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Optimization Edition

Thread Question: What's your favorite Factorio mod?

Previous thread: >>487257659

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.

List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks and vehicle builders
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>Starship EVO

>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Kerbal Space Program

Logistics and factory management
>Captain of Industry
>Dyson Sphere Program
>Factory town
>Oxygen not Included
>Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

Programming puzzles
>Zachtronics games

The full game list as well as information about these games, such as where to get them if they’re not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:


Games that are not /egg/:
>Hearthstone (learn how to add a “/” to your search)

OP pad for new thread
WebM for physicians: argorar.github.io/WebMConverter
Reminder: /egg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny servers.

Current and recent /egg/ hosted servers:
>Satisfactory (private server, ask in thread for IDs)
All IPs are in the pad for security reasons.
First for optimizations
Seriously though, having beat vanilla Factorio but never made a bigger base what mods are cool? Looking to do a modded run and big base before the expansion.
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I love artillery, few things more satisfying than finishing a range upgrade and watching the fireworks
I'm trans
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I've cut apart my old jet engine and rebuilt it using what, I have learned from the truckbuster.
next step is an artillery train
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It spins out of control really good; I'm 50% the small impeller fuel pump is doing something useful.
You should build a swastika style artillery fortress with trains loading each arm of the forth reich.
Have one up and running, right now it just replenishes the main wall but I'll start sending it out once I have more fortified outposts constructed

I bought Factorio few weeks ago and I launched my first rocked this week! took me 50ish hours but I had a lot of help! I like the game very much!
Update on trying to give Factorio to my mom. She refused and went into a rant about Russia, Ukraine and Israel for no reason whatsoever.
Wrong thread. Yours is over there: >>487706740
Is your mom autistic? Why would you try that in the first place?
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post a link to the new thread in the previous thread, you dumb n/eggers
Krastorio 2.
the last thread died before this one was made n/egg/er
hello! I like you too anon!
No, I'm the autist in the family apparently. She's just batshit insane. But she love that kind of games. So I kinda hoped this would shut her up for a while and keep her out of troubles.
Your mom sounds cool. You should listen to her.
I just started Krastorio today... Is it supposed to be this slow and boring? I'm 6 hours in, I have blue science automated and I'm just bored to death. I've been forcing myself to play for the past 5 hours.
Good job anon. I probably spent >200 hours messing with the game and restarting before I send my first rocket.
Kind of desu. It's a common issue with some mods, wether in general or that they have potentially boring stages which you need to push through before interesting stuff happens.
I feel the same way with IR3 and SE.
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The problem is that it just feels like vanilla but very tedious. Green circuits is just green circuits but the ratio is different and now you need wood. No added complexity, nothing interesting just add wood. Blank cards are just green circuit again. Pretty much everything until now was just adding a very easy intermediate product and then do the same thing as usual.
New space station core in orbit
>That was true a few years ago but factoy planner has gotten quite a few additions to get it up to par.

Was Factory Planner ever updated with proper support to handle satisfying recipes that need temperature-independent fluid ingredients, from recipes that produce said fluid at a set temperature?

