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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendar

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>487367035
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kneel grovel lick
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You will roll for her siblings right?
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No, I'll wait to see who's on the teatime banner.
Soliel alt?
Oboro alt?
Setsuna alt?
Beruka alt?
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please adore sothis feet with kisses
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Oboro got an alt already, as forgettable as it was.
Soleil and Beruka will never get anything. Not even resplendents. It took like seven years for a second Nohrian retainer to get an alt, it was ridiculous. And on that same banner, Hana got her third unit.
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5 years of LYSICUTE!
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5 years of sothis feet
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No I'm rolling for Kvasir.

Maybe. I really don't want to be pity broken by L!Nanna
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When is her next alt? I want it!
inb4 Rhajat is next
Sothis' warm, clammy, flat-footed soles pressed onto your cold cheek
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We already got Rhajat. But nobody likes her, so you never noticed.
When are the CYL refines?
lol retard
Edelgard and Sothis have stinky feet
They shouldn't fight
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Edelgard and Rhea
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>it's a female resplendent fairy episode
sex with mia's armpits
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Yeah, she canonically squirts mead out of her tits into her drinking horn and lets all your heroes drink it
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It's funny to think just a banner ago Forde debuted, and comparing him to the two mythic the power gap is quite absurd.
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Opinions on the Veronica line and its Mega Evolution?
slapping vero's ballistic jello
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An absolute deluge of fan art coming out right now for 3H 5th anniversary. 3H is still relevant to so many people after so long.
Alfonse is a lucky guy
Literally every game gets fan art during their anniversary you midwit
Don't you think there's a particular reason the 5th anniversary is getting more fan art than any other anniversary year? Don't be dishonest, you know why faggot.
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You don't already have her at +10?
Of course. It's this generation's FE.
What? That's what attracted the tourists in the first place. Otaku slop for people who don't like FE.
You already got raped in that thread do you want another beating?
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I guess? His penalty true damage is pretty underrated. I saw a level 1 Forde kill E!Ike just from the penalty true damage bonus. He doesn't have 20 effects on his own but I'd say if you lean into what he does he can be a monster. OCs have to have this level of shit because no one cares about them since they weren't in any other FE game
Awakeningtrannies genuinely think they're not tourists. You can even tell by their terminology, every old /feg/god knows we say "secondary" not "tourist" (meaning the same thing here, maybe it means something else where he's from).
>I saw a level 1 Forde kill E!Ike just from the penalty true damage bonus.
Why is aka2laslow videos so popular here...
basically this, fateswakeningfags weren't gatekept and they somehow convinced themselves their games were legitimate fire emblem and not otaku baiting slop made by a mostly entirely new dev team and writing staff
Requesting, if possible, funny pictures of FE characters wielding firearms.
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Define "legitimate Fire Emblem" without using buzzwords
Developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo
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Post 5th anni art, everyone's uploading
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It's not Sothis solo pics then I don't give a flying fuck
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I gothcu
Based. The only reason to play that slop.
The game that killed FE.
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>she canonically squirts mead out of her tits into her drinking horn and lets all your heroes drink it
Do it yourself dude -__-
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Here it is...
Radiant Dawn and then Engayge
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awakening and then fates
What the fuck is that anatomy
Based and true
The older she got, the less popular she became
That's the daughter Marth had with Catria btw.
I love Shamir so much it's unreal. I love her more than anything, she's my waifu

You know I'm starting to realize the horrible irony of this resplendent reveal being on the anniversary of 3H release
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he fucked her...
Just like Tiki
>Azura gets resplendent
>drool over her for months
>Tharja gets resplendent
>barely even care
You truly abandoned her lmao
I'm too poor T_T for such first world luxuries.
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>on-model femleth boobs
Oops, can't have that!
The thing is with Aquas resplendent(and all my Aqua posts in general, same can be applied to many other "wives") is that it's like 99.9999% coomer posting. I have these passing moments sometimes where I'll obsess over jerking off to her for like a week and then it dies down only to resurface months later. When that resplendent came out it was during one of those moments and it was coom art, I mean look at how big they made her tits in them. It's easy to play up the bit as well, it's not like it's hard to say "sex with my cumdump wife" 100 times in a row. It's a lot harder to make 100 heartfelt posts in a row.

Plus it's not that I hardly even care about the Tharja resplendent, but I will say that it's been so long the hype has fizzled out. It's like when you're summoning in game and you have such a high pity rate you don't even feel excitement over getting the unit, you just want it to be over with. Plus it being a fairy resplendent isn't the most fitting. I get maybe that's what they were going for but it just feels like something they've had on the backlog for years now and are only now releasing in order to squeeze a few more bucks before EoS.

And I mean what do you even expect me to say about it? I can look at the art and point out details in it that match her original outfit? I do like how wildly different it makes her look, especially coming off that godawful Seth one that looks exactly the same. I'm not gonna post "sex with my cumdump wife Tharja" over and over because I don't feel about her that way. I feel like I've talked about everything there really is to talk about Tharja already, especially since she's not getting any new content outside of the occasional flanderized alt in FEH. I don't have much drive to go replay Awakening and rewatch her supports like I used to do when I was with her years back. And you know I think I'm a big enough person to finally admit that. Yeah I loved Tharja a lot, yeah maybe I thought she was my waifu, but that
>screeches at raul
>not at the post right above
I love Vagina Bones
was way back in 2013. I was a teenager when that game came out, I was impressionable and stupid. Yeah maybe I could call her my favorite character and I liked seeing new art of her made or maybe it was just my goth girl fetish forcing me to like her who fucking knows. I feel like after a while it became more just an obligation to like her rather than actual love. Saving pictures, buying merch, I don't know if they ever really made me happy, and if they did it was only a momentary feeling.

She's a great person and I love her, but I can't in good conscious say as a waifu, maybe she never was.

And you can say I "abandoned" her for other characters(Aqua, S0nya, Kagerou, etc etc) but all of that is just passing infatuation at best, just thinking "hey she's hot and my favorite of the game" but nothing really more than that. When I get comms of those characters it's always coom art of me fucking them or them solo with their tits out.

I think Shamir being revealed just changed something in me. Even during that Treehouse Live when all we saw was a bit of her portrait I immediately became interested in finding out who she was. I don't want to say it was some cheesy "love at first sight" but it was definitely something

I remember obsessively checking the official twitter every week in the hope that they would reveal more info about her. I remember the game leaking and hoping they'd reveal more info about her but the leaker not doing so out of spite to me because people already knew I'd like her. Hell I remember people saying she was gonna be my "waifu"(used more in the loose sense) when just her portrait was revealed and I laughed at that

Hell I remember a bit after 3H came out I began forcing myself to say Shamir *wasn't* my wife, I remember using the thin excuse of "oh I only like her cause she looks like Kiri@ from TMS and just trying to associate them by proxy" but I think deep down I was only telling myself that in order to not admit that I'd
Remind me, who won CYL? Young Tiki or Adult Tiki?

>has to be reminded
>only for the gooks guardian angel to screech at the post, not even the gook himself
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kek just remembered that Based Tiki made someone lose their sanity.
Did Alt Tiki kill Grigory Koltchanov and make you screech “I will hunt you down and kill you” kek
completely fallen in love with Shamir and that would mean throwing away everything I'd built up the entire 6 years prior. But really looking back what had I built up? Sure I called myself Tharjaanon, sure I bought her merch, but what was I really doing? Was I really in love with Tharja still? Did she make me(or really ever make me) feel butterflies in my stomach the way Shamir did? Did seeing new art of Tharja actually excite me or was it just another post to click the like button on on twitter. I wasn't even commissioning any art at that time yet

Hell, was I really even in love with Shamir or was it just another instance of my goth girl fetish popping up and it would pass.

I don't know, maybe something about the way 3H was made allowed me to appreciate Shamir more than I ever have anyone else. The tea time convos, the out of battle monastery dialogue, the supports, everything always made her seem more like a real person I'd want to spend my life with rather than exaggerated caricature that Tharja had ended up being depicted as outside of Awakening(and even in Awakening there were some lines that weren't so great)

I think it's fair to say that I fell in love with Shamir all those years back and had fallen out of love with Tharja even before that. I was just lying to myself to keep up appearances.

