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Previous: >>487705789

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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reminder that Nami is cute
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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phreak ruins the game so hard

why won't he just buff my otp and delete counterpicks and nuke items from the game dood
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Stay freaking NEGATIVE /lolg/!
hahaha kys :D
are those... shrocs?
this but unironically
>why won't he just buff
that's all he did and it ruined everything
unironically is this true, I was thinking about coming back but I have had a unanimous "this game is shit" sentiment from all my friends which hasn't happened before
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riot changing the mastery emblems for literally no reason
just like politicians never get shit done when in office because they get sucked into the swamp, phreak did interesting stuff for about 2 months before the balance team's incompetence corrupted him aswell. just fire the whole department, burn the offices and start from scratch
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I hate that naafiri is one of the cutest champs in league despite all the naafiri skins are so spiky and edgy, when are we going to get a nice cute star guardian naafiri or something??? like the dogs have fucking knives in their mouths why cant they have sparkly star aura instead
hes supposed to be a badass cuntslayer, not your furbaby
just hire me bro. ill abolish losers q and balance every champion. then I'll add some secret hotkeys for my mains which make me invincible and have execute at full hp
>without getting ONESHOT as a TANK
i recently had a game against 10k hp niggornn and nobody on my team could do shit about him
it's lost due to faggots at riot nuking matches yesterday, but it happened, just itemize correctly, tanks are okay
imagine if she crushed your skull between her thighs haha would be crazy
and btw keep in mind that said secret hotkeys are STILL more honest than phreak refusing to nerf the champs he abuses to diamond
They should just hire me.
honestly just remove normals remove aram remove arena remove flex force everyone to play soloq
I'm breaking up with you
tank supports get oneshot. tank toplaners are unkillable
bitch you oneven know who I am
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Hi /lolg/, it's been a while..
more aurora nerfs announced, champs who can flex between roles is really a problem for them and she's flexing between three of them
>enemy diana does 55k damage in a 24m game
>my midSISSY is a katarina(always the ones who int btw)

Very fair and balanced not forced 50 matchmaking at work :)
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why are draven players always toxic

what is it about the champ that attracts edgy kids
warmogs rush solved that methinks
tank supports now can get away with very risky shit
ofc they are gonna get obliterated in teamfights, but you pick them to ram your head in, hit all cc on a monkey enemy adc, and die in the first place
because they're gonna heckin' be the next Tyler1!
just like all those retards who int on rammus or sion are gonna be the next baus!
yes bro tanks are ok, thats why the only tanks played have to be buffed a billion times or need giant defensive stat scalings to be viable, i'm sure ornns 30% stat amplifier has nothing to do with it
i'm sure theres no reason even malphite would rather go AP than build tank

you look at ONE tank item being good (warmogs) and it being built by basically every tank in the game first item and think to yourself tanks are le strong
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Nuh uh
Stay positive
every draven player i've met irl has no chin
STFU you disgusting tankgroid abusing dog
*spits on you*
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>yuumi fills cute cat niche completely and naturally
what do we have for dogs in league of legends?
not a dog
not a dog
a dog true but covered in armor?? and spikes and shit not cuddly at all
>april fools dog skins
really cringed and forced literal bestiality cosplay

jesus christ pic really reminds me of my family dog the way yuumi reminds me of my cat
Being a chud is fun and easy to do
*catches your spit in my mouth and spits it back*
Naafiri is a girl though?
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>didnt dodge ally katarina pick in s14
but your pic looks cute and adorable
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I love how there are people who love simp to these photoshop anomalies
they aren't strong, they are fine
nobody wants to see tanks strong because nobody wants to see fucking snoozefests that are ornn vs zac
also nobody in humanoid elo builds malphite ap, pls stop trolling
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Briar won
how fat she is irl, damn
that is what normal forearm muscles look like though you fat deluded fuck
I'm gonna need photographic evidence of her cookie as proof
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when are we getting Hextech Annie back
I want that skin
Most men have never seen a woman outside of porn or anime
S-Stay positive /lolg/...
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What about a dog champion that can carry items to teammates
Like they cant utilize the items stats and it takes up an inventory slot but could be a neat support maybe
dumb idiot spilled milk on her face
luxposter would never...
99% of these girls' twitter accounts have these bizarre liquify effects that they learned how to do by watching some 2min video on YT and when you open the comments of the posts it's always simps like “you're so perfect”, “omg you're an angel”, that's how mentally fucked up these guys are for being coomers
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Soraka! My cute wife!

But Soraka is cute too.
this is normal though no matter the weight. no one gives enough credit for how lumpy and uneven tendons, bone, muscle, fat and skin make us
the REAL photoshop is in the glowing white outline
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>photoshop is LE BAD
Who cares? You will never meet her
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autism but the based kind
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I know, but I could attach only one picture
>you're extremely trans
champs for this feel?
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Full build Jayce is so good, man, top 3 League of Legends game experience (behind gigafed Draven and gigafed Mundo) 100%, 1000%
>extremely trans lol literally straight lose lane fact btw
this part got me kek
schizo moment
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oh anon... do you really think luxposter is so innocent?
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>leashing autofilled nigger jungler almost makes enemy botlane wave worth full item
fill me in on the deets sis
I dont think there are any anons who attempted heartfelt romances
name a single one
There's just multiple orbiting all of them don't really mean anything honestly.
this egirl style makeup and retarded facial expression has gotta GO.
I always have fun trolling my teams in aram, especially if they are pinging and tryhard. It looks like they are not having fun. Should I feel bad for them?
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i need to jerk off
All started since the sims 4 really, but yeah girls spend a lot of money to look the same 5 or so archetypes thesedays. Buff Garens regen.
>le who cares
lowest iq itt confirmed
only sub-saharan niggers unironically type shit like this in any discussion
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>somehow ugly women matter less guys try quit season maybe hope irl gonna keep basic problem small, prefer talking lolgs current tranny bitch choose decision thats kinda stupid surely another ones annoying aautism idea used google, believe cute girls start posting .lolg. men tried rape half woman feel things hit gay terms
..... LOL
>watching soraka enjoy nami oh nobody love pride fans anymore sorry bro
>okay real dont started post saying exactly different thing, worst girl lux (aurae) care constantly change based level due person feels camp (gay) hate see pick done enough
>meri lulu unironically bronze traash made great internet name friend ok old useless yordle anon waiting master champions probably stop played iron guy god damn always bad player
Soraka x Nami new OTP
point is that photoshop makes girls look hotter
>but its not le real
you wont ever meet her irl so it doesn't matter that its not le real
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And it wasn’t Soraka!?
Baradude found his bf yet?
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why are there so many Katarina counters in the current meta...
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>any discussion
a discussion?? regarding whether some egirl's softcore porn is photoshopped or not? what do you fucking get turned off by the thought that the image might be slightly edited or something you spastic fuck? do you also not get turned on by hentai/animations etc too because it's "not real"?
can you unfunny niggers LMAO IM CRYING BROOO IS COOKING your way back to rddit. puhleez
@dogs post ur sat score and realize ill pick up the only skill you ever developed in your life in 7 days while you continue to rot sub 80 iq for the rest of ur life
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poor little Ionian ninja...
well, that would be me actually...
you give me hope in this gen anon
What champs should I play top? I tried Nasus a few times because I used to play him 10 years ago and got stomped
then write "photoshop used" alongside your pics because the cosplaying is trying to pass this off as real her without it
people talking is called a discussion, yes
you typing "WHO CARES MAN WHO CARES" brings nothing to it
your schizo ramblings about my porn preferences are retarded too, i don't like being lied to, that's all
l-looks like heaven.
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fuck is this nigga talm bout? all them big words and shit. get the fuck on somewhere cuh. fuck you handing me this pink lighter for?
>i don't like being lied to

do you want the onlyfans whore to write you a personal apology?

