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Previous: >>487478142

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Resonator Showcase | Changli — SEIZE THE INITIATIVE

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
finally new bread
WuWa lost, so pitiful. Here, to cheer you up about things you`ll never have. Like loving parents.

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>D cup
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thats fake, my coastguard isn't a big titty, she's /our/ hebe
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>the new version is of high quality and the skill performance special effects are very gorgeous
KUROOOOO you can't just suck me dry like this
please fuluolove come home soon, I don't want to save for 4 more patches
wait theres a new loli?
if Coastguard is a support you should roll there on the offchance fuololove uses her.
very lickable
according to this leak, 1.3 will be Coastguard and a loli (You-Hu?)
Man, what the fuck, the Rover is dressed like a homeless wanderer or nomad, with clothes haphazardly stitched together.
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Do you reckon why that is, ESL-kun?
>The Mihoyo drone not using zzz to avoid the filter
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I need new healer...

>Statement on the English Voice Artist Adjustment for Moze (The Hunt: Lightning)
>Hello, Trailblazers,
>The English voice artist (Chris Niosi) for the character Moze (The Hunt: Lightning) and his voice lines will be updated in later version. For details, please stay tuned for future official announcements.

>Thank you for your attention to and support for Honkai: Star Rail.

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>furryge shilling
No thanks!
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There is nothing wrong with grooming.
>t. Rover
>Taoist cultivator
>dear diary
>i found who my master was talking about
>will sneak into his room later tonight
Wasn't jianxin called a cultivator too in one of the early acts
Man I'm honestly really looking forward to black shore arc after finishing 1.1 story, I just hope it wouldn't take too long for them to release it.
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Gagagaa googoo
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No more wuwa
From now on this is /gaga/
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wtf depths of illusive realm shop got new shit in it
real? you're not baiting right
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Who's the top of the for (You) list? did Changli surpass Yangyang and Jinhsi?
Check your mail
yeah I got a mail saying shit got added to the shop
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ermm who? Rover is the no.1 at the (You) list because xhe's literally you!
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You guys are right. Thanks.
>You hu is airborne
>not Lao Chun
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hol up
Selfcest is bestcest
>50 purple echo exp tubes
>30 x10000 credit bundles
Definitely useful, but not to the detriment of casualfags
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The morphable echo should be the daily reward instead of some random shit echo that is rarely usuable
I don't know how I'd feel about a female version of myself being extremely hot.
Smug sexy bitch
>D cup coastguard
My day is ruined.
>D cup coastguard
how long does it take to clear the shop? I haven't done that Illusive Realm shit at all
The thread is slow because the Philippine capital is under water
>I haven't done that Illusive Realm shit at all
You're missing out on the best game mode...
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And that's a good thing.
less than 10 if you have multipliers (picking the shits that gives you debuffs before you start the stage)
10 runs*
Does anyone play with controller? How does it feel and how easy is it to navigate all the shit and the combat?
>D cup
too small
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That the thread is slow, or that Manila is now part of South China Sea?
Changli is definitely a filthy soldier main
It's quite nice. One notable advantage is that, since wuwa lets you actually control who you target unlike gg or zzz, an analog stick is better at that than wasd.
Bwos, I love her like you wouldn't believe
shes 100% a spy main
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this is how much you get if you lose at Diff 4
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Too real. I fucking hate tomatoes.
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>since wuwa lets you actually control who you target
Meanwhile, me walking right up to a targets asshole with Yinline while locked on to nothing and using basic attack to tag it with her mark, only for her to automatically do a 180 and attack something on the other side of the screen off-camera.
I play on kb+m with have all the camera assists turned off and the game seems to do a good enough job aiming at whatever the camera is facing and not at something outside of the screen like in 1.0.
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Easier than keyboard in my experience.
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There are all these 5* limited waifus in the game now.
But you never turned your back on Yangyang, right anon?
that's Yinlin
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Yangyang always makes me reminded of Rexlent so I never use her.
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>Rover grooming me meant everything
Changli sure loves her new memories of meeting rover as a little girl...
How many boys did she rape?
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So what happened to sub dps schizo?
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s this daily bugged? I can't find the dude anywhere

I tried relogging, he doesn't show up

I tried watching a Youtube, the guy just appears for them with no issues

I tried googling to see if there was something specific I had to do, no results
underground or whatever, they're always on the same spot and theres barely any enemy near them as they would never get lost or die from fighting an NPC.
have you tried to fast forward into daytime
he's not standing there lmao, find an NPC with a name Yihu on one of the tables
None. She's into girls
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just tried skipping into 4 different hours, nothing

he's not on any of the tables

he's actually supposed to be right on the marker according to this YT video I watched where he does *nothing* specific to make him appear, the quest guy is just right there.
should I just contact support and demand 10 apolopulls
huh weird
Just suck it up and do the rest of the other daily tasks

This shitty game is already approaching into Genshin levels of bullshit "30 minutes of homework to do everyday" territory
Business: Business beat our Game: Game...
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Now that the dust has settled?
What is the /v/erdict on Changli?
It barely takes 5 minutes to do my dailies, how are you even reaching 30 minutes
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Is her hymen intact then
it lives in ZZZ threads now
If kuro abandons the original cast after their story quests i will uninstall and kill myself. You hear me Solon???
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Good day, fellow Europeans, let’s proceed to do what we do best: post homolust
you have my attention
You CAN'T be this wet, it's not even real.
Good. I was looking for a reason to play with Changli more. She nukes mobs in there.
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>credits and 100 green drips for changli
uhhh BASED
Too bad no Jue claws. That's the only real bottleneck.
How many yellow drips are 100 green drips?
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tthats miles better than what I have anon, I'm suffering from crippling "No CDMG" illness
rip ruined
trash it
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Unfortunately I’m about to go skyrunning to improve my already godlike twink body, but before I get there I’ll post some.
I feel def isn't that bad. My Changli has like 800 def and she keeps dying to mobs...
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>Good day, fellow Europeans, let’s proceed to do what we do best: post homolust
Why are yuropoors so fruity?
Skins doko
DEF will receive a huge buff in 1.1 and become a mandatory substation - Uncle Ubetcha
def and hp is useless here anyhow unless you scale on those stat, the previous Tower with the Exiles was cancer, Scar hits like a truck even at lvl90, all def and hp does is prolong your inevitable death by a fraction of a second.
Kuro, when are you adding a boss like this...
West euros are mindfucked, east euros are not.

t. east euro
Where’s everyone bwos? Why are we so slow?
Is it because of no contents? /hsrg/ is also dead now…
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High standards of living, wealth and education cause advanced faggotry. It’s nothing new.
>D level
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Thanks for proving my point >>487539568
I shall now start jimgleposting to repel the Eastern Untermenschen
Sorry bro...prepping for the new PoE league.
>illusive realm final stage
>inferno rider
YEP, its gaming time
don't get hit anon
As a laptop user i don't have a middle mouse buttom to lock enemies, what can i do? I have tried pressing left-right button together, tried 3 fingers mm button but nothing worked, i can't played well without locking in enemies.
what did the update do
ZZZ devs listened. Wuwa is FUCKED.
have you tried changing the controls?
hold ctrl so your mouse comes up and click the button
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This is actually the funniest thing I read all day
Waking up super early has some perks
more rewards on illusive realm and probably some fixes
Thanks to the bell collection, you can get Spectro rover to C6, which unlocks a +40% Liberation damage and a 10% spectro shred. The new Jue echo is also excellent on her, since it takes up 0 time and it buffs her skill damage, which is a significant portion of her damage.

