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"here's your free obedient 19-year-old wife good sir, don't let trojans near her" edition

1d6chan -https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts -https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Hotfix 5.1.1 Notes:https://community.totalwar.com/wh3-hotfix-511
What's Next:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fix3FvsmplA

>Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties
Total War: PHARAOH - Dynasties Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6erHiCuh1tQ
Dynasty system and new royal traditions and gods: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/26
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Map Expansion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJHre9auMY0
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Mesopotamia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4ZIfaNNlCI
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Aegean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApDwFGUB4Dc
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9gOQytqYgs
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Battles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJDsYyr4SJY
Soundtrack Available: https://twitter.com/totalwar/status/1816488603935244463

>Older Titles

previous thread: >>487614134
Total Alarielle Love!
Why does the dude wear such a stupid hat
*rat king
why did we never get a HoMM3 subterranean style underworld map to really emphasize the skaven, dwarf, and greenskin wars?
Pharaoh status:
The Walwetes are fun! But I feel like settling the first region you start in is a bit of a trap. No stone at all + All my neighbors hate me. I think I may start over and look for a better starting region.
Be a good person
fantasoys on suicide watch
you can just raze some shit and then go settle Cyprus, it's a real nice place to hold up in
Yea? I'll give that a look! Always loved Islands
What'd Malekith do if he conquered Ulthuan?
Marry Alarielle and then reclaim Athel Loren.
Fuck his mom.
Crazy how the whole dang old Bronze Age could have been avoided if the ancient Aetheiopieans didn't connect the Niles together.
Oh one more question. What are the benefits of converting Hordes into armies? Is it just what sort of point's you get for the Path of the Sea people thing?
Cyprus is full bronze, one of the best bronze producing provinces in the game
you'll have to trade for food and stone, but you'll be able to very easily afford good armies and expand outwards
Maybe CA Sofia should make a Total War: Iron Age.
Is Iron age really even a thing?
>the biggest and best TW YouTuber isn’t touching pharaoh
Flop of the century.
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>tfw I see legends wife(maybe next time he'll play Pharaoh).
Is iron a psyop?
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Why do so many people in the bronze age look like they've seen some shit?
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>covering total war isn't good for my total war channel
lol since when did legend become such a cuck enslaved to his viewers? Isn't he allowed to do anything that they don't like?
>>the biggest and best TW YouTuber isn’t touching pharaoh
Heir of Carthage has already covered Pharaoh, what the hell are you even babbling on about?
Iron isn't even real and anyone who says otherwise is an anti-nickel schizo.
Modern historians choose not to use the deprecated term Iron Age. Actually a lot of good things happened during this time, not just depressing bleak ironworking.
legend just killed pharaoh's firstborn
its over
Nickel caused my countries metal exchange to implode and cancel all metal sales for a day.
Do not trust the nickel merchants.
it's the bronze age, in a place near india, there was shit everywhere, why would you be surprised that they've seen some?
>I only have a finite amount of time to spend each day and I'd rather spend it cheesing the retarded AI in Warhammer
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>Priam tries to sneak past Athens
>parks army in forced march right near Agamemnon
what the fuck?
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Please don't tell me that Pajeets have been obsessed with shit for multiple millennia...
How long until the histoid screeching about their dead game ends? I just want to go back to comfy warhammer discussion.
>pharaoh currently has more players than med 2 did when legend was streaming med 2 last year to great success for his channel
>still refuses to cover pharaoh due to not enough players
Maybe he's just salty
Then post some Warhammer 3 campaigns.
At least the historical players know how to take screenshots.
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We are getting the Khorne/Greenskins/Ogres DLC trailer during Gamescom.
Warhammer 40k trailer will likely release sometime in later 2025.
Be patient.
Legend streamed med2 and was making content on older titles when wh3 was in a very bad state and his viewers were getting bored of it. It’s also a very good game, he likes playing it, and people like watching him play it.

None of that applies in this case. And pharaoh will be dead and forgotten two weeks from now.
>troy reskin
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>Be patient.
And then wait how many years for the game to actually have content?
And then wait for CA to fumble again and have to put in effort into making the game decent
I'll be dead before it reaches a playable state
Civilizations that existed during the Bronze Age: like 500
Civilization that survived the Bronze Age: 1?
Egypt, Assyria and Babylon survived tho
Senile old man please understand.
What are actually legends tastes? No matter the setting he always plays the game in the same way.
All it took was a forbidden pact with the lamassu
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Space marines will be there at launch. That's all the content a 40K game ever needs.
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>No Photo Mode updates
>Not even the logo
I wonder if you can add your own frames and stuff?
I am curious to see how CA handles the End Times expansion.
It'll be a shitty legion like the ultramarines or the space wolves. Good legions like dark angels will be dlc. It's over before it even began
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his tastes consist of knowing the outcome of every battle beforehand because he has found a cheese he can do to always win
learning a new game on stream would make him look like a retard
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Only marines that matter.
>dark angels
I see you are a member of the lgbt community.
Do you think they'll turn back on saying there'll be no more updates for Pharoah after seeing it make a comeback?
he looks so happy to just be there :)
CA Sofia is already working on Warhammer 3 DLC which is much more profitable.
Whilst this is Pharaoh's best performance, it doesn't come close to the average player count that Warhammer 3 enjoys.
>from skaven only superiority to necron speriority
I wonder if they'll just copy paste many of the Skaven mechanics. Probably.
Honestly I doubt it, at first I thought they would if they could break 10k but the blog explicitly said they were done after this and CA already shuffled the Sofia team to save WH3. Taking them back off to make a Mythos expansion would just be more CA retarded managing at this point.
aw dude lame :(
I must live a certain way.
nah, Pharaoh's done, but what more could they add if they decided it was somehow worth it?
I think CA will want a higher average player count before calling it a comeback worthy of investing in. Breaking its record peak is great but if it can't maintain that and goes back to triple digits than it's all for nothing. Of course, more updates would go a very long way to increasing average player count but whatever it's CA.
Don't be sad that it's over - be happy that it happened. None of us could have expected Dynasties.
Dumb fucking question I know but how did a bunch of retarded bronzefags figure out ships and sailing.
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Man will always find ways to expand his dominion.
>bronze age 2,000BC is impressive
Okay retard.
>massive ships found 4,000BC
Are you okay, retard?
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Iron Age start date set 3-400 after the collapse. Kinda how Rome 2 has multiple campaigns set during different points in Roman history.
Why don't they just rush him? He can't shoot them all.
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Annunaki taught them
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>play Thrace
>become pharaoh
How did humans get to Hawaii?
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he had a literal goddess at his side, they were absolutely fucked regardless of what they did
It was one guy in a tree trunk canoe and he asexually reproduced when he got there (this is what scientists actually believe).
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By going over the rainbow.
Both existed before the bronze age, pretty sure.
Pretty easy, anyone can look at driftwood and come up with a raft and then expand on that. Oars are relatively straightforward.
Simple enough to notice you go faster when the wind is blowing, and then come up with ways to improve on that.
>you start with 2 archers and a general with really strong composite bows so you should not even send anything in because you have massive ranged advantage
They were hiding in the forest and knowing how battles work for me, the enemy will never advance til one of my units gets in close proximity.
Want me to restart it and have my units hide in the brush? Will the enemy advance if I wait?
They noticed how wood in the sea is floating and went from there.
0 chance pretty much. They've already said they won't, and Pharaoh is already below Warhammer 3 in global top sellers on Steam. I think CA launched the Warhammer sale together with Pharaoh to have them both boost each other but also to make a comparison, and there's no way Pharaoh will be looked upon favourably now. They will just tell Sofia to make Warhammer DLC instead to maximise profits, which is definitely for the best.
they're nothing alike lol just green-themed
might as well make the assumption that necrons would play exactly like wood elves on that basis
The Imperium is the skaven of 40k
It's a shame the Hittite civilization didn't survive the collapse. But then again it would be flattened by Assyrian anyway. I blame Suppichud.
I think that putting CA Sofia on Warhammer 3 is both the safest and best course of action.
Maybe there will come a day when Horsham completely moves on from Warhammer 3 and Sofia will have full control of the project.
Woah that's a nice take. Did a youtuber give it to you?
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>there's nothing more deadly, bestial than a woman
an actual line from Chudgamemnon in the Odyssey
walk your 200 range general in range to fire and the enemy will attack because they have no ranged and you do
thats how it has worked since dawn of time in total war
Necron main in the Dawn of War 40k series, Skaven are 1,000% Necrons.
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Aren't Necrons just Kangz in space?
Best girl.
no, my eyes did
That would be fantastic. Maybe even they could untangle some of that spaghetti the bongs can't do anything about.
...when you watched a youtube video
No, I came up with it myself, it's pretty obvious when you think about it.
that's imperial guard and not even close
>adored by the best goddess
>has the best wife
How do I achieve Odysseus mode
In what way?
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Total War: Super Mario Brothers
>massed worthless conscripts frontline protecting big guns
in a way you could also make the same connection to the vampire coast, but only skaven match the numbers of the imperial guard
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Hatti lives on. ASSyrian losers got shit on.
>doesn't play skaven
>everybody has big guns
K, next line of thinking?
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based Athenapilled anons
>How do I achieve Odysseus mode
be loving to your friends and family
be a ruthless asshole to everybody else
I think they have different rosters. The horde gets units from its horde buildings and while the army doesn't have any horde building it gets acess to units from settlements.
>doesn't deny the massed worthless conscripts part
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>a bunch of m*slim Greco-Kazakh mutts LARPing
>the actualy continuation of the ancient ethnicity
nah, ASSyrians won this one
Honda won this battle.
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Imagine CA Sofia making a 16th century TW.
The best part is Sofia would have better ways to bargain with Games Workshop. If James says "no" to CA(TCALoUK)'s request, they bow and accept. If James ever tells the Bvlgarians "no", they will say "ALLOW IT OR WE SPIN DOG", after which James will allow them to make Nippon, placed conveniently on the new parts of the map created by their Map Expansion Technology (previously forgotten by the Bongs)
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somehow fighting original pharaoh faction makes me discover every single faction
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we have reached a peaceful solution to the Aegean question, just need this old fart to die of natural causes now
1v1? Tier 1 slingers rape shithead demon lords in tournaments yet for some reason you, a non Skaven player, think Skaven mass worthless 'conscrripts'.
Reminder that legend won’t cover pharaoh because a hardcore group of pharaoh haters has threatened to kill his wife and child if he does.
Can confirm.
We did do that.
And he better listen.
Or maybe....just maybe...the game is bad? The massive free update could only barely beat the previous peak player count. And that was the tiny map for $60.
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Feels good being undivided Total War fan. Love history, thus love mythology and hence fantasy.
Give me Medieval 3. Give me Lord Of The Rings Total War.
I don't want Sofia to make warhammer dlc. I want to be given an ACTUAL main historical title that isn't going to be sabotaged by being a cheap saga title in disguise. I want them to make games that aren't tied to the warhammer fork of the engine so that they can actually be good. If CA Bong is making 40k, star wars, and what the fuck ever, then I think Sofia should be given the resources and staffing they'd need to fix and release one of the historical titles that are allegedly in development hell.
>I get if you actually don’t have interest in it but the second reason makes me think there is more to your reasoning than just not as much potential interaction with videos on it. Makes me feel there is potential external pressure from some of the hardcore anti Pharaoh crowd that make you hesitant to even entertain videos on it. You do you though. Good to see you address it though. Alot of new comers probably wondering why you aren’t covering new TW Pharaohs dlc
That's because he has a alliance with his children and sees their vassals too. If you play as him you get most entire map of egypt visible.
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twas tasty bait, shan't take any more
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>Get shit on by Babylon
>Get shit on Persians
>Get assimilated into ar*bs
>Get genocided
>Get your shit stolen by British
>Get your remaining shit destroyed by isis
This is what "winning" looks like.
Meanwhile Hittite Chads enjoys getting "we wuzzed" by mutts who protects their legacy.
Historical Total War has been confined to history :(
How do I become Athenapilled
>cheap saga title
Pharaoh is the highest budget and most polished historical TW ever made. Nothing about it's design and gameplay was cheap.
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>the game is bad
It's really not worse than any post-Rome 2 total war game. If a person can enjoy the gameplay of Rome 2 they can enjoy Pharoah. All of CA's games for the past decade have been a copy & paste of Rome 2.
Simple as.
Do generals in Pharaoh look older as they age? I remember seeing a wrinkly looking Ramessess image somewhere but I've never actually seen it in game.
thing is that he has died some time ago and I got factions from entire world visible
now next turn fucking thracians declare war on me
Anon military service get any more compulsory than being a slave, what are you on?
>s-s-skaven units are mass garbage!
>n-n-no they don't rape Demons of Chaos and one of the strongest lords in the game with tier 1 units!
The state of /twg/.
Rome 2 is only enjoyable with DeI, which is much better than any post Warhammer product that CA has made
>The kikes existed
No they didn't. Jews were only a thing post bronze age collapse. The kingdom of Israel is a later thing too as is probably yahweh, as a non monotheistic deity.
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better to exist than to be we wuzzed
>Rome 2 is only enjoyable with DeI
Just say you hate Rome 2 instead of posting this cringe.
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step 1: be intelligent
step 2: be charismatic
step 3: be kind of a dick about it
>canaanite idols, rituals, dna, wasn't found in the same area they inhabit today
Okay, retard.
>the tyreians, phoenicians, assyrians, basically every people with a record of being in the area recorded having to murder the kike canaanites because they were abducting other tribes' children and sacrificing them to idols and being all around kikes with currencies
Are you okay, retard?
Malus is significantly easier to defeat when playing Epidemius. No ward save means that Plaguebearers + Rancid Visitations can really put a dent into him.
Revert the Malus nerf.
I hate vanilla Rome 2, DeI is like a different game it's great
Is the Moulder Managerie mod worth playing? I'm thinking of doing a Throt long campaign trying to scrounge up all the LL's and make themed, roided up armies. Either that or play unmodded Sisters.
>DeI is like a different game
No it isn't. It's exactly the same game with the same unit interactions and gameplay. Changing stats doesn't make anything better.
Just picked up Three Kingdoms and am totally lost. Picked Cao Cao as my first campaign, have no idea where I should be expanding, which units to recruit or any knowledge of the time period. Did I make a mistake buying this game?
You are provided with whatever bronze age weapon you like, the finest armour, the pointiest horns.
How do you beat this absolute unit?
With a sling
You won't go to heaven if you cheat, anon. What will your children think?
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I just noticed that you can move your capital. I think that's new but I thought the developers mentioned in a Q&A that they weren't going to do it because it doesn't have any real effect. Neat little immersion feature though.
If they rework Norsca, what new Norscan factions will they add? I'm guessing the most obvious is Skeggi, but what else could there be?
a prostitute
It depends on the # of sales. The playercount's nice for a smaller budget game but probably not worth returning'. That said, >>487721628 would be an easy W option for a variety of reasons. But odds are no, given the reasons others said. The only chance I could see is if they don't need their entire team to JUST do the DLC content, but the WH dlc requires more complex models and such.