fucking retard
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>pov you are a demacian shota caught alone.
>so mad he presses enter twice
keep up the good work, white knight, she'll send you her photoshopped boobs any minute now
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no, maybe next time
i'd cum in my pants just from looking at her cleavage
i think at this point you could be considered the third wheel
witch nilah looks cool af why did no one tell me
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wtf when was cut down reworked
>cut down reworked to not be effective against tanks
>lord doms and mortal reminder nerfed multiple times including lord doms losing the bonus damage against health stackers
tanks are weak btw
id move in with my lolg crush if they wanted
>misses the point entirely
>adds a retarded pic as a gotcha
as i said before, lowest nigger itt
nobody ever said that it's hot or not, the talk was about if she used photoshop or not
you chimed in with "BUT IT'S LE HOT SO WHO CARES" entirely missing the point and showing everyone that you are a baboon who can't read
no one cares
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2k damage
>24/7 duoqueue on the couch together with hubby
i accept your concession
no one cares
I would set up a pda stream where they play sitting on my lap
holy shit bro he's sperging out everywhere
>buck broken so hard he now can only post the same message
very sad
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female champ for this feel?
nah i get too mad at this game i would probably beat my wife when she feeds
wtf azakana
open your mouth for me
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*violently shits in your mouth*
I don't get it.
now keep it there till this game is over
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*press the rec button*
cute onahole
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There might be a next time because Nami's foot payroll is here. I really need to spend a day drawing nothing but hands and feet
>can't do damage
>can't survive
what's the point?
you're just trash
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so is this a new sorafaga or did people mindbroken the old one?
>le shock factor humor
this gen is so fucking bad
this is my new bitch
>nooo not my "*cums*" erperino
anon, one of these days you'll get it
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so we're all set! just draw some lines resembling fingers?
Is a DoT build on Aurora any good? seems like itd be ok since her spells are on pretty short CDs
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HAH I got into the marvel rivals beta baby doin that shit all day now
ive seen people in game and elsewhere do the "im going to type random babble haha look how crazy and unhinged i am arent you so confused" thing
it used to be only slightly bearable when I saw that low effort garbage on 4chan but now its spread elsewhere like a cancer
nuke the entire post-ironic world unironically
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Bounty Hunter champ when?
would absolutely watch. reminds me of that webm of the two guys playing in each other's lap at the same time
what is blud saying
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Briar clears
i had plenty of erps
the garbage this general produces can't even be called "erp"
you niggers literally just write "suck dick bitch" and reply with "ah ah very good"
bottom of the barrel carried by attached pics
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Miss Fortune
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Means your friends normal MMR is much higher/lower than yours
im gonna go grocery shopping then stream for sure
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we almost won this too, couple bad deaths by me and jinx left the map too open
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>we’re all set
Maybe, for now. There are models I want to try.
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I fricken did it
>Jungle ganks my lane
>They steal my kill, even though I had it without the gank,
>Proceeds to TAX MY WAVE
>Int the rest of the game

Pretty simple, don't fucking KS and you won't lose.
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I just need every Darkest Dungeon character
I have lost every game for the last two weeks
Would Lamb let me touch her before letting her shoot me
why are there so many anons on here with scat/fart fetishes
if you wouldn't swallow your waifu's log you dont really love her
>butthurt tank player
you love to see it
taking a shit on my adc's desk
anyone want to duo and kiss?
If it's yuri sure
you all make me really sad and angry so im leaving. goodbye
i'm too turnt up
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>reach the lvl100 anima squad on swarm
>I can afk games and I'll still deal 30k more damage than my allies
I wish there were better rewards for beating aatrox in extreme than just a title, come on give me at least a unique icon or emote for doing it
who are you
see you next thread!
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>tfw no sona for nightly gangbangs
god I'm so lptouch starved
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Why do people like this streamer more than the other streamers? How do I replicate their success?
Uh oh, what are they mad about?
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Pay the bill, anon.
But I don't have any money left...
Play Briar
voli is such a dogshit rework
everything about him feels so shitty and anemic
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briar is the answer to all of life's questions
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>tfw no yuumi gf
Anons I need your help. I'm trying to play Yasuo mid and I fucking suck. I just don't feel strong at any point in the game, I get bullied by everyone and while I'm still winning some games, it's mostly because the only ability that I know how to use well is broken windwall that carries the teamfights and allows me to transition from being an useless piece of shit to just playing like a pussy protecting my adcs
How do I improve? Usually I play a champion and after sone games while I cannot execute hard shit I can at least understand what I'm doing wrong but this is not happening here. I know that the champion has a shit reputation and that it's a spoonfeed request but I trust you anons more than any other source
Who a good champ to play while I’m gooning? Someone you can play with one hand
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I am often saying this
What is the league of legends lore that is actually interesting?
It's hard to say with so little information. While there's a myth among the playerbase that the windbros scale really hard and autowin late, the opposite is actually true of Yasuo, he's mostly a lanephase and the later the game goes the more of a windwall bot he becomes.
Are you getting smashed in lane? Yasuo's damage is really low if he gets behind.
I occasionally go back to re-read those short stories about bilgewater/the harrowing
The stuff with Graves/TF, GP, MF, Lucian and Trhesh facing off, etc was pretty cool
This was also pre-ruination
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>League lore

None of it. All the fun is gone.
why are there so many disgusting chinkbugs late at night in euw? won't they have like fucking 300 ping here
>if he gets behind
lmao even
teasing my lolg while lolg watches would be a dream
I am getting btfo in every lane. Feels like every midlaner is stronger than me. Last two matches I played against Akshan and Zed and they beated me up hard
League lore is not and has never been good.
Old lore was acceptable because it was short, silly and didn't take itself too seriously. Was just some extra fluff to give some context for the characters and some fun interactions between them.
Nu-lore tries to make the League of Legends cinematic universe by making the most generic fantasyslop possible and I don't think there is a single interesting story for literally any champ.
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posters for this feel?
Those two are nightmare matchups for Yasuo so that tracks. You're probably being not aggressive enough in lane, Yasuo is surprisingly powerful early on, but the later it goes the worse he becomes. What are you building?
>adc facetanks 450 AP Fidd ult with epic merc boots and a spare Lulu shield without dying
this role is such a joke
this game is such a joke
absolutely nobody is allowed to burst except the class that also has 450 movespeed for existing, lifesteal and the best sustained damage that also cannot miss
fucking kill phreak already honestly
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they're so bad
they're so pathetic
they're just so fucking bad
If riot pays me, and Phreak personally comes and lick my asshole then i'd maybe MAYBE start playing this pos again.

>we have had like 4 or 5 ADC item reworks just to make them better since phreak was balance lead
>balance has been noticeable shittier since he has was made balance lead
>"bro just because he is gameplay design lead it doesn't mean he is responsible for the gameplay becoming worse bro"
i dont get this reddit meme
he's literally the head of the department of course he's going to be made responsible when shit is bad
is it because he makes videos and redditors think he's his friend or something
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chad characters

cuck characters
>animals ("furry")
>demasculinized males
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exactly 0 muscular aryan males exist in league
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ummm honey?
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i ended up grabbing it
it's pretty cool i must say
nice to see aryan muscular males posted.
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If his gameplay wasn't so busted I'd play him... he's pretty cool as a character...
The only thing that matters in this game is your fun. If you like Yone then play Yone.
Consider the above.
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Goodnight /lolg/, remember to stay hydrated during your climb and take breaks.
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This is what Sona's body actually looks like.
And it is glorious.
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Objectively correct! And she is NOT shy about it!
I think I actually hate junglers. I think they're actually just stupider than normal humans. Like they just learned PvE and never a single other thing about the game or how it's played.
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Meiko has enough motion to get a nendoroid by the nips??
junglers don't understand how laning works, they are genuinely bad players

it's not their fault tho, it's how the role is designed. having a jungle role is bad.
>stop listening to master hardstuck former challenger streamers whining all day about everything and nothing in particular
>stop listening to retarded biased silver takes from lolg, reddit, youtube etc
>play the game
>enjoy myself
Sorry, I'm not into FAT titties.
>master hardstuck former challenger streamers