Last I checked Factory Planner was so fucking worthless it couldn't even handle rolling up Space Exploration's various temperatures of steam produced by the electric boiler to generic steam input. And its author kept holding off on implementing it because, according to their own statement, treating temperature properly according to the way the game actually treats it - was fundamentally incompatible with the way their code was written and would require a full-on rewrite.
bro post xml pl0x ???
pid settings?
Have they revealed the new boss battles in the Factorio DLC yet?
I am a fake /egg/er. I have enjoyed several of these games, but have never finished any of them.
I haven't launched a rocket, but I still like the game and have played for a couple hundred hours.
Is there a baby /egg/ that would be more to my speed? I like putting the square blocks in the square holes.
Based and redpilled, glad you liked it
Comfort is enemy of strength
everyone that tells you factory is "up to par" has never used any of the complex helmod features desu
Are you being paid by the attachment?
No, I'm losing hope
Yeah, I figured as much. The only thing FP has going for it - is its looks and the ancillary bells and whistles.
Man; someone should just give Helmod the UI rewrite and restyle that it needs and then it'd be damn close to perfect...
Shapez, it's basically a conveyor belt blueprint simulator. It's even getting a sequel very soon if you like it enough
Is this /egg/? And how crazy can you go wih car designs?
fastest and easiest way to increase pollution? I want the total war now
No. Only factorio is /egg/.
Play with a flamethrower (handheld or turret, not tank) in a forest
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Much more complicated than vanilla so far. Kind of cool.
>there are """people""" itt who think flywheels are good
mexican jumping wheel
What is some nice mod for boats, ships, ports and overall maritime logistics/transport/warfare in Factorio?
Thank you.
Any good games about shit like this? Running a cargo ship company, logitistics, offloading and loading supplies, making money etc?
Google gives me nothing.
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mod that removes the gay equipment grid restrictions in K2SE? I want lasers in my thrust suit dammit
Are Lasertowers any good? I'm currently plastering everything with Walls and Flameturrets but another backup sounds good to me.
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Yes just make sure you have the power capacity to handle a bunch of them
Pretty sure PLDs can just be put into thruster suits...
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man i suck at this
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and don't forget to set their target priority to spitters
Check out Marty McFly over here
1. Do the turrets get any bonus for standing on concrete?
2. Why the Tic-tac-toe layout?
Ignore him, he's a tranny shitposter
1. no i just think it looks cool
2. it's way overkill to cram turrets as close as possible so i space them out, plus see above
oh i just realized you probably meant the fiddly bits off to the right, just helps to funnel the bugs so they have to travel single file and die quicker rather than being able to swarm the wall all at once. i also have some land mines out there that they get funneled into if they make it far enough (they usually don't)
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finally collected some serious science
unfortunately i had to cheat by adding 500.000 shekels to my account - got really sick of taking 1-2 tourists to mun and minmus orbit
upgraded launch site to allow 140.000 kg and VAB to allow 70 parts
now i have 3 geo-synced satellites and was able to send this science collector - will unlock 2x90 science techs now
probably one that unlocks small docking port, and one that unlocks RCS/Mono fuel
i will have to grind some more cash, and then its time for a minmus lander - manned, 1 pilot + 1 scientist, all available experiments
>got really sick of taking 1-2 tourists to
Aren't there any mod for contracts that makes them more rewarding? Like ferrying 6 tourist in one go?
i think they will unlock later, at higher reputation
besides, with 70.000 kg launchpad, I couldnt lift more
thank you
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These K2 lasers don't.
I'm doing a playthrough of Dyson Sphere Program and I'm making a blueprint for a smelter array centered around an ILS. I know can be a bottleneck using the ILS, so would I be wasting my time if I make a build for five 4x stack bluebelts pulling out iron and sending back plates? It would be 36,000 items/minute. I don't expect to be using that much any time soon, but I like the idea of building it once and never having to worry again.
It is egg, but it's in absolutely eternal early access, and at this point I'm pretty sure it will never ever leave it. They have overhauled the whole game several times, got sidetracked with many secondary projects and can't seem to stop adding shit to the car designer.
There is barely any tycoon aspect to it, the single player campaign is extremely crude and IIRC it hasn't been updated in lile 1+ years, but by god the engine and vehicle designers are incredibly satisfying.
You can even export your own shitbox to BeamNG and drive it there.

So yeah, it's a very fun sandbox, but don't expect anything resembling a progression system.
>play meme mod pack by some no fun allowed schizo
>get memed
Looks fine to me.
should be fine with enough upgrades
I just realized that it would actually be 72,000 items per minute since the ILS is both shipping and receiving. Would you say that's a reasonable goal?
sounds a bit much, but but I haven't played it for some time. but if you want to be sure I would plop down two ILS one for shipping and one for receiving
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how could this happen to me?
I'll just stick to green belts then. That put's it at 28,800 items/min, and I can easily throw down another one. Thanks anon.
you stop thinking its cool when you start building science in space that requires multiple planets worth of material, you do stil feel REAL smart when you figure out the ratios when its 13 and a half iron plates, but passed through 12 machines, needs 2 rocket trips to go through processes that need local only materials, and with a possible output of 0-3 items, and scrap output of heavy oil, iron ore copper ore and sand.
and halfway through the trip it'll stop for 4 hours when a factory deadlocks because your plan to landfill all the junk sand has somehow filled 16 train carriages worth of storage so your oil backed up and the scrap heavy oil couldn't go anywhere.

i really enjoy SE, but trying to play it solo for more than 4 hours at a time has left me totally braindead.
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is this as fun as it looks
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this will hopefully do
now I need to refuel it - and its ready to land on minmus!
Are you that much tech limited that you can't do the mission in one go instead of refueling in orbit?
Minmus takes barely any fuel to land on and return, are you planning for some biome-hopping or is it just one touch&go?
Your rocket seems a bit overbuilt
i could see a gundam grabbing this as a new sword
Only if you tweak the difficulty. Having crew size limited by reputation is retarded so I turn it off.
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i didnt want to take any chances
my tech is rather minimal too
im not saying it was impossible, but i rather use more time and money to do a safe mission, where i have more options
taking a scientist with me to reset experiments, so i might do several biomes at once
Yeah, but can you make a car with L-door in it?
tell me more
who has the best factorio lets play so i can finally learn how this game works without getting iq filtered?
Play without looking anything up retard
is crossout considered on topic? it's barely engineering, more like mad Max Legos, but I'm not seeing any better fits besides the myriad of other gacha games in the catalogue
dosh unironically
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nice waifu kov
Hint at an upcoming feature? Personal spaceships?
Having no idea what this is from, you recognizing this based on that arrangement of lamps feels like a real "I recognize that bulge" kind of thing, only perhaps not quite so degenerate.
Just play the damn game, the fun in engineering is working shit out for yourself
turn off bug expansion
A quick google search tells me it's from red dwarf, another reference from it in the game is the achievement for finishing the game
>Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
Kovarex must really like that show...
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Factory planner is fun
this, turn off bugs and just try things out until they work. Learning the game is the most fun part.
sorry, that fits better in a garbage can
hope you like grinding for longer than an SE run for 1% of the satisfaction
it's really a great show
I literally fell asleep while playing krastorio and the biters didn't even break anything. What's the point of playing with biters on when you literally get post-uranium dps before even getting the first big biter. I see a ton of military research left but none of them is even worth considering.
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
>boot up factorio
>error while loading
>mod i wasn't using was enabled for some reason
>disable listed mod
>try again
>another mod i wasn't using is enabled
what the fuck is going on?
I wouldn't say those tutorial let's plays are IQ filtering. A lot of people that make those videos are autistic and just not good teachers. I think it was Nilaus who made the three hour train "basics" that people memed. It should not take three hours to explain how to make a functional rail system.

