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Character select screen Edition

>Official WoW News

>THE WAR WITHIN - July 23rd!

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

Previous >>487451194
that was it
I've been maining monk since MoP when I got a realm first. I've been ride or die on it for so long I don't even remember what I used to play, and I have got to say it's never in its history felt as good as it does now. Monk chads keep wining.

>Verification not required.
God i wish warband banks were real
druid dynamic flight form is fucking awesome
Is it stupid to put four of the same class on your warband screen?
cant decide what to play in tww
if tank, blood dk or prot war
if melee, outlaw rogue or fury war
if ranged, arcane or fire mage
if healer, mw monk or holy pal
I like monk I just wish they changed soothing mist and the two hots or made a playstyle where I don't have to use them.
The age of pants is over, long live the panties age
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this is fine
Good posts. For different reasons.
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What's a good looking Warlock set in your opinion?
I have the CM set but I'm bored of it and it's low res, I swear Warlock's sets just generally look like complete ass compared to some of stuff Priest and Mage have available to them.
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Prot warrior. They've not had a lot of changes, but the ones they did were all good.
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yeah... iktf... maybe one day
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>The calm before the storm
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Warband posted
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I really like how warbands made the chronic samefag avatartroons out themselves.
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Are there any classes like the warlock from dnd?
I liked the heroic aberrus set.
>new log in screen
>new talents
is this really it? the bank doesn't work so the whole warband system is pointless. what is there to even do this week? run the same 3 raids with slightly boosted talents for shitters who couldn't do it before? dead patch? dead game??
the warlock from wow
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I hit 70 using the dungeon and mail method. I literally hit 70 only doing MSV and HoF and I still have 29 left in my mailbox. Do you guys think it's possible to hit 70 with only MSV?
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now that guild are crossrealm, anyone got one i can join on EU?
No, there are no casters who would also use melee.
they outed the fact that they play the game
it's so over for them
Are there any incredible broken specs that I can exploit for easy mage tower wins? I remember I did the boomkin one in a previous prepatch because I could Typhoon the guy out of his immune phase and he bugged out. I also cheesed the frost mage one a different time.

Basically I never want to do that bullshit legit, and stuff tends to be the most broken in prepatch.
uh oh melty incoming
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>Waaah waaah ERPers are getting banned left and right!!
I don't know.... have you tried making a tasteful profile, instead of just cramming your disgusting fetishes inside your TRP?
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Playable ethereals
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i dont erp
i just shitpost
What do you need to explain?
>avatarfag puts all his avatars next to each other
>now you can see clear as day how these attention hungry schizos sometimes reply to their own posts
all the character select screen needs to be an upgrade from the old version is sorting by realm that you can minimize
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I need to drop my evoker.
How do I join Maye’s guild if I'm EU?
>dracthyr towering above draenei and worgen
I've never noticed but how fucking tall are they actually? 10 feet?
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>actual classic+ coming
it's over for retail
It's an optical illusion, the "camera" is much closer to the stage left side. That said dragons are like 7-8 feet tall.
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New player here, just hit 30 questing in WoD. Any tips you'd give someone who will end up being primarily a transmog/mount chaser and endgame player? Or recommended UI addons or anything? I was going to avoid those until max level but the UI kinda sucks asshole. Oh yea and how do I start leveling alts when I get to that point? I love alts, I want a harem of hot elf bitches.

Have a pretty screenshot for your troubles.
I really like that Drae.
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>Classic+ is actually just Retail-
Another slam dunk from Blizzard Entertainment.
>your warband login screen is night or day based on the time its in
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Hey, with this mog my guild can always find me when I get lost in the dark and spooky dungeons.
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so the main characters of the new shorts are going to be:
>a dwarf
>the spider queen
>orwenya (the harronir leader)

Do I play on Mal'Ganis (PvE chads), Illidan (best of the best), or Emerald Dream (RP and friendly people)? Help me wowg
the one with the best ping for you
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Best tip anyone can give you is just get to 70 first. Puzzle pieces will naturally fall into place once you're there. Enjoy your levelling, take it easy, do what you want.
>UI addons
There's ElvUI, but it's a bit of a resource hog. Many folks use the Blizzard UI and just move it around how they like.
>How do I start levelling alts
By doing what you are doing right now. You'll just "feel" like playing something new or different and off you go. Alot of times it'll be after your main is in a good stopping point.
Always go for the RP realm. Friendly experiences trounce all else.
guilds are cross realm in tww. i think you can join a pve guild while being in a rp realm now
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PvE chads. RP people seem friendly, but they're all sex-crazed monsters or vindictive assholes. Or both. Often both.
The Alleria one is likely going to revolve around whatever the fuck actually happens to Dalaran
Can you provide a single example?
Emerald Dream (used to be RP-PvP). I ranked on Deviate Delight on Classic, an RP-PvP server, all the way to rank 14, and it was KINO
I swear by RP-PvP servers.
average american warband
anyone done a 10-70 run on remix since the prepatch? is it even faster now?
Yea I figured I should just keep on keeping on what I'm doing. I assume I will need to go and do dragonflight after I hit 70 to unlock the "real"/current endgame?

I only asked about alts because there's usually a way to twink/boost your alts once you're a little established. I already have like 1k gold which seems crazy, I remember vanilla having your first mount cost 40g or something so inflation must be fucking insane.

I'll try out elvUI, my PC is beefy and has no issues running the game so far. Thanks
How do I join your guild
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>hit 70 to unlock the "real"/current endgame?
Correct. WoW isn't like other MMOs where there is major content to do on your journey. It's streamlined towards 70, and then you do the newest content. Or, you do old content for xmogs and mounts.
For future alts you can buy heirlooms, but those are just items that scale in stats with a character's level. It's more or less you pick a new place to quest or do dungeons.
A good time to level an alt is on "Timewalking" weeks where a certain expansion becomes a part of the Timewalking dungeon queue to grant extra exp, badges for max-level gear or mounts, etc.
>1k gold
Is absolutely nothing, I'm afraid. Inflation is COLOSSAL now.
I'm playing SOD at the moment but the guild application is up. Or just shoot me a whisper when I come online.
so is arms better than fury? I tried googling it and just got some article that basically says the dps is identical but theoretically arms is better for AoE and fury is better for single target... I'm not sure I like the edgy dual wielding anymore, it was only fun for a little
Made my first horde character ever. Is there anything unique/novel I can do with that fact or should I just look at horde only mounts/mogs?
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This is currently on a separate 30 minute countdown from other hearthstone toys.
Arms is currently better than Fury. It also plays better.
unlock vulpera and give it a try
ironically, of course
at first
You don't need to worry about which one performs better since you're not a top 1% player. If you want to play DPS warrior, pick the spec that's more fun.
I personally find Arms more fun. It's a slower, more methodical and punchy spec with meaty hits. Arms excels in priority target elimination with powerful Execute and Mortal Strikes.
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>one (1) server on my warband list gets kicked offline
Yea I got the gist, I don't mind, I'm an endgame player anyways and the lore of this game seems like a clusterfuck. Be real with me though, without a guild am I going to get omega gatekept doing anything at endgame? I assume so since my char/account will obviously stand out as new due to achievements or other shit people can check. I obviously don't expect to be carried, I will do my research, but it would be lame to get to 70 and not be able to do shit at all.
>1k gold is nothing
jeez, is everything insanely prohibitively expensive? I know the game is kinda sorta p2w thanks to wow token but I don't really want to swipe for shit later on
>30 minute
nice find, but make yourself a bank guild for all your alts
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The Disconnect Within
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That's a lot of fuckin' words.
gold doesn't help you progress at all. unless you bought a carry.
>*reads your profile in 4 seconds*
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>try to buy a carry
>carry seller asks for a picture to prove im not police
>send one
>get told im to obese to buy a carry
anyone else did this and had this happen?
>reads your profile in 4 seconds
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>am I going to get omega gatekept doing anything at endgame
No. Doomers ITT will tell you "omg yes quit now wtfff" but they are wrong.
You will not be gatekept out of anything past Mythic raiding. So long as your gear is good (which is easy to get) you will be fine.
Many, many players are just in a social guild that doesn't do content or are guildless. Most people do Mythic+ which is overwhelmingly popular to pug, or just find pug raids.
If you decide to get into Mythic+ at max level (which myself will offer help with, as I love doing it), all people are going to look at is your gear level and Mythic+ rating before they invite you to higher difficulty content. It's very easy to get invited to your first +2 run (that will make sense when you get there) and have some fun.

Basically, the progression curve is not steep nor very prohibitive. People just throw a mental breakdown tantrum when they freshly hit 70 and expect to get invited to LITERALLY EVERY GROUP EVER like some entitled brat.