If you discarded Spectro Rover in 1.0 because Havoc Rover was better, give her a second chance. You might be positively surprised. She even provides a small but team-wide healing so you can potentially use her as your third "healer" (=rejuvenating set carrymule) in tower while dealing good damage from that slot.

(I personally used her to solo-clear the lower floors of tower by just throwing Jinshi's set on her. She deals lots of AOE damage, which is excellent for those floors.)
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They de facto admitted their game is shit, doesn’t sound like a big win to me, but I’ll keep playing it on the side because of Seth, Haramasa and Vlad.
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>The new Jue echo is also excellent on her
Doesn't Jue needs that 3 skill bulllshit in which only Jinhsi can do
Haven't touched this game since launch, how many days left does the girl with red arms have? She seems cool
Well she can be because she knows you knew it's not real and still did it anyway
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ermm red arms? camellya? she's 1.3
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I'm just gonna assume this is you, and even if you're not, go back anyway

This girl
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Lions rumble, evil crumble!
she just came home 3 days ago, you can log in now
>worm tremble
her banner just drop with a kino quest
Come in nigger
Based, thanks
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Drumbeat strong, ill-fortune gone!
(Be back later, I reached the golf club)
>worm running away
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>changli did not save the game
bros? what now? thread is slow as fuck is game dead??
We're all busy trying to get 24k points in the event.
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Post kino screenshots
got killed fighting the inferno rider when he jumped off his bike and the bike took the last 50% HP i had, poetic
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its not much but here
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Bro, your Jinhsi? Just buffer your entire combo before the enemies spawn lol
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get fucked lucklets
changli + S6 mortefi is a pretty comfy combo
lord arbiter... at least let jinhsi watch
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I see seanegroes and burgermutts have to go to sleep yet
SEA here
I’m wagie-ing :(((
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>The PGR mc is just a normal human
>He can do judgement cut
What the fuck, alright which Rover element is gonna get the Vergil moveset?
how the FUCK do you use the lion homo? today's boss rush event has him at level 80 so I decided to try him out and the asshole has like zero reach... I couldn't even kill 5 bosses before the timer ran out...
Doesn't havoc already do that?
until zhezhi releases you use sanhua to buff his BA but the trial characters are terrible Jiyan has like 1100 ATK at level 80
>The wives fighting together
Saving this one
Dreamless is the one that does it, so it doesn't count.
The Jack the Ripper element, electro.
You are right, i was so used to her that i mistook it for havoc's kit.
For the element i thing or aero or electro would work, even if fusion with the cuts exploding in flames would be kino.
>looks at the time
>12:20 PM
>logs in
>wanted to work on my changli
>clear inferno rider 3 times for the ascension mats
>tries to work on echos
>you cant play the game anymore (waveplate)
>looks at clock
>12:25 pm

Okay, but why?
Spectro gives us the graceful but skilled swordsman plus magic nukes fantasy
Havoc gives us the scythe dark edgy fantasy

I hope electro gives her a huge ass chain sword or something.
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Me too old friend
yeah i wish gacha games stop doing the time gate thing like even if you refresh you will get time gated again
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That's gacha for you. At least you can genocide the map for echoes. The money I'd pay for something like poe with WuWa wives... Unfortunately western devs would like to create shit with fugly trannies instead
welcome to gacha, now pay up goy
You have to use THAT
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>tfw no wa wu wa
>tfw now ga ge ga
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Solon please put black characters into the game :3
I love you Ma Xiaofang
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>dodge mourning aixes beam attack
>attack it from the side while animation is still going on
>teehee you touched the bosses hitbox
>therefore your resonator loses half their HP :3
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WuWa delisted from iOS sales rankings because of anti-competitive behaviour
I've been playing gachas for years, the annoying thing is that in the other shit I played the resources for stuff like this was spread out in the game, and the missions that consumed the energy resource were just the easier comfy way to get them, but you still could get ascension mats and shit from other sources. It also doesn't help that aside from the random waveplate boxes, there's not anything that gives us waveplates during our daily playing.
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He's more than a normal human imo, when you see that he can keep up with the movement speed of a construct but then he's also wearing a power armor so that helps.
Bwo... your massive multiplayer online video games?
What the fuck is WuWa? We're playing game:game here
>he invested in EOS
bro, you're literally winning?
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How does she plan to compete with Changli?
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>No Changli, I will not pamper you and treat you like a little girl it was ONE time and it wasn't even real, please, you're a grown woman
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By being first
Most fun gacha character I ever used, and she makes other dps better with her outro, so her lower dps compared to selfish dps is irrelevant.
dont worry, kuro eos r5 mark iii will launch soon
With anal
Jue is going to lolify her as a skin, trust!
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Sorry, jinhsi, too late. I have to marry her now
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Holy shit, I can't wait for space america in the 2.0 update.
I really like how WuWa doesn't make the combat revolve entire around triggering switch conditions, it makes the characters shine a lot more and feel better to use than other games with the 3 party combat system.
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Lose some wait
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It's time
I'm at 10 pity for for wep banner and have done exactly zero events that give currency. Should I pull for Changli's weapon or is the standard banner sword good enough? (1.2 doesn't quite interest me enough with the characters, although I'm concerned that Camellya will come in 1.3 and I'll be flashbanged)
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A compromise is needed
Do I play Taoqi for her gameplay or her fat tits?
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Baizhi is mentioned by a few NPCs. Chixia also showed up in a few side quests.
Yangyang straight up doesn't exist outside the main story. It's not looking good.
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She needs to eat she's malnourished!
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Cute Cannon Wife
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That's a whaled changli i run her with Taoqi and ive never seen a 400k hit not even close
what if she activates it mid sex.....think about it
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that's the power of money huh?
They can't make me cry 2nd time
They can't make me cry 2nd time
They can't make me cry 2nd time
I'm crying bros shes so fucking cute I cant
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Correct !
wtf, that smile on the second panel is so cute
She does, but she just heats up her pussy a bit so it feels like heaven
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in gacha games yea obv
Ayieee Hanako stop following me here
>gets handed primed women left and right
>impregnate them all
>fucks off to god knows where after the story
>years pass and you return since the world needs you again
>TDs become less of a problem now
>find out your sons and daughters became the driving force behind old and new nations
>they groomed their own successors just for (You)
>current global conflict are the successors despising and sabotaging each other
>need to clean this mess again by correcting and impregnating them all
Spoiler your gore wtf
Canonically correct 16 y.o. Anko btw
This nigger shows what a S0 changli can do

