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Bait Builds Edition.

>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[3.25] Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities

Prev: >>487559261
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less than 28 hours until I play archmage ball lightning hierophant for the first time
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sloomGODS how we feeling?
I will play ice nova archmage :)
Post the other one with the rare name and mods, I love that picture
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>go to make tincture explosive concoction warden build
>tinctures dont apply to unnarmed attacks
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tribros... not like this.
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GGG devs will gaslight you that this is what a well made game should work like when idle alone in your hideout.
works on my machine
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Post a WEBM get recommended a build
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I need to know what runes go on what basetype reeeeeeeee
Great. Slams do retarded damage with basically nothing. If the 2H mace rune is easy to get or if there is another good one for 2H mace/2H axe my build is going to do over 10m dps day 2
>already half @ mem 5.8
>cpu dancing
south america anon...
>mfw when i hear ranger's voice lines
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What lead to the uprecedented speed of dilator4 decline?
cap your frames to 30, you are probably not even getting 30 in maps.
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charged dash
>On sale again
LMAO PoE has never once gone on sale!
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Post your starter NOW
GGG has never once said their game is well optimized.
they already said enchants cant go on uniques, and rares with enchants cant become uniques.

music too loud to hear her
im not sure if its retardation or hubris that they didnt adopt the f2p model
'path flopped btw
d4 bad
Blind anon...
Going with the secret charged dash meme that was found yesterday. Shit will be fun
i like how dilators legacy is just the d4 bad meme
Paypiggies will pay anyway so making it paid is free money.
stop trying to derail this into another other-game schizo shitfest, faggot
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26 hours
Post your room.
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>enchants cant go on uniques
No shit Navali, I still want to know basetypes because even if they aren't unique, basetype still matters.
lightning arrow warden
>takes a shower
>all her "beauty" goes literally, to the drain
>ayo cuh how come dey dont use da taser
>the one time taser actually connects
>break their neck
ironically last sleepoch has three times as many players on steam than dilator 4
How is hexblast on 0 budget aside from dreadarc?
How is stormburst totems on 0 budget early for dps?
And how many players does last epoch have on battle net?
personally, I just wait for Grim Dawn expansion
Ima play earthshatter shout zerker slamalam
It's another Toxic Rain Pathfinder league heisting until I find a Simplex and then buying my new build :)
0 because blizzard doesnt give numbers
It came to steam later so every diablohead already bought it on battleon.net
poch did flop thoughever
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Yes, I am, in fact, going SLAYER LS, how could you tell?
COD has more players than all arpgs combined
kys already
I'm pretty sure they have, they said how well it runs for a game that has "a million projectiles on screen".
did anyone play Goratha's Archmage Frostbolt Icenova Hierophant or that build in general last league? was it bait? i have never done an archmage build yet and kinda want to. was planning on lacerate before this.
ds_lily gender status?
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anything archmage is safe start
just pick a good guide
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true but its still clowning on d4
did them flop?
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corrupted rare
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After looking at all these buffed melee skills I have decided to start with pyroclast mine and swap into trickster something later.
What content can I farm with pyroclast mine on day 1-2?
I got dc lara pregnant sorry
we dont care about your chineese client excuse
I'm not playing retaliation
Which one
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ts_larry update of the day: it's still weird... and still has a penis
"Her" hands are fucking size of shovels
They say it runs well (relatively) in specific situations, implying other games don't do well in those situations because other games don't have those situations.
But they have never once outright said the game is well optimized.
haha wtf
will never be a
ds_l(ily) = dick sucking lips?
those are some nice lips for a boy
Tytykiller literally just did pyroclast mine into hexblast speedrun to 4 stones
chat is this real?
based af
cute ukrainian gf anon
fraid so
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i am sorry brother, i saw the varunastra and thought you were trying to enchant it. please accept my humble apologies
how do you generate endurance charges on slayer during boss fights?
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These numbers can't be right.. RIGHT?
These numbers can't be right.. RIGHT?
These numbers can't be right.. RIGHT?

your penance mark sir?
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You will never be as happy as a pigger
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Infernal Blow rage stacking Berserker
>But they have never once outright said the game is well optimized.
the fact that they gave us more graphics options means that they have severe problems with poe2 optimization. its in the same engine and with much higher graphics quality shit is going to be tough even for top of the line pcs once you get into high level gameplay. i was joking before that ggg will wait for more powerful hardware to come out for poe2, but that might actually be the main reason for delays lmao
did you post your starter?
It’s a bossing build anon.
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I remember I have that Jugg MTX which grows more muscular with more STR invested.
Which Jugg should I start with and which STR stacker will be great once I have the STR stack bare minimum entry fee paid?
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This is with CPU hovering around 35% usage BTW
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wasnt infernal blow nerfed? give me POB i want to take a look
God, I hate to much waiting for skitterbots to move into the right direction to proc hexblast mines.
Isn't rage shit now?
any SST gladGODS in the chat?
nah rage is better, the tree adds some good options for it.
post a build that a hot korean girl would play
sorry chud the path is sst slayer an ONLY if the return proj rune enchant is on a 1h
Archmage Ice Nova
I haven't seen it. What options do they add? Rage/berserk just gives 19 attack speed. It used to give damage and damage reduction and movement speed. It's just trash now far as I know.
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I know you guys always say poch flopped but I did some digging.
>1.0 to 1.1
lost 73% of players
>1.1 16 day retention
21% (for reference Necropolis the worst league of all time was 42%)
Unironically, can poch ever recover? Or does it join the graveyard of arpgs
Why do post this shit every thread? Are you that desperate for upvotes from this place?
Before he got partnered on Twitch, his account name was RWDS_Lily. RWDS = Right Wing Death Squad, yes the exact same /pol/ meme.
He used to cover his screen in /pol/ memes, Trump/Nazi pepe's etc before using a camera, and used his natural male voice.

He changed it to just DS_Lily because of sponsors, got a cam and started pretending he was a girl while mimicking Alkaizer.
anons how many do you think will play LS on launch? 20-30% of the player base?
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enjoy ur spells cuck
*pops your dilator*
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Trickstergods run this league. Remember that, Slayer/Maraudersissies.
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The changed banners aside from war banner are pretty underwhelming desu lads
derailing offtopic shit
like the post above yours
That’s the rage support gem. Rage itself gives 1% more attack damage per stack.
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you can get armour, sustain, intimidate, and cost reduction
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Unironically, you are veddit incarnate. You do this shit for cheap attention, every time, and there is an army of simps giving in and opening their wallets to him. If you'd be from here, you'd go on his channel and ask him whether his parents are proud of him, and record his reaction, getting banned, creating new accounts and repeating this day after day to mock him. But no, you do the same stale cheap attention whoring posts in hopes to get a distraction from your empty life. And in the end, you are his advertiser, doing it for free, literally.
What a pathetic general this is nowadays, full of vedditors and simps, unproductive and reduced to walking wallets. Throwing money either at GGG or on that tranny. I know you and your discord friends will downvote me to hell and back, report my post in hopes to get me banned. But the message is out.
May you all die of colon cancer, goodbye.
endgame build variety is fucked in sleepoch, the game revolves around 1 or 2 big damage dealer skills while other skills do fuck all
and they fucked up trade TWICE, people were really mad
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>No longer has Added Fire Damage at all gem levels. It now has 164% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 104%), scaling up to 377% at gem level 20 (previously 166%).
Seems buffed to me.

Fair warning this is just a rough draft. If you are expecting something actually good you will be disapointed. I just want to attack fast.

Yeah, stacking rage doesn't seem to worth it on paper.