Shamir getting an alt in Heroes excited me way more than anything ever has. Shamir getting fanart excites me more than anything ever has. Her getting merch is something I cherish rather than just trying to assemble some collection. When I comm art of her(and I comm a LOT more art of her than anyone else) I don't just get coom art of the two of us having sex, I get art of the two of us together as a couple because I love her as my wife, not just as some sex friend. Even just writing out how much I love her makes me feel different. I don't do it as some gay ritual post meant to keep up the bit, just letting those thoughts run through my head while
writing them out makes me feel more in love with her than when I first saw her.

I don't ask for more alts in Heroes or for 3H to get more content like manga or OVA or a sequel game out of some greedy haha my waifu gets more content shit, I want it because I genuinely want to see her evolve as a character, as a person. I want to see her say new things, experience new things, I want to see her reactions to the mundane and the extraordinary, I want to see her wearing new clothes and show her beauty in greater ways than I could imagine

I love Shamir so much she makes me want to be the best person I can be for her.

God damn, I think I got that out of my system
>adult Tiki has a summer alt nobody gives a shit about or even remembers exists
>adult Tiki has a brave that everyone lost interest in because she's the epitome of "who wants this character to get alts/who will actually roll for them" and is also a shit unit
>bride Tiki was a chance to prove themselves as actual fans but instead of being appreciate of a new alt all they did was screech because their obsessive hatred of YTiki overpowers and "love" they have for ATiki(none)
>YTiki is vastly more popular and well known compared to ATiki, at best ATiki is only more known amongst westerners

ATikitards are really something
>brown spic and namschizo but seethe over Kiran, ATiki, and Gullveig
I'm nooooooticiiing.
>the loudest most obnoxious shitposters in this general always brag about ATiki, Kiran, and Gullveig
Yeah, patterns are easy to notice
Fuck off
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You weren't supposed to notice the common patterns of the last two years.
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Not worth a (You), sorry.
Now you reminded me of that schizo Fate Sakurafag that got mindbroken because Summer Lilina gave him a bigger boner than his supposed waifu did
is maintainance just for the double mythic banner or will we get a clue on what the new hero type for book 5 TT will be?

You read it, you cared

Didn't they say it was just server optimization? I remember the X slot thing wasn't shown until the new Peony/Triandra alts were shown in game and that was back in October. Feel like it might be a while before we get the new units type
no one read all that shit you spamming cunt
Hey with this new resplendent I can remove one(1) sentence from my feedback copypasta I send in
More 5th anniversary frog tits, please
>Hagtikicuck still using CYL as a popularity metric
KEK just kek
And your metric is....nothing?
lmao even
>mass replying amd copy pasta spam
Weird and obsessive behavior.
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He will sell bigly, right?
The entirety of reddit loves him afterall
I'm not knowledgable.
Has there ever been a direct correlation between reddit and successful banners? To my knowledge, they hate Gullveig but she does great, but they also are tired of Three Houses, and that also does great.
Yeah just like Hrid so bigly.
Most people who pretend to like the soulless bastardized Awakening version of Tiki only do because they don't wanna be called a pedo by reddit troonz
You can look at any Japanese popularity poll.
Show me one.
The burden of proof is on you
The general sentiment, at least for FEH, is to do the opposite of whatever reddit says. This extends to more fringe fanbases like penismaster too.
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Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex
All of them
they should make an opposite banner of kids day where all the ketes are grown up
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The September banner will be a 3H banner with Attuned/Ascended/whatever book 5 introduces Shamir alt
They won't do it because they hate money.
Fitting, as Awakening's continents Ylisse and Valm are soulless bastardisations of ArchKINOea and Valentia and Awakening itself is a soulless bastardisation of Fire Emblem.
You shitpost about it, but you damn well know ISIS could take that idea to keep milking 3H with timeskips, right? Are you ready to make a wish on the monkey paw?
Awakening has the highest number of CYL winners (if you don't count 3HRT slop), so show some respect.
>clanne and hrid kicked out of the VG for Vaike and Dedue
I wonder if this means that Hrid and Clanne are the "least rolled for?" I'd wager anyone that got Clannes from rolling for Alear just foddered his ass.
I have legitimately only seen one summer Hrid in any of the modes I played. He has not shown up even once otherwise meanwhile Gullveig is everywhere.
i'm more surprised that they don't do more timeskip designs because 99% of them are more popular than the school outfits
>Implying FE3 Tiki had a character
Would they really lose money if they added female grail units every other banner?
>Awakening 'Reddit's Fire Emblem' has the most CYL winners
>...as long as we don't count this other game!
I got one once as a teammate in the last VG, but that was it.
I see Gullveig constantly, and fought a few Nerthuz units here and there. Both girls appeared a lot in the Grand Conquest run we just had. Constant friend units with Celica rings everywhere!
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>reddit's fire emblem
So...three houses?
...and all but one of them were from CYL6 onwards, when nearly all the other main characters were gone. Much popularity...
It's not that they'd lose money, it's that they'd make less money.
If IS has seven units drawn and need four for the banner and one for the TT, which would they put as the TT? Probably the one they know that NOBODY would roll for. It's probably why MRobin and Alcryst were grail units. IS looked at LMRobin's sales and RAlcryst's sales and said "yeah let's put the women on the banner instead."
Really every single Fire Emblem is pathetically unpopular compared to Three Houses. This series only got one good game, and it wasn't even made by the main studio.
Reddit loves 3H so much they kill themselves when 3H characters lose
Just ask nickson!
Reddit has LOVED Awakening since it was released, anon. Awakening is the manifestation of Reddit in the Fire Emblem mindscape.
>NOTHING for the five year anniversary of Three Houses
KEK IS really is still steaming mad that everyone liked it better than Engage
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>this will help us sell the banner
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Why did you expect anything?
Awakening and Fates didn't get anything special after the 5 year anniversary either, retard.
Das Rite
the abysmal amount of sothis porn is so disheartening
Doing a SLOP AUDIT of this year ... and it's not good. The SLOP games are, of course, Tellius, the Slop Saga of Awakening, Fates and Engage and of course Heroes OCs.

Here's the order of things, with Slop being greentexted for your convenience
>OC Fates New Years
Rearmed Reinhard and friends
>Desert featuring Altina and Tormod
Emblem Marth
>...and Lumera
Valentines Sacred Stones
>New Heroes Engage
>Legendary MAlear
>Engage, Awakening, OC spring
New Heroes Archanea
>Emblem Ike
>Young Awakneing
>New Heroes Fates
>Mythic Loki
>Fallen Heroes with Lumera and Veyle
>OC Engage Brides
>Legendary Corrin
>Tellius New Heroes
>OC Summer
Emblem Celica
>Engage Summer
New Heroes Magvel
>OC dual Mythics