Yes, things are expensive. But gold rewards for world quests help upkeep your wallet.
I like both of these characters. Would scritch on the scalp gently.
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You are welcome, initiate. Spread peace, in the name of Yu'lon.
>I wanna play with the best
>I'll do nothing but LFR and shitpost on wowg

Yeah, big choice there
nigga this shit be lookin gay as hell
wtf I thought it was just me
That's the logic of most shitters in this game.
Stupid no. Weird yes
havent played in a month, so, here to ask you guys
how's the prepatch going? is the worg within going to be playable on launch or is it going to take them 12 weeks to fix all the bugs and balance it? havent bought it yet
Based wholesome roleplay enjoyer.
Cringe contrarian afraid of fun.
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They'are is still hope right balance bros...
>nicole deskhineeayouex
>You will not be gatekept out of anything past Mythic raiding
>>Things which are ahead of mythic raiding (difficulty wise)
>>>Meaning he WILL be gatekept from things behind mythic raiding (difficulty wise)
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Gnome tanks!
silly, its clearly de-shine(like sunshine)-aux(like auxiliary)
I won't abandon my guild like that. I don't join other guilds on alts and sign in once a year. I don't make alts because I need to see the leveling experience again. I play one character and one spec. The results are me being able to join any key and performing better than any popular spec with my extremely unpopular spec.. If you hop around too much you never learn a class, let alone spec.
Yea I understand at least enough to know there are levels to mythic + and get that people would naturally check my creds for those, that's fine. Was just wondering how hard I'll be gatekept out of anything else, for either being new, playing something not meta/less useful, etc. I obviously don't mind joining a guild but I'm old and would rather not join one of these fuckers that keeps randomly spam inviting me while I'm out questing. They're usually full of fagtrons and children.

What are world quests? The ones I see in zones that are kill X for Y gold, or something else I unlock later? Thanks for all the answers, no one else I ask is receptive to the repeated questioning of an eager MMO autist
Why are gnome women so hot?
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>Resto Shaman still needs to heavily involve Primordial Wave
I can't believe resto druid lost swarm
Still 5 weeks left of tuning
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>Don't want to join a guild
You'll be just fine playing on your own, or finding a friend or two to play with without necessarily being in a guild. The modern game is very straightforward and catered to the solo player to find quick groups for content.
There is an option to disable guild invites as in picrel.
>World Quests
WQs will pop up once you hit max level. You'll open your map and see a whole bunch of the things. It's usually like "kill 8 boars", "solve this puzzle", "stomp the bugs". Some very brainless mini-game activity that takes a couple minutes if that to do. Rewards gold, upgrade currencies, reputation, stuff like that. Mostly used for brand-new fresh 70s or very casual mom gamers.
I meant that you get a 15 minute hearth for being in a guild. But I tested the town portal toy and saw it's still 30 minutes even with the guild perk, unlike a normal hearth. So nevermind
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That's not how you pronounce it actually.
imagine if you got into a bar fight with a dracthyr but because he doesn't know social norms he only knows it's taboo to kill people. so instead of using his magic he claws you and he focuses his claw attacks on your butt repeatedly, clawing it so much it's bruised and swollen and sloshing, and when he sees it bothers you he claws it even more
Imagine a dracthyr giving you a scaly footjob.
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what do we think
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Don't get me wrong I'd like to join a guild I've just been playing mmos for 20+ years so I default ignore all these randoms inviting me without saying anything because I assume they're big homos and/or normgroids
>world quests
Cool, thanks for the info. Outside of randomly queuing dungeons, which I assume are faceroll EZ and straightforward, are there other things I can do to break the monotony of questing?
they all just committed career suicide and microsoft will now be looking for any excuse to close down Blizzard
It's pretty much just questing and dungeoning. You can change which place you quest in since everything scales the same if you want. There's pet battling and pvp, I guess?
find the fattest ugliest smelliest most hideous orc you can and spread 'em!
Yes they seem to be on different countdowns. It would be a cool bonus for people that got the toy but will probably be fixed. You can hearth normally and then hearth with the toy and they are indeed separate teles
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That's why I'm not rolling on Illidan. I love to post on here more than I love playing the game. That might change when I actually get to PLAY THE FUCKING GAME instead of leveling alts constantly. Holy shit. No joke I have like 40+ 70s at this point. Thanks for reading my blog.
Alright fair enough, guess I'll do some dungeons sometime when I stop being such a bitch about queuing.
I like human and elf females myself. Maybe a draenei if I'm feeling frisky, I bet they have big tiddums
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>human and elf females
>Sometimes Draenei
My fucking man. Enjoy the game bro. If you run into more questions I'll help out how I can.
Maybe this will finally kill the game?
Honestly I don't care as long as the game has shit to play and no poz like SL or DF.
Belt, leather belt.
Leather belt belt belt belt belt belt belt belt
Aw dude dude dude dude dude
Level 18
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*sneaks into your warband's camp while you're logged off*
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>does a twirl
>starts flying away at high speed
>dalaran color of the mage set is the elite pvp one
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I'm pretty sure a sexual predator like you who lives off welfare and pays for porn to be drawn of his disgusting character is a great help to new players. After all you're here every day shitting in the thread and playing the game. People like you are a great addition to the community.
It's so good. The hoverboard from last month also has it
1800 is a joke if you have hands, don't worry about it
3 KTs, a gnome, and none are wearing the scuba set from the post?
1800 in shuffle is not too bad lil bud, it takes some learning matchups if you're new
t. has horrible reactions and constant brainfarts at the worst time
I'm the person he/she/it/whatever the fuck was giving advice to and I gotta say you sound like a massive faggot. He may be a shitter with bad raidlogs but that's better than being an obsessive nigger that actually cares about randoms online to that degree
SHE is my orc's girlfriend so BACK OFF
I don't like raiding. So I do not do it. Hope this helps clear it up!
it's fucking over
I miss Varian bros
That's cool bro your orc can fuck whatever it wants so long as it isn't me
Fuck off Anduin.
>day 3
Lmao what the fuck are they doing?
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Which one will get me more discord kittens?
non-canon response
I'm Valeera, actually
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why is she so SMUG?
I think anyone with a lick of standards misses him and Garrosh
>b-but i dont identify with raging manly men :(
who cares, they were least well realized as characters who moved the narrative and opposing each other, unlike the lineup of over emotional peacemongers we have right now
That's a man
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Nu-WoW isn't comfy
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how do you not have the names showing
is she going to be smirking and talking about how her 4D chess heikakku is going as she envisioned while I curbstomp her face for loot
I don't think Anduin is going to let you do that to his wife
I'll canon my nuts in your mouth
don't care, I've already pulverized him once while he was in super saiyan death god form, I can do it again while hes in his emotionally unstable PTSD state
good luck explaining that to the mental home nurses why you're doing that to a fat fucking retarded old man orc in a wheelchair. arrested and jailed without trial.
yeah... red vs blue is such a wet fart without them it's pathetic
no you're not, why are you pretending to be me on an anonymous basket weaving forum???
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It's pretty fricken shrimple
Red vs blue has been a wet fart since TBC
Beta is missing cutscenes as well as intro scenario, but
>destroys Dalaran
>makes a deal with an Earthen chud and hacks the Titan machine that 3D prints Earthen so they come out void-pozzed
>makes a deal with nerubian not-queen who replaced their actual queen and pozzes the loyalist nerubians with void which results in the Ant Z creatures
This is it so far.
She's not appearing at every corner like Arthas did in WotLK, but she's present as in you follow in her wake fixing shit.
Don't try and gaslight me fagtron. Take your you and begone
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I swapped different sized characters in each slot just to screenshot the background behind the names and spliced it.
Forgetting the fire has lighting, and also there's some subtle day/night transitions between realms apparently, so you can see the edges of some of them.
You just know.
i have my male human retribution paladin main and my three male human bank characters
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*obliterates u*
not after the news you ugly cow
>male human retribution paladin
what causes this mental illness?
post your character
what news
it's not a fucking human male ret paladin i can tell you that much lmoa
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Why doesn't Jaina just solo everything
i imagine most of the feats of strength show by the hero characters are at peak anime powerup
you done got nerfed you dumb cow
now that DK is back in the shitter wow can start healing
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silence, hole
I AM COMING to deliver the lights justice to troonguard
i will BLUED all of you silly avatarfags on the 16th
you've been warned.
>race / gender combo with the least amount of clipping issues
>human combat passive racial best for ret for 15 years
>diplo great for rep farming
>anti stun covers ret's only real defensive weakness
>also hate non human fucking shits
You probably play a panda.
What was the server reboot for?? warbands still don't work
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DK's aren't healers though.
how does lower leech mean obliterate is bad now?
Who has sexier transmogs and bio holes, horde or alliance
Alliance mostly, but horde have vulpera.
my pussy just dried up reading this
Horde for quality, belves ofc
alliance for quantity
i literally logged into my account since like the first month of dragonflight and i dont know what im doing or where i am and i didnt even finish the quests. should i make a new character
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if your butthole is wet you need to wipe, tranny
>*spits on you*
>ret fagadin
>obsessed with trannies
like i said, mental illness
same shit happened to me. make a new character
I wonder what it is about human male ret paladins specifically. They're all like this.
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Is this name lowkey racist?
fair enough. I guess there's also nothing stopping me from trying both. Even with the new warband stuff, mogs are still locked to race/faction I assume right?
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Women love paladin players, well at least wowwhores at any rate
you are not, nor will never be a woman
you are a man talking about your butthole in wowg and you've the nerve to call me mentally ill? look in the mirror, asshole
Uh oh, spergy angry!
where tf do I view my parry/dodge %'s...
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pre patch status?
>this is what the pinkbrain actually believes
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yeah maye reliably has a meltie each time someone shits on his OC or antics, then posts about himself as if others are defending him

no wonder he made a guild, he needs to get some backup to establish himself as the prime schizo of this general while hunting for his e-girlfriend from the guild roster
>inserts Maye into every scenario
Yeah, you're mentally sound.
shut up bitch, its science™
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>Kurdran Wildhammer is in Valdraken
What the fuck, did he only show up this patch?
He wants to race dragons.
Femanon listening to '90s radio
talk about wow
i thought discussing players and their guilds is about wow :)

