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>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[3.25] Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities

last map: >>487674695
First for Ruthless Hardcore Solo Self Found
>official /poeg/ league safe starter
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Why is poe (china) so much better than the version we play?
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do it for HER /poeg/
I want a build that's amazing until maps and sucks after so i can just play the new league and quit, any ideas?

Not absolution, played it last league.
Redpill me on frostblades of katabasis
What is good atlas content to farm with hexblast besides sanctum?
>league safe starter
major CATW
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New Tier List for 3.25 just dropped
bleed SST is absolute dogshit, one of the worst starters I can think of
ele hit is bait if you aren't good at the game
she used to be a hooker
>sst on the list
fuaaaark here we go
>cyclone shockwave slayer
tyty is a tranny now, can't be trusted
d4 bad
Worse than LS but you don't need to craft anything.
it feels good to play. has decent clear speed. good mapping defense.

Ruetoo explains why CF champion is not a thing anymore
>bleed SST is absolute dogshit, one of the worst starters I can think of
unironically tell me why
>Shield Crush bleed
Wish a nigga would give me a pob for this
why zerker instead of slayer for slams?
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Why the HECK is this allowed?
>Not playing whatever quin is playing as a personal challenge
hehe, so am I
change mindset first
you will "run" from act 1 to 10
not leveling
go fastest as possible
only kill big pack monsters
She literally leeching off another russian poefag beta orbiter because he pays for her shit for sex
need more lore bro
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Chris paid his respects to the God of Vidya Devs Todd Howard, I don't see a problem with that
awful damage
And in comparison to OG frost blades? I want giga freezes
Katabasis lets you use southbound so its probably what you want.
double exert is necessary so that you don't run out of intimidating cry exerts
it didn't come home
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>God todd released skyrim:poe edition and you relaised it only now
>tfw there is no unarmed spectral throw doing giga anime air punches like jojo stand would
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Sorry /pooeg/, but I'll have to play archmage on the league start.
You know I had to do it to em
>league out soon
>my monitor gave out
fucking kill me
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>1 sleep before league
see you all in Lioneye's Watch
rush out to your nearest electronics store and buy one
hexblast mines or lacerate bleed decide my fate poeg
Can I just map with archmage firestorm campaign instead of becoming a lab running rat?
ds_lily gender status? this is very important for my league starter
I can use southbound on warden with oath of winter and a bit of freeze chance lol
>this will be my last league as a neet
I'm a new player (well not really but I tried once a mine trap build and never finished the story). Planning to start play it. Heard that a software Path of Building gets am update, should I wait with downloading till game goes live? Same with filters?
What league starter build is the easiest build to execute for a COMPLETE moron yet somehow playable in the endgame?
>doing a short test run last night
>click on a zombie corpse on the twilight strand on my way to hillock
>a transmute orb pops out
It's a boy.
nyoooo anon your queue postion
what are you some kinda gender detective?
hexblast mines, I don't want to see an anon baited by bleed.
Trickster is also super versatile and you can be a giga-tank if you go CI something later.
its basic story, fatty nerd gets money from twitch, simps for a woman from same category, you can put 2+2 together.
I'll probably take time off for future leagues so whatever
Servers go down in a couple hours (1pm EST), I think you can download the patch by running the launcher anytime after that.
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All right you fucks, report time

>League starter
>Why yes I will play Ice Nova Warden how could you tell
Since i am at work you will have to post a pic of me
never be a woman
move ele hit down just a few notches so fewer people play it tia
while you're taking five minutes to kill white map bosses I'll be picking up my first voidstone
at what time did they open queue in negropolis?
i wasnt playing but heard from a friend that it was unusually early
What was the last league spectral throw was usable?
Print a photo and ask your father what he thinks. Record it and post it here. Go with it, or chicken out.
>League starter
LA deadeye
seasonal fruit
monster ultra
no food
what shit shoult I craft besides bows to sell to ele hit cucks?
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which supporter pack do you need to buy to get poe2 closed beta?
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There are people still playing spark with their aurabots
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my lil bro rudik told me ice mage nova hierophant is going to be op. is this true?
Dude, it was revealed to me in a dream.
>venom gyre league start
Is literally anyone doing that?
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it's a girl (female)

Why I'm league starting Archmage Hierophant (ball lightning)
kek why is he so small
>League starter
Archmage balls (don't feel like two button ice nova or chasing a lot of cast speed early on), hopefully pivot into self-cast power siphon at some point.
Usually play without, sometimes put a stream in the background, might play some EDM
Regular ol' potato chips (Lays), Bamba (peanut puffs), Kabanos (summer sausage / Slim Jim type thing), strawberry yogurt cup
Raspberry syrup drink mix, plain water
Thinking of making a pizza, if not some scrambled eggs and toast.
Cyclone shockwave slayer got nothing but buffs
It was an ok build, and now cyclone is buffed,shockwave is buffed and slayer us buffed
Easiest "i do nothing and still win" build ever
Kinda excited to try the new PS5 port; I hope it’s been deshittified in ways other than just maxing out the graphics (which is appreciated).
Ugly female.
I'm sure ggg will tell us whenever they feel like making $100 gorillion kiwibux
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double retard
The pain of living remote, there are no boulder halls around that aren't an hour drive away. Fuck me.
You'll get a ticket for buying the most expensive one.
Damage looks mid tier but im guessing it scales into the stratosphere later.
>League starter
Power siphon locus mines custom meme deadeye variant, early acts with bows
Haircuts For Men, Macroblank
Energy bar and one of those chobani yogurt smoothie things
Water -> Coffee -> Vodka juice
Chipotle chicken with cilantro lime rice
>hexb mines
>archmage bl
>LS warden/slayer
both bait, too expensive and not that good compared to other options
good if you can piano
>ps mines
>fb of catabasis
actually good
>bs jugg
>everything else
female (that's how she identifies so that's what she is)
>League starter
Chieftain Sunder
https://youtu.be/U9iha-FaMR0?si=wdxSVpx9rt0N6PAO + Quin's stream
Honey Vanilla Halls bc im sick :/
Water, early grey tea with milk, iced coffee

only 3 hours until i can play Charged Dash Energy Blade Trickster

>League starter
Ignite Cleave Gladiator
Maybe some chocolate or crackers
Cider and rum
Generic frozen meat pizza of sadness
LS isn't even a real melee skill
it should work like frostblades or MS and require a hit
Buy an ad.
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>League starter
i still don't know
i don't know
i don't snack
i've been awake for like 17 hours, lots of black coffee and water
some veggies, maybe rice.
Thoughts on this? Looks comfy