Now give sauce those warlocks.
>Unironically, can poch ever recover? Or does it join the graveyard of arpgs
completely serious answer: it cant. its a buy to play game with microtransactions that releases fuck all new content. poe released more content in settlers than epoch during its lifetime.
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I absolve you of any sins exile. You were merely spreading the gospel of information.
Now go forth and grind.
Damn, both that hairstyle and outfit are a deadly combination.
>Can't even make his own LF
lol everytime.
I will get original sin day one!
>be chud
the relic can only drop in lvl 83 right?
>with much higher graphics quality
Not really. They've been steadily inching PoE1 towards PoE2 and the gap is a lot smaller than you'd think.
No different than brown white supremacists.
Unironically a skill issue
with mtx or npc yes, but not with skill effects.
shadow is the only way to play this game
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Yeah, and? Are you a shitter who can't get to tier 16s day one?
>Removed 75 to 113 Added Fire Damage
eh idk, maybe its still a buff, rage on the other hand seems actually better if you actually spend point on it

sauce is moonchild_777 or Giulia Valeriani
*reflects your curse*
it's a joke retard, i unironically don't hate him/her but i'll ask again tomorrow tougheverest
Why couldn't tinctures just be Warden-only and not suck ass. This balancing them as common drops is awful
poeg you have the worst taste in women I've ever seen
>go to sleep
>americans get to red maps and go to sleep
>wake up
>get to red maps and go to sleep
>americans grind red maps
nice game
post yours
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whats with all the hornyposting?
its the anime avatarfag
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its normal for pre league state for like last couple of years, woman posting scares off trannies
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does "When you warcry" stuff work off eternal apple warcries?
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Is this build bait? I really can't tell.
any good caster builds besides ice nova and orbiting?
ziz doesnt really post baits
t16 is no problem, but I probably can't do hitless 83 sanctum day one. I can instagib lycia by day 3 so probably by then
yes it's bait
ok im gonna need sauce this time
Are you supposed to shoot a fleeing suspect in the back when he's unarmed?
no, you dont get the life regen mastery
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>drop a tincture
>bitch and moan about it being completely useless and unusable because to aren't a warden
Why do all these chicks have the same empty eyes?
That's the multithreading bug I'm pretty sure
it's the same avatar tranime who's been posting AI photos for weeks, possibly months.
Even PoB is now plagued by e-celeb garbage. How long till it's in game. Disgusting.
I'm not at home. Can someone just tell me if he's SSF in this video?
chris is a visionary and taught poe players through vorici missions that theres no such thing as non lethal force
I miss Tobi
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>PHYSICAL attack damage leeched as life
>PHYSICAL attack damage leeched as mana
So basically if I am a marauder and using an elemental skill I need to anoint Clever Thief until I get a fucking cluster jewel? Supporting "melee" my ass, it is just physical shit they're supporting.
I have nothing to get near the Spirit/Vitality void area, so that would be wasting so many points just for leech.
fleeing suspect? he was a doctor who just got an emergency call.
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They're all melee skills. It used to give flat damage and general utility.
not everything is ai you fucking retard
Why did he do it?
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Anyone bought this?
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sauce now
Just turn it off in settings big retard
Build for this feel?
It can recover but it would need a PoE 3.0 tier expansion with an entire new end game system and maybe a new class. It would be a soft relaunch. They would, essentially, in one patch have to:
>Finish the story
>Add a new class
>Greatly expand end game
>Add in a bunch of new items
>Heavily market it and release it between a D4/PoE season
Then it could get a bunch of players, but they just can't do that. No one can match GGG's cadence for delivering content.
Best path of exile perdroid builder nolag?
Copy and trialpaste implicationline without arow then restart computer.
>from tha elly
looks like shit
No shit, you dumb faggot.
Igor Bogdanoff I believe
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what's the matter, too poor to afford the supporter packs?
Atziri's axe is a good slam weapon, right? What makes a good slam weapon? You sacrifice some APS for top-end, right?
i bought the one below it and the turtle
FRIENDLY REMINDER, 4channel removed IP count solely because of this general. There are 3 people, posting over and over again 24/7 acting as multiple people and the mods want to hide this fact.
Do NOT get baited. Tread carefully here.
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>autoexerts general's cry to automatically proc spikes at the cost of reserving 15% of your mana
is it worth it?
you have shit taste, tranimebro
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it's what i'm playing. i'll let you know. i will say, ziz's guide is by far the least bait of all the SST bleed builds i've checked out.
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based and ggg-supporter pilled
no, uwu netols is though but don't tell anyone
I will fucking 40/40 this league. I have never fucking done a 40/40 in 10 years of playing so I need to do it finally before poe 2 is out. Wish me luck bois
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read the thread
I'm not watching that garbage, but anyway, the listed gear int he PoB is all Rares + Elevore.
Some of his Rares are a bit above-average, but nothing super out of the ordinary.
And only level 90.
For what the build claims to be doing, (4 stones within 10 hours), it's fine. It'll have some scaling problems beyond that, but it gets the job done.
it's literally AI you actual 45 IQ moron. kill yourself.
nah i spend thousands on anthro art monthly
i just dont spend money on shit that looks like shit
melee builds never really struggled very much with reservation, so yes
>3k hours in this god forsaken game
>just realize right side block nodes are for dual wield and not for staff
>No one can match GGG's cadence for delivering content.
this is just bullshit. ggg started with less budget and people than epoch and even had to create their own engine from scratch literally in a garage. epoch has no excuse for not delivering.
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>anthro art
the portal this league is worth doing 36 at least
no it isn't you dumb zoomer
go to the exhentai link
it's not ai
you're braindead
>anoint Clever Thief
Or adjust your pathing and pick up the .4% ATTACK Life/Mana Leech in Spirit/Vitality Void cluster.
>I have nothing to get near
Then spend your Anoint, bitchbrain. That's the point of your Anoint; to get something you normally can't.
holy shit lmao
What did I mean by this?
>i spend thousands on anthro art monthly
Why do people say bossing will be shit on LS builds? As slayer you got great defense and it's not that difficult to reach 5m+ dps?
Use poesmoother like every normal human being
My trending PoB page is empty!
Everyone dropped determ/grace anyway so why not
>russian malware
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I'm being boring and starting the league with Lacerate glad, wanted to do my own build but every time I try to build blind I never reach red maps
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I realized I was only a couple nodes away from Iron Reflexes so here's another draft of my flicker Assassin.

My Phys Max Hit is still making me nervous, but I don't know if it's going to get any better at this point. Suggestions welcome.
>still not show your hardware
Which slam should I go? I'm not sure I buy this tranny ground spam stuff. Earthshatter seems the best for clear with auto general's cry to constantly pop spikes for you since it has such a low cd. Earthquake feels terrible to use having to wait for it all the time. It might be for bossing only. Sunder feels really strong and with aoe buffs it light be top tier. What else?
imagine not only being a gross old man loser, but a porn addicted gross old man loser. holy LMAO at your pathetic life.
very strange seeing people agonize over reservation from autoexertion when determination, grace, and defiance banner all got nerfed and gear defenses got buffed
wait I just realized you can now do 100% delirious T17s lol
>ad hom
i accept your concession
you already could in Necropolis
>reddit catchphrase
you need to go back
A shame she's such a bitch in-game
Harvest or Essences for early league money?
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>Oh, I'm just tired
both give easy to trade stuff now. pretty bad
meditate more
>no build
>no idea what league type to start with
>no league start practice
who is saying that? LS will be great for bossing
Then what should I take?
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I'm going to try Lightning Strike Warden!
LS slayer as a league starter, yay or nay?
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>Life: 1,632
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I’m going to be trying out a new homebrew build I call Juggernaut Melee Armour Life ZDPS. I can’t wait to share it with you guys.
you could do T17s in delirium mist but that's not the same
Petrified Blood and Vaal Pact. Bunch of the damage turns to DoT that hopefully the instant leech covers. That's the theory at least.
that conner str stacking build is such a bait
everything is fine until you reach maps then melee goes out the window
forget going into molten strike, that shit doesn't do any damage even if you would've doubled it
glad I tried it before league launch
What is strongest build?
he only plays delve, his builds are only good for delve
>12M dps with starter gear
I can give you the PoB if you want, you just have to kneel Leonidas
based and mindful-pilled
You mean to tell be there are actually retards trying to use a retaliation skill as their main skill? A skill archetype that you can only use when you block in a game where getting hit kills you?
this but unironically every league. only manbabies need to "prepare and practice" hundred times before league.
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you too can make 100 divines an hour if you just had some friends
no retard, t17 could drop with layers of delirium if you had the node from Atlas
My molten strike nebuloch litteraly immortal juggernaut
acrobatics is really bad. don't get baited by EHP. spells don't activate wind dancer if that's what you're thinking
Lets be friends anon!
Its open source and you can re-engineer it yourself
o mb lmao rofl I meant you can now do T17 delirious with delirium orbs of your choosing consistently :)
I only have one friend, he is a twink and doesnt play PoE and everytime he gets drunk he beggs me do fuck his bussi but im not gay
did he quit his phd
That looks quite a lot better than before.
Some concerns:
- Unnatural instinct might not be cheap and that's kind of a meme way to cap your resists
- Don't look at EHP much, look primarily at max hit. If you really want to be looking at EHP, set config to Guardian
- With only 3000 life, I think you'd be better off using suppression over spell dodge (I might be wrong on this)
- Those daggers don't look like realistic early crafts
- You are inches from having 100% crit for perfect agony and getting absurd scaling from normal crit multi, think about that later on
- I still think Bronn's lithe is biting you in the ass (can't get fortify on hit implicit or endurance charge implicit) but I can see that it gives you a lot of damage in this setup

Very good effort regardless of my criticism,
i kneel
Nice build anon, a shame im going to STEAL it
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Up to how much is Crit Chance a priority over multi? 50?
I kneel show me the PoB, god
Yeah sure it will be solid
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have you try turning it off and on again?
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anon-san i kneel
that doesn't work if you're reserving life. like, you're only getting overleech of the 4% of life you don't have reserved above 50%
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Reminder that with the div card changes all that needs to exist is one single map that has ONLY good div cards and you can farm 1 mirror per hour endlessly by rerolling until you get "stack of div cards" mission.