Resplendent Heroes
Brave Celica
>Black Knight

They REALLY need to put something forward not ... well, sloppy, with the upcoming FEH channel.
I was hoping for Loki to be with a third good colorless, but it being Alear is gonna make me skip again.
Like, fuck. Nobody likes that guy, and his fodder sucks.
Dragon's roar is bigly strong though?
How the fuck does Magvel not count as slop? It's just Awakening 0.5, and is shilled horribly.
Also, you forgot to put the Emblem units under Engage, which they are. You even left Lumera out of the dual banner with Marth.
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The only dragons that I use already have prf specials. Including the other actually-cute Alear.
I considered counting Emblems as Engage, but ultimately decided against it. These are old characters, they even use their old designs. They just have a sparkly aura. I did include Lumera, right under Marth.
>I considered counting Emblems as Engage, but ultimately decided against it.
Since Emblems are often meme-units based off of Heroes shit more than their own games, I would say they are original creations for Engage. Like how they used Brave Ike and Brave Lucina instead of their regular versions.
Hell, Emblem Ike isn't even a Path of Radiance unit like he should have been. They label him as Radiant Dawn instead, because they used his RD design when he is supposed to be repping PoR.
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kiran's cum comcubine
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The p5 collab...is inevitable
>Awakeningfags try and make their characters win at the same time, tying into the theme of being two halves of the same whole
>Every other fanbase is content with their characters winning one at a time
Awakening... has soul.
good post
Awakeningfags have a forum that they organise on, it's called Reddit. Fans of other games just go with the flow.
Is anyone really falling for the guy trying his best to push the narrative that Awakening and Three Houses are reddit? It's only natural that the most popular games will spin off larger communities.
Is anyone really falling for the guy trying his best to push the narrative that Awakening and Three Houses are not reddit? It's only natural that the most popular games will spin off larger, worse communities.
How do we save FEH?
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This but instead of dragon lolis it's my daughter
Kris Tyson tier post
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What's wrong with wanting her to grow up healthy
lmao reddit is broke
EoS it so I can be free
>mythic trailer shows off that a green melee unit can completely tank the most recent red nuke
You can't.
I got that reference.
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More Shamir alts
More Engage
Said unit didn't even take half of their health in damage either lol, it was like 11 damage taken.
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Today I will remind them
Is this suitable enough for Limited battles and the like?
Little tiki cucking big tiki would be an interesting doujin.
Yeah, she lessened the damage down to like 6 per hit.
Keep in mind, SGullveig can kill EIke. So the game is just fucked now. They're showing in trailers that units can't last one month anymore.
Whose that tranny on the left
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going by the way people here talk about FEH, and despite their banal and fatuous arguments they may have to the contrary, it feels like most people would rather FEH die out of spite and schadenfruede for one reason or another.
people here don't actually want to "save" FEH, or care about it. Most just seem to come here to shitpost or whine about not being catered too with coom or characters.
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Your petty insults won't stop me from loving my wife Shamir
That's Felix you jerk
I really started to disassociate from caring at this exact point when they began doing this so rampantly, showing units just a few weeks old getting destroyed and doing 0 damage or pretty shit damage and now it's like every trailer
Almost this entire year has been powercreep, so I've gotten to save a ton of orbs by skipping the many characters I don't like. The ones who only exist for esports shit.
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Abandon FEH
It's legitimately impressive how Gulltards could think she's anywhere near the popularity of other gacha sluts like Taihou, Anis, Hasumi, etc
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Built for rape and impregnation.
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>Talks about a completely different game
>Instinctively brings up Gullveig when no one was even talking about her
You are so fucking obsessed it's pathetic. Are you that desperate for an argument because it's the only social interaction you get now?
She was busty, well-liked, and had a gold jacket. He had war flashbacks at the sight of her.
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>premium beast special is stuck on the bara deer
You know absolutely well that I'm right. Her retarded fanbase hypes her up as the second coming of Jesus, when she doesn't hold a candle to actual popular girls.
Boo hoo nigga roll or die
whre does the spic gets his shitty edits
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Anis has ten times more art than Shitveig on Gelbooru
That Ellen Joe chick from ZZZ already has like 1000 hits on gelbooru.

Things like that just really drive home how unpopular FE is in general, and how unpopular FEH is in the gacha scene.

You have this "big moneymaker" chick that anons swear up and down is the most popular chick in the game, if not the whole series, she's the face of the game for an entire year(app icon of book 7), she gets a summer alt even, yet her fanart and general presence outside of just here is basically nothing.

There's no posters in Japan subways with her on them, she's not getting scale figures immediately, she's not getting doujins at comiket, she's nothing
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Almost like Nikke is newer and all about coomer art whilst FEH hasn't heen relevant since Book 3.
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Nice cope lmao
The continued failure of Engayge
Nikke got almost as much art in a single year as FEH did in 7
You're saying that number 3 on the app store gets more fanart than number 67?
I'm saying Shitveig is a failure LMAO
That would apply to basically every FE character that is not Camilla, from Fodlan, or in Smash Bros.
I wonder if FEH could have retained its early popularity, at least to some extent, if it was better managed, or if the model just wasn't sustainable to begin with.
Reminder Seidr got more votes than Ratatosk and Shamir combined.
Reminder Seidr wasn't even in the top 20 despite trannies saying she would be KEKKIE BREKKIE
>You have this "big moneymaker" chick that anons swear up and down is the most popular chick in the game, if not the whole series
Literally no one has ever said that
>she's the face of the game for an entire year(app icon of book 7)
For a game in it's 6th year of running and decreasing popularity
>she gets a summer alt even, yet her fanart and general presence outside of just here is basically nothing.
Yes, in the SEVENTH year of even lower player retention.

Is your brain that fucking melted that THAT was the best argument you had to bring up Gullveig, as previously mentioned, when no one was fucking talking about her?
>Literally no one has ever said that
you're lying
>For a game in it's 6th year of running and decreasing popularity
This is cope
>Yes, in the SEVENTH year of even lower player retention.
This is mega cope

Face it. Gullbitch was and always will be a failure
Years 2 irreparable damage.
>nothing plots
>cast bloat
>azura shilling
>dev favorites start becoming apparent
5 was the beginning of the end, but there's a reason we "peaked" with 2, and that's because 2 scared everyone away after they heard that year 1 was fun.
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Gullveig has mindbroken him at every turn his argument is unironically now
>Yeah so what if she's the top girl in this game she still loses to [Insert more popular franchise here]
The writing was on the wall with Book 3 when mythics came out solely for the purpose of scoring in Aether Raids, and units being released with ever increasing prf effects like Nagi that was meant to be a direct counter to Ophelia among other reasons.

I still maintain thag Book 5 was definitely when the smell from the rotting corpse could no longer be ignored though.
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Poor little summoner
Is this /ss/?
>Book 3 when mythics came out solely for the purpose of scoring in Aether Raids
Nah, Book 2 did this with Legendaries. Legendaries existed solely for the purpose of arena scoring. They even quickly made and then dropped Blessed Gardens to justify blessings, but that mode has not had an update since year 2.
Mythics were just Legendaries: The Sequel. Same four-season cycle and everything.
>Trip disappears
>Sudden increase in "Gull[insult]", "KEKAROO" variations, and immediate cuckhold/scat/gore porn of character he "hates"
Oooohhhhh nooooooo I'm nooooootttttiiiiiccccccccciiiiiiiinnnnnngggggggg
Shut up FehOwl. Be a good boy and obey your master.
>Heidrun has only had like four lines of dialog so far
>Every death flag is up for her
The most bigly screwed over OC since Gunnthra?
Nott was manipulated and then stabbed.
Thrasir died and then died again.
The writers forgot Mirabilis existed.
Heidr was screwed, but it was at least a major plotpoint.
>Literally no one has ever said that
Come on anon don't try and bullshit me

>For a game in it's 6th year of running and decreasing popularity
And Gulltards act like she's gonna save the game(remember the cope of thinking her summer banner would be S rank)

>Yes, in the SEVENTH year of even lower player retention.
And I thought she was supposed to revive the game? Remember how CyL 7 sold better than 6? What happened to that bragging? Now the game is too shit for Gullveig to save?

And you wonder why I hate you fucking snake bitch defenders
Did this need to be three separate posts?
Sorry I was posting in Pokemon threads on /v/

The character limit on /vg/ per post is 2000 and the entirety of that chain is 6000+ so yeah, it kind of needed to be
Have you considered condensing your thoughts so your post is more readable?
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I've got a lot to say when it comes to my wife. Sorry I don't just post about sex all the time like the frauds here
>Rearmed Schizohardt
>>>>>not slop
Do you accept constructive criticism on your shitpost?
She was always just a cheap and desperate attempt to bring back Kiranfags.
Your coomposts are more interesting and readable than your Shamirslop essays.
Gullchads don’t claim she’s anywhere near as popular as those other whores, just that she’s better.
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Bun Bern
Why the fuck are you lying LMAO
Where is the lie?
Can Engage's failure be attributed to the fact that it simply did not pander to the west in the same sense that 3H overwhelmingly did? Do all FEs have to hard pander to westoids now lest they be considered flops?
Why did she start washing her hair, bros? Everything went to shit after that.
Who gives a fuck go kick a football fatass
>go fuck a football
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This young man won fair and square but you don't want to accept it.
He won because all the actual popular characters won.
FEH is under maintenance. Expect the plug to be pulled right after.
Figure it out, Gookenstein
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Very cute Lysicute
Rare Larcei that wasn't deleted by danbo mods KEKSTRAVAGANZA
Cute canonical lesbians.
Well I prefer talking about my waifu than I do coomposting

If she was better she'd have more fanart than she does now
I sometimes wish I was a jobless piece of shit like Namschizo and Raul. No responsibilities and no worries about money, food, or sleep. Schizophrenia must be a super power or something.
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Nah it just sucked kekaroo
I want to lick that exposed lolibod
I like this art actually. Makes Byleth look thicker than a snicker.
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Flayn is evil
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When does maintenance end
It's scheduled to end at the daily reset but it never takes that long. There's no definitive answer, you just have to wait until it's done.
When they finish restoring my missing crowns and thrones
any funny felixschizo meltdowns lately? i checked the banner trailer and saw some engage characters on it
I see...
I haven't gotten my dailies today...
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So we're 5 years since 3H came out.