>just tune it all at once, what's the worst that can happen?
-40 tuners
-A gorillion exp
Some old guy gets to manhandle this cutie every night. It's not fair...
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yee-yee ass looking motherfucker
>in a bunch of centuries half of SOL3 is made up by your descendants
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She can't she already LOST
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The power armor is recent in the global story, so he was keeping up with constructs as a normal human which is hilarious, as expected of someone capable of becoming the god emperor of humanity I guess.
Reminder that rover contains male rover tag, so 2 day of chnagli overtook every other woman except yinlin and she is about to overtake yinlin. Kuro really cooked with her, she is perfect
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(me) so lucky
>Hair extensions implied by the tag wuthering_waves
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Elves always win
They're both mine
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>SOL3? More like ALL ME LMAO
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I would if that jewish company gave enough currency for 2 guaranteed characters
And I'm not spending a dime until I'm sure the game has future
You dont get enough for two banners no, i ended up like 21 pulls short of pity for that cop chick. currently at furry knot 43 and i finished ALL the missions available
Yeah I know, Gary is truly the last hope of humanity.
Have you seen the last part of the CN story?
I didn't expect that
>d cup coastguard

Because without waveplates you have to run Inferno rider 100 times for a drop (and it would be def main stat)
t. gbf veteran
Nah Solon prefers fat tits.
His favorite character in PGR has huge milkers.
Flatniggers doesn’t have human rights
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>see everybody likes changli
>perform breast expansion on coastguard
flatbros only have danjin and phrovalo left
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Clearly, they're one step above as deities
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Yeah I'm reading the spoilers in the thread, Kuro's plot twists go fucking crazy.
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Fuluolove isn't flat! She's..s-she's still growing!
So loli changli's clothes are not flame resistant, hm
>20k astrite
>Want Zhezhi, Fuluoluo, Camellya and apparently some loli coming out after the coast guard
Kuro pls, I'm already f2p+, what else do you want from me?
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It's time.
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Solon god please give us a Pulao expy.
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you didn't get knotted, did you??
Don't give me that smarmy look i actually wanted a glacio dps and liked his unskippable long ass story
No i'm not coping
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I can't complain. Don't look if you are a lucklet.
30 rolls and 10k asterite for me and I'll be pulling for Zhezhi and Camellya. Surely we will get lucky anon.
Saving for (You), huh?
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Yeah, but it's not like I love changli because of booba, she could be flat and I'd still love her.
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Imagine how fucking painful getting 3333 could be
>just add yinlin and verina to every team lil bro
nice game wukeks
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I had so much fun playing Changli today /wuwa/!
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thoughts /wuwa/?
>has a parry skill
>literally worse than a normal parry or a dodge counter
too much shit going on in that costume
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>People wasting their rolls on MidLi when Camellya AND a loli are coming
Who's gonna tell him bros?
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bro I think I am going to go for every single wuwa characters without any dupe just S0.
I might have to use THAT given how the first rolls went.
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Good morning. I love Jinhsi, Changli, Verina team so much. Feels like I'm playing my favorite team in Genshin: Neuvillette, Furina, Kazuha, Charlotte, or my favorite team in Honkai Star Rail: Firefly, Imaginary Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, Gallagher.
Uoh, nice
>And a loli
Proof or GTFO
i do not regret rolling for Changli Lawrence
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Thoroughly abhorrent post, impressive
>roll for Birb wife
>get lots of birb wife (forma de viento)
Anyone here still playing with Yangyang? Im tempted to build mine since she is at 4 copies and its just a bunch of base dmg increases
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Thank you for your attention. I'm free-to-play on all three games, by the way. And I can clear the endgame of each game. Have a nice day.
My main thought is that if someone had to port across a ToF outfit, I wish they wouldn’t have picked Feise and her ugly dress.
she can be use in Changli quick swap team (according to Rexlent) so give her a try anon
How does dodge counter numbers work? I see that it has a scaling stat on basic attack but I can see runs with lvl 1 characters abusing dodge counters for clearing high level enemies.
bro why did you spend all your f2p funds on males...
Im assuming your "high level enemies" are red enemies? If so dodging/intro-ing on reds deal % based plain damage to their health
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i don't listen to F2P niggers, no human rights!
How is wuwa revenue situation?
will wuwa be force closed?
> If so dodging/intro-ing on reds deal % based plain damage to their health
So its just specific for those types of enemies? Nice to know since it feels too strong if it can be applied to every enemy in game.
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I sniff f2p in this thread....
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You'd better be saving anon
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Yapyap is one of the best parriers in the game, she helped a lot with Mephis/Dickless holos
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sanhua is so lucky...
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What does Changli's busted vagina look like?
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Lord Arbiter, did you know that Jinshi can produce kids that will be T0 dps. Meanwhile, changli can only produce sub dbs, lmao
>10 minutes without any reply
Even the VN general has more activity
mihoyo won
this game wont survive a year
sorry, I'm too busy playing with changli
sorry, I'm too busy sexing Jinhsi and Changli
Your parents also hoped you wouldn't survive a year
I love how Lollo Logistics mission 1 basically makes us paid protection. I didn't know Lollo was in the protection racket as well.
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I liek fire girl
sorry anon, I was too busy fucking changli, what are we talking about again?
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We're all busy rolling the lollo roulette, come back later
Go back, camerakek. Nobody wants you taking pics here
I prefer slower threads to tranny schizo theads like mihoyo generals. Just because this general isn't constantly being spammed with gutter shitposting doesn't mean there's nobody here, you fucking retard.
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>replying to bait
in the next patches, we will join Ghost Hound (Calchud's mercenary group) and all we will be doing is protecting people and doing hits. Is this a great idea?
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too much shits
someone should mod changli into doro
Most people are just tourists these days and have never used a slow thread, so they start having panic attacks if people aren't posting on cooldown.
For me, any quest line that involves fleshing out the other characters is a great idea. If we're going with Calchud's story, I wish we drop the baby gloves tho and go full Metal Gear Solid on this one
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great idea actually (I'm not gonna be able to use that mod at least until her rerun because Fuluolove first, CHangli later)
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only if she says "hai, kashikomarimashita" as well
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Kuro can go brutal with their story writing when they want to. I just hope they do New Federation justice and not make it some disneyland tour...
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uhh, I am afraid I am not f2p bros...
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based paypiggy
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more like /gaga/ already learned the way of [-], so the shitposter-kun leave en mass because they don't get (You) anymore
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I like comfy /wuwa/ hours...
Imagine Calchudo story line of forming another Outer Heaven
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don't worry bwo you'll be f2p again when bonuses reset
we can finally hope...
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I'm so tempted bwos... How much does this worth in term of stamina?
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Does Changli's character quest "Immortal Blaze" expire? For some reason it has a 19 day duration left, so will it be gone after and not doable anymore?
Seems weird as fuck
>Changli is going to die in 19 days
It's over
I really should put mihoyo in the filter too...
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What an absolute menace.
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Thanks for funding and supporting the rare fire bird economy bro
f2poor here, I would just get the battlepass
Pretty sure getting seeded by the general was still an option to the elf rerollers and new cuties so its probably just a promotion 'page'?
i was tempted a couple weeks ago and did the calcs
it's about equal to farming manually at SOL6 and not worth at SOL7
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we'll get the 1.3 drip marketing before changli is gone, right?
It's just badly written, character quests stay forever
That's 25 golden materials, battlepass only gives you 4 (+9 purple), and you can buy that twice for 50 golden mats, it's a fucking pain right now to farm it
1.3 leak
-Coastguard: Spectro Healer new model, remove butterfly eye, chest got buff to D size, new effects look stunning
-You hu: loli model, shorter than Danjin, blue hair
If Changli dies would she just turn into an egg? Or is it gonna be your typical reincarnated someday?
>-Coastguard: remove butterfly eye, chest got buff to D size
no longer my Coastguard
shan't be rolling
>1000000 shells
This is approximately 2 days ish of just spending stamina on the shells, assuming normal rates. If my math isn't jank it's 500 stamina worth.
>25 5* mats
This shit is pricesless for me. lmao
Assumning around UL50~ it's so hard to luckshit the 5* mats, i'm not all too sure about the drop rate ranges for the 3* and 4* mats so I can't help you with that one...
>remove butterfly eye
If she doesn't have butterfly eye, I'll skip out of spite even if she's good
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just because you put boob into it doesn't mean it will sell well