Make sure to check your maps at league start and DON'T complete any map that has only high value div cards.
couldn't you just swap those div cards to an unfinished map anyway?
People are going to be baited so bad by Snoobae's warden. 2.5k life no defenses other than evasion, in a crucible league where the towers are all going to spawn ground effects and instant death effects for zhp characters. Take the lightning strikepill and build actual defenses or else.
That sounds pretty miserable considering you have to spend tons of rerolls.
>all that needs to exist is one single map that has ONLY good div cards
I'll pull off Wind Dancer, I was rather iffy on it anyways and it's points I could use elsewhere. Does acrobatics fuck up because it only works on hits? I feel like I fuck up on the distinction pretty often.


Oh yeah the daggers I was mostly playing with, I'm sure I'll have to make due with less.

Also I originally built it for Perfect Agony, but POB keeps telling me it's a DPS cut, though I guess if it's DoT it smooths out my damage a lot. I'll put it back on.

RE Instinct: I can still cap by just taking those points up the left side of that wheel instead; I mostly have it there to cap block and trigger some tattoos on the un-allocated nodes (provided that's how that works).

My Leech is instant from VP anyways isn't it? Don't I not get overleech?

Thanks all I'll keep fussing with it.
Atlas doesn't apply to Kirac.

Nah because your unfinished map is the ONLY map that can spawn with scouting report. It's about a 1/3-1/5 chance per reroll.
crit chance is just a % more overall damage vector that scales linearly to 100% (1% more crit = 1% more dmg)
Crit multi is its own increased dmg vector that scales less with how much you already have (scales others vectors multiplicatively yes)
if you have 200% multi 1% is 0.5% more dmg (at 100% chance, at lower chance its (0.5 * critchance)/100). Now just do the math for your points.
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>tfw no one is gonna look at my builds anymore now that pob just gives people things
that's been known since kirac missions existed and doesn't work, you needs tens of thousands of scouting reports
>uses the hideout that is just a gif in the background
>ONLY map that can spawn with scouting report
Yeah, but it's not going to be the sole map offered. It's just guaranteed to appear in the list.
Based Ducks. Fuck streamerniggers getting their preferred builds shilled by PoB.
You WILL pay the PoB dev to have a boost on his website and PoB.
Total Streamer Death !
that shit is giga weighted
based ducks styling on redditors after baiting them with shit builds
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Poe youtubers are already doing a DDOS attack on the web server. Unbelievable!
Correction: Critchance also scales with mutli so 1% more crit is 1% more dmg at 200% multi, and 2% at 300%, 3 at 400 and so on.

From that you should already be able to see that its almost always better to scale chance first if you're not at 100%. Maybe its ok for non Crimson Dance bleed with Perfect Agony to scale multi faster, or for Ignite with Perfect Agoney, but I don't know much about biuilds like that.
all he gotta do is 'donate' some bucks to the pob crew and his builds will be featured too! easy
What the fuck is this real?
Doesn't matter now because they removed global div drops from maps. If all div cards on a map are good you're GUARANTEED to get a stack of one of them.
Bring back Earthquake quality that lets it scale with spell damage. I want to play a warcrying witch
afraid so
Except that's not how weighting works. You can and will roll 'nothing' on the loot roll if all of your div cards for the map have a weighting of 1.
>If all div cards on a map are good
Anon, you can go look at all the Maps we'll have right now and cross-reference their wiki pages and see there is no singular map that has ONLY good cards (good enough to warrant going through this many hoops anyway).
i saw that faggot repeatedly dying in juiced maps, or outright losing 6 portals. No idea why anyone would consider using his build unironically
They changed how div card drops work in maps. You can only get the div cards listed on hover now.

Div card mission guarantees stack.
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>is not actually open source
>paid features
>fucked off from public forums
>moved to his own website with no other posts than himself
you are not fooling anyone ivan
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Genshin Impact player here, what's the best build for me?
>archmage was shilled by (((influencers))) again
B-but they said it's a melee league...
Stop spreading missinformation
I'm done with you
GGG doesn't work with deterministic drops, anon. It's not going to work.
So is Melee fixed now
>You can only get the div cards listed on hover now
And you can already see all the Div cards exclusive to a given map on the Wiki, which has been recording that shit for years.
Go look instead of repeating yourself like a braindead retard over and over and over.
based /fit/ducks
spreading misinformation is in your dna ivan
how does hexblast feel without visage? trying to pick between archmage/hexblat and the scarcity of visage is making me lean towards archmage
I might have to go melee after all, they're gonna inflate the mana gear prices
PoB's streamerwank feature already broke?
Great! You have 99.8% chance to get a FUCKINGNOTHING divcard set. Just like it always were, this change is purely visual, nothing else.
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we are so back poesmoother bros, some reddit senio dev from silicion valley made a open source github for it
And.. ignored.
lance is doing hexblast without visage
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yeah but i was going to do trickster, not the tri-stack version
This is a company that gutted jack in the box after people found out they could farm three sets an hour.
Do you honestly believe they'll ever allow this go to through? Hell no.
Bad, but not THAT bad.
whatever ds_lily plays
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Here's the entire Div Card changelog since you are physically incapable of doing a single moment of research yourself instead of howling like an insufferable clown desperate for attention.
Now cite your counter-claim. If it's in a video, include timestamp without referral link.
>grifter complains about grifters grifting
lies I just went to /r/pathofexile and there's nothing
how is duckies a grifter
ex-grifter* tells all
Actually watched it.

TL;DW - You have to pay to get boosted to the top of PoB archives, which is what PoB was pulling from.
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Hell, they even shadownerfed this to nothingness. Encroaching darkness, corrupted unique map reward
>the top of PoB archives
What's the point? I don't use PoB
lmao people complaining about the 3 meter distance requirement on locus mines
you're a trickster, you shouldn't be near things anyway, throw the mines ahead of you and they instantly detonate killing everything on the screen
if you have a problem with locus mines it's a definite skill issue
>content creators use pob for free for years to make money
>pob tries to make money by putting some some builds on a website
you know whats funny? people that complain about being banned "for nothing" are usually russians and guess where is smoother used the most.
Are you retarded? Don't answer.
It can stay as long as he adds a way to hide it.
Seeing other people's shit in my face every time I go to my build list to switch between things is annoying.
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Fellow Melee bros, how are your build preparations going?
Actually thinking about a melee inquisitor
yeah but I dont watch those content creators, I use pob though
Next patch will you run Autoexertion as soon as you get it in act 3? Also which warcries do you start to autoexert with?
it's actually too bad poesmoother is what it is because it would legitimately be nice to have a turn mtx off thing. like you dont have to bake that into some kind of cheat engine
>projectiles return
will it work on spells?
how long until debloated pob fork?
How will you block in act 3?
Im pretty sure the problem is that most people prefer having the mouse closer to the center of the screen, while locust mines force you to whip the mouse around all the time since you have to accurately throw towards the edges. Which kind off removes the comfort you get from autoaim mines.
They took a hatchet to the droprate of The Lion at the start of Bow League. They're filthy degenerates and anyone who expects to get ANYTHING for free from these new zealand bastards are high on their own fumes.
The game's fun. It's remained fun despite GGG actively trying to make the game shit for five years straight. But don't fucking trust them to give you anything for free. Any buffs or quality of life changes ultimately come at a cost so high the game would be better off reverting the change to begin with.
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I always hated the look of this old man. They should let us buy cute girl models in the shop.
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For me, its Conc path totems!
What stops some rich retard to fill the list with worst garbage, literal dumpsterfire, fyregrass-ts-occultist-tier builds?
Reminder to start Ruthless for the true arpg experience and that fun you get only through overcoming difficulties
Thinking about a melee elementalist. Ignite slamming.
manuxithocls machination ci trickster
holy based
i'd buy that for more than one dollar
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What good builds LOL
I play PoE for the mindless mob killing and dopamine pings.
Okay I'll play melee this league but I won't be happy about it.
complain to support on a semi regular basis about features that poe should have that are present in fucking cheating software of all things. they already relented with resolution shit, so theres no excuse for not implementing more graphics options anymore.
true lol
How stupid is Energy Blade Trickster Dual Strike
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Aw shit man, that sounds hot too!
I was joking since I was thinking about the final scene from 300
Ice Nova can reach that, if you want PoB I can make one after work, no archmage just regular
I was ruthless with your mom last night LOL!
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I am a slow player. I love RF. Most of the time I just walk through the map and don't even use shield charge. I love that I can look at altars/expedition shit/betrayal board and not die to a single mob hitting me during this. I love that once I turn RF on in act 2 all the thinking during campaign is done. I love that I only press 1 button in maps.