In terms of theming to a strong degree yeah. In terms of playstyle I'm not sure but I'd think no. Their deal isn't 'lots of cheap chaff', it's 'their units are dead 'ard as shit'.

I simp for the idea a lot, and I'd like to mod it if they don't but I really want them to do it because I don't wanna have to learn how to do startpos editing. But it's something they could do relatively easily with a simple flip of the existing content. There's a lot of material ingame that feels built more towards an iron age campaign DLC (IE what they probably planned in the initial release), you can recycle it and other material. You gain hoplites, heavy cavalry with lances (Lydia), horse archers being more abundant (Urartu, Scythia-Cimmeria, Aramaeans, possibly Neo-Hittites, Assyria, Babylonia, Elam, Zagros and Iranian people). The map only needs the existing geography filled out with some provinces for the Caucasus region and Western Iran.

But the question is how many people would buy it if they felt like "Well this sounds just like Dynasties just with more cavalry and the margins adjusted". It's not quite freemium like Imperator augustus, but it's also not Age of Charlemagne style. Feels more like an Empire Divided DLC situation.
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These were apparently in the files and might have been future DLC that was canceled.
It's honestly nice knowing this general hasn't changed its stance on modding since creation. Answer my question though.
Canaanites =/= kikes. The latter formed out of a part of the former but they are not synonymous with one another.
Similarly as to how Roman's and Italians are connected to one another but not the same.
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DEI is surprisingly similar to vanilla with he same issues.
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cuck him and give his bitch of a wife an axe
People love putting that mod on a pedestal but really it doesn't fix any of Rome II's problems.
Spend some time Pillaging. Nut I decided for Gubla as my capital. The location look's nice and secure to start expanding out from. Looking forward to this campaign after having played TWW to death
>the exact same dna found in kikes today is found in canaanites
>canaanites recorded as the most evil people to ever exist
>just ignores that king nabopolassar marched babylon into a literal ant colon in comparisson just to wipe out the kike canaanites in the worst way possible because they were abducting babylonian children and sacrificing them and literally kiked them by stealing money from babylon and funding a war for their enemies to attack babylon
>king nabopolassar murdered all the canaanite kings surviving sons and used red hot steel rods to burn out his eyes and drag him through the streets trying to end canaanite line in the worst most humiliating way possible
>phoenicians attempted to wipe out the kike canaanites for the same reasons
>assyrians attempted it
>so on and so forth all throughout history
Kikes have been the same in recordings from 3500BC to present day.
You know Phoenicians are Canaanites right?
You're expecting too much from him anon.
>step 2: be charismatic
Phoenicians are Canaanites, in facts Phoenicians are a specific culture but just the inhabitants of Phoenicia
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just be careful with you know whom
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As to the historicity of the Israelites, the first external reference (IE reliable one because without corroborating evidence what a source claims ain't shit) is around ~1000 BC with a house of david referenced, and I think a yisrael or something like that. Then there's an ironclad, or stone clad, reference to Israel in the Kakkar or Qakkar or whatever battle of the mid 800s.

