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Dog(?)fight Edition

1d6chan -https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts -https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Hotfix 5.1.1 Notes:https://community.totalwar.com/wh3-hotfix-511
What's Next:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fix3FvsmplA

>Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties
Total War: PHARAOH - Dynasties Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6erHiCuh1tQ
Dynasty system and new royal traditions and gods: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/26
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Map Expansion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJHre9auMY0
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Mesopotamia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4ZIfaNNlCI
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Aegean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApDwFGUB4Dc
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9gOQytqYgs
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Battles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJDsYyr4SJY
Soundtrack Available: https://twitter.com/totalwar/status/1816488603935244463

>Older Titles

previous thread: >>487614134
Be a good person
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Am I the only one that misses lord duels in Pharaoh?

Is there a way to have them back
Still haven't haven't finished a Kislev campaign, their LLs suck and three-quarters of their roster being OOPS ALL HYBRIDS makes them super bland to play
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Neither have I. I just like posting bears.
Nah it was cringe. Main reason why 3K is cringe.
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There will be no alliance with rats while I'm high xxxx!
If you are so afraid of pharaoh posters will you kill yourself when 40k takes over and fantasois will be pushed to the trash bin of history where they belong?
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I only play Kislev for Kat
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Every pro skaven rat post in this thread delays Thanquol dlc by a month.

You better not do it!
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Deluded fantasoi sees histoids at every turn.
Funny that. I only play Azazel for Kat and Miao
built for my small, white, human cock
Bladesingers are so pretty
Shades with greatsword or double swords?
SQVIRE stop posting your butterface girl and bring me the breastplate stretcher!
I really hate Cathay
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heretical bonus
Hate their aesthetic hate fighting them hate their starting location hate navigating that shit hole just hate them in general
But my lord, there is no such thing as a "breastplate stretcher"!
total war?
The fact that their roster was all hybrid was fun and set them apart from everyone else.
It was a huge mistake for the DLC to give them a bunch of dedicated melee units and a dedicated archer.
People really sleep on their sleds too. It's probably their most powerful units. It's a ranged chariot unit that can fuck up chaos warriors in extended melee
He who calls it TCA with me shall be my brother.
The fact that the wood elves are presented as ostensibly neutral and have missions for fighting order races but ALWAYS end up in the order tide by mid game annoys me more than it has any right to.
Also never seen them jave good relations with dark elves, even though they have dedicated tech for it, because it comes so late that they're guaranteed to have spent forever fighting Morathi.
Total Skaven Death
Its such a tiny thing but it annoys the fuck out of me.
>wood elves are presented as ostensibly neutral
They actually aren't truly neutral. They're at best like those pseudo-fence shitters who pretend to go "both sides are bad!" until their actual preferred side (in this case Order) is attacked, at which point they help to defend it. Sure, they will kill random Bretonnians and Imperials for no reason, but Bretonnians, Dwarfs and Imperials also kill each other for no reason constantly. They are neutral in that they would mostly prefer to keep to their forest, but if the order factions near them fall they will be replaced by Chaos or undead, in which case they're also fucked so they have to help.
I've just been playing a Heralds od Ariel campaign and pretty much eradicated the Dark Elves from Naggaroth. Morathi, Lokhir Fellheart and Malekith are gone.
I don't think I would even have had the time to research the tech that would provide better relations with the Dark Elves -even if I had prioritised it- before ending up at war with Naggarond. and neighbouring DE factions.
The Wood Elf tech/research chain weird too. Surprised they didn't make it look like a tree with different branches tbhwy.
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Slaanesh being made to wait last to get their DLC seems daft seeing how fucking badly they need it more than Khorne

Even in the lategame all they can throw at you is stacks of light infantry, light cav, and armored buys with no bite