B-BUT they're challenger EVERY season! trust me bro!
I'll kill you!!!!!!!!
Goodsmile does nendos of Chinese shit too.
t. Danmei enjoyer
i wish i had a smurf so i could duo boost someone here
not that guy, but I think you just didnt make them fat enough https://postimg.cc/LqY8QQ93
I want to end it all

champs / builds for this feel ?
i got spare accs who you play?
Hello I came here just to rant about the fucking FISH in Wild Rift. The fucking asshole just drunkenly stumbles his way into stealing kills and escaping certain death I fucking hate him. Fuck this game and franchise
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Give me smaller titties!
>play champ
>get better
>play camille
>lose braincells and play worse
>try playing more
>play even worse
I'm currently going 1/6 with 5 cs pm minute on her every game
She is one of my highest mastery champs and I have played her for over a year.
I read about matchups and watch vods and I technically speaking have experience on her. But I can't pilot her no matter how op she might be. I try to e to the wall to get away but it fails. I press spam r to dodge a spell, I do it too early or too late. I am in a clutch fight where every milisecond matters, I choke my q2 in a panic. I can't just if I win either, I see the enemy miss a spell and fly in with my pixel perfect e's (the only thing I am good at) and die instantly because I just took the worst trade off my whole life.
Is this champ for 5 ping chinese 50 milisecond reaction time test-tube babies only or am I just a braingapped bruisertard? Goddamn she is hard
Still enjoy her though even though she has lost me 700 lp and counting
on-hit kayle while you are getting spamganked and dove at tower from full health
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i can jungle mid or adc
but forget about it im getting tired
>I can't just if I win either,
*I can't judge if I win either
Wow, I need to sleep
all my accs are top lane champs so nvm anyways
sounds like a ping issue
>on-hit kayle while you are getting spamganked and dove at tower from full health
hey I do that
is that an issue cause of account sharing detection or something
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Come on! Do it!
i love small tit bitches
I see druttut at 50 ping as well doing fine but when I look at 10 ping gameplay it just looks so fucking smooth man. But I have no choice as both EUW and EUNE give similar amounts of ping. It is what it is
not him but yes
a garen main suddenly getting a 90% winrate on rengar is suspicous and the account may not have your champs either
speaking from experience
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Hell yeah.
i have a lvl 17 account right now but man thats gonna be a boring bitch to get to 30 whats the minmax strat
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I love you /lolg/
You make my day brighter
Sona has a mom bod, it's canon
buying one for cheap unless you want it as a "real" account
or spamming aram
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I like getting flamed by my teammates and the enemy team...
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When our adc has a cringe name and plays something cringe like Draven I do bad on purpose and feed the enemy adc uwu
>want to play kaisa
>no good skin
you sucking cock on your lane 1x1 2x2 is jungler's fault
chinese superserver toplane gameplay is leagues above euw challenger or korean challenger gameplay NO CAP
>watch challenger player
>their autos deal more damage than mine
So that is their secret huh...
>watch challenger player
>he walks into the minion wave and attacks enemy champ
>minions don't aggro onto him

i don't get it. when i do it, every fucking minion on the map immediately starts shooting me.
if I was a native english speaker I'd fucking off myself bro look at your shitholes
yeah, i think i'm going to afk on yuumi on my laptop to get rid of the disruptive bullshit
Need a briarposter gf in my lolg harem
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Flatties just need to accept their natural inferiority to mommies. They are worse in every way, how are the shotas supposed to grow big and strong?
which one?
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Men are better than any woman. Pecs > Breasts
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Champs with this energy?
The cute one I replied to ofc
Every cute lolg I reply to belongs to me
good thing my lolg love hasn't been on in weeks
never reply to they you cretin
Laners don’t know how jungling works either and are awful at setting up their lanes for ganks or dives
>setting up their lanes for ganks or dives
not the laner's job

you are meant to pay attention to lanes and gank appropriately
>how are the shotas supposed to grow big and strong?

flatties got brat energy that shotas can learn to dominate, thus growing up to become strong men
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dead... queues...
You can both join my harem
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How's everyone's night going?
Lucian nami is such a cringe lane comp
NPC tier
it's not even good anymore and it only really works once nami gets mandate

milio lucian is way better
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You can take 'em if you want 'em these are just...
Secrets from a girl
Who's seen it all~
die scum
me and my lolg were written in the stars
a lolg love story of epic scale
and one day fulfilled
when are the vg vs vg games starting
> I shove wave 1 (one) time so enemy cant freeze when they come back
> enemy jungle comes out of nowhere instantly
> enemy laner sits in front of my turret for 12 minutes
> 0 attempted ganks
most junglers are retarded and dont know how to play their own role. you're supposed to plan ahead and think about what you want to play for, but no one does. even in diamond they just go - me hit camp near botlane, me fullclear topside me repeat until big thing spawns, then me go there surely i have team
when majin gets back from buying cigarettes
its up
its up check discord
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I want Seraphine...
Tell me about them and yourself so I know not to hit on either of you too hard
>enemy laner sits in front of my turret for 12 minutes

ever thought of setting up the lane for a gank you fucking idiot. just set it up bro your jungler will gank :)
So true anon, when every perma pushes to their tower and enemy is 100% hp it’s my job to pay attention and sit afk cause there is no gank opportunity anywhere
Then when you die from a gank it’s jg gap
just host one yourself
your advances will never land
were bonded by the red string of fate
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Well, would you?
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ok so here's how matchmaking works:
>you are good for your own elo
>get in a win streak
>MMR skyrockets
>you're placed against people above your own elo
>your team has people in loss streaks you are in a win streak so it "balances out"
>if you win (impossible unless smurf duo) your account will get infinite LP
>if you lose you lose more MMR and goes back to your "hardstuck" elo
so losersQ is when this phenomenon repeats itself for a long time. working as intended.

this was my toplaner last match
I don't know if what was said above is true
I wrote this to calm down
yeah but its still cringe
Over and over and over again
Need a lolg who will cosplay as Annie
The only thing that sucks about playing smolder is that people will mentally collapse before you can get stacks
But the scaling meme is actually real its insane how much he can do at full stacks even if the team is getting fucked
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Why do they hate zilean? They just forgot about the guy. The champ is basically trash, Aphelios will receive a rework before him
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Why do you still play, anon?

This game clearly does not respect you or your time.
I don't play this game I just erp here
I really upped my game by watching pro gamer replays and devouring their skill. But then feelings of being captivating about the way he effortlessly maneuvered through the game making strategic moves that left me in awe, I found myself drawn to his passion and dedication admiring the way he conquered the virtual battlefield. It all sprung back out from where I devoured him and it left me surprised, questioning my own assumptions about my sexuality. Help me /lolg/ I don't want to turn gay just to climb out of silver.
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Jeeeesus Christ I fucking hate people.
>we're winning
>in their base
>i ping baron
>everyone recalls instead
>they decide to keep trying to take 1v5's in the enemy jungle
>we lose
I fucking said so many time to stop trying to dight them when they've obviously started grouping. But nah, they all wanted to go into enemy jungle over and over and die 1 by 1. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I have seen you get more
>team disparity
than anyone else. Your little cursed theory might have some truth to it.
>Win lane so hard enemy top is 1/10
>Keep pushing to close the game out
>Retards never fucking check the map, and piss about without taking tower or objectives
>Enemy Jinx gets time to scale, proceeds to shit all over us with 200 year game design

Cool game.
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I wish I could give any advice, but I suck at drawing.
Whose gonna tell them that the game is decided to whomever gets the less retarded botlaners?
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the ONLY thing this game needs it old yuumi back
if you bitch about liderally pure fairness incarnate characters like jinx or mf
when um *checks notes*
tristana lucian aphelios kaisa twitch aphelios ezreal kalista aphelios caitlyn aphelios all exist...

let's just say... kill yourself nigger
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i can't unsee the anon saying "why is this bunny showing me it's butthole"
>Skarner is already the 4th least popular champion
When was the last time Prestige Mythmaker Sivir was available?
According to lolgraphs