I'm doing this, and only 10 divs
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buy a brain
they already did during exilecon, I just dont remember if its any supporter pack or only the expensive ones
this actually seems like good music for blasting through the campaign, I might have to steal this
>League starter
ZZZ ost
one monster
none, will eat in advance
build a woody
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>League starter
Toxic Rain Pathfinder
Touhou Jazz
Everything lighting strike can do , frost blades does better and don’t block damage on pebbles
Good idea.
are uniques guaranteed at some point or you gotta be insanely lucky?
this game is not worth playing unless you can no-life it
Does katabasis chill ground will generate chilled ground even if I have secrets of suffering?
Are you ready zerker bros?
hexblast miner trickster
sir gog on the background
>snack drink food
just water
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>>League starter
Smite slayer, as always
ingame music
crispy peanuts
iced tea
replaced with snack
>the goat poedan79 wrote lvling guide for us
i will honor him
there are many league mechanics with guaranteed unique drops, but targeting a specific unique with ancient orbs or an omen is weighted based on rarity so luck is still involved.
Anyone can help me with the last question pls >>487720713
I don't see a single new player league starter on youtube, all videos spit tons of names that a beginner can't know.
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if your starter is not in S+ you are just wasting your time
>Smite slayer
POB m'lord. Always wanted to do Smite or Static Strike
So excited lads, only 3 more poops until league launch!
What the FUCK is the unga bunga easy me dumb build ffs
weird I dont see flicker in s+
look up pohx righteous fire. It's the build guide that will hold your dick for you while you pee and wipe your ass.
>s tier
Your list is from 10 leagues ago
the Subtractem incident suggests girl(male)
explain "if not toxic kitty"
That's not a starter build.
>hides SSS tier
>he thinks hes gonna make if hes not in SSS tier
lmao, lets face it. if you are not abusing group play aura slutting its already over and you can pack your things and wait for next league.
anyone else remember spectral helix
A league starter isn't supposed to take you through the story but to take you through early endgame. It's for people who will rush the story in a few hours. If you're new just pick what looks cool and enjoy the acts.
PS:Resistances are important and item rarity is dogshit
I've been playing this build for the last two leagues in SSF
Good shit
sushi this is the eighth thread you've posted this list in
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>not playing a SSSS build
it's over lmao



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>tfw no auraslut (e)gf (boy)
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frost blades
d4 bad playlist
NOTHING I just ate
How tanky is it?
frost blades bros
which build u usin
>League starter
lacerate glad + some retaliation slop
Usually do the first day or two with the game music to taste the new OST
peanut butter sandwiches
maybe some coke
whatever my grandma cooks
>playable in the endgame
for newbie
or handholding guide
Thanks man, might give this a whirl

Where are Totem builds?
bait list
archmage got s tier because is dan's build
how much PoE do you play per day at launch?
delete from the game
wont this feel clunky to play
this is the guy for beginners:


if his voice or personality or whatever puts you off then get over it because he's the beginner guy.
path of building is not path of exile, but it is sort of mandatory even for a new player because a lot of build guides or whatever have notes and information and levelling trees and gems and stuff in them and it's just easier to throw stuff into there for you to read at your own pace.
get your filters ahead of time.
you can play explosive arrow to end game but it's not as good as it used to be, but not that much worse, and totems are really good for new players because you just put them down and then they attack for you, so you can focus on dodging the boss and ground degens and shit. you're never going to believe this but Ziz has a video on this build for the new league. totems arent for everyone, but it's very very beginner friendly
dan posted a version that was like 20+ million dps.
>League starter
Spell totems or maybe, the goratha retaliation baitdiator, I don't know yet
Banana with pure peanut butter
Water, maybe a beer at night
Fusilli with a simple sauce, some pork loin and a nice salad.
Zizs 3.25 starter builds are absolute ass
>not playing T0 build
I’m torn, I want to play Ele warden blades but katabasis from rue is tempting albeit looking like a bait
Played since ultimatum and I've never used a PoB guide. At most I look at the passives and that's it
yo coming in dry 4 hrs installing poe rn
what's a good caster witch build
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why does poeg act like its impossible to level with something else and then swap when you've made a few divs?
>nooooooo it has to clear all voidstones in 3 hours or its not a real starter!!!
metakeks are delusional
fuck me
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I have too few hours per day to make playing feel worth
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they are here
the farther you are through the campaign, the more common uniques will be
you get a shitton of them on maps
by the way, in act 2, in the northern forest there's a ritual. It can sometimes roll unique items. HOWEVER, in the dread thricket, there's a guaranteed unique ritual. Also you can use einhar beasts to do the unique recipe which gives you a random unique.
You can get lucky and drop an early leveling unique and it will carry your ass through the campaign
/ourguy/ mathil with the most FUN builds
objection, wave of conviction ignite would be a totally fine build for a new player, but yeah Pohx's RF would be good and cool too. And it's got an entire fucking wiki and the autistic guy's channel to follow along with
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>tfw still haven't decided my RF character's name
about einhar
you would have to be lucky to get the right monsters too right
shutup retard
>warden volcanic fissure
hey thats pretty neat let me check it out-
>4 hours left and no build
this is bad
I'll go lacerate bleed + some retaliation slop to test the waters
I know right. I think I’ll run warden as I’ll be able to pivot into different builds easier.
I am going to listen to several days worth of videos of youtubetards shitting on d4 while starting
earthshatter is definitely S+. the damage on it is DD tier, it's honestly fucking stupid
did any more weapon enchants get datamined while i was sleeping
sunder fist of war + retaliation + bleed glad. thank me (goratha) later
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he's so hot and straight..
this is someones daughter...
IIRC it is either 4 random yellow beasts, or the red one for the craft is pretty common
Every time I've done the campaign, by the time I am done with act 2/3, I have the craft available so it's almost guaranteed.
doesn't matter, gonna rape
But RF is absolute dogshit beside being immortal-ish
>getting hit
>Upper tree classes
Deadeye Strom rain. that is

can not

decide on a starter

please help
>great defense
>great damage
>fun and easy to play
havent played in a few years
are spiders good still or dead
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S++ Sweep SlayerGODs off the top of the scale
if you are new, then RF is for you
man I need to cut, I'm like 3x his size but look worse because I've been eating like a pig recently
i mean in a sense yes i played rf 2 leagues ago and it was ehhh
who made this?
poison concoction evens, ls odds
>League starts at fucking 10 PM
>Its almost 6 pm
>sunder for mapping
>relying on retaliation skills for big DPS
holy mother of bait
I thought EA totems build was garbage now. I guess I was wrong
Wait, league starts in 3 hours? All this time I thought it started at 4pm EST. What the fuck. Wasn't it 4pm last time?
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when update download
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Why is this guys opinion taken seriously? He's not even the fastest speedrunner
shield charge glad im gonna do it

i really need this guy to update his filter, i tried updating it in 3.23 and unless i'm retarded, it takes so much time
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i just wanted to announce that this league i will NOT buy boss carries but get all the voidstones myself. thanks for reading my announcement.
Oh, I was looking at the ingame timer. I think my account settings are just wrong. Oops
Ima save this post and post it in say 4 days?
frost blades of katabsis with dual wield claws is close, only reason I'm not playing it this league is because the extra strikes don't scale with strike range from what I can tell
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even the ele hit glasscannon is tankier
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How will having this information impact your life?
Free map and zoom hacks for poe folks, no external software needed, not bannable
yeah okay sissy
I wanted to level with Fubguns LS Slayer and saw that it's omega squishy. If you want to kill uber bosses I'd reccomend another LS Slayer Build.
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bring it on
not sure I can be arsed playing, does the league mechanic look good?
High key thinking cArn is gonna BLAST this league