But I can't think of any units they could actually get that would let their stacks actually be scary. If anything I just wish they'd drop the stupid arbitrary limits on which god's chaos warriors/chosen can have halberds or great weapons
This seems pretty promising I wonder how crash heavy it is though.
we pulled up at mortis delta
we will pull up in your dumbass middle east shithole
I want the Slaanesh DLC, but I think they have to use cult of pleasure army list to fill enough unit slots, so they will get (renamed?) Shades. I just think those will obsolete all daemons.
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>Imperial Dwarfs
>Dwarfs that live in the Empire
Are there Bretonnian Dwarfs?
aiding manlets goes against the chivalrous code
No, because Dorfs don't have an ancient pact of battle-forged allyship with Brets
single entities are the worst thing to happen to total war and im glad they are gone
thank fuck agents on the map are gone aswell
Pharaoh doesn't have agents? Yikes
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a real shame Penthesilea got cut
I really love me some tomboys, Amazons will be missed
There is.
There's also Kislevian dorfs
its the first thing i mod to any total war game i play so its a welcome change
you can pay shekels to spy on enemy territory but no bullshit moving around on the campaign map
neither does 3K and I hope we never have to see the agents on the map system on historical games ever again
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>game without luthor harkon
Khorne sucks hard as fuck. It is the least functional of the demon races. Their dual axe infantry trade poorly with basically any equivalent tier infantry, and get dunked on by dedicated infantry fighters like greatswords.
Bloodletters trade poorly with units on LOWER tiers. With their one saving grace being their armor piercing attack, which is only a saving grace because Khorne is fucking gagging for armor piercing.
They also have no magic, "made up" for with being able to summon a unit of bloodletters.... sometimes.
Khornes main benefit is skarbrand being a fucking beast who can beat entire stacks on his own, and their heroes being pretty strong.
Kholek or N´kari
Reminder that an average dwarf considers an imperial dwarf to be a disgusting outsider
Never seen it cause by crashs although it could spazz out with you not getting any more RoRs after the first one. That might be fixed now and with the mod configuration tool integration you can adjust things now too.
The biggest dwarven hold is A̶n̶k̶h̶m̶o̶r̶p̶o̶k̶h̶ altdorf
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Turn 255
and I'm still having fun~
RN I yam helping my frens~
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I heard the Habiru are actually ancient Hebrews
now question is, why are the Jews such top-tier shock infantry?
White man here. Would definitely impregnate both of those jewesses.
I don't even think the tech makes uo for their dark elf aversion.
I don't know, I feel like they should at least be neutral to the dark elves. They're big mad at the high elves, their main beef with the dark elves is that they're not wood elves and that Morathi is a cunt. But the average dark elf agrees om that second point.
It makes sense they prefer order to chaos. But Durthu usually ends up allied to dwarves and humans and fighting greenskin and ogres and like... why would he give a shit?
What the actual fuck? How do they come up with this shit?
Let me build armies without generals in the next game please CA
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Jew women are the best argument against anti-Semitism, so it's understandable
Saw a cloud that looked exactly like a noble sea turtle today. What does this mean from a Bronze Age perspective?
but they told me israelis are white
they look pretty fucking dark to me
They vary ALOT
They can't bro. Chariots are basically just very fast cannons/trebuchets/catapults. Exact same base implementation. They have to redesign them from the ground up to work properly, and they McFreakin' won't.
Where should I invest skill points when it comes to lords? blue skill line? spells? or boost units? I guess boosting lord stats like attack, defense etc is the worst choice?
you thinking of askhenazi jews
I usually start by taking just the first blue talent then if my lord is a mage I start going through that. For Melee lords I focus on red line first.
when they portray the muh israel vs palestine conflict they put isralies as the white side
so the majority of israel is white?
>dare you enter my magical realm
like 2.5 million out of israels 10 million population is ashkenazi (european descent)
Israelis like to pretend they're a separate race but that's bullshit, they all mixed with natives wherever they migrated to
Israelis that came from the USSR or ram away from uncle Adolf are basically White, those who came from the Middle East after the muslims gained independence are indistinguishable from Arabs and the ones who came over from Ethiopia are pretty much just circumcised East Africans
/twg/ - Israeli Demographics
>you can't discuss lore because... you just le can't!
depends :)
>another /twg/ thread derailed by Israel and Palestine
Weird that this keeps happening even after the jannies started purging discussion of it itt.
Why not talk about Total War? What is a Total War game that you constantly think about playing but never do? For me, it's Empire, I keep thinking about playing it but I never bother because it doesn't have borderless windowed
Red line first, then the LL specific line, then yellow.
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you care?
I care about the Ukraine war because it's right over the border and the consequences of that do matter to my country and the Union in general, but honestly the Israel thing is about as important as the Burmese civil war or the Sudanese conflict
I mean yeah sucks to be you but it really isn't our problem