They were not Monotheist at this point though, that's just revisionist cope from a people who have legitimate chuunbiyou complexes and think they are at the center of the story of life. They are also not the Hapiru/Apiru, which reeks of a "wewuz" desperation to prove relevance. Nor were they Hykos.
The dumbest 40k reddit meme that retards have latched onto in a long time.
>kikes colonized the mediterranean
>kikes built carthage
>kikes colonized spain
Shared language and navy because kikes try to assimilate into nations and then subvert them. Hence the continual genocide throughout history.
Look out your window once in a while, you'll see a kike pretending to be Brit, French, German, American, you name it. The people of the south are leeches that were nothing like the people of the north.
Phoenicians held land North of the Kingdom of Israel/king Jeroboam, the Canaanites with the kike like attributes and kike like practices with money and religion were outcasted to the South, the kingdom of Judea/Judah/king Rehoboam.
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So... canaanites aren't the same as kikes then?
The Imperium is late stage Byzantine 'Roman', with a bunch of other historical events and people latched on.
The Emperor is Aurelian except on life support for example.
He's such a CHAD.
that's what annoys me in for example Attila
I don't care if it doesn't have any effect, I want to move my capital to rome after I conquer it, not stay in some backwater dacian village that's about to get razed by huns
So this is what happens when you meme about playing Ramesses and enslaving Canaanites: retards take it seriously and try to spread their brainrot
You could use google, or just listen to what the Bible has said for thousands of years. Kike DNA is found in remains of Canaanites. Unlike Brits and French and German DNA.
Anyone playing as Achilles? How do I get his myrmidon units?
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Coolest looking Pharaoh faction?
Well it sure as fuck isn't Egypt with that side pony tail braid looking dork LMAO
This. I triggered him during the wurzag campaign by pointing out he was bad at math so hard he declared war on the wrong faction.
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me right now:
>just listen to what the Bible has said for thousands of years.
So kikes and canaanites aren't synonymous.
>When the Lord your God brings you into the land that you are about to enter and occupy and he clears away many nations before you—the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations more numerous and mightier than you— 2 and when the Lord your God gives them over to you and you defeat them, then you must utterly destroy them. Make no covenant with them and show them no mercy. 3 Do not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, 4 for that would turn away your children from following me, to serve other gods.
>t. Deuteronomy 7
It's Suppiluliluma that started a succession crisis and ruined Hatti. Kurunta was already dead from old age when Suppiluliluma was burning Hittite cities to the ground to maintain his rule.
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I was reading that you can get them by beating the fuck out of Priam.
god these half-pear shields look UGLY
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that's some retarded armor and an even worse axe
Imagine a kike in France. They might be born there, interbreed, do business there, doesn't make them French. Phoenicians were labeled by Greeks as anyone in the region with Canaanites, but the Phoenicians culturally built navies and went and colonized ports along the Med and into Spain and Britain and Denmark. You'll find their DNA in those places.
You zoome in on the reigion of the Canaanites and see it was split in a civil war and the kike ways were forced to the South, the religion, money lending, sacrifices and rituals you name it.
Pharaoh FLC > Warhammer 3 FLC.
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>retarded armor and an even worse axe
No TW ever will beat Pharaoh free content. All the free content it got was only possible to the perfect shitstorm started by SoC and ecelebs like Legend.
>not monotheist at this point
They really only became mono in a reactionary move to Babylonian captivity. There's a totem to God's wife at David's wedding for fuck sake.

Ezra is the release version of the bible. It's edited with a huge anti-Babylonian bias. They were still honest enohg to preserve certain problematic details like the aforementioned Ashera pole and the fact that David meets Saul for the first time three times.
yeah you're right, I'm so sorry
so sorry for being wrong, as an apology please accept this gift horse
just take it inside your city walls and enjoy the party
That shield is fine, the shield I criticized looked literally like a 3d model of a pear cut in half
what's the point of that shield? getting the blade stuck?
Jesus was a Canaanite rebelling against the hebrew overlords.
it's impossible to play demons of chaos
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dunno, best I could find
Kingdom of Israel, not Judah like kikes descend from.
Especially when Skaven slingers rape your lords. Switch to Skaven before it's too late.
Fuck me... They just keep coming. Just managed to beat two about 30 units Sieging Tzor. But this is getting out of hands
It might be for immersion but honestly it does make sense, this is the game named after the people who moved their capital every 3 minutes.
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checks out
Give them the ol ooga booga. Civilizationcucks always hate that
I'm trying bro! Just defeated some more of them, but then two new full stacks arrived by sea. These fucking assholes are literally crossing the world to fuck with me, and I don't even know who they are
makes me laugh that all the starting characters have greek names straight from the iliad and all the kids revert to hittiteesque names
Times they are a-changin'
>only a week left until histoids get bored of spearmanii and we can go back to comfy wh discussion
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the superior culture is rising
This is some top tier subversion.
never played a history game before now and i'm having fun, shove it up your ass
oh no no no egyptbros, the jews and hittites are laughing at us, I think I can hear some giggling from the Aegean and come cackling from Mesopotamia aswell.
How will we cope? Our Pharaoh is an exhibitionist!
Gonna play a campaign as Tausret and make her Pharaoh now.
irl she was pharaoh for two years, do you think she schlicked into the river in public twice?
Nabopolassar was not trying to wipe out the Israelites out of some racial hatred, he was just doing what early iron age kings did, Assyria was probably one of the most brutal empires to ever reign on this earth, and they wrought ungodly destruction upon the places they conquered to deliver a clear message: Fuck with us and you will be destroyed. The Babylonians after they successfully rebelled(and brought down Assur and Nineveh in kind) inherited their playbook and finally brought the hammer blow down upon Judah, as the Assyrians had Northern Israel.
we can hope!
This sounds like historian fanfiction from a misreading of already questionable Greek sources
>downriver a kid takes a drink
>slurps pharaoh cum by mistake
>becomes a living god
Ha jokes on you anon, when I get tired of pharaoh I'll start posting about my Portugal campaign in shogun 2
I'd do this, but instead of the river, it'd be Tausret's sweat glistened stomach.
Does the unlimited memory setting in wh3 impact loading time?
Lame, I'd make Tausret Pharaoh and take the role of the Nile for myself.
No it impacts the mesh and texture quality loaded into memory. If you turn unlimited memory the game won't swap textures and meshes to maintain performance.
>look at me
>I am the sea people now
facial is more fun, she'll be looking like Helen with make-up by the time I'm done
fantasy has permanently and terminally ruined total war forever here
ratfags can rot in hell
Warhammer has the most variety out of ANY Total War game. It's frickin' crazy heckin' fun.
yeah fucking ratfags why did they leave? they were the life and soul of this general
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They make threads on /v/
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>why did they leave
I have 600 hours in Total War: Warhammer and I still haven't played Skaven.
one has been shitting up the general for several threads now lmao
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explain this to me, what's bad about it?
They suck ass, eat shit ratfag
you can just kill the current pharaoh and seize the throne through ultraviolence, no need for that nonce diplomacy shit
noooo I don't want variety I don't want dinosaurs and elves and dwarfs and ogres and orcs, I only want to choose the shade of purple on my soldiers skirt uh uh I mean his toga!!!!!
Same, I'm not paying for a race that I'll never touch
It's not bad, that's how you start diplomatically working your way up to becoming heir and inheriting Pharaoh/Wanax/whatever.
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Bay Brothers, scheme status? How's Irsu holding up?
Self explanatory. You can line yourself up for succession if you have the political power.
I'm just wondering why as assyria I can do it from turn 1, I guess what's expected from me is to not give a fuck about diplomacy
same here.

My main races are:

High Elves
You can do it but getting legitimacy to get anywhere will take you dozens of turns slaving under the ruler.
Good races.
My mains are:
High Elves
Dark Elves
>as assyria
Assyria "Assyria" or Hanigalbat Assyria?
I have 850 hours and I've only played Empire, I don't care about lesser races
>Looking at units
>No shields
>Tier 1
>Highest charge rate of any avaliable unit
I would assume this would be my go to "cavalry" until I unlock cavalry? Treat them like Young Spears in Troy?
Was it worth losing your SOVL?
Hanigalbat or however their LL is called, not the minor faction
Thanquol when...
You aren't automatically declared heir when you get adopted into the dynasty, now you have to contest everyone else who has more legitimacy than you.
Would you believe me if I told you that Thanquol will release alongside the final DLC of Total War: Warhammer 3?
but does it mean I commit to anything? Or can I just burn them all anyway and take throne by force without any downsides?
historically I think he just conquered the Assyrian heartland and made himself emperor, you can take the more diplomatic approach of trying tog et named successor or you can just violently destroy their faction and win the civil war
>doing what early iron age kings did
Wipe out people that act like kikes? Yeah sounds about right.
>pay for a race that's free
What? Oh yeah didn't Total Warhammer 3 rape paypiggies and make old factions cost money? Ahahahahaha that shit's so fucking kiked i can't help but laugh.
>tfw never kills demon lords with two tier 1 units
:( feel better soon cuck
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they're two different routes to power
you'll have to win a civil war if you want to take over violently, or you can bide your time and try to inherit power peacefully
Boris Todbringer will be the final FLC lord.
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Are you familair with the set/horus story about lettuce and jizz?

>Isis: screams and cuts her sons hands off and throws them into the nile
Semen is the lifecreating substance, it should be the most holy and sacred of fluids.
oh yeah now I recall that I can't start civil war as a heir, I guess that's the downside, that I can be selected heir and be locked out of it unless I just sell my legitimacy
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>Switch to Skaven before it's too late.
The Old Ones don't allow it.
Agreed, but in this case the myth is more an egyptian version of top/bottom.


Is it historian revisionism? Honestly I doubt it. The ancients were as vulgar as we are, and it's more liable to go the other way (IE how Aristophanes' plays get sanitized until you learn pork cutlet is the equivalent of cunny/cunt. Sometimes literally the former given it's an old man lusting after a young girl).

>Now afterward, (at) evening time, bed was prepared for them, and they both lay down. But during the night, Set caused his phallus to become stiff and inserted it between Horus’s thighs. Then Horus placed his hands between his thighs and received Set’s semen. Horus went to tell his mother Isis: “Help me, Isis, my mother, come and see what Set has done to me.” And he opened his hand(s) and let her see Set’s semen. She let out a loud shriek, seized the copper (knife), cut off his hand(s) that were equivalent. Then she fetched some fragrant ointment and applied it to Horus’s phallus. She caused it to become stiff and inserted it into a pot, and he caused his semen to flow down into it.
>Isis at morning time went carrying the semen of Horus to the garden of Set and said to Set’s gardener: “What sort of vegetable is it that Set eats here in your company?” So the gardener told her: “He doesn’t eat any vegetable here in my company except lettuce.” And Isis added the semen of Horus onto it. Set returned according to his daily habit and ate the lettuce, which he regularly ate. Thereupon he became pregnant with the semen of Horus.
>Said Set: “Let me be awarded the office of Ruler … for as to Horus, the one who is standing (trial), I have performed the labor of a male against him.”