Any builds that could rival this level of comfy while making an investment of 100 div give an actual power increase? Shit just doesn't scale anymore.
why would I block?
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>Many content creators put the exact same type of video, all on the same time
It's a direct-coordinated attack against our guy /Path of Exile Builds/
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>IIMA A sow payer i love ryfy wubu luba dub dub
real chads play lighting strike, spliting steel, seismic trap and rf
Depends on the build.
Depends on how much reservation efficiency I can get that early.
>League was legendary kino
>Until the streamers fuck things up
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How is pob deciding what's popular? Are they collecting data or are they picking the popular builds themselves? In either case it's the game's death spiral of further optimising the fun out of it.
>theres no excuse for not implementing more graphics options anymore.
They've gone on record as saying we can't have these options because removing them makes the game look bad.
Like it lets you actually see the tilesets and areas, and how they're all reused assets.
They're embarrassed.
>you can't remove rain because it makes screenshots look bad
They're adamant about it, too. It's why light radius is still a stat, they talk in game dev expos how they use shadow and darkness to hide everything that looks bad.
Does Autoexertion summon the dudes if you use Generals cry?
He said how.
>its taken from some website, where ppl can pay to have their builds "highlighted" and "shown at the frontpage" and stuff like that
literally pay2_be_in_pob
>They've gone on record as saying we can't have these options because removing them makes the game look bad.
this argument no longer works with newest graphics options, cats out of the bag already. same shit with the auction house.
They buffed a bunch of chaos dot gems. If it time for chaos dot to return
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So basically maxrolltards will flood it with their garbage?
More like pay to have every player click on a link directly to your video for increased ad revenue
It's a bad business decision to NOT pay for front page access to your bait builds
i think i go ls champ sar
Protip: don't play highlighted build. Every hideout warrior will increase prices
I play RF for similar reasons
Also from history, I know that I'll get bored of the league after I get into T16 maps and will quit before I try any other builds or pushing ubers
So I'll just stay comfy inside my ring of fire for the time I have
>ppl were mad at Gh**y for addiing his stream to the big famous craft site
>they love this thing which is even worse
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why do some people only link 2 warcries with autoexertion and then they got another set of warcries without autoexertion?
won't all warcries go on cooldown when autoexert is used?
The program is open source and a 3rd party person created this feature to promote their dogshit website and get people to pay money to have their builds featured. It is already removed from PoB. That is the issue with open source shit, 95% of the time it is good and 5% of the time you have retards who wanna ruin it for everyone else.
Gonna play archmage hiero, build is way too OP for starters
lily looking kinda cute today
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Friends, do you think lily has enough $ to buy herself a slot in the POB top list?
Or will her streamer career die..
no it doesn't work like call to arms, they don't share a cooldown
its all up to you lad
bros lily wants to fuck rue so bad its making me jealous
lmao the guy who owns that pay2be_shown website added that and makes cash of it
at least they'll remove it again
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youtube likes is a contributing factor, idk the whole criteria it's just stuff from this site https://pobarchives.com/builds/7U8QXU8m?sort=popularity
>he doesn't have everything Uberdan does automatically snapshotted and archived
your loss, see you on my mageblood valdo farmer
proof????????????? sauce?????????
its not working. nothing pops up for me :(
do we agree with big ducks latest video?
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now thats pretty funny
Holy relic of conviction
frost nova better
Huh, this sounds really good
Why is nobody talking about Nebuloch?
Literally everyone agrees, even the main PoB contributors who removed it. The dangers of open source software and beta builds everyone is using.
Why pay for shitty ad space when you can get your shit build at the top for free?
Worth trying Earthshatter at level 12 next patch? I got bad memories using sunder
>some scumbag tryin to cash in by adding shit to POB
pretty nasty. like ghazzys jew move

and pob does not need more bloat
good guide?
You WILL copy builds from approved-only content creators and you WILL like it!
Occultist or Hierophant for chaos damage?
>Its open source and you can re-engineer it yourself
not open source at all, but it can be decompiled/deobfuscated
which is precisely what an anon did a few days ago and found the following:
>reads your HWID
>reads your Firefox/Chrome profiles and saved logins
>reads your username
and other things, all sent to a server. All these things can be used to datamine you
never trust russian freeware
Lots of people have talked about Nebby
No i WONT. Its being [Removed] already
Thats it lads. I'm gonna play a two button build I think.
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why is the maven like this?
i have been doing Str stacking chief RF since the rework in 3.23, high investments but i like RF so i don't mind. Anons here always doubt my build but i could kill uber and t17 easily https://pobb.in/jwIC1cQjvnpy
this is for 3.25, lower dps since adorned is giga nerfed, so it is designed to use Vaal RF as frequently as possible to boost damage in simulacrum
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lol so if support the guy running this site on patreon your build gets put on a page that pob wasn't even pulling from.
your build would go here https://pobarchives.com/builds/yenTGNDb?hogl=true
and pob was pulling from here https://pobarchives.com/builds/7U8QXU8m?sort=popularity
was this shit actually a nothing burger or did I miss something?
bro your M3
Sunder is giga smooth and strong, earthshatter is clunky short ranged and requires leap slam or warcries to attack shit.
It will do damage real good but nothing else.

Try Static Strike, it's also fun for levelling.
The Maven's an extra-dimensional eldritch abomination who's older than most stars
So are you. Your character is the avatar of Chaos sent to this realm to fuck shit up on the highest level.
The Maven, still a child, is amazed there exists other things like her kind. Other things that are not like her kind, but small insignificant insects. It's a learning experience for the kid.
what i don't get it, this isn't even the pob dev.
literally who is this nigger?
The actual fault here is the POB devs for accepting that PR without even thinking about the implications of it.
She is a toddler, a nymph, a hatchling
Occultist for zhp shit like sanctum, Hiero if you want to run content where you get hit sometimes
what the fuck are you live searching on a build website?
Good thing I use opera gx so he has to bypass the chinese freeware to get to me
Build of the league passing by
some nigga that wants to make quick cash by adding dumb shit into pob
>its open source
ofc eddit loved that shit instantly
anyone can make changes to pob
Do you think it will be clunky to play even when you get autoexert gem?
Jesus christ sauce?
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It's up!


It's up!
>gets deleted by one hit from a random blue skeleton
>of the Spectrum
just like me fr
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>welcome to 2024 pob
Yes I'm there too.
I'm still bouching between templar and witch as base. Mostly because since I'm noob I dunno if ghazzy builds are bait or not
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Any niggers using AI slop in their build videos is an instant ignore
holy kek they're even advertising giveaways
The biggest "problem" with this feature is that people will load up build guides without watching the accompanying video that explains how the build actually works and then crash and burn the second they get to maps. Personally I don't see this as a real problem because it's based and funny
Bad bad or reddit bad as in it can't kill Maven
mathil gets a pass
Hexblast mines will get you your voidstones fine naked. Pyroclast mine leveling is a bit shitty but not too terrible.
>load random streamer PoB
>Click similar builds
>the build I loaded is 73% relevant
nice coding
redditors are so fucking dramatic
It's the PoB devs for being careless about that PR and accepting it, but changes can easily be reverted (just as it was).
Their carelessness will definitely make the project's reputation worse.
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this is what a 3 meter radius looks like
Thanks, I'll keep that option in mind.
>implying implications
This is reddit, they'll suck his dick and encourage him to implement the system himself so he gets all the ad revenue over the guy who 'hijacked' it
Isn't this the faggot that was beating his cock to captain lance on stream
Do we have a list of new Unique items?
>redditors are so fucking dramatic
truly are
>they love it instantly, until slightly smarter redditors and youtubers tell them its bad
big brain poeg gods hated it from the beginning
>they love it until they discover something bad was shown about it which was hidden to everyone
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i didn't know
poe lore is so deep
>42 minutes later
That's what I thought, faggot.
is that sanctum runner or uberboss skipper,or these kind of build can do both?
>Your character is the avatar of Chaos sent to this realm to fuck shit up on the highest level.
I think the main problem people have is when they do get surrounded the common reaction is to put your mouse directly on top of the enemies attacking you which doesn't work in this build.
the patreon is just ran by the guy that hosts the site I linked, I didn't find a connect between him and the guy that added this feature to pob but wouldn't be surprised if it exists.
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Reminder to never trust shartsink default filters. Especially div cards.