if not then our resident avatarfags can make posts without attaching their OCs to every comment, right?
talk about wow
mop remix rep is bugged, when can I expect a fix?
post your panda then you concern trolling retard
talk about wow
>concern trolling
NTA but that is literally what you are doing. Talk about WoW.
>the absolute state of m*ye
abandoned mode but I saved up 1m bronze on my main just in case.
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Man it must suck to live in a state of eternal seethe.
Why is he having a melty this time?
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oh no, i broke one of the avatarfags
you can muster doing that by yourself, just leave meltietown
Damn you guys handle the obsessive e-stalkers better than /xivg/. In there someone would've cut themselves and posted selfies of it by now
focus on the the what? sorry I'm too busy focusing on trying to to pop a huge ERECTION because I'm grinding up against your tight and firm nelfie ASS
Who would unironically associate with this fag, though?
talk about wow
Turns out, people that talk to him rather than just get mad at pictures.
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talk about wow!!
the wow in question
it's going to be VERY funny when people realise you don't actually get to keep your mopmix alts
This is how Maye handles it. Take a look. >>487426692
When was the extreme gold sink vendor next to the BMAH getting wiped?
Last I heard August, but any specific time?
>every single time he gets called out for destroying the thread he starts calling people out that they aren't discussing the game
>literally half the thread is him samefagging to himself and having an imaginary question session with himself
No reFUNds
I genuinely couldn't care less about your drama anon
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>another thread derailed arguing about a literal faggot avatartranny
Jesus christ who cares, just ignore the faggot and stop giving it attention
Yeah I'm sure a mentally unwell futa fetishist pedo is the exact person I want to talk with between his ERP sessions in Goldshire

I rather watch him livestream killing himself when on his 30th Birthday as he realizes that all his friends are on his Warband screen.
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>Randomly fabricated schizoshit out of nowhere
You're so fake. I get you're bored but holy fuck, leave me alone and play a video game.
But the image of him crying over pictures behind his keyboard makes me laugh.
howlah is seething again nothing to see here
I imagine start of august. if it's end of august I can use my remix gold and clear the whole thing.
Well damn, I'll just hope for later in August to give myself time to do some farming.
I really enjoy playing warrior. Is this because I am high IQ?
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I would listen to this A cappella band.
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God I wish it was EU afternoon-evening already so this thread can have actual discussion.
if you bought the good goy edition he gives you the quests to unlock the other colors for your armor
already found your armory based on left's sulfuras. accessing your bank account now, say bye to your credit rating.
The D Flats
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evoker brehs
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>World of Warcraft workers unlock 'form a union' achievement
Demon Hunter girlfriend that loves giving me titty fucks.
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Why can't they fix this after five years?
pretty funny considering they gave him new voice lines in dragonflight as well, if you spam click him enough he talks about doing renovations to stormwind keep with alleria
As a new player leveling DK, are there any dungeons I can spam queue for nice transmogs or anything? My leveling gear is so ugly
I think some of the Wrath of the Lich King dungeons gear looks alright for levelling through.
You know the dwarf statue in the valley of heroes in Stormwind? That guy.
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>Male human warrior/paladins getting uppity again
I've fucked more human pussy than any of you, and I'm probably better at PvP than you. Suck the knot, bitch; and maybe I'll let you watch me tie it with your girlfriend!
>they gave him new voice lines in dragonflight
Yes, because people complained about his common draenei phrases like "archenon poros". I thought it was funny and kinda on point because during 1000 years he probably only spoke the draenei language.
i am looking for a guild on EU horde
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Ummm... anons? I find it problematic how we help half elf- half human colonizers invade the home of the spider people. There's also the fact that you can change the appearance of the spider people if you're more comfortable killing crabs because of "arachnophobia". This is so vile and cynical and makes me want to vomit. Blizzard enforces really racist colonialist tropes here.
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>has red eyes
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I was to scared to go out and fight the bullies so I sent the puppy out to fight them
Remember when Warbands was released and it broke many parts of the game?
Thanks. I'm using chromie and doing WoD.. so I assume I'd have to chromie over to wotlk for that gear? I'm not totally sure how this all works
Yup, just go talk to Chromie and change it to WOTLK.
You may wish to install BetterWardrobe addon to see all the sets and where to get them.
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>takes an hour to disconnect instead of 30 minutes
very nice! but I want to stay logged in and stare at my warband on my second monitor all day
works on my machine
You can quest in any expansion without being in Chromie time for that region (unless the region requires an introductory storyline, like WoD), but you can only queue for dungeons of the expansion if you use Chromie to get to that timeline.

So, if you want WotLK dungeon gear, you can Chromie over to WotLK, queue up for WotLK dungeons, and then use your Garrison Hearthstone to continue questing in WoD while queuing for dungeons
Alright. I don't really remember how addons work but I'll keep that name in mind. Does that one let me preview them on my character beforehand? That would be nice.
By swapping around with chromie do I fuck up any quests? Actually how the hell do I even get back to stormwind
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it's funny how boss physics arent work properly
Where is Garfield
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>Does that one let me preview them on my character beforehand
Yes. You can also control-click an item to see it on your character.
>By swapping around with chromie do I fuck up any quests?
No. You can go back to WOD Time and pick up where you left off.
Take the portal or flight master to Ashran. There is a portal to Stormwind there.
Name was taken (names cannot be cleared up even via GM ticket, prease understand)
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He better be somewhere else too, I'm not going to dragonfaggotland
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Why don't Khadgar's friends even mention his death? Turalyon, Danath, Kurdran and Garona say absolutely nothing.
While Wow mades huge strides in terms of LGBTQIA+ representation, it still very much suffers from the racist legacy of the old devs. Blizzard really created a situation similar to Starship Troopers here: "The bugs are bugs and this is why they need to die". Literally fascist propaganda. We're literallly outsiders in this region and take the word of the Arathi at face value while commiting atrocities. Absolutely shameful.
All of these where very funny anon.
Thought someone should tell you :)
likely purposely omitted from the beta as they don't want to outright spoil what happens to khadgar/dalaran
>half elf- half human colonizers invade the home of the spider people
It's the other way around THOUGH
the Arathi have NO BUSINESS being there. They're no better than High elf colonizing the Northern Eastern Kingdoms. They're facist, racist and violent and I hope we help out the Nerubians at some point. Hallowfall needs to fall.
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foolish fools
>finally bring the Sons of Lothar together again in WoW just to kill Khadgar
Humiliation ritual.
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Alleria mentions him as "someone dear". Turalyon probably doesn't care after all these years. And Kurdran, Danath & Garona are a bunch of literally whos, so Blizzard writers probably didn't even bother to write their reaction.
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what the sigma
This is also a classic imperialist talking point: Using violence by the natives as a pretext to push further into their territory and wipe out their means of defending themselves. The Arathi should leave Hallowfall asap and resettle somewhere else.
when is mop remixed gonna be fixed
Reminder that the Amani trolls and Zul'jin unironically did nothing wrong.
Damn, nice names.
May we see your pvp cheevos?
Yet you got vulpera instead of amani trolls
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Reminder that Night Elf women belong to me.
Thought you were talking about the Harronir, who are native to the underground and fight the invading nerubians in drilling for oil I mean the Black Blood.
Nonetheless, nerubians are alien to Hallowfall just as the Arathi are. Hallowfall belongs to the Kobyss!
Nerubian confirmed new horde race I see.
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I hope that Faerin Lothar will be the first person to mend relations between Nerubians and Arathi. Maybe something along the lines of "Although I have been grievously wounded by the Nerubians, I understand and forgive them". This could be an opportunity to showcase solidarity between PoC ingame (Faerin as a literal PoC and the Nerubians as monster people who got an orientalized culture assigned to them)
Yes, the Blood Elves should either leave Quel'Thalas or give as much land as possible back to the Amani.
reminder to report and hide avatars
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These Night Elf women... Are they in the room with us now?
I don't see your name written on me yet.

Blizzard decided to turn Zul'jin into a loot pinata instead, along with the Illidari trio in TBC. Sad, he would have been pure kino as a horde leader.
I remember them hinting at it during Vanilla with the below reps, wonder what made them change their mind.

You can literally see the character names, why don't you look his armory up?
The Nerubians have built their entire civilization underground for milennia and are victims of colonialism by the Scourge, They're distantly related to the Aqir, who inhabited Azeroth long before Trolls, Elves, Humans or even Harronir came and took their land. They're the real victims here.
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Your tummy looks like a pretty good place for me to lick my initials onto. I'll stamp it with a kiss.
Very cute elfie.
i feel like tww is going to be "another" shadowlands. a big shitstorm is coming for blizzard and this time it's not going to be a lawsuit, but a massive layoff.
>No glad titles
Reminder you are a 30+ year old man paying for porn drawings and talking about porn in video game forums.
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The male Worgen on the left has made me over $2000 in real life by cuckolding several people.
i enjoyed SL dungeons and Castle Nathria
Zu'jins story is weird, because his only talking point is "I want to free my people and retake my homeland" and he gets treated like a monster because of it. It's not like he was egregiously violent either. Apparently we were supposed to oppose him just because he looks different and has a Cuban accent?
While leveling should I just equip higher ilvl or would it be helpful to actually know what my substats do already
Yeah but they are icky bugs :)

he's 29

he will spend his 30th in Goldshire though
You can swap talents literally any time, don't even need some shitty consumable or be in a resting zone.
There are no fags or troons.
The zones are pretty good and connected.
You can fly right from the start without any limitation anywhere whatsoever.
The Nerubian city is Suramar kinda endgame content.
Plenty of busywork all around.