Does this mean the characters are only now reaching their timeskip selves, or are we now in peak MILF 35 year old Shamir territory?
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Wunny with a friendly reminder to wash your penis.
Unless Mia will kiss you
But she's only here for blowjobs or handjobs if you didn't wash it
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Surprisingly not cropped
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Soulmitri figure
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And Chinatsu actually remembered she's the lead artist of 3H
Finally, Fire Emblem is entering the path of redemption.
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>Femleth gets a scale figure
>Dimitri gets a scale figure
>Edelshart only gets a figma
>Claude only gets a PUP(which the other two also got)
where? retard
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Best lord
He's asking if there were any, retard
KEK the dimitri figure actually triggered pigzig
Dimitri won Edelgard lost
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Also Dorothea, Sylvain and Hilda are joining the popups crew apparently.
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and the Byleths
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>FAlear figure failed
>Back to making 3H ones
kek even otaku won't touch engage
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3H just keeps on winning!
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how horrifying.
Flayn is still the worst.
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Wait but the schizos here told me those figures failed because they found them reduced on Chinese scamware sites. Why are they getting A SECOND SET?!
>3H gets merch on its 5 year anniversary as a reference to the game

Do you faggots have nothing better to do with your lives
>No Marianne still
What did she do to deserve this treatment?
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ngl this is sick
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she deserved it by not being as popular.
>more plastic for the landfill
Just like the other 3H figures that didn't sell. Did they learn nothing? Maybe if they beg their parents for more allowance money or work a Summer job they can actually afford one this time.
Only the Engage one failed
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Next wave will probably be Hubert, Ingrid and Marianne.
They don't really have a choice with GD no fucking way they're making a Lorenz, Ignatz or Raphael figure before Marianne.
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They did fail. If a CYL winner can't sell what makes you think these other shitty pop up figures can?
Alear's figure was in the top 10 pre-orders on Amiami.
Kek, Felixschizo didn't buy the sylvain alt, but will it buy the sylvain toy?
>What did she do to deserve this treatment?
She placed higher than Eirika.
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>BYL (Bot Your Legends)
so are they getting their own big figure or smaller ones, or what? I'm confused.
>believing shitposters
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The smaller ones. The same series that Edelgard/Bernie, Dimtiri/Felix, Claude/Lysithea got
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Sure they did, which is why they commissioned a second set, right?
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When's the maintenance over?
Scale figures are the things like what Tharja, Cordelia, Camilla, got. They're large(typically 1/7th scale, but some can go up to like 1/4th scale), have a lot of detail, and typically come on a large base and might come with accessories like the skull and books Tharja had. They're not poseable and are quite expensive, usually like 130 bucks on the lower end but that Dimitri one is 29000 yen which at the current exchange rate is about 190 bucks. I think the Veronica one was even more expensive

Pop up parade is a line of figures that are also not poseable but are smaller in scale and generally a lot cheaper, like 50 bucks. So far the house leaders, Felix, Lysithea, and Bernie have gotten one with the Sylvain/Hilda/Dorothea and Byleths announced

Figmas are the poseable action figure looking ones that Edelgard got

Nendroids are Japanese funko-pops but actually look good
They're the same schizos who keep insisting 3H banners won't sell, they're just mindbroken by 3H's unending success
>Sure they did, which is why they commissioned a second set, right?
So when 3H gets a second set of pop up parade figures it's "LOOK SEE THE FIRST SET DIDN'T FLOP WHY ELSE WOULD THEY MAKE THESE" but when Engage gets literally any content in Heroes it's "BROS WHY DO THEY KEEP ADDING ENGAGE IT KEEPS FLOPPING I SAW THEIR EXACT REVENUE REPORTS"

Does IS follow the money and only release what sells or do they not care and release what they want?
>Nendroids are Japanese funko-pops but actually look good
kek just remembered alear's pre-orders were beaten by random funkos
>but when Engage gets literally any content in Heroes it's "BROS WHY DO THEY KEEP ADDING ENGAGE IT KEEPS FLOPPING I SAW THEIR EXACT REVENUE REPORTS"
Shitposters shitpost? Wow. We've known for years that FEH's monthly revenue is relatively stable regardless of what content they put out thanks to banner reruns and FEH pass.
the difference being IS constantly shits out content nobody wants whereas this is a secondary company so impressed by a run of figure's success that they've return to ask for the likeness to make a second set, you don't see goodsmile shitting out an igrene or nailah figure because they have to make things people actually want
oh, cool. I wouldn't mind Dorothea and Byleth. It's strange their making another femleth one when she has a large one that regularly goes on discount.
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The proof is in the pic. You can kick, scream, and deny it all you want but the fact is that Felix ended up in the bargain bin. Even figures like Lyn ended up bargain binned. Modern FE fans are not buying figures because they're mostly zoomers that can't afford them.
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There's way too many FE characters to be making figures for everyone. If Fire Emblem were actually popular in the scale figure market we'd be getting multiple Edelgards and Byleths and shit like how there's a billion gazillion Nikke/Blue Archive/Azur Lane/Fate figures
Felixschizo is out here taking Ls from Raul of all things. Incredible.
Raul's entire existence is an L.
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>you don't see goodsmile shitting out an igrene or nailah figure
That's how you know IS has 0 hand here
You can find Pokemon, Zelda and Mario figures on sale. This is something shops do.
>One figure was on sale for a week, that means it flopped
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>a felix statue is worth more than the latest entry in the series
I genuinely wonder if IS will realize why people liked 3H (and Awakening) by their next game.
I dont get it
I don't get the arguing over all this.
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One of Felixschizo's few acts is samefagging his own posts even when they don't mean anything. Sometimes even when they're incorrect. Welcome to /feh/ by the way.
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Fuck off
KEKKKKK there he is! >>487664049
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Hes a cunnyseur
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>3H gets content
>obsess over Engage
Why is this place like this? Can't you all just die horrific agonizing deaths already?
Felixschizo is just that mind broken over Engage
>only one cent off a figure that flopped according to schizos
damn chainsaw man is bargain bin trash it flopped BIGLY somebody should tell its mangaka to quit
So you think Edelgard and Claude are up next after this or will they do different games and wait like a year?
First we have to witness your death which will be your organs being pulled out in front of you and burned as you watch. You'll see each of your disgusting innards as bad as your ugly personality. Then they will be consumed by fire.
Engagie ragie floppity doo
I've got no more banners for you
Engagie ragie floppity dee
If you were wise you won't waste your money

Who do you blame when your cast is queerbait
With a lame duck script like the plot of book 8
Blaming three houses is a lie and a shame
You know exactly who is to blame
oh okay. thanks for explaining it.
>Engagefags are reminded of 3H's superiority and seethe
>3Hfags make fun of them and remind them Engage failed
>Engagefags seethe harder

That's why it happens, if Engagefags piped down they wouldn't have their face shoved in the mud constantly
>"Can't you all just die horrific agonizing deaths already?"
Next minute
>"Why do they persecute me so?"
go back to /v/ eric
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Imagine how bigly a summer Alear statuette would sell.
Somebody should tell GoodSmile that the pop up parade figures failed or they might accidentally make a THIRD wave of them.
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>waited until 5th anniversary to go all out on merch
Mastermind shitposters or mentally retarded incompetent ISIS failing to strike while the iron is hot?
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Its funny how Engage was supposed to be the "safe fun" game by the main team and Engagefags turned it into a shitshow of drama and crying.
considering her normal statue got outsold by nendroids and funkos and her summer alt flopped, not well at all?
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Engage sold 1.61 million copies. Around half of those were to physical retailers. Those are counted as "sold" when they are sold to the retailer, not when the retailer is able to sell them onto the customer. If you go to Walmart right now and buy a copy of Engage, it won't ding up that 1.61 million figure, it will be the same because the copy you bought was already sold when it was sold to the retailer. (If you buy it digitally it will though because it "creates" a new copy in circulation.) Retailers can buy a lot of copies of a game from a supplier, and then realise it isn't selling. What you then end up with is a shit ton of copies of Engage stuck in retailers that nobody is buying, rotting and taking up space in your stock rooms and on your shelves. When you're a retailer you have to cut your losses at some point.
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ISIS waited years for 3H merch (beyond wallet cards or whatever the fuck), but have been shilling Engage like crazy.
I'd assume they're just retarded and also underestimated 3H.
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>or mentally retarded incompetent ISIS failing to strike while the iron is hot?
Considering she's been getting art non stop since she came out, I imagine pretty well!
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ISIS made Engage
ISIS did not make 3H

It's probably easier to make Engage merch, then have to do back and forth with KT to do 3H merch
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please save my sales edelsama please allow me to be on your banner
It's not like this is the only merch they've done. It's just another wave of it. It's a tit they can keep milking because 3H is their first FE to achieve long-term relevance.