Every league something important gets 'accidentally' hidden.
>changes can easily be reverted (just as it was)
Was it? I see a pr and some issues but no merges or maintainer comments
I'm sick of you fucking retards
>ok what should I use
Fuck off
wrong, tranny
You're a zero IQ retard. I didn't respond to you because you are so retarded that it wasn't even worth it. Don't @ anyone ever again.

>I didn't find a connect between him and the guy that added this feature to pob but wouldn't be surprised if it exists.
he literally has that he created the site in his github profile. and he immediately deleted the promotion tier from his patreon page as soon as a reddit post mentioned it, but there's a screenshot in the github conversation
Idk about skipping UBERS on 11m dps, but yes
if you are barely sentient maybe
yeah you have to flame dash away if things come near you, it's not a facetanking build (but if you build the defenses like he has in his pob it actually can just facetank bosses)
this is not a jung build, dont be fooled. this is a racing build and it's insanely good, i can't believe it's BUFFED in this upcoming patch, shit is going to be so insane
The overreaction was orchestrated by content creators, because it would impact their viewership.
Nevershit is going to be particularly horrendous this league because he doesn't understand anything at all about base types so you're going to have worthless bases dropping as divines and 20c bases not being shown at all. When you point out that he's a fucking retard he just responds with MUH ALGORITHM and the filter continues to be useless shit.
You had to do extensive digging to realize the builds are only shown by people who pay. The average person will see "oh free builds sweet" and not think too much about it
nymph? isnt that a sex creature
>No timestamp
You were sooo close. Oh well.
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>Your character is the avatar of Chaos
Not really, even Chaos himself acknowledges the player as a completely different metaphysical entity
Chaos is personified RNG and entropy.
It's interesting that on a metaphysical level, we are literally fighting Chaos. Always looking for deterministic ways to have our way in a sea of entropy. The biggest example of that is crafting itself.
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Reddit having a melty over such a minor feature lmao
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what the FUCK is going on in rue's stream right now

it just means she's a baby
pleague bearer cwdt loop with scolds bridle, 200% recoup and buffed chaos spells
fuck off canuysal
oh shit kek I was looking at his repositories and the site itself didn't even read his git profile, you're right it's right there my bad
the average person thats not a fucking mongoloid cringed in disgust at the fucking bloat and blatant advertising of some faggots
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i did it bros ive beaten uber sirus with only dying once
she wants to fuck him so bad
nice source
Give me the fucking replacement then retard
>just google it
Not an argument
>Just code it yourself
Not happening
is poo egg really excited to play a league that introduces mobile gameplay mechanics?
anon i..
>nymph? isnt that a sex creature
>it just means she's a baby
so that is a yes
It's a not a "problem" as much as a reason no one would even use this feature
Like who the fuck is just gonna load up a build in a vacuum, it will read like nonsense unless you are already familiar with it
i have achieved peak dumb
What the fuck.
Only 4 Div cards per map? That's so low.
>Those card spreads
Even if a lot of people were retarded, we can safely say that your plan won't work though. There's no way in hell they'd have a map with exclusively good cards of high enough value to warrant reroll spamming.
good job, now do it again tomorrow
Kek like anyone would spoonfeed a niGGGer like you
yes, I unironically love real time mechanics
>we are literally fighting Chaos.
This statement and the quotes contradict each other
I'm going to continue using it then and you will continue to seethe about it like the little bitch that you are
cool thanks anon
Anyone that imports from ninja or a pobbin link does that already.
can someone give me a sunder pob leveling for zerk
>sub 8k phys max as melee
well at least you weren't lying
good shit nigga
nice pre-nerf shield crush damage numbers
link 3.25 pob or die
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>is poo egg really excited to play
heck yeah we are super duper excited about this new league
i even bought the turtle hideout just because im so HYUUPED about this new league, it's gonna be awesome~
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Which officially approved maxroll build are you playing?
how new are you that you need your filter to tell you which basetypes to pick up?
besides, you can easily customize the filter to whatever autistic needs you may have
It's almost like braindead redditors like you pretend filterblade doesn't exist and you still have to rely on following other people's filter like a decade ago
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youre gonna quit 2-3 days in because you are bad
snaking volcanic fissure slayer
Hexblast mines are back??
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I prefer the anime posters over the gookboos
How rare is Doryanis fist at league start? Doryani ignite was the first build I cleared the endgame with and would love to play it again.
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i may be bad at poe, but i wont quit until i have at least 36 challenges!
But i prefer either over the frogjacks.
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1v1 me irl BITCH
its the same guy
alright, i've talked myself out of bleed SST for the third and final time. i'm not league starting it!!!!!!!!
They have gotten 0 changes ever so idk what you're talking about
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but... im both
Bros just continue playing LA deadeye. Dont fall for any bait. Use the Ignite trick, get the 100% increased damage on ignited enemies Mastery and the Immolate gem. Later use the Manaforged Arrows - Cast on Crit - Tornado setup to spam Tornado to splash LA damage for double damage. Use Point Blank, use Flesh and Stone Aura for 20% less damage taken. Use Queen of the Forest with Perandus Pact for 60k Evasion and Wind Ward for 40% less damage taken.
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holy this dude is so mad over his inability to work a loot filter
frostblades or slams I guess idk I haven't figured it out yet
Trolling? You cant left click explode them anymore
This was a gigantic nerf that made it unplayable
Careful... gookboos completely destroyed the Starcraft general. They are very powerful.
>"there are other filters out there"
>"prove it"
modern Diogenes
theres now a mastery that detonates mines when you move you retard
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you can get attack leech with a tattoo Im pretty sure
or eldritch glove implicit
for mana you have to get a cluster with fuel the fight though I think
? it was literally one of the best builds last league
anyone playing glad is in for a rude awakening
Automate support
Well, if reddit is against, its a good thing?
Why its bad for PoB creators to make a few bucks with advertisements? For real, manchildren are annoying because in the first opportunity they will bitch about their salary and that they can't pay rent or some gay shit but can't understand that other niggas need money to stay alive and that nothing is free in this world.
heavy strike marauder
I'm racist BUT
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How's Storm Rain in endgame? Can it complete all content easily (ubers...)?
>unironically too low IQ to use filterblade
>shitpost about it on /poeg/
what build does he play?
Anyone playing Bleed Glad or maxblock without Versatile Combatant (because then they're grossly overinvesting and will die to degens) is in for a rude awakening. Current Glad is fine.
How the fuck is bleed out-damaging so many other builds this effortlessly? It doesn't matter which ascendency you use with it.
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Here's your build
it's up
the pob creators aren't making any money off of this you dumb esl
1 more u retard
Its their first e-date.
if you have to ask instead of answering the question yourself with PoB then don't worry because you won't be doing ubers anytime soon
This is the last time I'm saying it. I am NOT playing melee.
you mean 3
>league starts at 10 pm tomorrow
I'll probably only play a bit and go to bed early. Shit is too exhausting otherwise.
Today +1
Tomorrow +1
>aggravated bleeding which basically triples your bleed damage
Gee, I too wonder how bleed is doing so much damage!
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phys taken as ele gone = right side builds that aren't trickster just became 100x more annoying to play, you will see
*If the enemy isn't moving
Redditors only support big corporations, sorry chud.
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I wanna start with a Saboteur triggerbot build, but which? I have a few ideas, but none of them are "starters". I want something that works from the get-go, and I will be building around that for future upgrades
You sleep now
You wake up
You sleep ~couple of hours before league starts so you can pull a allnighter
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I still can't wait to play path of exile tomorrow
God damn.
Poisonous Concoction of Bouncing
Minionfags. What the fuck is the witch go to starter? SRS still despite nerfs?
Frostblades of Katabasis Slayer or LA/EH Deadeye? Both are pretty fats, Slayer is more tanky but Bownigger has better endgame option.
What to chose?
>monophasic sleep
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good night sleepy wilson
Just say you don't know
Bros why did they nerf Champion from fucking orbit?
Start with SRS then transition into hydra specters
With all the meleefags and everyone riding melee dick hydra corpses should be fairly cheap
One is based and the other makes you a fag, its that simple.
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pwease don't wemove my ad spaces >///<
Lmao, it's definitely our two resident tranny schizos, the larry poster and the weeaboo spammer.
But which one is which?
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>The Dawnstrider Unique Boots no longer provides "100% increased Effect of Buffs your Ancestor Totems grant while active", "Buffs from Active Ancestor Totems Linger for 4 seconds", or "Maximum 1 Buff from an Active Ancestor Totem at a time". It now has "Socketed Slam Gems are Supported by Level 25 Earthbreaker", and provides Ancestral Bond.
Why did they decide to make these the worst boots in the game?
they're telling you to play something else for a change
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>please leave my advertisement as the default advertisement for my efforts in forcing advertisements into your foss program
>start poe
>crashes once im in town
>no error mssage
guys help
they're the only way to play slam totems now, so they fill some niche at least.
it is still a bit more than double damage while stationary
and considering phys weapons in general got buffed due to quality
melee bleed builds wont be that affected that much by the missing AS from ancestral protection as long as they have high enough bleed chance and chance to aggravate
Your game is getting crashed by a megatroon with 60 mtx
Based, we need more jews like him to make the situation worse so GGG can finally create a "follow a build" ingame just like Torchlight infinite.
how does molten strike projectiles work with longshot/adjacent animosity nodes?
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What snacks do I buy for leaguestart?
runs fine on dx11
vulkan is fucked i guess
I'm retarded and don't understand why brand recall is so good
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>Sleep tonight
>Wake up tomorrow
>Dont sleep till its saturday
they work the same, they just suck ass
Are you an owner of shintel 13th or 14th gen CPU?
what's neversink? i use filterblade. is that the same or different?
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>ultra processed food
Someone's going to die young.
nah got a 7800x3d and a 3080
for me it's celery and water
spell cascade archmage
Best build for lab running on league start?
I just want to live in lab and sell trans gems.
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We are going LS Warden right
and with point blank? is it still a good dps increase?
buy a pack of water, some fruit bars, mixed nuts and dried fruit, and cook yourself a carb heavy dinner/lunch
No I'm going screamy nigga
it keeps getting better and better
>As a minor thing, these builds are added by a bot which trawls pobbuilds so some might not even be aware that their build is on that site.
pathfinder still
lots of chips and soda dont drink water itll make you pee.
this unironically would be a great change if he didn't add his own fucking website like a greedy nigger
hell he could just have used his website as an example provider in the PR description WITHOUT including it in the PR commit
now he will always be known as a greedy fuck, no different than PoEBuilds
what a genius
groundslam slayer
Why do you keep posting these souless bugs? They all have the same face and the same personality.
holy shit they all made it omg
raxx is starting with LS Slayer
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I got rum and coke, pita chips, tahini, and microwave burritos
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>mathil doing starter builds again
we are so back bros
This is fake
try vulcan or dx if you're on vulcan
it's the same impulse that drives these spergs to post generic anime girls with every post they make. giving them attention for their bad behavior only emboldens them to post more plastic gook mannequins.
such a greedy giga jew
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neversink is a popular filter maker that predates filterblade
he and other people got together to work on filterblade
filterblade uses neversink's filters as a base, so if you use filterblade without changing anything, you are using neversink's filters
which build's gonna zoom through the campaign to farm currency FAST
seems like there's some fuckery going on with some shaders and some transitions
it's not your hardware. Try switching renderer
hopefully they fix it before launch
I really hate how neversink always waits until the last possible second to update his shit
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poesmoother bros what the fuck do we do? is it over for us?
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>Live in France (Paris)
>Chips and sodas are suddenly 50% more expensive because of the Olympics.
Fucking jews
1h or 2h axe?
Post new Champion rework builds
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Friendly reminder to set these up every night before you go to sleep:
>your shipments
>map wagies
>the farm
>your buy/sell orders
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what build does he play?
Idk man, it feels like all melee attack speed was removed from the game. Flicker without a bajillion aps just feels like trash.
the americans are buying all the stock up. supply and demand
>blyats hijacked pob
based honestly
slayer lighting shot?
thanks. what else is there to use? it's the only filter that comes up when searching for them. i don't want to get screwed by some greedy and malicious fuck.
2h axe groundslam / sunder leveling until you get terminus then swap to flicker. you'll be using 2h swords.
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does your weapon damage affect this skill? or any attack damage modifiers?
Bros, I don't think I will make it.
What am I missing? Also the weapon is wrong I know, Its meant to be a rare mace with the damage of all elements enchant.
why do you still need poosmoother when they added an upscaling engine a few weeks ago?
even my toaster now can run maps at 60fps with NIS
besides poosmoother already got confirmed to be malware a few days ago by an anon
Spell damage only
I don't like black girls.
Don't buy snacks you obese fuck