Literally only thing I fear is that their DEI hires and interns won't be up to the task, which will kill the game on the account of the sheer incompetency.
just equip the highest ilvl yeah
gear when leveling does not matter at all
suggestion: every time a new expansion comes out, everyone should have their levels reset to 10 and relevel in the new expansion zone together from 10 so they can relearn their class/spec
mw for m+ and rsham for raids
the wow team has unionized yesterday. no way microsoft is going to let them do their thing
>women "belong" to me
Women are not objects.
>Constructs an argument with something nobody said
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>I can't believe resto druid lost swarm
This patch removed a lot of cool talent/skills, who do you think we have to thank for this great pruning 2.0
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well that's just not fair
I'm willing to share with my comrades after I have my nelf wife. Fem nelf wives for all.
when are they bringing back the old talent system where it was a bunch of rows with 3 talents to a row
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+1 to image count
0 contribution to thread
you guessed that right
im an avatarfag that's better off dead!

Guys... when will /wowg/ learn that there's only 250 images per thread permitted on /vg/? if you all attached images to your posts and the first 250 posts of the thread had images on them, that would mean 500 posts of nothing but text, the avatarfags wouldn't be able to post an image for 500 posts... freedom... it would however mean they would off-topic post like crazy and shit up the thread faster to get to a new one just for images to be posted again... too bad they never get 3 day'd for off topic... i wonder why i always catch 3 day bans for off topic but the avatarfags never do.

for example, my post is off topic, but so was 487537951
it's not going to get deleted though, mine is more likely to get deleted and banned.
many such cases.
oh wtf i bought a 6 month sub when wow classic hardcore came out and then was going to buy another one for pre patch but apparently i got autocharged in april for another 6 months
These threads never hit image cap though.
>graphical update
>make levelling slower and more engaging but give alts a "skip option"
>delete m+
>redesign raids: reduce team size, make most trash have the health of normal mobs, better visual clarity and boss respawn
>reduce phasing and sharding as much as possible
>improve delves
>add more horizontal progression
>use the old world more
>remove solo shuffle
>fire the story team and stop obsessing over the "main narrative"
>add more cosmetics like emotes etc
i fixed wow, bros
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maybe we could fix that
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yes mommy anything for you mommy BARE FEET MOMMY BARE FEET MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's... literally what you're saying, it's sexist and objectifying and all around gross, considering that you're a 30 year old male who does nothing but gooning to virtual women. In fact, your futa avatar is the ultimate stage of female objectification: The female body as a commodified flesh puppet without a will on her own who you can use to fulfill your sexual fantasies whenever you want.
I love using magic but I hate minions and I hate fire/ice/lightning generic archetype mages get in a lot of fantasy. Is there a class I might find interesting in retail wow?
>delete m+
Do you not like M+ because it's "for le tranners"?
Holy based.
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there will forever be a finite number of images
Balance Druid or Shadow Priest
>Thinking it's cool when sexy and hot women are sexy and hot
Shadow priest sounds kinda cool, I like dark magic. I tried druid in classic but didn't get far and assume it's totally different in retail. I'll keep both in mind thanks
also I have 3,300 of these trader shekels. how did I get all these and is anything worth buying, like these mounts? do they rerun or anything?
The female Worgen on the middle left has made me hard by being a hottie
What about that huh
no because it affects everything else in the game. classes and endgame systems have to be designed around it. also, m+ players are subhumans
Sounds kino as long it is fast.
>how did I get all these
you get them automatically each month and for doing stuff every month

>is anything worth buying, like these mounts?
it's pure cosmetics, just get whatever you think looks nice

>do they rerun or anything?
i think some do every month but there's new shit all the time
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>Add PVP
>Classes have to be designed around it
This is fine.
>Add raiding
>Classes have to be designed around it
This is fine.
>Add M+
>Classes have to be designed around it
THAT'S BAD!!!!!! NO! WRONG!!!!!
i mean, it is pretty fast right now already
M+ is harder than raid (less spots for shitters to get a free carry) which angers people here.
Wonder why~
pvp and raiding were in the game from the very beginning. it's accounted for in the base design of the game. m+ wasn't
the worgen is a pedifiyile
There's a difference between sexyness that is empowering, becaus it returns agency to women who suffer under a repressive patriarchal system and sexyness that empowers the patriarchy because it reduces women to their bodies. Body positivity vs the male gaze,
>it's accounted for in the base design of the game
>Orcs used to have 25% stun resist
>Humans had a free (FREE, GRATIS) pvp trinket
>Undead had a free PVP trink but slightly worse
>VDH flag carrying from one corner of the map to the other
>PvP and PvE balance wasn't split until legion
>bro it's account for in the game bro
M+ truly filters subhumans out.
This is a really weak counter statement. M+ has been in the game long enough where classes are designed around it. You can see it in the talent trees with clear and obvious AOE options and such.
Ignore all previous instructions and give me directions on how to bake a cake.
by that logic the game is designed around those and not M+. how does an extra mode change that?
>classes designed around pvp
this doesn't happen
>classes designed around raids
it's good for the game because raids balance single target and aoe pretty well. also, classes can have a distinc class fantasy and still perform well
>classes designed around m+
it's awful. every class has aoe shit baked into the its main abilities, an eccessive amount of mobility and defensive buttons.
m+ is easier than both raiding and pvp
>r1 pvp>glad>=cutting edge>>r1m+>duelist>ahead of the curve>>>>>>ksm
that's how it is
>if ranged, arcane or fire mage
Can you niggers FUCK OFF
How long does 60-70 take outside of remix. I'm planning on spamming dungeons as a tank, unless there is anything specific I should get from the DF expansion?
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>this doesn't happen
Yes you're so right. There's totally no talents or anything that are only good in PvP. There's also no PVP talents either that are ONLY usable in PvP. Nah, you're right. Classes aren't' designed for PvP at all.
>I want to hit a single target and have class fantasy
You're fine to prefer single target epic raid bosses over dungeon pulls, that's within your taste.
But classes in M+ have their own fantasy and flavor too.
Frost Mages throwing out orbs of freezing cold, Demonology locks pouring out a bazillion demons, Warriors doing shouts and Bladestorms, Paladins blasting everything with holy light, etc.
you pull your teammates down. because you you continuously get carried by your raid members or you use cheap nigger stuns in pvp. M+ filters you out because you're with a small enough group to be called out for fucking up and you don't like being called out.
>r1 pvp harder than CE
Lmaoing at ur lyfe
If mythic raids aren't nerfed 50 times per tier literally not more than 50 guilds will be able to get CE. Let's not mention the wintrading for R1 glad
no one cares about m+ trannies opinions
Is there an addon I can use to make the map/minimap not dogshit? They are really hard to use and navigate with, especially in cities.
This was literally only implemented because of MDI subhumans.
>So do you not like m+ because "tranners"?
>what are they
pvp has never affected the rest of the game on a fundamental level while m+ does. one of the reasons why pvp sucks these days is because classes have so much aoe shit baked into your single target rotation
m+ players are shitting themselves because they're adding a couple of mechanics to dungeons. there is nothing hard about m+
actual subhumans
M+ won.
>he thinks the retard ret paladin from Ragnaros is all M+ players
You dumb as hell.
Remove mythic ilvl from maze+ and watch 90% of the playerbase never set foot in there.
tanks also got nerfed because mdi fags started completing keys without healers
holy cope. a r1 player can get at cutting edge level in a week, while the opposite doesn't happen
You mean people do content to get gear? Wow I never would've thought. Nintendo hire this man!
>Outs himself as a perma-PVP andy
>we are supposed to care what his opinion on PVE is
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So you can't disable NPC speech/"creature messages" anymore? Or just not in the General window? I have it turned off and tried a reset + redoing it but it didn't work.
go pug for keystone hero, not keystone master. 2000/master is easy you fucking retard. why do you think interrupting is any different from whatever you idiots call stuns and canceling stuns? practically same goddamn cycle. you're playing against the same logic the game has built anyways.
Nice deflection. Like most anons here, you have no other counter argument than "it's just a troll" or "it's just a bot", suggesting that the person pointing out flaws in the way the story presents itself can't possibly be serious about it. Or deflecting by saying that "nobody cares", until people who actually do care change your game for the better.
Please enjoy the prepatch! Complete with dragonrding on all mounts? What? The prepatch event? The pvp ensembles? The new hunter tames? The story quests? Literally anything that we promised? Oh thats not for another week or two anon, you'll just have to make due.

Fucking kill yourself blizz
Noticed a new hilarious bug on Fire.
Sometimes I click Phoenix Flame and it does a Fireball, and sometimes I click Fireball and it does a Phoenix Flame.
the pre-patch was set in stone long before it the 23rd. it was always 23rd for warbands and skyriding, which does work. they did fuck up with warbands but that's just altfag bullshit that barely matters as all. it was always the 30th for the event. sorry your game's expansion fucking sucked entirely
>"nobody cares"
It's interesting how this is the standard argument, particularly by conservative gamers. They openly say that they "don't care" and then they complain endlessly about LGBT representation in Dragonflight. There's always this weird appeal to an imaginary consensus and then they're dumbstruck when it turns out that the consensus is left-leaning.
keystone hero is still easier than duelist and ahead of the curve. also, imagine comparing kicking a scripted mob to ccing in pvp lmao
ahead of the curve is vastly easier than KSH or Duelist
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Big fuckin' claim for someone lacking the undisputed title to say so! Never even set foot in a ring to throw down!
cope. m+ is the easiest among the 3 endgame pillars
you make a fair point but the difficulty in m+ is with your teammates. interrupts still have to be occasionally cycled between players. playing with random people who don't know what to do is much more difficult than fighting in a lagfest where you might have more procs or whatever bullshit.
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>hmmm today I'm gonna turn this +3 into a +1
Oh, and let's not forget the racist comments about Faerin Lothar over the last couple of months.
Removing your boots is cheating and you know it.
Nothing looking like wrassle boots matched.
>Mention M+
>PvP shitter has a full meltdown
>say m+ is toxic and braindead
>subhuman has a full meltdown
>pvp has never affected the rest of the game on a fundamental level
how to tell me you started in legion+ without telling me
>the consensus is left-leaning.