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what the fuck is that thing next to his belly button? a third nipple???
It looks amazing for people that can't play 8 hours a day honestly
yeah, it's a top tree class that gets endurance charges for FREE. it's stupid and guaranteed to be changed next league
Bullshit builds
Why would you dual wield on katabasis? I don’t see any profit in dual wielding unless you run cleave/dualstrike
Someone link the 12 page study with new evidences that show that she is actually BORN NATURAL FEMALE
I'm going bleed glad with eviscerate and bladestorm

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thats not a starter. if you league start a different build and then switch to something then the build you started with is your starter, cuz you started with it.
archmage hiero or jugg slammer AAAAAAGGHGHHHHHHHHH
I already know spectral throw is fucking SHITE to use and campaign is gonna feel rough

Which melee DOESNT use spectral shite
What the fuck is up with streamers using material of other streamers now? Are they so fucking out of ideas on how to create anything worth watching today? Seems so fucking creatively bankrupt to no ends. This is aimed any of these faggot streamers.

This is almost baiting me away from my league start plans. Numbers look good and the gameplay in the video looked fine. Is there some reason why perforate is actually shit to play?
nerfed pretty bad with the removal of alt qualities
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So uh, care to explain why you're more excited about some video game launch for the 52nd league in a row instead of the Summer Olympics tonight which is once every 4 years?
What's the exact difference between axe/sword and shield AND dualwielding?
shield is more tanky but dualwield does more dmg?
does ambush apply the base crit to only 1 beam from static strike or all beams until static strike ends?
just sunder bro
kek can't wait for the fools to get baited by S builds only to find out they aren't all they are cracked up to be.
fuck it
gonna go with zizs starter
sst glad
maybe i can trans into whatever glad
I hate everyone who had sex and has sex and Olympic competitors are known for robust sexual lives
the havok deadeye looks pretty good considering the shit tier gear he was using. 10 hours for 4 stones on 4 links, snot bad.
Anyone who's played Hexblast miner before, why are people so adamant about the curse skitter bot AND having a curse on hit item?
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Roast "my" arc totem build. I stole one of the best necropolis builds and improved it immensely. It's still made of paper, and it's currently 127/123 but i'll figure something out, probably dropping the large cluster. Some of the gear is too good so just cut the damage in half for it to be a bit more realistic.
Please do suggest and roast stuff as i'm kinda retarded but I want to play this build and obviously nobody else is playing it because it sucks
Just noticed arcane cloak is missing, i'll add it also
hurr durr look at how fast that guy can swim. who cares
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im literally BRICKING myself playing frostblades warden but i dont care I WILL play with the new toy and have fun
or do i go rf and never get currency or anything?
fuck sake man i just i need THE BEST starter
>ehp: inf
>turn off life recovery on block
>still 800k ehp
yeah its blockin' time
Bleed is bad and has been for years. Its just not scalable to anything strong. Glad sucks because it has no damage during the time period you need the most damage on the least gear.
Bleed Glad is for one thing only and that is atlas progression like CF Champ was. Only difference is CF champ had a lot more damage potential and speed (gutted now).
Tornado is a legit fun skill.
honestly the olympics this year doesn't look that promising
will still keep an eye on /sp/ in case some kino happens
I'll probably only watch archery live
Can't decide what league to play boys

Usually roll hcssf, but have never done pinnacle stuff. I kind of want to do the highest tier content, so maybe scssf? But then it's softcore so whats the point.
im gonna go slams
uhhhh bros, where is the steam patch
>Bleed is bad and has been for years. Its just not scalable to anything strong. Glad sucks because it has no damage during the time period you need the most damage on the least gear.
You got no idea that Glad was reworked right
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You will always be transitioning away from Glad. Glad does not scale well at all.
True, until three hours in the future.
Glad bleed is looking promising this league, no matter how hard you cope, mqecco
Shield has defensive stats on it like life/es/armor/etc. Shield has innate block chance higher than dual wielding. Dual wielding is generally considered a meme compared to shields because most attacks alternate between weapons, meaning both of your weapons need to be strong which is difficult early and expensive later. There are probably a lot of exceptions this league with new melee stuff and gladiator rework but yeah
Yes, it actually got its dps for bleed nerfed
personally im gonna play the settlers of kalguur league
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sc to learn all of the bosses and hc afterwards. trying to do any of the bosses for the first time on hc is a fucking nightmare.
Tytykiller. His lists are pretty much always accurate
lmao, people are about to get baited.
You have heard of Glad rework right? Because you sure as shit post like you haven't
>anti-glad shills out in full force
which discord circlejerk feelings were hurt this time?
Normal or katabased
theres a lot of new tech for bleed tho. Like crimson dance + normal bleed. Or volatility effects. Ne new perfect agony + great new bleed crit nodes and masteries.
Glad has 0 damage increases for bleed in his ascendancy
>inb4 jagged technique
First off, you can get it on the tree
Second, its not like monsters always were stationary before, its not 3x damage increase
No I'm playing Cremation Slayer
he gained weight. I don't trust fat people. Having no self control says more than you might think about a persons personality.
>it's softcore so whats the point.
The point is for you to value your time
>no autoexert
>5 warcries
>blessing pride
>wormblast flask
Genuine question what is that nigga doing?
Iron Mass Auramancer (Guardian) own creation.
Youtube algorithm gods guide my music, but symphonic metal most likely.
Popcorn, nothing beats the classics.
Coke, classics yada yada.
Fried chicken or Sushi.
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last league i was under 100 in queue and then had to reconnect and was in queue for 30 minutes. Surely this wont happen today right?
normal FUCK katabasis i hate southbound
aggravate is extra damage on top of the extra damage from moving
>he got baited
Glad is still shit, the only interesting part is the block nodes, now its a good Forbidden slave at least.
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well shit ok then ima lacerate
glad will never be a real build
>hate essence
>hate harvest
what's my best bet to get a decent phys weapon? rog?
kids with grandpqrents
wife with a boyfriend
beer in a freezer
builds are ready
awakened poe trade updated
filters updated
pizza ordered

am I ready???
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p-pls respond... i need to finalize my choice!
There's storm burst totems by tortedelini or whatever the fuck it's called but I have played it and it's bait, starts struggling on red maps
Glad lost damage with the rework and it was shit before. It lost 20% phys dot, 20% more attack speed and 20% more movespeed.
>Caring about the olympics in nigeria
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Why are the last two locked?
Haven't seen him in a while, but I agree. If he is fat now, take it with a grain of salt
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>4 hours til league start
>no retal gems
>First off, you can get it on the tree
Chance to aggravate bleeding is not the same as your bleedings being aggravated by default
>Second, its not like monsters always were stationary before, its not 3x damage increase
Aggravated bleeding does more damage than a normal bleed, no matter if stationary or not
Don't bother replying, you are fucking clueless
for style, the guy asked for anime air punches. dual wield claws is also less bad (still bad) than dualwielding other weapons because of the mastery which doubles inherent dual wield bonuses
Take any bleed glad pob, switch it to slayer with sirus boots if necessary, look at the numbers and shut the fuck up