Total War: Dynasties.
Must have been quite the hassle to make that armor back in the day.
so blue line is considered bad? I always did it first for casaulty replenishment and upkeep reduction.

vampire count lords for example
you always go full combat on legendary lords, fuck buffing units or some boring bullshit
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the problem isn't casting the armour itself, the hard part was importing copper from Cyprus and tin from Afghanistan
Bronze is apparently quite easy to work with
It depends really. I don't think it's necessary to get early on. Later on getting some of the things in there are good.
Unit buffing made sense in Warhammer 1 but with ward saves and resistances it makes more sense to turn every LL into a beatstick.
Blue line is really amazing for wood elves, ambush chance and razing gold.
>Playing Malakai
>Decided to wait for the first grudge event before declaring war on anyone
>Event wants me to go to war with fucking Roppsmen Clan
>I have NAP and trade with them
>Ignore it, declare war on Throt
>Next turn Throgg declares war
I hate the retards at CA so fucking much holy shit. How hard is it to code an event to check relations/treaties/borders?
I want to get Pharaoh as my historical title but I hate how there is not cav in the game. What the fuck? Were people back then too retarded to ride a horse? I was riding horses when I was 12
vampire counts you might want a few points in basic spells early because they really rely on invocation and a bit on danse macabre as well as the casting bonus
depending on what heroes you start with or have available to recruit early you can have a necromancer do that for you instead then you can go with your unit buffs first

blue can be strong or weak depending on the faction but its generally less important than army buffs, spells, or buffing your fighting stats on a punchy lord
corruption for vampires can be helpful early on but after the numbers got axed the replenishment and upkeep aren't as worth three skill points and the points to get to the second rung as they used to be
my interest in this is entirely driven by which factions i should exterminate first in pharaoh
Assyria have Cavalry and modders may add the Amazons from Troy
bros what are some good duelist legendary lords
first point of blue for movement bonus
if your lord/hero can cast spells you go spells
if your lord cant cast spells you go for unique line or red depending on if the unique line is shit or not unlocked right away
as skaven or anal anar(?) you go a bit further into blue line because you get ambush chance bonus which works with stalking stance
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take your meds
and chariots are better anyway
Total War game and faction to play as if I love Ukraine?
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Yeah lets keep the stunty tech-creep reasonable
People were taller than horses and stronger than horses back then. Diomedes was 2 and a half metres tall, weighted 200kg, and wore 100kg of armour.
Empire, Prussia
Tausret is the only confirmed antisemite in the game tho
the entire goddamn point of this update was to add factions with cavalry
both assyria and babbylon have native unit cav and assyria also has their faction cav
every faction can get native mesopotamian cavalry if you go take some land there