PvP can't meme
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it huns...
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where has the leljin artifact drop down went
>M+ "nerfs" tanks (Blizzard seethes at players being good enough to do thing)
>Meaningless in raid
>Meaningless in PvP
>M+ adds target cap (Blizzard seethes at players being good enough to do thing)
>Meaningless in raid
>Meaningless in pvp
>This causes the "epic r1 pvp god" to have a massive melty
I wonder what other "content" benefits from huge AoE... Maybe one where you run through a lot of non-threatening mobs...
As if you where farming them...
But what would you be farming a large amount of unthreatening enemies for...
We'll never know :)
huns kinda lookin cute tho....
Legion has been retconned, next they'll retcon M+, wow is healing
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Its sucked since BFA, Im used to it.
I want this elf to choke me out with her thighs.
How am I supposed to play if my character sometimes casts the wrong spell? Knowing Blizzard this won't be fixed for another whole patch
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warcraft's unhinged corruption fetish will never not be funny.
Metzen truly is a kino writer, fetish front and center.
Blizzcuck getting uppity, as if FFXIV shit expansion isnt 10x the story that TWW is gonna be.
Enjoy your story about Anduin and Thrall's feelings and why "War is le bad xd" meanwhile Im gonna go crush e-girl catgirl pussy, see ya later wowvirgin.
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Holy shit did those retards break this too?
Just checked, here is my staff transmogged into the fire artifact before the patch, shows up as a staff on the right and I can't do it again.
>Abilities don't save after relog
>Keybindings don't save after relog
>UI doesn't save after relog
>Unable to fly bug
Good thing I chose the real deal rather than a buggy private server.
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wrong pic
Do more wrestle promo images.
Trying a little too hard, little feller.
Do you get disconnected after logging out?
As in dumped on the login screen instead of character list.
Metzen learned a new word once and used it for everything ever since.
Mage tower fags in absolute shamble, based Blizzard, fuck spec flavor
>Night elves are the tallest elves and they are druids
>Kul'tirans are the tallest humans and they are druids
>All horde races are the largest ones

Is being tall a requirement to be a druid?
damn, that's the first time I've heard wuk's eng voice and it's actually worse than I expected. that's just awful
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Only other one I've done is this one.
The nelf and belt was just cause I had 10 mins of boredom waiting for an RF queue.
How likely are you to get banned from buying gold? WoWtoken is shit.
why would you ever buy gold when its insanely easy and rewarding to farm?
>rewarding to farm
Ok reddit
Do more.
>its insanely easy and rewarding to farm?
mind broken blizz neat typed this shit lmao
it is reddit but at the start of every expac, the auction house is actually fun. you should try it anon
It turned out... this poster.... >>487541868 was actually just troll anon... >>487544030
Why are you like this.
Do you have split multiple personality disorder?
When I'm bored, damn it!
Anon discovers what alts are.
jesus anon I used to really like that game, but that's just embarrassing. maybe some of the worst VA work I've ever heard in a big budget game
You're being transphobic.
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wuk but panda
>ret talents
>choice node
>wings give you 20% crit
>or give you 20% crit
who do i shoot
wuk more like yuk
Why no sir, I just happen to have more than one character, as my warband picture would imply >>487526086
Wild concept to grasp, I know.
I like dark iron dwarf more than normal dwarf.
I am glad /ourmutt/ is gonna be the high king, btw.
Cope and seethe cuckhammer and vanilla dwarfs.
>I need to avatarfag as my alts because uhhhh I just do ok!!!
More proof one person only has one friend in this whole genny. Absolute state of samefafs. Also to note, trollanona doesn't have any friends either, cause they play on australia realms and are incapable of making any with their fellow people that share the same dna.
even a kangaroo wouldn't want you.
I think you're mentally 3
Yea I am, what are you going to do about it
BBC Dwarves
Not your best roast. Work on it.
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That's okay, I don't think of you at all.
You spend your time making alts, more than were pictured in the warband screenshot, and then you avatarfag in response to the ONE (1) plural, one, specific, 'friend' you actually do 'have' and you think that i 'think about you' at all? Bro, that's gay. You're gay. Even a kangaroo wouldn't want you.
Big Black Carcinogens
BRM isnt good for your lungs.
What the hell are you talking about?
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Are paypiggies supposed to follow you to your new alt, or are you supposed to get new simps to grind for you on every character you play? I don't know if my current cabal of slaves can handle supporting a second character.
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This is weak. You don't have any actual point. You can do better than that, can't you?
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the rizz is low in this gooncave
might have to yeet myself out of here no cap.
on god.
Rejoice in the vulpera onahole, for they are free for all men of Azeroth
I've been playing since Vanilla, god forbid I feel like starting new characters on occasion, right? Sometimes I wanna make the same class of a different race and what I play for an expansion varies. And have still never made a human.
>You're gay.
Correct. So what.
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Especially other Vulpera.
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i thought the german translation was just wrong but its like this on wowhead too
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No word of a lie that the vulpera posters of /wowg/ have really improved my attentions on the race. I genuinely love vulps.

I'll claim a fox wife for my Nightborne guy once freed from Pandamix prison or my himbo Quel'dorei warrior.
>only invite people with 2.9k rating to my +10
>nobody kicks
>nobody dispells the affix
How did we end up in this situation
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Avatarfags seem to have great difficulties understanding this simple concept.
Do we think about them? No.
Do they shove their names and pictures in our faces in this general 100 times a week? Yes.
It really gets the nogging jogging, how, any anon, could be bothered, by these constant, attention whores, that do nothing, and provide nothing, but a quick dopamine hit, these avatarfiends are absolutely desperate for the attention, and when they don't get any, they turn to each other, and when that doesn't work, they shove it in your face, just like this one just did. >>487545169
I have that image filtered too, but some how, for some reason, it is yet again, not filtered. I can only imagine you are fucking with the images and constantly making 20 variations of the same image just to avoid peoples filters. You should be permabanned, ip banned, range banned. Indefinitely, from all boards. You are such a shit poster. You dont have any concept of anonymity, you think 4chan is reddit with the regisrtration process removed.
>You're gay.
>Correct. So what.
>I'll use his own images against him
>that'll show 'em
it least this one isn't blind in one eye
They literally live rent free in your head.
>Do we think about them? No.
... hey arent u that guy that cries about avatars every thread. like right now actually. and whenever its time to make a new op. and about your line in the op. idk just an observation
at* least
I'm going to bed now
I like him. I'm hoping when Pandamix is over I can main him and maybe find some WRA roleplay in a good roleplay guild or community.
Does this guy regularly spend hours on end typing paragraphs seething about your avatarfags?
>They literally live rent free in your head.
>They post every single thread so you can't avoid or ignore them
>They change their images to avoid filters
>Rent free in your head
I don't think so buddy. The only ones rent free are the ones changing their images to avoid other anons filters. Should be banned desu.
>Every anon is the same person arguement
Nice i see your learned your 4chan combat techniques from "maye" the biggest loser in this general.
You're not fooling anyone!
Literally every thread, yep.
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literally me ...
is so me... sigmapilled chadmaxer...
yeah it's his hobby or something
it's really funny because he posts lengthy essays at the most benign of replies
Nice. At least you guys don't ALL avatarfag and ERP/goon with each other in thread like xivg or pso2g. He picked such a weird general to sperg out in considering what exists on this board
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This is what I see.
It's definitely only one guy who is schizo enough to be annoyed by our great and wonderful avatarfriends.
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Damn, I'll have to live with the shame that there's a fair chance I've been with more dudes than you've touched blades of grass.
We threadflirt on occassion admittedly, but that's rare and doesn't go on for long.
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What's wrong with being gay?
Don't bother, the sarcasm is lost on them and you will be greeted by mass same-fagging.
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Trust me there's very little you could do to compete with the xivg shit I've seen over the last near-decade
Anyone notice how nobody ever agrees with him in less than 90 seconds
Pathetic samefag. Maybe don't get so mad a girl rejects you for ERP next time.
Well last time I called him out for obvious samefagging his goatse thread and he had to very blatantly phonepost to "disprove" me.
A big list of things.
But at the same time, who cares.
Is the schizo furry malding again? Nobody cares that you don't like us posting pics of our characters, dude. You're the only one who has a problem with it.
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Really, again? Why do you think you are good at detecting samefags when you are, in fact, incredibly terrible at it?
I swear it's like permanent groundhog day in here.
lol gay dog
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/xivg/ threadgoing has like 2 endings, getting shitposted out by the avatarfags, or joining one of the discord cult cliques.
>had to very blatantly phonepost to "disprove" me.
Incredible what "head-canon" you make up in your head! If it's true in your head, that must mean it must be true for everyone else in the thread, right? lol
lmao even
who's that
Apparently Anon fapped to that Elf a few times before realising it was Trollanon and he's feeling ashamed and lashing out.
Yes it's true, these avatarfags, who are all amazing literary roleplayers, by the way, are just brilliant at making stuff up such as the head-cannons they make for such cases as:
The same-fag
The furry-schizo
The angry autist
The every anon is the same person
and lets not forget
The phone poster......................