These are most unpopular champions
wtf I see a lot of olaf abusers. This list is pretty accurate though. I was goonna say
but how many qiyana do you ever see. She's just as uncommon as naafiri.
like bro you don't need to win lane, if you're bad just play to go even
how hard is it
I just need the enemy Illaoi to not have two fucking full items at 10 minutes like how does that even HAPPEN
jokes on you I saw three Naafiris in the last two days
Naafiri actually has 3.7% pick rate while the ones i've listed have 1.6% at best and 1% at worst. Renta will probabky get a reqork like rell did
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Stay positive /lolg/!
how can I stay positive when this game hates me
when lolg hates me
everyone hates me
Hmmmmm?!!!!! :))))))))))))
HOW CAN I?!!!!!
I love you mommy
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wtf is this matchmaking lmao
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I dont hate you
What's up with Riven? I feel like, even when I smurf, I have to try twice as hard to get the same outcome with her. If I play some braindead bullshit like Voli, Naafiri, Jax or whatever, I can just steamroll. But with her I have to put in extra effort to get ahead. Yea I know skill cieling and such, but even when played well you're better off just picking someone easier and getting better results.
toplane is where skill goes to die
riot loves anti-skill nigger champs and hate any champ for people with brains/hands. this is because of the overrepresentation of retards on reddit (the only site where feedback matters)
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humzh's thumbnails/video-titles are the fucking best man
he is the goat and i dont care if i get called a meat rider
2nd favorite arab next to an arab childhood friend of mine
how tf does he get away with it???
*sprays water*
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I think the shyvana rework is genuinely cancelled, I also think there wont be VGUs anymore, I mean why would they do it? They spent 4 years on skarner and he is a top least popular champions again, meanwhile shyvana is a top 20th most popular
No wonder the guy who made the skarner rework and was working on shyvana got fired
you must be 7 years old or older to post on this site
stfu faggot
you are not morally superior for having your penis removed
just imagine they could've given a champion like MF a VGU and sold a bajillion old skins
lolg if it were written by vivziepop
>reference to something no one knows about
really got me nigger!
cant wait until i get timed out by faggot trannies
it means you're really edgy and we're all impressed by how badass you are
hi rumi if youre still here ily and miss u
want to lose to your jax with eve top one day
is this reddit bro?
i didnt realize i would be the outlier here by typing funny ban words?
Coomers ruined this general.
I think one specific poster did that
this general would be better if I could ban (certain) """"people"""" forever and send assassins to their houses
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why do prochuds like Gnar so much he doesn't feel that useful without winning lane and Chudsante can just ignore him.
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how so?
you see the game these guys are playing and the games I'm playing are NOT the same game
ranged top + grubs = good
tf kennen vayne zeri gnar etc

why is anyone watching this
Name a single instance in this generals lifespan where a coomer post added value to an on-topic conversation.
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>why is anyone watching this
Same reason why people go to the circus
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we aren't! hope this helps ^_^
I've never seen a circus in my life idk
stick to 2D pls real women are uncanny
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I know real women scare you, but i'm trying to prime young men to be able to leave the basement instead of watching pencil-necked gooks on youtube... it's a job for a saint!
fuck i love 3d seraphine

ignore this faggot >>487820098
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Thanks anons!
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Honest to god question, have any of you found any positive effects on your performance while on meth?
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Now that's how a good boy should act for seramommy
could you at least post above average w*men
>i'm trying to prime young men to be able to leave the basement
oh come on
I love your plump bimbo lips mommy
nigga shes mid as fuck
imagine her without makeup and go ahead and throw up for me
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That's not the only part that's plump, mind you~
Mommy doesn't reward jealous boys, sorry sweetie...
look I just don't see the point of looking at women uglier than what I see irl
*imagines Seraphine's natural beauty in my mind*
*cums in my pants*
wowowwowowow so pretty
please let me worship you
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there's only one "woman" you see daily and I'm sorry to say the mirror is lying to you, hon...
when I look in the mirror all I see is a hairy monkey
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Hmm... I'm in a good mood today, so I'll let you all get the payoff you need... but only if you say "I love you Mommy Seraphine" at that pivotal moment, 'Kay~
damn good eyes
yes you imagine seraphine
but this mid fucking hooker posting on 4chan?
she is nasty without makeup i can tell
dantes gf type beat
was it that hard? this one has a good face
>dantes gf type beat
yes mommy
i'll work hard to shoot lots for you
Hle is winning worlds
where the FUCK is xilxe
i think chica will win the FNAF world finals this year but bonnie but might carry it desu
>watching lpl when it's a top 3 team vs a 0-6 team
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at the time of my post this thread has been up for 9hrs and 30mins
it only has 379 posts
was bbc spammer here? it was a FRIDAY NIGHT after all, i guess he was? posts deleted? anons not using the general?
let that sink in
look at the thread dude no shit its dead everything good is either dead or on discord
I LOVE YOU MOMMY SERAPHINE nami x soraka fat man posters nigga low schizo posting between 18 hour shifts of nigger cocks
Yeah... Anyway, linking best post >>487778306
will the real rabbit king please stand up
ay. don't talk shit on mommy seraphine.
>In Patch 14.15, in addition to the changes we're making to queue declining (see the last patch preview), we will be requiring that players have played 10 non-ranked SR games before entering Ranked queues
you will never escape losersq
you will never know your real MMR
you will never trick the system
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rek'sai support
>open Epic Games Launcher
>'RAWMEN is officially launched'
>it's NOT a bara porn game
Champs for this feel?
Oh yeah >>487822929 that guy
for free
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how us queens look like booting up this game... am I right sisters?
you may silence ME but you may NEVER silence the truth

league of legends aurora
league of "my egirl ahri midlaner didn't swap smite for ignite" legends
Alistar, Braum, Darius, Gangplank, Galio, Garen, Graves, Mordekaiser, Ornn, Pantheon, Sett, Sylas, Trundle, Tryndamere, Udyr
I have never won with Soraka support
lolg, i need tips on how to find a cute support gf.

anything helps- i've been trying for like 3 years with minimal success.

please give me the formula
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Who's the biggest snowball champion in the game?
depends, do you need her to be your GF gf or just duo and maybe vc?
the second is simple and easy
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>stare at profile
>think about playing but i already know what's going to happen
>play 1 game anyways
>my support dies on lvl1 because he doesn't know how many creeps it takes for the enemy to reach 2
>watch him auto path to top from fountain
>stare at the screen for a few seconds before i hit escape and quit
>boot up a singleplayer game while thinking about the fact these creatures will never get punished for griefing games but i will eat the queue restrictions and bans

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>lolg, i need tips on how to find a cute support gf.
Unistall LoL and play Valorant instead
How do you even play Sivir with this range
like honest to God how are you meant to be successful in lane let alone in a fight
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omg ahri hi!
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so you are telling me they needed 15 years to implement the most basic feature that every other game uses because.... reasons?
Be in silver, play adc, find any girly ign playing enchanters or maybe girly skins for other roles, post game lobby, check account, see if the top 3+ champs are girls, op.gg, see if they've played those girls for some seasons or if they've played more girl champs, see if they're not duoing, add them, ask if they want to duo.
Dodge if:
- She asks for skins or anything monetary.
- She's not single.
- Shows any signs of mental illness.
- Not actively playing/bad schedule.
- Only cares for lps/you boosting her.
- You or her are not having fun together.
- She's not interested in opening up to you.
- In time, does not want to spend time doing other things.
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same except i alt+f4 to jerk off and relieve anger
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They should've put Qiyana in the swarm mode
Hashinshin was actually right about league. Troughout its existence it has been just getting worse and worse. There were moments of stability but other than that it just sucks. The mythic system was such a disaster that the game hasnt recovered from all the changes to this day.
shut the FUCK up hashinshit
Oh yeah also if your tastes are different and all that personal or gameplay wise. Leads to poor teamwork and communication if duoing sometimes, though sometimes it works.
>Some legitimate new players use ARAM and Bots to level up and we do not get a good enough signal on their actual skill level.


uuuuzgggh new players are le not using le mAiN gAME m0de XDDD
we will now force dem to play it >:] but we will le not fix le stupid epic niggaloid matchmaking xdDDD

if you are a riot employee you should not have human rights and you should be treated as an animal excrement on the side of the road
please HAVE SEX
you first
i want to fall in love online and play league together
Yeah I feel like they're totally fucking up ARAM one way or another by applying useless changes that didn't need to be or blatantly ignoring dumb stuff like ARAM only accounts so you're forced to go against a Xerath, Brand, Nid with 2 tanks every game. They should just hire me.
matchmaking is fine, now queue up. you have a losing streak scheduled.
which hours do you get winners queue ?
ARAM only accounts haven't been a thing since a long ass time when they made a bunch of champs always available at all times
Please take your meds
dude thank you. this is what i needed. anything else? i guess i need to get a silver account...
matchmaking is fine.