let other waifufag have their preference too
How did you do the calc? I think at SOL rank 6, you are already getting one gold for 40 stamina (given that you convert everything into gold), sometime you get lucky and get a gold drop naturally which only happened to me once. So let's say you average a 1.05 gold mat per 40 stamina, that's around 950 stamina worth. What about SOL rank 7?
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Saving for s6 Tsubaki.
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Comfy wuwauers!
>/gig/ is writing actual cuckfics now


Holy KEK
Astrite isn't the only thing I'm saving if you know what I mean hehe
alright so 950 stamina in term of refreshing costs 950 if you only do it once a day, and the pack costs 980 lunite so I guess it's not that valuable, especially if you are at rank 7
How do I know that it isn't actually a side story in game?
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uhhhh here's your transgender character sis


keep it in your own containment zone
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Did you even think about how those words would make Jinhsi feel?
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F2p [ REAL] here just get lucky and you won't need BP or CC or ToA even
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Why do I need that information?
Bros, is it possible to get 3200 asstrites in 20 days?
whaleGOD i kneel
your lunite subscription?
Keep those Kuro lights on based paypigger.
Hopefully. We do know tsubaki sound files are in a few weeks back and there are 2 mentions of youhu, with one saying youhu will be replacing coastguard as the 1.3 chara. Its all patternfagging/tieba bullshit though so...
I pretty much always get 1 purple, 6 blue, and 6 green per run. So it's a bit more than 1 gold if you synthesize everything
I miss double drops. It felt so satisfying seeing 2 purple 12 blues in the drops... :'(
very nice but just take a screenshot next time...
also it's only 100k credit, not 1mil so it's not that significant
No. I already lost 2 50/50. I ain't giving these scumbags any more money.
Don't know what makes me angrier the echo or the fact that you took a lazy ass picture of your screen.
>also it's only 100k credit
oh shit my eyes failed me, so even less huh? If it's only 100k that's roughly around 40~ stamina worth
I can still see the value with the gold drops tho but cost-efficiency is not feeling all that high
Yeah, I guess at SOL rank 5 and below it's an absolute steal but it's about break-even at SOL rank 6
Okay guys, we can exhaust ALL the stuff in the Lollo roulette right? Do I gamba all my stamps now?