My feelings were hurt when I spent 12 hours in pob trying to make any glad build do damage on a skill that's fun to play
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rate ls champ
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I'm praying retaliation turns out to be good enough to boost that to 3.5 stars
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Sorry bro, I'm playing Warden LS.
power siphon locust trickster is absolut braindead and stupidly strong and you need 0 items for it
champ is dead for anything that isn't ballistas or some impale shit.
We can see bleed glad's dps right now in POB and its shit. Though I'm sure you have the super secret tech to get it to do more then 9 million on 100 div budget
what melee build do i play??????
>I am bad at build making therefore glad is bad
>>fb of catabasis
>actually good
settles it THEN
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do you think he pegged him?
bait bait notbait
notbait BAIT halfbait
ok im retarded i read the wiki entry and still not 100% sure but i think the answer is yes
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you are missing
Well that would be 40% block for FREE, maybe there is some merit to it with glad?
Literally FREE block cap
stop wasting time with crafting and just identify random drops
almost certainly
Ls and ele hit in any ascendancy are giga baits for newshits, you need to make 15 divines by day 2 or its over and a failed build
katabasis or archmage BL are wayyy better starters and need like 20c by day 2 to function properly and farm reds easily
>the first person to post a divine on currency exchange is going to decide the price of it for the foreseeable future because the currency exchance will show that price as the current value
this guy is a tranny and lame, ever since him and his friend ben tried to sabotage tie23 i dont fuck with them anymore
shit good insane
good dogshit good
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up up up
goratha retal glad is experimental, lacerate is old shit
9 million is pretty easy to get with lacerate. You can also go for perfect agony ambush tech but that's pretty cringe. It's still shit though when you can just click a different choice at the lab altar and be better.

You know those IQ curve memes? You are in the middle of one
Archmage ice nova good for a beginner?
I got it mixed up with scion, it's only the attack speed on the mastery
Even if I fucked up the thread can you at least answer
everyones gonna be running archmage tho
LS Warden is gonna be the meme "put infinite div into it" Build isn't it
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I think you got the wrong thread
Gonna have a laugh when those following streamer slam pobs with 3 frenzy charges and 40 rage realize how painful their 1.8 aps is gonna feel
I see some people talking about archmage dd, isn't the skill just dead in the water considering the changes to desecrate?
How the fuck is archmage supposed to fix that?
who? fuck off with your self promote you ugly fuck
You're legit fucking retarded, Jagged does nothing if target is moving
if you're using trinity and you're doing phys split 50/50 into two elements with no variance so every hit is two equal elements do you get any 1 element resonance or all 3?
I think you'd be better off with tataniel2's stormburst totems as a beginner going hierophant. If you don't mind switching ascendancies, I think you could do pretty well playing Sunder berserker just clicking things on the tree that look like they make sense.
>self promote
Because you're a failure.
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they unlock daily bwo
the mastery and the glad node don't stack with eachother. at least they don't in pob, maybe it's different when we can test it.
ball lightning into frost nova
boneshatter into molten strike of zenith
>Lightning Strike
Dont play those, the prices are gonna be fucking INSANE throughout the league
blade trap ephemeral edge has all of those, depends on your definition of "fun" though since traps aren't for everyone.
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braindead nigger award
>ever since him and his friend ben tried to sabotage tie23
elaborate please
>Ghazzy's holy relic
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because of autism i NEED to play a dual wielding MELEE SUMMONER

how do i make it good ?
Hexblast consumes a curse, having two curses ensures you get the additional damage bonus on all detonations.

dont play my build you fucks
Trying to think how to form my atlas for league start.
So far I'm hitting the map nodes, shrines, what else should I grab? I just want to map quickly and complete atlas asp. I was thinking essence just to craft stuff or strongboxes
surely some memers starting warden ele slammer
all you need is a 1d trans gem and a 1c helmet
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hexblast GODS, please help. why do I need 2 curses!?
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>League starter
Energy blade inquis, likely brands.
In game music (I'll just be chatting with friends)
Chips and salsa
water as usual. Unless my wife decides to make drinks, in which case it will be rum or vodka base.
Bratwurst or whatever my wife brings home.
it just means you'll be able to buy some failed crafts for cheap. none of those require some rare unique to function well (unlike bleed)
just use this and load your pob
He already went back to being a DD cuck.
You can still explode desecrate corpses, they just have less life and you can no longer explode spectred corpses
That's why people use archmage so they increase the damage to compensate
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My defensive layers are 6 portals
Disgusting lair
that's so fucking weird
why would they do this
steam update when
hohol propaganda
Because that's how the fucking skill works, you need two curses or else you're missing out on 100% MORE damage
dont lie to me anon
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Thank you, I understand now. I thought the damage bonus was just contingent on consuming the curse.
can you post the pob for your starter i bet its really funny

Was just thinking this exact build. I think Bladestorm is going to have some strong interactions. Perforate is also going to be really strong.
>mouse pad
dear god! clean your room and wash your penis.
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Fellow PoE enjoyers, I'm hesitating between Crit Siege Ballista Hierophant and Explosive Trap of Shrapnel Trickster.
Please tell me what to do!
Not even memeing, he wants to do CoC DD and MF through rarity.
god fuckingggggggg
Ah Fuck I was trying to cook varunastra + claw build for katabasis
Noob here,
A starter is not just a common term for a build that needs no current and so you can start with it with al your stashes empty? But if this build require a transfig gem it's not a starter anymore because you need to farm merc lab or buy it?
traps are gay
there's lots of good trickster builds if you end up hating explosive trap
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He's playing EA Ballista
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>Glad retaliation pivoting into sunder/lacerate if it turns out shit
>Boris Brejcha with some streams in the background
>Fruits and Nuts
>Water and Tea
>Just ate some smoked salmon with rice probably gonna have a sandwich or some shit later
take a shower
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And get nerfed/have my gear prices go up? No thank you.
My leaguestarter is irrelevant anyway, it doesnt change the fact that you're a retard who doesnt know how bleed works.
you dont even have one do you
>Those ehps
Lightnin Strike Slayer

There i said it now don't copy
of course my fucking cousin had to marry tomorrow. Its so fucking over. League start in ruines
its been a while /poeg/ how have you been?
Lightnin Strike Berserker
There i said it now don't copy
too late https://pobb.in/ShE8s_5IIPPz
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SSF GODS what are you league starting and what's your atlas plan?
That's your chance for a threesome.
>discord chat leaked
>reveals that he was a RMT being carried by a RMT website
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>lightning strike ___
bricked build, LS is bad unless you go deadeye with ls of arching
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i WILL go ritual on my atlas first
i WILL get a mageblood day 1
i WILL enjoy gambling
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dumb anon dumb!
Fuckaaa youuuuu
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thread is dead. new league looks like shit. its over
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based skrillex
Yeah it's abyss time.
I'll figure it out later
lacerate glad with basic bitch ass jun/boxes/kirac atlas and later going at least expedition/blight
Man i hate this thread