new players getting queued against hardstuck goldshitters that have been playing the game for 8 years is completely balanced and fair and it definitely makes new players want to continue playing
youre dreaming
thats a fantasy that has no basis in reality
go fap and read some romance manga to settle your heart and go about your daily life
>>balance has been noticeable shittier since he has was made balance lead
you niggers say this with every single fucking balance lead
every single FUCKING one
i remember /lolg/ in 2020 crying about scruffy's gigapassive approach to balancing with his "legendary" 2 armor buffs, and now some retarded faggots wish for him to come back after months of wishing him dead in a ditch on twitter
Oh yeah? Can you give me the patch note or something about it? Why the fuck am I always seeing those champs in my games?
Also I was on a break from this game for like a year or more so I wasn't there to see it (came back to portals and tower walls which absolutely bamboozled me).
when my duo goes online kek
afternoon games are immune to losersQ though
>not interested in opening up to you
thats a pretty shit feeling, also if they use a
>it wasnt good with a past ex so I dont wanna do that with you
that shit hurts your soul
There's this pool and whatever champs have been in the last three weeks' free rotation on top
This has been implemented in 10.7 aka 2020
>Dodge if:
>- Shows any signs of mental illness.
This rule alone dodges 99% of trannies but also 90% of women.
I am being 100% serious

DO NOT date League girls. date Valorant girls. they're less chuddy, more easygoing. if a girl plays League for more than 5 years you can be sure she's sub-5
>need to play valorant
legit an even more miserable experience than lol, plus it has vc and you cant flirt in open chat like you can in a discord call with your duo
>supposed hyperpro legendary masters/diamonds/emeralds of /lolg/
>unironically eternally seething about "le matzchmaking quality"
fucking christ bruv imagine climbing up all those fucking ranks just to still cope the same way a fucking iron4 does
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Which league ladies would straight up execute you?
lolg is full of high elo schizos (silver 4)
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why can riotniggers not be normal?
>increase ranked requirement by quite a bit
>see decrease in smurf accs
>combine this with vanguard and you have a massive reduction in botted accounts and smurfs
>you cant flirt in open chat
why not faggot
are some other eboys and egirls gonna judge you for openly flirting :((((
who said I'm high elo
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Plenty of people have achieved this, now more than ever.
Back then a girl claiming to have even played a game at all was unheard of and people refused to believe that was even possible.
But if she was a gamer she'd be from the local town or neighbourhood you'd grow up with and chances are they were not fat or accumulated baggage.
Thankfully with multiplayer games and the internet/gaming being a normal thing now you can get girls who are into games regardless of the type so I think in terms of chance now is the best time if not in the future.
But a proper (sane and alright) girl game is usually single players, stuff like Animal Crossing, The Sims, Dating Sim, etc.
Multiplayers are also huge for girls but that's because they can socialize and still continue to get cosmetics, but those games ultimately revolve around pulling the right strings, dealing with competition, having to also focus on the game itself, etc. I would say an Animal Crossing or Sims girl would be a lot less exhausting but they are all offline on single players.
based low elo complainer
I want my women to be chuddy though?
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If you want a fling with a lol e-girl (lmao), move to RU server
Thousands of women got filtered by dota and now play league with or without their boyfriends are all yours, and due to your "exotic foreigner who can move me out of Russia if I play my cards right" charm, you can easily score someone without even trying.
Bonus point: RU ranked ladder is less competitive than EUW, so your Emerald peak might as well be Diamond or even Master.
Give it a thought. Weigh all pros and cons.
WTF I had made a new league account and have played like over 1k games of aram since 2020, how'd I miss this.
But still they should just allow players to roll all champs and not just the 65 they picked.
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lolg girlies are always so cute and fem
You're gonna become a plapjak
>pimping out your server
>"exotic foreigner who can move me out of [SHITHOLE] if I play my cards right" charm
you can pull this shit off in any free to play mmo that's popular in whichever third world country of your choice btw

gotta be low spec and bonus points if it supports cross play between pc and mobile
Female (female) don't actually play League, except those who are mentally ill.

Just import a girl from Thailand or some shit.
how is the life in russia?
aren't all women inherently mentally ill althoughbeitdesunee?
Just lost my 14th ARAM in a row
how the fuck does this work
Pretty good if you have higher education in something useful(no, communications is not it)
In short: very cheap, mostly comfy, getting worse and worse.
only those that would fall for a non-achieving loser NEET who can't offer anything
It's a logarithmic scale.
Draft diff
how did your nickname come to? It's a cool nickname
this desu

real femoids don't play league and the few i've met are the terminally-online discord freaks that genuinely don't leave their house
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It's a reference to the "Лeтo и Apбaлeты (Summer and Crossbows)" song by Akim Apachev about PMC Wagner's campaign in Syria, made in honor of my uncle who was there.
Gwen is not for Lewd!
I've seen enough males go through the russian mail order bride or whatever else ritual to know where these go.
Idk these can be very dodgy, girls only wanting the greencard or thinking you have money and stuff, not saying it is not possible however. The girls there are probably bored to death. Maybe League girls there are different, who knows.
I need to go outside now..
just lie lol

bitches want to mooch men for their money
men lie to bitches for they coochie

fair trade imho
Be it for superficial reasons or not, a Russian girl will make a better job of pretending to give a shit about you than a girl from your country either way.
That's why I said "fling" in the first place, you won't find true love here, and I am not the firmest believer in long distance relationships anyway.
>you won't find true love
realest words posted on /lolg/ in a while
ok, it appears there's a little flaw in your logic there... how do you lie about money if you don't have any? gonna impress her with the monopoly dollar bills?
>say family's rich
>say I'm in college for a PhD in accounting
>borderline call her out for being a fucking leech every time she tries to make me buy her anything
>still desperately tries to cling on
good girl
anyone sane will want to see some proof
if they're insane themselves then money doesn't matter anyway
yeah but this is what i seek. someone who is insane and wants to play league with me but also is lonely enough to date me
are you actually cucked in the fucking head or something? any and all compliance with women will unironically turn them off you fucking retard

why do you think the "nice guy gets friendzoned" trope is a thing?
Don't date insane girls ever, even if you're sad and desperate.
oh sorry didn't realize I was talking to the schizo
my bad
Yeash couldn't read properly, have to rush out, have a good games.
Take care, bro.
yeah you're probably right, sorry. the last time i did that over wow she threatened to hire a hitman to kill me because i upset her with something i did years before i met her.
anon seriously, you don't want to date these types of girls they are so fucked up

they will hurt you.
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yeah my bad man I was just lying to you

women actually really just love lapdogs who bend over and do everything they say because deep down women are smart and capable leaders that have a great understanding of what they want in life

ever heard about a woman enjoying getting dominated and abused? me neither
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I don't get it. does everyone has so much mana now that a jungler is no longer obligated to give his blue to ap carry? or is it a feature for quickplay which I'm playing on my way to 30 and actual ranked is harder?
Where's that anon that hates Pantheon with a burning passion? lol this was for you.
take your meds
Which Asian country are you from?
Also yes you don't really need to, plus blue buffs can be shared now later in the game (I do not know the specifics but it does exist). And mana problems are only an early thing I think but not that bad since midlane is where mages typically reside and it is the shortest path back into the lane from the base anyways.
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>Brokies ITT complaining they don’t have enough wallet to satisfy a woman
Please tell me (You) aren’t like this too anon
wow they really simplified the game as hard as they could to not cause any biff between the players
Couldn't be me
This is exactly the reason why you're poor and why you'll remain poor for the rest of your life.
I've got a well-paying job, but thanks for the worries sweetie
richanon if you dont know what to do with money you could gift anons itt some rp
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Money is not an issue it's just how it's being spent that feels like a waste. The lack of sense in value.
Also if you enjoy someone's company the idea of a game cosmetic should not make or break it.
To me it's as ugly as a kid crying in the grocery story because mommy didn't buy them their goop sloop.
>drowning in so much female attention posts a screenshot of his RP purchase
>not even a gift sent to an egirl
kek, fuck off IT incel
>goop sloop
Explain what this is so I can acquire one to make you all seethe.
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disruptive behavior punishment? more like rewarding you with an ego boost
and you are....?
I have a well paying job too.
Income and wealth are different, you'd know this if it wasn't for your poorfag mindset.
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slay queen
Stop talking to me schizo
btw is there a way to edit client so I don't have to figure out who's who with the absolute dogshit skins they added over the years? it's already hard to tell apart 80 tranime characters that they've added on top of having to memorize their abilities and all
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I love you Anon
shut up slut
The girls itt are so cute today I just can't.
>pick Briar top
>enemy top last picks Renekton
>get prolapsed
>win anyways because RenekCHUD doesn't scale and my team just kicks his reptilian ass
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I always love spending on league girls
Jesus christ how much disposable income do you have?
gift RP pls
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that's not very nice, anon
is there really a reason not to go conq ER lethality ezreal mid
thats hot anon
Compensating for something?
>tfw you need to login to 10 different accounts to find the correct one to play
reminder that twitch is the most consistent elo inflator the game has ever seen
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shut the FUCK UP bitch
hands need to be darker really
ummm yeah that's why you're POOR and ALWAYS WILL BE POOR
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Woh this isn't just an ai spam thing?
Nah, i can imagine a certain anon by the name of cockroach turkya #snipoffmydick making that post though
The word ball salad however, is just funny as fuck.
this guy is so mad
This one Korean cuck artist is responsible for turning thousands of bi-curious league men into sissy cock addicted sluts
>spending money on anything
typical poorfag behavior
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maybe i am an ai, who knows anon