Also, I don't mind having this gamba as an additional daily quest thing.
>do a daily
>get a stamp
>gamba for reward
Even if they reduced the solvent to just 1 and the astrite to just 60 I'd feel just a bit more inclined to do my dailies everyday. Heck, they can even add 5* food there and I'd somewhat feel okay with it.
You are guaranteed all rewards in 4 rolls.
Got Verina last night. What are her BiS stats and set? Also I cannot commit to a 5* weapon right now, what is the best alternative?
ATK%, ER and healing bonus
Healer set
Mayu mogs
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Thanks anon. Shit I wasn't able to take picture of the lollo hamster tho.
Can I put Moonlight on Verina instead?
rejuvenating glow set with bell-borne as your active use Variation as weapon or the other energy regen rectifier if you don't have Variation
Dumb question but I already have the based monk leveled. Should I commit to Verina as well?
Sure i don't see why not, people don't like monk because of her shield take too long, that can be redeem with dupes :)
Her buff is great, although not as good as Verina since the grass loli is the only one right now with buff affecting the whole team
/wuwa/ , is Rover just Paul Atreides but sexier?
Also buy the way I know there are lore buffs in here as well. I haven't done all of the side quests but we actually don't get to meet Calcharo, right? I wonder if there will be more members to his band. Also he is somewhat strange inbetween Resonator and a TD. I wonder what is the deal..
Rover is chink Jesus, not sandnig one
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Okay so thoughts on Lingering Tunes? Anyone actually use this set? Who is the best wuwa to use it for?
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Is this a bug? i got 4 roll tickets and didn't get everything but it says i got them all
I actually started listening to the soundtrack while doing stuff in the game and it fits so well when playing Spectro Rover.
yeah they are putting their transgenders everywhere.
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This one?
No, you get everything within 4 rolls.
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i didn't know that these reset
what;'s the fastest way to farm them?
You automatically get all of the stuff in the box once you get the Astrite/best prize
max diff x270 meme tune
Massive cope set, not worth using until we get a meme character with a nuke on their outro skill.
i can't tell if you guys are trolling but if not thanks
We aren't. I did it on two accounts, I got everything within 4 rolls on both.
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Read the fine print homie
As a player who started a week ago, this slog for union exp at 35-40 is pretty lame
Most resonators get visible mutations such as yinlin knife ears jinhsi scales and horns YapYap weird ass bird hair morfeti whole arm etc
Calchudo seems more like he went full symbiosis with his forte
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they aren't. most gachas do this type of events so you log in daily if you didn't get the grand prize early, but everyone eventually gets all rewards.
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U miss the double events hehehe
huh? I thought some are based on the Chinese Divine beasts like how Changli is the firebird and Jinhsi is the drake. I expected a white tiger lady somewhere down the line...
I use it on Saarhua for oncore team haven't missed a 30/30 ToA so far if that matters.
first gacha?
Stop trying to bum rush it, just build your main and secondary team slowly or prefarm materials
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Not ashamed to admit it anon, but I used solvents to boost myself to 40. It's approximately 450 exp per solvent so you can do that math on how much you need versus how much solvent you're willing to use.
Fololove my belololoved
savor the feeling, you're going to start dread hitting 50/60/etc. due to how much they'll drain your resources
>he missed double events
don't worry though, a double echo event is starting early august so you're getting there soon.
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I meant to reply this to you, anon. >>487561275
The lolis and hebes in this game suck
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Thoughts on the echo? On paper, together with the set bonus fully stacked, it gives +42% atk which doesn't sound so bad.
Sex with Baizhi and Chixia while Yangyang sits in the corner
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>implying she would like to play together
what would a changli plush doll say if you squeezed it
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Them being based on the divine beasts is a meta thing, picrelated is the actual in game explanation
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It would say it doesn't hurt at all
thats mega fake, rover would be using a crownless figure instead, he will keep saying "Have you seen my crown?" over and over again.
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it hurts that this is a gacha game and wont last forever and not a reality
A future Resonator? Liv lov?
Is this game here to stay or is it going to be like Tower of Fantasy? I dropped it once I saw you use enemy attacks or whatever. I thought that was stupid.
Changli seems pretty confident when she recommended her to get treatment in Jinzhou. Here's hoping that she's gonna make it.
And then you wonder why she cheats on you.
For some reason I can imagine Chixia or Sanhua doing this during sex
NGL got a stiffy through her whole quest
changli is pure, please don't be delusional
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>I dropped the game 5 minutes in and now that the free shit is gone I'm willing to come back, please reassure me that others are playing it
Normalfag behavior everyone. Thoughts? Opinions?
Where did the ntr smile posters go?
So what is the deal with this character? it looks nothing like a Resonator..
It'll last more than your feelings for it.
All gacha (unless completely devoid of income) does.
They're posting cuck fantasies in gig now that chnaglis quest obliterated any chance for ntr
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Good enough for a shitter f2p starting setup while I work towards some better echoes?
Or anything in particular I should definitely work on asap?
She's the Black Shores director if I recall correctly. Or at least another operative.
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Can't see shit, Rover.
We can cope with private servers in the future, surely.
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stay as in what? Going EOS or relevancy with normalfag?
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>Thoughts? Opinions?
I'm the one who brought up the idea of her seeing other men, though.
Just logged and I also have Comet Flare it seems. Isn't it worth it?
Looks like a rejected proto-fulolo to me, maybe some NPC for her quest or something
I don't think it's a playable character because she doesn't look all that great
Get your crit damage up to at the very least 250
That one's only good on Baizhi iirc
fuck it, i'll buy her statue if kuro releases them in the future
how is kuro merchandising in the past?
Does PGR get a lot of statue or figures?
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baizhi is so lucky....
I actually like Baizhi a lot but she seemed super weak when I started..
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I went golfing and running, I didn't run away, though I can understand how a subhuman Easterner would fail to understand the difference. Meanwhile it's safe to assume you hunkered down inside your depressing commie block. Bleak!
Lingyang isn't good
But he's usable if you know how to play him, which is mostly showcased in the video above, though he doesn't explain the janky combo-canceling. He does manage to up his damage a lot by combo-canceling into E and properly stacking buffs (Sanhua/Verina/Baizhi if Verina is busy). That being said I'll say it again, he's "not a good character". I love him but that's just the truth when it comes to multipliers, lack of team comps, hitbox issues and janky echoes (1.1 somewhat fixed it, do yourself a favor and ditch the Lampylumen Myriad for a Lumiscale Construct). He'll also get a big upgrade with Yao's gauntlets come 1.2. That being said, avoid any video claiming that he's "secretly broken" and "terribly underrated" because it's simply not true, he's vastly underpowered and janky. Stick to learn his combo, cancelling/weaving E and when to swap. Also trial characters suck yeasty vaginas so using him as a trial will hamper you further. Unfortunately the high hologram / deep tower showcases are showcases and not guides but perhaps you can learn something useful by watching them.
Game does decently in japan and Changli is the most popular girl so she'll probably get one soon.
She's just fine, only clunky part about her kit is having to pick up the buff from the ground i can see how it would rustle some people.
Eh, I got Verina now so I may as well commit. And I think I will also try getting the painter coming next patch because her kit is meant to compliment Jinhsi (or so I heard)..
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Some fuckin weird kitty messaged me
Wrong video on why he's "bad", autoplay fucked me over https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pJ8UkR6qPo
idk like be more popular than honkai star rail
>Game does decently in japan
pffft haahahahah

lost to fucking Blue Archive
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>Does PGR get a lot of statue or figures?

here you go bud
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Baizhi also does coordinated attacks and drives up Jinhsi forte, they work just fine together see pic
It's usable at least, but worse than other options. If you need a universal cope set that could fit on any character then it's not a terrible choice, I just wouldn't spend my echo exp on it when other sets are more important.
Its blue archive's anniversary+ summer units which happen to be the arius squad everyone has been begging to see more of since their lives were still miserable even after the story chapter ended.
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Chinese found out Fuling was already iced during the story quest of 1.1
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Spare some Shell Credits, friend?
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>more popular than honkai star rail

no the game won't. In fact we probably never will given how the stigmata about Kuro-fan are a bunch of elitist
And that is a good thing!
they arent even rollable yet retardbwos, people are paying for the wolf girl
Kanna? The blond police woman?
i actually hope this game gradually dies, makes less money and pulls a snowbreak actually
People paying for a long anticipated unit? WAOW!
Shiroko Terror
you are replying to bait anon
Blue and purple doritos can be exchanged for shell as well time to do that TOa :D
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They didn't give my wife a rollable alt either
Fuck nexon
>10pm in SEA
damn, the SEAslugs are out of work
Anon thats the fucking anniversary unit.
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That is really good to know
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I am just here to say that I want to fuck loli Changli.
What? Im pretty sure the entire arius squad got summer alts announced
And? Blue Archive is niche lolicon game barely earing 2 mil at times. You lost to THEM on fucking HAG banner in loli game.
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>tfw playing the game with jazz music
game just keeps becoming better and better
yea, but as story events
andatsuko as freegib
but the banners are serious hoshino and kuroko
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>You hu
>loli model
Are there any pics doko? If she's very cute I may need to reconsider my plans for rolling Zhezhi
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But they are rollable, at least next summer should be
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imo pandering because its the devs vision/want is miles better than pandering out of desperation.
>more popular than honkai star rail
Not enough lesbian and faggot pandering sorry
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It is very unlikely, but seeing that guns already exist on Wuwa I would love to play as Ojisan. Goddamn that would feel great. The only downside is that her shotgun would probably be just a skill though. I would just headcanon Rover=Sensei I am schizo enough
Solon Lee himself has good taste on characters so I wouldn't be surprised if they have a protocol to always have a (You) pandering at all times.