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>Horus then took an oath by god as follows: “All that Set has said is false. Let Set’s semen be summoned that we may see from where it answers, and my own be summoned that we may see from where it answers.”
>Then Thoth, lord of script and scribe of truth for the Ennead, put his hand on Horus’s shoulder and said: “Come out, you semen of Set.”
>And it answered him from the water in the interior of the marsh. Thoth put his hand on Set’s shoulder and said: “Come out, you semen of Horus.”
>Then it said to him: “Where shall I come from?”
>Thoth said to it: “Come out from his ear.”
>Thereupon it said to him: “Is it from his ear that I should issue forth, seeing that I am divine seed?”
>Then Thoth said to it:”Come out from the top of his head.”
>And it emerged as a golden solar disk upon Set’s head. Set became exceeding furious and extended his hand(s) to seize the golden solar disk. Thoth took it away from him and placed it as a crown upon his (own) head […]
>And so Set took a great oath by [the] god as follows: “He shall not be awarded the office.”

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Tausret, my beloved

Stop posting this sexy whore I'm at work and I'm not allowed to masturbate here anymore
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how often did tausret get railed by her sea people bodyguards?
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In the same way that I cannot take Ulric worshippers seriously after the Azazel event, I cannot take Beastmen seriously after finding out they smear shit on walls like literal retards.
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damn, egyptians were fucking nasty
they get to watch while I'm rawdogging her
Wait, so say I become Pharaoh as Achilles or Odysseus or something, does that make me Egyptian and thus able to confederate Egyptian factions?
who is this God that they are swearing oaths by?
Did they recognize the Most High God?
Shit, shit, shit. I was so preoccupied with my incel power fantasy of burning Babylon that I forgot to get a wife and my leader is getting a bit too old.
Man is never too old to impregnate a femanon.
My mains are:
Wood elves
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you don't need to be the same culture if you use the crown power confederation
What's wrong with his textures my Odysseus looks a lot better in the game.
Share some beastcoom stories with us anon.
>not a single pic from battles
Don't you have a legend stream to donate to?
Didn't you get banned for samefagging last thread? Already ban evading huh?
Pharaoh does this weird thing on Linux with dwm where it won't let me switch focus. If I try to switch focus to my other monitor to post, it'll teleport to my other monitor
>no screenshots showing this specific thing means no one is playing the game
>the screenshots showing it are ignored so they don't count
I've seen this """argument""" a few times lately, is it the latest discordtranny shilling campaign?
Are the samefags in the room with you right now?
Does TWPharaoh Alt Tab at the end of every loading session for anyone else? I have no idea what the fuck is causing this
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>ctrl + f dead
>13 results
Pharaoh just hit one billion concurrent players
CA won
Try and switch from windowed mode to full screen or vice versa.
epic gamer moment
Walwetes is the strongest combatant of all of the Pharaoh leaders.
Priam is the weakest.
Dead? I only ever played Medieval 2 and Crusades expansion over LAN with friends. Then skipped right to Total Warhammer, but the rehash of ancient times games seem boring and gay as fuck.
>dies to a single sling shot
Achilles would kick his ass
So according to Sofia the default sea people invasions were reworked in Dynasties and the sea peoples are on the map from the start. What does the sea people invasions toggle actually do now?
Walwetes would kick Achilles' heel.
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kick THIS
>low lethality
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Alright which one of you is this lol
Niggers don't click this, gore post.
>most mentally stable pharaoh hater
first things I see
>yet despite these kobolds perpetuating their petulant, grievous slights
how do i play pharaoh, coming from warhammer theres so much stuff to manage like legitimacy, legacies, religion, family etc.

was i playing the most casual game of the franchise all along?
I’m starting to wonder why a game with 1/4 the player base of warhammer is taking up 90% of the general.

I don’t think this would’ve happened if they didn’t remove the IP count.
Obviously not. YHWH is a human god just as much as they were. You may say they are on the same rung of the divine ladder. Yet, before man came to live on earth, there existed other, elder gods that were worshipped by beings whose time on Earth has long passed. You are surely aware of the difference in power between a human and one of their gods, yes? The difference in power between a human god and an Elder God is of the same scale. Those are the beings worshipped by human gods.
Ramesses III is nubian? News to me, he and his father are in the northern part of Egypt.

Check the victory conditions, they're surprisingly open ended. If you want to unga bunga for your first playthrough as you learn the systems it's fine. Just make sure you always have a scion and are generally building resource buildings to trade your resources for other resources.
>all these fantasyfags confused as fuck after playing a REAL total war

we were the fantasy general all along
>look up this guy's account
>EVERY review he makes is exactly like this
>hasn't played anything for more than an hour
>the only games he seems to like are Divinity and The Witcher
>only normal review he ever wrote was saying he didn't enjoy Runescape as much as he did when he was younger
What does it all mean?
the more, the better
once you have enough become pharaoh or your regional equivalent
just pick whichever game mechanic you like best, egyptians have 4 everybody else has 2
they're not that deep, just a nice bonus to your preferred playstyle
you have plenty of gods to choose from, whichever sounds like it has the most useful bonuses pick that
just make sure your scion is alive and every male married to a woman with decent traits
feel free to ask if you want to
>What does it all mean?
Runescape will fry your brain and turn you into a schizo
I don’t see myself ever coming back to warhammer 3 from pharaoh. It just lacks so many amazing features like weather, lethality, mortal lords, family trees, religion etc.
LOTR or Elder Scrolls Total War would be best for this type of game but also fantasy.
was it kino?
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they enabled achievements for dynasties
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40k will combine both the depth of history and the unit variety of fantasy with even more unit variety from sci-fi origins, just trust the plan
i can't tell any unit apart with 2D portraits but it's too sovlfvll to turn off
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history or fantasy?
Really? I have no such problem as the weapon and unit type is stylistically outlined on the card.
because nobody posts warhammer campaigns they just spam rats and elf porn
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>bought Pharaoh after seeing anons in the last thread crying about getting their general killed by arrows in their first battle
I'm such a sucker for viral marketing
both but fantasy is too easy because the ai cant use magic or single entities to their full potential and campaigns end on turn 30 upon clearing nearest threats
I'd like an Elder Scrolls Total War without the fantastical LL focus.

Family Trees, etc. Basically a historical total war set in Tamriel.
I was waiting all week for the weekend to have time to play more. Now it's Friday evening and I don't even feel like playing Total War.
I'm the opposite. Now that the game dropped I'm juggling Ninurta and Agamemnon campaigns.
Been away for the past few days, how's the update so far? Is it so back?
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This is the first time I have ever had to play Nurgle in battle. Let us hope that our units are good!
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Amenmesse for the African Kang drip
you're fucked
the Med 2 mod does play like a historical TES game
I think its a disservice to the setting to have modern CA work on it tho, they would fuck everything up for sure
He is about to get raped by that Medusa. lucky sunovabitch
Can you really get Myrmidons as Achilles if you become the Wanax?
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Yes, the Myrmidons are called Paragon swordsmen in the game and are Wanax units. They even still have the ant on their shields.
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gave menelaus a cushy job as king of some random ass islands
What seems to be some of the most relaxed starting positions for Dynasties bros? Trying to settle as the Sea-people has been pretty stressful since the whole world want's to hunt me down. The AI seems way more aggressive compared to TWW.

I was looking at Babylon but I'm not sure if it's gonna be super annoying with those long regions and being surrounded by that many neighbors.

I was also looking at some of the Minor factions, but I am a little apprehensive considering that they seems to way less Faction units. But maybe Regional recruitment makes up for this? Only just got the game today and haven't played Pharoah at all before this
fuckin' a right brother, thanks. Just installed this POS and boutta start as ACHILLES!!!
Personally I turned Immortal leader + disabled Lethality. I prefer being able to use my faction leader and I heard that Lethality is horribly unbalanced
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where would be a good place to get some good chariots as Mycenae?
I just have these rickety ass things and don't want to go all the way to Hatti

should I just take a detour to and take a bite out of Thrace?
if you want comfy Sea People go for Iolaos and go full burn the world down
no settlements to defend, doesn't matter how much people hate you since you can just run away with your horde
pure comfyludo experience, just setting the world to the torch

but if you want a more traditional experience I'd suggest giving Suppiluliuma a try, you start as the High King and a lot of the factions around you are fellow Hittites and very prone to liking and eventually confederating, also very tough heavily armoured roster which I quite like
It might need some tuning but lethality is awesome imo. We're back to actual battle winning morale shocks from leader deaths, I've won battles where the enemy army barely lost any troops and it's just because killing the enemy general and positioning your army appropriately is enough. It's a refreshing change from abusing army loss penalties in Warhammer when the enemy lord is just too annoying to deal with.
The warpstone is flowing this Friday afternoon.
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Sounds based. He is not personally interested in antiquityslop and playing it wouldn't be worth it either. So why bother?
>he plays without mods.
Money wasted i guess. No refunds.
>new update tried to give Pharaoh new life
>Legend killed Pharaoh without even trying
Its over histsisters...
Thorgrim or Malakai?
>still seething that CA destroyed his fake leak scam
o i am laffin
We're playing Pharoah please go away
>history players showing their campaigns, talking about mechanics and posting screenshots
>fantasy players shitposting or talking about e-celebs
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this champ right here announcing our victory

reject those basedboys and take the Belegarpill
alright, I like brown women
My currency is too shit for Pharaoh. So i ask again; Thorgrim or Malakai?
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is this some kind of revolutionary statement now?
nigga i make mods and the game is sitll too easy
Made for being war spoils after liberating Jerusalem to end a crusade and being a sex slave that I hide from the rest of my court desu
What kinds of brown women?
The Urfather blesses us!
Some first impressions:
Nurglings kind of suck
Epidemius is actually a decent fighter
Plagueriddens are really good
The Exalted Plaguebearers (with a ranged attack) are amazing
Malus was supposedly nerfed but he is still an asshole and transformed right before army losses
>312 reviews
>all 5 of us playing
Huh? You stupid niggers are getting mogged by remakes of remakes of remakes of mods.
Rofl. Yeah okay nigger. No refunds. Keep playing like a little bitch with your training wheels on for 150 turns.
Indian, Ethiopian, Coptic, Arab. Like Tauseret.
Also, Epidemius gets some really nice bonuses when he fights a plagued army. Things such a regeneration and +5 melee attack for the army.
I plagued a city and then attacked but because the garrisoned army doesn't have the plague it seems that Epidemius doesn't enjoy the "fighting against enemy with plague" bonuses.
Not sure if that is a bug.
whoa this is nice. Almost like an IRL Drowess.
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lol nerd
That came out of a pajeets dick you sick fuck. Imagine being bound to child support paying for pajeetlings.
That's the base version of Pharaoh you ninny, Dynasties is a separate client
Malakai or Thorek. Thorgrim can be confederated and still have a good army. Malakai gives faction wide buffs to arty and gyros, Thorgrim buffs quarellers to a stupid degree.
he knows, he just likes to be a disingenuous faggot and derail threads with e-celeb shit
>no one will let their daughter marry me
What the fuck, why does everyone hate Achilles? Helen I get, no way Agamemnon is giving up that puss but other leaders won't even give away their shitty hedonist daughter.
hopefully they dont make LOTR TW because warhammer already did basically that
just make a mod or something
It'd be different. Warhammer is incredibly over the top wargame with a focus on legendary lords.

