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Previous: >>487585606

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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QuickCHADS rise up
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FEshit franchise is dead and is carried by troons
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I hit pity today but I will get lucky later
Can you exchange the ice blocks for QP after the event is over? I bought everything that required them really early on and I still have a ton of farming left to do.
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Lip love!
I’m siphoning your luck.
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Wu love!
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Summer teen mom...
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Have I just not been paying attention or are the hermanos not posting as much lately?
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Grima Robin... Epic.
What the fuck were they thinking with her first ascension? What a shitty design. No wonder they used her third ascension design for the event.
cute butt
Are there even anymore relevant supports coming now that Skadi is out?
Where do you think Arc's castle is located?
ranni the witch...?
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Medb with level1 damage CE carries my farming.
Argentina collapsed, they all died.
Looks like Milei had his effect already.
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Why are you even asking about doing 90++ content if you don't have the servant it is balanced around?
Bros.. how do you shake the feeling that you’re wasting your one and only life in this world.
Swimsuit Kuro is a very good support.
Yui in 1.5 years.
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You can't keep a good Medbbro down
Medusa love!
I contemplate suicide daily because I can't remedy how badly I fucked up my life.
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Very based
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>already a main target for me (Kuro is sex)

>already a main target for me (Samurai Remnant is peak)
Sweet, nothing to worry about for my plans then

As long as I get Rikyu then this year has been an absolute complete win for me.
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It happened to me with Crane -> Arc and Douman -> SSkadi.
That being said, never drop your guard.
which kamatard are you and when should we throw the party
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First time I've felt grateful to get spooked so many times by this guy
I know Quick is still not as good, but switching back to it after Skadi at least lets me get some use out of my Majin Saber.
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Ok, here's the real deal.

Sen no Rikyu is a complicated historical figure.

The biggest mistake you could ever made as I made before is to think he is some kind of hermit. In fact he is a merchant first and sold teawares through many dirty tricks.
To expand a little bit more on the dirty trick he used, best merchants only sell demands.
The powdered green tea was first popular in religious rituals in Buddhist monasteries. By the 13th century, when the Kamakura shogunate ruled the nation, tea and the luxuries associated with it became a status symbol among the warrior class.
200 years later, Sen no Rikyu revolutionized it further by the principle of "Wabi-Sabi", which stands for simplicity and imperfection but not limited to, from the tea ceremony itself to teawares used in it to the design of tea room(Chashitsu).
While promoting the demand for Wabi-Cha among the warrior class and working for Nobunaga and Hideyoshi, he managed to raise the price of domestic teawares significantly(while the cost of them might... not be that impressive) and gather a great amount of wealth. Not only limited to this, he also sold weapons and resources to opposite parties in a warfare, but that was rather a common practice between merchants of Sakai, as Sakai is an independent region and it doesn't side with a particular warlord.

(1/Chapter I)
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That's Aesc silly
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Reminder Liz loves you no matter what race you are,what gender you identify as or what sexual orientation you have.
Liz loves all bros!
Liz supports trans rights!
Liz supports black right!
Liz says love wins no matter who you love!
I have zero interest in Kama besides jacking off to her doujins.
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Working on yourself is the only way to combat the slow decay
I think Cnoc is a good situational support, but she's a free welfare.
sorry, they just look and act so similar
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Summer Skadi fucking when?
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The biggest autism of him follows, he opposes the living of gaudiness, but prefers a living of refinement. Just like the Wabi-Sabi principle: simplicity and imperfection, to appreciate the natural beauty, to find something interesting and enjoyable in life.
He practiced Zen Buddhism in his late years. "Rikyu" is a title in Zen Buddhism, stands for "giving up the desire for fame". He also donated the construction of a temple gate, which would lead to his death later.

The death of Rikyu is not only a "putting his wooden statue above the Emperor" or "opposite aesthetics" issue. There are too many more causes to it such as he refused the proposal of his daughter from Hideyoshi, the control of Sakai and suspicious behaviors of supporting Hideyoshi's potential enemies, such as Tokugawa Ieyasu.
The start of the open conflicts was the death of his eldest disciple, Yamanoue Soji. He was brutally executed by Hideyoshi for some ridiculous reason: refused to work for Hideyoshi because he didn't want to after working for his former lord.
The excuse doesn't make sense by itself, but to be brutally executed(ears and nose cutted off, then beheaded) for it just added another level of ridiculousness.
Rikyu was furious about it. After that it's like what we will see in most political conflicts in the history: who kills who first.
When Rikyu was bestowed an enforced Seppuku ritual, it was basicly Hideyoshi telling him:"Generous of me, letting you die like a warrior with honor instead of humiliating and executing you like Soji." Thus Rikyu knew why and didn't explain a single word, then died at the age of 70.

"70 years of life, I have been searching for a higher realm. This treasured sword of mine, (resides my awakening) despite Buddha and Daruma alike."
"With a sword that I can use well hold in my hands, now at this moment, I throw my all to the sky." That was the death poem by him.

(2/Chapter I)
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Is Ghost of Tsushima good? Is there like, anything ushi-related in it?
I want to play fate-related games.
This is a good way to let everyone know you never played F/E CCC. Liz is vocal about her hate in that game.
*chu chu chu*
Bluesummers, your message is censored!
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>half paying attention to the game while watching youtube
>picked summer nero instead of castoria
Akemi, your message is censored!
Be kind to others!
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>act so similar
You don't how Tony acts, do you?
Bluesummers, your support is soulless!
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Komahime had a very scarse historical attention, even within the island itself.