hold back the eastern hordes
the based Champion of Chaos~
not the cringe Order Lizardbrain~
i played her on release and now im playing assyria for cavalry kino so i need the optimal semite removal route (after babylon gets whats coming for them)
Bronze Age Citizen: Which God?
ok so greeks and egyptians were too stupid to ride a horse?
Dear Bay is our greatest ally.
horses were too small to be ridden, domestication takes time you retard
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the mockery of one true god ninurta shall be kept to an appropriate minimum
actually marduk unlocked it yet
average male height was like 160cm back then
Malaki what the fuck
you start pretty close to them, just push west and show them Canaanites who's boss
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i dont know what the fuck happened to my spoiler
Bicameral mind moment
average height in Ancient Egypt was 170cm, and were more manlets than cavemen
The pharaohs were super tall chads and chadettes though??
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dwarfs or chorfs
probably, they were nobility so it's not like they starved during childhood
then again they were incest babies so maybe not
Ogre Kingdoms
because black people are taller on average
craftsman needs only one shot raki
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Aye, one BIG shot
The royal ladies were 6'+ delicious brown fitness models walking around naked in those mesh dresses.
>inb4 source
It came to me in a dream.
>fanfic Dawi crank gunners
>canon ratling guns that fire concentrated Magic
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after reading through a couple pages and posts, turns out I might just be too retarded to install Fallout London...
Bronze Age faction for this feel?
judging by the post, you came to that dream alright
so what are you guy's favorite factions in pharaoh?
I'm finding ramsseses a bit dull
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Fanfic? This is GW approved, anon
There's too many systems in Pharaoh, did we really need so many when the UI is so annoying? Medieval 2 didn't have even a third of this, it's just too much.
why the fuck is Troy so expensive. They should have lower price like with Pharaoh. Game got like 1/4 of Pharaoh content
Å uppiluliuma II
I like the defender of civilization theme and I fucking love heavy chariots and heavy infantry
Chariots don't work on this engine. They either ride though units unimpeded or they get stuck on a single infantry unit with no middle ground, and always totally break down when interacting with anything that isn't infantry
The fact that there is literally no interaction when one large unit attacks another worked back in empire, but it's become increasingly ridiculous as time has gone on. The fact that megadinos treat scout cavalry like an insurmountable obstacle should get this franchise laughed at.
Most lords have non-round numbers for health. Healthpools such as 8008 or 4288.
Epidemius is good with number so his health pool is exactly 8000. I believe that is a first for Total War.
do ogres really eat people
for me it's the early game that's absolutely atrocious
every backwater desert canaanite tribe has 2+ doomstacks right at the start
no only chinese
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Total War: Super Mario Brothers
A Total War map with a globe that you can travel around.
Until you get to thunderbarges chorfs are still objectively more powerful in every category.
Dwarves are more fun though, and their grudge mechanic is pretty fun (Although I would recommend the grudge cap mod. Since otherwise it becomes literally impossible to get the higher tier rewards by the middle of a campaign).
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chaos dwarfs (mesopotamia)
lole, then the game would be fantasy, we already have Warhammer we don't need another fantasy game.
Reminder that chorfs canoncially get Grimgored and Hashut himself jobs to Gork and Mork
the reason for this is that CA does not train their interns at all so nobody told them every unit has a base health of 8 so its always a nice round number +8
People, animals, monsters, each other. The maneaters are named so after Golgfag maneater, who takes offense to that name because while he does eat men he doesn't have a particular preference for them (He prefers halflings)
>End Times sucks dick
yeah we know
>Shy Guy (red) DLC
>Koopa (green) DLC
Fund it
end times shitposting does not count
that's fucked up, I thought ogres were almost good guys
Why are Total War: Pharaoh and Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties different games on steam?
I thought I would fall for another meme seeing as I really didn't like Troy and that everyone here was just shilling Pharaoh but I am actually having fun with it. I like all the new campaign mechanics and the battles somehow feel decent. Not perfect by all means but for 20€ it's quite an alright Total War title.
To bypass user reviews of Pharaoh.
Why are Warhammer 1/2/3 different games on steam?
Probably because Dynasties is 40GB bigger than Pharaoh, that is bigger than the size of Shadow of the Erdtree.
Also it allows CA to get accurate feedback on whether Dynasty is a success because all the good won't be weighed down by the bad of the original game, this will tell them what sort of size and scope a historical game needs for it to be successful.
gork and mork are strongest gods thoughever
You thought the big fat cannibalistic worshippers of a god called "The maw" were good guys?
The ones led by people who voluntarily take the title "Tyrants"?
The guys whose intro to the total war series is a song including the lyrics "They scream and they run, but that's part of the fun. Cus the ogres are coming to get ya"
>6700 ingame
pretty good
I mean compared to undead and evil elves and what not.
>pick faction in pharaoh
>play 5 turns
>pick another faction in pharaoh
Why do I do this to myself
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What is (your) tax policy?
stupid fat nonce