LOTR or Elder Scrolls Total War would be a historical game set in those settings. Family trees, politics, etc.
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what's the easier way to confed achilles as agamemnon?
Lotr tw is just less content than wh
LL and Heroes
Knife ears
Spider sems
Combat eagles
The only thing the game doesn't have is halflings. It'd just be a new map
They needed a separate client for this fucking garbage?
you're thinking in the framework of Warhammer Total War.

There wouldn't be Legendary Lords.
It'd be more like Medieval 2.
There's definitely an appeal in that. A fantasy title which is made like a good historical game.
You really think they wouldn't make Aragorn LL with Gimli and Legolas LH?
Which is the intended faction to learn Pharaoh? It's my 1st hist
They probably would do that, but it'd be a bad idea.

LOTR and Elder Scrolls are not over the top tabletop wargame settings.
From what I remember you don't need to abuse getting them into wars to get a good confederation chance in Pharaoh, just get a lot of trading agreements, build up non-aggression pacts and such and eventually confederating is an option.
Ramses is the tutorial faction, but any will do
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I don't get it
what's supposed to be bad about that picture?
If Legend played Pharaoh it would have had 5x the playerbase it currently has now
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get javelined, nerd
Just blob them up and cast bombardment spells.
that map is inland, he needs the Japanese navy offshore to provide that kind of support
I'm a brainlet and need to keep it simple to learn
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looking like attila wre experience in this shit too bad i dont have scout cav
Ramesses is pretty good then, his starting settlements are pretty easy to take and he starts with some decent Medjay units and a tier 4 city iirc.
the campaign slowly introduces the new mechanics and has an in-game encyclopedia, you'll do fine
how the fuck is agamemnon easy?
the starting enemies' army fucks up my starting armies
Someone answer me?
Amazing. Simply amazing. You definitely are the target audience.
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direct fire into the back is even stronger than scout cav apparently
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For anti-large focused cavalry bret knights kneel incredibly hard to maneaters.
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carpet is back on the menu
Easy corner of the map, 2 good starting generals and 4 starting settlements. The starting enemy has more troops than usual but once you take him out you have five settlements and tons of potential allies around you like Achilles, Ajax, Odysseus.
both work really well in pharaoh
just flank them bro, you literally start with two bodyguard units
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Trained by Volound himself
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for anyone wanting to play Lord of the Rings game where they can have a kingdom and field large armies there's a mod for Bannerlord in development
or, you know, instead of posting off-topic action game shit you just play one of the several Lord of the Rings Total War mods
You underestimate my retardedness, only fantasy campaign I ever completed was Tamurkhan
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played them to death and I want something new
Sir this is a Skaven thread, and a Total War game subthread. Go post your fucking bullshit elsewhere you stupid nigger!
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We have secured good relations with the Daemon Prince and are now continuing westwards. Unit recruitment seems to be quite cumbersome as Nurgle.
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just watch the director's cut for the 40th time then
Chuddy out of my mind
>sargon_of_akkad100 (embed)
let me guess, he's doing Hanigalbat?
Mega cut edition when
I want every retarded cut scene
Playing Sisters of Twilight for the first time in the Vortex campaign, and I'm not sure how to properly expand using the deeproots. Are you really supposed to go to war with all of fucking Ulthuan just to kick Ariel out of the magic forest?
The other options don't seem much better with three stacks of lizardmen sitting on the sacred pools and the camp of Orion being other wood elves.
You can also amass a pornographic amount of cash and buy the tree
It was obvious.
If that was true it would mean the TW doesn't have fans only eceleb attached drones. I refuse to believe it.
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Hey chuds your cavalry deleter mod is out.
Our early game army for Epidemius.
Wulfrik declared war, I can't help but wonder why.
>people make blob fights like this and think they're tactical geniuses
more proof that non-line infantry players are essentially subhuman
They need a refund mod. (lol no refunds)
Can't wait for the wewuzkangz memes to start picking up again after /v/ hears /twg/ bought.
>after /v/ hears /twg/ bought
Maybe you should go back there.
I have a cure for your hideousness and fatness. Cure is mandatory.
>deranged ESL is back
Seek help
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>the bought seethe
Failed /lit/ bait.
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the ai attacked from 3 angles that was just the last blob left after archers took down gorillion javelins trying to flank
No one is going to play Empire no matter how much you constantly seethe.
No idea
Alarielle always loses it turn 41 I think
>dudes with shepherd canes
>icon is an axe
On the fence if I would enjoy the gameplay of Total War. Total War 1 and 2 are the same price currently. Will I be ok if I buy just the base game of 2, or is the DLC mandatory?
Well, that's definitely a meme. I'm sure someone tried to be ironically funny when creating it.
Get the base game and try it out. If you'll enjoy it then think about the DLCs that are interesting to you. The DLCs only add new unit and factions all the fixes they bring were free.
who are the assyrians of warhammer, pound for pound at being mind numbingly evil
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they are trying their best but they are led by some guy called niqqu to their death against superior equipment
Kelly is really good. Mods that he's made and worked on for other total war games are legit.
Can you ally recruit Yvresse's meme DLC units?
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>50+ turns in
>randomly check on the sherden for the first time in forever because they haven't been bothering me
>"It is I, Iolaus."
I was genuinely shocked to see old man Iolaus.
I think so but it is subject to the unit cap like tomb kangz
>I'd suggest giving Suppiluliuma a try
Started a campaign as him! Seems cool. But I am a little confused desu. Am I supposed to cozy up and vassalize all my neighbors? Tried going to way and they honestly have bigger armies and the food to support them which I don't

Maybe I am just to impatient and need to build up some more first
>that bronze
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2016 was one hell of a year anon
Ay yo up yo bronze game.
Does anyone have the gif of Cao Cao saying "If the wisdom of the Sages worked they would have conquered the world long ago"?
not all of them, if two of them are at war just attack one of them as that will dramatically increase your relations and allow you to expand
also any non-Hittite is fair game as you can't confed them
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I don't want to see old lady Tausret, it would break my heart
And then Chinks say that he was villain
this is what I was thinking. The only animated female in the game. How could it compare after marrying her and then marrying some
ancient drawing portrait?
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An incredible resource building.
There needs to be a fountain of youth in the game so Tausret can be preserved and I can marry my heirs to her as well when my leader dies
I noticed that Epidemius' long victory conditions were based on defeating Kislev and conquering the Empire.
So then, why have our generals sent all of the Nurgle armies towards the Dark Elves in Naggaroth?
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well if you find the fountain of youth she's waiting at the Cairo museum, just fetch her dump her in the fountain and see what happens
One man's cure is another's pathogen. I shall avoid your treatment like the plague.
You can still see the belly button
Thank you anon, appreciated.
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I aspire to be like Cao Cao one day
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Someone answer me pls?
what unit exactly?
sounds like breed mother scenario
Lady Wu was so fine though
Seems like your intuition was spot on.
Fast unit ambusher would be the flanker.
Pharoah factions of choice:

-Monotheistic El Canaanite
-Monotheistic El Hittites
-Aten Egyptian

Warhammer 3 factions of choice:

-Balthasar Gelt
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>hit end turn
>Achilles tries to steal settlement from me by attacking Thracian settlement my army didn't quite have the movement points to attack
>refuse to help him and sit back and watch as the thracians rip Achilles limb from limb
>meanwhile Ajax(who attacked me btw) tries to invade me and gets ambushed and killed by Orestes
Ajax & Achilles fucked over by Agamemnon and dead the same end turn
I love this shit
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God that must be a new record.
This Chinese way of putting WORDSWORDSWORDS subtitles into one image is fucking retarded. I'm not reading all that you stupid faggot, return it to Chinese social media where you got it.
The Plagueridden hero of Nurgle gets an unlimited use area of effect damage ability. It doesn't require you to be in melee and the Plagueridden can get a Rot Fly mount.
Penthy Sweat
Elspeth Breath
Miao Milk
Wardancer Syrup
Tausret tan lines
by the time the enemy is clumped enough for optimal effect you might as well use the pimple pop spell instead
*Tausret Oil

^^ Better one. I completed the list.
Yes, Blight Boil is also amazing. It is just that the Locus ability doesn't even require any Winds of Magic. You could theoretically solo a siege with it.
>pirate dlc for total war game but without any naval combat
what did they mean by this?