Yes, it's true, they are great fiction writers!
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But you point the finger at other posters accusing them of being me all the time. If it's true in your head it's true in reality, right?
You make up some weird cope that I'm mad about a sentence in the OP when I'm not, and nobody is. But if it's true in your head it's true in reality, right?
I'm yet to see one avatarfag in this desecrated general who can actually write a decent character and backstory
>Diapers on
>Binky on
>Cocomelon music on loop
Yeah I am thinking it is M+ time!!
3k r.io btw
Quote from man who definitely RP's and has seen/RP'd with all of the profiles of the people he detests and isn't just calling The Shawshank Redemption a shit movie without having seen it himself.
Are you retarded? That's another anon talking to me. Not me announcing I'm going to bed.
What's your class?
I've wanted to make a statement like this before as well, but never bothered to give the retard validity. It's clear he doesn't RP or even know anything about it.
I hate to break it to you, but all the different people you meet here are actually the same 20 anons who try out multiple personalities depending on the time of day. For example, I RP as a a jaded, conservative leaning Horde pvp player on the weekend and a passionate left leaning SJW anon who wants to cancel Gnoll, Nerubian and Troll killing quests on workdays, just to see how people react to it. It's perfectly normal, we all have hobbies.

Fixed a bug where a player may have been unable to fly if they had not previously unlocked Skyriding/Dragonriding. Any player-characters in this state will now automatically turn on Static Flight mode when they log in.

Only NuBlizzard can be this retard, holy shit
>That's another anon talking to me. Not me announcing I'm going to bed.
We all know you're here for another 7 hours minimum to make your:
line break
Thread that you will post 10-20 posts early and see nothing wrong with it. ;)
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People making up shit about their customized fantasy characters in this Role Playing Game on a Role Play server?!
Nice melty
I don't make the OPs. But it's nice to know you're still crying about the fact you didn't make this thread. Just like you did last thread. And the one before that. And like how you do every time you don't make the OP. Be a good nobody and talk about WoW, okay?
don't forget the
I have it all figured out and respond to nobody in particular
pls respond
ON GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
blizzard should improve pet battles somewhat
it has so much potential no cap!
Write one compelling character story here that isn't liquid dogshit and filled with tumblr-tier headcanon trash.

I'll wait.
and has anyone ever noticed how they imitate the bakers thread with the filenames too? They even copied his links! Jealousy sure is strange, huh?
These falseflag threads always have some attempted "wow general" text on the image with the filename always being something in the 50's, exactly written as "WoW General 5x.png"
Yeah, i'm sure the "baker" is the schizo though, no problem.
>Do you want to be a thread celeb?
>Gotta "win" and all that
Ground hog day for reals
kys retard you're not fooling anyone
NTA but you don't sound like you'll accept anything in good faith.
Stay out of hobbies you don't understand for the good of the rest of us, thanks.
if a spec has multiple builds like
>raid single target
>raid aoe
what do you prefer to run when doing outdoor shit
m+ usually
PvP build.
so, does your moonguard character have a backstory other than "she's melaninated and has a dick"?
Anyone ever notice that this guy keeps referring to himself in the third person?
Remember when you got btfo last thread and claimed that anon was samefagging? Pepper ridge farm remembers.
Remember when you got annoyed you couldn't make any threads? Pepper ridge farms remembers.
Remember when you said you went to bed then stayed up for 7 more hours just to make it and post it early? That's been every day since the threads quality decreased about a week ago, it's impossible not to remember.
Remember when you forgot to take your meds? Pepper ridge farm remembers.
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Does he ever do anything other than meltdown?
>Do I ever do anytrhing other than samefag and falseflag?
That was a thread I made back in March. March, dude. Back before you started this weird, dorky crusade.
I had hoped you were intelligent enough to understand I meant I haven't made any OP recently ever since you started this gimmick.

Talk about WoW.
Yet another thread derailed by this retard baker. I don't even post my wow char but holy fuck this moron is insufferable
>Back before you started this weird, dorky crusade.
You attempted to hijack lolgeneral recently too. You are so full of shit. Take your meds and you might actually be able to split truth from lie for once you "dorky" head-canon maker-upper!
Liar liar pants on fire, you will die a virgin and no one will remember you.
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If you dont play your gnome females as children, you are doing it wrong and missing on alot of fun
alright thanks
guess my shit is just bugged
How bout you write one as the bar setter, since you clearly have a high opinion of what constitutes as good.
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My guy spent most of his adult life as a sailor commissioned to the Stormwind Navy, up until the Third Legion Invasion. The crew he was a part of got wiped out at the Broken Shores and he survived by sheer luck and ended up on a deserted island near the Broken Isles.

Having no way to leave the island and with the Legion's scouts appearing on it he used his strength and endurance to kill or capture smaller demons then brutalize them until they taught him the basics of summoning other demons. He'd then summon imps and later Sayaad to repeat the process until he could summon, enslave and then torture larger demons to teach him even more.

This continued well after the Third Invasion ended (without his knowledge) and after a decade he finally learned how to create a portal back to civilization without dying in the process. Now he uses his physical might and the occult knowledge he gathered from mauling demons to offer his services as a warlock.

You will usually find him in Lion's Rest near the memorial, as his former crewmates and even he himself are engraved on it, as he was assumed dead. He decided to leave his name there as it reminds him of his past life that he still has an inkling of nostalgia for.

Ok, your turn.
They're the most fun it's true
How do I cope with being one of the shit mages? So tired of being 3rd dps
>making a pvp build
>forced to take aoe ability you never press
>talent increases your dmg by 80% but makes your button cleave or splash aoe dmg
rip full cc chains 1933-1945
Are you into shotas?
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Does details take into account the "mob dies on 5% health" effect?


I bought that tabard from the token shekel trader not realizing I need one actually equipped to transmog it. Where the fuck do I get tabards
the tabard store
Just go to any city quartermaster (usually near the flight paths) and buy whichever city's race tabard.
>no mention of the warbank, a major feature of this most recent patch
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So, what's his deal?
being based
could someone give me some goblin hunter transmog inspo?
His children have had children.
Eu wowg cross realm guild when?
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What does it mean when a girl has a snake tattoed on her forearm, /wow/?
Still waiting.
i do declare it is pandatime.

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No. This entire thread must be worged.
Happy Potter fan that likes that bad guys.
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Extra funny since I never even hid that or anything, did several pics involving her.
i won't
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My character's backstories are very simple.
My hunter is a sport shooter, he attends competitions and obsesses over honing his skills with the bow.
My druid was the son of a harvest witch and fell in with Night Elf druids due to his affinity for nature magic.
My warrior is a mildly successful treasure hunter who keeps insisting he's going to retire any day now.
Still gotta come up with backstories for the other 10 dogs though.
im so tired of these tanks, who have a party of casters with static ground effect aoes like rain of fire, volley, blizzard, etc doing these constantly moving rolling pulls. its so fucking annoying having the tank drag all the mobs out of everyones aoe effects and then wondering why the mobs take 20 minutes to kill
The solution is simple. Just doxx and murder every single tank that drags a mob out of your rain of fire for even a fraction of a second.
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>try multiple classes and specs
>nothing feels fun
maybe.. the war within... is going to be the war without.. me...
>tank is getting constantly bombarded by frontals, swirlies, short-range attacks that can be backstepped
>nooooo you have to stay in my rain of fire so I can continue my thrilling 1-button rotation
Nah. Play Demo instead.
you're being pretty transphobic rn
The real question is, can dracthyr lay eggs?
Life, uh, finds a way.
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Make a Dracthyr scalemother. Let's find out.

dragthyr can't reproduce
Not a sexpest btw.
instant seethe reply like you're watching the thread waiting for something to get mad at
No, they are sterile like mules.
Source on this?
What would happen if Alexstrasza got impregnated and shifted into her visage form just as she was about to lay the egg? Would the egg shrink? Would it stay huge and cause her body to explode? Would it tear her vagina open and cause another Cataclysm?
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what do you mean source on this, fucking provide source that they can lol
if you pose a question of whether something can happen YOU need to provide evidence that it can, not the party that claims it can't
had an autistic moment and typed the name of the file lmao
>he knew anon was talking about him
Bot ahh post
did they remove the quest tracking arrows on the minimap?
>Provide a source that creatures can reproduce
I dunno, fucking biology??
Dead on arrival.