you don't have the balls, anon
not dark enough
bwah wahh are you gonna leak my IP mr faggoted janny-chan :(((( I'm so scared and intimidated
>maybe i am an ai, who knows anon
Lux feet
Hey guys, returning from s3 here, went from 1-30 and watched some of the LEC games. I used to be 1900 elo maining Ahri, Fizz and Orianna. When I look at tierlists they all seem dogshit tho? Should I learn ADC mid or is that just a pro thing? It seems assassins aren’t optimal rn? If possible recommend me a few champs, thanks.
>Get PsyOps Sona
>She keeps mumbling about the most insane conspirationist schizo bullshit
perfect champ for me (I am an insane conspirationist schizo)
>most damage on team
>most kill participation on team
>all lanes lost still
>cant get objectives
>'useless jgl'-the aurora who decided to solo herald as trundle ate two turrets top lane
Yeah, my bad brother, sorry bout that, just jgl diff that every lane was losing before I could clear my camps right? just jungle diff that my ekko has 50cs at 15 mins right?
forced 50 aint real my fucking FOOT lying riot dogs
Lots of sci fi skins do this, especially project legendaries. Vayne, ashe and pyke all talk like conspirationist schizophrenics. Dunno about morde and renekton but they probably do as well. Yi is an exception I think.
I wish Psy-ops Vi and Viktor had schizo ramblings.
please take your meds
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renek does, mordekaiser IS the thing everyone else babbles about
one of the sickest legendaries as well, I love how he gets massive after killing someone in his ult
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Got street demons Briar from a chest so I already know it’s gonna be her ugliest one…
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what in the lord's fuckity name am I supposed to fucking build against a tank? motherfuckers build health armor then deal percent health damage, I can't fucking mow them down playing like a bruiser or like an adc and it borderline takes two to three teammates cc range them down to kill at ANY fucking point past first item
Just ban Tahm Kench, hes the worst offender. I got 1v9d by him
what's the item on illaoi that does a shit ton of damage when you kill a shadow?
they made tanks somewhat actually tanky again with sunderer removal, botrk nerf, cut down removal and giant slayer removal (THANK. GOD.) BUT they forgot to nerf their damage which is the next step in fixing the game
go bork>black cleaver
collect free LP from disgusting tankgroidss
Become a Gwensissy, inironically.
HAHAHAHAHA nigga just walk away HAHAHAHAH just walk past him HAHAHAHAHAHA
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>adc asks me to play an engage support
mage support? i am trolling.
simple as.
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but they CC and SLOW and ignore me and smack MY TURRET
niggerlow monkey pls
male support? i am trolling.
simple as.
playing league? i am trolling.
simple as.
>Locks Sona
So now that adc's are plaguing mid and top, can riot please look into this class? It's fine in botlane but these crybaby faggots will still screech how weak it is despit it now being meta to play an adc in 3 different lanes. Jungle is the only lane you can't, and that' sonly for now. You can even take adc support.
little do they know, sona is actually one of the best engage supports in the game with her E and E Chord
ummm can riot PLEASE re-enforce the gentlemen's agreement of picking HONORABLE (emphasis on HONORABLE) top lane champions only again? I don't want to and REFUSE TO play against counterpicks anymore...
yup, that's me
>queue up
>anon from this thread on my friends list is on my team
uh... hi
>M-muh counterpick
Lmao, faggot.
>Picks Vayne
What are you going to do now?
we queued up together you dementing fucking retard
I am going to REPORT you for being UNSKILLED
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Based retards.
No we didn't. You aren't that ezreal.
Did you somehow sneak join me before queue popped or something?
I played Naafiri last game.
dont go telling people that
im supposed to be dead dipshit
don't lie and make me think I'm schizo then
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time to pick briar
i didnt say anything u got pranked
ur welcome :)
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>Wake up
>Volibear is still reworked
really wish you stopped waking up
will they ever rework morgana's god awful kit
will they ever rework morgana's titties?
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Forfeit your life
No. They tried when they gave her and Kayle a visual update but morganaSISSIES cried and they reverted it.
did they? i dont remember them changing much other than some buffs that still exist today such as MS towards targets on ult
They did apparently, but it made her harder to play while also making her better. Since morgSISSIES are mostly low elo, they cried about it, so riot reverted it quickly.
what did they change? mustve been pbe only. they did the same with teemo, massively improving him, and then all the teemo mains except the actual good temo players in high elo cried so it was insta reverted xd
>heh, you think I can’t hit challenger playing assassins?
>jokes on you I did it 50 years ago when the game was significantly less competitive
>here, let me play one (1) single game of jungle in diamond to prove you wrong
Please stop clogging up my feed with this retard
Grown ass me typing this shit
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Paypigging is one thing, I respect that, but these skins are straight trash man
just nerf the fucking fleet, 1000 hp restored in 10 minutes, add dshield + second wind and you are literally unkillable in lane
chads. adcs are spoiled brats who need to learn how to play with different champs
is that you goomba stomper?
No, but you see, lethal tempo was too op!
>everyone just abuses fleet footwork now
I-it's fine!
I shant be using it though, cuz it's CRINGE.
>adcs need to learn how to play with objectively worse champs because... becuase they just do, okay?!!??!?
This is literally me when I try to play Evelynn...
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Struck a nerve, I see.
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>anon is yet to learn that he's not the centre of the universe
woah boobies
damn, I thought it was that salty anon complaining about pretty much everything
>lethal is gone
>most champs can’t use conqueror
>pta is trash
>first strike is trash
>the domination tree isn’t good for most adcs so electrocute is sketchy
>and hob was nerfed as well
Fleet is taken not because its op, even though it is, but because riot nerfed everything else
fleet footfetish
i fucking despise hwei so much it's insane
there was zero restraint designing that piece of shit they just gave him absolutely everything
worst fucking designer at Riot by far, hopefully he goes the way of ksante's
lol nice attempted psyop faggot not falling for it
cue nemesis trying desperately to defend his broken sissyshit
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I'm swapping to support
too many Teemo/Shaco/whatever supports in my elo
>anything other than leona is bad
holy iron batman
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i like aurora's design. it seems very fair. she's short range, her dash/invis is very short and her ultimate adds a little bit of complexity to her kit but you can still just use it as an AOE nuke

good champ
league is probably in the most significant decline it's ever been and phreak's approach of "let's gigabuff ADCs every x patches, add back heckin nostalgic items (remember le statikk shiv guys!!) is in part responsible for it
there has been better and worse balance in league but right now it's in one of the worst spots it's ever been and part of it is Phreak's extremely ADC centric approach. toplane is a joke lane, the botlane party is more important than ever and ADCs get to have significantly stronger itemization than every other role simply because Phreak believes League is at its best when it's some S2-lite shit where the only thing that really matters is which ADC gets to lategame, except now people actually experiment and even proplayers realize the ADC role is simply better than every other role so why not play it everywhere

then after giving them a first rush item that gives 50 AD, 40% attack speed, 7% fucking percent movespeed and 200 damage every 3 hits he's like "uhhh guys items are powercreeped we need to pull it back :(" and removes 2% movespeed while simultaneously nerfing defensive boots so ADCs deal the exact damage, they just move at 410 movespeed rather than 420

