specific fetishes. Reluctance is somewhat of an issue with these writing models but I can't really fault them. There must be countless coercive/rape stories where the victim ends up loving it.
>I'm sensing a theme here between these two prompts.
Yeah, I tend to be drawn to these types of power and control themed prompts, hence why I have over 50 reiterations of that boyfriend hypnosis prompt.
>I'll admit I stopped, confused, on it being the left arm resting against the window. There's fewer places that drive on the left side these days. Though our protagonist could get away with it if he tried and somehow survived.
That was just me being dumb, I didn't even notice it until it got pointed out.

I have most of my trouble with dialogue when it comes to writing, it seems.
>Seems like you wrote an entire prompt of its own in your Memory. I'm surprised you didn't make that your prompt and went from there.
Yeah, this was something I wanted to experiment with, kind of like a 'nesting prompts' type of deal.
>How much does all that Memory try to bleed over into the story? I'd slightly worry about that, since there's so much past tense to set things up in there.
From when I've tested this prompt, it has rarely bled into my story. On the other hand, I've only tested it, like, seven or eight times so far. Haven't seen any past tense writing bleed into my story either, so my guess is that since the context is full of more present tense writing than past tense, it will stick to present tense instead.

Thanks a lot for your feedback. It always helps.
I'd rather be a pixie (male) kept in a jar by a female adventurer.
you look a bit irritated
Not enough air.
you didn't say it had to be a nice female adventure
That's technically true.
In a rather daring change of pace, I had sex with an elf. The exact same thing I usually do
This thread is about to get pruned.
There's more chance of a drone hitting your apartment than there is of this thread getting pruned.
I beg you, get some help. Russia has better health care than the US from what I've heard.
weird, I can't post images, it seems
you were going to post some furry picture anyway
You mean like this?
No, me however...
yes truly abhorrent pictures both of them
feels like doom man. do I really have to get along with furries
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Personally I don't like just flat out posting them without context.
I had to put up with pictures of anime children's cameltoe for a while to browse this general, not to mention the meat puppet shit that Baker guy would post
you'll be fine
ok I think I need my memory refreshed
meat puppet??
pretty certain baker's avatarposting made me wince a lot less
you''re not gonna get me to look for it, but it was like a living slab of meat with a feeding tube and a milking tube and shit
probably because you're sexually attracted to whatever gacha character that was
funny how that works
... I'm glad I memoryholed that, I guess.
the bio-engineered mammal that was specifically designed to produce milk and thus didn't need other organs? that was an interesting read, definitely not as offensive as the 999 bat images vorefag would post during the same period
That. I remember that.
Hello, Baker.
out of all the insults you could've chosen
>lizard elephant
Okay, that's pretty neat.
The thread becomes closer to get pruned every second.
>cobra hood ears
>tusk fangs
Daring synthesis.
Yes, that's how 4chan threads work when you post in them.
I think this is more interesting though is the Mogul invasion of Kievan Rus'
A lot of modern Russian parallels can be traced back to it.
The dwarves in my lore are inspired by Kievan Rus and Viking culture.
Dwarves with longboats?
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Hey, this new Mistral model seems pretty fun! Didn't expect it to curse so much either.
1. The Northern tribes are based on the Sámi and Pomors.
2. The Western clans are based on the Normans and Vikings.
3. The Southern clans are based on the the Balkan Slavs in the Middle Ages and the Cossacks.
4. The Eastern clans are based on the Kievan Rus.
With the religion heavily inspired by Baltic and Slavic mythology syncretized with pseudo-Orthodoxy.
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Having a loud litter of children with Kyouko!
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Imminent bestiality shota threesome.
Do you guys remember when Baker fucked Aini and stopped posting because he won the thread?
Anyone get into the closed Aetherroom test? I want to know if any extant chatbot character inserts are compatible with Aetherroom
I love characterAI but I've never liked the NovelAI plugin chatbot and kobold AI is questionable at best.
You're welcome as always. If it helps someone, that's most of what I can hope for.
I'm sure. Given that enthusiastic consent (while also hot) is more common than begrudging consent, it doesn't surprise me that it needs some help.
Dialogue can be genuinely tricky, no doubt about it. Bridging the gap between written and spoken isn't easy. In this case, it's remembering to make sure your speech tags are part of the same sentence as what's being said and that, after a mid-sentence speech tag, if the following speech can be a new sentence, it usually is formatted as one. It's fairly common for me to see.
That's good to see. It is always the worry when the Memory is mostly a different tense from the prompt itself.
I don't particularly care for shota, but I can awknoledge you've got some kino ideas
nah, I'd cringe.
I recently got the idea of doing something with a California surfer dude, and the kind of vague surfer slang that doesn't necessarily have to make sense is exactly the kind of stuff I want.
The concept that I got into my head looking at that image is a sort of adventurer party conceit where the sullen party necromancer sneaks out at night, away from the camp, where he summons a few skeletons as an audience because he's actually really into music and wants to play in front of an audience but can't bring himself to play in front of people, and then a party member wakes up at night, notices the necromancer is missing and ends up looking in on this impromptu concert, which leads to a cute scene where the other party member compliments the necromancer and he gets all blushy and that sort of gay shit.
That's not really implementing the punky vibe of the guitar player though. That makes me think more Shadowrun, but animated dead aren't really a thing there. Hm.
And do I get to post the image for that post separately now, 4chan?
Should've been another Pokemon instead of a pony tbqh.
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I did it, /aids/. I upgraded my PC and now I'm running 70 beaks, up from 7. We're ALL going to make it.
have fun with your new gameboy anon
All I'm reading is a case for it to be upgraded to a foursome
meme philosophy question: is that threesome considered double bestiality? How many counts of it are happening (imminently) in that picture, 1 or 2? 1.5?
Thanks, Dad. I will.
Are we talking criminally or morally? Because I have slightly different answers for both.
damn, either my writing's gotten better or I didn't appreciate the jump from twerpy to kayra enough
Go ahead and describe both, curious to what people think. Always interesting to read people's stances on things that are silly or they are passionate about, like futas, furries, and gays in the past
pokemon are kinda bestiality-lite, since it's implied they understand human speech
variety is the spice of life
For the sake of this I'll negate it being Pokemon, since that has it's own standards and pretend it's
Criminally: I'm not sure any western court would charge a kid for that, it would probably fall on the parents/caretakers, or baring that, the owners of the animals, if any exist. That's kind of the problem with reality and the legal system, there's not really any surprises.
Okay, I'll just factor in the pony/Pokemon now since that's actually what the image is.
I feel like only the Pokemon has any water in it being considered bestiality, it actually has a stronger argument for it being pedophilia on the Pony's part.
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It's out.
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Based Henk.
That's not Henk, right? He and his team seemed to take a backseat after llama came out and someone else forked it into koboldcpp. That was my impression, at least.