Something what we may have known is that she was executed unjustly, never even saw Hidetsugu herself and was executed just because "related".
The Mogami Clan and the Date Clan have always been closely related to Hidetsugu and suspected for a usurpation conspiracy against Hideyoshi, so it might be a too severe warning, which backfired on himself later.
But for whatever reason, it was a pitiful tragedy. She literally did nothing, sacrificed herself for something completely unrelated of and died at the age of 15.
According to a piece of historical record: "Although she was as young as a bud about to bloom, in the last moment of her life she was exceptionally calm like an adult."
"Komahime, sits at the destinated place quitely, puts her palms together in prayer, faces to the west where the paradise of Amitabha located. When the executioner stands (on her side) and raises his sword, she slightly stretches her head forward (to accept the blade)."

"There's no sin within my body, while the wicked trend of this world put them on me; If I go to the underworld with them, then the potential sin of disobeying the Five Virtues will probably disappear as well."
"Sever my sin, the sword of Amitabha coming at me. Then where on earth of my body, ought to exist the Five Hindrances to Attainment as a woman?" That was the death poem written on a paper by her. The paper is treasured in Zuisenji, Kyoto. It has symbolic tombstones for every victim of the execution.

It's quite moving but some may say this death poem seems to be too deep and Buddhism related for a girl of 15 like her. Since her mother taught her everything in order to be a qualified consort of Hidetsugu in 4 years, which also includes Buddhism, Literature and Biwa, and she was said to be quite smart, so it looks reasonable to me that it was written by her.

(Chapter II)
is she for (you)
4*'s mainly (summer kuro+yui) apart from them its been mostly multicore/dps characters instead
Veneno status?
Nice thighs, Kama...
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Ushi, no, but there is a reference to Tomoe even though the timeline doesn't quite match. The game is fun but gets repetitive unless you really like the sword combat and killing Mongols.
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This thread will be better.
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Now about what I like about them both. Shikiso did a really great job on the design for both of them.

For the first ascension, it's the standard uniform for a tea ceremony master, with the long sleeves in resemblence of the Red Spider Lily(Higanbana). It's considered the flower of the underworld.
For the second ascension, the tea bowl is called "Imayaki Black Tea Bowl", invented by Sen no Rikyu. The haircut is the haircut of a buddhist nun, implying the deep relationship of them both to Buddhism. The morning glory refers an anecdote of Rikyu but that's a longer story. The cloth is a Japanese wedding dress(Shiromuku) colored all in black and the cape is a part of the bridal gown of Komahime, treasured in Senshoji, Yamagata, where her "Black Hair Tomb" at.
For the third ascension, the wooden blade refers to the sword of Amitabha in Komahime's death poem, in resemblence of the Kurikara sword of Āryācalanātha. And the end point of the grip is in resemblence of Mogami Yoshiaki's, her father's helmet.
The pattern on her kimono is called the hemp leaf pattern(Asanoha), a wish to put on newborn clothes for the newborn to grow up healthily. The camellia on her head is also called the flower of decapitation. The symbols on her biwa are the family crest of the Mogami Clan and the sign of Amitabha. The white cloth is worn by dead people only, with the right collar on the left(usually it's left collar on the right) and a unique knot.
And what I recently found, the five blood streams on her Lamp Hakama combines with the cut of Seppuku is the pattern of a five string biwa.

(Chapter III)
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Tenga onahole...
no, how does she act
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would you let Rin have a shotgun?
I don't use Venmo anymore, they scammed me out of $50
Certified Bro
Can someone explain how Mighty Chains actually work? All I've noticed is that Quick now gets 20% higher crit chance on either chains starting with Quick and Mighty Chains. Was that always a thing? What's the Arts and Buster effect on it?
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I've done this, also picking Queen of Sheba instead of Nito
Bluesummers, your asscrack is showing!
Pull up your pants!!!
I see London, I see France, I see Bluesummers's underpants!
She's very small
Don't talk shit about my bros
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Damn, Rin's pissed...
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On characterization aspect, Keikenchi did a good job combining them both as an amalgamation of grudges against Hideyoshi, they do qualify for a berserker with strong obsessions and regrets from their lore.

The dynamic between both of them is very great. Old gramp and his adopted granddaughter, one being hardworking and another being sloppy. One being elegant and another being lively. One being experienced and another being inexperienced. Their opinions are opposites on everything which is fun, and their bond CE is also well written.

I love the concept of what terribly happened in the past reincarnates and becomes a calamity, that's my autism brought from Kusarihime, Houshizora Meteo's first VN.
The way Rikyu and Koma and many many more wandering souls became the Heroic Spirit Sen no Rikyu is just like how Hikawa Juri became Kurame. Same appearance and personality yet you can sense the eeriness, madness and macabre behind.

Their NP, Ichigo Ichie, or One Time One Meeting, as the principle of the tea ceremony is, has a double meaning. For Rikyu it's his highest accomplishment, so it's in the form of tea ceremony. For Koma, it's a reposal ritual for all the wondering souls of victims of the turmoils in the Sengoku period, in the form of blood.

Their VA did a good job as well, Rikyu sounds like an old granny with all the nuances and tones in the sentences while Koma, as transient as she is, a cute gal.