Thank god he's not like Nasu who has a fucking giantess fetish and is trying to force it at every minute...
>skill challenges to get my important key skills for my characters from 5/10 to 7-8/10
>echo fields to try and get better echoes and the materials to level ones I farm
>other bosses or exp things to level/build backlog characters and get a deeper roster
What is the best use of my energy (and refreshes) at this point? I just hit UL50 and I've been kind of hoarding these refreshes I wouldn't mind using them for a big account power boost
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>Pandering as the original vision
Based, girls are for (You)
>Pandering out of desperation
Cringe, girls are whoring themselves out to pay their rent
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Chixia makes me optimistic with limited gun units, so I'd welcome a Buruaka collab.
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sensei, dokutah, rover, admiral, shikikan
all (you) me
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bag lolis are too potato-like. I think this is a plus since I'm not sexually attracted to lolis to begin with.
IMO every lolis must also be a potato blob.
Anyway please add more potatoes in HSR.
What the FUCK but I just touched Changl-
Actually fun mode to play... don't know if my score was shit though...
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Another bilibili kino
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It was better than the last combat event. Give me more bosses, not trash mobs.
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promilia has the potatoest of them all
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I'm filtered already before the game even starts its service...Looks like the only game that I'll be waiting for this time is GFL2
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And it also has brown hags at that. Manju is cooking!
I liked it, but I wish the meta wasn't to just one shot all the bosses with Jinhsi. My ideal kind of event would have no timer.
Yeah, go play Pornilia and fuck outta here, you pedophilic ragheads.
>Lose to a game that sells costume
What went wrong?
I wanna see them give birth
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I wish they made it more harder, what I would've wanted was like 5 Overlords with Hologram movesets attacking you all at once...
>3 kamen rider crownless at the same time
is this kino or madness
>worm trying to talk down
Bwo i barely got enough points to get my kurobux this time around let's not be hasty
kino if you're good at parrying
madness if you're not
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>good at parrying
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I might quit this game because of the dailies. I wish this game had weekly quests instead of dailies.
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>good at parrying
My girl's full name is Changli Iframe Autoprierra
>Ankobwos are retarded
>Danjibros are psychos
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With WuWa being so popular in Korea and both games being (You) pandering, I think that a collab is a real possibility. Also does someone have that Mari mod gif?
That shit was pure kino i need to rewatch at some point beratna
post danjin only clears
thats right
The one with the doro echo miner? I didnt save it unfortunately
season 1 to 3 was PEAK modern science fiction. Nobody will ever top that.
>Weapon,Skill and Levels for one full team for open world
>After that good echoes for that team because echo farming can require a lot of stamina and rng can fuck you over
after that you can start building up other characters, otherwise farming becomes a pain in the ass because the difficulty increase with each rank is pretty big.
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I posted on 3 different boards today and all of them told me to take my meds, I wonder what's that about
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the loli isn't gonna be for (You) right? that'd be weird af
Such slow threads... Why cant we have as many shitposters as the Hoyogames that give us traffic?
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too big
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No thanks. I hope Wuwa never taint it's reputation by associated with a pedoshit game.
nah, it will be a loli who really loves rover's legend because of our old acquaintance's story
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no one tell them about what happen in WW sister game
nah... I bet even if she's small her nipples are perky and she's probably cold in that pic given she made hot cocoa. You do like perky nipples, right heterosexual anon?
Bro, shes literally dying soon
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nope i hate it, no lie, its the truth
just believe me
Uhhh, i like PGR now
yeah not a fan, look ugly
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You wouldn't fuck your daughter right?
gary raven here

I didn't ask for THIS. Hello?Where is my consent?
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>single digit
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parry minigame when?
The more you parry the higher the score
Boss will 1 hit kill you if you miss
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the taste of FORBIDDEN FRUIT is tempting me
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Gary has no rights, everybody knows the rules.
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Kuro! We need to release a new boss that highlights the combat we advertise so heavily! Should we add a boss with good hitboxes that utilizes our combat systems? No! Release the Dragon! Release the worst gimmick fight in the game! And next we should add several new floors to the Abyss! But make them worse!
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Gary Raven this is an order from the world government, step away from the child.
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>hold HA
>go deaf from the parry sounds
Difficult not to talk down to subhumans.
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>fill forte with gunkata
>skill is a short handgun burst
Shotgun is forte
Liberation is terror mode for a few seconds like Jiyan's dragon cock
SEAmonkey subreddit, who cares
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>we should add several new floors to the Abyss! But make them worse!
unironically this
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>In the chapter Gary Raven literally eats a forbidden fruit
Ah yes, very subtle Kuro.
Is that a fucking screenshot of Akari from Yuru Yuri superimposed onto an AI picture?
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>Having way more fun playing with Changli zapping all around and dropping nukes than playing with Jinhsi
Anyone else like this?
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Here's the real reason why she would rather die than be preserved in a time bubble with her boyfriend.
She was frozen with everyone else at the start of 1.1. Been there. Done that. It was torture.
Maybe when they fix the Camera and targeting. Fighting more than one mob feels like shit, and abilities will just straight up miss even when locked. For all the shilling I have seen about the combat, the systems that should enable it to shine all feels like shit
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They should add more cool males
Can i get a fusion explosive character?
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Nice lore connection doko if real
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This but Echo please
thats just mech abomination but america
How strong Changli?
I'm actually the opposite, but both are fun
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After a few days of using her, I'm glad I waited for Changli.
Exactly! It could be a cool echo to play in a dream
Not fat enough
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I'm glad I got lucky and won 50/50
So no cammy in 1.3 and coastguard is the first limited support?
>new banner
>no free gibs
wtf is this?
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if someone could make a webm of that bit where jinhsi turns around and smiles at you I would be eternally grateful
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Grats and explode.
What did Jinhsi do to deserve being cucked like this?
>70% of her quest is a date with Changli
>Changli was doubly groomed by (you) and (you)r apprentice
>Literally gives you one of her feathers which is as close to marriage as it gets
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Uh bros what happened to this general? It's even worse than it was at launch, usually it's the other way around.
Jinhsi's frequencies are similar to yours, she is basically your soulmate.
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im sorry mate, im having fun in the dream roguelike with berd wife
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Post your characters bwos. Who are you missing and why?
First banner doesn't age well in my experience
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It's that easy
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not missing anyone
but still digging for scraps to roll on changli's weapon
Missing Jiyan and Changli.
Jiyan I didn't find fun.
Changli I like but I want Zhezhi more and I'm poor
Then I'll have filtered what feels like 80% of the thread minus that one guy acting like he's on /pol/ complaining about loli characters
What u mean sis?
Seem comfy right now, anons learn not to reply to baits unlike before
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currently missing Yinlin because uhhhhhhh uuuhhhhh I stay f2p in 1.0 and I totally regret it
>Jiyan and Calchudo
>more stuff added to the roguelike shop
Back to the mines I go.
People seems increasingly spiteful, and it just feels like it's either 100% Shilling or hating the game. There is nothing even close to constructive discussions about anything game-related. At least not when I have been awake and browsing
What'd they add?
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Got Yang'd in my reroll but I kept it since I got Yinlin's weapon too
Is Sanhua actually viable? Her skillset reminds me of Vergil.
check your ingame mail mate
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I uninstalled wuwa for ZZZ but no matter how many chances I give it that game is dogshit
please accept my humblest apologies and accept me back and grace my with your knowledge
I have a UL38 account with most 1.0 content clearead
lost 50/50 to Jianxin and pity should be like 10 rolls away
do I continue my old account or just create a new one and reroll?
Any currency for rolling? Lost both 50/50 so far and I don't know if I can even get the Bird in time. I am honestly close to just dropping the game due to loosing steam
Devs listened... to all the lucksuckers saying they don't need to pay to win.
just keep going and take the berd waifu
I'm waging bwo...
Only missing Jiyan
Only care about hot girls
after the waging ofc
anyway its metallic drop, bunch of echoes and money
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Not able to post yet, but I have everyone except Jiyan, Yinlin and Calchud.
Roll for Changli you traitor!
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I started a bit late and I don't feel like playing Wuwa for real or whaling until I'm past the level 90 character timegate. UL48 right now.
Rolled Jinhsi + Changli S0 and their sigs, might S6 Camellya if she's in 1.3 and I'm UL60 by then
I normally play with CN dub on but Chiwa really fits this character, my dick is lamenting
Are there any pictures or articles about hinted/teased future Resonators?
Stop getting one guy'd bwi
Cool. Thanks bwo
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And some of the echoes are new too, but I don't know which ones
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So far we only know Coastguard in 1.3 >>487530474
changli cant even 1 star heron
what a dogshit character
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We need more cunny
>only care about hot girls
>Calchudo main
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Answer me in the spoiler box so you don't derail the thread with off topic post and attract masterbaiter