Not factorio, but I think the best youtube tutorials I've seen were by MikeAben for KSP. It's not a coincidence that the guy's day job was teaching.
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>disable all mods because seemingly every shit was enabled
>now pic related
what the fuck???
Disable biters and play the game. For trains there's a 3 minute tutorial. https://youtu.be/DG4oD4iGVoY
well thank god i was using autosaves, the hard save file was also corrupted >>487819887
i have 645 hours on it
I think anon meant playing without a tutorial is IQ filtering.
>Train: They only look at the right, don't bother with their left side.
>Signal: Trains are greedy little bitches, 1 block, 1 train that's it.
>Chain signal: Read the signal in front of it, multiple rails towards the same destination? Pick the one that is empty, priority to the shortest distance.
That's it for 99% of cases. No one needs a 50 hours video or Dosh's 300 IQ 3 minutes video that teaches you nothing.
crystal disk info, now
Shit. Well, I'm a numbers guy not a reader guy. I still stand by my point though.
Nilaus also made a tutorial for "new players" where he literally was blueprinting the ouroboros burner miner design without even explaining what it was. Most of his tutorials are unrionically worse at teaching the game than the speedrun tutorial by Nefrum, which is a pretty low bar considering a speedrun tutorial assumes that you've at least beaten the game once or twice. Even I get confused at his tutorials sometimes despite knowing just as much about the topic he is covering than him.
Also, his defenders are fucking awful and spam his shitty tutorials everywhere. It makes factorio seem unapproachable to new players but let me tell you, if my grandma can play factorio and understand how most things work, literally anyone can.
good idea, although it shouldn't have any problems since it's a server grade SSD, but i'll run a scan anyway
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yep, it's all good
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well, better safe than sorry
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SE becomes less about managing recipes and ratios and more about managing mass scale logistics and making the same exact crafting set up over and over again

>input items, chance to output inputs, so route outputs back into inputs with filter splitters. Repeat this for every material in some capacity all the way through endgame

At least solving arcosphere folding is fun
>so route outputs back into inputs with filter splitters
i ended up giving up on this because it mean i'd only get half as many machines per belt and just setting up chests with wired inserters to prevent overfilling instead
you say that, but i still got entire planets deadlocking with prioritised input and overflow output when a single ingredient overproduces and fills a belt JUST far enough to stop the filter from filtering, its amazing how much difference a 1% or 2% chance can make over 5000 runs for stuff like pyrotheum and vitemelange.
also, scrap making oil is infuriating, sure you can crack it all down, or burn it, but it means you either need a LOT of voiding/consuming points around a factory, or transport scrap a long way to some main recycling centre, which leads to a lot of targeted bot degradation or long ass belts.
Use circuits to heavily prioritize the recycled inputs and you won't get any deadlocks
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Ultracube is fun so far, but why won't these things burn off water?
If you are not using a deltaV map, I suggest using it because it makes planning a lot more convenient. There is even a mod that adds it in game instead of having to look at it from outside.
Once you know how much fuel you need for a given mission, it's much easier to build your rockets.
You should consult a physician, they keep the secrets of why you can't burn water
>Disable biters
>turn off bugs
Or just don't be a little bitch and play normally.
turning off pollution is enough tbqh
Pollution is what separates men from elves
At least it works.
>CoI gets elevated rails before factorio
Wube in shambles.

>Next time, we will talk about how we handle signaling (train traffic rules); we are actually working on signal-free train routing, so stay tuned!
>signal-free train routing
It works if you just want the engine/car designer, but if you want to try the single player experience as a whole, it most definitely doesn't
I get singleplayer experience in BeamNG, because I have no idea how to run a company there.
>About to finally launch the rocket
>Restart autism starts to creep in
I will manage somehow
just do it
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I need to set the rocket control part, and my plastic industry is running low on both coal and gas...
signals irl only serve the driver, if trains were robots the whole infrastructure would break down they'd not need signals anymore, just beacons to know where the train is which is already done in game
How do I make a mega base again? What defines a megabase?
1 rocket per minute or 1000 science per minute.

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