I'm a tea enjoyer myself, I like the sound of biwa and I like the principle of simplicity, imperfection, and appreciation of natural beauty.

(Chapter IV, done)
All the cards get the first card bonus. So NP gain boost, damage boost and crit chance up/crit star generation up.
Girl next door childhood friend, I suppose. Gwen Stacy might be a good comparison.
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Quick gives the chains 20% extra chance to Crit.
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I hope we'll get to see more of Erice in the future. She was the best part of the event for me.
Wait, you do Buster last if you want damage up on a Mighty chain? What the fug.
They reference Dan-no-ura a few times. There's a few shots that are very "Benkei/Yoshitsune" with a warrior monk that you travel with and grow close with. One of the side characters you spend 3 missions with has you recite the Heike's opening passage. There's a lot of areas in the map that are named after Genpei war figures like Kiyomori and Benkei and others.
You could probably cosplay a Yoshitsune pretty easily.
It is a very funny thing they do with Tomoe in that. She really does mirror F/GO Tomoe in a lot of ways
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Got one slot free, deleted someone who hadn't logged in for 10+ days


Happy to add anyone so long as you play daily/regularly. Will delete if you're gone for 10+ days (will keep for longer if you say it in your message)

Don't mind what supports you have, doesn't have to include meta supports or anything.
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I believe the colloquial term is 'shawty'
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>lv. 88 Summer Skadi
Bro what happened to your embers.
Yes. It's hard to break 7 years of muscle memory of putting the Buster first.
wait your telling me koma is actually a cunny servant?!
I see you did quite a bit more research since last time.
quick first gives bigger crit chance and star gen and then the buster at the end hits harder as normal chain.
Already bros bro.
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Yeah, I'm sure she will, being one of the writers' pets has its privileges.
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I had to level a lot after anniversary. She'll be there soon though, within a day or so.
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bros, i must confess, i think i'm into women
>being one of the writers' pets has its privileges.
What makes you think she's one of the writers' pets?
ponytail mom is so cute! and one piece mom! and teen bikini mom!
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Best I can do for you is a loli Wu spook
Take it or leave it
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>i think
So, i got summer skadi. Now what?
She's the main character of a LN...
Triple Skadi is actually very fun to use
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-15 hours until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials could be obtained in the past:
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Triple mom sex
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I really want to see the big Moms squish little Mom between their boobs.
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Why is Gudako like this?
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20% of my power should suffice.
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How mucb longer until Cooldusa?
I hope you actually have quick servants to make use of with her and didn't just roll because everyone else did
12 minutes, hope you got your saint quartz ready
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Next spring iirc
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Or just "sex"
>saved by her smile
Mission failed.
Arthur is the main character of a standalone IP as well and we barely ever see him.
Right before next anniversary, probably.
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If you ever noticed Erice is 14 and still a child servant but Koma is 15 but not. I guess the line here is the ability to be engaged or not.
Ever since 2 years ago, actually. A little bit by a little bit accumulation of everything.
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an LN that hasn't been updated in like 4 years
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You can do it!
His Merlin literally just happened in this fucking event.
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That Melu makes me feel things...
Oh no, it's bugged...
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I hope she has really cool animation using her sword when she gets added to FGO.
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An Ln that hasn't had a volume release in 4 years. When was the Last time you heard about Arika Ishizue. Nasu doesn't even remember his story exists.
Ermm cringe
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Oberon love!
Congrats, unbelievably based taste.
Grats bro
who the fuck is this guy? He looks like mountain man after going through a depression arc
Fucking based.
Tardmamo doesn't fight.
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So why is the Trojan Horse just a mech?
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Hope you only grailed big Wu and rarent a pedo cuck!
This used to be one of the greatest FGO images in the early days.
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No... *COUGH*
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Congrats bro!
DDD Protagonist
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Congrats, bro!
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Good work bro.
I kneel fellow Wubro.
I decided to wait till the 2x super suck happening next month.
Forgive me my weakness but i just don't have enough embers...
Wait she’s before the anniversary infusion of SQ? I won’t have anniversary SQ to rely on
I kneel
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Bob love too!
holy based
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>alter would fuck NEEThime
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Did you managed to get all the NPs you need for maximum wu, wubro?
I need to wait till next month for my last two grails to hit 120.
Odysseus was granted power by the gods. The gods in greek mythology in Fate are interstellar colony ships with internal intelligence systems.
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I only need one.
But yeah, currently i have NP 3 majin alter, NP 2 baobhan sith and NP1 rats. Hoping for NP2 Sen no Rikyu soon.
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Congrats bro
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Based and torturepilled
That's OK, it's the smart thing to do
I did, NP10, but it took 1.6K SQ...
Because Greek gods are mechs
Same reason Hektor's spear is a ballistic missile
Then why did he die like a bitch without even a fight with guda
But Artemis is a retard who turned her lover into a plushie?
post fc
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When did we get so big?