They will probably eventually do a wave three of figures eventually with an Edelgard statue and Ingrid/Marianne/Petra/Hubert/Ashe pop up parade figures.

They can do this shit for a long time, I remember Danganronpa v3 only got a Kaede Akamatsu statue like 6 years after release.
would sell less than a funko pop
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This image is so funny in hindsight, anti-3H schizos actually thought a run of figures failed because one was on sale one time on one website. What the hell is wrong with them?
Funny thing is Engage sold more than all their games kek
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Hey you've made posts like this before
Kek they made him look like he's on HRT
Are the sales in the room with us right now?
>folding umbrella
>hand towel
>plate & cutlery set
Who the actual fuck buys shit like this? Why are they fucking making these ridiculous ass merch? Even the tea set which at least sort of makes sense was still fucking weird
>multiple westerners on twitter criticizing the 3H merch as being too little, too late

Uh oh
You've made posts too. You should stop making them.
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Emblem EnGACK
I could see them doing new games for a while and then going to do Edelgard and then maybe claude down the line.
Perhaps they will release Eirika and Ephraim next like Roy/Lilina.
Fire Emblem's Switch era is a masterclass in how not to manage a franchise
Let's be honest, people just want the artbook.
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May I suck your dick divine one?
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No one cares you're gonna get ranged banned kek
I outsell Engage every time
You think the artbook has the True Sothis page they teased years ago? We know it's confirmed to exist, and she was drawn from behind in-game.
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>You now remember they announced a FAlear statue
they also did a roy one and absolutely nobody cared
roy is supposed to be the 2nd most popular male in the entire franchise by the way thanks to smashtards deciding cyl1
Didn't they also make a Lilina one?

I thought they were only making figures people wanted?
They were for the 20th anniversary
They are definitely an outlier when it comes to "who gives a shit" though compared to other statues and the character's popularity when they released
Lilina is fucking hot, did anyone check if she had underwear on the figure?
p.s. fuck you
>They were for the 20th anniversary
And yet the idea that these figures are to celebrate the 5th anniversary is apparently foreign to shitposters
Smashfaggotry has muddied the water and convinced IS and other companies than FE6 is a game people actually care about.
HOT LESBIAN SEX between F!Alear and F!Byleth.
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What the bacon
The difference being Roy and Lilina only got figures because of the 20th anniversary whereas 3H would get this stuff anyway and its just been timed to the 5th anniversary where it would be more prominent again
Acting like them stealth dropping Roy and Lilina is the same as announcing an entire wave of 3H merch is very bizarre and makes you seem defensive
Fuck off Engaygee
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Kusakihara already confirmed the Sothis from the mural was her original appearance
>whereas 3H would get this stuff anyway
Not really. If 3H was so popular in terms of merch sales they'd be making other figures as well, the only thing they could have saved for the 5 year is the weird gimmicky merch like the parasol, cutlery set, etc
>If 3H was so popular in terms of merch sales they'd be making other figures as well
This is the second wave of pop up parade figures you retard, its barely been a year and a half since the first wave came out
You know who’s really not popular? You
How is everyone enjoying summoner duels?
And they could have announced more since then instead of only at the 5 year anniversary of the game
They literally did a statue of Femleth in 2023 and the first wave of Pop Up Parade figures in 2022. Before that you had the Edelgard figma.
They've been getting figures on a yearly basis, what the fuck kind of argument is "WELL THEY'VE ONLY MADE 15!!!"
You know how much actually popular characters get?
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For the love of god somebody tell Chinatsu to get off her lazy ass.
These are the only characters with official artwork from her.
for some reason raul gets really mad when you state the basic fact that three houses is the most popular FE game and sells the most merch
I don't know why because he literally buys its merch kek
Nice goalpost moving retard. This is why nobody takes you seriously. You say dumb objectively incorrect shit and then try to weasel your way out of it.
The original argument was whether or not this was purely for the 5th anniversary - something you were clearly wrong about because they've been making these figures on a yearly basis regardless of events like that.
You can't then say "okay I'm wrong but it doesn't count because they get less figures than Asuka/Goku/Naruto" - yeah no shit retard, every FE game combined doesn't reach 1% of that fanbase size.
I don't but feel free to believe that

Some of those were because of Smash too, weren't they

This bullshit all started with Fates where IS thinks it's ok to just have half assed artbooks without full art for the entire cast
I enjoy it when i fight my friends and we do stuff with themes or lots of limitations.
There was a release book 1 fight a while back and it was enjoyable.
Why was Sothis official pose so provocative?
Different company but they also did that line of plushies in 2021/2022. The way people are acting you'd think this is the first merch 3H has ever had but really its the same size as other waves they've had.
Because he’s contrarian about anything. His “wife” is from the game but he still pretends to like Engayge more anyway, it’s fairly transparent how he is bullshitting.
Cut your nuts off
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>expands your audience
Really, look no further than Sitri
Who the hell said that?

Pups and figmas and etc aren't all equal value either. They'd make more scale figures if they were really big sellers. They'd make pups for every character in the game if they were big sellers

Stop seething so much anon, your blood pressure is gonna kill you

You too anon, take a chill pill
Fuck off
>. His “wife” is from the game but he still pretends to like Engayge more anyway, it’s fairly transparent how he is bullshitting.

I've made it clear on several occasions that I believe Engage is the better game in terms of gameplay, while 3H has superior writing(which is why my waifu is from there)

You fucking brain damaged retards have really gotten into this tribal mentality of only being allowed to like one game haven't you?

Make me
>Okay they release them on a yearly basis more than any other FE game but it's still not enough based on my arbitrary standard that I'm going to keep changing every time I'm wrong!
God you are so pathetic. I know you're wrong, the thread can see you're wrong, and we both know that you know you're wrong and tried to move the goalposts to save face. When it comes to anything meaningful and genuine this discussion is over.
fuck off 77920
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Really the more interesting comparison isn’t 3H vs Engage, but 3DS vs Engage. The 3DS era succeeded despite similar shortcomings. What pushed Engage down to flop level when it shared so much with the 3DS successes? I feel it was a lot gayer was that it?
You are either bigly retarded or playing stupid
Using a small seashell I will slowly scrape the skin off your body, using careful techniques so you won’t pass out too quickly like careful bloodletting
Are you roleplaying as a pitbull? You spam the same gif.
1) It's gayer yes.
2) But also because the 3DS era had an advantage of casual FE fans not having any standards when it comes to story/characters /tone. They did not know what to expect froma
Fire Emblem game at that point. When 3H introduced them to something Jugdral or Tellius level it raised their expectations and standards. Engage then failed to meet those new standards, so it spawned criticism.
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>all this because Failix was on clearance
I'll go ahead and accept your concession, then, loser.

Go take a breath of fresh air before popping a blood vessel.