Drink lots of water and eat actual good meals and you'll feel way better if you're playing long hours
well i have 10fps in the hideout ,normaly i had 30 with zero particles
it's a spell so no unless with Spellblade or Battlemage
Redditors are... based?
And yeah, it needs to go.
Help, how do I edit my item filter so that I highlight high quality riveted boots
with farruls and frenzy charges i think you'll be able to stack enough aspd to not feel like trash.
>i don't want to get screwed by some greedy and malicious fuck.
What? are you somehow thinking Neversink is involved in the PoB fiasco? holy ESL moment
besides the whole point of filterblade is to build your own filter. It just uses neversink's as a base.
You sound like a newfag so you don't have to worry about changing default neversink's anyway. Focus on reaching the endgame first.
it's a meme to say that neversink is greedy and or malicious, like saying any link is an ip grabber, or whatever. the only real problem with his filter, that is entirely customizable and can be tuned in any way you want, is that the list is for like the ~average~ player with ~average~ loot expectations. so you absolutely do get people upset that he didnt give a shit about some obscure base that a poeg guy was going to collect and corner the market with and make a hundred billion divs with
Skills with the Spell tag don't utilize weapon damage.
Another way to tell is that skills which use your weapon will have a line that says Attack damage: (x)%
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Newfag here, what are some good builds for slayer?
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I hate americans...
nigger what the fuck are you doing
get a job and a new PC
there's no way you are even going to run any sort of juiced content if your PC can't even get 10fps in the hideout
*(x)% of base
>trans Stone Golem
>Flesh & Stone
>minimum EC craft ring
don't league start ignite attack Elementalist unless it's EA or Shield Charge
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>implying this place is not a cesspool now with same or worse retards than reddit
Your post is full of irony, attention whore.
does berserker earthshatter damage seem completely retarded or is it just me? it's like 15 million+ on shit gear
Berserker damage is always super high. The caveat is you're playing Berserker and actively shooting yourself in the foot.
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gonna have to wait in que for the free geforce now expierience and alt tab in to chrome to check prices
>some might not even be aware that their build is on that site.
Holy shit, whats the problem? You are not the owner of your build, this is almosts hitting the same level of ruetoo's autism of "ownership" of builds.
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>it's the same girl
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when poeg needed him the most he was nowhere to be found..........
yes, that's why every hc racer is playing it
Oh shit right, flesh and stone is buffed now, and the stone golem. min EC ring? In that pob im using endurance frenzy and ele dmg grand spec to get 3 min each and some ele dmg. But yea, definitely gotta squeeze in flesh and stone.
i might have done something dumber
yoo bros...
Yeah the numbers are insane
The damage is so high that I don't see the point in going Earthshatter, trans Ground Slam still does great damage and has better clear
the little one will grow strong, he is a fighter
hes buys with
>big boob & butt gacha
or did he leave that too
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>no plans
>no starter
>no atlas route
>no marketing scheme
I'm just going to play at my own pace for once. Just wing everything and not stress it. If it takes me a couple of days to go through the campaign for the thousandth time who cares? As long as I'm having fun it's all good.
His bald spot on Exilecon ruined his career, he will never return.
based chimp enjoyer
archmage sucks people are getting baited hard by this shit
>melee league
>everyone is pushing ele hit of spectrum
its good but holy fuck have fun getting gear this league
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hope you have fun sister
also, remember to stay hydrated drinking plenty of water!
Archmage is going to be one of the top tier builds. If you know how to craft/obtain the gear.
based, the one and final redpill
this is perfect league to chill and sit back and enjoy, due to the amount of new shit and changes

post it

it's not exactly clunky but it just feels alien. It's perfect for delve which is relatively simple but mapping doesn't feel that good on it. The damage is there but it doesn't click, if you can't my drift
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No one who's played melee much thinks the problems with melee are fixed, they're just better now. Everything except maybe boneshatter is better but they're still fundamentally melee.
based waggle knows whats up
>A major change we have made alongside the above is that we have changed a lot of the quantity and rarity bonuses on monsters to prevent things multiplying out of control at the very top end. There were cases that were utilised by fewer than 100 players total in a league and they were able to yield tens of thousands, in some cases hundreds of thousands of unique items dropping in every map (while not even playing in a party) and as such had monopoly on the unique item market (if you were wondering why many t0 uniques reduced so drastically in value during Necropolis League, it was due to this), this wasn't them exploiting a game mechanic, this was just the maximum capacity of rewards. By us changing this, it severely limits the run-away cases, without affecting the experience of average users, or even above-average users at all. It is very much still intended that you can push the rewards & difficulty of content to it feeling "excessive" without having to sacrifice the integrity of the leagues economy at the same time.