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...were there orc babies? Aren't orca in tolkiens universe vat grown or corrupted elves or some shit?
finish your books you fat bastard
>3 different full games
>a full game and a free update
Tolki3n never really could decide, changes in his writing wether they were designed, vat-grown, corrupted elves or something else.
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>chaos dwarfs (mesopotamia)
but chorfs have both elite infantry and cheap ass slaves, so either work
Yes, Ogres are actually only "neutral" because they can fight on anyone's side if they're bribed. The shit they pull off because of their hunger is generally evil, they are worse and more cruel than Orcs (but less bad than Goblins).
This guy is steadily becoming the fantasy book version of neil degrasse tyson
Neil's a total sex pest too, really makes you think
15% flat tax rate
How does combat in Troy feel compared to 3K and Pharaoh on base lethality settings?
Too busy jerking off to scat
the slaves arent chorfs though they are conquered from other races (atleast for the most part)
For morality you should think of Ogres as essentially greenskin but they're having more fun.
Don't care. Khorne is cooler. I want more Khorne.
nationwide public order for Alarielle or making her better with trees and just better in combat?
>Been reading Golden Kamuy lately
>This makes me shit my pants
the campaign bonus tree is better than the battle one.
Same with Tyrion.
Peasants own nothing. Including their own bodies. Their lord may take all if needed.
taxes as low as I can afford to set them.
high public works expenditure
strong social safety net
large investments in productive capital
large military that I send all over the globe
Khorne is gay
It's interesting how for the next DLC with Khorne, Greenskins and Ogres, it's the Greenskins who are the least evil. I wonder how well it will do, aren't good/order races generally the better sellers?
is this canon?
Slaanesh is gay dumbass
B-But there's ward save there...
>it's the Greenskins who are the least evil
Are they, though? Ogres might eat babies but is that really any worse than killing babies for fun?
I don't really know if you can call the greenskin less evil than the ogres. The ogres will tear down a city because they got paid to or they thought it would be funny, greenstick do it out of spite.
>Banjo DLC
>Conker DLC
>Rabbids DLc
no, Tolkien was pretty clear on that they breed by fucking. Only first generation of orcs were corrupted elves
A turn saved on recruiting sisters of avelorn is the only thing that matters. It is literally the best elf unit. Not just high elf unit either.
>I wonder how well it will do, aren't good/order races generally the better sellers?
They're the most played. But this has nothing to do with DLC sales.
People tend to just buy the DLCs as long as there is hype around them. Doesn't really matter what factions are in them.
Greenskins do it for fun, they just love killing and destroying things
The ones that burn a city out of spite are the beastmen, their entire existence is seething about civilization
Black bears punch em
Brown bears spray em
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I meant chorfs are slave drivers like the Babylonians and employ elite low number infantry and cavalry like the Assyrians
The goblins are definitely in this for spite man.
>Best elf unit
Shades with 215 range doesnt say hello because you are already dead before you see them.
Oh no no no Khorne bros? What is this?!
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>This guy is 18 years old
Man, Canaanites age fast
alright, whats a god for the straight man?
>Hating Slaanesh so much you'll destroy his gift forever
Shades are good. Shades lose to sisters every time.
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>more people play first WH than Pharaoh after the big update
its so over
Greenskins are entirely malicious and also employ torture commonly.
Ogres will eat them or boil them alive which is far worse. Orcs might do the same randomly, but will likely just kill immediately, so their aggression makes them create less suffering. I guess it depends on what Orc and what Ogre you encounter. Goblins are definitely far worse than either of the two though.
>Shades lose to sisters
What a bold faced lie. Shades always shoots first. They have looser formation and 2 shots per volley.
I can understand Tzeentch being interested by the new chaos god but Nurgle has nothing in common with Slaanesh.
The Araby faction mod is so fucking well made. Even the voice acting is good. In terms of "build quality" this really is as good as it gets for a mod and with some more polish could rival a CA made faction , and in terms of how well the gameplay works it's better than some official factions (Ogres).
And it's for a faction nobody gives a shit about.
pretty sure there's a dwarf that managed to become a bretonnian lord
don't fucking know how that works
does he ride a horse? does he have peasants carry him around on a horse-shaped object? does he just walk?
rides your mum lmao
Sisters do explosive damage, have higher DPS and get a bunch of upgrades in campaign. You are simply wrong.
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You're getting desperate, Legendfag.
>Not even 7k on a newly released game
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In the first year of Tudhaliya V's reign, he ambushed a great Assuwan army that sought to lay siege to the city of Gordium. Striking down the foes with the might of Tarhunna, the enemy was vanquished entirely.
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I think Sisters are better because daemons are everywhere but they do not have explosive damage.
>warty old crocodile
>18 years old
>Putting the plants vs zombies soundtrack on for the early drycha campaign
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I hope you were baiting. Read it and weep ASSur fag.
>Putting The Dark Knight ost on for the entire Eltharion campaign
Slaanesh of course.