Not gonna deny that 3H isn't popular, but if it were as popular as you all claim, we'd be getting a lot more merch

Ah yes, the old "I'll pull your organs out" poster, good to see you're as unhinged as ever
Unhide your twitter instead of spamming scat, 77920 aka Michael Calbert.
fyi spic's henchmen are online right now
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>looking at some of the FE merch. Apparently IS has a link to some store online with a bunch of it
>selling mini acrylics which are kind of cute
>"Neat, Iit would be cool to have a few, but they're a bit overpriced unless I can ship for cheap"
>description says it's a blind draw and you might not get the one you want
>they even sell massive boxes of them but you still can't buy the fucking one you want
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uh oh
I think although the plot was bad the characters were still a lot more likeable in Fates. People still roll the royals. Engage characters feel more like the kids of Fates in terms of nobody giving a shit. Alear Ivy Yunaka Veyle, maybe Alcryst… These are the only 5 that register a fanbase. Meanwhile almost all the royals were liked in Fates plus a few side characters like Felicia.
>posts shit like this and then wonders why everyone hates him
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Flop Status: inevitable

To get you to buy more, stupid.
So you really are a bitter fujo after all
Sure Michael Calbert, no one has any idea who the fuck you're talking about. She make you lose rank 1 in Summoner Duels?
Meant to reply to >>487671150
It’s only the best selling game in the series fucking kys
And /feh/ wonders why we're the rectum of /vg/ yet continues to make the same shitposts every thread
Game sales does not equal a 1:1 in terms of merch sales
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This will be the next OP
Engage was too fucking QUIRKY (gay) for casual audiences. Not even weebs want shit like “I’ll be the water you drink” popping up in random C to A convos. The whole cast is a revolting pride parade.
From what I've seen, Awakening's story and character seem to just not tip over into being disliked by the majority the same way Fates and Engage were.
As for the difference in reception between Fates and Engage, well, some theories:
1. Fates is closer to Awakening in terms of visuals then Engage is to 3H and 3DS.
2. To add to the point above, the criticisms for Fates got overlooked at first since Awakening newfags just assumed it was elitists still butthurt about Awakening and only after playing did they realise that maybe they should have listened about the story. So, for Engage they were much more willing to listen for a general opinion to form.
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She based
Fuck Engaygees
Who is this loser talking about?
Audience grew up. The 13 years old who played the 3ds games are adults now.
Kek based
You're my favorite poster here just because of the seethe you cause
Especially mind breaking felixschizo
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I still haven't done my dailies
Oh, you think I'm the guy in your scat picture because you have schizophrenia. That isn't me
She's going to die of crest AIDS before she takes the first bite of that cake.
>Felixschizo is now begging Lysigods for help
>Bernadetta’s dad is the CYL GHB unit
>opposite color of her, tome designed to shut her specifically down
>”Disciplining Tome”
Would it be kino
parents of cyl winners as ghb is too soul
we should have got almedha last year
The maintenance still isn't over
Is this dude fragile? Talk about Bernie and he's gonna go to a different mcdonalds just to post scat lol?
Yup, thank you for proving my point.
Give me a green focus unit for my free roll
It doesn't matter which one
>had to trigger bolt trap on purpose to kill him yesterday
this unit is so fucking stupid
Fates did have genuinely good parts, I fucking hated a lot of it but there was stuff worth playing for. Birthright story is okay and the My Castle is better than Somniel. Conquest maps were cool and fit the story while still being way more fantastical than what we had seen in other games (e.g. Takumis water drain).

Engage just plain sucks at everything that isn’t the raw moving and fighting of units on the field. Minigames, collecting dog shit ores, story justifications for battle mechanics, dialogue snd scenes, everything sucks.

Even the battle maps fail to be exciting outside the gameplay of them. What do I mean? Well you usually fight the hounds, you fight them over and over. The music is mid. Everyone is Engaged with a ring and looks silly. You don’t even look at them in their default class mostly they just stay engaged. Off the wall power ups and utterly broken emblem skills are more reminiscent of Advance Wars and CO powers. The gameplay was ultimately fine with all this by some miracle. But I can’t recommend taking anything from Engage at all the way I can say Conquest map design has something worth learning from. Engage would’ve been better as an Advance Wars game or some spinoff shit like TMS, preferably with minimal plot and generic units to move instead of bisexual kids. Every aspect other than actually moving your homo chess pieces and attacking the enemy pieces is awful and the gameplay took away from enjoying the units normally as sword fighters and mages. so you can’t even carry some decent aspects over to a new FE game because it didn’t even fucking work with the setting.
Retard take
I said it before that it was the Lysithea fag who came up felixschizo >>487673421
Nobody cares retard
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You mad Engaygee?
Schizo word salad
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You've been crying about Engage for over a year and will continue to do so until they make a new game
the holy trinity truly is unstoppable
fuck off, Michael Calbert
How long did Alear cry when Lumera died?
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I said STOP IT
It's most likely the new game will be a remake, or will remain on the switch, and therefore won't even upstage engage.
He might be like this until he kills himself.
Engage was already upstaged by every other fucking entry, it couldn’t even outsell decade old titles.
>upstage engage
It never took stage, it tripped and fell on it ways up there KEK
Kek then it fell to the bottom of the sales chart
But your autistic obsession and seething jealousy towards it for outselling 90% of the series is the exact reason it's always in the spotlight.
Less than thirty minutes until reset and maintenance is still not done
It is done though? I just logged in
Fuck you liar
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I did them way back when they came out. Now whenever it's DUEL S or DUEL R or whatever the fuck I jump in surrender 1 round for rewards then never look at it.

Despite this, I STILL get the 3rd tier of rewards, it is shocking how dead that mode is.
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New collab just leaked
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>Failixschizo attempts to talk to actual humans instead of braindead spamming for once
>backfires hilariously and it instantly gets shot down
The more I see, the more likely it becomes that he actually was born with brain damage just like the other members of the trinity.
A lie like everything else you spew
Cyril blacks Lysithea.
I’d have to check but I think the exact statistic is more like 70-80% of the series. It’s somewhere in the middle which is pretty pathetic considering where we were before.
File deleted.
The worst part is is when they make units that mindlessly kill ike (And you know they will) what does that leave EVERY OTHER UNIT IN THE GAME? Pure instant death wars?
more like 95% of the series once you factor in digital sales (it will have a severe panic attack when it reads this since it can't fight back)
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No ones buying it faggot.
Genuinely what do you get out of acting this way?
I wish to see the rest of this picture
Hahaha the digital sales cope is coming out again lmfaoooo
amerimutt, fictional ottoman empire isnt black...
I always wondered if /feh/ talked about sales more than IS themselves
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Kekarumba roo
Your parents didn’t call, it’s because they hate you
Kekarumba ree
Engage failed like you
It flopped so bigely
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act normal
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Isn't peko-mama only usable on def teams? I was hoping she'd be a light hero since I wanted to use her myself, I don't give a fuck about def units
Felixschizo got humiliated and curbstomped again?
I could not have predicted this!
you willingly post in a general about a gacha game that no one actually gives a fuck about that's actually just a chatroom for tripfags/titled schizos with some guy spamming gore all day. Not a single soul who posts here is normal.
My theory as to why the Lysithea fag started the term Felixschizo is because he won CYL over Male Byleth and this upset the schizo real bad. It lives for Byleth x Lysithea so imagine its distraught when its other half failed to win..... again.
lol you have such failed narratives
someday one of you guys needs to make a glossary of all the schizos with brief descriptions I can't keep up
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I'm at 7300 glory in both modes.
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With 3H major success and Engage overall failing, is it safe to say that Intelligent Systems will only make Paper Mario games from now on?
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just like how nickson lived for chaos, lysithipedo wanted felix to win until manleth didn't
They look nothing alike. Why do you keep trying to push this schizo narrative?
Just woke up. Engage is getting memoryholed isn't it?
Why are you like this
That is correct. They were ready to celebrate and mock the fact engage had zero winners, until it was revealed that the male side consisted of Alfonse and Felix. Had it been Manleth amongst those two, we would have never heard the word felixschizo.
You sound like a loser
engage should have been a gacha
It literally had the plot of a gacha game.
>Marianne is more popular than Hilda but Hilda gets the figurine
Why the fuck do they hate her? Is she the most mistreated character of all time?
Literally had skill points and rolling for rings.
I hope so but still no remake yet
Wow Engages popularity really hurt you
Do you actually like Marianne? No, scratch that, do you LOVE Marianne?