Every single build is somehow "bad" and y'all are just hatin
I have that same pokemon blanket
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Washed my cock last night after fucking my wife. And I'm a wagie in a lab, so I'm obligated to shower.
The mouse pad isnt even dirty, just old and scrapped up to hell from my mouse.
Post your poe stations you dirty karui.
necropolis posting was some of the worst in history. hopefully this league will save us
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You did update everything you needed and got snacks before league start right anons?
i mean anything slam/melee is bad
ima wait at least until tomorrow evening until streamers and autists figure out their builds
Should I play this league? I havent't played poe for like a year or so. And with all the bloat, unnecesarry trash mechanics and items and power creep I dont see why I should play this league?
hexblast isn't bad
league looks cool actually
Are strongboxes good at league start? What do they even drop?
I will fully spec into Ritual. I have never done it and its probably shit but I WILL have fun
Please bleed glad players just accept your ascendancy for what it is a mapper. It gives good amount of block in a low gear scenario and gives you good map clear due to your low dps from bleeds. Build has a lot of up front QOL but easily caps out super early. When other dot builds are dot capping you are hitting like 9 million dps.
There is nothing wrong with league starting Bleed Glad just understand you will need to pivot off it if you wanna have something to progress to. Crit Bleed will do more damage but that damage is still very low for the amount of money you put into it. If you are fine with that then its fine but you are not coming close to dot capping please stop baiting retards in poeg who don't even know why not having a good 4th node in an ascendancy is bad.
I already hated him cause he talks like it's still 2011 and his hoodie gimmick is gay, but legitimate reasons are nice too.
>get my own town
>want to play and headcanon an unga bunga char
>there are no builds
then don't, fuck off
you mean
>aids skrillex
Seems like a comfy league.
League start for this feel?
>exilence is no longer in development
What do people use now?
no-one is going to read all that
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archmage and hexblast are good tho
noones shittalking those for a reason
i've already come to terms that i'm changing to another build once i've built up currency/crafting material.
bleed lacerate glad

>nigger and niggerer
How quickly can I move from 2 button to 1 for nova archmage? I'm torn between that and hexblast but with the potential bait of sandstorm costs I'm leaning towards archmage. However I really really really do not want to deal with two button gameplay for multiple days.
its up
Stop promoting your shitty 5 view vids
>FB gets HoI shatters
Alright im sold.
hmm is there a cover of this build that goes through crafting gear etc? cause these zig nigger guides are really shit desu
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I don't see the "Don't say nigger" part in the terms of use
wealthyexile, poe.money
not as clean as exilence albeit
if it chaps your ass that much ball lightning of orbit is not a bad alternative, or just wait and get a kitava's thirst which are not very rare.
I don't know if it's just me but I don't care much about this league. After playing vampire survivor type games I can't get excited about pressing 1 skill a million times again. Maybe if flicker or minions are good again.

This is MINE
kitana is lvl 48 and is max 3c
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im so excited

IDK bro I have some bleed builds that were hitting the dot cap three leagues ago and everything in them has gotten nothing but buffs and new interactions.
As soon as you get the helmet.
there were qualifiers for the last exilecon speed runner race
>imexile had already qualified
>he races in the next qualifier under a fake name
>is winning
>tie23 in second would qualify if he knew that he that was ben in first cause next person gets in but too far behind to catch up otherwise so he opts to give up and try in the next one
>turns out it was imexile in first and third place gets in ben, imexile, tyty the ruehomo (that whole maxroll tranny crew) then talks some shit about tie23 cause he gave up
>tie23 qualifies in the next one
>he then proceeds to zyzz flex and dab on them in the actual race in new Zealand
>quits game again after.
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Where my poison niggas at? Going bouncing cock > mamba strike
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>Ls and ele hit in any ascendancy are giga baits for newshits,
Wait really? I was going to try Lightning Strike Slayer. Oh no this is not good. Is there something else that is easy and tanky
oh nvm i thought you said HoL not ice
Whats the best place to find league starter build guides if I haven't played the game in years?
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Which one looks cooler
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is this a good build
reminder that exile would have won if he dropped a chance orb
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all of them acted like sore losers when it happened
Why have multiple guides claimed that a pre kitava 2 button playstyle might be something somebody may deal with for a few days if it's a fucking sub 5c trade
also to add to it imexile or w/e were running under a fake name not streaming in an actual concerted effort to try to stop tie23 from qualifying because he's known to not try to finish if there is no way to come back in a race.
That's right, i have said it many times, while playing and while not, and my PoE game account is just fine. Have fun bro
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>filtered by GGGs explanation
bleed instances will have two components now
your base bleed damage component and the aggravated component
if you have no chance to aggravate or JT, the aggravated component is 0
when your bleed instance is aggravated, the aggravated component will be set to the base bleed damage
if stationary, this means your bleed instance will do double damage (1x bleed component + 1x aggravated component)
if moving, this means your bleed insntance now does triple damage (2x bleed component + 1x aggravated component)
Jagged Technique does not affect the way the components work or their multipliers
the only thing JT does is so that every bleed instance you apply is aggravated by default
Chance to aggravate can only aggravate existing bleed instances, aka you will never get aggravated bleeding on your first hit
Chance to aggravate can never apply aggravation to a bleeding instance on the same hit it is created, aka you will never apply aggravated blood on your first hit meanwhile
JT WILL implicitly make all the bleeding instances you apply be aggravated, so JT bleeding DPS is always more consistent compared to plain chance to aggravate
The only way to get close to JT is to have 100% bleed chance and 100% chance to aggravate and even then it's not the same because your first hit can only apply bleeding, not aggravate.
TL;DR: JT is DIFFERENT from chance to aggravate from the tree. JT can directly apply aggravated bleeding, meanwhile chance to aggravate needs to first cause bleeding and then roll the chance to aggravate said bleeding
circle the sabotage in this post

Personally i'd go pestilent, the multi gonnas make those prolif poisons so GOOD
tons of people are going FB warden this league instead of trickster. it seems like it way too squishy though, is the damage really that much better?
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are they fake or real
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There is a fork of exilence but hasn't been updated since april
>Nigaran got BTFO'd yet agian
how is Kripp so based?
Thanks but i already jerked it like 30 min ago
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>A league without massive corpse popups shitting your screen as you map
link where you got this explanation from because your shit is unreadable
Everyone's falling for the 80% more damage 100% more damage bait
I guarantee you the vast majority of these retards will be rerolling day 2 with 200 deaths on the counter.
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they are real. real as a ZERK SLAM leaguestarter
sounds like karmic justice to me tranny
>zizz sucks, instead you should use my 5d per slot "starter" build
go back to ruthless old man
Ok cleave looks sick t oo
If i read that thing right there's a tincture mod that remove the mana drain thing?