Are the shills in the room with us right now?
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These Hunnic onagers are cancer. I just got my ass kicked trying to use a balanced army against hunns and everything got torn apart by the time I closed in.

It's like CA understood the normal solution to horse spam is holding a position somewhere and countering with foot archers and spears, so they just gave every hunn army laser guided onagers to prevent that. So what are you supposed to do? Just spam more horses at them? infantry feels useless.
weird that civ 4 did this but 5 and 6 just went back to a flat(cylindrical?) map
Huh. I was pretty sure they did. That's entirely my bad then
nah bro it's historically accurate the Huns were known for their highly advance siege corps
Just do counter battery fire.
Weird way to spell Alith Anar.
Although the fact that people keep getting out of Eltharion's prison is sort of Arkham esque.
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Is Daemon Prince ascension a meme? By that point the guy has his chaos dragon, which seems to make him far more formidable than what 'ascending' offers, on top of it halving his level and costing a shitload of souls
Have you never watched Eltharion's dlc trailer?
>How do we differentiate Morathi from other dark elves.
>I know, we'll give her easy access to a bunch of lightly armored fast moving flanking infantry. That will set her apart from the other dark elves.
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Who the FUCK designed Nakai's "legendary" skill tree.
Hilarious part is, you get Witch Elves from the same building chain.
I say this again, someone at CA hates Dark Elves.
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Just give her a witch's hat instead.
If you want to try them out, the Daemon Prince of Nurgle is literally Hitler.
>+50 range
>+8 missile dmg
>-6 ap missile
>+1 projectile
>+10 accuracy
>-2 penetration
>worse calibration
The range makes them more reliable whats the max range cause I know you can buff these to 215 or something. Either way both kneel to waywatchers
You ascend Khorne and Nurgle princes out of lords who can't get flying mounts so they're both upgrades, especially Nurgle prince with the mortis engine aura. Undivided prince is about swapping armor and damage to MA/MD, physical resistance and spellcasting, he's also a smaller target than a dragon.
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>People are comparing ranged units in duel scenarios again instead of how they fulfil their intended role
i will tickle your inside with me cutlass
daemonettes are really fucking good though unlike witch elves
Crazy to imagine life as a citizen of a Bronze Age city. Just the amount of gods you have to keep track of, and all their lore. They were basically the original lore spergs.
Use SEM retard or just fight urban battle.
Morathi should get all Daemonnet units including the chariots and seekers. Change my mind.
Griffin is so small that it counts as monstrous cav rather than a monster
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WTF I love ogres now
They have the same niche. They're elite archers with armor piercing.
This is literally the reason why society moved towards Monotheism. It's way easier.
If you're playing Festus ascending nurgle lords is stupids because you want the buffs on your human infantry and you don't give a shit about flying.
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Oh yeah and the Daemon Prince doesn't have this puppy
That's not my point. My point is that you can't compare them in a duel. You should compare how well they kill different types of targets.

Also they're not the same. Sisters are line archers. Shades are skirmishers.
Low range on Shades actually dont matter unless you reveal them with a flying unit. You wont see the Shades before they start shooting.
>-6 ap missile
They shoot 2 projectiles per volley, meaning they deal 6 base + 24 AP missile dmg.
Waywatchers are bullshit OP i agree but i still think Shades wins because of stalk. Both shades and waywatchers will see and shoot eachother at the same time. Waywatchers cant shoot at their max range because they cant see Shades.
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how is this a close victory?
does shooting arrows count as casualties in this game as well?
there aren't really that many dark fortress locations for WoC to build in huh
kind of makes me wish they had some pseudo herdstone shard gathering mechanic that let you put up fortresses at more locations or just let you build a fortress in province capitals like chorf towers
nobody skirmishes with shades nigga they use shadowdart name of power and have an invisible line of archers with the highest range in the game
You can get locus of virulence + paragon of decay + mortis engine from them and now that you have the mortis engine you can skill sorcerers of nurgle for pestilent aura which you can't get elsewhere.
What are you talking about? All of Chaos wastes + Norsca + Racial capitals crawling with Dark Fortresses. And WoC doesnt even need more than 4 or 5 to steamroll everything.
>Shades wins because of stalk
anon waywatchers can move while shooting in any direction which will rape any unit in the game
I am talking about a strict archer duel. What you dont get is, Waywacthers cant shoot a target they cant see.
Stalking shades will always shoot at the same time as Waywatchers.
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kys kike shill, you can't even F12 properly you sad fuck
So, is Ramesses in Pharaoh the designated archer faction or are archers in Pharaoh just meant to be exceptionally strong? I ask because I've been playing for about 8 hours or so and all the battles have been very fast due to archers killing things quickly, but I'm not sure if it's because nobody wears armour in egypt or the medjay archers are that good
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Seriously? This isn't enough for you?
stalking shades have to stand still while shooting at a moving target both of which see eachother at the same time
Still not my point. Spawn a bastilladon, a great unclean one, chosen shields, chosen slaanesh shields (these have physical resist) and see whether or not Shades or Sisters or whatever kill these units faster. Try to make it fair by letting the long range unit actually utilise their range.