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penthy is very hygienic, tho
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I know nothing about the bronze age, who do I play?
pick based on playstyle?
what kind of total war player are you?
Learn to smith steel
bronze age over
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take your pick
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I've fallen in love with her
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but it's so lu bover...
Lu Bu vs Achilles vs Walwetes
Who reigns supreme?
the kind that puts 5 artillery in every army
they all look the same
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Achilles >>>>> Lu Bu >>>>> Waletes
Achilles is a legit demigod, he's not even close to the other too in terms of power
Lu Bu, while an extremely skilled martial artist is only human
Goliath was really just a very tall man in heavy armour, while he is described as being a veteran warrior he's not a super kung-fu master or demigod fighting off entire armies
Why are my rocks fucked up
verify integrity of game files
>he didn't get the rock fix mod enhnced edition with 4k upscaling
Oh boy, welp, no refunds.
angered the gods
sacrifice children to moloch
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>canaanite starts letting his kike show
Hey rabbi, whatcha doin!?
They accidentally put in the harlequin textures that were meant for total war 40k
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Oh you motherfuckers
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Which way are you really supposed to expand as Malakai? The entire north part of the map is filled with bad guys
you know what you have to do
get the horse
If you think about it that's actually a genius move. I wish Warhammer AI was that smart.
the AI 'king' dude will always vassalise weak af people about to die if they're near him and don't have terrible relations, it's annoying af but I'd do the same thing
One man doomstack tier list:
1. Vilitch
2. Imrik
3. Tamurkhan
Why is your face all stupid and full of fuck?
Information that might be valuable for one-man doomstack attempters:
Sword of Khaine provides 30% ward save and massive amounts of weapon strength. It can be taken from the Shrine of Khaine if you are an Elf. Otherwise, you must kill the holder of the Sword of Khaine.
The Nemesis Crown can provide +20% health and an incredible mortis engine effect. It will spawn in the Empire at turn 25 and it can be stolen from somebody who already owns it.
Sigvald, Wurrzag and Archaon all provide physical resistance from their defeat traits.
Throt the Unclean provides +10% health.

Have you ever made a one-man doomstack?
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I'm kind of stretched thin on resources for now (same anon as>>487777605 so I'll probably be in a lower-intensity conflict against the Trojans.

It was pretty annoying but smart since I started besieging their capital and only had to take down 2 more settlements.
Archaon is better than Imrik
Hope it's the game files and not your card dying bro
Which chaos should I play if I want to kill chaos?
Archaon or Be'lakor.
Not a single Anon in /twg/ has ever played Vilitch.
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hey guys look at this rat
look at it
Kill rat
he's the least boring mechanics-wise of the cock dlc
though I concede he does feel half-cocked as a warriors of chaos faction instead of an actual tzeentch one
rats have such disproportionately large balls, it's funny.
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Skaven superior advice: don't listen to this >>487791430 fucking cuck, be magnificent.
if you were offering "skaven advice" why didn't you just say skaven? that's also chaos that kills chaos
he cute
Sigvald actually has amazing stats.
Heavy armour
70 melee attack
60 melee defence
Perfect Vigour from turn 1
5% physical resistance
Can acquire a golden shield

Be careful when duelling Sigvald the Magnificent.
I've murdered a thousand hours worth of Chaos as Sigvald.
And Skaven advice is educated advice. Mine eyes have seen the bestest path to war hammers, and it is through Skaven.
>be careful when duelling Sigvald the Magnificent.
Yeah because he might fuck you or make you blow him before he kills you.
i kinda just assassinated him with yuan bo and it was really disappointing
he was winning the fight pretty hard even without the executioner ability
Man, Agamemnon does not want to hand over Helen in marriage
Yuan Bo is an absolute top tier lord, no shame in losing a duel to that dragon man. Even Grimgor loses as 1v1 to Yuan Bo.
why would he? She's incredibly hot.
for some reason the AI gives you tons of diplomacy points by breaking treaties with factions they don't even care about. I married her first turn easy at a hit to my reputation
>have to fuck over your diplomatic standing and likely get into wars to marry helen just like paris did
Because Warhammer cavalry mostly sucks besides small outliers, usually the ones on monsters and not horses
Anti player bias and AI battle cheats are insane in Pharaoh good lord
I fucking hate steppeniggers
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RIP a real one. His last act was bitch-slapping Hector, who had become Troys faction leader, after he stole the settlement of Hubishna from my vassal ally.
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penny's so close bros...i can taste it...
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Huh? I got the pharaoh achievement, but it's like turn 3 and I didn't do anything
Can I play skaven in Pharoh? I don't know if I can play without my rats...
Well, you're playing as Seti and are heir to Merneptah who is the Pharaoh, that means he probably ack'd and you inherited. Check the family tree.
Fuck off.
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Why play a smaller, shitter game, with shittier graphics, and be a cucked nomods? Supposedly you can't even genocide all the kikes in that shitty game.
post more rats
Ah, yeah, he's as dead as disco, thanks; I completely forgot about the lineage shit, I'm too used to being a fantasybab
Pharaoh has better graphics though. Also why does this squirrel have boobplates.
Enjoy, being Pharaoh doesn't mean you won the game, especially if you inherit before you have a lot of territory. It just means everyone's gonna be gunning for you to contest the title now.
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also i am going to play Odysseus since i played him in Troy
What an annoying faggot
>he doesn't have female squirrel generals mod
Fucking CA cucks playing the garbage can base game. Why even use a computer. Get the fuck outta here filthy casual.
love rats
>pharaoh discussion finally dying
>ratnigger posting starts up again
Really makes you think
>characters reflect in metal
>mud, rain and sand accumulate on units
>blood pollutes rivers
>fire arrows burn up grass
>units leave footprints on the ground, and bloody footprints if they've been fighting
@ me when soihammer has any of this ratfag
Holy shit just like in Mario64!
>metal mario reflections
>water reactive
>fire burns mario
>mario leaves footprints in snow
I genuinely don’t care about any of that and hope CA spends their time adding more content instead.
what's the excuse for warhammer not having any of that if it's that simple to do then?
You'll get your micro transaction new hero in the time modders have released a hundred.
Blood and debris accumulates on my units, no mods. *see 'works on my machine'
i didn't mention blood (which you'd hope would accumulate if you paid for it), i mentioned mud, rain and sand. i notice you avoided everything else i mentioned. the reason is that warhammer doesn't have it. kind of pathetic when mario 64 does LMAO!
Blood and debris is good enough for me. If they want to add sand on somebody pants for fighting tomb niggers then go ahead it's not going to increase sales.
Real guys are only concerned with blood and guys, like any real game made after 1990 should have.
i accept your concession.
Ratfags get the rope.
Why do you get so bootyblasted about Pharaoh? It's beyond just trolling territory at this point, it's legit ESL autistic.
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theyre just doing a dumb bit
Nonukes; will never be a super power.
No refunds by the way.
holy seethe, i'm proud to have caused you to waste time making that. you were probably crying the whole time
>y-y-you care about our game because you made an mspaint image about us!
>everybody is seething at our 5k players worldwide!
>i bought it because SAND!
The state of history niggers.
I mean he probably has no life. What kind of person can browse 4chan 24/7 day after day to commit to a dumb bit piece about hating a game that a general is about.
Fantasy bros and History bros, let's stop heckin' fighterino!

Ya guys know you can buy BOTH games right?!
nah that's not the legendfag, believe it or not, that's the ratfag that's been spamming bandicam images for the past couple of days. i think the legendfag got a time out after samefagging a couple threads ago.
The pharaoh posts are increasing and my concern is rising.
It's so obvious he hates how the game is actually good after he shat on the previous version.
>Rat fetishist
That actually feels more plausible now that you mention it.
How is Pharaoh's performance/optimization?
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Don't mess with the Herald of Nurgle.
Buy? Wussat?
You download game for free, use emulater server for crack if it's denuvo or just one of the steam emulators/api cracks, gg. I've never bought a single fucking DLC and i got em all, from each of the Total Warhammer games. With how many fucking micro-transactions they released they should just make it free to play to boost numbers and stick to their micro transaction kikery.
I still find it fucking absolutely hilarious that they raped paypiggies by stealing what they bought in Total Warhammer 2, what was available in that game went behind a paywall in the 3rd, top kikery.
Still one of my favorite games though. Love raping nerds on the ladder, then rewatching the replay in different random seasons.
>i mean
Only niggers and faggots talk like this. Start off your statement like a human being you retarded fuck.
Oh yeah, and you're here forever.
Pretty good. It runs more smoothly for me than warhammer 3.
Best ranged faction?
elspeth, there is no better ranged than hers once they've been upgraded
All Elves have amazing ranged.
Absolutely obliterated by Skaven superiority. Out ranged, out damaged, out styled. Nonukes so not a super power.
Nobody wants their daughters beaten by emotionally unstable, domestic abuser Achilles
Nor do they want them to have to play second fiddle to his close "friend" Patroclus.
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Elves don't have guns.
Skaven are disgusting creatures.