Would that make them permanent buff? sounds pretty fuckign strong to me
the way they wrote the explanation is unclear because it doesn't explicitly state what happens when a monster has one bleed on it, that bleed becomes aggravated, and then the monster starts moving. it sounds like the moving monster will take extra damage but that isn't explicitly stated because they immediately jump to their extra autistic double bleed example. ugh
reminder that i would have won if i decided to actually practice racing, and participated in it, and then got lucky drops all the way through
fuck off
can you stop posting korean girls
no you wouldn't have, faggot. lmao
can you please post more korean girls
>Heh in this boss scenario where you will hit a bunch will have aggravate up on the first hit instead of the 4th
Damn anon that dps is wild bro. You will have 3/4 of a second quicker uptime to aggravate BIG GAINS
Torn between Hexblast Miner and Power Siphon miner. Both of them excel at different things and I dunno which I wanna focus on.

>amazing clear
>needs nothing to function
>shit at single target
>can easily be made to cost 0 mana so super smooth

>blasts single target
>needs setup items
>mana cost is a cunt to deal with
>sanctum farmer for infinite divs and sandstorms
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phys slammer marauder, i'll decide on the ascendancy when i finish my first lab
90's polish rock and some random eastern european folk prolly
i don't snack
water/green tea/kombucha
peperoni + jalapeno pizza
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Best build to farm dennies?
what do boobs feel like, anons?
thats what i was thinking. the actual skill it gives doesn't look fun to use. i just really want to use escape artist with the new bases this league
whatever, nick, the fact of the matter is that you're an ugly incel and a complete loser
I'm going Ziz's bait build and there is nothing you guys can do about it
your wallet
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Heavy Bags of sand.
salty milk and coins
>listening to """e-celebs""" at all
the fault lies with you
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Datamined tincture info.
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I went hexblast mines 2 leagues ago and it was so fucking miserable to play it was the first time I rerolled my starter
why the fuck do you niggers think larry, err, i mean lilly, had an ugly lesbian girlfriend living with her in complete filth? because they're both trannies
Thinking of camping in lab instead of rushing acts day 1. Which are the most hyped e-celeb tranny gems that I can scam cattle with?
archmage BL
yeah I'm thinkin ssf into trade into uninstall. POG
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What is /ourguy/ Quin69 starting?
im gonna get my lightning strike arcing there
also ele hit is another good 1
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>"this is unrealistic... unless you play trade"
bouncing poison conc seems like a fair bet, maybe spectrum ele hit
Why does this neverstink retard always fucking do shit in the last moment
I hate him so fucking much fucking nigger loving kraut faggot
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I figured I'll mix&match eviscerate and a general lacerate/perforate bleed glad

IS THE SAFE BUILD until retards figured out bleed and slams
lacerate of hemo, frost nova
bleed retaliation glad
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slam leveling pob (sunder) for alk's earthshatter, stole it from reddit

rf jugg
double strike of momentum
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From GGG's QA
I did a mistake
it is actually
>stationary = (base bleed + aggravated)
>moving = (2x base bleed + aggravated)
>in both cases, aggravated = 2x base bleed
So in fact a moving target takes 4x the base bleed dmg while aggravated

Yeah, they were too technical with it.
The key takeaway is that the "normal" bleeding damage doesn't go away when it is aggravated, instead the damage is added to the aggravated component.
So if moving, your "normal" bleeding will still do 2x dmg, then added to the aggravated component, resulting in 4x dmg.
forgot there was a new league, what the FUCK do i league start with all these changes?

played bama 3 leagues running so fuck that
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>Ryslatha's Coil is FAKE DAMAGE
>rf jugg
Its a good build when setup right but yeah leveling and actually getting there is pretty miserable, it really doesn't deserve all the praise it gets as a starter because of that.
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Because retards would complain about their filter showing error messages when loading in info for items that aren’t in the game yet.
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>Ryslatha's Coil builds that use Volatility support
Based. I will see if eviscerate dogshit to play and worst case I can swap into something else.
can anyone confirm if this works
My understanding is you play anything else miner (for minimal respeccing) until you get a source of curse on hit and the profane proxy, then you can swap into it. If you miss having 2+ curse and the 2 curses, your damage is complete shit.
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good morning, bwos
captain we've reached uncharted depths of bait
>hit 3 times a second
>low hit, low hit, gigahit
>gigahit applies gigableed
bald fat heads
LS deadeye yes or no
It was real in his mind
can someone gimme pierce so I don't need to mule
>1 APS
>took three seconds to start hitting the pack
the only viable LS desu
Can you guys @ me on discord when the steam download is available? Thanks
works on my machine
Play storm rain
Zerker slams automate cuckcries. Simple as
it's semi-fake, but that's why you need a decently long bleed duration and decent attack speed. it's fake on crimson dance meme builds
whats your discord sweetie
is southbound mandatory for katabasis builds? is that chilling ground so potent to get freezes that often? what in case of bosses, do they get frozen by katabasis hits?
post bild
Its going to be fast and clear nicely but don't expect good damage.
Sure, whisper me.
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I predict Settlers of kalguur to have the most concurrent players of all leagues!
southbound isn't mandatory, it's just a lot of power for 1c. katabasis gets around the southbound downside since DoT ticks get around it
sent :)
the dot kills enemies bro, you use it for giga flat and life
sent :^)
you have cull as a slayer sneed
>hurr durr you cant do ubers with 4 million bleed dps and 80% block
Well, its time to fap for her porn again.
my friend keeps harassing me to play slayer ls instead of deadeye
i just want to zoom map for gods sake
>sits on a boss for 45min
>many threada at day
Ummm, doomsisters.... How do we cope?
i was half thinking about storm rain
the boss damage looks solid for such shit tier gear.
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>"Gain a random shrine buff every 1 second"/Gain a random shrine buff every {0} seconds"
Chilling ground doesn't freeze, the hit does.
Getting as guaranteed freezes as possible is for heatshiver synergy.
we make tons of off topic posts
130 / 4 = 2700
So can someone tldr the league itself? All I remember from announcement is that you can let NPCs run maps for you
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im ready for leegue
based luckchad getting his max hit 30 times more often than he should
gonna use this, based tytytroon
retard, thats not what they wrote
learn to read
>League starter
Berserker ground slam with automated warcries
Powerwolf - Wake Up The Wicked
Pickled cucumbers
I've already eaten so vegetable soup
>what is war of attrition which turns 4million into 8 million
sneed glad formerly chuck slayer
>speedrunning drama
the absolute lowest of the autismo
seek medical assistance
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They are in hiding after d4 general died and GGG dropped reveal, hopechads keep winning
wish scion got something from normal lab
it's a mobile game since POE devs only play phone games
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You clownsuited so hard it rolled back around into looking kinda ok.
>new rare enemy mod
>ralakesh + badge is fine
>ralakesh + eternal damnation gets axed before launch
whats the logic here? why ggg has such a hate boner for defenses but hundred billion dps is fine?
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It's happening!
I predict that im going to masturbate if another korean girl is posted
isnt aggravated eviscerate bleed gonna potentially be a fuckton of deeps?
t. idiot
Its not zoomie at all also super glass cannon
help bros im away from home but i still wanna play this leaguestart,anyone with experience with parsec knows if it is good for gaming?
they're getting ready to post about how dead the game is once the league actually starts and posting slows down
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>cant decide between lacerate bleed glad or some kind of huge EQ slam build for chieftain or something
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>olympics on one monitor
>poe queue on second
>poedb/trade/regex on third monitor