Also seems a waste of unit flexibility to never use their skirmisher trait.
uh oh legendschizo's having a melty
>half of the map has no dark fortresses
Both units get revealed at the same range tho thats what you are not understanding. I know WWs can shoot and move. But the second they move out of "reveal" range they cant shoot anymore. So its strictly a missle damage/accuracy/morale matchup. And idk if WWs or Shades win that im not sure. If Murderous Prowess kicks in WWs are fucked tho.
Elf dlc for Pharoah
>can only build the shitty altars for half the map
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Epidemius is a truly great lord.
A slow but very strong combatant on the battlefield.
Provides lots of physical resistance, ammunition and weapon strength to certain Daemons in his army.
Improves growth and plagues on the campaign map.

I can think of much worse legendary lords.
archers are just very strong in general, Priam and Amenmesse are the archerfag factions
why is legend so unpopular among transfolk?
>much worse legendary lords.
name 1.
You can equip any weapon you have available, I think they start Ramesses with a bow because he is young and they figure you will play it safe. Medjay archers were always good, but the new lethality is super overtuned for ranged. Nubia in far south Egypt is the dedicated archer faction, I'd hate to see what kind of sniping they are capable of.
he isn't, they love him, or atleast the schizo does, which is obviously evidence enough that Legend attracts trannies.
>No reason to go south as valkia
>No reason to attack the empire as festus
>Azazel has little reason to attack all of kislev
>No reason to fight elves ever
>No diplomacy is worth it with other chaos until you're sure you have all their fortress buildings
>For villitch its just wei yin, shang yang and nan gau everything else is worthless
Admittedly it's a little weird for coc its more like micro campaigns
Eltharion doesn't even get a dragon
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Why are voloundites so bitter?
And why do they hate Troy and whine about Greek factions being introduced to Pharaoh?
uh okay
>fortress in nuln but not altdorf
Yes anon, you build your strength in the north and then descend upon the southerners to wreak ruin and destruction
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what's up with some of these AI armycomps?
Total War: Pharaoh: Dynasties.
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>No reason to attack
I want to build an empire instead of being some dumbed down faction.
Do I mainly use militia units as meat shields as Assyria? Should I do the buddy system with them by having the units with good defense and high lethality go in with the militia?
the AI has never been able to recruit sensible armies they just take whatever they have the turns and money for in the area
Meant for >>487865473
>No reason to *play as Valkia
>No choice but to attack the empire as festus
>Azazel have +60 rel with humans so he can grab fortresses in Norsca first
>True. CA should add a Vortex landmark that gives infinite daemon units.
>Only true for Archeon and Belakor
>Just send another army west.
CoC plays best on RoC map. Good campaign with teleports and a cool end battle.
Any LL that gives off the kill 7 billion people vibe?
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You lost.
Not a super big tolkienfag but from what I remember his first design was melkor spawning orcs from stone. Following that they were corrupted elves, mellors own creations mimicking elves, corrupted humans etc. With humans having the issue that orcs met elves before humans were a thing.
Big part with it was also wether or not orcs have souls and thus could be redeemed or just evil creatures.
WoC's limited recruitment and path system honestly needs a bit more care than everyone else who can just train however of any unit they want on demand
How can they skirmish if they don't have fire while moving
dorf/skaven crisis must be the worst with all that open land
I honestly just ditch bronze-tier units as soon as I can afford them and go for a mainly silver with three or four gold-tier units
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>both of which see eachother at the same time
>Both units get revealed at the same range tho thats what you are not understanding
WoC building Dark Fortresses and shrine settlements, allowing Norscan monkes unironically settle and flourish is already a stretch.
You are trying to end all civilizations to basically kill the world. Play Chaos Dwarfs, Slaanesh, Nurgle if you want a chaos empire.
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What do I do if my zombies are Brettonian nationalists?
Wh2 woc horde gameplay was better than wh3
Really felt like you were burning down civilization
Treat them like any other of your peasants? Not like there is any difference between them.
basic units like marauders, warhounds, etc shouldn't need the rng spawning at your fortresses at least, bad luck can really cripple your early game if the game just doesn't give you more units to recruit
path upgrades rerolling your character trait is fucking cancer
is it possible to become BFF with Empire as Vlad?
coast zombies are smarter and more advanced than bretonnian peasants, they can operate firearms unlike bretonians for example
Frogs cant even operate guns if they wanted to unless they're in the water because of their cuck religion
>path upgrades rerolling your character trait is fucking cancer
Would be nice if you'd get a dilemma to keep the old traitor take the new one.