If not, then who gives a fucking shit, shut the fuck up already because I'm about to filter the phrase "Marianne mistreated" because you're so fucking annoying
>Marianne is more popular than Hilda
I'm going to stop you right there. She isn't.
Maybe if we are comparing it to book 8 kekaroo
Manleth losing to Alfonse and Felix really hurt you.
>Marianne is more popular than Hilda
Has less art than Hilda on both gel and Dan boorus
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>Pink bimbo begging to be raped is less popular than Bernie 2
Engage made money because people don’t know it was shit until you already paid. Who would roll in a gacha?
There's the typical Hildacuck excuse we all know and love. Still can't handle that she lost, huh? How do you explain Marianne getting more votes than Hilda in CYL4 too?
I don't care about Engage but I really want to have sex with FAlear
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Said no one ever
I literally just said it you retard, do you lack a frontal lobe?
Kek just remembered Engage flopped
By this logic Ignatz is more popular than Gullveig which we know isn't true. I like how you didn't answer my question either. You lost, Hildacuck.
Okay engaygee keep coping
So what did the maintainence add?
Poor little Engaygie boy needs to prep his 3H bull
He is
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>pitybroken by Goldmary
I wish Laguz Friend 3 existed, I want to fodder off her entire kit to someone
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Gullveig is not popular
twitter's userbase is 80% women
cyril had more views. more views = more likes/retweets. simple
Keep the copes coming they're making me laugh
Summer Gullveig
Winter Edelgard
a dancer
Level 1 1* Cecilia because you can't start with 3 units
= turn 1 abyssal clear
I'm gonna cum
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>I can do every single LHB in 1 turn with B!Sharena, S!Gullveig and E!Celica
Raul tier clear
Take it to me. I got a complete circle of just the target colors (sorry 1 green), but I got enough for the circle to get him first. I'll try sniping for green now, but I'll keep pulling colorless if I can't get a green. +spd -def, which is counterintuitive.
okay? want a cookie?
>Nobody even cares new characters are out
KEEEEEEEEK this might be even WORSE than a possible rearmed Larcei with Asaello gacha
Alright gang over/under on Laguz Friend 3 being on a 4* anytime soon?
>The wiki didn't even add their pages or voicelines
KEKBAMBA the persistent failure of book 8
This is how you're spending your Summer vacation
You starved for attention, anon?
The WORST double mythic of all TIMES is about to be born brothers. Let book 8 COOK
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what no pussy does to a mf
I love watching my Caeda dismantle faggot cavlines with faggot Lyon and faggot Sanaki in them. She doesn't even need BoL4.
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HEALING hands? More like shit in your hands KEKZINGA
Those guys were annoying to fight, thank god no one cares about them and they won't be common out there.
But bro, they're gonna be SUPER common and "meta!" All 136 people who play SDR will be using them, so they'll be relevant in every conversation that comes through here!!
See >>487680074
KEEEEEEEEEK you wasted those ORBS you RETARD no need to link me to cope
>SEAnigger timezone
Kek just remembered Engage flopped
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Abyssal Clears?
Just woke up. Flop status?
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leggo deirdre in hof next month
leggo nanna in thracia hof september
august leggo is red
september emblem is blue
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This was actually difficult and took thinking and usage of the duo skills to clear rather than just being an end turn with Ike fest
Did Raulypoo beat the abyssal map yet?
right i forgot this was the raul general and any discussion of fire emblem heroes is off topic
>that team
>somehow difficult
I don't believe you
Why did you reply like that?
cleared the abyssal on turn 1. suck my fucking dick idiots
It’s the meteor that would wipe out the maeda/kozakisaurs but obviously feh doesn’t have natural selection so we will still get these sloppy OCs going forward.
You're weird
You're based
why did you reply at all?
Who +10d the new units?
Also, LNinian is likely in the November FE7 HOF
Juggodbeasts stay winning
World's saddest samefag
Whoops meant
What no pussy does to a nigga
thanks for sharing to the class that you get no pussy
What no sales does to a nigga
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Pretty hard, even with the new Eirika. Taking out the healer girl early makes it a bit easier.
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When is he coming to Feh
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You okay bud?
So, how do you kill that big bara OC abomination, only way I've found out is to kill everything and keep that powercreep OC at the end to cheese him out.
Finally, what the FE figure that I always wanted. Not for 200€, though
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The more things change, the more they remain the same.
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+9'd Amelia, just seeing if I can get the last copy on the orbs we'll get before her banner runs out there's also like 40 orbs I could get on squad assault, but fuck that.
I'm uninstalling this thing after the banner ends either way, but it'll be a neat way to leave.
Also is he Elffin or do you guys still call him Elphin
>So, how do you kill that big bara OC abomination
Our (Kiran's) wife Summer Gullveig kills him no sweat.
125 orbs

Azura +speed -def

Heiðrún +atk -speed
I really want Eikthyrnir, but Heiðrun is clearly the more meta one and knowing my luck I’ll be forced to spark her instead of Eik…
You have a weird para social relationship with someone that doesn't know you exist
Who's forcing you?
>Upcoming Feh's Summer Quests

>2 orbs
>1 forma soul
>750 feathers
>50 sacred coins
>120 divine codes
>7 stamina potions
>75 divine dews
>750 arena medals
>5 dueling crests

Starting time for these are 8/2/2024 12:00:00 AM and they end at 9/2/2024 12:00:00 AM

Superboons: Atk, Res
Superbanes: HP, Spd, Def


Superboons: Def
Superbanes: Spd, Res
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>double mythic
We're getting another one soon, right?
I'm not even going to attempt the Abyssal because the Infernal was WAY harder than it needed to be.
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banner is up 21 days
I wish I had the orbs to +10 Eirika
Only got a single non sparked copy with the 400 orbs I threw at the banner.
lego / mythic rerun shedule
Bro? Your Summer Gullveig?
Wouldn't show up when I summoned and I didn't want to waste a bunch of orbs going for her.
It puts the entire game on cruise control when you auto battle in any mode or challenge. I think it was kind of worth it.
Knowing my luck, I wouldn't have gotten her. I'll probably try for her when she's on a double special heroes banner.
fair enough. Playing with her makes me feel like a turbo fag in arena, challenges, etc, but she nukes literally everything, especially with Celicia's Emblem, so there's no reason not to use her over anything else.
Why'd this get deleted?
What triggered fishiwashi this time?
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he didn't like being called out and reported i guess
In addition to Dimitri, GSC announced Pop Up Parade figures of Hilda, Sylvain, Dorothea, and the Byleths

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>used orb stash until spark
>two Kvasirs
>both are ugly
>don't like either
>no good skill burns onto the units I currently have out of either
Thanks, I hate it.
Who'd everyone spark for? I'n debating between Feet Goat for the art, Mozu or Alear for Bulwak on units I'm building, and /fit/deer for deleting most PvE content.
And the retarded jannies decided to delete it? They're so fucking stupid.
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voice lines Heiðrún & Eikþyrnir


Heiðrún & Eikþyrnir transformations
What do you do with this fag? I was thinking about foddering him, but he's merged so it seems like a waste.
>Free summon the ugly bara furry +def -spd
Is he any good?
He's pretty good for PvE content (then again who isn't?), and he has great fodder if you don't want to keep him. I personally recommend keeping and using him.
Just wait and buy the Chinese knockoffs for $20
Chonky but got my abyssal clear.
Pray he gets a good remix in 5-6 years.
But yeah, he's super shit
>Emblem Ike
You didn't beat it
Got my orbs and my golden poop. Suck my nuts.
I was just joking bro.
Hardy Bearing Echo when? I want to kill Vantage for good.
Didn't expect the old man to be the HoF carry but Mila just refused to get any good skills and I am not leveling >armors.
Always nice when dilf power prevails.
>2 orbs
how generous from IS....