I miss Henk.
He's still on the Koboldcord but I only go on there to shitpost in Off-topic-NSFW
too many people in the scene now
I miss when it was just a bunch of us weirdos in the corner
Insert losing my religion reference here.
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>dr manhattan wife dies during a fight, and he stops her soul from ascending
This was a lot of build up for a shitty joke.
But did they eat all the eggs?
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afterwords the ai kind of just broke and started repeating itself over and over. It was a fun rp while it lasted.
guys give me logs of your bot being handed mcdonalds sprite posthaste!
Wrong thread: >>487490745
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Here you go
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You owe me 7.2 cents.
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Guess we can merge now or something.
Don't have Pyon~ Pyon~ to a similar place on NAI atm so take this Yuki-Onna having a sprite.
405B base will NEVER be on openrouter!
I love offline-nc
I love NovelAI!
Yeah it's over.
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Well, I know low quality smut RP isn't great, but 405B is pretty good at the whole 'possessed bear' thing.

I was trying to run this on Kayra as well but kept getting 'no concurrent generation' errors. Did they finally turn that off for text gen? If so, it will probably be the death of my NAI sub if 70b isn't amazing, the way I'm going on OR I'm going to be spending 60 a month...
NAI 70B will be $80
Why would it be more expensive than Mormon
It will also be quantized. >>487279923
Look at this smug
That sure is smug. Neat style.
Vibes used IIRC
Out of curiosity, what specs? I'm sitting here with 8b on a RTX 3070 but it's unlikely I'll be getting real upgrades before NAI updates.

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