Fair enough I suppose. Make them your burghers/peasant leaders then.
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Queen of /twg/
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Great pic. Cute bangs
Ghorst is worst LL in the game
If you think im bullshitting just try it on a custom battle.
>Weakest combatant in the game
>Among the strongest factionwide line
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Neferata's head when?
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I agree
Markus Wulfhart.
I think so. Counts are meant to be able to play masquerade
>try it on a custom battle.
Nta but saying that doesn't mean much and can easily be wrong. Like when a few threads ago an anon said yari wall beats katana samurai. They don't.
Just give her lore of something or fix her passives or both already... Are ca unaware of the absolute state of khalida? They probably update her only with neferata
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Neferata giving head when?
everything he does is shit
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i said they see eachother at the same time
you say i dont understand they see eachother at the same time
the shades will stand still to shoot while the waywatchers will move and shoot WHILE SEEING EACHOTHER meaning the shades will miss a lot while getting hit by every projectile from the waywatchers
i will now stop replying because you are either retarded or baiting
>Buff all the shit
>Your shitstack economy is so good it drowns the world
Ghorst turns zombies into actual threat.
He actually gives doubles the projectile per volley of archers/huntsmen/crossbowmen. He is a joke but that buff isnt.
Armywide poison is pretty powerfull but yeah her 35m ranged unit buff is a fucking joke. You win.
>does he ride a horse? does he have peasants carry him around on a horse-shaped object? does he just walk?
Like a Dawi grail reliquae lol
imagine very 40k lord animated like this..
Waywatchers beat all ranged units 1v1. Maneater pistols are the only ones that make you have to maneuver properly or get fucked. Ogres aren't bad in battle map and the dlc will probably make them formidable
>Ghorst turns zombies into actual threat.
how? they still dont have attack or dmg. They just last longer
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so dawn of war 1?
I still don't think they're making a 40k TW game, that setting sounds like it fits in with Alien and Halo than with Warhammer Fantasy
Fucking dumbass small projectiles doesnt miss when target starts to move with their 40 fucking ms. And WWs aim like Shadowwalkers when they move and shoot meaning they will aim for 1 model and overkill it.
You dont know shit about the game.
Yeah, dlc will bomb hard without good guys
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Siege maps look great but I wish they'd add more race specific assets for the flags and construction. .
>without good guys
Anon you're orks?
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>+12 ma, +50% WS and some other passive i cant remember from unique line
>+13 ma from line
>Some more from tech
>rank buffs
>ward save
All that and you can easily overcast a danse macabre on zombie blob. Its honestly pretty disgusting what that corpse fucker can do.
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From my point of view Khorne is the good guys.
Most of what he does you can get on confed but the fucker is so far away if youre playing mannlet or isabella. I've still never done a proper count campaign past turn 15 or so I find no ranged factions kind of jarring I should probably ally oreon for waywatchers or someone else for arty on them
Bladesinger, say the line!
cold blooded killers
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Memnon BTFO
you start the game with a tier 2 minor settlement building which gives shielded levies and levy archers and those are good enough for a long time
the tier 3 upgrade of that building also gives cavalry and armored + shielded spears
what's this called?
this kind of idle movement that all video game characters seem to do when they're standing still?
idle animation?
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no, the constant shifting, up and down, in and out, that video game characters do. people don't constantly do that, but it's in almost every video game.
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Another one bites the dust.

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