this is the worst League of Legends has been and yes despite what redditors might tell you the GAMEPLAY DESIGN LEAD does bear responsibility over the game being garbage because he's responsible for it. the more likely reason is that Riot pays under industry and Phreak is willing to work for peanuts since the only reason he's even associated to League is being in the right spot at the right time. it's also why it took half a year since smolder to design a champion with 2 line skillshots, a hop and a magic version of Jarvan ult. Riot is not employing quality talent because it's expensive and League is in maint
i like sex. it seems very sex. she's sex, her sex is very sex and her sex adds a little bit of sex to her sex bt you can still just use it as sex

good sex
i beg you to have sex or at least jerk off
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How badly will Shyvana flop after the Skarner Incident
>this is the worst League of Legends has been
braindead retard nigger alert
this season is easily the best of 2020's season
His other champ is Milio which is the enchanter version of "give them absolutely everything"
I don't get why Hwei gets to have significant burst, insane range, insane waveclear, a root, a fear, a mini Orianna ult, a shield that is actually stupid strong. He just powercreeps every single mage in the same way Milio powercreeps every single enchanter if good. And the visual design is dogshit, it's like "we could've made an actual champion but hey he's androgynous! that's the design!"
They didn't even bother making his abilities actually look like paint. He's more of an elemental mage than anything else.
i dont even want to think about it
Who do I climb wid hardstuck plat 4:
>Aurelion (braindead but boring because of it, may be hard to carry due to poor early)
>Anivia (strong carry champ early, reasonable pick, hard to counter, a bit harder)
>Ahri (plays like a support really, I am aroused by the pop star skin)
>Kayle (I have a high winrate on her and like autoing, but it’s on top lane, mid should be tougher I feel, same problem as asol weak early maybe less or more?)
>Daliyah, takes a while to get the muscle memory for laning phase, decent mid game and decent late, sometimes hard to gap other champs but it’s an imbricate web of roaming plus small poke plus scalenig, I have a 54% winrate on her which isn’t so good in a lot of games

Choose man destiny lolg I want to one trick one to get emerald 4 asap
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For one I dont think they are goinhg this tranny route, they'll make her cute, I thing the era of VGUs are over, they'll just update her model ike Caitlyn
ok bend over sissy
The only kind of person that would claim this is a unicellular adc main who was mad that during S10 the only class of champs that has been steadily meta with the same itemization for 15 years straight was actually reasonable instead of able to duel dedicated duelists so the only thing I'll say is kill yourself
Ryan “Reav3” Mireles, the Lead Producer of Champions at Riot Games, showed his enthusiasm for the winner. "We’re super excited that Skarner won the VGU vote, as we think he has tons of potential to be something truly special on the League roster. We’ve tried smaller reworks of Skarner’s kit in the past, but it never really increased his playrate, so we’ll be looking to do a massive reboot of his kit, theme, and visuals (similar to Sion and Urgot) ",
and yet nobody plays him still, because he's an ugly fucking character.

and chuds wonder why the cute champs get all the skins
doomerist faggot with jade-tinted glasses telling me to kill myself after writing a wall of text that says "phreak bad season very bad all objectively"? LOL!
see you typing same shit exactly one year into the future, with some "R4mB0 is the worst balance team lead ever, this season is objectively the worst!!!"
How do you cope with FOMO content?
>ywn have Crystalis Motus Taliyah blue chroma
>yen have a ton of borders
>ywn have the weird Asol chroma from storm dragon (green red)
>ywn have the exclusive Sona chroma for star guardian skin or the green haired event icon (used to have them but got permabamned years ago)

Kinda gay
nice strawman
I accept your concession
I literally couldn't care less
I play monke
rito never release content for monke
never buy
>2v2 top
>Sion takes both my kills
>does nothing with them
nigga it's a viceogame
I lose? balance broken fire phreak please
I win? skill issue bro get better at the game
I don't care how balanced his braindead players make him look morde is an unfair champ
The reason people are complaining is because mid is now an average or slightly below average impact role. All of these complaints of the game sucking come from mid lane mains who got used to playing a broken as fuck role their entire lives and now are playing on a somewhat even playing field. I don’t blame them as to be fair it was the only fun role precisely because of its impact. Now every role got a little better but there is no very fun role. Mid players are spoiled bitches basically lol
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Is this a good time to pick up Riven?
Neeko would sexually abuse Aurora.
no, she's weak
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litcherally no one says morde is balanced and litcherally everyone in every elo ever hates playing against him
It's another enemy team has Caitlyn episode... le sigh...
it's an objective view of reality
every fucking season posts like this appear
>muh adcs are very broken everywhere
zeri mid has sub 50% winrate, vayne top is less picked than nasus in master+, tristana and corki are basically deleted, and the highest presence adcs (kai'sa and ezreal) don't even build le broken kraken
garbage champ that is forever left in the gutter and is abandoned by 90% of high elo riven players in favor of something that does the same job in less apm, absolutely not
>playing mid
>enemy zed is level 69 mastery
>spams emotes and his mastery
>ends the game 6-12-8
name a more iconic duo
No you don't understand, my life revolves around League of Legends and I literally can't deal with not owning a few pixels
riot will never release an exclusive velkoz skin so I don't have much to worry over
I feel bad for poor ahrifags though, her faker skin at tier 3 is amazing but 500$ is steep as hell
>no more UwU Nami emote
why live
>jerk off before playing so primal ape instincts don't affect critical decision making
>don't jerk off before playing so primal ape instincts help you play like an animal
which one /lolg/?
what was riot even thinking
There has probably not been a worse time in years
>mageniggers infest every single lane abusing broken liandrys
>heh git gud, mages are weak and our items are basically garbage, you have it good while we struggle against very broken assasserinos and bruiserinos
>one adc goes mid because assassins are deleted from the game
got scammed by riots league fomo actions in the past, dont care one bit about it in league anymore
Why was Riven left in the gutter but not Darius, Renekton or hell rumble?
Kaisa is the most popular adc alongside Ezreal because she is FUN
She has waveclear, she has stealth, she has a long range engage, a satisfying passive, and her ult can also be used to escape over walls and fight 1v1s.
Ezreal is safe, high damage, independent, and plays differently to every other adc. He has an infinite skill curve and it’s rewarding to keep playing him
>mage goes apc
>adc goes mid/top
people will complain about everything yes
what do you get out of playing like an ape?
Ezreal SUCKS in lane he can't do shit when I engage people just stand behind minions
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both of them are shit
ezreal is good only in chinese hands
Be honest, is life even worth living when you don't have access* to the EXCLUSIVE 200 dollarino Jhin chroma?

* have access because it's not like you own anything when you spend money on this game and it can be taken from you at any point
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Because Riven takes 10 times more skill to pull off than all three of those combined, and Riot doesn't want a character that is too hard to play for 99% of players to be meta.
Don't forget that the correct play in toplane right now is to DIE LEVEL 2 in order to get prio, and Riven thrives on getting early KILLS. If you take teleport on her, you don't have as much kill pressure, and you NEED to have that kill pressure.
Why every time I have a pyke in my team they have 10+ deaths, is that normal?
>got scammed by riots league fomo actions in the past
no literally about to kms
i remember riot stating in the rework vote i think udyr won, that they didnt want to change shyvana too much. but im not entirely certain, i could be misremembering. they did say that udyr was getting very little changes and would stay mostly intact, which they delivered on, so i cant say im completely hopeless
>champ does well when good players play them
thanks chat gpt
ezreal is literally hitler in lane
i already have everything there is to get for my main so i dont care if others are gay or not
He becomes a lane king after one kill, wtf are you on about?
I am LITERALLY shaking
reminder that qiyana's Q autonomously aims towards an enemy if cast during E
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i drink coffee!
everyone knows this
they removed that years ago. did they add it back or something?
reminder that you're breathing
sex drive is all drive for men

not to say I'm above niggalow but go lookup how pro athletes and shit refuse to ejaculate for weeks and weeks prior to competitons
reminder that I suck cock
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so does ezreal Q if you dont move your cursor after E
Dude she just R from 650 something range and burst everyone while also sending them to jail. She hits Q she removes half of your health bar, she Q's a wave she 100-0 it. Her kit is straightforward and I like it about her, but she's overpowered and her R is way too obnoxious in its current iteration...
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>in swarm, the weapon thats tied to riven's objective is a boot that releases gas that damages enemies
literally, and i mean LITERALLY releasing chemical warfare just from her boots
send her to geneva convention ffs
pick mundo and just walk out of her ult
Chat gpt copied my style, it’s not my fault
These AIs are trained on real data…
can I get a mouthful?