why did you quit?
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I fucking hate how this would make you think the game doesn't look grainy as hell when you actually play it....
My issue is that I have a hard time swapping to other characters. She just "visually powercrept" my whole roster so hard.
>west euroworm still talking
remember your title everytime you take a swing
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So fucking cute
Thank you anon
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holy based thank you
NTA but The combat is over-rated. I keep coming back because I like some of the characters and they look fun, but so far I have been pretty disappointed. I liked the new Zone but the Dragon fight soured my overall opinion and makes me fear for the future of the game if they keep adding shit like that. I also feel like it takes some of the worst aspects of the *other-game* but leaves out some of the better stuff like rolls from ascending characters. And finnally I lost all my 50/50 so I feel like shit and as if I am forever behind unable to actually take it slow and enjoy the game, but instead I am only focused on getting more currency so I can maybe get Changli
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I got baited into thinking the combat gets better (it doesn't, I am knot level 40), but I would be lying if I said this was the only reason. the other reason is that I lost the 50/50 to the furry twice in a row
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I miss everyone except for CALCHUD. There is no character other than CALCHUD.
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feel free to send my UID a friend request brother
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now thats dedication
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okay good to know, have fun with wuwa anon
Scar you cunt
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nigger stop
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I bring a new monk to the monklords
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rare new monk
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place your bets
don't say crate because its not going to be crate
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shut up, you're not my mom
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back to the mines
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.....its alright
Camellya is a flatty too
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You lost, Jue. Rover is for the birds.
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She is not THAT flat
Any braindead efficient way when farming in Somnoire?
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Juebwo you should have shown loli Jinhsi to compete...
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based calchud
Scar on level 90 is almost impossible...
Pick your level -> 4 debuff -> Jinhsi -> Inferno Rider -> Melt everything
Actually... it's Moldova.
Don't expect them to add everything good from Genshin so fast. They are already giving us a stamina storage system in 1.2 that is better than the HSR one as well and at this point with the resin cap increase being a response, I doubt Hoyo even cares to add it after Wuwa. And then there's the rumored craftable echo frequency chip as well for later. Genshin itself added the currency in exchange for leveling characters in a later patch as well, not like it was there since the beginning. Maybe they will add it as well once enough character builds up, as Wuwa started with less.
Is Camellya a shy girl in bed or is she a screaming bed breaker?
After 9 months she's gonna be pushing out a rotisserie chicken
I just always go Baizhi + Inferno Rider. Not the fastest, but its pretty impossible to fuck up
*licks your lion*
Is team-building ever going to get better than what it is currently? I don't really feel like there is anything exciting going on beyond Buff-Swap-Buff-Swap Burst. The two units buffing brings nothing besides numbers for the carry. It just feels dull...
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my cute wife
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learn to swap cancel. it's the way tower is meant to be played.
Used to brute force my way with chud and yinlin, and got filtered by lvl 90 tower mobs. Swap canceling shaved off like 45 secs of my clear time.
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Hello wuggers, just got back from my 3 day vacation for posting Changli lewds.
Did i miss anything important?
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>those parts where the shot focuses on her and you see the light on her eyes flicker
Iirc the turtle makes you imortal which helps with how stationary she can be
Whats the catch with using Irider with Baizhi?
Mai furendo is so cool man
My dream: she is shy, small muffled moans
Reality: she laughs like crazy and smashes on your pelvis while using her forte and flowers to gain momentum
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I'm forgotten...
>open /wuwa/
>happy, all for you story
>open /pgr/
>absolute shit has reached the fan
>stucked 30 years in tower
>most of the characters you've known are either dead, mia or left earth after leaving the tower
>main girl is dead, team mates have also left you
>you are now alone
I think.... I'm staying in wuwa lane bros...
they perform a boobs surgery on Coastguard...

it's so rover for flatbro
Coastguard has been allegedly modified with bigger tits
1.3 will have a loli
Illusive realm has been expanded with more rewards
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fuck you
i laughed
Chat, who is this slaaneshi demon?
Yeah I've seen the shitshow that dropped on pgr. lmao wtf was that!
You can stay here and reclaim your lost sanity pgrbro
more like cacaro lmao
Rider has to build a few ice perks anyway to max out. So Baizhi healing herself + the few shield buffs you get + Rider cranking her damage makes it a pretty comfy clear each time
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I will never forget the elf that zapped my prostate
She is also getting new art
stop being dramatic, Nanami will save the days so Gary Raven can go back to the status quo

isn't this the 'edge kino' that you guys are so proud of?
What happened? Did they just decide to kill their own game or something? If so that seems like a terrible short-sighted decision, I don't think Wuwa is gonna be much more popular than PGR was
>me and my wife
>alarm suddenly starts ringing
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Not on my watch.
i look like this
it's just the story go full misery kino in the latest patch

go to /pgr/ if you want to read the summery
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Who could ever forget Yinlin?
I can't go back... If I do 21's Wolf-pheromones are gonna make me start the game again...
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Yeah the newest chapter is looking like kino of the highest order, a plot twist worthy of being the anniversary patch.
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>'edge kino' that you guys are so proud of
I'm not one of those guys that love edge too much. This shit feels like waking up in a coma to see everyone has died and the only remaining person you knew, died shortly by your side.
I'd rather fucking kill myself at that point in time.
Do I have to full clear the map everyday to avoid getting bricked?
Im running dangerously low on these exile nipple rings
Even their most bleak chapters tend to end on a high note, apparently the newest chapter left skk on his own
Maybe kuro will use this lack of personnel to justify a team up with Lillith and Yata before Nanami becomes so bratty she corrects the timeline
>ver not req
Surely this doesnt mean anything, right?
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I'll never forget this semen demon
you're ugly
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here, a souvenir after i peeked on pgr thread
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Yeah anon that is what "stakes" are supposed to mean in story telling, Gary Raven have to face the a reality check and overcome the challenge, it can't be rainbow all the time.