It doesn't get better than this.
yes but it's balanced by the fact that retaliation skills are gay and boring
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>Come back from my daily workout
>Sweat a ton
>Take a massive shit after having not pooping for like 2 days
>Take a shower
>Got my PoB, set up a leveling tree for myself, got my atlas trees all sorted
>Dinner already prepared, just gotta heat it up later
Feeling absolutely tip top shape, lads.
It is safer since you won't be competing for LS gear
>lacerate bleed glad
Can't wait for the rebbitors crying about their ships getting hijacked after sending out lvl 1 buttfuckers to run the t16 double reflect no leech maps
it's basically warlords of draenor but you're a fucking white male
What is this website?
just have a steam 'ick
well well well
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do it while you play poe!
>ls of arcing isn't zoomy
yes it is
What's my backup build if I discover I hate Mine gameplay? I still want to be a Trickster.
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It's cool
>implying i would play a slayer
warden is the only based gamer choice
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What would be a fun blight build that you recommend?
>Target is stationary
it takes 1x bleed damage
>Target is moving
it takes 3x bleed damage
>target is stationary and all bleeds are aggravated
it takes 3x bleed damage
>target is stationary and some bleeds are aggravated
it takes damage UP TO 3x, depending on if highest damage bleed was aggravated or not

Not to mention you CANNOT inflict normal bleeds with Jagged Technique. Retard.
TLDR for retards: no, you are not double dipping with bleeds, retard.
suffer mine/trap until you get an Ephemeral Edge then any melee
I hate when it happens
brain rot
Recommended way to watch the Olympics?
>judges a build based on the MinMax, aka BiS
What a fucking faggot.
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Let them fail anon, there's no use trying to save them at this point
Ima might go LS Deadeye too, leveling is gonna be a breeze
Well yes
>fter having not pooping for like 2 days
I bet that felt amazing. I wish i saved my poops
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Anyone got an Eviscerate or Puncture of Shanking build?
Thanks anon
Anything that freezes and has explodes is good. Cold BV occy has been my blighter of choice. If you wanna go all in on Blight there's some guy on youtube GAM3R3PORT or something like that that has blight content and builds
>24h pass
>hit up poeninja
>copy nr1 build most damage
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>League starter
Tectonic Slam of Cataclysm Jugg. Leveling with sunder.
Probably gonna watch some shit on my side monitor, I have a bunch of videos in my watch later
Water with vitamin/flavor supplements mixed in
Garlic pulled pork with onion and beans with a light BBQ sauce and siracha.
>just randomly thought about taking expedition
>had whole flashback of how much shit I need to do in maps to get basic usable gear drops
hu and just like that my desire to play this league is gone.
Im free, enjoy your hamsterwheel.
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what are you playing?
it looks pretty safe, it's all shit he found on the ground and he doesn't even have a 5 link for uber elder or maven.
looks a little rippy when he first starts to push into reds but thats every bow build.
gggs explanation is not clear on what happens if a monster with one aggravated bleed on it starts moving, you're just as retarded as him
Thanks! I'll check it out
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I paid for Peacock live streaming. its like $7 a month.
that belly lmao
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Melee GOD has spoken, peasants

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toxic rain pf
gonna take it slow and steady!
what about you?
I don't like doing it, but for some reason I just got backed up a bit. Made sure to get some fiber in and drink a bunch of water and I don't feel bloated anymore.
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Sup /poo egg/, what build am I playing?
obese bitch, fucking disgusting
>they have to pay to watch the olympics in america
the fuck do you mean not clear
not clear how
what part of "3x damage" you do not understand
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wtf Im going this build
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nope! Gonna do it now, good job anon!
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I already got all /sp/ wins from this year

>Usuk finished his story
>Maguchih setting new World record
>10.7 million dps in min max gear
Can't wait to enjoy that tiny AOE for the real melee experience
whats with all the korean girls
America is a enslaved by the almighty dollar. We worship corporate cock.
i finna slam
>what part of my uninformed understanding do you not understand
Is there actual Korean porn or is it all just softcore gooner bait?
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did you even watch the video? its goratha's build
>Boneshatter Jugg
>Podcast or radio
>Vanilla coke
>Chicken kebab
I miss the tranime poster, the gook worshipper is boring.
video is so well done, did alk get a good editor lately? his videos are much better than others like ziz by a mile
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>there's no longer an ascendancy specializing on frenzy charges
Why did they have to add TWO new special charges (bark and unbound) to the raider but dropped frenzy charges?
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take your time, there's 3 hours until league starts!
bro your slayer?
anyone willing to share their frostblades pob?
>>League starter
Bleed Lacerate Gladiator
If that doesnt work out, going LS Deadeye glass cannon
Protein Joghurt
Water and gotta get some zero sugar soda
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Aris looks cool even IRL
look at his gear
10 hours, 4 stones. i've played worse.
All have frenzy stuff
Cold BV Occy based on this anon's advice >>487733448
All the Starcraft posters had to go somehwere

Now start posting slutty Stargirl shoulders!
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>Not to mention you CANNOT inflict normal bleeds with Jagged Technique
Nice ESL headcanon, JT does not change how aggravation works. It only guarantees all your bleeds are aggravated implicitly
100% Chance to aggravate != JT

it's fucking clear as day
when moving:
>normal bleed damage doubles (2x base bleed)
>aggravated remains base bleed dmg
therefore 3x base bleed damage when moving
the other braindead nigger above actually got it right except for his retarded negro headcanon about JT somehow making normal bleed damage disappear
boneshatter of this league
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so its S+
Porn is banned in korea because they are living in a bleak feminist helllpeninsula ( i'm not joking)

If you want to see gook sideways slits your best chances is western porn
is that bad?
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Zerker GS no automation cuck
Manowar's entire discography
Nuts and Fruit
steam patch WHEN?
Make sure you watch this guy's video guide. He's a cold BV autist and knows his shit.