Imagine having thousands of pics of ugly chinks saved on your computer.
Damn that's as much as I needed. I managed to get np11 thankfully. Whats the FC?
It was our Fate....
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>NP1 gives 5% defense
>NP5 gives 25% defense
>meanwhile grand welfare gives 30% defense on a skill
Jannu is truly a relic of DW trying to balance the game.
Who the fuck is using a jannu np for the def up
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I want to see more people getting Janu spooked
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let her cook
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The best thing about Tamamo Aria is they spend the whole game building her up and you expect her to actually be some hidden threat under all the stupidity but then it turns out no she actually is just retarded.
I remember when rolling for NP2 4-star was considered to be a show of dedication.
Now anons are going for 5-10 copies casually.
What the fuck happened.
>I remember when rolling for NP2 4-star was considered to be a show of dedication.
This never happened
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what are our targets for the rest of this year and the next?
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Congratulations, anon
Hard to believe Jannu was one of the most reliable servants at launch. 15 Turning hands with jannu. Truly the strongest
sent Wu(smol) in all
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I love my king wife!
Asstraea in all
tell me there's more
we know redman
If I have Skadi, Castoria, and Vitch. Am I forced to have 3 support pages now? What’s the ideal two support page CE setup now?
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Why in sweet FUCK, does summer Wu keep her loli voice?
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Added and locked.
Yes it did.
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>JP releases class scores
>need pieces and monuments to level
>never another event to farm pieces and monuments
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I love slutty cheerleaders
Isn't Tamamo Aria just "the weird one" out of the Tamamo nine?
I'm not rolling for any more quick servant
>got Skadi, Avalon and np2 Ibuki
>still 1300 quartz left
And at least 6 months until something to roll for.
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The worst is that they require 5x as much monuments as pieces for some reason
No thay would be Koyan.
Aria is the beautiful one out of the Tomamo nine.
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Yes, she has autism, please be patient
I wish they'd put them in a lotto again, skill gems have been utterly useless for me for years
Nothing more devilish than the coins system
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>Am I forced to have 3 support pages now?
Got you too.
What do you mean? she speaks in slightly less high pitch and doesn't scream nearly as much.
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i'll probably try get komahime & gogh np upgrades when her rateup+main interlude comes out in october but thats pretty much it for the year and I can start saving for cummer castoria
Wait then what the fuck is the giant ball thing?
As long as I get Rikyu I'm set until next year. God please let her show up.
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The only new quick servant I kinda want is horse pussy but she gets a ton more rateups so I'm good to skip till next year
Maaybe I'll throw a few tickets and see what happens
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Why didn't you have 3 pages before?
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Raita = god
thats her jojo stand
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>already have caren
>already have molay
No one and Molay's actually pretty good. Her stacking NP damage buff works nicely with Oberon and offsets being in the Forina clas.
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Time to get all summery.
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How often do you like showing off your new JPGs here?
What? She sounds nearly identical to me.
Her refund is sooooo bad though
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>Summer Wu laughs kuhuhuhu instead of nihahahaha
They ruined her!
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She evolved!
It isn't? She can farm with Black Grail or Foumes pretty comfortably.
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My ritual?
Driving down the highway at 90 MPH.
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>Got NP1 Ibuki
>Got NP1 Morgan
>Got NP1 Caren
I am the color god, i am prepared for everything!
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Think of them as a collection, not just one or two personality.
The hands are 3D btw.
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>NP1 city
Prepared for the kiddie pool maybe
Only against 3/3/x and just barely
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Neither has Okita.
I only have Castoria and Vitch on my normal supports, I put the rest up when there's an event
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Got mad and refunded 100€ through google.
What are the chances I get banned and how long will it takes?
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Because his animations weren't finished yet.
She can farm 1/1/1 uneducated bro
0, but you only get one bs refund
Which is fine, you're not taking Quick servants outside of Lv.90 and maybe Lv.90+ but certainly not Lv.90++ outside of meme nodes with only two waves.
/alter/ told me NP1 is enough and that this game is very f2p friendly and whaling is more of a waifu thing.
If it's your first time you'll get it, and nothing else since google is footing the bill.
If it's not your first time, it'll just get rejected and nothing else.
0% see you tomorrow
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I've done an actual chargeback in the past and they don't do shit.
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>he fell for the poorfag lucklet cope
It was actually multiple purchase though and they all got instantly approved
No, she's a spaceship that forced herself into her boyfriends saint graph leaving only enough room for him to manifest as a plush toy.
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We used to refund all the time, we were outlaws. Better days. You'll be fine but probably won't be able to do it again.
If you're quick you can refund multiple packs, I got like 4 refunded while rolling for Nemo. Also don't do this often
nowadays everything has 1 million HP so you need at least NP3 to keep up
I've never managed to refund shit, they always get denied...
That was old /alter/
New /alter/ will make you a reddie if you can't max a servant
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The year is 2024 bro
I kinda wanna start doing this now... but isn't this easily banable?
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That's pretty much what happened, bought 3 packs, refunded all 3 of them and it got instantly approved for some reason.