But I'm sure thing will turn out to be fine given how we already know what Nanami gimmick was.
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Sounds like a good way to make yourself hate the game. Just farm up when your in the mood to play more and complain in surveys. The devs listen to us here.
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I'm late to the party but I've heard that we'll get a loli in 1.3 right?
Remember when wuwa had soul?
Lost all of it when devs listened.
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Around elves watch yourselves
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1.1 is better than anything before though, limited characters design and gameplay, boss combat, story, map design.
How the fuck is changli supposed to deal damage when bet auto attacks tickle the opponent and you can only build stacks by using the resonance skill because every fucking enemy stuns you out of your chain or dodge attack
>boss combat
Then why would you post the worst boss in the game by far? Even the Turtle is more fun.
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Apple canned them because they must have been doing something shady. I this is the kurodevs that know and a taking really seriously- the monthly pvp and are doing everything in their power to not look like a complete flop (obfuscate the result)
Holy shit Calchudo is actually fun to play, from trying him out in tactical simulacra. Kinda wish I got spooked by him now instead of an Anko dupe.
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Jué is a pretty beautiful fight at least, the turtle is ugly, wastes time and the camera barely works.
Reminder that your Jade like beauty Jinhsi has a butthole.
A fully functioning anus.
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nta but shooting down that lizard is super fun as chixia.
i like the flying lizard more tho
the turtle is just standing there getting slaughtered
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Aerial combat? She seems really suited to starting out with an aerial combo.
Speaking of boss where's the Turtle AFK farm script?
Or changli was flopping so hard since the moment the ass cop released that kuro pulled the plug on the API. It was literally "stop the count" kek.
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of course, how else she's gonna give birth if she didn't have one?
>wastes time and the camera barely works.

All of this applies to Jué. And I don't think the fight looks good at all considering how far zoomed out it is.

Glad your having fun at the very least bwo

That's fair. But I think the fight itself is objectively bad. The combat is clearly not designed around fights like that
im too retarded to quickswap anko and changli...
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Gugu gaga bros wuuuwa wuuu wuu waaaa!!!
You aren't just pressing the buttons fast enough
Build Chixia then
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And it's beautiful
And Rover (me) plows it every single day from the top of the magisterial palace so the peasants under can hear it
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>off topic cuck shit got deleted
>wuwa porn stay

hell yeah!
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Wow that sound worse than Surviving Lucem haha....
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Jinhsi ruined the game with her fatass damage
huh? dodge and plunge can skip combo use it retardbro
Mind elaborating on that pls
Memes aside, is she even a resonator?
>Memes aside, is she even a resonator?
If she is, it has never been brought up.
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what does it smell like?
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You only see her tacet mark in a very very special cutscene.
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just got back from /pgr/
what the fuck with those first person shooter parts?
why are (you) so strong for a literal commandant
also damn the story has more edge than arknights
damn I need to play pgr
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>Just hit UL59
>No cubes
>No tubes/tuners
>Nothing prefarmed for 60 except some boss mats
>Echos are all bricks
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With enough lewds, we can make playable a dying star
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at 58
i dread the day level 60 mobs comes
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Come visit us if you need HOPE
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Nothing like some comfort bird after despair
This happens to (you) once in the chapter too btw
>charge, air3, 4, 5, plunge
>3, 4, jump, plunge
Does the jump or the plunge have iframes?
In PGR we prevented Bridgets death and brought her into playable status, we can do it bros (bitch was stuck in npc jail for years)
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I bet they'll start doing similar things with wuwa soon. They're building the story up to a high point too early, the only logical reason to do that is either because you want to make a full on pandering harem story, or it's so you can elevate the protagonist before bringing him down to make it hurt more.
Yapyap is gonna die.
I haven't tried BA but I'm a day 1 player in azur lane and are still playing. Is BA as generous as AL where I can always get 1 copy of the new character?
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So where do I get the money to get my characters and weapons to 90? I've been focusing Changli, Jinshi and Yinlin and I'm dirt broke now
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how much lewds needed before john kuro make her playable?
I hope halfway through the story Fractsidus actually succeeds and destroys(?) the world ala FF6. Second part would be like seeing the places we encountered either destroyed or changed. Important characters either dead or have lost their will; with us having the goal to reignite the world with a new purpose.
I don't think yapper is going to die but i do think in one of your reincarnation Rover made the wrong decision and the result is still plaguing the world to this day
Our game will die if we dont get funny videos like this bros https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVNSfzMDzAM
unfortunately, nope
you kinda have to skip some banners or wait until the anniversary boost to roll as f2p or monthly paypig
combat simulator
>been clearing tower for the 3rd rotation now
>still can't buy everything from the shop every month
what the fuck is this bullshit
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>In PGR we prevented Bridgets death and brought her into playable status
Holy basado
BA is pretty generous but you still need to plan your roll. Then again they plan to make the game stay casual so you don't need to be a metaslave
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don't worry bros we'll get some solvents for free at ul60
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What am I supposed to do with all of these?
Built for motherhood
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You give em to me.
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Save for either the nerd girl or Camellya's eventual release
This. >>487586334 Just cope with gold/silver and collect easy gibs, most students will do fine. Even if you focus meta units, you still need a few niche rolls to get truly comfy clears, so don't worry about it and just pick/plan your favorite students.
i kind of regret not trying BA
they always seem to be having fun over there
well except for their notorious scatposter
if you were given 1 roll of gorilla duct tape and a female wuwa to do with them as you please who would you choose and what would you do?
Those are the roguelite money things.
Unless Zhezhi is a great support like Yinlin, i'll skip and save for 1.3
Femver. I'll pump and dump her with my dirty, mortal seed to disrupt the balance of SOL3
what about the duct tape
I'm skipping till EoS
bread doko
so 1.2?

Tape her to the ceiling
Using Jinhsi and stacking ult and skill cooldown reduction got me through it lmao
I did three runs on the 300 currency difficulty to also finish the "play with five different resonators" challenge. Monk is really strong in that mode imo
Some of your CALCHUDS aren't level 80 BROTHER, please fix this oversight
>fight Jue
>intro skill
>teleport 200m into the sky looking AWAY from Jue
>the gigantic dragon is harder to track than Mephis who literally becomes invisible

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