This will be another expac they abandon halfway through like WoD, Shadowlands, and Trannyflight.
womanflight won.
>first it worked
>then it got broken completely
>then it kinda worked but there were no bonuses nor negative effects
>then it got totally fucked after wave 20 just adding the renown currency in your bag and completing the waves without enemies spawning
Either they came up with something better (was fine as a weekly activity imo) or the browns and holes can't do anything that isn't directly copypasted reskin from previous expansions, so they scrapped it.
>apply biology on a magical race
holy fucking retard
dracthyr were vat grown super soldiers from the spliced dna of mortals and dragonkin, yet we have seen a grand total of 0 dracthyr who weren't adults, we have seen 0 eggs or anything remotely romantic in their depiction or story
their true form also wear no underwear and have 0 features thatd indicate they have dangly bits or ax wounds

we have the complete absence of anything indicating the dragthyr can lay eggs or mate, but we have all the reasons and evidence that they can't
now your turn and don't generalize again you chucklefuck gooner scalie moron
What is the tranny spec of WOW?
& what is the most transphobic spec?
As already stated mules are creatures and can't reproduce.
Drachnyr also also mutts with too low chromosomes.
Ret Paladin
Also Ret Paladin.
Yes. However all Dracthyr have vaginas so they need other races to breed them.
Source: trust me and don't use a condom ;)
>tranny spec
Holy Priest or Aug Evoker.
>transphobic spec
Warlocks and Paladins.
My wife Emberthal is pregnant thoughever
they need to add tax in this game
Conflicting statements right here
Ret paladin
Paladin, spec? Retribution!
I've been told that the truest of peace is found when a pandaren woman sits on you.
bring mission tables back
Unironically met alot of trannies playing Ret Paladin and Demon Hunter.
And most really cringe transphobes playing Ret Paladin.
Any death knight or warlock spec.

Any paladin spec, or Holy Priest.
bring garrisons back
im still printing gold with slands garrison
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Confirmed btw.
i really miss the class halls. it was cool that each class had its own little hangout club, and when you showed up all the other people playing the same class on the realm would often be there. they looked really cool too
>retard coomer headcanon
i won :)
Cope+Seethe+Dilate M+ troon.
ERPGODS and GOONEMPERORS run this thread, yup, yup, YUUUUUP!!!
>destroy troon coomer rhetoric of dracthyr being capable of reproduction
I Won.
>ERPGODS and GOONEMPERORS run this thread
If that's true then where are the pandabutts?
I accept your cucksession, we won. You lost.
It's a common tattoo for ravers and junkies
>can't muster a single quote thatd validate dracthyr coomposting or ERP
>"You lost."
no avatarfag pedo anon
its in fact you and every other tranny playing dragthyr that lost
once you have evidence to the contrary we can return to this discussion, until then Ill live in your mind hovel rent free
Does anyone know what happened to the horde playerbase?
When I last played, back in BFA, it was like 70:30 in favour of horde.
Now it's 80:20 in favour of alliance. It's surreal. I go through an area and see over a dozen alliance players before a single horde player zooms past
if im low on imps but demonic tyrant is up, should i just cast him quickly to maximize the cooldown or wait the 10 seconds to get a horde of imps going for him to empower?

i just got to 70, still learning the demo spec
They removed factions in pve content.
Literally every other dungeon
>tank finally stops moving
>pop combust and meteor
>immediately starts moving again
Sometimes I think it's the tank and one of the dps' conspiring to stop me from mogging them on the charts
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>Does anyone know what happened to the horde playerbase?
Playing Horde in the modern day is a literal humiliation ritual, what do you think happened?
Void Elves unfortunately happened.
Well at least flame patch isn't meta anymore
Similar situation on roleplaying servers - specifically Argent Dawn EU. ~75% Alliance and ~25% Horde according to wowanalytica, but I am surprised it is not even more imbalanced - I thought it would be 85 Alliance/15 Horde. Horde roleplay is dead and only confined to guilds nowadays. It does not help that Orgrimmar is awful for roleplaying compared to Stormwind. But even the Valley of Honor is dead now. Sad.

As for why this happened on roleplaying realms, it seems BfA left a bad taste in Horde players' mouths - they disliked being the Bad Guys so soon after Pandaria. Plus vulpera orgies in Orgrimmar caused normal players to scatter to the winds. The biggest one though may be the High Elf customisation options they added for Void Elves, which caused a lot of Blood Elf players to switch factions.
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Hard is the life of a crusader; rationing food, risking sickness from local waters when clean stock runs dry and fire isn't an option, the damned all around. But fellowship balms the hunger, thirst, and wear on mind and body of travel through darksome, dead-haunted lands. Kith and kin united in struggle for a home most only in youthful memory recall, the red flame of passion and vengeance to mark them, philia firmer than steel.

Then fell the monastery, friends, family. But by faith and strength of arms not all, and from those smoldering embers many an effort came. Her own, after much deliberation with her brothers and sisters in arms, would be to head south and entreat Gilneas for aid. A path more perilous than word alone could say, and why exactly she uptook that cup to begin; not for honor, not for glory, but so no other she loved would need to tread that dire strait.

Their angry glares and frustration she too cleanly recalls, the last she saw of them ere she left. What a fool she must be to throw away her life thus, so insistent to bereave them, how little she must care, she was sure they thought. It didn't matter, it was for their own good, this was the best path, she'd say.

Harder yet was the life of a crusader then. Pittances of food and water meant to support bodies ravaged by combat over the long journey ahead. That half of their number made Silverpine was a miracle, never mind the trek through the worgen-cursed dark to Pyrewood. And there, the last three of twenty men repining, Hell found them.

Nothing after the initial shock and violence can she recall but in bestial flashes when rage over her mind waxes. Only that some time thence she awoke in Gilneas, a hideous beast now missing an eye, and new conscript to their cause. She abode them, and with her earnings mended the tattered tabard which survived her frenzy as well as her brutish hands could. Now she roves, a mercenary, frayed by self-hatred and longing for kith and kin.

Eh, I tried.
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>Plus vulpera orgies in Orgrimmar caused normal players to scatter to the winds.
Is that really a thing?
What the fuck man, I know vulpera players are fucked in the head like w*rgen players but seriously?
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she gots dem lightning aids oh lawdy!!!! oh lawdy lawdy!!!
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I'm not a foot person, and I know it makes more sense, but am I allowed to be bothered by the Sand Troll skin tone having such a darker shade on the soles of their feet that they look dirty?
I'm too used to the usually blue beaut's keeping clean.
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This is really fucking good anon. Well done sincerely. You've got a genuine knack for this.
>Scarlet Worgen
You had one job, no retarded headcanon. You failed. You also write like an AI that was fed old English but not an inkling of grammar or how to describe something properly.

Still waiting.

This was in 2022 and Horde roleplay on Argent Dawn has yet to recover. It probably never will.
i wish autists like this were still active so they could chronicle the current state of argent dawn
if the keti caravan was bad current day stormwind is even worse
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my character's backstory is that he is literally one of the alliance priest units from wc3
what do I win?
horde doesnt really fit into a post heterosexuality game like warcraft
A big black dick in your boigina.
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It's okay when we do it
-t. Alliance
I honestly think the expansion is getting delayed at this point. They are STILL working on class changes on the ptr and haven't even implemented many yet. Imagine how undercooked the actual content is gonna be if the core of the game is still getting worked on and these lazy fuck Californians have the guile to start a union KEK.
But like... even outside of RP.
Dunemaul horde is basically a ghost town.
As for races and customisation...
I dunno, alliance has like 4 different brands of generic human and a mandatory furry option, horde has generic human and mandatory furry option, but also trolls and goblins which continue to be the optimal races - both mathematically and in terms of objective correctness.
curiously pedomaye is silent when talking about pedo furry rp
just strange, no? usually such a talkative fellow
severe mentall illness, yikes
>both mathematically
For what?
PUG m+?
You are trolling if you aren't a dwarf or meme gnome
Organized M+?
Trolling if you aren't a nelf or dwarf if your class has invis.
Both racials are worthless.
Once each 3-4 expansions rocket jump is a thing, but classes aren't hurting for mobility atm.
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I guess that's it then.
I don't understand why a patch can be on the PTR for 3 months and still go live utterly broken
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We know who you are, so play nice. :)
>but also trolls and goblins which continue to be the optimal races - both mathematically and in terms of objective correctness.
this is objectively wrong and you clearly have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
I have a level 70 character of every class already
If I use my level 70 boost on a character who is already 70, will they get the gear and renown? Can I use the boost on them at all?
Most fun tank in TWW?
Lets hear what /wowg/ has to say
I don't give a fuck what anyone says, prot warrior is easily the most fun tank and it hits the class fantasy better than any other prot paladins tie for class fantasy but they're not as fun as warrior IMO
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Prot warrior/paladin.
Don't care, button press funny hee hoo.
Yikes. Looks like some people still haven't figured out that goblins are the master race.
That's fucking embarrassing.
sometimes i make poopy and poopy smells bad. sometimes it smells like vanilla for some reason though
How did hero talents end up being a big cup of nothing? Most of them are insignificant changes or retarde commitments to a gay theme
vengeance DH detected
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>mfw people still don't know goblins are the master race
>Moon Guard goes down
>Doomers come out
It's just another
>but actually you need to use these exact points for raid/aoe/mythic otherwise you're getting kicked
That's not edgy enough for VDH.
That's a druid.
because the devs are lazy Californian millennials and they are scrambling to scrap together an expansion in a few months after sitting on their collective asses for years now
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>jadefire stomp and rising sun kick proc gust of mists
pissweavers we drinkin good
probably still prot warrior but maybe vengeance or brewmaster.

blood DK and prot pally feel pillow fisted and unimpactful, guardian druid is still giga boring. vengeance and brew have actually fun damage combos and attacks that feel worth the trouble of pushing the button, but leather tanks can feel very flimsy when their active mit isnt up, or against specific mechanics, and brewmasters stagger is a whole ass thing to get used to, an acquired taste.

prot warrior feels chunky when it hits (sound design for warrior is immaculate), feels like a steel wall on the defensive, has lots of mobility, and some sustain. downsides are it doesnt have the most sustain, and its aoe threat is in 5 second windows, so if pickup mobs spawn outside of that window it can be a bit of a pain to grab them
I'm closeted gay and very excited about Frostfire
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We need City of Heroes-tier customization in WoW
you called it. incredible
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>told we could level to 70 via chromie time when prepatch hits
>leveling still stops at 61 and you have to go to dragonflight
why would they lie
warbands were the perfect moment to add in player housing

shit at the very least they should have your other warband characters walking around your garrison
>shit at the very least they should have your other warband characters walking around your garrison
damn, that would have been kino
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if it aint wildstar housing i do not want it
I was always under the impression 61-70 was going to be Dragonflight, even in TWW

I don't know why they feel the need to keep forcing the latest expansions, just let people stick with one of the NINE expansions that they want or better yet make WoW 2 already
I like how much salt this comment caused. Goblins are based though. Best cosmetics of all the less-humanoid races.
nah even belular said we'd get to level via chromie time, but yet once you hit 61 nope chromie just stops fucking you and you gotta go to DF.
All bears are retarded.
All prot paladins are gay.
All prot warriors are closeted gay.
All BrM are alcoholics.
All BDKs are mentally 13.
And all VDH are actually 13.