So. summer quests are just a forma soul and nothing else.
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Bravo, Anon!
>Twitter likes Eikþyrnir
>I like him
>Nobody else here seems to like him
But why
He's boring and people only really like him because he has muscles.
This is a waifu general. Notice the +10's of Hiedrun that were posted
>X is full of homosexuals
What a deduction, Columbo.
Because if you want "I like muscles and am a nice dude" then Raphael and Gonzalez exists and nobody cares about Raphael and Gonzalez.
>because the 3DS era had an advantage of casual FE fans not having any standards when it comes to story/characters /tone. They did not know what to expect froma
> Fire Emblem game at that point. When 3H introduced them to something Jugdral or Tellius level it raised their expectations and standards. Engage then failed to meet those new standards, so it spawned criticism.
You might be on to something here.
Modern Fire Emblem fans are simply not loyal to the franchise as a whole, huh.
I like him but my orbs are drained and I refuse to summon on b8% ever again.
This WILL be the next OP image.
This is NSFW
>Is she the most mistreated character of all time?
Unironically, yes.
he's just a shameless attempt to recapture fomortiis' success by appealing to homosexual barafags
even the trailer proved this where they made him oneshot fomortiis
>+9'd Amelia, just seeing if I can get the last copy on the orbs we'll get before her banner runs out
>I'm uninstalling this thing after the banner ends either way
I will never understand people who make statements like this. Why did you even bother to play Fire Emblem Heroes at all?
I'd get the goat, she can be good support for the units you like.
I'm glad everyone came to the conclusion that Marianne is not popular at all and was merely botted in CYL.
So you're saying the goat was an attempt to recapture Gullveig success too?
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Flop status?
a bit early for that ,anon.
give it a few hours
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Ended up sparking Mozu when I read that goat's coming back in October, but rolled a goat immediately after, so it all worked out anyways. Thanks for the suggestion though, Anon, appreciate humoring my saltpost.
more like freyja's
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Is this Mila pretty much set for a soul?
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Like everything else here, autism
the continued flopping of book 8...
Yeah, let's be fair, give it a day to see how it goes.
Then, we can all laugh it for the flop it is, just with the correct numbers.
Migrate when optimal.
It takes a while to realise the game offers literally nothing. There's no satisfaction anymore besides rolling your favorite units. Rolling for fodder is dumb because the cost of 1 skill has gone drastically up due to the horrendous pool. Skills keep getting powercrept every few months so you would have wasted all those orbs anyway. Old units will never even remotely compete with todays units. There is no goal and there is nothing to work for anymore. The last few years have done this at 10x speed
I have fun with it.
Is it me or does the face on the figure look off?
I fucking love quadruple warp shenanigans
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Got the sexy dragon cosplayer, but don't know who to cough her skills up onto. Another dancer, or piggyback other premium skills onto her to give WoM to someone who can use it to most busted capability?
You're not allowed to
This rabbit has yuge gains

Is this achievable natty?
>Rolling for fodder is dumb because the cost of 1 skill has gone drastically up due to the horrendous pool. Skills keep getting powercrept every few months so you would have wasted all those orbs anyway.
This why you should have invested in a proper Rearmed or Attuned her already. Fodder banks are pretty neat.
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Deer man couldn't move since his debuff cleanse meant Seidr could freeze him every turn so I used him as a free source of bonus doubler
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The church sends its regards
>Deer man couldn't move since his debuff cleanse meant Seidr could freeze him every turn
That's hilarious, what were they thinking lol
>make a Cuckmitri scale before Edelgard
IS really hate money, don't they?
>free roll deer man
>feeling lucky so I roll again on colorless because I want another copy of Malear and Loki
>another deer man
I did get baited into rolling twice more.
Would have preferred heidrun amd azura, but there were no greens.
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>best lord gets a scale
Dimitri is the most popular lord in Japan
Pic unrelated
Edelgard is
>only in the plot for two chapters
>he's just Raphael from 3H, but with a better jawline
>his only role in the plot is that he is conflicted, so he bows out of the plot
>only reason people pretend to care is because he's hot
He's not even a central character or anything. The guy is so weak, he even admits he can't breathe in his own house.
Im pretty sure she wants a different c.
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Pic very related
>edelgard is
A cutie-patootie.
Only fags and women like this cringe lord
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>Only [headcanon]
Best lord
at being gay
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That's edelgard tho?
>no Summer Corrin revival banner
Why? I need her for my fucking collection.
wish i could like edelgard but she's so poorly written to the point the actual schizophrenic has more logical motivations
Kek just remembered that Engayge flopped
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>corrin dresses up as his wife
>his wife dresses up as him
>daughter dresses up as him
Why do they keep taking each other's wardrobe?
kek just remembering 3H made Engayge completely forgotten in the eyes of the public
Edelgard is the only LGBT 3H Lord thoughever. Claude and Dimitri are both straight.
>No log in orb
>Just the mythic battle maps
Hello..? Content...?
Kek just remembered Engayge's only figure flopped so hard that no one wants any other Engaygeslop figure
Kek just remembered Engayge's manga is going to be cancelled soon since no one is reading that slop
Kek just remembered all Engayge merch flopped
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Just remembered both CF and Edelgard/Femleth are canon and that Edelgard is the most popular character in the series
Kek just remembered all Engayge banners flopped
i'm not reading all that bullshit on the new units, why do my units deal 0 damage to everyone on the map?
Kek just remembered no one talks about Fire Emblem Heroes in /feh/
>duo femleth is paired with rhea
>brave femleth summon quote is her singing rhea's song
froggy is church aligned (AM/SS)
manleth is canon in CF/VW
Can they give Aerial Maneuvers to something else pls if Elincia is going to be gone for 8 months?
I can't even beat Lunatic but I still refuse to read the walls of text
It might be time to quit this kusoge soon
Its really silly that a turn 1 clear is easier than any other way because you get to just bypass all their passives that only activate at the start of their own turn.
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It's Jade!
Nice. When is she getting in and what holiday theme will she get to be stuck on as a grail unit?
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Proofs? Usually it's Edelgard who gets to represent 3H.
FE is dead in the west and it shouldn't come as a surprise since threads these days are just nowipedo, spic and their orbiters
How big are her feet?
Same outfit as in-game except some star and coral on her armor
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>have to wait another year
I dont want to wait, i want it now. At least she will get in, thats the important thing.
>elk guy oneshots eirika who deals zero (0) damage to him at level 30
i thought she was supposed to be a new epik omni vantage tank or something
yeah but the elk guy is from a newer banner so he wins
Eirika is only good for Vantage tanking glass cannons
Eirika's vantage thing doesn't actually matter when the requirement involves SPD and still having trouble with some of the current units. It's just going to get even worse as time goes by
So where are all the redditors who claimed Deer guy would sell as much as Gullveig and win CYL? Why did they suddenly go silent?
Apparently Dragon's Roar isnt a defensive special but GLR is. Fucking dumb
what are some good fe characters
Why do you care so much about what redditors say or think?
Why do you even pay enough attention to reddit to supposedly know what they said?
You sound like you hate them but at the same time seem to obsess over them.
Yes, you would know that if you were literate
Dragons Roar, Gust, Vital Astra, and the Armored skills are all offensive specials that have defensive properties when they're ready or procced before an enemies first hit

Basically if the special triggers when the enemy attacks into you(GLR, Pavise, Aegis, Fjorms specials) it's defensive. If it triggers when you attack the enemy (like most specials) it's offensive
Your mistake was assuming that the newer unit would somehow be worse than the older unit.
Good how?
Hardin. A great cautionary tale about the dangers of women.
Me, I'm the greatest.
Why do you care so much about what I think and typed a obsesswd and seethe paragraph?
CYL8 is coming up so they're trying to save Orbs for it.
Hardin is a cuck.
You dont have your Eirika supported properly, she needs NFU to not get 1 rounded by Elk guy and ways to cleanse panic, lvl 30 means nothing as he has all his skills unlocked and being a GBH his stats are slightly better than his normal lvl 30 version. Elk Guys prfs literally make him a giant stat check especially against physical units and when he initiates, also just use Ike and Micaiah and you will be fine
but eirika's new heroes banner is literally up right now
Good for my soul
His flaws don’t make him a bad character. He foolishly put his trust in Nyna (one of the most evil FE characters of all time) who was merely using him to unite (the kingdom of) Archanea and create stability. She used him until there was nothing left but the husk of a once great man. You’ve probably seen Hardin-types here, for example Edelgard fans, who ‘simp’ or otherwise debase themselves before women who would just use them in reality (like how Edelgard will bear children for the mighty Ferdinand but not MByleth) or how they will defend for years their “waifu” who lost CYL (see: Lucina) against fans of other girls. Hardin should have been self actualised, but his weakness was his heart that yearned for love and Nyna and Boah (mostly Nyna) exploited that.
How was she evil? Sounds like you're sexist
That is not the problem with Eirika in this situation and the speed check thing wont be a problem for her for ages, I was able to use fallen Byleth for an entire year in AHR, and her weapon only has 5 to all stats while not long after her release weapons regularly started getting 14-16 to all stats
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*does a dance*
You're just an incel.
Artemis's curse
She was forced like her Ancestor
That's a lot of words to call Hardin and Edelfags spineless cucks. If Hardin didn't want Nyna to cheat on him he should have manned the fuck up.

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