So what was this secret strat that dropped 100k uniques per map ?
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man these lootboxes sucks
glad opened them on standard and not temp league
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you are going to open poe tomorrow and have no idea what to name your character
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How important is getting to maps on the first day?
>warcries mandatory, instant warcries gone
>placing banner mandatory
>rage mandatory
>need to invest in all of these things more than ever (bye defenses)
>lost massive amounts of attack/move speed
yeah but the problems are better because you dont have to place a totem
not important at all, take your time :)
You know that triple buffering just makes your GPU run hotter for no gain if you have high framerate, right?
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What if I finally league start my wife...
are those faggots ever gonna give us a stash tab fuse in standard
if you cannot kill ubers on 1st day its literally over for you, better delete character and start practicing for the next league.
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>Looking around that PoBarchive place
>See a random CRUSHING FIST tagged with league starter
>Go into it
meatsack juicing. if you weren't around last league it was fucking absurd. you were guaranteed a t0 almost every t17s.
I once fell for the
>make a txt file with all the good names I come up with a day before the league
meme and when the time came, pretty much all of them were taken except like two I really didn't like
I still ended up spending like five minutes trying to come up with one on the spot
nah standard is a toilet and it should stay filthy
Are scrolling macros like X-Mouse still allowed for loot sorting? I remember they commented something about it like 2 patches ago, but I may be wrong
Same, except for the totally organic GGG fan that is totally organically shilling MTX and support packs like a good corporate bootlicker. He is worse than frogposters.
less important than it used to be but you should try to hit them as fast as you can. there is no reason to spend any more time than you need to in the campaign.
Ive never heard of doing it this way its actually kinda litty
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Is triple buffering worse or better if I have a shit PC?
>he doesn't have backlog of unique and rare names people would pay mirrors for
NGMI, sister :)
my names are anything to do with arknights and skirts
Yea, what's the problem? You can easily afford all of that day 1 with only 1 swipe
There is probably some overlap between the two. Anime tr/a/nnies posting unrelated weeb shit is worse imo, but gook posters are slowly overtaking anime
why would you do that
they are adding click to dump (anywhere, including stash) this league
Got offered 2 mirrors in standard for BigFatRetarded, will probably play this league with this character.
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Last league It took me 3 whole days to reach maps, is that slow?
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yejibros what are maps?
I thought Meatsack juicing was common knowledge, there's no way "fewer than 100 players total" were doing it unless they had some other trick on top it.
>dealing weapon damage in an area
I have a bunch of names with triangles and symbols that you can't create anymore but you can still name swap them
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or just substract 25 then 13 like every sane person does?
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I just have a bunch of rune word names from d2. Otherwise i make degenerate names and post plumjobs in our global.
missing perfectly rolled mb with perfectly rolled double corrupts
unarmed is not a weapon. also surrender is going to be way more expensive this league.
i wouldn't be surprised if it was that little. some of the geniuses in this thread wouldn't know shit from shinola, you really think the average poe player was meatsack juicing getting thousands of uniques a map
>have shit pc
>poosmoother is now confirmed malware
>any sort of juiced content turns into a powerpoint presentation without it
>want to get new pc
>if I get a job, cannot longer play as much as I did before
>if I dont get a job, I am cucked by my shit pc and cannot do most juicing strat
grim is the life of a poorfag
at least NIS upscaling does miracles but it is no poosmoother
nta but thats like 200 divines
its so beyond over...
they would just make their own pob in game just like tft faggotry made ggg work on auction house and degrading trading experience made mark implement parts of it RIGHT NOW. you now remember that the original plan was to beta test auction house in poe2 instead of poe1.
You could just.. get a job for a little while.
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For me, it's Enlightened hideout.
IRL skill issue
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>All this shitstorm for a pajeet trying to make minimum pajeet wage
What the fuck, I love this dude now.
eww poors replying to my exquisite posts
>you really think the average poe player was meatsack juicing getting thousands of uniques a map

No but I'd think at least 500~1000 people were doing it, or at least attempted it for a map or two
play with your copium fix for now, when the league ends for you, just get a job for a while. you're not one of those retards that play the whole league, are you?
iirc it was an interaction between tormented spirits and meatsacks in t17s that spawned like 3000 ghosts per map which stacked up to insane numbers on meatsacks
Uh, lads.
we don't know brother
Guys planning in PoB and drafting atlas trees and scarab strats felt like playing the game already this entire week.
In most countries you could literally work any job for 1-2 month and be able to afford a decent gamer girl PC.
>Everything except maybe boneshatter is better but they're still fundamentally melee.
i agree that the problem with melee is that its melee. melee needs to get removed from the game entirely and stop wasting precious devtime.
god i fucking hate jungroan, i followed his locus mines power siphon build exactly and couldnt even kill hydra. he probably only makes these builds to flip uniques. He is truly a plague on the poe community
no proof poopsmoother is logging all that info anon claimed but it definitely makes me consider going back to poeHUD
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for me? it's the totally comfy turtle hideout!
>streamers advertise their pobs as having 30m+ dps
>whenever they fight an uber it takes minutes
>ubers have like 50m hp
can someone explain to me how any of this shit works? how does the math add up??
zerker gets 1% attack speed per rage before rage buff effect and berserk
i always get excited for league launch!
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<Complains about shit pc
Just buy one bro
>Complains about not having moneys
Just get a job bro
>complains that a job would take up too much time.
Wow what a faggot. Do mommy and daddy take pity on their useless retarded adult child by feeding and housing xim?
mostly partyniggers could use meatsack strats
getting some serious buyer's remorse impressions from how much you're posting this
They go into pob and tick all the boxes and give themselves like 40 frenzy charges and 1200% shock effectiveness and shit
sister you're projecting
>can someone explain to me how any of this shit works?
bosses have a period of not receiving / receiving greatly reduced damage
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I don't have enough time to finish my ark playthrough
I subtract 8 then 30
they lie
ubers also have like 70% dmg reduction and some other dumb stats
but they also lie
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its so fuckin over for both of us, someone ask those reddit faggots to do poesmoother
ubers take 70 les damage and PoB damage is usually stated in terms of vs guardian/pinnacle
Skip the league start and only work for one month if you can poorfag/NEET the remainder of the league. I bet you could stitch together ~$800 in August. I'm assuming you can reuse a few PC parts like your old HDDs, LCD monitor, and mouse/keyboard.
It might depend but I still use "Shaper DPS" when I'm talking about damage which is NOT Uber/Pinnacle DPS.

Example being if I have 50m Shaper DPS that's actually 15 against the Uber variant.

You could also be running into the fact that most people dont' know what they're doing and cannot configure PoB appropriately--or could be straight lying by ticking boxes that aren't supposed to be ticked.
i remember you
>first, the DPS is in a perfect scenario where everything is up, sometimes the windows of '30m" dps is like 3-5 seconds or when something procs
>ubers have 70% damage reduction
>30m goes to 9m
>if its multiple types of damage its even lower
>the uptime is another issue, if its not 100% you have like 1/7 of what is shown on PoB
>bosses have more damage reduction on the first seconds of the fight and some of them have immunity % of HP phases
don't worry if you post your screenshots a couple more times you will become happy with your purchase
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Ok, I think this is getting somewhere, for an autobomber just run lmao build it seems doable.
Looks like I will just fall over as soon as something looks in my direction however. I guess I could slap progenesis in as well.
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projecting poorfag
Earthshatter Berserker
this post betrays the fact that you think 90 bucks is a lot of money
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that does look pretty comfy
Lies. Simple ass. Most of the time the DPS they show in PoB is the optimal, enemy is not fighting back, all of your buffs have perfect uptime, type of DPS. Just not achievable in reality, unless you are something like bleed, with 100% DPS uptime.
For example, look at the slam builds people are showcasing. The DPS is set up with all exerts/shouts up, which is the effective DPS for like 3 attacks, after that you have to rebuff with shouts effectively losing 1-2 seconds of DPS. That is not even counting the DPS loss of moving between attacks, or pressing anything else besides attacks.
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why does being poor make you seethe so much?
I don't have this menu
quin pls go
yeah, that is true even in this hellhole
guess I'll man up and get a job for a few months. I don't wanna miss this leaguestart so I'll play for two weeks and then work. Hell, if everything goes right I might as well come back to the league with a new PC to get 40 challenges
now I am feeling a bit of hopium