Not planning to buy (and so refund) shit for a while so should be ok
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"nobility" here
No one cares, don't take it so seriously
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>24 hours

try a week
>but isn't this easily banable?
The only thing that has gotten people publicly banned was transferring their accounts to third worlders who would by quartz then transfer the account back
Usually game, will ban you for this.
Dunno if you can get into trouble with your google/apple account too, I guess not, or if you can get into actual real trouble (Never heard of something like that happening though)
It's banable if you do a chargeback, not a refund. Most refunds will actually get denied and that's it.
>a week
try a month
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This is bullshit.
>Merlina needs 150k bond points to go from 5 to 6
>Ibuki needs 300k
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Pick one.
Halfway to Ibuki pity...should I keep going?
bitch got a fattie dump truck!!!
Did anyone 120 their Skadoo yet?
>the horny dream demon is easy
I wonder.
Give me the dog
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I made this, bros
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Prisma Illya hinting the new FGO event with Julius.
Eventually you will hit pity sooner or later.
JK Fox!
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Why is the fedora bear all alone in the upper corner?
when's the oberon rateup illyabro
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My dumbass ass posted in the other thread because i thought it was the current thread
Retards >>487606106 you didn't finish the past thread
His feet hurt and wish he was in his igloo eating fresh fish.
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Those EXTRA classes are hell
I can't find Waldo bros...
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We need more servants like these
>start doing
They'll generally only let you do it once. I've heard you can do it a second time if enough years pass.
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he is just like me...
w-who are these delicious bara semen demons bro??
I got spooked a ton too, it sucks
2.1% my ass
Danke wu bro
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Barg and it's not even close.
Like the angry small red one, yes
>420 sq per rate up ssr
It's ok.
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I don't think polar bears build igloos.
Then again i have no idea where they sleep, are there caves in antarctica?
So you can't buy Tunguska from rare prism shop unless you completed the prologue in the event?
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Drink tea.
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They look for a tall treebranch and sleep there!
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Circe has succeeded in turning ice from the Arctic Castle into kykeon.
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Milicent > Melina > Hyetta > Rya > Sellen > Marika > Ranni > Fia > Roderika > Malenia > Nepheli
which one has the biggest penis?
Anastasia is right there bro...
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Why wasn’t Shinji protective of his younger sister?
She's a whore and isn't even blood related. Total Shitura death
inferiority complex
Because he's repulsed by NBRshit, like all men of taste.
ive refunded over 1000 probably and the worst i got was they blocked my account from spending for a few months. it got better.
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man this event is boring, no wonder they had to bring back the servantfes+lb6 for the next summer
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Are latina gfs good for you?
So the Skadi costume comes out next summer?
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Sakura in FSN is not even a character, merely written as a plot device. It's not until Nasu kept pushing her, now as an actual character, in the Extra universe and more so in CCC that she actually became popular.
Mind you this shit happened a long time ago so people forget, but anyone who likes Sakura nowadays copes really hard trying to act as if the Sakura in FSN was anything like the Sakura they actually like from any of her other appearances.
Bro they're from the north pole. Penguins are the south pole weirdos
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The art of this event is so cool in contrast to the main plot
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no, i will cut your dick while you sleep and offer it to Xechotlatnit under a full moon
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what the dog doing
Shut up, Rin
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Why so angry?
Are you having a melty?
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Sadly yes
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You could only call this latina if you were counting the Portugal-descending Brazillians.
>50 deleted posts in last thread
Why can't they ever made some interesting summer like summer 5 after?
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what would you do if you came home to this?
Don't even bother how many were deleted in this one
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Hag sex
Sex hags
Sex with hags
Hag sex with sex hags
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From a gay gacha game called Another Eidos. Go to the general on /vmg/ for more pps.
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Douman gets naked in his final ascension?
What the sigma.
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hug her
Kiara + Abby + Paisen is too stacked of a cast.
I love you, green Valkyrie!
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Where the AIfags when you need them?
Cool, I'll probably keep her in permanent 2nd till then.
Destroy her in bed, look at her sweaty body, and then do it again
Spending on FGO or spending on anything?
Thanks bro!
are there hispanic sisters here?
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who the fuck are you and where are your parents, i'll bring you back home
>15 kama posts and someone blogging about their feet
alter has reclined
On Patreon for 15$ a month for your ilk
Rape the maids.
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Do you guys like Shuten?
Would you marry her?
t. Shuten
Eric Bloodaxe
Hug her, maybe teach her how to play Melee: Why do you ask?
No problem, fren of good tastes in cute hot men. I want my face in lion Iskandar's fluffy armpit...
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Definitely one of my favorites
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At least 10% of /alter/ posters are women, i just learned to not talk about it because it derails the thread
back to topic, how did you do last night?
Man, it aint easy fighting the urge to pull for Skadi, but Kuku is more important.
Not him but I refunded 250+ bucks, 3 big packs with Apple. Nothing has happened yet. Free SQ or I get banned and freed from this hell. Seems like a win win.
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Mitsurugi sugar is single-handedly keeping Valkyrie art alive, what a God
I'm doing the same thing, it's the most pleasing for me of the current three.
Ivan and Old Man doing a role play with me where I suck their massive cocks till I'm a bloated mess. Then cuddling.
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Based latina lover
It's been a long time lads
Make sure to check your recovery code
>where´s Waldo?
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What horrors has that Sakura plush seen?
link it.
Cute potato
Wasn't the slag looking for an /alter/bf in the threads a few months back Hispanic?
cant remember, i think it was spending on fgo specifically
>how did you do last night?
Good how about you
Are you a sis?
You're right thats wayyy too low.
Probably more like 40%
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yup smelly fluffy boys are the best
He also draws a great Chiyome.
Cry legitimate tears of happiness. I'm so lonely bros.
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i love the white and blue so much. red's nice but this is so good. i wish it was a costume(and off the horse)
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Did someone say feet?
I ran out of QP!
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I'm a thighsman
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>she's younger than me
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Hahaha... Kukubro stay strong don't fall for it like me
Call the cops a retarded child broke in my house
Do you really want to know?
Go back to bed, grandpa
I like this artist
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>i just learned to not talk about it because it derails the thread
I see. Also I fucking lucked out hard this summer.
Lots of boys moaning like girls while bouncing on cock.
Frotting. Lots and lots of frotting.
i've noticed servantbro only gets his posts deleted when the eric bloodaxe spammer is here. why is that?
uhhh which one is the most for (you)
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Drake lived to 56
Queen Elizabeth I lived to 69
Are you really older?
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The only way to match it is with summer Gogh, Summer Molay, and Summer Taiga with the demon Guda mystic code.
i see that too
Mentally ill men moaning in a horrible falsetto*
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>Queen Elizabeth I lived to 69
Will I actually use Summer Skadi or am I just going to stick to Koyan and Oberon?
>Summer Gogh
Good start.
>Summer Molay
Niche pick; Murasaki tier.
>Summer Taiga
You're shitposting.
So just to be clear. Are you both gay? But you cross dress as females when you fuck each other?
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Val reportspams posts he doesn't like for reasons that apply to his own posts. There is not a more mentally ill indivual to be found here.
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Just patiently wait for the qp park to recharge that free 8 mil qp.
It's not gay to top.
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I hope extra record doesn't abandon the Drake Elizabeth thing. I always thought it was a cool idea.
Stop noticing things
Yeah, the others are nice too, but the 2nd just sticks a great balance. Really nice that they added her 4th ascension as a costume. Have they ever done that before?
>Francis Drake lived to 53
So do other 54 year olds play FGO, or just you?
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Can anyone put Ortlinde on their support so I can register her in my servantdex?
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Why are cups like this?
Sorry we all chose Hildr
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>he doesn't have me added
>Sakura in FSN is not even a character, merely written as a plot device.