nohomo ofc
Been feeding like a pig on Briar, what are some actually good Junglers?
We worship dick here and there's dozens of us
>phreak has come out and admitted his ideal game state is 2 tanks+mage/adc/supp in his new video
nice balance lead lolbabs
>play ONE swarm game
>3 yasuos in team
>2 goes afk
I've got some bad news for you, it doesn't really get much simpler than Briar
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what a strange concept- playing better while more distracted
remove assassins I guess?
he isn't wrong
yea my ideal gameplay is to have senna and pyke on support role too
if he really wants tanks and actual supports then why do they keep rebuffing the worst kind of supportniggers?
I went to hold midlane, pressed W with my E on cd and followed enemy akali into a turret shot, then died to her… that’s just objectively bad champ
something something masturbado release dopaming which raise dopaming receptor make it harder to focus

source: PhD in humanology
Can someone explain me in a few words how Vladimir kits works? Even when reading their description I do'nt understand how they should be used all together.
>pressed W with my E on cd
Literal unironic skill issue, that's the only thing you have to care about on this statcheck champ
Not bad actually, but the problem is that Phreak is not balancing mages enough to be in pro play. What actually happens is adc vs azir.
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>Hashinshin was actually right about league. Troughout its existence it has been just getting worse and worse.
The game was already fucked long before Phreak touched anything and I found it weird that Phreak accepted the position

League released with 42 champions in 2009 and the engine has limitations what you can do with it
at one point they explored all the possibilities there is
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Q heals, your Q has 2 parts, the initial cast that just deals damage and heals and the second cast that deals extra damage and heals more
W makes you untargetable, also deals damage to people that are above you (stand in your pool of blood)
E is aoe damage and slows, the more you hold it the stronger it gets, you can cast W while holding his E
R marks champions in an aoe, after a short period they all take damage and you heal based on how many you damaged (the heal is 60% effective for anyone beyond the first target) , it also increases the damage they take by 10% (any damage from anyone)
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im 1v9ing on her in euw master tier vs hard counter picks, its a you problem! you are bad! not briar.
sorry q has 3 parts i forgor, the first 2 parts are normal and the third part deals the extra dmg and heal
the 3rd part also has a time limit (you can see it under your healthbar how much time you have cast the empowered Q)
>Just let the champ get nothing and just rot in obscurity while just keep prioritizing the same few shillmons
Thanks dude
nigger shyvana is played because she is breaking the fucking game
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>release fomo skins and promote they will never come back
>thirsty fuckers spamming riot wanting to obtain them
>riot realizes its just free money
>fuck your fomo, here's some stats, we're re-releasing them which will make everyone happy :^)

dumb niggers, the only time I put money into this game because their fomo trick worked, ALAS
>he is a top least popular champions again
Because he's getting the smolder treatment
>character comes out
>nerf multiple times until he's balanced
>retarded players keep banning him and crying he's gigabroken despite zero evidence anywhere
>obliterate the characters to shut everyone up
>they move on
>buff him back
>he isn't banned as much as before
It's actually genius.
no problem, watch elite500 if you wanna learn him
hes the best vlad player
you have to be really subhuman to enjoy smolder or something, I can feel my brain smoothening in my head playing this

the mordekaiser of marksman
you have to be really subhuman to enjoy league without being addicted to penis or something, I can feel my brain smoothening in my head playing this

the fortnite of video games
>Gets nerfed to oblivion
>Wtf why does nobody play it
I’ve gotten 3 level 200+ accounts permabanned

I still am sad of all the cool shit I lost that I can never get back. I wish there was a way of hacking items or some shit.
didn't ask
shepenis for me
that's even more homosexual than regular dick
>take 4 months break
>play norms to warm up
>support leaves the lane and never returns
>jungler perma disconnecting
>midlaner goes afk periodically
>enemy team is a 5stack diamond

wow, it's almost like this is the reason why i quit in the first place
one thing never changes in this game, league is about griefing
the entire game revolves around who can grief the other more and who can waste your time more without getting banned(it will never happen anyways)
yet here you are
VGUs almost rarely make a champ into Ezreal tier pickrate after new toy syndrome wears off. The goal is to just update a champ in the modern times. Popularity isn't a factor.
>make up scenarios in my head to get angry about
literally SHAKING rn
life hack- stop typing "nigger"
>our poppy jg built 3 mr items into a full AD enemy team
stoner hours are the worst
>lock in Seraqueen
>Marc Merrill PMs me personally and calls me a faggot
it's not fair sisters...
It’s 10am and I haven’t gone to sleep my brain is shit

I changed my female IGn to ——— again to be based

This is the new era of gaming
I hope the voices inside my head stop today
which one do you like then
veiny juicy thick ones
here's a fun minigame
>mute the feeding typer
>try to guess what they typed going by your team's replies
here's a fun minigame
>have sex
it has to be something we can actually do
we can have sex with each other cutie
I'll be the bottom
quickplay is one of the best things to happen to the game
literally 10-15 seconds from clicking exit game, you're already in the next one
why is quickplay so angry? it's even worse than ranked
oh, right
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in some bumfuck bozo 5 man party discord rn
G2bros... how did we end up in the losers bracket?
whatcha doing there
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Just don't be a collector. A lot of the FOMO stuff sucks and you would never use it even if you had it.
love you kaisissy
>consistently play low quality 1 sided matches
>it is somehow not riot's fault
i wonder who could be behind it
i wonder whose fault this is
we may never know, certainly not their fault!
>They didn't pick Draven.
Actually SO cringe it's unreal.
gotta save that one for the hecking silver scrapes
>know for a fact that I could be rank 1
>it's somehow not Riot's fault that I'm stuck in Wood V
>Another month of no Jelly streams...
I think they should make a wood division instead of iron it's cute in a way and iron seems kinda weird.
Good morning /lolg/
ded gaem
8 deaths at the first dragon let's fucking go
slow thread
Holy shit.
Why is LEC always such a clownfiesta?
people would kill themselves if they got stuck in the meme joke name
Good morning, any plans today?
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Oops forgot pic, good morning /lolg/
Every lolesports game is kind of a shitfest with mistakes here and there every game, the only game that are tight are korean ones but they're also boring due to that because they go 1 kill in 15 minutes and such.
Worlds is when things go hard in a way which is why I don't see why there are so many esports what it seems like every month thesedays.
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Yeah, I’ve got a date with you
a titjob from gragas doesn't sound very appealing
Okay, uhm... (ugh) ... yeah. Okay, let's do this... so uhm... anons of lolg of the EUW variety, aka Chads and Chadettes... wanna play some norms... right about... *checks wristwatch*... now?
Is shiv Ashe even normal, swear it's been hurricane for like atleast a decade now.
I'd rather kms
idk bro they added me after the match invited to discord

didn't even speak btw said mantheon is manxious and stayed muted
It's wild how discord destroyed most gaming communication, I just don't see the appeal of it.
we're watching G2
vanguard killed /lolg/
Baking a thread, brb 300 sec.
I don't really think it's destroyed anything I just find it retarded to voice chat while playing league tho, shit requires constant consistent focus instead of "yo bro how did that date go senpai"
Don't kys anon, life has so much to offer for people like you, such as, uhm... you know... yeah...

Have fun then...
You're always thinking about dating and hitting people up regardless of wherever you are don't you.
this guy cant think while talking
>merii cant even play anymore
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no me thinks me sometime flirt with one teammate, other time flirt with one enemy, other time flirt with duo, never multiple at once AND I'd stop flirting with everyone 2000% IF my lolg crush came back
Brother they didn't even post their ign.
lets play together
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bitch maybe I got a lolg crush on someone else that I've duod with then retard idiot baka
Fucking slut, why is she so fucking hot bros?
>I've never played with Meriipu despite being here since season 3

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