Stick with Imperial Gunpowder.
Sounds like nephew killing, daughter raping House of Atreus cope.
No nukes, not a super power.
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Your mere existence is an insult to my sensibilities. Skavenfags should hang.
>40K is going to kill ratniggers and histoids at the same time

God I cannot wait
Try that shit in game, pussy.
Whatcha gonna do when Skaven run wild on Altdorf, BROTHER?!
40k has IG which is the skaven of 40k though
I'll be here to shill all 40k youtubers to make ysure you don't have a fun time
It’s a tough pill for your contrarian autism to stomach but most people aren’t triggered by YouTubers.
Except they're humans and not disgusting rats, so no matter how much you shill your dumb headcanon in 40k I'll to enjoy a game with no rats.
We'll see about that cocksucker
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As much as I like 40k I never really saw how the Total War formula would work with it. They would have to completely change the combat and limit to a world like in Dark Crusade or something. The ones that should be making a 40k game is Eugen, a large scale game like Wargame or WARNO with the army-general campaigns would be fun as fuck.
Except they aren't. If anything the Admech are, but they're still humans and not disgusting rats.
Predicting how fun each 40k faction will be
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>disgusting rat mind
I agree, I could never see how a game with magic, melee, guns, artillery, huge monsters and super powerful leaders could work in TW. And that’s not even talking about a cover system or a campaign map that is coloured black to look like space!
Is Medieval 3 out yet?
age of charlemagne has been out for like 10 years
Kushites and Nubians for overwhelming arrow from insane ranges, but I've heard very good things from Troy as well
You're being incredibly reductive. Total War does giant block formations, 40k is engagements with highly mobile ranged units utilizing cover. It should play like Dawn of War 2. If they really do go a total war 40k route the only way they could do it is if it were epic scale where it's entire companies on a map moving around.
>You're being incredibly reductive.
>Total War does giant block formations
Rhesus has achieved CHIM
Based obtuse retard
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>didn't disprove the point made
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just spent the last four hours reading about the bronze age to the Diadochi era to have a better timeline of events.
god damn there is a lot happening
Should have just read Herodotus
Gimme a QRD
well yeah a lot happens in 3000 years
Brainlet can't into comparisons.
>retard actually actually played that dog shit of a downgrade of a game Dawn of War 2 after fucking Soulstorm
>epic scale
You retard niggers already complain about having to do too much with your dumbed down mechanics and babies first multitasks attempts at microing. Get fucked retards, you're the reason we can't have nice things. Stick to Pokemon and let complicated games progress already.
I don't know what to play bros
I'm so fucking bored
Greeks based
Everyone else cringe
>You retard niggers already complain about having to do too much with your dumbed down mechanics and babies first multitasks attempts at microing. Get fucked retards, you're the reason we can't have nice things. Stick to Pokemon and let complicated games progress already.
What the fuck are you talking about?
is this guy a bot? half the time his shitty images don't even match the post.
Rome: Total War - Alexander
Shogun 2: Total War - Rise of The Samurai
Medieval 2: Total War: Kingdoms Americas campaign
Crazy to think really.
From the caveman who first made bronze to the dazzling megacities and great works.
From the zero age to the heroic age.
We can look back 3000 years and say we have nuclear bombs and hayfever now, but even 3000 years ago they were clothes and ate bread and cheese.
Start of the bronze age? None of that. Just a caveman melting metals.
I don't like total war
Is it just me or do chariot charges kind of look like shit compared to the new cav units? It's like they don't have a charge animation and just run into things statically.
Warhammer: Mark of Chaos
play Hades
bread and cheese and metalworking are actually thousands of years older than the beginning of the bronze age
The war machine code for chariots has always had issues, the act like blind retards bumping in the night.
I finished 1 and 2 is in early access
play Elden Ring or Hollow Knight then
>Shogun 2: Total War - Rise of The Samurai
Any way to make it control like the more modern TWs? I can't get used to not being able to use Alt and drag a group while maintaining formation
I beat both....
They literally just need some animation to play before impact, anything to give their charge more visual flair. The update is great but it's disappointing that chariots still look like that after all these years, it has to be on purpose, CA probably thinks they don't need it for whatever reason.
Hittites, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes, Parthians, Arameans, Amorites Elam, Kassites, Kushites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Phrygians, Urartus, Aeolians, Ionians, Dorians, Mitannis, Mycenaeans, Thracians, Lydians, Spartans, Cimmerians, Scythians, Persians, Edomites, Pontians, and Greek City-States walk into a bar
okay you can try to play FEAR 1, Baldurs Gate 3 or any of the Yakuza games
I'm sad Sparta isn't a major faction, muh thermopilae
They are thoughever, Agamemnon controls Sparta at the start since he and Menelaus are one faction.
Can I get a top 10 rating for Historical TW games? I like Pharaoh mechanically but I'm not a huge fan of bronze age except for greeks and MAYBE mesopotamia
>I'm not a huge fan of bronze age
We can fix that. It's one of the coolest periods in history.
I'll try fear 1 since I beat the rest
Thank you anon
try Attila or Rome 2, and if you don't mind outdated graphics then medieval 2
It just doesn't appeal to me aesthetically very much
medieval 2
rome 1
shogun 2
rome 2
three kingdoms
thrones of britannia
hello someone explain the point of amazons without bikini armor. weren't they basically just ancient greek coomer fantasy?
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Don't listen to >>487818607 he's a retard. Mark of Chaos was a disgustingly sick game back when it came out but it's hyper dated and shoot-yourself-in-the-face slow, it forces you to go through countless tutorial moments and hand holding and cutscenes, it just won't let you play the fucking game like you could if you played Total Warhammer 3, it's the full thing right from the start.
Try this it's an FPS RTS that let's you do build shit, manage army shit, and go down to sweet first person and start fucking shit up while giving your army commands from the floor. Videos will never do it justice, play a 4 player free for all, play Rome to start might be easiest, then after you get the feel for the game play a sea map and do some sick naval battles boarding enemy ships and landing your fleet on enemy shores and going full caveman on their city.
1. Attila
2. Rome 2
3. Fall of the Samurai
4. Medieval 2
5. Rome
6. Base Shogun 2
7. Napoopan
8. Empire
9. Original Shogun and Medieval 2
Large, LARGE gap
10. Thrones of Britannia
That's fine I guess but the actual period is really neat. What really got me interested in it was Xenophon's Anabasis. In there they mention ruins from the Assyrian Empire, but there were no records of what the city was or how long it had been abandoned. Left over a thousand years previous. The layers and layers of human history that lay forgotten in the dust of the middle east. When Xenophon and the Ten Thousand found those ruins it was in 400-ish B.C. That means it was further from that point in Ancient Greece than the fall of Rome was to the Renaissance. The time spans between all that is nuts.
Shogun 2
Three Kingdoms
Medieval 2
Rome 2
Thrones of Britannia
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my list goes

1.Rome 2
4.Fall of the Samurai
5.Shogun 2
8.Medieval 2
9.Mediaval 1
People who put empire above any title, especially main titles, have severe mental ailments, do not trust them.
The game is basically unplayable to this very day unless you're exclusively playing naval skirmish.
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I thought Rome 2 shit the bed. After the launch I never looked at it again.
Pretty sure he was talking about Nineveh, which had been abandoned for far less than a thousand years. Still a long enough gap for people of the time to forget all about it, though.
That passage of the book is absolutely haunting.

It's better now, but pretty much most games they made after are a better version of it. The only reason to keep playing that game is the time period.
It got much better and ended up with tons of FLC factions and then finally a politics revamp and family trees. Also helps that it has the absolute best DLC support of any historical title.
the launch was disastrous, post-launch support was shockingly effective and prolonged
rome 2 falls flat on its face and CA supports it for over five years
three kingdoms sees an incredibly good launch and it gets dropped in two years
here is my rating of all the ones I played:

>medieval 2
-2 years per turn is ass
-land battles are extremely clunky and unresponsive
-rng traits are obnoxious
--2 years per turn is really fucking dumb
+easy to mod
+you can ethnically cleanse the middle east
+-"immersive" features like having to send a diplomat just to open the diplomacy menu
---TWO years per turn
-game breaking bugs

+biggest historical campaign map
+naval battles
-naval battles are shit
+line warfare has way more tactical depth
-the enemy battle ai is really dumb
-kind of buggy
+fewer sieges than other games

+fixes a lot of bugs from empire
-by removing the mechanics that didn't work
-no "normal" campaign

>shogun 2
+just like my japanese animes
-low unit variety
-naval combat is mega fucking annoying
-smaller map

>fall of the samurai
+kino time period
+you can recreate the last battle from that tom cruise movie
+most fun artillery in any tw game
-naval combat is still fucking shit
>Pretty sure he was talking about Nineveh
It's either that or Kalhu, right? I remember he called it something else but it's been a while since I read the book in college, like over a decade.
explain what's wrong with it other than town wealth being broken
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Imagine a warrior who could parallel Achilles, but she has a vagina
>-naval combat is still fucking shit
You only need the Warrior-class

If you're a Shogunate chud, just the Chiyodagata class
Give the BA a chance, it grows on you.
>naval battles are shit
the absolute state of the muh line warfare fag
Both actually, the two cities were completely destroyed and never again repopulated by the end of the 7th century BCE.
holy shit, LL for this feel?
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It has the most schizophrenic strategic AI of any total war game ever made.
The AI is so bad at battles that it's almost non-functional under most combat conditions, sieges are especially bad.
AR is possibly the worst it's been in the franchise.
The land battles, during the rare moments when the poor AI and bugs don't render them totally broken, are boring unless you have a deep fascination with one of the least interesting eras of combat ever. Even then, there are other games that make line battles play much better.
Some small measure of entertainment can be gleamed from strategic management if you're able to avoid manual land combat entirely.
Naval battles are just about the only part of the game that ever consistently works well.
he was an assyrian
ninurta apal ekur or a chaos dwarf
So I havent played the game since thrones of decay came out. Been playing the The Old World but now Im back. Do i need all 3 parts of the expansion to use the nemesis crown? I only have the Nurgle part
Wait, why was he the bad guy again?
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Cream.api son, unlock everything free. Next time download the game free too. HAIL IKIT!!
In an insane world, the man who speaks the truth is considered mad.
canon skaven female??
She's got a couple mods installed. Not gonna lie. Standing upright makes her easier to breed with from a Human perspective. She reminds me of a 15 year old scene girl i was dating when i was 17, we'd fuck when her parents were out and her older sister brought her dude over to fuck, and she would scream like a banshee and dig her nails all around my fucking body. I'd go home and my family would think i got mauled by a mountain lion.
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No I don't think so. I have Malakai and Goth Mom, and I can use the crown just fine.
This video is really good, too. Same guy, but the two together help paint a good picture of what the Bronze Age was like.
Lothern sea guard with shield or not?
do you expect them to be shot or be in melee for extended periods of time
>Lothern Guard
>Lothern Guard w/ Shield
>slow as fuck even on 4x speed
>ar sucks so you have to manual every single battle
>ai plays like a cheating nigger and deploys right on the edge of the map so as soon as they start losing they retreat and then use free campaign movement to sail past your blockade
nah it's shit