Go read HF.
you just got dozens of posts nuked and you still insist on avatarfagging like the no life loser you are
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Prostitute Jalter
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Seeing all of the Skadi and Wu avatarfags absolutely trounced in todays rolls fills me with joy
Kind of. Odysseus' helmets comes to mind.
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>Miyu doesnt give you chocolate because she will be serving you her special chocolate sauce later tonight directly out of the source.
It's definitely gay to top.
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Ati's complete despair was the best
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Goodbye Illya.
Done years ago, Sakura is shit in FSN and you'll have to deal with that fact.
Silver Link is still putting out merch even though the last time they animated Prillya was like at least 5 years ago?
how hard did he get fucked?
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Val, snap me your butthole.
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why does this picture have several pages of replies to the same kama image?
What a waste.
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He only got 1 copy.
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thats just Holmes
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He hit pity twice for Douman and Skadi
Fake news, I went thrud.
man i really think the rates were fucked. so many people nearly hit or actually hit pity.
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Fuck off, turd.
If these posts anger you so much just filter them.
Why are you so obssessed?
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hahahahahaha you fags are pathetic
There were also a bunch of people who got her immediately
It's just normal gacha fluctuations
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>ass valks need like 200 bullets for skills
I hit the pity twice this year, its more likely than you'd think
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F/Z was a fun ride
Licht was only 3 years ago and they already announced a new anime
Sorry, that me absorbing all your luck. Got Ibuki and Summer Skadi within 200 SQ, btw
Did he seriously roll for the fucking clown right before skadi? I haven't seen a move that self destructive since the grail your okita guy who mindbroke /alter/ with his antics .
umm when the fuck did this happen, it's too well animated to be fanmade
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I have some free slots, if some /alter/ bros wants.
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>anon can't recognize zero
His dedication was a joke.
it happened in lostbelt 5.2 but we all skipped that
In Fate Zero
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Did you get all the summer Servants?
in Fate/Boku no Pico, you should watch it
I feel like it was mostly desire sensor. All of the dedicated servantbros got fucked
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Comfy day
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We ARE bros, right?
Did he actually do this or was this just symbolism
Already bros plus you have soul
yes and now I don't have qp and exp cards
I had no idea, but I kept picking bullets for this months dailies despite having more than the other mats because it keeps fucking happening
i feel like it was wasting 900 sq on clown but ok
All except Ibuki, as God intended
where is your yang qin and asclepius?
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If I could share mine I would
>"i have nothing to do today so i'm going to spam /alter/ all day with my avatar on"
The edgy Prisma spinoff
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no but I got all the 5*s I wanted the most without having to spend a single big pack so im pretty happy overall
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Oberon in all.
Fuck off, turd.
I got both of them years ago so they don't appear there.
what level of secondary is this
Yeah, it's a metaphor of what happens when you shoot a child in the skull. Very well executed by Butcher-sama
Don’t project your own actions on that bro.
It fills out the Servantdex if you use or meet her in battle
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>huhuhuh you aren't a basement dweller like me and haven't watched the entire type moon works!!1!
I have three: Still trying to get Summer!Skadi and Lady Avalon
didn't you get nuked earlier? stay gone
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Nothing like spending a slow day with my bros.
>Doesn't lurk here while doing other things
This is bait
alrady bros brochacho
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You only need 500 for class score right?
Post FC
average circe poster
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>60 sq on my fp bot
>630 sq NP0 on my actual account
Filter the posts if they trigger you so much, sperg.
Fuck off, turd.
Already had Douman and Assclap.
Didn't roll for Avalon/Gareth.
Got Ibuki and Erice.
Failed Skadoo but got NP1 Wu.
lurking isn't avatarfagging every 10 minutes minimum every single day for as long as you're awake
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>you can't post on /alter/ while doing other things
The fact that you believe this says more about you than it does about him.
Thanks, bro!
by Poseidon
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Watch this so you can be a pro FGO gamer!
I did this
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you're his retarded buttbuddy pretending your post doesn't laughably discount the obvious fact that he spams daily
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>demon Guda mystic code
why are there no leds of that?
gonna impregnate liz!
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Ah, 625 for extra class stuff.
Isn't each class like 2 billion qp each as well? I doubt I'm ever maxing them all, especially since the blue junk in the top right seems super limited.
>save cum for a few days
>whip out ice cream
>skadi arrives in 60SQ
If his Kama bros posts trigger you so much then just filter them?
Why are you so obssessed with him.
>accidentally click nero caster instead of castoria
>6 turn 90++ instead
why put her on supports
its not a waste if he said he really wanted him for a long time now and his next rateup is in two years
what's his account look like nowadays?
He probably only saved 900sq for her, since it doesn't make sense to go beyond 900 with pity, if you want more copies you can just wait the next rate up.
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could be bigger
Last online over 2 years ago
because shes umu!
if somebody gets called out for having a dozen spam rituals stretched out over years of avatarfagging and spam, why is your first action to make several posts defending him and playing dumb?
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>upcoming 6 weeks of nothing!
get ready for Aesctrolls next year anon
I do it too, it's funny
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Thank you bro, locked. Do tell if you want any specific event supports, I have all the currency CEs at mlb plus ice rocks. Just no Skadi so can't help there.
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Not a problem if you use automata
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I got a lot of them
More time to save and relax, Kyoudai
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>complete Skadi's interlude
>do a x11 summon
>rainbow orbs
>summer Skadi