parents are dead, just live with my grandma and take care of her. I am her caretaker. relatives send a bit of money for our dinner and her medicines. PoE is my only cope
I am a bit envious about people like you (>>487609919) who probably got his pc gifted by loving parents, but those are woman tier shit cope feelings
I'll just man up and get a job, can't do it permanently anyways since i gotta take care of her
well somebody is definitely seething here
He does it too? I've never watched him
just ignore them
Speaking of noobs,
>they are adding click to dump
Oh, I didn't know that. Still, the macro is useful for things like applying currency, like Scroll of Wisdom, fusings, etc
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he has brain damage, yes
Basically it helps make the framerate more stable, but in PoE the spikes and frame drops are so big that from my experience it makes no difference.
cope, you'll start stressing about falling behind couple hours into the first day
falling behind whomst
(me) of course
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5 poops left!
>click on pob
>click on config
>person gave themself 270% more damage for no reason
>aight den
Exactly how I feel. This stance made me clash with bootlicker troon so many times
Why can't we play now? Demiurge is evil.
You've never killed and uber boss, right?
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Yes, unfortunately he still makes videos
>only 12 meals left until league
I can feel it bros
if every pob is fake then no pob is fake
how can you make 6 mistakes in the word nigger
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right now my favorite is bleed builds with ryslatha's and low attack speed
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Oh no bros... My doctor booked my Gender-affirming surgery to tomorrow, I will miss the chance of playing LA Raider again, wish me luck bros ><
SLOOMgod has spoken.

Don't forget Volatility, it gives a higher number of PoB so that means it's better
Having Ryslatha's in a league start PoB is bait enough already because it's T1
>settlers of kalguur melee gameplay.webm
my is real
Look, i've played eq once, okay, but that was before 1488 buffs to enemies were made, on top of being able to cancel animations when you don't want to.
With Seismic Cry, whatever Slam shit you play will actually not have problems hitting enemies simply because of the fuckhueg AoE (and you will use Seismic because Overexert).
the problem is you NEED rares in every slot with max mana to do any damage. So it pigeon holes you severely. You cant fit other multipliers into the build because the moment you don't take all the mana cost reduction every fucking part of the tree, is the moment you cant cast. And the moment you don't take a mana node and try to go for crit or jewel sockets, your dps fucking plummets. It's a starter that only scales if you pivot into int stacking and you may as well go inquisitor for that and use eblade ivory tower instead of stacking mana and going ivory tower and getting nothing out of your fucking mana pool for ehp. It's shit. Still cant go agnostic, cant go crit, cant use any speed clear uniques.
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>pob dead
nice... its always a greedy... faggot
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I killed each of them once just to see, but I don't really map anymore most of the time outside of first 24 hours until I get enough divvies for Ralakesh setup. Then I just go sit in sanctum mines for a week, then rmt all my currency to singaporeans when I get bored and quit the game until next league.
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fuck man the league starts at night why god did you put ggg in kiwi land?!?
The feature was disabled and it's getting removed entirely soon
This wasn't goyslop, it was pajeetAI slop
is anything not bait
Is there a fun and viable build with shitton of damage conversions that is not lightning strike
why is poeg so poor
I'm convinced it's impossible to fuck up Zerker slams
Does millions of DPS with act 10 rares
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>taking care of grandma
Ok that's at least a little better, I suggest a part time or work from home though
>who probably got his pc gifted by loving parents
I upgraded the shitty family pc back in the day with ram and an ati radeon card until I got a job and built my own.
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i hate trannies of the coast, when will mtg die
Yep, remember that math isn't real and is created by jews to humiliate niggers and spics.
Bonshatter of CARNage vs Complex Trauma. Shouldn't CARNage deal more damage on average after 3.25 buffs?
Thanks for the laugh anon.
melee sisters not zero uptime shit again...
i buy 100usd worth of divines every league and have fun
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Last league (or whichever it was) that started at 7pm bong time was very comfy, I still adjust my neet sleep schedule to this 9pm launch as well but going to bed at 10 am is kinda ass
carnage has shitty clear. no pulse from trauma = no clear.
Everybody will know how Quin69 feels, this is the last gift that BFR will give us before retiring.

Thanks BFR!
hope you get banned
Thanks for keeping me in business rmt bro
it's fun to clear maps and bosses and farm stuff without having to get to the point of being able to
you're welcome bro
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Because I look like picrel.
I buy 500 usd wort of mirrors every league and have more fun
Why? Isn't it more fun to farm the currency yourself?
No, that was me.
I only get 10usd worth of divines, I just want a small boost so my shitty builds can work.
Kiwi here, I'm psychically transmitting this post to Chris (as all Kiwis are known to be able to do), enjoy your ban.
>ubers have like 50m hp
About 75 million life. And then 70% damage reduction. So basically 250 million and also doubled defences and 50% resists.
>it's fun to clear maps and bosses and farm stuff without having to get to the point of being able to
Just play standard then.
Not really, at least not for me. I like mindlessly clearing maps and bosses. It's a weird enjoyment. The act of farming currency and gear is just so boring to me, but the end result is fun.
I like league stuff. Standard doesn't really do anything for me.
It's weird and may be stupid, yea.
uhhh... sisters?
you know you can just take your standard divinebucks and convert them into league divinebucks, right? no need to even spend any real bucks.
what the point of ruining your progression like that? That's the whole point of ARPG
I get it that you are a shitter unable to reach the upper echelons of builds without RMTing but come on
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>buying currency with real money in a game about loot
Every bonzone shares
>stunning an enemy with strike releases a damaging pulse
line. So all 3 shoud work similar. Or am i missing something?
That makes no sense. You can mindlessly farm maps without $100 worth of divines.
slayer or warden frost blades? I thought the general idea of slayer was for 500 endurance charges but every build just converts them into brutal charges anyway so slayer seems to just do half the DPS of warden?
Can't wait to unleash my top secret assassin reave build on the new league.
Ralakesh lets you get both kinds of charges
It'll also be 50d this league
Warden's DPS is extremely inflated in every PoB I've seen
You only convert once you have Ralakesh retard
It makes multiple builds.
Nah, up until the league after Expedition I did it all myself. End game, giga damage builds, what-have-yous. Got tired of the grind.
sup sis?
the brutal charge part is with ralakesh, where you still benefit from your high endurance charge cap. anyways go lightning strike
nah you are correct. I probably just missed it the last time I looked. carnage could be better. I would however make something around bleed with it.
new thread pls :3
People too gay for Ralakesh. Gimme that tailwind instead. I can just generate my own endurance charges and I ain't using the Maven belts anyway.
I'm kind of dreading the mix of unique farm abuse fix + the currency auction house when it comes to Ralakesh price. Bought them for around 10 div on day two last league, I think they spiked bit higher after but then came down in price pretty quickly. Still think 50 div is hyperbole if we're talking day 1/2 but maybe not by much. At least they fixed the ED interaction, that shit would make it half a mirror.
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I'm a phoneposter for 40 more minutes. Do it yourself, nerd.
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I'm baking it as we speak, sit tight!
I've seen way too many builds using green or red Maven's belt to call it hyperbole. It's going to be prohibitively expensive
>ctrl+f wand
>0 results
bros I wanna wand but idk how
i've never done ubers and the only pinnacle boss i've ever killed by myself was searing exarch, my builds are usually just too shit at bossing

is archmage hiero good to start if i dont want to live like that anymore
Stack int, crown of eyes, stack power charges, get ralakesh boots. Sink in a few mirrors. There you go.
Isn't Jungmoan power syphon mine trickster build a wand build?
Strength stack will be better
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I must slam
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I must jam
fool me once
i'm rushing sanctum stacking divs and hoarding boots. i'll give free ones to anyone in 1488 who says the word.
hiero is probably your best best, safest and one of the strongest builds this league. For killing bosses i can also recommend EA elementalist. It has honestly pretty sick dmg compared to the investment. Doesn't scale as well as hiero and other top tier builds
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Not sure, STR stack ends up weaker defensive does it not? With int/pcharge getting 10k+ ES? And were all str stacking wanders using crown of eyes, because now they have too since battlemage is gone.
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absolute state of trade cucks
Why would they do that when wand skills have innate Battlemage
Wait what? Did I miss that in the patch notes or are you talking about the shitty kinetic bolt?
if you aren't farming ubers 4 hours into league then you will literally never catch up and will be poor forever and never afford anything you want and may as well uninstall
Lmao, enjoy staying poor.
how were solo players able to kill t17 3k-ghosted meatsacks?
>only 9 poops left til league start
fucking HYPE

So another corporate sellout guzzling corpo cum.

Opinion discarded then. I don't care about the opinions of milktouse grifters
Hmmm, went at this how I naturally do, and recorded my mental process
turns out I subtract 38 from 300 then add back the 25

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