I only play as usa so I don't know if the yuro ai is bad. it was kind of a head scratcher invading england and seeing that they had traded ireland for croatia though. I don't ar land battles so it was never a problem. the ai is dumb but not really any dumber than in other games. it just seems that way because line warfare has more tactical depth. if you think it's less intersting than the fucking bronze age you might be literally retarded.
Even Pharaoh has more unit types than Empire LMAO. Hating naval battles which are the only good part of the shitshow that is Empire proves you're a shitter.
know that feeling well as*r xister...
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pharaoh didn't even have cavalry until yesterday and now you're trying to pretend it has horse artillery?
>b-but speamanii, spearmanii (shield), and spearmanii (fast for an egyptian) are all different types
Madison save us from the underage skaven shitposter!!!
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Miao Ying!
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>GW changed Malekiths name to Malerion for Old World since Marvel has a villain named Malekith that also leads the Dark Elves
what won't GW rip off next?
You sont have to say that and just ignore it, every general has them
Just like post and play around it and if it's spam report it (to make yourself feel better, jannies don't actually ever do anything but it makes you feel lspecial and atleast hides the post like you did something) and otherwise just ignore it
Made for one Asur man.
>missile cavalry
>melee cavalry
>missile chariots
>melee chariots
this is the spearmanii game with the least unit diversity and it still clears empire lmao
Which Total War: Warhammer game should i get? Never played them. Thinking about staring with the first one.
Dont start with the first one
Like the second one would be *fine* to start with hut lime absolutely ideally, start with the third one
It had a tutorial, it has the big combined map, it has like ongoing updates, it's the like main one I think like you should get
Only reason to play the earlier ones is for the campaign. Otherwise you should just get #3.
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get the third one since then you can play on the combined map from all three games
Total War: Warhammer: Pharaoh: Dynasties: Remastered
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all those words just to say Chaos Dwarves
did they fug
Yeppers, they're boyfriends
>melee infantry is different because they have different weapons

>infantry (musket)
>infantry (musket) (socket bayonet)
>infantry (rifle)
>infantry (breechloader)
>infantry (air gun)
>infantry (bow and arrow)
mooom look at all the unit types
jannies are so fucking incompetent
Why dafuq do Empire Generals not have their dick protected
oh okay then empire has even less credit than i was going to give it.
>shit pikemen
pharaoh still clears.
Ugh it is that wood elf photo again……
hey fellas how do i enjoy total war warhammer and maybe even other total war games
i feel like every battle takes 10 years because shit just doesn't die (it just routs and runs around for 5 minutes making me track it down and put it into the fight again until it routs again)
i've always been more of a civ guy
Imo the bigger issue with Med2 aren't the graphics but the lack of qol and camera. Especially the camera desu.
That or Malekith is real.

Dark elves should actually be black skinned though. Not pale. They’re dark.

In norse myth they’re color of soot.
Black Elves.
>implying spearmanni turn into a different unit by giving them guns
That's like saying they turn into something different when you pit them on a horse.
pharoah has:
>light infantry
>heavy infantry
>ranged infantry
>melee chariot
>ranged chariot
>melee cavalry
>ranged cavalry

empire has:
>melee infantry
>line infantry
>light infantry
>light cavalry
>heavy cavalry
>fixed artillery
>foot artillery
>horse artillery

even if you add elephants from rome empire still has more unit types
>different weapons don't count
>b-but artillery but can be pulled by horse is totally different from artillery but stationary
and I have:
>a micropenis
what are you trying to say that hasn't already been said?
Stop reposting!
i didn't know that empire has dragons wow
What's the matter anon? Don't like wood elves?
I should have taken that peace treaty + 3k gold when I had the chance... Damn you dark elves...!
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This one's cuter
look at those bazonkers
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Which faction is the most fun in Pharaoh? I'm thinking Babylon first.

Prove it with pics, then.
if a guy with a sword riding a horse is a different unit type than a guy with a sword who walks how is a guy with a cannon riding a horse not different from a guy with a cannon who walks?

I accept your surrender
what if a guy with a horse rode a sword
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I have had enough of this!
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it's still the Hittites
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>what if a guy with a horse rode a sword
I like where this is going
Fates sure had some good character designs and the Conquest route had some real good maps but man all of the games shat the bed when it comes to story
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Put the gun down or I swear to us that we will shoot you and me and them.
Why did you say me 3 times?
if you gave credit to the different weapon types of pharaoh then i'd let you have artillery (horse) and artillery (stationary) but you didn't, you're the one using dumb, completely inconsistent standards to make empire seem more impressive than it is. no how matter how you slice it, reductionary or liberal about unit types, pharaoh has more variety. also rome 2 has stationary artillery vs moveable artillery and heavy vs light cavalry so if that's the metric we're going off of it also easily beats empire.
Get off my land, zombie
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why did they model azazel after anthony hopkins?
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You are Luthor Harkon. You are stuck on a desert island with Luthor Harkon, Luthor Harkon and Luthor Harkon. You have only 1 bullet in the chamber. Who do you shoot?
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I shoot you, who is me.
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Don't start something you can't finish partner.
oh my milky MOMMY
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Thanquol WILL come soon, friends
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Yes witch hunter, this post right here.
The sun
wait a second...that's an elf!
hoyl fuck will she have SEX with me???
there's way more difference between a rocket battery and horse artillery than there is between a guy with a sword and a guy with an axe. you literally have to be trolling to claim otherwise
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they're still making fun of him
it's been how long? and they're still mocking.
He fucking deserves it. Shit product = shit salesman. We won't forget.
no, there's not, if we're arguing about how to use units. spearmen have a completely different use from swordsmen. archers have a completely different use from slingers, mostly in range, but you completely discounted that as "ranged infantry" while separating line infantry and skirmishers in empire. aren't you >>487821002 this guy anyways? you haven't even fucking played rome 2 or pharaoh while i've played empire.
line infantry and skirmishers aren't just different in stats, they have completely different formation behavior. a rocket battery is a fixed emplacement that can only (barely) hit stationary targets in sieges. horse artillery moves at cavalry speed so it can quickly redeploy for better grapeshot angles. what is the different between an axeman and a swordman? how much ap damage they do?
lethality chance, animation speed, armor breaking rate, formations. for ranged units, archers can fire over walls and use fire arrows to set foliage or buildings on fire while slingers have a longer range and faster attack rate. you're an actual retard and really you've just confirmed you're the guy who hasn't even played rome 2 and pharaoh even though i already knew that because you pointedly ignored it.
I think I'm gonna wait until pharaoh will get some patches, my last ramsess campaign got destroyed by bugs and I don't want to repeat this
ok so explain how rifle skirmishers aren't a different unit type from musket skirmishers then since one has longer range than the other. or howitzers and cannons for that matter since they have completely different shot types and firing angles.
okay, they are different units. if we're using consistent standards to break it down that much pharaoh has even more fucking differences than my original post. there's light vs heavy melee chariots, one handed axes with shields vs two handed axes, camels vs horses, light, medium, heavy infantry etc.
>I think I'm gonna wait until pharaoh will get some patches
There are a few things that need fixing, some of them quite important, I really hope Sofia patches the big bugs before moving to Warhammer DLC, I don't want to have to rely on modders for a bugfix mod, we aren't hammerfags after all.
I've run into a couple texture bugs and clipping but nothing major, what major bugs have you encountered?
nta but for me getting in diplo range with all factions for no reason also got event about some dead faction leader that's not mine and next turns faction from kush and thrace started to declare wars on me while I pretty much held only sinai
so now we are back to man (rifle), man (air gun), and man (cherokee) all being different unit types. the point of categories like light infantry and heavy infantry is to group similar types together even if they have different statlines or weapons. trying to claim that a game that until yesterday only had infantry and chariots has more types of units than a game that has the complete rps triangle of infantry, cavalry, and artillery is absurd.
If Taurset is plapped by a white man are their offspring appropriately coloured or
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>the point of categories like light infantry and heavy infantry is to group similar types together even if they have different statlines or weapons
so yeah, you're retarded. i kindly request you actually play these games before commenting on them.
Would you rather
>bloated roster with everything any faction could need allowing for any playstyle with any faction
>a smaller roster of highly specialized troops allowing the faction in question to excel at one specific niche instead of being a jack of all trades.
Personally I would rather every faction was heavily polarized, I was every faction to excel at something when compared to every other faction.
it'll just be the culture of whoever wasn't brought over, so if tausret joined achilles' faction it'd be a white greek man, if achilles joined tausret's faction it'd be a brown egyptian man. that's how it works in every other historical tw i've played at least.
*I want every faction to excel at something
Hmm... I see.
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>noooo you don't understand these two units are super different and I'm totally not just going to right click them on the enemy blob
yeah, they are different. axes have faster attacks while swords have higher weapon damage and so you'd use them to counter different units, you could see that in in the image if you weren't retarded. axes also fuck up shields much better than swords do. if you weren't a disingenuous faggot you'd show the shieldless, armorless ambush units that can hide in tall grass and have insane charge bonuses which make them great in hit and run tactics, but once again you admitted you haven't even played rome 2 or pharaoh.
>melee infantry is different from melee infantry just trust me
then empire is just gunmanii, cavalry, artillery and shit pikemen, like i said. glad the argument is resolved.
which is more than bronzelslop that only has infantry and chariots. ok that was simple so why did it take so long to reach this conclusion?
nope. infantry, ranged units, chariots, cavalry and specialists. sorry, looks like pharaoh won. it's fine, no one wants to play empire because it's a shit game anyways. luckily fall of the samurai is at least halfway decent so it's not a total loss for linefags
keep coping retard we all know you're right clicking you melee blob
i accept your concession
accept deez nutz down your throat
I want spearmaniii game (medieval)
This is our opportunity to make a skaven thread!
i want to buy junk food by im too lazy to go outside

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