Bros... I'm so happy.
the era of speed up is over bro
it's slowdown all the way for the rest of the year
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I did play that one though
Think of all the blapples you can save up in that time
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Ok I found a support Ortlinde and cleared the CQ with her in the party, thanks
Kama bro isnt going to get banned or turned on by the commjnity no matter how much you seethe about him.
Filter his posts if they trigger you so much or move on.
Sperging out like this isnt going to do anything.
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which valk did you choose, and why?
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it's shell farming time for next year's servants!
>6 weeks of nothing
I think the Kama-spam has stopped for now
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she cute
Olrun, she's the funniest
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Whats Skadi reading, seems mom is on the cover.
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Would you let Medusa ride you?
Is that a Famas?
A futa Raikou twincest doujin.
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I really hope this is enough to get everything I really want.
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Yes, but not that Medusa
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>this AI spam
I can now go back to playing HSR. Saving in time for the UBW collab
Nice stash bro.
Where have you been for the past half a year?
AI is the future.
Deal with it.
Thanks. I had nearly double but got super fucked on like 2 rate ups at least. 3, i believe.
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>want NP2
>but also want Summer Caenis who's on a different rate up
fuck me
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I had 1.3k and it wasn't enough
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Yes, she is my favorite!
good morning sir
It's ridiculous
shut the fuck up cumskin
/alter/ is healing
Its 2 am.
Its still night not morning.
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AI Sakura > wormshit
i've had really god awful luck these past few banners. it really sucks. i feel cheated out of my hard work of saving. it's genuinely depressing.
I have never had more than 950 quartz at any time in this games history
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For what? That's guaranteed pity for one servant at least.
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BB is a worm (computer virus)
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Cute little Kama...
Who redeemed in your curry?
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why ritualposts are okay but AI is le bad? they're both robotic in nature
all the kamatard spam in the first half of the thread got nuked lmao
I currently have 1.6k and my wishlist has 5 SSRs till either New year or February 2024.
false dichotomy
Both should be banned
So which one should I choose?
just did some quick math and i've spent over 2k to get only 3 servants and the anni class guarantee gave me the exact servant i didn't want out of 7. it's insanely bad luck. i feel like my account's a little cursed.
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It's usually refered to as prison gay. Basically they aren't actually gay so they're not attracted to manly traits, but they either can't get or can't deal with women, so they try to substitute other low test males for women.

depends on what you want
His next rate-up is next year.
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oh looks like last thread is under limit too since the kamafaggots got nuked there too https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/tnum/487585606/deleted/deleted/page/2/
the one with the cute hat
For one yes, and that all I got
just one
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Don't use Tonelico for your horrid posts, Zeno
Thrud for Sora A-mommy-ya
Leave my bro alone, falseflagger.
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Just got here and felt like posting Drake,dunno if it's been bad in the last couple of hours
Ill keep it down for a while if that's the case
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All except Ibuki and Wu, my lippa.
Sent, Melt in all.
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shit happens, you'll get insane luck soon bro trust
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Too busy getting robbed by the fr*nch olympic management.
yeah, it's gotta even out sometime.
Is Run /alter/core? I chose her and Hildr because I like them the most but I didn't realize everyone did.
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>ai spam
>kama spam
>link spam
>complain spam
>during the biggest event of the year
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I went with Ortlinde.