>slayer katabasis

I'll just replace slayer with warden i guess
I will not watch the Olympics because they banned Russia for invading ukraine
And I don't even live in europa to care enough, I'm a south american monkey.
I just think that the political posturing against people that has nothing to do with the war is dumb, cringe, and does nothing but mental masturbation and virtue signaling
Like selling coffe in Uganda and charging a random rusky an extra dollar "because the war in Ukraine!"
I will never ever watch the Olympics again, bunch of fags
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b-b-b|g-g-b|g-[gb]-g|b-g-g|nne|rint|ll g
>are you sure you want to download this webm AGAIN?
yes download manager, I'll finish to it one day
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>That feel when symmetrical gig internet
>It only guarantees all your bleeds are aggravated implicitly
Retard, thats what I'm saying
You cannot have non-aggravated bleeds (normal bleeds) with JT
just saying its not ziz's build, goratha does good shit
keep posting korean girls
im trying to cum
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>needs a unique
gl finding that for less than 50 div if anything
>loot filter updated
>patch downloaded
>about to hit the gym
>bought food and cleaned my place
yeah its gaming time
the dichotomy of leaguestart
i just use my eyes for links and then type nn to check boots
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deep hollow chaotic cop
Yea, his new editor knows their stuff. Even knows to mute all the GRALLIBOAR BLOOBOAR BOOGERS stuff
ye imma slam
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>take your time
with all the koreans being posted I dont think I have a choice! :c
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Ok patch downloaded, now what?
fuck it, mathil's tornado it is
steambros.... its over..
using a unique weapon is also cringe af because you can't easily use the new rune forge thing on it
My upper body day today was shit
Hope you get to set a new PR brother
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>actual high effort alk video
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If you are new to PoE, you must roll Mathil starter.

whitewind and southolme are like 3c after day1
i can play warden ele claw build on normal frostblades up then and i'll guess i'd get more dps on that one
at least raider versions did so
It's not him making these, he's hired an editor.
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the only choice you have is your starter build..
it's not clear because ggg's explanation doesn't indicate whether aggravate's damage continues to apply while a monster is taking extra damage from the base bleed while moving
Good, sorry for sperging out then
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steam patch has been up for at least 5 minutes now, steam just takes a while to realize unless you restart it
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Only OG's know what item this is
>LS Slayer
>Classic EDM
>orange juice
Just squeezed out my last necropolis lads. It's finally over
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i think ive finally settled on earthquake bleed gladiator.
im 99% sure they added new riveted boots unique just to fuck with this
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so what content will we actually be running? is affliction any good now that spires don't scale with projectiles?

bossing will be worthless because of the currency AH and gooks gambling.
reminder if you go LS your items are gonna be nigh impossible to buy
is there a good ls slayer pob with actual defences i.e. with strength of blood? or is it bait?
blight and ritual and beyond.
why? because i like them
thanks bwos it worked
When is the queue?
I know this is a meme, but Steel is just as short as Quin, like around 5'7-5'8 maybe even shorter as I have an awful gamer slouch and I had a couple inches on him.
And now we spam log in
Good luck sisters
Any meta build player that doesn't know how to craft their starter gear is a retard.
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this is cheating
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I don't think my download is gonna finish in time...
High demand for replica uniques this league, take the heistpill
Banking on blight ravaged maps dropping assloads 30% quality nubases might be worth it idk.
Which one




servers up when
see you tomorrow
About to lose one of my portals if you keep this up
isnt kalguur in 2 hours? why is it updating now??
I haven't played PoE since they added the atlas passive tree.
Is there a good guide for smooth brains? Or is it really all just personal preference?
>he doesn't farm 12 divs in normal lab
lmao skill issue
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when does the queue start
first time playing a live service game?
every guide is for smooth brains
bro your queue placement bro
mageblood, topaz ring
started about 6 minutes ago, aren't you in?
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>not playing ssfhc ruthless
SSF, humble goals
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theres around 3 posters in this thread that i would like to actually kill
bro you gonna be strapped for gold in heist
Just killed uber maven. This quin build is actually so good??!?
wait si smoother gone?
I'd be a few seconds away from losing my character if I was...
chillax homie
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Maybe it's time for you to reroll right?
i am not joking.
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how expensive is this gonna be day one?
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If you really think so then im going to do it..
>rogue harbor without smoother
i don't think so
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do it already, you know you want to!
>neversink accidentally called a tranny "him" on stream
fucking kek
Comfy setup Anon. Vertical monitor for Discord sounds like the way to go.
got a timestamp?
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I'm dyinggggg
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back to standard with you
Why are these 2 trannies spamming men in wigs?
It's a nice video I guess
But am I supposed to be impressed by softcore gameplay?
give me a few hours and I'll be back to where I was
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but that's so long..
>6.3 gb
retard, no one here plays softcore
I'm not a speedrunner, so if you want me to be faster you gotta help me
god damn I fucking hate gookposters
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im sorry i gotta get ready for the new league, and so should you!
>alright game downloading now I can relax
>oh wait I need to set up a filter because ingame still ass
>also need to install pob because that shit still isn't ingame either
Everything has already been taken care of! Besides my coffee!
i hate these ugly gooks and the trannies that post them
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I'm gonna make some coffee now coincidentally
See you later!
How easy is it to swap from Ball Lightning to Ice Nova?
Enjoy! and see you soon!
gonna do a calisthenics workout and fire up the sauna before the league hits lads
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Why are you posting Alkaizer's private portrait collection?
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>people in tyty's chat calling lily a girl
do normalfags really
Not everyone is a dick obsessed transvestigator yes.
1-3 Chieftain Molten Strike
4-6 Chieftain Ground Slam
7-9 Hierophant Manabond
0 Deadeye whatever is the good skill
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Archmage BL
Baked ribs
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Why? I just wait 5 minutes after league start and avoid server crashes lol.
> GH
>netflix or youtube videos
>bagel bites
>green monster and mtn dew
>bagel bites
Archmage Spark
lofi house
Trail mix
Water and Arizona Tea
home-made spaghetti
>300 ms beast farmer with generic bow build, ele hit or la arrow.
>Daughters, will wood, pat the bunny
>espresso bellavitano
>monster energy zero sugar
>Beef Bourguignon

I don't like reading this back. It makes me look like weird like a uh....
it's impossible to consume any content in this sphere without this dishonest shit being thrown in your face
Dude you are mentally challenged.
I kind of want to play earthshatter but I don't want to level as sunder, that shit sucks
Level as anything you like nibba, ES isn't that far into the game anyway.
im going to sleep in two hours
oh wait you're right, I thought earthshatter was act 3 for some reason
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it's ogre
As long as you focus on a few mechanics and don't just take random stuff for everything, you'll do fine. Obviously there's stuff that's more profitable, but fun is more important.
Is hexblast that much of pain to deal with mana-wise? was between it and brand but may just go brand if it becomes such a chore
Depends what you consider pain, mana-locking is a problem but that's just simply "Don't reserve more mana than your max mine count".

Now if you feel you have to dip below for an aura that's a problem.
Is chieftain still garbage? Or just go juggernaut?
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Oh no no no I forgot to update!
who is she?
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help me poeg im still on the fence. this is my last chance. hexblast mines or bleed glad kino?
Harbingers worth since you won't be able to use fractures for recombinators?
>chieftain garbage
Chieftain is and has been since rework one of the best ascendancies in the game. If you don't know why, then you're retarded.
>bleed glad kino?
as long as its not lacerate

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