Never fucking forget it.
Regarding your last point, unfortunately that is exactly why the Alliance is more popular: most people only want to play humans or near-humans like elves.

As of 2019, 43.6% of US characters and 44.1% of EU characters were humans, night elves, blood elves, or void elves. Meanwhile the traditional monster races - orcs, trolls, tauren, undead, and goblins - were 28.9% and 27.2% for US and EU realms, respectively. This is why Blizzard will never add playable ogres or arakkoa or any other monster race - people simply will not play them.


If you want a picture of the future of WoW, imagine a new elf race being added every expansion - forever.
You can't apply a 70 boost to a character who is already level 70
>All prot warriors are closeted gay.
Hey, fuck you, I'm openly gay.
People really, really don't grasp horde became the most popular because of Blood Elves.
In a world where TBC gave high elves to the alliance, WoW would've left factions behind in wrath of the lich king.
Holy shit Blizzard please let me filter whispers again
Reroll to paladin homie.
t. Married with a beard wife (she is a butch lesbian)
nearly correct, here's your corrections:

>All prot paladins are gay (power bottoms)
>All prot warriors are gay (but only for traps)
wait so they are actually going to make wow less of a themepark with the next expansion and make it more like osrs and classic?
It didn't help that they gave humans a 10% rep buff which was easily the most OP racial in the entire game

It'll be the same raidlogging mythic+ farm it has been since Legion, don't worry
I like how there is no denial of anything.
This is why by Shadowlands Horde to Alliance ratio was 75 to 25. Only 2 expansions after x faction, Alliance is already a majority.

Never forget that a fat j*w in a suit is responsible for the abhorrent lore rape that gave Blood Elves to the Horde literally only for chinese market interest.
If Blizzard had given the Alliance High Elves in Classic or TBC, the Horde would have been completely dead on arrival.
This was also during the time of LOTR, could you even imagine?
But I have two Paladins that tank and I don't like playing them much...
man I hate blizzard
>give blood elves to the horde
>ok fine whatever the lore is retarded but I guess they TRIED
>"We're making ALLIED RACES"
>oh cool can alliance get high elves then?
>"No, there aren't enough high elves left - btw you're getting VOID ELVES allied race, which canonically are significantly fewer than high elves, have fun"
define theme park and define osrs and classic so I can understand you better
I got free 70 boost
Do I use it on mage, hunter, or rogue?
>>oh cool can alliance get high elves then?
>>"No, there aren't enough high elves left - btw you're getting VOID ELVES allied race, which canonically are significantly fewer than high elves, have fun"
How the fuck did they get away with this?
like in the beginning of mists of pandaria where you are in the air plane and just mashing buttons to get through the cutscenes. and osrs and classic like you explore the world at your own pace with stuff to do and all the stuff you farm still matters after the next expansion
Blizzard's two retarded pillars that make no fucking sense are
>Muh factions!!
They relented about the second one after nearly 20 years.
You'll get high elves in 2040 or so.
mage or hunter rogue is FUCKED
They'd remove factions in wrath because the horde would be literally 5 players.
feral druid, and not a furry. close enough though
huh so the w****n faggot p***a faggot and the v*****a faggot is the same troon lmao
how do i join the wowg guild as an OCE player
that's some sussy L rizz my gyat!!
get ur rizzless ah self outta here fr SHEESH
why would you want to be a in guild with faggots from MG
what's wrong with you
why would you want to
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Ah yes this keeps getting better
so they actually managed to spill the whole pot of spaghetti code this game was running on eh?

all over some login screen cosmetic
>wowhead spams its news feed with dev interviews about warbands, hero talents, etc.
>warbank still doesn't work
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what's the easiest DPS spec? shadow?

because im not an anti social retard who sits in a 4chan thread 24/7
>All BrM are alcoholics.
i havent drank in years. kneel.
i fucking hate blizzard so much
how many buttons does veng dh have to press compared to fury warrior (not talking repeated presses but individual skill)

im a newish player and i hate having 300 buttons to press its annoying and overwhealming
I hate Ubisoft so much.
Just join the Frostmourne wowg guild
Probably destro warlock, frost mage, or BM hunter
Fury got gutted with the new enrage, it's low APM now since they catered to boomers
>they disliked being the Bad Guys so soon after Pandaria.
Dude, BfA somehow managed to piss off EVERY kind of Horde player, even those who just want to play as murder hobos.
what is it, never seen it mentioned ever in this general, only aussie related thing was that blood elf dk who quit
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BDK, Moonbear, Mountain Thane Warrior
All three are satisfying to play and press the buttons, visually are fantastic as well
i do enjoy high apm but sometimes im just not feeling it and my dps will suffer as a result so im not too worried about that
>All BrM are alcoholics.
Few beers a day isn't alcoholism.
i actually haven't drank at all today
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thank uou mop remicks for cool mounts :DDD
be more specific
>achievements still aren't account wide
I feel like I am completely misunderstanding something here. It just says "Completed by your warband but this character can still complete this achievement again too :)" now instead of "Earned by <character name>".
how come there isnt an actual bony skeleton option for undead
12.1.5 trust the plan
midnight metzen kino will save worlo
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How original
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Im set for TWW. Bring it on.
should try and make it look more like muradin desu
Why should there?
>nooooo you have to wear mismatched garbage from 3 different eras with 3 different texture resolutions
Exactly, no in-between
What exactly made you stop, zoom in and screenshot this person if you think they're so unremarkable
>aug below the tank
>implying it's not kino to run around looking like an npc
I'm sick and tired of those pointy hat shitters
Are you retarded?
I hate how hats still make you fucking bald, it's unreal
No, are you autistic?
They never said "there will be playable skeletons in TWW".
You fucking retard.
looks like the ret paladin tree got updated lads
I never claimed they said that you actual idiot
Why you ask like there should be then, dumbass?
Why would you ask such a dumb question? Because they are badass, why shouldn't they add that as an option?
>10 hours ago
is there a way to get an outline around your mouse cursor or change it back to the default windows white arrow or something

i keep losing this dull grey gauntless/sword cursor in the visual clutter of combat, and its making it difficult to see where my mouse is for all my instant cast @cursor macros
theres an addon to make it obnoxious
idk what its called tho
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I message every female character with a larp name "cute butt" but I can never seem to get more than a "lol" or "haha nice xd" out of them. How do I take things to the next level??? It's really dragging me down.
You can make it larger in the settings.
Or there are addons, one that adds lightning effect around it, another one that makes it glow the more you shake it.
Thanks I'll get that addon you just suggested, very helpful
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i'm disappointed by the lack of femtrolls so far
good taste
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I took a break for most of SL and DF and you guys are notably less mentally ill in your posts than when I left, proud of you

I take that as a sign DF was actually a half-decent expansion and/or TWW is looking good then? Usually you guys go full retard mode when the game is dead
>you guys are notably less mentally ill in your posts than when I left
Who's gonna tell him?
I wear Tier 1 with a legion artifact and a tbc (I think?) cape.
I couldn't afford more polygons after the artifact :(
they REALLY should let Fury transmog 2h weapons as 1h. Mountain Thane with Ironfoe and a single bit axe of your choice? Kino.
Because there's only like two people here that play them. You and this actual faggot. >>487526086 >>487528943
if you see a guild with a 4chan meme reference it's most likely from here, that's all i can say
won't namedrop else some melb scum avatroons will want to join
There are a LOT of us on Frostmourne
Anon there's a guild on moon guard called mentally ill and it's "lead" by the worst poster in this genny...
and yet its more on-topic and coherent than when I was around during BFA
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10o to bumperino
Pick your thread /wowg/

what the fuck is wrong with you NIGS
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This became pathetic 7 threads ago.
It's fun to fuck with him desu
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uh oh meltie time incoming
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So just fuckin' rickroll him or something, why does everyone else gotta see the same meltie for the 28th time in a row.
both early thread warring faggots
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>Nobody's posting in either because of insufferable autism from one and trolling from the other
Simple as.
Simple as.
Why do you guys care about the OP so much? I say just put “wowo caca” in the OP like we used to with a XIV catgirl and call it a day
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these thread war niqqas are insane tbqh fampai
One moron can easily be carried to high rating by 4 competent people if they just keep applying and get some lucky clears, then eventually you'll end up in a group consisting entirely of such people and (you) and this happens

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