She got shafted in the original group since she had her hood up, and she looks cute in all black tactical swimsuit gear, and she has the prettiest final ascension art.
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i'm still here, don't kill me off!
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Cute lip
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Nip/chink cultural fusion overdrive.
I'm deleting anyone who puts Aesc on Caster. Throw her in All if you have to.
The Saber crossplayer is cute as fuck, the Astolfo one significantly less so. I would pound the shit out of the Saber crossplayer and shoot ropes into his asshole before cuddling and playing FGO in bed together. I'm not gay.
I want to pick Thrud, should I…
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Hojo servant when
Little Kama...
IF I get her she's going on the bottom slot. She's not replacing Castoria.
Im torn between green and yellow, green because I like Genki girls and Yellow because she was the more quirky during the event

The other one barely said anything, so I assume people are choosing her for Black

I suck at remembering her names sorry
Ortlindecoomers, welcome to the blacklist.
She looks like the Joker/Enkidu. It's a meme.
>Im attracted to other men but im not gay.
Pink is /alter/core
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Thrud because of Amamiya Sora.
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Good night, bros.
I did
Correct, I'm attracted to feminine men.
good night lippa
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omg there she is!
wtf bro im going to 120 her and my all slot will have another 120
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Good night broooo
Good night bro
Aoko the shota hunter
>Correct, im gay.
>but im not gay btw
die lipper die
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Handy guide for anybody going after an NP6 5 star in the future.
Can someone clarify if there's a scenario/timeline where Shirou doesn't live long enough to become Archer, Archer would still exist in the throne of heroes? Why again?
If it makes my dick hard, it's a girl. Cope and seethe.
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The throne exists outside of linear time
Good night Lipfriend.
Because the Throne extends to all branches of all timelines regardless of the pruning phenomenon.
why do they ryona the sexiest servants?
Throne of Heroes exists outside of our linear spacetime. That's why theoretical heroes are able to be summoned.
The beni event implies it has its own internal timeline as well where servants can interact with each other.
Ok, looking at things closer, I like Thrud the most out of the 3 OG Valks but I want to punch Rindr in the face, meanwhile Hildr is the OG Valk I like least but Olrun’s design is nice and I think the best out of the 3 costumes, so what do?
The throne of heroes contains legends from all timelines.
Even if one timelines shirou didnt live long enought to be Archer another timelines Shirou did.
Thats why Muramasa and Emiya Archer can both exist.
Damn this chart makes rolling seem much worse. I've always gotten NP5 in about 1k SQ but apparently that's only 10% odds
Good night, bro.
The only solution is suicide
Finally managed to 3t the Lancer node, is this good enough to use teapots?
I have like 30+ of them and they expire in 6 days

I also still have to finish Traum, so dunno if it's better to use in some nodes there
>I've always gotten NP5 in about 1k SQ
That should be ME. My catalyst better FUCKING WORK when I go for it.
>90++ out for over a day
>no queen of 6ce webm
The era of the High Queen is over...
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best that I can offer is (later)Hojo Soun
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I'm going to give up for today. I've been trying non-stop all this time and got the right RNG only a single time and I ended up misclicking and ruining that single attempt...
I appreciate the Ox King on swimsuit Skadoo. I won't try anymore today if you'd like to remove it.
Says NP1 is 87.8% at 900 SQ. That's wrong. It's 100%. Everyone disregard this chart.
You're extremely lucky
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I need toots. All your toots please. I'm tired of seeing this stupid fucking taigong CE.
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Understandable. 3 Zenobia CEs coming right up.
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>tfw wasting apples on hands instead of the event because I'm tired of looking at my 120 target not being 120 yet
>current event is literally giving a stack of 5* embers every day until it ends
>1/2 AP hands next month
I'm literally retarded.
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good luck bro
Good toot
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Liz luck!
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Thats not deadpool thats spider man.
It’s okay I’ll leave it up, not like anybody else is doing non-event content right now
i'll squirt my cock milk out just for you bro
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Good luck bro!

Kama is a really tough fight with a full bar so you'll just have to keep trying bro. You'll make it there.
This was before pity, anon. Think of it like taking into account EXTRA copies instead of the guarantee.
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I give you the luck that eluded me
may it grant you a skadi, friend
Every servant should have a "damaged" sprite
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Stop avatarring.
Kama has been bullying me a lot today...

Thankyu friend.
cute boy
I hope you get her, I already have three MLB Taigong CEs so I’m tired of that too
Kanna seeeeexxxooooooo
Fuck off, turd.
Ortlinde. I liked her since LB2.
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good luck, bro
honestly, considering the nature of ths game, I've no idea of why that's not a standard fr the sake of storytelling
>n-n-no let me avatar in every single thread all day!!!
you're such a fucking loser lmao
How much SQ until Tezca bros
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you just cursed the guy...
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Primordial runes from the Age of Gods much more powerful than modern magecraft
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There are anons thinking right now
I have only 1 left bro..
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>red suit
>black rimmed solid white eyes
That's clearly deadpool.
I bought three big packs ($~240~) to roll for Meluko last December and instantly asked for a refund, claimed that a child got ahold of it. Took a couple days, but they did put it back on my account.
As far as I know, they'll always accept it the first time (within reason?) and just lose the money.
Theoretically if you do it multiple times (particularly with the same card, on the same account) they could try and get you on a charge, but much more likely they'll just deny your refund or bar you from purchases.
I will leave it there for tomorrow friend, don't worry.

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